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How to make a tandoor from oven bricks

Today I’ll tell you how I realized my old idea of ​​​​making a tandoor.

The tandoor was initially sculpted from special clay, which was mined in one single place, mixed with lamb wool, and then a huge jug (let's call it that) was sculpted from this mixture. They cooked not only flatbreads and samsa in them, they fried meat in it, which in the end had an excellent taste, as for me, barbecue is no longer comparable.

I didn’t delve so deeply into the original sources and decided to make it out of brick. Because the main task of the “jug” is to retain heat, the brick copes with this perfectly. Closer to the topic...


Like many things on my site, I designed the tandoor in a computer program.

The result should be the following

As you can see, the product is not of a simple shape and to build it you need to work with the shape of the brick.

It consists of:

  1. Base(foundation)
  2. platform with channels
  3. 3 “rings” refractory bricks
  4. lid with thermometer
  5. suspension

In order to bring the project to life, it was necessary to bring the bricks into shape with the required angles and dimensions, and this is exactly what the program helped me with.

In it I calculated these parameters.

It was not difficult with the bottom two rings; they had to cut off 2 faces so that they would join each other precisely with planes, and not with corners. But with the top ring it was more difficult. It was necessary to create a truncated cone, again for joining the bricks with planes. The figure below indicates in red what needs to be cut off.

Base for tandoor (foundation)

I didn’t plan to make it a grandiose structure, everything was simple...

I made a circular hole in the ground with a diameter of 2 meters and a depth of 25 cm.

Waterproofed around the circumference. I poured about 10 cm of crushed stone, then about 5-7 cm of sand, moistened it with water from a watering can and compacted it. I laid the mesh for the bundle. Next, I mixed the concrete and poured it.

The next day I ironed the surface to give it a perfectly flat surface and strengthen the top layer of concrete.

Brick processing

This is the most painstaking process and quite dusty. The edges were cut dry using a grinder with a concrete disc. The photo shows the bricks for the top ring.

All the corners of the brick were treated in the same way, so it looks more aesthetically pleasing.


A fireproof mixture based on fireclay clay was used for masonry. It is diluted with water, mixed to a certain state and infused. The peculiarity is that after infusion you cannot add water (according to the instructions), so you need to be careful with the amount of water.

2 rows of bricks were laid - a platform with channels, a blower.

Next, using a template for laying bricks in a circle, 2 “jug” rings were laid out. The template is made in the shape of an inverted letter “G” with a hole that fits onto the pin in the center of the platform and then determines the radius of the rings.

At the end of the laying, all three rings were tightened. The lower rings are die-cut, the upper rings are made with aluminum wire.

According to the instructions for the fireproof mixture, you need to wait 2 weeks and do not heat it.


The lid was made of wood. Thermometer is built in. The photo shows the temperature for bookmarking.

Making mistakes and getting burned. What are the secrets of building a tandoor, how to choose the right type and what to consider in order to get not black coals of meat, but a delicious flatbread and tender kebab.

What is tandoor

The homeland of tandoor is most regions of Central Asia. In Tajikistan it is called tanur, in Uzbekistan tandoor, and in Turkmenistan it is called tonur. Tandoors in India and tonirs in Armenia are built using the same principle. However, no matter what this universal oven-roaster is called, you won’t see any big differences in the design.

It is a ceramic container of various sizes, with a hole on the top or side. Fuel (coal, firewood, brushwood) is placed inside a kind of clay jug and heats it up so much that the thick walls of the oven keep the desired temperature for a long time.

Types of tandoor

Since the appearance of the first tandoor, it has not undergone any significant changes. Still, kaolin clay, camel or sheep wool, sand and bricks. It is these materials that are necessary for the construction of a real Central Asian tandoor. However, there is a division of the furnace into types based on the location of its installation.

Ground tandoor installed in the yard, on a clay platform. For bread, samsa, shashlik, tandoor is installed vertically, horizontal installation is applicable only for baking bread.

Pit or earthen tandoor placed in a hole dug in the ground. Clay and fireclay are used in its construction. In ancient times, this type was often used for heating rooms.

Portable tandoor is a modern type of stove that has iron handles for carrying. Small in size, in the shape of a barrel with a lid, it successfully replaces the usual one for us. grill.

Principle of operation

The Uzbek clay tandoor is a classic version of the oven, similar to a clay cauldron, which was turned upside down and the bottom and neck were swapped. Using his example, we will look at the features of the device and the principle of operation of the tandoor.

There is a hole (blowing) in the lower part of the tandoor. The clay base is lined with brick on the outside. Sand or salt is poured between the brick and the walls of the tandoor. Fuel (coal, firewood) is placed on the bottom of the boiler through the upper hole, and ash is removed through it. A grill is installed inside for cooking meat, fish or vegetables.

All materials from which the tandoor is made have a high ability to accumulate (accumulate) heat. When heated, the furnace walls maintain a high temperature for a long time (from 250 to 400 degrees). After the tandoor reaches the required temperature, the walls are thoroughly wiped to remove soot and ash, and the famous Uzbek flatbreads are placed on them.

We have prepared for you step-by-step instructions on how to build a clay tandoor in the form in which it still faithfully serves many residents of these regions.

  • The classic size of a tandoor is a height of 1-1.5 m, the diameter of the body of the boiler is 1 m, the diameter of the upper hole is 50-60 cm. To form a clay jug, kaolin clay is taken, which experienced craftsmen call “live”. Brick is used to line the stove. Therefore, you need to stock up on clay, bricks and some sheep or camel hair.
  • Wool fibers are cut into pieces 10-15 mm long and mixed with clay. After kneading, the clay should acquire the consistency of sour cream.
  • The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for a week to allow it to settle.

Attention! The finished solution must be checked periodically to remove excess water, but ensure that the mixture remains moist. If you overdry it, the tandoor will crack.

  • Usually, clay sheets with a thickness of 5 to 15 cm are molded from the settled mixture. It is difficult to form a tandoor from such sheets without a well-developed skill, so you will need a barrel.
  • To make a tandoor from a barrel with your own hands, loosen its hoops a little, fill it with water, and leave it to swell for 5 days. Then drain the water, let the barrel dry, and treat the inside of the walls with sunflower oil. Give it 12 hours to soak, and the tandoor mold is ready.

Please note that both clay and barrel we need to start preparing for construction at the same time.

  • Now we roll sausages from the finished clay about 50 cm long and 6 cm in diameter. Roll each of them to a thickness of 2 cm, cut into ribbons and begin to lay out the inside of the barrel.

Vacationing at the dacha involves admiring nature and cooking unusual dishes over an open fire. Previously, a barbecue or grill was usually used for cooking. Nowadays, oriental stoves called tandoors have come into fashion, which you can build on your own site with your own hands.

Miracle oven - cooks, fries and bakes everything!

A tandoor made of brick or clay is a kind of Russian stove in Asian countries. This device is most often used for baking bread products. At the same time, it is excellent for cooking any vegetables and aromatic meat.

The oven has an important advantage - it makes it possible to bake food using a minimum of wood. For Asian countries where there are no dense and tall forests, this is of great importance.

In addition, dishes in the tandoor turn out tender, aromatic and truly juicy, and their preparation takes just a few minutes. For example, vegetables are baked in 4–5 minutes, lamb and pork in 16–20, beef in 30, poultry and fish in 8–10. If desired, you can even cook thick soups in an Asian stove, the taste of which is incomparable to any other dish of Russian cuisine.

There are two main types of oriental stoves that interest us - the Uzbek and Armenian tandoor (it is often called tonir). The difference between them is insignificant, but for a number of reasons, Armenian stoves are more often built in our country. The toner device is quite simple. It is made in the form of a brick or clay cauldron, the bottom of which is turned upside down. There is a hole at the bottom of the tint. It is required for blowing.

The Amryan tonir is necessarily lined with bricks on the outside, and natural heat accumulators - salt, sand, ordinary clay - are poured between them and the stove itself. This design allows the boiler to absorb almost all the heat generated by burning wood and release it inside during cooking. Due to this, your tandoor at the dacha will provide an even temperature while preparing a variety of oriental dishes.

The unusual shape of the tandoor made of clay and brick is due to the need to save wood. It does not affect the taste and quality of the dishes prepared in it. Therefore, you can safely design a tandoor with your own hands in any configuration convenient for you. The oven can be shaped like a barrel, oval, straight, spherical, square, cylindrical, and so on.

Homemade brick tandoor - let's start work

Brick toner is the easiest to make. Moreover, it can be either stationary or portable. It is advisable to place the stationary device at some distance from the vegetable garden, fruit trees and residential buildings on sandy or rocky dry soil. A portable toner is made on wheels, which are attached to a platform with a stove placed on it. You can move such a structure on your site at your own discretion. But always remember that the oriental oven has considerable mass.

Let's figure out how to make a brick tandoor on your countryside. The starting material for its production is:

  • fireproof white brick;
  • clay ceramic brick;
  • ordinary stone blocks.

They are used to make a foundation - the base of the furnace with an obligatory opening for laying wood in it. Bricks are characterized by heavy weight, so the base of the structure must be as stable and durable as possible. A stationary furnace is built directly on the ground. It will be necessary to dig a round hole under the foundation. Its dimensions are selected taking into account the parameters of your DIY brick tandoor. The depth of the pit is about 125–130 centimeters. To avoid any problems with the construction of a tandoor, draw up a project for the future structure in advance, and strictly adhere to its points when carrying out the work.

Brick tint – how to do it right?

To determine the geometric parameters of the future tint, experts advise performing preliminary mortar-free laying - the so-called ordering. And only then proceed directly to the construction of the furnace. The solution is made from a composition that contains red clay, a special plasticizer and sand (quartz should be used). You don’t have to bother yourself with selecting the required components. It’s easier to buy a ready-made mixture for stoves, which is sold at any hardware store.

Laying can be done vertically or horizontally. With a vertical arrangement of bricks, fewer of them will be needed to build the tonir. From this point of view, the work will be more economical. But with horizontal laying, the stove will “preserve” the heat much longer. Here you have to personally decide how to make a tandoor out of brick with your own hands (with vertical or horizontal masonry).

Carrying out round masonry is quite difficult even for experienced specialists. Therefore, you need to make a life-size drawing of the structure in advance, using a compass and a protractor for these purposes. Trimming bricks to the required dimensions on the ground is carried out using a grinder saw equipped with a ceramic cutting wheel (diamond tool).

The basis for creating a stove circle is a brick template. When doing masonry, you should not save mortar - apply more of it to be sure of the strength of the structure. The horizontality of the building is checked with a standard level. If the project involves narrowing the toner upward, the lower part of the bricks is trimmed slightly. During the installation process, this will make it possible to build a structure that will look like a vault.

After completing the masonry, remove any remaining mortar from the inside of the tint. The outside of the resulting stove is treated with dry clay (all existing seams and small gaps are filled with it), and it is advisable to coat the inside with a mixture of finely chopped green grass and wet clay. If you want to “ennoble” your stove, its outer surface can be decorated with visually attractive sandstone or mosaic tile elements.

After you have completely completed the manufacture of the tandoor, you need to heat it first with paper and then with firewood. Please note that complete drying of the masonry occurs within several weeks. For this reason, the first firing of the furnace is carried out 14–20 days after the completion of construction activities. It is recommended to cover the finished structure with a roof to prevent rain from flooding it. The lid can be easily made from wood, slate or other material.

An oriental clay oven made from a barrel is also possible!

Making a tandoor with your own hands is relatively easy and using a different method. We take an ordinary small wooden barrel, clean it of dirt, wash it thoroughly, and then fill it with water to the top. Leave the barrel for 14 days until the wood swells completely. Then we perform the following steps:

  • drain the water;
  • coat the inside of the barrel with refined corn, linseed or sunflower oil (it is better to take linseed);
  • we wrap our future stove with rope (as tightly as possible), while making sure that the hoops remain open;
  • Using small nails, we fix the rope (so that it does not slip);
  • We cut a hole in the bottom along the cross-section that the mouth of the tandoor from the barrel will have.

We continue to build the tandoor. We form a special solution from one part, half a part of sheep's wool and two parts of fireclay sand. Wool can be replaced with fluffed asbestos (it can be purchased at construction stores).

The mixture is stirred to a plasticine consistency - it should be quite thick, and then applied about 25-30 centimeters thick to the inside of the barrel. The solution must be thoroughly smoothed. After this, it will need to be dried for a week, using ordinary incandescent lamps to heat the mixture.

We have almost built a clay tandoor. You just need to remove the hoops and disassemble the barrel - before us is a strong and solid oriental stove! It needs to be fired again so that it can serve you for decades.

You can build a tandoor from a plastic barrel. It also needs to be filled with water, coated on the outside with the fireclay mixture described above, and compacted. Tamping is done until you see a clear outline of your future tint. We leave the coated structure to dry for a couple of weeks, then drain the water and pull the barrel out of the hardened clay body. This process does not cause difficulties, since after draining the liquid, the barrel decreases in volume. Your oriental oven is ready to use!

Now you know how to make tandoor. Good luck in preparing original Asian dishes.

The tandoor oven is a multifunctional device. And most importantly, not only specialists can build it. Self-construction of the furnace is also possible.

What is tandoor

  • A tandoor is a large clay cauldron, turned upside down, with a small hole in the bottom.
  • The clay part of the oven is lined with brick on the outside, and the space between the brick and the edge of the vessel is filled with clay, sand or salt. They help retain heat in.
  • The design of this one is such that there should be a hole in its lower part for blowing.

How it works

For such a stove, a small amount of fuel is enough - firewood or branches. In Asia, saxaul is most often used for kindling. It is placed at the bottom, set on fire and allowed to burn down to coals. After the wood has burned out, you can start baking bread or cooking.

During kindling, all the heat is absorbed by the walls - both the clay cauldron, and the peculiar layer, and the brick wall. Once heated, the oven begins to give off heat. This ensures long-lasting, uniform temperatures for excellent cooking, both baking and simmering.

What is needed for construction

In order to make such a stove, you will need:

  • bricks – refractory and facing;
  • sand;
  • clay;
  • cement;
  • grate.

A real tandoor is made from slightly different materials, but in modern conditions the listed components are best suited for this.

Assembly technology

Initially, the type of tandoor is selected - ordinary (ground) or earthen, horizontal or vertical. The most common ovens are vertical.

The technology for ground or earth type assembly is different.

The ground structure is built as follows:

Construction of a vertical tandoor photo:


Another option for building a tandoor is presented in the video:

The earthen tandoor is assembled as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a pit for the furnace, based on the fact that the height will be 1.2 m plus the foundation. The bottom, or foundation, is laid out of brick in one layer. An asbestos-cement pipe is connected to the prepared foundation, which is a kind of blower. The edge of the pipe should be located among the bricks of the first row.
  2. The top of the masonry must be covered with clay. The tandoor is assembled in a similar way, except for the outer lining with brick. The soil will act here as a facing.

The walls of the furnace itself must be laid out of refractory bricks, with the bricks shifted inward to form an upper cone-shaped dome. The outside of the masonry should be coated with clay, and after it dries, the space between the soil and the walls should be carefully filled with clay and sand. The oven must also be hardened by fire.

Construction of an earthen tandoor photo: