What does aspirin do to blood vessels? Types of massage for atherosclerotic vascular lesions in the legs. Interaction with other substances

"Aspirin Cardio" was developed by a well-known pharmaceutical company called Bayer. This drug is an improved form of traditional aspirin, and the dosage is acetylsalicylic acid greatly reduced. Thanks to this feature, this medicine can have beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, effectively preventing the formation of blood clots.

In our article, we will look in detail at the instructions for use of this drug, find out in what cases this medicine is prescribed to patients, and also get acquainted with its analogues and reviews of patients who have taken it.

Release form and components

"Aspirin Cardio" is presented at pharmaceutical market in one release form - in the form of tablets that have a round and biconvex shape. These tablets are coated with a white coating that can easily dissolve in the intestines. The structure of the tablet core is homogeneous. The medication is released in blisters containing ten or fourteen tablets.

Today, pharmacies offer various options cardboard packages in which you can find medication tablets in quantities of twenty, twenty-eight or fifty-five pieces. The drug belongs to the category of antiplatelet agents. Thus, it is a drug that can thin the blood.

The main active ingredient in Aspirin Cardio is acetylsalicylic acid. It is present directly in the tablets of the drug in small doses of 0.1 and 0.3 grams. Additional substances that are present in this medication include ingredients such as cellulose, along with talc, polysorbate, methacrylic acid, sodium lauryl sulfate, triethyl citrate and corn starch. The composition of Aspirin Cardio is indicated in the instructions.

Pharmacological effects of the drug

Acetylsalicylic acid belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This active ingredient It is distinguished by its ability to provide analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, which is caused by the process of inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes, which take part in the synthesis of prostaglandins. The mechanism of action of Aspirin Cardio is based on this.

Acetyl salicylic acid in an amount of 0.3 to 1.0 grams is used to reduce fever due to illnesses such as colds or flu. It is also advisable to use it to relieve joint or muscle pain. This acid can inhibit platelet aggregation, due to which it blocks the synthesis of thromboxane.

What are the indications for Aspirin Cardio?

Indications for use of the drug

The presented medication is usually prescribed to patients in following cases:

  • Provide symptomatic headache relief.
  • Relieving symptoms and relief from toothache.
  • Providing symptomatic relief of sore throat.
  • Symptom relief and relief painful sensations against the background of menstruation.
  • Providing symptomatic relief pain in muscles and joints.
  • Relief of pain in the back area.
  • Presence high temperature body as a result of colds and other infectious and inflammatory diseases in adult patients, as well as in children over fifteen years of age.

Contraindications for use

The drug "Aspirin Cardio" is considered contraindicated if people have the following diseases and conditions:

  • The patient has an erosive or ulcerative lesion in the digestive system, which is in the acute stage.
  • Development hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Appearance bronchial asthma, which is induced by taking salicylates, and, in addition, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Combined use with methotrexate in a dosage of 15 milligrams per week or more.
  • The first and last trimester of pregnancy, and, in addition, during breastfeeding.
  • Availability hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid and others similar drugs.
  • Presence of sensitivity to any auxiliary components of the drug.

According to the instructions, Aspirin Cardio is not prescribed to children under the age of fifteen who suffer from acute respiratory pathologies caused by a viral infection. This is associated with the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, which is encephalopathy and acute fatty liver degeneration with subsequent development of liver failure.

Contraindications for Aspirin Cardio must be strictly observed.

The drug is prescribed with caution during concomitant treatment with anticoagulants, and, in addition, against the background of gout, peptic ulcer stomach and bleeding. Prescribing this drug is also dangerous in the presence of bronchial asthma, nasal polyposis, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, and so on.

The Aspirin Cardio course can be long-term or lifelong.

Dosing the medication

This drug is intended for adult patients, and it is also suitable for children over fifteen years of age. It should be taken against the background of development pain syndrome weak or moderate intensity, with a dose of 0.5 grams. In case of fever, a single dose is 1 gram of the drug. The intervals between taking the drug should be at least four hours. Maximum daily dosage cannot exceed 3 grams, which is equal to six tablets of the medicine.

Take the drug "Aspirin Cardio" orally immediately after meals and wash it down plain water. The duration of treatment cannot exceed seven days if the medicine was prescribed as a pain reliever. If it is prescribed as an antipyretic, it should not be taken for more than three days. Next, let's find out which ones are found side effects during treatment medicine.

Side effects

According to reviews, side effects"Aspirin Cardio" consists of the following. Job digestive system may respond with abdominal pain, nausea may also occur along with vomiting, heartburn and obvious or hidden signs stomach or intestinal bleeding. Such symptoms can lead to the development iron deficiency anemia, and, in addition, to erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system. An increase in liver enzyme activity is possible.

From the outside nervous system People may experience dizziness along with tinnitus. It must be said that these symptoms usually indicate an overdose. The hematopoietic system may react with bleeding. Among allergic manifestations People may experience urticaria along with anaphylactic reactions, bronchospasms and angioedema.

How long to take Aspirin Cardio is determined by your doctor.

Drug overdose

In case of overdose moderate severity Characterized by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing impairment, headache, dizziness and confusion. These symptoms usually go away when the dosage of the drug is reduced.

Severe overdose is characterized by fever along with hyperventilation, ketosis, respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, whom, cardiogenic shock, respiratory failure and severe hypoglycemia.

As part of the treatment of overdose, hospitalization is carried out together with taking activated carbon and control of acid and alkaline balance. It is also advisable to carry out alkaline diuresis with replacement of fluid loss and symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

Acetylsalicylic acid in Aspirin Cardio tablets can enhance the toxicity of methotrexate, as well as the effects of narcotic analgesics and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It also increases the toxicity of hypoglycemic drugs and indirect anticoagulants along with platelet aggregation inhibitors and sulfonamides. This drug may reduce the effectiveness of uricosuric drugs such as benzbromarone and probenecid. In addition, it reduces the effectiveness antihypertensive drugs and diuretics, for example, Spironolactone and Furosemide. The instructions for Aspirin Cardio confirm this.

When used with glucocorticosteroids, alcohol and drugs containing ethanol, it is possible to increase the damaging effects on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, which increases the risk of developing gastric and intestinal bleeding. The medication may increase the concentration of digoxin and lithium in the blood plasma. Antacids that contain magnesium or aluminum hydroxide slow down the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid.

"Aspirin Cardio" and alcohol - compatibility

With the simultaneous use of acetylsalicylic acid and alcohol, you may experience serious consequences, for example, cerebral hemorrhage. Also not excluded allergic reactions even in healthy people. Taking all this into account, we can conclude that this drug and alcohol are absolutely incompatible.

Special instructions for use

Children under the age of fifteen should not be prescribed medications that contain acetylsalicylic acid, since in case of viral infection the risk of developing Reye's syndrome increases.

This acid can cause attacks of bronchial asthma and other unwanted reactions. A risk factor is the presence of bronchial asthma, which occurs in the anamnesis. Risk factors also include the presence of fever along with nasal polyps, chronic pulmonary diseases, and, in addition, cases of allergies in the form of rhinitis and skin rashes.

Acetylsalicylic acid increases the tendency to bleeding. This is primarily due to its inhibitory effect on the process of platelet aggregation. It is recommended to take this factor into account if it is necessary to carry out surgery. Tooth extraction is also relevant to this recommendation. Before surgery, in order to reduce bleeding, you should stop taking Aspirin Cardio for a week. In addition, you must inform your doctor about this.

Acetylsalicylic acid may reduce excretion uric acid, which could be the cause of the onset acute attack gout in patients who are predisposed to this disease.

Additional information about the drug

As part of treatment with Aspirin Cardio, patients suffering from chronic pathologies liver and kidneys, laboratory monitoring of the functions of these organs is recommended. A coagulogram is indicated in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the blood coagulation system. Stool tests for the presence hidden blood carried out in relation to patients who have a history of ulcerative lesions stomach or intestines.

The course of treatment with the presented drug should be long-term. The attending physician determines the dosage and duration of its use. Under no circumstances should you take it without permission. The anticoagulant activity of the drug may persist for several days after the drug has been discontinued, which must be taken into account if necessary. surgical treatment. Elderly people are especially sensitive to an overdose of this drug. It in no way affects people's concentration or attention.

Those who were prescribed Aspirin Cardio for therapeutic or for preventive purposes, you should be aware of the following specific features:

  • During pregnancy, women are allowed to take this medication in a dosage that should not exceed 300 milligrams per day.
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus who are taking hypoglycemic medications, caution is required during parallel treatment with Aspirin Cardio.
  • Within preventive measures Patients only need to take 100 milligrams of medication per day.

Storage conditions for the medication

The shelf life of tablets of this drug is five years. To ensure that the medicine does not lose its properties, it is recommended to store it in a dry and, moreover, dark place where the air temperature does not exceed twenty-five degrees.


The medicine is sold without a prescription. His average cost in pharmacy chains in Russia, as a rule, ranges from eighty-five to two hundred and sixty rubles, which directly depends on the number of tablets in one package.

Analogues of "Aspirin Cardio"

Currently, this is a highly effective medicine, which is also known as " cardiac aspirin", has several high-quality analogues, which contain the same active ingredient as it. As an example of such drugs, “Acecardol” should be mentioned, along with “Thrombo ACC” and “Upsarin Upsa”.

The analogues of Aspirin Cardio listed above are produced in a tablet form convenient for patients. Their optimal medicinal and at the same time prophylactic dosage can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

“Aspirin” - in its action, this medication is no worse than the drug we are describing, however, its long-term use is unacceptable, since the risk of side effects is high.

"Cardiomagnyl" works the same way, but in addition to acetylsalicylic acid it also contains magnesium hydroxide. In addition, they differ in dosage and content of the main active ingredient. Therefore, when making a prescription, doctors usually proceed from the required dose of the drug.

"Trombo ACC" - tablets coated with enteric film, differing only in composition excipients and a more attractive price.

Many people associate aspirin, or as it is officially called, acetylsalicylic acid, with the treatment of colds. And, nevertheless, this indication is not the main one for this drug. Once its ability to influence the blood coagulation system and prevent heart attacks and strokes was discovered, it became a medical breakthrough. Today, aspirin is very popular among the population, and millions of deaths around the world have been prevented precisely due to regular intake this medicine. What is the role of aspirin in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases? What is greater: the risk of taking the drug or the potential benefit and are there safer substitutes for acetylsalicylic acid? Details in our new article.

Today we would like to consider the role of aspirin, first of all, in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the most dangerous of which are heart attack and stroke. This drug affects platelets - blood cells that ensure blood clotting. One tablet of acetylsalicylic acid (500 mg), taken in the morning, deprives all platelets of activity for a period of about 7 days. And this makes it possible to reduce the risk of blood clots, which are main reason ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

Why then is it recommended to take it daily? The reason is that Bone marrow Every morning it produces a portion of fresh platelets, which are not affected by aspirin taken the day before. That is why it is important to take this drug daily, as well as observing the optimal time of day when it is best to take the pills (this is the morning hours).

However, not a single doctor will advise a patient to take a whole tablet of aspirin (0.5 g) daily. Based on the results of the studies, it was revealed that the minimum dose of the drug sufficient to inactivate all platelets is 75-100 mg. Therefore, doctors usually recommend taking ¼ tablet of acetylsalicylic acid, or its other analogues, which are already initially available in this safer dosage.

The reason for the danger of long-term use of acetylsalicylic acid is its non-selectivity (non-selectivity). That is, in addition to inactivating platelets, the drug also negatively affects the production of substances that protect various organs and tissues (stomach, liver, kidneys, bone marrow). Most dangerous consequence long reception aspirin is peptic ulcer stomach, which is often complicated by perforation and bleeding.

Therefore, if a patient is prescribed aspirin for chronic use, the patient should undergo annual endoscopic examination stomach, duodenum, donate general analysis blood and feces to Gregersen's reaction. These examinations will help to identify in time possible complications from the outside gastrointestinal tract. In some cases justified simultaneous administration aspirin and drugs that restore the stomach wall (omeprazole, pantoprazole, ranitidine, etc.).

From the TV screen you can hear about new medicines that also contain acetylsalicylic acid as an active ingredient, but are less dangerous in terms of the development of complications from the stomach and intestines (Cardiomagnyl, Aspirin Cardio, etc.). This is achieved by adding an enteric coating and magnesium salts, which, according to the manufacturer, ensure that the drug passes through the stomach unchanged and begins to be absorbed only in duodenum. Thus, the degree of direct contact aspirin and the stomach wall, which when long-term use increases the risk of bleeding ulcers.

However, many experts consider this partly a marketing ploy to increase sales of such drugs. If you understand the mechanism of action of acetylsalicylic acid, you can understand that it has a blocking effect on the production of substances that protect the stomach wall. And this happens after the drug is absorbed into the blood. So no locally irritating effect it does not, and the risk of stomach ulcers is the same with either form of the drug.

In addition, enteric forms are completely unsuitable when it is necessary quick effect by platelet inactivation, that is, when providing emergency care in case of acute heart attack or stroke. In this case apply regular aspirin, since its effect begins within a few minutes. However, when long-term use the effectiveness of both forms of the drug is equal.

In our country, protocols and standards for the management of patients with cardiovascular diseases provide special groups people who are shown constant reception prophylactic dose of aspirin (75-100 mg):

Indeed, the vast majority of people at an appointment with a cardiologist in Russia receive a recommendation to take a prophylactic dose of aspirin daily for an indefinite period of time (that is, for life). This has been the case for many years, but recent scientific evidence casts doubt on the need for this preventive measure.

In general, some authoritative experts in the field cardiovascular diseases claim that all people over 40 can safely start taking aspirin. And, nevertheless, today these are only individual expert opinions that are not supported by real evidence. What do the largest organizations in the field of drug safety think about this?

In 2014, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), an organization that we know as the Food and Drug Administration food products and medicines in the USA, having analyzed quite big list clinical studies conducted in various countries around the world have come to interesting conclusions. Aspirin has shown its phenomenal effectiveness as a secondary prevention strokes and heart attacks in people who have previously suffered episodes of these diseases. However, it had no effect on the incidence of new cardiovascular events, except for increasing the risk of developing specific complications(bleeding, stomach ulcer, kidney problems).

Therefore, they concluded that this drug should not be recommended for widespread use, even when a person is in a group increased risk(diabetes mellitus, unfavorable heredity). Dr. Robert Temple, FDA Deputy Director for Clinical Research, states in his official statement: "The benefit of taking daily aspirin without a medical history." vascular accidents"has not been established, while risks are present."

Japanese scientists came to similar conclusions, who in the period 2005-2007 conducted the largest clinical trial JPPP (Japanese Project primary prevention). They analyzed the medical histories of about 15 thousand patients who received low doses aspirin for the primary prevention of stroke and heart attack and came to similar conclusions. The number of patients whose likelihood of developing a heart attack was significantly reduced, however high frequency various severe bleedings were negated by this good indicator. For the rest key indicators(acute infarction and sudden death) no positive result was obtained at all.

The problem of preventing acute cardiovascular accidents worries scientists in all countries of the world. Ischemic stroke and acute myocardial infarction today are one of the most common reasons sudden mortality and disability in working age. Therefore, the entire civilized world prefers to look for measures to prevent the disease, rather than to treat it for a long time and often to no avail.

Accordingly, pharmaceutical companies produce various drugs that would deprive platelets of activity and the ability to form blood clots in the most important vessels. Previously, ticlopidine, pentoxifylline, and dipyridamole were used for this, but their role is currently quite controversial.

The most pronounced effect on platelets is exerted by new drugs from the group of disaggregants - clopidogrel, eptifibatide, prasugrel. They are used in addition to aspirin in cases where the risk of recurrent stroke or heart attack is very high.

Medicine is moving along the path of developing prevention, since the cost of treatment and social damage from the disease is incomparably more expensive. Aspirin in cardiology and neurology is the most effective drug to prevent recurrent cardiovascular events that claim lives every day large quantity people, and make others disabled. However, given possible risks, the indications for use should be determined by the doctor, as well as the tactics of treatment with aspirin.

Article publication date: 07/01/2017

Article updated date: 02/18/2019

From this article you will learn which drugs for cerebral vessels are used in clinical practice. Indications for the use of this group of drugs, mechanisms of action and rules of administration.

Drugs that affect cerebral vessels are most often used in neurology for treatment, which include ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, transient ischemic attack, and vascular dementia. Also this group Medicines are widely used for migraines, tension headaches, Meniere's disease, traumatic brain injuries and other diseases.

Drugs acting on cerebral vessels have the most various mechanisms actions. Some of them reduce the risk of thrombosis, others counteract the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and others eliminate them. Below is sample list the most popular tablets for cerebral vessels, starting with the most frequently prescribed drugs by doctors and in descending order.

Choice suitable drug carried out by a neurologist.

1. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

Strictly speaking, aspirin does not act directly on blood vessels; it inhibits platelet aggregation, that is, it prevents them from attaching to damaged endothelium (the inner lining of blood vessels) and sticking together. But low-dose aspirin is one of the most common prescriptions by neurologists for the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular diseases. This is one of the few drugs that has proven positive influence on the results of prevention and therapy ischemic strokes and transient ischemic attacks.

Previously, aspirin was widely used for the purpose of primary prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, that is, doctors practically recommended it healthy people to prevent myocardial infarctions and strokes. However, in Lately the benefits of this use of this drug have been questioned, since sometimes the risks of its use exceed the possible benefits. Aspirin is now prescribed for the purpose of secondary prevention to patients who have already had a heart attack or stroke, as well as to people with high risk development of these complications.

Contraindications to the use of aspirin:

  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer.
  • Recent hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Allergy to aspirin.
  • Asthma, the symptoms of which worsen after taking acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Bleeding disorders (hemophilia).
  • Severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.
  • Children's age (use of aspirin can cause the development of Reye's syndrome).
  • Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (use of aspirin can cause hemolysis of red blood cells).

Possible side effects include the following:

  1. Dyspepsia and stomach pain - you can reduce the risk of their occurrence by taking the drug with food.
  2. Increased bleeding.
  3. Allergic reactions - urticaria, Quincke's edema, skin rash and itching, nasal congestion.
  4. Tinnitus.
  5. Gastrointestinal bleeding.
  6. Hemorrhagic stroke.

The recommended dose is 75–100 mg of acetylsalicylic acid per day. This product is available in enteric-coated tablets or capsules. The most popular aspirin preparations are Cardiomagnyl, Magnicor, Aspirin Cardio, Aspecard. Doctors recommend taking them once a day, preferably in the evening at the same time.

2. Statins

Statins are a group of drugs that reduce blood levels bad cholesterol in blood. Thanks to this action, these drugs can reduce the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of arteries throughout the body, including the vessels of the brain.

Currently, active study of other beneficial effects statins, which include:

  • Improvement functional state endothelium.
  • Reduce damage caused by oxidative and inflammatory stress.
  • Promoting the formation of new blood vessels(angiogenesis) in the area of ​​impaired blood supply.
  • Reduced platelet and erythrocyte aggregation.

The most well-known drugs from this group are atorvastatin (Atoris, Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor, Roxera), simvastatin (Vasilip, Zocor). They are available in tablet form for oral administration, which should be taken in the evening at the same time.

In most cases, treatment with statins lasts for the rest of your life, as stopping their use leads to an increase in cholesterol levels within a few weeks.

3. Preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba

For thousands of years, the leaves of the Ginkgo tree have been widely used in Chinese medicine. Today, drugs created from its extract are one of the most popular remedies for patients with neurological diseases.

The active substances of this extract dilate cerebral vessels, improve blood flow, prevent platelet aggregation and protect neurocytes from damage caused by oxygen deficiency.

Indications for prescribing medications based on Ginkgo Biloba:

  • Consequences of disorders of the blood supply to the brain (headaches, ringing in the ears, vertigo, dizziness, mood swings, difficulty concentrating).
  • Cognitive disorders and memory impairment caused by vascular disorders.
  • Headache and sleep disturbances.

Products based on extract from the Ginkgo tree are also used for other indications not related to their effect on the blood vessels of the brain.

Contraindications to taking these drugs:

  1. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Childhood.

The most famous drugs based on this extract are Bilobil, Memoplant, Ginkgo Biloba, Memorin. They are available in the form of drops, tablets or capsules for oral administration.

4. Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine is a synthetic derivative of vincamine, an alkaloid obtained from the Vinca minor plant. This drug is widely used only in countries of Eastern Europe. It is believed that it can improve cerebral circulation due to dilation cerebral vessels, and also has antiplatelet and antihypoxic effects.

Most of the studies on the effectiveness and safety of vinpocetine were conducted before 1990; their results can hardly be called reliable due to the use of different evaluation criteria. In 2007, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences called vinpocetine “an outdated drug with unproven effectiveness,” which does not prevent neurologists from prescribing it quite often.

Vinpocetine is available as tablets for oral administration or as a solution for slow intravenous infusion. The most famous drugs with this active ingredient are Cavinton, Vinpocetine, Bravinton.

5. Cinnarizine

Cinnarizine is a drug that belongs to and has antihistamine properties.

Cinnarizine is primarily prescribed for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, vertigo, and Meniere's disease. In fact, it is one of the few drugs that has demonstrated positive effects when used to treat these diseases.

However, these properties of cinnarizine are not associated with its effect on the blood vessels of the brain, but with interference in the transmission of impulses between vestibular apparatus inner ear and the vomiting center in the hypothalamus.

By blocking calcium channels, cinnarizine increases elasticity vascular wall, thereby increasing the flexibility of blood vessels. It also reduces blood viscosity. Thanks to these effects, blood flows better through narrowed arteries, delivering more oxygen to damaged areas of the brain. Therefore, cinnarizine is also prescribed for disorders of cerebral circulation (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, dyscirculatory anemia, transient ischemic attack) and peripheral circulation (Raynaud's disease, obliterating diseases of the lower extremities).


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Age up to 12 years.

Cinnarizine is available as tablets or capsules for oral administration.

6. Nimodipine

Nimodipine also belongs to the group of calcium channel blockers. This drug was developed to treat hypertension blood pressure, but is used very rarely for this purpose.

Nimodipine has a certain selectivity of action on cerebral vessels. Therefore, the main indication for its use is the prevention of cerebral vasospasm resulting from.

Contraindications to the use of nimodipine:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug.
  • Acute porphyria.
  • Recent myocardial infarction or episode of unstable angina.

Nimodipine is available in tablet form for oral administration.

7. Nicergoline

Nicergoline is a drug derived from the ergot plant that is most often used to treat senile dementia and other diseases of vascular origin.

It is believed that nicergoline reduces vascular resistance and increases arterial blood flow in the brain, thus improving the utilization of oxygen and glucose by its cells.

In 2013, the European Medicines Agency recommended restricting the use of drugs containing ergot derivatives, including nicergoline. They stated: "These medicines should no longer be used to treat certain conditions, including problems with circulation or memory and sensation, or to prevent migraines, as the risks are greater than the benefits of their use for these indications.” Despite this statement, many neurologists continue to actively prescribe nicergoline to their patients.

The most by known means with this active ingredient are Sermion, Nicerium, Nicergoline. They are available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

8. Instenon

Instenon is combination drug to improve cerebral circulation and metabolism. It contains the following active ingredients:

All components of Instenon affect various mechanisms of brain damage caused by impaired blood flow and oxygen deficiency.

Instenon is available in the form of tablets for oral administration and in the form of ampoules for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

Aspirin can be found in literally every home medicine cabinet. This cold medicine helps relieve fever, headache, and aching joints and muscles. But it turns out that this is not all that our beloved acetylsalicylic acid is capable of.

It is hardly possible to find a person who has not taken aspirin at least once in his life. The medicine, whose history goes back more than a hundred years, still remains the most popular in the pharmacy chain. More than 80 billion aspirin tablets are sold worldwide every year. It helps people with colds and mild pain, protects the heart and blood vessels. And the drug’s abilities are not limited to this. Scientists regularly discover new properties of aspirin and propose using it for the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases.

Copied from nature

The origins of the creation of aspirin lie in ancient times. First mentions of medicinal properties willow trees, from the bark of which the substance - the progenitor of modern aspirin - was first obtained, were found in ancient Greek papyri dating back to 1534 BC. e. In those days, people used willow preparations as tonics.

In 1828, Munich University processor Joseph Bachner isolated active substance and called it “salicin”, and 10 years later the Italian scientist Rafael Piria obtained salicylic acid from it, which doctors began to use as an antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. True, patients disliked the new medicine for its disgusting taste and severe side effects.

A breakthrough in the history of the drug occurred in 1859, when acetylsalicylic acid was chemically synthesized, and later, in 1897, when chemist Felix Hoffman from Bayer developed a stable, convenient form of this substance, which became the main active ingredient a new drug called Aspirin.

Traditional uses of aspirin

The first batch of aspirin was released by Bayer in 1899, and over the next fifty years the drug was used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of aspirin is the common cold. Acetylsalicylic acid, acting on the thermoregulation center, quickly and effectively reduces body temperature; influencing the centers pain sensitivity, eliminates headaches, aches in muscles and joints; by interfering with the synthesis of prostaglandins, helps fight inflammation of the mucous membranes respiratory tract. Aspirin does not kill viruses and germs, but relieves the main symptoms of the disease, alleviating the patient's condition.

If you have a headache, toothache or knee pain, aspirin will ease your suffering; it is often enough to relieve mild pain.

Aspirin is indicated for rheumatoid arthritis and deforming arthrosis. It reduces inflammation in the joints, eliminates their swelling, and increases their mobility.

Aspirin for the heart and blood vessels

In 1967, scientists discovered that taking aspirin increases bleeding time; in 1971, they scientifically confirmed the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on blood clotting and found that small doses of the substance can prevent the formation of blood clots. Since then, aspirin has been actively used in the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases associated with blockage of blood vessels by blood clots and subsequent circulatory disorders.

Atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, obliterating endarteritis - these are far from full list diseases for which aspirin not only treats, but also helps to avoid dangerous complications.

Aspirin in small doses is prescribed to those who have a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases: those whose age is over 40 years old, who smoke, abuse fatty foods, leads sedentary lifestyle life, whose close relatives suffer from heart and vascular diseases and diabetes. According to research data, acetylsalicylic acid reduces the total risk of myocardial infarction by 30%, stroke - by 25%, sudden stop hearts - by 17%.

Other uses of aspirin

Aspirin helps you survive a hangover. Acetylsalicylic acid is part of many known drugs designed to relieve hangover syndrome.

There is evidence that aspirin can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of senile dementia. The medicine “cleanses” the blood vessels of the brain, thins the blood, improves cerebral circulation and thereby reduces the risk of disease.

In 2012, research materials were published regarding the anticancer effects of aspirin. The results are encouraging: five years of low-dose aspirin reduces cancer mortality by 37%, best effect observed in tumors of the small and large intestine. The risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced by 10%, lung cancer by 30%, and esophageal and throat cancer by 60%. The antitumor effect of aspirin continues to be studied until doctors prescribe this medicine to patients to avoid side effects.

And yet it's acid...

Unfortunately, the effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the human body is not limited to positive effects. Like any medicine, aspirin has side effects.

Acetylsalicylic acid irritates the gastric mucosa and increases acidity gastric juice and sometimes provokes the development and exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers.