Grapefruit essential oil - properties and use for the face. Grapefruit essential oil. Properties and uses of essential oils Why grapefruit essential oil is beneficial

Light, delicate, flowing oil, with a barely noticeable yellowish tint, obtained by cold pressing from the peel of the exotic citrus fruit - grapefruit, is considered one of the most popular in aromatherapy, cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.

The smell of grapefruit oil is refreshing, cool with notes of tart bitterness, giving joy. It is recommended to have it in the home medicine cabinet of every self-respecting lady who strives for beauty and health.

The rich biochemical composition of grapefruit essential oil determines the medicinal properties of the product and its widespread use in various fields.

The ether contains vitamins: carotene, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, PP, organic acids, a complex of macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium), limonene (a hydrocarbon of the terpene group - a powerful antioxidant), geraniol, pinene, citral.

Grapefruit oil is your reliable assistant, having a number of unique properties:

  • activates metabolism, enhancing the processes of burning subcutaneous fat;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxic substances in the shortest possible period of time;
  • stimulates blood microcirculation;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, diuretic, immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects;
  • optimizes mood, relieving obsessive depressive thoughts;
  • relaxes, relieving stress;
  • exhibits aphrodisiac qualities, increasing potency and libido and stimulating sexual desire;
  • leads to a reduction in the manifestations of periodontal disease (bleeding gums);
  • tones and improves performance.

According to aromatherapists, inhaling the healing components of grapefruit elixir helps to cope with mood swings caused by alcohol abuse.

Grapefruit oil is considered an effective adaptogen that induces positivity, eliminates fears, normalizes sleep and helps to part with illusions.

It is advisable to use grapefruit essential oil as an adjuvant for the following pathologies:

  • neurosis, panic attacks, insomnia, depression, migraine;
  • diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • arrhythmia, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • bronchitis;
  • acne, alopecia, excessive skin pigmentation.

  1. Aromatizing the air using a spray bottle: add 2 drops of grapefruit to 100 ml of clean water and spray in the office or room.
  2. Aromatherapy: 8-12 drops of grapefruit added to the aroma pot for every 15 square meters. m of premises.
  3. Bath procedures: 5-7 drops of ether per 1 liter of water for watering hot stones (aromatization is carried out once per session).
  4. Cold inhalations and wearing an aroma pendant: 1-2 drops.
  5. Applications to the gums for increased bleeding: add 5 ml of grapefruit to 5 ml of St. John's wort or black cumin oil, soak a gauze swab with the composition and apply to problem areas 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Mouth rinses for periodontal disease and halitosis (unpleasant odor): add 2 ether to 5 grams of emulsifier (honey, soda, salt), and then dissolve in 200 ml of warm boiled water.

Grapefruit oil in cosmetology

According to cosmetologists, grapefruit essential oil is an effective remedy for solving many appearance problems. The oil is prescribed for external use for all types of skin and hair, as it:

  • strengthens hair follicles and cleanses the scalp of dandruff;
  • eliminates the manifestations of cellulite by providing lymphatic drainage and enhancing metabolic processes in subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat under the arms and on the legs;
  • gently cares for the skin of the face and body, increasing its elasticity;
  • whitens freckles and age spots;
  • relieves hematomas and swelling;
  • prevents the appearance of comedones;
  • treats red subcutaneous acne.

Grapefruit oil is widely used at home. The most popular method is the enrichment of cosmetic products (masks, creams, tonics, lotions, shampoos, hair balms), both prepared independently and purchased in a retail chain, at the rate of 5-6 drops for every 5 ml of base.

Grapefruit oil for weight loss

One of the most pleasant ways to normalize body weight is aromatherapy with grapefruit oil. Baths, massage, self-massage and wraps with the addition of ether are especially effective. Grapefruit oil combines well with esters.

Inhaling the smell of the elixir reduces appetite and puts you in a positive mood, which is especially important during periods of fasting days and a strict diet aimed at weight loss.

At home, grapefruit oil is added to base vegetable oils (olive, walnut, pumpkin, almond, peach kernels, jojoba, flaxseed) at the rate of 5 drops per 10 grams of base and applied to problem areas of the body - thighs, buttocks, abdomen, upper part hands using massaging movements directed along the lymph.

After the composition is completely absorbed, the body is wrapped in a “breathable” film, shorts and a weight loss belt are put on, and gymnastics or dancing is done. Just a few of these procedures per week can quickly improve body contours.

At the same time, along with excess fluid, toxic and carcinogenic substances are removed from the tissues, forming an “orange peel”.

Water procedures with the addition of grapefruit oil have a refreshing, tonic, antidepressant, decongestant and anti-cellulite effect.

By adding just a few drops of ether to the bath, you will get a double effect: the healing components of the product enter the blood through the skin and saturate all the cells of the body with them, and a beneficial effect on the brain by inhaling the aroma through the lungs.

It should be emphasized that grapefruit essential oil is a concentrated product that has an irritating effect on the skin, and exceeding the recommended dosage can cause discomfort, including burns.

Therefore, for a standard bath you should use only 3-4 drops of ether, diluted in the base (bath foam, shower gel, dairy and lactic acid products, salts, honey).

Contraindications and precautions

Grapefruit oil activates the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so it is undesirable to use products with it earlier than 12 hours before sunbathing.

Individual intolerance to the product is possible. When taking baths with grapefruit, sometimes an increased burning sensation is felt in areas affected by cellulite.

On the topic: juice for the body, impact on women’s and men’s health, use for weight loss.

Essential oils in ancient times were considered products of luxury, wealth and self-sufficiency. The composition was presented as a gift as a sign of high respect for the person. As for grapefruit oil, its discovery occurred much later than its counterparts. Therefore, citrus ether can be classified as a young product. The composition has gained popularity as a unique remedy that can fight various ailments.

The use of grapefruit oil in cosmetology

  1. Citrus essential oil has gained wide popularity due to its ability to rid the female body of flaws in the form of orange peel. The composition is especially effective in massage practice.
  2. To achieve results in getting rid of cellulite, grapefruit oil is combined with esters of lavender, lemon, fennel, orange, geranium, neroli, bergamot, juniper, patchouli, chamomile, rosemary and cypress.
  3. It is preferable to carry out the massage procedure after taking water procedures. It is at this moment that the skin is steamed and pliable. Making your own massage mixture is not difficult. To do this you need to mix 20 ml. any oil, 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil and the same amount of herbal composition with anti-cellulite effect of your choice.
  4. Also, for a massage procedure, you can resort to the second option of an effective remedy. Take 15 g. massage cream, add 2 drops of ether, juniper, lemon and grapefruit to it. Apply the finished mixture to problem areas, begin to make intense circular movements from top to bottom over the area of ​​cellulite formation. After 10-12 minutes, proceed to plucking actions.
  5. After a full massage, moisturize the skin with anti-cellulite cream; for a more effective effect, add 3 drops of grapefruit oil to a single portion of the product.
  6. You can make a simple mixture as a product for everyday use. You will need 120 gr. medium-sized sea salt, 1 ml. grapefruit ether and 1 drop each of mint, anise and vetiver oils. Rub the mixture into the problem area.
  7. In addition to fighting cellulite, grapefruit oil is popular in preventing oily shine and facial skin problems. Make it a habit to use the composition daily. Use a small cup and add 12 ml. usual cream, 2 drops each of bergamot, grapefruit and lemon balm ether.
  8. Please note that the undiluted product can only be applied locally. Apply grapefruit essential oil onto the pimple. As a result of the manipulation, inflammation will disappear and the defect will dry out.
  9. If you are going to get rid of age spots and freckles, you need to resort to preparing a simple composition. Mix 35 ml in a suitable container. almond oil, add 5 drops each of ginger, rose and grapefruit ether. The finished product is applied locally twice a day.
  10. In the fight against wide pores, a different remedy is used. Mix with 10 ml. everyday cream esters of lemon, chamomile and grapefruit oils (you need to take 1 drop of each oil). Apply the product as usual.
  11. If you are the owner of an oily type of epidermis, do not despair ahead of time. To restore normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to perform steam baths based on grapefruit ether once every 7 days. Observe the proportions of ingredients: per 500 ml. 1 ml of boiling water must be added. citrus oils and 1 drop each of bergamot and lemon balm.

Mask for problem skin

  1. If you systematically use such a composition, you will soon increase the elasticity of the skin, even out your complexion and dry out acne. The product has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Combine 12 ml in a small container. pure alcohol, 40 gr. flower honey, 15 ml. purified water, 2 drops each of tea tree and grapefruit ether. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Spread the mask in an even layer.
  3. Please note that before application, the face must be steamed and cleansed. The procedure is carried out using warm compresses made of gauze. After this, the mask is kept on the face for a quarter of an hour.

  1. Grapefruit oil is recommended for use by the fairer sex for hair loss.
  2. To solve such problems, just add 3 drops of grapefruit ether to the detergent. Apply the herbal composition once each time, do not make a reserve of the product.
  3. After several procedures there will be a visible result. The curls will acquire a strong structure and become much more manageable. The hair will become shiny. In addition, the product will help get rid of fat.

Grapefruit oil in medicine

For the liver
To overcome ailments associated with the gallbladder and liver, you need to take grapefruit oil orally. Mix 1 drop of herbal product to 25 g. honey. Use this composition three times a day after meals.

If you have been diagnosed with gallbladder and liver diseases, warm compresses will help you cope with your ailments. The lotions must be installed on the right hypochondrium.

To prepare the composition, heat 15 ml. corn oil and add 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Soak the gauze cloth with the prepared product, place the napkin in the indicated place, secure with cling film. For best results, apply a heating pad on top.

For the gastrointestinal tract
If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or are faced with a banal heaviness, a crust of bran bread will help solve the problem. In this case, the flour product must be soaked in a mixture of 2 drops of grapefruit ether and 3 ml. lemon juice. Eat a piece of bread for such problems.

For the oral cavity
To get rid of bad breath in a short period of time, you need to add 3 drops of grapefruit oil to a standard glass of water. Rinse your mouth and repeat the procedure as needed.

For the nervous system
It's no secret that essential oils have proven themselves in aromatherapy. The plant composition of grapefruit is no exception. This ester is an excellent antidepressant. To cope with stress and depression, you need to take a bath. In a separate container, combine a mixture of grapefruit and bergamot essential oils (5 drops each), mix 30 g. honey. Dissolve the resulting mass in a bath of warm water. Enjoy the procedure for about a third of an hour.

To tone the body
If you want to quickly replenish your body with life-giving energy and vigor, you need to take a warm bath. Add to the water a mixture prepared from 40 gr. sea ​​salt, 50 ml. homemade milk and essential oils of rosemary and grapefruit (5 drops of each oil).

For muscles
Taking a relaxing bath will help put your muscles in order and relieve tension after physical activity. Add 6 drops of grapefruit essential oil to a standard glass of milk, stir the ingredients until smooth, and dissolve in water. Enjoy the procedure for no more than 20 minutes.

  1. Grapefruit oil is consumed only after meals. It is forbidden to take the herbal product on an empty stomach and less than 1.5 hours before going out into fresh air. This action is due to the fact that the skin becomes hypersensitive to the sun's rays (there may be burns).
  2. Please note that consuming 1 drop of oil more than 3 times a day is strictly prohibited. Always take the herbal composition along with olive oil, acidified water or honey.
  3. If you are worried about heartburn, you should drink grapefruit ether with fermented milk products (natural yogurt, kefir).
  4. Consider individual intolerance to the product or the possibility of an allergic reaction of the body to grapefruit ether.

If you have not used grapefruit oil before, you should treat the product with caution. Take the test. Apply a small amount of the composition to the skin; you should not experience prolonged redness, burning or itching. In the first minutes, this phenomenon is considered normal. If the symptoms do not go away, do not try to use the product.

Video: top 8 oils for problem skin


Grapefruit oil is considered to be “young”, but in terms of application and benefits it is not inferior to other oils. It is widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy, and treatment of diseases. The essential oil of this citrus is used both in pure form and as part of various mixtures. Good for skin and hair.

Grapefruit oil. Beneficial features

Grapefruit oil has various properties. It relates to Jupiter, therefore it helps to establish connections with the world around, achieve high results, and learn to perceive one’s own personality normally. Can improve mood, eliminate irritability and anger.

This is a highly effective antidepressant that fights depression, stress, and depression. The oil helps increase brain activity and eliminate drowsiness in the morning.

Grapefruit oil has all the beneficial, soothing qualities: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasm. In aromatic therapy, it is actively used to eliminate and prevent disorders in the gallbladder, in the form of a diuretic and choleretic agent that removes toxins. Reduces cholesterol.

Having received all the beneficial qualities of the fruit, the oil helps to normalize the balance of fat, the functioning of the glands, whiten the skin, and narrow pores. This is a wonderful remedy for combating excess body weight, it can cleanse the blood, lymph, and increase immunity.

Grapefruit oil. Application

The scope of application of grapefruit oil is as follows:

disinfection and aromatization of rooms. To do this, add 10 drops of oil to an aroma lamp or air purifier;
for a warm bath, mix 10 drops with milk or honey and pour into water;
for a relaxing massage, 4-6 drops are mixed with a spoon of regular oil;
to improve the properties of cosmetics, 3-7 drops per 100 ml of product, and for shampoo 3-5 drops per 10 ml;
for steam baths, add no more than 10 drops to the water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Like all citrus esters, grapefruit oil should be used with caution in clear weather. Sun burns remain on the skin.

Grapefruit oil for hair

Concentrated grapefruit oil is a popular hair care ingredient. It will prevent hair loss and add shine and vitality to your hair. It is not difficult to achieve such results; it is enough to regularly use it to massage the scalp, add it to shampoos, masks, and rinses.

To give strength and increase thickness, there is this recipe: in 1 tbsp. vegetable oils, pour in 5 drops of grapefruit ether. Rub into the skin with massaging movements and insulate the head for 10 minutes. This will give health to the curls and activate growth. If you are not a fan of massage, then just drop a little oil into your shampoo. For those with sensitive skin, caution should be exercised.

There is a recipe for an effective mask for strengthening and regenerating hair: 1 yolk, 1 tsp. and honey. Pour in 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil. Apply over the entire length of your hair and leave for half an hour.

Grapefruit oil for skin

In cosmetology, grapefruit oil, peel, pulp and juice of the fruit are beneficial for the skin. Masks based on this are suitable for oily and normal skin types, moisturizing the décolleté area.

The most effective recipe for these skin types is to add oil to blue clay or almond oil, about 5 drops. Remember also that you should not cover the skin around your eyes with a mask.

For those who do not like to waste time, the oil of this fruit can be added to the daily cream, no more than 5 drops for the entire jar, mixed thoroughly. You can use it every day without causing dryness. But then it is important to stop using masks with this oil, or repeat them no more than once every 7 days. Besides time, this is a way to save money. The cream requires less oil than masks, and real oil is not cheap.

In addition to combating the production of excess sebum, grapefruit can lighten the skin. Mix 2 drops of citrus oil and sea buckthorn oil. Apply along massage lines. This will improve blood flow to the skin. Rinse off with cool water.

Other ways to use grapefruit oil

As already mentioned, you can use grapefruit oil to improve the effectiveness of the cream. Various concentrated oils are suitable for this. For areas of skin with excess oil, a composition of 2 drops of bergamot oil, 1 drop of lemon balm oil and 3 drops of the mentioned citrus oil is suitable. Pour the mixture into 10 ml of any cream.

If you are concerned that pores are very visible on your face, then add a drop of grapefruit, chamomile and lemon oils to the cream. To add tone, you can add citrus oil, ylang-ylang and patchouli.

With the arrival of spring, many people suffer from irregular pigmentation and freckles. A massage base mixture with the addition of 3 drops of citrus ether, rosewood and 4 drops of ginger oil helps brighten the skin.

Experts advise periodically pampering your skin with baths. They are made like this: add a drop of bergamot oil, lemon balm, and 2 drops of grapefruit oil to 0.5 liters of water. The recipe will help those with oily skin.

If you like masks, then you shouldn’t give up this pleasure. For problem skin: honey, water and alcohol are mixed together in proportions 4:1:1. Add 2 drops each of grapefruit essential oil and tea tree. Before applying the mask, prepare your skin with a hot compress and leave it on for 3 minutes. The mask itself lasts no more than 20 minutes. The skin gains elasticity and the complexion improves.

For those who are susceptible to depression, it is useful to lie in a warm bath with the addition of 4 drops of grapefruit and bergamot ether. To get a boost of energy, a mixture of rosemary and grapefruit oils is effective.

For those who are waging war against cellulite, esters of anise, mint, vetiver and grapefruit provide support. The first oils need 1 drop, and citrus oils – 4. All ingredients are poured into 100 g of sea salt and rubbed into areas of the skin that require correction.

If you have excessively oily hair that becomes stale within a few hours, then aromatherapy products will come to the rescue here too. Just 3 drops of oil per 10 ml of shampoo will get rid of the problem.

Grapefruit oil is also popular in households. It can be useful not only in cosmetology. If you urgently need to clean the stove from burnt milk or coffee that “ran away” at the wrong time, then add a couple of drops of this oil to the heated water. There will be nothing left of the terrible traces.

As you can see, this miracle cure can help in the fight against many problems. The main thing is the correct dosage and frequency of use. Remember that for those with sensitive skin or allergies to citrus fruits, grapefruit oil is contraindicated. Also always perform a sensitivity test before use.

January 11, 2014, 11:40

Strong and smooth, the face healthy and smooth, and the body elastic.

We follow the lead of our desires and begin to exhaust ourselves with endless diets, anti-cellulite massages, huge portions of vitamins, and expensive modern procedures. But it turns out that to solve a complex of these problems, you only need grapefruit oil.

The oil is not inferior in its healing properties to fresh fruit. You will learn from the article how it is used for the face, hair, and weight loss. How you can use it to get rid of annoying cellulite. I will offer you interesting recipes that you can use at home.

The product we are interested in is obtained from the fruits of a tree of the rue family. This is not a pure species and you will not find grapefruit trees in the wild. They say the tree was created by crossing an orange and a broom. Barbados, and some India, are considered its homeland. Now the tree is grown in America, Europe and Asian countries.

Oil from the fruit, or more precisely from the peel, is obtained by cold pressing. For one kilogram of ether, one hundred kilograms of fresh fruit peel is required. The aroma of the resulting oily liquid is very pleasant and light, and the color is yellow, yellow-green. The product has also found its application in aromatherapy.

Benefits and harms

Grapefruit oil for face

The oil tones the skin of the face, monitors the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduces the amount of produced fat, narrows the pores. It is more suitable for caring for oily skin types.

The ether retains moisture well in the skin, which helps preserve youth, it does not dry out, and the withering process slows down.

  • The anti-inflammatory effect will help remove acne from the face. Regular use will not only save you from acne, but also prevent the appearance of blackheads. To get rid of acne, you need to apply oil to the inflammation, being careful not to affect healthy skin.
  • Although we talked about oily skin, oils can be used for any type. You just need to add a few drops to your creams and lotions.
  • You can also whiten your skin, lighten age spots and freckles. To do this you need 2 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn base oil add 2-3 drops of grapefruit. The resulting mixture can be used as a mask (apply for 30-40 minutes) or cream (leave without rinsing). After regular use of such cosmetics, freckles will become less noticeable.
  • There are a lot of variations of masks with grapefruit. For problematic skin, you can mix a few drops with clay or tangerine oil. The main thing is not to add too many drops of ether. For example, 5 drops are enough for a jar of day cream. Avoid applying prepared products to the skin around the eyes.

For hair

With the help of cosmetics with grapefruit, you will quickly restore your hair and return it to a healthy appearance. We have already mentioned that the ether will cope with oily facial skin, as well as with oily hair. It normalizes the secretion of sebum, this will help cope not only with oily hair, but also moisturize dry curls.

You will also cope with hair loss, strengthen hair follicles, get rid of split ends and dandruff. Yours will become silky, smooth, shiny, and caring for them will become much easier.

  • Grapefruit oil can be used in its pure form, dripping a few drops onto a comb. This procedure is called aroma combing. You can add a few drops to yours and conditioner. You can prepare masks at home.
  • For a nourishing mask you will need 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 3-4 drops of grapefruit oil, 1 tsp. olive All ingredients should be warmed up a little and applied to the hair, including roots and ends. Wrap your head in plastic and a warm towel. The mask should be washed off after 30 minutes. It should be used no more than once a week.
  • If you want your hair to grow faster and become stronger, the following recipe will suit you. Stir 1 tbsp. grape seed oils, with a drop of each ester: grapefruit, rosemary, sage. The mixture must be applied to the roots and left for an hour to two; the oilier the hair, the longer you keep it. The mask needs to be done once every three days. It is gentle and does not burn the head like mustard or pepper.

How to get rid of cellulite and lose weight

Grapefruit oil is used for figure correction. It reduces appetite, has a beneficial effect on digestion, stabilizes metabolism, eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, removes harmful substances from the body, and burns fat. In addition, it has a positive effect on mood, tones and relieves depression.

The integrated use of oils and proper nutrition will give you a more obvious effect. You should avoid baking, sweets, and mayonnaise, and you can add 1-2 drops of concentrate to your dishes.

You can add oil not only to food. Also, for example, 5-6 drops in the bath, and it is recommended to take it for no more than 20 minutes. After such a bath you will not feel hungry and you will be full of energy. You will receive benefits by inhaling vapors and other necessary substances to penetrate the skin, and this will contribute to weight loss.

Massage sessions with oil are also effective. For them to bring visible results, you need to massage problem areas regularly and for at least 20 minutes.

Grapefruit essential oil will help get rid of cellulite. You can use it to do massage and body wraps. For massage you need to combine 5 drops of grapefruit ether, patchouli, lime and 50 ml. olive, pumpkin or other base oil.

For wrapping you will need 5 drops of ether and a little dry blue clay. The clay must first be diluted with water. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas and wrap it in film, then lie down under a blanket and lie there for 30 minutes. You can wrap the film with something warm instead of the blanket.

If you want to lose weight, it is recommended not only to use ether, but also fresh fruit, physical activity and a balanced diet. In a word – complex. However, do not forget about dosages. Large portions can negatively affect the body and cause burns.

Grapefruit-based oils do not have a very budget price, but as you have seen, this price is worth it. Use the suggested recipes and you, your figure and body, will become incomparable. Take care of your beauty from a young age, because youth is easier to maintain than to regain.

Grapefruit oil is one of the youngest concentrates on the market, but this does not detract from its benefits. The essence extracted from this sunny and aromatic fruit will help get rid of a number of problems, from blackheads to depression. You will learn about other benefits of this magical oil and how to use it correctly in the article.

Grapefruit essential oil is obtained in the same way as other citrus essential oils - by pressing or distillation. Considering that producers use about 100 kilograms of peel for one liter of concentrate, this fruit elixir cannot be called the most accessible and cheapest. However, its medicinal properties fully justify the high price.

Grapefruit oil is rich in organic acids, potassium and calcium, and also contains vitamins A, B2, PP, C. This is a real godsend for our body. The product helps cope with muscle spasms, improves blood flow, stimulates metabolic processes and improves immunity, and the invigorating smell of grapefruit improves mood and increases performance just as much as a cup of coffee!

Using hair care products

Grapefruit ether can be safely added to shampoos, conditioners and hair balms - this will make the hair care process more effective. Oil helps solve problems such as:

  • dry hair and split ends;
  • excessive oily scalp;
  • hair loss;
  • dandruff.

There are also a large number of variations of different masks with the addition of grapefruit oil. Here are the recipes for the most popular ones:

  • Mask for strengthening and growth of hair. For 10 g of dried nettle you need to take 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil and 15 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. Nettle should be ground into powder and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The composition must be rubbed vigorously into the scalp for 5–7 minutes, wrapped with film and a towel and held for 45 minutes. A mixture of grapefruit essential oil and nettle improves blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates the “sleeping” bulbs to awaken. It is recommended to make this mask once every 7 days. The full course of treatment is 12 procedures.
  • Mask for oily hair. Mix two egg yolks with a spoon of flower honey, add 4-5 drops of grapefruit oil. Apply the mixture onto the scalp with smooth movements and rub into the roots of the hair, and distribute the remainder evenly throughout the hair. They insulate their heads and walk like this for about an hour. The mask normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, so that the hair retains a clean and well-groomed appearance longer. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once a week until you are satisfied with the condition of your hair. It is not recommended to make this mask more than twice a week.
  • Nourishing hair mask. You will need a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of sour cream and castor oil, as well as 3-4 drops of grapefruit oil. Castor oil should be heated to a liquid state, and honey and sour cream should be mixed until smooth. At the end, combine all ingredients. Apply the resulting mixture along the entire length of the hair, insulate the head and leave it on for an hour. This mask will bring weakened curls back to life, restoring their strength and shine. It is recommended to use the composition once a week for 1-2 months.

Even a simple combing with grapefruit essential oil will bear fruit: your curls will become soft and shiny, and you will enjoy a wonderful fruity scent all day long.

Grapefruit oil in cosmetology

Grapefruit oil is often used in facial care. It is especially useful for those with oily skin. The ether tightens pores and normalizes sebum secretion, stimulates cell renewal, rejuvenates and whitens.

On a note. You should not use ether in its pure form - it is better to add a little aromatic liquid to your usual cosmetic products, thereby enriching their composition. Recommended dose: 10 drops of oil per standard package of cream (50 ml).

Application in the fight against problem skin

In order to reduce oily skin and get rid of acne, cosmetologists recommend taking steam baths with the addition of concentrate. In a liter of hot (40–50 ° C) water, add 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil, a drop each of lemon balm and bergamot oils. Cover the container with water and your head with a towel and breathe in the hot steam for 10–20 minutes. This procedure will soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process. Steam baths are safe for the skin - you can do them every day.

Grapefruit oil can also be enriched in other cosmetics. By adding ether to any clay mask, you will get a powerful composition to fight acne. Here is one of the popular recipes for cleansers with green clay:

  1. 35 g of green clay are diluted in 50 ml of fresh aloe juice.
  2. Add 5 ml of orange juice, 2 drops of lavender oil and one drop each of tea tree and grapefruit oils to the mixture.
  3. The mask is kept on the face for 15–25 minutes and washed off with warm water, after which the skin takes on a healthy and toned appearance.

Important to remember. You can apply grapefruit oil undiluted to the skin only to lubricate the purulent heads of pimples. It is important to avoid contact with the surface of clean skin so as not to cause irritation.

Use as a nourishing and tonic

A great way to saturate your skin with vitamins is to mix any carrier oil with grapefruit essential oil. Any of the following will be suitable as the main tool:

  • peach;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • apricot;
  • jojoba.

In the morning and evening, it is useful to wipe the skin with cosmetic ice with the addition of grapefruit. This simple procedure will quickly improve the appearance of your skin: it will erase signs of fatigue and give tone. Making this ice is very simple:

  1. Dilute five drops of grapefruit oil in 200 ml of mineral water.
  2. Pour the liquid into molds and place in the freezer (the ice will be ready for use the very next day).
  3. It is best to wipe your face with it in the morning, when you urgently need to saturate your skin with energy.

Application for skin lightening

To lighten your face, make age spots less noticeable and hide freckles, experts advise making whitening masks. Sea buckthorn oil (tbsp) is mixed with 2-3 drops of grapefruit ether and the mixture is applied for 40 minutes or overnight instead of cream.

Important to remember. Like other citrus esters, grapefruit oil increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. You should not apply compositions with this ester to your face immediately before going for a walk, otherwise you risk getting age spots or even sunburn.

Rejuvenating mask

The following mask is useful for aging skin:

  1. Mix 30 ml of milk with 30 g of honey and add a few drops of grapefruit essential oil and rose oil.
  2. The mixture must be heated and all ingredients mixed until smooth.
  3. The cooled mask should be applied to problem areas of the skin and left for 10–15 minutes.

Milk and honey are one of the main components for various recipes for “elixirs of youth”, since these products have a number of beneficial properties that prevent premature aging of the skin

How to lose weight with grapefruit essential oil

Grapefruit is considered an effective remedy for weight loss. The aroma of the fruit can reduce appetite, and the essential oil of this citrus fruit accelerates the movement of stagnant lymph and removes excess fluid from the body. Daily massage of problem areas using grapefruit essential oil will get rid of cellulite in just a couple of months. To achieve this goal it is necessary:

  1. Warm up the skin. To do this, take a hot bath with a couple of drops of grapefruit essential oil.
  2. Mix 15 g of base oil with 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil.
  3. Rub the skin with this mixture (it is best to do this with a hard washcloth or mitten).

The procedure can be done 2-3 times a week. The recommended course is 3–4 months. Soon you will notice the result: the skin will tighten, become more elastic, and along with the fatty tubercles, the extra centimeters will disappear.

Using grapefruit oil in nail and cuticle care

Miracle oil will become your assistant in the fight against brittle nails, whitening and giving them shine. How to properly use grapefruit essential oil in this case? The oil can be added to warm baths. The procedure will be useful for rough and darkened hands. Just three drops of ether will help moisturize the skin and brighten it.

You can make your own oil masks and nail compresses. For such procedures, grapefruit essential oil is added to the base oil so as not to cause irritation and redness of the cuticle.

Recipe for strengthening oil compress for nails:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. base oil (olive or sunflower works well) and mix with 2-3 drops of grapefruit essential oil. If desired, you can add a few drops of your favorite concentrate.
  2. Heat the oil mixture slightly to a comfortable temperature.
  3. Soak a napkin or cotton pad in this mixture and cover the nail (repeat the same action with the rest).
  4. Keep the compress for 15–20 minutes.

Important to remember. The oil must be applied to clean nails without polish, otherwise there will be no effect!


Grapefruit oil is a powerful antidepressant. If you're feeling low and overwhelmed, add a few drops of essential oil to a hot bath or simply open a jar and enjoy the scent of the fruit. The concentrate can also be used for massage: this procedure will reduce pain and relieve muscle tension.


The only contraindication to using grapefruit oil is allergies. Before using the product for the first time, do a test on the skin of your elbow. If you do not notice a negative skin reaction within a few hours, feel free to use the oil.