What can people with diabetes do? Poultry, meat and meat products. Meat, eggs and meat products

Diabetes mellitus requires the patient not only to take medications, but also to change lifestyle and diet. To do this, you need to understand which foods you can eat if you have diabetes, and which you need to limit or eliminate altogether.

At diabetes mellitus glucose metabolism is disrupted. Treatment of the disease is aimed at controlling glycemic levels. In addition to the fact that a person suffering from the disease must take certain medications (and often for life), he must adhere to a diet, which involves prohibiting the consumption of many foods, in order to control the course of diabetes. Let's look at what you can't eat if you have diabetes and how to correct the disease with a healthy diet.

The main methods of treatment for diabetes are: balanced diet according to the doctor’s instructions, exercise and (attention!) – giving up cigarettes. It is imperative to constantly monitor the level blood pressure and monitor the condition of your feet. Insulin-dependent diabetes requires insulin injections, otherwise the person may die . For type 2 diabetes mellitus, you can do without insulin, as there are special medications for this.

When taking pills and insulin, you need to be very careful, since such drugs can excessively lower blood sugar. This is how hypoglycemia develops, which can cause fainting and even death. All dangerous complications You can prevent it if you eat foods that do not increase blood sugar and help avoid complications, and without the feeling of hunger.

Without a diet, the disease will progress rapidly, causing chronic and life-threatening complications. If diabetes is not controlled, this will happen within ten, maximum twenty years.

The most dangerous complications are diabetic nephropathy (inevitably leading to kidney failure), diabetic retinopathy(causing blindness) and damage to the blood vessels and nerves of the legs (which causes gangrene, the treatment of which is amputation).

If you eat right when you have diabetes, you can slow down the development of complications and reverse them. At the same time, blood sugar will remain within normal limits. The second type of diabetes is not yet an indicator for injecting insulin: such a substance is necessary only in the most severe cases. With the right diet, they can be avoided altogether.

Diet principles

The diet for diabetes is designed so that as little carbohydrates as possible enter the body. It is important that the amount of proteins and fats is balanced, as this smooths out possible sugar surges and prevents the development of hyperglycemia.

If the patient is diagnosed insulin dependent diabetes and type 2 diabetes, what should you not eat if you have this disease in order to constantly monitor it? The doctor decides this in each individual case, drawing up a list of products.

If a person is prescribed insulin therapy, the diet is adjusted depending on the insulin dosage. The diet and food selection are adjusted so that the patient does not have the risk of hypoglycemia.

If you have diabetes you need to consume more products with a low glycemic index, which does not exceed 50. This means that the carbohydrates contained in the food are digested slowly, and this will eliminate sharp jumps Sahara.

You need to eat more often, chewing your food thoroughly. It is extremely important to avoid long breaks in eating. If a person is on a business trip where it will be difficult to follow a diet, he needs to take with him products that the doctor has approved. You need to stay away from junk food.

Low glycemic index foods

Below is a list of foods that have, and therefore can be eaten with diabetes:

  • Borodino bread;
  • broths (meat or fish);
  • veal and beef dishes;
  • fish (cod, pike perch, etc.);
  • eggs (no more than one per day);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • grapefruits;
  • vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, greens;
  • butter (equivalent to no more than two tablespoons);
  • vegetable oil;
  • some berries and fruits (for example, raspberries, apples).

In addition, game dishes, seafood, nuts, avocados, zucchini and other low-carb dishes are allowed. To test the glycemic effect of a particular food product, it is imperative to buy a glucometer and spend several days in total sugar control mode.

This way you can see exactly which foods increase your sugar levels and which do not. It is possible that some dishes from the list above may increase glycemic levels, which means they need to be discontinued.

It is also useful to eat citrus fruits: they have a low glycemic index, and provided that the amount of such products is within reasonable limits, this will not lead to metabolic disorders. The main thing when dieting is to observe moderation, so you can eat less, but more often.

Please note that healthy people with a thin build, the glycemic level is constantly in the range of 4-5.2 millimoles. These best sugar levels can be achieved by patients with insulin-dependent diabetes or non-insulin dependent type. Of course, this requires practice. proper nutrition and monitor insulin dosages. If you are not lazy and carefully follow the regime, you can live without the painful complications of diabetes. Maintaining high performance, vision, and a clear mind is quite possible.

Is it possible to eat porridge

The main place in the diet of a person suffering from diabetes is occupied by. It has virtually no effect on carbohydrate metabolism and helps maintain glycemic levels at a constant level. Buckwheat It is well absorbed by the body and is a source of energy.

It is beneficial to eat wheat and pearl barley porridge. These dishes support well energy balance and help avoid hyperglycemia. Of course, provided that the diabetic does not overeat. It is very important to measure your sugar levels after meals and in case of abnormalities. normal readings glucometer to make adjustments to your diet.

Goal of diet for diabetes

The main task for patients with diabetes is to maintain blood sugar levels no higher than 6.1 millimol after meals and no higher than 5.5 mmol on an empty stomach. Such indicators can be achieved by sharply limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. daily menu. This is the only way to maintain kidney health: in diabetes, they undergo dangerous changes.

Diet, exercise and insulin injections will help prevent the worst outcome of diabetes - death from kidney failure. If kidney function is lost, transplantation or dialysis is performed. It must be said that the dialysis procedure causes incredible suffering to patients and causes severe infections. Target therapeutic measures for diabetes mellitus - delay the need for dialysis (best of all - indefinitely). Limiting your carbohydrate intake helps you stay healthy.

Of course, low-carb eating is very expensive. For total control of sugar levels, you need additional funds(and considerable ones). However, such efforts are worth it: the money spent on food and glucometer strips is practically nothing compared to the costs of treating the most severe complications of diabetes. If you carefully follow a diet, then a person has every chance to live full life until old age.

Prohibited foods for diabetes

Here is a list of prohibited foods that cause great harm in diabetes. They should not be consumed under any circumstances, otherwise you will not be able to control your sugar properly:

  • all sweets (you cannot even consume confectionery“for diabetics” containing glucose);
  • flour dishes;
  • cottage cheese, which was bought at the market;
  • potato;
  • oat muesli;
  • corn;
  • sweet fruits;
  • ketchup;
  • any semi-finished products, fast food;
  • low-fat sweetened yogurt;
  • If you have diabetes, do not eat foods containing glucose substitutes.

Knowing that diabetes can help you keep the disease under control. Of course, this diet will be difficult for some people, especially since you will have to give up many goodies. However, there is an alternative: eat, for example, sweets, flour, or live a long time without complications.

When choosing products in a store, you need to pay attention to their composition. Stay away from foods rich in carbohydrates. The presence of sugar and easily digestible carbohydrates in them makes them extremely harmful to health, as they quickly contribute to an increase in glycemic levels.

If you have diabetes, you should absolutely not overeat. Even allowed food increases sugar levels. You need to keep the disease under control, you need to forget about large amounts of food. It is better to eat little and often. It is necessary to keep a self-control diary - this is one of the the most important conditions diabetes control.

As you can see, the list harmful products quite common in diabetes. However, a person is allowed many healthy, satisfying and delicious dishes. If you constantly monitor your glycemic level and avoid sugar spikes, you can prevent the development of life-threatening diabetic complications.

Typically, when patients ask what to eat if they have type 2 diabetes, they are talking about foods that help control their blood glucose levels. And it is right.

But it is equally important to know which foods help not only keep sugar under control, but also protect against the development of severe complications diabetes, for example cardiovascular pathologies or blindness.

Listed below are 12 basic foods that are not only allowed for diabetics, but are strongly recommended for them, as they are prophylactic agents development of severe complications.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 acids. Moreover, their most useful forms are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

It is important for diabetics to include significant amounts of oily fish in their diet for two reasons.

  • Firstly, omega-3 acids are a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases. And people with diabetes have a much higher risk of developing these diseases than the average population.

It has been proven that if there is fatty fish 5-7 times a week for 2 months, the concentration of triglycerides in the blood, associated with cardiovascular diseases, as well as some markers of inflammation, which are also associated with vascular pathologies, will decrease.

In this material you can read in more detail about.
  • Secondly, . And this is very important for patients with type 2 diabetes, since almost all of them are overweight.


The statement that diabetics are advised to eat eggs may seem rather strange. After all, it is traditionally believed that eggs in diabetes should be strictly limited. If there is, then only protein. And if possible, omit the yolk completely. This is what the famous Soviet diet No. 9 says for type 2 diabetes.

Unfortunately, what he says is wrong. Because recent scientific evidence suggests that diabetics not only can, but should eat eggs.

There are several explanations for this statement.

  • . And this is extremely important for diabetics.
  • Eggs protect against heart disease, which is so acute in diabetics. Exactly. And they don’t provoke them, as was previously believed.
  • Regular egg meals help improve lipid profile, which is necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Eggs increase lipoprotein concentrations high density(“good” cholesterol) in the blood. In addition, they prevent the formation of small sticky particles of low-density lipoproteins (“bad” cholesterol), which form atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

If the menu contains a sufficient number of eggs, instead of small sticky particles of “bad” cholesterol, large lungs are formed that do not know how to stick to the walls of blood vessels.

  • Eggs improve the body's sensitivity to insulin.

It was shown that diabetic patients who ate 2 eggs daily had lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels compared to those patients who avoided eggs.

  • Eggs also have another important quality: useful for diabetics. They contain a lot of antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, which protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts - two diseases that very often affect patients with diabetes and can lead to total loss vision.

Fiber-rich foods

Products that contain a lot of fiber must occupy a very significant place in the menu of every diabetic. This is due to several beneficial properties of fiber:

  • skill (and often it is overeating that underlies the development of diabetes and the inability to get rid of it);
  • the ability to reduce the amount of calories that the body absorbs from food consumed simultaneously with plant fiber;
  • lower the high one blood pressure, which is also very important for many diabetics;
  • the fight against chronic inflammation in the body, which is present in all diabetics without exception and which is responsible for the development of those complications of this disease.

Dairy products

Contains probiotics and thanks to this normalizes work intestinal microflora. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on reducing cravings for sweets and increasing insulin sensitivity. That is, it helps fight the main cause of diabetes – insulin resistance. Since malfunctions in the intestinal microflora inevitably lead to distortion eating behavior, recruitment excess weight And hormonal problems, including insulin.


One of best products nutrition, both for those who suffer from diabetes and for everyone who wants to lose weight and stay healthy.

Sauerkraut combines the benefits of two classes of food products indicated for diabetes - foods with vegetable fiber and with probiotics.

Read more about the beneficial effects sauerkraut on the body you can in .


Nuts are rich healthy fats, proteins and plant fiber. And they are poor in easily digestible carbohydrates. That is, they have exactly the same ratio of the main nutritional components that is indicated for diabetes.

Several studies have shown that regular consumption of nuts in people with type 2 diabetes reduces levels of sugar, glycated hemoglobin, low-density lipoprotein and some markers of chronic inflammation.

One scientific study demonstrated that diabetic patients who ate 30 grams daily for a year walnuts, not only lost significant weight, but also lowered their insulin levels. Which is extremely important. Since diabetes is often associated precisely with high, and not with low level of this hormone.

What nuts can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes?

But it is better not to eat cashews if you have diabetes, since they contain more easily digestible carbohydrates than other types of nuts.

Olive oil

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity and lowers fasting sugar levels. It also reduces the rise in blood sugar by 20% when taken simultaneously with food containing easily digestible carbohydrates.

One study even showed that patients with very poorly controlled diabetes could lower their morning sugar levels by 6% if they took 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar at night.

Attention! Apple cider vinegar slows down stomach emptying. And this is often a good thing, as it helps keep you feeling full for a long time. But this can be dangerous if you have gastroparesis, a condition that occurs quite often in diabetics, especially those who suffer from type 1 diabetes.

When starting to take apple cider vinegar, start with one teaspoon per glass of water, gradually increasing its amount to two tablespoons daily.

And try to use only natural Apple vinegar, prepared independently at home. You can find out how to do this correctly.


Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries...

All of these berries contain anthocyanins, which help maintain more correct glucose and insulin levels after meals. Anthocyanins are also known as powerful tools prevention of heart disease, including for people with type 2 diabetes.

There is only one “but”. Some berries with high concentration anthocyanins contain a lot of fructose, and this compound is strictly contraindicated for diabetics. Therefore, preference should be given to those berries that contain little sugar (including fructose). These are blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries. But despite the fact that it also contains a lot of anthocyanins.


The beneficial effect of cinnamon on the condition of diabetic patients has already been confirmed in almost no scientific research. It has been found that cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels. And more importantly, improve insulin sensitivity.

Moreover positive influence cinnamon has been demonstrated in both short-term studies and long term.

Cinnamon is also useful for normalizing weight. And this is so important for diabetics.

In addition, it has been shown that cinnamon can reduce triglyceride levels, thereby preventing the development of heart and vascular diseases.

When including cinnamon in your diet in large quantities, you should remember that only true cinnamon is useful. Ceylon cinnamon. In no case is cassia, as much as possible permissible dose which, due to the presence in it large quantity Coumarin is 1 teaspoon per day.

In you will find detailed description Rules for taking cinnamon for diabetics.


IN currently Turmeric is one of the most actively studied spices. Her beneficial features have been proven many times for diabetic patients.

  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • fights chronic inflammation;
  • is a means of preventing heart and vascular diseases, including in diabetics;
  • protects diabetic patients from renal failure.

But in order for turmeric to be able to reveal all these beneficial properties, it must be eaten correctly. For example, black pepper is a charming addition to this spice, as it increases the bioavailability of the active constituents of turmeric by 2000%.

In you can read more about how to properly use turmeric for health benefits.


Several scientific experiments have shown that garlic can reduce chronic inflammation, as well as blood sugar and “bad” cholesterol levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus significantly increases the risk of developing many fatal dangerous illnesses.

However, including the above-listed food products in the menu on a regular basis makes it possible to maintain sugar levels at a higher level. correct level, increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and fight chronic low-grade inflammation.

In other words, it helps to avoid serious complications diabetes, especially such as atherosclerosis and neuropathy.

16/12/2014 13:32

Endocrine disease occurs because the body needs insulin. And this hormone secreted from the pancreas, in turn, is responsible for the absorption of glucose. Thus, unused sugar quickly enters the blood, insulin is released, while glucose levels increase and all types of metabolism in the body are disrupted.

List of foods to avoid if you have diabetes

To overcome diabetes, you should stick to a diet. It should consist of 40-50% from carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins and 15-20% fats.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day. If you are insulin dependent, then the same amount of time should pass between meals and injections.

Note that the most dangerous and prohibited foods are those with a high glycemic index of 70-90%, that is, those that are quickly broken down in the body and lead to the release of insulin.

Here is a list of prohibited foods for diabetes:

  1. Sweet products. These include candies, chocolate, honey, jam, marshmallows, marmalade, and ice cream.
  2. Confectionery products, especially rich ones. They may contain fats or cocoa butter substitutes.
  3. White bread.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Pickled, spicy and salty foods.
  6. Smoked sausages, frankfurters, lard.
  7. Fast food, especially French fries, hot dogs and hamburgers.
  8. Meat - pork and beef.
  9. Fruits containing great amount carbohydrates. For example, it is better to avoid bananas, raisins, dates, and grapes.
  10. Some vegetables rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, beets, carrots.
  11. Fatty dairy products: sour cream, butter, margarine, spreads, yoghurt, cream, milk.
  12. Cheese varieties are yellow in color.
  13. Mayonnaise, mustard, pepper.
  14. White, brown sugar.
  15. Cereals – rice, millet, semolina.
  16. Sparkling water.
  17. Juices that contain sugar.
  18. Any products containing fructose.
  19. Popcorn, cornflakes, muesli.

Allowed foods for diabetes - list

Foods with a low and even medium glycemic index are allowed to be eaten if you have diabetes. They will not harm and will saturate the body useful substances, necessary for the operation of all systems.

Here is a list of foods that can be consumed if you have diabetes:

  • Brown bread or whole grain products.
  • Low-fat broths and soups.
  • Lean meat - chicken, rabbit, turkey.
  • Pasta.
  • Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Legumes - peas, beans, lentils.
  • Eggs.
  • Sea and river fish.
  • Some seafood - caviar, shrimp.
  • Some dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, skim milk, yogurt.
  • Vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, radish, avocado, zucchini, eggplant.
  • Greens – spinach, asparagus, onions green onions, basil, lettuce, parsley.
  • Almost all fruits - apples, oranges, lemons, quinces, pears, apricots, pomegranates. And tropical fruits - pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya.
  • Propolis, in limited quantities.
  • Tea and coffee.
  • Mineral water and sparkling water, just without sugar.
  • Nuts – hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and pine.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, cherries, plums, raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, gooseberries, melon, watermelon.
  • Kissel, compote, jam without sugar.
  • Soy sauce, tofu, soy milk.
  • Sesame seeds, sunflower, pumpkin.
  • Some foods can lower your blood sugar. But they should not be used together with medications.

Foods that lower blood sugar:

  • Cabbage juice.
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice.
  • Chicory.
  • Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Rose hip.
  • Ginseng.
  • Eleutherococcus, St. John's wort, nettle, dandelion.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Celery, parsley, horseradish, and onion.

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As for jams and preserves, they require sugar to make them, so sealed fruit is prohibited. But there are a number of clogging methods that do not use sugar. In this case, fruits can be added to the diet.

If you want to learn more about the type 2 diabetes diet, read on.

What is prohibited for type 1 diabetes?

The most harmful products

A large group of products that is prohibited for any type of diabetes is all types of canned food:

  • canned peas;
  • canned corn;
  • canned fish;
  • store-bought vegetable stew in jars;
  • pates.

Diabetics need to learn to read labels. This will help to recognize hidden dangerous products. For example, one common product is canned peas. The fresh product is healthy and allowed on the diabetic menu, but in canned form sugar is added to it, which means it will quickly and sharply increase blood glucose.

The addition of sugar to such products is dictated by the specifics of storage. Very few canned foods will not contain sugar, so you need to be careful.

  • sweet tea;
  • alcohol;
  • fruit juices in tetra-packs;
  • fruit sodas.

Even juices prepared at home are prohibited for diabetics. If you squeeze fruit, all the fiber is removed from it - something that inhibits the process of sugar absorption into the blood. The result is natural Apple juice will work the same way as a banana. Therefore, even freshly squeezed juices should be avoided. Exceptions are cases when it is necessary to stop hypoglycemia.

Table of contraindications

Category of products and dishes

Prohibited for diabetes

Bakery products Any products that are prepared with butter and puff pastry
Soups, broths Soups with instant noodles, fatty broths with meat
Meat products Fatty meat (pork, beef, fatty veal), smoked meats, sausages
Fish products Fatty fish (salmon, trout, eel, tuna), salty fish, canned food
Milk products Full-fat dairy products, cream, sweet cheeses, full-fat cheese
Cereals Semolina, White rice, white pasta
Vegetables Salted vegetables, pickled, boiled carrots and beets, potatoes
Fruits Grapes, bananas, watermelon, melon, dates, dried fruits, jams
Sauces Mayonnaise, ketchup
Beverages Alcohol, drinks with sugar

To properly build a diabetic diet, you need to remember the obvious limitations and study hidden threats. Any category of products and dishes, as a rule, contains those products that can be used on the menu and those that cannot. If you differentiate them by calorie content and glycemic index, there will be no problems with surges in blood sugar.

Allowed foods for diabetes mellitus (hereinafter referred to as DM) play an important role. They regulate blood glucose and prevent insulin levels from rising. The health, well-being of the patient and even his life directly depend on this.

Many dishes contain glucose. So that the body can break it down and absorb it, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. If, as a result of disturbances in the functioning of this organ (they can be congenital or caused by a disease), insulin ceases to be produced, type 1 disease occurs.

Patients who regularly take insulin and adhere to a diet live long, fulfilling lives.

Illness implies constant reception insulin from the outside - in the form of injections. A special diet is also required.

Proper nutrition for this type of diabetes mellitus involves avoiding fast carbohydrates – those, as a result of the breakdown of which the level of glucose in the blood immediately increases. Long-lasting carbohydrates are essential.

In type 2 disease, as a result of a malfunction, cells lose sensitivity to insulin. As a result, glucose is no longer absorbed in the required quantities, which means its level is constantly increasing. Uncontrolled intake of carbohydrates can lead to a critical condition, and the diet should be aimed at controlling the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods and restoring cell sensitivity to insulin.

About violations intestinal absorption and digestion - maldigestion syndrome, read.

Failure to follow the diet may lead to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, that is, sharp fall or sharp increase blood glucose level. This may cause coma and death. That's why proper diet Nutrition for diabetes is an integral part of treatment and lifestyle.

The first thing you need to do when you notice symptoms of diabetes is to limit your diet. What you can’t eat, and what you can, when, how and in what quantities – the doctor will tell you all this during the consultation, when the suspicions are confirmed.

A proper diet is the main part of therapy and lifestyle for both type 1 and type 2 diseases.

Previously, it was believed that people with type 1 do not live long. Now, thanks to modern insulin medications and a strict diet, patients can live long, fulfilling lives with a minimum of restrictions. Read about it in a separate analytical review.

How to eat with type 1 diabetes

The amount of carbohydrates eaten during the day should correspond to the level insulin taken– this is the basic principle of nutrition for type 1 diabetes. Fast carbohydrates are prohibited. These include baked goods, sweet fruits and drinks, and confectionery.

Diabetics are allowed to eat meat with vegetables, but fatty varieties, fried and smoked meat will have to be forgotten

Slow breakdown carbohydrates - these include, for example, cereals - must be present in a strictly regulated dosage. The basis of the diet for this disease should be proteins and vegetables.. It is also necessary increased amount vitamins and minerals.

To make it more convenient to plan meals for patients with type 1 diabetes, such a concept as “ grain unit"(HE). This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in half a slice of rye bread taken as a standard .

It is allowed to eat from 17 to 28 XE per day, and at one time this amount should not exceed 7 XE. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day, so the permitted unit rate is divided by the number of meals. Meals should be taken at the same time of day, without skipping.

Table of bread units:

Products by groups Amount of product in 1 XE
Dairymilk250 ml
kefir250 ml
yogurt250 ml
ice cream65 g
syrniki1 PC.
Bakery productsRye bread20 g
crackers15 g
breadcrumbs1 tbsp. l.
pancakes and pancakes50 g
gingerbread40 g
Cereals and side dishesany crumbly porridge2 tbsp.
jacket potatoes1 PC.
French fries2-3 tbsp. l.
ready-made breakfasts4 tbsp. l.
boiled pasta60 g
Fruitsapricots130 g
banana90 g
pomegranate1 PC.
persimmon1 PC.
apple1 PC.
Vegetablescarrot200 g
beet150 g
pumpkin200 g

Here are some foods you can eat without restrictions if you have type 1 diabetes:

  • zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash;
  • sorrel, spinach, lettuce;
  • green onions, radishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • peppers and tomatoes;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage.

They are so low in carbohydrates that they are not considered XE. It is also necessary to use protein food: fish, meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, cereals (except semolina and rice), fermented milk products, wholemeal bread, not too sweet fruits in limited quantities.

You need to measure your blood sugar regularly to know when to raise it and when to lower it. If this is not done, hypoglycemic coma may occur suddenly.

Weekly menu for a patient with type 1 diabetes

For diabetes, milk and kefir are allowed and even recommended, but sour cream and cream - only with a low percentage of fat content, cottage cheese - in limited quantities

We offer approximate diet meals for 7 days:



Afternoon snack


Monday crumbly pearl barley,
2 slices hard cheese,
tea or coffee
chambers from fresh vegetables,
2 steamed chicken breast cutlets,
braised cabbage,
borscht in low-fat broth
glass of kefirpalat, slice of chicken breast
Tuesday egg white omelette,
boiled veal,
tea or coffee
fresh vegetable salad, boiled pumpkin porridge chicken breast 3 cheesecakesstewed cabbage, boiled fish
Wednesday meat cabbage rolls without rice,
bread optional
fresh vegetable salad, boiled lean meat or fish, durum wheat pastaorangecottage cheese casserole
Thursday oatmeal on the water,
some fruit
a couple of slices of cheese
low-fat pickle sauce, a slice of bread and boiled meatbiscuitsgreen beans, boiled meat or fish
Friday lazy dumplings with cottage cheese,
a glass of kefir,
dried fruits
salad, baked potatoes, sugar-free compotefruit drink without sugar, baked pumpkinsteamed meat cutlets, vegetable salad
Saturday a slice of lightly salted salmon, boiled egg, tea or coffeecabbage rolls, low-fat borsch without frying, a slice of rye breadbread, kefirsteamed chicken fillet, fresh peas or stewed eggplant
Sunday buckwheat on water, stewed chickencabbage soup on chicken broth, chicken cutletcottage cheese, fresh plumsglass of kefir, biscuits, apple

Video about nutrition for type 1 diabetes:

How to eat with type 2 diabetes

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes also involves avoiding large amounts of carbohydrates. If this is not controlled, the body will stop absorbing glucose altogether, its level will increase, which will cause hyperglycemia.

A low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes includes vegetables, legumes, seafood, fruits, dairy and whole grains.

You should also limit your caloric intake. Meals should be approximately the same in calorie content and divided 5-6 times a day. Be sure to eat at the same time every day.

The main amount of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, and the amount of calories entering the body should correspond to the actual energy expenditure.

You can eat sweets, but in limited quantities. Sweeteners should be used. You can't snack on sweets, that is, all desserts should only go with main meals. At the same time, you should definitely eat vegetables rich in fiber. This will slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. You should also limit the amount of salt, animal fats, alcohol, complex carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates should be avoided altogether.

I often find that patients with non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes do not take the disease seriously at first and are in no hurry to give up their eating habits.

They believe that if you don’t need to take insulin when you are sick, then everything is not scary at all. This is especially true for older people. However, the opinion that a dozen sweets and a couple of glasses of sweet wine will do nothing for the holiday is wrong.

Only through therapy and a constant diet is it possible not only to keep sugar levels under control, but also to restore lost sensitivity to insulin. Another common misconception is that foods allowed for diabetes cannot be tasty.

Not true, there are many recipes, including holiday dishes, which will delight any gourmet.

Type 2 diabetics should consider the glycemic index (GI) of foods. The higher it is, the faster this product will cause an increase in blood sugar. Accordingly, you should avoid foods with a high GI, and the diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus should consist of foods with low (mostly) and medium (small quantities) GI.

With the permission of the attending physician, you can small quantities consume some foods with a high GI if they are necessary to maintain certain functions of the patient’s body.

Allowed foods with low and medium glycemic index:

Product groups Low GI Average GI
Fruits and berriesavocado (10);
strawberry (25);
red currant (25);
tangerines (30);
pomegranate (34).
persimmon (50);
kiwi (50);
papaya (59);
melon (60);
banana (60).
Vegetableslettuce (9);
zucchini, cucumber (15);
cauliflower and cabbage (15);
tomatoes (30);
green pea (35).
canned corn (57);
other canned vegetables (65);
jacket potatoes (65);
boiled beets (65).
Cereals and side dishesgreen lentils (25);
vermicelli (35);
black rice (35);
buckwheat (40);
basmati rice (45).
spaghetti (55);
oatmeal (60);
long grain rice (60);
sprouted wheat (63);
macaroni and cheese (64).
Dairymilk (30);
low-fat cottage cheese (30);
fructose ice cream (35);
low-fat yogurt (35).
ice cream (60).
Other productsgreens (5);
nuts (15);
bran (15);
dark chocolate (30);
Orange juice (45).
shortbread (55);
sushi (55);
mayonnaise (60);
pizza with tomatoes and cheese (61).

Weekly menu for a patient with type 2 diabetes

We offer a menu of allowed foods for 7 days for type 2 diabetics:


2- oh breakfast


Afternoon snack


Monday crumbly buckwheat, steamed cheesecake, teafresh carrot saladvegetable soup without meat, boiled potatoes, meat stew, unsweetened applelow-fat kefir cocktail with fresh or frozen berriesboiled lean fish, stewed cabbage
Tuesday porridge with water from oatmeal"Hercules", tea with milklow-fat cottage cheese with fresh apricotsseafood salad, vegetarian borschtsoft-boiled egg, dried fruit compote without sugarturkey goulash, boiled lentils on the side
Wednesday curd cheese, tomatoes, teasmoothie made from fresh apricots and berriesvegetable stew with vealfruits lightly stewed in milkbroccoli with mushrooms
Thursday chicory with milk, soft-boiled eggcocktail of low-fat kefir with berries and fruitsvegetarian cabbage soup, crumbled pearl barley, boiled fishpears, almondsboiled chicken breast, celery, eggplant goulash
Friday sprouted wheat grains, rye bread, natural yogurt without additives, coffeeberry jelly with added sugar substitutemushroom soup with vegetables, meatballs, stewed zucchiniunsweetened apple, green teasteamed green beans, fish balls in green sauce
Saturday bran with milk, berriesCereal bread, fresh fruit salad with nutssorrel soup with beef meatballscurd and carrot zrazy, vegetable juicesteamed fish, fresh vegetable salad
Sunday berry juice, cottage cheese casserolebran bread sandwich with green salad and pre-soaked herringbean soup meat second broth, steam cutlet from mushroomsglass of kefirpike perch fillet, vegetables

In addition, we suggest watching a video with breakfast options for diabetes:


Diabetes is not a death sentence. WITH modern drugs And proper diet the patient can lead the most fulfilling lifestyle possible. What kind of nutrition is necessary for diabetes mellitus in each specific case depends on several factors: age, severity of the disease, physical activity, the presence or absence of associated problems.

The list of permitted foods for diabetes is discussed with the doctor, as well as calorie content daily ration. He will tell you what GI and XE are and help you calculate their quantities. This knowledge will depend future life patient.