Pulmonologist Ekaterina Gonchar: “Pneumonia often occurs if a person’s immunity decreases.” How not to miss the development of pneumonia in a child


October 08

04:10 2016

The danger of pneumonia: how not to miss pneumonia

Those with pneumonia have a “classic” history of the development of the disease: they caught a cold, were treated, began to get better, but... The temperature, cough returned, and shortness of breath appeared. It is very important not to miss the onset of the disease and to diagnose the disease in time.

How not to miss the development of pneumonia? Why is this disease dangerous and is it necessary to undergo an x-ray if pneumonia is suspected? chest?

What types of pneumonia are there?

Pneumonia (pneumonia) is an infectious disease of the lungs. There are several types of disease: bacterial pneumonia, viral, atypical (the disease is caused by so-called “atypical” pathogens - chlamydia, etc.), fungal. About half of cases of pneumonia are caused by viruses. Viral pneumonia occurs against the backdrop of the cold season and under the influence of the same viruses that cause influenza and ARVI. Children are more susceptible to this type of disease.

Adults are more likely to suffer from bacterial pneumonia: the disease is caused by pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, etc. Symptoms bacterial pneumonia more pronounced than other types of this disease. Atypical and fungal pneumonias are extremely rare and more difficult to diagnose.

Why don't all people get pneumonia?

Pneumonia often occurs against the background of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as a secondary bacterial infection. Also, a healthy person with a weakened immune system can develop pneumonia after communicating with a patient who, during communication, “transferred” some of his own pathogenic microorganisms.

Organism healthy person with a strong immune system will cope with the infection: along with the resulting mucus, which he coughs up, will be removed from the body and pathogens. People with weakened immune systems cope with this task worse.

There is also a high risk of developing pneumonia in smokers. The villi, located on the mucous membrane and taking part in the outflow of sputum, gradually die off in smokers. And, if the mechanism for evacuation of sputum from the body is disrupted, then a person can easily get bronchitis. And then, with a large presence of microbial cells in the body, pneumonia is not far away.

How not to miss pneumonia

Characteristic signs of pneumonia are increased body temperature (often lasting low-grade fever 37,2 — 37,5), general intoxication, cough, weakness. These symptoms can develop again after a person has suffered from acute respiratory viral infection or on their own. In some cases, there may not be a cough. A specialist must be able to distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis, focusing not only on the patient’s testimony, his well-being and the nature of wheezing when listening to the lungs. Therefore for accurate diagnosis fluorography is prescribed ( X-ray examination lungs) chest.

If, after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection, the body temperature has returned to normal, the patient feels better, we can talk about the patient’s recovery. But, if after the shift normal temperature(36.6 on average) the temperature again “comes” from 37 and above, then you definitely need to do a chest x-ray and donate blood for analysis. Blood parameters also determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

How to protect yourself from pneumonia

Patients with pneumonia, not knowing about their illness, starting self-medication often complicate the situation. After reading information on the Internet about the treatment of pneumonia, people buy antibiotics at the pharmacy and start taking them. Such “amateur activity” may not only not help, but also aggravate the situation, even allergic reaction or exacerbation of other chronic diseases. Since you need to be absolutely sure of the diagnosis, know the cause of the disease in order to choose the right one for you. in this case a drug.

Modern medications make treatment of pneumonia effective and quick. However, much depends on the patient himself: if the health condition has stabilized, then it is necessary to do breathing exercises, move more, eat well. Active image life, strong immunity And proper diet– the key to health and resistance to any disease, not just pneumonia.

According to experts, if a person is young enough (not a child or an elderly person), eats normally, tries to avoid stressful situations, goes in for sports and does not allow the development of chronic diseases - then pneumonia simply has no chance!

It is not always possible for a doctor to hear wheezing during pneumonia, especially when the baby is restless and noisy. And pneumonia develops quite quickly in children: just yesterday the doctor did not suspect anything other than an acute respiratory infection, and today it’s pneumonia.

What a vigilant mom needs to know so she doesn't miss it serious disease, first category pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences Anna Gniloskurenko told us.

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) – a fairly serious disease, the cause of which can be various factors: viruses, bacteria, protozoa, worms, etc. The cause of pneumonia largely depends on age. Most often, children get sick from bacterial and viral pneumonia, atypical, less commonly (the causative agent is special intracellular microbes) or fungal. In young children, as a rule, the main pathogens are staphylococcus and streptococcus. And also the so-called hemophilus influenzae (hemophilus influenza), for which routine vaccination is currently carried out. For a child under 5 years of age, the risk of developing pneumonia is quite high, mainly due to the same Haemophilus influenzae.

Symptoms of pneumonia

The main symptom of pneumonia, of course, is a cough. But the general deterioration of the child’s condition should also be alarming. Take a closer look to see if your child has these signs:

The child has become lethargic, refuses to drink and eat;

The temperature remains consistently high. But we must not forget that fever is an optional symptom of pneumonia;

The child begins to breathe more often, shortness of breath appears;

Additional muscles begin to participate in the act of breathing, the child breathes as if with tension;

Your baby's skin may become pale and there may be blue discoloration around the nose and lips;

Although this symptom is not clinical, there is an observation that a bright red cheek (right or left) may indicate inflammation in the corresponding lung.

Viral pneumonia most often begins with ARVI, the appearance of those described above respiratory disorders in this case, it allows one to suspect pneumonia.


Diagnosis of pneumonia

The following will help your doctor make a diagnosis of pneumonia:

Data on the onset of the disease and how it progressed until the moment of treatment (the so-called anamnesis);

Child examination data and so-called physical data. The doctor can listen to the child's lungs with a stethoscope (auscultation) and, if necessary, tap (percussion). It is not always possible to hear characteristic wheezing when listening, but the doctor is alarmed by the “weakening” of breathing over areas of infiltration in the lung tissue;

Data laboratory examinations. Along with all of the above, indicators such as: increase in ESR and leukocytes in general analysis blood, changes in the leukocyte formula;

X-rays of light. The image will clearly show whether there are areas of infiltration in the lung tissue, and what their size is. But, despite the high information content x-ray method, the doctor makes the decision to formulate a diagnosis independently, using all the data available to him.

Atypical pneumonia is often hidden under different masks; it is sometimes difficult to see even for an experienced doctor. For example, in practice there was a case when the leading symptom in a child was vomiting at night for several days, and only when the girl lay down on one side. Only by excluding gastrointestinal pathology was it possible to establish that it was on this side that there was small area atypical segmental pneumonia, which “hid” from listening behind the shoulder blade.

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Treatment of pneumonia

In most cases, in the treatment of pneumonia in children, antibiotics. The choice of drug depends on the suspected cause (causing microbe), age and the presence of possible concomitant pathology: birth defects, pathology gastrointestinal tract etc. In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed at the beginning of treatment wide range. In addition to antibiotics, expectorants are usually used in the treatment of pneumonia, which make the cough productive and facilitate the discharge of sputum, and also use physio therapeutic procedures . In hospital in severe cases use oxygen intravenous treatment, combinations of several antibiotics.

In children, unlike in adults, they may not be so pronounced, which is why you need to be very careful, even if it seems to you that the child is simply sick with ARVI.

First, let's look at the disease itself. In fact, pneumonia is considered an inflammation of the lung tissue, the so-called alveoli, caused by various kinds infections. The disease can develop on both the right and left lungs. In some cases, both sides may be affected, and then the course of the disease will be even more severe.

To notice the first symptoms you should pay attention to the following manifestations:

High body temperature, more than 38 degrees, which does not subside or decreases for a short time, more than 3 days. Moreover, it is worth noting that pneumonia in early age is not always accompanied by high temperature, therefore, such a symptom is not necessary. If suddenly your baby’s body temperature reaches 39 degrees or more, call immediately ambulance any time of the day;

The second thing you should pay attention to is the child’s wet, painful cough. This nature of the reflex exhalation, which is what a cough is, in fact, can indicate inflammatory process in the lungs;

The third indicator of the disease is blueness of the nasolabial triangle and shortness of breath.

In any case, at the slightest suspicion of pneumonia, call your local pediatrician, and if the doctor insists on hospitalization, do not refuse under any circumstances, especially since the symptoms of pneumonia in children are often vague.

Newborn babies are susceptible to pneumonia in most cases if they are born early due date, suffered infectious diseases themselves or the mother during pregnancy, as well as in cases where intracranial hemorrhage was diagnosed at birth.

Pneumonia infant It is even more difficult to detect, and the mother needs to pay attention to changes in the baby’s behavior and carefully monitor the body temperature, because the baby cannot yet complain to you, just as he cannot cough. Your task is to immediately report all observations to the doctor, because in children under 1 year of age the disease can develop rapidly, and the condition worsens even by the minute.

If your child is diagnosed with pneumonia, you are in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor, or at home under the supervision of another doctor, and your child has already had an x-ray taken, and all necessary tests, do not panic. This disease It can be treated quickly enough, and if you seek help on time, there will be no consequences for the body. And the doctor will perform the task of how to cure pneumonia; you just need to follow all the recommendations.

Well antibacterial drugs that the doctor prescribes, do not try to treat the child yourself. The most common are the group of cephalosporins, penicillin series, azithromycin, erythromycin, amoxicillin.

Inhalations using a nebulizer, performed both in a hospital and at home. Medicines for the device and their dosage are also prescribed by the doctor; Berodual and Lazolvan are mainly used.

Chest massage performed by a children's massage therapist, but provided there is no fever.

Thanks to an integrated approach to treatment, the symptoms of pneumonia in children disappear in 2-3 days, the temperature decreases, shortness of breath and the intensity of wheezing in the lungs decrease.

At the end of treatment, which lasts approximately two weeks, you will be given a follow-up test. X-ray, and if the result is positive, they will be discharged from the hospital. Surround your baby with care and love at such a moment, thus you will help him recover from a serious illness.

It is necessary to know the main symptoms of pneumonia in an adult so as not to miss the disease and begin its treatment in a timely manner. Pneumonia (pneumonia) occurs most often as a result of complications of a common acute respiratory viral infection. Such viral infections widespread. People sometimes manage to “catch” the infection several times a year. This leads to the fact that any microbe can become a source of pneumonia.

Of all the existing variety of infection methods, the most common is airborne resulting in transmission of infection. In an organism where the immune system is weakened, an active microbe causes infectious process not only in the upper part of the larynx and nasopharynx, but extends below. Thus, pneumonia occurs.

A person with a viral infection infectious disease You need to know some signs that will help you suspect the disease.

Symptoms of pneumonia

The most important symptom of pneumonia is cough. It can be dry or with sputum production. You should pay attention to sputum, as it characterizes the disease.

  1. Sticky and bloody sputum is characteristic of pneumonia, which is caused by Friedlander's bacillus.
  2. Croupous is accompanied by sputum of a “rusty” appearance.
  3. The sputum is bloody in color with purulent impurities; this is pneumonia caused by streptococci.
  4. When sputum becomes more putrid smell, this is direct evidence of a purulent inflammatory focus.
  5. Pneumonia, which is accompanied by hemoptysis, is caused by fungi.

Be sure to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • a person's illness is prolonged more than a week or comes sharp deterioration feeling after some improvement, this is a sign of inflammation lung tissue;
  • impossible to do deep breath unaccompanied by a cough, it is difficult to exhale, this is also a sign of pneumonia;
  • shortness of breath appeared at a low body temperature or the skin became noticeably pale, wheezing occurred in the lungs, this clearly indicates pneumonia.

A person with a body temperature reaching 39.5-40 degrees may experience severe chills and general weakness, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, lack of appetite. When taking medications to reduce fever positive results not visible. Elderly people who have already weakened during their illness may even experience a disorder of consciousness.

Treatment of the disease

Such patients need to be hospitalized urgently. Treatment should be carried out comprehensively and under constant medical supervision. Compliance bed rest during the entire period of illness is considered mandatory. Doctors allow you to change your body position and sometimes sit down to clear your throat well and ensure lung ventilation and drainage.

In a hospital, a patient with pneumonia is prescribed mandatory broad spectrum, affecting all types of microbes. Drugs that can dilate the bronchi and a complex of expectorants are used.

Recovery protective forces The body must be prescribed vitamins and gamma globulin. When patients' temperature becomes normal, they are prescribed the necessary physiological procedures and massage, which helps speed up the healing process.

For supporting of cardio-vascular system older people are prescribed appropriate medications. Distractive therapeutic procedures are also used: various body wraps, mustard plasters.

Nutrition for pneumonia

The nutrition of a pulmonary patient should be high-calorie, using food rich in vitamins and microelements. At high temperatures, the patient is prepared warm drink with lemon or cranberry juice, and food is given pureed.

The patient is boiled with fresh broth, given different mineral water without gas. You can cook and herbal infusions with mint, lime color or sage. And for very weakened and elderly people, a little wine is recommended to quickly restore strength.

How often parents are upset by the runny nose and cough of their children! But it’s even more offensive when a simple acute respiratory infection turns into dangerous pneumonia. How to recognize the symptoms of the disease in time and begin effective treatment treatment?

A disease such as pneumonia does not occur on empty space. Most often, bacteria are to blame for the disease. Unfortunately, even doctors can find it difficult to immediately recognize and hear the wheezing that occurs in a child with pneumonia, especially if the baby is too noisy. Therefore, even during a common cold, the task of parents is to monitor general condition child, so as not to miss complications.

Causes of pneumonia

Pneumonia can be caused by the most various factors, among which viruses, bacteria and even worms that infect weak body child. Through the nose or mouth, pathogenic organisms reach the baby, reach the bronchi, and then descend lower. This is how pneumonia develops. But even in the first days of the appearance of a runny nose or cough, it is still too early to talk about the presence of pneumonia. But if the temperature persists for 3-4 days and the child has a cough, you should call a doctor.

The danger of pneumonia is that all its symptoms are very similar to ARVI, therefore parents, not yet knowing accurate diagnosis, often hope for common cold and treat the baby cold remedies, thereby only aggravating the situation. This is why it is so important to know the symptoms of pneumonia.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Timely initiation of treatment for pneumonia will result in an earlier recovery of the child and threaten fewer complications after the illness. At the first signs that appear, you should immediately the doctor's consultation.

Symptoms of pneumonia include the following:

  • weakness, decreased appetite and refusal to drink;
  • high temperature for 3 days;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath and rapid breathing;
  • the baby's difficulty breathing, often flaring nostrils;
  • pale skin, blue around the nose and mouth.

It should be noted that pneumonia can occur without high temperature, but if the cough persists, especially worsens at night and in the morning, it is necessary for a specialist to listen to the baby most carefully and refer him for an x-ray.

Treatment of pneumonia

If your baby is diagnosed with pneumonia, treatment, as a rule, will consist of antibiotic therapy. The doctor should choose a drug from a wide range based on possible reasons or the type of bacteria that caused the disease, the child’s age and likely complications.

Many parents, when diagnosing their baby with pneumonia, wonder whether to treat the baby at home or go to the hospital. It all depends on the evidence. If the child is under three years of age and if pathology is present in a severe form of the disease, then the right decision there will be a hospital. But if the child is over three years old and there are no visible pathologies, then he can be treated at home, but under the strict supervision of a specialist.

When home treatment Mom's tasks become:

  • full compliance with the treatment regimen recommended by the doctor;
  • monitor the child's compliance drinking regime for the discharge of sputum;
  • control the child’s daily routine and nutrition;
  • mandatory ventilation and wet cleaning in the room;
  • performing physiotherapeutic exercises.