Is it possible to eat boiled chicken? Chicken meat benefits and harms. Preparation and storage

Many are fans of chicken, but not everyone knows about the benefits of chicken meat, and, of course, about its harm. IN modern world Chicken meat has been elevated to a kind of cult as cheap, low-calorie and easily digestible. Is it so? It's worth looking into.

What are the benefits of chicken meat?

First of all, the advantages of chicken meat should include: low calorie content. So, 100 grams of chicken contains only 190 kcal, and after cooking only 137 kcal remains, and if frying, the calorie content of the final product will increase to 210 kcal. As we can see from these prime numbers, it is preferable to eat boiled chicken. By the way, it’s healthier and there’s less cholesterol.

Chicken meat is a complete protein, and its regular consumption in combination with certain physical activity leads to muscle growth.

And finally, chicken meat is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2 and B6, and due to high content nutrients perfectly relieves fatigue, restores strength and satisfies hunger.

Harm of chicken meat

It is worth noting that all the benefits of chicken meat are manifested exclusively in domestic chickens. If we talk about chickens purchased in stores or supermarkets, then most likely there is little benefit from such meat. It is better not to use it for children and elderly people, as it contains a large number of antibiotics, accumulating most of all in hams, bones and skin.

Harm of chicken meat for men

Speaking about the dangers of chicken meat for men, it is worth mentioning the methods of roasting meat that are popular in men's companies. Prolonged marinating, long frying of chicken over coals or on the grill, not only increases the amount of carcinogenic substances in the dish, but also significantly complicates digestibility, reducing its benefits to zero. It is best to cook chicken with vegetables and boiled.

Also, do not forget that meat produced industrially, often has an excess of hormones, which negatively affects the body of both men and women, affecting DNA and reducing the level of health and immunity.


Scientists have long established that a product such as meat is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body. Meat contains a large amount of protein. This product the diet must be included. Chicken meat has particular benefits. It is important to know how to prepare it correctly so that the maximum positive impact. Any meat can be harmful. Chicken is no exception. Therefore, it is worth understanding these issues before actively using it in cooking.

Healthful composition of chicken meat

When cooked, chicken meat has a rather pleasant specific aroma. This effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition essential oils, glutamic acid, nitrogen-containing substances. Among the vitamins, the following can be noted: vitamins of group B, A, E, C, PP. Chicken meat is rich in the following microelements:

It is worth noting that the protein in chicken meat is contained in the most more, compared to other types of meat. The product is low-calorie. But there are practically no carbohydrates. Thanks to this, the chicken has dietary value. Maximum amount useful components found in chicken breast.

The benefits of chicken meat

First of all, chicken is especially useful for people suffering from overweight. Minimal amount calories and carbohydrates allows you to include the product in your diet during a diet. It is important to eat boiled meat; the benefits of chicken breast are the highest. Chicken broth is useful during colds. The fact is that warm broth promotes recovery immune system, enriching the body with proteins.

Further, protein is the main building material for the body. Broth based on this type of meat is recommended for use by people whose activities involve high physical activity. Protein is essential for athletes. Therefore, boiled chicken breast should be included in daily diet. The broth saturates the body for a long time, making it more resilient. Specialists in the field of traditional and traditional medicine It is recommended to use it during periods of recovery after surgery.

A huge amount of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system. Nerve cells return to normal. Regular use of the product helps get rid of stress, insomnia, and depression. Vitamin E relieves the body of the effects free radicals, prevents the active aging process. It has been established what it is dietary food(boiled chicken, broth) helps fight the following ailments:

For diabetics, chicken is the main dish on the menu. The thing is that meat takes part in absorption by the blood polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary to normalize metabolism and the functioning of the pancreas. The product contains a component such as glutamine. It helps to build up in a short period of time muscle mass. Chicken-based broth is prescribed by doctors to prevent atherosclerosis and stroke. Normalizes blood pressure. Meat promotes elimination from the body bad cholesterol, after which the work of all body systems is improved.

B vitamins make the product beneficial for beauty. At regular use boiled chicken improves the condition of facial skin and strengthens hair. Over time, facial skin acquires a natural shine and gets rid of unevenness. Hair becomes more elastic and manageable. It is important to remove the skin from meat when cooking, because all the harm is collected in it.

Harm of chicken meat

Any product that is used incorrectly is harmful. Chicken meat is no exception. The maximum harm is found in the chicken skin. This is natural adipose tissue, which is very harmful when dieting for weight loss. Fat has a negative effect on the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. The only safe skin is on the chicken's wing.

Harm from store-bought chicken is more common than from home-made chicken. When breeding birds, unscrupulous farmers may use various antibiotics to promote rapid growth. The birds' food is also not of the highest quality. Such components can have a detrimental effect on the human body from poisoning to allergies. Allergic reactions manifest themselves as:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Vomiting;
  • Urticaria;
  • Quincke's edema.

If meat is not properly cooked, harm will manifest itself in the form of proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. This is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis, poisoning, and helminths. A large amount of bad cholesterol is found in smoked and fried chicken. You shouldn't abuse them. Most useful option There will be boiled fillet and brisket.


Chicken meat many of us love and cook regularly. It becomes the basis of the mass different dishes, and a useful addition daily menu. The benefits and harms of chicken mainly depend on how the meat was prepared and how the poultry was raised. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The benefits of chicken

  • Chicken meat contains a lot of protein and amino acids. And its calorie content is an order of magnitude less than the calorie content of other types of meat (approximately 190 kcal depending on what part of the carcass we're talking about). Therefore, chicken is actively included in the composition dietary dishes and in the healthy nutrition menu.
  • Animal protein is the main benefit of chicken meat. As we know, he is the main one building material human body. Chicken meat also contains a lot of potassium and phosphorus. It can also be considered dietary due to its low fat content.
  • Chicken is good for our immunity. The presence of a number of valuable microelements in it allows you to create a kind of protective barrier for the body. Those who regularly consume boiled chicken are much less likely to suffer from colds than those who like, for example, pork and beef.

Find out: How and how much to cook chicken meat correctly so that it retains everything beneficial features.

  • Very useful productchicken bouillon. It is quite nutritious, and at the same time can quickly give strength. Because of this, it is the most popular product for patients during the recovery period.
  • Chicken renders beneficial influence on our nervous system. Kit useful vitamins and microelements ensures normal functioning nerve cells. Chicken is especially useful for those who suffer from insomnia, stress, and depression. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, chicken meat contains many other mineral components and vitamins. These are vitamins A and E, B vitamins, iron, magnesium. There are practically no carbohydrates in chicken, which is also its advantage.
  • Experts say that high-quality chicken meat can be used as a way to combat many diseases, such as gout and polyarthritis, diabetes and peptic ulcer. Diabetics should especially consume chicken meat, since it helps increase polyunsaturated acids in the blood, which are perfectly absorbed by the human body.
  • Another reason for the benefits of chicken meat is the presence of glutamine in it. This is an amino acid that helps build muscle mass. That's why bodybuilders love chicken so much.
  • Chicken helps prevent strokes and atherosclerosis, and normalizes blood pressure. It is useful for elderly people and children.
  • Chicken meat normalizes metabolism, maintains sugar levels and blood pressure in in good condition. It also lowers the level bad cholesterol, and activates kidney function. Chicken meat is good for people and with low acidity, and from high.

    Find out: How and where to properly store chicken meat so that it retains all its beneficial properties and does not harm the body.

  • Harm of chicken meat

    • The main drawback is the skin. There is a lot of fatty tissue in it. Before eating meat, it is better to remove the skin, which will help eliminate its harm. The exception is the skin on the wings, which is tender and non-greasy.
    • The significant benefits of chicken meat apply only to domestic chicken. As for poultry bought in a store, it may do more harm than good. Many companies feed broiler chickens with antibiotics and hormones, which, of course, have little benefit. Also in chicken feed anabolic hormones are added to rapid growth birds and increasing their mass.
    • If chicken meat has not been sufficiently processed, it can cause active proliferation of bacteria in the intestines and poisoning of the entire body as a result. Therefore, chicken must be cooked well before eating.
    • Also, you should not overuse smoked and fried chicken, as these dishes are sources of bad cholesterol. The most useful is boiled chicken fillet, often included in the diet of athletes and simply people who want to keep their figure and health in order.

    Find out: How to choose the right chicken meat so as not to harm the body.

    As we can see, the benefits and harms of chicken are a very controversial issue. With proper, moderate consumption of domestic chicken meat, this product will become a worthy component of your diet.


    It will look like this:

    Copy the text below:

    Chicken is the most common type of poultry. Chickens are bred for meat, eggs, feathers and down. Popular use in Everyday life is considered to be cooking meat. It is very valuable for the functioning of the body.

    Chicken contains vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, beta carotene, C and E, as well as minerals such as fluorine, copper, chromium, colbate, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese and iron.

    Curious! Boiled chicken has higher calorie content than raw chicken.

    The benefits and harms of domestic chicken

    Natural country chicken meat contains a large amount of amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body. Chicken is low in fat and therefore low in cholesterol. It is good for the immune system; consumption protects our body from negative impact environment.

    Doctors recommend consuming chicken broth, as it helps restore the strength of a weakened body. The vitamins contained in chicken improve the process of hematopoiesis and normalize metabolic processes in the body. When eating chicken with vegetables and herbs, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. Contained B vitamins restore the beauty of hair, nails and skin.

    Most great benefit When we eat chicken, our bones and muscles are gained, as it contains a large amount of protein, which is an excellent building material. Protein also has a beneficial effect on brain development.

    A large amount of vitamin and mineral composition affects the normalization of the nervous system, so if a person suffers from insomnia, depression and other “nervous” conditions, then eating chicken meat is simply necessary. Chicken should also be consumed to prevent heart attacks, strokes and ischemia.

    Avoid eating the skin and dark parts of the chicken. Over the course of its life, the skin accumulates harmful substances that can adversely affect the body. It is better to remove it before starting cooking.

    Also, you should not eat smoked or fried chicken meat. If the chicken was initially poorly processed, then most likely they have already begun to multiply in the colon harmful bacteria and began putrefactive processes. Eating such meat may cause poisoning of the body.

    The benefits and harms of store-bought chicken

    If it is impossible to buy homemade country chicken, many people buy them in stores. It may be sold chilled or frozen. It is difficult to judge the benefits of meat from such chicken, since everyone knows that artificially raised chickens grow on antibiotics, hormones and other components.

    These procedures are done to ensure that the chicken’s weight grows quickly and to prevent a number of diseases. Eating such meat may cause hormonal disbalance in the body and other diseases. Also, the quality depends on the conditions in which the chicken was kept, what it ate and what water it drank, how it was transported and how it was stored in the store.

    In cooking

    Individual parts of the chicken can be used in cooking culinary dishes: in this case, fillet, thigh and drumstick are perfect for making cutlets, salads, chops, pilaf and stews. The back part and offal will serve excellent option for preparing broths and soups.

    Advice! Store-bought chicken should be heat treated more thoroughly, and the skin should be removed in advance.

    Restriction on use

    1. Smoked and fried chicken are high in bad cholesterol.
    2. Do not use for people who are allergic to chicken protein.
    • You can store chicken in in a plastic bag, in glass containers, in vacuum packaging and containers.
    • You can store chicken for 24 hours at a temperature of 7-10 °C;
    • 48 hours at 4-7 °C;
    • 72 hours at 0-4 °C;
    • 96 hours at -2-0 °C;
    • Up to 3 months can be stored at temperatures -8... -5 °C;
    • Up to 6 months at a temperature of -14… -8 °C;
    • Up to 9 months at a temperature of -18… -14 °C;
    • Up to a year at temperatures -24… -18 °C;

    Calorie content 238kcal

    Proteins: 18.2g. (72.8 kcal)

    Fat: 18.4g. (165.6 kcal)

    Carbohydrates: 0g. (0 kcal)

    Energy ratio (b|w|y): 30% | 69% | 0%

    It is unlikely that you will be able to find a more popular dietary product than chicken breast. High concentration squirrel and minimum indicator carbohydrates are a real gift for those who adhere to healthy eating or wants to solve a problem excess weight. Let's try to consider the benefits and harms of chicken breasts, and also figure out why this type of meat is placed on a dietary pedestal.

    Features of the composition

    100 grams of white chicken meat contains about 113 kilocalories. The vast majority are proteins (23.4 g), significantly less fat (1.9 g) and virtually no carbohydrates (0.4 g).

    However, after heat treatment the nutritional value of this product, and the calorie content, by the way, also changes somewhat. During cooking, the fat will boil into liquid, the calorie content will decrease to approximately 95 kilocalories. But breast cooked by frying, on the contrary, has more calories due to the fat in which it is cooked.

    Vitamins and minerals are found in abundance in white chicken meat. 200 grams of the product can boast of content daily norm vitamin PP, provide 50% of the B6 requirement. There is also a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin B3.

    No other product contains such amounts of cobalt. In addition, white chicken meat is rich in sulfur, chromium, zinc, choline, and vitamins A, H, PP.

    What are the benefits of chicken breast?

    Thanks to the available micro- and macroelements, vitamins and other biological active components, white chicken meat is not just a dietary product, but also a very healthy delicacy.

    The broth made from this product is used to treat colds. It tones the body's defenses and helps strengthen the immune system. You can drink it in any volume; it is not capable of harming the body, since it contains very little fat.

    Chicken breast, as well as the broth cooked on its basis, are excellent medicines for pathologies of the gastrointestinal canal. To digest such a product, no special energy costs are required. Once in the stomach, it is softly enveloped. Due to the content of vitamin PP in the product, the functioning of the digestive canal is normalized.

    Thanks to chicken breast, it is possible to provide the human body with most B vitamins. B1 takes part in metabolic processes with the participation of fats and carbohydrates, increases metabolism, is responsible for regulating the functioning of organs digestive system. B6 is also involved in metabolic processes with carbohydrates. With the participation of B2, biological oxidation occurs and energy is produced more intensively. Thanks to this component eyeball focuses better on objects that are located at a distance.

    Choline, noted in the product, is able to stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, ensuring that the liver is not overloaded.

    The systematic inclusion of such meat in the menu has a good effect on appearance. The skin takes on a healthy appearance, becomes smooth, curls are thick and shiny, and nails don’t break as much.

    The best thing chicken breast boil. To make white meat pleasant and tasty, it is recommended to add some other ingredients during cooking (carrots, celery, onions, etc.). You can also bake white meat in the oven, you will get a juicy, rich dish.

    Is chicken breast harmful?

    White chicken meat is a special product that is practically incapable of causing harm to the human body.

    It should only be noted that such a delicacy is not entirely suitable for people who have an advantage physical work. If there are serious stresses in a person’s life, then it is advisable for him to eat meat that is not chicken, but fattier.

    Chicken skin is formed mainly by fat alone, so those who are on a diet need to remove it.
    Important! During frying, chicken skin becomes carcinogenic!

    Chicken fillet must undergo a good test before use. heat treatment, since there is a high probability of contracting salmonellosis or toxoplasmosis.

    The disadvantages of white chicken meat include the likelihood of an excess of protein. The presence of chicken in the diet in excessive quantities can overload the kidneys and liver and lead to undesirable consequences.

    How to choose chicken breast

    There is a danger in purchasing the product Low quality. Suppliers vary. Some of them raise poultry on normal natural feed. There are many among them who increase the massiveness of the breast by pumping the carcasses with estrogen or adding antibiotics to the feed. Such experiments have far from the best effect on human health. Immunity decreases, may occur allergic reactions, the result is violated hormonal background. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chicken meat in those places that you have already checked or in specialized stores.

    If you can't buy natural product in the countryside, it will be possible to get rid of the vast majority of chemicals only through thorough cooking.

    When planning to purchase chicken breast in a store, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Choose the product chilled, Pink colour, without bruises or inclusions. It is better not to take large pieces; most likely, such a chicken was overfed with hormones. It is important to pay attention to the date of manufacture: chicken breast can be stored for no more than 5 days.

    Chicken breast is the main ingredient ideal diet. From this product you can prepare not only many different delicious dishes, it is also an excellent remedy to restore health and accumulate muscle mass.

    Video: about the dangers and benefits of chicken breasts

    How healthy is chicken meat and is eating it harmful?

    Chicken meat - benefit or harm?

    Let's agree right away - a person must definitely introduce meat into his diet. Any type of meat is healthy. The question is how to use it and in what quantities so that the benefits do not turn into harm.

    The most important advantage of meat is that it is this product that delivers animal protein to the body. And it plays a big role for our health.

    Now let's talk specifically about chicken meat. Unlike other types of meat, chicken meat is enriched with phosphorus and potassium.

    Since ancient times, chicken breast has been considered dietary product. White meat (as chicken breast is often called) contains a large amount of protein and many other nutrients. But the amount of phosphorus, an essential element for our body, is simply large. Only seafood contains more phosphorus than chicken meat. The only drawback of this meat is chicken skin. It contains a lot of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is advisable to remove the skin before eating meat.

    Chicken legs are also useful. The protein content in them is the same as in the breast.
    They also contain a large amount of vitamin B. It is advisable to use them for food without the skin, which also contains a lot of fat.

    Wings are healthy and tasty. Here the meat is very tender and the skin is not greasy. They are useful for dietary nutrition.

    Unlike other types of meat, chicken can be eaten more often and in larger doses. We must remember that this particular meat is enriched with minerals such as phosphorus, protein, magnesium, iron and potassium, as well as B vitamins: B2, B6, B12, and vitamins E and A. In addition to all this, there are no carbohydrates in chicken meat, and little adipose tissue. That is why this meat is often included in various diets. It contains few calories, but it supplies energy to our body. It can be used by those who monitor their figure and health, as well as those who want to lose weight.

    Chicken meat is often used as medicine. For diseases such as gout, polyarthritis, diabetes and peptic ulcers, this meat helps in treatment. And in case diabetes mellitus of the second type, chicken meat increases the amount of polyunsaturated acids in the blood serum. It is these acids that are well absorbed by the body. To prevent atherosclerosis, as well as heart disease, stroke, and hypertension, it is advisable to introduce chicken meat into food. Especially older people should give preference to chicken meat.

    The healthiest meat is the meat of young chickens. It is very tender and rich in minerals and vitamins.

    I would like to note that in hot weather doctors advise eating chicken. But even in bad weather, chicken will give you strength. It has long been known that chicken broth is very useful during illness. It is recommended for patients after operations to restore strength. After all, this broth is very nutritious.

    The high content of protein and glutamine in chicken meat helps the functioning of our nervous system.
    Everything written above applies to domestic chickens. If we talk about store-bought chicken, it is better not to feed them to children and the elderly. This is due to the fact that such meat contains quite a lot of antibiotics, they especially accumulate in the legs, and in the wings there are much less of them.

    Not only broths made from store-bought chicken are very harmful, but also fried meat. And this is due to the fact that broiler chicken meat contains great content antibiotics, as well as anabolic hormones, which are added to poultry food to increase its weight and eliminate all kinds of diseases. Therefore it is better to buy homemade chicken so that meat actually brings benefits and not harm.

    But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase truly homemade chicken, then you should follow some rules when preparing meat. For example, if you are cooking broth, then the first water must be drained and filled with new water. After the meat has cooked for about fifteen minutes, drain the water again. And only the third time you can eat broth and boiled meat.

    But it is not advisable to cook broth from the legs, since it is in them that a lot of harmful substances. To prepare shish kebab, it is better to use chicken fillet, but if you still decide to use chicken legs, then it is advisable to marinate them longer (about three hours). Although kebab made from poultry is considered healthy, since with this cooking method all the fat drips off and the meat becomes healthy.

    Chicken meat in combination with vegetables is especially useful. After all, vegetables can normalize acidity and improve the digestion and absorption of meat. Dishes prepared from minced meat are more useful than in pieces.

    So, chicken meat helps normalize fat metabolism, stabilizes sugar levels in urine and blood, normalizes blood pressure, reduces cholesterol, and also improves kidney function. Chicken meat is useful for patients, as with increased acidity, and with a reduced one.

    Despite the popularity vegetarian diets, nutrition experts do not recommend excluding from the diet meat products. Any type of meat is a supplier of complete protein and B vitamins, which are absent in vegetables and fruits.

    In the same time overindulgence severe fatty foods becomes an unbearable burden for the body, which leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and is also one of the reasons for gaining excess weight. It is believed that chicken meat, about the benefits and harms of which many popular articles and scientific treatises have been written, can be consumed in much larger quantities than pork, lamb or beef without the risk of harming your health.

    The benefits of chicken meat - 10 beneficial properties for the body

    1. Powerful antidepressant

      IN muscle fibers animals and birds contain tryptophan. This amino acid is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin, hormones that help improve mood and relieve stress. nervous tension. It is no coincidence that in moments of emotional outbursts we want to try a piece of fried or grilled chicken. Don't deny yourself this pleasure. Light dinner including small quantity Chicken meat is useful for avoiding insomnia, will help cope with depressive thoughts, and will give joy to life.

    2. Benefits of chicken for the thyroid gland

      The meat of this poultry contains selenium, which optimizes the balance of iodine in the body, which has a positive effect on the condition thyroid gland. It is very important to monitor the health of this organ to avoid diseases endocrine system, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances.

    3. Chicken, whose beneficial properties are due to its easy digestibility and low amount of fat, is a supplier of vitamin B12, necessary for the formation of red blood cells. blood cells. A significant part of micro- and macroelements is contained in chicken liver. According to nutritionists, consumption of 100 grams of this product not only satisfies daily requirement V useful substances, but also exceeds the norm three times. Thus, the introduction of chicken meat and liver into the menu serves to prevent anemia, improve blood composition, and increase energy balance, allows you to recover faster from illness.

    4. Immune System Support

      Speaking about the benefits of chicken meat, it is necessary to mention that it contains such important trace element, like iron and vitamin PP, which helps strengthen the immune system and prevent certain types of oncology and other diseases. Deficiency of this vitamin, also known as nicotinic acid or niacin, leads to pellagra, a serious illness manifested by intestinal disorders, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, loss of brain activity, which in critical cases ends in death.

    5. Boiled chicken is an invariable component of weight loss diets

      High-quality animal protein is necessary for our body to strengthen bones and tissues, and also helps in the fight against overweight. Obesity has become a dangerous trend modern society. The presence of lean chicken meat in the diet can play an important role in gaining slim figure, as it causes a long-lasting feeling of fullness and protects against accidental snacking.

    6. Improving reproductive functions

      Chicken meat and poultry liver contain folic acid, increasing the body’s ability to conceive and bear fruit healthy offspring. Eating chicken meat will be beneficial during pregnancy, preventing the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. Presence in the diet expectant mother Steamed or baked chicken dishes will neutralize the damage caused to the nervous system stressful situations, which often haunts a woman throughout the 9 months of bearing a baby. In addition, chicken meat was found pantothenic acid(vitamin B5), stimulating activity male sperm and improving the quality of female eggs.

    7. Optimizing brain function

      A nicotinic acid, contained in chicken meat, has positive influence on the functions of the brain and nervous system, prevents damage to DNA cells in the developing fetus and serves as a preventive measure for the decline of cognitive abilities in old age. Moderate consumption of chicken meat will help avoid memory disorders and even prevent Alzheimer's disease.

    8. Ensuring eye health

      Synthesis of vitamin A in the body is impossible without the presence of retinol, lycopene, alpha and beta-carotenes. We can get all these microelements by eating chicken. The beneficial properties of vitamin A help maintain excellent vision, have a positive effect on the condition of the eyes, serve to prevent cataracts, and prevent the destruction of the lens.

    9. Eliminating skin problems

      Due to the presence of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) in chicken meat, the beneficial properties of this product ensure healthy skin and mucous membranes. If you notice a sore tongue, chapped lips, skin rashes, you need to diversify your menu with chicken dishes in combination with vegetables or cereals.

    10. Strengthening bones and muscles

      An excellent source of animal protein and phosphorus, adding chicken to your diet will help improve muscle and bone strength and prevent age-related changes skeleton and muscles. Diets that include lean chicken support healthy teeth and gums, prevent hair loss and brittle nails.

    What else is useful?

    Someone's salivation sharply increases at the sight of a golden crispy chicken crust, while others disgustedly throw it in the trash. But knowing about the substances contained in chicken skin and their effect on the human body will be useful for both.

    Chicken skin is nothing more than protein and fat. Contains the following nutrients:

    • Vitamin A – improves immunity, improves vision, promotes growth and development;
    • vitamin E – breaks down fats, increases the body’s resistance to infections;
    • B vitamins(B6, B12 and B2) – participate in the absorption of proteins and fats, in the production of hormones, normalize cholesterol levels, the functioning of the immune and nervous systems;
    • minerals(phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron) – strengthen bones, cardiovascular and nervous system; necessary for normal hematopoiesis, synthesis of enzymes and hormones, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    100 g of chicken skin contains 18 g of protein, which has a positive effect on human health. Animal proteins are a source of amino acids that are involved in the functioning of the immune system, in the construction of hair cells, nails and muscle tissue.

    Calorie comparison table

    Fat – healthy and not so good

    The most alarming part of chicken skin is the fat: 15.6 g per 100 g of product. But is it always harmful to health?

    Important! Fats are a source of energy, “protection” internal organs, necessary element for the absorption of certain vitamins. Their deficiency in the body is no less dangerous than their excess.

    All fats are divided into two large groups: saturated and unsaturated(in turn, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated).

    • Representatives of the first category are deposited in adipose tissue and provoke the development of atherosclerosis and gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, their consumption should be limited (but not completely eliminated).
    • Unsaturated fats are vital for every person. They strengthen the immune system, help balance cholesterol levels in the blood, improve brain and heart function, and make the skin smoother and more elastic.

    According to the Harvard School of Public Health, two-thirds of the fatty acids found in chicken skin are unsaturated. The product contains especially a lot of monounsaturated oleic acid which is so famous olive oil. This fatty acid inhibits autoimmune, inflammatory and heart diseases.

    And let the bird's skin be high-calorie product(212 kcal per 100 g), but there is no need to be too afraid of consuming it.

    "Dangerous" chickens

    Then why so much talk about the dangers of chicken skin? Modern technologies for raising broiler chickens are to blame.

    It turns out that to reduce the cost of production, improve the appetite of birds and accelerate their growth, chicken farms use feed with the addition of antibiotics and hormones. An impressive proportion of these substances harmful to humans are deposited in the skin.

    Pediatricians warn: frequent use dishes that contain broiler chicken skin can cause allergies in a child and develop immunity to antibiotics. And this complicates the treatment of some childhood infections.

    It is advisable for both adults, and especially children, to eat poultry raised on natural food without the use of hormones and antibiotics.

    Fried chicken or broth

    Another minus fried chicken with a crispy crust - carcinogens. These substances are produced during the frying process and lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, grilled chicken and fried legs cannot be classified as healthy dishes.

    Note! Carcinogen levels increase when fried poultry is reheated.

    Give preference to boiled stewed chicken or broth from it. Eat only fresh dishes, and not repeatedly heated.

    Selection rules

    Fans of chicken dishes need to adhere to some rules:

    1. Buy if possible poultry, not grown on large farms.
    2. Choose chilled meat: it is fresher than frozen and contains less water.
    3. Pay attention to the appearance of the carcass: the breast should not look disproportionately large compared to the legs. Ideal shape– rounded. Disproportions indicate that the birds' diet contained a lot of antibiotics.
    4. To check the meat for freshness, just press it with your finger: it will quickly return to its previous shape. If there is a depression left, it is better to choose another carcass.
    5. The skin of the chicken should be dry and clean, not slippery and sticky.

    We eat with pleasure

    The skin is indispensable when stuffing meat and vegetables: in juicy sausages, aromatic rolls, ham, meat pies.

    If you fry individual parts of a bird or a whole carcass, the presence of skin plays an important role: it preserves the juiciness and aroma of the meat, and prevents oil from penetrating inside.

    Chicken skin is also good as an independent snack: these are the so-called chicken chips or crispy shish kebab.

    Do you want to minimize harm? Reduce the use of seasonings, oil and salt, cook without marinades and breading, and do not eat more of your daily norm at once

    Eating this controversial product daily can raise your cholesterol levels and help you gain a few extra pounds. But occasionally, fried chicken with a golden brown crust will bring nothing but pleasure and benefit.