Kumanika jam recipe. How to make blackberry jam: simple recipes. Jam with lemon zest

They can revive and make any interior more comfortable. But there is not always enough light in the apartment for their full development. How to be in this case? Experienced gardeners know that there are unpretentious shade-loving plants for the home. As a rule, these are inhabitants of shaded places in natural conditions. We will talk about them in this article.

We will introduce you to shade-loving plants for the home. Photos and their names will help you determine which one will fit better into your interior.

Indoor plants that can grow even in minimal light without losing the attractiveness of their leaves and flowers are extremely popular today. And this is due not only to the fact that they are unpretentious. Not all flowers are adapted to dim lighting, which serves as a decorative accent. Fortunately, among them there are many crops that are shade-tolerant and shade-loving.

Features of shade-tolerant plants

Let us immediately make a reservation that without access to light, in complete shade, not a single plant can grow. But the requirements for lower lighting intensity and the ability to grow them using artificial lighting make it possible to identify a large group of truly universal varieties that can be placed in the middle of the room and in shaded corners.

If light-loving plants require a light intensity of 10,000 lux, shade-tolerant plants make do with a much lower level - from 500 to 1000 lux. You can measure the level of illumination using photo exposure meters or lux meters. But experienced flower growers use a simpler method. Even shade-tolerant plants should be placed no more than 2 m from the north window and no more than 3 m from windows facing other sides.

The ability to adapt to such difficult conditions allows you to choose shade-loving plants for your home. Let's take a closer look at these flowers.

Chlorophytum crested

Even for beginners in floriculture, some names of shade-loving plants for the home are well known. Among them, undoubtedly, is chlorophytum: today it is difficult to imagine decorating a home or office without this flower. An unusually spectacular plant, which has elegant lanceolate leaves collected in dense rosettes, producing elastic long lashes not only with inflorescences, but also with new rosettes that can take root, belongs to plants that are well known and loved by many.

It would seem that the usual chlorophytum is no longer capable of surprising anyone, but new varieties that have appeared in recent years, having curly or wide leaves similar to garden chard or spinach, delight even experienced flower growers.

Chlorophytum is equally beautiful both in a pot and in an ampelous culture. This plant does not exceed 40 cm in height, although its spreading vines can cover quite large areas and create incredibly beautiful cascades. Chlorophytum is one of those shade-loving plants for the home that can withstand almost any conditions. It tolerates not only diffused light, but also complete shadow.

True, if you want your chlorophytum to grow in the shade, you need to gradually accustom it to reduced light: a sharp change in growing conditions can provoke a loss of decorativeness. If young plants are grown in the shade, no problems will arise. Chlorophytum feels equally comfortable in both hot and cool weather, tolerates even very dry air and is surprisingly easy to care for. The only thing worth keeping an eye on is the condition of the substrate: it should not be too dry or waterlogged.

Aspidistra tall

A very impressive decorative deciduous shade-loving plant for the home. The beautiful leaves of aspidistra, as if strewn with white powder, look very unusual. But if you plan to grow this flower in the shade, we recommend paying attention to varieties that have a solid green color. Unfortunately, in shaded areas the flower loses its white patterns.

From the fleshy rhizomes emerge long, elongated oval leaves with pointed tips. They form a beautiful and slender turf. Their shape resembles lilies of the valley. Aspidistra flowers, appearing almost at the very base of the leaves, are located at soil level. Despite their pink color, they are rather inconspicuous.

Aglaonema variable

This shade-loving plant for the home has many varieties and varieties, differing in the shape or color of the leaves. Oval and lanceolate, bright green and yellow leaves with silver, gray, yellow, cream stripes and spots create amazingly beautiful bushes.

It seems that a shrubby plant with a height of 30 to 60 cm consists only of leaves tightly pressed together, which create a beautiful turf, while the stem is almost invisible. Shades of silver and green look elegant and fresh. With proper care, aglaonema blooms even in indoor conditions, forming original inflorescences-cobs with a snow-white stipule-veil. Despite the showiness of silver varieties and their tendency to partially lose patterns in shading, aglaonema does not lose its decorative effect even in a significantly shaded place.

Shade-loving climbing plants for the home

Any closet, wall, flower stand or shelf in the apartment can be decorated with the help of vines, which love and grow well and develop in partial shade and shade. The list of shade-loving climbing plants for the home is as follows:

  • Ivy.
  • Roicissus rhombicus.
  • Green-leaved syngonium.
  • Peperomia.
  • Epipremnum.
  • Tradescantia.
  • Scindapsus.
  • Cissus.

Of course, this is not a complete list; we have listed only the most popular crops.


Shade-loving climbing plants for the home, photos of which we posted in this article, are distinguished by simple leathery leaves. In scindapsus they are decorated with yellow and white streaks. At home, this plant grows quickly. In order for the vine to be lush and look good, it must be trimmed periodically.

The plant tolerates partial shade well, needs high humidity and abundant watering on hot summer days.


There are a huge number of varieties of this plant in the world with very different leaf colors. In order for Tradescantia to retain its decorative effect, it needs partial shade or diffuse lighting.


Many of our readers know this shade-loving plant for the home under another name - indoor birch. The climbing shoots are covered with green leaves, which are very similar in shape to birch leaves. On the shoots you can see curved tendrils, with the help of which the plant clings to the support.

Cissus is suitable for the office, home and children's rooms. It grows well on supports and in planters, creating a true green wall. The plant is unpretentious. Does not tolerate bright lighting - sunlight can cause leaf plates to fade.

Shade-loving climbing plants for the home and bathroom

We have already said that indoor plants can decorate any room. However, they are installed extremely rarely. It would seem that the conditions in this room are conducive to adding flowers to the interior, but there are some nuances.

Both the high air temperature and high humidity characteristic of this room are favorable for plants, but the lack of light can complicate the adaptation of flowers. In addition, the plants here spend a long time not only in the dark, but also in rather cool conditions. They are exposed to chemicals used indoors (cosmetics, cleaning products, aerosols). These features must be taken into account when selecting plants and placing them in the bathroom.

It is no secret that bathrooms rarely have windows and are large in size, but flowers can be placed even in a very small room without a window if you choose the right plants and install phytolamps. When deciding to grow flowers in the bathroom, you should first organize proper lighting.

Among the plants that are able to adapt to difficult conditions, climbing flowers are often chosen, for example, philodendron, epipremnum, and even more often, ivy. In addition, you can grow large plants (Fatsia, Monstera) in the bathroom, of course, if the space allows. In such conditions, bush plants (aspidistra, aglaonema, chamedorea) feel great.


A wonderful shade-loving plant with star-shaped variegated or green leaves has long been a favorite of many gardeners. This flower can very quickly grow and wrap around a support. Grow it on a moss support, shaped like a tree, or in a hanging planter.


There are many species of this plant, but green-leaved syngonium grows well in the shade. The spectacular vine has succulent leaves that, when closed, form a cascade that can decorate any interior. It grows very quickly and can form a tree on a support. Needs regular watering and spraying.

Flowering climbing plants

Without exception, all vines are very beautiful, but flowering plants are especially attractive. They create comfort and enliven the most austere interior.

Hoya (wax ivy)

This large shade-loving climbing plant for the home with flowers has large leathery leaves, the unusual star-shaped flowers are very beautiful. At home in partial shade it grows up to three meters. Flowering can continue for several months. At this time, you should not turn the plant and move it from place to place - the hoya may stop flowering and drop its buds.


These evergreen vines are grown to decorate homes, offices, and children's institutions. Passionflower has very unusual flowers, which have a brightly colored double perianth with cross-shaped stigmas and bright straight or curved threads.

At home, three-stripe and blue passionflower is most often grown, which is a vine with deeply dissected leaves and single flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Tri-stripe passionflower has grayish-purple stripes on dark leaves. Its yellow-white flowers reach 4 cm in diameter.

Flowering plants

Among the shade-loving flowers, there are many beautifully blooming ones, so you can decorate both northern windows and shaded areas of your home with magnificent flowers.


This plant does not tolerate bright light. Clivia grows annually subject to a full winter rest, during which the plant is moved to a cool room (temperature below +12 °C), watering is reduced to a minimum and fertilization is stopped.

Bell-shaped yellow, orange and red flowers are collected on a tall peduncle in inflorescences. They look very impressive.


For growth and development, it requires partial shade from spring to autumn and diffused light in autumn and winter. Flowering begins from mid-spring to late August. The plant requires regular but moderate watering and temperature control (+15 °C).


The well-known begonia is a shade-loving flowering plant. Its magnificent bright flowers in summer and winter delight lovers of indoor plants with their appearance. There are almost two thousand varieties of decorative deciduous and decorative flowering begonias. All of them are undemanding in care and prefer partial shade.


“Women's happiness” is what people call this flower. This shade-tolerant houseplant has beautiful pointed leaves and sail-like white flowers.

Gradually, the cover of the flower changes color to green and is lost against the background of the foliage. By regularly cutting off wilted inflorescences, you can prolong flowering for a while. At room temperature, regular spraying of the leaves and abundant watering are necessary.

The desire to find a plant for a north window or for a not very well-lit place in an apartment often causes significant difficulties for beginning gardeners. However, in today's conditions, flower lovers have enormous opportunities to choose indoor plants that are suitable for decorating their home interior, regardless of the degree of illumination. Below you can find the names and brief descriptions of the most popular indoor plants that grow in shade or partial shade.

What plants are classified as shade-loving and what are their characteristics?

In dark rooms or in corners of rooms where a minimum of sunlight penetrates, you can successfully grow unpretentious shade-loving plants.

In most cases, decorative deciduous plants predominate among shade-tolerant plants, the main decoration of which is their magnificent leaves. But shade-loving plants also include many flowering plants, vines, palms and ferns.

It is important to know! All ornamental plants have varying degrees of tolerance to lack of light. Some can live well in a fairly dark place (northern window sill or in the back of the apartment), while others need to be periodically (for example, depending on the season) moved to a bright window, or kept on an eastern or western window sill.

Video: shade-loving indoor plants - names and their features

The most popular shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor plants and flowers: a list of names with descriptions and brief care tips

Most of the shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants are representatives of the tropical and subtropical forests of South America.


In many ways it is one of the most useful and popular indoor plants.

Chlorophytum is unpretentious, its care is very simple. It is necessary to water only after the soil is completely dry. On dry and hot days it responds well to spraying. This is a very hardy plant, able to tolerate both relatively cold rooms and warm rooms. The same can be said about lighting.

Video: caring for unpretentious and useful chlorophytum

Anthurium (Men's happiness)

One of the most attractive features of anthurium is its flower, which looks fake, as if made of plastic. But its leaves are also beautiful, dense and shiny.

Watering should be moderate; it is better to dry out the plant rather than overwater it. Loves being sprayed. It prefers brighter places without drafts and direct sunlight, but it can also grow in the shade, but in this case you will not get flowering, so it is advisable to keep it in partial shade.

Video: caring for anthurium at home


This is a lush bush with incredibly attractive oblong green or colored leaves (the colors are very varied), which can reach a height of 60-70 centimeters.

Aglaonema is very unpretentious in care and almost does not need transplants. However, do not forget that it should be watered only after the soil has completely dried.

This shade-tolerant plant can grow both on a sunny windowsill (but always in diffused light) and in partial shade in the back of the room. Although for a very short time, you can place it in complete shade. It grows well in artificial light, especially necessary in winter.

Video: how to properly care for aglaonema


The color of the leaves of Fittonia excites the imagination: it can be either red or silver-green.

The main thing in caring for Fittonia is moderation in everything: watering, temperature and lighting. As for its shade tolerance, it is still better to keep it in partial shade on an eastern or western window, because in the southern window it will burn (if not shaded from direct sun better), and in the northern one it will begin to stretch out.

Video: caring for Fittonia - tips for gardeners


Ficus leaves are usually dense and fleshy, although they can be small and thin. Moreover, they come in completely different colors - from light green to dark green, there are even variegated specimens.

Excellent for beginner gardeners due to its unpretentiousness. Small-leaved ficuses must be sprayed periodically, large-leaved ones must be wiped with a damp cloth or cloth. An important point: ficus does not like to constantly move from place to place, so it is better to immediately choose a place for it on a windowsill or in a small depth of the room, protected from direct sunlight. It should be noted that ficus plants with dense and dark leaves (large-leaved) are better suited to an eastern or western window sill, while varieties with light foliage require an exceptionally well-lit southern window, and they even need additional lighting in winter.

Video: proper care of ficus

Crassula (Money tree)

Who doesn't know what a money tree looks like? Perhaps not everyone knows that its correct name is “Crassula”.

Do not neglect the fact that the money tree does not like abundant and frequent watering, since for this plant, waterlogging is much worse than drying out the soil. At the same time, this flower does not require frequent transplants. Crassula, like all succulents, loves light, but not direct sunlight, but diffused and soft ones. It is optimal to place it on the eastern windowsill. In summer, it is recommended to move the plant to a shadier place (but not in full shade) to avoid damaging the delicate leaves of the money tree.

Video: caring for the money tree (crassula)


It has bright green stems that cascade down in a pretty way. The leaves are typically green or purple, lance-shaped with silver or light green stripes, and may be hairy.

The plant does not create problems when grown, but it should be borne in mind that it is quite moisture-loving. The leaves should be sprayed periodically, except for the pubescent varieties of Tradescantia.

Prefers sufficiently lit places, but always with protection from direct rays, especially in summer. It can grow near windows facing west or east; in principle, it can also be tolerated on a northern window sill.


This evergreen plant, if you are very lucky, will even be able to please you with fragrant white flowers.

It’s very simple - this is the most unpretentious shade-loving plant to care for, which is only contraindicated in drafts. Just note that over time, dracaena leaves age and begin to fall off. However, there is no need to worry, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon and does not indicate insufficient care.

This chiseled, graceful flower is perfect for decorating the hallway or living room of your home or apartment.

Video: caring for dracaena at home

Spathiphyllum (Women's happiness)

This plant has not only shiny dark green dense foliage, but also indescribably beautiful sail-shaped flowers.

Due to its unpretentiousness, spathiphyllum is one of the most popular indoor flowers, because it is able to grow successfully in both somewhat darkened and bright rooms. So, in summer it is optimal to keep it on a northern window; in other periods it is still better to place it on sunnier window sills, but away from direct sunlight. The main thing is to choose a relatively cool place in the apartment for growing it and water it regularly.


It delights with large dark green foliage with light or burgundy stripes. Calathea blooms with spectacular purple or white flowers, but, as a rule, rather reluctantly.

Interesting! As the sun sets, the leaves begin to stretch upward, which is why calathea is called a prayer flower.

This heat-loving plant does not tolerate drafts; it likes fairly moderate temperatures and high humidity. For normal growth of calathea, regular spraying is required. It is optimal to keep the flower on the western or eastern window, although you can also place it on the northern window. But in any case, it should be hidden from direct sunlight.

Video: home care for calathea

Other shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor plants

The following are less popular indoor plants, but capable of growing in the shade and delighting their owners. Naturally, flowers should be located on sunny windowsills, but with obligatory shading, maximum on eastern or western ones. But the northern windows will not suit them at all.

Decorative foliage plants




Palms, vines and climbing plants




Pteris Cretan





Indoor ivy (Hedera)



Flowering plants

Saintpaulias (violets)





Thus, shade-loving and shade-tolerant include indoor plants that can grow quite successfully with a lack of light (the majority of them) or even in the absence of it (there are much fewer of them).

Note! If you do not agree with the presented list or would like to add another name for a shade-loving plant to it, then write in the comments!

Video: indoor plants for dark rooms

In contact with

Most indoor plants are demanding on the amount of light. But among them there are also sciophytes - very unpretentious species that grow well even in low light, and some even prefer dense shade. They do not feel well in bright light, since in their natural habitat they are accustomed to growing under large trees or in dense thickets that do not transmit sunlight well.

There are a lot of shade-loving indoor plants, which cannot but please the owners of apartments whose windows do not face the sunny side. Moreover, “your” indoor flower can be found both among flowering plants and among decorative foliage plants. They are very diverse in shape, height, and methods of reproduction. But they also have a lot in common:

  • such plants easily and quickly get burned from direct rays of the sun, which is why they are often called heliophobes;
  • being in bright light most of the day, they stop growing and blooming, the leaves lose their rich color. And vice versa - in partial shade they maximize their decorative properties;
  • Most sciophytes need high air and soil humidity, are picky about temperature, and do not like frequent transplants.

Despite this, they are very unpretentious, since, unlike light-loving plants, they can grow anywhere in the apartment. They do not need to provide additional water, which is the most difficult and costly task in caring for indoor exotics. It is enough to water and spray regularly.

Species and types of sciophytes

We will present to you the most popular shade-loving plants for indoor cultivation. For ease of selection, we will divide them into four groups. Choose what you like best.

Table. Types of sciophyte plants

Sciophyte groupCharacteristics

The plants are small in size and can survive without replanting for several years. They are distinguished by abundant decorative foliage, which changes color saturation depending on the light intensity.

They can grow up to 2-3 m in height, requiring replanting as the root system grows. They have large decorative leaves, often of unusual shape.

They are characterized by fast growth and a large number of leaves on long stems. By pinching shoots, you can adjust the shape of the bush.

In addition to decorative foliage, these plants also have very beautiful flowers. The duration of flowering largely depends on proper care of the plant.

Decorative deciduous low plants

This group includes plants with beautiful decorative foliage. They may bloom, but the flowers, compared to the main green mass, either look faded and unpresentable, or bloom for a very short time.

  1. Fittonia. A low ground cover with unusual pink veins on olive-colored leaves. Can be planted individually or in the same pot with large plants. It does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots, so the soil must be well drained.

  2. Aglaonema. An unpretentious bush with long leaves on a short stem, it is not too demanding when it comes to watering. In extreme heat, it can be watered a couple of times a week, and at temperatures within 20 degrees - once every 7-8 days. Grows well with frequent spraying. A place for it is chosen where there are no drafts.

  3. Aspidistra. Stemless plant: dark green leaves with light longitudinal stripes grow directly from a rhizome protruding above the ground. It blooms occasionally, but the flowers are not decorative and bloom for only one day.

  4. Cordilina. The color of its long leaves depends on the light intensity. The plant easily tolerates shaded areas, but its leaves remain uniform in color. The more light they get, the more variegated they become, becoming covered in cream, red or purple spots.

  5. Maranta. A very impressive creeping plant with beautiful patterned leaves. When installing supports it will curl around them. Requires watering and air humidity. It is better to keep it not on the window, but away from it.

  6. Codeium. A heat-loving bush that does not tolerate drafts and cool air. If you pinch the shoots every spring, it becomes very lush and voluminous. A correctly chosen place for it, slightly to the side of a west-facing window, allows the plant to show itself in all its glory: its fleshy leaves are covered with fancy multi-colored patterns and borders.

  7. Maidenhair. A plant from the fern family with fragile branches and small carved leaves. Loves northern windows, does not tolerate transplants and rearrangements.

  8. Sansevieria. Only monochrome green varieties of this succulent are suitable for growing in low light conditions. You can water it rarely, twice a month; in the cold season, once is enough.

    Due to the oblong shape of the leaves, Sansevieria is also called “pike tail” and “mother-in-law’s tongue.”

If you like large plants, and the area of ​​​​the apartment and the height of the ceilings allow you to grow them, we suggest paying attention to tall species that are not afraid of shading.

  1. Dracaena. It can reach three meters in height. This is a real tree with a straight stem and long narrow leaves with contrasting stripes. To ensure that the trunk remains straight and even, and the plant itself is evenly lush, it is periodically turned with different sides towards the light.

  2. Hamedorea. This low palm tree loves eastern and northern windows. It grows up to one meter and looks best in a group planting: several thin-stemmed plants in one pot.

  3. Monstera. A very impressive plant with large dissected leaves up to one meter long with a total height of 2-3 meters. Requires a lot of space and installation of supports. Does not tolerate sunlight on the leaves, responds well to moderate watering, frequent spraying and “wet cleaning” of the leaves.

    The main decoration of Monstera is its huge dissected leaves with a glossy surface.

  4. Scheffler. This shrub cannot be unambiguously classified as a sciophyte, since it loves bright light, but it also feels good in light shade. Among the cultivated varieties of Schefflera there are both compact plants and large trees.

  5. Fatsia. Large carved fatsia leaves resemble maple leaves. Grows well at home in partial shade, growing up to two meters. In winter, the plant enters a dormant period when it requires an air temperature lowered to 12-15 degrees.

  6. Rapis. A very beautiful fan palm up to two meters high. Requires protection from bright light. Feels best in small cramped pots. In summer it can be taken out into the garden, but not into open areas, but under large trees.

Climbing and hanging shade-tolerant plants

Plants from this group look very impressive hanging from hanging pots. They can be placed on a high rack or, conversely, on the floor, but provided with a vertical support or grate along which they will climb up and to the sides. Let's consider those of them that are not afraid of the shadow.

  1. Tradescantia. Among its many varieties, plants with solid dark leaves are suitable for growing in the shade. Brittle stems are not able to climb the supports; they must hang down. Otherwise, this indoor flower is unpretentious. To preserve the splendor, it is recommended to pinch the stems.

  2. Roicissus. Loves partial shade or diffused light. This is a lush vine with delicate carved leaves and airy tendrils with which it easily clings to supports. This allows you to create beautiful shaped compositions from it. Pinching is recommended.

  3. Chlorophytum. Perhaps this is the most unpretentious plant, capable of surviving both drought and waterlogging equally well. A bush with narrow long leaves grows up to half a meter in height and width, and from its center long shoots fall down, at the ends of which smaller leaves and star-shaped flowers are formed. Over time, they transform into children with aerial roots; they can be torn off and planted in separate pots.

  4. Syngonium. Another low-maintenance vine, distinguished by leaves of different shapes and colors on one bush. They change depending on age. Grows quickly, forming aerial roots. To make it more convenient for them to cling to the support, it is wrapped in moss. In summer, the syngonium should be kept in partial shade, and in winter - closer to the light.

  5. Scindapsus. An ideal plant for vertical gardening. The heart-shaped leaves are decorated with contrasting yellow or bright green spots. Pinching overgrown stems will not harm the vine. It is better to grow away from well-lit openings.

  6. Ivy. Survives even in the darkest corners of the house. True, spotted varieties become monochrome. With good care it can grow up to 20 meters in length, which allows you to form various shapes from flexible stems. Does not like heat, and in winter prefers temperatures no higher than 15 degrees.

    Indoor ivy is one of the most unpretentious plants

  7. Philodendron climbing. Tolerates shade, pruning and occasional watering. But in the summer, when it’s hot, you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture, not letting it dry out. More than watering, it needs frequent spraying. Does not like drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Surprisingly, there are quite a lot of plants that bloom in shade or partial shade. Moreover, they are very diverse and beautiful.

  1. Anthurium. It will bloom all summer, even in partial shade, if during the winter dormant period it is provided with a sufficient amount of diffused light by exposing it to a window. Its flowers are spikelets growing from the base of a bright “spread” of red, white, blue or pink. The leaves are also very decorative - hard, glossy, heart-shaped.

  2. Spathiphyllum. Outwardly it is very similar to anthurium, and also does not tolerate direct sunlight, because of which it gets sick and refuses to bloom. The color of the petal-bedspread is snow-white. Perhaps, due to its similarity with the bride’s outfit, it was popularly called “women’s happiness.”

    Spathiphyllum has many varieties, but the most popular is with white flowers.

  3. Clivia. A very unusual plant with leaves located one above the other on either side of a powerful root. If you provide it with winter dormancy at a temperature of 10-12 degrees, in the spring it throws out a powerful peduncle with an umbrella inflorescence of pale yellow or bright orange. Does not tolerate transplantation or transfer to another location.

  4. Vriesia. This flower can only conditionally be classified as shade-loving. He is afraid of the direct influence of sunlight, but still requires a sufficient amount of light. It is best to grow it on western windows, shading it in especially sunny afternoons. Its large inflorescences resemble bright feathers. They appear only when maintaining a constant temperature within 22-28 degrees. The plant is very moisture-loving and requires water not only in the pot with soil, but also in the root rosette. Of course, not during the flowering period.

  5. Azalea. This flower only needs a lot of light during bud formation. Usually this period falls in October-November, so if there are no southern windows, it will have to be illuminated with a phytolamp. The rest of the time it grows well on other windows in partial shade or in diffused light. But you can’t call it unpretentious, since azalea loves frequent watering and spraying.

  6. Miltonia. This beautifully flowering orchid plant does not tolerate bright light. The room in which it grows should only be illuminated for half a day, but in the case of a southern direction it must be shaded. Another important condition for flowering, which occurs several times a year, is constant air temperature without strong changes and watering twice a week.

Note! Many of the listed plants are considered poisonous and can cause poisoning or allergic reactions. These include ivy, anthurium, spathiphyllum, monstera and some others. Young children, as well as pets who love to eat green leaves, are at particular risk.

As you can see, the choice of shade-tolerant indoor plants is very extensive. Even from the proposed list, everyone can find a flower to their liking and capabilities. But it is far from complete. There are many more beautiful and interesting plants that will happily settle in your home on the north window or on the bedside table.

Video - Shade-tolerant and shade-loving indoor plants

Indoor plants, even the most undemanding ones, need regular care all year round. With flowers in the open ground it is a little easier, although there are many nuances here. You can read about how to grow dahlias on your plot, how to care for them and prepare high-quality planting material.

Indoor plants decorate the house and make the life of a modern city dweller more joyful. And even if a city apartment is not always sunny and spacious. There are many - large and compact, bright and modest shade-loving, decorative deciduous and flowering - that can decorate any home, even a dark hallway. For example, those that do not need bright lighting.

In urban dwellings, there is often a shortage of well-lit, sunny places. Therefore, shade-loving ones are especially valued. Sciophytes - “shade plants” - is the name given to representatives of the flora that prefer shaded areas. They are also known as heliophobes - those afraid of the sun.

Bright light if not destructive, then definitely not useful. The ancestral home is the gloomy deciduous forests of various parts of the world. Under their canopy, the leaves acquire an exotic color; only here is flowering possible.

Many shade-tolerant inhabitants of the lower tiers of tropical and subtropical forests have settled in city apartments. And now the best place for them has become the northern and western home window sills, the shaded corners of the rooms, where only diffused light falls.

Among them are those that do not bloom or have very modest inflorescences, but have extremely decorative leaves of various colors. Others feature colorful flowers.

Some shade-loving plants are luxurious and large, many are graceful and airy, unpretentious plants. Each one needs proper placement and special tender, loving care.


A small part of shade-loving plants can boast luxurious flowers. However, even among them there are spectacular species that can make up an exquisite collection.

Anthurium - a flower that prefers shade

For good health, this exotic plant needs partial shade from spring to autumn and diffused light in the cold season. Blooms from mid-spring to late summer. The inflorescence spadix is ​​framed by a bright “waxy” blanket.

Regular but not excessive watering, air humidification, and temperature control (constant temperature of about 15 degrees) are required.


Good lighting is required, but indirect sunlight. Annual flowering will provide winter rest, during which the flower needs to be moved to a cool room (with a temperature below 12 degrees), watering should be reduced and fertilizing should be stopped. The rest of the time it should not be moved, replanted, or over-watered.

Occasionally you need to wipe the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

Bell-shaped red, yellow or orange flowers, collected in an inflorescence on a high peduncle, look bright and very impressive.

A striking representative of the “atmospheric” bromeliads. The 70 cm inflorescence with bright bracts makes it memorable. For luxurious flowering you need a stable temperature in the range of 19-28 degrees, and constant moistening of the rosette.

Sempolia or Uzambara violet

Although this flower needs enough light, does not tolerate direct sunlight well: burn spots appear on the leaves, their color fades, and there is no flowering. The best placement option is light partial shade, diffused light.

Violet is a very popular flower

Decorative foliage

The main advantage of decorative deciduous plants is spectacular coloring of their leaves. The flowers may be small and inconspicuous.

This plant of “strict lines” is called “mother-in-law’s tongue” and “pike tail” by amateur gardeners. Many varieties have been bred with different combinations of colors in the color of leathery leaves.

In partial shade the contrast of color spots becomes brighter. In favorable conditions it blooms, throwing out long “candles” of white and yellowish inflorescences.

Ferns - love dark places

Among the many types, you can choose for both home and office, large or compact types. For example, broad-leaved Asplenium or delicate thin-leaved Adiantum (Venus hair).

All of them prefers shade or partial shade, moist air and soil.

Crassula (money tree)

Does not tolerate shadows well, but feels comfortable in dim lighting. Abundant watering is not required.

Compact ampelous and dwarf species need partial shade, they bright light is contraindicated. Moderate watering, air humidification, and temperatures above 12 degrees are required.

It takes root well in a bright room, but at some distance from the window. Frequent spraying of leaves and maintaining a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees is required. Compact and large species have been bred.

Palm trees and large trees for home growing in partial shade

Such plants will decorate a spacious room, office or winter garden.


A tree-like plant with contrasting colors of narrow long leaves. Depending on the size, it grows from 70 cm to 3 m in height. To preserve decorativeness it is necessary sufficient but not bright lighting, moderate hydration.


Height from 0.5 to 2 meters. Often grown in tubs. It is distinguished not only by its varied color, but also by the shape of its leaves: they can be very narrow, long, lanceolate, or wide, round. Cordyline is often confused with dracaena.

Doesn't tolerate bright lighting at all. He loves “water procedures” - wiping and polishing leaves, spraying, abundant watering in summer and moderate watering in winter.

This name combines various species that have one feature: a single growth point at the top of the stem. Most palms grown indoors are love partial shade, abundant watering in summer and less intense in winter, humid air.

Everyone cannot stand drafts and transplants.

Climbing shade-tolerant

Climbing plants and vines are used to decorate walls and create three-dimensional compositions.

Does not tolerate direct sunlight and strong shade. Best Accommodation – in bright but diffuse light or in partial shade. Moisturizing is weak in winter, frequent and abundant in summer.

There are a huge number of species of this hanging plant with varied leaf colors. To preserve its decorativeness partial shade required or indirect bright light.

An excellent option for decorating large surfaces. There is plenty of imagination given by the variety of varieties - the leaves can be large leathery and small delicate, whole and dissected. It grows quickly, becomes attractive and decorates the room.

Features of shade-loving flowers

All shade-loving plants are characterized by properties that distinguish them from others:

  • decorative qualities are most clearly manifested, if the flower is located in the shade or partial shade most of the day;
  • under intense lighting, development is inhibited, growth slows down, leaf color fades, flowering may not occur; in direct sunlight, the plant may get burned;
  • need sufficient soil and air moisture;
  • it is necessary to observe the temperature regime;
  • usually shade-loving cannot tolerate frequent transplants.

Shade-loving plants are beautiful in their diversity. From them you can create exquisite, bright, stylish, light or respectable compositions that will become the main decoration of any room.

Fresh flowers fit organically into any design and interior of the room. They complement the style, give the home coziness and warmth, and create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

But not all indoor flowers take root in the house and delight their owners. It's all about lighting and temperature conditions.

If a flower needs an abundance of sunlight, it will not grow in a dark room. Therefore, before choosing home flowers, you should take this fact into account.

Note! If a small amount of sunny color penetrates into the apartment, then indoor plants that love shade are selected for room decoration.

This is an ideal option for many apartments and houses. After all, domestic flowers that do not require an abundance of light are less whimsical. They are easier to care for and monitor.

You should not think that shade-loving plants are somehow inferior in aesthetic terms to light-loving flowers. They also bloom brightly, smell and look delicate and attractive.

Indoor plants: shade-loving and unpretentious

Flower name Short description
Blooming in the apartment
Spathiphyllum Green plant. Spathiphyllum leaves are presented in the form of an elongated oval. The plant loves spraying.

Once every 30 days it needs to be washed with a damp sponge.

Gardenia For gardenia, a comfortable room temperature ranges from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. Gardenia blooms with white inflorescences.
Saintpaulia Saintpaulia is often called the Usambara violet. Prefers to bloom in the shade.

Violet loves high temperatures (from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius). Violet blooms with blue inflorescences.

Vriesia Vriesia is a plant that stands out for its blooms in the form of a bright red arrow. The flower loves water. But Vriesia is not an unpretentious plant.

If you are going to have such a flower in your house, you will need to monitor the humidity and air temperature daily.

The optimal room temperature varies from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Anthurium A capricious but beautiful plant. Loves warmth. Anthurium should be handled carefully.

Its leaves contain a substance that can corrode human mucous membranes.

Ivy Ivy is a climbing flower. Unpretentious, does not like sunny colors. Ivy is grown on nets, flowerpots or hanging flowerpots.
Peperomia Peperomia's homeland is India. This is a tropical flower with a distinct green hue.
Tradescantia Tradescantia was brought to Europe from the American continent. It is distinguished by a variety of shades and unpretentiousness.
Scindapsus Scindapsus is called a liana. Liana flowers are decorated with white and yellow shades and patterns in the form of stains.

Liana loves moisture and does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Palm tall plants
Ficus Ficus is a tree-like plant used to decorate living and working spaces.
Hamedorea Hamedorea grows slowly and for a long time. Another name for palm. Hamedorea loves abundant watering and daily spraying.
Dracaena In appearance it resembles a small palm tree.
Monstera The second name for Monstera is indoor liana. It is distinguished by large leaves and height.
Fittonia Fittonia has become one of the most favorite flowers of gardeners. It has a pinkish color and an unusual leaf shape.
Nephrolepis Fern with outstretched leaves.
Maidenhair The fern looks exotic. It is decorated with small leaves of bright green color. Adiantum is used for decoration in floristry.
Calathea Calathea belongs to the arrowroot family. Its originality lies in the unusual leaves of a unique color.
Codeium Codiaeum belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It captivates with its beauty and unique color in two shades: pink and green.

For the hallway

For the hallway, floor or large plants are selected that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the room:

  • Hibiscus.
  • Dracaena.
  • Yucca.
  • Monstera.
  • Ficus.
  • Cactus.

Important! It is worth remembering that if there is little light in the hallway, then at least once a week you will need to change the location of the flower.

For kitchen

You can decorate your kitchen space with the following flowers:

  • The money tree symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. It is distinguished by thick leaves and a glossy color. This is an ideal floral design for the kitchen.
  • Violet.
  • Begonia.
  • Croton.
  • Scheffler.
  • Fruit trees. Such mini-trees have a refined aroma and attractive appearance. They help neutralize kitchen odors.
  • Calathea. The peculiarity of calathea is its increased resistance to moisture.
  • Balsam.
  • Zebrina.

It is worth remembering that when decorating a kitchen space, it is prohibited to place flowerpots and pots next to heating objects, a stove, a sink or a hood.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is a person’s resting place. Therefore, plants for the bedroom should be selected taking into account the harmful components they contain that can harm human health.

Note! It is not advisable to choose the largest and very large plants for the bedroom. They collect a lot of dust, which can negatively affect the broncho-pulmonary system of a person.

For the bedroom, medium-sized flowers are selected and placed on the shelves.

Table: plants for the bedroom.

When decorating a bedroom with indoor flowers, it is worth remembering that a large number of them is not always useful. Pots are placed away from the place where a person is used to spending his free time.

The most shade-loving

The most shade-loving plants:

  • Aspidistra. The beauty of the aspidistra lies in its dotted color. The uniqueness of the flower lies in its unpretentiousness.

    It does not require special care, tolerates temperature fluctuations, and grows well in dark and poorly lit rooms.

  • Chlorophytum. Used to decorate spaces with various purposes. It resembles a plant trunk with an abundance of outstretched stems.

    Chlorophytum is cold-resistant and is not afraid of an abundance of moisture. Its main fear is drought, so it should be watered and sprayed regularly.

  • Aglaonema. It is a bush with lanceolate leaves, which are decorated with spots of yellow, silver or cream color.
  • Epipremnum. This is an indoor vine, the length of which reaches three meters. The climbing vine is characterized by its adaptation to any lighting and temperature conditions.
  • Gelksine. It looks like a grass mat that easily dots the surrounding space.

Important! If a plant is shade-loving, this does not mean that it needs to be placed in a dark room for a long time. Flowers do not tolerate direct sunlight, but they need light for normal growth and development.

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