Signs of hypoglycemia. Functional or false hypoglycemia. By origin, hypoglycemia is classified as



Metabolism in the body (metabolism) is the process of converting some substances into others. For example, lipid metabolism is the conversion of some fats into others in the body.
The main purpose of this book is to show the process of carbohydrate metabolism and its consequences, to tell what role insulin secreted by the pancreas plays in this, the main task of which is to influence glucose (sugar) in the blood so that it is better absorbed by the cells of our body. For glucose is the “fuel” necessary for the functioning of the body. Insulin drives glucose (sugar) out of the blood, resulting in a decrease in blood sugar (glycemia).
If the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas is too high and is released too frequently and disproportionately to the glucose it is supposed to act on, then the blood sugar level will drop and be abnormally low. As a result, the phenomenon of hypoglycemia will occur. However, it can occur not only from a lack of sugar in the diet, but also from excess insulin secretion associated with previous sugar abuse.
If you feel sluggish and weak around eleven o'clock in the morning, this is usually due to low blood sugar, that is, a state of hypoglycemia. If at this time you eat some bad “carbohydrate”, such as cookies or some kind of sweet, you will immediately turn it into glucose. The presence of glucose in the blood will increase your sugar levels and your health will improve temporarily.
But the presence of glucose in the blood will automatically cause the release of insulin, which will drive the glucose away, restoring hypoglycemia with even more low level Sahara. This is a vicious circle that inevitably leads to serious illness.
Many scientists believe that alcoholism is a consequence of chronic hypoglycemia. As soon as an alcoholic's blood sugar level drops, he begins to feel very unwell and has a strong desire to drink. Alcohol quickly turns into glucose, blood sugar levels increase, and the drinker experiences great relief. Unfortunately, this blissful state quickly disappears, as insulin tries even more actively than before to lower blood sugar levels. A few minutes after the first glass, the alcoholic experiences an even greater need for alcohol in order to a short time get rid of hypoglycemia.
It is interesting that among young men, heavy consumers of sweet fizzy drinks, their blood sugar levels fluctuate along a curve similar to that of alcoholics. Row American doctors it is believed that this results in a predisposition to alcoholism, the scourge of many universities in the United States. Precisely because the step from lemonade to alcohol is very short, parents need to remember the risk of consuming “bad” carbohydrates.

Main symptoms of hypoglycemia are:

- fatigue,









Wet palms

Low performance

Poor digestion


Difficulty in self-expression.

This list is incomplete, but quite impressive. Of course, if you are prone to hypoglycemia, you don't have to have all of these symptoms, and you don't have to experience them all the time. Some of them are temporary and disappear after you eat something. Many people become nervous, aggressive, and uncooperative as their regular feeding time approaches.

But most importantly a sign of hypoglycemia is the feeling fatigue.

How more people they sleep, the more they rest, the more time they spend on vacation, the more tired they feel. Having risen from bed, they already feel tired, by the end of breakfast they are completely tired, after lunch they feel sleepy, and by the end of the working day they barely have enough strength to get home. In the evening they sleep in front of the TV. They can’t sleep at night, and then it turns out that it’s time to get up... And everything starts all over again. Stress, noise, pollution are considered to blame environment etc. All they can think of to defend themselves is strong coffee, multivitamins and yoga.
But almost always it is a problem with blood glucose levels, which is the result of poor nutrition. These people have abnormally low blood glucose levels due to excessive consumption of sugar, bread, sugary drinks, potatoes, spaghetti, rice and increased secretion insulin.
Previously it was believed that only fat people prone to hypoglycemia. Latest Research in the United States have shown that many people suffer from it skinny people who abuse “bad” carbohydrates. It all depends on the individual's metabolism, with some people experiencing weight gain and others not.
Women are most sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which leads to sudden changes V their mood. Women are especially susceptible to this during the postpartum period.
If you follow the method outlined in the previous chapter, you will soon feel, in addition to losing weight, that you have become more cheerful, energetic, and optimistic. You're missing constant feeling fatigue. In short, you will feel like a new person, physically and mentally.
This will happen because your normal metabolism will gradually be restored when required amount sugar will be replenished as needed from your body's fat reserves, rather than from external sources.
Doctors do not know how to diagnose hypoglycemia because the disease has many symptoms, and physician training does not pay enough attention to this problem.

So The best way treatment - apply the above method, and within a week you will feel better. In general, the causes of fatigue lie mainly in a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and microelements. Fanatics of a low-calorie diet also suffer from this, since their body lacks a number of microproteins, which are found in the products of modern Agriculture is contained less and less due to the decline in natural fertility and the use of mineral fertilizers.
In order to save good shape, you need to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, wholemeal bread and some vegetable oil. In this case, you can be sure that the required amount will enter your body.

Many people experience constant fatigue, nausea and headaches. And sometimes, when visiting a doctor with such symptoms, the patient hears the diagnosis: “hypoglycemia.” This disease mainly occurs in diabetics, but it can also lead to unpleasant consequences. This is due to the fact that it is very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and especially for the functioning of the brain. And hypoglycemia is a decrease this level below normal. IN last years due to poor nutrition, hobbies different diets And alcoholic drinks this condition is becoming more common.

Why is hypoglycemia dangerous?

All organs need energy to function, which they can get from breaking down sugar. And most of all, the brain needs it. Increased need in glucose is also observed under great physical and mental stress, stress. With a lack of sugar in the blood, there is a deterioration in memory, vision, slower reactions and loss of coordination. IN severe cases irreversible death of brain cells occurs, leading to the death of a person. And the body can only get glucose from food when breaking down sugars and carbohydrates. Therefore, hypoglycemia very often occurs due to poor nutrition. Metabolism in the body is designed in such a way that unspent glucose is stored in the liver and muscles and is used as needed. This mechanism is evidence of how important it is for normal life.

Causes of hypoglycemia

All metabolic processes in humans occur with the participation of hormones. And for the normal absorption of carbohydrates and their conversion into glucose, insulin is very important. Hypoglycemia occurs most often in cases where too much of this substance is produced. Most often this happens in diabetes mellitus due to intake special drugs. But hypoglycemia can also occur in other cases:

  • with improper metabolism and pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • with impaired liver function, cirrhosis or abnormal enzyme production;
  • after a long fast;
  • with heart and kidney failure;
  • during severe infectious diseases;
  • with poor nutrition with excess consumption of carbohydrate foods, which causes the body to get used to producing a lot of insulin;
  • after intense physical exertion, for example, when playing sports;
  • when abusing alcoholic beverages, which also require a lot of insulin for their absorption;
  • after taking certain medications. Except special means for the treatment of diabetes, salicylates, quinine and sulfur preparations can cause hypoglycemia syndrome;
  • with the development of a tumor or other anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus

If people who do not need to control their blood sugar rarely attribute their ailments to it reduced content, then diabetic patients should know what hypoglycemia is. This condition can develop in them in a short time and quickly lead to death. Therefore, it is very important for them to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and exact dosage taking medications. After all sharp decline sugar levels most often occur in those diagnosed with

Hypoglycemia in this case is a consequence of incorrect dosage of medications or non-compliance with the diet. If this happens often, then you need to consult your doctor about changing your treatment regimen. But it happens that hypoglycemia develops in type 2 diabetes. This can happen with an overdose of glucose-lowering drugs, non-compliance with the diet or increased physical activity. Patients with impaired renal function may also experience a sharp drop in sugar levels.

What drugs can cause hypoglycemia?

Sometimes this condition is a consequence of not only poor nutrition, but also the use of certain medications in large doses. What drugs can lead to a drop in sugar levels?

  • insulin injections;
  • sulfonamides;
  • salicylates in high doses, for example, Aspirin;
  • sometimes hypoglycemia can be side effect after taking drugs such as Diabinez, Amaryl, Glucotro, Pranin, Januvia and others.

What people with diabetes need to know

Diabetics must strictly follow all doctor's recommendations. You need to know that hypoglycemia develops very quickly, and sometimes its first symptoms may not be noticed. A sharp decrease in blood sugar levels is very dangerous for the body and can lead to loss of consciousness and coma. This condition occurs especially often in people who exceed doses of insulin medications. Patients should also remember not to skip meals, eat very little, and subject themselves to intense physical activity on an empty stomach. Diabetics should always carry foods that can quickly raise their sugar levels, or glucose tablets. And when the first symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, you need to eat a couple of caramels, 2-3 pieces of sugar, a spoonful of honey, drink half a glass fruit juice or any sweet drink. It is necessary to regularly measure your blood sugar level and take a bracelet or card with you when leaving home. medical information about your illness and necessary medications. After all, the symptoms of a hypoglycemic coma are not known to everyone, and help in this case must be provided immediately.

How does the disease manifest itself?

Each person's symptoms may be different. This depends on the state of health, the reasons for the decrease in sugar and the degree of development of hypoglycemia. Usually when mild form a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • profuse sweating;
  • strong feeling of hunger;
  • tingling or numbness in the lips and fingertips;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • muscle weakness or tremors of the limbs;
  • paleness of the face.

At chronic form The disease may develop depression, irritability, anxiety and sleep disturbances. A person experiences constant fatigue, feeling of fear, often yawns. His blood pressure may rise, headaches and angina attacks may occur. In severe cases of hypoglycemia, the patient's behavior changes, confusion of speech, impaired coordination of movements and visual disturbances may occur.

Symptoms of hypoglycemic coma

At sharp decline sugar, and also in cases where a person does not take any measures when the first symptoms of the disease appear, severe brain damage may occur. Convulsions appear, the patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. His friends and family should know the signs of this condition so that urgent Care was provided on time. How can you tell if a person who has lost consciousness has fallen into a hypoglycemic coma?

  • him increased sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat and tachycardia;
  • body temperature and blood pressure decrease;
  • the patient loses sensitivity to external stimuli, even to pain;
  • he is very pale;
  • Convulsions may also occur.

Urgent Care

If this occurs, those around you should immediately call an ambulance.

If possible, it is advisable to inject glucose or glycogen, a hormone that quickly increases sugar levels. You can turn the patient on his side and carefully place a little honey or glucose gel behind the cheek. Even if the diagnosis is inaccurate, it will not cause as much harm as low blood glucose. If the patient is conscious, then help with hypoglycemia is to give him something sweet to eat along with complex carbohydrates, which will prevent the sugar from dropping in the future. For mild cases, a couple of sweets or a little fruit juice are enough. It is undesirable to use sweet carbonated drinks for these purposes, as they contain sweeteners. Typically, diabetic patients carry a few sugar cubes or glucose tablets with them.

Prevention of hypoglycemia

To prevent this condition from occurring, you must follow correct mode nutrition, do not get carried away with low-calorie diets and avoid overexertion and stress. And diabetic patients should know that hypoglycemia is dangerous condition caused by low blood sugar, and constantly use a glucometer.

They must comply special diet, for example, "table 9". If you have diabetes, it is very important not to skip meals and be sure to eat something after exercise and taking insulin. Such people who are at risk for hypoglycemia should always carry glucose tablets or a few lumps of sugar with them. Must be present in the diet complex carbohydrates, for example, cereals, fruits or grain bread. Only they can ensure regular normal level blood sugar.

Hypoglycemia in children

Most often this condition is associated with congenital deficiency liver enzymes or endocrine disorders. Low sugar levels are very dangerous for a child's health, as it causes slower mental and physical development and can lead to death. It is especially difficult to diagnose the disease in infants.

Hypoglycemia in a newborn can occur for many reasons. Most often this congenital anomalies gastrointestinal tract, tumors or hormonal imbalance. If the mother is diabetic and took insulin during pregnancy, this can also cause hypoglycemia in the baby after birth. This condition often occurs in premature babies. It is very important to provide your child with timely medical care. And parents of older children with hypoglycemia need to carefully monitor their diet: it is necessary to exclude animal proteins and starch, the diet should contain a lot of fruits and whole grains, and the baby should eat food as often as possible, in small portions.

Hypoglycemia is a pathological condition associated with abnormally low levels of glucose in the blood. People who suffer from hypoglycemia may experience attacks diabetes mellitus, severe diseases of the liver and pancreas, malfunctions digestive tract, dysfunction endocrine glands(adrenal cortex, pituitary gland, etc.), by some infectious diseases(encephalitis, meningitis). Also at risk are people who use too much low-carbohydrate diets, which are very popular among those losing weight today.

Let's get acquainted with the signs of hypoglycemia that should never be ignored.


Constant hunger

With mild hypoglycemia, the feeling of hunger usually occurs suddenly. This is the reaction of the corresponding think tank to low concentration blood glucose. Sudden hunger often appears in diabetics due to physical exertion, eating disorders, or incorrect use of glucose-lowering medications. Hunger may be accompanied by nausea.

In healthy people following a low-carbohydrate diet, unexpected hunger also appears due to the refusal of foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals). It is they, when they enter the stomach, that create a long-lasting feeling of fullness. At complete refusal Carbohydrates can make a person hungry all the time, even immediately after eating.



A significant decrease in blood glucose levels usually results in a drop in blood pressure. As a result, there is headache, often accompanied by dizziness. Sometimes short-term speech disturbances and visual effects (for example, double vision or color spots in front of the eyes) appear.


Disorders of the central nervous system

The human body uses glucose as a universal source of energy. When it is deficient in the blood, nerve cells are especially affected, so signs of deterioration in brain function appear almost immediately.

Hypoglycemia is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • difficulties with orientation in space;
  • movement coordination disorders;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • memory impairment;
  • hand tremors;
  • fainting;
  • seizures similar to epileptic ones.

Lack of help with the appearance and increase of these symptoms leads to hypoglycemic coma, which can be fatal.


Thermoregulation disorders

The shortage of “universal fuel” has a bad effect on the condition of all organs and systems of the human body. During an attack of hypoglycemia, the patient may experience chills and complain of coldness in the fingers and toes. Cold sweat may appear (the back of the neck and the entire hairy part heads). If an attack of hypoglycemia occurs at night, the whole body sweats profusely: the person wakes up in completely wet underwear.


Stabilizing weight while following a diet

People trying to get rid of excess weight with the help of low-carbohydrate diets, they often notice that at a certain stage, weight stops losing, despite a strictly limited diet. This may be a sign of hypoglycemia. The fact is that with insufficient intake of carbohydrates, the liver begins to process glycogen reserves into glucose, and the intensity of the breakdown of accumulated fats decreases.

It is important for every person to know about hypoglycemia, the symptoms of which are quite pronounced, because it can happen to many. How does the formation of a person’s level occur? When food begins to be digested, glucose is released from it and distributed through the blood throughout the body. No one can live without glucose - it is a kind of fuel for the body. When glucose appears in the blood, the pancreas begins to produce insulin. This substance is a special hormone that helps to release sufficient energy from glucose.

When the sugar level drops very sharply, it is extremely life-threatening, because a person can die in just half an hour. IN this issue you need to be as aware as possible so as not to do anything stupid, especially if you have already noticed signs of hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia in a person can occur for two reasons: either the pancreas begins to produce too much insulin, which neutralizes sugar, or when glycemia occurs, the cause may be a small intake of sugar, as a result of which the body experiences a significant lack of it.

Causes of the disease

Today, experts note two types of diabetes. In one case, the human body depends on the use of additional amounts of insulin, in the second it does not. In the first case, the patient must regularly inject insulin so that the amount is sufficient to process the glucose obtained from food. Only the attending physician can determine the dosage. It is necessary to give injections at regular intervals and at the same time compare them with meals.

If more insulin was administered than needed, the liver urgently begins to release glycogen into the blood. If there are no glycogen reserves in the body, then literally within a few minutes you can notice signs of the disease. The problem is that people who suffer from diabetes do not have sufficient glycogen reserves, because the consumption of starchy foods is prohibited or reduced to a minimum.

So, possible reasons The occurrence of hypoglycemia can be:

  • incorrect insulin dosage;
  • a person does not eat for too long;
  • the sick person was too active in sports, had a lot of physical activity, which led to the complete waste of glucose that was in the body;
  • alcoholic drinks are very strong in the body, especially in large quantities;
  • An incorrect or too strict diet can provoke hypoglycemia symptoms.

When a disease such as hypoglycemia occurs, the cause may be diseases and certain medications that are not combined with antidiabetic medications aimed at enhancing the effect of insulin on the human body. There are quite a few medications that do not lower blood sugar levels, but at the same time come into extremely negative contact with insulin.

An interesting fact is that if blood sugar levels drop sharply, hypoglycemia can occur not only in people who suffer from diabetes, but also in completely healthy person. Very often you can observe this when a person is trying to lose weight: he eats little, but at the same time he has quite a strong physical activity, which exhausts all his energy. If glucose reserves are not replenished, which happens during a diet, then hypoglycemia occurs, which causes extreme discomfort. Due to the fact that blood sugar levels begin to drop sharply and reach a critical point, not only bad feeling, but the patient may even lose consciousness. Sometimes everything ends even sadder, even to the point where the person dies.

If a person is completely healthy and is not bothered by diabetes, then the manifestation of hypoglycemia may be a sign of some other disease endocrine system. In order to accurately establish the diagnosis, undergo a thorough examination and immediately begin treatment for this pathology.

Symptoms of the disease

If a person’s level is lower than 3 mmol/l, then the first signs of the disease appear. The interesting thing is that the disease can manifest itself differently in different patients, but there are several common symptoms, which are observed in both women and men, regardless of age. It is these symptoms that you need to pay attention to first, because they will help you diagnose the problem in time.

The most frequent symptoms in this situation become:

  • severe dizziness;
  • deterioration of consciousness;
  • a person begins to get nervous and worry for no reason;
  • constantly feels hungry;
  • there is a severe headache;
  • chills may bother you;
  • heart rate increases;
  • the skin gradually becomes pale with a bluish tint;
  • the patient sweats a lot;
  • there is a violation of coordination of movements and concentration;
  • in particularly severe cases, the disease can lead to loss of consciousness, coma or even death.

Disease severity

It is very important to know that hypoglycemia is divided into three degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe. The lower the blood sugar level, the more pronounced the symptoms will be, and the worse you will feel.

Mild degree The disease is characterized by the fact that the sugar level drops to below 3.8 mmol/l. A sick person begins to get nervous for no reason, then nervousness and a feeling of hunger appear, nausea, and troubling chills. Dangerous symptom Numbness of the fingertips and then the lips is considered. In some people, tachycardia additionally makes itself felt.

The average degree of the disease has clearer symptoms. A person begins to feel that consciousness and mood are deteriorating. The patient becomes anxious for no reason, becomes very irritated, and finds it difficult to concentrate attention or thinking. Gradually, vision begins to blur, then dizziness, presence of painful sensations which are becoming more and more intense. Due to the fact that weakness occurs, it is very difficult for the patient to walk, and problems with speech arise.

If the sugar level reaches a level lower than 2.2 mmol/l, then this indicates the development of a severe degree of the disease. Such changes can cause an epileptic seizure, convulsions appear, then the person loses consciousness and may fall into a coma. At the same time, a lot is happening strong decline body temperature. Everything happens very quickly, so you need to call an ambulance immediately.

If a person has diabetes mellitus, but at the same time suffers from severe hypoglycemia for a long time, then there is too great a risk of problems with the heart and blood vessels. The development of brain damage cannot be ruled out, and therefore it is necessary timely treatment. It is very important to remember that the signs of the disease may resemble the symptoms of other ailments, so you need to urgently consult a specialist and find out which disease caused the deterioration in your health.

What complications can occur after hypoglycemia?

Of course, it immediately becomes clear that hypoglycemia is a very serious problem that can be fatal. But if the sugar level drops and then rises again, and this condition is regular, then this also threatens a person’s health with many complications and problems. Hypoglycemia is considered especially dangerous in newborns, because their body is very weak and cannot fully combat the results of a drop in blood sugar levels.

It is very important to start treating the problem in a timely manner, because due to constant jumps in sugar levels, they begin to break down. peripheral vessels small size. As a result, the eyes suffer first, and then lower limbs sick. After some time, blindness begins to develop very actively, and even angiopathy may occur.

Transient hypoglycemia is considered incredibly dangerous for the human brain. This organ requires the most energy, and if it does not have enough glucose, it will begin to actively send signals and immediately demand food. The brain cannot survive for a very long time without a sufficient amount of sugar, and therefore, if the level of glucose in the body is lower than 2 mmol/l, then the person risks falling into a hypoglycemic coma.

If the patient is not immediately resuscitated at this time, the brain cells begin to gradually die, which after a few tens of minutes can lead to death. Hypoglycemia in children has a particularly bad effect on their brain and body, because without the right amount of sugar, cell destruction occurs several times faster.

Other organs human body They also need glucose all the time, and if there is not enough of it, they react very quickly and negatively. If hypoglycemia is not treated, it can lead to the development of many diseases, including the death of the patient.

How to treat the disease

Those people who are at risk of hypoglycemia should definitely monitor their health. Blood sugar levels should be measured regularly so that the problem can be monitored. A person’s attention plays a big role, because it is necessary to notice the first symptoms of hypoglycemia and begin timely treatment. In order not to aggravate the situation, adjust your diet so that it is as correct and healthy as possible. A lot depends on this, and not just a decrease or increase in blood sugar levels.

If you notice that your glucose level begins to drop, you should immediately drink some fruit juice, eat some sugar or candy, or eat any product that contains a lot of carbohydrates. People who constantly surround the patient should know what to do in case of hypoglycemia. In case a problem arises far from home and there is no one nearby, carry with you a special piece of paper on which you will write down detailed instructions. Thanks to them, people will be able to provide first aid and call an ambulance.

If a person has diabetes mellitus, the development of hypoglycemia can be triggered by drinking alcohol or a long period time without food.

Follow a diet all the time; nutrition should be balanced. Take antidiabetic medications prescribed by a specialist, avoid stress, worry, and do not exercise too much.

If the symptoms of the disease bother you more than 2 times a week, or you feel unwell all the time, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious problems.

As numerous practice shows, people who are at risk of hypoglycemia can lose consciousness quite often. In this case ideal option There will be an immediate injection of glucagon, which will quickly increase and help bring the patient to consciousness. At the same time, it is very important to find out from a specialist what dosage will be the best in your case and will not harm you even more.

In order to avoid severe hypoglycemia, a person should always have something sweet with him, so that if the first signs of a problem appear, he can eat it and raise his glucose level. This will avoid complications. But it is very important to treat the problem and not wait until it gets worse.

One of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is hypoglycemia, which reflects a sharp decrease in blood sugar due to incorrectly selected doses of sugar-lowering drugs or insulin. As a result of this pathological condition develops hypoglycemic syndrome, which in the absence of timely treatment leads to cerebral disorders, including dementia. In order to promptly prevent the occurrence of attacks, it is necessary to find out in detail the main causes of hypoglycemia and avoid exposure to provoking factors.

What is hypoglycemia

If the recommended dose of insulin is violated, hypoglycemia develops. This pathological condition is accompanied by glucose deficiency, after which not only brain cells, but also the entire body experience acute energy starvation. As a result of a decrease in sugar below 3.3 mmol/l, hypoglycemic syndrome develops with high risk coma for the patient. Hypoglycaemia (hypoglycemic state) occurs if the concentration of the natural hormone insulin produced by the pancreas is pathologically reduced and urgently needs correction.


If there is a sharp decrease in blood sugar, a patient with diabetes can expect another attack, and coma is possible. Even general state normalized under the influence of certain medications, the involved glycogen reserves in the future can lead to a repeated, complicated form of energy starvation. To successfully combat glucose deficiency, it is necessary to find out the etiology of the pathological process. Diabetics are predominantly at risk, while hypoglycemia may occur if:

  • the patient did not eat food after usual dose drugs to lower blood sugar;
  • incorrectly selected the dose of insulin or sugar-lowering drugs;
  • engages in superficial self-medication.

Without diabetes

A characteristic illness is not always caused by diabetes mellitus predominant in the body; the reasons may be different, but they also indicate serious problems with health. For example, an attack is associated with overnight fasting or dehydration. In addition, recurrent hypoglycemia occurs when:

  • prolonged physical and emotional stress;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • long-term fasting (carbohydrate);
  • violations hormonal levels;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with impaired absorption of fast carbohydrates;
  • acute intoxication(development of alcoholic hypoglycemia occurs);
  • genetic predisposition.


Since a diabetic regularly checks his blood glucose level, the first thing that should alert him when performing another home test is that the sugar concentration is below 3.3 mmol/l. This is the main symptom of the disease, which requires immediate correction. using medicinal methods. Other signs of the pathological condition are presented below:


IN in this case we're talking about about the following changes in the general well-being of a clinical patient associated with impaired brain activity against the background of energy starvation:

  • disorientation in space;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • panic attacks;
  • increased frequency of headaches;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • primitive aneurysms;
  • aphasia, diplopia;
  • confusion, coma;
  • paresthesia;
  • unilateral paralysis;
  • panic attacks;
  • behavioral disorders.


Irreversible changes are taking place in vascular walls, disrupt the activity of the myocardium and the entire of cardio-vascular system. These are like this dangerous changes general well-being:

  • muscle trembling (tremor);
  • tachycardia;
  • distinct pulsation in the head;
  • arrhythmia;
  • mydriasis;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • convulsions;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased sweating;
  • panic attacks;
  • rapid breathing.

Hypoglycemia in children

The disease in childhood negatively affects the intellectual and physical development children, so it is necessary to reduce the number of attacks at all stages. Poor nutrition, stress and physical exercise are prerequisites for reducing blood glucose, but children with diabetes mellitus are more likely to experience this disease. Signs of the disorder in newborns and older patients are presented below:


Depending on the severity of the pathological process, three forms of hypoglycemia can be distinguished. a brief description of each is presented below:

  1. Mild degree. The glucose level varies between 2.7-3.3 mmol/l, while the patient remains conscious and is able to do everything independently necessary measures to stop attacks.
  2. Severe degree (2-2.6 mmol/l). The patient is unable to solve his health problem on his own and is in dire need of medical care.
  3. Hypoglycemic coma (

Why is hypoglycemia dangerous?

The health consequences may be irreversible, so there is an urgent need for additional glucose administration during severe symptoms another attack. IN otherwise, every second patient faces renal and liver failure, while others are not excluded, no less dangerous complications systemic:

  • destruction small vessels with subsequent development of angiopathy and blindness;
  • heart attack or stroke;
  • transient ischemic attacks;
  • violation of cerebral and systemic circulation;
  • hypoglycemic coma;
  • death patient at any age.


To correctly identify this critical condition and make a diagnosis, symptoms alone are not enough. A blood glucose test must be performed. If according to the results laboratory research required limit below 3.3 mmol/l, required A complex approach to a health problem. Other tests are recommended to be taken only at the insistence of the attending physician.

Treatment of hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemic therapy to ensure sustainable therapeutic effect must be comprehensive. It is necessary to involve a therapeutic diet, drug therapy to stabilize blood sugar, symptomatic treatment the main disease that provoked hypoglycemia. For example, a disease associated with pancreatic tumors requires surgical removal characteristic neoplasm. Other expert recommendations are presented below:

  1. Healthy and good nutrition, it is extremely undesirable to categorically refuse to consume carbohydrates, especially for patients at risk.
  2. During the remission stage, it is advisable to adhere to basic preventive measures so as not to provoke a major attack.
  3. It is important to permanently give up alcoholic beverages, smoking and other bad habits, adhere to regular vitamin therapy.

First aid

If the first signs of hypoglycemia appear, you should eat fast carbohydrates, for example, sweet candy or take a few glucose tablets. If there is no positive dynamics after 15 minutes, another 15-20 g of fast-acting carbohydrate will not be superfluous. Every 20 minutes, it is recommended to measure your blood sugar with a glucometer and repeat this type “ resuscitation measures"until the required blood level reaches 3.9 mmol/l and above.

To eliminate idiopathic (familial) or reactive hypoglycemia in a hospital setting, the attending physician can traditionally use glucagon, a solution intended for intramuscular administration. If you don’t have one at hand, another medication called Hydrocortisone (also intramuscular) is suitable as a replacement; it is also possible to administer a glucose solution (intravenously). Doctors may administer a dose of adrenaline, but only in emergency situation.


In the fight against increased loss of consciousness and other symptoms of hypoglycemia, doctors prescribe a complex medical supplies several pharmacological groups. Among them:

  • sulfonylurea derivatives: Glibenclamide, Gliquidone;
  • thiazolidinediones: Rosiglitazone; Troglitazone;
  • Meglitinides: Repaglinide;
  • biguanides: Glucophage, Siofor;
  • alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: Miglitol, Acarbose.

From effective medicines with pronounced symptoms of hypoglycemia, doctors identify the following pharmacological positions that oppose low sugar:

  1. Glucagon. A solution for intramuscular administration to quickly increase the concentration of glucose in the systemic circulation. A single dose is 1–2 ml, continue therapy until a stable therapeutic effect occurs.
  2. Glucophage. The drug is available in the form of tablets, which must be taken 2-3 times a day during meals or immediately after it. Daily dose is 1500-2000 mg, maximum – 3000 mg. The course is selected individually.


In case of this disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet prescribed by doctors, monitor water balance body, take vitamins. To reduce the number dangerous attacks, a therapeutic diet is necessary throughout the life of a patient with diabetes. List healthy products power supply:

There are also dietary restrictions, the violation of which leads to pathological increase blood glucose. Prohibited foods presented the following list:

  • confectionery;
  • sweet fruits;
  • wheat flour products;
  • starchy vegetables;

How to prevent diabetes type 1 and 2

If hypoglycemia progresses after eating or during a prolonged fast, the patient and his immediate environment need to act immediately. It’s better to take care of prevention in a timely manner and avoid attacks with more frequent fainting and tremors of the limbs. Here are the effective ones preventive actions:

  • know your personal insulin dose and not adjust it without permission;
  • follow the order of insulin injections;
  • adhere to a certain diet;
  • measure fasting blood sugar in the morning, after meals and before bed;
  • completely give up bad habits.
