Research project “Extreme sports. Extreme sports: what is it? Pros and cons of extreme sports

Skydiving or horse riding is a great way to overcome your fears. By taking up BASE jumping seriously, you will definitely get rid of your fear of airplanes, and after a high-speed descent on any roller coaster, you will find it an attraction.

Participating in extreme sports increases self-confidence. In addition, this is a great way to attract attention from the fair sex. What girl wouldn't want to go on a date with an extreme biker? And the young lady parachutist is guaranteed to have a lot of enthusiastic fans. In addition, when practicing extreme sports, incomparable emotions arise, and this helps to perfectly combat stress. Add to this the production of endorphins that occurs during any physical activity, and any nagging from your superiors will not be able to anger or offend you.

Another plus is that extreme sports require good physical shape, which means your body will be strong and trained. Also, playing such sports causes accelerated heart function and increased respiratory activity, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The most popular extreme sports include mountaineering, skydiving, diving, parkour, road jumping, etc.

Disadvantages of extreme sports

The most obvious disadvantage of extreme sports is the danger to life and health. Although proper technique and good equipment reduce this risk to a minimum, accidents still occur regularly. Excessive tension in all body systems can also be considered a minus.

By training excessively, athletes not only overload their muscles and ligaments, but also wear out their hearts. Constant bursts of adrenaline are also not very healthy. You can avoid these consequences by limiting your workouts. But extreme sports are akin to addiction - once you try it, you want to continue.

Sometimes extreme sports are a manifestation of auto-aggression - activities aimed at causing harm to oneself. This phenomenon occurs due to mental disorders.

The disadvantages include the peculiar lifestyle of an avid extreme sports enthusiast. Often, only like-minded people are able to support the constant search for new experiences, the frantic pace of life and the regular risky activities of an athlete. The extreme sports fan’s family often opposes this sport, which leads to conflicts.

The last but not least disadvantage of extreme sports is its high cost. Good equipment requires serious investment. The athlete may also need additional funds, for example, to climb to a given height when jumping with a parachute or to travel to a good ski resort.

While watching one program on TV, I started thinking about why more and more people are drawn to doing extreme, and not only extreme sports, but an activity completely far from sports. Some swim among sharks and moray eels, others climb skyscrapers, others walk on a cable between rocks over an abyss, and so on. Recently it has become increasingly popular extreme tourism.

I hadn’t really thought about it seriously before. Well, people have nothing to do; there seem to be not enough problems in life. Well, okay, a person risks his life, he made his choice. In any society there is a certain percentage of people who are suicidal. Well, I feel sorry for his family and friends if something bad happened to him. It's their own fault - they couldn't convince them not to do it.

And then I began to think and decided to read about why people are so drawn to extreme sports. Lots of different information. This ranges from complex scientific explanations replete with terms with the names of hormones that are lacking and secreted in the body, to very simple explanations like: curiosity or an attempt to make life fuller. Most likely, both are right.

What pushes people to engage in extreme sports and extreme sports?

There are many reasons why some people start trying their hand at extreme sports. This is curiosity, and an attempt to know yourself, your capabilities, and get rid of your complexes, and the desire to keep up with others. Sometimes it’s just a tribute to fashion, the desire to keep up with others. For some, one try is enough to understand that this is not for them. Others, having tried extreme sports, can no longer stop and cannot imagine life without it.

The need to regularly experience extreme sensations, I think, is akin to any of the human addictions, such as drug use, alcohol or gambling addiction.

Among the scientific justifications, two main theories are recognized. This theory of adrenaline addiction and theory of self-development.

Not being a specialist in the fields of psychology and physiology, I am still inclined towards the adrenaline theory.

Adrenaline theory of extreme sports

The essence of adrenaline addiction is as follows. With minor stress, the body's defenses are mobilized. As paradoxical as it sounds, stress in small doses can be pleasant. After the release of fear hormones, the body as a reward gives a portion of hormones that cause euphoria. Depending on the individual characteristics of a particular person, adrenaline addiction may develop. This explains the need to experience extreme sports again and again. It is concerning that some people, deprived of the opportunity to experience post-stress euphoria, seek risks in real life, sometimes themselves provoking various critical situations.

From year to year, the number of popular extreme activities is growing rapidly. If 30 years ago there were less than a dozen of them, today there are already over thirty.

Extreme sports can be divided into types:

  • air,
  • water,
  • ground,
  • underground,
  • mountain.

Air extreme includes:

Freestyle- performing various figures in free fall.

Skysurfing- similar to freestyle. The difference is that the athlete is wearing a wide ski.

Kitesurfing- riding a board with a traction in the form of a kite.

Bungee jumping — jumping using an elastic rope from special platforms installed at a height. ()

Rope jumping — jumping using climbing equipment from different high-altitude objects. (e)

Hot air balloon flights- flights in balloons inflated, most often, with hot air

Hang gliding- hang gliding flights

Parachuting— precision landing, display of figures in free fall.

Group acrobatics— performing various figures by a group of parachutists in free fall.

Dome acrobatics— building figures with parachute canopies.

Water extreme sports:

Daiving- immersion (diving), most often with scuba gear. ()

Cave diving— scuba diving in underwater caves.

Wakeboarding— jumping on waves from a boat towing an athlete.

Surfing — sliding along the slope of a wave on a surfboard. ()

Windsurfing — a surfboard equipped with an oblique sail on a movable hinge is used.

Kayaking— river rafting or kayak competitions.

Rafting- too, only on inflatable rafts, as well as a kayak or canoe.

Terrestrial extreme sports are very diverse. Main directions:

Parkour— tempo overcoming obstacles in the form of buildings, fences, etc. in the city. ()

Freerun- a type of parkour. The difference is that there is no starting and ending point of the path.

Skateboarding– rollerblading on the streets, in special ramps, swimming pools, etc.

Streetlagging- a type of skateboarding. Descent, lying on a board, along a road with a slope.

Extreme rollers– a set of tricks like in skateboarding. Performed on roller skates.

Motofreestyle- jumping, showing beautiful elements on a motorcycle.

Building— conquest of high-rise structures and buildings.

Akrostreet- acrobatic exercises performed outdoors.

BMX- all sorts of tricks and jumps on special bicycles.

Underground extreme is:

Speleology— descent into caves using climbing equipment.

Spelestology— underground travel through underground structures and communications of non-natural origin.

Mountain extreme:

Rock climbing— climbing an almost vertical rocky wall, indoors along a vertical wall with ledges. ()

Mountaineering - climbing to the top of the mountain .

Ice climbing - climbing along an almost vertical ice surface.

Mountain biking— riding in mountainous areas on bicycles.

Downhill— descending an unprepared mountain slope on a bicycle.

Freeride— descending an unprepared mountain slope on a bicycle (along a snow-covered mountain slope on alpine skis or snowboarding).

Kanyoning— overcoming canyons.

This is not a complete list extreme hobbies of people. Most of them are either an extreme development of a particular sport, or initially extreme sport.

Many main types extreme hobbies have branches, the number of which is growing all the time. It should be noted that most types of extreme sports, although very dangerous, are very spectacular.

Another type of extreme sports includes extreme tourism.

Basically, these are complicated types of tourism associated with a certain risk.

Particularly interesting exotic types of extreme tourism. One of the quickly gaining popularity is

Jailoo tourism- life in “primitive conditions”, for example in nomadic camps or tribes leading a lifestyle cut off from civilization.

Extreme Sports, attracting with their beauty and originality, they become an excellent backdrop for the development of the plots of many feature films.

I will try, to the best of my ability, to talk in more detail about the most popular and spectacular species extreme sports, extreme sports and extreme hobbies of people.

The project was completed by 5th grade students: Anastasia Burmistrova and Maria Usovik.

Recently, the number of fans of extreme sports has been growing rapidly. An extreme sportsman is a person who has excellent physical shape and a desire to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme sportsmen are very brave, fearless and gambling people.



Municipal budgetary educational institution gymnasium No. 2


"Extreme Sports"

Completed by: 5th grade students

Burmistrova Anastasia and

Usovik Maria.

Head: Short

Svetlana Alexandrovna.

Surgut, 2015

Objective of the project:

Find out what sports are called extreme and why?

Project questions:

1. Why do people love extreme sports?

2. How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports?

Project plan:

1.Formation of the project theme; goals and objectives.

2.Acquaintance with literature and Internet sources.

3.Formulation of the main issues of the project.

4.Prepare an information presentation.

5.Carry out an oral survey of the opinions of various people on this issue.

6. Prepare a newspaper about extreme sports.

We put forward the following hypothesis:

More and more young people began to look for themselves in extreme sports. Why do they do this?

Object of study: extreme sports.

Subject of the study: people's opinions on this issue

Where did the word Extreme come from?

Extreme m (English extreme - opposite, having a high degree, excessive, special) - outstanding, extraordinary actions, usually associated with danger to life.

Recently, the number of fans of extreme sports has been growing rapidly, as well as the extreme sports enthusiasts themselves. An extreme sportsman is a person who has excellent physical shape and a desire to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme sportsmen are very brave, fearless and gambling people. Extreme sports enthusiasts are willing to risk their health to get an extra dose of adrenaline into their blood.

From the history…

The first extreme sport appeared in Japan. Some modern sports that have been promoted in the world since the 1950s have gradually come to be called extreme sports. These sports include: trial, skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing, speleology, rope jumping, etc. Extreme sports are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, a large number of acrobatic stunts, and a high level of adrenaline that is released by the athlete while playing sports.

People who want to engage in extreme sports must be in good physical shape and in a good mood, that is, they must be psychologically prepared. In addition, an extreme sportsman must know the laws of nature and be able to resist them, and also an extreme sportsman must have excellent reactions and be ready to make quick decisions. Naturally, if necessary, extreme sports enthusiasts must take risks, which in turn must be justified.

Extreme sport itself represents a certain line or line that is between life and death; on this line there is an extreme sportsman who confronts the forces of nature.

Extreme sports help a person relieve mental stress, or vice versa - get some adrenaline. Every year their new trends are developing, as the army of fans is growing rapidly. Sports competitions that seemed extreme 30 years ago are now perceived as ordinary. And feeling this, they do not stand still and are constantly improving. In our presentation we will introduce you to some extreme sports. Why do people love extreme sports?

In order to understand why people love extreme sports, it is very important to understand what these sports are, why they are called extreme and why they are divided according to the level of enjoyment they receive.

In recent years, the term "extreme sports" has become very popular. They can be divided into three main types: air, land and water. People who take up extreme sports have probably become disillusioned with conventional sports or simply become bored with traditional sports. A person who has started doing extreme sports wants to get a thrill and discover something new. Despite their great popularity among young people, these sports are not used in schools. They are mostly practiced on an individual level, although in many cases it is possible to get help from a professional trainer.

Extreme sports are often the subject of discussions based on the definition of which sport can be called extreme. Despite their great popularity among young people, these sports are not used in schools. They are mostly practiced on an individual level, although in many cases it is possible to get help from a professional trainer.

How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports?

We can say that this is a sport that differs from the usual one, that is, it is associated with increased injury or even a threat to life, and this is considered the norm for it. Of course, we can say about almost any sport that it has dangers and risks. But there they mostly happen by chance, which cannot be said about extreme sports, where an athlete, knowing in advance, takes risks. Unforeseen circumstances in such sports are something that one goes for consciously, and not something to run away from, one prepares oneself in advance, starting with the most ordinary things at school, gradually improving one’s skills and tricks, and ultimately doing something that is beyond anyone’s control. descriptions.

What character traits and physical qualities do extreme sports develop?

Do extreme sports affect a person’s character, because it seems that extreme sports should make a person’s physical body stronger, faster, more resilient and more flexible, but does sport do the same to our character? Here, opinions are divided: more than half believe that extreme sports influence a person’s character, including us.

We think that you will be interested in learning about quite rare extreme sports.

Parkour. The art of moving and overcoming obstacles in urban environments. Currently, it is actively practiced and developed in many countries around the world. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various types. These can be considered both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially manufactured structures

Heli-skiing. A type of alpine skiing, the essence of which is to descend on untouched snow

slopes Using a helicopter for ascent allows you to find various options for descending from the mountains in pristine nature, untouched by human invasion, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Diving. This is swimming underwater with devices that provide an autonomous supply of air (or other gas mixture) for breathing underwater from several minutes to 12 or more hours, depending on the depth, type of breathing apparatus and the diver’s consumption of the gas mixture.

Surfing. Wave riding on special light boards. There are several similar sports that differ in the technical means used (for example, windsurfing - sailing on a board).

Skysurfing. Ski jumping to perform various figures in free fall. A relatively young type of parachuting. It has developed rapidly in a short time. The aerodynamics of a skier are very different from a simple free fall when jumping with a parachute. The vertical speed of the fall is approximately 230 km/h. Quite a dangerous sport. In free flight, unforeseen circumstances may arise. To prevent the ski from interfering in emergency situations, there is a mechanism for unhooking it.

Rock climbing. A type of sport and active recreation that involves climbing a rock or climbing wall. Having originated as a type of mountaineering, rock climbing is now an independent sport.

Underwater rugby . The author of underwater entertainment is the Germans. In this sport, players have to develop several skills at once to perform successfully. You must be able to move quickly and maneuver underwater, be strong to fight for the ball and be able to hold your breath for a long time. You also need to get used to complex tactics, which, in addition to the usual back and forth, left and right, also involve up and down movement.

Paragliding. Flight thanks to rising air currents can lift an athlete to an impressive height. The world record was 4526 meters above sea level. Sliding from such flows, you can go down in free fall, enjoying the amazing view from above. Paragliding could well be an excellent sport for singles, because this is where a person can be left alone for a long time.

Polo on Segways. In this game, players are divided into two teams and must score as many goals as possible into the opponents' goal within the allotted time with their hammer sticks. The main pleasure of Segway polo is that the electric device cannot accelerate faster than 20 km/h, as a result, it is impossible to beat a competitor due to superior speed. In such a game, agility, the ability to control your body and vehicle, and perform semi-acrobatic tricks with a stick in your hands come to the fore. At the same time, real players must have an excellent vestibular apparatus.

24 Hours of Le Mans race.This auto race is not only the most popular and prestigious endurance competition on the planet, it is also the oldest. The start and finish are separated by exactly 24 hours, and the word survival is absolutely applicable to Le Mans here - the famous track has already become the site of the death of 21 racers. However, such extreme conditions have not deterred many people who want to take part in the race for 90 years.

Florentine football.When they start playing football without rules, it only adds to its spectacle. The most ancient varieties of this game are exactly different. Florentine football is full of adrenaline, sweat, tears and even blood. Some even believe that this is the most masculine game in the world, because against its background both rugby and hockey look rather reserved and subject to rules.

What extreme sports have developed in Surgut?

There are many extreme sports in Surgut, but not all are actively developing. Here is a story about extreme sportsmen from Surgut.

The water run of Ugra hydrocyclists started on the banks of the Ob River. Extreme sports enthusiasts from Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk went on a trip along the route Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya. In total, about 40 people gathered for the Ugra voyage, but the state inspection for small vessels did not let everyone through.
The final preparations before a trip always take several hours. It is necessary to check the technical condition of the iron horse and wetsuit, the availability of life jackets, because extreme sports enthusiasts will float away from Surgut - 320 kilometers away, to the village of Russkinskaya. The group includes both beginners and experienced travelers.
During the run, the Surgut group will be joined by extreme sports enthusiasts from Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. The journey will last about 3 days. Route: Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya and back.
However, while still on the shore, three participants were removed from the start. The reason is the lack of any documents for personal water transport. Unregistered jet skis did not undergo technical inspection, which means that no one can predict whether the extreme sportsman will reach the final point or not. One way or another, outlaw extreme sports often lead to tragedy.
This year's disappointing statistics - three deaths - are proof of this. GIMS employees note that almost half of Surgut extreme sports enthusiasts are “illegal” hydrocyclists who are not registered anywhere. It is quite difficult to track their level of training. That’s why similar water races are held so that extreme sports enthusiasts can gather in a civilized, and most importantly, controlled environment.

What extreme sports have developed in Surgut?

Various extreme sports have developed in Surgut, but not all are actively developing. A single center for extreme sports has appeared in the city. It is located on Hare Island - in the area of ​​treatment facilities. The administration is already thinking about a road that will connect the sports facility with the city. The idea to place all technical types under one roof appeared when the question of building a new motocross track arose.

We learned…

Four Surgut travelers became the first Russians to cross the Bering Strait on jet skis. The expedition “In the Footsteps of Vitus Bering” ended the day before. The brave souls shared their impressions with an STV correspondent over the phone from Chukotka.

“The total length of the route we covered is about 1,900 kilometers. Here in Chukotka no one believed in this project, and we had many administrative obstacles. This includes the border zone, visas, and everything, everything that you may not even suspect. We overcame all this and got maximum pleasure, impressions, and adrenaline,” says one of the travelers, Andrei Prudnikov.

Yugra voyage.

Extreme sports enthusiasts from Surgut went on a trip along the route Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya. In total, about 40 people gathered for the Ugra voyage. The route was 320 km. The group included both beginners and experienced travelers.
During the run, the Surgut group will be joined by extreme sports enthusiasts from Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. The journey lasted about 3 days.

We conducted an oral survey on the topic: “How do you feel about extreme sports?” And we received the following answers:

Never! I'm a terrible coward! For me, riding in an elevator is already extreme, what kind of parachutes are there!

Valentina is 15 years old.

It’s normal, but not for everyone, some are very extreme, I jumped from a parachute, and I liked it very much.

Alina is 34 years old.

Snowboarding, skydiving, paragliding, rope jumping, rafting, rock climbing - I really like it!

Ekaterina is 19 years old.

I love snowboarding - it’s the only way I can survive the winter! I want to jump from a parachute, but I’m terribly afraid of heights, but in general I have a positive attitude towards extreme sports, the main thing is not to go too far in this matter and be careful. I also dream of learning to surf!

Daria is 29 years old.

I have a good attitude, I love snowboarding and alpine skiing, and I’m going to go skydiving in the summer.

Julia is 21 years old.

I'm fine. I love Le Mans racing. All my life I dreamed of at least going to these races. Simply a mesmerizing sight!

Vasily is 68 years old.


In conclusion, I would like to say that extreme sports makes us stronger, braver and more experienced, allowing us to look at life from a different perspective. But always and in all your endeavors you should be guided by common sense and not get into trouble. Nothing has more value than human life and health. And the list of dangerous extreme sports competitions can be continued almost indefinitely, because humanity itself does not stand still.


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Slide captions:

Project Extreme Sports Completed by: 5th grade students Usovik Maria Burmistrova Anastasia Supervisor: Korotkaya S.A.

The goal of the project is to find out what sports are called extreme and why?

We want to answer the following questions: Why do people choose extreme sports? How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports? What character traits and physical qualities do extreme sports develop? What extreme sports have developed in Surgut?

Our project plan Formation of the project theme; goals and objectives. Formulation of the main issues of the project. Familiarity with literature and Internet sources. Prepare a briefing report and presentation. Carry out an oral survey of the opinions of various people on a given problem. Prepare an information newspaper about extreme sports.

We put forward the following hypothesis: More and more young people began to look for themselves in extreme sports. Why do they do this?

Where did the word Extreme come from? Extreme (English extreme - opposite, having a high degree, excessive, special) - outstanding, extraordinary actions, usually associated with danger to life.

An extreme sportsman is a person who has excellent physical shape and a desire to resist the natural forces of nature. As a rule, extreme sportsmen are very brave, fearless and gambling people. Extreme sports enthusiasts are willing to risk their health to get an extra dose of adrenaline into their blood. Recently, the number of fans of extreme sports has been growing rapidly, as well as the extreme sports enthusiasts themselves.

A little history... The first extreme sport appeared in Japan. Some modern sports that have been promoted in the world since the 1950s have gradually come to be called extreme sports. These sports include trial, skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing, speleology, rope jumping, etc. Extreme sports are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, a large number of acrobatic stunts, a high level of adrenaline, which is released by the athlete during time for sports.

People who want to engage in extreme sports must be in good physical shape and in a good mood, and must be psychologically prepared. In addition, an extreme sportsman must know the laws of nature and be able to resist them, and also an extreme sportsman must have excellent reactions and be ready to make quick decisions. Naturally, if necessary, extreme sports enthusiasts must take risks, which in turn must be justified.

Extreme sport itself represents a certain line or line that is between life and death; on this line there is an extreme sportsman who confronts the forces of nature.

Extreme sports help a person relieve mental stress, or vice versa - get some adrenaline. Every year their new trends are developing, as the army of fans is growing rapidly. Sports competitions that seemed extreme 30 years ago are now perceived as ordinary. And feeling this, they do not stand still and are constantly improving.

Now let's answer the questions asked.

Why do people love extreme sports? In order to understand why people love extreme sports, it is very important to understand what these sports are, why they are called extreme and why they are divided according to the level of enjoyment they receive. In recent years, the term "extreme sports" has become very popular. They can be divided into three main types: air, land and water. People who take up extreme sports have probably become disillusioned with conventional sports or simply become bored with traditional sports. A person who has started doing extreme sports wants to get a thrill and discover something new. Despite their great popularity among young people, these sports are not used in schools. They are mostly practiced on an individual level, although in many cases it is possible to get help from a professional trainer.

How do extreme sports differ from ordinary sports? Extreme sports differ from ordinary ones, as they are associated with increased injury or even threat to life. And this is considered the norm for him. Of course, we can say about almost any sport that it has dangers and risks. But there they mostly happen by chance, which cannot be said about extreme sports, where the athlete knows in advance that he is taking a risk. Unforeseen circumstances in such sports are something that one goes for consciously, and not something to run away from, one prepares oneself in advance, starting with the most ordinary, gradually improving one’s skills and tricks, and ultimately doing something that defies any description.

What character traits and physical qualities do extreme sports develop? Do extreme sports affect a person’s character, because it seems that extreme sports should make a person’s physical body stronger, faster, more resilient and more flexible, but does sport do the same to our character? Here, opinions are divided: more than half believe that extreme sports influence a person’s character, including us.

The most extreme sports

Parkour The art of moving and overcoming obstacles in urban environments. Currently, it is actively practiced and developed in many countries around the world. The essence of parkour is movement and overcoming obstacles of various types. These can be considered both existing architectural structures (railings, parapets, walls, etc.) and specially manufactured structures

Heli-skiing is a type of alpine skiing, the essence of which is to descend along untouched snow slopes. Using a helicopter for ascent allows you to find various options for descending from the mountains in pristine nature, untouched by human invasion, where there is no other way to quickly climb.

Diving. This is swimming underwater with devices that provide an autonomous supply of air (or other gas mixture) for breathing under water from several minutes to 12 or more hours, depending on the depth, type of breathing apparatus and the diver’s consumption of the gas mixture.

Surfing. Wave surfing on special light boards. There are several similar sports that differ in the technical means used (for example, windsurfing - sailing on a board).

Skysurfing Jumping with skis to perform various figures in free fall. A relatively young form of parachuting. In a short period of time it developed rapidly. The aerodynamics of a skier are very different from a simple free fall when jumping with a parachute. The vertical fall speed is approximately 230 km/h. Quite a dangerous sport. In free flight, unforeseen circumstances may arise. To prevent the ski from interfering in emergency situations, there is a mechanism for unhooking it.

Rock climbing A sport and active recreation that involves climbing a rock or climbing wall. Having originated as a type of mountaineering, rock climbing is now an independent sport.

Underwater rugby The author of underwater entertainment is the Germans. In this sport, players have to develop several skills at once to perform successfully. You must be able to move quickly and maneuver underwater, be strong to fight for the ball and be able to hold your breath for a long time. You also need to get used to complex tactics, which, in addition to the usual back and forth, left and right, also involve up and down movement.

Paragliding Flight, thanks to rising air currents, can lift an athlete to an impressive height. The world record was 4526 meters above sea level. Sliding from such flows, you can go down in free fall, enjoying the amazing view from above. Paragliding could well be an excellent sport for singles, because this is where a person can be left alone for a long time.

Polo on Segways. In this game, players are divided into two teams and must score as many goals as possible into the opponents' goal within the allotted time with their hammer sticks. The main pleasure of Segway polo is that the electric device cannot accelerate faster than 20 km/h, as a result, it is impossible to beat a competitor due to superior speed. In such a game, agility, the ability to control your body and vehicle, and perform semi-acrobatic tricks with a stick in your hands come to the fore. At the same time, real players must have excellent vestibular apparatus

24 Hours of Le Mans This car race is not only the most popular and prestigious endurance competition on the planet, it is also the oldest. The start and finish are separated by exactly 24 hours, and the word survival is absolutely applicable to Le Mans here - the famous track has already become the site of the death of 21 racers. However, such extreme conditions have not deterred many people who want to take part in the race for 90 years.

Florentine football. When they start playing football without rules, it only adds to its spectacle. The most ancient varieties of this game are exactly different. Florentine football is full of adrenaline, sweat, tears and even blood. Some even believe that this is the most masculine game in the world, because against its background both rugby and hockey look rather reserved and subject to rules.

What extreme sports have developed in Surgut? Various extreme sports have developed in Surgut, but not all are actively developing. A single center for extreme sports has appeared in the city. It is located on Hare Island - in the area of ​​treatment facilities. The administration is already thinking about a road that will connect the sports facility with the city. The idea to place all technical types under one roof appeared when the question of building a new motocross track arose.

We found out... Four Surgut travelers became the first Russians to cross the Bering Strait on jet skis. The expedition “In the Footsteps of Vitus Bering” ended the day before. The brave souls shared their impressions with an STV correspondent over the phone from Chukotka. “The total length of the route we covered is about 1,900 kilometers. Here in Chukotka no one believed in this project, and we had many administrative obstacles. This includes the border zone, visas, and everything, everything that you may not even suspect. We overcame all this and got maximum pleasure, impressions, and adrenaline,” says one of the travelers, Andrei Prudnikov.

Yugra voyage. Extreme sports enthusiasts from Surgut went on a trip along the route Surgut - Trom-Egan - Russkinskaya. In total, about 40 people gathered for the Ugra voyage. The route was 320 km. The group included both beginners and experienced travelers. During the run, the Surgut group will be joined by extreme sports enthusiasts from Nizhnevartovsk and Nefteyugansk. The journey lasted about 3 days.

In conclusion, I would like to say that extreme sports makes us stronger, braver and more experienced, allowing us to look at life from a different perspective. But always and in all your endeavors you should be guided by common sense and not get into trouble. Nothing has more value than human life and health. And the list of dangerous extreme sports competitions can be continued almost indefinitely, because humanity itself does not stand still.

Thank you for your attention

Man, on his own initiative, comes up with more and more extreme sports. The purpose of this may be the desire to get your “portion” of adrenaline into the blood, as well as beauty and grace, which are on the verge of danger.

Extreme sports - pros and cons

More and more people are getting involved in this kind of entertainment, and there are no age restrictions. Extreme is a serious matter and it has its positive and negative sides. Before starting training, you should definitely familiarize yourself with them. Pros of extreme sports:

  • opportunity ;
  • self-confidence and demand from the opposite sex;
  • excellent physical shape;
  • training of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

There are also disadvantages to extreme sports, and they are much more significant than the advantages.

  • Danger to health and life;
  • excessive stress on the body and internal organs;
  • unique lifestyle;
  • high price.

The most extreme sports in the world

It used to be that the most extreme sports involved jumping from heights or diving under water. Now adrenaline junkies have come up with new hobbies that are no less dangerous than the previous ones. The ten brightest include:

  1. BASE jumping– jumping from low heights.
  2. – diving into caves.
  3. Diving– scuba diving with equipment.
  4. – jumping from a helicopter on skis.
  5. Rafting– rafting on mountain rivers, with waterfalls and rifts.
  6. Rock climbing– descents and ascents along steep mountains.
  7. Rodeo- sit on top of a mad bull.
  8. Streetlating– skateboarding down a highway.
  9. Surfing- surfing the waves on a board.
  10. – cycling in various forest areas.

It is believed that the relevance of extreme sports is gaining momentum due to the too relaxed lifestyle of the average person. Many people by nature lack speed, danger, and the likelihood of getting into a difficult situation. Some independently get rid of the desire to “tickle” their nerves, others play games, and still others devote themselves to sports, even dangerous ones.

Type of sport base jumping

This extreme sport originated from parachuting and even adopted equipment. Only people are jumping not from an airplane, but from tall buildings, bridges, tower cranes and similar structures. It is considered dangerous due to:

  • A small fall height, making it difficult for basers to orient themselves.
  • Nearby buildings and other objects that may become an obstacle.

For this sport, parachutes were specially developed that can open forty meters from the ground, as opposed to the standard two hundred. BASE jumping is an extreme sport because the speed of falling from a height of 150 meters is 7 seconds. During this time, the person must take the correct position to open the parachute, otherwise the lines may become tangled. Accidents happen more often than in other sports.

It is believed that cave diving is the most extreme underwater form of the port. Diving into caves, exploring sunken objects and swimming alongside sharks is a very dangerous activity. The main fear is that sometimes it is not possible to rise to the surface in an emergency. There is no visibility there and it is quite possible to simply get lost. There is absolutely nothing to do without expensive equipment.

This sport is only suitable for experienced divers. They divided the objects of their research into caves:

  • coral;
  • glacial;
  • marine;
  • karst.

All divers know the basic rules of behavior and equipment in caves:

  1. there should be no hanging elements on the suit;
  2. excellent orientation equipment;
  3. air supply control;
  4. mandatory additional lighting.

There are also winter extreme sports such as heliskiing. Skiing on untouched mountains attracts experienced skiers for whom well-tried slopes are becoming scarce. The danger of sport is that:

  • you have to jump on the move from a helicopter;
  • loud sounds can cause an avalanche;
  • unknown routes may have sharp drops and unknown obstacles.

For their own safety, skiers equip their sports suit with special equipment, with which, in the event of an avalanche or separation from the team, they can send a distress signal. It is advisable to insure yourself in advance against the possibility of an accident, because such problems often occur. Extreme sports require special attention, and additional control is never superfluous.

Bicycle riding can also be considered a dangerous sport. On the way you can get serious injuries, bruises, abrasions and fractures, because the route specifically passes through wooded areas with uneven roads, mud, stumps and bumps. Extreme sports require the purchase of a powerful and high-quality bicycle with studded tires. When fully equipped, it should be light and maneuverable.

Race organizers can create additional obstacles for the rider, which they must overcome with the bike on their shoulder. The race has its own rules:

  • laps up to three kilometers;
  • a pit area is required;
  • preferably the winter or autumn seasons or slushy weather are chosen.

Sports parkour

New and modern extreme sports have opened a vibrant direction such as. It does not involve any competitions, rather demonstration performances. It is impossible to do it without prior preparation; excellent physical strength and endurance are required. Parkourists identify three axioms that must be overcome:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • simplicity.

Parkour consists of running with obstacles and jumping from significant heights. They calmly climb steep walls and jump from roof to roof without any safety net. They also don’t use any handy tools, at most special shoes with rubberized soles. Extreme sports such as parkour have dire consequences:

  • fractures;
  • dislocations;
  • bruises and abrasions.

Cases of death have been recorded more than once due to falls from great heights or neck fractures. Therefore, it is not recommended to promote such a sport among the younger generation without professional training. It should not be considered street entertainment; such frivolity can lead to tragedy. Gradual training and preparation is the right approach to parkour.

Modern extreme air sports include paragliding. This is a flight on a soft wing, which is filled with air flow, and is controlled using the weight of the pilot and built-in lines. To gain altitude you need to get into the air flow, there are two types:

  • thermal;
  • dynamic.

In addition to physical training, the athlete must know and anticipate:

  • laws of physics;
  • behavior of the atmosphere;
  • air flow directions.

The flight starts from a steep cliff and this is one of the signs of danger. One wrong move can cause the paraglider to crash. While the paraglider is flying straight, it loses altitude, so you can choose a course only when you reach an altitude of 3500 meters. That’s why extreme sports include paragliding, because every little detail affects the outcome of the flight.

More recently, extreme sports on earth have included rollerblading - roller skating over obstacles. You can do it on the street and in a special room, hence it is divided into:

  • street - skating on the street, with natural obstacles;
  • vert – performing tricks on a special ramp.

If we start listing the most dangerous extreme sports, then bungee jumping might not be one of them. The whole danger lies in overcoming one’s own fears, because jumping from a great height on an elastic cable is not at all risky. This sport does not require special training, but experienced athletes complicate their jump with original tricks and flips. Bungee jumping equipment includes:

  • elastic rope;
  • attachments for human legs or body;
  • helmets.

Only persons over 18 years of age are allowed to jump, since all fastenings are designed for heavier person weight. This sport has become an original form of entertainment at many resorts and beyond. Many people sometimes have a desire to experience their fear and feel the adrenaline, so bungee jumping is available in almost every city and anyone can try themselves in this sport.

Old Florentine football is one of the summer extreme sports due to its strict rules of play. Fifty-four people on one field, although significantly larger than the standard, is a crowd of running men, fueled by the excitement of victory. The differences from regular football are as follows:

  • the field is three times the standard size;
  • the rules of standard football do not apply to Florentine football;
  • The gates are installed in the form of a grid, along the edge of the perimeter of each team.

They began to consider it dangerous because during a match it is allowed not only to score goals in a convenient way for a person, but also to eliminate opponents. For men in Florence, this is considered an excellent way to release accumulated negativity in a legal way. Tournaments have been held there for centuries, but in other cities and countries people prefer the standard version of football.

Simple snowboards are a thing of the past; new extreme sports have given the world volcanoboarding. Skiing down the slope of an active volcano on a wooden board attracts extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world like a magnet, considering that such skiing can only be done on one volcano – Nicaragua. Why is this sport considered extreme?

  1. An eruption can start at any moment.
  2. The descent takes place at a speed of about 80 km/h.

Lately, this topic has really started to worry me, as I noticed that a lot of people are interested in a variety of sports activities, only some of them are ordinary, while others cause real adrenaline in the blood. So I thought: maybe I should try something for myself in order to get new and unusual emotions... Well, these are just thoughts for now, because first I decided to carefully understand this topic, clarify what sports I would like to do, and also go for a run on extreme winter sports, a list of which I will also show you.

Popular and Extreme sports - a list from me

So, first of all, I was interested in this type of Segway polo.

First of all, this is an unusual activity for which animals were previously taken. You've probably heard about polo on horseback and also on bicycles. I heard it on TV once, but never paid much attention. Today, as it turns out, horses are no longer relevant, and electric scooters are used for play. Well, yes, technological progress makes itself felt. Moreover, this game is very popular in the United States of America, and the above type of transport is also a huge success.

The advantage of this vehicle is that it is quite small and also very easy to drive. When playing, you just need to tilt your body and the product quickly turns where it needs to be. Maybe buy one for yourself? But the most important pleasure in such a game is the fact that the device cannot reach a speed of more than 20 km per hour, as a result of which everyone is the same in speed; a competitor cannot be bypassed thanks to a faster or improved Segway.

In my opinion, the main highlights of a game like this are showing how each individual player knows how to make maneuvers, as well as control their body. In Russia, such a game appeared quite recently, but there are not very many fans yet.

Parkour as a way of self-expression

Now I’ll tell you about parkour. In English, and indeed in general, such a game is called the ordinary art of overcoming various obstacles while moving.

For me personally, this option is ideal, since I really don’t like to compete, and in this case you can just enjoy moving and not think about overtaking someone.

If we consider extreme types of recreation, then parkour will be in the first place for me as actions that will bring adrenaline into the blood. I thought for a long time about whether it could be classified as a sport at all, and many contradictions arose. But the fact is that you can’t call it ordinary exercise either, because for this category parkour is quite complex in its actions. By the way, have you seen any?

I think that the main principle is to move through territory that you don’t know at all, every step is an innovation. The activity involves using different stairs, walls, stepping over huge objects, and jumping. Interesting, isn't it? Such tricks are performed for one's own pleasure, without any performance. And also, in such a game there is no turning back. Well, if you have already decided and went, you need to go to the end, no matter what awaits you.

There is a lot of information about this type, and parkour began its history back in the 90s. The first person who truly fell in love with this activity is a man named David Belle. This is a French citizen who showed a lot of unique techniques. He made a brave jump from a height of 10 meters, and with the help of a special somersault he landed easily.

Today, this type of sports pastime is at the forefront of activities, as a result of which, with each new page of information, it began to interest me more and more.

And now I really want to tell you about such a direction as base jumping, which also interested me very much. When I looked at the world extreme games, this particular type was extreme. So, BASE jumping is an unusual jump that is performed from high structures, bridges, and other places. Can you imagine?

Well, to make it clearer for you, you can enter a query into the search engine “extreme sports photos” and you will be able to see a huge number of different photographs, which will depict the intricacies of one or another direction. Very often, as it turned out, participants in this direction use parachutes, well, just in case. But, I think, this sport would not suit me, since it requires dexterity and courage, and this is certainly not for me).

Moreover, in such a matter, you need to understand the direction of your jump so that, God forbid, you don’t break your bones. I can only imagine how scary it can be when you jump from a great height. I also learned that for those who want to make such a jump, or learn how to perform them at a professional level, there are special preparatory courses. The fact is that this requires serious preparation, because any mistake can result in death. Thus, there are training courses where real masters work individually with each person.

So, now I hasten to tell you about one more direction - paragliding or. To be honest, this is not for me either. I’m probably not ready for such moments yet, although the desire is gradually beginning to appear.

So, this direction is a dangerous sport, which is performed in the form of flight. I think this is the simplest form that is available to anyone. You just have to find a hill and jump from it using a running start.

During the flight, a person should only think about how to properly control his body, as well as the wing of the parachute.

During the flight, the wind can lift you even to a height that you never dreamed of. Preparation for such actions is also necessary, because first of all you should have not only a parachute, but also a special helmet, and it is also recommended to take an altimeter with you. This device will show you how high you are and how quickly you are lowered. Residents of Russia, in most cases, choose Crimea for such actions. It is from these mountains that jumps are made, and judging by the responses, there were no deaths, everything is fine and safe.


Well, among other areas of the “active sports” heading, snowboarding suits me best. Surely, everyone has heard about such a pastime, and many have tried it and felt this extreme from their own experience.

I hasten to note that I have been snowboarding for a long time and every time I experienced new emotions from riding and performing.

Honestly, this is an amazing hobby that has won not only my heart, but also millions of other people. This is an extreme type of sport, which you can even get real pleasure from watching. Did you know that this direction, which every second person knows about, was almost unknown back in 1965? Probably not, which is not strange, because I just found out about it myself. There was such a person as Dmitry Milovich, who proposed, quite by accident, to go down from the mountains using a board. Probably, he simply wanted to make such a descent easier, but the result was not only an interesting innovation, but also a whole direction in sports.

The history of snowboard development is quite long, so I don’t think it’s worth talking about every individual who contributed their “drop” to this direction. The main thing is that now this is not only a popular sport option, but also a unique individual activity with which you can really get a real buzz.

Hockey... yes, yes, hockey!

And I also think about hockey. You may ask: is this something new or extreme? I understand your surprise, but I hasten to point out that this type of hockey can be played using a unicycle. Are you surprised? At first I also didn’t understand how this was possible, but now they can tell you. So, we all imagine and know the traditional game as throwing a puck on the ice, right?

In this case, everything is different, because the participants play the game while riding on one-wheeled devices. This game is not characterized by forward throws or offsides; there are no fights or power moves. But even under such conditions, it does not lose its uniqueness.


I was also very interested in motocross. Well, it’s probably no secret that this is one of the sports that is a regular race on sports motorcycles. Such races are held in special areas that are located on a closed track. But even in this case, you need to have certain skills. Which? First of all, you should learn how to drive such a motorcycle, which is not entirely easy.

Experts say that 10 hours of training is enough to understand and feel the vehicle. This is a dangerous type of sport, as it can entail an increased risk of injury. Well, imagine, today you get on a racing motorcycle for the first time and begin to perform maneuvers to overtake your opponent... Yes, turns and obstacles have not yet been canceled, so I don’t think that a beginner should try this direction as the first.

Cross-country motorcycles are heavy vehicles, so controlling such equipment is definitely not easy. That's not so bad. Only professionals can operate such professional equipment, as a result of which you need to have certain skills. For this purpose, there are special courses that prepare individuals for such actions. As you can see, without the skills, you can simply get injured, and then such classes will simply end.


In other words, to make it as clear as possible, you should have a kite, a surfboard, and also wait for windy weather near the sea so that there are waves. Thus, by rotating their devices, the participant gets the opportunity not only to glide over the waves, but also to take off, which maximizes the effect of the lesson. This is a modern trend, which every day only increases the number of people who want to experience such sensations firsthand.

Bungee jumping

And there is also such a type as. Oh, I got goosebumps when I read it. This is not a simple jump from a height, but with the help of an elastic cable.

Actions take place on rocks, bridges and other hills. This direction began its development back in the 80s, when the British began to use ordinary jutes and jump to get vivid sensations.

The feeling of flight left no one indifferent, as a result of which the destination became more popular. And this species has its own individuals who have set records regarding the height of the point used, as well as other factors. I just wonder how much courage or desire it takes to get such exciting sensations to allow yourself to jump from such a height. No, well, there are such persons, there are many of them, but it’s a pity that I am not included in such a list.

So, who has heard of rollerblading? This is also a challenging activity, which is roller skating.

But don’t think that this is ordinary skating, no. During such movements, certain actions, jumps, turns and other tricks should be performed. Moreover, there are special ramps where specialists practice their rotations and then show them to others. This direction is based on acrobatics, as a result of which a person must clearly feel his body and control it efficiently.

Florensky football

I also really liked the information about Florence football.

Agree, there are many football fans, but when this game is played without rules, it becomes more interesting. This version of football is simply full of adrenaline, and can also be blood. Some individuals are confident that it can be placed in first place among real men's games. But, there are some rules. As an example, I’ll tell you one story that happened in Santa Croce.

It was here that a rectangular dug hole was formed, the size of which was about 50 meters. This place was covered with sand and members of 2 teams, each of which had 7 people, were allowed in. The male representatives were naked to the waist and ready to play. So, during the game it is forbidden to be hit in the head or use certain sneaky techniques, because everything must be fair. So, then the game began, which was usually associated with martial arts, and the ball simply dangled among the participants. As for me, there is no point in throwing the ball here at all, but this is probably the highlight.


And the last area that I would like to mention is frisbee.

If anyone doesn't know, this is an exciting game that involves a flying saucer. I can call this activity quite simple and easy, although interesting. Well, if you have nothing to do, you can go leave such a plate.

Today, many people like to throw a disc, and can also replace it with a game of disc golf. Probably, if I were invited to take part in such a game, I would agree. Firstly, no preparatory movements, skills or courses are needed. Everything is very simple, the main thing is not to develop the head of one of the participants. But I think this can be prevented.

So, I tried to give you all the information about extreme sports... Yes, I agree that these are not all the types that exist, I just paid attention to the really interesting and also popular types. What can I say. To choose one type or another, you should think carefully. I will judge myself.

Extreme sports - the list I gave is far from complete!

First of all, to choose such directions that are associated with heights, we can confidently say that it is worth considering whether you can cope with such fear (if it exists). Yes, if you are not afraid of heights, you can confidently try jumping, flying, etc., but otherwise I recommend that you think carefully. Also, the choice depends on what exactly you expect from such an activity. If you simply don’t have where and with whom to spend your free time, then there are cinemas. Just kidding, of course.

Personally, I don’t hide the fact that height scares me a little, but as you can see, a large number of directions are associated precisely with high altitude. I prefer more down-to-earth options, like surfing. I have already mentioned this above, so I would not like to repeat myself. But, nevertheless, this is the optimal type of sports activity, during which I have fun, do not feel fear, and also get a lot of amazing emotions. I think many will understand me.

Besides all this, I recommend paying attention to other activities that also do not require special preparation. Those who are lazy to take courses will also feel the difference. Well, if you decide to master this or that direction on a professional basis, confidently go towards your goal. Maybe this is really what you need in order to experience the full taste of life, get incredible emotions, sensations, and enjoy every breath of air.

That’s all for me, expect new information, my new and unusual research soon. Subscribe to and invite friends. Good luck and see you later.

Text— Agent Q.

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