Cleansing the liver with herbal preparations and decoctions - restoring lost liver functions. Choleretic herbs: list, application features, properties and reviews. Herbal infusions - recipe review

Official medicine specialists admit that drugs are plant based often turn out to be more effective, or just as effective, but safer, than the developments of pharmaceutical companies. Certified doctors actively use herbal preparations in their practice, with the most various diseases, including in particularly difficult pathological conditions. Such medications will also help cope with ailments of the liver and gall bladder, which are quite common among representatives of the modern population. Let's talk on the about which herbs are suitable for treating the liver and gallbladder.


This plant can be used to make delicious and aromatic tea. Brew a tablespoon of mint leaves with one glass of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for twenty minutes, then strain and take half a glass in the morning and evening time. Mint tea It perfectly treats pain in the liver and has a choleretic effect.

Chamomile flowers have choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they help get rid of spasms. This plant helps in the treatment of cholecystitis and hepatitis. Chamomile can be brewed in the same way as mint and taken in the same way.


The flowers of this plant are usually used for therapeutic purposes. They have a fairly strong anti-inflammatory effect, disinfect, and have antiseptic qualities for liver diseases. They can also speed up metabolic processes in such an organ, improving it secretory functions.
Brew a couple of tablespoons of calendula color with one liter of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for twenty minutes under the lid. It is recommended to take half a glass of the strained mixture three times a day.

St. John's wort

Brew a tablespoon of chopped St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water. Boil this medicine for a quarter of an hour over low heat, then leave for another twenty minutes. You need to take this mixture half a glass three times a day. It is believed that an infusion based on St. John's wort has a positive effect on the activity of the liver as a whole, as well as on the functioning of the bile ducts; this composition perfectly eliminates inflammatory processes and has a choleretic effect.


This plant is actively used by specialists traditional medicine at the most various ailments liver, as well as bile ducts. With its use, hepatitis and cirrhosis are treated, cholecystitis and gallstones are eliminated.

For cooking medicinal composition you need to brew a couple of tablespoons of chopped herbs with half a liter of just boiled water. Infuse the medicine for two to three hours, then strain. Drink several times a day.

Corn silk

This natural component is part of many pharmaceutical drugs from diseases of the liver and gall bladder. For self-cooking A highly effective remedy is to brew a tablespoon of corn silk with a glass of just boiled water. Infuse this mixture for two hours, then strain. You need to take the finished medicine one tablespoon four to five times a day. This remedy perfectly treats gallstone disease and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


Brew a tablespoon of this herb with a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for three hours, then strain and take a tablespoon shortly before meals. Take it three times a day. Tansy is characterized by excellent choleretic properties.


This plant is widely used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder. To prepare an effective medicinal composition It is worth brewing three tablespoons of crushed flowers of this plant with one glass of just boiled water. Heat the future medicine in a water bath, then strain, and do not forget to squeeze out the plant material. Dilute the prepared decoction with cool, pre-boiled water to the initial volume, then take two or three times a day about a quarter of an hour before meals. A single dose of this medicine is half a glass.

Milk thistle

This plant has long been used by our ancestors to treat both the liver and gall bladder. It is believed that milk thistle is capable of removing toxins from the body, optimizing metabolic processes, it is used for hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as for cholelithiasis and other similar pathological conditions.

Grind thirty grams of milk thistle seeds to a powder. Brew such plant material with half a liter of water and simmer over low heat until the liquid has evaporated by half. The strained medicine should be taken one tablespoon at an hour interval throughout the day.

You can also consume crushed milk thistle seeds on their own, a teaspoon at a time. Take it four to five times a day, about twenty minutes before meals. Take the medicine with your usual warm water.

Milk thistle-based products can be taken for quite a long time.

For successful treatment liver and gallbladder, it is extremely important to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and lead an appropriate lifestyle.

Treatment regimens for pathologies in the liver and gallbladder often include decoctions and mixtures of various medicinal herbs. Such funds are gaining more and more authority every decade and are a worthy alternative familiar to modern man medications.

Contraindications for the use of choleretic herbs

Gastroenterologists urge patients to be more selective in the use of traditional medicine recipes. This is due to the fact that the use of choleretic plants is contraindicated in a number of diseases.


Herbs used to normalize the activity of the liver and gall bladder, in parallel, have an activating effect on the pancreas. If there is an inflammatory process in it, the main aspect of treatment is to ensure rest. The opposite situation may have a negative impact on restoration processes in the diseased gland.

Types of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis

The drugs under consideration have an active effect on the liver, which is perceived by the organ as a serious and unusual load. In this mode of operation, the amount of synthesized antioxidants is insufficient. And this leads to a decrease in the neutralizing (protective) properties of the body.

Inflammatory processes and intestinal dysfunction

Most medicinal plants for the liver and gallbladder have a laxative effect on the intestines. Such exposure can only worsen diarrhea or mucosal inflammation.

Under the influence of the herbs in question, the healing of peptic ulcers becomes more difficult. This happens for the reason that herbal medicines activate the secretion of bile in a larger volume. And iron has irritant effect on the damaged mucous membrane.


Pollen colors and the grasses themselves are quite often strong allergen. This fact makes the use of choleretic plants impossible for some patients.

Untested herbal preparations:

On pharmacy shelves you can often find imported herbal remedies. Often their composition is rich in many different and unknown herbs in our region. Their effect on the body is often unknown to humans. The purchase of such fees is made primarily on the basis of the information provided in the package insert.

It is difficult to talk about the positive or negative impact of such funds. However (as centuries-old practice shows), plants that are grown in the territory where a person lives during his life bring more significant benefits.

Traditional (just like official) medicine, if used incorrectly, can cause significant harm to human health. The presence of contraindications does not diminish medicinal properties herbal preparations. It’s just that their choice should be based on general condition body.

Increase and decrease in the intensity of biliary processes

Herbal plants are actively used during the treatment of dyskinesia of the bile ducts. Depending on the choice of herbs, you can soothe gallbladder, and intensify its work.

Choleretic plants are classified into two categories. Some increase the production of bile, while others increase the secretion of bile from the intestines. The first class is much broader in terms of the number of plants included in it. The most popular representatives are the following:

  • immortelle color
  • caraway fruits
  • freshly squeezed radish juice or the fruit itself
  • corn silk
  • angelica roots
  • leaves, color, dandelion rhizome
  • oat flour or cereal itself

These plants are often used in cooking. Thus, the treatment process may consist of diversifying the diet with new dishes.

The drugs of the second group will help to activate the functioning of the gallbladder, prevent stagnation of bile and the development of stone disease. A popular plant that improves the contractility of the organ and promotes the excretion of the gland is fumifera. Harvesting is done during the flowering period. The entire above-ground part is healing.

A decrease in the volume of bile produced is achieved by suppressing the activity of the organ. This can be achieved using antispasmodics. Some plants have the same calming effect. These include:

  • valerian
  • swamp cudweed
  • St. John's wort

These drugs are characterized by an insignificant choleretic effect. However, their beneficial effect on the liver, gallbladder and its ducts is quite significant. The effectiveness may not be noticeable after the first use. Possible schemes Treatment involves the use of infusions over long courses.

You can improve the results of using phytoplants by normalizing your diet. Reducing the contractility of the gallbladder will be facilitated by avoiding foods rich in fats of plant and animal origin.

Regardless of the desired result effective remedy is selected individually. One thing can cause minor effect. While the other has a quick and effective assistance. Therefore, if the result from taking medicinal herbs is insufficient, then switching to medications is not necessary, you just need to experiment a little.

Liver cleansing

Cleansing the liver is possible with the help of medications. However alternative way is to use folk recipes. The effect of medicinal herbs is softer, more gentle and quite effective.

Neglecting liver cleansing products often leads to such negative consequences as:

  • the appearance of sand or even stones in the organ
  • increased cholesterol levels, plaque formation
  • deterioration of condition skin(appearance of acne and pigmentation)
  • hepatitis
  • jaundice
  • development of liver failure

Hepatitis treatment viral origin often accompanied by recommendations for liver cleansing. Contraindications for this procedure are as follows:

  • much elevated temperature body
  • increased acidity of gastric juice
  • period of pregnancy and lactation
  • feeling weak
  • development of a cold
  • diabetes

Folk remedies are characterized by the naturalness of their composition. This makes it minimally likely that they will negative influence on the body, if there are no contraindications.

Traditional medicine recipes for the liver and gallbladder

Cooking options medicine there are many. A few of the simplest ones:

  • Mint tea. Pour two tablespoons of leaves and flowers of the plant into 500 ml of boiling water. Let sit for 20 minutes and separate from the grounds. Take 100 ml daily morning and evening. This tea will reduce liver activity, reduce pain in this organ and have a choleretic effect.
  • A decoction based on immortelle. The plant is poured with boiling water in a volume of 6 tablespoons of flowers per 500 ml of water. Squeeze out the grounds. Take 15 minutes before meals no more than three times a day. Single dose - 100-150 ml. This decoction will help increase the volume of bile produced.
  • St. John's wort infusion. Brew two tablespoons of raw material with 500 ml of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. After infusion and straining for an hour, take 50-75 ml three times a day. The drug normalizes the functioning of the organs in question and is often recommended for dyskinesia.

  • Calendula remedy. To prepare, brew a spoonful of the plant with 500 ml of boiling water. Reception is carried out after infusion and straining up to 3 times a day. Single dose – 200-250 ml.


  • helps with inflammation in the liver and gall bladder
  • used after alcohol intoxication
  • speeds up metabolism
  • normalizes secretion

Many herbal plants can be collected yourself and even grown in your own yard. Therefore, the use of traditional medicine for the treatment or prevention of diseases in addition to providing high efficiency significantly saves the budget for the purchase of medicines.

While watching the video you will learn about the gallbladder.

The main purpose of using herbs for the liver and gallbladder is to provide positive impact on the functioning of these organs. But it is important to prevent the development negative consequences. Therefore, the use of herbal remedies is recommended only after medical consultation.

The main function of the gallbladder is to secrete bile. However, when it is not produced in sufficient quantities or cannot be excreted digestive system, you need to take choleretic herbs. Must make an appointment experienced doctor, because different herbal preparations are selected for each disease.

What herbs are choleretic?

Many have the corresponding effect medicinal herbs. There is no exact list, but for convenience they are grouped according to the principle of action on the body:

  1. Increased tone. The muscles of the gallbladder and liver contract under the influence of the herbal mixture, and bile is evacuated into the intestines. Such formulations are not suitable for patients with gallstones - there is a risk of blockage.
  2. Liquefaction. Herbs promote the accumulation of water in the body, can dilute bile, help it exit naturally.
  3. Improving the composition of bile. This collection simultaneously improves the composition of bile and ensures production and timely outflow. It contains useful acids, flavonoids, tannins, vitamins. As a result, the gallbladder and liver begin to function fully.
  4. Antispasmodic property. A decoction of herbs has an analgesic effect, the muscles of the organ relax, and the volume of bile excreted through the intestines increases.

For each group there is choleretic drugs plant origin which help produce bile. Some of the products have contraindications for use, so it is recommended to undergo examination before taking them. This will help the doctor determine accurate diagnosis, decide on additional methods therapy and choose a collection of choleretic herbs to treat the disease.

Choleretic herbs - list

Many herbs used as folk choleretic agents, are well known to everyone. They grow in all regions of our country. Here is a list of choleretic herbs:

  • mountain arnica;
  • sand immortelle;
  • elecampane tall;
  • calamus root;
  • Potentilla gossamer;
  • stinging nettle;
  • corn silk;
  • common dandelion;
  • milk thistle;
  • tansy;
  • greater celandine;
  • sagebrush;
  • peppermint;
  • yarrow.

Leaves and fruits of some trees and shrubs - birch, barberry, rose hips - have a similar effect. The availability of plants allows you to buy choleretic preparations in a pharmacy or make them at home. Each has its own period, but generally they can be collected from the beginning of June to the end of August. Dry on a flat surface in the shade, avoiding sun rays.

Choleretic fees

Plants are used individually for treatment, but cholekinetic compositions consisting of several components are more often used. They are selected based on many years of research. Popular choleretic herbs (or phytohepatols) include:

  • No. 1. Contains: immortelle - 4 parts, peppermint, coriander seeds, trifoliate - 2 parts each. Suitable for the treatment of cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis.
  • No. 2. Contains: immortelle – 40%, mint, yarrow, dandelion – 20% each. Used to stimulate the outflow of bile after gall bladder surgery.
  • No. 3. The drug contains: tansy – 8%, calendula, mint, yarrow – 23% each. Prescribed for chronic cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.

Use 2-3 times/day, ½ cup of infusion 20-30 minutes before meals. Advantage pharmaceutical drugs is that they are inexpensive, sold in bags, have instructions with detailed description composition and contraindications. At home, herbs are measured by eye. To prepare, you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. collect 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for an hour.

Choleretic herbs for bile stagnation

If the outflow of bile is poor, it cannot enter the ducts, the person feels pain in the right side near the ribs, and a bitter taste in the mouth. If treatment is not started in time, gallstones will form. There are known choleretic herbs that are excellent for helping with bile stagnation:

  1. Common dandelion. Provides anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Use a decoction of the roots. Contraindicated for: large gallstones, colitis, gastritis and hemorrhoids.
  2. Corn silk. Help prevent stagnation of bile at the very beginning of the disease. Cannot be used in the presence of stones, varicose veins veins, pregnancy, thrombosis.
  3. Birch leaves. Helps gently relieve spasms, inflammation, and relaxation bile ducts. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy.

Choleretic herbs for gallstones

Once calculi or stones are detected, treatment should be chosen more carefully. You should not take diuretics, which will provoke the movement of formations along the biliary tract and damage them. The doctor will tell you which collections of choleretic herbs are suitable for gallstones. Infusions that are more effective than others are:

  1. Calamus marsh. Combines with immortelle and St. John's wort. Contraindicated in pregnant women suffering from nosebleeds.
  2. Wormwood. A decoction and alcohol tincture of wormwood will do. Can be used with horsetail. Do not use in patients with thrombophlebitis, stomach ulcers, overweight.
  3. Peppermint. Helps reduce the size of the stone or dissolve it. Added to mixtures with lemon balm and chamomile. Contraindications: hypertension, breastfeeding, allergy to the plant.

Choleretic herbs after gallbladder removal

Surgery to remove the gallbladder, or cholecystectomy, is performed when the organ does not respond to medication. After the procedure, the patient must follow diet No. 5. To prevent stagnation of bile in the ducts, it is recommended to take the following choleretic herbs when the gallbladder is removed:

  1. Corn silk.
  2. knotweed or bird knotweed. Prevents recurrent stone formation, acts as a strong antiseptic. Do not use during pregnancy, thrombophlebitis, illnesses Bladder and kidneys.
  3. Milk thistle improves liver function. Diseases for which it should not be used: liver, renal colic, diarrhea, pancreatitis, individual intolerance.

Choleretic herbs for cholecystitis

Suitable infusions of the same plants that are used for stagnation of bile and pharmacy fees number one and three. In addition, other choleretic herbs will help with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder): immortelle, calendula, sage, wormwood, chamomile, oats. The main condition when choosing plants for medicinal composition is their antispasmodic and antiseptic effect.

Choleretic herbs for biliary dyskinesia

During this disease, the motor function gallbladder and ducts. The doctor prescribes choleretic herbs for biliary dyskinesia:

  1. Horseradish. Use alcohol tincture fresh leaves.
  2. Angelica officinalis. Brings quick results along with mint leaves, sage, caraway fruits.
  3. Choleretic tea. Take 1 part lemon balm, 2 parts mint, buckthorn bark, immortelle flowers, 5-6 parts rose hips. Take with 1 tsp. honey

Choleretic herbs for inflected gallbladder

The bending of the gallbladder occurs as a result of inflammation. The bile can no longer be discharged as before. Therefore, you need to take the following choleretic herbs when the gallbladder is bent:

  • fennel;
  • chamomile;
  • gentian;
  • phytohepatol No. 3.

Choleretic for children

For diseases associated with the excretion of bile in a child, a different strategy is used. Children's body reacts more sharply to incorrect treatment, so you need to select the drug together with your pediatrician. Contraindication for use is age under 12 years. The dosage is chosen to be half that of an adult. Recommended choleretic herbs for children:

  • knotweed;
  • dandelion;
  • juniper fruits;
  • pharmaceutical camomile.

Herbal choleretic tablets

All types choleretic tablets combined with herbs combined action a choleretic that helps stimulate the formation of bile and a cholekinetic that promotes its excretion. More often than others, doctors prescribe natural remedies:

  • Allohol;
  • Flamin;
  • Tanacehol;
  • Choleritin.

Video: herbs for the liver and gallbladder

Hello, dear readers! People's and official medicine often uses healing herbs for the liver and gallbladder. They have long established themselves as excellent means to restore health. But in Lately gastroenterologists are increasingly urging their patients to use treatment carefully folk remedies and use decoctions of choleretic herbs.

What is this connected with? And what non-drug remedies from the arsenal of herbalists can still be used to treat and prevent diseases of the liver and biliary tract? Let's look at all the answers in order.

Before moving on beneficial herbs for liver and treatment tips, it is worth dwelling on the reasons why herbal liver treatment should be used carefully.

Contraindications for the use of choleretic herbs


Most “liver” herbs make not only the liver and gallbladder work actively, but also the pancreas. And if it is inflamed, excessive stimulation is detrimental to it. With pancreatitis, on the contrary, it is necessary to create conditions for rest and restoration of the diseased gland.

Liver cirrhosis and hepatitis

Choleretic herbal remedies create additional stress on the liver cells and they have to work “with all their strength.” At the same time, the amount of antioxidants that neutralize toxic substances is significantly reduced - cells simply do not have time to synthesize them. As a result, the diseased organ copes even worse with its barrier (protective) function.

Intestinal disorders and inflammation

They are another contraindication to use healing herbs for the liver and gallbladder. Most of these plants weaken the intestines, so with inflamed mucous membranes and diarrhea, you can only worsen your health.

This point of contraindications includes peptic ulcer. The thing is that bile, which begins to be released in large quantities under the influence of herbal remedies, irritates the already inflamed intestinal mucosa. As a result, the healing process is delayed.


Herbal liver treatment may have unpleasant consequences for those who suffer from pollen allergies. Choleretic fees, as a rule, consist of several species of plants and the presence of only one dangerous plant component in the mixture to allergic reaction has begun.

Untested herbal remedies

Very often on the market of non-traditional medicinal goods you can find imported herbal medicines, for example, Tibetan mixtures from China. Their multi-component composition has not been fully tested, and therefore you should not rely only on the included advertising instructions. It's better not to experiment with own body. Moreover, the fact has long been proven that medicinal plants, vegetables and fruits grown in the region where a person was born and raised bring much great benefit for the body than foreign ones.

Medicinal herbs for the liver and gallbladder

All these points are the reason that choleretic plants require careful and careful use. But contraindications do not reduce their popularity and healing effect, they only call for more competent use. What to do with such restrictions? The answer is simple - choose the right plants based on your health status.

Useful herbs for the liver are most often used for biliary dyskinesia. Thanks to them, the gallbladder either calms down or begins to work more actively. There are plant materials (such as roots) that help get rid of gallstones.

Increased bile secretion

All choleretic herbs can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Increases the formation of bile.
  2. Improving the secretion of bile into the intestines.

Most choleretic herbal remedies are included in the first group. Notable among them are:

Many of listed plants can be used in cooking. For example, various dandelion dishes, oat jelly or radish salad may well complement the diet menu.

To make a sluggish gallbladder work more actively and thereby prevent stagnation of bile and stone formation, it is recommended to use plants from the second group. Drugs that increase the contractility of the gallbladder and promote the excretion of bile include, for example, fumigant. The entire above-ground part, which is harvested during flowering, can be used as a medicinal raw material.

Not only herbs have a bile-liquefing effect, but also bran and many vegetables and fruits:

  • zucchini,
  • pumpkin,
  • carrot,
  • melon,
  • greenery,
  • pears,
  • oranges,
  • prunes.

But when Great love Some of these products should be kept in mind important nuances. For example, it is better not to eat melon with honey, and also exclude alcoholic drinks And a large number of cold water. If you do not follow these rules, the consequences will be quite unpleasant - colic, bloating and even diarrhea.

How to reduce bile secretion

If it is necessary to reduce the activity of the gallbladder, then it is advisable to use medicinal plants that have an antispasmodic effect. These include:

  • peppermint (herb and flowers);
  • St. John's wort (herb and flowers);
  • marsh cudweed (grass);
  • Valerian officinalis (rhizomes with roots).

The choleretic effect of these plants is weakly expressed, but they have a very gentle and beneficial effect on the liver, as well as the gall bladder and its ducts. To achieve results, of course, a course of treatment with infusions of these plants is necessary.

You can also weaken the contractions of the gallbladder and the secretion of bile with the help of proper nutrition- This important point during treatment. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of foods with big amount animal and vegetable fats (rich broths and soups from meat, fish and mushrooms).

Liver treatment with herbs

Hepatoprotective herbal remedies play an important role in the functioning of the liver. There are plants that are able to restore damaged cells of this organ and improve their functioning.

The most famous and used is milk thistle. This plant most often uses meal or oil from the fruit. How to properly use milk thistle seed powder medicinal purposes, you can read in the article on the website.

One of the main active ingredients The medicinal raw material of milk thistle is silymarin. It strengthens the walls of liver cells and makes them less permeable to harmful factors. By the way, famous medications Karsil and Essentiale are made from milk thistle extracts.

Herbs for removed gallbladder

There is no need for plants with a choleretic effect after surgery. But then there is a need for herbs that have bactericidal effect. This list includes:

  • chamomile (inflorescences);
  • Salvia officinalis (leaves and flowers);
  • lavender officinalis (herb and flowers);
  • large plantain (leaves);
  • calendula (inflorescences).

Bile besides digestive function It also performs bactericidal. After removal of the gallbladder, extracts of these medicinal plants can perform this role.

Like these ones simple rules And useful tips It's worth knowing before using herbal remedies for the liver and gallbladder.

I wish you health and good health!

Dear readers, today we are talking about our second most important organ after the heart - the liver. Its task is to cleanse our blood of harmful and hazardous substances. Like any filter, the liver becomes clogged, so our task is to cleanse it regularly using well-selected teas and herbs for the liver.

Pollution, slagging of the liver - first of all, the formation of stones that form in the gall bladder. The worse our liver functions, the worse we feel. Immunity is suppressed, problems begin with musculoskeletal system, getting worse appearance, depression and insomnia appear. What can help our liver?

Quite a lot of means of rejuvenating the body have been found, but you shouldn’t fanatically rush to everything, you can start with simple techniques, for example, teas made from medicinal herbs for the liver, because our body is very sensitive and does not always positively perceive interference in its work. This is especially true for the use of synthetics.

Herbs for treating the liver increase the amount of bile, bile improves the breakdown of fats, and intestinal motility increases, which results in a more effective release of body cells from toxins.

Liver treatment with herbs, the best remedies

Each herb you read about below will benefit not only the liver, pancreas and gallbladder, but also intestinal tract, and throughout the entire body.

I will focus on each of these herbs in my future articles. Special attention, describing in detail all the advantages and disadvantages of each herb. Subscribe to updates, and all helpful information from my blog you will receive regular updates to your email inbox. Well, for now I’ll briefly describe what herbs help the liver recover and work better:

Milk thistle(you may be better known for another name for this herb -) - perfectly strengthens the walls of liver cells. It is used to treat cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. Effectively removes toxins and salts from cells.

Burdock (burdock)– helps in the treatment of those diagnosed with cirrhosis, cholelithiasis or hepatitis. Helps relieve inflammation.

St. John's wort is a source of imanin - natural antibiotic. The task of this substance is to regulate the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and ducts.

Dandelion root helps cleanse the liver during intoxication, participates in the removal of poisons and toxins, calms and helps cells recover faster.

Thyme- This medicinal plant contains bitterness and tannins that are useful and necessary for the liver. The antiseptic properties of thyme are also known.

Yarrow improves metabolic processes, it is often used in treatment inflammatory processes in the gallbladder, for problems associated with the pancreas and liver.

Mint– this herb, thanks to its analgesic and antibacterial effect used to treat cholecystitis - improves the flow of bile.

Tansy– if you have poor bile secretion, pay attention to this herb, it relieves smooth muscle spasms.

Recipes for herbal teas to restore the liver

If you have gallstone disease, and as a preventive measure for liver problems, try drinking the following teas:

  • Take rhubarb root (2 tablespoons with top), immortelle baskets (3 tablespoons) and yarrow (5 tablespoons), mix everything, scoop up 1 tablespoon. of this mixture and let it brew in 250 ml hot water. Drink 250 ml of this tea every evening.
  • 1 tsp goose cinquefoil, the same amount of tansy and mix with 0.5 tsp. cornflower flowers, add 500 ml of boiling water; when the tea has cooled, take 100 g of it four times a day.
  • Everyone knows about the benefits of rosehip; it contains a lot of vitamins: E, A, C, K, PP, B vitamins, minerals: magnesium, calcium, copper. have long been known beneficial features rosehip as a bile duct cleanser.
  • Another recipe healthy tea for the liver, which you can drink if you have pancreatitis or chronic form: Grind the brown rosehip roots thoroughly, take 2 tablespoons of the resulting raw material, add 250 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain and add water so that the volume is the same as the original. Tea is drunk 250 ml three times a day.
  • Ginger is often used for the liver. To cleanse it, the following infusion is prepared: ginger root is crushed, 20 grams are taken and poured hot water 200 ml, infuse for ten minutes, then add lemon juice and honey (1 tsp). Tea is drunk in the morning a quarter of an hour before meals according to the following scheme:
  1. on the first day, drink 10 drops of the decoction, then add 2 drops daily so that in 2 weeks the dosage is increased to 40 drops;
  2. in a dosage of 40 drops, the product is used for another 15 days, after which we begin to reduce the number of drops in the reverse order: two drops daily to bring it to the original 10 drops;
  3. take a break for 14 days, and then repeat the course in the same sequence.

If you regularly include milk and dairy products, this has a beneficial effect on the body in chronic diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Moreover, it is better to focus on products with reduced content fat

If you want to cleanse your body of gallstones, there is a recommendation: drink a mixture of lemon juice with (the ingredients are taken in equal proportions - 3 tablespoons of both), after the mixture is drunk, you need to drink more spoiled milk 0.5 cups. This procedure is done before bedtime, once every two days.

It is also excellent for a variety of liver diseases to add freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices to your diet: orange, carrot, lemon, tomato or radish juice. These juices help activate the bile ducts and nourish the liver tissue with minerals and vitamins.

When diagnosed with cholecystitis, prepared decoctions of herbs will help you in treatment: celandine, corn silk, St. John's wort, chamomile, dandelion roots, flowers and immortelle, centaury. Use the decoction 30 minutes before meals, 100 grams three times a day.

If you have been diagnosed with hepatitis, the following herbs can help you for treatment: take in equal proportions a certain amount of St. John's wort, rose hips, tansy flowers, yarrow, elecampane, chamomile, burdock root, string, knotweed, pour boiling water over everything and let it infuse for a couple of hours. Drink 80g of the infusion warm twice a day (in the morning after waking up and in the evening 20 minutes before bedtime) for a month. This procedure is performed no more than once every six months.

For gallstones infusions with buckthorn bark, yarrow, mint leaves, fennel, immortelle (flowers) and wormwood help. You can also try this collection: coriander (fruit), immortelle (leaves) and watch. All this is consumed before meals, 100 grams three times a day.

Even with cirrhosis of the liver the benefits of herbs are invaluable: drink 100g of stinging nettle infusion (1 tbsp) and 250 ml of water three times a day for a month.

Use as a cleansing and restorative agent for the liver: take 1 tbsp of them, mix with half a glass, place the mixture in a thermos and pour boiling water (500 ml). Strain the resulting infusion and drink a glass before bedtime and in the morning in the morning. empty stomach. When you drink the infusion, do not eat anything for two hours. The infusion should be fresh every day; treatment with this mixture is carried out for three days in a row, no more.

As you can see, beneficial medicinal herbs for the liver are extremely varied. You can choose any composition, any mixture to your taste to restore and cleanse your liver, gallbladder, pancreas, improve the condition of the entire body and endow it with new vitality.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!