Treatment of erosion during pregnancy. General characteristics of the phenomenon. What symptoms are observed with ectopia in pregnant women?

Cervical erosion (ectopia, ectropion) - quite insidious disease, discovered incidentally in women during a routine visit to the gynecologist or during examination during pregnancy. The danger lies in the fact that cervical erosion has the ability to be asymptomatic, without obvious discomfort. Erosion may not bother a woman for a long time and may not cause any inconvenience. However, sometimes some people experience some of the symptoms, and in order to pay attention to them in time, you need to know some aspects of the disease. And you should also not forget about timely visits to the gynecologist to monitor your health.

Many women experience cervical erosion during pregnancy. Most often, a pregnant woman learns about the presence of erosion during examination or ultrasound.


Cervical erosion has several types: congenital, untreatable and acquired. In the first case, a woman needs to monitor the course of the disease every six months in order to promptly prevent the development of cancer cells. In the second case, erosion is not a pathology and is successfully cured. The main thing is to detect it in time and consult a doctor for recommendations.


During pregnancy, a woman undergoes hormonal changes throughout her body. This creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of disease. In the case of pregnancy, excessive blood flow occurs in the cervix; this fact during the examination may indicate inflammation. The infection must be eliminated because existing infection may adversely affect the membranes, causing the development of fetal abnormalities and contribute to miscarriage and fetal death.

Chronic inflammation, such as salpingo-oophoritis, adnexitis, endometritis, creates favorable conditions for the formation of cervical erosion.

In addition, ectopia could have occurred long before pregnancy, for example, when a woman took oral contraceptives for protection.

Childbirth, uterine injuries (abortions, miscarriages), early start intimate life, frequent change sexual partners, unprotected or rough sexual intercourse can also be an impetus for the appearance of ectopia.

But most often the cause is sexually transmitted infections. For example, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist for examination, identification of pathologies and their timely treatment.

Previously, it was believed that erosion occurs in women around forty years of age. But now there is a tendency for the disease to appear at any age. Now even nulliparous erosion cervix can be diagnosed. The reason is the most common problems in endocrine system, in other words, a hormonal imbalance. As a result of excessive cell division and growth of mucous membranes, erosion of the cervix results.


Symptoms of cervical erosion during pregnancy are mostly absent. Usually erosion does not cause discomfort and does not manifest itself in any way, but it happens that a woman is still bothered by:

  • Bleeding, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. You should immediately contact a gynecologist; the doctor will carefully and accurately determine the degree of threat to your health and the health of your child.
  • Intense discharge.
  • Feeling pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Disgusting odor from the vagina.


To prevent erosion, it is necessary to undergo annual gynecological examination, without postponing it until any unpleasant symptoms or discomfort. Used when treating with medications hormonal drugs, the main component of which is the compound hyaluronic acid and zinc.

Exist following methods effects on cervical erosion:

  • Laser. Modern, effective and less traumatic method. Using a laser, columnar epithelial cells are burned off the surface of the cervix.
  • Radio wave therapy. Due to the high cost of equipment and the need for qualified specialists V last years not actively used
  • Current. Despite the “age”, this technique, as before, remains (more than 90%) effective. Using special electrodes, the doctor removes the surface of the pathological spot on the cervix. Scars remain, hence erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women Due to the risk of infertility, this method cannot be treated.
  • A liquid nitrogen. Impact on the cervix during low temperatures carried out with nitrous oxide. Less traumatic and does not leave any scars.
  • Chemicals(“Vulnostimulin”, “Vagotil”, “Solkovagin”).
  • Suppositories.

When cervical erosion occurs during pregnancy, it is very important to diagnose it in a timely manner. In the absence of infections, the disease can be treated after the baby is born, but a series of regular laboratory research, carry out constant medical supervision, cytology and colposcopy. With significant form and pathological changes Treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy is recommended to be carried out in the least radical and gentle way.

The most gentle and painless method Treatment of cervical erosion is a technology of acupressure - laser vaporization (cauterization). This treatment method stimulates the regeneration process, triggering cell repair, thereby reducing inflammation and removing altered erosive tissue. Laser treatment does not interfere normal course childbirth, providing fast healing. During pregnancy, cauterization of cervical erosion is usually not performed. Doctors recommend waiting until childbirth, constantly observing and monitoring the course of the disease and the well-being of the pregnant woman. Most often, less radical tactics are used in the form of wound-healing ointments, anti-inflammatory medications, hemostatic and antifungal therapy. It is worth remembering that you should never self-medicate, use any medications or traditional methods may be dangerous without consulting your doctor.

Alternative Methods

As one of the alternative methods To restore the epithelium of the cervix, treatment with leeches and acupuncture can be used. But they were not widely used due to their unproven effectiveness.


Treatment folk remedies cervical erosion is applicable, but special effect won't bring it. It consists of the following therapies, such as douching with a solution copper sulfate, use of tampons with sea ​​buckthorn oil, Levomekol ointment, water and alcohol solution propolis, herbal medicine in the form of douching with infusion of calendula, boron uterus, calamus root, chamomile. It is worth noting that none of the listed methods of treating cervical erosion with folk remedies provides any guarantee. And even more so when serious pathologies There’s no point in wasting time and hoping for “maybe.”


According to statistics, cervical cancer is diagnosed in approximately six hundred thousand women a year, the reason for which is not fully cured cervical erosion. Changes in the cervix imperceptibly become precancerous in nature and after some time become a malignant pathology. Therefore, it is better to prevent the occurrence of any dangerous diseases, for this you need to visit a gynecologist once every six months for a routine examination.

Why is cervical erosion dangerous during pregnancy?

During pregnancy due to reduced immunity and hormonal changes in the body, ectopia can lead to infectious inflammation. And when erosion itself during pregnancy is not dangerous and does not have any effect on the fetus, then an infection that occurs as a result of the disease can become critical. Due to negative impact may develop various pathologies, formation is disrupted internal organs, infection of the body, pregnancy loss and fetal death. Accordingly, the consequences of pregnancy with cervical erosion can be catastrophic for both mother and child.


During a routine gynecological examination, it is impossible even for professionals to identify the nature and extent of damage to the uterine mucosa by eye. Therefore, to stage correct diagnosis carry out a whole series comprehensive research:

  • Cytology.
  • Bac sowing.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Biopsy material.
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • Blood examination for sexually transmitted diseases (genital herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus, syphilis, HIV).

After the examination, the gynecologist will determine final diagnosis, will find out not only the cause of the formation of cervical erosion, but also prescribe effective treatment.


In order to prevent cervical erosion, you should increase your immunity, monitor the health of your sexual partner, maintain intimate hygiene, and do not forget to visit a gynecologist for periodic examination and examination, and in some cases, vaccination.


It has long been known that it is advisable to cure all existing diseases during planning, before pregnancy. From the moment of conception, the hormonal picture of a woman’s body changes dramatically, immunity decreases and the risk of formation increases. various diseases. The placenta is temporary endocrine organ in the mother's body. The vaginal lining of the uterus does not remain unchanged. Throughout pregnancy, changes occur that should be monitored by gynecologists. Cervical erosion during pregnancy sometimes causes minor recurrent bleeding, the main thing is not to be afraid or panic. Continuous monitoring by a gynecologist will help avoid serious complications, the birth will be successful, so you must strictly adhere to all his prescriptions and recommendations.

Cervical erosion is considered one of the most common gynecological diseases. This pathology occurs in many women reproductive age, including during pregnancy. How does erosion behave while waiting for a baby and what are the dangers of its appearance?

Cervical erosion: types and causes of development

There are two types of cervical erosion:

  • true;
  • false (pseudo-erosion or ectopia).

When true erosion a defect in the form of an ulcer appears on the mucous membrane of the cervix. The causes of this condition may be various infections and injuries. During pregnancy, this situation is quite rare.

False erosion, or ectopia, is a displacement of the columnar epithelium from the cervical canal to its vaginal part. This pathology can develop in adolescence during fluctuations hormonal levels, as well as during pregnancy. The development of cervical ectopia is also influenced by various inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. The risk of pseudo-erosion increases after abortion and in the event of a traumatic birth.


Cervical erosion long time may be asymptomatic. Often, pathology is first discovered during pregnancy at the first examination. Sometimes with erosion they appear bloody issues from the genital tract (including after sexual intercourse). If an infection develops against the background of erosion, the pregnant woman notices the appearance of yellowish discharge, itching and burning in the vagina.

Diagnosis of cervical erosion

The doctor may suspect erosion already during a gynecological examination. In the future, to clarify the diagnosis, all patients must undergo colposcopy. The procedure does not pose any danger to expectant mothers and can be performed at any stage of pregnancy. No anesthesia is required - the entire procedure is painless.

Colposcopy- This is a special examination of the cervix under magnification. During the manipulation, the woman is on a gynecological chair. The doctor examines the cervix using a special device - a colposcope, and during the procedure notes the condition of its mucous membrane, the presence of pathological areas or any formations in it. During colposcopy, material is necessarily taken for targeted cytological examination.

Normally, the vaginal part of the cervix should be covered with stratified epithelium, and its cervix should be cylindrical. Any deviations from the norm are noted by the doctor. After receiving the cytology results, the gynecologist makes a final diagnosis and prescribes optimal scheme therapy.

When erosion is detected to the expectant mother it is recommended to pass full examination for sexually transmitted infections. To do this, a sample of material is taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina, which is then sent to the laboratory. If chlamydia, mycoplasma and other pathogenic flora These diseases must be treated.

How does cervical erosion behave during pregnancy?

Having discovered erosion in an expectant mother, doctors are in no hurry to immediately remove the formation. Any manipulation during pregnancy is associated with a certain risk for the woman and her baby, and is unnecessary radical treatment no erosion will be carried out. Waiting tactics are yielding results. It happens that cervical erosion goes away on its own without treatment after the birth of the child. In this case, the disease practically does not bother the woman during pregnancy and does not in any way interfere with the normal course of labor.

Against the background of sharply reduced immunity, cervical erosion can be complicated by the development inflammatory diseases. Associated infection manifests itself in abundant yellowish discharge from the genital tract, significantly complicating the life of a pregnant woman. Itching and discomfort in the vagina with the development of inflammation become immediate cause a visit to the doctor, during which cervical erosion is usually detected.

What is the threat of cervical erosion to the fetus?

Expectant mothers can breathe easy: erosion does not in any way affect the development of the baby in the womb. It does not complicate the course of pregnancy, does not cause premature birth or fetal diseases. Only the pregnant woman experiences all the discomfort from the appearance of erosion. The only trouble that awaits the expectant mother is contact bleeding. During pregnancy, the mucous membrane of the genital tract is very delicate and vulnerable, and against the background of erosion, its protective properties are sharply reduced. It happens that when drops of blood are detected on underwear, a woman panics and calls “ ambulance", fearing a miscarriage. After examination in the hospital, it turns out that the baby is not in danger, and the cause of the bleeding was erosion of the cervix. This problem worries the expectant mother and becomes a source of additional stress during pregnancy.

With all this, cervical erosion is far from a harmless disease. If it continues for a long time, it can degenerate into malignant tumor, and then without surgical treatment not enough. Another thing is that in forty weeks of pregnancy erosion will not have time to change as much. That is why doctors do not carry out radical removal of erosion during this period, preferring to treat this pathology after childbirth.

What to do if erosion occurs during pregnancy?

The choice of method for treating erosion depends on the nature of the identified pathology, as well as on the duration of the actual pregnancy. If the erosion does not bother the expectant mother, does not grow and does not lead to the development of a pronounced inflammatory process, it is not touched. During pregnancy, a woman is observed by a gynecologist and undergoes all required examinations. After the birth of the child, the issue of removing cervical erosion is decided.

If erosion is accompanied heavy discharge from the genital tract, this indicates the occurrence of cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. In the first trimester of pregnancy in this situation, prescribed local drugs, suppressing the development of infection. Fluomizin, Hexicon, Betadine and other drugs are highly effective against most known pathogens of reproductive infections. They influence coli, corynebacteria and other microorganisms, suppressing their growth and preventing their reproduction in the genital tract. For candidiasis (thrush) are prescribed antifungal drugs. All these drugs are well tolerated by pregnant women and do not have an adverse effect on the condition of the fetus.

After 16 weeks of pregnancy For the treatment of cervicitis against the background of cervical erosion, other local drugs are used (“Terzhinan”, “ Neo Penotran forte"). These remedies affect more wide range pathogens and are usually more effective. At the same time, to stimulate the immune system, immunomodulators are prescribed in the form rectal suppositories. “Viferon” and others have this effect similar drugs. System antibacterial agents tablets and capsules are not used during pregnancy.

If detected during examination chlamydial, mycoplasma, herpes and other specific infections they must be treated. In this case, after 16 weeks, antibacterial and antivirals short course for 5-7 days. In the first trimester, therapy for these diseases is not carried out, since there is high risk harm the baby important stages its development.

After local treatment genital tract infections cannot be avoided without restoring the vaginal microflora. Drugs such as Vagilak and Lactagel are allowed during pregnancy from the very beginning. early dates. They increase the level of lactobacilli in the vagina, which means they help strengthen local immunity. If this stage of treatment is ignored, a new one will take the place of the dead microorganisms. dangerous microflora, and the inflammation will go around the second round.

Surgical treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy is not performed. This procedure is very dangerous for expectant mothers, as it can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Moreover, there is no reason for radical removal erosion during pregnancy. This pathology extremely rarely degenerates into an oncological disease, and this will require much more time than 9 months. After the birth of the child, the woman again undergoes an examination by a gynecologist, after which she is selected optimal method treatment. In most cases, it is used to eliminate erosion. radio wave therapy or laser treatment. These methods do not leave scars on the cervix and do not interfere with the further planning of a new pregnancy.

Prevention of the development of cervical erosion

The following methods will help to avoid the appearance of erosion and its degeneration into a malignant tumor:

  • regular examination by a gynecologist (at least once a year);
  • examination for genital infections and their timely treatment;
  • correction of any hormonal imbalances before planned pregnancy;
  • strengthening general and local immunity;
  • use of reliable means of protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Cervical erosion is one of the most common types of gynecological diseases. It occurs in everyone age categories female patients. Approximately two thirds of women have encountered this pathology in one way or another. Cervical erosion during pregnancy is often diagnosed already in perinatal period and causes considerable concern among expectant mothers.

On the one hand, the frequency of occurrence of the disease forces doctors to pay Special attention its prevention, and on the other hand, patients have a question: if most women have it, then is it not so dangerous? What are the consequences of erosion, what does it affect and does it need to be treated? And the most important question, which worries most women - is it possible to get pregnant with erosion and why is this pathology dangerous during pregnancy?

Erosion is a general word for a defect in the mucous membrane. IN in good condition The cervix is ​​covered with different epithelium. The inner one is made up of brighter-colored cylindrical cells, and the outer one is lined with light flat epithelium. The difference between them is clearly visible in the photo.

Often, erosion is mistaken for the movement of the inner red membrane outward - creating the appearance of an ulcer. In the photo it looks like a red spot on a pale pink background.

If a gynecologist evaluates erosion visually, then he has no way to determine its type. When using other diagnostic methods - colposcopy and histological studies pathology is divided into three types.

  • True erosion. Ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane of the cervix, the diameter of which usually does not exceed 1 cm. It can heal on its own, without any treatment, or can then develop into pseudo-erosion, eventually being replaced by columnar epithelium from cervical canal. The risk of degeneration into oncology is minimal.
  • Congenital erosion (ectopia). It is observed in adolescents, does not require medical intervention, disappears during the development of hormonal levels. It requires periodic monitoring for changes in the nature of cells to prevent tumor degeneration, which also occurs very rarely.
  • Pseudo-erosion, or acquired ectopia. The most common type of cervical erosion. Always requires treatment and histological control to identify possible tumor cells. The cellular tissue of the eroded area is easily damaged acidic environment vagina, resulting in inflammation and increased growth of cells trying to close the defect. Hence the danger of cancerous degeneration and the appearance of atypical cellular forms.

You can see what erosion looks like in the photo.

Since pseudo-erosion is much more common and requires compulsory treatment, then let's talk mainly about it.

Causes of the disease

Why the disease occurs has not yet been fully elucidated. There are some predisposing factors, which include:

  1. Early time of onset of sexual activity;
  2. Late onset of sexual activity;
  3. Infectious diseases, causing inflammation vaginal mucosa;
  4. Rare or, conversely, very frequent sexual intercourse;
  5. Injuries to the mucous membrane surgical interventions or during childbirth;
  6. Hormonal disorders affecting the menstrual cycle;
  7. Failure to comply with the rules of genital hygiene, especially during menstruation.

Patients with low immune status are susceptible to the disease: those with chronic diseases, general exhaustion of the body, bad social conditions consuming alcohol and drugs.

True erosion may be the result of trauma to the mucous membrane after rough sexual intercourse or the proliferation of infectious agents in the vagina - viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa.

Gynecologists explain the congenital pathology by insufficient production of sex hormones.

Why is erosion dangerous?

Cervical erosion itself does not pose a serious threat to health. But its consequences can be other diseases.

  • Degeneration of cells into tumor forms – cervical cancer.
  • A favorable environment for the development of microorganisms that cause infectious diseases of the genital organs.

The question often arises: what will happen if uterine erosion during pregnancy is not treated? Here everything depends on the characteristics of the disease: concomitant infections, the size and nature of damage to the mucous membrane, the presence of pregnancy. The answer to the question can only be given by a doctor after examination and laboratory analysis cellular material (smear, scraping). If any external symptoms erosion - pain, discharge - then measures must be taken.

In pregnant women, this pathology is usually treated after childbirth. Most often, the doctor recommends laser cauterization- relatively new method, minimally damaging the cervical mucosa.

Planning a pregnancy

Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion? The answer is yes. Often women do not even suspect the presence of this disease, and it is discovered already at an appointment with antenatal clinic. Most doctors are of the opinion that erosion does not affect the ability to get pregnant. But there is another point of view. If erosion is large enough in area, it can change internal environment vagina, which interferes with the movement of sperm in the cervical canal and their attachment to the egg.

Planning pregnancy and erosion - the doctor will definitely check for damage to the cervix and the composition of the cells. Most likely, he will give a recommendation to treat the disorder with cauterization chemicals or laser, since it can negatively affect the ability to conceive, and in the future will be a threat to development infectious process in the vagina during pregnancy. If the size of the damage is small and there are no signs of inflammation, the disease may not be treated.

Usually, after treatment with the cauterization method, you can become pregnant within a year if there are no cancer cells in the scraping.

Erosion during pregnancy can occur due to changes in hormonal levels or infections due to weakening immune status. But most often, women are not aware of the disease before planning a child, since it is asymptomatic. About half of pregnant women have cervical erosion to one degree or another. Gynecologists claim that the disease does not threaten the mother and fetus and does not affect labor.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy can be dangerous as a sign of existing infections or a disorder normal microflora vagina. In this case, measures are taken to eliminate it without resorting to cauterization.


Erosion in the majority clinical cases proceeds painlessly, because there is no pain in the cervical mucosa nerve endings. In most cases, the pathology is asymptomatic and is detected when preventive examinations at the gynecologist. You should be wary of such signs.

  1. When there is bleeding from the vagina - bloody spotting after sexual intercourse, examination or douching.
  2. With extensive erosion there are discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  3. If inflammation develops, then the erosion bleeds - bloody or purulent discharge, not related to menstruation.

Sometimes it happens that discharge due to cervical erosion is confused with leucorrhoea. Signs of uterine erosion during pregnancy may be similar to a threat of miscarriage: spotting, vague pain in the lower abdomen.


The tactics of doctors when detecting a disease in pregnant women is to keep the pathology under control, preventing exacerbation. It is not recommended to treat uterine erosion during pregnancy, especially by cauterization, but it all depends on the size and nature of the inflammation. When ectopia begins to bleed, it is imperative to take action.

Treatment can be conservative or surgical. The first includes antibacterial drugs(if infection is present) or vaginal antiseptics. After normalization of the microflora, erosion in most cases heals on its own.

Surgical removal (laser cauterization, electrocoagulation, cauterization chemicals) is not recommended during pregnancy, since the cervix protects the fetus and any invasive manipulations can harm the developing pregnancy - cause miscarriage, premature birth. Cauterization with chemical agents cannot be carried out due to the risk of developing wound infections.

  • Suppositories with methyluracil;
  • Sea buckthorn candles.

Folk remedies and herbs can be treated only after consultation with a doctor, because they are far from harmless. Many gynecologists have a negative attitude towards them, believing that such drugs cannot cure, but they can do harm. They are usually used in conjunction with traditional treatment as a restorative therapy.

I periodically continue to see my doctor, who treated my erosion and managed our planning for our first child and pregnancy. Now there is no erosion, no condylomas, no HPV - I’m healthy!

Doctors see cervical erosion during a routine examination on a chair as a pale spot with vague contours.

Of course, the more advanced the erosion, the larger and brighter it is. In this photo the erosion is advanced.

In order to more accurately discern and evaluate cervical erosion, the cervix is ​​stained with Lugol’s solution and observed: if there is no erosion, the cervix is ​​light pinkish-brown in color, evenly colored; if there is erosion, the erosion focus is painted in a bright brown rich color (see the photo above of the colored cervix).
Condylomas look the same way: colored condylomas acquire a rich, bright brown color.

(IN modern clinic the doctor will insert the camera into you and show you everything on the monitor with detailed explanations - you will see everything with your own eyes.)

Additional tests and procedures will show whether it is truly erosion or something else; Which cells in the erosion are malignant or benign, everything depends on this further treatment; Is there anything else besides HPV, since HPV and erosion are treated in last resort, first they treat everything else except HPV, and only then, on clean body, treat HPV and erosion to avoid complications.

Now decide for yourself whether your future child needs such an inheritance? If so, don’t treat it, wait until the erosion goes away on its own after childbirth... But keep in mind: boys are born carriers, in general, on their reproductive system the disease does not particularly affect, they will only infect their ladies when they grow up... + condylomas, due to which they may have painful sensations during sexual intercourse; but girls... - carriers + erosion, which can develop into cancer, + condylomas + unpleasant discharge+ painful sexual intercourse + long months treatment and years of observation - everything I went through for the sake of healthy offspring.

(If cervical erosion is not treated, it can develop into cervical cancer, and then it will be necessary not to treat, but to remove the cervix, and perhaps the uterus itself.)

All the best!

P.S.: Girls! Before you give someone advice: “Don’t give a damn about her! I had... I didn’t treat it, I gave birth, it went away on its own...” - it’s better to advise finding out the cause of the formation of erosion, undergoing a full comprehensive examination, since if it is caused by viruses or sexually transmitted infections, it is necessary to be treated before pregnancy!

In general, I think that before pregnancy, if possible, you should be treated for everything, even if it is not passed on to the child. On healthy body and pregnancy goes easier, and childbirth proceeds more calmly, and there are fewer “headaches”...

Cervical erosion- violation of its mucous layer. This diagnosis is not uncommon for every fifth woman of childbearing age.

Erosion is detected during normal gynecological examination, differs from nearby tissues in its granular structure and pink-red color.

Usually, this disease does not manifest itself in any way, and if it is detected during pregnancy, it is not capable of harming the health of the expectant mother and fetus, and does not affect the course and outcome of childbirth.

But this does not mean that this defect should be ignored: at untimely treatment erosion has every chance of developing into cervical cancer!


Types of cervical erosion are divided into:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

Congenital erosion affects girls and young, nulliparous women.

The cervix has the shape of a cylinder and is normally covered with a flat and cylindrical layer of cells: the first covers the cervix on outside, the second it is covered from the inside. In little girls, the cylindrical layer is located on the outside, and with age it moves inward.

Due to various circumstances ( most often it is hormonal disorders ) this process does not always occur. In this case, doctors talk about congenital erosion and it is not recommended to treat it until the moment of birth.

Usually, due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy this phenomenon goes away on its own and is not dangerous.

Acquired erosion Compared to congenital, it is not so harmless. It is usually detected against the background of inflammatory diseases of the cervix caused by all kinds of infections: chlamydia, streptococcus and even the human papillomavirus.

Erosion can also manifest itself through abortion, hormone imbalance in a woman’s body. Discover this pathology possible in women who have a large number of sexual partners, and those who entered into sexual relations early.

Acquired erosion in tandem with infectious diseases serves as fertile ground for development cancer cervix. It is imperative to treat this type of erosion, and after recovery, visit a gynecologist once every six months.

Treatment methods

Treatment of cervical erosion depends entirely on the cause that caused it. If the cause of the disease was sexually transmitted infection , then are assigned. Moreover, treatment in in this case You definitely need to go through it with a partner.

For minor erosion you can resort to traditional methods treatment of this disease. Herbalists recommend douching, herbal tampons based on a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs:, string,.

The main methods of treating erosion not complicated by infections are:

    • cryotherapy- the defect on the cervix is ​​cauterized liquid nitrogen. The method is painless, leaves no scars and does not bleeding. But it can only cure superficial lesions;
    • laser therapy- very effective method. Does not cause complications or scars, recommended for use in nulliparous women. Damage is removed under microscope control;
  • radio knife(radio wave surgery) - a suspicious area of ​​tissue is cut off using a radio knife. The method is the most modern and safe.

It should be noted that none of the above methods are used to treat cervical erosion in women expecting a baby. Sometimes this disease disappears even before birth.

But if erosion is caused by infection, causes discomfort and interferes with normal life, pregnant women may be prescribed suppositories with methyluracil or.

If erosion accompanies inflammatory process , then the doctor will most likely prescribe antiviral drugs or an antibiotic. Always remember that only the doctor prescribes the dosage and frequency of a particular drug, taking into account the characteristics and medical history of the pregnant woman, as well as weighing the appropriateness of this prescription!

Not recommended During pregnancy, douching should not be performed, in any case, without consulting a doctor. this procedure: herbs, no matter how harmless they may seem, can cause unwanted allergic reactions(even if they have not been observed before).


The best prevention of cervical erosion is disease prevention. Visit a gynecologist twice a year, get everything checked necessary tests and follow all doctor's recommendations.

Basic compliance with the rules intimate hygiene will also help prevent illness. Never leave unattended spotting between menstruation: this is not necessarily erosion, but a reason to consult a doctor.

Don't join sexual intercourse with random partners, and if this happens, use a condom. Plan your pregnancy, do not allow abortions, as they are also one of the causes of cervical erosion.

Drive the right one healthy image life, eat a balanced diet, go to fresh air at any time of the year and in any weather: by hardening, you strengthen your immune system. This means that you are not afraid of any infection or tumors.

So, erosion of the cervix is ​​changes in its mucous membrane. It can be congenital or acquired. Gives in well modern methods treatment.

Unfortunately, it almost always does not manifest itself in any way, but It is advisable to detect it before pregnancy: during it you cannot use everyone known methods treatment of erosion.

This disease is not dangerous for pregnant women., sometimes goes away on its own, but it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the nature of the vaginal discharge and consult a doctor if there are any changes in it.

Lead a healthy, measured lifestyle, visit a gynecologist once every six months - this way you will prevent the disease and be able to properly prepare for pregnancy. Be prudent and healthy!