Daily human activity. Why is it important to sleep at night? The time of minimal activity of human organs in the hourly circadian biorhythm

Biorhythms and opening hours internal organs.

What are biorhythms?

Biological rhythms are the body’s reflection of cyclical natural phenomena. They can be depicted graphically in the form of a curve that will show the ability to perform certain type work at the estimated time.

Physiological processes in the body are associated with the alternation of day and night, the least activity is at 3-5 o'clock in the morning, and high performance is observed at 10-12 o'clock and in the evening at 16-18 o'clock.

During a person’s life, there are 3 main types of biorhythms:

Physical (cycle is 23 days). As activity increases, endurance and energy increase, and coordination of movements improves. When a decline begins, there may be health problems, a person begins to get tired quickly, and a loss of strength appears. Last days It is better to devote phases to rest.

Emotional (28 days). Show mood and state swings nervous system. During a recession, mental confusion is observed, the desire to conflict intensifies, and various fears and pessimism appear.

Intellectual (33 days). As one grows older, creative activity increases; a person is lucky in everything. In the phase of decreased biorhythm activity, intellectual activity slows down, reaction speed changes, and the ability to assimilate material decreases.

Exist special programs calculating biorhythms, but you can calculate the day of the biological cycle yourself:

The number of years lived excluding leap years must be multiplied by 365;
- then count the number of leap days (every 4th year) and multiply it by 366;
- the amount received will show the number of days lived. Dividing it by 23 days (physical cycle) we get a number with a remainder. For example, if the remainder is 18, then it is the 18th day physical cycle biorhythms. In the same way, you can determine the day of the emotional and intellectual cycles.

There are 6 days in a year when the beginning of two cycles coincides. These days will be quite difficult, and on 1 day of the year the beginnings of all three biorhythm cycles coincide, this day will be especially difficult.

During a person's life there are periods of highest biorhythm activity; these years are called acme. For men, they repeat every 3 years, starting from 15-16 years, for women - every 2. Based on these periods, you can make a calculation and find out the gender of the unborn child. If both parents are in the 2nd year after acme, for example, then a boy will probably be born. If it's a year after acme, it's a girl.

A birthday is considered a turning point from troubles to joy, and the first month after the birthday is the most favorable. The 5th and 9th (10) months will also be favorable. The 2nd and 12th (especially) months after your birthday will be unfavorable.

By calculating your biological rhythms for the next day or week (month, year) in advance, you can make adjustments to your plans in order to use your body’s capabilities to the maximum, and also not miss a good time for rest when biorhythms are not conducive to active work. The program is very simple to use, and the calculation takes only a few seconds - this is the time to enter the date of birth.

Today there are more than 300 rhythms in the human body. All psychophysical rhythms (cycles), taken together, correlate with each other in a certain way. Disruption of one or more rhythms in a person leads to diseases, as this introduces a mismatch in the functioning of organs.

Biorhythms are closely related to the rhythms of the external environment. A measure of the stability of a living system is the stability of its rhythms, adaptation and adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions. Rhythm disturbance in one of the links of a living system introduces inconsistency into the coordinated structure of the function. First of all, blood and organs fail: liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen.

There is a hypothesis that there are three human biorhythms (biocycles). They are equal:

1. physical (F) – state of health, physical strength = 23.69 days.

2. emotional (E) – mood, state of mind = 28.43 days.

3. intellectual (I) – creativity = 33.16 days.

These rhythms begin from the moment a person is born and continue throughout his life. The first half of the rhythms indicates a rise in this indicator, the second half indicates a decline:

* The first 11-12 days of the physical cycle (F) are characterized by an increase in physical strength,

* 14-15 first days of the emotional cycle (E) – uplifting mood,

* The first 16-17 days of the intellectual cycle (I) are about the rise of creative forces.

The points of intersection of these cycles with the time axis are called “critical”; extreme situations are possible at them. This “critical point” is approximately 3 days (1.5 days before and 1.5 days after this date). If several cycles occur simultaneously at such a point (“combined day”), then this day is the most dangerous for human health. It is believed that the positive phase of the cycle begins on the second day of the rise and ends on the penultimate day.

According to Tibetan medicine, the biorhythms of organs depend on the seasons of the year and the hours of the day.

Attention to human biorhythms should also include taking medications. So their intake should be timed to coincide with the time of minimal organ activity. Moreover, physician research (and experience Tibetan medicine) showed that optimal time taking medications occurs at sunset (± 5 minutes)*.

*Sunset times are indicated, for example, in tear-off calendars.

Only 30% of the medicine taken is absorbed by the human body, the rest is excreted from the body through urine, feces, and sweat.

Any chemical medicine also has negative side effects on the body.

This is a diagram showing the periods of activation of human organs.

Biorhythms and nutrition.

A more detailed examination of the diagram shows that the stage of lung activation occurs at 3-5 o’clock in the morning, and it is at this time that the majority of people rest. Then it starts working colon. Therefore, from 5 to 7 am it is necessary to empty the intestines in order to next stage(7-9 hours) with the maximum amount of gastric enzymes, have breakfast and do not create problems with digesting food. When food enters the stomach at this time, the products are absorbed to the maximum extent and are not stored as fat deposits. Next, the pancreas comes into play and the work of the digestive system ends at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

It is necessary, if possible, to take into account the rhythms of the body and build a nutrition system based on these factors, i.e. Be sure to have breakfast between 7 and 9 o’clock to provide your body with a boost of energy for the whole day. But in evening time when the body wants to rest, do not burden it with digestion heavy productsfatty meat, cutlets or chicken. After all, to process food at this time, the stomach will have to ask for a loan from the organ that will be active at that time. As a result, we will be able to protect ourselves from many diseases and maintain vigor for many years.

When do our internal organs wake up and go to sleep?

The body’s dependence on the Sun manifests itself daily and hourly: in biorhythms. The heart beats in a certain rhythm, the intestines contract and the lungs work. The “operating mode” of the organs directly depends on the dial.

- Gallbladder wakes up when you ideally should be asleep - from 23.00 to 1.00. It plays an important role in cleansing the body and prepares the liver for subsequent work. Also at this time, serotonin, the hormone of pleasure, is actively produced. Let's make a reservation: it is best produced in sleep.

- Liver most active from 1.00 to 3.00. At this time the main digestive organ literally works hard: removes toxins and cleanses the blood. Help your liver: Avoid late-night drinking and cigarettes.

- Peak lung function falls between from 3.00 to 5.00. It is at this time that climbers prefer to start climbing.

- Colon starts its “engine” from 5.00 to 7.00. If you are not sleeping at this time - help work important body by drinking a glass of water at room temperature or prune decoction.

- Stomach is on alert from 7.00 to 9.00. Be sure to have breakfast at this time. By the way, everything eaten before 12.00 will be digested with a bang and will not be stored as fat.

- Spleen and pancreas active from 9.00 to 11.00. At this time, refrain from sweets - there is no need for excess sugar now.

- Heart works harder from 11.00 to 13.00. The pressure rises - don’t overwork, take care of the “fiery engine”.

- Small intestine working at full capacity from 13.00 to 15.00. This is the time of active digestion of lunch, the body experiences a natural loss of strength. Don't reproach yourself for laziness - it's better to take a walk fresh air. After 15.00 my health begins to improve.

- Bladder comes out on top 15.00 to 17.00. At this time, it is useful to drink a diuretic or just teas - excess fluid will not linger in the body.

After bladder"waking up" kidneys - from 17.00 to 19.00. Which, in principle, is logical.

- The circulatory organs work hard from 19.00 to 21.00. Body temperature rises.

- Heat generating organs - from 21.00 to 23.00. After 21.00 the number of whites almost doubles blood cells, body temperature drops, cell renewal continues. The body needs to be prepared for sleep.

- From midnight to 1.00 there is an emotional rise, many successfully use this time for creative activities. But between 2.00 and 4.00 on the contrary: memory and coordination of movements deteriorate, slowness in actions appears

Since ancient times people have known that at certain times we feel energetic and at other times we feel relaxed. This is how human biorhythms affect the state. If you live by them, then you canoptimize your day, slow down the aging process and even increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.

In resonance with nature

Modern man is increasingly moving away from nature. Many of us have never gotten up with the sun. We go to bed long after midnight, are able to fly across the ocean in a few hours, and can go without sleep for more than a day. Our body is accustomed to an unnatural regime and to heavy emotional stress only in order to always be in order, otherwise it will get out of its usual rhythm. These are all requirements modern world. Of course, we have made our life more comfortable, but this does not mean that we have managed to tame our internal mechanisms.
Each of us has a program of certain biorhythms that synchronizes the body’s work with changes in the outside world, which are caused by the rotation of the Earth, sunlight, changing seasons and days of the week. United into a single system, biorhythms represent a mechanism for regulating the vital functions of the human body. Today, most people are impaired to one degree or another. natural cycles, which are expressed first in ordinary ailments, emotional discomfort, sleep disturbance, which can subsequently lead to more serious manifestations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists became interested in the alternation of phases of human activity and rest, and they began to conduct serious research and experiments in this direction. This is how a new science arose - chronobiology, which studies the relationship between biorhythms and human health, and also helps to restore the lost connection with nature and restore well-being.

Biological rhythms can be daily or monthly and are characterized by alternating periods of activity and rest, which ensures a complete restoration of the body’s reserves. Greatest influence daily biorhythms affect humans.

Time cures

Pay attention to your health during the working day, in accordance with biological activity organ susceptible to any disease will help avoid the consequences of stress and excessive loads. In addition, knowledge of circadian rhythms can be used to enhance as well as reduce doses medicines, since even small doses are well absorbed during the period of organ activity. Time heals - if you take into account the characteristics of your body.

7-9 hours - stomach activity

You should start your morning with a breakfast of all kinds of cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits, but it is better to avoid fatty, high-calorie foods.

Metabolic processes in tissues are still slow, so there may be swelling on the face, which can be removed with a light massage.

Avoid exercise, as the risk of heart attacks is 70 percent higher than at other times of the day.

A morning cigarette constricts blood vessels to the greatest extent.

9-11 hours - activity of the spleen and pancreas

A hearty breakfast after 9 o'clock burdens the stomach and causes a feeling of fatigue because the stomach is resting. During this period, it is undesirable to consume sweet foods, because when sugar rises, the pancreas begins to actively work to reduce it and soon a loss of strength sets in, and the feeling of hunger is dulled only for a short time.

Active work the spleen at this time helps fight infections, as it produces a large number of blood cells, indispensable assistants in self-medication.

Short-term memory and quick counting work well.

Minimal exposure to x-rays.

Metabolism is activated and protective functions skin, so it is useful to apply cosmetic preparations that protect it from moisture loss and excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Interestingly, during these 2 hours a person is more sensitive to indifference and criticism.

11-13 hours - heart activity

During this phase, try not to overload the body with physical activity. The brain works most productively - best time for making responsible decisions, intellectual activity and business negotiations.

13-15 hours - activity of the small intestine

Cardiac activity and metabolic processes slow down, the body’s protective properties weaken, the small intestine, which bears the main load during the digestion process, is actively working. The best time for lunch, as protein foods are well digested and absorbed.

A rest lasting 15-20 minutes or a quiet hour (siesta), but not longer than 30 minutes, will help cope with afternoon fatigue and laziness, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

There is little static electricity in the body, and it is easy to carry out various manipulations with the hair; it’s time to go to the hairdresser or do a beautiful hairstyle yourself.

Activation of the senses, disposition to empathy. Vision and hearing become sharper.

15-17 hours - bladder activity

At 16 o'clock it is not harmful to eat something sweet - it is at this time that the pancreas produces greatest number insulin, which lowers blood levels.

At this time and before 19 o'clock it is useful to drink a lot, especially drinks that are good for the excretory system, when active phase The bladder phase is replaced by the kidney phase.

Hair and nails grow back best.

Long-term memory works: you can remember what you have forgotten and remember well what you need.

High efficiency of physical activity and fitness - athletes can achieve excellent results.

17-19 hours - kidney activity

Great time for dinner. But you should not eat meat and fatty foods - they take a long time to digest and put additional stress on the liver and gallbladder.

The skin is most susceptible to cosmetic procedures, the time comes for masks, peelings and lifting - all the nutrients applied to the skin are beneficial.

High level of intellectual activity.

At 18:00 the liver is tolerant of alcohol.

19-21 hours - active blood circulation

Digestive enzymes are practically not produced after 20 hours, and heavy food is not digested, but will lie in the stomach all night, so it is useful to eat some fruit.

After 19 hours it is better to drink less, especially before bed. Cocoa and milk are especially harmful, causing more harm than good, because the kidneys no longer have time to process them. Many children do their homework best at this time, they become interested in learning - this is due to active blood circulation. It is noticed that at this time we think about everything except sleep. This is the optimal time for a massage.

It’s better not to weigh yourself at eight o’clock in the evening to avoid unnecessary grief. It is at this time of day that the indicator will be maximum.

From now on, not a single cigarette should be smoked until the morning - it is very difficult for the body to decompose the poisons of nicotine at night.

21-23 hours - total energy accumulation

The activity of ongoing processes in the body decreases.

23-1 hour - gallbladder activity

During this period, there is a decrease in mental abilities and concentration, so any training is not effective.

Night shift work is especially dangerous for those who have problems with the gallbladder and liver, since both organs do not have the opportunity to relax and are under greater stress.

1-3 hours - liver activity

The liver recovers and cleanses the body only during night sleep. At this time of day, not only is a person’s performance greatly reduced, but vision is also weakened and it is difficult to distinguish colors. You should not drive a car from 2 to 4 am. At 2 o'clock the body is extremely sensitive to cold - many people begin to freeze and wrap themselves in a blanket. Those who do not sleep at this time may experience depression. At 3 o'clock the mood reaches its lowest point. People prone to depression often wake up at this time, with bad mood. Nicotine and alcohol are especially harmful between 1 and 5 o'clock.

3-5 hours - lung activity

People who smoke tend to cough in the morning, so the body tries to get rid of harmful foreign substances.

Interestingly, it is much easier to hit the road at 3 o'clock than at 5 o'clock in the morning.

5-7 hours - colon activity

It is useful to support the functioning of the large intestine by drinking a glass of water at room temperature or eating a few dried fruits.

Interesting Facts

If you regularly wake up at the same time at night, then you have reason to assume that not everything is in order with the organ that is experiencing the recovery phase.

Accident rate in production and traffic accidents on the road more often occur from 22 to 4 o'clock and from 13 to 15 o'clock, since a person has the slowest reaction speed.
Interestingly, a handshake before lunch looks more energetic than after lunch.

Seven day cycle

The weekly cycle has been taken into account since ancient times and the days were named after the planets and the Sun visible to the naked eye. On each day of the week, the function symbolized by the corresponding celestial body is maximally active.

Monday (the day of the Moon) is called a “hard day”, when the greatest number of troubles and accidents happen, so it is better not to perform feats of labor. On this day it is difficult to gather, concentrate, physically and mental performance minimal.
Tuesday (Mars day) is characterized by increased excitability and irritability.
On Wednesday (Mercury day), the activity of the nervous system improves, sensitivity increases, and thinking is active.
On Thursday (Jupiter's day), people become the most sociable and make contact easily.
Friday (Venus day) is a day of calm, routine work that does not require stress or stress; creative thinking drops sharply.

Saturday (Saturn's day) is a day of accumulation of strength, communication skills decrease, but concentration also increases.

On Sunday (the day of the Sun), the vital forces of the body are more active than on other days.

When planning your affairs, take into account the features of each day. For example, it is better to avoid tense situations fraught with conflicts on Tuesday and Saturday if possible. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are suitable for serious shopping. On Friday, one is more drawn to extravagance. Sunday is better not to be occupied with everyday activities; it requires emancipation and the removal of everyday stress.

The threads that have connected the human body with the universe for thousands of years cannot be broken - they are as strong as the unshakable route of our planet. We managed to make our life more comfortable, but this does not mean that we were able to tame our nature. Of course, you cannot live strictly according to a schedule, but it is quite possible to take into account the peculiarities of each day and, in accordance with this, distribute your strength and control your emotions.

Onaverina Tatyana

The work of human internal organs by the hour

Our ancestors knew that all people, animals and plants have the ability to sense time or, as they say now, felt their biological clock and lived in accordance with their biological rhythm. The change of seasons, lunar cycles, day and night are directly related to these watches.
IN daytime in our body metabolic processes aimed at extracting energy from accumulated nutrients. At night, the energy supply spent during the day is replenished, regeneration processes are activated, tissue restoration occurs and internal organs are “repaired.”


or How to restore the biological clock of the DAY?

Heart, liver, lungs, kidneys - all organs live and work according to the clock, each has its own peak of activity and period of recuperation. And if, for example, you force the stomach to work at 21:00, when the “day regimen” provides for rest, the acidity of gastric juice increases by a third above normal, which leads to the development of gastrointestinal pathologies and exacerbation of peptic ulcers. Night exercise is also contraindicated for the heart: a failure in the daily activity of heart muscle cells is fraught with hypertrophy with the subsequent development of heart failure.

Body schedule hourly from 4:00 to 22:00

04:00 — The adrenal cortex is the first to “wake up”: from 4 in the morning it begins to produce hormones that excite the nervous system. The most active, cortisol, increases blood glucose levels and also blood pressure, which tones the blood vessels, increases the rhythm of the heartbeat - this is how the body prepares for the upcoming daily stress. There is a sharpening of hearing: the slightest noise - and we wake up. At this hour he often reminds himself peptic ulcer, attacks occur in patients with asthma. Blood pressure during this period is low, the brain is poorly supplied with blood - this hour is also called the fatal hour, from 4 to 5 am sick people often die.
Division occurs and the most active renewal occurs the largest number cells. Cell growth hormones are actively produced. The skin is actively renewed.

IN energy plan : from 3 to 5 o'clock
The lung meridian begins to work actively. During the hours of his activity, energy and blood move from a state of calm to movement and begin to spread throughout the body. At this time, all organs of the human body should rest. Only in this way can the lungs rationally distribute energy and blood.

05:00 — We have already changed several phases of sleep: the phase of light sleep, dreaming and the phase deep sleep dreamless. Anyone who gets up at this time quickly comes to a cheerful state. The large intestine begins to work - the time comes to release toxins and waste. The body begins to become more active, blood pressure and hormone levels increase, protective forces.
06:00 — Blood pressure and temperature begin to rise, and the pulse quickens. We are waking up. Promotion blood pressure(by 20-30 points), risk hypertensive crises, strokes, heart attacks. The level of adrenaline in the blood increases. Exactly this favorable time for taking a shower.

In terms of energy: from 5 to 7 am
the work of the colon meridian is activated, which is responsible for the final elimination from the body feces with toxins and waste.
When you wake up, it is advisable to immediately drink a glass warm water Drinking on an empty stomach, it helps moisturize the intestinal tract, stimulate bowel movements and eliminate toxins. This is especially true for those who suffer from frequent constipation.

07:00 — The stomach is activated: the body requires replenishment of nutrients in order to extract energy from them. Carbohydrates that enter the body are actively decomposed; during this period no active body fat. Increasing immune defense body. The chance of infection through contact with viruses is minimal. Blood viscosity is increased, the level of adrenaline in the blood is increased. For heart patients and hypertensive patients this is the most dangerous time days. Not recommended physical exercise. The body's sensitivity to aspirin increases and antihistamines: taken at this time, they remain in the blood longer and act more effectively.
08:00 “The liver has completely freed our body of toxic substances. You should not drink alcohol at this hour - the liver will experience increased load. Activated sexual activity. A person experiences sexual arousal.
09:00 — Mental activity increases, sensitivity to pain decreases. The heart works more energetically. It is not recommended to spend this time sports training. The level of cortisol in the blood is very high.

Seasonal rhythms of human organs

In terms of energy:from 7 to 9 am
The stomach meridian is active. This time is considered ideal for breakfast; the work of the spleen and stomach is activated, making food digested very easily. And if you don’t have breakfast at this time, then during the hours of greatest activity of the stomach meridian empty stomach there will be “nothing to do.” At the highest activity of the stomach meridian, the level of acids in gastric juice increases, and excess acid harms the stomach and threatens the occurrence of stomach diseases and violation acid-base balance in organism.

10:00 — Our activity is increasing. We are in in better shape. This enthusiasm will continue until lunch. Don’t waste your ability to work, because later it won’t appear in this form.
11:00 — The heart continues to work rhythmically in harmony with mental activity. A person does not give in to fatigue. Happening active growth nails and hair. Increased sensitivity to allergens.

In terms of energy: from 9 to 11 o'clock
The spleen meridian is active. The spleen is involved in digestion, assimilates and distributes nutrients and fluids extracted from food throughout the body.
The brain is active. Therefore, these hours are called the “golden period”, i.e. as efficient as possible in terms of work and study. Don't forget to have breakfast. After breakfast, the spleen absorbs food coming from the stomach, and the muscles, having received nutrients, become more active. A person has a desire to activate his muscles. When the energy of the muscles and muscles is spent, the work of the spleen is even more activated, and therefore it turns out that this organ is “busy” all the time, loaded with work.

12:00 — The first decline in activity is coming. Physical and mental performance decreases. You feel tired and need rest. During these hours, the liver “rests” and some glycogen enters the blood.
13:00 — The energy is decreasing. Reactions slow down. The liver is resting. A slight feeling of fatigue appears, you need to rest. If you have lunch at this time, the food will be absorbed faster.

In terms of energy: from 11 to 13 pm
The heart meridian is active. During these hours, energy reaches its peak, which can lead to an excess of heart “fire.” The easiest way to eliminate this excessive “fire” is to take a short lunch break. This will help replenish your energy and increase your productivity in the afternoon. Eating lunch helps prevent heart disease.

14:00 - Fatigue goes away. Things are getting better. Efficiency increases.
15:00 — The senses become more acute, especially the sense of smell and taste. We are entering working standard. This is a time of partial or complete immunity of the body to medications. The organs of the body become very sensitive. Appetite increases.

In terms of energy: from 13 to 15 hours
meridian is active small intestine. Nutrients enter the small intestine where they are processed and broken down and then transported to different organs human body through the blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. It is recommended to drink more water to thin the blood and protect the blood vessels.
Weakened small intestinal function not only causes low energy and blood levels, but also reduces waste elimination.

16:00 - Blood sugar levels rise. Doctors call this condition afternoon diabetes. However, such a deviation from the norm does not indicate a disease. Second surge in activity. The blood is again enriched with oxygen, the work of the heart and lungs is activated. Favorable time for physical activity and exercise.
17:00 — High performance is maintained. Time for outdoor activities. The body's performance and endurance approximately doubles. Activation occurs endocrine system, especially the pancreas. At this time, you can take more food. Due to active digestion and complete breakdown of foods, fat will not be deposited.

In terms of energy: from 15 to 17 hours
During these hours the bladder meridian is active, and bladder is the main channel for removing waste and toxins. This is why you need to drink more water during this time. At this time, a person is full of strength and energy. Metabolism in the body reaches its peak, the brain received the necessary portion of nutrients after lunch. Therefore, this time is called the second “golden period” for work and study. Reaches a peak - metabolism.

18:00 — People's sensitivity to pain decreases. The desire to move more increases. Mental alertness gradually decreases.
19:00 - Blood pressure increases. Mental stability is zero. We are nervous, ready to quarrel over trifles. Cerebral blood flow decreases and headaches begin.

In terms of energy: from 17 to 19 hours
At this time, the kidney meridian is active. This is the peak period for removing waste and toxins from the body, so you should increase the amount of drinking to speed up the appearance of urine and stimulate the elimination of unnecessary and harmful substances from the body. At the same time, the kidneys begin to preserve the most valuable substances. If you make a habit of drinking a glass of water during these hours, you will improve your kidney health.

20:00 — Our weight by this hour reaches highest values. Reactions to external stimuli clear and fast.
21:00 — The activity of the nervous system is normalized. Psychological condition stabilizes, memory becomes sharper. This period is especially good for those who need to memorize a large amount of information, for example, texts or foreign words.

In terms of energy: from 19 to 21 hours
are considered the third “golden period” for work and study. At this time, when the pericardial meridian is active, the whole body is calm. After a light dinner you can go for a walk. Before 21:00 it is useful to drink a glass of water or weak tea. At this time, the pericardial meridian should be massaged. Massage of the pericardial meridian helps to strengthen the function of the heart, as a result of which the activity of all internal organs improves and the circulation of energy and blood is activated.
The pericardial meridian is one of the 12 main active channels. He passes through inside hands You can, for example, while sitting in front of the TV, knead from the armpit down left hand right hand– along the pericardial meridian, and then do the same with the right hand. You need to massage each hand for 10 minutes.


or How to restore the biological sleep clock?

How to restore your biological sleep clock

Nature has determined that we spend thirty percent of our lives sleeping: the body needs rest and regeneration. But we often save on sleep by paying for this psycho - emotional disorders, endocrine disruptions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, and sometimes oncology. And if innocent insomnia has come to your attention, this is not only the consequences of a disruption in clock rhythms, but also a reason to think about the REASONS for a whole list of pathologies that inevitably lead us to illness and old age.

At night, the pineal gland (the pineal gland in the sulcus of the midbrain) produces melatonin - the peak of activity occurs at approximately 2 a.m., and by 9 a.m. its content in the blood drops to its minimum values. It is produced by the pineal gland only at night because the active enzymes involved in its production are suppressed by DAYlight. Thanks to melatonin, there is a comfortable decrease in temperature and blood pressure, they slow down their activity and physiological processes. At night, only the liver actively works - it cleanses the blood of pathogenic flora of waste and toxins. Another one is starting to work actively important hormone– somatotropin (growth hormone) that stimulates cell reproduction, regeneration, rejuvenation and anabolic processes (the release of substances beneficial to the body from food). Failure to adhere to a sleep schedule leads not only to insomnia, oncology and diabetes mellitus, and also early aging body...

Body schedule from 22:00 to 4:00

22:00 - Body temperature decreases. The number of leukocytes - white blood cells - increases. In the body of those who go to bed at this time, melatonin, the hormone of youth, is produced with redoubled force.
23:00 — If we sleep, the cells restore their functions. Blood pressure decreases, pulse becomes slower. Metabolism slows down. At this time, the body is most prone to developing inflammatory processes, colds, infections. Eating late is very harmful.

In terms of energy: from 21 to 23 hours
At this time, people complete their daily activities and prepare for bed. Therefore, during these hours you need to calm down and ensure yourself good vacation. If you violate this natural law, you can harm your health.
If a person sleeps poorly or insufficiently, he begins to feel unwell, he is overcome by lethargy and apathy.
To have quality sleep, you need to fall asleep before 11:00 pm.

24:00 - This is the last hour of the day. If we went to bed at 10 pm, then it’s time for dreams. Our body, our brain sums up the past day, leaving what is useful and rejecting everything unnecessary.
01:00 – We have been sleeping for about three hours, having gone through all phases of sleep. At one o'clock in the morning comes easy phase sleep, we can wake up. At this time we are especially sensitive to pain.

In terms of energy: from 23 to 1 o'clock
The gallbladder meridian is active. At this time, yin energy gradually dissipates and fades away, but yang energy is born - the most powerful productive life force. If we follow the regime and go to bed before 23:00, then yang energy quickly arises and rises, which benefits our entire body. If it is later, then the “yang” energy begins to be wasted. But it is precisely this that is the basis of life.

02:00 – Most of our organs operate in an economical mode. Only the liver works. It intensively processes the substances we need. And above all those that remove all poisons from the body. The body undergoes a kind of “big wash.”
03:00 - The body is resting. Deep sleep. The muscles are completely relaxed. Pulse and breathing rates decrease, brain wave activity decreases, heart rate slows, body temperature and blood pressure drop. At three o'clock in the morning, energy consumption in the body is replenished.

In energy In other words: from 1 to 3 o'clock
At this time, the liver meridian is activated. The removal of toxins and waste occurs, as well as the regulation and renewal of blood. The best way to strengthen the liver - good quality sleep. The deeper it is, the better the blood circulates and the more active the liver cleansing occurs.

Try to follow a daily routine: eat at the same time, wake up at 6:00, go to bed no later than 22:00 and then you will remain young, healthy and full of energy for a long time! By the way, this is exactly what our ancestors did: they rose at dawn and went to bed at nightfall - probably not only because of the lack of electricity.

We wish you health and prosperity!

Yuri Okunev School

Hi all! Yuri Okunev is with you.

Do you know that you can save a third of your life if you adjust to a person’s biorhythms hour by hour? Often overload with work and personal worries leads to lack of time, stress and even depression. However, the reason for this development of events is not the number of cases, but their planning.

By observing yourself, you may notice that you manage to do more or less depending on the time of day. Therefore, there are patterns that determine your productivity throughout the day. Let's understand them.

For more than two hundred years, scientists have been studying human biorhythms. There are still more questions than answers. The most studied is circadian rhythm activity. It is known how cell metabolism, the functioning of internal organs, and brain activity change.

Knowing the operating mode internal systems, you can plan schedules for nutrition, physical and mental activity, and rest. Therefore, let's look at the biorhythms of human organs hour by hour.
You can see the average activation schedule of internal systems in the figure:

Based on the chart, there are 12 periods of daily peak energy. Taking into account these peaks, the distribution of various tasks and tasks can be optimized.

Sleep well.

  • From 23.00 to 1.00 time to sleep. The pleasure hormone serotonin is being produced, thanks to which you wake up with good mood, which is called “get up on the wrong foot.” The body's immunity and defenses work to ensure good health. Have you noticed that the body heals itself during sleep?
  • From 1.00 to 3.00 peak liver activity. This is the main worker in cleansing the blood of toxins, waste and other debris.
  • From 3.00 to 5.00 peak lung activity. The best time for spiritual practice and pranayama. By 5 am, the pulse quickens, the production of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline increases. Then the work of the large intestine is activated so that the cleansing and restoration processes that took place all night successfully end with the removal of “production waste”.

Time to wake up.

The value of getting up early and how to accustom yourself to it, I described in detail in my book “How to Develop the Habit of Getting Up Early in the Morning.” You already received it for free if you subscribed to blog updates.

By the way, in it I present a view of daily rhythms from the point of view of Ayurveda, which is somewhat different from that described in this article. But one way or another, an extra hour or two in the morning will become your serious competitive advantage in the game called “Life”.

  • From 7.00 to 9.00 breakfast time, as the stomach is activated and ready for efficient work. Most of what you eat during this time will be digested without fat deposits. During this period, it is especially good to plan your day, identify important and urgent tasks, and create a schedule.
  • From 9.00 to 11.00 the spleen and pancreas come into combat readiness. Are you in this moment in the most better shape and peak performance throughout the day, so take on all the important tasks, make the most important calls and meetings, negotiate with your superiors. In general, immerse yourself in work and intellectual work.
  • From 11.00 to 13.00 Blood pressure rises and heart activity increases. Try to avoid stress and physical overload. If work is related to physical effort, then by noon reduce their intensity. Not the best time to visit gym. Also, by 12 o'clock the biorhythmic activity of the brain decreases. Start preparing for lunch break, devote time to completing small, urgent tasks.

A day is a small life

  • From 13.00 to 15.00 The small intestine is actively working, which means you need to have lunch before 14.00. From 14.00 the body is busy with active digestion. Therefore, plan less responsible work during this period.
  • Between 15.00 and 17.00. Activated excretory system, as well as long-term memory capabilities. You can take on intellectual tasks again. After 16.00 there is an increase in efficiency. As work begins to slow down, return to deep dive into job responsibilities, or to active household chores.
  • From 17.00 to 19.00 The kidneys work hard, so you can consume large amounts of water without harming yourself. Great time for sports, going to the gym, doing physical labor around the house, visiting the pool, sauna. Choose any load, taking into account age characteristics.
  • Until 19.00 Replenish your energy reserves with a light dinner. Because the, digestive enzymes are practically not produced, and the gall bladder and liver are in a passive phase, therefore, the last meal should be light and low-fat.

Evening is a time for relaxation and communication.

  • From 19.00 to 21.00 Body temperature rises, blood circulation works at its limit. If in the previous period you did not fill your stomach with a dense, fatty dinner, now you feel an increase in brain activity, improved reactions. You are ready for an exciting evening of leisure. Hiking, country trips, and light physical activity are useful: sport games with children and friends, swimming, bowling, etc.
  • After 20.00 the best mental condition, devote this time to communicating with loved ones and household members, discussing important family issues. As Vladimir Vysotsky wrote: “The morning is wiser than the evening, but there is also something in the evening.”
  • From 21.00 to 23.00 body temperature decreases. The body begins to prepare for sleep. The amount of energy and brain reactivity decreases, but joint mobility is preserved. You can try yoga, stretching, or other relaxing and calming activities again.

Get ready for bed. If something is bothering you, think through solutions, make a rough plan tomorrow, meditate or listen to calm music. Clear your mind so that nothing interferes with your sleep.

To put your knowledge about the rhythms of the day into practice, observe yourself for a week or two. Identify your own peaks and valleys in performance and plan your day based on your results. This way you will not only increase your efficiency, but also improve your health.

The Moon, revolving around the Earth, affects the Earth on the physical plane - ebbs and flows water resources The earth follows its rhythm. Naturally, the Moon also affects a person, who mainly consists of water. Lunar rhythms affect the human psyche and, as a result, their behavior.

So on a new moon, the mood changes from depression to calm, on a full moon - from emotional uplift to anxiety, irritability and aggressiveness, depending on the individual characteristics of the individual.

The moon is the ruler of the two-hour rhythm of sequential activity of 12 human organs (the daily mode of operation of each of the internal organs), which was noted by Chinese traditional medicine.

Moreover, the activation of organs is subject to internal biological clock. With energetic excitement

the body interacts with the main organs, adjusting them to each other, and to changes environment. The full cycle of energetic stimulation of organs is completed in approximately 24 hours.

Each organ of our body has its own biorhythm. During the day, it goes through one highest phase of maximum organ activity, in which it works well and efficiently for 2 hours in a row (at this time it is, as it were, the leader, i.e., it bears a large load), as well as a two-hour phase of minimal activity .

In the phase of maximum activity, the human organ is better amenable to therapeutic effects. A whole cascade of additional biochemical reactions, complexly using substances natural preparations and medicines.

Time of maximum activity human organs by the hour in the daily biorhythm:

  • from 1 am to 3 am - the liver is active,
  • from 3 to 5 o'clock - light,
  • from 5 to 7 o'clock - large intestine,
  • from 7 to 9 o'clock - stomach,
  • from 9 to 11 - spleen (pancreas),
  • from 11 to 13 o'clock - heart,
  • from 13 to 15 hours - small intestine,
  • from 15 to 17 hours - bladder,
  • from 17 to 19 hours - kidneys,
  • from 19 to 21 hours - pericardium (circulatory system),
  • from 21 to 23 hours - total concentration of energy (three fires or heaters),
  • from 23:00 to 1:00 - gallbladder.

These hours are most favorable for their treatment, cleansing and restoration. For example, heart function is strong from 11 to 13 hours - at this time it is necessary to give heaviest load, including in the form of physical exercises;

Time minimum activity of human organs in the hourly circadian biorhythm:

  • from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. _ small intestine,
  • from 3 to 5 o'clock - bladder,
  • from 5 to 7 o'clock - kidneys,
  • from 7 to 9 o'clock - pericardium,
  • from 9 to 11 - triple heater,
  • from 11 to 13 o'clock - gallbladder,
  • from 13 to 15 hours - liver,
  • from 15 to 17 hours - light,
  • from 17 to 19 hours - large intestine,
  • from 19 to 21 o'clock - stomach,
  • from 21 to 23 hours - spleen and pancreas,
  • from 23 o'clock to 1 o'clock - heart.

Human biological clock

Note: ( organ activity by hour )

1. Three heaters. This organ has no anatomical representation, but its functional role is great. Its upper part includes the lungs and heart, controls breathing, the circulatory system, and controls skin pores. The middle part - the spleen and stomach - controls the digestion of food. The lower part - the kidneys, liver, bladder, small and large intestines - carry out filtration and remove excess water and unnecessary substances from the body.

2. Pericardium is functional system, regulating blood circulation (along with the heart), breathing and sexual functions. Its task also includes protecting the heart from outside threats.

Eastern healers, relying on vast experience, have proven that great importance When taking medications, it has not only the dose, but also the time of taking them. Therefore, knowing the time of the highest activity of organs, it is possible to carry out procedures aimed at improving health, introducing healing substances or flushing out poisons. The most beneficial influence these organs and parts of the body will be provided with therapeutic and wellness treatments, if we also take into account the daily position of the Moon.

So, for example, from 7 to 9 o'clock is the best time for breakfast (the stomach is most active), from 11 to 13 o'clock - for the most great reception food (when the heart is active). For those suffering from poor blood circulation, it is recommended to move less from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and stay in the shade on hot days. If you have problems with small intestine, then treatment is effective at this time. From 17 to 19 hours is a favorable time for dinner, treatment of the kidneys and back (the time of kidney activity). From 19 to 21 o'clock the Moon appears in the sky, at this time it is most effective to treat impotence and frigidity. The period from 21 to 23 hours is exceptionally good to help with skin and hair.

From 23 to 1 o'clock is the most mystical part of the day.

Daily activity of organs by hour and function

(the most favorable time for their healing, cleansing and treatment)

Yang period (from 6.00 to 18.00) - the activity of the body, the breakdown of its structures, obtaining and digesting food, i.e. waste of energy (catabolism).

Yin period (from 18.00 to 6.00) - the body transitions into a passive state, assimilation of absorbed food (anabolism), restoration of destroyed structures during the day

Pitta (Bile) is a favorable time (10.00-14.00,22.00-2.00) for all physiological reactions in the body: digestion, metabolism, immunity, etc.

Vata (Wind) - (14.00-18.00, 2.00-6.00) drying and cooling of the body, a favorable time for the circulation of air, blood, lymph and other fluids in the body.

Kapha (Mucus) - (18.00-22.00, 6.00-10.00) mucus in the body, decreased calorific capacity, predisposition of the body to colds and tumor diseases.

The highest pulse rate is observed at 17-18 hours, the decrease in pulse is at 13-14 and 22-23 hours. Blood pressure is lowest in the early morning hours and around midnight, and highest at 4-8 p.m. Therefore, it is advisable to take most medications that lower blood pressure at 15-17 hours.

Maximum readings of body temperature and blood pressure are observed at 18 o'clock, body weight - at 20 o'clock, minute volume of respiration - at 13 o'clock, leukocytes in the blood at 24 o'clock.

It has been established that a decrease in body temperature can cause a restructuring of physiological rhythms. The biological clock slows down. Human life is extended.
When the body temperature rises, for example, with the flu, a person’s biological clock, on the contrary, begins to rush.

During the day organ activity by hour In humans, several increases in physiological activity occur.

During the daytime they are observed from 10 to 12 hours and from 16 to 18 hours. This time is most favorable for doing physical work, making decisions, and new beginnings.

The nocturnal physiological rise occurs from 0 to 1 am. Some people successfully use this time for creativity.

At 5-6 o'clock in the morning a person has the highest performance: blood pressure increases, the heart beats faster, the blood pulsates. Viruses and bacteria have the least chance of invading our body at this time. The most significant peak of normal labor occurs in the morning hours.

The most favorable time for going to bed - 21-23 hours - occurs during one of the physiological declines. And if you can’t fall asleep by 23 o’clock, then later it will be more difficult to do so due to the physiological rise approaching 24 o’clock. This is especially useful to know for people suffering from insomnia.

Morning can be dangerous for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Their body is especially sensitive to the “wake up” signal. Typically, blood pressure, reduced at night, jumps sharply upon awakening. A change in biorhythm under the influence of a light stimulus causes the tonsils to release an increased amount of hormones into the blood. This causes blood cells to clump together, which can eventually lead to a stroke.

After 12 noon, the first period of daytime activity takes place. Less glucose enters the blood from the liver. You begin to feel tired. Need rest. After 13 hours the energy production curve goes down and our reactions slow down. This is the second lowest point in the daily cycle.

After 14 hours, my health begins to improve. The senses, and above all smell and taste, become especially sensitive. This is the best time to eat.

At 16:00 the second daily physiological rise begins. At this time, it is good to exercise: the body feels the need for movement, and mental activity gradually fades away. During evening training, the flexibility of athletes increases, but their height decreases, and this is most noticeable in people of the asthenic type, and least noticeable in picnics.

After 18 hours, blood pressure increases, we become nervous, and quarrels easily arise over trifles. This is a bad time for allergy sufferers. Often at this time a headache begins.

After 19 hours our weight reaches its maximum (daily weight), reactions become unusually fast. During this time, the fewest traffic accidents are recorded.

After 20 hours, the mental state stabilizes, memory improves.

After 21 hours, the number of white blood cells almost doubles, body temperature drops, and cell renewal continues. The body needs to be prepared for sleep.

Between 2 and 4 a.m., memory and coordination of movements deteriorate, slowness in actions appears, the number of errors when performing mental work increases, muscle strength decreases by 2-4 kilograms, and the heart rate decreases by 15-20 beats, and by 4-6 breaths. exhalations, pulmonary ventilation decreases, blood oxygen saturation drops by 4-5%.
Only the liver uses this period for intensive metabolism, removing everything from the body toxic substances. There is a big cleansing going on in our body.
At four o'clock in the morning the brain receives minimal amount blood. Although the body works at minimum speed, hearing becomes more acute. Even the slightest noise can wake a person. This is when the most people die.

The value of circadian rhythms can be used to enhance and also to reduce doses of medications, since even small dosages are maximally absorbed during the period of organ activity.


  • Michael Smolensky, one of the leading experts in the field of chronobiology, and Lynn Lamberg, a veteran medical journalist, wrote the book “The Body Clock Guide for better health"(The Body Clock Guide to Better Health by Michael Smolensky and Lynne Lamberg)
  • Deepak Chopra - » Full sleep. Full program for overcoming insomnia."
  • Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia