Causes of bloating. How to avoid bloating: foods that cause gas

Everyone at least once in their life has experienced increased flatulence, which is the cause of bloating. But often the problem is permanent. Therefore, many are interested in the question of why the stomach is swollen and what causes increased gas formation.

Swelling stomach: reasons

The main causes of bloating include:

  • incompatibility of food products;
  • excessive consumption of carbonated drinks;
  • rapid absorption of food;
  • binge eating;
  • eating fatty foods in large quantities;
  • intake of foods and vegetables enriched with coarse fibers and irritating the mucous membranes.

The main provoking factor that causes a swollen stomach is the food consumed.

Foods that cause gas include:

  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • grape;
  • garlic;
  • whole milk;
  • black bread.

Frequent consumption of these products leads to a large accumulation of gases, and the stomach becomes bloated. This condition is often observed during pregnancy.
But sometimes increased gas formation can signal the presence of gastrointestinal pathology.

Swelling stomach due to constipation

Irregular bowel movements lead to the accumulation of a large amount of gas, and the stomach begins to swell. The process may be accompanied by painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Often, constipation is caused by poor nutrition, non-compliance with food intake, as well as nervous strain and stress.
In this case, taking laxatives (Activated Charcoal, Gutalax, etc.) and frequent meals in small portions, excluding foods that cause bloating, will help get rid of constipation and bloating.

With dysbacteriosis, the stomach swells

Disturbed intestinal microflora often leads to increased gas formation and stool disorders. Dysbacteriosis is also characterized by symptoms such as rumbling and abdominal pain. In this case, constipation can be replaced by diarrhea and vice versa.

Heaving due to dysbacteriosis is due to the fact that pathogenic microflora leads to fermentation in the intestines, which causes flatulence. Pathology can be cured with the help of probiotics (Linex, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).

Helminthiasis is the cause of increased gas formation

Antihelmintic drugs are prescribed as treatment. The choice of drug depends on the type of helminths that infect the body.

Intestinal adhesions and bloating

The formation of intestinal adhesions is one of the reasons why the stomach is swollen. The pathological process leads to problems with stool, intestinal obstruction and flatulence. If you have recently undergone surgery in the abdominal cavity, you should consult a doctor for examination, since increased flatulence and abnormal bowel movements are the main signs of the presence of adhesions.

Bloating due to gastritis

Due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa during gastritis, a large accumulation of gases forms in the intestines, causing the stomach to swell. With low acidity, gastritis is also accompanied by symptoms such as nausea or even vomiting; while eating, a person feels a quick feeling of fullness.

Flatulence as a consequence of impaired digestion

Dyspepsia provokes increased gas formation. This is due to the fact that when the disease occurs, the gastrointestinal tract cannot fully digest food due to the lack of sufficient enzymes. This in turn leads to a large accumulation of gases. In the abdominal area, the patient experiences a feeling of distension, fullness and heaviness; pain of varying intensity may occur. Nausea, belching and heartburn are often observed during this process. Also with dyspepsia, frequent bowel movements are observed.

Most often, the occurrence of pathology is provoked by poor nutrition. Dyspepsia is treated by taking medications with enzymes and diet therapy.

Celiac disease and bloating

Celiac disease or celiac disease is a pathology in which there is an intolerance to gluten, a plant protein. All cereals contain it in large quantities. When sick, protein irritates the intestinal mucosa and interferes with the absorption of nutrients.

Eating baked goods leads to bloating, nausea, vomiting, and bowel dysfunction. The patient experiences changes in appetite. With celiac disease, there is an increased feeling of discomfort, bloating, heaviness in the abdomen and excessive swelling.

The main treatment is to completely avoid gluten-containing foods. All flour and bread products are prohibited.

Swelling stomach: what to do

Thorough chewing of food and leisurely eating will help avoid the accumulation of large amounts of gas.

Frequent consumption of foods that lead to increased gas formation should be avoided.

You need to eat in small portions and often.

An exercise such as cycling will help get rid of excess gases. It is performed in a lying position, spinning imaginary pedals with your feet.
Gymnastics to relax and tighten the abdominal muscles can also help with bloating.

You can quickly get rid of flatulence with a belly massage. To do this, make stroking movements with your hand in a clockwise direction.

Anti-flatulence medications

Medicines such as:

  • Motilium;
  • Mezim;
  • Motilak;
  • Meteospasmil;
  • Espumisan.

Motililium is available in the form of a suspension or lozenges. The drug helps eliminate flatulence, nausea, heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of rapid satiety. The drug is also prescribed for impaired digestion. Taking the medication is contraindicated in case of internal bleeding and liver pathology. Use the medicine according to the instructions.

Mezim for flatulence is used depending on how severe the bloating is. The drug relieves swelling and all its symptoms: pain, heaviness and distension. Do not use the product for pancreatitis.

Motilak is available in tablet form and has a similar effect as the drugs described above: it eliminates nausea, belching, bloating and pain. The drug is not recommended for use in cases of gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction.

The action of Meteospasmil is aimed at reducing the formation of gases. In addition, the drug eliminates heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, belching, and stabilizes stool.

Espumisan is available in the form of capsules and drops for children. The drug helps eliminate gases naturally or by absorbing them into the bloodstream. The product also prevents the formation of new gases. Taking the medicine is indicated for flatulence, in the postoperative period and before a medical examination.

Taking activated charcoal before meals will help avoid excessive gas formation. Enterosorbent should not be taken if you have a stomach ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Traditional methods for increased gas formation

Traditional medicine can help get rid of excess gas formation.

Dill infusion will help eliminate flatulence and abdominal pain. To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of chopped vegetable ingredient, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. Take half a glass after meals.

A decoction of cumin can be used as a means of reducing gas formation and abdominal cramps. Brew a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. It is taken in the same way as dill infusion.

Diet therapy

People suffering from increased flatulence should exclude from their diet vegetables with coarse fiber and complex carbohydrates - grapes, cabbage, sorrel, legumes.

You should avoid foods and drinks that cause fermentation processes. This category includes kvass, beer, and sweet soda.

These products should be replaced by the following category:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • fermented milk food.

You should also avoid sweet and starchy foods, as they promote the fermentation process in the intestines.
If your stomach swells regularly, you should consult a doctor for a full examination.

But often, bloating can also bother completely healthy people. In many cases, the cause of discomfort is the way and diet. Some foods cause a fermentation reaction and lead to excessive gas formation if consumed in large quantities.

What foods should you not eat to avoid bloating?

Bloating after eating

If the symptoms of flatulence occur rarely and pass quickly, then it is caused by poor digestion of food. Instead of being absorbed normally in the body, it begins to ferment, forming gases.

In turn, poor digestion can be caused both by the foods themselves and by the way a person eats. For example, it is more difficult for the digestive system to digest foods with coarse fiber (legumes, seeds, nuts, cabbage, yeast products). The task becomes more difficult if you eat a lot of them or chew them poorly. On the other hand, bloating can occur if a person talks while eating. So he swallows “extra” air. Excessive gas formation is also facilitated by the habit of drinking drinks (especially cold ones) and drinking highly carbonated drinks.

Some people may experience flatulence after consuming dairy products. This is due to a deficiency of the enzyme lactase. This enzyme breaks down milk sugar and promotes its conversion into glucose or galactose. With insufficiency or absence of lactase in the intestines, fermentation sharply increases.

Bloating can be one of the symptoms of food allergies. Usually this disease is also accompanied by a rash and itching in the mouth.

In many cases, bloating occurs due to certain diseases of the digestive system. The accumulation of gases in the intestines is observed in the following pathologies:

  • . With this disease, intestinal motor function is impaired;
  • . In this case, the body lacks the enzymes produced by the pancreas;
  • Dysbacteriosis. When the balance of intestinal microflora is disturbed, gases are produced by harmful microorganisms;
  • Intestinal obstruction. Difficulty in passing gas may be caused by the development of a tumor or polyps in the intestines.

If you experience constant bloating after eating, consult a specialist to determine the true cause of the increased formation of gases in the intestines.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello. I have such a problem, since childhood I have had a bloated tummy, physical activity does not help, I played sports for a long time and the stomach was there all the time. I really want to get rid of it, but I don’t know how. Please advise me something. Thank you

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Foods that cause bloating

Most foods that cause excess gas are part of a healthy diet. But if you overeat, don't chew your food well, or combine foods incorrectly, bloating occurs.

Products that cause flatulence include:

  • Starchy foods: pasta, fresh bread, baked goods (especially yeast), potatoes, corn, barley, legumes, rice. An excess of starch is difficult to digest. Once in the large intestine, undigested starch swells and, with the help of bacteria, produces excess gases.
  • Fiber-rich foods. Fiber is necessary for normal digestion. But if your diet contains too many fiber-rich foods (raw vegetables, fruits, berries), it becomes difficult for coarse fibers to move through the intestines.
  • Dairy products. In people with lactose intolerance, bloating will be caused by foods such as milk, fresh kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, and fatty cheeses. In this case, milk should be excluded. Try drinking fermented milk drinks that have been left for 2-3 days, eat grainy cottage cheese. You should not combine dairy products with grains (porridge, baked goods, cookies).
  • Drinks with gases. Soda, champagne, and kvass contain a significant amount of gas. They force the body’s “gas outlet” mechanisms to work in an enhanced mode. He doesn’t always cope with this, which is why symptoms of flatulence appear.
  • Protein foods can also cause bloating. These are meat, fish, rich broths, especially when consumed in excess. It is not easy for the body to assimilate them, and then the process of rotting begins. As a result, not only gases are formed, but also harmful toxins.

If bloating is a consequence of a disease, then these foods should not be eaten. Or, at a minimum, their use should be significantly limited.

The combination of foods is also important for the normal digestion process. The digestive system reacts poorly to the combination of dairy and fermented milk products with all others; to eat fruit immediately after meals; to combine legumes with other products. Symptoms of bloating often occur after eating multi-ingredient vegetable salads, mixing vegetables and fruits, nuts with other foods; potatoes with protein products, a combination of vegetables and cereals.

The following factors contribute to bloating:

  • Swallowing air (hasty while eating, talking while eating)
  • Poor chewing of food
  • Drink plenty of fluids during meals
  • Eating in a state of nervous tension (this inhibits the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract).

Severe bloating is a very unpleasant state of discomfort that is accompanied by numerous symptoms.

This may include painful sensations, heaviness in the abdomen, accumulation of gases, and nausea. What reasons can cause this discomfort? What needs to be done in order to forget about him once and for all?

What happens inside the body

The process of food processing begins in the oral cavity and ends in the rectum. But the most important areas are considered to be the upper intestine.

A person eats food in order to replenish energy and essential microelements. The process of food processing is accompanied by the appearance of a number of waste products that are not needed by the body.

They are excreted from the body along with feces. In this regard, feces have a certain color and unpleasant odor.

If this process does not occur in a timely manner, then the process of fermentation and bloating occurs.

In a healthy person, the amount of gases released is insignificant and does not affect his health.

But with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, copious amounts of gases are formed.

Reasons why bloating appears

First of all, before treating a disorder such as bloating, it is necessary to determine what cause can lead to this condition.

  • Eating certain foods. For example, the reason why bloating appears can be legumes, mushrooms, black and white bread, dairy dishes, apples, and carbonated drinks.
  • Dysbacteriosis. In most cases, this disease occurs due to treatment with antibiotics. They disrupt the intestinal microflora. As a result, the process of food processing occurs in the intestines, through fermentation and rotting.

This is accompanied by the presence of bloating. In this case, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct a diagnosis and determine the necessary treatment measures.

Bloating occurs in parallel with other symptoms. For example, intense pain may additionally occur. With gastroduodenitis, pain appears in the lower abdomen on the left side.

This happens because the intestines begin to put pressure on other internal organs. For example, on the ovaries in women.

Therefore, women turn first to a gynecologist, and only then to a gastroenterologist.

Even if a person consumes a small amount of food, due to flatulence, the opposite impression is created.

Additionally, intoxication of the body may occur and, accordingly, nausea, headache, and vomiting may appear. The body is poisoned by its own poisons.

Side effects on the body due to bloating

Bloating affects a person’s physical health. But additionally, emotional changes also occur. In this case, the load on the body increases significantly.

In this case, the body spends a large amount of energy on processing food.

A significant disadvantage is that despite the enormous expenditure of effort, the body does not receive the required amount of microelements and vitamins.

Due to insufficient energy, a person experiences a constant desire to eat something especially tasty.

But, unfortunately, this only aggravates the situation and leads to even greater problems with the digestive organs. Excess weight appears.

But, due to constant intoxication and bloating, increased irritability and chronic fatigue may appear.

Skin rashes may occur. Additionally, the body’s protective properties are weakened and chronic diseases occur.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

Most people do not pay attention to such a condition as bloating. But additional manifestations appear, due to which it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

For example, this could be a disease such as intestinal obstruction.

  • The abdomen becomes very hard to the touch.
  • Sudden and intense weight loss.
  • Painful sensations in the chest.
  • Nausea and sometimes even vomiting.
  • The appearance of droplets of blood in the stool.


If a patient has bloating, it is necessary to first determine the causes of this disorder. First of all, the doctor determines which foods could cause this condition.

How to treat bloating

What should you do to treat bloating? This question arises when this discomfort begins to bother you quite often.

If a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract has not been previously established, and bloating still occurs after eating, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment.

If you have chronic diseases of the digestive tract, it is necessary to undergo systematic treatment. It is advisable to do this every spring and autumn to avoid seasonal exacerbations.

Treatment should be aimed at both eliminating the causes and defeating the manifestations of the symptoms themselves.

First of all, you should adjust your diet. If a person eats foods that cause a disease such as bloating.

For example, carbonated drinks, legumes, dairy products, beer. A person may also have an individual reaction to certain foods.

Only a doctor can determine the necessary course of treatment. You must first determine the cause. There are several points to solve this problem.

You should adjust your diet, take medications, eliminate gases and solve the problem of bloating.

Proper nutrition against flatulence

When treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eat frequently, but the portions should be small.

The patient should not feel hungry throughout the day. Each serving must be chewed thoroughly.

You should completely exclude from your diet foods such as pears, apples, bread, milk, grapes, raisins, bananas, and pearl barley.

Digestive problems can also arise from eating foods that negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas.

For example, these can be freshly baked flour products, fried, fatty or smoked dishes.


Bloating can be treated with medications.

  • It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and gases with the help of drugs such as Smecta or Polyphepan.
  • If bloating is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then Espumisan will help very well for the functioning of the body.
  • You can remove toxins and waste from the body using activated carbon. The tablets must be dissolved in a glass of water. One tablet per 10 kg of human weight. You can replace activated carbon with white. It can also effectively cleanse the body and eliminate bloating.
  • Sometimes abdominal flatulence occurs due to insufficient pancreatic enzymes. For example, Mezim or Festal. These are artificial hormones.
  • Often a companion to flatulence is the presence of painful sensations. For example, Spazmalgon or No-shpa.
  • In case of dysbiosis, it is necessary to replenish the body with the necessary beneficial bacteria. In this case, drugs such as Lactobacterin or Linex will help.

You can also improve your intestinal microflora if you take a glass of kefir or yogurt with lactobacilli before bed.


Exercise and walking in the fresh air have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of this disease than to deal with treatment for a long time.

Before starting these exercises, it is necessary to completely exclude the presence of acute and serious organ diseases using diagnostics.

Exercise one. You should get down on all fours. It is necessary to take a deep breath and at this time bend your back down, and bend your head and pelvis in the opposite direction. Exhale slowly and gradually, while bending your back in the opposite direction.

Exercise two. You need to lie on your right side and group yourself, that is, pull your bent knees to your chest, your back should be rounded. Thus, it is necessary to lie down for as long as possible, but not less than a minute. Repeat the exercise on the right side. Repeat the exercise on each side 8 times.

Exercise three. You need to get on all fours and draw a semicircle with one leg.

Exercise four. An exercise such as bending over helps to eliminate abdominal flatulence. It is necessary to tilt forward, backward, left and right.

The last exercise that everyone has known since childhood is the “bicycle”. To do this, you need to take a horizontal position, raise your legs and bend them at the knees. You need to repeat the movements as if you were riding a bicycle.

How to quickly overcome very severe bloating

The minimum amount of gases that is in the stomach is 3 liters. It must be remembered that this is a natural process in the body and if it is not possible to take medications, then you need to use the following tips.

  • Warming compress. You can eliminate flatulence with the help of a compress, which can eliminate pain and relieve spasms.
  • The easiest way to eliminate the abundant accumulation of gases is by walking. If this does not help, then it is advisable to find a bathroom.

Traditional methods of treatment

Every year there are more and more people who refuse to use medications and use traditional methods for treatment.

Coltsfoot has a positive effect on bowel function. It is this plant that can eliminate the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and helps eliminate the symptoms of abdominal flatulence.

To do this, take 50 grams of dry leaves and pour 200 grams of hot boiled water. For treatment, you need to take 1 tablespoon 20-30 minutes before eating.

Dill is considered the most effective remedy for treating bloating. It helps improve digestion, eliminate heaviness in the stomach and pain.

Dill is taken not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

For treatment, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dill seeds with hot boiled water and leave for several hours in a warm, dark place. This medicine must be taken throughout the day.

For prevention, dill should be used as a seasoning.

Plantain leaves must be taken to enhance the production of enzymes, and also helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the production of enzymes and accelerates intestinal motility.

With frequent diarrhea, additional bloating occurs. These may be manifestations of diseases such as gastroduodenitis, disorders of the pancreas and liver.

Willow and oak will be good helpers for such diseases. But taking them for a long time is not recommended, as side effects may occur.

For prevention, you can take a mixture of herbs. These are St. John's wort, chamomile and peppermint. They help eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain well.

Each ingredient must be taken in equal quantities and poured with 1 liter of hot boiled water. You need to drink it in the morning and evening before meals.

How to eliminate bloating during pregnancy

During this period, every woman tries to use medications as little as possible. What to do if bloating occurs frequently?

It is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also a gastroenterologist. Only a specialist can prescribe medications that do not have side effects.

Bloating is usually observed in people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. However, this problem can often occur in an absolutely healthy person. The most common cause of flatulence is diet.

Certain products cause active fermentation in the intestines and lead to increased gas formation.

Let's take a closer look at what foods you should exclude from your menu if you are worried about such a nuisance as bloating.

Read also:

The main foods that make your stomach bloat

For any diseases of the digestive system that cause the formation of excess gases, treatment includes adjustments to the menu and food intake.

First of all, spicy, salty, fried and smoked foods are prohibited. It is imperative to limit foods that provoke flatulence.

These include:

  • Food containing starch: pasta, white bread, baked goods, potatoes, corn, legumes, rice.
  • Cellulose. It is required in small quantities by the gastrointestinal tract for normal functioning. But if you eat too much fiber (raw vegetables, fruits, berries), difficulties arise in the passage of coarse fibers through the intestines.
  • Fermented milk products. If you are lactose intolerant, milk, sour cream, kefir, and fermented baked milk can cause flatulence. In this situation, it is better to prefer grainy cottage cheese. It is not recommended to combine milk with grains - cereals, baked goods - in one meal.
  • Carbonated drinks. Sweet soda and kvass are known for their high gas content. These drinks will only worsen the intestinal problem.
  • Protein. Fatty meat, fish, and strong broths, if consumed in moderation, can cause bloating.

Food combination is also extremely important for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It must be remembered that digestion reacts negatively to:

  1. combining dairy and fermented milk products with all other foods;
  2. eating fresh fruit immediately after meals;
  3. combining legumes with other foods.

What measures to take?

It is quite difficult to completely give up food from the above list. But reduce gas formation A number of effective rules will help:

  • eat in a calm environment, chewing food thoroughly;
  • give up harmful substances that cause bloating;
  • reduce portions and intervals between meals;
  • use heat treatment in the process of preparing each dish: bake in the oven, boil, stew, steam;
  • try not to talk while eating - this leads to unwanted swallowing of air;
  • reduce the consumption of salt and spices;
  • limit the consumption of drinks containing acids: alcohol, coffee, tea, fruit juices;
  • do not use;
  • Regular walks in the fresh air and morning exercises are advisable. Physical activity in the form of swimming, running, dancing significantly improves peristalsis;
  • drink tea or decoctions of mint, chamomile, valerian root;
  • get rid of stress factors;
  • take medications that restore intestinal microflora;
  • in case of persistent bloating, consult a specialist to prescribe medication.

It occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of gases in the intestines and manifests itself in the form of discomfort in the abdominal area, attacks of pain and belching. The gases contained in the intestines are produced as a result of the activity of various microorganisms.

Flatulence occurs due to an imbalance between the gases produced and the gases that are expelled from the intestines. Excessive accumulation of gases leads to the patient's digestion being impaired, and it also causes discomfort, since a bloated abdomen is a condition often accompanied by intentional and unintentional releases of gases from the intestines.

Stomach swelling is more common in men

Quite a few people have encountered such an unpleasant problem as swelling in a person. This condition can appear after various holidays or simply after eating certain foods. If your health is normal, then the cause of bloating may be an excess of gases formed in the intestines.

If the cases are more complex, then bloating, including some other symptoms, may indicate the occurrence of some gastrointestinal disease. There are many reasons for a swollen stomach. In healthy people, bloating can occur for the following reasons:

  1. eating foods that don't go well together
  2. excessive consumption of carbonated drinks
  3. using soda as a remedy as a result of a chemical reaction, after the interaction of soda and stomach soda, gases appear that distend the stomach from the inside
  4. a quick meal, as a result of which air enters the stomach along with the food, which is not so easy to get rid of
  5. binge eating
  6. eating fatty foods that take a long time to digest in the stomach in excessive quantities

Also, bloating can occur with diseases such as flatulence. Constipation is a disease characterized by the fact that as a result the patient cannot empty the intestines normally: emptying occurs rarely - from once every two to seven days. A person suffering from constipation may feel that their stomach and intestines never empty as they should, and they may experience pain.

Women often have a swollen belly before menstruation.

With flatulence, the stomach and intestines may swell due to excessive formation of gases in them. This disease is accompanied by the movement of gases through the intestines. Flatulence is a common companion for young children. Another cause of bloating may be a change in diet. For example, with a complete refusal to eat meat products, as a result of the slow restructuring of the body and its adaptation to a new diet, bloating, constipation and

Changing the diet should be done slowly, gradually allowing the body to get used to the new regime. - the cause of bloating caused by eating foods to which a person is allergic. Such products can be anything: from citrus fruits to meat. Allergic reactions also manifest themselves in the form of various skin disorders, digestive disorders, and bloating of the intestines and abdomen. The following diseases may also be accompanied by bloating:

In reality, there are many reasons for bloating. People who suffer from various gastrointestinal diseases may suffer from bloating due to the fact that it is a symptom of various diseases: from gastritis to dysbiosis.

People in good health most often suffer from bloating due to poor nutrition or a change in diet.

How to get rid of bloating

Poor diet causes excessive bloating

The simplest way to get rid of bloating, if it is not caused by illness, is to avoid foods that cause gas in the intestines, as well as to follow dietary standards. You can reduce bloating in the following ways:

  • Eating food slowly reduces the chance of air entering the stomach
  • Thorough chewing promotes faster digestion of food and this will reduce the likelihood of gas formation, since food will not remain in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time
  • When eating, you should not talk, since eating food with your mouth open increases the likelihood of air entering the stomach
  • should be consumed in reasonable quantities
  • Chewing gum should also be avoided, as it also increases the amount of air swallowed.

It would also be wise to find out the cause of bloating and treat accordingly. It can be carried out using the following methods:

  1. adherence to diet and proper nutrition
  2. use of medications
  3. restoration of movement disorders
  4. removal of excess gases from the intestines

For bloating, they are often used to help remove toxins from the intestines. Various infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, mint, chamomile, coriander, etc., ensure the removal of gases from the intestines. In cases of digestive disorders, the attending physician may prescribe medications that help normalize the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can get rid of gases by using the following folk remedy: pour a teaspoon of cumin or dill into 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for a quarter of an hour and then drink. This drink works as a carminative and helps to relax the intestines and remove gases from it.

Getting rid of bloating is quite simple. First, it is necessary to establish the reason why it occurs. If it’s about nutrition, you need to rationalize your food intake. If the problem is some kind of gastrointestinal disease, you need to take medications prescribed by your doctor. At the same time, you can use folk remedies that help remove gases from the intestines more quickly.

Diet for flatulence

Children often have stomach pain due to bloating

The main principle of nutrition for bloating is a balanced diet. For flatulence, no strict diets are used, but people who have a swollen stomach will still have to give up some foods. These include:

  1. carbonated drinks
  2. kvass, beer
  3. hot spices and seasonings
  4. onion
  5. legumes
  6. smoked meats and marinades
  7. baking from yeast dough
  8. wheat and pearl barley
  9. sour fruits

When drawing up a specific diet, you must remember that if you have bloating, you should not eat foods that are incompatible with each other. An excellent assistant in creating a diet will be a food compatibility chart and studying the principles of proper nutrition. The diet also implies the inclusion in the diet of various vegetables, both raw and cooked, fish and egg dishes, pates, fermented milk products prepared without additives. The food consumed should be warmer than room temperature, but should not be very hot.