Analgin for dogs - methods of use and dosage. Effective painkillers for dogs Ketanov dosage for dogs

Sooner or later, every owner of a four-legged friend may be faced with the fact that his pet will need help to cope with pain caused by some reason. And there are quite a lot of them. In dogs, pain can occur in the bones, joints, due to chronic illnesses, injury or any other pathologies. In a specific situation, you will need a certain medicine that will help the dog get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Of course, it is better, of course, to consult a veterinarian before using them, but this is not possible in all situations. Sometimes critical situations arise in which the owner needs to act immediately, and it is for these cases that every pet owner should have the so-called "dog" first aid kit. So is it possible to use human medications to treat dogs, or is it necessary to use only specialized products?

Types of pain in dogs and accompanying symptoms

In order to choose an effective, and most importantly, the right pain reliever, it is necessary to understand the cause of the pain and its accompanying symptoms. A fairly common type of pain in dogs is the so-called visceral pain, which occurs in the abdomen. Such pain may indicate heart and lung ailments. To the main signs in dogs, indicating visceral pain, can be attributed to:

  • restless behavior;
  • active licking and biting of the belly;
  • unnatural position when lying down and swaying when walking;
  • partial or complete lack of appetite;
  • indigestion.

Pain in dogs is often localized in the chest area. With such pain, the pet begins to move very carefully, breathes shallowly, refuses to lie down, and puts its elbows aside when standing.

If the dog's skin, muscles and/or pleura are damaged, superficial or somatic pain. They are most pronounced, and the dog, most often when the chest is touched, begins to evade in every possible way, growls and grins. In this case, any touch to the chest further intensifies the pain, and the dog tries to show this to the owner through his behavior.

Painful sensations in the limbs and back area appear in dogs due to diseases of the spine, joints and spinal cord. Signs indicating such pain, can be:

  • immobility of the dog;
  • limping;
  • inability to step on paws;
  • moans;
  • severe discomfort when touching the sore spot.

Dogs suffer from headaches, which can be visceral, somatic and pronounced. In this case, somatic pain indicates damage to the skin, nerves or periosteum, and deep pain indicates increased intracranial pressure or damage to cerebral vessels. One way or another, identify the cause of a dog’s headache a veterinarian will help.

Painful sensations in dogs also occur due to poisoning, diseases of the nervous system, and anemia. In this case, sharp pains make the dog excited, while dull pains make him drowsy and lethargic. In some cases, vomiting and digestive problems occur.

Types of pain medications for dogs

It can sometimes be very difficult to find specialized medications for dogs even in a veterinary pharmacy. As a last resort, you can resort to the use of drugs in the form of injections and tablets, intended for people. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage, since a dose of medicine that is harmless to humans can be fatal to a pet.

Drug groups

The first group of drugs that can be used to treat a pet includes: include nutraceuticals. They contain amino acids, extracts of medicinal herbs, antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids. They have virtually no contraindications, thanks to their essentially harmless composition, and are used mainly to relieve joint pain.

In most cases, fairly effective painkillers are non-steroidal drugs. This group includes ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen. In addition to the analgesic effect, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. These drugs can also cause a number of complications, so it is better not to use them without the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Steroid drugs can be used not only as painkillers, but also as anti-inflammatory agents. They are effective, but with prolonged use they can lead to side effects. They are also not advisable to use without consulting a veterinarian.

Narcotic painkillers, and, opioids are completely forbidden to be given to a dog without a veterinarian’s prescription. They are prescribed only in very serious cases, namely for pain caused by a tumor or severe arthritis. Side effects of these medications include drowsiness, inhibited dog behavior, and numbness.

What painkillers can be used to treat a dog?

You can also use it to relieve pain in dogs. Ketonal or Ketoprofen. These products can be purchased at a low cost in almost any pharmacy in the form of an injection solution or tablets. Without consulting a veterinarian, they can be given to your pet for about a week. At a higher cost, you can purchase a special painkiller, vedaprofen, which is available in gel form. You can use it to relieve pain in joints and muscles for about a month.

Safe pain reliever for dogs is also carprofen. It is available in tablet form and dogs do not experience any unwanted reactions to it. In addition, in moderate doses it can be given to your pet for quite a long time.

To relieve spinal and joint pain, you can use Movalis. Before using it, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian who will help determine the dosage.

Analgin is less effective, compared to ketonanol, but it is tolerated by dogs quite easily. To relieve spasms, you can use a spasgan, which is recommended by most veterinarians. Regarding the dosages of certain medications, you need to consult a specialist, and if the owner does not have this opportunity, then you can use homeopathic remedies (traumeel) to relieve the dog’s pain.

Dosage of drugs for puppies and adults

Such a veterinary drug like traumatic, also suitable for puppies. It must be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a dose of 3-4 ml for large and adult dogs. For small dogs and puppies, a dosage not exceeding 2 mg will be needed.

A human drug such as pentalgin is also suitable for pain relief. It should be given half a tablet per 30 kg dog. The tablets need to be dissolved in a small amount of water and poured into the dog through a syringe, after removing the needle from it. Baralgin is also suitable as an injection for your pet in a dosage of 3 cubes per 35 kg of dog’s body weight.

To relieve spasms you can use no-shpu. It is produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions. One 40 mg tablet or 1 ml of solution per 10 kg of pet.

Icecaine can be used for local anesthesia. If there is not a single specialized drug at hand, then in such an extreme case you can give the dog analgin, the dose of which is calculated based on the pet’s weight (1 tablet per 20 kg).

One way or another, before using even approved drugs, you must consult a specialist in order to avoid deterioration of the pet's condition.

What drugs are contraindicated in dogs?

Use indomethacin, ketorolac and diclofenac to relieve pain in a pet it is impossible, since their use can lead to very sad consequences and even the death of the dog.

An antipyretic drug such as paracetamol is also not suitable for dogs. The use of paracetamol can lead to disturbances in the urinary system and other unpleasant consequences. It is also undesirable to give your pet medications containing paracetamol.

In the lives of the owners of their dogs, there are situations when the pet needs medical attention due to physical injuries, infection with viruses, etc. For each symptom, you need a corresponding medicine that will reduce the animal's pain.

In such circumstances, you should immediately consult a doctor, but sometimes this is not possible, and in this case you have to use the medications that you have at home.

There are many medications in your home medicine cabinet to prevent pain, and you need to be careful with them after reading the instructions for use. Among the variety of painkillers, you can find both analgesics-antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Among the last group of medications, there are those that are suitable for dogs (ketonal, vedaprofen, carprofen) and those that are strictly contraindicated (ibuprofen, declofenac, ortofen).

Among them is the drug ketorol, which also should not be used under any circumstances, because almost all drugs of non-narcotic analgesics have a strong blood thinning property and also have a bad effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Tablets or solution for injections in ampoules?

If we talk about the difference between tablets and injections when treating a pet, then there is no difference as such, because many manufacturers produce both solutions for injections and tablets - the choice is up to the owner, the only thing is to carefully read the instructions.

But many people believe that in case of injections it is still worth consulting with a veterinarian.


When it comes to the critical dosage of ketorol for dogs, some believe that it all depends on the condition of the animal’s stomach and the blood clotting system in the body.

Everything is selected individually, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it - a maximum of 2-3 days of taking no more than 2 times in a very small dose may still be acceptable for someone, but no more, as side effects may further appear:

  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the blood coagulation system;
  • violation of the filtration function of the kidneys;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach and even intestinal ulcers.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Considering the above effects of ketorol, we can conclude that puppies, lactating, and pregnant dogs should not be treated with this drug.

The tolerance of such animals is quite low or the sensitivity is too high, which can have a very negative impact on both mothers, their ripening fetus, and puppies, whose body is still quite weak and cannot withstand many harmful effects.

As a replacement, puppies can be given traumatin; it can be administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, and the dosage is selected individually.

What to do if things get bad?

The main sign of a complication due to taking analgesics is gastric bleeding, which is manifested by black-brown vomit, followed by feces of approximately the same color, as well as diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, groans, and lameness.

If these symptoms are detected, the first thing you need to do is stop taking painkillers, give the dog several Vicalin tablets (2-3 small, 6-8 large), and of course, urgently consult a doctor.


In life, unfortunately, there have been cases of death of dogs due to the incorrect use of drugs of this series. There are many stories about how people foolishly tried to cure their pet, but ended up harming them.

Doctors say that there are quite a lot of such cases every year, and from their reviews it is clear how dangerous it is sometimes to disobey or inattentively follow recommendations.

After the incorrect use of ketorol and other NSAID drugs, veterinarians are trying to correct the mistakes of loving owners, but, in particular, they can only euthanize exhausted animals, and all through the fault of people who acted with good intentions, but did not take into account the rules.

Also in medical practice, there are quite a lot of incidents when veterinarians themselves prescribed this kind of medicine, which was very risky, and, unfortunately, all this often led to a terrible end.

What to replace it with?

Important! What should not be used when trying to reduce the pain effect: diclofenac (Voltaren, Ortofen, Diclonate), indomethacin (Methindole) and ketrolac (Ketorol, Ketrodol).

Drugs are analogues that can help your animal without terrible consequences:

Doctors usually prescribe: ketoprofen (Ketonal), vedaprofen (Quadrisol) and carprofen (Rimadyl).

Vedaprofen (quadrisol)- a medicine specially designed for dogs, available in the form of a gel for oral administration. Quadrisol is available with a special syringe for more convenient use.

These types of products are superior in quality and safety to many products, but they have a rather high price.

Carprofen– also designed specifically for dogs. Available both in the form of tablets and in the form of solutions for injection. It has high security. It can be administered to a dog for a fairly long period of time and not be afraid of any side effects.

Ketonal (analgina, baralgina)– made for humans, but of all products of this type it has the best tolerance for animals. Its price is quite low, and there are quite a lot of dosage forms.

A little about use metamizole: this substance has an excellent anesthetic effect, but in terms of this property it is still inferior to ketoprofen (ketonal).

Many believe that intramuscular injections should not be given, but intravenously is best, since in the first case the injections are quite painful, and in tablet form they have a bitter taste, making it difficult to give them to dogs this way.

For puppies: traumatin (2-4 ml for large ones, up to 2 mg for small ones). From human ones - pentalgin, baralgin.


This article should help its readers think about the properties of many analgesic substances in their use to reduce the pain effect in dogs and teach them to be more careful in their use, in particular, the use of a drug such as ketorol.

Naturally, the ones listed above are not all the symptoms that can appear in pets and not all the medications that can be used in case of illness in animals.

Each pharmacy carries different medications in different forms, and each doctor has his own experience and his own vision of situations. However, all of the above is quite enough to help your animal.

In contact with

To alleviate the condition of dogs, painkillers are used for injuries to the limbs and skeleton, internal organs, and in cases of chronic diseases accompanied by unbearable pain. The best pain reliever for dogs is a special veterinary drug. In some cases, the use of drugs from the list of human medicines is allowed, but this requires calculating the correct dosage.

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    Types of pain medications

    The owner should be concerned if the dog’s usual behavior has changed, and all signs indicate severe internal pain:

    • the dog sits still for a long time;
    • when trying to stand up, falls to one side;
    • refuses to eat his usual food.

    Especially such manifestations can occur after surgery, with injuries. Special drugs are used for pain relief.


    The preparations are made from animal organic substances and plant sources of various origins. Medicines contain:

    • fatty acid;
    • amino acids;
    • vitamins;
    • antioxidants;
    • herbs.

    The dosage form of nutraceuticals is a biologically active dietary supplement. There are groups of drugs from this series depending on their targeted effect on the body.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Effectively relieve pain.

    When treating at home, you must remember that you cannot give your animal several new medications at the same time. This will make it easier to track any side effects that may arise and stop the drug in time.

    The simultaneous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with corticosteroids in treatment enhances the effect of the former and can lead to undesirable consequences.


    A drug from a series of propionic acid derivatives reduces pain and reduces fever in arthritis of rheumatoid origin. For dogs, it is recommended to use it at the beginning of the disease, when there are no sudden changes in the joints. Easier to tolerate than Ortofen and Indomethacin, but weaker in action.

    Ibuprofen is used for:

    • articular and non-articular rheumatism;
    • pain due to osteoarthritis of a deforming nature;
    • spondylitis;
    • some inflammations of the peripheral lower endings.

    Side effects include vomiting in puppies, increased release of gases from the intestines, and skin allergies.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)

    The medicine is used to relieve pain in joint lesions. Give your pet tablets strictly after eating to protect the gastric mucosa. Aspirin is used to treat animals at a dose of 5–10 mg per kilogram of weight no more than 2 times a day. Used in cases:

    • arthrosis and arthritis to relieve inflammation;
    • bruises, joint injuries, as a pain reliever;
    • for pain relief from limb thrombosis in dogs.

    Even if Aspirin is prescribed by a veterinarian, you should seek advice about replacing it when the opportunity arises, since the medicine has an impressive list of contraindications:

    • liver and kidney diseases;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • pathological development and functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
    • recovery period after surgery;
    • dog pregnancy and feeding after birth.


    Used to relieve pain in pets due to disorders of the musculoskeletal system, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis. When used in the treatment of dogs, there are certain contraindications:

    • increased reaction to the constituent components;
    • erosion of the intestines and stomach;
    • violation of bone marrow circulation;
    • liver failure and impaired renal function;
    • pregnancy and the period of feeding puppies.

    Use with caution if the animal has been diagnosed with heart problems. Naproxen should not be used simultaneously with Prednisolone or other glucocorticosteroids.


    The active ingredient is ketoprofen, of all categories of NSAIDs intended for humans, it is best tolerated by dogs. The analgesic effect occurs quickly, the medicine is convenient to use, as it is sold in tablets and in solution for injection.

    Ketonal in dogs is used in a dose of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight, this rate is applied once a day in one dose or injection. If the pain is severe, then for the first injection the dose can be increased by 1.5-2 times. The medicine, despite being well tolerated by animals, is not used for more than 10 days.

    Steroid hormones

    These painkillers are based on substances of plant or animal origin, which are characterized by great biological activity. Steroids participate in the metabolic processes of the animal body and regulate various physiological functions. Painkillers contain cholesterol and bile acids.

    Medicines of this series are prescribed as painkillers for animals and to stop inflammatory processes.

    Although effective in relieving pain, steroid hormones are not recommended for use in dogs due to severe side effects and are used only in emergency cases. It is contraindicated to prescribe steroid hormones to your pet on your own.

    Narcotic and opioid drugs

    These drugs include substances that can react at the level of opioid receptors in the canine body, which are located in the stomach and central nervous system. The drugs have a sedative and analgesic effect on the animal’s body and inhibit the cough and respiratory centers. These agents are used as potent analgesics in the therapeutic treatment of severe cases of arthritis or cancer in dogs.

    The ability to induce a euphoric feeling leads to addiction in animals with long-term treatment. Pets are in a state of stupor, experience drowsiness, and body numbness. Constant use of narcotic drugs leads to:

    • poisoning;
    • development of intoxication;
    • disruption of the nervous system;
    • ulcerative lesions of the intestines and stomach.

    Specialized drugs for pain relief

    Experts have developed painkillers that are intended specifically for dogs.

    They are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, when used correctly, greatly reduce side effects.


    The second name of the drug is Quadrisol, the medicine is produced by Dutch manufacturers in the form of a gel for internal use. The drug is much safer than other analgesic medications for animals and has a pronounced pain relief effect. For convenient use, the medicine is sold in the form of a syringe with a dispenser for internal use; the recommended dosage is 0.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, given to the pet once daily.

    It is recommended to use no more than 28 days. Effectively relieves pain in joint diseases or after surgery. In rare cases, the medicine causes gastritis of the stomach. The disadvantages of the drug include the high price and one form of release for use.


    It is an anti-inflammatory agent that further lowers body temperature. Suitable for pets for recovery after surgery, for arthritis, arthrosis, bone and tendon injuries. The tablets are produced with a pleasant aroma and taste for dogs. There are two forms of tablets on sale - for small and large animals.

    Previcox, which contains 57 mg of the active ingredient firocoxib per tablet, is suitable for small pets, and capsules with 227 mg of the active ingredient are used for large dogs. The tablets smell like smoked meat, and pets take it with pleasure. The analgesic effect appears after 15–20 minutes, as the substance quickly enters the bloodstream and acts on nerve endings.

    The maximum concentration is detected after 1.5 hours, and a connection with blood proteins is observed. The medicine is metabolized in the liver, and the residues leave the pet’s body along with bile. The drug acts for about a day, long-term use leads to positive dynamics.


    Maloxicam (Loxicam) is marketed in the form of a suspension for oral use. Effectively relieves pain, reduces body temperature and reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes. The drug is intended for dogs and cats with chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system, soft tissue injuries, and in the postoperative period.

    Maloxicam should not be used in the treatment of:

    • if your pet is diagnosed with gastrointestinal ulcers;
    • if the dog has symptoms of liver and kidney failure;
    • in case of bearing offspring or feeding puppies;
    • if the pet is no more than six months old.

    The drug is used once every day during feeding. On the first day, the norm is calculated based on 0.2 mg per kilogram of body; the following days, 0.1 mg of the drug is taken into account.

    Carprofen (Rimadyl)

    Use at the rate of one capsule per 5 kg of body weight. The medicine has a pronounced analgesic effect, reduces inflammation and reduces fever. It is given to animals for diseases of the joints, bones and ligaments, and is used after surgery. The norm used per day is 40 mg per kilogram of the animal’s body weight, but it is divided into two times.

    After using the drug for 14 days, the owner takes the pet to the doctor for examination. In practice, side effects are rarely observed; sometimes vomiting or redness of the mucous layer of the mouth and eyes occurs. Some dogs may have acute intolerance to the active substance.


    The medication is a veterinary drug and is suitable for treating puppies, as it is designed for the weight of an adult animal and small breeds. The instructions for use recommend using 2-4 ml injections for medium and large pets; small breeds require a dose reduction to 0.5-2 ml. The medicine was developed by domestic specialists and is a homeopathic medicine with a high degree of effectiveness. Used for healing and pain relief of injuries to soft tissues and muscles of the animal.

    The medication is sold in the form of a colorless liquid for injection or in tablet form. The product contains medicinal herbs in combination with the active biological component ASD-2 and other active excipients. Considered completely safe for pets.

    Other analgesics

    Painkillers relieve pain and tension, reduce temperature in the problem area and the whole body, but only a veterinarian in the clinic can find out the cause of the disease. If your pet often experiences pain without an identified etiology, then examination becomes mandatory.

    In addition to drugs with a pronounced effect for dogs, pain can be relieved by using tablets from the list of human medications:

    • Pentalgin It is calculated as half a tablet per 20 kg of body weight; for this, the capsule is hidden in a piece of food or placed in the dog’s plate.
    • Ketanov It is better to use it in the form of injections, with one ampoule of the medicine taken per 45 kg of the animal’s weight. The analgesic effect will begin after half an hour. This is a potent analgesic and the dosage must be calculated accurately so as not to harm the animal. An overdose will disrupt the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
    • Baralgin administered by intramuscular injection, the norm is calculated at 3 cubes per 40 kg of body.
    • Lidocaine in the form of a spray is used to relieve painful tension in one area, the substance envelops the problem area, and the pain is not felt for some time.
    • Analgin used if there are no other painkillers. It is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 20 kg of body weight.

There are situations when your pet needs medical attention, for example, when various types of pain occur: in bones, joints, pathological changes, and so on. In each specific case, you need to correctly determine the medicine that will help your pet alleviate suffering. It is best to do this together with a specialist. In difficult situations, when no one can come to the rescue, you can use medicines found in the house.

Types of pain and symptoms

To adequately help your pet, you need to know the types of pain and their symptoms. If you have correctly identified the type of pain that is tormenting your pet, then use the right medicine to eliminate it, which means correctly prescribe this or that medicine. Pets often suffer from visceral abdominal pain.

Symptoms of pain syndrome:

  • Excitement.
  • The dog bites and licks the belly.
  • The pet takes a forced position to relieve suffering.
  • The activity of the digestive tract is disrupted.

Chest pain in pets is not uncommon. They are characterized by the following animal behavior:

  • Be careful when driving.
  • Reluctance to lie down.
  • Reluctance to stand with elbows out.
  • Shallow breathing.
  • Shallow or somatic pain is expressed.

These symptoms occur with injuries, damage to bone tissue, skin, muscle tissue, pleural cavity and intercostal nerves. When someone touches the chest, the animal flinches, growls, takes a threatening pose, grins and shows that the touch causes pain and inconvenience.

Visceral pain indicates diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, but the signs of these ailments are not clearly expressed.

If pain occurs in various parts of the body, then disease and inflammation occur in the spine, joints, muscles, and spinal cord. It is somatic in nature. It manifests itself as a reaction in the form of the following behavior:

  • Stiffness in movement.
  • Lameness.
  • Inability to use a limb in everyday life.
  • The dog whines and complains.
  • Feels dissatisfied when in contact with the affected area.

The animal may have headaches. They are divided into visceral and somatic pain. Somatic is more pronounced; it is a sign of damage to the skin, nervous system, periosteum, and nerves in the head. Deep pain - strong pressure inside the skull and damage to the blood vessels of the brain.

The cause of pain can be intoxication, diseases of the nervous system, anemia, or oncology. An acute headache manifests itself as severe excitability, and a dull headache manifests itself as drowsiness and lethargy. Dyspeptic symptoms are not excluded. Their presence can be revealed by examination at a veterinary hospital. If the animal is sick, do not allow the child near it.

What medications can you give your dog?

Finding a specialized pain reliever for a pet is a difficult and often impossible task, then medications intended for people are used. Such medications are used measuredly and the dosage is carefully calculated so as not to worsen the pet’s condition.

Nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs) are the best pain relievers; they are best used as nutraceuticals. They are used in many situations when an animal experiences pain. Representatives:

  • Ibuprofen.
  • Naproxen.
  • Aspirin.
  • Nurofen.
  • Analgin.
  • Nimesil.
  • Pentalgin.

What painkiller can be given to a dog and also be used as an anti-inflammatory drug? Of course, steroids (NSAIDs). These medications are good for pain relief and can cause many negative consequences in the form of side effects. Do not use corticosteroids and steroids yourself, it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Opioids and narcotic painkillers Only a specialist can prescribe substances for your pet. These substances are used only when the animal has a neoplasm or severe arthritis. Side effects include drowsiness, numbness, and lethargy.

Exist drugs in the form of injections which can relieve pain. Application, how to inject and dose - everything is in the instructions, but it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Pain relief for dogs at home

Your home medicine cabinet contains medications that can be used to help your pet. Available are Ketonal and Ketoprofen. They are easy to use as they come in pill and injection form. The course of treatment will be 10 days.

A drug has been developed to relieve pain Vedaprofen (Quadrisol). This remedy improves the condition of the animal with ailments of the musculoskeletal system. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. The product is expensive, but effective.

Carprofen- another pain reliever, used strictly in the dosages specified in the instructions.

Spasms associated with disorders of the digestive system are relieved with Spazgan and Revalgin. Animals take Baralgin and Analgin well, but they will not overcome severe pain. In this case, Ketanal is used.

What painkillers should not be used for dogs? Such drugs are: Diclofenac, Voltaren, Fentanyl, Morphine, Naproxen, Nise. These medicinal substances can cause adverse consequences: addiction, intoxication, death of the animal. They are used only for severe pain syndromes.

Side effect

Medicines cause the following side effects:

  • Profuse salivation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Digestive disorder.
  • Drowsiness, depression of consciousness.
  • Muscle spasms, cramps.

Therefore, to avoid negative consequences, use medications according to instructions.

Attention, TODAY only!

It's no secret that a dog is a man's best friend. Without animals, life would seem empty to us. A dog is a living soul that cannot speak, but is capable of understanding its owner perfectly. A four-legged friend creates a favorable atmosphere in the house and charges with positive energy. However, the responsibility for the dog falls on our shoulders, because it needs care, affection and proper care. To ensure that your pet is always cheerful and healthy, you need to create the right conditions for nutrition, hygiene and treatment.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal, since its change is a symptom of illness or disease. To take the necessary measures, you need to understand why the dog behaves this way and where it hurts.

Very often, animals show aggression and anxiety due to pain. Another characteristic feature is that the dog is hunched over or simply lying in a position that is completely uncharacteristic for it. Pain is indicated by a decrease in the animal’s activity, appetite, lethargy and even drowsiness.

Since we want to quickly relieve our pet from suffering, we resort to the help of an anesthetic drug. Probably, each of us has faced the question of what kind of medicine can be given to a dog. It is no secret that today, animals are prescribed medications from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common of this group is analgin. He contains metamizole sodium− this is a substance due to which rapid penetration and absorption into the blood occurs, reducing the feeling of pain.


Analgin has antipyretic properties, prevents inflammation of infectious diseases, and also helps relieve toothache and joint pain. So is it possible to give a dog analgin? The question may seem difficult at first glance, but it can be solved. Analgin can be given to a dog, and in some cases it is irreplaceable.

Release form

Analgin is available in two forms: a white tablet with a flat-cylindrical shape, an injection solution 500 mg/ml(transparent yellow liquid).


It is best used as intramuscular injection. This method is the safest and most effective when treating an animal. Intramuscular injection involves deep penetration into muscle tissue. It is best if the injection is injected into the thigh area or, as a last resort, the shoulder area. Before administering an injection, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The muscle should be relaxed; a “squeezed” position should not be allowed.
  • Do not touch the syringe needle with your hands, as everything must be sterile
  • There is no need to lubricate the animal's skin with alcohol, as it is naturally endowed with a strong antibacterial layer.
  • The syringe must be in the correct position.

If all these rules are learned, you can begin treatment, but you need to decide on the dosage, taking into account the weight, age and pain threshold of the animal. In general for 1 kg. The dog's weight is 0.1 ml, which is exactly what 1 injection is. If necessary, repeat the received injection dose only after 12 hours.

If you nevertheless decide to give your dog analgin in a tablet, then you need to make the following calculation: for 20-30 kg. weight of the animal is 1 tablet of analgin. This dose can be repeated only after 8 hours. All of the above should be used only on adult dogs; such actions are prohibited for puppies. Still, this is best done by a veterinarian or under his guidance.

Side effects

It is also important that analgin, like many other medications, has side effects:

  1. Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  3. Deterioration of blood clotting.

If your dog had or has these diseases, then treatment with analgin is contraindicated. This medicine is also contraindicated for pregnant bitches, as it can lead to unwanted disruptions in the body.

Remember, analgin is a painkiller; it only temporarily eliminates pain, but does not eliminate the cause of the pain. This medicine is not used as planned, it should be used only when symptoms of pain appear, i.e. symptomatically.

Nowadays, a dog is an integral member of every second family. She is at the same time a friend, assistant, protector and even a psychologist. Friendship between a person and an animal is perhaps the most sincere and strong; dogs are always devoted to their owner no matter what. Let's treat our smaller brothers seriously and responsibly, because their lives are in our hands, and we must be responsible for those we have tamed.