Allergy to citrus fruits - symptoms, treatment, folk remedies. What does an allergy to citrus fruits look like? Allergy to citrus fruits in children

Allergy to citrus fruits in children is a type of food allergy. Oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits are often children's favorite treats, and therefore an inadequate reaction of the body to these products can cause a lot of frustration, both for the children themselves and for their parents.

The cause of the development of allergic reactions is a violation of certain immune processes, in which food antigens do not function correctly with antibodies and lymphocytes. But there may be plenty of factors that can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the immune system. This is a hereditary predisposition, an unfavorable environmental situation, and non-compliance with hygiene standards.

In any case, whatever caused the child’s allergy to citrus fruits, parents should know how to recognize the disease and what measures to take to eliminate it. And although allergies cannot be cured completely, you can significantly reduce its manifestations and save your baby from suffering.

Symptoms allergies

An allergy to citrus fruits can cause not only local, but also general manifestations in children. As a rule, they are not severe and go away quickly after stopping contact with the allergen. Local reactions may be as follows:

  • , manifested by a runny nose, nasal congestion, redness and swelling of the nasal area, itching of the mucous membranes;
  • allergic conjunctivitis, in which the child may experience lacrimation, redness of the eyes, accompanied by itching;
  • allergic otitis media– hearing loss occurs due to swelling of the auricle;
  • – skin rash, urticaria with severe itching and burning.

In children, allergies to citrus fruits usually manifest as various forms of allergic dermatitis. You can notice typical signs of diathesis, which are manifested by redness of the skin and itchy rashes in the cheeks, chest, abdomen, etc.

If symptoms of allergic dermatitis appear, it is important to promptly consult a pediatric dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, ignoring such manifestations can lead to the development of chronic eczema.

Quite rarely, the first symptoms of an allergy to citrus fruits can be disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In a mild form, the disease manifests itself as stool disturbances and increased gas formation. In more severe forms, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea may occur.

Due to allergic reactions, the child can suffer greatly. Experiencing constant anxiety, he will stop getting enough sleep and will not be able to concentrate, which leads to decreased performance at school and a constant bad mood. In addition, the immune system will also be significantly affected. This is why it is important not to ignore allergy symptoms, but to take action as soon as possible.

Traditional methods treatment

Treatment of an allergy to citrus fruits in a child should begin with a visit to a doctor who can confirm the diagnosis using laboratory tests and identify the causes of the disease. To treat allergy symptoms, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines that are safe for children. However, it is worth remembering that many of these drugs cause drowsiness and decreased concentration, which can have a negative impact on the child’s daily routine.

Treatment of allergies to citrus fruits using folk remedies is very popular. Most of them are absolutely safe and can be used in the treatment of children, but only with the approval of a doctor. The basis of this treatment is strengthening the immune system, and the most effective recipes against allergies are considered to be:

  • herbal teas from wormwood, birch buds, St. John's wort, honeysuckle, oregano;
  • honey and other bee products– they must be used very carefully, since honey is also a fairly strong allergen;
  • peppermint decoction;
  • mumiyo– one gram of product must be diluted in a liter of water. The product can be given to children from one year old, 50 grams before feeding, from three years old - 70 grams, and from seven years old - 100 grams;
  • will help get rid of allergic dermatitis nettle decoction, which should be given to the child a little at a time several times a day.

Prevention measures

Prevention of allergies to citrus fruits in a child’s mother should begin during pregnancy. It is recommended to monitor your health, avoid infectious and viral diseases, and adhere to a hypoallergenic diet. When the baby is born, long-term breastfeeding will help strengthen his immune system and prevent the development of allergies. It is very important not to overuse medications for minor ailments in a child.

Allergy prevention also includes vaccinating children according to schedule. But only in the absence of allergic reactions. Measures should also be taken to strengthen the baby’s immune system: do gymnastics, hardening, and maintain personal hygiene. Of course, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, you will have to avoid eating tangerines during the New Year holidays. But parents will definitely be able to find a suitable replacement for them, just as tasty, but safe for the child.

Video about allergies in children

Table of contents

We have long associated the aroma of tangerines and oranges with holidays and gifts. However, for many people this joyful event can be overshadowed by an allergy to citrus fruits. The fruits of these plants have a number of positive properties, but not everyone is destined to feel and fully understand the taste and aroma of wonderful fruits. The reaction to citrus fruits may be different, but in any case, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment of the disease are necessary.

Specifics of allergy to citrus fruits

Allergies to citrus fruits are more common than to many other foods.

Allergies are a set of painful conditions and illnesses, which are based on a negative reaction of the immune system to certain harmless substances. Even ancient scientists described cases of illness when certain foods, when consumed, caused gastrointestinal disorders or skin rashes. All this is connected with the individual characteristics of the human body.

The immune system acts as a shield, protecting people's health from various negative external influences and the invasion of infectious disease pathogens, and produces protective protein compounds called immunoglobulins.

Irritants of various kinds, including those contained in citrus fruits, enter the human body and provoke an increase in protein levels. In this case, type E immunoglobulins attack allergens. As a result, compounds are formed that settle on cells that contain active hormones. Histamine is released, which is responsible for the development of symptoms of tissue inflammation. Typical symptoms of an allergic reaction appear at the sites of its release. This defense mechanism dilates blood vessels, drawing active blood cells to the sites where immunoglobulin is deposited, capable of producing substances that destroy foreign protein bonds.

Thus, specific immunoglobulins also react to irritants contained in citrus fruits. An allergy to citrus fruits is a high reactivity of the immune system to irritants, causing increased sensitivity to them. Whatever the irritants, harmful or neutral, the body reacts to them as to a dangerous invasion of foreign particles.

There are two types of allergies to citrus fruits:

An immediate reaction when, after consuming the fruit, obvious symptoms occur within no more than half an hour: swelling, suffocation, urticaria, collapse. Possible death. A delayed reaction manifests itself after a long time, sometimes after 2–3 days. The nature of this allergy is quite mild: rhinitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dermatitis, rashes, and itching occur.

Causes of the reaction

Various factors can cause food allergies, including citrus fruits - for example, the fruit contains histidine, from which histamine is released as a result of biosynthesis. However, reactions to allergens contained in fruits depend not only on the state of the human body’s immune system. According to doctors, the basis for violations may be:

disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract; taking antibiotics; increased permeability of the intestinal walls; weakened liver function; hereditary and genetic predisposition; unfavorable environment; frequent stress; fungal diseases.

As a result, citrus protein is perceived as foreign, thereby provoking a negative response from the immune system. Food allergies often manifest themselves at an early age, but some people are destined to experience them as adults.

According to statistics, every fifth child has experienced an allergic reaction.

The development of the reaction in children is facilitated by:

early transfer to artificial feeding; congenital and acquired for any reason diseases of the digestive system; poor nutrition of the mother during lactation; overfeeding

Allergies in adults and adolescents can be triggered by:

inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, rapid or, conversely, slow digestion and absorption of food compounds, dietary disturbances, uniform or unbalanced food consumption, ingestion of chemical compounds harmful to the human body (fertilizers, preparations for processing fruits), uncontrolled use of medications, in particular antibiotics.

During pregnancy, the tendency to allergic reactions increases due to hormonal changes and decreased immunity.

Sometimes the root cause of an allergy cannot be determined. In addition, allergic manifestations to citrus fruits may be false, that is, immunoglobulins will not participate in the development of the reaction.

Allergies true and false

If a person does not experience any discomfort or allergic reactions when drinking tea with the aroma of lemon or bergamot, and calmly uses various perfume and cosmetic products containing essential oils, then we cannot talk about true intolerance to citrus fruits. Allergic manifestations in this case depend on other factors:

eating large fruits; chemicals with which the fruit has been treated.

True food allergies arise from minimal ingestion of protein compounds into the body. Even when inhaling citrus odors or eating one segment of the fruit, allergy sufferers develop vivid manifestations of a negative reaction. However, in some cases, the fruits of some species cause allergies, while the consumption of others goes unnoticed by the body.

The most allergenic fruits

Oranges are the most allergenic citrus fruits

There is intolerance to certain types of fruits of the Citrus family. It's all about the number of components contained in them that provoke the occurrence of a reaction. So, you can eat pomelo without any problems, but at the same time experience severe allergies from tangerine or kumquat, since they contain more thiamine and pantothenic acid.

The most allergenic citrus fruits are:

oranges; tangerines; tangarines; grapefruits.

The brighter and more saturated the color of the fruit, the higher the likelihood of allergies. Thus, the manifestation of a violent allergic reaction when eating lemon is less likely than when eating fruits with orange peel.

Reaction to chemicals that have been used on fruits

Sometimes when eating citrus fruits, the reaction that occurs is not directly related to them. An allergy can be caused by a substance that has been used to treat fruits to protect them from mold, rot, and pests.

Substances for protecting and preserving the attractive presentation of fruits have no smell, color, or taste. Once inside the human body, they go unnoticed. But in the future, these components accumulate and can provoke improper functioning of the stomach and allergies. Poisoning may occur with symptoms of flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Various chemicals are used to process citrus fruits, including:

fungicides; sulphur dioxide; biphenyl; Methyl bromide.

Sometimes even thorough washing of fruits cannot guarantee complete removal of chemicals. After all, these substances can get into the pulp of fruits during long-term storage.

When children prone to food allergies consume tangerines grown in the south of Russia in moderation, they, as a rule, do not show allergy symptoms. And imported “processed” fruits contribute to the development of an allergic reaction. Perhaps it depends on the type of fruit, or perhaps the chemical processing of imported delicacies is to blame.

Symptoms and signs

It should be borne in mind that true allergy sufferers experience attacks not only from consuming the pulp and juice of citrus fruits. The essential oils of these fruits, present in the peel, can also cause allergies. Volatile enzymes can affect the upper respiratory tract, mucous membranes of the eyes, and wound surfaces of the skin.

In adults and children, the symptoms of the disease may manifest themselves differently, which is associated with the characteristics of the development of the body.

Features of symptoms in adults

In adults - both men and women - the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

From the respiratory system: swelling of the respiratory tract: nasal passages, tongue, lips, bronchi; redness of the nose; difficulty breathing: shortness of breath, suffocation, wheezing; allergic rhinitis. From the skin: rashes on the body and face; severe itching and redness of the skin; eczema; neurodermatitis; atopic dermatitis. From the cardiovascular system: decreased blood pressure; dizziness; severe weakness; fainting. From the digestive system: abdominal pain; nausea; vomit; diarrhea; colitis; intestinal spasms; loss of appetite; flatulence. From the organs of vision: lacrimation; itching; redness; swelling; allergic conjunctivitis.

It happens that citrus fruits can provoke serious disorders that can be fatal in adults who are prone to allergies: Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

Manifestations of allergies in the photo

Choking is a serious consequence of respiratory allergies Rashes are the first sign of a food allergy Allergic rhinitis can occur when inhaling the aroma of citrus fruits Dermatitis is a classic symptom of food allergies.

Clinical picture in children

In children, the symptoms are somewhat different. In addition to the above signs of allergies, babies may have the following symptoms of the disease:

From the skin: diathesis; pinpoint rashes; finely focal spots. From the upper respiratory tract: frequent sneezing; bouts of unreasonable coughing. From the gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia; enterocolitis; colic. Decreased hearing acuity.

Features of the disease in the youngest – video by Dr. Komarovsky


Any disease requires appropriate qualified treatment. Before starting therapeutic measures, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Identification of the true cause of allergies is carried out through testing and antigen blood tests.

Carrying out diagnostic tests for irritants - a proven method for determining the disease

There are different types of tests - the skin test is the fastest. However, it gives only a general picture of the disease - an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, but does not show what type of these plants it occurs on.

There are several testing methods:

Scarification test. In this case, special markings in the form of markings are made on the cleaned skin. Then allergens are applied to it in a dropwise manner. Through drops, using a scarifier, medical workers make scratches in designated areas. The result will be noticeable after 15–30 minutes. Prick test. It is similar to a scratch test, but instead of scratches, punctures are made into the skin using disposable needles. Application testing. This method is carried out without damaging the skin. Swabs soaked in an allergen solution are applied to the marked areas. The effectiveness of this diagnostic method is determined after a longer time (60–180 minutes). Subcutaneous tests. To do this, injections of allergen solutions are made. This is the most accurate and at the same time dangerous testing, since this method can provoke an attack of the disease. Provocative tests. In this case, the allergen is injected directly into tissues or organs with a clear manifestation of this disease. There are: conjunctival test, when the allergen is dosed into the conjunctival sac of the eye; nasal test, introducing dropwise irritant into the nasal passages; inhalation test, when the allergen is inhaled through the nose; exposure test, during which contact with suspected allergens is simulated; elimination test, when contact with the supposed provocative stimulus is excluded.

There are also highly sensitive testing methods: thrombocytopenic, leukocytopenic and radioallergosorbent diagnostics. But they are used extremely rarely in practice due to their high cost.

A skin test is performed only during periods when there is no exacerbation of the disease.

It is allowed to do no more than 15 samples per testing session. The presence of an allergy will be indicated by inflammatory reactions that appear at the points of contact of the skin and irritants:

redness; rash; swelling, papules.

Any change in the skin under the influence of allergen solutions is considered a positive reaction.

Despite the effectiveness of the diagnostic method, there are some contraindications to skin tests. So, you can’t do allergy tests:

persons suffering from chronic diseases; pregnant and lactating women; people using hormonal drugs.



After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. The basis of therapy is medications, the action of which is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and improving the patient’s condition. Complex treatment using several types of medications is often used.

The following types of medications have a therapeutic effect:

Antihistamines reduce the severity and frequency of attacks, do not have serious side effects, and are easy to use. Such drugs are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, ointments, creams, and sprays. The most popular and effective: Claritin, Clemastin, Zirtec, Erius, Cetrin, Parlazin, Kestin, Xizal, Zodak, Loratadine, Gistalong, Tavegil, Suprastin and others. Absorbents help cleanse the body of allergens, remove toxins, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Enterosgel, activated carbon, Polysorb, Karbovit, Antralen have proven themselves well. Anti-inflammatory drugs for external use are prescribed to relieve local allergy symptoms: itching, swelling, inflammation, redness. Lorinden, Sinaflan, Celestoderm, Elokom, Fenistil are often used. Systemic hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids - Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone) are used in the treatment of severe forms of allergies. They are usually used intravenously, intramuscularly or externally. To normalize intestinal function, Linex, Baktisubtil, Enterozermin, Smecta are often used. Immunomodulators help activate the body's defenses. Prescribed together with vitamin complexes. Usually they use Immunal, Trimunal, Interferon and Anaferon. In cases of allergic rhinitis, that is, rhinitis, vasoconstrictor drops are used: Imidin, Pinosol, Vibrocil, Allergoferon. If allergy manifestations affect the mucous membrane of the eye, drops are used to relieve inflammation and irritation: Visin, Dexamethasone, Montevisin, Dexona.

Currently, a new method of treating citrus fruit allergies has emerged - this is extracorporeal hemocorrection, which allows you to change the composition of the patient’s blood. During the procedure, the blood is purified with a special device, injecting medications into it and removing components that cause the reaction, and it is transfused back. The first signs of allergy disappear after the first two procedures. The disease is completely cured after 10 sessions. This method is used only under the strict supervision of a doctor in specialized clinics.

How to treat allergies - video

Folk remedies

An additional treatment method can be the use of traditional medicine. The use of such methods can only be carried out with the permission of a doctor and under his supervision. This is primarily due to the fact that some people may be allergic to the components included in non-traditional recipes.

Folk remedies are part of complex therapy, and not a full-fledged type of treatment

There are many different folk healing recipes. Here are a few of them:

Ointments for itchy skin: 50 g of petroleum jelly mixed with 4 tablespoons of a decoction of oak bark and peppermint. Apply to affected areas 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. Boil 50 g of crushed valerian roots in 150 ml of boiling water until the volume is halved. Cool, mix with butter until smooth. Apply to itchy areas several times a day. Mix 1 fresh chicken egg white with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh high-fat cream and 1 tbsp. fly in the ointment. Lubricate sore areas several times a day. Lotions for itching: Grind grapes with seeds and peel. The paste is applied to the sore spots under parchment for 10 hours. The course of treatment is 30 days. After using the lotion, avoid contact with water for 3-4 hours. Apply the onion pulp to the sore spots for 5-10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated several times a day. For allergic conjunctivitis, a decoction of chamomile flowers is mixed with aloe juice. Cotton pads are moistened with the mixture and applied to the eyelids. Keep for 15 minutes. Repeat a couple of times a day. Decoctions and infusions for allergies for oral administration: A decoction is prepared from a mixture of nettle, chamomile and thyme in equal proportions (1 teaspoon of mixture per 200 ml of water). Take in the morning for 2 weeks. Hops, birch buds, wormwood, oregano and St. John's wort are mixed in equal parts and a decoction is prepared, as in the previous recipe. Used for a month several times a day. 2 teaspoons of elecampane rhizome are infused in cold clean water (500 ml) for 8 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day. Burdock and dandelion roots are infused for 10 minutes at the rate of 100 g of mixture per 1 liter of water. Take before meals for a week. Boil 1 teaspoon of peony roots for 5 minutes in 400 ml of water. Drink the product 3 times a day, 100 ml. Baths: Decoctions of string, calendula flowers, oregano and chamomile treat children's dermatitis (brewing proportions are indicated on packages of medicinal herbs). Juniper extract added to the bath (literally a few drops) will relieve itching and reduce rashes on the body. 100 g of wormwood, coltsfoot and kirkazon are mixed and poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook for 30 minutes. Wash with cooled broth.

Plants that help fight allergies, pictured

Mint is a tasty and healthy plant Oregano will help relieve itchy skin Burdock root reduces the intensity of allergies Wormwood cleanses the body of allergens and toxins Chamomile relieves inflammation and soothes the skin St. John's wort helps cope with many diseases, including allergies to citrus fruits Birch buds should be used with caution, as they can cause allergies. Hops are used to treat allergic rashes of unknown origin To prepare decoctions, only young nettle leaves should be used.

Diet food

Additionally, a hypoallergenic diet helps counteract allergies to citrus fruits. If you exclude these fruits from your diet for 6–12 months, the disease may disappear forever. After such a diet, you can introduce citrus fruits into your diet little by little, avoiding the most allergenic fruits.

The key principles of the diet for citrus allergies are:

small and frequent meals, excluding allergenic foods from the menu, studying the composition of food products, drinking plenty of fluids, steaming, boiling and stewing, keeping a diary of food reactions, minimizing the consumption of sweets, herbs, spices, trying new dishes in the morning (to track reactions ).

Products used for food must always be fresh, clean, and of high quality.

Preventing allergies to citrus fruits

There are 3 basic rules for preventing food allergies, including those to citrus fruits:

Prevention of sensitization that is immunological in nature - limiting contact with the allergen. Prevention of further development of allergies. Application of therapy.

At the initial stage of prevention, it is necessary to remove from the diet all foods that can cause allergies; the method is applied even while the child is in the womb.

Further preventive measures include:

timely contact an allergist if sensitivity to any products is detected; keeping a food diary and using a diet; during the flowering period of plants, limiting the consumption of berries, fruits, and bee products; exclusion from the diet of foods containing large amounts of flavorings, additives, and preservatives; enrichment of the diet with micro- and macroelements; timely treatment of diseases and various infections; the use of immunomodulating drugs and increasing the body's protective functions.

Prevention of food allergies is, first of all, the absence of chronic diseases of the stomach, liver, and lack of enzymes. Smoking, alcohol abuse, irritation of the gastric mucosa with too acidic, spicy or fatty foods, and medications can also be a provoking factor.

An allergic reaction to citrus fruits is a type of food allergy that occurs in people of all ages. Limiting contact with fruits and excluding them from the menu will help get rid of the painful symptoms of the disease. In addition, disease prevention should occupy an important place in the lives of modern people, especially if there is a clear predisposition to allergies. It is necessary to minimize all risks of illness. At the same time, you cannot self-medicate; only therapy selected by a specialist will protect you from the progression of the reaction and dangerous consequences.

Lack of medical education does not indicate that a person does not understand medicine)))

More details

Allergic reactions are the body's intolerance to certain types of foods. The disease can begin to bother you both from childhood and at a more mature age - at 30, 40 or even 50 years old.

Any product can trigger it. A reaction to eating citrus fruits and other fruits is very common. At the same time, the causes of allergies, as well as its symptoms, may differ in adults and children.

Causes of allergies to citrus fruits in children

Any allergy develops due to certain disruptions in the human immune system, as a result of which inflammatory mediators begin to be produced. In the case of citrus fruits, the situation is aggravated by the presence of salicylates, benzoates, and amines in them, as they contribute to the release of histamine, which provokes a reaction in the body.

An allergy to citrus fruits in children may occur in the following cases:

Heredity. In this case, an allergy to citrus fruits is transmitted to the child even before his birth. Malfunctions in the functioning of the immune system. As a result of these failures, the body reacts incorrectly to the protein of the product consumed (antigen) and an allergic reaction occurs. Consuming a large number of fruits in a short period of time.

Typically, an allergy to citrus fruits is combined with an intolerance to one or more types of foods.

Causes of allergies to citrus fruits in adults

Allergies to citrus fruits in adults are usually associated with other causes. Often, intolerance to these fruits is associated with diseases of the stomach, liver or dysbacteriosis.

The only thing that can trigger allergies in both a child and an adult is an overdose of citrus fruits. Therefore, eating them should be within reason.

Allergy to citrus fruits: symptoms in children

In childhood, allergies in most cases arise due to food intolerance to certain foods. In this case, a combination of the following symptoms may be observed (all or several at once):

The appearance of a rash on the face or body. It can be in the form of small dots or spots. Diathesis. It manifests itself in the form of severe redness of the cheeks (in some cases, the chin). Sneezing and mucous discharge. Redness of the eyes. Pain syndrome. Severe itching on the skin. The appearance of a dry cough, which has the character of attacks.

In more complex cases, flatulence, colic in the abdominal area, vomiting or diarrhea, and lack of appetite may be observed.

In order not to aggravate the situation even further, you need to immediately eliminate the product that caused the allergic reaction from your diet.

How does an allergy to citrus fruits manifest in adults?

Allergies can occur not only when eating citrus fruits, but also when inhaling their smell. Fetal enzymes settle on the mucous membranes of the nose or mouth and cause irritation, which manifests itself in the form of a dry cough or sneezing.

An allergy to citrus fruits on the face can occur in people suffering from contact dermatitis. This occurs as a result of contact of the fetus with the skin or during the use of natural cosmetics with citrus extracts.

In most cases, an allergy to citrus fruits in adults manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis or acute rhinitis.

If the allergy was triggered by problems in the digestive system, then reactions on the skin in the form of a rash and severe itching may also occur.

If an allergic reaction causes an attack of suffocation, dizziness, swelling in the face, or severe weakness, you must immediately call an ambulance!

Diagnosis of allergy to citrus fruits

Diagnosis is based on the collected history, laboratory tests and clinical picture.

There must be a relationship between eating a possible allergen (in this case, citrus fruits) and the occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, skin samples are taken and compared with enzymes from orange, tangerine and lemon to make sure that the allergy is caused by these and not any other products.

Allergies during pregnancy

Any allergy in pregnant women requires special attention and treatment. During this period, self-medication with both medications and folk remedies is strictly prohibited! Only an experienced doctor will be able to prescribe antihistamines that will help the expectant mother and not harm her baby.

At the same time, we must not forget about an important fact: excessive consumption of citrus fruits during pregnancy can subsequently cause allergic reactions to them in the child. This does not mean at all that you need to abandon this product. You just need to consume it in moderation - no more than two fruits at a time.

Drug treatment for citrus allergy

Before you begin treatment for an allergy, it is worth eliminating the product that triggered its occurrence. At the same time, it is important not only not to eat it, but also to remove it from the house altogether, since allergic reactions can occur not only as a result of its use in food, but also during inhalation of the aroma of the fruit (this has already been discussed above).

After this, you need to consult a doctor who will confirm that it is indeed an allergy to citrus fruits. Treatment is carried out using the following drugs:

1. Antihistamines.

Most often, drugs based on cromoglycic acid are prescribed (Cromoglin, Narcon). In addition, anti-allergy drugs such as Zyrtec, Claritin, and Kestin are popular.

The course of therapy with these drugs can reach three months.

2. Enterosorbents.

Their use is mandatory in case of allergies due to disorders of the digestive system. The drugs will help quickly remove toxins from the body and reduce the inflammatory response.

The most famous and inexpensive sorbents are activated carbon and Smecta.

Medicinal ointments and creams help relieve skin irritation, reduce itching and redness, and have a healing effect.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are Celestoderm or Elokom.

4. Hormonal agents.

They are used only as prescribed by a doctor and in exceptional cases. This applies to situations where antihistamines have had absolutely no effect.

The minimum course of treatment with hormonal drugs is selected.

In addition to the basic means for eliminating allergic reactions, an additional course is carried out to correct the body’s immune response with the help of immunomodulators and vitamins.

Folk remedies for treating allergies

The main treatment for allergies should be with the help of medications and complete exclusion of the irritant. At the same time, there are also folk remedies that will help you quickly get rid of the accompanying signs of the disease and strengthen the immune system as a whole.

1. Japanese honeysuckle.

For treatment, a decoction of the plant is brewed. It must be taken in a course.

2. Nettle.

Pour a spoonful of nettle into a glass of boiled water and leave for one hour. The resulting decoction must be drunk throughout the day. It helps cleanse the blood, reduce skin rashes and strengthen the immune system.

3. Honey, propolis.

Allergies to citrus fruits are often treated with bee products. But in this situation, it is important to take into account that they are also strong allergens, so during treatment it is important to carefully monitor changes in well-being.

One gram of mumiyo must be diluted in a liter of water and the resulting solution must be drunk within one day. Children will need a maximum of two glasses a day.

This therapy takes one month.

Treating allergies with folk remedies often takes a long time. Therefore, between courses of taking infusions and herbal decoctions, it is important not to forget to take at least minimal breaks of 1-2 weeks.

Usually, the allergy goes away completely if there is no contact with citrus fruits for 6 months. You can check this by eating a few slices of the fruit. Typically, allergy symptoms no longer occur. All that remains is to monitor the amount of product consumed in the future.

If the allergy returns, this indicates some hidden problems in the body, so to identify them it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

Citrus fruits are fruits that are not natural products for Russians, since they grow in a territory that is not our native one. For this reason and because of their prevalence, allergies to citrus fruits are a fairly common disease.

Numerous studies on the benefits of food allow us to establish that the greatest benefit to the human body comes only from those vegetables, fruits, and grains that grow in the area in which a person was born and lived, therefore the main diet should include local agricultural products.

Since the digestion of exotic fruits requires a high level of enzymes in the body, citrus fruits remain powerful allergens for Russians.

If manifestations of allergic reactions occur only if a large volume of a product with histidine is consumed (for example, when consuming 2-3 tangerines, there may be no symptoms, but when consuming half a kilo of fruit at once, signs of the disease appear) - this is a false allergy, or pseudo-allergy.

If a person suffers from allergies, then its symptoms can appear both after eating fruits and after taking medications and products that contain their extracts, citrus additives, and acids. The disease can also appear when using cosmetics containing citrus components.

It is incorrect to say that the symptoms of the disease appear exclusively. This problem affects various body systems, including internal organs.

The following allergy symptoms can be identified:

  1. Signs may affect the digestive system, a person feels antispasmodic pain and nausea. He may also have poor appetite. Typical signs of allergies are flatulence and diarrhea.
  2. Skin rashes. Most often, specific spots appear, eczema or, and the person feels.
  3. A child with allergies often develops conjunctivitis and... He feels a burning sensation in the eyelid area, feels nasal congestion, and constantly produces tears.
  4. Possible development of allergic otitis media. The patient suddenly stops hearing, and swelling in the ear area may develop.
  5. May be observed, accompanied by difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, or even loss of consciousness.
  6. There is damage to the bronchi leading to difficulty breathing.

All this causes the development of restlessness, irritability, and insomnia, which further disrupts the functioning of the immune system and aggravates the problem.

It should be borne in mind that symptoms appear due to the action of enzymes, so an allergic reaction can occur both after eating foods and after inhaling their smell. Reactions may also occur after using cosmetics that contain essential oils.

Without treatment, the problem may get worse.

There may be certain differences in the symptoms of allergies between the manifestations in children and adult patients.


The most effective method of treating citrus allergies is immunotherapy, carried out through special vaccinations. The patient is administered minimal doses of substances that cause the disease, with a gradual increase in the amount of the introduced allergen.

All this contributes to the body’s independent production of antibodies that block the allergen. The negative aspects of this method include the duration, since it may take up to 2 years of therapy to achieve the desired effect. But this is a very effective method that justifies the inconvenience of the long course duration.

Treatment of the disease can be carried out with the use of glucocorticosteroids. And since these drugs have a strong effect, they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. In addition, glucocorticosteroids have side effects and restrictions on the duration of use - no more than 5 days.

Traditional methods of treatment

If the attending physician has carried out all the necessary examinations and also made recommendations, you can proceed to the use of folk remedies that were used by our ancestors.

For example, to restore the normal functioning of the human body, the use of Japanese honeysuckle is recommended. You need to take a honeysuckle decoction based on its branches and flowers.

When considering this and other folk remedies for treating citrus allergies, it is necessary to take into account that all organisms have an individual reaction to certain ingredients, so sometimes the manifestations of the disease can only increase.

The following home treatments are popular:

  1. Herbal infusions. St. John's wort, hops, wormwood, birch buds and other herbs help fight allergies. Before using them, it is necessary to check whether the patient is allergic to the product.
  2. Honey and bee products. It should be borne in mind that such products themselves often cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Nettle. This plant is used to reduce skin manifestations. You need to prepare a special infusion; to do this, add 1 tablespoon of nettle to 1 glass of hot water. Next, you need to leave the product to infuse for 30 minutes and strain. You need to drink the infusion 4 times a day, 0.5 cups.
  4. Mumiyo. Many traditional healers believe that this is the most effective remedy against allergies. You need to take 1 gram of mumiyo per liter of warm water. Such " drink» Use once a day 20 minutes before meals and with warm milk. The volume of the drug taken is determined by age: for children under 3 years of age the norm is 50 ml, from 3 to 7 years – 70 milliliters, for children over 7 years of age the norm is 100 milliliters. You can also prepare this product for lubricating purposes. To do this, you need to dilute 1 gram of mumiyo in 100 milliliters of water. The prepared liquid should be used for lotions. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.
  5. Peppermint. Peppermint is also used to prepare an infusion. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of mint to 100 milliliters of hot water; the product is infused for half an hour. After this period has expired, it is necessary to strain the infusion and consume 1 tablespoon three times a day.


Until recently, doctors said that it was impossible to completely get rid of allergies, that only relief of the disease was available, but new technologies make it possible to achieve more. One of these methods is extracorporeal hemocorrection (gravity surgery). In other words, this method allows you to make corrections to the composition of the blood - the technique is effective in treating dozens of diseases.

During the procedure, factors causing the disease are removed from the patient’s blood outside the body. The blood is then infused with everything needed for the disease and returned to the patient.

In case of persistent allergies, the patient's blood is cleared of allergy-causing antigens, and medications are administered if necessary. Allergy symptoms disappear after the first procedure, but to consolidate the result, 5-10 operations may be needed, after which you can forget about allergies for a long time. A negative factor of extracorporeal hemocorrection is its high cost and inaccessibility; it is currently performed only in specialized clinics.

For this reason, the simplest and most effective way to avoid the development of allergies is to exclude citrus fruits from the diet and replace them with products that contain a similar set of minerals, vitamins and other active substances: vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries.

Elimination of allergens

If intolerance to citrus fruits is confirmed, the patient is advised not only to refuse them, but also to:

  • don't buy candy, carbonated waters and other products containing citrus flavor or juice;
  • warn relatives about this feature of the body, and before eating anything in a restaurant or at a party, you need to clarify whether juice, zest or fruit slices were used in the preparation;
  • need to be studied carefully, which is included in cosmetic products.

If the patient manages to avoid contact with oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, etc. for a long time, then most likely the allergy will stop on its own. This usually takes 1 to 2 years, although in some cases the high sensitivity disappears in just a few months.

To confirm the disappearance of the disease, you should occasionally (once every six months) try to eat this or that fruit and evaluate its effect on the body. If signs of the disease do not appear, this indicates a cure. From this point on, you can gradually increase the content of citrus fruits in your diet, but you still cannot abuse them.

Allergies in children

Due to the fact that the immune system of children is more vulnerable, they suffer from manifestations of this disease more often than adults. The tendency to allergic reactions can also be determined by heredity: if one of the child’s relatives has an allergy, there is a possibility of passing it on to the baby. Symptoms of fruit intolerance in children are generally similar to those in adults.

It is recommended to introduce citrus fruits into a child’s diet for the first time after consulting a pediatrician. If there is no tendency to atypical manifestations, then you can give the baby a small slice of citrus fruit at about 1.5 years. If there is an intolerance to some other foods, then it is better to wait and give the child a tangerine or orange no earlier than the age of three.

It is also worth separately considering cases of children developing a tendency to deteriorate their tolerance to oranges, lemons and tangerines if the mother abused citrus fruits during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Allergies during pregnancy are aggravated by the fact that they manifest themselves in both mother and child.

Often, everyone's favorite overseas fruits, such as oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, and pomelo, become the cause of an inadequate allergic reaction of the immune system in people who live in areas where citrus fruits are a “curiosity.” Most often, allergies to citrus fruits (especially tangerines and oranges) occur in children. However, when overeating aromatic fruits, allergic manifestations are also observed in adults.

The results of numerous studies in the field of healthy eating prove that the human body receives maximum benefit only from those vegetables, fruits and grains that are typical of the area in which a person was born and raised, therefore the main natural diet should include local agricultural products.

The most allergenic fruits

Despite the taste and benefits of the fruits of plants of the Citrus subfamily (Citroideae), certain types of them cause unpleasant reactions in the body. It's all about the concentration of substances included in their natural composition. So, for example, pomelo will not cause health problems, while eating tangerine or kumquat can provoke a violent allergic reaction. This is explained by the fact that they contain more thiamine and pantothenic acid.

The most allergenic citrus fruits include: tangerines, tangarines, oranges, grapefruits.

The color of exotic fruits can serve as some kind of indicator of the degree of allergy. The brighter the fruit, the higher the likelihood of developing allergies. You are less likely to experience signs of food intolerance when eating lemon than when eating fruits with orange skin and flesh.

How to distinguish an allergy from a pseudo-allergy?

In a person who does not suffer from a true allergy to citrus fruits, 1-2 tangerines will not cause unpleasant symptoms. Discomfort only manifests itself in the case of an “overdose,” when exotic lovers eat half a kilogram or more of fruit at once. In this case, we are talking about a false or pseudo-allergy that occurs as a result of oversaturation of the body with the amino acid histidine.

A distinctive sign of a true allergy to citrus fruits is the fact that symptoms are provoked not only by the consumption of the fruits themselves, but also by taking medications and products containing extracts and acids of citrus fruits. An allergic reaction also occurs when using cosmetics with citrus ingredients.

Signs of allergy to citrus fruits in children

An allergy to citrus fruits in a child most often develops as a type of food intolerance. What should you pay attention to?

  1. Skin rash. These may be red spots or small dots. Skin changes often develop into eczema.
  2. Diathesis. Quite common in children under three years of age. Allergic diathesis is expressed by redness of the skin on the cheeks, elbows and knees. Therefore, red cheeks in a baby are not always a healthy blush; sometimes it is one of the signs of a negative reaction of the body.
  3. Rhinitis with copious mucus and sneezing.
  4. Redness of the eyes. Inflammation of the conjunctiva is also possible.
  5. Dry cough. Often a child’s cough turns into an asthmatic attack.

In addition to the primary signs, there are a number of additional symptoms that also indicate the development of allergies. In some cases, an allergy to citrus fruits is expressed by a disruption of the digestive system in a child, and this causes signs of enterocolitis.

The mild course of the disease is characterized by flatulence and dyspeptic disorders. A severe course of the disease is accompanied by a lack of appetite in the child, the appearance of abdominal colic, nausea and vomiting.

Failure to promptly identify and eliminate the source (in this case, avoiding fruit) can aggravate food allergy symptoms. Frequent allergic reactions in children due to intolerance to citrus fruits lead to hearing impairment.

Traditional therapies

Diagnosing an allergy to citrus fruits is not difficult, since the reaction does not take long to occur and occurs immediately after eating the fruit. It is more difficult to identify the cause of an allergy when the allergen enters the body not from food, but when inhaling the aroma of citrus fruit or when using hygiene products or cosmetics that contain a similar extract.

The first thing a person needs to do when an allergy appears is not only to stop eating citrus fruits, but not even to keep them at home. If these simple steps do not help, then you should consult an allergist, who will most likely prescribe the patient to take antihistamines (Nalcrom, Cromoglin, etc.). The course of treatment with antihistamines is usually about 3 months.

For skin changes and digestive disorders, specialists prescribe enterosorbents, drugs that promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body, thus reducing the risk of inflammation. An effective remedy for eliminating dermatitis are ointments and gels (Celestoderm, Elekom, etc.).

If no significant improvement is observed even after taking medications with antihistamine action, doctors resort to hormonal corticosteroid drugs. In addition, during the treatment period it is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the patient’s immune system. For this purpose, immunomodulators and a number of vitamin complexes are used.

Hemocorrection is a radical method of treating allergies

Allergists firmly believe that it is almost impossible to completely get rid of this type of food allergy; you can only reduce the manifestations of this disease to a certain extent. However, today it has become possible to forget about allergies forever thanks to the newest method that allows you to change the composition of the blood. We are talking about extracorporeal hemocorrection.

This method is based on the elimination of factors that provoke a particular disease from the patient’s blood and the subsequent introduction of special medications into it. After these manipulations are completed, the blood is transfused back into the patient’s body. Typically, signs of allergy disappear after the initial procedure. Five to ten treatments are required to completely cure a citrus allergy. Extracorporeal hemocorrection is carried out exclusively in specialized clinics under the supervision of doctors.

According to the results of the study, allergies can be cured in this way in six months; a correctly prescribed technique completely eliminates its occurrence in the future. The only caution for a recovered person is to avoid excessive consumption of citrus fruits.

Folk remedies for allergies to citrus fruits

Treatment of allergies also involves the use of traditional recipes. The course of treatment with herbal infusions is quite long with breaks of two weeks.

  • Wormwood, duckweed, oregano, birch buds, hops and St. John's wort (1 tablespoon each) are poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused for half an hour. The finished decoction is taken 50 ml before meals.
  • Some bee products are also suitable for allergy symptoms. However, they must be treated with caution. Honey, propolis and beebread are natural allergens and in some cases can only intensify the allergic reaction.
  • An infusion is prepared from stinging nettle, which is used to treat rashes, eczema or hives. Boiling water (200 ml) is poured over dry nettle leaves (1 tablespoon). Take 100 ml 3 to 5 times a day.
  • Peppermint infusion helps relieve allergic symptoms. Mint leaves (1 tablespoon) are poured with boiling water (100 ml), left for 30 minutes, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon up to 3 times a day.
  • Scientists believe that the cause of allergies to citrus fruits may not be so much the exotic fruit as the chemicals used by manufacturers to process these products during their growth, as well as for long-term storage of the product.
  • As observations show, tangerines grown in Abkhazia do not cause any allergic reactions in many children, while imported tangerines provoke allergy symptoms. Perhaps the determining factor is the varieties of fruits, as well as the place where they grow.
  • In some children, a violent reaction in the body can occur not only from a small amount of citrus fruits, but even from their smell or touching them.
  • The appearance of an allergy to any citrus fruit does not mean that a similar reaction will occur when consuming all other fruits of this type. So, if you are allergic to tangerines, a person can easily tolerate pomelo or grapefruit.