What is the name of spine surgery? Consequences of surgery to remove a herniated disc. Features of surgical treatment

Osteochondrosis of varying degrees is present in almost 90% of the population, including young patients. A complication of the disease is lumbar intervertebral hernia. About 20% of patients require surgery, which completely relieves the symptoms of compression of the nerve roots and eliminates muscular atrophy of the limbs.

The purpose of surgery to remove a herniated disc

With this pathology, nerves are pinched, which causes pain, cramps and even muscle paralysis. The endings are compressed by the nucleus of the intervertebral discs, which bulges into the spinal canal.

The purpose of surgery is to remove the hernia that is causing compression of the nerves. Sometimes this requires removing the intervertebral disc itself. Hernia surgery performs the following functions:

  • restores the functioning of the spinal cord and brain;
  • eliminates weakness of the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • relieves unbearable lower back pain;
  • corrects posture, gait and mobility of the spinal column;
  • normalizes the innervation of the pelvic organs;
  • resumes function of the affected limb.

Indications for use

In 80% of cases of intervertebral hernia, the lumbar region is affected. This is explained by the fact that this area is the most loaded and mobile part of the spine. Surgical treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine has the following indications:

  • Serious disorders of the pelvic organs caused by compression of the nerve roots. These symptoms include erection problems, impotence, and involuntary loss of urine or feces.
  • Ineffectiveness of conservative treatment for 3 months. Criterion – severe pain in the lumbar region does not decrease even after taking medications, physiotherapy and massage.
  • Sequestering hernia. In this case, part of the nucleus pulposus of the disc breaks off and enters the epidural space. This is dangerous for the development of leg paralysis.
  • Extreme weakness of the muscles of one leg. It is called lower monoparesis, which occurs due to a disruption in the communication of the limbs with the nervous system.
  • Large hernia size. If it is more than 8-10 mm, then it must be surgically removed.

Is it dangerous to remove a hernia?

Surgical intervention can give the desired effect, improving the patient’s condition, but doctors try to delay the moment of prescribing the operation. Experts understand that such radical treatment has risks:

  • Even after the most gentle intervention technique, a long recovery is required. It may take from 3 to 6 months. During this period, there is a possibility of complications developing.
  • As a result of the removal of the hernia, the size of the cartilage decreases, which increases the load on the remaining vertebrae.
  • Any operation does not provide a 100% guarantee of success, but if doctors offer this treatment option, you should not refuse. Experts always evaluate all possible risks and choose a less dangerous method.

Preparation for surgery

Before surgical treatment, the patient undergoes several specialists and passes all the necessary tests. During the preparation process, the following studies are prescribed:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • X-ray of the lungs;
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • coagulogram.

A week before surgery, the patient should stop taking Aspirin and other anticoagulants.

If necessary, your doctor may prescribe alternative medications. During the day, the intestines are cleansed using enemas. Before the procedure, a person undergoes a consultation with an anesthesiologist to select anesthesia and its dosage. Other rules for preparing for surgery:

  • Stop eating 6-7 hours before the intervention.
  • The day before the procedure, you should avoid smoking.
  • Immediately before starting, the patient takes a shower and shaves his lower back.
  • For 3-4 days, exclude fried, fatty and smoked foods from the diet.

Methods of performing surgery for spinal hernia

The type of intervention is chosen taking into account the following factors:

  • the size of the protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • the presence or absence of rupture of the fibrous ring;
  • features of compression of nerves and blood vessels;
  • examination results and patient age;
  • individual interview and examination of the patient.

Surgical intervention

This method of removing an intervertebral hernia is called discectomy, but today it is gradually losing its relevance, like laminectomy. The essence of the latter is the resection of a small fragment of the disc arch. This can lead to destruction of its structure and even the vertebra itself, which is why surgery is rarely performed.

The essence of a discectomy is the removal of the disc through an open incision. During the intervention, no devices are used that affect the diseased area. The main advantage of discectomy is the absence of relapses, since the hernia is completely removed.

Disadvantages of surgery:

  • high risk of infection with pathogenic microflora;
  • long rehabilitation period;
  • the likelihood of developing other complications.

Endoscopic hernia removal

The operation is performed through a small incision in the lumbar region. A special device, an endoscope, is inserted into it. Using it, the surgeon sees everything that is happening on the computer screen. This ensures high accuracy of the actions performed. Advantages of endoscopic removal:

  • muscles and ligaments are practically not damaged;
  • minimal risk of bleeding;
  • low probability of damage to the spinal structure;
  • rehabilitation is only 1.5-2 months.

This operation is performed only for hernia sizes up to 5 mm. After the procedure, the patient remains in the hospital for another 1-3 days. You can return to performing any physical labor within 2-6 weeks. Flaws:

  • high risk of relapse;
  • severe headaches due to improper use of anesthesia;
  • high price.

Microsurgical method

This surgery to remove a herniated disc in the lumbar spine is performed through a small incision. During the intervention, the neurosurgeon uses very thin instruments and microscopes that help achieve maximum precision. Advantages of microsurgery:

  • muscles and tissues are not affected;
  • absence of postoperative scars;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • elimination of pain almost immediately after surgery;
  • the ability to remove a hernia even if its location is inconvenient.

Unlike endoscopic surgery, microsurgery requires an incision in any case. This intervention is considered the gold standard in the treatment of hernias. It is prescribed if the pathology produces many side effects, including constipation, muscle weakness, permanent lumbodynia and sexual dysfunction. This method also has disadvantages; there is a higher risk of developing cicatricial adhesive epiduritis.

Low-traumatic methods

The main advantage of such methods for removing lumbar hernia is a short rehabilitation period. This is explained by the fact that the techniques are minimally invasive. They are aimed not so much at removing a hernia, but at relieving pain, although the size of the protrusion also decreases. Types of low-traumatic operations:

View The essence of the technique How long does it last pros Minuses
Laser removal Due to the high temperatures created by the laser, part of the liquid inside the disk evaporates. As a result, the protrusion decreases. A thin needle is used to insert the laser light guide. No more than 1 hour. When the wall of the fibrous ring has not yet ruptured.
  • the rehabilitation process lasts only a couple of weeks;
  • absence of scars after surgery;
  • the ability to carry out processing several times in different areas.
Cannot be used during sequestration.
Hydroplastics A special solution is injected into the intervertebral segment using a cannula. It is then pumped out along with the damaged parts of the disk. As a result, the volume of protrusion decreases. Just 15-20 minutes. When the size is no more than 6 mm and with local pain in the lumbar region.
  • after 2 days you can go home;
  • the pressure from the nerve endings immediately drops;
  • no risk of disc necrosis;
  • the risk of complications is less than 0.1%.
  • relapse is possible;
  • cannot be performed if the fibrous ring is damaged and there is an infection inside the disc;
  • ineffective if more than 50% of the disc height is lost.
Nucleoplasty with cold plasma A cold plasma substance is injected into the damaged disc using a needle. It destroys deformed elements. Up to half an hour. When the size is no more than 7 mm and there are no osteophytes.
  • instant pain relief;
  • after the operation the patient feels better;
  • It is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require preparation of an operating room.
There is a possibility of relapse of the disease.

The latest methods for removing intervertebral hernia

Modern operations to treat this pathology are less invasive, so doctors resort to them more often. The main thing is that the hernia is not large and not accompanied by sequestration. In this case, the following operations can be performed:

View The essence of the technique How long does it last In what cases can it be prescribed pros Minuses
Intraosseous blockade A hollow needle is used to puncture the spine and inject medication to relieve pain. Up to half an hour. If there are no signs of hernia growth.
  • the effect lasts 1.5-5 years;
  • the pain goes away quickly;
  • the medicine can be injected exactly into the desired section.
The effect of the blockade gradually wears off.
Destruction of facet nerves Under local anesthesia, a radiofrequency probe is inserted into the nerve via puncture. With its help, pain receptors are deactivated. Up to half an hour. When pain due to a hernia is observed for more than 6 months.
  • general anesthesia is not required;
  • speed of the procedure;
  • rapid pain relief.
Not detected.
Laser restoration The disk is irradiated and heated with a laser beam. This helps to launch natural regeneration processes. New cells fill the cracks in the bone tissue and restore the structure of the disc. Up to half an hour. For small hernias.
  • minimally invasive intervention;
  • the disc is restored through natural physiological processes.
Ineffective for sizes larger than 5 mm.

Rehabilitation period

The duration of recovery depends on the method used to remove the lumbar hernia. Rehabilitation is very important to prevent relapse of the disease. Average duration for different types of surgery:

  • Endoscopic surgery. Judging by the reviews, recovery lasts 1.5 months, but the patient goes home already on the 3rd day.
  • Microsurgery. The patient is discharged after 3 days, and the entire rehabilitation process takes 1-2 weeks.
  • Laser vaporization. Recovery takes 3-4 days, since the integrity of the skin and muscle fibers is not damaged during the operation.
  • Cold plasma nucleoplasty. It takes 1-2 months for the disc to completely scar, but restriction of physical activity is required for 2 weeks.
  • Hydroplastics. The patient goes home after 2 days. The entire rehabilitation process takes only a few days.
  • Discectomy. Has the longest rehabilitation, which takes up to 2 months.

In the early postoperative period, you should not sit or lift objects heavier than a kettle of water. Any initiative here can result in a relapse. The patient wears an orthopedic corset for several hours a day. The patient needs to eat properly. During the period 2-6 months after surgery, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • Sit for a maximum of 3-4 hours a day. After this time, take half-hour intervals to lie on your back.
  • Do not lift objects heavier than 7-8 kg.
  • Avoid falls and vibration loads on the spine.
  • Wear a back corset for several hours a day.

Possible postoperative complications

All consequences can be divided into 2 groups: those occurring during surgery and after it. The first category includes accidental nerve damage. This leads to the development of paresis or paralysis of the limbs.

If the surgeon notices a problem during the intervention, he immediately performs suturing. Otherwise, in the future the patient will suffer from headaches and decreased sensitivity in the limbs. Postoperative complications of lumbar disc hernia:

  • relapse of the disease;
  • severe migraine;
  • spinal column infections and sepsis;
  • skin rashes due to allergies.


The cost of surgery to remove a herniated disc depends on the complexity of the intervention. Prices may vary slightly in different clinics. Average cost of different types of surgery:


A herniated disc develops in response to long-term degenerative-dystrophic changes or suddenly when the spine is subjected to a high load or is exposed to trauma. This disease is treated primarily with conservative methods, for which medications, massage, manual therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures are used. When the pathology becomes complicated, removal of the intervertebral hernia is prescribed, and this is done in several ways.

The main indication for spinal surgery will be compression of the spinal roots with the risk of dysfunction of internal organs and limbs.

Surgery to remove a herniated disc is also necessary for persistent pain that cannot be eliminated by any conservative measures. For the purpose of pain relief, blockades and minimally invasive laser intervention are usually used, when the disc is “evaporated”, thereby decreasing in volume.

Open and endoscopic removal of a spinal hernia is a complex operation with a risk of unpleasant consequences. The decision to excise pathological tissue is made only after assessing the patient’s condition by several specialists. The conclusion is made on the basis of the obtained MRI images, x-rays and laboratory tests.

How is a herniated disc removed?

Types of operations to remove spinal hernia:

  1. Radicals- laminectomy and discectomy.
  2. Minimally invasive- microdiscectomy, endoscopy, nerve destruction, cold plasma nucleoplasty, hydroplasty.
  3. Laser- vaporization.

At what size of hernia is surgical removal indicated:

  • prolapse- displacement by 2-3 mm, surgery is not considered;
  • protrusion- displacement by 5-15 mm, surgery is indicated;
  • extrusion- disc prolapse, surgery is performed as soon as possible.

Endoscopic discectomy

Removal of vertebral hernia is performed using open and closed methods. In the first case, access to the lesion is created through a wide skin incision above the spine. The endoscopic method is less traumatic, but has a number of contraindications. The operation using an endoscope is performed under local anesthesia. A small incision is made in the skin through which the instrument is inserted.

An endoscope with a probe at the end is brought to the pathological focus, and the hernia is excised. The doctor monitors what is happening on the monitor. After the tissue is removed, the tube is removed, leaving only a small puncture mark on the skin.

Endoscopic discectomy is indicated in the following cases:

  • loss of sensitivity due to compression of the spinal cord;
  • lack of results from the use of conservative treatment methods.

Endoscopy is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms in the spine;
  • median hernia;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the proposed operation.

Endoscopic surgery to remove a herniated disc has a number of advantages:

  • a small cut in the skin;
  • the opportunity to quickly return to normal life;
  • saving the disk, removing only its protruding part;
  • reduction of operation time;
  • minimal blood loss;
  • low risk of damage to nerve fibers;
  • less tissue trauma around the pathological focus.

Traditional methods - laminectomy and discectomy

The standard operation for spinal hernia is discectomy. This is a method of eliminating a bulge by removing the disc. A titanium endoprosthesis is installed instead of the excised cartilage tissue. Over time, the vertebrae grow together, and the prosthesis ensures their stability. This technique has many disadvantages, including a wide wound on the skin, a long recovery period, and the risk of soft tissue damage.

Laminectomy is an operation involving partial removal of a damaged intervertebral disc. This excision option eliminates the compression factor of the spinal cord and spinal roots.

After laminectomy there is a high risk of recurrent disease.

Discectomy and laminectomy are performed under general anesthesia. The patient is discharged from the hospital within 7-14 days. Strict measures are prescribed over a period of 2-3 months. During this time, it is forbidden to sit, engage in physical work and sports. In the early period of rehabilitation, a therapeutic diet, vitamin therapy, and medications for symptomatic treatment are prescribed.

Laser techniques

Vaporization is a treatment method that involves “evaporating” the hernia. The laser beam deprives the damaged disc of moisture, causing it to decrease in size. This treatment option only temporarily eliminates compression of the paravertebral structures, but the procedure will soon need to be repeated.

Laser vaporization is suitable at the initial stage of the pathological process.

The technique is better tolerated by young patients with a small hernia. Laser irradiation of diseased tissue stimulates the growth of cartilage tissue. The patient's condition improves, pain and neurological symptoms go away. This treatment option is also suitable after removal of a hernia in order to prevent its recurrence.

Minimally invasive removal

Microdiscectomy- removal of pathological tissues using a special surgical microscope. This operation is indicated for disc herniation. Microsurgical technique almost completely eliminates the risk of nerve injury. After the operation, the patient is discharged from the hospital on days 2-5, and after 14-21 days he can return to work.

Destruction of the facet nerves is a procedure aimed at combating pain. Removing the nerves of the intervertebral joints will be a good way to relieve pain that goes away immediately after surgery. This type of intervention has no effect on the hernia itself. Before the procedure, the doctor evaluates the potential benefit, deciding whether it is worth injuring the tissue to eliminate pain, or whether it is better to perform partial removal of the disc, which will give better results.

Nucleoplasty is a method of removing the nucleus pulposus of a disc by inserting a needle into it. The operation does not require incisions or stitches. Anesthesia is carried out by intravenous administration of a sedative drug. The needle is inserted under the skin under visual x-ray guidance, and the patient's condition is monitored by devices measuring pressure and oxygen levels. During nucleoplasty, the patient feels slight pressure and pain when the needle enters the disc. How long the operation lasts will depend on the volume of the pathological focus being removed; on average, it takes from 25 to 45 minutes.

During the procedure, nucleoplasty of one disc can be performed, but then it is possible to repeat the operation.

After nucleoplasty of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions, it is necessary to apply a cold compress to the wound for half an hour. In the first weeks, it is not recommended to sit for a long time, drive a car, or make sharp turns or bends. For several days after nucleoplasty, the patient experiences mild pain. Possible complications include bleeding, wound infection, and worsening of the symptomatic complex.

Hydroplastics- a minimally invasive method of removing pathological tissues with a high-speed jet of liquid. As a result, pressure on the nerve decreases, causing pain to go away. This option of tissue excision is characterized by low trauma and the absence of adverse reactions. A small puncture is made to create access to the hernia.

An important feature of hydroplasty is the absence of high temperatures affecting the spinal tissue.

The following conditions are indications for surgery:

  • increase in the symptomatic complex;
  • deterioration in quality of life, inability to perform physical work;
  • nerve damage, severe weakness, sensory impairment;
  • persistent pain for a month.

This operation is contraindicated in case of disc sequestration, when compression of the nerve roots is already occurring and there is significant deformation of the spinal column. Relative limitations to the operation will be spinal fusion, fracture, spinal canal stenosis, compression of nerves by scars resulting from a previous operation.

Advantages of hydroplastics:

  • rapid recovery of the body;
  • carried out under local anesthesia;
  • early discharge from hospital;
  • no pain;
  • possibility of carrying out on an outpatient basis.

After hydroplasty, the patient is relieved of chronic pain, symptoms of numbness of the limbs and muscle weakness disappear.

Compliance with the regimen after the intervention will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Doctors recommend spending less time in a sitting position, learning to lift heavy objects correctly, distributing the load across all muscles. You may need to take medications for a week to relieve the effects of the surgery in the form of mild pain and discomfort.

Rehabilitation after hernia removal

How long does it take to recover after spinal surgery?

  • endoscopic removal- 2-4 weeks;
  • complete disk removal- 4-8 weeks;
  • laser vaporization- 1-2 weeks;
  • minimally invasive intervention- 1-4 weeks.

  • bed rest on the first day after surgery;
  • refusal of physical activity for 1-8 weeks, depending on the type of surgery;
  • following a diet, restoring the balance of vitamins and microelements;
  • wearing a postoperative bandage for the period prescribed by the doctor;
  • therapeutic exercises after tissue healing;
  • taking symptomatic medications;
  • regular examination by a neurologist and vertebrologist.

Possible complications after excision of a herniated disc:

  • wound infection, suppuration of the surgical scar;
  • inflammation of the spinal cord, which can lead to meningitis;
  • relapse of the disease, which often occurs after minimally invasive techniques;
  • paresis and paralysis of the limbs.

In case of recurrence of the pathology, the patient is prescribed a repeat operation. If the disc has previously been vaporized or partially removed, the next intervention will be indicated for complete excision of the damaged cartilage.

​City Hospital No. 40.​

  • ​Applying a medical needle (for punctures) to the damaged area.​
  • When is a patient scheduled for surgery to remove a herniated disc?

    ​After laser treatment there are no scars left. The manipulation itself is bloodless.​

    • ​Lack of effect when using conservative treatment methods.​
    • ​Recurrence of a herniated disc. It happens quite often, up to 30% of all surgical interventions performed.​

    ​In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages of this operation:

    • ​Relative indications are those in the presence of which the patient can still refuse surgery.​
    • ​The center’s specialists adhere to international methods of conducting operations in the mode of high-precision hardware control;​
    • ​Microsurgical operation to remove a herniated disc is a common and effective surgical treatment. Miniature manipulators are inserted through small incisions, which perform all the necessary actions. The operation is carried out under the control of a microscope.​
    • ​Rapid recovery of the body after surgery to remove a herniated disc is ensured by exercise therapy. If you exercise regularly, it will help strengthen the muscle tone of the back, prevent swelling and adhesions, and restore the elasticity of the ligaments that support the spine.​

    Types of operations to remove intervertebral hernia

    ​Unlike radical surgery, the bones of the spinal column are not damaged, but only the compression of the spinal nerves is eliminated.​

    • Intervertebral hernia is the most acute form of spinal osteochondrosis. Most often, men aged 30 to 60 years are affected by this disease. Currently, there are many non-surgical methods for treating this disease. But there are often cases when they do not give positive dynamics, and the pain not only does not go away, but even begins to increase. In this case, surgical removal of the intervertebral hernia becomes the patient’s last salvation.​
    • ​Introduction of a laser cable through a needle to the pathological area, which ensures heating of the disc to 60-70C, preserving its structure.​
    • ​The laser can be used in any part of the spine, in several areas at the same time. This does not include cases of inflammatory diseases of the disc cartilage: the use of a laser can cause inflammatory reactions in the future, which will only worsen the situation.​
    • ​The need to eliminate a spinal hernia during pregnancy/lactation. When using radical methods of surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia, anesthesia is required; laser treatment is limited to the use of local painkillers.​
    • ​Adhesions or scars may appear in the lumen of the spine, which can impinge on the nerve endings. As a result, the pain syndrome resumes.

    Radical operation

    ​As such, the structure of the disk itself is not restored.​ ​There is pain in the spine, but the patient is able to tolerate it.​​The operating room was performed under the guidance of the Swiss clinic “La Colline”;​


    ​Rehabilitation measures after surgery pursue the following goals:​​The Soyuz Clinic uses the most advanced surgical technologies and applies effective methods of conservative treatment of spinal hernia. We offer gentle, fast and high-quality treatment that will return you to an active life in a short time.​ ​After surgery, the patient can take a sitting position. The rehabilitation period lasts from 2 to 3 weeks, and the patient is discharged the next day or after 3 days. But in the postoperative period, the patient must wear a special corset for 3 months.​

    ​3 Possible negative consequences​

    Laser irradiation

    ​Postoperative activities​

    ​Manipulation for the treatment of intervertebral hernia with a laser takes an average of 1 hour. The patient is under inpatient observation for a maximum of three days. ​Percutaneous laser reconstruction (treatment) of intervertebral hernia​​Allergic reactions to the suture material used.​

    Destruction of intervertebral nerves

    ​If there are any inflammatory processes, they cannot be treated with this method.​

    A history of minor impairments in the functioning of the lower extremities is noted. An example is foot paralysis.​

    • ​The neurosurgeons of our center have trained in leading foreign clinics and have extensive experience in these interventions;​
    • ​Many people know that the only effective method of treating a hernia is surgery. However, many are stopped by the question: “How much does it cost to remove a herniated disc?” And as a result, patients continue to be treated with conservative methods that do not stop the progression of the intervertebral hernia.​
    • ​At the first consultation, we examine the patient, conduct a neurological examination, which allows us to determine the exact stage of the disease and give a referral for diagnostics:​
    • ​Laser irradiation is carried out exclusively at the stage of true intervertebral hernia. Laser vaporization is performed under local anesthesia. When performing laser surgery, a light guide is inserted into the patient's intervertebral disc, which helps heat the elements of the nucleus. This promotes the evaporation of water and a reduction in the core of the disc, and as a result, a reduction in the size of the hernia. The operation to remove an intervertebral hernia takes no more than 1 hour. This method changes the structure of the spinal column little.​

    There are two groups of indications for which surgical treatment is prescribed. In case of absolute indications, it is impossible to help the patient without surgery to remove the intervertebral hernia. This group includes:

    • ​To minimize the risk of complications and prevent relapse of the disease in question upon completion of laser treatment/removal of a spinal hernia, the following recommendations must be followed:​
    • ​Rehabilitation period is 1-2 months.​
    • ​– measures aimed at restoring the cartilage tissue of the disc using laser radiation.​

    A high-quality operation is only the first step on the path to a cure. It is also necessary to properly organize rehabilitation activities in the postoperative period.

    ​If the patient has already had spinal surgery in the past, then laser treatment is contraindicated.​

    Possible negative consequences

    ​Due to problems with the innervation of the legs, there may be partial atrophy of muscle tissue.​​The rehabilitation department of our clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment for physical therapy.​ ​Modern data confirm that the earlier treatment for a spinal hernia begins, the more favorable the result. Unfortunately, the realization of how much it costs to operate on a herniated disc makes many patients put off solving this problem, hoping that time will heal. In this case, time is not the best healer, and the hernia progresses, leading to disability of the patient.​

    ​The most accurate diagnostic method, which allows not only to identify a hernial formation, but also makes it possible to accurately determine the stage of development of the disease, see the condition of the vertebrae, and the direction of disc protrusion. In addition, with the help of magnetic resonance imaging, we can develop the most accurate methods of treating herniated discs. This safe and painless method is today considered the “gold standard” for diagnosing spinal diseases.​

    The patient's complete recovery after surgery occurs in approximately a month. Vaporization is recommended for pregnant women and patients with severe concomitant diseases. It is carried out mainly for people under 50 years of age.​


    Treatment of intervertebral hernia - the cost of surgery to remove an intervertebral (intervertebral) hernia.

    ​acute aching pain that could not be relieved by non-surgical methods;​

    Diagnosis of intervertebral hernia

    ​Do not leave the hospital for at least 24 hours after the procedure is completed. If the condition is unsatisfactory, it is necessary to extend the time of stay in a health care facility.​

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    The list of possible complications has not been fully studied. The period of use of laser treatment for intervertebral hernia is not long enough to draw conclusions about long-term exacerbations. At the moment, many people complain about relapse of the disease after laser treatment. However, such a relapse can be caused by ignoring the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period. An important point after laser treatment for a herniated disc is to review your lifestyle: losing excess weight, strengthening your abdominal muscles, and regularly playing sports (swimming).​

    Computed tomography (CT)

    X-ray and ultrasound examination of a herniated disc

    ​Immediately after surgery, the patient notes an improvement in his general health. Pain decreases, internal organs begin to work better, and motor functions of the legs are restored. However, this is not enough. During the postoperative recovery period, we must prepare the spine to perform its basic functions. All this is carried out in three stages:

    Intervertebral hernia

    ​During the operation, the damaged intervertebral disc is irradiated with a directed laser beam. An exposure mode is selected that cannot lead to destruction of the tissue of the disc itself, but only heats it. As a result, the growth of cartilage cells is stimulated. That is, self-healing of the disk is stimulated. Presumably, the cartilage will recover within six months, and the pain will go away. This technique has the following disadvantages:

    ​Conservative treatment, which lasted about 3 months, did not bring any positive results.​

    Removal of a herniated disc

    ​We employ doctors with many years of practical experience.​

    Types of hernias

    Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

    Symptoms and treatment of cervical hernia

    ​Of course, the question of the cost of intervertebral herniated surgery turns out to be important

    ​Used if the patient is contraindicated for magnetic resonance therapy (for example, if a pacemaker is installed).​

    Intervertebral hernia of the thoracic region

    Symptoms and treatment of thoracic disc herniation

    ​With the help of laser beams, disc reconstruction is performed: irradiation heats the cells, thereby accelerating the growth of cartilage tissue, which fills microcracks in the discs within 3-6 months, which subsequently relieves the patient of pain.​

    Treatment of lumbar disc herniation

    Symptoms and treatment of lumbar disc herniation

    ​there were malfunctions in the pelvic organs, which led to urinary and fecal incontinence.​

    Treatment of a herniated cervical spine without surgery

    ​Take anti-inflammatory medications regularly.​

    ​Laser treatment is not a cheap procedure: not every patient can afford it.​

    Treatment methods for spinal hernia

    ​After laser vaporization of an intervertebral hernia, in order to prevent relapse in the future.​

    Endoscopic surgery to remove intervertebral hernia

    ​Elimination of postoperative pain.​

    Surgery to remove a herniated disc

    ​It is not possible to precisely direct the laser beam, so nearby tissues are often damaged.​

    ​These classifications allow you to choose the method of surgical intervention. What surgeries are offered to treat this disease and how much do they cost?​

    Cost of surgery for intervertebral hernia

    ​The cost of the operation for endoscopic removal of a herniated intervertebral disc at the lumbar level without stabilization includes:​

    ​Allows you to identify the reasons that led to the occurrence of hernial protrusion - changes in the vertebrae, their deformation, traumatic changes.​

    When diagnosed with intervertebral hernia

    Removal of intervertebral hernia using microsurgical method

    ​There are no scars left after the laser procedure. Considering patient reviews, the risk of complications is very low.​

    Rehabilitation after surgery to remove intervertebral hernia

    ​If there are relative indications, the patient may still refuse surgery in favor of other treatment methods. This group includes:​


    Herniated disc surgery: cost

    ​Suspend sports activities for 1-2 months. When it comes to homework, you also need to be careful: you should step away from heavy physical work for a while.​

    ​Removal of a vertebral hernia involves several stages.​

    ​In the presence of acute pain associated with a violation of the integrity of the cartilage tissue of the disc. Through laser reconstruction, growth and regeneration of cartilage is achieved. The recovery procedure is individual: some patients will need 3 months to get rid of pain after laser reconstruction; for others it may take six months.​ ​Return to everyday life.​​High cost of the operation.​

    ​It is worth noting that the cost in Moscow for such operations varies greatly and depends on many factors; it can range from 10,000 rubles. up to 200,000 rubles or more.​

    ​Combined (inhalation + IV anesthesia based on sevoran) with mechanical ventilation for up to 2 hours 7,500;​​And here a lot depends on the stage of the process, the level of damage, the prevalence of the hernia, the presence of complications. That is, when treating a hernia in earlier stages, you can get by with a minimally invasive and low-traumatic operation, for example, endoscopic removal of a hernia (at the International Surgical Center, this operation costs approximately 90,000 rubles). Intervertebral hernia is a disease that usually occurs , against the background of the development of osteochondrosis or after injury.​

    The method of destruction of intervertebral nerves relieves the patient of pain. First, the surgeon injects anesthetics into the intervertebral space, thereby blocking the receptors. After which the doctor re-examines the patient for the presence of an intervertebral hernia and decides whether there is a need for surgery.​

    Indications for surgery for intervertebral hernia

    ​tolerable pain in one of the parts of the spine;​

    ​At the end of the rehabilitation period, you should pay attention to your lifestyle: if you have a problem with excess weight, you need to adjust your diet. To reduce the load on the spine, it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles and swim regularly. Physiotherapy and massage sessions will be useful, but they can only be started after the patient has fully recovered.​

    • ​Preparing for manipulation​
    • ​The use of laser technologies to eliminate/treat intervertebral hernia is unacceptable in the following cases:​
    • ​Complete restoration of the functioning of the spinal column, prevention of relapse of the disease.​
    • ​Microsurgery​

    ​Let's look at their positive and negative sides.​

    • ​operation 70.000;​

    ​We practice an individual approach to each patient, developing special programs for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation.​

    ​The main functions of intervertebral discs are to ensure mobility of the spine and cushion the loads that arise during physical activity. During the development of osteochondrosis or when exposed to negative factors, the disc loses its elasticity and flexibility, and its outer shell is destroyed. When the inner core of the disc emerges into the area of ​​the spinal canal and begins to put pressure on the roots of the spinal cord, this is an intervertebral hernia. The pressure causes pain and various neurological symptoms.​

    • ​Destruction of the intervertebral nerves has a number of advantages:​
    • ​impaired motor activity in the lower limb area;​
    • ​The cost of laser hernia removal/treatment procedure in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be determined by several factors:​
    • ​Regardless of the chosen laser treatment method (laser vaporization/percutaneous laser disc reconstruction) for the disease in question, at the initial stage the patient undergoes a standard examination:​

    ​Abnormal vertebral structure.​


    ​After the operation, the patient leaves the department the next day or after 4 weeks. It depends on the method of surgery and the complexity of the operation itself. And the recovery period can last up to 1 year. The patient is recommended:

    • During microdiscectomy, the hernia itself is removed using an endoscope and special instruments under local anesthesia. In this case, the disk is left in its place. For surgery, a very small incision is made. The doctor monitors the progress of the operation on a monitor. What is good about this method of treatment?
    • ​Laminectomy​
    • ​hospital stay (2 days) 10,000.​


    ​The following factors affect the cost of herniated disc surgery​

    In what cases is surgery indicated?

    Spinal hernia - treatment of this diagnosis requires timely and professional treatment. As a rule, most often spinal pathology requires surgical intervention aimed at removing the hernial protrusion. In case of severe destruction of the disc, it is replaced with an implant.​

    ​quick relief of pain in the spinal column;​

    ​weakness that is localized in the muscles of the legs;​

    • ​Reputation as an orthopedist, surgeon, neurosurgeon (neurologist). To carry out laser treatment of a hernia, consultation of both specialists is sometimes required. Well-known doctors with extensive work experience and good reviews among the population can charge a decent fee for one appointment. Surgeons and neurosurgeons in this aspect are more “expensive” than orthopedists: the cost for one appointment can reach 3,000 rubles. A consultation with an orthopedist (Moscow, St. Petersburg) will cost on average 1,000 rubles.​
    • ​Testing of urine, blood (including sugar).​
    • ​The patient is diagnosed with a sequestered hernia.​
    • ​Do not sit down for the first month after surgery. This position can provoke a relapse of the disease.​

    ​Low traumatic.​

    1. ​Radical surgery for a spinal hernia involves complete removal of not only the hernia, but also the damaged disc. The vertebrae are connected to each other motionlessly. Radical operations are indicated for sequestered (intervertebral disc falls into the spinal cord canal) and fully formed true hernias.​
    2. ​Over the past five years, the incidence of herniated discs has more than tripled. What kind of pathology is this? Due to disruption of metabolic processes in the structures of the spine, and in particular in the intervertebral discs, the damaged disc protrudes. The main symptom of this disease is pain. It can occur with inadequate physical exertion or prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position. When making such a diagnosis, the first question asked is: “Is surgery necessary to remove a herniated disc?” Let's determine in what cases such treatment is recommended.​
    3. In most cases, the disease develops acutely - pain in the neck increases and within a few hours begins to radiate to the shoulder blade, chest, shoulder girdle, and arm. Motor functions in the neck and arm are limited, the vertebral arteries are compressed and cerebral circulation is disrupted, which leads to dizziness and headaches. When changing position, the pain tends to intensify.​

    ​rehabilitation after removal of an intervertebral hernia does not take a lot of time;​

    1. ​absence of a positive result for a period of more than 3 months after treatment with conservative methods.​
    2. ​Reputation of the clinic where laser treatment/hernia removal will take place.​
    3. ​Study of the condition of the spine. The most effective research method is computed tomography of the spine.​
    4. Inflammatory phenomena occur in the intervertebral discs.

    ​Sudden movements of the spine are unacceptable.​

    ​The operation can be performed under local anesthesia.​

    But this method of treatment has a number of disadvantages:

    Discectomy and laminectomy are the main methods of radical surgical therapy

    ​Removal of spinal hernia​

    ​time of hospital stay, complex of rehabilitation measures, use of high-tech equipment, type of anesthesia. A hernia in the later stages leads to compression of the spinal canal, so it is necessary to perform a more complex complex operation: decompression of the spinal cord with microsurgical removal of the hernia (174,000 rubles).​

    ​The choice of treatment methods depends on the stage of development of the disease. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, treatment can be conservative and very effective at an early stage of the disease. The main therapeutic procedures are massage, exercise therapy, hardware traction and other techniques. More details on this page.​

    1. ​the patient spends a minimum period of time in the clinic;​
    2. ​There are different types of operations to remove a herniated disc:​
    3. ​Among the Moscow healthcare institutions, the most famous are​


    Laser treatment of intervertebral hernia

    ​The structure of the spinal canal is disrupted (combined stenoses).​

    ​Do not lift heavy objects (permissible weight 4 kg).​

    1. ​Almost on the second day after surgery, the patient is ready for discharge.​
    2. ​The connection of the vertebrae at the site of removal of the intervertebral disc will be immobile.​
    3. A hernia of the spinal column is a rather serious disease. The consequence of displacement of the intervertebral disc may be a decrease in the lumen of the spinal canal, which leads to prolonged compression of the membrane and roots of the spinal cord. The result is an inflammatory process. The first symptom of this disease is fatigue. Then pain appears. Often very strong. By its irradiation, you can determine the location of the formation of a vertebral hernia.
    4. ​Thus, the question: “How much does herniated disc surgery cost” depends not only on the prices of the clinic, but also on your attitude towards your body. The sooner you seek help from a specialist, the more gentle and less expensive methods this disease can be cured.​
    5. With a hernia in the thoracic region, compression (squeezing) of the spinal cord or its roots begins to develop. This leads to pain in the chest, between the ribs, and in the back. A thoracic hernia can provoke the development of diseases of the heart, breathing, and gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of thoracic intervertebral disc herniation is most often conservative. Surgical treatment methods are used in extreme cases, when constant intolerable pain and neurological disorders occur. More details on this page.​

    ​the patient quickly restores functionality.​

    1. ​Radical surgery;​
    2. ​Additional examinations that may be prescribed by a doctor.​

    Reconstruction of spinal discs using laser

    1. Rest of the spinal column is necessary. Every 2 hours you need to lie down for half an hour.​
    2. ​Rehabilitation period is reduced to 3 weeks. All this time the patient maintains motor activity. Just be sure to wear a support corset.​

    Microsurgical treatment of spinal hernia

    ​The operation is very traumatic.​

    There are many classifications of this process. Based on location, hernias are divided into cervical, thoracic and lumbar hernias. The most common vertebral hernias are those located at the lumbar levels. By size:​

    1. ​All readings are divided into absolute and relative.​
    2. The main symptoms are constant pain in the back and lower back, which gets worse with any physical activity. With further development of the disease, pain begins to spread to the buttocks, thighs, legs, feet, and weakness appears. If you notice numbness or tingling in your legs, this may also indicate a herniated disc is forming in the lumbar region.​
    3. But this technique also has a number of negative aspects:
    4. ​Microdiscectomy;​
    5. ​Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 "Russian Railways": from 15 thousand rubles (laser vaporization/laser reconstruction).​

    ​Consultation with a therapist, neurosurgeon, anesthesiologist.​

    Postoperative complications

    ​in the following cases:​

    1. ​Small percentage of complications after this type of surgical treatment. The effectiveness of this technique is evidenced by positive reviews from grateful patients.​
    2. The postoperative period is long. During this time, the back muscles weaken. They cannot properly support the spine. The result is a relapse of the disease.​

    ​small (1-2 mm for the cervical region and 1-5 for the thoracic and lumbar);​

    1. ​Absolute readings:​
    2. ​Lumbar intervertebral hernia, treatment of which may be limited to conservative methods, requires consultation with a doctor. With a timely examination and detection of pathology at an early stage of development, treatment of a hernia of the lumbosacral spine can often be carried out using non-surgical puncture methods.​
    3. ​After surgery, an inflammatory process is possible, which can be eliminated with antibacterial drugs;​
    4. ​Laser irradiation;​
    5. ​Clinical and Diagnostic Center of Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov: from 80 thousand rubles.​

    How should the postoperative rehabilitation period proceed?

    ​ The actual operation: laser removal of a spinal hernia​

    ​The patient's age is over 50 years.​

    1. ​During this period, complex treatment, exercise therapy, and physiotherapy are prescribed. Spa treatment is also recommended.​
    2. ​But, despite the positive aspects, microdiscectomy also has its disadvantages. Due to the small area of ​​the surgical field, there is a possibility of incomplete removal of the hernia. Therefore, the result is a relapse.​
    3. ​Therefore, such surgical interventions are carried out only for health reasons. In all other cases, more gentle treatment methods are used.​

    ​medium (3-4 mm - cervical, 6-8 - lumbar and thoracic);​

    1. ​Persistent, intractable pain syndrome;​
    2. ​If the pain does not go away within a week and is not relieved by painkillers, you may have an intervertebral hernia, which should be treated only in a clinical setting.​
    3. ​vertebrae may begin to sag in relation to each other;​
    4. ​Destruction of the intervertebral nerves;​
    5. ​Clinic of minimally invasive neurosurgery: from 50 thousand rubles.​

    ​The technology of this procedure is as follows:​


    Spinal hernia - remove or treat with laser?

    ​The size of the hernia exceeds 6 mm.​

    ​Laser treatment of the pathology in question includes 2 methods. Experts recommend using both methods in the early stages of the disease (within 6 months after the formation of a hernia), when the diameter of the hernia does not exceed 6 mm. The use of a laser will be useful if drug treatment for a herniated disc has been unsuccessful and the patient has no contraindications to laser treatment. When planning surgery to remove a herniated disc, the patient should have an idea of ​​what the adverse consequences of the operation may be. They are also called complications. Postoperative complications can arise both during the operation itself and during the recovery period.​

    • ​Laser treatment​
    • ​large (up to 6 mm and up to 12 mm, respectively);​
    • ​Sequestration of hernia;​
    • ​Our clinic employs highly qualified specialists with unique experience in the field of microsurgical, endoscopic and puncture methods for the treatment of intervertebral hernia.​
    • ​The rehabilitation period can be slowed down due to the formation of various scars and adhesions in the spinal canal.​

    ​Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences: from 60 thousand rubles.​​Anesthesia of the operated area (local anesthesia).​

    The patient leads an inactive (sedentary) lifestyle. Text

    • ​Laser vaporization (removal) of a spinal hernia​
    • ​Complications that arise during the operation depend on the qualifications of the operating team, the type of surgical intervention, and the quality of equipment. The most common complications:
    The essence of this method is that a light guide enters the damaged disk, it heats the core of the disk, and the liquid evaporates. Consequently, the hernia also decreases in size. This operation is used for uncomplicated disease. What are the main advantages of this treatment method:​
    • ​very big.​
    • ​Inability to control urination and bowel movements;​
    • ​Endoscopic surgery is the treatment of intervertebral hernia in a minimally invasive way, which is carried out through punctures, which minimally injures the tissues, muscles and bone structures of the spine. This reduces the risk of cicatricial adhesions and complications that are possible with other types of operations.​
    • ​One of the most effective methods for treating intervertebral herniation at an early stage is disc hydroplasty. The operation is performed using a special needle. A sterile solution is injected into the disc cavity, which helps wash away dead tissue of the spinal disc and remove it from the body. The operation takes approximately a third of an hour. Disc hydroplasty is not performed when a large hernia is detected or when there is rupture of the fibrous ring.​

    During radical surgery, not only the hernia is removed, but also the intervertebral disc with pathology. This type of operation is performed at the stages of a sequestered hernia or at the stage of a true hernia (disc prolapse).​​Garant Clinic: from 80 thousand rubles.​

    • ​Inserting a needle of a special diameter into the damaged disc. To bring the needle to the desired area, the skin is pierced.
    • ​Today, there are many different methods for treating the pathology in question.​
    • ​indicated in the following cases:​

    Laser treatment of intervertebral hernia is possible today - treatment features

    ​During the operation, the nerve root is unintentionally damaged. The consequence is paresis or paralysis of the limb, which manifests itself already in the postoperative recovery period.​ ​The operation is practically non-traumatic.​

    • This disease can be treated both conservatively and surgically. In what cases can surgery be prescribed? All indications can be divided into absolute and relative. In the first of these, surgical intervention is carried out for life-saving reasons, that is, if it is not done, the patient will die. These include:​
    • ​Disturbance of internal organs;​
    • ​Surgery takes place under the control of special optics, which provides multiple magnification; The miniature video camera can rotate 360 ​​degrees, allowing you to see a clear picture of the spinal canal. Advanced technology helps the surgeon to better navigate the surgical field and perform all necessary manipulations as accurately as possible, which minimizes the occurrence of relapses.​
    • Each method for removing a herniated disc has its own cost, which depends on the complexity, installation of the implant, etc. The price starts from 15,000 rubles.​
    1. ​And in place of the removed disc, a special titanium implant is inserted, which helps preserve the structure of the spinal column.​
    2. ​In St. Petersburg there are many clinics that offer laser treatment for spinal hernia.​
    3. ​Applying a flexible light guide to the pathological area, through which the energy flow will be supplied. Through this action, the liquid of the disc turns into steam, which exits through the needle. There is a decrease in the parameters of the hernial protrusion, a decrease in intradiscal pressure, which contributes to the immediate elimination of pain in the operated patient.
    4. ​Laser treatment is one of the youngest ways to eliminate intervertebral hernia, which has a number of positive and negative aspects:​
    5. ​Regular severe pain.​

    Surgery to remove a hernia of the spine - stages

    During surgery, the dura mater of the spinal cord may be damaged. If the doctor is qualified, he notices this and fixes it during the operation. Otherwise, the postoperative period is complicated by severe headaches. The reason is a decrease in intracranial pressure due to the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal canal. The headache will stop after spontaneous healing of this damage.

    ​The structure of the spinal disc does not change.​

    The patient has unbearable pain that lasts more than six months. But drug treatment does not help eliminate them.​

    1. ​Relative readings:​
    2. ​Since the operation to remove an intervertebral hernia takes place quickly (about an hour), the removal takes place under spinal anesthesia, which reduces the recovery time from anesthesia. The recovery period is very short - the patient after endoscopic surgery gets back on his feet within a few hours. A full return to active life occurs after 7-10 days.​
    3. Every surgical method has negative consequences. The most common complication after surgery is hernia recurrence. In the postoperative period, recovery is especially important for the patient.​
    4. ​This type of operation should be performed only if there are absolute indications. About 20% of patients leave bad reviews about the results of this surgical method.​
    5. ​The most famous among them are the following establishments:​

    ​The manipulation is controlled using an X-ray machine, the radiation exposure of which is minimal.​

    ​Damage to the spine when using a laser is minimal, but in the future, due to destruction of the disc structure and fusion of vertebrae with each other, restoration of the previous biomechanics of the spine may not occur.​

    • ​Periodic/constant tingling, burning sensation in the back and neck.​
    • ​In the postoperative period, if the attending physician’s instructions are not followed, the following complications may occur:​
    • ​The mobility of the spine is maintained.​
    • The underlying disease was complicated by serious disorders of the internal organs, for example, the gastrointestinal tract (fecal incontinence) or the urinary system (urinary incontinence).

    ​Ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.​

    1. ​Intervertebral hernia surgery - the cost of surgical intervention on this occasion varies from 80 to 130 thousand rubles.​
    2. ​Therefore, if during this period the patient begins to perform various physical activities too early or gets injured, there is a high probability of relapse.​
    3. ​Microdiscectomy is a neurosurgical intervention used to remove hernias. The operation is always performed under anesthesia. Before the operation, you must undergo an MRI examination or computed tomography.​

    ​Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. Harmful.​

    ​The technology for laser treatment of spinal hernia (laser percutaneous reconstruction) differs from laser vaporization:​

    • ​The procedure is carried out without the use of anesthesia. In some cases (pregnancy, lactation, allergies to certain medications) this may be useful, but the patient may experience discomfort during the procedure.
    • ​Sensitivity disturbance.​
    • ​Various purulent-septic local (osteomyelitis or epiduritis) and general (pneumonia, sepsis) complications.​
    • ​Not a long stay in hospital treatment (up to 2 days).​

    Where a hernia is treated and removed with a laser - prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    ​Atrophic changes in the muscular system of the limbs or progressive paralysis.​

    1. ​With some absolute indications, the question is no longer about the type of surgical intervention, but about preserving the patient’s life. For example, severe compression of the spinal cord is an emergency that can be fatal.​
    2. ​The full cost of endoscopic surgery to remove a herniated disc is calculated at the consultation and depends on the scope of the upcoming intervention.​

    Antibiotics are prescribed to reduce the risk of inflammation. Patient reviews show statistics that the probability of hernia recurrence is approximately 5%. In this case, a repeat operation is prescribed.​It should be noted that this technique is very low-traumatic, because When it is performed, only a small incision is made, and the patient has little pain and quickly regains strength in the postoperative period.​

    • ​Military Medical Academy named after. CM. Kirov.​
    • ​Use of local anesthesia.​
    • ​Pain after laser treatment of an intervertebral hernia disappears within 4-5 days (maximum) after the procedure.​
    • ​Headaches, dizziness, numbness of fingers. These symptoms are a consequence of the localization of the hernia in the cervical spine.
    • Thromboembolism may occur.

    ​Not a long period of recovery.​ ​Descent of the vertebrae.​

    • ​Why should you come to us?​
    • ​If you have contraindications to endoscopic surgery, we can offer you the option of traditional microsurgical intervention.​
    • ​Other negative consequences are also possible. In the postoperative period, during the scarring process, the tissue can pinch the nerve roots of the spinal cord. Displacement of the vertebrae and changes in the anatomical curves of the spine may also occur. Therefore, when choosing a method of surgical intervention, you must remember that no operation will give an ideal result, and there will still be consequences.

    The answer to this question plagues every potential patient in a specialized surgical department. But doctors, as if by agreement, do not give a full answer to the question of whether surgery to remove a herniated disc is dangerous, referring to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. But this is understandable, because the main task of modern medicine is to restore a person’s ability to work as quickly as possible, without particularly thinking about what consequences for the body may occur in the future.

    First of all, it is necessary to understand that the spinal column, ligamentous and muscular apparatus is a single mechanism, which is a kind of core or frame for the entire human body. Surgical or traumatic intervention at any point inevitably has a negative impact on all other structures. The body always strives to compensate for the insufficiency of one or another organ. Most often this occurs through the formation of adhesions from coarse connective tissue fibers, thickening of bone growths and other destructive (destructive) processes.

    In order to understand whether surgery to remove a spinal hernia is dangerous, you should imagine the process of performing it. Typically, a skin incision is made and the surgeon simply removes part of the intervertebral disc that has lost its shock-absorbing ability. In this case, there is no effect on the real restoration of the physiological structure of cartilaginous muscle tissue. Those. the consequence is simply eliminated, but the cause of the hernia is not treated. Incisions can lead to infection, nerve fiber injury, and many other complications.

    What are the consequences after surgery for a strangulated hernia?

    As mentioned above, there are currently no safe and effective methods for surgical restoration of the health of the spinal column. Most often this is a necessary measure to preserve human life. Look at the most common consequences after surgery for a strangulated hernia, and you will understand that this disease should be treated in a timely manner and using effective techniques.

    Possible complications include:

    • partial paralysis of the lower and upper limbs;
    • dysfunction of the bladder and intestines;
    • interruptions in heart function;
    • deterioration of blood supply to brain structures;
    • pain syndromes;
    • loss of physiological mobility in the spinal column.

    In the long term, arthrosis and arthritis of large joints develop, and quite quickly: hip, knee, shoulder. Posture and gait are impaired. Rapid physical fatigue occurs. A pronounced adhesive process is formed, which further contributes to the progression of spinal osteochondrosis. There is no turning back after the operation. No other treatment options are possible after this. Only sequential surgical interventions to remove all subsequent hernias. And they occur with a frequency of 75 - 80% of the total number of operated patients.

    Our manual therapy clinic offers non-surgical treatment to all patients. Yes, this will be a long and sometimes painful process, during which you will have to change your lifestyle and follow the recommendations of specialists. But the result will be completely different. This is a complete restoration of spinal health and prolongation of the patient’s life. A full life, full of active physical activity and free from constant back and neck pain.

    We use osteopathy and therapeutic massage, traction and exercise, reflexology and electrical stimulation of muscle fibers. Taken together, all these methods give an amazing result - the shock-absorbing capacity of the intervertebral disc is restored. The hernia is completely restored within the physiological border of the disc.

    Consequences after surgery to remove intervertebral hernia

    There are other consequences after surgery to remove an intervertebral hernia, which pose no less a threat to the patient’s quality of life. Let's try to list the most common ones.

    The first signals of trouble can come from the anterior and longitudinal ligaments of the spine. They are most often damaged during surgery. Areas of dense connective and sclerotic tissue are formed in them. They lose their stretchability and elasticity. The condition manifests itself as constant muscle tension and gradual growth of bone tissue of the vertebral bodies. There is stiffness of movement, constant excruciating pain in the back.

    The second most common complication is disruption of the innervation of internal organs. This can manifest itself in the form of frequent urination, regular constipation and diarrhea, the development of heart rhythm arrhythmia, and sclerotic processes in the brain.

    Do not discount the likelihood of developing epiduritis (inflammatory infection of the membranes of the spinal cord). The disease is manifested by severe neurological symptoms: paralysis, impaired coordination of movements, decreased sensitivity. May provoke the development of acute purulent meningitis. High probability of death. Restoring all functions after such a complication is impossible.

    Osteomyelitis of the spine and large joints has recently become less common due to the development of minimally invasive surgical procedures. But the risk of accelerating the process of further destruction of the spine remains very high, since in the postoperative period the patient is deprived of the opportunity for full physical activity for a long time. Destructive processes in cartilage tissue are accelerated, and the increasing compensatory load leads to the development of multiple disc herniations in the adjacent parts of the spinal column within 1 - 1.5 years.

    Do not delay treatment of your spine, contact our manual therapy clinic right now and you will receive a comprehensive free consultation with a leading specialist. He will review your medical history and give recommendations for further treatment without surgery and its negative consequences.

    Treatment of intervertebral hernia with a scalpel is a necessity, not a whim. But after surgery, it is important to understand what awaits you in the post-rehabilitation period. In particular, what consequences await after leaving the hospital, and what should be followed.

    The list of main consequences of hernia recurrence after surgery includes:

    • Muscle paresis;
    • Possibility of paralysis of some muscles (it all depends on which spinal disc was subjected to surgery);
    • Loss of coordination caused by a lack of cerebrospinal fluid;
    • Urinary incontinence;
    • Fecal incontinence;
    • Violation of the function of the pelvic organs;
    • Various osteo-diseases;
    • Degenerative processes in the area of ​​anabolic development of muscles adjacent to the site;
    • Scarring of tissue.

    Is it possible to cure these consequences, how to deal with them, live and win?

    Paresis and paralysis

    Paresis and paralysis can be caused if the nerves connecting the muscles to the spinal cord are damaged. There are two types of treatment. If the nerves have not completely lost sensitivity (testing with electric shock and pain), muscle communication can be established by constantly influencing them using various methods. In addition, the connection between muscle memory is being established.

    In the absence of serious damage to the spine during the treatment of a hernia, these methods help get rid of the symptoms of paralysis and paresis within 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.

    Formation of repeated hernias

    If there is a predisposition to spinal deformities, they will definitely come out in relapse. Usually, to prevent neoplasms, you need to be regularly examined by a doctor and keep your muscle corset in good shape.

    Repeated relapses occur as a result of improper load, and usually appear long after leaving the hospital.

    Pelvic organ dysfunction

    As with paresis and paralysis, the connection between nerves and organs was disrupted during the operation. The recommendations are the same. In addition, when operating through the abdominal cavity, there is a risk of damage and causing irreversible degenerative changes in the pelvic area. The result is organ dysfunction.

    At first, these consequences are treated with the use of a special corset, until the muscles become toned again. This complication is subsequently treated with special exercises for the core muscles.

    Note: muscle exercises can only be performed after the sutures have completely fused.

    The most popular exercise that eliminates frequent complications in the pelvic area is vacuum breathing with the stomach.

    Scar-adhesive processes

    100% of those undergoing surgery encounter these processes. Getting rid of them is quite simple, but expensive. Laser scar removal is the only solution. Otherwise, you will be left with a small scar, reminiscent of the illness you suffered.


    Unfortunately, these are irreversible disorders caused by dysfunction of the bone and spinal cord after surgery. They are usually observed in elderly patients, and their resolution requires repeated hospitalization with extensive medical intervention.

    Osteo-diseases cannot be cured, but they can be put into slight remission and stopped at the same level.

    To avoid this complication after surgery, it is recommended to use calcium vitamins throughout the entire preoperative preparation.

    Life without consequences

    Is life possible without postoperative consequences? Everything is conditional. Of course, you won’t be able to avoid wearing a corset and undergoing physiotherapy. These rehabilitation processes allow you to re-establish the neural connection between the muscles and the spinal cord.