Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Numbers: Lucky and unlucky. Research work "The magic of numbers. Lucky and unlucky numbers"

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Is it possible to find out exactly how many troubles and misfortunes, and how many happy days are intended for everyone in his life? In search of an answer, scientific minds even before our era paid attention to numbers and began to attribute magical meaning to them. “All things can be represented in the form of numbers,” said the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras. Thus, he made it clear that the world is ruled by numbers and behind each number there is a secret.

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Let's see how to determine lucky and unlucky numbers. As a rule, it is considered superstition to take into account the influence of lucky or unlucky numbers, but in Feng Shui numbers are given serious significance, far from any mysticism. Bias in the interpretation of number meanings is caused by a peculiar feature of the Chinese language. Thus, there are many similarities in the sound of words with different meanings. For example, two different words - “four” and “death” - will sound almost the same. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Chinese are willing to pay decent money so that the number of their house, office, car, telephone or credit card does not contain fours, reminiscent of death. The word “two” sounds like the word “easy,” so the address of, for example, house number 24 will sound too similar to the phrase “easy death.” “Eight” sounds the same as the word “prosperity,” and as a result of the homonymous similarity, the number “28” temptingly promises “easy money.” Who would agree to change such a number, for example, to number 174, which, when pronounced out loud, convincingly conveys: “Everyone dies together.” The symbolism of numbers in their homonymous meaning, i.e. by sound, can play a decisive role in choosing a date for an important family or business event (wedding, signing a contract, sales agreement, etc.). Thus, in anticipation of a date favorable to the burial of the deceased, this ceremony was sometimes postponed for several weeks.

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Feng Shui lucky and unlucky numbers. The number “1” is considered very lucky in Feng Shui, although it does not have a specific meaning. "2" means illness and is one of the two most unlucky numbers. "3" relates to anger, disagreement and conflict. “4” correlates with love, as well as with knowledge, which is at odds with the homonymous interpretation. “5” is another very unfavorable number, meaning failure and depression. “6” is considered a very lucky number, meaning saving money. “7” is associated with spirituality and communication, prosperity. “8” is the most favorable number, meaning prosperity in the near future. “9” joins the list of lucky numbers, also promising luck and good fortune in the future.

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Successful and unlucky dates. March 21st can be considered a lucky date. It is on this day that it is best to move to a new place of residence, buy real estate, and have a housewarming party. This is due to the fact that March 21 is the day of the vernal equinox, the holiday of the sun and fire. According to legend, it was on this day that the world was created. Don't you catch the connection between the day of the creation of the world and the change of place of residence? The confidence of our ancestors that our Earth is our home in the vast Universe will help you connect these two concepts. Relocation to a new place was accompanied by numerous rituals so that the owners could live in the house easily and happily, so that they would not know sorrows, poverty and quarrels. The creation of a house, like the creation of the world, must coincide, which is why housewarming will be fun and life in a new house will be comfortable if you postpone the move to a new place of residence until March 21.

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Favorable and unfavorable days of the week and dates and folk signs. Favorable days Leave on the road on Tuesday or Saturday. Whoever washes his silver and eggs on Thursday before sunrise will be healthy and clean. There is no easier day against Saturday (and harder than Monday). Whoever was born on a full moon will be tenacious and durable. On Friday, looking at the birds flying past, you should say: “No matter how many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred to the wallet.” Donate money to the church this Christmas. But before you give them away, say: “To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father.” On Trinity Sunday they always put on something new - for good luck.

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Favorable and unfavorable days of the week and dates and folk signs. Unfavorable days On what day of the week is the Annunciation (April 7), do not start anything on that day throughout the year. Don't start anything on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Don't give out money on Monday - expenses all week. On Monday they don’t lend money so that it doesn’t melt like wax throughout the week. Don't borrow money on Tuesday, otherwise you'll be in debt for the rest of your life. From Monday - for the whole week (that is, good or bad). Monday and Friday are hard days; Tuesday and Saturday are easy. Whatever God gives, do not spin on Wednesday (or Friday). Working on Friday is a sin. On Fridays, men do not plow, women do not spin. On Friday, chickens are not allowed to lay eggs: the chickens do not live. Anyone who starts a business on Friday will back off. You can’t laugh and have fun on the eve of a big holiday - there are tears on the holiday. On Easter days, girls do not take salt in their hands so that their palms do not sweat.

Numbers. Happy and unhappy. Fear of the number 13. There are opposing points of view regarding the meaning of this number. In the West, this number is considered unlucky. It is associated with the fact that 13 people were present at the Last Supper and one of them died. The psychological impact of this prejudice on the minds of people is so great that in some hospitals in the West there is no 13th bed. There is another reason for fear of this number. The mystical symbol of the number 13 is the painting “Death with a scythe in his bony hands harvests his terrible harvest.” No one could understand its real meaning, and the number began to be considered unlucky. However, this number can have an unlucky meaning if number 13 occurs by chance, for example if a number of people are invited to dinner and only 13 of them show up, then this could be a bad sign.


It is known that some numbers bring good luck, others bring misfortune, others warn of danger, etc. Having learned the simple rules of numerology, you can calculate them yourself for yourself, your loved ones and friends.


Typically, a talisman is an object that brings success, prosperity and happiness to its owner. But a talisman can be not only some thing, but also a number. Knowing your lucky number is very helpful in life. When it’s hard for you to decide on some action, the appearance of a talisman number within sight will give you strength and confidence. The talisman number will signal the end of a boring, gray period of life and the beginning of joyful changes.
To determine your talisman number, you need to add up the birth dates (day, month and year) of your father and mother and your own, and then divide the resulting amount by three. For example, a person was born on October 16, 1961, his mother was born on April 7, 1939, and his father was born on December 18, 1938. You need to add all the numbers sequentially (the month of birth is taken as a serial number in the year): 1+6+1+0+1+9+6+1+7+4+1+9+3+9+1+8+1+ 2+1+9+3+8 = 91. Divide the resulting number by three: 91:3 = 30.3. Often, division results in a whole number, but if the result is a fractional number, it must be rounded to the nearest whole number. We round as follows: if there is a number up to 5 after the decimal point, then we discard it, if it is 5 or more, then we add one to the number before the decimal point. In our case, we get the talisman number - 30. So, for the person from our example, you need to know that all his affairs, accompanied by the appearance of this number, will be successful and will bring joy or prosperity. Also, often only favorable events will occur on every thirtieth day of the month and in the thirtieth year of life. It is doubly favorable if this person lives in a house or apartment at number 30.
So that the talisman number not only attracts fortune to you, but also protects you from possible troubles, you can carry an image of this number with you. To do this, just write it on the inside of a leather watch strap, or embroider it with threads on your favorite handkerchief and never part with it, or write it on a piece of paper and put it in your breast pocket, you can also order yourself a pendant, etc.


There are also numbers that affect people negatively. The number 13 probably immediately came to your mind. But every person has his own unlucky number, one might say his enemy. No matter what a person does, no matter what plans he makes, the intervention of this number can destroy everything or turn it upside down. To prevent the enemy number from bringing you much trouble, try to avoid it.
To begin with, of course, you need to know the enemy by sight, i.e. calculate your unlucky number. This is done very simply. Write your first, middle and last name on the line. Now put a one under each vowel, and a two under each consonant. Add the resulting numbers together. For example, let’s find this number for Vitaly Matveevich Ivanov: V-2, I-1, T-2, A-1, L-2, I-1, J-2, M-2, A-1, T-2, V-2, E-1, E-1, V-2, I-2, Ch-2, I-1, V-2, A-1, N-2, O-1, V-2.
As a result, we get 36. This is the enemy number of Vitaly Matveevich Ivanov. As soon as this figure “pops up” on the horizon, he begins to have terrible luck. For example, on bus route 36 he can never get there on time and without incident. So calculate your unlucky number. This will help you avoid troubles or at least be prepared for them. For example, how can you deceive your enemy? As soon as you notice it “on the horizon,” immediately think about which of the things you have planned for today can be postponed until better times. You will save a huge amount of your nerve cells if you don’t try to do something on this day that still won’t work out, no matter how hard you try.
Where can you meet your enemy? This danger awaits you at almost every step. You can find the enemy number on the license plate of a car parked near your entrance or on a ticket in transport. Your enemy number may well disguise itself as a store, school, or telephone number - perhaps then you should think about your relationship with this person.
So, there are two ways to defeat your enemy number: firstly, the implementation of all important and grandiose plans must be postponed until later if you meet an enemy number along the way; secondly, you need to seek protection from your talisman number. Look for it everywhere and in everything at once, and when you find it, consider that possible trouble has been neutralized.
In principle, you should count on success only when the number of mascot numbers that catch your eye is significantly greater than the enemy numbers.
What if the talisman number and the enemy coincide? Such coincidences are very rare, but when you have just such a case, it means that nature has given you enormous potential, considerable inner strength and such powerful energy and intuition that you are able to make decisions and implement your plans regardless of the influence of your numbers on you.

Prepared by Olesya STEPANOVA.
©”Health and Longevity” No. 38, 2012

TOGBOU "Inzhavinskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school"

Additional material on mathematics

for grades 5-9

"On the Origin of Certain Numerical Superstitions" »

Prepared by a math teacher

R. p. Inzhavino

On the origin of some numerical superstitions.

Religion, the belief in the existence of supernatural, unreal beings, arose in ancient times, when people did not have a correct idea of ​​the universe, when formidable natural phenomena - thunder, lightning, storm, flood, earthquake, fires - were incomprehensible to people, mysteriously mysterious; when primitive man was completely helpless before the powerful forces of nature.

Fear, helplessness and ignorance also gave rise to various superstitions: fortune telling, witchcraft. A primitive hunter, for example, struck with a spear the figure of an animal he had drawn on the sand, believing that there was a secret, supernatural connection between the image and the animal itself, and that by destroying his drawing, he supposedly killed the animal itself.

With the advent of a class society based on the exploitation of man by man, religion became a weapon of oppression of the masses of working people, increasing the social oppression of the masses. Religion has always been the source of many superstitions, including numerical ones. Everyone has encountered numbers that are called magic. In fairy tales, legends, proverbs and sayings, in calendars and on dials, in rituals and cults we meet the Holy Trinity, three wishes, seven days of the week, seven kids, 12 months.

The number “three” is found in many proverbs and sayings: “in three pines”, “in three streams”, “in three boxes” and so on.

Just like the number 3, the number 4 also stood out, which at first served to designate a set in general. For example, in Egyptian hieroglyphs, many objects were represented by three and four sticks

Observation of nature suggested the special significance of this number. People everywhere encountered, or thought they encountered, division by 3. They saw that the universe consists of sky, earth and water; in front of them stood the heavenly bodies - the sun, moon and stars; in bodies they observed three dimensions - length, width and height; in time - past, present and future. And since the religion of the ancients was associated with natural phenomena, they made division by three the basis of their theoretical systems, and this number acquired the meaning of the sacred. The Pythagoreans considered the number 3 to be perfect because it has a beginning, middle and end, and depicted it as a triangle.

The number 3 has entered the Christian religion; believers represent God in the form of a trinity: father - son - holy spirit. And among the Russian people, the number 3 was considered miraculous and possessing magical powers. It is no coincidence that fairy tales constantly mention 3 wishes, 3 heroes, the thirtieth kingdom, 3 days and 3 years. And the Slavic proverb: “God loves the Trinity” says the same thing. This number formed the basis for the compositional structure of a number of works of art.

It is curious that the number 3 was considered not only as a lucky number (“God loves the trinity”), but also as an unlucky one (“damned”). The Greeks did not like the number 3. It was believed that this number could bring sorrow. There was a belief that if one misfortune happens, one should prepare for two more: fate will not calm down until a person survives exactly 3 misfortunes, and only then can fortune smile on him.

In France, to this day there is a superstition that if someone dies, two more deaths should definitely be expected in the area in the coming days.

And among the Russian people, the number 3 was considered miraculous and possessing magical powers. It is no coincidence that fairy tales constantly mention 3 wishes, 3 heroes, the thirtieth kingdom, 3 days and 3 years. And the Slavic proverb: “God loves the Trinity” says the same thing.

Just like the number 3, the number 4 also stood out, which at first served to designate a set in general. For example, in Egyptian hieroglyphs, many objects were represented by three and four sticks.

The number 6 was also regarded by the Greeks as lucky; it was known as a symbol of reliability, loyalty and decency. Therefore, it was believed that those married couples who entered into their union on the sixth would live very long and happily. There will never be any quarrels under the roof of their house; troubles will pass them by.

The number 6 was used as a talisman when concluding a deal when they wanted the partnership to be successful and stable.

In ancient times, at one of the initial stages of the development of counting, the number 7 was considered for a long time to be an indefinitely large number. The ancient Babylonians considered the number 7 sacred. From the Babylonians, the religious veneration of the seven passed to other peoples.

The number 7 for the Greeks meant fear, anxiety, tossing, and doubt. But, on the other hand, the number 7 can be considered a magic number. After all, this is the number of aspirations, desires and fantasies. The number seven was often a talisman for sorcerers, shamans and witches. The Bible says that God created the world in six days, devoting the seventh day to rest.

The Greeks recognized 7 wise men and 7 wonders of the world, the Romans believed that Rome was built on 7 hills, etc. Prejudices associated with the number 7 were passed on to European peoples, including the Russians. The Russian people paid the closest attention to the number 7. Remember how many proverbs and sayings use the number seven: “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Seven nannies have a child without an eye”, “Seven do not expect one”, “One with a bipod, seven with a spoon”... . In Tsarist Russia, the number 7 was used in witchcraft and spells. Ignorant religious healers, the so-called healers, usually resorted to techniques designed to gain the trust of their patients. Among these techniques was the repeated repetition of the “holy” seven: “Make an infusion of seven powders in seven waters, drink seven spoons for seven days.”

The British attributed special power to seven: if a child’s date of birth is a multiple of seven, then he is destined to live a long and happy life. The magical influence of the seven can also be traced in this belief: if the seventh child in a family has seven children, the last of them will certainly be endowed with unusual abilities - he will be able to see the future, heal people and communicate with the other world.

The number 7 literally permeates the entire cultural history of the peoples of the Earth. Observing the sky, ancient astronomers counted 7 planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They noticed that the planets, although confusingly, moved along a certain celestial road among a certain circle of celestial constellations.

In their astronomical observations, ancient peoples noted two important events - the period of the equinox, when day is equal to night, and the time of the summer solstice. In Southern Babylonia, at the summer solstice, 5 signs of the Zodiac were available for observation, while 7 were invisible. Five and seven became the sacred numbers of the Zodiac. In the first set of laws known to us by King Hammurabi (1 BC), the duration of the summer part of the year was determined at 5 months, and the winter part at 7.

Five was considered the number of the heavenly, lunar world; seven belonged to the solar, underground world. The first was represented as a lucky number, and the second as an unlucky number.

The Greeks associated the number 8 with balance, calm and stability.

The number eight has long been considered a talisman for newborns; it protected them from the evil eye and evil spells. Maybe it’s all because of her symbol, because it represents infinity, having neither beginning nor end. It was on the eighth birthday that close relatives were allowed to look at the newborn for the first time.

In Denmark, there was a belief that it was necessary not to extinguish the fire in the hearth for the first 8 days of a baby’s life in order for the child to be healthy.

The number 9 is directly related and dependent on the number 3. Sometimes it is thought of as the number 3, only in a stronger form: 9 = 3x3. It is interesting that if the most ancient legends speak of three muses, then the later ones speak mainly of nine. The numbers 3 and 9 found special use in everyday relationships. For example, at feasts there was a rule - to drink 3 cups or 9, but never 4 or 5. In the speech of a number of peoples, the “ninth wave” is a symbol of formidable danger or the highest rise, mighty power. It seems to crown some process and marks the beginning of the transition to a new quality.

Among the Slavs, funeral services for the deceased are held on the 9th day after his death. Apparently, this also indicates some kind of renewal process, but in the other world.

From 3 x 3 = 9 a step is taken to 3 * 9 = 27. This number also has magical powers, for example, when spelling the spirits of diseases. The famous fairytale “far away lands” comes from him.

But the number 12 is considered the luckiest. This is a special number. The Gospel says that Christ had 12 disciples - apostles.

Since this number brings good luck to all people, it is best to solve important problems on this day. It is also suitable for relaxing and relaxing. On the twelfth it is also good to start a good deed that will bring good luck not only to you, but also to others.

Everyone knows the panic fear of the number 13. The number 13 is often regarded as the most unlucky number; it is also called the “devil’s dozen”.

Why is 13 considered a devilish, unlucky number? One explanation can be found in Scandinavian myth. In Valhalla, in the palace of the supreme god, a feast was held to which 12 gods were invited. All of them brought benefits to people: one was the god of love, another - the god of fertility, the third - the god of hunting... And only the god of strife, evil and envy was deliberately not invited to the holiday. But when the feast was in full swing, an uninvited guest appeared. He was so angry that he began to throw thunder and lightning around himself and caused all the gods to quarrel among themselves. Since then, the number 13 has been considered unlucky.

Many people have noticed that this number has a bad effect on their destiny and brings bad luck. There is even a belief that under no circumstances should the wedding day be set on the thirteenth, as the marriage will soon fall apart. The thirteenth is especially feared if it falls on a Friday. Friday, and even the thirteenth, is the unluckiest day.

It is best on this day not to start new things, not to celebrate holidays, not to think about important things that can affect your entire destiny.

Sometimes, even if you are terribly afraid of Friday the thirteenth, nothing happens on this day, and then you can breathe easy - because the danger has passed. But more often than not, this day is quite unusual, unlike all the others, so don’t be surprised if your entire daily routine changes and you do something you never thought about.

In many hotels in some countries (England, USA, etc.) there are no rooms with the number 13, the elevator does not stop on the 13th floor, there are no public transport routes with the number 13. Sailors try not to go to sea on the 13th, there are no numbers 13 in the Italian lottery, There are no houses with number 13 in France.

American millionaire Paul Goethe declared: “Where there are 13 people, I won’t sit at the table!” The devil’s dozen are not needed at dinner!”

But these superstitions related to the number 13 did not exist among the Slavs. For example, in Ancient Rus', churches with 13 domes were erected - Sophia in Novgorod, Polotsk and Kiev Sophia, but they were not considered unfortunate.

Some are sure that this particular number 13 is their lucky talisman.

The Englishman Sipson, living on the 13th floor in apartment 13, received a notice that he was being fired on the 13th, went to a football match out of grief and soon bet 13 million. He won £53,457.

Such people, for example, include the Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva. She always believed that 13 was the number that brought her success not only on stage, but also in life. Her husband, Philip Kirkorov, achieved the favor of his beloved when he began to give her bouquets consisting of 13 and 113 roses.

There is also such a sign: a person born on the thirteenth will always be successful in business, everything in life will be easy for him. As you can see, signs and beliefs contradict themselves, which means that all people have their own lucky and unlucky numbers.

The number 17 is considered unlucky in Italy. Why? And the whole point is that if you write this number in Roman numerals, you get VIXI, and if you look at Roman numerals as letters of the alphabet, then in Italian you get the phrase “I lived”

Another number 20 can be understood as both happy and ominous. It is quite insidious, so you need to be careful with it. 20 can bring with it extraordinary luck, and you should be very careful not to miss your lucky chance. But sometimes even those who consider the number 20 to be their lucky talisman suffer from its unpredictability: it can help, but it can also harm.

Why is this number considered so fickle and unpredictable? Maybe it's all about the soothsayers.

When Christianity began to spread throughout the world, a prediction appeared that the twentieth century would be fatal for humanity: great misfortunes would befall people, although there would also be great successes.

As you can see, their predictions came true. It was the 20th century that brought both unprecedented successes and terrible disasters. In this century, humanity began to explore space, survived two world wars, and created the atomic bomb. Scientific and technological progress has reached an unprecedented peak. Now it is impossible to imagine life without computers, television and video equipment, supersonic aircraft and space rockets, and just a hundred years ago humanity was just mastering the first cars, and the only means of information was the newspaper.

The achievements and successes of people in this century were so high that they allowed them to emerge from all trials with honor.

Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to the number 20: along with unprecedented difficulties and terrible trials, it promises a huge rise and stunning success.

It is also worth taking a closer look at those numbers that end in 0. There is still a superstition that all such numbers mean the beginning of the end, which means that these days it is better not to start anything new - it won’t work anyway, a huge number of obstacles will interfere .

Those numbers that ended in two or three zeros were declared especially unlucky. People remember from time to time that the predicted end of the world is coming, but no one knows when it will be. That is why they paid close attention to the numbers that ended in zeros, declaring this date, once again, the end of the world.

This is not to say that numbers ending in 0 are necessarily unlucky; there is no need to worry if you were born, say, on the 10th. The negative qualities of such numbers are rather global in nature, and you should not correlate their unhappy qualities with your destiny.

In addition to lucky and unlucky numbers, there are the same dates.

The date February 29 is considered not very lucky. Why? Perhaps because it occurs only once every four years and falls on a leap year, which is called “difficult”. If you don't share this opinion, at least sympathize with those people whose birthday falls on February 29th: they celebrate their birthday and receive gifts only once every four years.

March 21st can be considered a lucky date. It is on this day that it is best to move to a new place of residence, buy real estate, and have a housewarming party. This is due to the fact that March 21 is the day of the vernal equinox, the holiday of the sun and fire. According to legend, it was on this day that the world was created.

Maybe you didn’t catch the connection between the day of the creation of the world and the change of place of residence? To tie

These two concepts will be helped by the confidence of our ancestors that our Earth is our home in the vast Universe. Relocation to a new place was accompanied by numerous rituals so that the owners could live in the house easily and happily, so that they would not know sorrows, poverty and quarrels. The creation of a house, like the creation of the world, must coincide, which is why housewarming will be fun and life in a new house will be comfortable if you postpone the move to a new place of residence until March 21.

The most unlucky date, before which even Friday the thirteenth seems like a trifle, was considered December 28th. Why did this particular number bring trouble?

The Bible told about this. It turns out that it was on this day that one of the most tragic events in human history took place - the murder of babies. Rumors reached the Jewish king Herod that the king of Judah was born in Bethlehem. Then Herod ordered all the Bethlehem babies to be killed. Because of this inhumane act, the name of Herod became a household name; now Herods are people who know neither justice nor compassion and are capable of any cruelty.

There was a sign that on this day you should not take on new things, plan something, or take long trips.

Here's an interesting historical fact. They tried not to schedule important matters in England on this day. But, due to imprudence, they wanted to hold the coronation of Edward IV on December 28th. The priests noticed the mistake in time, and the coronation was postponed to December 29. The priests, the king's court and the common people were sure that if the king had been crowned on December 28, his rule of the state would have brought only misfortune. For the same reason, on December 28, no decrees were issued and no executions were carried out.

N. Nekrasov has the following lines in his poem “In the Village”:

“Forty bears were counterfeited with a spear,

I failed at forty-one.”

These lines go back to the ancient folk belief that the fortieth bear is considered the last in a hunter’s life. B. Lavrenev has a story “The Forty-First,” the title and denouement of which, apparently, are associated with the same belief about the number 40.

Why does the next number 41 bring death?

For a long time, among many peoples, including the Slavs, the largest number known to them was the number 40. And everything that lies beyond this number is an indefinite set, the unknown. Therefore, the number 41 following it is considered fatal.

At a later time, the number 40 ceased to be the limit, but was preserved in proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, and rituals. Slavic funerals take place on the fortieth day. According to legend, killing a spider means getting rid of 40 sins. In the fairy tale, Ali is a woman and 40 robbers. The full hunt of the Russian nobles consisted of 40 hounds, 40 huntsmen, 40 greyhounds, 40 hounds... All of forty.

By the way, the name “centipede” does not mean that it has forty legs, but that there are many of them. Other peoples call the same insect “millipede.”

Although the number 40 has ceased to be the limit, it has long served as a unit of counting. Initially, magpies in Rus' were considered expensive animal skins of sables and martens. And even earlier, in the charter of the Novgorod prince Svyatoslav Olegovich (1137), forty tribute was determined, taken from the inhabitants of the current Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions and transferred for the construction of the Church of St. Sophia. The custom of counting in magpies probably stemmed from the fact that 40 full skins went into a caftan. This is where “forty and forty sables” come from in Russian fairy tales. Over time, not only valuable skins began to be considered magpies. Thus, Moscow churches were considered magpies: “forty forty churches.” This number began to play a big role in Russian metrology. A pood, for example, contained 40 pounds, a barrel - forty - 40 buckets, and so on.

The history of human development knew different number systems: binary, the most ancient and primitive, and decimal, in which counting was carried out by the number of fingers.

The sexagesimal number system was invented in Ancient Babylon. The Babylonians counted in threes, according to the number of joints on each finger of the left hand (excluding the thumb), that is, up to 12. Then each finger of the right hand (including the thumb) meant 12. Thanks to this, the count continued to 60.

The number 60 became ritual in Ancient Babylon: there were so many gods, and each of them had its own numerical designation from 1 to 60. For example, Bel, the creator of the universe, was designated by the number 20; Marduk, god of the planet Jupiter, numbered 11; Sin, the god of the Moon, numbered 30.

The height of the golden idol installed in the temple of Nebuchadnezzar (Babylonian king, /561 BC) was 60 cubits. Later, some numbers that were multiples of 60 also received ritual meanings: 300, 360. Thus, Cyrus, the ancient Persian king (BC), split the Gindes River, in which his beloved horse drowned, into 360 streams.

It is not surprising that the number 60 formed the basis of the ancient Babylonian calendar. Observing the peculiarities of the circular motion of the Moon and the Sun, the Babylonians came to the conclusion that the year consists of 360 days. That’s why they divided the circle into 360 degrees, one degree for each day. The year was divided into 12 months, because the Sun lingers in each constellation of the Zodiac for about a month, and the Moon moves across the sky in a month - 30 days. In one of the Babylonian temples there was a statue of a god surrounded by 360 jars, each of which symbolized one of the days of the year.

Later, the sexagesimal number system was used not only as the basis for the division of angles, but also of time. Therefore, there are 60 minutes in one hour, and 60 seconds in one minute.

Superstitions have existed since the dawn of civilization to this day. Millions of people around the world are still infected with superstitions and have no intention of giving them up. Since people interact so much with numbers, there are naturally many superstitions associated with “lucky” and “unlucky” numbers.

Superstitions may have different origins, but they are all born of ignorance and fear.


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13. “Signs in the light of science”

14. “Practical numerology

15.About Slavic myths. [Electronic resource]/ - Access mode: http://myfhology. *****/heroes/.htm

16.About superstitions and rituals. [Electronic resource]/ - Access mode: http://sueverija. *****/Muzei/.htm

17. Pictures on the topic. [Electronic resource]/ - Access mode: http://images. *****/images? hl=ru&q=%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%B8 %D0%BD%D0%B0&lr=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi

Numbers are an integral part of our lives, but few people know their true meaning. Numerologists are confident that with their help a person can find out about his future and avoid serious troubles.

We think that numbers are only important in mathematical calculations, but in reality they are not. Thanks to numerology, it became known that numbers can influence our destiny. According to numerologists, numbers can be divided into lucky and unlucky. Thus, any number not only affects our lives, but can also change the future. From this article you can find out which numbers are favorable and which ones portend danger.

Lucky numbers

Fate constantly gives us signals, but we notice them very rarely. Sometimes even an ordinary number on a banknote or a road sign can mean something more than we think. For many years, numerology experts have been trying to figure out which numbers portend happiness and which ones predict misfortune. This information will help you and, if possible, avoid serious mistakes.

1 - a strong number. The unit symbolizes internal energy and determination. People under the protection of this number have strong character and self-control. They reach heights more often than others and are able to overcome any obstacles.

2 - kindness and hope. Since ancient times, the two has been a symbol of love and goodness. She helps people find success in their personal lives and supports those who want to start a family.

3 - determination. Three gives confidence, increases self-esteem and protects a person from rash actions. This number is considered the patron of careerists, it helps them achieve their goals and protects them from enemies and envious people.

4 - patience. Four will help you overcome and withstand any difficulties. It is also a symbol of strength and stability. The number can bring good luck and attract success and wealth.

5 — number of leaders. If you are an entrepreneur or just dreaming of starting your own business, A will help you. Ever since school, we have associated this number with something positive. It can bring victory and attract good luck. Numerologists call five one of the most powerful numbers.

6 - responsibility. If you cannot start a new business without finishing the old one, then you are under the protection of a six. This is the number of responsibility, integrity and responsiveness.

7 - creation. Most natural poets and artists claim that it is the number 7 that awakens their creative impulse. It is known from numerology that this number also symbolizes individuality, which, in principle, is necessary for all creative people.

9 - energy. Nine is a lucky number in terms of health. It helps a person gain spiritual strength, supports him in difficult times and protects him from illness and disease. In addition, it lifts your mood and increases your self-confidence, and sometimes this is exactly what we need to achieve success.

Unlucky numbers

As you already understand, some numbers attract happiness and success, but now it’s time to find out which ones portend misfortune and misfortune. Numerology experts say that it is best to avoid such numbers, otherwise they can ruin your life.

8 - instability. If you are under the auspices of the number eight, it means that your life is too changeable and unstable. Changes happen to you so often that you don’t have time to follow the rhythm of your life. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the influence of a number, especially if it is a component of your date of birth or apartment number. However, you can always use its energy for your benefit.

11 - despite the fact that one is a lucky number, their combination can attract trouble. It symbolizes disorder, uncertainty and inaction.

13 - Every person knows about the danger of this number. There are many reasons for the negative association, and one of the most common is the belief in the negative energy of Friday the thirteenth. According to beliefs, on this day a person runs the risk of facing trouble or even a catastrophe. Even skeptics claim that this number often brought them trouble. From folk wisdom it is known: if there are thirteen guests in the house, the last one to leave may soon leave this world.

17 — this number is treated with caution in many countries. According to Roman scriptures, it symbolizes the end of life and the death of humanity. People born on the seventeenth must always be on their guard.

39 - in eastern countries the number 39 is notorious. In some places it is even a slang word, its meaning is “pimp.” When they see the number 39 on a road sign, some Easterners turn around and drive in the other direction.

666 — many people know it as the “devil’s number.” However, in the Bible, John the Theologian calls it “the number of the beast,” meaning by the word “beast” the Antichrist, the enemy of Jesus Christ. Since ancient times, the combination of three sixes portends danger and even tragedy, thereby scaring people away.

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Many people who believe in omens believe that on Friday the 13th you need to be especially careful, not plan any important affairs or meetings, or better yet, leave the house less often. The 13th is far from the only reason to be on guard. Every culture has numbers that are interpreted as lucky and unlucky. Let's figure out what other numbers can be called unlucky and what danger they pose.

In China, the number 250 is considered an insult. In Chinese it is pronounced "uh bai wu", which means "klutz, fool." There is another version of the bad reputation of this number. In ancient China, the measure of value was 1000 coins. For goods not of the highest quality they asked for 500 coins, and low-quality goods were valued at 250 coins.

The photo shows a non-existent 250 yuan bill. It depicts the grandson of Mao Zedong. Although he does not shine with talent, he became the youngest general in the Chinese army. His only advantage is his tongue-tiedness, which made Mao Xinyu a target for the wit of Chinese bloggers.

Bulgarian mobile phone company Mobitel has suspended issuing the phone number 0888 888 888 after three owners of the number died one after another. The first user of this number was Vladimir Grashnov, the former CEO of the company. He died in 2001. Although he was officially diagnosed with cancer, it is suspected that he was poisoned by a competitor.

Later, the owner of this number was the drug lord Konstantin Dimitrov, who died in the Netherlands, where he went to check the state of affairs of his empire. The death was blamed on rival Russian mafia clans involved in drug trafficking.

The third owner of the number was also a drug dealer and real estate manager. Konstantin Dishliev died near a restaurant in Sofia, Bulgaria. Shortly before this, police seized a drug shipment worth £130 million that belonged to him. After his death, Mobitel blocked this number and decided not to assign it to anyone else.

In Afghanistan, the number 39 is notorious. The roots of this superstition are not exactly known. Some say that 39 in Afghani sounds the same as the expression "dead cow", others associate this number with a Kabul pimp. One way or another, Afghans avoid exactly the number 39. When they see a car with the number 39 on the license plate, they turn around and drive in the other direction, avoid settling in a house with the number 39, put in a license plate anti-identifier if this number appears in the phone number, and those over 39 say they are “one year shy of 40.”

Many superstitious people consider the number 11 to be unlucky. The American mystical horror film “11.11.11,” which was released on November 11, 2011, is even dedicated to this number. Conspiracy theorists associate this number with the assassination of Kennedy and the tragic events of September 11. The twin towers of the World Trade Center stood next to each other, forming a giant number "11". The planes crashed into them on September 11 (1+1+9 = 11). Moreover, September 11 was the 254th day of the year, and 2+5+4 also equals 11. The first plane that crashed into the shopping center tower was on flight 11.

In Italy, the unlucky number is 17. It symbolizes death, because if written in Roman numerals (XVII), it can be read as “Vixi”, which means “I lived.” "Vixi" is often seen on Roman tombs. In addition, it was on February 17 (one of the few events that were clearly dated in the Bible) that the global flood began. In the dream interpretation system, 17 denotes failure. Many Italian hotels do not have room 17, and most Alitalia aircraft do not have row 17.

In Australian cricket, the number 87 is called the "cricket devil's number". It is believed that the batsman who scores 87 runs will lose. The superstition dates back to December 1929. 10-year-old Keith Miller watched a game involving Australian Don Bradman, who, being the best batsman of all time, scored 87 runs in the game and lost. As Miller grew up to play cricket for Australia himself, his teammate Ian Johnson was also out after scoring 87 runs.

Outside of Australian cricket, 111 is seen as an unlucky number for cricket in general. He is called "Nelson" in honor of the famous English naval admiral Horatio Nelson. A superstition states that if a team scores 111 runs, all players must lift one foot off the ground or they will lose the next ball.

In many cultures, 7 is considered a lucky number, but in China it is associated with anger or death. The seventh month of the Chinese calendar is called the “Month of Spirits”, and it is believed that ghosts live among people during this time. The real mass hysteria about the number 7 began in China in 2014 when, within seven days, starting on July 17, aircraft crashed in Ukraine, Mali and Taiwan. Flight MH17 was shot down at 17:17 in eastern Ukraine. At the same time, the Boeing 777 was in operation for 17 years (from 17/07/1997 to 17/07/2014). An Indian military helicopter crashed at 5 p.m., killing seven passengers. On 07/07, the Mi-171 helicopter of the Vietnamese army crashed at 7:37.

The number 26 is considered unlucky in India. And the Indians have more than enough reasons for this. On January 26, 2001, the Gujarat earthquake occurred, killing 20,000 people. On December 26, 2004, a tsunami struck the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000 people.

On May 26, 2007, a series of explosions occurred in the northeastern Indian city of Guwahativ. On July 26, 2008, a bomb exploded in Ahmedabad. And on November 26 of the same year, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Mumbai.

Despite the fact that the connection between numbers and natural disasters seems far-fetched to many, such relationships can sometimes be truly creepy. Thus, since the 1960s, five different aircraft with the number Flight 191 have crashed. In 1967, the experimental X-15 aircraft on Flight 191 crashed. The pilot died. What’s remarkable is that not a single accident happened with this aircraft model. In 1972, Flight 191 crashed at Mercedita Airport in Puerto Rico. In 1979, American Airlines Flight 191 crashed at Chicago O'Hare Airport. 273 people died. In 1985, Delta Airlines Flight 191 crashed at Dallas Airport. 137 people died. In 2012, JetBlue Airways Flight 191 made an emergency landing in Texas. The pilot of this plane suddenly began to behave inappropriately until he was restrained by passengers.

Today, Delta Airlines Flight and American Airlines do not use the number 191 in their flight numbering.