Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of animals. Clinical signs of gastrointestinal diseases. Symptoms of digestive disorders

Russia, Volgograd.

Our dog has problems - Pekingese, 6 years old, girl. There were no vaccinations this year. They were treated for worms.

Over the last week I have been eating poorly and lying down more. He often licks his nose and swallows something. Licks either the paws or the belly near the tail. Sometimes her stomach rumbled. Now he trembles at times. Stands hunched over. There is no nasal discharge. There is no cough, breathing is normal. Temperature 38.2. My eyes are a little watery. He eats very little, only meat and then from his hands, and drinks kefir from his hands. He doesn’t eat from the cup, he sniffs and leaves. I was given medicine for worms a month ago.

In small areas she walks without problems, but in large areas she doesn’t notice. Still scratching his sides. We visited 2 veterinarians. The first one, a young girl, said it was a viral infection. She told me to give injections of polyoxidonium, ceftriaxone and something else.

The next day, an older veterinarian did an ultrasound and said that the dog had gastrocolitis. She prescribed no-shpu 2w/d, nolpaza 2/d and trimedat 3/d. We give medicine, but so far I haven’t seen any results. I give another 2-3 tablespoons of chamomile.

What else can you do?

Hello, Elena.

First of all, an accurate diagnosis is needed; such symptoms can be observed with gastritis, enterocolitis, viral infections, affecting the intestines, inflammation of the uterus (metritis, endometritis, pyometra) and others. Should be excluded viral diseases and uterine damage. Mandatory control temperature (2 times a day), stool, urination.

The situation with your dog’s stool is also alarming (banal constipation and peri-anal sinusitis can give such symptoms). When was the last time she actually went to the toilet?


I have a 6 year old male chihuahua, neutered natural food, vaccinated In winter he doesn’t go for walks, he goes to the toilet in a diaper. The day before yesterday vomiting and diarrhea began. Since we often have such symptoms, regular gastrointestinal diseases, I started giving chamomile with phosphalugel. It didn't get any easier.

At 4 in the morning next day bloody diarrhea. Let's go to the vet. They treated us like we were suffering from pancreatitis and told us not to feed. There was no diarrhea, the dog was lethargic. At night I kept swallowing, apparently felt sick, was restless and hot, although, unfortunately, I did not take my temperature.

In the morning we went to the vet. Again, I received an IV for pancreatitis and took my temperature, it turned out to be 42. They gave me an antipyretic injection. After 1.5 hours at home I measured it - 39.5, I called the veterinarian and told him to knock down Analdim with half the candles. Put. After 1.5 hours - 39.5.

I'm not sure if the temperature dropped at all, since it was hot. I just don’t measure it very often; this procedure is also stressful for him. We can take blood tests only tomorrow morning.

What to do and what could it be? Our vet doesn't know what's wrong with the dog! The tick couldn’t bite us because we don’t go for walks and we don’t have any other animals. And what is the best way to bring down the temperature?

Hello, Elena.

  • There are gastrointestinal diseases in dogs of different nature, they may be associated with food poisoning, kidney disease, pancreatitis or gastritis, infectious diseases and so on. It is possible that the problem is related to diet and exacerbation of a chronic disease ( acute pancreatitis may give such clinical manifestations).
  • If there is a fever, you need to add antibiotics (cefazolin, ceftriaxone or others); a good effect for gastrointestinal diseases in small breeds is achieved by using a combination of "verakol", "liarsin" and "traumatin" ( veterinary pharmacy) - for small ones, 0.5 ml 2 times a day, 5-7 days, then 1 time a day for another 5 days.
  • If there are spasms, you need to use antispasmodics (no-spa or papaverine).
  • You can give enterosorbents (atoxil or enterosgel) inside - 1 teaspoon. spoon 1:1 with boiled water- 2-3 times a day.
  • There is no need to bring down a temperature of 39.5, it is not that high, above 40 you can bring it down with analgin (tablets or an injection), antispasmodics also lower the temperature.

Except homeopathic medicines I can’t advise you anything specific, since there is no diagnosis and a clear picture of the animal’s condition, consult the veterinarians who performed the examination. It is necessary to do tests and determine an accurate diagnosis.

Good afternoon, Vladimir Valentinovich.

Again I turn to you for help. English cocker spaniel, 11 months, weight 11.2 kg, food: oatmeal, rice soups, buckwheat with beef, chicken, crackers, black bread. Drontal was given for worms, October 8th.

It all started in the New Year, after they gave me cottage cheese (although they gave it to me before and I tolerated it normally). Before this, soups were served for a long time chicken fillet. And so: during the day he goes to the toilet normally, during a walk, but at night it starts: piles all over the corridor (5-6 pieces), with mucus.

Nifuroxazide was sold for 5 days (on the advice of a doctor). It became no worse, no better: cheerful, good appetite, drinks water. After 2 weeks of all this, we went to the clinic, the doctor told us to give 1/2 alahol + 1/2 carsil + 1/2 festal + 1 capsule lacidophil.

They sold it for 10 days, it got better for 1-2 days, then everything returned, one evening diarrhea with light blood began, we went to the clinic, put him on an IV there, although they said that such symptoms were not treated.

They prescribed nifuroxazide again for 3 days + bacteria, but everything continues. They gave Drontal for worms, after the table. 1st day everything was fine, but yesterday again there were heaps at night, moreover, at first normal stool, then watery with mucus, but no diarrhea. They said dysbacteriosis. What to do? There is no place to take tests. What about him? I'm looking forward to your answer.

Hello, Ekaterina (English cocker).

This situation can develop against the background of coccidiosis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, metabolic disorders and problems with the liver and kidneys, etc.

The best option, of course, is to get tested. If the examination is completely out of options (but may not help much), try:

  1. 7-10 days after "drontal" give "procox".
  2. prick veterinary drugs(vetapteka) "traumatin", "liarsin" and "verakol", 1.0 ml, 2 times a day, 5 days in a row, plus 5 days once a day.
  3. Serve "vetom", 1/2 teaspoon 1:1 with cooled boiled water, 2 times a day, 0.5 hour before meals, 10-14 days.
  4. Royal Canin gastrointestinal food, 1 month course or even better - switch completely to Fest Chase.
  5. At the same time, you need to check the anal glands (check, clean) - this should be done by a specialist, then suppositories in the butt - ichthyol or "anuzol" - 1 suppository, 2 times a day, 7-10 days.

Hello, please help!

The toy terrier was diagnosed with pancreatitis, without tests. After the second drip, the dog had convulsions and loss of consciousness in the morning. But when they start to drip on her (there is glucose in the drip), she gets better and comes to her senses. Then it gets worse again (convulsions, loss of consciousness). And we were also forbidden to let her eat, this is already the 5th day. But the dog wants to eat when he regains consciousness. Tell me, please, what can it be.


  1. In order to put, at least, preliminary diagnosis, You gave too little information. Pancreatitis and enterocolitis are indeed common in toy terriers, usually due to poor nutrition. To make a diagnosis, you need to know what you initially came for.
  2. Does the dog have vomiting, gastrointestinal upset, what is the dog’s body temperature, what do you feed, what type of stool, urination, color of urine, what is his age? If pancreatitis is suspected, it is necessary to do biochemical analysis blood (alpha-amylase, creatinine, urea, bilirubin, glucose, Alt, Ast), it may still be necessary to do an ultrasound, but this is based on the results of all of the above.
  3. If there is vomiting, then you really can’t feed until there has been at least a day without vomiting. If there is no vomiting, then you can feed little by little, in fractional portions, but following a diet or giving medicinal food(royal gastrointestinal or hepatic).
  4. Good therapeutic effect(in complex therapeutic measures), for problems with the gastrointestinal tract in toy terriers, the use of Helvetian drugs “Veracol” and “Liarsin” is helpful, these are veterinary drugs, you can buy them at a veterinary pharmacy - 0.5 ml subcutaneously (subcutaneously) or intramuscularly (intramuscularly) , 2 times a day, the first three days, if the condition stabilizes, then another five days, 1 time a day.

The dog is 1 year 11 months old. Before my illness I weighed 1,300 kg, now maybe a kilogram or 900 grams.

Since spring I have noticed that she can sleep a lot. Sometimes she sat hunched over and trembled. And so the condition was good and also the appetite. Around May 10th, she vomited yellow liquid without food. Then everything was fine again.

But a week later she vomited again. I went to the veterinary clinic, they did an ultrasound, they said pancreatitis. Tioprotectin tablets were prescribed, 1-2 tablets 2 times a day, and kvamatel, 1 tablet 2 times a day. Do this for 20 days.

But somewhere around June 8th she vomited yellow again, then a day later again, we immediately went to the veterinary clinic. We were told that we needed to take contrical, quamatel, thiotriozolin and some other physical agent. solution, I can't make it out. Then the injections also contain vitamins for the heart and some other medications, I don’t know the names. There are 5 injections in total.

After the second drip, she began to have seizures in the morning; she was unconscious, stretched out and twitching all over. We arrived at the hospital, I don’t know what they injected there, probably the same thing, but also + glucose 50 ml. She felt better. When that night, at 3 o’clock, she began to pass out, we injected her with 50 ml of glucose under the skin, the doctor told us so.

Today, Sunday, we arrived for an IV, there was a doctor on duty, but the glucose was no longer being given. When we arrived home, after the IV, after about ten minutes she began to get scared and have convulsions. I called the person on duty at home, told her to quickly inject diphenhydramine with analgin and novocaine and + magnesium sulfate 0.5, after 10 minutes the convulsions went away, but then she felt bad again, the doctor said to inject 50 glucose under the skin, when she did this, about an hour later, she came to her senses and began to react.

When they started treating us, they told her not to eat anything, because it was a pancreatic problem and she needed a starvation diet. But yesterday we looked at the literature, called other veterinarians, and said that we need to feed the dog, but a little at a time.

Yesterday, at 10 o'clock in the evening, they gave me a teaspoon of porridge, then at 5 in the morning, a teaspoon of porridge. Then, at 9, a teaspoon chicken breast. Everything was fine, she didn’t vomit and wanted to eat. We also told the doctor on duty about this, he replied that we could give him something to eat a little at a time. There's also the smell of acetone in my mouth. The urine seems to be normal in color.

If we live to see tomorrow, what should we do with our veterinarian and what should we say? Please tell me. I beg you very much.

Thank you in advance!

like this clinical picture like you, they can give various diseases dogs - problems with the liver (hence the smell of acetone), kidneys, hypoglycemia (lack of glucose), pancreas (but pancreatitis, as a rule, it's already underway as a result of problems with the liver and kidneys). You urgently need to do a biochemical blood test; it will clarify the diagnosis and be useful in terms of prognosis and treatment. Based on its results, we will understand further.

Plus, I would advise using those drugs that I wrote about earlier (“Veracol” + “Liarsin” (Helvet) or Helev’s: “Cardus Compositum”, “Nux Vomica Gammacord”, “Traumeel”).

Regarding the prescription, the attending physician must decide; only a consultation with a veterinarian will not help here. But, in terms of diagnosis and prognosis, I think that you need to do a biochemical blood test; it is unclear why they didn’t do it earlier if the treatment did not have an effect. Ultrasound doesn't show full picture state of the body. Functional disorders without morphological changes, ultrasound will not show it, this is not an MRI.


We have a dog, one and a half years old, weight 28 kg, not purebred.

The day before yesterday, after lunch, we began to notice that he was limping on his left front leg and sometimes held it suspended when sitting or standing. We already had problems with shoulder joint the same paw, then we were told that arthritis was beginning to develop. We treated it then, everything became normal. But then she would jump up in the middle of the night and whine, squeezing that paw and generally general state it was lethargic and cheerless.

Now the dog has an excellent appetite and if he gets distracted, he runs around quite normally. Therefore, we decided to observe, since she is active and energetic, in the evenings we always get together with other dog lovers and they run and jump, so there may well be some kind of bruise or something like that. In addition, in these two months we have already treated the fungus (she shed a lot), and otodectosis, and paraproctitis, I really don’t want to stab the poor dog again.

Yesterday, an acquaintance of ours, a former veterinarian, advised us to give her ibuprofen for a couple of days, half an hour before a walk, 1 tablet. This morning we did just that (1 tablet = 200 mg), and as a result, at lunch the dog vomited, half the weight of the entire breakfast eaten, but in the vomit there was grass, which she plucked on the street in the morning and after that she ran after me to the kitchen, begging. I decided to keep watching, and an hour ago she vomited two more times, still with the same breakfast.

Veterinary clinics are already closed, the phone of a veterinarian I know is not answering, I don’t know what to do. In general, the dog behaves absolutely normally, there is an appetite, because... begs for food, steps on his paw normally.

Do we need to do something urgently?

Can I give her atoxil or enterosgel to drink now, and take her to the veterinary clinic in the morning?

Or is this just a side effect of ibuprofen and you just need to stop it? What should I feed her now and is it worth feeding her anything at all today?

Please tell me.

Hello, Zhanna.

Most likely, these are the consequences of ibuprofen. It belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and they, in varying degrees, but everyone gives side effects on the intestines, kidneys, blood vessels and liver. There are veterinary medications for dogs (Ricarfa, Rimadyl, Previcox), but to prescribe them you need to undergo an examination and make a diagnosis.

Give "Atoxil" or "Enterosgel", do not feed until tomorrow, take the temperature under control, and tomorrow show up for an examination.

On the paw - you need to conduct an examination, most likely you will need an x-ray.

Good afternoon.

5 days ago she felt bad, the dog has diarrhea, what should I do, the stool comes out with mucus, no fever, suspected E. coli.

Tell me something.

Hello, Daria.

There are many reasons for disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which can result in diarrhea in a dog (not proper feeding, helminthic infestation, viral and bacterial infections, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, and so on). To prescribe adequate therapy, a diagnosis is necessary, in otherwise treatment will be ineffective.

On your own, you can start giving enterosorbents (Atoxil, Enterosgel) and probiotics (preferably Vetom). If the food is natural - diet: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, egg white (raw), mucus porridge, on water (oatmeal, rice), if on food - then food (possibly medicinal). Feed in fractional (small but frequent) portions.

We consulted at the pet store and they advised us on the pills that we are giving him now. This is bifitrilak MK, lactobifide, Activated carbon, furazolidone, chamomile tea. We wormed him less than a month back. Meals consist of oatmeal with wheat cereal, cooked in beef broth (beef cheeks).

Of course, you can consult anywhere (with neighbors and acquaintances, in medical pharmacies and so on), but if you really want to help your pet, you need to go to the veterinary clinic, be examined by a practicing specialist, carry out a diagnosis and, based on it, start adequate treatment, and at the same time transfer the animal to proper feeding.


We have a problem, the dog is constipated, she is an adult, we gave Norgalax rectal gel, it does not help.

Hello Julia.

You can give Vaseline oil internally - available at any pharmacy. It is not absorbed, passes through in transit, lubricates the intestines, softens stool and promotes their excretion. After this, you can do a cleansing enema.

With severe stagnation, the problem can be very serious, and unskilled actions can cause even greater harm (up to intestinal rupture and fatal outcome). Therefore, I would advise you to seek help from a specialist.

Good evening, once again!

We have a little German Sheepdog, 7 years old, male. Today in the morning, almost 9 years old, the last time I pooped (even though I had walked 5-6 times a day before), and after that I stop pushing, and nothing comes out, obviously constipation. We have a mixed type of food (Royal Canin dry food and natural products).

Yesterday I soaked the food, rice porridge with boiled chicken fillet and kefir, cottage cheese with kefir, kefir, drinking water and dripping vitamins “Prodevit A, D 3, E” into the food, drops 3 - 4 (soundingly rich). Today's food, rice with curd, cottage cheese, and if they noticed that they weren't pooping, they gave them just kefir. And yesterday I was dripping drops on my withers, against fleas and ticks - Anvantix.

Nutrition: what should you give to your dog if your dog is constipated? Is it possible to use Vaseline? It’s a pity, we live far from the place and it’s not possible to take him to the branch and there’s no veterinarian nearby, I found out.

Thank you in advance for your confirmation.

Good evening, Inno.

If you are on the move, you can apply Vaseline ( carefully, not watery, fill with a syringe, without a head) approximately 10 - 15 ml. If the stool is not sore, use an enema carefully: a weak (pale) dose of potassium permanganate, water at room temperature, you can add a little nicotine oil, the volume up to 200 ml. Erosgel" or "Atoxil" (otherwise diarrhea may develop).

As soon as the work of the herbal system normalizes, you will need to put candles ("Anuzol" or "Ichtiolov") - 1/2 candles, 2 times a day, 7 - 10 d_b, in order to eliminate the inflammation of the anal passages.

Thank you for your complimentary speech, I’m really grateful. Good luck to you.

Good evening!

We have already contacted you with a “bump” on the paw, now it’s different: please tell me, we have an 11-year-old Giant Schnauzer, lives in an enclosure, I’ve never heard of paraanal sinuses before, but we recently encountered one. It all started either when I took an antibiotic (they treated cystitis) and at the same time changed my diet (removed bones, added meat, trimmings)

Problems began with stool, sometimes liquid, sometimes mucus, sometimes normal, then I didn’t walk for 2 days, the temperature was 39 and on my butt, where one sinus is located, it looked like a papilloma came out. There was a little bleeding, we went to the veterinarian, cleaned the dog’s anal glands (the secretion was liquid brown-green) and started taking bifitrilak,

The next day the stool returned to normal, the “papilloma” is hiding, but the glands themselves, on the side where the papilloma is, are almost swollen, and on the other side they are tight and like a bean. I tried to clean it, but it didn't work. We went to another doctor and she didn’t succeed manually, she made a puncture with a needle from a syringe, that also didn’t work and she said that it was a neoplasm and needed histology.

But I have doubts, if the secretion is very thick, how will it come out through the needle? Moreover, on the other hand, the same “bean” somehow dissolved on its own or came out through a “papilloma”.

Tell me, what do you think about this? What should I do? The dog feels great after stool normalization. Sorry for the long story.

Good evening, Evgenia.

First, about the anal glands in dogs.

Near the exit of the rectum (anus), on both sides, there are glands, the secretion of which is discharged into the intestine, not far from the anus. The secret of these glands is very “odorous” and the well-known animals - skunks - use this when attacking opponents.

With any inflammatory processes in the intestines (constipation, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, very hard, dry stools that occur when feeding bones, and so on), inflammation of the paraanal glands in dogs also develops. At the same time, they (the glands) increase in size, begin to block the intestinal lumen, and passing feces (especially hard ones) injure the intestinal mucosa, droplets of blood appear at the end of the stool, and the animal begins to lick anus, can ride on his butt, which is very often mistaken for signs of helminthic infestation.

If measures are not taken in time, or as a result of unskilled cleaning, a fistula of the paraanal glands can form, diffuse inflammation with very bad consequences.

Cleaning of the paraanal glands, correctly, should be done from the inside, with the exception of very small animals in which it is impossible to insert a finger into the anus, in medium-sized and large dogs There are no problems with this.

The procedure is not very pleasant for the animal and can be slightly painful. A glove and ointment are used, preferably with an antibiotic ("levomikol" or "levosin" are excellent, in as a last resort, you can use regular sunflower oil).

A finger is inserted into the rectum and with gentle pressure, simultaneously from the inside and outside, in turn, on each side, cleaning is carried out. It’s better to do this outside or spread something on the floor, since the secret is very strong odor and doesn't wash well. This must be done very carefully and correctly so as not to make things worse, so the procedure must be carried out only a specialist.

At the beginning of inflammation, the secretion (the contents of the glands) is liquid, but the longer it lasts, the thicker it becomes.

You very correctly noted that a very thick secretion may not come out through the needle. But it should come out with proper cleaning. Although, in very advanced cases, it may not be possible to clean them. Then, you need to first apply anti-inflammatory therapy (and cleanse later):

  1. Therapeutic microenemas are made (herbal decoction, the easiest way is to take an “antihemorrhoidal” collection, available in medical pharmacies - 5 - 7 ml, warm solution, then press the tail and keep it pressed for 5 - 7 minutes).
  2. Then suppositories ("ichthyol", "anuzol", "betiol" and others, 1 candle, 2 times a day, 10 - 14 days).

This therapy is usually prescribed in parallel with a course of probiotics, after cleaning the glands.

  • In addition, infiltration blockades (anaesthetics + antibiotics) at the site of inflammation can be used. Then it looks in dynamics, if within 2 - 3 days the inflammation does not subside and it is not possible to clean it, an autopsy is performed and treatment is carried out according to the type of abscess (this applies specifically to the glands).
  • In your situation, especially considering your pet’s propensity for the appearance of neoplasms, their appearance in such a place cannot be ruled out. But, with a probability of up to 90%, this is determined by the results of a qualified examination (it is a neoplasm or an inflamed paraanal gland). Depending on what it is, you need to determine the need for treatment or tests.
  • The paraanal glands in dogs do not dissolve on their own (not on their own), it’s just that when the inflammation is relieved, the secretion can improve and the gland decreases in size and becomes invisible from the outside. “Through papilloma”, it also cannot resolve. When a fistula forms, it can open outward (as well as inward), but this increases inflammation (accompanied by swelling in the anus and increased pain reaction).

Thanks for the answer!

I have been rinsing with chlorhexidine for two days now, giving him half ichthyol candle and smear it with levomekol (I’ll put on a whole candle), but as for the “papilloma”, I don’t know if it’s it, because it shrank and began to heal, one doctor said that it’s a papilloma, another that it’s a fistula, which is... it's about to break through.

One said to do histo or cyto, the other just to observe, I don’t know what to do anymore, no one can say what it is, and these were the two most qualified doctors in our city, we’ll probably do histology, if there’s a secret there, it’s not worse will it happen? I don’t want to further injure the dog.

Hello, Cable Chihuahua breed, age 3 years.

Today I noticed a wound near the anus, the wound is wet and round. The dog constantly licks it (I can attach a photo of the wound).

What to do? At least an approximate diagnosis? I'm going to take him to the clinic.

Hello Anonymous.

This is most likely a fistula of the paraanal gland. Show up urgently for examination, for staging accurate diagnosis and providing assistance. Of course, you can add a photo, but, in any case, only a presumptive diagnosis can be made from a photograph.

Hello, I'm from Kyiv.

My dog ​​is 9 years old. Outbred, looks like a cross between a collie.

Three years ago I took her to the vet because the dog, from about 3 months old, was riding on her butt after going to the toilet. Anthelmintic drugs I gave it once a quarter, but it didn’t help, so I went to the veterinarian.

He examined and found nothing, he also said that worms were possible, when he heard that drugs for worms did not give anything, he began to squeeze out the anal glands.

This procedure also did not give anything, the dog continued to ride on its butt as before, I went to the veterinarian once a month, I thought that they would still help her. I want to say right away that before these procedures the dog had no external signs there was no inflammation of the paraanal glands.

During the third procedure, the veterinarian's assistant squeezed out the glands and the next day the dog began to itch very much in the tail area - then a bald spot appeared there. I no longer took my dog ​​to this doctor; she went into heat, and I decided to wait it out.

After each squeezing, the doctor prescribed suppositories with belladonna extract, which I gave her, but this did not help. I also used other suppositories from the pharmacy (with methyluracil and sea buckthorn) at my discretion; the result was zero - the dog began to itch and gradually go bald - in the groin area.

Then I decided to try again folk remedy, cut a candle out of a potato and smeared it in the anus with a high concentration of streptocidal ointment, did it morning and evening, the dog stopped itching and the bald spots began to be overgrown with hair, but as soon as I stopped putting these candles, it all started again. Then this treatment stopped helping, I bought Mastiet-Forte and poured a little into her anus, which also brought relief, for a short time.

I called the veterinarian to her house - he gave her an antibiotic injection (he said a strong antibiotic with penicillin in the name, I forgot the exact name of the medicine) - after that the scratching stopped for two weeks, the bald spots grew back, but then it all started again.

Now three years have passed, the dog has started to develop bald patches on his tail and on the back of his body and on his paws, there is redness in the anus area, this was not the case during the first trip to the vet - the dog was practically healthy, he only rode on his butt, but now he doesn’t. , but everything itches and goes bald. First, redness and peeling appear, then the dog licks and chews it, then the hair falls out, with treatment this redness darkens (turns black), and then the skin becomes overgrown with hair.

Last year she had something like poisoning (diarrhea) and the dog was almost dying, I urgently hospitalized her in another veterinary clinic, there they gave her a drip all day long, treated her for a tick bite, and, interestingly, after this blood washing The dog didn’t itch or go bald for a month.

Help save the dog.

Hello Irina.

In order to prescribe adequate therapy, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the diagnosis, and for this you need to undergo an examination (full clinical examination, clinical and biochemical blood test, feeding analysis, if necessary - additional examinations: scraping and microscopy of a smear, culture for microflora and testing for sensitivity to antibiotics, ultrasound, and so on).

It is unlikely that the dog has dermatitis, I would like to briefly describe the full history of the disease and my pain for the dog.

After cleaning the glands with an assistant, the dog began to itch and go bald, a day later she went into estrus, two weeks later she gave birth to puppies, throughout her pregnancy she was bald, itched, pooped black as the earth and due date gave birth dead puppies, not without my help, otherwise she would have died without giving birth.

After this, a tumor appeared on her chest.

In general, from practically healthy dog, with beautiful fur, turned into a completely sick woman.

Redness of the skin, peeling and itching are signs of inflammation (“dermatitis”: “derma” - skin, ending -itis - inflammation).

One of the reasons for the manifestation of dermatitis is “metabolic disorder”, which also applies to general terms, which characterizes malfunctions in the functioning of the body and has a number of reasons that cause it ( improper feeding, hormonal disorders, past illnesses, hereditary or breed predisposition, living conditions, ecology, and so on). An organism with metabolic disorders has a predisposition (belongs to a risk group) to the occurrence of various neoplasms, including those of a tumor nature.

During treatment “for ticks,” a course of detoxification therapy was carried out, aimed at normalizing metabolism and improving the functioning of internal organs (in particular the liver), which is why the condition skin temporarily and improved. But, since the cause was not eliminated, later everything returned to its original state.

Sorry, but I don't have free time for philosophical debate.

Stop “guessing from the tea leaves” and take immediate care of your pet’s health: you must, first of all, decide on a diagnosis, and for this you need to undergo an examination (full clinical examination, clinical and biochemical blood tests, feeding analysis, and, if necessary, additional examinations: scraping and smear microscopy, culture for microflora and testing for sensitivity to antibiotics, ultrasound, and so on).

There are enough clinics and specialists in your city to do this.

Vladimir Valentinovich, hello, help us!

I have a dachshund, a two-year-old male, who has been licking his anus for four days now, and small specks of blood remain, there are no worms or fleas, he eats normally, but worse than before, he poops as usual.

He eats chicken meat and bones, mostly when he stops licking himself, he doesn’t like it either, I noticed!

Hello, Victoria.

You need to go to the clinic or call a veterinarian at home so that a specialist can do proper cleaning glands and, depending on the strength of the inflammatory process, prescribed treatment (blockades with an antibiotic may be required).

On your own, you can give him anti-inflammatory microenemas (a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips or a regular anti-hemorrhoidal collection - 3 - 5 ml, warm solution, insert it into the butt, take it in your arms, pressing the tail, hold it for 10-15 minutes), then place a candle - ichitiol, "betiol" or "anuzol" (candle in the butt, then press the tail, hold it for 10 - 15 minutes) .

It is better to do the procedures after a walk so that he can go to the toilet. They need to be done 2 times a day, 10-15 days. But before that you need to clean the glands. Do not delay treatment, as fistulas may form, and in the worst case, sepsis will begin. Be sure to understand your nutrition, otherwise everything will repeat itself.

Good day!

We have a 6-month-old male pet bull, who yesterday vomited white foam and mucus, immediately went to the vet, saying: antibiotic ceftriaxone, nasal lyon, enterosgel!

Today is another day, but there is no improvement, it’s completely thin, it’s hard to marvel, you can imagine and don’t drink water, you just have to pour kefir and broth with force!

Why should we bother, our family?

Good afternoon, Ingo.

It’s not clear what diagnosis was made?

A variety of reasons could cause such a condition in a dog: viral illness (enteritis, plague, hepatitis), a foreign body in the intestine, helminthic infestation, sickness in dogs, etc.

Obviously, in such a situation, it is necessary to intermittently introduce treatments to prevent dehydration of the body and relieve intoxication, as well as additional symptomatic treatment and treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of illness. And for this, it is necessary to make a diagnosis.

With the drive of the prescribed treatment, it is suitable for stagnation of enterosgel, but as long as there is vomiting, you don’t need to give it to the hedgehog, because you are depriving the creature of the stomach, and provoking the stagnation of the stomach. You can only give the food if you want to eat it without vomiting (and you will need a diet: kefir, mucus porridge in water, egg white). And now it is necessary to install nozzles.

Poisoning in a dog, the doctor diagnosed it, he just arrived, gave him a glucose and sodium chloride drip.

Ingo, in addition to glucose and physiological breakdown, well relieves intoxication "Reosorbilact", administered internally, dropwise, essential - jet in/in (internally).

In addition, cardiac drugs ("sulfocamphocaine", "cordiamin", "caffeine"), antispasmodics ("no-spa", "papaverine" and others), stimulants of speech metabolism ("katozal", "gamavit" - veterinary pharmacy) , and other preparations, in the presence of animals, according to the veterinarian, to carry out treatment.

The droppers should be infused 1 to 3 times per dose, depending on the state of the food (frequency of vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea), and other symptoms).

We have such a problem. Dog, boxer, 9 months old, vaccinated according to age. Was food poisoning(?), which was accompanied by profuse vomiting. They washed the stomach and gave sorbents.

The next day the dog's condition returned to normal. Two days later, a continuous head tremor began, which has continued for 2 days. At the same time, the dog is active, with good appetite and absolutely appropriate behavior. Temperature is about 39 degrees.

On this moment there is no opportunity to visit the veterinary clinic. Tell me what can be done before visiting the veterinarian. Thank you in advance.

Hello Olga.

In your situation, there could be several reasons:

  1. it was not food poisoning, but poisoning with something more serious (for example, tubazide);
  2. there were some hidden problems in the body (related to the nervous system, kidneys, etc.);
  3. Do you have any other disease?

From your story, there are obvious disorders associated with the nervous system. As far as I understand, you did not measure the temperature, but determined it visually.

  • Requires precise temperature control
  • to reduce blood pressure, you can start injecting “no-shpu”,
  • inject Lasix or Furosemide once,
  • to support the heart - "sulfocamphocaine",
  • Serve internally as a sedative, "Korvaltab",
  • for improvement cerebral circulation- “Pirocetam” (for dosage you need to know your weight, for 20 kg - 1 tablet, 2 times a day).

But do not delay the examination, as nervous phenomena can progress and result in very serious consequences, the sooner you show up for examination, the better.

Thanks for the quick response. We measure the temperature, it fluctuates between 39 - 39.3 degrees. The dog's weight is 19 - 20 kg. If there was tubazide poisoning, does it make sense to inject B 6 after such a period of time?

Of course, there is a point in injecting B 6, but this needs to be decided based on the diagnosis, since B 6 stimulates nervous system, but it increases blood pressure, I definitely cannot recommend it to you in absentia (consultation with a veterinarian is limited in scope).

Temperature indicates the presence of a sluggish inflammatory process. It is quite possible that you will also need to add antibiotics, but try lowering your blood pressure for now and keeping your temperature under control.

For her weight: “sulfocamphocaine” - 1.5 subcutaneously (subcutaneously), 2 times a day, “no-spa” - 2.0 intramuscularly (intramuscular) 2 times a day, “lasix” - 2.0 in\m, once.

I have one more question.

My husband just called and said that his mother’s dog was sick. Pitbull 10 months Looks like food poisoning. They live in a village, there is no competent doctor. Two days ago I got poisoned. Diarrhea with blood and vomiting.

They injected papaverine and cerucal. Today we had an enema with potassium permanganate and were given activated charcoal and water. The dog sleeps, does not eat for 2 days, drinks water. It's a long way to go to the veterinarian. Of course they will go, but they urgently need to stabilize their condition.

Tell me what. I understand very little information, but still, what else can be done before going to the doctor.

  • Instead of "coal" it is better to use "enterosgel" or "atoxil" - 1 tablespoon 1:1 with boiled water, 3 times a day,
  • "no-shpa", instead of "papaverine" - 1.5 ml intramuscularly, 2 times a day,
  • "dicinone" or "etamsylate", 2.0 ml intramuscularly, 2 times a day,
  • "sulfocamphocaine" 1.5-1.8 ml, subcutaneously, 2 times a day,
  • if there is a fever - ceftriaxone, at the rate of 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, 1 time a day,
  • Until there is no vomiting for at least a day, do not give him anything to eat.
  • Only boiled water, do not drink too much at one time, little by little, but you can often. You can give it a drink with rehydron.

The rest needs to be watched. In general, in such a situation, the best thing is an IV.

Good evening, please tell me what first aid can be provided (5 month old dachshund) for poisoning in dogs. Symptoms are vomiting and chills.

Hello Irina.

First aid for poisoning in dogs - you need to remove the toxic substance from the body before it begins to be absorbed into the blood, for this you call vomiting reflex(salt on the root of the tongue, irritation of the pharynx) and a cleansing enema is done.

In your situation, you need to start giving enterosorbents ("atoxil" or "enterosgel"), you can use herbal decoctions (chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips), only boiled water, a starvation diet, temperature control (more details here - https://site/page/temperatura-puls-dyhanie-u-sobak) and seeking help from specialists to make a diagnosis and provide qualified assistance.


Please tell me, a dog, 5 months old, ate chicken feathers and beak, the next day it all came out. 3rd day the dog does not eat or drink anything. We tried to fill it with water, and they gave us coal.

There are no particular changes, tell me, what else can be given in this case?

Hello, Elena.

In your situation, you need to know the full picture of the animal’s condition. The problem may be due to the fact that not all the feathers and beaks came out (a foreign body in the intestine), inflammatory disease in the intestines (enteritis), an inflammatory process in the pancreas began, and other options are possible.

The best way out- See a veterinary clinic for an examination to make an accurate diagnosis (an X-ray of the intestine or other examinations may be required) and prescribe appropriate treatment.

You can serve “atoxyl” yourself (with a small amount water) and start injecting "catozal" for general stimulation (for dosage you need to know the weight of the animal).

In any case, you need to control your temperature, monitor your stool and urination, don’t delay, seek help.

Gastrointestinal diseases in dogs are a fairly serious illness. These diseases bring inconvenience not only to the pet, but also to the owner himself. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to contact a veterinarian in a timely manner with such a problem and successfully solve it.

What diseases are considered to be gastrointestinal diseases?

Diseases gastrointestinal tract- these are diseases in which the so-called inflammatory cells- cells formed in the body during wounds or injuries. These include 2 groups of cells. This:

  1. Lymphocytes and plasmacytes are cells responsible for the body's immune responses.
  2. Eosinophils and neutrophils are cells responsible for cleaning damaged tissue.

At chronic inflammation normal tissue may be replaced by fibrous (scar-like) tissue.

Causes of gastrointestinal diseases in cats

The exact causes of this type of disease in cats are unknown. Can also play a role genetic predisposition, and nutrition, and various infections, and malfunction immune system. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract may not be a disease as such, but a characteristic reaction of the body to certain conditions caused by various factors.

The types of cells that invade the intestines determine the form of inflammatory disease.

Symptoms of intestinal diseases in dogs

The following symptoms are typical for intestinal diseases in dogs:

  • diarrhea and vomiting, occurring depending on the area of ​​​​damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Damage to the stomach and upper part small intestine causes vomiting and colon diarrhea;
  • sometimes stools become more frequent, but each time it becomes less and less;
  • mucus and blood often appear in the stool;
  • V severe cases the animal is in depressed state, refuses to eat, loses weight, and his temperature rises.

In some dogs, the only symptoms of intestinal inflammation are bloody stool or weight loss. Others stop using the tray when defecating.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases in cats

The veterinarian may suspect an inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract if the animal has long period time vomiting, diarrhea, mucus or blood in the stool.

Upon examination, the animal looks thin; in some dogs, a thickened intestine can be felt.

Laboratory tests usually show nothing. At very serious inflammation defeat may affect neighboring organs- liver and pancreas. As a result, the body increases the content of liver enzymes and amylase, which is produced by the pancreas. There may be a decrease in protein levels in the blood, and if severe vomiting There may be a decrease in electrolyte levels, especially potassium.

In most cases, blood tests are normal, although anemia may sometimes develop. Some animals have eosinophils in their blood.

X-ray and ultrasonography usually does not provide any data. Sometimes thickening of the intestines and accumulation of gas may be noticeable, but this happens with many diseases.

The only way to diagnose inflammatory gastrointestinal disease is through a biopsy. It will show the presence of an increased number of inflammatory cells in the walls of the small intestine and the type of these cells. A biopsy will reveal microscopic changes in tissue that are not visible to the naked eye. In other diseases, damage to the gastrointestinal tract is quite obvious.

Laboratory tests usually show nothing. With very serious inflammation, damage can affect neighboring organs - the liver and pancreas. As a result, the body increases the content of liver enzymes and amylase, which is produced by the pancreas.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases in dogs

Treatment gastrointestinal diseases in dogs usually consists of different diets and medicines.

Diet. At the first stage of treatment, a food test is needed - the use of hypoallergenic foods, sources of protein and carbohydrates that the animal has not previously eaten, for example, duck and potatoes. The animal should not eat anything else and not take any medications. This test should continue for 2-3 months.

If the animal’s health does not improve with such a diet, then you need to try other products.

If the disease affects mainly colon, then it is useful to give food rich in fiber. You can add oat bran to the food. If the lesion has affected the small intestine, some animals may benefit from being given a highly digestible, low-fiber diet. Low-gluten carbohydrates are also beneficial.

Do not feed food containing wheat, oats, rye or barley. Sometimes the animal is fed natural homemade food, but it is rarely balanced and therefore commercial feed is preferred over a long period of time.

Treatment with medications. To reduce the number of inflammatory cells, various medications. Azathioprine and cyclophosphamide: These medications suppress the immune system and are usually used only if other treatments have failed or in combination with corticosteroids. These medications may help negative impact on bone marrow function, so careful monitoring of your health and regular blood tests are recommended when using them.

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When treating, gentle diet therapy is first prescribed. To do this, add only soft food to the diet, which is served to the dog in small doses with increasing number of meals. The water should always be warm; under no circumstances should you give cold water.

With a disease of the small intestine, diarrhea (acute or chronic) is always observed. At acute diarrhea, the first reason is feeding disorders. Chronic diarrhea can be caused by various food sensitivities, inflammatory processes, disturbance of intestinal microflora.

If we talk about the pancreas, then this is the most vulnerable place for not proper nutrition Therefore, the owner must always monitor balanced diet your pet. And as a result of this, the possibility of pancreatic disease is significantly reduced. For example, exocrine insufficiency may occur due to atrophy of secreting cells, chronic pancreatitis, tumors. The animal is also exhausted, but the appetite remains normal, the coat is dry and does not shine. Treatment in this case should be with the consumption of food with good digestibility.
Dogs often vomit bile, and this happens early in the morning; for this, the dog must be given small portions to eat early in the morning and late in the evening.

As we have already said, the most common diseases in dogs are: gastritis, gastroenteritis and gastroenterocolitis. First of all, these diseases appear due to low-quality food, for example, spoiled meat, fish, canned food, cheese and much more. Puppies often get sick due to the rapid transition from mother's milk for normal feeding. Also, when entering the stomach of various poisonous plants, mineral fertilizers. Gastritis is in turn divided into: primary chronic gastritis and secondary chronic.

Primary chronic gastritis occurs according to the same symptoms as acute, and secondary gastritis occurs in heart disease with long-term stagnation of blood in the big circle blood circulation

Symptoms when acute gastritis in dogs there is lethargy, increased body temperature for a short time, anxiety, loss of appetite. The animal is also exhausted, and the very first sign is belching and vomiting. When palpated in the abdomen, it causes pain in the dog. If we talk about chronic catarrhal gastritis, this disease develops slowly. At the beginning, we observe the dog becoming upset and poor appetite. Lethargy, emaciation, the animal gets tired quickly, the mucous membranes are pale.

After assistance is provided, recovery begins within 8-15 days. If help is not provided in time, then the inflammation of the stomach turns into chronic gastritis, which will last for months and even years. Diagnosis is based on results clinical trials, as well as using x-rays.

When treating, first of all it is necessary to prescribe diet therapy, but be sure to pay attention to the age of the animal. When you have accurately clarified the diagnosis, the animal is prescribed a fasting regime for up to 12-24 hours, so that there must be water, you can also give chicken bouillon(10 days). It is also good to give a decoction of juniper and bird cherry. After diagnosis, on the second or third day the dog is given raw eggs. At 4-5 they begin to give fermented milk products (milk, kefir).

At severe course must be administered intravenously and subcutaneously saline solutions. A course of treatment with antibiotics (ampiox-sodium, ampicmllina), chloramphenicol, vetrim biseptol, furadonin is also prescribed. For prevention, first of all, it is necessary to observe proper feeding and always fresh water. The animal should be fed 2-4 times a day.

Stomach ulcer - chronic illness, as a result of a violation of regulatory mechanisms, a piptic ulcer is formed. With a stomach ulcer, you may experience poor appetite, exhaustion, weakness, and vomiting. There is pain on palpation and there may be constipation. When treating, it is first necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease, diet therapy. Adsorbing and enveloping agents are also prescribed (almagel, White clay, flax seed). It is imperative to give the animal oak bark, chamomile flowers, and blueberry fruits.

The digestive system includes all organs that are involved in the reception and processing of food entering the body. This, by the way, includes the oral cavity, and even anal hole(and not just the stomach and intestines). Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs are fraught with serious consequences, and therefore if even the slightest suspicion or “problem” appears in the work digestive tract There is only one way - to the nearest veterinary clinic. These pathologies are definitely not worth joking with.

Common people are accustomed to believing that digestion is a process that begins exclusively in the stomach. But that's not true. Digestion begins from the moment the dog begins to chew food. The enzymes contained in saliva begin to “grind” food into its chemical components. The process continues when the animal swallows the chewed lump of food when it is goes to the esophagus into the stomach.

And further. It is generally accepted that the digestion process is needed only to provide the body with nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But for some reason many people forget about micro- and macroelements. But they are extremely important! In particular, if they are deficient, edema and other “side effects” may develop.

So all functions digestive system can be divided into four large categories: digestion itself, absorption nutrients, peristalsis (contractions of the intestines to push food through) and excretion of feces. Thus, a veterinarian to whom a dog was brought with complaints of digestive problems needs to find out at which particular segment of the gastrointestinal tract a particular problem arose. But sometimes gastrointestinal diseases in dogs manifest themselves so vaguely that you have to collect a very detailed anamnesis, without losing sight of a single symptom.

Symptoms of digestive disorders

The presence of pathologies can be determined by the following signs: hypersalivation (excessive salivation), and, severe and shock. The location and nature of the pathology can often be determined by taking a closer look at the sick pet. For example, problems with chewing and swallowing – a consequence of defects of the teeth, jaw and, occasionally, the esophagus. Vomiting usually develops when or/and intestines are caused by factors of infectious or other origin. But at the same time, you need to remember that vomiting is a common sign of critically severe pain, which often occurs with kidney diseases, for example.

Read also: Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils in a dog

Diarrhea is almost always a manifestation of digestive problems, but still other reasons should not be excluded either. In particular, watery diarrhea, in which scattered pieces of feces are “bathed” in huge volumes of liquid, may well indicate poisoning... table salt. For dogs, “harmless” NaCl is a rather strong poison.. So when feeding food waste to an animal, extreme caution must be taken. By the way, why exactly can salt give such an unusual effect? Everything is simple here - it draws water into the intestinal lumen. To get rid of excess, the body activates peristalsis, resulting in severe diarrhea.

Other predisposing factors

Rarely, diarrhea is caused by malabsorption, that is, problems with the absorption of nutrients. This happens with serious lesions epithelial cells, responsible for the absorption of these compounds. Many viral diseases (for example, canine parvovirus, rotavirus) lead to this result. Malabsorption can also be caused by any defect that limits the intestine's ability to absorb fluids (congenital anomalies) or pancreatic/liver abnormalities. In particular, digestive disorders are possible after injury, when severe mechanical damage is caused to internal organs.

Very in rare cases Some newborn puppies develop severe diarrhea because they have congenital intolerance lactose(milk sugar).

And the main problem of diarrhea is not even the loss of nutrients, as many people think, but a violation water-salt metabolism, intoxication, and the latter is especially dangerous for small puppies, who can die in just a couple of hours. Considering that almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by diarrhea, it is not surprising that they are all deadly for young animals.

Important diagnostic signs

We should not forget O color of feces. This is very important diagnostic sign, which can pinpoint the location of the problem. In particular, black stool, similar in consistency to tar, clearly indicates bleeding in the stomach or thin section intestines. If in stool if undigested, red blood is detected, then the problem is most likely related to damage to the large intestine or anus.

Read also: Intervertebral hernia in dogs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Finally, a reliable sign of digestive problems is pain when palpating abdominal cavity or abdominal walls. Yes, dogs have quite characteristic feature stomach pain is a shaky, “rolling” gait. The animal refuses food, tries to lie down and curl up into a ball, pressing its paws tightly to its stomach.. Of course, such symptoms may indicate some kind of post-traumatic disorder, but it is unlikely that such a serious injury will escape the attention of the animal owners.

Various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are one of the most common reasons visiting a veterinary clinic. Depending on which parts of the gastrointestinal tract are involved in pathological process, the owner can watch various symptoms. In any case, if you notice a decrease in appetite, weight loss, change in stool consistency, or vomiting in your pet, show it to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Diseases of the pharynx

The respiratory and digestive tracts intersect in the pharynx, so diseases of the pharynx can lead to swallowing and breathing problems.

In the initial stages of pharyngeal disease, the dog's appetite usually remains intact, but the animal is unable or unwilling to swallow due to pain or obstruction. Animals begin to chew food for a long time, there is profuse salivation and frequent swallowing. The same symptoms are observed when drinking water.

Pharyngitis- inflammation of the pharynx. Can be acute or chronic. Cause: spread of infection from the nasal passages, esophagus, oral cavity. Brachiocephalic breeds, which often have an elongated soft palate, are especially predisposed.

Tonsillitis- inflammation palatine tonsils. Tonsils are the first protective barrier against infections entering the body. When they become inflamed and significantly increase in size, symptoms similar to those that occur when ingested foreign objects into the throat (dogs choke, get nervous, swallow noisily).

Poor quality food, sudden change in feed volume, spoiled, contaminated, too fatty food- all this can cause digestive problems.

Intestinal obstruction. It can be complete or partial, mechanical (for example, a foreign body) or functional (toxic infection provokes impaired peristalsis, enterospasm).

Mechanical obstruction: blockage foreign bodies, tumor of the intestinal wall, other tumors that can compress the intestine, intussusception (strangulation of part of the intestine), intestinal torsion.

Pancreatic diseases