Radio wave coagulation (therapy) of the cervix. Coagulation of the cervix, existing methods and contraindications

Gynecological diseases occur in women regardless of their age. This is due to poor ecology, various sexually transmitted infections or injuries received during abortion or childbirth. Basically, various pathologies arise on the skin, and very often the only method to prevent more serious problems is surgical intervention.

Until recently, various pathologies of the genital area could only be cured by cauterization or other painful manipulations. In modern medicine, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​successfully used - a quick and painless operation that is performed even on nulliparous girls.

Exposure to high frequency radiation

Radio wave therapy is one of the safest methods of treating most cervical pathologies. Areas of tissue and cells evaporate under the influence of waves without being cut or burned. Pathological formations simply disperse under the influence of powerful radio wave radiation. When tissue evaporates, low-temperature steam is released, which promotes coagulation (sealing) of blood vessels and cells.

This process is very quick and completely painless. Radio wave coagulation of the cervix does not damage healthy tissue and eliminates postoperative complications. Several processes are observed at the incision site: the high-frequency beam simultaneously disinfects the wound and blocks bleeding. Postoperative recovery occurs quickly, without scarring or changing the shape of the cervix.

Who is the operation indicated for?

This unique method is highly effective and is indicated for women of all ages who have gynecological problems, as well as girls planning a pregnancy in the future.

  • erosion;
  • Bartholin's gland cyst;
  • dysplasia;
  • chronic form of cervicitis;
  • condylomas, polyps, papillomas;
  • leukoplakia of the cervix.

A radio wave beam is the best tool for performing a biopsy procedure if uterine pathologies of an oncological nature are suspected.

Radio wave coagulation of cervical erosion

With this type of diagnosis, this operation is very effective and has a favorable prognosis for a full recovery. When a radio wave beam hits the area of ​​the uterus where erosion is located, the damaged cells begin to evaporate, forming a dense film. Over time, the dead layer is rejected, and healthy, clean tissue remains in its place.

In the treatment of erosion, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​very often used. Reviews of doctors who performed this operation on their patients confirm its effectiveness. After the procedure, there is completely no cut tissue, which eliminates the formation of scars, thus minimizing infectious complications.

Carrying out the operation

Before the procedure, the patient must undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. A number of studies include:

  • examination in the office;
  • cytological smear analysis;
  • examination for urogenital infections;
  • detailed blood test.

If any infection (mycoplasma, chlamydia, herpes) is detected, appropriate treatment is carried out, and upon completion, cervical tissue is examined by biopsy.

Afterwards, the woman must come to see a doctor between the 5th and 14th days of her menstrual cycle. The vaginal area and the area that will be affected by the radio wave beam are treated with an antiseptic, and local or general anesthesia is applied. Then the affected tissues are coagulated or excised using a special device.

After the operation, the woman does not need hospitalization. She can go home after receiving the necessary medical recommendations.

Operation options

Any manipulations on the cervix are carried out strictly at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the procedure and the power of radio waves depend on the severity and characteristics of the disease.

Coagulation for underlying diseases is carried out immediately after the administration of an anesthetic to the cervical area. The duration of the procedure is up to five minutes.

If pre-tumor pathologies are identified, such as condyloma or uterine dysplasia, the affected tissue is removed. The procedure takes up to 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, a small clot removed during the operation is sent for examination.


Despite the accessibility and effectiveness of the procedure, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​not possible if:

  • increased body temperature;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness;
  • menses;
  • chronic or acute pelvic diseases;
  • metal implants in the body;
  • malignant tumors.

Benefits of therapy

Coagulation of the cervix using the radio wave method is one of the best operations to get rid of various pathologies.

This technique has the following advantages:

  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • radio waves carry out precise processing of damaged cells without affecting healthy tissue;
  • occurs quickly, without scar formation;
  • the method does not produce a negative effect on the genital area, which allows it to be successfully used in the treatment of pathologies in young girls and women planning a second pregnancy;
  • bleeding is completely eliminated;
  • after surgery, the wound does not require additional treatment with healing preparations;
  • after coagulation of the cervix, its deformation was never observed;
  • During the operation, radio waves produce a sterilizing effect that eliminates infection;
  • The risk of swelling or inflammation is minimized.

For two years, every six months a woman must be examined by her doctor. Usually, after the procedure, a specialist prescribes vaginal suppositories for regeneration and complete restoration of the normal vaginal environment.

After the procedure, swimming in any open water, visiting the pool, or sauna is not recommended for 14 days. A woman should avoid taking too hot baths, heavy exercise, or active sports.

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix: consequences

On the first day after the operation, nagging pain reminiscent of menstrual pain is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe spotting bleeding that appears 7 days after the day when radio wave coagulation of the cervix was performed.

The discharge is usually light, bloody, and can last for 20-25 days. At this time, it is necessary to undergo treatment using suppositories prescribed by the doctor.

Be carefull!

After the discharge ends, menstruation begins, which may be more abundant than usual. If the bleeding is intense, there are clots and severe pain, you should urgently call a doctor.

You should also be alert if your body temperature rises sharply or 3 weeks after the operation, discharge with an unpleasant odor begins. If such symptoms are detected, a woman should immediately consult a doctor.

Possible complications

In general, the postoperative and recovery periods proceeded favorably for most women. Complications were observed in 1% of operated patients in the form of bleeding, sharp narrowing of the uterine canals or infection.

Today, the most gentle and effective method for eliminating a number of diseases of the genital area is radio wave coagulation of the cervix. Reviews from women who underwent this operation were positive. The process takes place quickly, without hospitalization or inpatient treatment.

Some patients experienced decreased fertility. Such changes could occur if a significant portion of the uterus was removed during the procedure or coagulation was performed multiple times.

Also, after surgery, disturbances in the density and properties of natural vaginal mucus are possible. In this case, the doctor prescribes additional treatment and re-examination.


Cervical erosion has been and remains the most common pathology, which is diagnosed even in nulliparous girls. Treatment of erosion requires close attention, since not only the condition of the cervical epithelium itself, but also the woman’s ability to bear children depends on the quality of the procedures performed.

What is chemical coagulation?

Chemical coagulation is performed using the drugs Solkovagin or Vagotil, from a mixture of which a special solution is prepared for cauterizing erosion. For precise application of products, colposcopy is used - it is with the help of this procedure that one can target the affected tissues of the cervix.

During the procedure, the tissues are subjected to a chemical burn, which provokes repair mechanisms in the tissues and as a result, new healthy epithelium appears. The drug penetrates 2.5 mm deep into the epithelium, which is enough to damage the pathological layer and restore a new one. Rejection of dead tissue takes several days, but recovery from chemical coagulation is longer.

Indications for the procedure

The chemical coagulation procedure is performed in almost any public medical institution. This is primarily due to the low cost of materials and ease of implementation, so cauterization can be performed in the same clinics where the woman is observed. Chemofixation is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. erosive lesions of the cervical mucosa;
  2. cervical cysts;
  3. putrefactive lesions of the vaginal epithelium;
  4. infections that cannot be treated with medications;
  5. cervical abnormalities detected by colposcopy.

Contraindications to the procedure

Chemical effects on affected tissue may not be as harmless as it seems. Therefore, for some categories of patients, doctors do not advise choosing the method of chemical coagulation. In particular, contraindications to cauterization of erosion are:

  1. acute cervicitis;
  2. carcinoma;
  3. vaginitis;
  4. pregnancy;
  5. inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Some of these contraindications are relative. For example, after delivery and the recovery period, doctors advise the woman to return to the issue of chemical coagulation. But carcinoma is an absolute contraindication - in this case, doctors build a treatment plan differently.

Stages of cauterization

Before prescribing a chemical coagulation procedure, doctors conduct a series of tests - blood test, urine test, vaginal smear for microflora, papillomavirus test. If there are no contraindications to cauterization, the time for the procedure is set, and if necessary, anti-inflammatory therapy can be carried out.

During coagulation, the mucus that naturally forms there is removed from the vagina, and then the surface of the cervix is ​​treated with acetic acid to visualize the sites of epithelial damage. Then part of the pathologically altered epithelium is treated with a swab soaked in the drug. After a few minutes, the treatment is repeated again. After the second treatment, the remaining substance is removed with a clean swab.

A scab of dead cells quickly forms on the surface of the cervix, which protects healthy tissue from the penetration of microbes. During the process of regeneration of the epithelium, the resulting scab will fall off, and healthy tissue will remain underneath it. This process takes approximately 9-10 days, after which the dead tissue comes out of the vagina. It will take about a month for the affected area to completely heal. During this entire time, doctors monitor the healing process of erosion. Women are scheduled for a follow-up visit ten days after the procedure, two weeks and one and a half months later.

Despite the fact that most medical websites declare the possibility of sexual activity during the healing of erosion, in practice doctors insist on limiting intimacy at least in the first three weeks, when the scab comes off and stable epithelization of tissue begins.

Painfulness of the procedure

Doctors declare minimal pain during the procedure. Most women do not experience significant discomfort during coagulation, and describe their sensations as pulling, but tolerable. Because of this, women are not given anesthesia.

For the sake of fairness, we note that some of the women who underwent cauterization of erosion noted severe pain, similar to labor pains. Doctors believe that this is due to a low pain threshold and a negative attitude towards coagulation, so such patients can be given pain relief if they wish.

Time costs

If we talk about treating erosion, this may take several weeks along with a series of tests. And the key treatment procedure – chemical coagulation – does not last long. Between several applications, only two to three minutes pass, which are necessary for the substance to be absorbed and react with the tissue. In total, the procedure may take from 20 to 30 minutes.

Due to the fact that painful sensations may occur, doctors recommend that the woman stay in the facility for another 15-20 minutes, after which she can go home.

Complications after the procedure

For most women, the procedure does not cause complications, but in a small percentage of cases, doctors diagnose the following side effects:

  1. partial epithelization of tissue, which is associated with insufficient treatment of the damaged area of ​​the cervix;
  2. inflammatory changes in the place where cauterization occurred;
  3. cauterization with chemicals is fraught with possible complications with conception in the future, so doctors do not recommend this procedure for nulliparous women, but insist on more gentle methods of treating cervical erosion;
  4. the use of chemically aggressive agents threatens to reach not only the affected areas of the epithelium, but also healthy ones, so this can cause the formation of scars on healthy tissue;

What happens after the procedure?

After the chemical coagulation procedure, the cervix remains under the influence of a substance that causes epithelial damage. It will remain in effect for some time. A crust will very soon form on the cervix itself, which after a week will come out of the vagina on its own, as it is rejected by the healthy tissue that is forming underneath it.

All these changes go almost unnoticed for a woman, but doctors advise wearing sanitary pads, since natural discharge will form at the site of the burn, and sometimes mixed with blood. Doctors warn women about such consequences, so there is no need to be afraid of this.

There are no special requirements for a woman’s behavior at this moment, but some of them are dictated by common sense regarding hygiene. During the recovery period, you should not engage in heavy physical labor, visit saunas, steam baths, swim in a pool or open water. Doctors recommend abstaining from sexual activity for three weeks.


The cauterization procedure may have different costs depending on the extent of the erosion. Therefore, for two women with the same problem, the cost of treatment may differ significantly. In Moscow clinics, the procedure costs an average of 2,500 rubles, and in clinics in St. Petersburg - about 2,300. In the regions of Russia, the pricing policy is not sharply different, but it is always possible to find both cheaper and more expensive centers providing this service.

Medical Center City, region Cost, rub.
ABC of health Moscow 1400-2000
On Clinic Moscow about 5000
Family clinic Moscow 2450
SM Clinic Saint Petersburg 1800
Ameda Clinic Saint Petersburg 2000
Family doctor Saint Petersburg 1000
Am Medica Kazan 700-850
Alliance 2000 Rostov 800
Stork Nizhny Novgorod 1000
Panacea Volgograd 980
Philosophy of beauty Permian 3000

Coagulation of cervical erosion is an effective remedy, however, when carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to take into account all its features and choose the most optimal, low-traumatic treatment method.

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To eliminate pathological processes extending to the cervix, radio wave coagulation is used most often today. This is a relatively new method of therapeutic intervention. Its effectiveness in the treatment of gynecological ailments is quite high. The procedure itself is painless and has a quick recovery period. However, it differs in some features, which we will focus on in today’s article.

Common cervical diseases

The frequency of inflammatory pathologies of the cervix, despite the rapid development of modern medicine, is quite high. The first signs of the disease can appear at absolutely any age. Affecting a woman's reproductive health, they sometimes lead to the appearance of malignant tumors.

All diseases of the cervix can be divided into three categories: background, precancerous and cancerous. The first category includes erosion, ectopia, polyps and leukoplakia. Precancerous processes include various types of dysplasia. These are already serious changes that can transform into an oncological process. Cancer diseases are almost always the result of a woman’s inattention to health.

The reason for the prevalence of female gynecological pathologies is the peculiarity of the structure of the genital organs. The vaginal part is covered with squamous epithelium, and the canal is lined with single-layer columnar epithelium. From about 16-18 years old, every girl’s body undergoes a gradual restructuring. One epithelium “seeks” to displace the other. The process itself proceeds extremely slowly and is physiological. However, certain factors can affect it, causing undesirable consequences.

This is, first of all:

  • frequent colds;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • viral infections;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • stress.

As a result of exposure to unfavorable factors, the body's natural defenses are depleted. The epithelial renewal process fails. At the same time, the mechanism of its degeneration into tumor cells is launched. If a woman does not see a doctor, the benign formation gradually transforms into malignant.

Symptoms and principles of treatment of gynecological diseases

Signs of cervical disease do not appear immediately. They are characterized by a long and asymptomatic course. Many women turn to the doctor too late, when the process becomes irreversible. Therefore, it is so important to periodically undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

If you notice one or more symptoms from the list above, you should immediately visit a doctor.

  1. Painful menstruation.
  2. Unreasonable vaginal bleeding.
  3. Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  4. Painful intercourse.

After a comprehensive diagnostic examination and diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. At the initial stages of pathology development, conservative treatment is sufficient. In advanced cases, surgery may be required. One of its options is radio wave coagulation of the cervix.

The essence of the method

The essence of this method of therapeutic influence is that the effect on the reproductive organ is carried out by high-frequency radio waves. The radiation destroys pathological elements, but does not cause burns or physical cutting. The tissues evaporate, and the steam itself seals the cells and capillaries in the neck. At the same time, its healthy elements are not damaged, and the risk of complications is reduced to zero.

Indications and contraindications

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​considered a unique therapeutic method that has virtually no analogues. Its help is used for most gynecological diseases, regardless of the patient’s age.

The procedure may have the following indications:

  • erosion;
  • cystic formation of the Bartholin gland;
  • cervicitis in chronic form;
  • endometriosis;
  • polyps, papillomas;
  • cervical hypertrophy.

This operation is very effective and affordable, but has some contraindications. Among them are:

  • pregnancy period;
  • low blood clotting;
  • mental disorders;
  • the presence of foreign objects in the body (pacemaker, IUD in the uterus);
  • genitourinary infections;
  • menstrual flow;
  • oncology.

The listed contraindications cannot be ignored. Otherwise, the consequences can be severe. Therefore, doctors always first examine the patient, and only then prescribe appropriate treatment.

Advantages of the method

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix has a number of advantages. Based on them, many doctors choose this method of treating diseases of the reproductive organ. For example, this procedure is successfully used to treat teenage girls and nulliparous women. In this case, the decisive factor in choosing treatment tactics is to exclude tissue scarring. This means that subsequently during childbirth the cervical canal will open normally.

During the procedure, only pathological tissue is excised, while healthy epithelial cells remain intact. The use of a laser additionally guarantees a sterilizing effect. The intervention completely eliminates the possibility of developing an infectious process inside the organ or its inflammation.

Treatment of cervical erosion using the radio wave method is most often used. This method of therapeutic influence has managed to prove itself on the positive side. Under the influence of high temperatures, the tissues affected by erosion completely evaporate. In their place, a film is formed, which after some time is rejected and removed from the body. This method of treatment leaves the woman a chance that in the future she will be able to take on the role of a mother.

Preparing for the intervention

Before starting treatment, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient’s health. Typically it consists of the following activities:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • Ultrasound;
  • smear cytology;
  • examination for various urogenital infections;
  • blood analysis.

A comprehensive examination allows you to make a diagnosis as accurately as possible. This approach helps to adjust the therapy, the intensity of the laser beam, and the duration of the procedure itself. The outcome of the operation is largely determined by the course of the disease and the stage of neglect of the pathological process.

It is worth noting that if a comprehensive examination reveals infections or inflammations in the pelvis, their therapy is initially carried out. Only after successful completion of the actions taken can you begin radio wave coagulation.

Description of the procedure and stages of its implementation

Usually the intervention is carried out on days 7-10 of the female cycle. During the procedure, the doctor directs a device with electromagnetic radiation directly to the site of inflammation. In this area, the temperature rises to such levels when pathological elements begin to evaporate on their own. The bleeding capillaries are welded together, so the wound heals quickly, and scars do not remain after it.

Treatment of cervical erosion using the radio wave method, as well as ectopia and cervicitis, involves the use of painkillers before surgery. The duration of the procedure itself varies from 3 to 5 minutes. In the case of treatment of leukoplakia or removal of condylomas, excision is carried out within the boundaries of healthy tissue. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes. After this, the removed tissues must be subject to histological examination.

Recovery and rehabilitation period

In the first days after the intervention, some discomfort is possible: pain in the lower abdomen, slight bleeding. Complications can be avoided if you follow your doctor's instructions. The main requirement is compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Bloody discharge after radio wave coagulation of the cervix worries many women. Due to the abundant secretion, it is recommended to wash twice a day. Taking a bath is strictly prohibited, since an infection can enter the wound along with water. It is better to wash in the shower and not use products with fragrances.

Sanitary tampons are strictly prohibited. In the period after the intervention you will have to give up intimate contacts. The entry of foreign flora into the body is unacceptable. Starting from the second month, sexual intercourse is allowed, but only with barrier contraceptives.

Coagulation is not considered a major operation that involves a long recovery. No sick leave is issued for the entire rehabilitation period. However, at this time you should avoid intense physical activity, visiting saunas and baths. On the other hand, walks in the fresh air are encouraged.

Preparation for radio wave coagulation of the cervix plays an important role; you should not neglect the doctor’s recommendations.

  1. 5-7 days before the date of the proposed procedure, you should avoid intimate contact.
  2. Before the operation itself, you should not overeat; it is better to do it on an empty stomach.
  3. It is recommended to carry out coagulation on days 7-10 of the female cycle.

The doctor should tell the patient about possible discomfort after the intervention (abdominal discomfort, nagging pain, increased or decreased blood pressure).

Possible complications

Speaking about possible complications, after radio wave coagulation they occur extremely rarely. You should immediately consult a doctor if the temperature suddenly rises, the pain intensifies, or the discharge becomes profuse. Such signs may indicate the onset of an infectious process.

Among other complications of the procedure, doctors call:

  • isthmic-circvical insufficiency;
  • decreased fertility levels;
  • increased likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage.

The last two complications usually occur in women who have had a large area of ​​damaged tissue removed during the procedure. Therefore, 6 weeks after the intervention, they are recommended to visit the gynecologist again and undergo an examination. It is better to perform a control colposcopy after 3-4 months. This is exactly how much is required for final tissue healing and restoration of menstruation after radio wave coagulation of the cervix.

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​a simple procedure, the essence of which is to force the formation of a blood clot to stop bleeding or remove abnormal formations on the cervix. It is carried out using a laser, current, and chemicals. Nowadays, there are three types of coagulation.

Chemical coagulation is intended for the treatment of precancerous cervical erosions and cervicitis. This is a virtually painless and quick procedure that does not require anesthesia. During the procedure, the sore area is dried using cotton swabs and a special medical solution is applied, and after some time the area is wiped to remove any remaining solution.

Cryocoagulation takes place at very low temperatures, since such conditions treat diseased areas in the same way as cauterization. This type of treatment is carried out without anesthesia. Helps only with small areas of tissue damage.

Electrocoagulation treatment uses electric current. A painful procedure that involves burning the affected areas. Laser burning is mainly used. Laser coagulation of the cervix requires anesthesia.

Cryocoagulation and electrocoagulation

To prescribe a procedure, the doctor must make a diagnosis and decide which option will be more effective.

This treatment is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • sore cervix;
  • infection;
  • erosion, cyst;
  • putrefactive lesion.

The process takes place in a hospital under the supervision of a specialist. The patient sits on a gynecological chair, after which a speculum is inserted into her vagina for a better view of the cervix. A medical swab is soaked in saline solution to clean it. The doctor uses a gynecological device to expand the walls of the uterus and conduct an examination.

For a better appearance of diseased areas, a vinegar solution is used. When acid comes into contact with diseased areas of the cervix, it turns white. Before starting the procedure, the specialist must treat the affected area with an antibacterial agent.

Coagulation of cervical erosion is carried out in the following sequence: the doctor inserts a speculum and a special instrument with a metal tip into the vagina. He leans it against the sore spot, through which nitrous oxide is supplied. The procedure takes 5 minutes, and after some time is repeated to completely remove the disease. After completion, you should take a smear to ensure that the operation was successful.

Electrocoagulation proceeds in the same way, only instead of nitrogen, current is supplied. The procedure is painless; you may only experience mild pain in the lower abdomen and no discomfort.

At the end, discharge appears, initially transparent, then with the addition of blood, and this lasts about a month. You should wear urinary pads and drink plenty of fluids. There may also be dizziness and headaches. It is recommended not to lift heavy things and reduce the overall load. There may be cramps, you can use a regular pain reliever for them. It is not recommended to have sex for 2 weeks. The procedure cannot be performed if the patient has vaginitis or inflammatory diseases.

Having performed coagulation, you can be more confident that the procedure was successful. Each type of surgery is suitable for treating a specific disease.

Radio wave and argon plasma therapy

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​the most popular type of treatment, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively cure the disease without causing tissue destruction.

Seamless thermal incision surgery leaves no scars that can lead to problems later. The operation does not affect future pregnancies. After this procedure, a woman can have children without any problems.

The operation is safe for the body, but after it mucous discharge or blood may be observed. The healing process lasts a whole month. This procedure is very often used in gynecology and is in great demand, but it must be prescribed by the attending physician after a detailed examination and all tests. You should also undergo an ultrasound to identify an accurate diagnosis, and only after that proceed with the procedure.

The method is based on the emission of radio wave frequencies into energy at the end of a given device. Because of this, diseased tissue evaporates without injuring other areas. This is the peculiarity of this treatment.

If in other operations there is a risk of tissue damage due to bleeding, then in this case there is no risk, which leads to rapid healing without stitches and pain. Despite this, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid physical activity. Also, sexual intercourse should be postponed for a month. For the next 10 days, you should avoid swimming in ponds, taking baths and visiting saunas. This method of treatment is used for all diagnoses of cervical disease.

It is prohibited to perform surgery if there is inflammation of the cervix, pregnancy, or in the presence of metal implants. Coagulation is carried out two days after the end of the menstrual cycle.

Argon plasma coagulation is a type of treatment for the disease that does not cause complications. The process occurs using radio waves with an amplified interval of gas - argon. It is called plasma because it uses radio waves. A current with gas is applied to the tissue, and it heats up, after which coagulation begins. The process takes place under the supervision of a doctor, who determines the power and intensity of the effects.

Coagulation is a common gynecological procedure that involves the formation of a blood clot in the affected area, which is subsequently replaced by new tissue.

Coagulation is also used in various pathological areas of the endometrium, when other non-invasive treatment methods do not bring the desired effect for a long time.

Benefits of the coagulation procedure:

  • effective elimination of altered tissue;
  • possibility of conducting histological examination;
  • renewal of the affected epithelium;
  • quick results;
  • a variety of techniques allowing you to choose the best option for any type of defect;
  • precise impact on the pathological focus without damaging healthy tissue.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • pain during the procedure;
  • long-term rehabilitation;
  • side effects;
  • risk of bleeding if a blood clot accidentally breaks off;
  • scar tissue change;
  • narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • decreased elasticity of the cervix in the affected area.

This method involves exposing the affected area of ​​the cervix to a high-frequency radio wave. At the moment, this is the most effective and safe method of treating pathologies.

Of course, there is no ideal way to treat a sore neck. The method is selected individually for each organism.

The main criterion by which a woman chooses a method of influencing the affected epithelium is her desire to have children in the future.

Radio wave coagulation is painless and does not affect healthy tissues located next to the affected ones. In addition to all this, this method is safe for those who plan to give birth in the future.

It is for these reasons that the radio wave method of removing cervical pathologies is the most popular compared to others.

This is the process of exposing the affected areas of the cervix to high frequency electric current. The second name of this procedure is diathermocoagulation.

The area of ​​the cervix is ​​cauterized with electric current, as a result of which the damaged tissues are rejected and healthy ones grow in their place. For the patient, the operation is not painful as it is performed under local anesthesia.

Before starting the procedure, preparation is usually carried out:

  • Full examination. The purpose of such a diagnosis is to determine whether this pathology is benign? If so, then electrocoagulation is performed. If there are malignant cells, then a different method is chosen.
  • Colposcopy is performed to determine the boundaries between healthy and diseased tissues.
  • Standard tests for vaginal flora. Additionally, blood and urine are taken.

This procedure is prescribed for certain diseases.

Usually the intervention is carried out on days 7-10 of the female cycle. During the procedure, the doctor directs a device with electromagnetic radiation directly to the site of inflammation.

In this area, the temperature rises to such levels when pathological elements begin to evaporate on their own. The bleeding capillaries are welded together, so the wound heals quickly, and scars do not remain after it.

Treatment of cervical erosion using the radio wave method, as well as ectopia and cervicitis, involves the use of painkillers before surgery. The duration of the procedure itself varies from 3 to 5 minutes.

In the case of treatment of leukoplakia or removal of condylomas, excision is carried out within the boundaries of healthy tissue. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes.

After this, the removed tissues must be subject to histological examination.

Possible consequences of coagulation: spotting, cycle disorders

The duration of the rehabilitation period after coagulation varies depending on the method of implementation and the individual defenses of the body. So, after chemical coagulation of minor damage, it will take about 25 days, and after electrocoagulation, recovery will occur only after 9 weeks.

In the first days after the procedure, many patients report discomfort - most often, heaviness in the lower abdomen. After electrocoagulation, in most cases, bleeding or spotting is observed as the vessels are damaged.

This situation is normal and after other types of treatment, it goes away quite quickly.

But if the bleeding is profuse and accompanied by severe persistent abdominal pain, fever or other alarming symptoms, an urgent visit to a doctor is required.

A disruption of the menstrual cycle in the first month after surgery is also considered normal. Over time it is restored.

Reviews from women about the technique

Hello. In my case, erosion formed after childbirth.

During the examination, before discharge, the gynecologist pleased me with this diagnosis and advised me to see a doctor as soon as possible (in 2 weeks) and cauterize it.

I used to often hear about erosion from friends and acquaintances. From the outside it sounded somehow intimidating, like it was very painful and all that.

I decided not to delay and went to the appointment early. During an examination using a colposcope, the gynecologist actually confirmed this diagnosis and said that it would be possible to successfully cauterize the vagina.

During the conversation, the doctor convinced me that this cauterization method is very effective and is successfully performed by many women. The procedure does not last long, as standard on a gynecological chair, using a mirror and the help of a colposcope.

The drug is applied to a cotton swab, after which the doctor treats the desired area in 2 approaches. Does it hurt? I didn’t feel any significant discomfort, I just felt a little burning/tingling during cauterization, but not too much, it soon went away.

That's all. After this you can go home.

But in a couple of weeks you need to come back for an appointment to make sure everything is fine. You can’t have sexual intercourse after cauterization for about a month, although I didn’t stick to such a long period.

With my review I want to warn as many girls as possible so that they do not make a big mistake. Now I am 22 years old, I have no children yet, when I was 18, I was diagnosed with cervical erosion, sent for colposcopy, after which the diagnosis was confirmed.

The doctor prescribed electric cauterization. In general, I decided to trust her... When I got home, I went online and started reading about cauterization with electricity, and in every, absolutely every article, it was written in black and white that this method is absolutely contraindicated for nulliparous girls.

Because it can lead to poor dilatation of the cervix during childbirth. AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN WARN ME ABOUT THIS.

Later, when I went to see a gynecologist, I complained about my problem and she gave me the following phrase: “Well, just think, they’ll do a caesarean section.” For what? Why would they do a caesarean section on me if I could give birth myself?

In general, I don’t trust doctors after this story. So, dear girls, before blindly trusting doctors, I advise you to first study as much information as possible in order to be aware of what they are going to do with you.

I categorically do not recommend cauterizing erosion with electric current, especially for nulliparous girls.

Is pregnancy possible?

Radio wave coagulation is a gentle method that allows you to become pregnant in the future. It does not leave a scar on the cervix, which has a good effect on the birth process.

As mentioned earlier, the method of electrocoagulation of the cervix is ​​not advisable for those who plan to have children. After this kind of cauterization, the cervical canal narrows. This violation entails:

  • Difficult pregnancy;
  • Early birth;
  • Miscarriage.

This will not affect the process of conception itself, but during the birth itself, the woman will most likely be offered a caesarean section.

Treatment with this method is one of the most favorable from the point of view of future pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is low-traumatic.

And if usually coagulation of the cervix leads to a scar on it, which can complicate conception and the birth process, as it reduces the distensibility of the cervix, then when using this method, a scar is not formed.

Therefore, conception, gestation and childbirth occur without complications and on time, and there is also no likelihood of premature birth.

In general, you can plan a pregnancy six months after such an intervention. However, such time frames may differ for individual patients, so it is worth agreeing with your doctor.

Symptoms and principles of treatment of gynecological diseases

Signs of cervical disease do not appear immediately. They are characterized by a long and asymptomatic course. Many women turn to the doctor too late, when the process becomes irreversible. Therefore, it is so important to periodically undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist.

If you notice one or more symptoms from the list above, you should immediately visit a doctor.

  1. Painful menstruation.
  2. Unreasonable vaginal bleeding.
  3. Discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  4. Painful intercourse.

After a comprehensive diagnostic examination and diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed. At the initial stages of pathology development, conservative treatment is sufficient.

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In advanced cases, surgery may be required. One of its options is radio wave coagulation of the cervix.

Carrying out the operation

Preparation for this type of operation includes:

  1. Sanitation of the vagina using antifungal agents.
  2. Prevention of bleeding using special medications.

During the preparation process, it is important to take precautions that will increase the success of the procedure and reduce the risk of complications during the recovery period. Precautions include:

  1. Checking blood clotting function to prevent serious complications.
  2. X-ray examination of the lungs.
  3. Diagnosis of HIV infection, which leads to a significant decrease in immunity and will aggravate the postoperative process.
  4. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections and their mandatory treatment.
  5. Identification of oncogenic tissues that require a separate treatment method (taking a smear for oncocytology).

The following side effects may occur after coagulation:

  • bloody discharge;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

Bloody discharge after coagulation of the cervix is ​​rare, but may occur due to premature detachment of the scab. If such a condition is present, then urgent hospitalization is indicated.

Rehabilitation after this procedure lasts from one to two months. The rate of healing of the postoperative surface depends on the size of the lesion and the chosen method of treatment.

This method of removing pathology is indicated for women and girls of all ages who suffer from various pathologies. The most popular diseases of the female organs for which radio wave coagulation is prescribed are:

Of course, it is believed that radio wave coagulation is a safe method of surgical intervention. However, even this method has a number of contraindications.

Electrocoagulation of the cervix is ​​prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Erosion. This pathology is a lesion of the cervical mucosa, which is clearly visible when examined on mirrors. It looks like a wound on the epithelium.
  • Papillomavirus, which often leads to cervical cancer. Electrocoagulation is performed if there are condylomas on the neck. During surgery, they are eliminated, thereby preventing them from developing into a malignant formation.
  • Cervicitis is an acute inflammation of the vagina. Initially, it is treated with medications, and then surgery is started. Electric cauterization works great.
  • Pseudo-erosion. This is a phenomenon that looks like ordinary erosion, but in fact has a glandular-papillary structure.
  • Endometriosis is an abnormal growth of the endometrium inside the uterus. Therapeutic measures are carried out using electrocoagulation.
  • For cysts on the cervix, the cauterization method is also applicable. Electrocoagulation allows you to remove these tumors that have “settled” on the cervix.
  • Electrocoagulation is also applicable as a method for stopping bleeding. If the manipulation is unsuccessful, the cervix is ​​subject to injury. For example, biopsy and polyectomy can cause such bleeding. Cauterization helps to clog bleeding channels.

Despite its effectiveness, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. Please note the contraindications for electrocoagulation.

If during diagnosis acute inflammation or pathology of the pelvic organs was detected, then electrocoagulation should be abandoned until the problem is eliminated. What other prohibitions are there on cauterizing the cervix with electric current?

  • Pregnancy. This is an absolute contraindication and there are no exceptions in this case.
  • Girls who have not given birth and plan to have children can also use the electrocoagulation method, since the procedure will leave a scar on the cervix. This is extremely dangerous during childbirth. In the case of these girls, they will offer alternative methods that do not leave scars (laser therapy).
  • Oncology. In this case, electric shock will not be effective.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • Poor clotting.
  • Allergy to anesthetics.
  • Infections present at the time of surgery.

Coagulation in gynecology is a procedure whose purpose is to treat pathologically altered tissues. It is a simple method and is therefore performed on an outpatient basis, that is, not in an operating room.

As a result of exposure, a blood clot is formed, which allows you to achieve your goals.

In addition to treating erosion and other lesions, coagulation helps stop vaginal bleeding. But the technique is effective only if the damaged vessel is of medium size, that is, if it is too large for a blood clot to form inside it, but at the same time its size does not allow stopping blood loss by ligation.

In essence, the coagulation procedure comes down to influencing the damaged area and cauterizing it. This allows you to destroy “sick” tissues and create conditions for their gradual replacement with healthy epithelium.

The difference between types of coagulation lies in the method of exposure. Depending on this, it stands out:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction (cryocoagulation);
  • chemical;
  • laser;
  • radio wave;
  • argon plasma (non-contact exposure to argon plasma on defective tissue).

After the procedure, a recovery period begins, the duration of which varies somewhat depending on various factors, including the method of exposure.

Radio wave and other types of cauterization - video

Before coagulation is performed, the patient is prescribed a comprehensive examination. Its purpose is to detect conditions and diseases that may interfere with normal healing and recovery after surgery.

A comprehensive examination includes the following stages:

  • gynecological examination;
  • identification of specific infections;
  • detection of cancer;
  • ultrasonography;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • drug treatment of diseases.

During a gynecological examination, the condition of the cervix is ​​assessed. The doctor also takes swabs for infections.

If the gynecologist is experienced enough, then based on one examination he can determine the type of erosion and the advisability of cauterization. But coagulation is prescribed only when no infection, inflammation or other pathologies are detected. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo other studies, such as:

  • PCR diagnostics (for human papillomavirus);
  • culture of microflora and determination of its sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • analysis for:
    • infections (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis);
    • viral pathologies (genital herpes, papillomavirus);
    • chronic infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.).

The next stage is an instrumental examination necessary to identify malignant neoplasms. Before coagulation, the patient is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound (allows you to identify polyps of the uterus and cervical canal, endometriosis, leiomyoma);
  • colposcopy with testing (using iodine and vinegar);
  • biopsy of pathologically degenerated tissues.

It is possible to accurately determine the nature of the neoplasm (malignant or benign) only through histological examination of tissue samples taken by biopsy.

Depending on the identified pathologies, a course of treatment is prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • antifungal agents;
  • antimicrobial suppositories.

After the end of treatment, you need to take tests again, and if the results are negative, the doctor will set a date for surgery.

Before the procedure, the patient must undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. A number of studies include:

  • examination on a gynecological chair in the office;
  • cytological smear analysis;
  • examination for urogenital infections;
  • detailed blood test.

If any infection (mycoplasma, chlamydia, herpes) is detected, appropriate treatment is carried out, and upon completion, cervical tissue is examined by biopsy.

After examining the body, a woman should come to see a doctor between the 5th and 14th day of her menstrual cycle. The vaginal area and the area that will be affected by the radio wave beam are treated with an antiseptic, and local or general anesthesia is applied.

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Then the affected tissues are coagulated or excised using a special device.

After the operation, the woman does not need hospitalization. She can go home after receiving the necessary medical recommendations.

Any manipulations on the cervix are carried out strictly at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The duration of the procedure and the power of radio waves depend on the severity and characteristics of the disease.

Coagulation for underlying diseases is carried out immediately after the administration of an anesthetic to the cervical area. The duration of the procedure is up to five minutes.

If pre-tumor pathologies are identified, such as condyloma or uterine dysplasia, the affected tissue is removed. The procedure takes up to 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, a small clot removed during the operation is sent for examination.

Coagulation of the cervix using the radio wave method is one of the best operations to get rid of various pathologies.

Today, radio wave therapy for the treatment of the cervix is ​​widely popular. With the help of modern technologies it is possible to carry out thermal cuts.

Thanks to such treatment methods, various diseases associated with the female reproductive system can be quickly cured. In addition, radio wave therapy of the cervix does not cause tissue destruction.


Today, there are several types of cervical coagulation. They differ in the method of influencing the pathological focus. We will consider the most popular treatment methods below.

Diathermocoagulation with electric current

Before the radio wave coagulation procedure, a thorough examination should be carried out. The purpose of such an examination is to identify all possible concomitant diseases that may serve as a contraindication to radio wave coagulation. Below the preparation is outlined in stages.

  1. Antibiotics;
  2. Antimicrobial suppositories;
  3. Antiviral tablets;
  4. Antifungal drugs.

After completing the course of treatment, repeat tests should be taken.

Immediately before the operation itself, the woman must independently carry out preparatory measures:

  • Refrain from intimate contacts for a week;
  • Eat a light dinner in the evening, and not have breakfast at all in the morning;
  • In the morning, perform genital hygiene, but without using gels with dyes and flavors.

The operation time is scheduled for the period that occurs immediately after menstruation. This is days 5-14 of the cycle.

  • The woman is placed on a chair and a speculum is inserted.
  • An anesthetic is then injected into the cervix.
  • Using a special device that emits high-frequency radio waves, the affected area is exposed and the clot is cut off for further histological examination.
  • The whole procedure will take 5-10 minutes. It is painless and does not require hospitalization. After the operation, the patient receives recommendations and goes home.

Since local anesthesia is used, the patient does not experience pain. Below is an image of this operation.

The quality of the procedure depends on good preparation. There are measures that a woman must take on her own, and there are those that must be carried out by a doctor. Let's start with medical training.

After the doctor has examined everything and prescribed surgery, the matter remains with the patient herself. She must also make preparatory measures.


Coagulation of the cervix is ​​indicated for the following conditions and diagnoses:

  • changes in the structure of the tissue lining the cervical canal as a result of hormonal imbalance;
  • epithelial defects discovered during colposcopic examination (polyps, cysts, foci of endometriosis);
  • erosions and cervicitis;
  • condylomas and papillomas;
  • granulomas;
  • infectious lesions;
  • scar changes.

Contraindications to surgery are:

  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting.

Girls who have not given birth should use caution when treating the cervix with various coagulation methods - in some cases, as a result of the effect, the elasticity of the tissues lining the cervix changes. In the future, this can lead to problems during childbirth: non-dilation of the cervix, its ruptures.

This method can treat many lesions of the cervix. That is, any disease or condition that is traditionally treated by coagulation can be cured by coagulation using this method.

And it is recommended to do just that, that is, to replace cryodestruction or electrocoagulation with argon plasma coagulation of the cervix, since this method is less traumatic and has a lower risk of complications, in particular, infections and inflammations.

Argon coagulation is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Cervical erosion;
  • Cervical dysplasia;
  • Leukoplakia;
  • Papillomas (for their removal);
  • Condylomas (for removal).

In these cases, he removes the area of ​​tissue affected by the disease, and in its place a thin film is formed, which then comes off on its own. The method also helps to successfully coagulate blood vessels during bleeding, take material for a biopsy, to coagulate a suture during a caesarean section, etc.

Despite the fact that this method is the safest and most effective, even it has a number of nonspecific contraindications. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  1. Acute inflammatory diseases of a systemic nature, including ARVI;
  2. Acute and pre-acute inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  3. Uterine bleeding of unknown origin;
  4. Poor blood clotting (additional preparation with medications is needed);
  5. Cancer of the reproductive system.

In addition, this intervention cannot be carried out until confirmation is received that the pathological process is benign and is not associated with oncology.

The list of indications and contraindications depends to some extent on the type of coagulation. In general, this type of treatment is indicated for the following diseases:

  • erosion;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • the presence of benign neoplasms;
  • leukoplakia;
  • endometriosis;
  • neoplasia of the cervical canal;
  • scar deformities and tissue hypertrophy;
  • formation of polyps.

The main contraindication to coagulation of any kind is pregnancy, regardless of period. At the same time, the woman should undergo regular examinations to monitor the condition, since there remains a danger of erosion degenerating into an oncological disease.

Treatment begins only some time after the birth of the child.

In addition, contraindications include:

  • lactation period;
  • acute cervicitis;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • carcinoma;
  • vaginitis

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Radio wave coagulation is not prescribed if the patient has a pacemaker installed or a severe inflammatory process is detected. Chemical cauterization is not used in cases of individual intolerance to any drug.

Contraindications to cryocoagulation may be deep damage to the epithelium, the inability to determine the boundaries of the affected tissue, the presence of a cancerous tumor and multiple scars.

Diseases for which coagulation is used - photo gallery

Like any medical procedure, cervical coagulation has certain indications. It is not performed for all diseases of the specified localization, but it covers a fairly wide range of pathologies. As a rule, it includes benign and precancerous diseases of the exocervix:

  • Erosion.
  • Ectopia.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Cysts (Nabothian, retention).
  • Cervical polyps.
  • Leukoplakia.
  • Erythroplakia.
  • Tissue hypertrophy.
  • Cervical neoplasia.
  • Chronic inflammation.
  • Cicatricial deformity of the cervix.

But there are also conditions that limit the use of coagulation in gynecology. These include carcinoma (cancer) of the cervix, pregnancy, acute infections (colpitis, cervicitis) and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

In these cases, the procedure is not only impractical, but also carries a high risk of adverse consequences. Therefore, the attending physician must take into account all the features of gynecological pathology and the condition of the woman herself.

Despite the accessibility and effectiveness of the procedure, radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​not possible if:

  • increased body temperature;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness;
  • menses;
  • chronic or acute pelvic diseases;
  • metal implants in the body;
  • malignant tumors.

Laser coagulation is used to eliminate a wide variety of gynecological pathologies. Experts note that laser coagulation is most often used as a surgical treatment for the following pathologies:

  • erosion;
  • damage to the cervical epithelium;
  • cysts;
  • leukoplakia;
  • polyps;
  • scar deformity;
  • endometriosis localized in the cervix;
  • cervicitis in chronic form;
  • ectopia.

Gynecologists emphasize that laser coagulation is often used to treat pseudo-erosion of the cervix. This pathology is considered the most common benign condition of the cervix.

Cervical erosion refers to several different epithelial defects. In particular, 80% of cases are due to pseudo-erosion.

Erosion is understood as a defect that is located on the visible vaginal part of the cervix. The erosion appears as a spot that differs in color and texture from the epithelium adjacent to the vagina.

Erosion is sometimes a stage of cervical development. During the prenatal period, the vaginal area is first covered with columnar epithelium, which in adult women is localized in the area of ​​the cervical canal.

The cervical canal is located inside the cervix, connecting the uterine cavity and the vagina. Its surface is formed by cylindrical cells and mucus-producing glands. Externally, the cervical canal is velvety and reddish in color.

The squamous epithelium covering the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​multilayered, in contrast to the cylindrical single layer. It has a pale pink color and a smooth and shiny surface.

Over time, the columnar epithelium that covers the vaginal area of ​​the cervix in girls regresses. As a rule, in girls after the end of puberty, the cervical part of the uterus is lined with flat multilayer cells.

However, with hormonal abnormalities, regression of the columnar epithelium occurs later. In such cases, congenital ectopia or erosion can be diagnosed during a gynecological examination.

Ectopia, which is congenital, does not require cauterization by laser coagulation. Patients are advised to regularly visit a doctor and undergo examinations. If the defect is accompanied by inflammation, appropriate drug therapy is prescribed.

Quite often, in girls who began sexual activity early or in women after surgical interventions, improper contraception, or rough sexual intercourse, the mucous membrane is damaged. As a result, a wound appears, which often occurs with inflammation.

Improper healing of true erosion or wound leads to pseudo-erosion. Cylindrical cells appear on the surface of the wound. This defect is treated using various methods of cauterization of the cervix, one of which is laser coagulation.


Immediately after radio wave coagulation, the following consequences can be observed:

  • Nagging pain;
  • Bleeding or spotting that occurs a week after radio wave exposure;

If such discharge lasts longer than 20 days and is of a strange nature, then this looks like a complication that should be treated by a doctor. The gynecologist will prescribe suppositories and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Electrocoagulation, unfortunately, has a number of consequences. Among other methods, the number of consequences in percentage terms is maximum. All consequences are divided into two groups.

What negative consequences can be observed after such an intervention? This method is good precisely because it is one of the few that does not cause negative consequences at all.

A scar does not form after such an intervention, and the extensibility of the cervix does not decrease. The likelihood of infection is minimal, since there is no direct contact of the wound area with the instruments; moreover, argon simultaneously disinfects the wound surface.

The possibility of bleeding is also excluded, since during such coagulation the vessels are simultaneously coagulated. There are usually no difficulties with the healing process - it proceeds quite quickly.

The duration of the rehabilitation period depends on the method used. After coagulation, a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse, avoid carrying heavy objects, taking a bath, visiting a sauna, and engaging in certain physical exercises (for the abdominal muscles).

Bloody vaginal discharge is possible for 1–3 weeks. If they become abundant, purulent, or other symptoms appear, for example, pain in the lower abdomen and fever, then the development of an infection is suspected.

Despite the high safety of minimally invasive treatment, sometimes there are other complications after coagulation:

  1. Bleeding.
  2. Cervical canal stenosis.
  3. Cervical insufficiency.
  4. Endometriosis.

Some of them will lead to adverse consequences during pregnancy and childbirth, so it is necessary to take preventive measures in a timely manner. The appearance of alarming signs in the postoperative period should be a serious signal to consult a doctor.

Only a specialist can competently and most effectively eliminate violations.

On the first day after the operation, nagging pain reminiscent of menstrual pain is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe painkillers. Spotting bleeding appears 7 days after the day when radio wave coagulation of the cervix was performed.

The discharge is usually light, bloody, and can last for 20-25 days. At this time, it is necessary to undergo treatment using suppositories prescribed by the doctor.

In general, the postoperative and recovery periods proceeded favorably for most women. Complications were observed in 1% of operated patients in the form of bleeding, sharp narrowing of the uterine canals or infection.

Today, the most gentle and effective method for eliminating a number of diseases of the genital area is radio wave coagulation of the cervix. Reviews from women who underwent this operation were positive. The process takes place quickly, without hospitalization or inpatient treatment.

Some patients experienced decreased fertility. Such changes could occur if a significant portion of the uterus was removed during the procedure or coagulation was performed multiple times.

Also, after surgery, disturbances in the density and properties of natural vaginal mucus are possible. In this case, the doctor prescribes additional treatment and re-examination.