Aromatherapy sage. Using sage essential oil for treatment. Diseases for which the use of sage oil is indicated

Clary sage oil is sometimes called the elixir of youth for its healing properties. It disinfects, relieves spasms, calms, lowers blood pressure, improves immunity, and tones. When used internally, it cleanses the blood, stimulates digestion, and normalizes the menstrual cycle. When applied externally – promotes speedy healing wounds and relief from many skin diseases. It is also used in aromatherapy to relieve stress, and the oil helps women maintain the beauty and youth of their skin.

Medicinal properties of sage

The name of this plant translated from Latin means “salvation.” In the Middle Ages, healers used it against almost all diseases. Modern medicine uses the healing properties of its essential oil to treat bacterial infections, colds, skin diseases and nervous disorders.


Essential oil clary sage has quite a complex chemical composition. It includes alcohols, ketones, terpenes, esters.

Chemical composition of the oil:

  • cineole
  • linalool
  • borneol
  • salviol
  • linalyl acetate
  • sesquiterpene caryophyllene
  • thujone
  • phellandrene
  • sclareol
  • camphor.

Alcohols provide the oil with disinfectant properties. Esters relax, tone, and have a phytoncidal effect. Ketones accelerate cellular metabolism and promote tissue regeneration. Terpenes give the oil its characteristic nutty, nutty, and spicy scent.

Interesting fact! The alcohols contained in large quantities explain the intoxicating effect of the oil. Therefore, it is not recommended for people whose activities require increased concentration attention, epileptics, pregnant women.


Clary sage oil has the following medicinal properties:

  • antimicrobial
  • tonic
  • anti-inflammatory
  • diuretic
  • deodorizing
  • choleretic
  • immunostimulating
  • anticonvulsant
  • anesthetic
  • hypotensive
  • expectorant
  • wound healing
  • calming.

It helps relieve headaches, activates mental activity, excites sexual desire, relieves nervous tension. During epidemics, sage oil will help protect against the flu, increase the body's resistance, and strengthen the immune system.

Sage oil is especially beneficial for women. It normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves unpleasant symptoms of menopause, treats frigidity and infertility. Masks and creams that contain it improve the structure of the skin, rejuvenate it, and also stimulate hair growth.

It is also known that sage essential oil has the properties of removing stomach cramps, suppress gas formation in the intestines, stimulate the production of bile. It is also useful for hypertensive patients, as it has the ability to lower blood pressure and cleanses the blood of “bad” cholesterol.


Clary sage oil is used in many areas of medicine and cosmetology. It is also used for aromatherapy, as well as in the perfume industry.

In medicine

Wherever clary sage oil is used! Its use in medicine is so multifaceted that there is, perhaps, not a single disease in the treatment of which it would not be useful. Most often it is used in the following cases:

  • neuroses
  • depression
  • neurasthenia
  • immunodeficiency
  • cold
  • flu
  • hypertension
  • atherosclerosis
  • rheumatism
  • migraine
  • amenorrhea
  • impotence
  • infertility
  • ischemia
  • tachycardia
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • colitis
  • hepatitis
  • dyspepsia
  • constipation
  • gastritis
  • dermatitis of various etiologies
  • eczema
  • psoriasis
  • alopecia (baldness)
  • furunculosis.
And this is far from full list diseases for which sage oil is used. They treat various disorders of the nervous system, bacterial infections, disorders hormonal levels. It is also used for inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes oral cavity and swelling.

Attention! Salvia officinalis oil is sometimes used in medicine. The properties and uses of this drug are somewhat different. For example, clary sage oil lowers blood pressure. Preparations from Salvia officinalis increase it and are not recommended for use by people suffering from hypertension. There are other differences, so when purchasing, carefully read the composition, as well as the instructions for use.

In cosmetology

The healing properties of sage have also found their application in cosmetology. It is used as an antiseptic, anti-aging agent and a drug that stimulates tissue regeneration.

Sage oil is especially useful for the face and hair prone to oiliness. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, heals existing damage, and relieves inflammatory processes, soothes irritated skin. They treat acne and age wrinkles. It reduces skin pores, eliminates oily shine and blackheads.

Sage oil helps strengthen weak, dry hair, relieves dandruff and seborrhea. It successfully treats alopecia – baldness of the scalp. Sage esters also help in solving such sensitive issue, How excessive sweating, acting as a natural deodorant.


Clary sage contains a large amount of volatile essential substances. They give this plant a specific smell of nuts and spices. This aroma is perfectly preserved in essential oil, which is obtained from the inflorescences and the upper part of the plant by steam distillation.

The aroma of sage oil is considered one of the best for relaxation and stress relief. Just a few drops of this incense are enough and all worries will be removed as if by hand. Interestingly, in the recent past it was used by shamans to enter a trance and communicate with the spirit world. Currently, clary sage oil is used in production aromatic oils, candles and balms.


Sage oil is not beneficial for everyone. There are a number of contraindications for its use. For example, it is not recommended for use by the following categories of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • epileptics;
  • hypotensive people

It is not advisable to use it when high hypertension and glomerulonephritis. Simultaneous use taking the drug with alcohol can lead to hallucinations and severe poisoning. It cannot be combined with iron-containing medications. Also, the oil is not recommended for people involved in extreme species sports and people engaged in work that requires increased concentration.

An interesting way to prepare sage oil can be found in this video:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The fresh, strong, warm, spicy-camphor aroma of clary sage perfectly balances the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, weakness and depression, and improves memory. Increases mental and physical performance. The ancient Romans called it “herba sacra” (sacred herb), as it was believed that sage had the ability to save people from disease and death. In cosmetics it is used as part of oil mixtures to relieve skin irritation, slow down the process of premature aging, and rejuvenate. Is a natural deodorant. Used to care for oily skin. Strengthens and stimulates hair growth. Used as a repellent: repels mosquitoes.

Clary sage essential oil is a light, flowing, fairly liquid phytoessence of a pleasant, very light yellow-green hue. The aroma of the extract is bright, rich with clearly defined camphor notes, but not pure, but slightly wine-like, similar to amber.

The exquisite scent does not limit the scope of use of the oil to the production of perfumes and aromatherapy. It is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Today, clary sage essential oil is considered one of the most popular in Europe.

Characteristics of clary sage

Clary sage is a subshrub with creeping and vertically growing shoots reaching a height of 90 cm.

For your information: Clary sage is much larger than its medicinal counterpart, which grows no more than 60 cm.

The greyish-green leaves are large, slightly wrinkled, oval shape covered with small fibers. Small flowers of a beautiful blue-white or lilac-white combination of shades form elongated paniculate inflorescences.

Clary sage is ornamental (today varieties have been developed in white and pale purple shades), which has made it popular with gardeners who use it as a border plant. In the production of essential oil, the traditional variety is used, which is grown on an industrial scale.

The plant's homeland is considered to be Southern Europe, from where it spread throughout the continent, where it grows wild. Currently cultivated in Crimea.

Medicinal properties of clary sage have been known for a long time. The first information was found in the sources of the Roman Empire. Its Latin name translates as “to save.” The plant was used for kidney diseases, women's diseases, to strengthen memory. Infusions of seeds were used in the treatment of open wounds.

Production technology

Clary sage essential oil is obtained from the green parts of the plant and its flowers. The latter have the highest aromatic properties. The production method is steam distillation, which allows you to extract the maximum amount from the raw material. useful substances.

Three schemes for processing raw materials are used to obtain valuable product. The first is used to distill all the green and flower mass in order to isolate the ether. According to the second, during the processing process both volatile and non-volatile substances are released. According to the third, the raw materials are processed with a volatile solvent, which makes it possible to separate the initial mass into the starting material for phytoessence (concrete) and waste used for the production of fertilizers. The first component is then steam distilled to produce oil.

The third scheme is considered the most effective. The yield of the finished product when using it is as high as possible.

Composition and properties of sage oil

In the essential oil of Clary sage (and Salvia officinalis, which is also used to produce the extract, but Low quality) contains mainly aromatic compounds linalool and lanalyl acetate, borneol, cineole and camphor. Unlike Salvia officinalis oil, this ester does not contain thujone, which is in phytoessence from a plant normal looking up to 60%. Experts consider it a good antidepressant, but classify it as a natural narcotic substances. It should be used with great caution, as thujone has both positive and negative effects on the body.

The properties and use of the product depend on the composition of sage essential oil. The extract has antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. It is used as an anesthetic and antispasmodic. The ether has the ability to reduce lactation.

It is highly valued in cosmetology regenerating and antifungal properties.

In the psycho-emotional sphere, it is important antidepressants and calming characteristics, the ability to actively work with sexual disorders.

Indications for use

The properties of clary sage essential oil allow it to be used for all women's diseases, digestive disorders, problems associated with stagnation in the liver. You can also forget about a sore throat after using the healing ether. Rubbing with phytoessence helps for rheumatic and muscle pain . The extract is recommended for high blood pressure.

Sage oil is used to stop lactation. Baths with ether will help to smoothly reduce and then stop milk production. The woman will be spared the troubles associated with the formation of lumps in the breasts and the occurrence of pain.

Aging-related deterioration of the face and hair is another reason to discover the healing properties of sage.


Restrictions on the use of sage extract are:

  • intolerance to the product and its components;
  • low pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • children under three years old.

How much does sage oil cost and where to buy it?

The price of sage oil in a pharmacy depends on various reasons. It includes the cost of delivering raw materials to the place of production and finished products to retail chains, brand popularity, and the presence of intermediate stages on the way from manufacturer to seller. Finally, important indicator is the quality of the product.

Important: Unscrupulous manufacturers dilute clary sage oil with cheaper ether or offer artificial analogues that match the smell, but do not have medicinal properties.

You can buy sage extract for 140 rubles or more (up to 1500 rubles). High price is not always an indicator High Quality, but low does not mean otherwise. Before choosing, it is recommended to learn more about the manufacturer of the product, read reviews of its products, find out whether it works commercial network directly or uses the services of intermediaries. Having figured out all the aspects, it is easy to buy high-quality sage essential oil at a competitive price.

Essential oil of sage "Oleos"

Compound: 100% clary sage essential oil obtained by steam distillation.

Volume and form of release: 10 ml in dark glass bottles.

Storage: store in tightly closed bottles, at temperatures from 5 to 25 °C, protected from direct sun rays place.

Best before date: 3 years.

Sage essential oil is widely used in medicine for the production of astringents and anti-inflammatory drugs used for diseases of the oral cavity, larynx, and respiratory system. Sage oil is added to cosmetics to preserve youth, fresh skin and strengthen hair.

Sage oil nutmeg application found in medical field, cosmetology and aromatherapy. Its ability to work effectively in the above areas has been time-tested and confirmed by scientific research.

ATTENTION! Essential oils are highly concentrated phytoessences. IN for cosmetic purposes should only be used in mixture with vegetable base oils.

Before starting to use essential oil, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction.

Mix 1 drop of essential oil with 1/3 teaspoon of vegetable oil and apply to the inner surface of the forearm or behind the ear, or apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to a handkerchief and inhale periodically throughout the day. The use of the tested oil is possible if after 12 hours there is no allergic reaction on the skin, headache, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, or swelling of the face.

Joint pain

Acute pain in the elbows, shoulder joints, and knees causes a lot of inconvenience. It hinders movement, limits the possibility of full labor activity. Rubbing sore joints will help relieve painful sensations and quickly restore their mobility. In quality massage oil use a mixture of olive (or soybean) oil and sage extract in a ratio of 10 ml:5 k. The composition is applied with intense movements. Duration of use – until reaching positive result(until the pain stops reoccurring).

Pain in the stomach and intestines

If pain occurs in the stomach and intestines, a composition of 10 ml of vegetable oil and 5-6 parts of ether is applied to the stomach with massage movements. Within 20-30 minutes active substances extract are absorbed and, once in the bloodstream, begin to work.

Important : It must be remembered that pain in the stomach and intestines occurs not only as a result of overeating or poor diet. They may be associated with serious illnesses. It is recommended that you visit a specialist.

Women's diseases

Clary sage oil (aromatherapy sessions) is recommended if there are problems with reproductive function, uterine disorders (tones the uterus), during menopause. Baths with the extract are used in the treatment of thrush (15 kopecks per bath).

For a cold

ARVI, flu, sore throat will go away faster if inhalations are carried out during treatment (5-7 k. per 300 g hot water) and gargling (2 parts per 200 g of warm water).

Things to remember: When gargling, do not swallow the solution. Sage oil is not recommended to be taken internally.

In cosmetology

Clary sage essential oil has a rejuvenating, regenerating and restorative effect. It is used for the appearance of wrinkles and the first signs of skin aging. Masks with the extract are recommended for increased secretion from the sebaceous glands.

When caring for hair, phytoessence helps eliminate dandruff, eliminates oily shine, strengthens roots, and restores structure.

Sage oil for face

After 30 years, the first wrinkles begin to appear on the face. Sage oil will help prevent their appearance. It is added to regular care products (creams, tonics, lotions), wiped over the face, diluted with vegetable base oil, and made into masks, cold and hot inhalations.

For oily skin

To eliminate shine and normalize the secretion of subcutaneous fat, it is recommended to mix 5 ml of oil hazelnut(can be replaced with oil grape seed) and 2 parts of sage ether. Apply the composition twice a day (morning and evening) for 30-40 minutes or once (at night).

For wrinkles

By using sage oil on your face against wrinkles, you can stop age-related changes in the epidermis. A mask made from clary sage extracts works well, and... Esters are mixed in equal proportions. 5 parts of the composition are diluted with 5 ml of oil (for oily skin) or (for dry skin). The composition is applied overnight.

A similar mixture can be added to cosmetics (4-5 parts per single dose).

For hair

Using sage essential oil on your hair is a great way to maintain its beauty and strength. Root massage, combing, masks will help restore damaged structure, get rid of dandruff.

For weakened hair

You can restore weakened hair by adding oil to the shampoo or conditioner you use daily (1 part in a single amount). To simultaneously eliminate fat content, it is recommended to add 1 part of ether to sage. For dry hair, you can add lavender extract (1 tbsp.)

For dandruff

A mixture of sage and oils will help get rid of “snow deposits” on your hair. Esters are taken in equal quantities(2 k. each). The composition is mixed with 5 ml burdock oil and rub into the scalp. The hair is covered with film and wrapped in a towel for 30-40 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day for 10 days.

For oily hair

You can eliminate oily shine and normalize the function of the sebaceous glands using sage and lemon oils. Prepare the composition by taking ethers in equal parts. 5 parts of the solution are diluted with 10 ml of jojoba or almond oil. The product is applied to the hair as a compress. The duration of the procedure is about an hour. Duration of use – at least 10 days.

For body

Sage oil is used to eliminate cellulite deposits. The ability of the extract to remove excess liquid makes its use as effective as possible.

Sage in aromatherapy

In aromatherapy sessions it is important soothing properties clary sage oil. It is indispensable for nervous disorders, stress, and depression. Baths (15 k.) and air aromatization (5-7 k. per 15 m2) will help restore peace of mind.

The useful composition will help improve memory and increase self-esteem.

The latter property allows us to consider sage oil to be quite good aphrodisiac. Procedures with it eliminate frigidity in women and increase male potency, helping you to believe in yourself. The aroma of sage heightens sensuality and promotes a state of euphoria after intimacy.

“Why should a person die if sage grows in his garden?” - this is exactly what the Arabs said in ancient times. The healing properties of this plant have been known for a long time. Currently, essential oil, which is a concentrate of all the beneficial substances of sage, has become available to people.

Sage oil: general characteristics

Sage represents herbaceous plant, which is native to Italy and Southeastern Europe. Since ancient times, this shrub has been credited with magical and medicinal properties. According to archaeological finds, it was used to treat many diseases back in Ancient Egypt. Latin name sage translates as "savior".

Sage essential oil can be used almost everywhere: in aromatherapy and in medical purposes, and to preserve beauty

The oil is produced from the flowers of the plant using steam distillation. Two types of sage are used: medicinal and clary. The most common is the latter; it is more actively used in cosmetology and aromatherapy. Clary sage is considered safer and has a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma.

The oil contains more than twenty substances, the most important of which are:

  • salvin (a powerful natural antibiotic);
  • flavonoids (antioxidants that have antimicrobial effect and reduce capillary fragility);
  • alkaloids (have various pharmacological effects);
  • terpenoids (participants in metabolic processes).

Sage essential oil has the following properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • reduces sweating;
  • tonic.

Contraindications for use

Restrictions on the use of ether are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation (sage reduces milk production).

Sage essential oil should be used with caution if you have hypertension.

How to choose and store oil correctly

Ether should be purchased in pharmacies and specialized stores, paying attention to the expiration date. It must be stored only in a dark, cool place, as under the influence ultraviolet rays many components of the oil are destroyed. The container with ether must be tightly closed.

Use of sage ether in medicine

The components of sage essential oil have proven therapeutic properties, thanks to which this remedy is actively used in medicine.

For headaches

If you experience a headache, you should:

  1. Add 1-2 drops of sage ether to half a teaspoon of base oil (olive or grape seed).
  2. Rub the mixture into the temple area.

Compound olive oil rich in many vitamins, antioxidants and biologically active substances

Aromatherapy using this ether can relieve spasms and pain in the head. To do this, use the following mixture:

  • 1 drop each of sandalwood and basil esters;
  • 2 drops of sage essential oil.

Sandalwood essential oil relieves headaches, stress and tension

For spasms and colic in the gastrointestinal tract

If you have problems with digestive system you should use the following recipe:

  1. Add 3-4 drops of sage ether to a tablespoon of slightly warmed base oil (you can take olive or almond oil).
  2. Massage the abdomen with the resulting mixture clockwise for 3-4 minutes.

At regular use almond oil improves the functioning of the digestive system

It is also possible to use the concentrate internally. To do this, one drop of sage ether is mixed with two drops of vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) and applied to a piece of bread. It must be eaten before the main meal.

For colds

The following recipes will help you cope with infections:

Steam inhalations

Steam inhalations with this concentrate help fight a variety of ailments:

  • respiratory diseases (including inflammatory processes);
  • viral infections of the oral cavity;
  • diseases of the throat and nasopharynx;
  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis:

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Add 5-10 drops of sage ether to 1.5 - 2 liters of hot water.
  2. For 10 minutes you need to breathe deeply over the composition, covered with a towel.

Inhalations with sage oil are one of the best remedies for eliminating the first symptoms of a cold and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Use hot inhalations for high temperature bodies are not allowed.

For diseases of the oral cavity and teeth

The strong antiseptic effect of sage oil helps during many oral diseases associated with the activity of microorganisms (caries, stomatitis, pulpitis). In addition, this product eliminates bad breath. To do this, add 2-3 drops of ether to water, shake the mixture and rinse 5-6 times a day.

Rinsing the mouth with sage ether has a refreshing effect, which is very important for purulent processes accompanied by an unpleasant odor

For women's health

The use of sage essential oil helps to normalize hormonal levels and facilitate the premenstrual and menopausal periods. The product is often used in therapeutic methods infertility treatment. For this, aroma lamps and aroma medallions are used (1-2 drops of ether are enough).

Aroma pendants and aroma medallions are effective and healthy accessories that allow you to use healing properties essential oils around the clock

Oil compresses will help complete lactation without the risk of lump formation and mastitis. To achieve this goal, the fabric uses the following composition:

  1. 5-6 drops of ether are mixed with a tablespoon of base oil (can be taken from grape or avocado seeds).
  2. Dip a cloth into the oil mixture and apply it to the chest for 15–20 minutes.

Avocado oil can not only support women Health, but also strengthen immune protection generally

Sage essential oil contains phytohormones similar to estrogen, so its use for diseases associated with elevated levels of this hormone is strictly prohibited. Such diseases include endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and breast tumors.

To enhance labor

Sage essential oil is used in aromatherapy to enhance labor. It can be used in aroma medallions or aroma lamps by adding 4–5 drops of ether to a bowl of water (the duration of the procedure is 15–20 minutes). To relieve pain, apply a compress to the sacral area. To do this, add 4-5 drops of sage concentrate to 20 ml of grape seed oil and apply to the skin (or do light massage this mixture).

To use sage essential oil during pregnancy, you need to become familiar with it in advance. This will eliminate allergies and individual adverse reactions body. If a pregnant woman cannot easily tolerate the smell of any ether, it is better to avoid using it.

For skin

Oil compresses, the recipes for which are described above, will also help with various skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, irritation and inflammation), and will also save you from itching after insect bites and contribute to the speedy restoration of the dermis in case of burns and frostbite.

For excessive sweating

Baths will help get rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor. To prepare one of them, add 3-4 drops of sage ether to half a teaspoon of sea salt and dilute the mixture in 2 liters of water. This procedure should be carried out in the evenings (duration - 15 minutes).

Baths with sea ​​salt will help improve blood circulation and maintain healthy feet

The axillary area can also be treated with a natural deodorant. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Add 2-3 drops of sage ether to half a glass of water;
  2. Shake the composition thoroughly.
  3. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting mixture and apply to the skin.

The use of sage oil in cosmetology

Sage oil has become widespread in cosmetology thanks to a large number antioxidants and antiseptics in its composition.

For face

IN pure form ether is not applied to the skin to avoid possible appearance burn or irritation. The antiseptic properties of this product allow it to be used to eliminate pimples, blackheads and other rashes, as well as to normalize activity. sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is ideal for oily and problem skin(for dry use it must be used extremely carefully so as not to aggravate the situation).

The following masks have proven their effectiveness:

  • For oily skin. One small apple is baked in the oven, peeled and its pulp mashed to a pulp. Add 5 ml of lemon juice, 5 drops of sage esters (preferably nutmeg) and rosemary. The mask is applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and washed off warm water in 20 minutes.

    Apple has exfoliating and whitening effects on the skin.

  • To increase skin elasticity. 2 drops of sage ether are added to 5 ml of base oil (it is most effective to use jojoba or grape seed). The mixture is applied to previously cleansed skin for half an hour. Excess is blotted with a paper napkin.

    Jojoba oil is used to care for any skin type (including problematic and oily)

  • Recovery. The following composition is applied to the skin: two tablespoons of any base oil, mixed with esters of sage, lemon, lavender, chamomile (2 drops each). The product is kept for 30 minutes.

    The use of chamomile ether will be useful if necessary to get rid of wrinkles, restore skin elasticity and correct the oval of the face

  • For skin rejuvenation:
    • Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and natural yogurt. Add crushed strawberries, then stir in half a teaspoon of oatmeal and 3 drops of sage ether. The mask is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes, rinsed off with warm water. This procedure can be done 1-2 times a week.

      Natural yogurt is an excellent anti-aging product for the face and body.

    • The pulp of half a small avocado is mixed with 5 ml of liquid honey and 3 drops of sage ether. The composition is applied to previously cleansed and steamed skin for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

      Avocado pulp contains many antioxidants and moisturizing components that are necessary for facial care.

    • A tablespoon of starch is mixed with a teaspoon of milk powder. Dilute the mixture to a creamy consistency with cold green tea. Add 5 drops of sage ether to the mixture and apply to the skin for 15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes.

      Masks based green tea best suited for aging and aging skin

    • To restore elasticity to the skin, pour 2 tablespoons of gelatin with water and let it brew until a thick mass appears. After this, 15 ml of macadamia oil and 6 drops of sage ether are added to the mixture. The mask is applied to pre-steamed skin for half an hour. The number of sessions is 7, the procedure can be repeated daily. This composition activates collagen synthesis, restores tone and smoothes wrinkles.

      Macadamia oil - effective remedy for facial skin care that prevents aging

    • To rejuvenate the skin, make a mask based on avocado. To do this, take 20 grams of fruit pulp, add crushed strawberries (2-3 pieces) and 4 drops of sage ether. The mask is applied for 30 minutes. Its components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, remove signs of fatigue, fight swelling, and smooth out wrinkles.

      Strawberry rejuvenates, brightens, tones and makes skin of any type and age radiant

    • To achieve a lifting effect, prepare the following mask: beat the protein from the chicken face to a thick foam. A tablespoon of liquid honey is mixed with the same amount of sour cream and 3 drops of sage oil, then the whipped egg whites are poured into the mixture. The mask is applied to previously cleansed skin for 20 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

      Sour cream provides nourishment to the skin, protects it and helps smooth out wrinkles.

  • For acne. A tablespoon of white clay is diluted with chamomile decoction until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Add one drop each of geranium, clove and sage esters. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    White clay is extremely effective in clearing up acne and preventing its reoccurrence.

Sage essential oil can be used to enrich cosmetics (3-4 drops per 15 grams of cream will be enough). It is better to add oil to a purchased product immediately before application, since such a product must be used within a week.

Adding essential oil to a finished cosmetic product significantly reduces its shelf life

Cosmetic ice

Facial massages with ice perfectly improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, relieve swelling, improve skin tone and serve as an excellent prevention of wrinkles. To achieve this result, use the following recipe:

  1. Mix 7 g of sage herb with 3 g of chamomile and add 120 ml of hot water.
  2. Let the mixture sit for about an hour, then strain it.
  3. Add 3 drops of sage ether, mix thoroughly and pour into molds.

It is better to use ice in evening time before applying the cream.

“Washing” with cosmetic ice will improve skin tone and blood circulation, smooth out fine wrinkles and remove dark circles under the eyes

For hair

Sage oil normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves dandruff and irritation on the scalp, and also strengthens hair follicles. Effective for solving various problems related to hair, there will be the following masks:

  • To get rid of dandruff. Mix 3 tablespoons of liquid cream with sugar and salt (a teaspoon each), add five drops of sage ether. Apply the mask to the scalp for 20 minutes. Wash off the product with shampoo.

    Cream can minimize the harmful effects of external factors on hair

  • For hair restoration. 4-5 drops of sage ether are added to 30 ml of base oil (for example, castor, burdock). The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, rubbed into the scalp, wrapped in cling film, and insulated with a towel. Wash off after an hour with warm water and mild shampoo.

    Castor oil has been used since ancient times as a remedy against hair loss and thinning of hair.

  • To strengthen hair. The beaten yolk of one egg is mixed with 20 ml of burdock or olive oil, 3 drops of sage ether and 1 drop of lemon balm concentrate. The mixture is applied over the entire length of the hair for 60 minutes, washed off with warm water and shampoo.

    Melissa essential oil gives hair a beautiful and natural shine, eliminates greasiness, stops hair loss and accelerates hair growth.

  • For elimination high fat content hair. Pour 30 ml of warm kvass into 10 g of rye flour. Add 4 drops of sage ether to the mixture. The mask is applied to the scalp for 30 minutes.

    If you rinse your hair with homemade bread kvass after washing your hair, then after a while you will see that it grows much faster

  • To get rid of hair fragility. 2 tablespoons of curdled milk are mixed with 4 yolks and 5 drops of sage oil. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair and washed off after an hour.

    Curdled milk restores, nourishes and protects hair

In order for hair masks to bring maximum effect, you should follow several recommendations:

  • all compositions containing esters should be applied to the hair only when freshly prepared, since many components of concentrates evaporate;
  • if the mask is prepared on the basis base oils, then before use it is better to warm them up to about 40 degrees, and then add esters - this way the mask will penetrate deeper into the hair structure (for the same purpose, the head is insulated with film and a towel);
  • Oil formulations should be applied to clean, damp strands;
  • After using the masks, it is better not to use a hair dryer; your hair should dry naturally.

Sage contains many vitamins and minerals, due to which the hair roots receive valuable nutrition, and the strands become thicker, more elastic and healthier.

Aromatherapy combing will help restore shine to your hair. It is enough to drop 2-3 drops of sage ether onto a comb made of wood or other natural material and comb your hair with it for 3-4 minutes. In addition, this product can be enriched with shampoos and conditioners. To do this, squeeze the required amount of product into the palm of your hand, add 2 drops of oil to it, mix and apply to your hair.

For nails

Salt hand baths with the addition of sage ether prevent nail brittleness and peeling, moisturize the cuticle, prevent the appearance of hangnails, and fight fungus. The vitamins contained in the oil add shine to the nail plate and make it healthier. Perform the procedure as follows:

  1. 5 drops of sage essential oil are added to a teaspoon of sea salt, and then it is diluted in 200 ml of warm water.
  2. Place your hands in the mixture for 15 minutes.

Baths based on basic and essential oils provide complex impact on the skin of the hands and nails

It is useful to do nail baths 1-2 times a week.

The ether can also be added to hand and nail cream. In addition, it will be useful to regularly rub the following mixture into the nail plate and the area near it:

  • 1 tablespoon of base oil;
  • 2 drops each of sage, lavender and lemon esters.

Compositions with sage oil nourish the skin of the hands, make it soft and smooth, provide care for nails, prevent their splitting, and strengthen them.

Use of essential oil in aromatherapy

Sage oil has a calming effect, helps you tune in to work and relieve stress. In addition, the product actively fights panic attacks, depression, weakness.

There is an opinion that using this oil in aromatherapy can help a person get rid of unnecessary thoughts, doubts, see the truth and know himself. It is recommended for use in complex life situations: during quarrels, when sorting out relationships. It is believed that ether is able to remove negative energy and establish contacts between people. The aroma of sage activates mental activity, helps to concentrate attention, and is effective in increased loads, and also promotes speedy recovery from illness.

The easiest way of aromatherapy is to use an aroma lamp with 5-6 drops of essential oil added to a bowl

To restore strength and peace of mind Aroma baths are effective. For these purposes, 3-4 drops of sage ether are poured into a tablespoon of sea salt or cream, and then added to the water. The water temperature should not exceed 39 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Clary sage essential oil is used as an aphrodisiac. Its aroma increases sensuality and adds self-confidence. The concentrate has a relaxing effect, eliminates tension between partners and helps to tune in to pleasure.

Sage essential oil is also used for erotic massages. To do this you need:

  1. Mix wheat germ and pistachio oil (50 ml each).
  2. Add 15 drops of sage, jasmine and ylang-ylang esters to the composition.
  3. Apply to the skin with soft, slightly pressing movements.

You can also combine a tablespoon of this mixture with sea salt, add the resulting mixture to water and take a bath together.

Sage oil is an excellent aphrodisiac, aromatic with the addition of which will help add variety to life together any pair

Video: healing properties of sage

Sage oil has a number of advantageous features that allow it to be used as a healing agent for strengthening hair and caring for the condition of the face. Inhalation pleasant aroma provides positive impact on the nervous system. However, when using the product, you should strictly observe the dosage and duration of sessions, and also take into account contraindications. In some cases, you may need to consult a professional before applying oil.

To produce essential oil, sage flowers and leaves are used, which are processed by steam distillation. The result is a colorless liquid of light consistency with a musky aroma. The smell of the oil is rich in various shades with a predominance of smoky, amber and nutty notes.

In cosmetology, nutmeg oil is used, not medicinal sage, since the latter contains 20% thujone, which is a neurotoxic substance.

Main useful components oils are:

  • salvin, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a tissue tonic;
  • cineole, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • camphor, which helps relieve irritation and eliminate pigmentation;
  • alkaloids that eliminate inflammatory manifestations;
  • linalyl acetate, which has a sedative effect.

The combination of healing components makes sage oil widely used for cosmetic procedures. So, when used to improve the condition of the facial surface, the product helps get rid of pimples and blackheads, normalizing the functioning of the glands. At the same time, the components have a whitening effect and even out skin tone. When used correctly, the oil improves the elasticity of tissues and accelerates the regeneration processes in cells.

No less important are the following medicinal properties of the oil, which manifest themselves when inhaling its aroma:

  • blood pressure levels decrease;
  • the functioning of the digestive system improves;
  • the state of the nervous system is stabilized;
  • relieves pain during menstruation;
  • Potency increases and libido increases.

Thanks to salvin and camphor, the oil is often used to strengthen the hair structure and eliminate excess oiliness.

Video: properties and methods of using sage oil

Using oil to strengthen hair

Easiest way to use healing oil to improve hair condition - add to shampoo or conditioner. To do this, 3 drops of ether per 1 portion of the product is enough. In addition, it is useful to comb your hair by applying a few drops to the tips of the teeth of a wooden comb. It is necessary to distribute the oil through the hair slowly and smoothly, while the entire procedure takes about 10 minutes and is repeated 2 times a week.

To enhance the result and better penetration of the components into the bulbs, it is recommended to use masks with the addition of other oils:

After the session, you need to clean your hair using shampoo. The procedure is performed at intervals of 2 days for 1 month.

Methods of use for facial care

In order to improve the condition of the facial surface, sage oil is added to used creams, tonics, or lotions at the rate of 3 drops per 15 grams of the main product. No less effective is the use healing composition as an ingredient in various masks:

  1. Getting rid of excess fat. Bake the apple using the oven or microwave and puree the pulp. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice, and also add 5 drops each of rosemary and sage oils. After mixing, spread the mixture over areas of the face, avoiding the area near the eyes, and wait 20 minutes. At the end of the session, rinse off the composition with warm water.
  2. Rejuvenation. Add 4 drops each of geranium, hazelnut and sage oils to 1 teaspoon of flax oil. Apply the composition to the surface of the face and leave for 30 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, pat the treated areas dry with a thin towel.
  3. Cleansing. Take white clay for cosmetic purposes in the amount of 1 tablespoon and dilute it in water at a comfortable temperature to a paste consistency. Add 1 tablespoon of avocado pulp, 5 drops of sage oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and stir the mixture until smooth. Distribute the product over areas of the face, avoiding the area near the eyes, and leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Use warm water to remove the mixture.

When applying the mask, try to follow massage lines face and do not rub the composition with excessive force. Movements should be light and precise.

Before the procedure, be sure to cleanse the surface of your face, and after removing the mixture, treat the areas with a moisturizer. It is recommended to conduct the session in the evening no more than 3 times a week.

Sage oil in combination with other ingredients is also used to prepare cosmetic ice. This tool It is especially effective for getting rid of swelling that forms on the face after sleep. The most popular recipe is the following:

  1. Prepare a chamomile decoction in the proportion of 3 grams of flowers per 110 ml of hot water.
  2. After about 1 hour, when the composition has infused, add 3 drops of sage oil.
  3. Pour the resulting solution into ice molds and place in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Use ice in the morning to wipe the surface of your face.

After completing the session, use a moisturizer. The duration of the course is 10 days, repeated after 3 months.

Aromatherapy and bath treatments

Inhaling the aroma of sage has a pronounced relaxing and calming effect, relieving spasms. Therefore, aromatherapy sessions are especially effective in the evening. To do this, add 3 drops of oil to the lamp at the rate of 10 square meters. The duration of the session is about 20 minutes.

When using an aromatic pendant, just add 2 drops of oil to it. The same amount of product is suitable for taking a bath. It is not recommended to pour oil directly into water - it is better to first add a small amount of the composition to salt or foam.

Video: how to use sage oil in aromatherapy

Use to enhance labor

During pregnancy, you must use the oil very carefully: only after consulting a professional and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Due to the fact that the components of the drug contribute to the intensification of contractions and the opening of the cervix, it is prescribed to approach labor.

Exist following methods use of oil during pregnancy:

  1. Rub a mixture prepared from 3 drops of sage oil in combination with a teaspoon of almond oil into the stomach and lower back. When applying, follow the direction of circular movements - strictly clockwise.
  2. Add to water when taking a bath - no more than 5 drops in combination with sea salt. For the first time, 10 minutes of this procedure is enough, later the time is gradually increased to 20 minutes.

Correct use of oil helps eliminate swelling, often observed on the legs of pregnant women. To do this, prepare a bath with 5 drops of oil and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes.

Applying oil to stop lactation

Due to the presence of phytohormones in the oil, which are a substitute for natural estrogens, sage has the ability to stop lactation. The fact is that estrogens can suppress the production of prolactin hormones, so increasing their quantity through natural substitutes leads to a reduction in milk flow. However, before using essential oil for this purpose, mandatory consultation with a professional is required.

You should not expect an immediate effect from using the oil. The cessation of lactation should occur gradually, without causing rapid hormonal changes and metabolic imbalances.

To slow down the process of milk production, perform the following actions:

  1. Breast massage with application of a product made from 4 drops of sage oil per 10 grams of olive oil. Movements are carried out gently, clockwise. The duration of the course is 10 days.
  2. Applying compresses to the chest. To do this, you need to soak a piece of gauze, folded several times, with a mixture of 25 grams of olive oil in combination with cypress, sage and geranium oils in an amount of 3 drops of each product. The bandage is applied for 30 minutes daily for 10 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Sage oil has a number of restrictions for use. So, contraindications to any use of the product include:

  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • hypotension;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • simultaneous use with alcohol.

The oil significantly affects the ability to concentrate, which must be taken into account when choosing the time to use it in aromatherapy. During pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, the product is used only after the doctor’s permission. If the oil is used incorrectly or for too long, irritation may occur, especially if it accidentally comes into contact with mucous membranes.

Since the product often causes allergies, before applying it it is necessary to conduct a test to identify the reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the sensitive area of ​​the wrist and observe for 30 minutes whether signs of irritation or redness appear in the treated area.

- properties and application.

(Salvia sclarea L.)

Effects of clary sage essential oil(see below for more details):

Strengthens immunity. Increases the body's adaptive capabilities. Effectively relieves inflammation in the throat and respiratory organs.

Calms and relaxes. Increases mental and physical performance. Positively affects functional state of cardio-vascular system, lowers blood pressure.

Clary sage essential oil normalizes the menstrual cycle and alleviates menopausal problems.

Reduces overproduction sebum and eliminates excessive sweating.

Restores hair strength and tone.
Clary sage essential oil is used for(see below for details) decreased immunity, colds, inflammation of the throat and respiratory system, cerebral circulatory disorders, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, nervous tension, neurasthenia, hysterical reactions, depression, menstrual irregularities, stomatitis, periodontal disease, pustular skin lesions, wounds, excessive sweating, hair loss.

Effects of clary sage essential oil

bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic, antispasmodic, mild hypotensive, anticonvulsant, antioxidant, diuretic, carminative, expectorant, immunomodulatory, sedative, wound-healing, balsamic, deodorizing.

Clary sage oil is a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, which is not only a good room fragrance, but also a means of preventing acute respiratory diseases.

Clary sage essential oil has a softening effect in chronic and acute inflammations respiratory organs.

Relieves the condition of whooping cough and bronchitis with an asthmatic component (relieves bronchial spasms and helps get rid of anxiety and emotional stress, often found in patients with asthma). The oil brings relief from sore throat, cough, laryngitis, tonsillitis, promotes rapid recovery hoarse voice, which is very valuable for announcers, lecturers, and singers.

By strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's adaptive capabilities, nutmeg-sage oil has a general strengthening effect.

It gives additional energy during the rehabilitation period, promoting recovery after illness (especially after the flu), as well as during postpartum period and for depression.

Clary sage essential oil increases the functional activity of the stomach, improves digestion, and eliminates gas formation in the digestive tract.

Possessing an antispasmodic effect, it eliminates gastric and intestinal colic, promotes the release of gases during flatulence.

Effectively relieves inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa due to periodontal disease, pulpitis, and caries. Eliminates bad smell from mouth.

Considered a good kidney tonic.
Positively affects the functional state of the cardiovascular system: improves microcirculation, promotes gradual restoration of functions after reversible strokes, has hypotensive effect(lowers blood pressure).

Helps quickly warm up muscles before exercise.
Clary sage oil increases sexual activity(has aphrodisiac properties) and helps normalize hormonal status in men and women.

Sage oil is believed to stimulate endocrine function gonads and has an estrogen-like effect, and also stimulates the activity of the pituitary gland.

With the ability to normalize hormonal disorders, oil alleviates menopause problems, regulates menstrual cycle, reduces premenstrual tension, reduces the pain of menstruation (easing cramps).

As a menstrual stimulant, it is useful to use in the absence or scanty periods. It is better to use it during the first half of the menstrual cycle, as heavy bleeding can sometimes occur in the second half.

Sage oil is a good tonic for the uterus, making labor easier and reducing the risk of postpartum depression and giving expectant mothers a sense of confidence.

If a breastfeeding woman needs to stop lactation, then the use of sage oil very quickly stops milk production, preventing inflammation and hardening of the mammary glands.
Clary sage essential oil balances the nervous system: at the same time it has a calming and general tonic effect.

By activating the activity of the central nervous system, sage oil restores strength, increases mental and physical performance, improves concentration, increases memory capacity and productivity, awakens intuition, increases creativity and creative activity.

At the same time, the oil has a calming, relaxing and antidepressant effect. Inhaling oil vapors helps relieve nervous tension, causes mild euphoria, a feeling of inner well-being, harmony and joy of life.

It is one of the most powerful relaxing aromatherapy remedies to cope with stress, mental or emotional stress, a feeling of anxiety and often resulting tension in the muscles (muscle spasms and contractures).

Has an anticonvulsant effect.

The warming and relaxing effect of the oil helps with feverish and panic conditions.

Eliminates asthenia, weakness, apathy, indifference to life. Brings hope in times of depression and anxiety. Relieving general tension, the oil helps with headaches and migraines.

Being an anti-stress, it helps solve sexual problems.

Eliminates muscle tremors and alleviates hand tremors in chronic alcoholism.

Clary sage essential oil helps get rid of drug and drug addiction.
Recommended for oily, normal and mature skin.

Clary sage essential oil promotes skin regeneration, prevents premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles, and helps keep skin young and healthy.

Eliminates excessive sweating and unpleasant body odors, is a natural deodorant.

Effective for pustular skin lesions.

Reduces skin inflammation in psoriasis, eczema and other types of dermatitis.

Heals cuts, wounds, burns.

Relieves itching and irritation due to herpes and thrush.

Reduces excessive sebum production, especially on the scalp.

Restores hair strength and tone, stimulates its growth.

Cleanses greasy hair, helps get rid of dandruff.
A mosquito repellent scent. It is an antidote to insect bites.

Aroma: fresh, cold, slightly heavy, dry, smoky, tobacco, tea-like with a balsamic nuance, floral, nutty-herbal, spicy, tart, with a bittersweet wine or amber undertone.

application cases

decreased immunity, secondary immunodeficiencies, frequent colds, whooping cough, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, angina ( acute tonsillitis), laryngitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza (prevention), tuberculosis, air disinfection;

hypertension, impaired cerebral hemodynamics, cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, neurocirculatory dystonia with increased blood pressure, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis;

functional disorders of the nervous system, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, nervous tension and anxiety, states of fear, depression, asthenia, neurasthenia, hysteria, nervousness, paranoia, convulsions, memory impairment, decreased mental activity, migraine;

menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, frigidity, impotence, infertility;

inflammation of the mucous membranes;

stomatitis, hepatitis, gastritis, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, flatulence, decreased intestinal motor function, constipation, muscle spasms, colic, colitis; infectious diseases urinary tract;

swelling, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia;

dermatitis, eczema, boils, pustular rash, hyperhidrosis ( increased sweating), skin aging, burns, poorly healing wounds, cracks, bruises, herpes, hair loss, baldness.
Other uses:
The oil has good durability. In the perfumery and cosmetics industry it is used as a fragrance and odor fixer in the manufacture of perfumes, colognes, creams, pastes and other cosmetic and perfume products.
Clary sage essential oil is used in Food Industry during production soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and confectionery to give them a nutmeg aroma. It is interesting to use clary sage essential oil to simulate the bouquet of aged wines and correct the aroma of dry wines.
Some of the clary sage is processed by extraction to produce a concrete that is used to produce high-quality creams. In addition to volatile components, the concrete contains up to 50% sclareol (bicyclic diterpene alcohol, diterpene diol). Sclareol can also be obtained from plant waste after steam distillation of the essential oil. Sclareol is used for the synthesis of aromatic substances with the smell of amber, and also as a fixative in the perfumery and cosmetics industry. It is used to obtain ambrial and ambroxide - important components of perfume compositions.
In the tobacco industry, essential oil and sclareol are used to flavor expensive varieties of tobacco.

Receive by steam distillation from the flowering tops of clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.), family Laminaceae or Labiatae. For the first time, this type of sage was called “muscat” in Germany, since its taste, according to the Germans, resembled the taste of muscat wine. Dishonest traders used sage to add it to cheaper wines to make them taste like real Muscat. The results of such actions were sometimes terrifying: even from small quantity Such fake wine made a person drunk very quickly, and the hangover after it was simply unbearable. Clary sage is also called royal or large (because the height of this plant can reach 1.5-2 m).
Origin of the plant: Mediterranean look. It is believed that his homeland was the island of Crete, from where he came to Ancient Egypt and was used in Alexandria to prepare fragrant oils.
Plant distribution: The plant grows wild in southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Iran, and some areas of Central Asia. As an essential oil plant, it is widely cultivated throughout the world, especially in the Mediterranean countries, Central Europe, England, Morocco, Russia and the USA. In the south of Crimea it occurs in a wild form, growing on rocky slopes and as a weed in gardens.

Oil properties:
Clary sage essential oil is a light, fluid, colorless or light yellow liquid with a characteristic fresh floral and nutty-herbal aroma with a bittersweet wine or amber tint. Some perfumers describe it as dry, tobacco and tea-like with a balsamic nuance.

Combines clary sage oil with oils
basil, geranium (pelargonium), oregano, jasmine, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, frankincense, juniper, Santalum, pine, thyme, citronella and citrus essential oils (bergamot, grapefruit, lime, etc.).
Complimentary aroma – limette.
Palmarosa – for excessive sweating
Bay, Lavender, Nard – for hair loss
Juniper red - for dandruff
Clary sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS
Clary sage + Cypress + Frankincense (1:1:1) – for asthma

Uses of clary sage essential oil

IN aroma lamps– 2 – 5 drops per 15 m2 of room.
Hot inhalations: 1-2 drops, procedure duration 3-5 minutes.
Aroma medallions: 1-2 drops.
For massage- 3-5 drops per 10 ml of base oil.
Reflexomassage: mix with base vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio.
IN bath- 3 - 7 drops of oil, pre-mixed with an emulsifier (1/4-1/3 cup of milk, whey, sea or kitchen salt solution).
IN foot bath: 6-7 drops of pre-emulsified essential oil.
Saunas: 4-5 drops per 15 m2.
Rinse: 2 - 4 drops mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of soda or honey, dissolved in 200 g of warm water.
Water compresses, hot lotions: 10 drops per 1/2 cup of water.
Oil compresses, cold lotions: mix 15 drops with 2 tablespoons of base oil (avocado, jojoba, wheat germ).
For enrichment of finished cosmetics (creams, lotions, shampoos, hair conditioners) - 3-5 drops per 5-10 ml of base.
For oral care: add 5 drops to 10 ml of alcohol and dissolve in 100 ml of water ( sensitive gums, oral infections)
Drops in the ears: 3-4 drops per 15 ml of base oil.
Hair Mask: 8 drops per 30 ml of carrier oil. Rub into scalp for several minutes. Wrap in a towel and leave for an hour or more. For split ends, it can be applied to the ends of the hair.

Precautionary measures.
Check the scent for individual tolerance.

Clary sage oil is not advisable to use for epilepsy, glomerulonephritis, pregnancy and during the period of desired breastfeeding (inhibits lactation).

Use with caution in high-grade hypertension.

Clary sage preparations should not be combined with alcohol (can cause nausea, nightmares and even hallucinations) and iron-containing preparations.

It should be borne in mind that clary sage oil has a strong sedative and relaxing effect, as a result of which it can distract attention and even cause drowsiness. In this regard, you should not carry out procedures with this oil before driving a car or performing other types of work that require concentration and attentiveness.

When using the oil in significant doses, headaches may occur.

If used for a long time in high doses, the oil can cause narcotic intoxication.

When applied to the skin it causes a burning sensation and redness for 3-5 minutes - these reactions are natural.
Storage conditions.
Essential oils are stored in tightly sealed dark glass bottles at room temperature out of the reach of children. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Shelf life: if the packaging is sealed, more than 5 years.

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