Medical advice: how to maintain normal blood sugar levels? Reduce blood sugar by using it wisely. Foods that help lower blood sugar

Hello dear readers. High level of glucose in human blood (or, as people say, high sugar) is very dangerous. It is accompanied by weakness, loss of vision, and is characterized by very slow recovery skin after wounds. If these symptoms appear, you should urgently go for an examination and check for diabetes or other pathologies. By various reasons Insulin begins to be synthesized little, so the body experiences a shortage of it. As a result, there arises diabetes which needs to be treated as serious pathology and achieve normalization of sugar. There are simple methods for normalizing sugar. Sucrose molecules, while in the gastrointestinal tract, break down into glucose and fructose parts. These molecules are individually absorbed into the blood. Like physiological mechanism designed by the body to provide nutrition to the brain. It only accepts glucose, which gives it the energy it needs.

But when this substance comes in excess, it accumulates in the liver, muscles and other organs

Over time, excess sugar leads to diseases - hypertension, gout, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and others.

The reason for this is simple: the functioning of the pancreas is getting worse, and it produces fewer hormones. As a result, serious pathologies develop.

Average blood glucose levels range from 3.3-5.5 mmol/l (in elderly top figure reaches 6.1 mmol/l).

In case of lack of this important carbohydrate(hypoglycemia) there are disruptions in the feeding of the brain.

Because of this, the patient’s hands shake, he loses consciousness, a feeling of delirium appears, he - severe hunger. Further, if no action is taken, a hypoglycemic coma begins.

As for hyperglycemia (excessive blood sugar levels), it is typical for a short period of time after a person has eaten - this is the norm.

The body is usually short time releases insulin and brings all indicators in order. But if sugar remains at a high level for a long period of time, there is cause for alarm.

Elevated blood sugar levels are often found in patient tests, because diabetes is one of the most common and progressive diseases.

To get rid of this problem, it is important to carry out comprehensive treatment. It includes taking “sugar-lowering” medications, hormones, and other medications, as well as impeccably following the diet prescribed by the doctor.

Often all this is combined with the use of particularly effective folk remedies and regular physical exercise.

But the most main principle one - it is necessary to sharply reduce the intake of sweets into the body. Then he and others useful material will be perceived more effectively.

Blood sugar - diet principles for normalizing sugar

If you create a menu correctly and stick to it, you can stabilize the amount of sugar in your blood.

You need to eat certain foods that contain a number of microelements and vitamins that promote insulin production.

This improves efficiency general therapy. Following the rules of the diet can significantly normalize sugar levels, but you need to be aware of some points.

  1. Select dishes for your menu that have a low insulin response (contain few carbohydrates and fats): foods with lots of proteins, vegetables, legumes.
  1. Eat vegetables and foods with fiber. With its help, some sugar is removed from the blood and neutralized. Fiber contains walnuts and flaxseeds.
  1. Reduced to a bare minimum saturated fats in the diet, as they develop a condition in which natural insulin is not accepted.
  1. Stop consuming sugar, sweets, juices and other foods containing a lot of glucose.
  1. For cooking sunflower oil replace with olive oil. It is known for lowering sugar by increasing the sensitivity of body cells to insulin.
  1. It is necessary to increase the number of meals. At least three large meals every day and three snacks would be optimal. At the same time, you need to eat little and not overeat.
  1. An important factor in the fight against excess glucose is the amount of water you drink. It should be around 2 liters (drinks are not suitable, you need water), or even more.


Not everyone can achieve lower blood sugar through diet alone. Therefore, you need to be prepared to take medications.

Even if the increase in sugar is minimal, doctors will still prescribe drug therapy. Usually it consists of using one of the following groups of drugs!

— Agents that stimulate a positive cell response to insulin. These include Glucophage, Siofor, Actos.

— Products that stimulate production more gland hormone. These are Diabeton MV, Maninil, Amaryl.

— Means that prevent excess carbohydrates from entering the body — Bayetta, Glucobay.

These drugs should not be prescribed to yourself or self-medicated. Experienced doctor Based on a detailed diagnosis, he is able to prescribe the correct treatment.

If you try to use drugs of your own free will, you can get serious problems with the body and even worsen the situation.

In addition, without exception, all “glucose-lowering” drugs have their own contraindications, which must be taken into account when prescribing:

— Pregnancy, lactation.

- Diabetic coma.

— Diseases excretory system and kidneys.

- Heart failure, stroke, heart attack.

- Allergy to drug components, as well as individual intolerance.

Fight sugar with exercise

If the patient constant weakness and ailments due to excess sugar, you can correct this situation with the help of exercise. We are talking only about minor excesses.

If your blood sugar level is off the charts (for example, about 16 mmol/l), you must first lower it and then practice physical exercise. You are interested in a question. If there is blood sugar, how to reduce it at home? The answer is to exercise.

During physical activity, muscles need a lot of glucose, so they burn it at an increased rate.

At the same time, cholesterol is also destroyed, which leads to normalization of blood pressure and improvement of the general condition of the body in the medium term.

To burn excess glucose, begin simple exercises, during which you perform 10-15 repetitions of one exercise per approach.

Rest time between exercises is up to 1 minute.

  1. Triceps curl. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them to the level of your hips, and then lift them, simultaneously bending your arms and turning your palms towards your shoulders (that is, up). Next, they lower their hands, making the same movements in reverse order. The movement of the dumbbells should be slow and controlled in both directions.
  1. Shoulder press. Hands along with dumbbells are raised at ear level, keeping them bent at 90 degrees. This is the starting position. Then they straighten their arms and lift them up together with the dumbbells, after which they return them back.
  1. Classic crunch. Lie on your back and place your hands behind your head. For convenience, the knees are bent and the elbows are straightened to the sides. They begin to bend their torso so that the abdominal muscles tense and upper area her back was lifted off the floor. Having reached the maximum point, lower the body to the starting position just as slowly.
  1. Plank. Lie on your stomach (face down), position your arms so that your elbows are under your shoulders. Next, the whole body is raised so that it rests only on the toes of straightened toes and bent elbows. They try to hold out as long as possible, after which they slowly return to their starting position.

How to lower blood sugar at home using folk remedies

Traditional recipes recommend using chicory to reduce glucose levels. Plant raw materials in the form of roots will increase blood circulation, increase the internal strength of the body, and give it additional energy. In addition, it contains a natural analogue of insulin.

To make the drink, you need to grind 2 tablespoons of pharmaceutical chicory and brew them in 0.5 liters of boiling water for 10 minutes. Next, the resulting decoction is filtered and half a glass of the drink is consumed three times a day. Thanks to the use of this remedy, blood sugar is reduced.

More complex drugs that fight glucose are also used.

A decoction based on bean pods, with burdock root, and an infusion of partitions gives a good effect walnut and other types of raw materials.

Below are the most effective herbs, which normalize the amount of glucose in the blood:






Bay leaf.


Foods that help lower blood sugar

There are a number of products, the introduction of which into the diet in the medium term leads to normalization of sugar in the body.

They are usually included in the “sugar-lowering” diet prescribed by doctors. Knowing them allows you to make your diet correct and safer.

These products can be used long before the body reaches the state of diabetes.

List of sugar-lowering foods:

- carrot;

- corn;

- spinach;

- zucchini;

- olives;

- beet;

— seafood;

- black currant;

- whole grains;


- grapefruit;

- Jerusalem artichoke;

- legumes;

- celery;

- cinnamon;

- avocado;

- rabbit;

- garlic and onions;

- chicken.

When taking foods that lower blood sugar, do not forget about folk remedies and medicines that your doctor prescribed for you.

Often, if blood sugar is elevated, then you should carefully monitor your diet, daily routine, rest and wakefulness, and medication intake.

To normalize your sugar levels, it is not enough to diversify your diet. healthy products. You also need to give up prohibited foods that cause a surge in glucose.

And this is sugar, sweets (honey, cookies, sweets, candies), and other products. If you really like sweets and are not obese, your doctor will sometimes only allow you to consume it in moderation and a little dark chocolate as an exception.

To normalize the amount of glucose in the body, you need to exclude baked goods, fruits, dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices, vegetables in pickles and marinades.

For achievement optimal values to reduce sugar, reduce the amount of potatoes in your diet, butter, dairy and fermented milk products, fatty types meat.

All of these substances cause a surge and excess of glucose, so their intake must be limited.

Read articles on the topic:

general doctor.

U healthy person blood sugar almost always has normal indicator. Only occasionally may minor fluctuations in sugar occur after eating certain foods or in case of fasting.

In diabetes mellitus, the patient has high sugar in blood. The normal glucose concentration is 3.33 – 5.55 mmol/l. in the blood stream. If the analysis shows that the indicator exceeds the established norm, then certain measures should be taken, and most importantly, the cause of this phenomenon should be established.

First, a person undergoes an examination by a specialist, after which the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes optimal treatment. When blood sugar rises, it is not immediately felt. But even with its minimal increase, all sorts of diseases begin to develop.

Note! Even if the deviation from the norm is insignificant, measures should be taken to quickly reduce the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Decreased glucose in the bloodstream

To reduce blood sugar, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe special medications and monitor the entire treatment process. But in order to normalize this indicator, you must first establish the factors influencing its fluctuations.

Regarding diabetes mellitus, in the presence of the first type of disease, the pancreas does not secrete the required amount of insulin. For these reasons, the doctor prescribes insulin treatment to lower glucose.

In type 2 diabetes, the patient's body does not perceive insulin, which is why the sugar level increases. So, the patient is prescribed medications that suppress the formation of glucose from glycogen.

To reduce sugar in diabetes mellitus, you need to carry out long-term treatment, and then maintenance therapy, which includes the systematic use of special medications, so that when needed.

Important! Medication reduction sugar levels should be carried out by specialists and carried out under medical supervision.

You should not take any medications while self-medicating, as there is a possibility of choosing the wrong one. medicine, which can be harmful and lead to complications.

The patient can only independently carry out maintenance therapy by taking a drug prescribed by the attending physician that lowers blood sugar. It is also recommended to use auxiliary therapy, which includes a special diet and the use of traditional recipes.

How to lower sugar through diet?

If you have diabetes, the patient must adhere to a special diet. Such a diet will not only normalize sugar, but also keep its levels normal.

Therefore, those who have high blood glucose levels need to reconsider their dietary rules, based on medical recommendations. This is necessary to always control sugar levels, preventing it from gradually killing the body in diabetes mellitus.

There are a lot of products that have low... In other words, these are foods after consumption of which glucose levels remain normal.

If you have diabetes, the patient can use special tables that indicate the amount of sugar contained in certain foods.

In addition, a diabetic’s menu should contain foods that, when consumed, can not only keep glucose levels normal, but also stabilize them or even bring them down.

If the patient constantly consumes such food, then the concentration of sugar in his body will not go beyond the established limits.

If you have diabetes, the patient should enrich their diet with legumes, lentils and apples.

Note! Eating cinnamon helps quickly reduce the amount of sugar in your blood in a short time!

This seasoning has a stabilizing effect, due to which the effect, even after a single use of cinnamon, lasts about twenty days. Ground cinnamon is taken ¼ teaspoon and washed down with plenty of water. And after seven days the result will be noticeable, as a result of which the glucose concentration will decrease significantly.

What foods help lower blood sugar?

Today there is a wide variety of food products. But with diabetes, the patient should be selective and choose foods that lower or at least do not increase glucose levels.

To prevent an increase in indicators and prevent the occurrence of complications, it is necessary to free the body of everything unnecessary. In addition, the reason for the rise in sugar should be established, so that in the future it will be possible to keep sugar at normal levels simply by removing the factor that influences its rise.

First of all, identifying the cause is necessary not only for diabetes, but also for other diseases, the course of which causes glucose levels to fluctuate.

What to do to reduce your sugar level:

  • drink fruit or vegetable juices regularly;
  • Enrich your diet with legumes every day;
  • try to eat rabbit or chicken fillet as often as possible;
  • you can eat unsweetened marmalade, but in small quantities;
  • You should eat low-fat fermented milk products every day;
  • For breakfast, the best option would be oatmeal and other grains;
  • fried and fatty foods must be excluded from the daily menu altogether;
  • It is useful to eat raw and stewed vegetables.

How to reduce glucose levels using folk remedies?

In diabetes mellitus, the increase in blood sugar can be stopped using folk remedies, that is, taking herbal infusions and infusions. And when increased intake vitamins, the body is actively fighting the problem.

Note! Glucose concentration rises greatly if a person leads a passive lifestyle.

With diabetes, the patient must follow all medical recommendations so that his health is acceptable. Also, in addition to drug therapy, you can use useful infusions, recommended by traditional medicine, which should be drunk before and after eating.

Glucose lowering tea recipe

To prepare aromatic and healthy tea you will need:

  • millennium;
  • bean pods;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • rose hip.

All herbs must be mixed at the rate of 2 teaspoons of dry mixture per 1 tbsp. boiling water When the sugar content is significantly increased, then you should put 3 teaspoons per glass of water.

The infusion should stand for about 2 hours, after which it can be drunk as regular tea. You should take the remedy for one month, and then you should stop taking it.

Today I am publishing another article from my first blog. This article is very relevant today, because... The number of people with high blood sugar is constantly increasing.

How to keep blood sugar down without chemicals.

Today I want to tell you how my wife and I keep our blood sugar at the same level.

A little history.

After celebrating the New Year 2011, on January 3 or 4, I began to feel dry in my throat and was constantly thirsty.

Considering that I don’t drink alcohol at all, this was something new for me. unpleasant feeling. I told my wife about the problem. She advised me to measure my blood sugar, because... at one time she faced the same problem. When I measured my sugar with a glucometer, I was extremely surprised by the result; the number on the screen was 10.6, this is when the norm is no more than 5.5. I began to think about why this was suddenly such an attack, and I remembered that my mother had diabetes, and this disease, as we know, is hereditary, and of course, the consumption of all kinds of New Year's delicacies had an effect.

And so, I earned high sugar levels. The question arose: “What to do? How to reduce it and keep it normal?” First of all, I excluded from my diet:

1. Anything that contains sugar.

2. White wheat bread.

3. Potatoes.

4. Pasta.

5. Rice and semolina.

I am against the use of all kinds of chemicals, so I began to look for popular advice on lowering blood sugar. There were a lot of recipes, but I settled on one and have been using it successfully for over a year now.

Here's the recipe:

Take 150-200 ml of yogurt (you can use kefir, but yogurt is healthier), add a tablespoon of ground buckwheat to it, mix everything well and leave this mixture overnight. Eat the composition in the morning on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in an hour. By eating yogurt with ground buckwheat daily in the morning, I normalized my sugar in a week and have maintained it at a level of 5.0-6.5 for a year and a half. In addition, this remedy strengthens blood vessels and reduces cholesterol levels, and is also useful for constipation.

Fluctuations in sugar occur because I eat almost everything, but, of course, I eat foods containing carbohydrates with caution. Regular sugar was replaced with fruit sugar (fructose).

Here she is:

In the morning on an empty stomach I eat 150-200 ml of yogurt with buckwheat, this serves as my first breakfast. After an hour, I eat one large or two small apples, you can add a couple of tangerines or an orange, this serves as a second breakfast. During the first half of the day I drink two, sometimes three glasses of green tea with jasmine. I usually have lunch at 12-13 o'clock. Lunch is normal, without restrictions. After lunch, during the second half of the day until 17:00, I drink a couple more glasses of green tea with jasmine. I have dinner at 18, maximum at 19 o'clock. After this time I don’t eat anything else. But you can still eat an apple and an orange. Yes, whoever doesn't like jasmine tea can drink plain tea green tea, but only good quality.

Now a little about each product individually.

Fermented milk dietary product, which can be obtained from whole or skim pasteurized, sterilized or rendered cow's milk fermenting it with sourdough prepared with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. I make curdled milk from natural milk, the shelf life of which does not exceed 5 days, with a fat content of 3.2-3.8. I ferment it with a tablespoon of natural sour cream. At room temperature. The yogurt is ready within 24 hours.

Why is curdled milk so healthy? Mechnikov, the famous Russian biologist, noticed that peasants in Bulgaria often drink sour milk and live longer, and the signs of aging are not as noticeable as in other people. Later, upon closer study, he discovered that curdled milk contained a special microorganism, later called the Bulgarian bacillus. It actively produces lactic acid, which is harmful to putrefactive bacteria. These bacteria secrete substances that poison humans and their internal environment. Contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids– valine, arginine, leucine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, methylalanine. Curdled milk contains starch, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamins A, C, E, K, B vitamins, and numerous macro- and microelements. In addition, it slows down aging a little and is also the only natural product, which actually restores nerve cells.

Buckwheat has unique beneficial properties. Firstly, buckwheat is the champion among cereals in terms of iron content. It also contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, vitamins B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), PP, vitamin E. In terms of protein content, buckwheat surpasses all other grains, and these proteins are easily digestible. But buckwheat carbohydrates, on the contrary, take quite a long time to digest, therefore, after eating a buckwheat dish, a person for a long time feels full.

As it is sung in folklore: " Buckwheat- our mother, and rye bread is our father!" The benefits of buckwheat were clear even to our ancient ancestors! It was simple Russian food - cabbage soup, porridge, Rye bread and were the basis of their good health.

High dietary properties buckwheat was confirmed by the latest research by scientists. Buckwheat is beneficial for diabetics and obese people because buckwheat contains fewer carbohydrates than other grains.

Buckwheat helps the functioning of the heart and liver, helps eliminate excess cholesterol from the body, removes toxins and ions from the body heavy metals, saturates the blood with iron.

Even such a terrible disease as anemia can be perfectly treated with buckwheat. To do this you need to grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder into flour. To cure anemia, it is enough to eat 2 tbsp one to three times a day. spoons of this buckwheat flour, washed down with a cup of milk. This treatment carried out until full recovery hemoglobin level. The benefits of buckwheat are also explained by the fact that it contains a lot of rutin, and this substance compacts and strengthens the walls blood vessels. Therefore, buckwheat - indispensable product on the table of those who suffer from hemorrhoids or varicose veins. Important! Traditional medicine recommends consuming only unroasted buckwheat for medicinal purposes. You can distinguish fried cereals from unfried ones by color - unfried cereals are lighter in color.

Green tea. Green tea was drunk in China 5 thousand years ago, around the time when tea trees began to be cultivated. Doctors prescribed it as a cure for depression, loss of strength, weakness and other ailments. Green tea is a perennial evergreen shrub up to 10 m high. The leaves are alternate, oval, leathery, smooth, dark green. The flowers are white, solitary. The fruit is a capsule. The seeds are round, dark brown. Blooms from August to late autumn. Fruits in October-December. Beneficial features benefits of green tea are due to the many substances it contains: polyphenols, catechins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, pectins, trace elements and plant pigments.

The beneficial properties of green tea are due to the many substances it contains: polyphenols, catechins, alkaloids, vitamins, amino acids, pectins, trace elements and plant pigments. it was possible to find out that people with a healthy cardiovascular system actually drink green tea statistically more often than their colleagues from the same age group. Green tea with jasmine prevents development cancerous tumors. Women who regularly drink green tea are 90% less likely to develop breast cancer. Jasmine also has a positive effect on vision. And very recent studies have shown that older people who drink green tea actually retain their mental abilities longer. A rather striking illustration of the benefits of green tea is the so-called “Asian paradox”: despite heavy smoking, many older people in Asia suffer from cardiovascular diseases and cancer much less often than Europeans. A substance that can fight AIDS has been found in green tea.

Green loose leaf tea is brewed with unboiled water, cooled to a temperature of 80-85 ºC at the rate of one teaspoon per 200 ml mug.

Apples. It is well known that apples are good for our health. Old English proverb says: “Whoever eats an apple a day never sees a doctor.” Apples contain almost all vitamin complex: A, B1, B2, B3, B, C, E, PP, P, K. They are rich in fructose, amino acids, iron, calcium and a lot of microelements so necessary for human life. Apple lowers blood cholesterol levels. It's all about pectin and fiber. One medium-sized apple with peel contains 3.5 grams. fibers, i.e. more than 10% of the daily fiber required by the body.

An apple without peel contains 2.7 g. fibers Insoluble fiber molecules attach to cholesterol and help remove it from the body, thereby reducing the risk of blockage of blood vessels and heart attacks. Apples also contain soluble fibers called pectins, which help bind and remove excess cholesterol produced in the liver.

Researchers found that eating 2 apples a day reduced cholesterol levels by 16%, and eating the same amount of apples, along with a small to medium onion and 4 cups of green tea, reduced the risk of heart attack by 32%. Regularly eating apples for hypertension helps reduce blood pressure, get rid of headaches and dizziness.

Here are some more traditional medicine recipes to lower blood sugar:

1. Take 10 bay leaves and pour 400 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 1.5 hours. Strain the infusion. Take ½ glass 3 times a day. The same infusion helps with osteochondrosis and spring weakness.

Many patients with type 2 diabetes are interested in the question: is it possible to maintain normal sugar levels without the use of medications? As it turned out, it is possible and necessary. And in this case, it’s worth taking a course on proper nutrition. Experts say that a healthy diet will help not only those who are already sick - it will also be an excellent preventive measure for those who, for certain reasons, are at risk.

Diet for diabetics. Safe products

The time has passed when medicine saw salvation for diabetics only in strict diets, which, as it turned out, subsequently only aggravated the situation and made the body weak and helpless in the face of a terrible disease. Modern science has set a course for nutritious, balanced food, rich in substances and microelements vital for diabetics.
♦ Nuts are a storehouse of fiber and protein, and therefore are undeniably beneficial for patients with diabetes. Experts have calculated: daily use almonds, Brazilian and walnuts, cashews and peanuts (50 g - daily norm) can reduce the risk of diabetes - imagine! - by 35%.
♦. Rich in fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, protein, they will make sure that sugar does not bother you with unexpected surges. Allowed fruits include citrus fruits, pears, and green apples.
♦ Refills. The right salad dressings also stabilize sugar. Among them are low-fat yogurt, rapeseed, olive and flaxseed oils. Their benefits for the body are hidden in valuable composition, which includes omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese.
♦ Vegetables. They can be eaten as much as you like and in any form. Particular attention is paid to green products that contain minimal amount glucose, which directly affects the behavior of blood sugar. Therefore, feel free to include it in your diet cauliflower, lettuce, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, celery.
♦. Does this product not appeal to you? In vain. Garlic, unlike most foods, helps the pancreas produce insulin, which in turn leads to a reduction in blood sugar levels.
♦ Cereals and legumes. Such products are valuable for diabetics, first of all, due to the abundance of fiber in their composition, the main objective which is to pause the process of glucose absorption, reduce sugar and cleanse the body of toxins.
♦. It should always take pride of place on your table, because it is she who is able to contain sugar. Doctors recommend eating 1/4 tsp daily. this aromatic spice.

What you need to give up

Diabetes is insidious: if you just follow its lead, sugar will force you to play by its own rules. Therefore, in order to remain master of the situation, it is important to know the enemy by sight: in our situation, these are those foods that can provoke an increase in sugar levels. So, from your diet to mandatory should disappear:

♦ fat and fried food;
White bread;
♦ rich soups;
♦ semolina;
♦ whole and condensed milk;
♦ full-fat yoghurts, cream, sour cream and mayonnaise;
♦ duck and goose meat;
♦ sausages, sausages;
♦ ;
♦ ice cream, chocolate and all sweets containing sugar.
Prepared by Olga Soroka
Source: Zdravushka, No. 8, 2014

Bulgarian recipes for diabetes

Bulgaria is a country with a long history. Many healers and fortune tellers come from Bulgaria. The teachings of Peter Deunov, a locally revered healer who died after the Great Patriotic War, are very popular in this country. These recipes are time-tested. Many in Bulgaria follow these recipes and improve their health, but I think they can be used in Russia too.
Peter Deunov’s recipe is rather the lifestyle that he recommends so that the disease does not develop further and there are fewer factors that increase blood sugar. Its components:
1. Prayer.
2. Singing.
3. Faith.
4. Forget that you are sick. Have a cheerful disposition, since one of the causes of this disease is worry. Get rid of thoughts that cause anxiety.
The disease diabetes mellitus deeply affects emotional sphere. The pancreas is oppressed by a feeling of acute anxiety, because the emotion of acute anxiety, the reaction to stress, is directly related to the energy of the stomach, and the pancreas is a paired meridian to the meridian of the stomach. If anxiety increases as a result of stress, then it depresses the energy of the pancreas and its function decreases.
Prayer, singing, a state of faith and a positive emotional attitude harmonize the psyche and emotional background.
A state of general spiritual harmony has a beneficial effect on almost all organs, but especially on the pancreas.
5. You need to sweat and shower several times a day, otherwise toxins will accumulate in your body.
With diabetes there is always a tendency to acidosis - acidification of the blood and accumulation of toxic substances in the body. The skin of such patients often exudes the smell of acetone and the smell of a sick body. Sweat is one of the best ways cleansing, but after this you must take a shower. The bathhouse and steam room are very useful for such patients, it’s just that the Russian bathhouse is not accepted in Bulgaria.
6. Wash your hands with warm water every evening.
We often see this advice in healer's recipes. This is an important reflexive and energetically cleansing act.
7. Don't overeat.
Overweight often accompanies type 2 diabetes, it aggravates the course of the disease and increases the risk of complications from the heart and blood vessels. The liver suffers greatly in obesity, and its function in glucose metabolism - storing it in the form of glycogen - is extremely important.
8. Eat boiled rye, which has been cooked for 1 hour, chew it thoroughly.
9. When the grain begins to ripen, take the spikelets, peel and eat 50 g of milk-ripe grain per day.
10. Boil the corn. Eat grains and drink decoction, but drink more decoction.
These cereals are in kind contain a lot of biological active substances, and fiber prevents sharp increase blood sugar when consuming them.
11. Every morning go bask in the sun and do 6 gymnastic exercises.
12. Sunbathe.
Solar energy taken in the morning activates all metabolic processes in the body, elevates mood and even serves as an anti-stress factor. Physical exercise actually lowers blood sugar - it is consumed by muscles during work. No sweets and no fat.
13. Eat little bread - 100-150 g every day.
14. Eat more vegetables: spinach, lettuce, sweet peppers, tomatoes, carrots and others. Don't eat beans. Eat fruits, but more sour ones, not sweet ones.
Recommendations on nutrition for diabetes mellitus are quite familiar to everyone, although beans are considered a product that lowers sugar, but the healer does not recommend them from any point of view.
15. Reduce the consumption of sour things, such as vinegar, marinades, etc., but you can eat lemon.
16. Do not consume pickles and salt in large quantities.
Salt and vinegar promote clogging, acidification and buildup. harmful salts and toxins in the body. Marinades and vinegar are especially undesirable.
17. Do not consume milk and dairy products, and do not eat cheese or feta cheese. You can drink unleavened milk, but only a little.
These recommendations are not classic for diabetes, but perhaps they are quite legitimate.
18. Drink more tea without sugar and eat more lemons. You can drink tea with a small amount of bread and vegetable oil.
Lemons, due to natural fruit acids, alkalize the blood as a result chemical transformations, and vegetable oil carries the necessary fat soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids.
19. Eat tarragon.
This plant tones and activates metabolism, prevents excess weight gain.
20. Attend various excursions.
This is another recommendation that promotes positive emotions that are beneficial for people with diabetes.

If you are one of the millions of people who are pre-diabetic, already have diabetes, suffer from a metabolic disorder or any other form of “insulin resistance”, maintaining normal level Blood sugar is task number one. Behind last decades these chronic diseases swept across the territory of many countries, and today they are already reaching epidemic proportions. Diabetes and prediabetes are often caused by serious complications(fortunately they can be prevented), which include diseases nervous system, fatigue, vision loss, vascular problems and obesity.

Elevated blood sugar levels that persist for long period time, can push a prediabetic state toward the development of full-blown diabetes (which currently affects one in three people in the United States). Even for people, not necessarily with high risk developing diabetes or heart complications, poorly managed blood sugars can lead to general complications, including fatigue, weight gain and sugar cravings. In extreme cases, people with insulin resistance increased level high blood sugar levels can lead to stroke, amputation, coma and death.

Blood sugar rises due to glucose. Glucose is all sugars obtained by the body from carbohydrate-containing foods. Although it is commonly believed that maintaining normal blood sugar levels is directly related to how many carbohydrates a person eats, there are other proven factors that influence blood sugar fluctuations. For example, stress. It provokes an increase in cortisol levels, which is associated with the process of insulin in the body. The timing of meals also affects how the body manages sugar levels.

What to do to avoid dangerous vibrations blood sugar and relieve diabetes symptoms? Everyone knows that normal sugar levels are maintained through a combination of a balanced and calorie-free diet, regular exercise and the production of the most important hormones for the body in natural ways (for example, good sleep and stress reduction). All in your hands. So many of the problems caused by uncontrolled spikes in blood glucose could have been avoided. It is entirely possible to maintain normal blood sugar levels naturally by successfully practicing certain healthy habits.

Most habits that help maintain normal and safe blood glucose levels are obvious and easy to implement. However, some of the methods will probably surprise you, especially since they work best.

Small changes to your usual diet, physical activity and normal sleep have a positive effect on the process of glucose production. Below are some great ways to maintain healthy blood sugar throughout your life.

1. Proper nutrition

A healthy diet is the key to maintaining normal blood sugar and preventing and treating diabetes. This doesn't mean you should avoid eating any carbohydrates or sugar in an attempt to maintain normal blood glucose levels. All you need to do is balance your intake with protein and fat, and get your carbohydrates from real, whole foods. Your diet is a source of protein, fiber and healthy fats. In this case, each meal will stabilize blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates (such as starchy vegetables like potatoes, as well as fruits or whole grains) are highly recommended. They slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood, regulate appetite, and are also necessary for normal metabolism and digestion.

  • The best protein foods are: river and sea ​​fish(salmon), eggs, beef and lamb, dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cheeses), chicken or other poultry.
  • Healthy fats include: coconut, MCT and olive oils, nuts, seeds (almonds, chia, hemp, flax), avocado. Coconut, ghee and vegetable oil - best products for burning fat, which help normalize blood glucose, and also significantly improve the taste of dishes.
  • Healthy carbohydrates are considered: fresh vegetables, all kinds of fruits (but not fruit juices), sprouted grains, legumes and peas. Healthy carbohydrates are found in foods that are rich in fiber, such as artichokes, green leafy vegetables, chia seeds flax and pumpkin, apples, almonds, avocados and sweet potatoes.
  • According to an article published in the magazine Diabetic Living, there are other products that help maintain normal blood sugar. Such products include Apple vinegar, cinnamon, green tea, herbal tea, and also fresh herbs and spices.

2. Carbohydrates and sweeteners

Although all types of sugars consumed increase blood glucose levels, some sugar/carbohydrate sources affect blood glucose levels more than others. For example, foods that contain natural unrefined carbohydrates, such as fruits and honey, are likely to be less harmful to the body than foods that contain refined sugar or white wheat flour.

To maintain normal blood sugar levels, carefully read the labels of the foods you buy. Remember that sugar in the composition can be designated by dozens of different names.

  • Avoid foods that contain wheat or bread flour, sugar (beet or cane), corn syrup, fructose or glucose.
  • Instead, choose natural sweeteners such as honey, organic stevia, dates, maple syrup or flow.
  • The main rule is to strictly monitor the portion of what you eat. You can only do so much per day small amount sweet (from one to three teaspoons). And only natural sweets!
  • Concerning flour products, the best option- give preference to those that are 100% whole grain. If you cannot do without flour (although it sharply increases blood sugar), it is better to choose coconut or almond flour, which are considered the healthiest.
  • Regarding drinks: you should drink purified water, narzan, herbal or black tea, coffee. Do not overuse coffee - no more than two cups per day. Sugary drinks such as juices and soda should be avoided.
  • Remember that alcohol increases blood sugar levels, especially if you prefer sweet alcoholic drinks: dessert wine, liqueur, cocktails with cider and fruit juice.

3. Regular physical activity

It's no secret that exercise brings many benefits to the body. According to the National Diabetes Association, exercise controls blood sugar levels in more than one way. Short-term exercise helps cells muscle tissue taking in more glucose to use for energy and tissue repair, which is why your blood sugar drops during exercise. Long-term exercise also makes cells more sensitive to insulin, so it is a good preventative for insulin resistance.

Daily workouts of 30-60 minutes (this can be swimming, riding an exercise bike or bicycle, lifting weights) are not only simple, but also effective way reduce inflammatory processes, get rid of stress, increase immunity and improve your overall state of mind. Thanks to physical activity, insulin sensitivity increases, and cells are able to become saturated with glucose during and after exercise.

4. Managing emotions

Constant stress increases blood sugar. This occurs due to an increase in the release of the “stress hormone” cortisol. Stress creates a vicious cycle hormonal dependence for many people. This promotes high blood sugar levels by increasing cortisol levels and also causes people to have increased food cravings. They try to “seize” problems, so they feel more comfortable. In most cases, preference is given to products with high content sugar or other “provoking” ingredients that often cause sleep disturbances.

Everything around you only contributes to stress, in modern world There is no chance that people will start taking care of themselves and leading a healthy lifestyle, thanks to which normal blood glucose levels are possible. For example, skipping workouts and drinking alcohol and caffeine instead to relieve chronic fatigue and stress is a common practice among most adults. These self-destructive habits contribute to even more stress, which in turn further affects glucose fluctuations in the body. It's no surprise that people with diabetes and heart disease, or those who continually gain weight and become obese, tend to feel even more depressed and hopeless, but can't find the strength to break the cycle and develop new habits.

How can you help yourself cope with the inevitable stresses throughout life? Research has shown that such natural ways relaxation, such as exercise, yoga, meditation, using relaxers essential oils(lavender, rose or frankincense) are extremely beneficial for diabetics and patients with insulin resistance.

Other ways to reduce stress are to spend more time outdoors, interact with colleagues and friends, and be with your family.

5. Rest

A well-rested person has a healthy outlook on life and tends to stick to habits healthy image life, his body manages hormone levels well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 35 percent of Americans report not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. As a result, the risk of numerous health problems, including type 2 diabetes, increases.

Lack of sleep can trigger the release of stress and appetite hormones (such as cortisol and ghrelin, which makes you hungry). A person begins to eat everything that comes to hand, including sweets, pastries and coffee in large quantities.

The processes of sleep and metabolism are interconnected in several key ways. Research shows that disruption of natural circadian rhythm may cause high level blood sugar, and therefore the risk of developing diabetes. People who sleep too little, have poor sleep quality, or sleep at inappropriate times (during the day and staying awake at night) have impaired insulin secretion, even if they maintain their regular diet.

Set a goal to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night. Ideally, a person should have a clear sleep and wake schedule. This is necessary to ensure that the body has a balance of hormones, as well as to have enough strength to deal with stress and maintain itself throughout the day.

How does the body manage blood sugar levels?

People who have "abnormal" or inconsistent glucose levels include:

  • With prediabetes or diabetes;
  • Who poor nutrition, that is, lovers of sweets and food that is full of artificial ingredients, as well as semi-finished products;
  • Who skips meals, eats very little, or is a gourmet with unusual food preferences;
  • Who doesn’t eat before and after training to “refuel” the body;
  • Those who have chronic stress and lack of sleep;
  • Pregnant women (they are at risk of gestational diabetes);
  • With poor heredity (close relatives have insulin resistance).

In fact, nutrition is the single most influential factor when we're talking about about blood sugar levels. All foods fall into one of three categories: carbohydrates (sugars and starches), proteins and fats. Fats do not affect blood sugar levels, while carbohydrates, as well as some proteins, have a direct effect. All carbohydrates eaten, along with proteins, are converted into glucose, which nourishes the cells. Glucose is the main source of energy for all cells of the body. Thanks to it, the body can function.

Glucose requires insulin to transport it to cells. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and is essential for controlling blood sugar levels. When carbohydrates and proteins enter the body, the sugar level rises, this provokes intense production of insulin, which must deliver the glucose entering the body to the cells. Insulin levels rise and fall with diet, and their fluctuations are also influenced by the levels of other hormones such as cortisol.

In people with diabetes (no matter type 1 or 2), cells stop responding to insulin the way they should. And the process described above begins to break down. Either not enough insulin is produced in the pancreas, or the cells no longer respond to normal amount insulin (this is called insulin resistance). In any case, a consistent diet and a certain lifestyle now become mandatory and extremely important to control diabetes.

According to the resourceHormone Health NetworkProblems maintaining normal blood sugar levels occur when:

  • The insulin-producing mechanism no longer works properly. More specifically, the beta cells of the pancreas stop responding to changes in blood sugar levels to a certain extent. Too little insulin is produced, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels.
  • When blood sugar levels are not regulated, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia may occur, i.e. sharp drop or a sharp rise in sugar. It's always accompanied by unpleasant consequences, indicating prediabetes and diabetes, including fatigue, a constant desire to eat something sweet, fluctuations in blood pressure, weight gain or loss, diseases of the nervous system and nervousness.
  • Because insulin is no longer doing its job, cells don't get enough energy in the form of glucose. But at the same time, a sufficient amount of this same glucose remains in the blood, and, as is known, elevated sugar levels damage the kidneys, heart, arteries and nerves, that is, they negatively affect the entire body.

Doctors say that the normal blood sugar level primarily depends on the person’s health (whether he has diabetes or not), as well as when the last meal occurred and physical activity. Blood sugar is usually measured in millimoles per liter (mmol/L), and is best measured in the morning on an empty stomach.

According to the data American Association the following readings Blood sugar levels are considered normal:

  • If the person is relatively healthy (does not suffer from diabetes) and has not eaten anything for 8 hours before the measurement, normal sugar blood for him is 3.9 - 5.5 mmol/l.;
  • If a person is relatively healthy, and the last meal was less than two hours before the measurement, the readings can normally reach 7.8 mmol/l;
  • For diabetics, the fasting norm is 5.6 mmol/l. This indicator can be achieved with the help of insulin or sugar-lowering drugs. Before meals, a reading of 3.6-7.1 mmol/l is considered normal;
  • If you have diabetes and you have not eaten in the last two hours, then your sugar level should be within 10 mmol/l;
  • For diabetics, it is advisable to adhere to readings of 5.6 - 7.8 mmol/L before bedtime and 5.6 mmol/L before exercise.

Even without measuring with a glucometer, you can understand that your blood sugar is not normal. But how do you know about changes in blood glucose levels throughout the day? There are special tips, signs and symptoms for this, which include:

  • Fatigue, lethargy or syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • Constant desire eat something sweet;
  • Thirst;
  • Weight fluctuations (maybe loss);
  • Frequent urination;
  • Mood swings, nervousness;
  • Deterioration of vision (blurred);
  • Slow healing of skin wounds (cuts and bruises), dryness;
  • Frequent infections;
  • Shortness of breath and fatigue during exercise;
  • Severe headaches.

Normal sugar levels: to summarize

Elevated blood sugar levels over a long period of time can cause people with prediabetes to develop diabetes (one in three people in the United States now has it)

  • People who are prone to prediabetes and diabetes are those who have poor nutrition, their diet consists of foods high in sugars and artificial additives, as well as processed and ready-to-eat packaged foods. Also at risk are those who eat irregularly or too little, are fond of unusual diets, do not eat before and after exercise, sleep little and are nervous a lot, pregnant women (may be susceptible gestational diabetes), people with poor heredity (insulin resistance or diabetes in their families).
  • Signs of high/ low level blood sugars include: fatigue and lethargy; craving for sweets; excessive thirst; weight loss or fluctuation; frequent urination; mood swings, nervousness and irritability; blurred vision; slow healing of wounds on the skin due to cuts, dry skin; frequent infections; hard breath and difficulties with physical activity; headache.
  • In order to achieve normal blood sugar levels, you need a special diet rich in protein foods, healthy fats and dietary fiber. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, flour, and also choose natural sweeteners (honey), perform regular exercise, reduce stress and get plenty of rest.