Causes of TMJ dysfunction. Treatment of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint caused by infection. Is there an effective prevention of inflammation of the temporomandibular joint?

According to statistics, almost 20% of all visits to the dental clinic are associated with dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The temporomandibular joint is the point of articulation between the temporal bones of the skull and the heads lower jaw. The TMJ is one of the most mobile in human body joints. Approximately every 60 seconds, that is, when eating, talking, yawning or any other manipulation in which the jaws are involved, the joint begins to move.

TMJ dysfunction is pathological changes in jaw joint and facial muscles, which take part in all processes associated with jaw movement. In the structure of diseases associated with jaw pathologies, more than 80% is occupied by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (Costen syndrome, dysfunction of the lower jaw, TMJ myoarthropathy, etc.).

Treatment of TMJ dysfunction is always complex, since this disease is a multidisciplinary pathology and requires the participation of various specialists. Complex therapy usually includes:

  • drug therapy;
  • myogymnastics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • orthodontic, orthopedic and surgical treatment of dysfunction.

If you are looking for the best place in Moscow to get treatment for TMJ dysfunction, contact the Canadian Center for Innovative Dentistry and Neuromuscular Therapy. Experienced specialists will carry out comprehensive diagnostics, will determine the exact cause of the problem and help you quickly restore correct work muscles and joints of the jaw.

The combination of advanced technologies, deep scientific knowledge and many years of experience in the field of neuromuscular therapy allows our doctors to minimum term cope with even the most complex and difficult to diagnose cases.

Causes of TMJ dysfunction

The main reasons for the development of dysfunction of the lower jaw include articulatory-occlusal, myogenic and psychogenic disorders:

  • malocclusion;
  • jaw injuries (including birth injuries);
  • dental defects;
  • incorrectly performed prosthetics;
  • pathological abrasion of teeth;
  • various dental anomalies, which are accompanied by a decrease in the height of the alveolar process;
  • bruxism;
  • chronic microtraumas of the components of the TMJ;
  • physical and neuropsychic stress, disruptive articular kinematics and function of the maxillofacial muscles.

Most researchers believe that the basis functional disorders The following negative factors lie in the temporomandibular joint:

  • changes in the tone of the masticatory muscles;
  • violation of occlusion;
  • incorrect position of the jaws.

When the temporomandibular joint stops functioning normally, it affects all aspects of a person's daily life. TMJ dysfunction becomes the root cause constant pain and discomfort (first in the joint area, and then in the neck, shoulders and throughout the spine). If you do not start timely therapy, the condition will only get worse.

Therefore, at the first signs of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, you should immediately contact your dentist.

Symptoms of muscle-joint dysfunction

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is quite difficult to diagnose because clinical symptoms similar to signs of many other diseases. Diagnostic criteria Musculo-articular dysfunction experts consider the following group of symptoms:

  • sound phenomena in the TMJ area - crunching, clicking, popping in the joint that appears when chewing, opening the mouth, yawning and any movement of the jaw;
  • blocking of the temporomandibular joint - restriction of joint movements when opening the mouth (to open the mouth wide, you first have to move the jaw from side to side);
  • pain syndrome - pain of different nature in the area of ​​the jaw joint, face, shoulders and neck, in the ear area when chewing, opening the mouth wide, talking;
  • difficulty chewing;
  • swelling of the face on one side;
  • dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, sleep disturbance, etc.

The symptom complex of TMJ dysfunction is very similar to clinical signs cervical osteochondrosis, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, otitis and many other diseases. The variety of symptoms and their similarity to other pathological conditions make diagnosing the disease difficult. This is why many patients first turn to an otolaryngologist, therapist, neurologist or other specialized specialists and do not receive adequate treatment.

TMJ dysfunction requires a comprehensive examination and differential diagnosis. There is no need to steadfastly endure the pain caused by muscle-joint dysfunction, perceiving it as something inevitable. Come for a consultation with specialists at the Canadian Center for Innovative Dentistry and Neuromuscular Therapy, who will quickly provide comprehensive examination, establish the nature of the discomfort and prescribe adequate therapy.


Symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction may resemble clinical manifestations many other pathologies (diseases of the paranasal sinuses or teeth, arthritis, inflammatory gum diseases, etc.), so the dentist carefully studies the medical history and carries out a comprehensive clinical examination, allowing you to accurately determine the cause of the patient’s symptoms.

Diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction includes:

  • collecting a detailed medical history;
  • palpation and auscultation of the temporomandibular joint for pain, the presence of sound phenomena (clicking, crunching when moving the jaw);
  • assessment of the range of movements, the presence of “jamming” of the jaw when closing and opening the mouth;
  • determining the type of bite and assessing the functionality of the facial muscles.

To assess the condition of the TMJ, an instrumental study is carried out:

  • orthopantomography (full face overview shot, on which the specialist simultaneously sees all dental system, which makes it possible to diagnose various pathologies dentition, assess the condition of periodontal tissues, identify any abnormal changes in the temporomandibular joint, etc.);
  • radiography, MRI or CT of the joint;
  • rheoarthrography or Dopplerography - to determine arterial hemodynamics;
  • electromyography;
  • Gnathodynamometry.

Based on the results of the examination, the specialist decides to choose a treatment method that will most effectively cope with the problem. In some cases it is enough conservative therapy, but also TMJ dysfunction may require the intervention of maxillofacial surgery.

Treatment of TMJ dysfunction

Treatments for temporomandibular joint dysfunction range from simple recommendations on caring for the affected joint and prescribing conservative therapy before surgery. The treatment plan is drawn up individually in each clinical case and depends on the severity of symptoms and progression of the disease. But in all cases, therapy begins with sanitation oral cavity- treatment of periodontal disease, teeth, oral mucosa, correction of dentures.

During the entire period of the main treatment of TMJ dysfunction, patients are prescribed a gentle diet and limited speech load to reduce the load on the temporomandibular joint. Depending on the root cause of the disease and the symptom complex, not only dentists of different specializations can take part in therapy, but also chiropractors, osteopaths, vertebrologists, psychotherapists, neurologists.

To remove pain syndrome prescribe drug therapy - painkillers, sedatives, intra-articular injections and blockades. Special myogymnastics, physiotherapy, massage to relax the masticatory muscles are indicated.

Physiotherapy - effective conservative method treatment of muscle-joint dysfunction. The choice of technique depends on clinical picture pathology, results of electromyographic, radiological and other research methods, patient tolerance medicines And physical methods impact.

For painful TMJ dysfunctions, it is quite effective to prescribe microcurrent therapy to the area of ​​the joint and masticatory muscles, as well as infrared magnetic laser therapy, electrophoresis, inductothermy, etc.

In addition, treatment of TMJ dysfunction includes (according to indications):

  • selective grinding of teeth;
  • correction of prosthetics or re-prosthetics;
  • refilling;
  • correction of malocclusion;
  • wearing special orthopedic splints or mouth guards, as well as other methods aimed at restoring proper closure of teeth.

If the effect of conservative techniques There is no treatment for temporomandibular joint dysfunction; surgery is required. Operative therapy offers a number effective methods therapies, including myotomy of the lateral pterygoid muscle, arthroplasty, condylotomy of the head of the mandible, etc.

Various orthodontic and orthopedic structures, for example, a simulated joint splint. This design relieves the temporomandibular joint, eliminates pain and creates conditions for articular head occupied correct position. These splints are designed for daytime wear; they cause virtually no discomfort and allow a person to communicate freely without experiencing pain or muscle tension.

Specialists at the Canadian Center for Innovative Dentistry and Neuromuscular Therapy use the most advanced techniques to treat temporomandibular joint dysfunction. latest developments in the field of conservative therapy and resort to surgical treatment only as a last resort. An integrated approach allows our doctors even the most complex cases TMJ dysfunction is treated in short term while achieving the best results.

Treatment for TMJ dysfunction is, without a doubt, mandatory and necessary. This problem cannot be neglected because further development the disease is fraught with the occurrence severe complications- dystrophic changes in the temporomandibular joint and even its complete immobilization (ankylosis). An integrated approach and combination of treatment methods guarantee a positive result.

The Canadian Center for Innovative Dentistry and Neuromuscular Therapy is one of the most progressive dental clinics Moscow. Competent approach, application latest technologies and developments in the field of neuromuscular dentistry make it possible to quickly eliminate all manifestations of TMJ dysfunction and restore normal, adequate functioning of the dental system.

If you are concerned about musculo-articular dysfunction of the TMJ, it is best to undergo treatment at the Canadian Center for Innovative Dentistry and Neuromuscular Therapy in Moscow.

Don't skimp on your health! Contact the professionals!

Pain and crunching in the jaw when chewing may indicate temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). This is a functional pathology that affects 30 to 75% of dental patients, and it is more common in young women.

The temporomandibular joint takes on daily increased loads. It “works” almost continuously - when talking, eating, swallowing.

The jaw joint connects the temporal bone and the lower jaw, making it mobile. During normal operation of the TMJ, the lower jaw moves synchronously on the right and left sides.

However various disorders from the side of the skull, jaw muscles or elements of the joint itself lead to dysfunction of the entire masticatory apparatus and deterioration of its coordinated movements.

Causes of pain in the jaw joint

  • Head or neck injuries, e.g. severe bruises which lead to displacement of the intra-articular cartilaginous disc;
  • bruxism – spontaneous night rattle teeth;
  • malocclusion or missing teeth;
  • low-quality dentures or fillings that are too high;
  • one-sided type of chewing food;
  • a state of stress in which a person tenses his facial muscles and clenches his teeth;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other diseases.

Dentist answers questions about TMJ

At TMJ diseases You may feel your jaw clicking or crunching as you chew. There is also acute or It's a dull pain in the joint, which subsides over time or lasts for several years.

Other symptoms:

  • pain in the facial area, near the neck or ear, which intensifies when chewing;
  • discomfort and difficulty opening the mouth;
  • sudden blocking or clamping of the jaw in one position;
  • overstrain of facial muscles;
  • a feeling of “uncomfortable” bite when the teeth on the upper and lower rows do not fit together correctly;
  • swelling of one side of the face.

For more later stages appears headache and dizziness, tinnitus, discomfort in the shoulder area. It is also possible associated symptoms, such as snoring, sleep disturbance, depression, difficulty swallowing.

Diagnosis of TMJ dysfunctions

During the initial examination, the dentist finds out the patient’s complaints and palpates the joint area. It is also important to assess the amplitude (degree) of mouth opening. Instruments are used to measure the nature of the work of the head muscles under different conditions.

Typically, diagnosis involves taking impressions to make plaster models of the jaw. This makes it possible to identify disturbances in the functioning of the jaw system, including improper occlusion (closing of teeth).

IN in some cases Computed tomography, MRI, and ultrasound of the jaw are prescribed.

It often happens that disorders of the jaw joint are associated with unsuccessful prosthetics or difficult removal teeth. Then pain dysfunction appears only 10-12 days after the procedure.

Consequences (complications) of TMJ dysfunction

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome – most dangerous disease, which can ultimately lead to ankylosis. This is stiffness or complete immobility of the lower jaw, which is accompanied by impaired breathing, speech, and facial asymmetry.

In addition, it is possible dystrophic changes in joint tissues, the development of arthrosis and other chronic ailments.

Therefore, do not delay your visit to the dentist; treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction is mandatory. A list of relevant specialists is presented below.

Pathological changes in the structure of the joints, including pathologies of the maxillary and mandibular joints, accompanied severe pain, limited mobility and greatly reduce the patient’s quality of life. With the development of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, the patient cannot eat or speak normally. How does the TMJ work, what symptoms indicate the development of its dysfunction, why does pathology occur and how to identify it? What are the treatment methods for temporomandibular joint pain syndrome? Is it possible to do without surgery? Let's figure it out together.

Structure of the temporomandibular joint

The temporomandibular structure is distinguished by its complex and unique structure. It is formed by the articulation of the socket of the temporal bone and the head of the lower jaw bone, which acts on the principle of a hinge.

The main feature is that the head of the bone is elliptical in shape, and not spherical, as in the structure of other joints. It fits most tightly in the back of the fossa. The posterior maxillary shock-absorbing “cushion” is also localized here, consisting of elastic and loose fibers of connective tissue.

A flexible and movable interarticular disc divides the cavity into two separate chambers. The function of limiting the movements of the lower jaw is performed by a number of structural elements, including the articular tubercle and processes - zygomatic and condylar. Each person’s TMJ is individual, and its parameters depend on a whole range of internal and external factors.

Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction

This article talks about typical ways to solve your issues, but each case is unique! If you want to find out from me how to solve your particular problem, ask your question. It's fast and free!

TMJ dysfunction is characterized by a number of symptoms, the main one of which is pain. The patient complains about dull pain in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, he often has headaches and cervical spine pain (we recommend reading:). Sometimes the pain syndrome spreads to the ears, eyes and teeth. In such cases, it is important to differentiate the pathology from otitis media, arthritis of the joint in question, cervical osteochondrosis and trigeminal neuralgia.

In addition to pain, the following signs indicate the development of TMJ dysfunction:

Causes of pathology

There are currently several theories regarding what causes temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Most experts agree that some individual characteristics its structure in humans can act as prerequisites for dysfunction. More often we're talking about about cases when the shape and size of the glenoid fossa do not correspond to the same parameters of the head.

It is believed that the basis of TMJ dysfunction is a complex of the following factors:

  • changes in the tone of the masticatory muscles;
  • spatial relationships of elements;
  • broken occlusion.

Diagnostic methods

TMJ dysfunction is characterized by many various signs, which are often similar to the symptoms of other pathological conditions. For this reason, diagnosing this disease is considered difficult and usually takes a long time. In order to develop an effective treatment strategy, the patient requires consultation with a neurologist and dentist.

Ideally, therapy should be developed jointly by them. However, to identify problems with the functioning of the temporomandibular joint, the patient usually has to be first examined by a number of specialists, including a rheumatologist and an ENT specialist, to exclude diseases that are within their competence.

Diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction includes the following measures:

TMJ treatment

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a problem that requires integrated approach to treatment. You will need to be examined by a neurologist, dentist, maxillofacial surgeon, and sometimes by a psychotherapist, so that specialists can prescribe full-fledged complex therapy.

In addition to reception medications, physiotherapeutic procedures and even correction may be prescribed surgically. The patient is also recommended to do special gymnastics at home.

Providing first aid for pain syndrome

Pain syndrome, which is one of the main symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, is sometimes very intense. Of course, there is no need to endure pain. The recommendations below will help temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition, but it should be borne in mind that first aid measures are only effective for early stages development pathological condition, so there is no need to postpone your visit to the doctor.

So, first aid for pain caused by TMJ dysfunction:


Physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed for treatment pathological changes in the joints. They help improve joint function, eliminate or reduce the intensity of noise in the joints, and reduce pain. The doctor selects a physical factor to be used for therapeutic purposes, based on the nature and stage of the disease.

Name of procedureShort descriptionNote
UltraphonophoresisThe procedure is based on complex impact ultrasound and the medication that is administered with it (for dysfunction, potassium iodide, propolis, hydrocortisone, analgin are indicated).Apply physical factors can be repeated no earlier than 4-12 weeks after treatment with ultraphonophoresis.
Microwave therapyUltrahigh-frequency electromagnetic vibrations affect the skin receptors of the vessels and tissues located underneath. This promotes the formation of biologically active substances that have a general physiological effect.Domestic clinics usually use the Luch-2 device (emitter diameter 35 mm).


When treating TMJ dysfunction, the doctor prescribes a complex of medications. First of all, we are talking about analgesics, which are intended to relieve pain and improve the patient’s well-being. You will also need to take muscle relaxants and vitamins. Sometimes tranquilizers and/or chondroprotectors are also recommended.

Group of drugsDrug namesNote
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsNimesulide, Ibuprofen, DiclofenacUsed to reduce and eliminate pain
Muscle relaxantsSirdalud, Mydocalm, Compresses based on Lidocaine (2%) and Dimexide (25%)Reducing muscle spasm, reducing tone, facilitating movement of the lower jaw (see also:)
B vitaminsMilgamma, NeuromultivitImproving nerve conduction, reducing pain intensity
TranquilizersDiazepam, GrandaxinShort course according to indications
AntidepressantsFevarin, Ladisan, Amitriptyline
ChondroprotectorsChondroitin sulfatePrescribed if symptoms of TMJ arthrosis are present

Joint correction surgically

If conservative treatment does not bring relief to the patient, there is no positive dynamics against the background of persistent pain and “blockade” of the joint, then it is prescribed surgical correction TMJ.

It should be borne in mind that even surgery does not always solve the problem of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. IN modern medicine Three main varieties are actively practiced surgical intervention. All of them are performed under general anesthesia:

  • Open joint surgery. Used in the presence of tumor formations or severe injuries joint The surgeon opens the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint. Depending on the condition of the affected area, the doctor corrects it or removes it.
  • Arthroscopy. A small endoscope is inserted into the joint cavity through an incision near the patient's ear. The doctor examines the tissues, the image of which is displayed on the monitor screen. This operation makes it possible to remove the affected tissues (if their volume is insignificant) and correct the location of the condyle or disc.
  • Arthrocentesis. The joint cavity is pierced with special needles, after which a sterile liquid is passed through it. If necessary, the surgeon removes the tissue overlays and moves the disc into the hole.

To restore and maintain mobility of the lower jaw, the patient will also need to correct malocclusions (if any). After surgery, the doctor will recommend limiting your food intake. solid products(for example, nuts, crackers), myogymnastics, regular auto-training classes. To reduce stress on the affected area, it is recommended to keep your mouth slightly open.


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) is associated with changes in the jaw, jaw joint, and surrounding facial muscles involved in chewing and jaw movements.


The causes of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint are not fully understood, but dentists suggest that this problem is associated with disorders of the jaw muscles or elements of the joint itself.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction may result from injury to the jaw, temporomandibular joint, or head and neck muscles - e.g. strong blow or “whiplash.” To others possible reasons relate:
Bruxism or clenching of teeth, leading to overload of the temporomandibular joint;
Displacement of the intra-articular cartilaginous disc located between the head of the joint and the articular fossa;
Damage to the temporomandibular joint due to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid;
Stress, which results in a tendency to tense the facial or jaw muscles or clench the teeth.


Symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction may include: sharp pain and discomfort, which may be temporary or persist for many years. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is most often observed in age group from 20 to 40 years (women get sick more often than men).

Typical symptoms of TMJ dysfunction are:
Pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joints, neck and shoulders, in or near the ear when chewing, talking, or opening the mouth wide
Limitation of mouth opening amplitude
Locking (“jamming”) of the jaw in an open or closed position
Clicking, cracking, or grinding sounds in the jaw joint when opening and closing the mouth (sometimes accompanied by pain).
Facial muscle fatigue
Difficulty chewing or sudden “inconvenience” of the bite (feeling that the upper and lower teeth do not close correctly).
Swelling on one side of the face

Other common symptoms include dental or ear pain, hearing loss, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).


Symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction may resemble those of many other diseases (dental or sinus disease, arthritis, inflammatory diseases gums), so your doctor will take a thorough history and conduct a clinical examination to determine the cause of your symptoms.

Your doctor will check your temporomandibular joint for pain or tenderness; listen to sounds in the joint (if there are any clicks, crackling or grinding sounds when the jaw moves); will pay attention to the limited range of motion or “jamming” of the jaw when opening or closing the mouth; will evaluate the type of bite and the function of the facial muscles. Sometimes there is a need to take a panoramic X-ray(a full-face photograph in which the doctor can simultaneously see both jaws, the TMJ and all teeth, which allows us to exclude other causes of the observed symptoms). In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography(CT). With the help of MRI, you can obtain images of soft tissues - for example, the intra-articular disc of the TMJ, which allows you to check the correct position of its position during jaw movements. CT scanning makes it possible to examine bone structure joint

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor may decide to refer you to a dental surgeon for further observation and treatment ( maxillofacial surgeon). This is a specialist doctor specializing in surgical interventions in the face, jaw and oral cavity.


Treatment methods can vary from simple recommendations for caring for the affected joint area and application conservative methods before injections and surgery. Most experts believe that treatment should begin with conservative (non-surgical) measures, resorting to surgical intervention only in extreme cases. Many of the methods listed below give best effect when used in combination.
Applying moist heat or cold compresses. Cold compress apply for 10 minutes. to the corresponding side of the face and temple area.

Then perform several simple exercises for warming up the jaw muscles, recommended by a dentist or exercise therapy specialist. After performing the exercises, apply a warm towel or napkin to the affected side of the face. These procedures are repeated several times a day.
Elimination of solid foods. The diet includes foods with a soft consistency (yogurt, mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, soups, omelettes, fish, cereals, boiled fruits, vegetables and legumes). Foods are cut into small pieces before consumption to reduce the need for chewing. Avoid hard and crunchy foods (hard-crusted buns, dry breads, raw carrots), foods that require prolonged chewing (caramel, toffee), as well as large pieces of food and fruits that are bitten off with a wide open mouth.
Taking medications. Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motril, Aleve), can be used to relieve pain and swelling. Your doctor may recommend higher doses of these or other NSAIDs, or prescribe a different medicine, such as a narcotic painkiller. Muscle relaxants may be prescribed to relieve tension in the jaw muscles (especially due to bruxism or teeth clenching). To reduce stress (which in some cases is considered an aggravating factor in TMJ dysfunction), you can use sedatives. Taking small doses of antidepressants can also relieve pain. Muscle relaxants, sedatives and antidepressants are available only with a doctor's prescription.
Low frequency laser treatment. Used to relieve pain and inflammation, as well as to increase range of motion in cervical spine and amplitude of mouth opening.
Wearing an orthopedic splint or mouthguard. Splint and dental guard are plastic attachments that are placed on the upper and lower teeth. They prevent the teeth from closing, which reduces Negative consequences from clenching or grinding teeth. In addition, they help correct the bite, keeping the teeth in the most correct and least traumatic position. The main difference between a splint and a mouth guard is that a mouth guard is worn only at night, while a splint is worn constantly. If you need to wear a mouth guard, your doctor will discuss with you what type of mouth guard you need.
Orthopedic and orthodontic treatment. Replacement of missing teeth, installation of crowns, bridges or braces to align the cutting surfaces of the teeth or correct the bite.
Limitation of joint movements. It is recommended to yawn as little as possible and minimize chewing movements (especially eating chewing gum and ice cream), and also avoid maximum movements of the joint (as when shouting and singing).
It is not recommended to rest your chin on your palm or hold telephone handset pinched between shoulder and ear. Correct posture Helps relieve pain in the cervicofacial area.
To reduce jaw tension, keep your mouth slightly open if possible. IN daytime Placing the tip of the tongue between the teeth helps prevent teeth clenching or grinding.
Learning relaxation techniques can help reduce jaw muscle tension. Consult your dentist regarding the need physical therapy or massage. Consider using stress-relieving techniques, such as biological feedback(BOS).

What is TMJ dysfunction, what are its symptoms, is treatment for this disease effective without medications?

The TMJ is the temporomandibular joint, which is responsible for opening and closing the mouth, and therefore for biting, chopping and chewing food, communicating, yawning and performing other movements of the lower jaw. The joint is a pair, that is, the jaw has two heads that are attached to the temporal bones on both sides.

Painful dysfunction of the TMJ - causes, symptoms, diagnosis

As a result of various congenital and acquired factors (bite disorders, jaw injuries, tooth extraction, improper installation of fillings and dentures, overstrain of masticatory muscles, stress factors) normal operation the joint on one side or another is often disrupted. TMJ dysfunction occurs, accompanied by pain and crunching in the joint when moving, limited mouth opening, headaches and neck pain, decreased mood, irritability and other symptoms. Man with pain dysfunction temporomandibular joint cannot eat, speak, smile, laugh, sing, yawn, etc. normally.

What to do in such a situation? Contact a dentist for an examination and thorough examination to determine the cause of the disease and promptly begin treatment for TMJ dysfunction. Usually, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor recommends taking an x-ray (sometimes an MRI) of the problem joint, a panoramic image of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used for treatment medicines, physiotherapy, as well as wearing a special splint (mouth guard).

In some cases it will be effective to use acupressure, special gymnastics And autogenic training.

Reflexology for TMJ dysfunction

Properly performed, it can relieve pain due to dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, reduce spasm of the masticatory muscles, and make it easier to open the mouth and chew food. Distant and local points are used on the channels of the large intestine (GI), stomach (E), triple heater (TR), small intestine(IG), gallbladder (VB). A specific set of points for the session is selected taking into account the characteristics of TMJ dysfunction and the presence of concomitant diseases.

I'll give you the most simple diagram influence using several main points:

  • 1st session: (on the affected side) and E 36 (both sides) – active massage each point for 3-5 minutes 3 times a day
  • 2nd session – TR 5 and – points are massaged on both sides for 4-5 minutes 2 times a day
  • 3rd session – GI 4 and E 36 on both sides (3 minutes each), E 6 and E 7 on the side affected by the TMJ for 3 minutes
  • 4th session - massage of painful (trigger) points in the area of ​​the problem joint for 3-5 minutes (good - electropuncture with a negative current of 30-50 μA in painful points for 5-10 minutes each) and on both sides for 5 minutes
  • 5-8th sessions - alternate use of the above combinations of points (you can influence the points with a home device for darsonvalization)

In the next 2 weeks, it is good to use (if available) the Vitafon device, placing vibraphones on the area of ​​TMJ dysfunction and carrying out the effect for 10 minutes in the second mode, 2 times a day.

Therapeutic exercises for dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

Start carrying out special exercises To restore impaired TMJ function, it is necessary after pain has reduced. Gymnastics should be performed carefully, gradually increasing the amplitude of movements of the lower jaw, without leading to the appearance pain. There is a special set of exercises - Rokabado myogymnastics.
Gymnastics in the treatment of TMJ dysfunction should be done 2-3 times a day, repeating each movement 5-10 times and remaining in extreme positions for six seconds. To perform the exercises, you need to sit near a mirror, straighten your back, and, if possible, relax the muscles of your face and neck.

  1. Slowly open your mouth to the limit (if pain or blockage appears in the problematic TMJ, “step back” a little), stay in this position for 5-6 seconds, then slowly close your mouth. Repeat 10 times.
  2. We perform the first exercise with opening and closing the mouth, with the tip of the tongue resting on the palate, closer to the back surface of the mouth. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Gradual, fractional stretching of the masticatory muscles with persistent muscle spasm and pronounced limitation of mouth opening. We use wooden spatulas, which fold into a rubber fingertip and are located between chewing teeth On the one side. After a minute, the number of spatulas is increased to 10-14 and they are inserted for 1-2 minutes alternately on each side.
  4. Movements of the lower jaw with counteraction. We rest our fist (hand) on the chin from below and provide resistance while opening the mouth and for six seconds in the position of its maximum opening. Repeat 5 times.
  5. We perform counteraction when moving the lower jaw to the left and right, providing resistance with the hand on the opposite side. Repeat on both sides 5 times.
  6. Restoring the symmetry of the muscles responsible for the movements of the lower jaw. Sitting in front of the mirror forefinger We place the left hand in the area of ​​the left TMJ, and the thumb is placed below (on the side) in the area of ​​the angle of the lower jaw on the left. In the same way we place the fingers of the right hand on the right. We perform slow movements of the lower jaw down and up, right and left, monitoring the simultaneous (symmetrical movement) of the jaw and gently correcting possible deviations if necessary.
  7. The exercise is a continuation of the previous one. If you find that the jaw shifts to the left when opening the mouth, apply pressure with your left hand from left to right at this moment; if a shift is detected to the right side, then pressure must be applied right hand to the left.
  8. If there is a displacement of the lower jaw when opening the mouth, it is recommended to chew predominantly on the side opposite to the displacement (the jaw moves to the left - we chew on right side and vice versa).
  9. Exercise for the muscles of the head and neck. Tilt your head up and down and left and right, holding your head in extreme positions for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 6-10 times in each direction.

Considering the significant influence of stress on the occurrence and course of TMJ dysfunction, it is important to learn how to quickly relieve emotional stress, relax the body muscles (including the chewing muscles). To do this, we can recommend mastering methods such as neuromuscular relaxation and autogenic training.
Here's an example, standard set self-hypnosis formulas for autogenic training (classes take place in calm atmosphere lying down or sitting in a “coachman” position). Exercises are mastered gradually and sequentially - having mastered the first exercise well, you can move on to the second, etc.

After mastering all six autogenic training exercises full text session will be something like this:

Those who are unable to master these techniques on their own can contact a psychotherapist for training or conducting sessions of therapeutic hypnosis.

Once again, I would like to note that the methods proposed above for treating TMJ dysfunction are additional, and most importantly - timely appeal to a qualified dentist.