Poplar buds - medicinal properties and contraindications. Common poplar - botanical description. Ointment for wounds and ulcers

Poplar is a fairly common tree and rarely has anyone not seen it. Unpretentious in care, it grows well in forest belts, along river banks, along roads, is used as green space in cities and villages, and sometimes forms groves. Poplar fluff flying in June symbolizes the beginning of summer.

Description of the plant

Black poplar (Populus nigra L) or sedge belongs to the willow plant family and is a tall tree, reaching 25-35 meters in height and at the same time is a long-liver, the age of some of its representatives reaches 300 years. Black poplar forms a powerful surface-horizontal root system, which makes it possible to use black poplar to strengthen the slopes of ravines. Sedum has a thick, powerful trunk, in the lower part of which the bark forms growths. The color of the bark of younger tree trunks is gray, while that of older ones is dark gray, closer to black and it is very thick, and has a reddish tint from the inside.

The crown of the black poplar is spreading, densely covered with foliage. The leaf has a long, bare petiole. Sedum has a leaf blade from 6 to 12 centimeters long, densely leathery, dark green above and lighter below. The edges of the leaf blade are serrated, triangular-ovate, young leaves are soft green in color with a specific aroma, resinous. Sedge buds are cone-shaped, quite large, pressed, covered with resin with a specific odor, brown-green in color. The flowers of black poplar are earrings, up to 4 centimeters long, forming a spherical ovary, the seeds are small, numerous, covered with long-haired flying down. Black poplar blooms in May, and in June the already ripened fruits are carried by the wind.

Medicinal properties

Sedge or black poplar is a good medicinal plant containing substances used in the treatment of various diseases. So this plant is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, wound-healing, antimicrobial and diaphoretic agent. Great content essential oils allows you to use black poplar as an expectorant for colds and to normalize work gastrointestinal tract.
The bark of this plant has antimalarial properties and helps alleviate the condition of patients with gout, fever, and rheumatism.

Poplar buds contain essential oils, such glycosides as populin and salicin, as well as malic and gallic acids. Osokor has leaf buds, which in the form of infusion have a positive effect therapeutic effect in the treatment of burns, hemorrhoids, as an antipyretic and as good remedy to increase hair growth. Poplar bud essential oil has found application in the perfume industry, where it is used as a fragrance and odor fixer in the production of high-quality toilet soap. Ointments are also prepared from poplar buds, which are good for joint pain, trichomonas colpitis, ulcers, various fungal skin infections, alopecia and other diseases.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

For medical purposes, mainly only leaf buds of black poplar (Gemmae Poputi) are harvested. The buds are collected in early spring, around the end of April, before the poplar flowering period begins. Leaf buds are clearly distinguishable from flower buds and have a yellow-brown color, a specific resinous odor and a bitter taste. The buds are collected only by hand, carefully separating them from the branches. The collected raw materials are dried, spread in a thin layer on a mat, in the shade under a canopy, avoiding rain moisture. You can also dry the collected poplar buds in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees. The finished raw materials are stored in tight packaging in a cool place.

The use of black poplar in folk medicine

Black poplar or sedge folk medicine has been used for a very long time. Medicinal properties possess not only the leaf buds of the poplar, but also the bark and green leaves.

  • Ointment from young poplar leaves. Poplar leaves, preferably young, sticky leaves, are ground well with oil or fresh fat until a homogeneous green mass is obtained. This ointment is used to treat boils, abscesses and poorly healing wounds.
  • Juice from fresh poplar leaves Helps cope well with pain and tinnitus. Fresh young poplar leaves are washed, finely chopped and the juice is squeezed out, which is dropped into the ears, 3-4 drops in each. Usually the pain goes away the next day.
  • Infusion for colds and flu Take a tablespoon up to 4-5 times a day before meals 20-25 minutes. The infusion is prepared as follows: take 2 teaspoons of well-chopped poplar buds, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Leave for at least two hours, then strain and drink.
  • Infusion for prostatitis, urethritis, prostate adenoma and cystitis take a quarter glass up to 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is prepared like this: two teaspoons of well-crushed poplar buds are poured into a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour, then filtered and drunk.
  • Ointment for burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids. Prepare the ointment as follows: take 1 teaspoon of poplar buds ground to powder and mix with a teaspoon butter. The mixture is ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply this mixture to sore areas 2-3 times a day.
  • Tincture from poplar buds is used for various diseases, including stomach cancer. It is prepared like this: take a glass of vodka and pour a tablespoon of poplar buds into it, mix well and leave for two weeks, then you can use the tincture. Take it 15 drops up to three times a day. The tincture is also used for rinsing with sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, and for the treatment of eczema.


Before use, you should consult your doctor. You cannot use drugs containing poplar during pregnancy, with serious gastrointestinal disorders.

Tincture of black poplar buds Populus nigra L.

Black poplar is a tall tree. The plant is dioecious. Young trees have whitish-gray bark, while old trees have dark gray, almost black, with deep furrows. The buds are shiny, oblong-ovoid, 0.5-1.5 cm long, sticky, resinous, and have a peculiar balsamic smell. The branches are located almost perpendicular to the stem; the lower ones have branches drooping to the ground. The leaves are triangular or diamond-shaped, sharp at the apex, obtuse at the base. They are dark green above and pale green below. The flowers are small, unisexual, collected in inflorescences - catkins.

Cost: 90 UAH


Black poplar is widespread throughout Ukraine. Rarely found in the Carpathians and Crimea. It grows along river banks, roadsides, and is planted in forest belts, ravines, to strengthen hills and prevent shifts. Sometimes it forms green groves that stretch along the banks of rivers for tens of kilometers.

The buds are harvested in early spring (March-April), when they have not yet swollen and have an intense balsamic smell. Only leaf buds are collected. Flower buds have no medicinal value. They are easy to distinguish by size. Flower buds are typically larger and thicker, hidden within several petal scales. The collected leaf buds are spread in a thin layer in warm rooms. Dried raw materials are stored in thick paper packaging.

Chemical composition

Black poplar buds contain flavone and tannins, resins, organic acids, wax, salicylic glycoside, populin glycoside, glucose, salicylic alcohol, phytoncides, antibiotic substances, amylase and oxidase enzymes, volatile fragrant oil (0.5-0.7%), sesquiterpenes.


Black poplar buds are used in folk medicine as a diuretic, antitoxin, analgesic, diaphoretic, antiseptic, bactericidal, phytoncidal and viruscidal agent. They promote granulation, epithelialization and wound healing. Black poplar buds are used to treat rheumatism, joint disease, hypertension, headache, inflammatory diseases respiratory and genitourinary organs(nephritis, urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis, pain, cervical erosion). We widely use infusion and alcohol tincture of black poplar buds to treat eczema, trophic ulcers, boils, beshikha, tonsillitis, and gingivitis.

For bee stings, applying an alcohol tincture of black poplar buds to the affected areas is very effective (4-5 times a day). The pain disappears, swelling does not develop.

We widely and with certain success use black poplar preparations for the treatment of purulent postoperative fistulas, which will be discussed in more detail below.

For 45 years, the author studied the effect of 20% alcohol tincture on pathogenic staphylococcus and streptococcus. Was isolated from respiratory tract patients with chronic inflammatory processes in these organs, 5 thousand strains (observations were carried out on patients in the Goshchansky district of the Rivne region, the Kozeletsky district of the Chernihiv region and the Yagotinsky district of the Kyiv region). According to the author’s data obtained in the late 60s, 43% of the isolated strains turned out to be resistant to antibiotics, and according to data obtained in 1999, this figure increased to 96.4%. However, it should be noted that in no case were insensitive strains identified pathogenic staphylococcus to a 20% alcohol tincture of black poplar buds. This information fully corresponds to that received back in 1984-1985. at the Department of Microbiology of the Kyiv Institute of Advanced Medical Studies, senior researcher associate professor V.G. Porokhnitsky. They have been confirmed clinical observations for the development and course of diseases.

We also use inhalation administration of an alcohol preparation with mandatory monitoring for the presence of pathogenic staphylococcus or microbial associations in sputum.

The effect of treatment is observed after 4-5 days in acute inflammatory processes and after 6-8 days in chronic, protracted bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheitis, sore throat.

The most common preparation of black poplar is a decoction. Take a tablespoon of kidneys, add a glass of water, and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. and leave for 4 hours. Take 2 tablespoons 5 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals (in the treatment of respiratory and urinary tract diseases).

The alcohol tincture is prepared as follows. Fresh buds are filled with 40% alcohol at a ratio of 1:5. Leave for 2 weeks, stirring the mixture daily. Then the liquid is filtered and used for inhalation, internal use and as an external remedy. For the treatment of rheumatism, migraine (headache), hypertension, acute and chronic diseases urinary organs, in particular the prostate gland, we recommend using the tincture 40 drops on a spoon of water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Black poplar buds are used for medicinal purposes in a mixture with various plants.

We are deeply convinced that black poplar bud preparations have not yet been sufficiently evaluated scientific medicine. We hope that they will soon take their rightful place in the arsenal of the most effective therapeutic agents. It should be noted that the reserves of black poplar raw materials within Ukraine are significant. In addition, the plant is optimally amenable to cultivation.

Doctor and herbalist Evgeniy Tovstukha

Evgeniy Tovstukha has been working as a herbalist for more than 45 years. Behind last decade The scientist published about twenty fundamental works on Ukrainian folk medicine, phytoethnology and herbal medicine. With his participation and scripts, several dozen newsreel documentaries, television and radio programs were created, which return to Ukrainian folk medicine, herbal medicine and phytoethnology the world prestige of deep science and high culture of millennia.

In 1990, under the auspices of the Research Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, for the first time in world practice (officially), the author created the “Phytocenter” - an outpatient facility for providing therapeutic and preventive care with herbal medicine.

This high-class herbalist raised thousands of people affected by the Chernobyl disaster to their feet. He is credited with medicines patented by official medicine to combat many diseases, including those sent to us by the atomic monster. His healing infusions, infusions, syrups and ointments have restored the joy of life to hundreds of thousands of people.

Cost: 90 UAH


Diseases treated by black poplar bud tincture

Rheumatoid polyarthritis

Hypertonic disease

Urethritis (trichomoniasis, candidiasis)


Cervical erosions



When a nation, it would seem, enters the darkness of extinction, according to the unstudied and not yet known laws of the Cosmos, the People turn on certain special reserves - and then the Personalities appear to the world, thanks to whom the Revival of the ethnos begins. Let's remember Grigory Skovoroda, Taras Shevchenko, Nikolai Gogol. And before that, let us refer to the Frenchman Beauplan, who asserted with surprise and admiration that all Ukrainians are “characterniks” (sorcerers).

It is to this wing of sorcerers - awakeners of national self-awareness - that my longtime brother-in-law, Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha, belongs.

He is not only a doctor - he is an infinitely talented folk expert who treats not only the body, but also the Soul of Man, as the ancient Proto-Slavs said, “he heals the spirit.”

Evgeniy Tovstukha is encyclopedicly initiated into the mystery of the plant kingdom, which he has been studying, selecting and, most importantly, growing and charming them to people for good and health all his life. His knowledge is of the highest order, since it is sanctified by the immortality of folk song, folklore, customs and Truth, with all the colors of the rainbow, which he feels not only with his eyes, but also weighs and touches as an artist.

This noble unity of grass, words (for Evgeny Stepanovich is also a poet!), deep layers of ethnicity, individual psychology and a subtle sense of the higher spheres gives his charitable work that special energy that overcomes barriers unattainable by current official medicine.

This is how Evgeniy Tovstukha works for the health of the Ukrainian nation and all good people on earth, and this is given to those rare individuals whom Nature blesses with immortality.*

Boris Oleinik, Academician, poet, Hero of Ukraine.

I, Demchishina Eleonora Vladimirovna, came to Evgeniy Stepanovich to be treated for psoriasis. I suffered from psoriasis for 20 years, was treated anywhere and with anything, but I ended up here and forgot about my illness. I am very grateful to these people for their help, sensitivity and good attitude to the sick. God bless them both to work and to help the sick.*

Demchishina Eleonora Vladimirovna, Khmelnitsky, June 14, 1995

I was pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere in the Phytocenter, the solid management of the business, and the attentive attitude of the employees. There is hope... Thank you, E.S. Tovstukha, and all your employees!*

Yatsenko Alexey Kalinovich, Vyshgorod, 07.12.98

I, Khapkova Valentina Dmitrievna, express my deep sincere gratitude to the Phytocenter and all the doctors for the treatment and friendly attitude, for helping all the sick. Thank you very much! I feel better!*

Khapkova Valentina Dmitrievna, Boyarka

Evgeniy Stepanovich is a national treasure of knowledge on herbal medicine and herbal medicine. This hospitable extrovert never spared anyone his innumerable advice, recipes, scientific discoveries, did not hide his nature- and life-affirming worldview.

Doctor Tovstukha for the first time in scientific practice, he voiced, implemented and studied in one of his scientific works such a concept as “phytoethnology of Ukrainians”, which represents Ukrainian herbal medicine as an integral branch of national life in different historical and prehistoric eras of our people.

Fifty years of activity outstanding doctor became the basis for the creation of the school of Evgeniy Tovstukha, under whose wing both well-known scientists and neophyte doctors entered.*

Garnik Tatyana Petrovna, Head of the Department of Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy and Bioenergy Information Medicine of Kyiv University Medical University Ukrainian Association of Traditional Medicine, Director of the State Enterprise “Committee on Traditional and Alternative Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, Doctor of Medicine

In the early nineties, while still working at the Institute. L.I.Medvedya, as the head physician of the clinic and head of the department of dietetics and clinical research, I studied and gave permission for the production and distribution of herbal teas in the pharmacy chain of Ukraine; LON - medical and recreational; set (now NON No. 1-12, the newest health set) according to doctor Tovstukha’s prescriptions.

In addition, I spent clinical researches in the conditions of the clinic of medical and health balms of Evgeniy Tovstukha, which contain medicinal plants. All patients who were offered to undergo an experimental course of treatment in a hospital compared to the control group (those treated with conventional drugs) showed a high recovery rate; not a single case of complications was observed. Laboratory research indicators - general tests blood and urine evidence of the positive role of the use of balms in the treatment of patients with gastric ulcers, chronic liver and gallbladder diseases.*

Karpenko Petr Alexandrovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of KNTEU (Kiev National Trade and Economic University, Department of Technology).

I, N.V. Grivnyuk, express my sincere gratitude to the herbalist E.S. Tovstukha. for his charitable and very what people need It's all about herbal treatment. I have already come from Ivano-Frankivsk several times, my diagnosis is psoriasis, and I am very pleased. Their ointments and herbs help me. I wish them good health And for long years life to help people whom doctors cannot help. And from myself, as a retired woman, I ask our government to help them in a very important matter. I, a Westerner, believe in God and wish that God would help them in a good deed.*

I thank you very much for the medicines you gave me for treatment. diabetes mellitus and based on this, wounds opened on the legs.

After the first dose of the medicine I feel great. I started drinking much less water. The wounds on my legs healed completely after the second dose. Thank you with all my heart, Galina Konstantinovna, Nadezhda Vasilievna for your sensitive attitude towards people, God bless you for many years to come.*

Chernienko Elena Ivanovna, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, 02/26/1996

Evgeniy Tovstukha belongs to the category of universally gifted people. First of all, he is a creator, as he published 5 collections of poetry, wrote 3 novels and 4 books of stories, as an artist created an original collection of paintings. But the most visible achievement of this marvel of man is his herbal medicine.

Opening any of his monographs (and he wrote more than two dozen of them!), you are instantly immersed in an extremely scientific world, but gradually, slowly, the author leads you along the mysterious roads of existence to the long-standing and deep world of folk traditions. The knowledge that his books convey is already healing, however, if you draw at least a handful from the hundreds and thousands of herbal recipes that the doctor Tovstukha generously offers, then any sober-minded fellow citizen will charge his body and soul for health. In these sinful times, there are almost no truthful healers left from God, but we live on the same earth and at the same time as a unique phenomenon, whose name is Evgeniy Tovstukha!*

Natalia Sumskaya and Anatoly Khostikoev, A couple of People's Artists of Ukraine, laureates of the State Prize named after. T.G. Shevchenko.

Tovstukha is a brand of Ukrainian herbal medicine that ranks on a par with Chinese and Tibetan medicine on the world stage. His scientific achievements are at a supranational level, his knowledge gives everyone the opportunity to feel both the universal power of nature and the healing energy of an individual medicinal plant.

Evgeniy Stepanovich is a scientist of such caliber that Time erects on a historical pedestal during his lifetime!

Let us wish the tireless healer of souls and bodies many years of inspired life and work. Let the eloquent goodness of Evgeniy Tovstukha create and his highest idea of ​​a healthy Man be established.*

Bogdan Stupka and Ostap Stupka, People's Artists of Ukraine.

Dear friend, brother, father Evgeniy!

A lucky star brought us together, and fate forced us to work together and even breathe the Parisian air.

You are the last Hope and protector of all the suffering of Mother Ukraine. Thank you very much for this and bow to the Earth!

Great health to you! Richest creative inspiration! Limitless love! Crystal faith! May Hope never leave you!*

Vasily Obraz, Film director senior. "Ukrtelefilm"

Thanks to Evgeniy Stepanovich and the entire group of Phytocenter workers for their kindness, attention to patients, for helping people overcome their illnesses. Help them... in this bright cause, give them strength and health.*

Kolomiets L.P. , Kyiv, October 9, 1995

For more than 30 years I have been collaborating with Evgeniy Stepanovich and consulting with many patients using his methods of treating medicinal plants for diseases such as allergies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The spread of these diseases accounts for more than 40-50% of all others and pose a serious threat to health modern man. One of the best drugs Doctor Tovstukha is PROPOBESAN, which is highly effective in treating peptic ulcer stomach long before the discovery of helicobacter pylori.*

Babich Vladimir Andreevich,"DP" Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology named after. L.I.Bear, chief physician Consultative Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Thank you for the treatment, attention and high professionalism. I quickly recovered from erysipelas last year. But with age, new problems arise, and now I have come again with the hope that Evgeniy Stepanovich and his assistants will not leave her in trouble. May God grant you all health for many years, so that you prolong our lives.*

Gavrilyuk N.V. , Kyiv, st. Priozernaya, August 5, 1995

I, my daughter, very sincerely thank the doctors of the Phytocenter, Evgeniy Stepanovich, Nadezhda Vasilyevna and Galina Konstantinovna and everyone who works here, for curing our mother, her doctors recognized a “subcutaneous mite” and no one could help. And here they cured and healed. We bow low and thank God that there are doctors like Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha. May God grant them all the best and long life.*

Buts Nadezhda, Kiev region, Rakitnyansky district, village. Zaprudye

Evgeniy Tovstukha’s worldview in the current world, which has lost touch with the basics natural life and the ecosystem of the surrounding world, in given time is very relevant. This humanist doctor perfectly combined the controversial knowledge and methods of traditional medicine with “pre-traditional” herbal remedies. The power of his knowledge does not require discussion or comparison! And in an era of environmental disasters, Evgeniy Tovstukha’s herbal medicine is one of the few ways for humanity to survive and maintain health.*

Bogdan Benyuk, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize named after. T.G. Shevchenko.

Dear Evgeniy Stepanovich!

I am glad to inform you that the treatment according to your method was beneficial!

Since April, I can already get out of bed and sit in a stroller, I can even without outside help take a few steps. Of course, there is a burning pain in my legs, the veins in my legs (when I stand) are stretched like strings, my knees are still bent, but despite this I can still move at least a little.

I hope for a further and complete recovery!

May God grant you and your assistants health and happiness for many years to come, long years for the good that you do to people!*

M. Glushchenko, 1995

I, Ivan Vasilievich, I suffer from heart neurosis. Since March 1995 I have been taking gramevisk and LOK-5. My health has improved noticeably. Thank you, kind, dear ones. It’s so good that you and your clinic exist. Health to you all, patience.*

Ivan Vasilievich, With. Khlystunovka, Gorodishchensky district, Cherkasy region, 07/8/1995

Thank you all very much for your golden hands, for helping poor people, for all the good that you do to us. May God grant you health and long summer. Thanks for all. My diagnosis is arthrosis lower limbs, many wounds were open, it was impossible to put on shoes until late winter. During 2 weeks of treatment with Tovstukha E.S. Everything has healed for me. For this I express my gratitude to all the employees of this institution.*

Priluki, Chernihiv region. , st. Kotlyarevsky, July 26, 1995

The misfortune that befell members of the Ukrainian national weightlifting team during the European Championships in Warsaw this year forced the team coaches to turn to Evgeniy Stepanovich for help. Quite a bit of time passed and the athletes were already able to train and perform certain loads that Evgeniy Stepanovich recommended. The wrist joint injuries were treated. The coaches have confidence that the world and European champions will be able to lift record kilograms and win medals for independent Ukraine at the World Championships and Olympic Games. We are grateful to you.*

Coaches of the Ukrainian national weightlifting team, Kyiv, July 5, 1995

All questions

Good afternoon I am 55 years old. 3.5 months ago I was diagnosed with arthrosis knee joint 1st degree. Please tell me what herbal remedies should be used in order to relieve pain and restore joint mobility in combination with physical therapy. Thank you

Berezdetskaya Irina, 55 years old

To treat joint diseases, we prescribe oral administration of 4-5 types of dry herbal mixtures (HONs) and 10-12 types of phytoextracts. To relieve pain and inflammatory processes, we prescribe rubbing with the composition “Polyneuritis”, as well as liniment Propobesan with black poplar buds, birch, mint and other components.

All questions

I have varicose veins. I inherited this disease from my mother, and she inherited it from her mother. My heart seems to be normal. But there is a circulatory disorder. How can herbal medicine help in this case?

Treating varicose veins is difficult, problematic, time-consuming and individual for each person. Therefore, the reason may be in inflammatory processes, maybe traumatic origin, may be associated with working conditions - standing work. If you have a tendency to this disease, then it is imperative to engage in prevention. Pregnancy can affect the formation of varicose veins. The treatment is as follows. Follow the work and rest schedule, for example, if a person works on his feet, then it is necessary to take breaks. You cannot take hot baths and do not overexert yourself physically. Medicinal plants the following: flowers and leaves of horse chestnut, lungwort herb, motherwort cordial, flowers and leaves of prickly hawthorn. Take 1 tbsp. l., pour boiling water, infuse overnight or for several hours. Take 50-100 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Lotions also help: peppermint, lemon balm, black poplar leaves, birch leaves 1 tbsp. l. for 2 glasses of water. Leave for 30 minutes or overnight and apply as a lotion to varicose veins.

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

I am allergic to dog hair. Perhaps you can help and I can get rid of this problem?

Yulia Lymar

Hello, dear Yulia! Each person's allergies can be caused by the most various factors. Herbal medicine contains plants wide range actions that help and treat various allergies: corn silks, flowers and leaves of hawthorn, wild chicory roots, silver cinquefoil, leaves and flowers of buckwheat, baskets of sandy immortelle, motherwort. This entire set of medicinal plants must be used for a very long time. Good health to you!

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

The first time I spoke to you was more than 10 years ago. Thanks a lot. The frequency of contacting you is 3 years. I've been drinking herbs for a year. I don't drink two. Now is the time. Case history: I treated a terrible allergy after 7 years of infertility treatment (amenorrhea, polycystic anovulatory cycle). 3 years after birth, cycle failure, constipation, thrush. Got treatment. Last year the cycle was 30-35 days or more. Problems: delays, vaginal dryness. After “emergency” treatment of erosive gastritis (Jan. 2014) with antibiotics, the flora was disturbed - inflammation (100 leukocytes in a smear). Traditional methods treatments did not bring results. Smear dated August 26 - leukocytes 50. I hope for a quick response. Thanks for understanding. We ask you to identify 2-3 priority drugs. I decided on Propobesan. Thank you very much to you and your team.

Zoya, 44 years old

Hello Zoya! Thank you for your trust! In your case, we recommend NONs 3,5,6; tinctures of black poplar, silver perstach, rogovo and Propobesan. The list of phytoextracts can be expanded to include walnut, paril, echinacea, birch, sainfoin and mint. Use both internally and mandatory daily douching (or tampon) and (or) microenemas in combination with 1 tbsp. spoon Propobesan + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of phytoextract (black poplar, silver perstach, rhododendron, soared, birch) + tbsp. spoon of boiled water or saline solution overnight. The use of these same drugs orally, as well as Propobesan at night, will also ensure the restoration of the gastric mucosa after gastritis. All the best!

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

A 62-year-old man, after taking medications to lower blood pressure for almost 7 years, trusted his doctor and became impotent. After taking simple pharmaceutical drugs positive results are noticeable. We would like to try your medications. Is NON-8 best? How much is needed for the course? Thank you, I look forward to your answer!

Cholovik, 62 years old

Hello! For the treatment of impotence, we recommend, in addition to dry herbal mixture(NON “Impotence”), also NONs No. 6, 7, 9, 12, UNON. Phytoextracts include compositions “Cholovichi” and “Gramevisk”, single preparations - talaban, sainfoin, echinacea, black poplar buds, calendula, lungwort, etc. The course of administration is at least 2 quarters, with a break of 7-10 days. For a course of 3 months you need 4 packages of NONs and 9-10 bottles (100 ml) of phytoextracts.

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

Hello. I am 45 years old. A year ago, my periods stopped and problems began, arthrosis of all joints. And now problems have started with the blood vessels in the legs, bruises appear and do not go away for a very long time, pain in the legs, stiffness, I can’t walk for a long time. Yesterday I walked a lot and pressed my shoes so hard that the nail on my little toe turned blue. Headaches very often and nothing helps. I can't come to you. I ask you to prescribe a course of medications that I could order by mail.

Stroller Zhanna, 45 years old

Hello, Zhanna! In your case will be shown the following drugs: NONS No. 1, 2, 6. Phythioextracts for oral administration: black poplar, birch, knotweed, hops, soared, honeydew. Rubbing the limbs with phytoextracts: black poplar + sage + mint; birch+hops+mint; composition of phytoextracts Polyneuritis. Along with the ordered medications, you will receive a treatment regimen and dosage and application details.

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

I am currently 18 years old. I have been suffering from mycosis fungoides for more than 3 years. Do you have experience treating this disease? And is it possible to cure this disease with herbal medicine?

Regush Oleg, 18 years old

Hello, dear Oleg! Fungal infections, unfortunately, are quite common among our patients. We treat mycoses (in general, in the treatment of chronic diseases, herbal medicine has no alternatives in terms of effectiveness). We also pay attention to the consequences of massive use of antibiotics, normalization of liver and kidney functions (which are primarily affected by mycoses). Our recommendations are as follows - inside: NONs No. 6,7,8,9,12, UNON. Phytoextracts: black poplar, birch, galangal, pear, walnut, cinquefoil, sainfoin, plantain, soared, sapling, knotweed, rodent, discussed with plantain, paril, sapling, knotweed, burnet. Outside: lotions to the localization of the fungus with black poplar, birch, galangal, burnet, pear, walnut.

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

I have a large coral stone in my left kidney. Due to health reasons, I am inoperable and also have permanent elevated temperature. The doctors sent me home to die... Is there hope?

There is hope, and great hope. Herbal medicine has reliable herbal remedies for the treatment of kidney stone disease of any origin. Official medicine recommends surgery when indicated. When this cannot be done, then you must definitely turn to herbal medicine methods. There are dozens of cases when we saved people from death and restored their health. What medicinal plants should be taken to treat kidney stones? These are knotweed, marshmallow, black poplar leaves, field grass, Propobesan, sainfoin, burnet, blue cyanosis and heart nettle. It is you who need to start by lowering the temperature, because this depletes the body and does not allow you to live fully. So, for this you need to take 1 tbsp of black poplar. l. 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The next day, you can take Propobesan a tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals and the fourth time before bed. On the third day, you can take bedstraw, soared, and sainfoin. Plantain, soared, sainfoin and marshmallow are taken 1 tbsp. l., pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes and take 50-100 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Be sure to saturate your body with vitamins and multivitamins. The following will help with this: buckwheat flowers, birch leaves, barberry, silver cinquefoil, marshmallow, pommel, plantain and knotweed. Complex medicines can be obtained at the Rivne Phytocenter. The doctors there are trained, they will advise you and prescribe a whole range of medicinal plants and medicines. It is also very useful to take noni: No. 6, No. 9, No. 7 and No. 12 (weekly).

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

Hello! I am 61 years old. In September of this year, I had surgery to remove my gallbladder and was diagnosed with hepatitis B and C. As I was told, he was somewhere between 1.5 and 2 years old. But after the operation, on the second day, I ended up in intensive care with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and deep venous thromboembolism. Now I take XARELTO-20 mg. And I will have my next operation with a vascular surgeon. I need to think about my liver. Help me. I really hope for you. Best regards, Valentina.

Shatilo Valentina, 61 years old

Hello, dear Valentina! You certainly need support using herbal medicine methods, and not only for the liver, but for the entire body as a whole. Please contact us by telephone at any of our centers for a personalized appointment.

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

Good afternoon. My name is Vera, I live in Alaska, although I am from Odessa. In June of this year, my husband was diagnosed terrible diagnosis- cancer Bladder 3 degrees and, of course, we returned to the USA and began treatment. Robert underwent surgery, intraurethral resection, and the tumor was removed. Before leaving, I ordered your product and we drank it before and after the operation, and 1.5 months later, before chemotherapy, he underwent a contrast CT scan, which showed an absolutely healthy urinary tract, no scars, no traces of the operation, and the doctor could not give a medical explanation for this. what he saw, he even asked his husband if he still wanted to undergo chemistry. To which my husband gave a positive answer. We still have a little of your product left, my question is, should we continue to take it during chemotherapy, or should we stop it for now? We are very grateful to you for what you exist and for what you do for people. I learned about you from friends in Odessa and decided to try it and this is the result.

Vera and Robert Conti

Hello, dear Vera Conti! We are happy for your family and for the successful progress of your treatment! It is highly advisable to take our drugs during chemotherapy, as they significantly improve the condition and quality of life during chemotherapy, and also restore the full functioning of the liver, kidneys and cellular respiration. In addition, we strongly advise you, if possible, to take herbal medicine for a year after surgical intervention for an oncostatic effect and restoration of body balance. Best wishes to you!

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

Hello! I am 62 years old. I would like to ask what medications should be taken for subclinical hypothyroidism. (TSH has a maximum permissible value). There is weakness, drowsiness, low temperature body (35.6 degrees C), swelling of the feet, cold feet, hair loss, etc. And the pulse, as a rule, is increased (and not slowed down). Thank you very much in advance!

Khleborodova Evgenia Aleksandrovna, 62 years old

Hello, dear Evgenia Alexandrovna! The following herbal remedies will help improve and stabilize your health: NONs No. 1,2,3,6, 12-a. Phytoextracts: chicory, immortelle, barberry, hawthorn, buckwheat, nettle, sainfoin, lungwort, cinquefoil, blue cyanosis, knotweed, black poplar, alfalfa. Lotions for knots: cinquefoil, black poplar, NONs No. 6, 12-a according to the scheme: 1st day - cinquefoil, 2nd day - NON No. 6, 3rd day - black poplar, 4th day - NON No. 12-a. Moisten 4 layers of gauze into the infusion or tincture and apply to the nodes for 45-60 minutes. Treatment is long-term, from a year. Good health to you!

Academician Evgeniy Stepanovich Tovstukha

All questions

Hello, I'm Irina. I was born and lived most of my life in Ukraine, all my relatives also live there, but due to life circumstances, I now live in Siberia, Omsk. Please tell me whether it is possible to use black poplar tincture for cerebral circulation. I would be very grateful for your answer.

Many popular plants have unique healing qualities that the average person is not even aware of. Our ancestors actively used them for therapeutic purposes: to prevent and treat many diseases, including very serious ones. Now such medicinal cultures are used by specialists official medicine, they can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. Poplar buds also have unique healing qualities, medicinal properties which we will now discuss on the www.site, as well as their use in folk medicine in a little more detail.

And poplar buds also have medicinal properties...

Why are poplar buds healing?

Poplar buds contain a mass of the most useful elements, including essential and fatty oils, various flavonoids, as well as glycosides populin and salicin. Such plant raw materials are rich in leucoanthocyanins, tannins, gallic, ascorbic and malic acid. It is thanks to their unique composition that poplar buds can have a healing effect on the body.

About the benefits

Herbal remedies based on poplar buds are characterized by many healing qualities. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, are characterized by analgesic properties and stimulate wound healing processes. Such remedies are actively used in folk medicine to achieve a calming and astringent effect. In addition, they are characterized by pronounced diaphoretic, antipyretic and antipruritic properties.

There is evidence that poplar buds help cope with hemorrhoids and prostate adenoma. Medicines based on them are actively used for therapy inflammatory lesions bladder and urolithiasis. They perfectly treat joint ailments, bedsores, burns and some skin diseases.

Preparations from poplar buds will help with various liver problems, including very serious ones. Traditional medicine specialists advise using them for hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and cholecystitis.
Such medications effectively eliminate increased swelling, diarrhea and colds. They help with disorders menstrual cycle and some gynecological diseases.

The use of poplar buds in folk medicine

Poplar bud tincture

For cooking medicine you need to prepare fifty grams of poplar buds and pour half a liter of vodka over them. Infuse the medicine in a fairly dark and warm place for two weeks. Strain the prepared tincture and store it in a dark glass container. Take the prepared medicine twenty drops at a time, dissolving this amount in fifty milliliters of water. It is best to take it directly during a meal.

Poplar bud tincture is great for rubbing into the scalp, in which case it treats hair loss and dandruff.

Poplar bud ointment

To prepare the ointment, you need to prepare three tablespoons of buds, chop them well and mix with three tablespoons of soft butter (unsalted). The resulting mass is ready for use.

The ointment can be prepared according to another recipe. Prepare one part kidneys (dried and crushed) and four parts fat base (for example, lard). Pour boiling lard over the kidneys, wrap the container with them warmly and leave for three days. Afterwards, heat the prepared mixture and strain it.

Ointment compositions with poplar buds will help cope with wounds, ulcers, burns, dermatitis, bruises, etc.

Oil extract from poplar buds

* You can prepare an oil extract based on poplar buds. Connect one part of the kidneys with five parts vegetable oil. Boil this product for half an hour, then leave for another two weeks. Use the strained medicine for rubbing for gout or rheumatism.

**** For urolithiasis, it is worth combining ten parts of vegetable oil with one part of poplar buds. Boil the kidneys in oil for ten minutes. The prepared extract should be taken three times a day in the amount of one tablespoon.

This oil tincture is also suitable for instillation into the nose for a runny nose or sinusitis (two or three drops in each nasal passage).

Consuming oil extract will help cope with ulcerative lesion stomach and erosive gastritis - a teaspoon four times a day.

For the treatment of erosive lesions uterine cervix and erosive colpitis, it is necessary to use this medicine to insert tampons throughout the night.

Decoction of poplar buds inside

Poplar buds will also help cope with prostatitis. To prepare the medicine, you need to brew three teaspoons of this raw material with boiling water in the amount of one glass. Bring the mixture to a boil, then set it aside to infuse. After two hours, strain. Take the prepared medicine a couple of tablespoons three times a day.

Bath with a decoction of poplar buds

For hemorrhoids, traditional medicine experts advise boiling three tablespoons of poplar buds in half a liter of water. Infuse this remedy for four hours, then strain and pour into a warm bath. The duration of this procedure should be ten to fifteen minutes.

Additional Information

It is worth noting that medicines based on poplar buds cannot be used if the patient has an individual intolerance to this plant. In addition, such treatment is not recommended when pregnant or breastfeeding. You should not use products with poplar buds if you suffer from chronic illnesses digestive tract and acute kidney diseases.

The advisability of poplar bud therapy should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Black poplar (another name is sedge) is a plant belonging to the Willow family and the Poplar genus. The tree has medicinal properties and is actively used in folk medicine. Cultivated in landscaping, honey plant, contains tannins.

Description of the plant

Black poplar is a tree of the first magnitude. It reaches a height of no more than 35 meters, and a width of no more than two meters. The root system is highly branched. Black poplar has surface roots and roots that extend deep into the soil with sloping branches. Due to the rapid growth of the entire root system to a great distance in depth, the tree develops rapidly. Such a powerful root system, in addition to enhanced plant growth, gives it good weather resistance. For this reason, wind blowing is not typical for sedge. Forms stump growth well. Black poplar has a trunk, forked towards the top or single, almost straight without bends, there are branches. Branches are monopodial. In middle-aged plants, the thickness of the bark at the base reaches no more than six centimeters. The color of the bark is dark gray with cracks closer to the base of the trunk, and higher up the trunk the bark is slightly lighter and without cracks.

The crown of the tree is wide or ovoid, the branches are thick. The thickest part of the branches is at the base. Shoots about a year old are yellow-gray, cylindrical, with white lentils. The coppices are gray-green in color. The buds are multi-covered. The buds at the top reach one and a half centimeters in length. The buds have an elongated, oval shape with sharp ends. Sharp end covered with sticky juice, the buds have a fragrant smell when blooming. The lateral buds on the branches are slightly smaller in size, slightly pressed, the lower buds often have a bent tip. Black poplar has simple leaves round-oval shape with a point towards the top. The leaf blade of the plant is bare, the length of the blade ranges from 4 to 11 centimeters, and its width reaches no more than 3 to 9 centimeters.

By mathematical calculation it was found that the length of the sheet to its width almost always has a ratio of 1.34. The petioles are bare, flattened on the sides, shorter in length than the leaf blade. Black poplar dioecious. The flowering period occurs from late April to early May. The flowering period begins in parallel with the period of leaf blossoming. Poplar blossoms are unisexual, look like an earring yellow color, on which there are many microflowers. The plant is pollinated by the wind.

Poplar earrings come in male and female varieties. A male earring has a length of 6 to 9 centimeters, while female earrings reach a length of no more than six centimeters. After fertilization, a woman's earring increases to eleven centimeters. After fertilization, seeds ripen in several months; in laboratory conditions, seeds ripen for up to one month. The fruit is box-shaped. The length of the fruit is no more than 7 millimeters, and the thickness is no more than 5 millimeters. Each fruit contains no more than 12 seeds. The plant is widespread throughout Europe, Eurasia, Asia, and North Africa. Prefers to grow on black soil. Osokor grows on the plains; high mountains are not typical for its growing environment. Grows singly and in groups.

Beneficial features

The medicinal properties of sedge are widely used in modern folk medicine, because this plant is one of the most useful plants growing in Russia. Medicines made from plant components have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. For get well soon For colds, it is recommended to use decoctions of poplar leaves and flowers. Decoctions from parts of sedge have pronounced analgesic properties, which helps to effectively combat pain syndrome of different origins, in particular with migraine. Decoctions have hepatoprotective properties, so in folk medicine they are used to treat liver diseases. For prolonged itching of the skin, it is useful to use tinctures of buds for external use.

A tincture of tree bark will effectively eliminate diarrhea, since the bark contains a high concentration of tannins. Eliminates flatulence, bloating, improves digestion. The healing properties of sedge have been discovered in the treatment of mental disorders. For insomnia, depression and acute psychosis It will be useful to drink a decoction of black poplar components. The antipyretic effects of taking a tincture from the leaves will help with severe cold with temperature. The tree also has diuretic, wound-healing, metabolic, anorexigenic (hunger-dulling) properties.

What does it treat?

Osokor is actively used for:

  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Inflammations of various origins.
  • Headaches.
  • For liver pathologies.
  • Scabies (external use).
  • Insomnia.
  • Depressive psychosis.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders.
  • Excessive nervous excitability.
  • Kidney diseases and genitourinary system.
  • Obesity.
  • Colds, high fever.

Contraindications for use

Black poplar has only three contraindications for use. It is strictly forbidden to take it in any form by women during pregnancy, with individual intolerance, as well as with acute pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. An overdose of sedge decoction worsens the patient's condition, causing fatigue and severe weakness in the body. In the absence of contraindications, if an overdose occurs, you should stop taking the decoctions for several days, and then resume taking it, but in a smaller dosage.

Many people actively use medicinal plants in their Everyday life. They are used in for cosmetic purposes, to improve the functioning of organs and systems, and also, of course, for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. A healing properties Almost all plants found on the streets and in the wild have it. A well-known medicinal crop is black poplar, also known as sedge. Poplar buds are usually used for therapeutic purposes, the medicinal properties and use of which will be discussed on the website in a little more detail, and you will also find out what contraindications exist for the use of such raw materials.

Why are black poplar buds valued, what are their medicinal properties?

The healing properties of black poplar buds are explained by their unique composition. Such raw materials are rich in glycosides populin, salicin and chrysin. It contains a number of essential oils and bitter resinous tannins. Black poplar buds are also a source of gum, malic and gallic acid, as well as fatty oils.

Based on such raw materials, various medicinal products. Such drugs have antirheumatic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. They are often used to achieve an expectorant and diuretic effect, and also as a good astringent.

Black poplar buds can be used to prepare external remedies. So, on their basis, ointment compositions and infusions are made, intended for therapy, hemorrhoids, various burns and for hair care. Ointments from poplar buds will help cope with arthritis and osteochondrosis.

Medicines based on such plant materials are used to correct diseases of the bronchopulmonary and genitourinary systems, as well as to prevent and eliminate certain diseases of the digestive tract.

About how and when black poplar buds are useful (application)

For rheumatism, it is worth preparing a tablespoon of crushed black poplar buds. Brew them with one hundred milliliters of just boiled water in a glass or earthenware container. Leave covered for four to six hours. The strained medicine should be taken a tablespoon three times a day shortly before meals. The same infusion will also help patients with intestinal catarrh.

For treatment skin itching, burns and alopecia, you need to grind a tablespoon of dried or fresh poplar buds in a mortar. Mix such raw materials with a tablespoon of ointment base; for this purpose, you can use lanolin, melted lard or. Place the ointment in a pre-sterilized glass container and cover tightly with the lid. This product can be stored for two to three weeks.

To treat colds (including those accompanied by an increase in body temperature), you need to prepare a couple of teaspoons of crushed buds. Brew them with a glass of boiling water and keep them in a water bath for ten minutes. Remove the medicine from the heat and leave covered for two hours. Take a tablespoon, strained, four times a day. It is best to take it half an hour to forty minutes before a meal.

For the correction of urological ailments of women, as well as men genitourinary area you need to brew a couple of teaspoons of crushed black poplar buds with one glass of just boiled water. Leave in a thermos for one hour. The strained medicine should be taken a couple of tablespoons four times a day, about half an hour before meals.

It is believed that alcohol tincture based on black poplar buds helps to cope with cancerous lesions of the stomach. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials (fresh) should be combined with a glass of vodka. Infuse the medicine for two weeks. Take the prepared tincture, fifteen drops three times a day. In addition, this medicine can be used to prepare rinses for sore throat, stomatitis and gingivitis.

Black poplar buds can help in treatment. Brew three tablespoons of vegetable raw materials with half a liter of just boiled water. Place the container with the medicine over low heat and boil for seven minutes. The strained product should be taken fifty milliliters three times a day, taking equal intervals between doses. The duration of treatment is ten days, then you need to take a break for the same period. Repeat five cycles of this therapy in total. The prepared decoction of black poplar buds should be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks, no more.

Steamed black poplar buds can be used to prepare herbal applications for: They should be used warm, applied to the affected areas. Next, wrap the joint with film and a warm cloth, secure it and leave for half an hour. Carry out the procedure once a day, the total duration of treatment is until relief occurs.

To whom are black poplar buds dangerous? Are there any contraindications for use?

It is worth noting that black poplar buds are a fairly safe medicinal raw material. However, it should not be used if you suffer from acute or chronic ailments of the digestive tract. Contraindications also include individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Particular care should be taken when treating black poplar buds for those patients who suffer from ailments of cardio-vascular system.

Ekaterina, www.site

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