Pine cone pollen beneficial properties. Pine pollen. Contraindications to the use of pine pollen

Just the phrase “pine pollen” already evokes thoughts of magic and some kind of magic. And there is some truth in this, because this product really has certain healing properties that have long been used in alternative medicine, especially in Northern China, USA and Northern Europe. How such an extract is obtained and in what situations it is used - let's talk in more detail.


Surprisingly, such microscopic grains have absorbed a wide range of different useful substances. Among them:

  • vitamin A, group of vitamins B, C;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, which stimulate metabolism and strengthen the immune system;
  • zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, iron, without which biochemical processes in the body are impossible.
The peculiarity of pollen is that all these useful components its composition is perfectly balanced, thanks to which this natural product has significant healing potential, but does not cause allergies.

Did you know?In ancient times, nectar collected from young pines gained fame as a strong aphrodisiac.

Such a diverse composition was created by nature for one simple reason. Pollen- these are male reproductive cells that pollinate female ones for further fertilization. And in order for the newly created embryo to have the strength and vitamins for growth, the paternal cells must give it a supply of useful substances.

Useful and healing properties

Unique composition pine raw materials provide comprehensive strengthening of the immune system, and also contributes to the improvement and treatment of a number of specific diseases.

It has long been noted that pine has beneficial influence for lung function. And all this thanks to pine nectar. Getting into the lungs in the form of dust, it blocks the receptors located there, active work which provokes asthmatic cough. Therefore, asthma patients are advised to walk longer in pine forests.

Pollen is recognized as the main enemy of the most terrible disease respiratory tract - tuberculosis. In fact, pine raw materials act as a natural antibiotic, which first slows down the proliferation of the tuberculosis bacillus and then gradually destroys it. On early stages For diseases, doctors prescribe pine pollen as the main component of therapy.

Did you know? In the ancient world, not only pollen, but also pine needles were used as medicine. For example, during excavations on the territory of the Sumerian state, clay tablets with a dozen recipes were found various compresses and infusions based on pine needles.

This product also has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, cleansing them of excess fats and cholesterol plaques. Thanks to this, there is active work on the absorption of iron in the blood, which prevents the occurrence of anemia. Pollen also helps improve blood clotting, accelerating the healing process of wounds.

In addition, the improvement in circulatory processes is reflected in the processes in the pelvis, in the area of ​​the prostate gland inclusive. And for men this means prevention of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. If the disease is already developing, then the use of nectar can stop the growth of the tumor and then provoke its gradual resorption.

Pollen produces such an antitumor effect in the case of cancer cells. If the human immune system does not “see” sore spots in the body, then pine amino acids immediately notice pathologies and begin to fight them without touching them. healthy cells, unlike antibiotics.

By consuming pine raw materials, people suffering from diabetes are able to protect the pancreas from damage, thus stopping the development of the disease. In parallel with this, nectar increases the body's production of natural insulin, helping to lower blood sugar levels.

For problems with the stomach and liver, pollen will also come to the rescue. Its enzymes speed up the work of the intestinal muscles, relieving constipation, while amino acids help the liver in its filtration processes and removal of toxins. And in the treatment of anorexia, preparations based on pine nectar are used to stimulate appetite.

How aid Pine pollen is prescribed for depression, for the prevention of influenza and colds, as well as for hypertensive patients who need to normalize blood pressure.


In accordance with such a wide spectrum of action, pine pollen is used in various fields and directions.

For starters, she- An excellent addition to your daily diet. This product does not require special processing or preparation before use. Simply mix a pinch of pollen with a spoon of honey or dissolve it in a glass of milk.

As for traditional medicine, then the quantity healthy recipes with the participation of pollen there are countless numbers here. There are also various syrups, and tinctures with decoctions, which are quite easy to prepare.

Among these recipes- And honey mixture from bronchitis. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. pollen per 1 liter of honey. In such a situation, already candied honey heated in a water bath will do. Carefully mix the ingredients and then take three times a day half an hour before meals. Honey by itself is quite strong remedy in the fight against respiratory tract pathologies, and the extract gives it additional nutrition.

Important! If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with 1 liter of boiled milk.

Pine pollen also has its own vocation in the field of dietetics and weight loss. For those who like to go on diets and practice healthy fasting, doctors recommend consuming this nectar during the diet, and especially during the period of exit from it. An abrupt transition from fasting to eating everyday food deals a heavy blow to the body, which is already unaccustomed to stress. Pine pollen, which can provide a transition period during the digestion process, will help protect your health from such stress.

This product is actively used in cosmetology. After all, face masks based on it:

  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • nourish the skin with beneficial microelements;
  • tone and moisturize;
  • improve blood circulation in the dermis;
  • eliminate acne and skin rashes.

Please note that this diet is suitable for both oily and dry skin types.

If you use pine nectar as a hair balm, then after just a few sessions the curls will become fuller, healthier and will delight their owner with a beautiful shine. But pollen-based essential oils strengthen hair roots and can also get rid of dandruff.

Did you know? 1 hectare of pine forest produces up to 4 kg per day essential oil, which dissolves in the air.

How to use

Most often, pine pollen is used simply by mixing with honey, without any additional processing. The fresher the honey, the more beneficial vitamins it will retain. As for the already candied delicacy, you can dissolve it in a water bath, but not exceeding the temperature of 40 ° C, otherwise the sweetness will lose its nutritional value.

If it is not possible to use honey, then use milk is coming, pre-boiled. After mixing the liquid with pollen, let them brew for 24 hours. After this, you need to drain the tincture, straining the sediment, and use the pure product.

If we're talking about about adult patients, they will perfectly help strengthen the body and cure diseases alcohol tinctures. They can be used in both pure form, and adding it to tea.

But for children to enhance the effect give pine nectar along with butter or egg yolk, which will help the medicine to be better absorbed. To give the mixture more good taste sour cream and lemon juice are also used.

How to choose a good product

The effect of taking pine pollen depends, first of all, on the quality of the product. Therefore, it is so important to know how to choose it correctly.

It’s great if you can purchase the product directly from beekeepers. They usually offer pollen drenched in honey - beebread. And many craftsmen collect this nectar on their own, but more on that later.

Important! Today you can buy pollen in large stores, but it is better to do it in pharmacies, where control over storage conditions is much higher.

If everything is clear with the place of purchase, then let’s move directly to the product. The quality of pollen offered for sale is can be determined by several criteria:

  1. If the purchase is made during the season (May-June), then the granules should be bright, rich in color, after all, they were only recently collected and had not yet had time to dry. If the coloring of the raw materials is not monochromatic, it’s not a problem, but a dull, faded shade is a sign of stale (last year’s) goods. And at the same time, if you buy pine pollen in autumn-winter, pay attention to pale shades, because for long-term storage The pollen can be dried, during which it loses its color. During this period, the bright coloring of the raw materials should, on the contrary, alert you - most likely, such granules will be a fake.
  2. It's great to be able to touch the pollen. Quality product will be in the form of tiny (1–2 mm) granules that do not turn into dust when touched. If they knead with their hands, it means that the manufacturer did not dry the nectar well or allowed moisture to get into it.
  3. Try to smell the raw material. Fresh, it has a soft, enchanting aroma of honey and flowers, but this smell is light and quickly dissipates.
  4. Quality is also checked by taste. Good pollen is not sour or sweet, and there is no obvious taste of honey in it. If the product is too sweet, then most likely it has been additionally processed, and if it is sour, it is spoiled.

In supermarkets, when the product is on the shelves in packaging, there is rarely an opportunity to touch or try the product. Therefore, in such cases, you need to focus on color, as well as the following signs:

  1. Package: It must be sealed and prevent air flow. Glass or plastic containers meet the requirements, but bags (especially those with reusable zippers) are best avoided.
  2. Consistency: The better and clearer the tiny granules are visible, the better. A large amount of “flour” (ground pollen) may indicate the presence of harmful mites in the product.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the non-allergic and rich vitamin composition of pine pollen, there are still cases when it is better to refrain from consuming it.

Study unique qualities pine pollen has recently become promising direction Sciences. Scientists discover and analyze new amazing properties this natural biostimulant. And in folk medicine The world's pollen has been healing people for six thousand years - everywhere where pine grows.

At the beginning of May, apple trees bloom in the gardens, and at the same time, the main sacrament of the year is performed in the pine forests - among the long pine needles strange, unlike anything flowers appear.

Pine flowers do not bloom for long, two to three days, pollen must be collected very quickly - first at the sunny edges, then in the shaded thickets of the forest. If you are late, the scales on the flower candles will dry out and the pollen will scatter throughout the forest in a golden fragrant haze...

Pine blossoms are a beautiful and exciting sight

Don't be lazy and hurry up! Pine inflorescences collected in early May contain healing potential that can charge a person with health, energy and vigor for a whole year - over two hundred biologically active substances are collected here. The vitamins, microelements, enzymes, amino acids concentrated in the flower do not have any harmful impurities, are easily absorbed by the body, and quickly and effectively begin to work on cellular level.

The composition of pollen is stable, and the concentration of useful substances in it is extremely high - more than 90 percent of the bulk. Arsenal and their range useful action extremely large - incomparably higher than any advertised biological active additive or vitamins from the pharmacy.

Amino acids in pine pollen - table

Amino acids are necessary for the renewal of all organs and systems of the human body, but the liver especially urgently needs them - with a lack of amino acids, it degrades. The fact is that during metabolism, a fifth of the amino acids involved in it are involved in tissue protein synthesis, the rest “build” it again in the liver.

A deficiency has formed, which means that the liver will not have enough building materials and it will begin to replace proteins with fats and accumulate them, which can become extremely dangerous. Eating pine pollen, rich in amino acids, regenerates and heals the liver.

Main vitamins in pine pollen - table

Pine pollen is an antioxidant, 20 times stronger than pharmacy vitamin C, and the concentration of vitamin E in it is 50 times higher! Pollen contains a unique complex of easily digestible vitamins effective immunomodulator, stimulant, energy drink. And as a nice bonus - an excellent cosmetic product.

Main macro- and microelements in pine pollen - table

In total, pine pollen contains almost 30 mineral elements necessary for the human body. This “mineral supplement” is a real salvation for diabetics. Regeneration at the cellular level is accelerated, tissues and the immune system are restored, and at the same time the functioning of the pancreas is normalized. As a result, insulin production increases.

Pollen under a microscope is space in miniature!

More than two hundred useful substances - nutritional and biologically active - are contained in a bizarre grain of pollen. They are necessary for pollination and the birth of new life; they are living, natural and therefore perfectly perceived by the human body.

Top ten! Applications of pine pollen

In order not to sing pointless praises of pine pollen, let’s consider the main areas of its application in folk medicine - at least the “top 10” in popularity.

  1. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation improves. As a result, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is reduced, and visual acuity is restored. Hemoglobin increases, so pollen is used in the fight against anemia.
  2. Relieves fatigue and stress, even chronic; saturates tissues with oxygen, increases endurance and performance. These qualities of pollen are like natural stimulant athletes willingly use to achieve high results. Recommended for use by elderly people, children, and residents of environmentally polluted areas.
  3. The anti-inflammatory properties of natural phytoconcentrate have a wide spectrum of action - they give good result in the treatment of both liver, kidneys, and respiratory organs. Pollen treats colds and coughs, as well as bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, the effects of pneumonia, bronchial asthma and even tuberculosis.
  4. By stimulating the immune system, pollen restores the functioning of the endocrine system, normalizes the processes of synthesis and regeneration of pancreatic cells, as well as their production of natural insulin.
  5. Activities are being normalized gastrointestinal tract: microflora is restored and digestive processes, diarrhea and constipation are cured, appetite increases.
  6. Pine Pollen It is increasingly being used successfully in oncology. How strong antioxidant, working at the cellular level, prevents the formation of tumors. Helps in rehabilitation after chemotherapy and radiology treatment.
  7. Has a beneficial effect on genital area: regulates the cycle and facilitates menopause in women, and in men it heals prostate diseases, helps with infertility and impotence.
  8. A powerful anti-aging agent. The complex of vitamins and minerals promotes general rejuvenation of the body and restoration of its functions - in particular, it prevents the accumulation of lipofuscin in the tissues of the heart and liver.
  9. Great antihistamine. Pine pollen is unique in that not only itself, like other types of pollen, does not cause allergies, but also helps to heal from it.
  10. Restores the nervous system and mental condition helps a person out of depression and binge drinking. Anti-hangover remedy.

Pine stamens full of pollen

Prescriptions of medicinal drugs and contraindications

The product has almost no contraindications, but it is important to follow the dosage and dosage regimen indicated in the recipes. If the drug is given to children, the dosage should be halved. Medicines are not suitable for those people who have individual intolerance to certain components - for example, an allergy to honey and honey products. IN in some cases honey can be replaced with milk.

Pollen - strong and very active drug, an overdose of which can lead to troubles: inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract or excessive blood thinning. Pregnant women, as well as people suffering from acute diseases kidneys and liver.

For tuberculosis

Fresh or dried inflorescences are infused with alcohol or milk. This ancient folk anti-tuberculosis remedy must be used in combination with drug treatment.


  • pine inflorescences - 3 full handfuls;
  • alcohol (or milk) – 1 l;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • honey - 150 g.


  1. Place the inflorescences in a jar and fill with alcohol. If milk is used, it must first be brought to a boil. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Infuse in a cool, dark place for 2-3 days, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add honey, egg, butter. Mix well.
  4. Keep refrigerated. Take a tablespoon before meals, three times a day. The course of treatment is two months. After a two-week break, the course is repeated.

To normalize immunity and digestion

An effective and tasty product. It is important not to heat it above 50 degrees when cooking in order to preserve the beneficial substances.


  • pine pollen - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey - 1 l.


  1. Pre-melt the honey in a water bath.
  2. Mix honey and pollen until smooth.

Take a tablespoon three times a day, before meals. The course of treatment is two months. After a two-week break, the course is repeated.

For hypertension

Every day, throughout three weeks Take a coffee spoon three times a day in its pure form. Full course treatment - three weeks. The procedure also helps rapid recovery And general strengthening body.

For the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma

Pine pollen contains substances that can block histamine receptors, which makes breathing much easier. A properly prepared drug, in interaction with medications prescribed by a doctor, can both improve the patient’s condition and lead to a complete cure.


  • pine inflorescences - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  2. Pour boiling syrup over pine inflorescences. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Leave until completely cool.
  4. Leave the filtered infusion for another day in a dark place and then drain it from the formed sediment.
  5. Store in the refrigerator in an opaque (glass or ceramic) container.

The medication is usually taken for a long time. The first course - daily for three weeks, three times a day, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon. Then - a control week break. If no attacks appear during this time, you can stop taking it. If you have to take the infusion for a long time, then after three courses it is advisable to reduce the single dose to a teaspoon.

For depression

Pine pollen - excellent natural antidepressant, which works effectively, but does not give addiction and others side effects. The proposed tincture will help get rid of neurosis and depression - quickly and with pleasure.


  • pine pollen - 50 g;
  • pine cones - 100 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.


  1. Pour pollen and crushed dry cones with vodka in a glass jar. Cork.
  2. Leave in a dark place for at least three days.
  3. Strain very carefully.
  4. For preventive purposes, the tincture can be taken a teaspoon on an empty stomach, every other day, adding it to tea or drinking purified water. Treatment course takes three weeks, during which pine pollen tincture is consumed two to three times a day. After a week's break, the course can be repeated.

"Edible" cosmetics

Pine pollen can easily be included in this category of cosmetic products. The entire rich complex of useful substances - a real beauty factory - is easily absorbed by human skin and immediately begins to work to improve and rejuvenate it. Recovery, nutrition, improvement metabolic processes- pollen works wonders, and the results become obvious very soon.

Very tasty cosmetics based on pine pollen!

By adding a coffee spoon of pine pollen to your usual creams and face masks, you will slow down the aging process of your skin - it will become radiant and disappear. dark spots and age-related plaques. By improving your shampoos and hair conditioners in the same way, you will soon get gorgeous hair - thick and shiny.

Depending on your skin type and condition, pine pollen can be used to nourishing masks with the addition of honey, yolk, sour cream, lemon, and other ingredients that suit you. Herbal infusions of pollen give an excellent effect - for washing, rinsing, and compresses. It is enough to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of crushed chamomile, mint, string, parsley and leave until it cools, then stir a teaspoon of pollen into the infusion.

How to collect and store pollen? - video

We collect and store correctly

Male pine inflorescences are collected - in other words, stamens or anthers. It is important not to rush and not to be late. The scales of unripe stamens are closed and release milky juice when pressed. Overripe anthers are dry and empty - the pollen from them has already flown away to pollinate female flowers, and you won't get anything.

Choose a clear and preferably calm day to collect pollen. You can simply shake out the pollen from the inflorescences into prepared liter jars. But it is better to collect the anthers entirely - this way there are fewer losses and more benefits. Select yellow, dense, full of pollen stamens. Then they will need to be dried in a dry and necessarily closed room - the slightest draft can steal your precious loot.

Pine pollen is a precious preparation for the winter

When the dried stamens open, all that remains is to carefully shake out the pollen from them into sterile glass jars or bags on a “string” - this is very convenient. You need to store pine pollen in tightly closed containers to prevent moisture or curious boogers from getting in there that might want to eat it or also get some treatment!

Pine pollen is gametes, or male cells, that help pollinate pine cones to form new seeds. Pine pollen has numerous beneficial properties for the human body, making this valuable product popularly called the elixir of longevity. Eating pollen helps cope with stress and neuroses, and also helps increase vitality.


Pollen contains a large amount of valuable substances for the human body. Cells contain many amino acid compounds—virtually all the essential amino acids are present. The product is rich in valuable organic acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, glucosides, threonine, etc.

Pollen contains a lot of vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B6, B12) and C. Herbal component contains a large number of minerals, including macro- and microelements: zinc, iron, copper, selenium, potassium, magnesium and manganese.

Methods of administration in traditional medicine

Pollen is used for healing huge amount diseases, using it both in pure form and as a main or auxiliary component of a medicinal product.

  1. For the treatment of asthma. It is necessary for asthmatics to take pollen to enter the body of histamine receptor blockers, which are responsible for bronchospasms. As part of the therapy, syrup is prepared with the following proportions: half a kilogram of pine anthers and sugar, half a liter of water. The cones are filled hot water with dissolved granulated sugar and cover with a lid for steaming. After 3-4 hours, the syrup is filtered and left to settle in a dark place for a day. During this time, sediment forms at the bottom. Carefully drain the clean liquid from the container into a separate container. The medicine is taken one tablespoon three times a day for 3 weeks, after which a week break is required.
  2. For bronchitis. To treat the disease, a solution of pollen and honey is used. The recipe calls for mixing a liter of beekeeping product with a heaping tablespoon of pine pollen. If the honey is candied, then stirring is done in a water bath, but at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. Ready honey jam Take three times a day before meals, 2 teaspoons at a time. If a dose is missed, it can be taken an hour after meals. If you are allergic to honey, then there is another option - a solution with milk. Gradually add 20 grams of pollen into a liter of hot milk, making sure there are no lumps, and add a little sugar. You need to take 50 ml of the cough mixture three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  3. Treatment of depression– vodka tincture is used. 100 grams of dried cones and 50 grams of pure pine pollen are poured with half a liter of vodka. Infusion is carried out for three days in a closed container and a dark place, then filtered. Finished product useful for removing nervous tension, activation of regeneration of nerve tissue, improvement of blood supply to the brain. To obtain the effect, drink the product one teaspoon 2 times a day before meals, drinking a small amount clean water. The course of therapy is 3 weeks, after which at least a 7-day break is required.
  4. Tuberculosis. Collect male inflorescences with pollen and infuse them with alcohol. It is recommended to take the resulting supplement three times a day before meals, 2 teaspoons.
  5. Hypertension. Pollen is eaten in its pure form, washed down with water, half a level teaspoon twice a day. The duration of treatment is 14 days.
  6. To boost immunity. It is recommended to use the product in its pure form - half a teaspoon once a day for a month

Children are treated with a minimum dose(tenth part adult dosage), which is gradually increased, monitoring the reaction. It is recommended to give the product to children at least 6 years old. They also use the product for weight loss as a way safe exit from diets.

Indications for use of pine pollen

Properties pine pollen allow you to use it in pure form or as part of combined agents for the following problems in the body:

  • transferred serious illnesses, decreased immunity;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, especially with cough;
  • gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive tract;
  • severe fatigue;
  • decreased potency and libido in men (pollen is an additional source of testosterone);
  • polyarthritis and arthritis;
  • diabetes and conditions associated with decreased hemoglobin;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • poisoning and intoxication of the body;
  • dermatological problems (acne, boils, freckles, vitiligo, etc.);
  • benign formations - polyps, cysts, fibroids, etc.;
  • prevention of tumor formation, including malignant ones;
  • climacteric syndrome in women.

Possible harm and contraindications

The peculiarity of pine pollen is that it does not cause allergic reaction, and is recommended as a product for allergies. However, there are other contraindications for use:

  • poor blood clotting rates;
  • inflammatory process in the acute phase, localized in the intestines;
  • kidney diseases associated with the formation of stones;
  • liver diseases in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to properly prepare raw materials

Self-harvesting pine pollen at home is done during flowering, when the male flower cones turn yellow (from about May 10). At the first stage, they are green, and when pressed, liquid comes out of them - this means that it is too early to collect them. When the color changes to yellow, there are only 1-2 days when the liquid is no longer released and the pollen has not yet flown out.

At the second stage, the cones need to be dried - place them in a warm and dry room without drafts in a thin layer on paper. After drying, the pollen will freely fall out of the strobila. The easiest way to sow the healing mass is with a fine sieve with a plastic bag attached to the bottom. The finished pollen is sent for storage - it can be placed in plastic bottles and leave in a cool, dry place with lids tightly closed. Properly collected and dried pollen has no expiration date.

For use in medicinal purposes You can purchase ready-made pollen at the pharmacy. It is available in powder, tincture and tablet form (from manufacturers New Era, Coniferous doctor).

Pine pollen has been used since ancient times in folk medicine to treat numerous diseases and strengthen immune system. Procuring raw materials involves some difficulties, so it is better to purchase them locally. finished form. The use of pollen for medicinal purposes implies a small list of contraindications.

Therapy or prevention can be carried out even in childhood.

Pine pollen is collected from the buds coniferous tree at the end of May. You can prepare this component yourself, but if this is not possible, it can be found in any pharmacy in ready-made form. WITH medical point In terms of vision, pollen is the most valuable and useful component.

According to their own healing properties it is superior to pine needles, which are widely used in herbal medicine and folk recipes.

The medicinal properties of pine pollen are used in the following areas:

  • cosmetology;
  • ethnoscience;
  • traditional medicine;
  • psychiatry;
  • gynecology;
  • phytotherapy;
  • dietetics.

Beneficial features

Pine pollen has numerous beneficial properties. This component has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the body as a whole, strengthens its protective functions and reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with vital internal systems. The components that make up pine pollen normalize the condition of the circulatory system.

Products based on it can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The beneficial properties of pine pollen are the following:

Chemical composition

Pine pollen is a complex of useful components. It contains resinous substances, vitamins various groups, as well as terpene compounds.

In addition, pollen contains chemical components organic and inorganic nature. This combination of substances turns the product into a valuable source of macro- and microelements vital for the normal functioning of the human body.

Pine pollen contains the following components:

  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin D;
  • carotene;
  • borneol;
  • flavonoids;
  • minerals;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • testosterone;
  • bonyl acetate;
  • polysaccharides;
  • coenzymes;
  • enzymes.

Pine pollen is non-toxic. There are no components in its composition that can impair performance internal systems. The product contains a large amount of proteins, fats and lipids. It contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and zinc. Pine pollen is a multivitamin complex with a wide spectrum of action.

Indications for use

Pine pollen has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body. This product has antimicrobial, antiseptic, tonic and antisclerotic properties. The effectiveness of pollen in the treatment and prevention of diseases of various categories has been confirmed by specialist research.

Indications for the use of pine pollen are the following conditions:

Pine pollen has particular benefits when combined with diets. Sudden changes in diet or periods of fasting can negatively affect the digestive system and reduce the supply of vitamins in the body.

If you supplement your diet with pine pollen, then side effects can be avoided. The product will provide the body with the necessary beneficial components and strengthen the gastrointestinal tract.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

With moderate use and no contraindications, pine pollen does not cause harm to the body. The reason for canceling treatment with a coniferous component is the occurrence of a headache, attacks of vomiting or nausea, discomfort in the digestive system, as well as an allergic reaction.

A sign of an allergy can be not only a rash on skin, but also a runny nose with characteristic nasal congestion and swelling of its sinuses.

The following conditions are contraindications for the use of pine pollen:

  • pregnancy at any stage (all pine ingredients are contraindicated during pregnancy);
  • lactation period (the digestive system of a newborn baby may react negatively to the product);
  • individual intolerance to the product or individual components that make up it;
  • period of exacerbation of kidney disease;
  • acute form of hepatitis.

Excessive consumption of pine pollen can cause problems with blood clotting. To exclude such negative consequences It is important to follow the recommended dosages.

If you suspect any contraindications, you should consult your doctor and undergo an appropriate examination. Taking pollen during an exacerbation of certain diseases can aggravate the situation and slow down the healing process.

Methods of use in folk medicine

You can take pine pollen either alone or in combination with other components that can enhance its effectiveness. In folk medicine, the product is widely used in the treatment of bronchopulmonary, cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney diseases, as well as other performance disorders internal organs. You can consume pollen with childhood(from 6 years old).

Examples folk remedies based on pine pollen: