Ascorutin - side effects are minor. How long can you take ascorutin without interruption?

The drug Ascorutin is a combined drug from the group of vitamins - ascorbic acid and rutin.

Release form and composition

The drug contains active ingredients - these are two vitamins: ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P). 1 tablet contains 0.05 g of each active ingredient. Excipients include: sugar, potato starch, calcium stearate, talc. You can find this product in online pharmacies in the form of light yellow-green tablets.

Ascorutin is produced in 10 tablets in currency (blister packaging). In the pharmacy chain you can find packages of 10, 50 and 100 tablets. Ascorutin tablets can be packaged in plastic or glass jars containing 30 and 50 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

The ideal compatibility of ascorbic acid and rutin is the main feature of this drug. These two vitamins help each other. In particular, rutin promotes the transport of vitamin C to body tissues. Ascorutin has a pronounced antioxidant property, suppressing the adverse effects of free radicals that cause cell aging. Both active ingredients of the drug have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Rutin (vitamin P), which is part of the drug, is a bioflavonoid; it effectively relieves the inflammatory process, reduces the permeability and fragility of small blood vessels, eliminates swelling, and prevents thrombosis. As a result of the action of rutin, blood circulation improves in the capillaries, which prevents the development of thromboembolism.

Protein, fat, carbohydrate and hormonal metabolism in the body cannot do without ascorbic acid. Taking an active part in redox reactions, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which allows the body to resist various infections and viruses. In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, as well as in the formation and regeneration of connective tissue, and promotes the absorption of iron. It is not without reason that iron-containing medications are prescribed together with vitamin C.

In addition, the vitamin complex Ascorutin has radioprotective properties (the ability to reduce the effects of radiation). Excess vitamins are excreted from the body with bile and urine.

Indications for use of Ascorutin

For monotherapy, this drug is used in the following cases:

  • deficiency of vitamins C and P in the body (hypo- and avitaminosis);
  • damage to capillaries due to indirect anticoagulants and salicylates;
  • nosebleeds, uterine bleeding.

In combination with other drugs, this vitamin complex is used to treat diseases such as:

  • radiation sickness;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • inflammatory disease of the arachnoid membrane of the brain (arachnoiditis),
  • infectious kidney damage (glomerulonephritis);
  • rheumatism.

Positive reviews from patients indicate the effectiveness of Ascorutin in the fight against diseases such as scarlet fever, typhus, measles and some allergic diseases. It also uses a vitamin complex for the prevention of viral diseases and vascular diseases.

Read also:

Analogues of Ascorutin

Structural analogues of this vitamin complex include the following drugs: Ascorutin-UBF and Profilaktin C. As for drugs with similar effects (angioprotectors), this vitamin complex can be replaced with medications: Venarus, Angiovit, Procto-Glivenol and Aescusan.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin

These tablets are taken after meals, orally, with a sufficient amount of water. The drug should not be taken with alkaline mineral water, since the effect of alkali neutralizes the effect of ascorbic acid.

Ascorutin is usually prescribed to prevent influenza and strengthen the immune system. For preventive purposes, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. For children from 3 to 12 years old, the recommended dose is 0.5-1 tablet per day. The course is determined individually, in agreement with the doctor.

When treating diseases, adults and adolescents over 12 years of age take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old take 0.5-1 tablets 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually a month.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin during pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated and is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the fact that Ascorutin contains vitamin C, which increases the tone of the uterus.

At a later date, the drug may be prescribed by the attending physician for the prevention or treatment of viral diseases or vascular diseases. It is not recommended to take the drug on your own without the consent of the doctor monitoring the progress of pregnancy.

Instructions for use during menstruation

Ascorutin is usually prescribed for heavy and prolonged menstruation, but the drug is only an adjuvant. To prevent heavy uterine bleeding, Ascorutin and calcium gluconate are usually prescribed.

For heavy periods, Ascorutin should be taken 3-4 days before the start of menstruation. The course of treatment is usually 10 days, take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

You should not use this drug on your own; you need to find out the cause of intense bleeding and determine the diagnosis; only a doctor can do this.

Ascorutin for varicose veins

With this disease, Ascorutin is used more as a prophylactic agent. In the treatment of varicose veins, Ascorutin is used in combination with other medications. Prescribed by a doctor.

Ascorutin for rosacea (vascular network on the face)

The use of a vitamin complex for rosacea gives good results even in fairly advanced cases. Usually the doctor prescribes Ascorutin for 2-4 weeks, 1 tablet three times a day. The course of treatment is repeated after six months. Between courses, maintenance therapy is carried out and they drink 1-2 tablets per day.

Simultaneously with taking the drug orally, make a tonic with the addition of Ascorutin to wipe the facial skin. To prepare the tonic you will need: pharmaceutical chamomile - 1 tbsp, 1 glass of boiling water and 1 tablet of Ascorutin. Pour boiling water over chamomile, let it brew, strain and add a tablet of the drug. Stir until completely dissolved and wipe your face 1-2 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Contraindications of the drug

Considering that the instructions for use classify Ascorutin as a group of vitamins, there are few contraindications to its use. This drug should not be used if there is increased individual sensitivity to its components, allergies to drug components, women in the first trimester of pregnancy and children under 3 years of age. Caution is required when taking Ascorutin for people suffering from kidney stones, gout, diabetes mellitus, as well as increased blood clotting, hypokalemia, a tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects

Most reviews about taking this vitamin complex indicate its excellent tolerability. However, in rare cases, Ascorutin can cause such unpleasant reactions of the body as: nausea and vomiting, stomach cramps, increased blood pressure, insomnia and some allergic manifestations. In case of such manifestations, you should stop taking the Ascorutin vitamin complex and consult a doctor. In addition, you should not take this remedy without a doctor’s prescription, because with long-term use there is a risk of stones forming in the bladder.

Interaction of Ascorutin with other drugs

Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of sulfonamide drugs and eminoglycoside antibiotics, reduces the therapeutic effects of heparin and indirect anticoagulants, helps the absorption of iron, and improves the absorption of the antibiotic penicillin.

When using the drug for more than 1 month, it should not be prescribed together with cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since Ascorutin may enhance their effect.

Ascorutin is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs for the treatment of venous pathologies. However, not many people know that this remedy has a much wider scope of application - it is used in the treatment of colds, gynecological disorders, in cosmetology and dentistry. Let's take a closer look at what this remedy is, when else it can be used and how to do it correctly.

The drug belongs to bioflavonoids, as well as capillary stabilizing agents. Included in the group of complex vitamin preparations. Used in pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology. Prescribed for complex therapy of diseases accompanied by increased vascular permeability.

Shapes and components

There are several types of drugs on the pharmacological market:

  1. Ascorutin.
  2. Askorutin D.

All these drugs are produced in tablets. Each of them contains ascorbic acid and rutin. The content of active substances in the first two forms is 100 mg, in the third – 3 g.

Approximate prices

The cost depends on the number of tablets in the drug package, its type and point of sale. There are no ointments, gels and creams, syrup or other forms with the same name. The estimated cost is indicated below (Table 1). Dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Table 1 - Prices in some pharmacies

Type of drug Quantity, pcs. Location
Moscow price, rub. Saint Petersburg price, rub.
Askorutin 50 Pleshcheeva, 4 27 Dybenko, 24 223
Festivalnaya, 13 28 Engels Avenue, 115 29
Chertanovskaya, 1G 33 Cash, 40 35
Altufevskoe highway, 89 34 Varshavskaya, 96 41
Nikolskaya, 17 35 Nevsky Prospekt, 124 44
Yeniseiskaya, 19 Bukharestskaya, 74
18 Spacious, 9 89 Svetlanovsky Prospekt, 66 82
Chernyakhovsky, 4A 101
Dmitrovskoe highway, 98
Boytsovaya, 17 105
Yaroslavskoe highway, 69 109,5
Ryazansky prospect, 75 118
Nagorny Boulevard, 7 120,5
Askorutin D 50 Volgogradsky prospect, 80/2 49,5 Tipanova, 8 35
Volokolamsk highway, 2 52 13th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 10 43
Baltiyskaya, 6 43 Krasnoye Selo, Masalsky 4 50
Lyalin Lane, 22 50 Zvenigorodskaya, 6A 60

Operating principle

The use of the drug in various fields of medicine is explained by the properties of its active substances. Once in the body, they act in several directions at once:

  • reduce vascular permeability;
  • make the walls of blood vessels more resistant to any negative influences;
  • increase immunity;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • participate in metabolic processes, normalizing them;
  • due to the normalization of blood flow, a hypotonic effect is observed.

In case of CVI, the drug relieves pain, relieves swelling, eliminates trophic disorders, and prevents the appearance of convulsions and paresthesia of the lower extremities.

In patients undergoing radiation therapy, the medicine reduces the severity of side effects. In addition, the drug slows down the course of retinopathy that occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Each vitamin contained in a medicine undergoes its own transformation:

How does it affect the rheological properties of blood?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Today you can find polar opinions about the effect of Ascorutin on blood coagulation mechanisms. Why is this happening? Once in the body, rutoside in combination with ascorbic acid reduces the fragility and permeability of small vessels, strengthens their walls, and reduces aggregation, that is, the joining of platelets. In other words, the medication reduces blood viscosity and increases its fluidity. But this only happens with long-term use of the drug.

With a single dose, the drug has almost the opposite effect on the coagulation system - short-term thickening of the blood occurs, a decrease in the exudation of the liquid part of the blood plasma and diapedesis of blood cells through the vascular wall. This explains the presence in the list of contraindications of increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, and in the list of indications - nosebleeds in children and hemorrhages in the retina.

Detailed instructions for varicose veins

Considering the features of action described above, it is important to understand that the use of the drug is possible only as prescribed by a specialist with a careful study of the characteristics of his body and taking into account contraindications and compatibility.

When is the drug indicated, and what are its limitations?

Ascorutin can be used in various fields of medicine, in particular, experts recommend it for:

Like all medicines there are restrictions on taking:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • predisposition to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • severe renal impairment;
  • diabetes (type 2);
  • cystinuria;
  • treatment with sulfonamides, aminoglycosides;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypokalemia;
  • children (up to three years old).

How to use?

The dosage and frequency of taking the drug are determined individually: the treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The dosage is calculated according to the following rules:


To avoid negative reactions, it is important to consider the compatibility of the drug, especially if therapy involves taking several drugs:

Treatment of children

Ascorutin is useful not only for adults, but also for children (from three years old). Most often the drug is prescribed for:

  • nosebleeds;
  • for the prevention or treatment of colds.

But it can also be used for:

  • insufficient absorption of vitamin C;
  • renal inflammatory disorders;
  • rheumatism;
  • vasculitis;
  • colds and infectious diseases.

Dosing for children is as follows:

  1. To prevent nosebleeds, children over three years of age can take half a tablet twice a day, and adolescents can take a whole tablet up to three times a day. The duration of the preventive course of treatment is a month.
  2. For colds, take the drug one tablet three times a day. Therapy continues for at least ten days

Ascorutin has a positive effect on the child’s entire body and also performs the following actions:

  • promotes the mental and physical development of the child;
  • reduces the frequency of colds.

But compared to adults, children are more likely to experience negative reactions. If the baby’s condition worsens during drug therapy, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

During periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy

Ascorutin is effective for the prevention and treatment of many infectious pathologies. Therefore, it is often prescribed during pregnancy to prevent the occurrence or treatment of viral infections in combination with other drugs. It helps eliminate runny nose and lacrimation, improves blood and oxygen flow to all organs, and has an antioxidant effect.

In addition, the use of the drug during pregnancy allows:

  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • prevent the development of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and their exacerbations;
  • minimize the risk of fetal hypoxia and bleeding during childbirth.

Ascorutin is prescribed only from the second trimester of pregnancy. The dosage is selected individually, based on the general condition of the woman. While taking the medicine, expectant mothers should be regularly monitored by a doctor.

For hepatitis B, the use of the medication is not recommended. Rutin, which is part of it, does not pass into breast milk. But vitamin C, especially in large doses, can cause allergies in a child. The decision about the need to use the drug is made by the doctor.

Experts' opinions

Experts emphasize that Ascorutin helps strengthen the vascular system. The drug is available, but can sometimes cause side effects:

Karpenko S.A., phlebologist:“Ascorutin is a universal remedy for any vascular disorders. It is effective both in cases of microcirculation disorders and in cases of serious disruptions of venous blood flow in the form of hemorrhoids and CVI. The drug is safe and effective, has a low price, and rarely causes negative consequences. But if it is used incorrectly, allergic manifestations and stool upset are possible.”

Zhdanov A.S., phlebologist:“Ascorutin contains the entire complex of substances necessary for vascular health. It can be used both for dermatological diseases and in the treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Negative reactions to the drug are rare. I prescribe the drug in long courses, but it doesn’t work in short courses.”

What do patients think?

The positive effect of using Ascorutin is confirmed by numerous reviews of people who have taken this drug:

Zhanna: “I often had nosebleeds - almost after every wash. I went to the doctor. No pathologies were identified. It turned out that the reason for their appearance is the weakness of the walls of blood vessels. Ascorutin was prescribed. The drug is inexpensive, but most importantly, it is effective: after treatment, the nosebleeds stopped.”

Tatyana: “After the birth of my second child, the veins in the legs and chest became very noticeable, and I was often bothered by dizziness and fatigue. After a while, bruises also appeared. On the recommendation of a neighbor, I started drinking Ascorutin. The result appeared after 2 months: the volume of the veins decreased, general well-being and even the condition of the hair improved.”

Elena: “I took Ascorutin to strengthen blood vessels - the capillaries in my eyes often burst. The problem went away after 2 weeks. Now I periodically take pills for prevention. The price of the drug is reasonable, and it is available in almost every pharmacy.”

Use for facial skin defects

Vitamins C and P in the form of the drug Ascorutin are an important component of the complex treatment of facial skin diseases. It helps remove spider veins, reduce the visibility of age spots, and prevent premature aging of the skin.

For pigmentation disorders

In dermatology, Ascorutin is used both externally (in the form of masks) and internally. The tablets are taken according to the standard regimen - two pieces three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month.

Remedies for age spots are prepared in different ways: it all depends on the severity of the problem and skin type. The most effective recipes are presented below (Table 2).

Table 2 - Masks for age spots

Mask ingredients Quantity Preparation Mask duration How many times to apply When else can it be used?
1. Sour cream Tablespoon. Homogeneous mixture. 15-20 minutes. Every other day, apply for a month. Wrinkles.
Ascorutin powder Tea spoon.
Aloe juice 2 tsp
2. Pea flour 14 mg Grind the tablets, mix with flour, add essential oil, dilute with a small amount of mineral water or chamomile decoction. 10 minutes. Three times during the day. Pimples, blackheads.
Orange essential oil 3-4 drops

The mixture can be used externally while taking pills or between courses of treatment. Their use should be agreed with a doctor.

For rosacea and rosacea

If such skin disorders develop, you can take tablets or prepare masks. In the first case, take a tablet three times a day. Duration of therapy is up to a month. Treatment must be done every six months. To prevent exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease, you can take the vitamin in a reduced dosage - one tablet per day.

Masks based on Ascorutin also have a good effect: they help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling of the face, and give it a fresh and healthy appearance. They need to be applied to clean skin. It is recommended to do this in the evening, two hours before bedtime. The most effective recipes are presented in the table (Table 3).

Table 3 - Masks with Ascorutin for rosacea and rosacea

Additional components of the mask with Ascorutin Quantity of ingredients Recipe Mask exposure time
1. Melon pulp They take in equal proportions Grind 2 tablets of Ascorutin to a powder, mix with the rest of the ingredients. 2 hours
Sour cream or cream
2. White clay 2 tbsp. l. Dilute the clay in milk, add crushed Ascorutin (2 tablets), mix until smooth. 30 minutes
Milk (green tea) 100 ml
3. Gelatin 1 tsp. Mix gelatin diluted in water with the preparation. 15 minutes
Water 5 tsp.

Treatment of rosacea and rosacea with Ascorutin should be accompanied by avoidance of:

  • cosmetics;
  • hot water;
  • peelings;
  • fatty foods.

Experts confirm the effectiveness of the drug for dermatological problems:

Barieva A.S., therapist:“I often prescribe Ascorutin to patients with rosacea and rosacea in order to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their fragility. I attribute it to those who experience severe hair loss. One of the most likely consequences of drug therapy is the appearance of local skin reactions. But there have been no complaints about side effects of the drug yet.”

Shcherbak A.V., dermatologist:“Vascular disorders are one of the main causes of dermatological problems. Ascorutin allows you to get rid of such disorders and cope with rosacea, rosacea and even acne. The product is safe, but patients with allergies to vitamin C should use the drug carefully – in small doses.”

Other Applications

The regimen for using Ascorutin may differ depending on the diagnosis and the purpose of its administration.

For hemorrhoids

Ascorutin helps restore the elasticity of vascular walls and reduces the risk of blood clots in inflamed veins. This leads to a reduction in discomfort, pain, itching and burning in the anal area.

It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids with Ascorutin alone: ​​it must be taken together with other medications. The dosage is selected by the doctor based on the form of the disease; most often, taking one tablet of the drug three times a day is indicated.

For vascular health

The medicine is used for the following purposes:

  • increasing the tone and elasticity of vascular walls, reducing their permeability;
  • therapy of hemorrhagic vasculitis, capillary toxicosis.

For varicose veins of the extremities, Ascorutin is most often used as a prophylactic agent. For medicinal purposes, it is used in combination with other drugs: it helps relieve swelling, inflammation and prevent the formation of blood clots in the affected veins. Reception is carried out according to the standard regimen - a tablet three times a day.

For bleeding

As mentioned above, Ascorutin can be used to relieve nosebleeds in children, gynecological bleeding, as well as hemorrhages in the retina. Ascorutin is not used to stop hemorrhoidal and intestinal bleeding. But it is often prescribed as an auxiliary drug in the treatment of diseases that provoke bleeding.

For diabetes

According to the instructions, Ascorutin cannot be used for this diagnosis. But especially for diabetics, there is a type of drug - Ascorutin D (it does not contain sugar). Therapy with tablets can prevent the development of retinopathy, reduce cholesterol levels, accelerate the utilization of glucose from the blood, and normalize the functions of the pancreas. In this case, two tablets are taken per day, and therapy continues for a month.

In gynecology

In gynecological practice, Ascorutin is prescribed quite often, namely for:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • heavy and prolonged menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • to improve the general well-being of women during menopause.

For heavy periods, the drug should be taken in the last three days of the menstrual cycle. After the onset of menstruation, they drink it for another ten days: two tablets up to three times a day.

Ascorutin for men's health

The male body needs the same vitamin complexes as the female body. Vitamin P is especially necessary for a man's health, as it regulates the production of adrenaline, as well as dopamine and norepinephrine. These hormones are responsible for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system, proper muscle formation and physical activity. A man should receive at least 30 mg of vitamin P per day. However, it can only be absorbed in combination with ascorbic acid.

Therefore, for the full functioning of the male body, increasing immunity and fertility, increasing concentration and endurance, and improving heart function, men are often prescribed Ascorutin. The daily preventive dose of the drug for a healthy man is one tablet per day, the therapeutic dosage is three tablets during the day.

During dental procedures

The drug is often prescribed by dentists for the following purposes:

  • increasing local immunity;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels in the oral cavity;
  • reducing capillary permeability;
  • stimulation of collagen formation (the basis of bone tissue);
  • regulation of metabolic processes.

The use of the drug is indicated in the following cases:

  • treatment of periodontal disease;
  • decreased gum sensitivity with a tendency to bleed;
  • prevention of periodontal disease;
  • strengthening the blood vessels of the oral cavity after surgical interventions.

It is used according to the standard regimen - one tablet three times a day for a month.

In bodybuilding

The drug, due to its properties, is often used in bodybuilding and other sports. In particular, rutin, which is part of Ascorutin, has the following properties:

  • has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • reduces capillary permeability;
  • increases contraction of the heart muscle.

Taking it helps to recover faster after heavy physical exertion and increase endurance. Athletes are recommended to take Ascorutin tablets three times a day.

Possible side effects

In rare cases, while taking Ascorutin, negative reactions described in the table occur (Table 4).

Table 4 - Consequences

Body system, the functioning of which may be disrupted during treatment with Ascorutin Consequences of therapy
Urinary Kidney failure.
Acidification of urine.
Damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys.
Nervous Headache.
Increased activity.
Digestive Heartburn.
Stomach pain.
Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Dyspeptic manifestations.
Cardiovascular Feeling of warmth, heat in the body.
Myocardial dystrophy.
High blood pressure.
Immune Redness, itching of the skin.
Quincke's edema.
Anaphylactic shock.
Breathing problems.
Hematopoietic Hemolytic anemia.
Neutrophilic leukocytosis.

There may also be side effects of the drug.

The instructions are necessary for patients to familiarize themselves with information both about the Ascorutin tablets themselves and about their purpose and use. Here you can find out about analogues, prices and reviews about the drug.

Form, composition, packaging

The release form of Ascorutin is a tablet with a light color in greenish-yellow tones. It contains 50 milligrams of the substance Rutoside and ascorbic acid. The preparation is supplemented with the required proportions of talc, sugar, calcium stearate and potato starch.

The packaging for this drug is a cardboard box, which in turn is filled with tablets packaged in polymer jars (30 or 50 pieces) or contour blisters with cells. The blister contains ten pills. You can put one such jar or five blister plates in a box.

Storage period and conditions

The medicine can be stored for three years in dry conditions, where the air temperature is constant not exceeding 25 degrees and there is protection from direct sunlight. Children are not allowed to use the drug.


Being a combination drug, this drug is a pharmaceutical complex of a vitamin and a beneficial biologically active component that are included in the tablet. The combination of these components helps strengthen the vascular walls of the bloodstream due to its ability to reduce capillary fragility and permeability.

Also, due to its effect, it becomes possible to suppress the aggressiveness of platelets, which serve as the main elements of cells in the blood coagulation system, and the suppression of nosological units occurs, where the formation of blood clots occurs.


After oral administration, the Ascorutin tablet undergoes fairly rapid absorption in the digestive tract. Entering the bloodstream, the components of the drug are immediately distributed throughout the body, undergoing their inherent metabolism in all tissues and organs. Each resulting metabolic product is excreted in urine and bile.

Ascorutin indications for use

The range of applications of Ascorutin is quite wide. It is recommended for use when:

  • preventive measures for vitamin deficiency;
  • therapeutic measures for lack of vitamins in the body;
  • elimination of capillary lesions due to the effects of other medications (salicylates, indirect anticoagulants);
  • as part of complex treatment to eliminate disorders of vascular permeability in scarlet fever or measles, hemorrhagic diathesis, typhus, radiation disease, thrombocytopenic purpura, hemorrhages in the retina, allergic diseases, septic endocarditis, arachnoiditis, capillary toxicosis, glomerulonephritis;
  • prevention and elimination of symptoms of flu and colds.


  • with a high degree of patient sensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • for children up to four years of age;
  • with increased blood clotting rates;
  • during pregnancy in the first trimester;
  • in the presence of thrombophlebitis, as well as those with a tendency to thrombosis;
  • with fructose intolerance;
  • those who suffer from diabetes mellitus;
  • with severe severe kidney disease;
  • with identified galactose-glucose malabsorption syndrome;
  • those who suffer from gout, cystinuria, oxalaturia, hypokalemia or urolithiasis.

Ascorutin instructions for use

Take the drug orally. You should not take an Ascorutin tablet with mineral or alkaline water, otherwise the components of the drug will be less able to be absorbed in the digestive tract.

Dosage is selected individually based on age and other parameters, as well as based on clinical test data and prescribing needs.

For preventive purposes, an adult patient is prescribed 1 or 2 tablets / 1 r / day;

For therapeutic purposes, take 1 or two tablets twice or thrice daily.

Dosage can be changed as directed by your doctor.

The decision to repeat the treatment course is also made by the attending specialist.

Ascorutin during pregnancy

During pregnancy, Ascorutin is not prescribed during the first trimester, since there is a high risk of pathological conditions due to oversaturation with vitamins C. Ascorutin is not used together with other complexes of mineral and vitamin supplements.

If a critical situation arises, a woman may be prescribed the drug up to three tablets a day.

Ascorutin for children

Children after the age of four can use half a tablet of Ascorutin as a prophylactic for various pathologies.

For treatment, children are prescribed 0.5 or 1 piece several times a day for about a month. More precise dosing and duration of therapy is calculated by the doctor when prescribing.

Adolescents may use the adult dose after full body monitoring has been performed to avoid the consequences of inappropriate treatment.

Ascorutin for bleeding

Being a fairly effective remedy for eliminating many types of bleeding (nasal, gum, uterine, intestinal, hemorrhoidal), the drug is still not one of those remedies used by ambulance.

Ascorutin during menstruation

During menstruation, when they are heavy and long, Ascorutin can be prescribed by a doctor.

Start of use: a few days before the cycle begins. Duration of treatment is up to ten days. But you should keep in mind that taking the drug yourself is strictly prohibited. First, the gynecologist must find out the cause of this phenomenon. If a hormonal imbalance is detected, then Ascorutin will not cope with the problem without appropriate medications.

Side effects

Although side effects when taking this drug are observed very rarely, they still occur, manifesting themselves as follows:


Headaches may develop, the wakefulness-sleep regime may be disrupted, the excitability of the central nervous system may increase, and the patient’s fatigue will increase.

Circulatory system

Taking the drug is fraught with the development of thrombocytosis, neutrophilic leukocytosis, increased production of platelets and red blood cells, and hypertrobinemia.

Cardiovascular area

There is a threat of development of microangiopathy, hypertensive crisis, dystrophy of the heart muscle and disruption of natural processes in tissue trophism.

Digestive tract

Symptoms of heartburn, vomiting and nausea, as well as the development of diarrhea. Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa is possible.

Some allergic disorders (in the form of rash, itching, angioedema and others) of an nature, as well as in terms of metabolic processes, were observed. What can be expressed by malfunctions of the pancreas, retention of sodium and excess fluid in the body, a state of hypervitaminosis C, as well as deviation from metabolic norms for zinc and copper regarding their properties in this area.


In case of an overdose of Ascorutin, malfunctions in the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas are observed. Symptoms of overdose may be as follows:

  • in the form of epigastric pain;
  • headaches;
  • attacks of vomiting accompanied by constant nausea;
  • high blood pressure;
  • profuse rash and itching in the area of ​​the elbows and knees, as well as on the chest and abdomen;
  • blood clots;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system.

Symptomatic treatment is used to treat this condition. There is no special antidote. The patient should rinse the stomach and offer sorbents.

Drug interactions

The drug is absorbed much worse than usual if it is taken simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives or alkaline drinks. The same can be said for fruit and vegetable juices.

Iron supplements and penicillin increase the absorption of Ascorutin tablets.

The effect of the drug Ascorutin will be reduced if it is taken together with heparin, vitamin B, indirect anticoagulants, sulfonamide drugs, and aminoglycoside antibiotics.

An increase in the serum concentration of drugs such as salicylates, tetracyclines, ethylene estradiol, benzylpenicillin occurs when they are combined with ascorbic acid with the risk of developing side effects of these drugs.

Long-term use of Ascorutin with concomitant use of cardiac glycosides, NSAIDs or antihypertensive drugs can significantly increase the effect of these drugs. When combining such drugs, you should be extremely careful, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

Additional instructions

They note the high effectiveness of Ascorutin tablets for eliminating a cosmetic skin defect called rosacea, when the blood circulation of the facial skin is disrupted and as a result, an unnatural-looking local redness appears on the face in the area of ​​the nose, cheeks and forehead.

Ascorutin analogues

The active components of Ascorutin are present in its analogues called Profilaktin S, Ascorutin UBF and Ascorutin D.

The drug also has drugs with similar therapeutic effects. These are Angiovit, Aescusan, Venarus, Cyclo 3 fort; Detralex.

Each of the drugs, if necessary, can replace treatment with Ascorutin.

Ascorutin price

The drug is generally not expensive, but its cost should be clarified when purchasing. Its average price, according to the latest data, did not exceed 50 rubles per jar of 50 tablets.

Ascorutin reviews

Being, in fact, a multifunctional drug, Ascorutin collects quite a lot of reviews about its use. Many note its availability and reasonable cost with such a wide range of pharmacological properties.

The number of grateful reviews about the drug is especially large in the topic of treatment of vascular pathologies, varicose veins and even getting rid of pigmentation.

There are quite a few reviews, so we will announce the most recent ones.

Tamara: Previously, I often suffered from nosebleeds. On my mother’s advice, I bought Ascorutin, which she had tested in many areas. I must say that I was treated with it at least ten years ago, and the effect of the treatment still remains. Since then, I am no longer afraid that my nose will bleed in the most inappropriate place. Now, having convinced myself of the effectiveness of the product, I myself began to recommend it to my friends.

Svetlana: When I was undergoing procedures on the retina using a laser, I became acquainted with the drug Ascorutin. The first impression was great. The medicine did everything it was prescribed for with honor. In addition, its cost cannot but please. Later, having completed a treatment course to restore retinal vessels, I noticed a lot of positive qualities for myself: the absence of side effects when taking it and the ability to treat varicose veins, which is also extremely useful for me. In a word, a storehouse of vitamins and continuous health benefits, especially for women. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the drug.

Julia: My mother and grandmother suffer from varicose veins and I had to think about this disease, because after the birth of my child, my legs became colored with spider veins. Recently, my doctor, who had previously prescribed the drug Ascorutin to me as a means of preventing ARVI and influenza, advised me to take it for my legs if I am not bothered by side effects. I decided to follow his advice. I'll look at the results once I finish the course. Today I can only say that my legs began to hurt less and the cramps that had been tormenting me since pregnancy became less pronounced. In general, the drug is praised, I think I will also join.

Ascorutin is a domestic complex drug belonging to the group of vitamins, intended for the prevention of vitamin C and P deficiency and which is often prescribed for diseases of the blood vessels. In addition, this vitamin preparation is used for decreased immunity, allergies and some other health problems.

How is ascorutin useful: description and composition

The active ingredients of this medicine are vitamin C and vitamin P. Each tablet contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid and rutoside (rutin).

Excipients include talc, potato starch, calcium stearate or glucose, sugar, calcium stearate. The specific composition of excipients may differ for each manufacturer.

Rutin is one of the natural flavonoids, which are considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. This compound helps reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, reduces increased blood clotting, strengthens the immune system, and protects the body from viruses and bacteria.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C also belongs to the group of vitamins that have antioxidant properties. It takes part in many metabolic processes and has a generally positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and blood vessels. Vitamin C helps bind and remove toxins from the body and is involved in the production of collagen fibers and connective tissue.

Ascorutin is available in the form of tablets, packaged in jars or blisters of 10, 18, 50 or 100 pieces, depending on the manufacturer. The tablets have a slightly greenish tint.

The trade name of this vitamin is “Ascorutin”. International - ascorbic acid + rutoside.

What does the pharmacological action of ascorutin help with?

Taking this vitamin can help several problems. It helps improve:

Redox processes;

Carbohydrate metabolism;

Synthesis of natural steroid hormones;

Tissue regeneration;

Blood clotting;

Blood microcirculation;

The body's resistance to unfavorable conditions.

This drug participates in the restoration and synthesis of connective tissues.

Taking it helps:

Reduce the effects of radiation;

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

Reduce the fragility and permeability of small blood vessels;

Increase immunity;

Improve the removal of toxins from the body.

All these properties of a cheap domestic vitamin are important during the recovery period after suffering from influenza, acute respiratory diseases and some other diseases.

Some doctors prescribe it to cancer patients during the recovery period in order to normalize the vitamin balance and improve the patient's condition.

The drug is of particular importance for patients suffering from venous insufficiency, which is accompanied by pain and swelling of the limbs, inflammation of the blood vessels.

Ascorutin indications for use

In the official instructions for the drug, the main indication for use is:

Vitamin C deficiency and routine;

Capillary lesions caused by the action of drugs from the group of coagulants and salicylates.

In addition, ascorutin is used in the complex treatment of certain diseases that are accompanied by damage and impaired vascular permeability, such as:

Hemorrhagic diathesis;

Retinal hemorrhage;


Septic endocarditis;



Scarlet fever;

Typhoid fever;

Superficial thrombophlebitis;

Trophic disorders or ulcers;

Varicose veins, accompanied by pain and swelling;

Chronic venous insufficiency;



Radiation sickness.

The use of this drug allows you to:

Restore the integrity of damaged capillaries and improve their condition;

Increase the body's resistance to viral and colds;

Eliminate residual symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory diseases;

Replenish the body with ascorbic acid and vitamin P.

How to take ascorutin correctly

Ascorutin, according to the annotation, is taken during or immediately after meals with water. It is not recommended to dissolve or chew it. The explanation for this is simple - ascorbic acid can have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel and gastric mucosa.

He washes it down with plain water. It is strictly not recommended to use mineral alkaline water for this, since such water neutralizes vitamin C.

The specific dosage, number of doses per day, course of administration depends on the disease and purpose of use, the age of the patient, his condition and is prescribed by the doctor. The average dose for an adult is 1 tablet, taken two to three times a day. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Sometimes appointments are scheduled for up to a month.

How to take ascorutin for adults

For prevention, adults are prescribed 1 tablet taken once or twice a day.

For treatment or in complex therapy with other medications, 1-2 tablets are usually prescribed three times a day. The specific norm is prescribed by the attending physician.

How to take Ascorutin for children

This vitamin is prescribed to children only by a pediatrician, taking into account all indications and pathologies of the child, no earlier than 4 years of age. At an earlier age, the drug is not recommended.

The prophylactic dose can be from half to one tablet taken once a day.

For treatment, the specific rate, frequency and duration of administration are prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease. The duration of treatment is three to four weeks.

For a child who cannot swallow a tablet, it must be crushed and dissolved in water.

Reception for children, as well as for adults, only during meals or immediately after feeding.

For adolescents, the vitamin is prescribed in the same dose as for adults.

Can you take ascorutin during pregnancy?

Taking ascorutin in the first trimester (up to 12-13 weeks) is prohibited, as it can affect the development of the fetus. Starting from the 2nd and 3rd trimester, ascorutin is prescribed for certain indications. Only a doctor should prescribe it. During this period of pregnancy, it is prescribed to improve the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries and as a prophylactic agent. In addition, taking ascorutin may reduce the risk of uterine bleeding during childbirth.

Take it, as a rule, 1 tablet two or three times a day along with food or immediately after it.

It is prohibited to use it simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.

During lactation, ascorutin is prescribed by a doctor according to appropriate indications for a young mother.

Ascorutin for varicose veins

For varicose veins, it is usually taken in combination with other medications. Taking ascorutin helps strengthen the walls of veins, reduces and prevents swelling of the lower extremities, and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Ascorutin for gout and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

For such diseases, Ascorutin can be prescribed in complex treatment. It has an indirect effect on improving blood circulation in damaged joints and discs of the spine, helping to improve the delivery of nutrients to damaged tissues and its regeneration.

Ascorutin for diabetes

Some manufacturers' vitamin preparations may contain sugar as an excipient, which is contraindicated for patients with diabetes. Therefore, before taking it yourself, you should definitely consult your doctor.

But diabetics often have a whole “bouquet” of other concomitant diseases, for which taking ascorutin could be a preventive measure or improve the condition.

Thus, it is able to improve blood microcirculation in the retina and prevent the development of retinopathy, which often happens in such people.

In addition, it improves the removal of glucose from the blood, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and normalizes the functions of the pancreas.

In addition, the drug has preventive properties against colds and viral diseases.

Based on this, it should be noted that ascorutin may be useful for such patients. Therefore, the pharmaceutical industry produces a sorbitol-based drug called “Ascorutin D” specifically for such patients.

Taking vitamin supplements is prescribed only by a doctor. The daily dose is usually 1 tablet twice a day for the purpose of prevention. Duration of treatment is three to four weeks.

How to take ascorutin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Ascorutin is prescribed in complex treatment to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The rate and frequency of administration is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease. As a medicine for this condition, treatment with ascorutin alone will not bring benefit and the disease cannot be cured.

Ascorutin for nosebleeds

Ascorutin for nosebleeds helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce their fragility. It is prescribed together with other medications.

Ascorutin is often prescribed to children with this pathology. It should be noted that children are much more likely to suffer from a runny nose, which in turn can cause nosebleeds. Taking the drug in this case can increase the child’s defenses and reduce the likelihood of colds.

It is strictly prohibited to prescribe it for yourself or your child without consulting a doctor. In addition to positive qualities, it has contraindications and side effects.

Ascorutin for heavy periods

For women who constantly suffer from heavy and prolonged periods, a gynecologist may prescribe a course of this vitamin. They start taking it three to four days before the start of menstruation. The duration of treatment is 10 days or is specified by the doctor specifically for each patient. The dose and frequency of administration are also prescribed by the gynecologist.

It must be remembered that other health problems may also be the cause of this situation. Therefore, you cannot drink ascorutin on your own. It is better to undergo an appropriate examination.

Ascorutin in cosmetology

Our skin needs vitamins. This vitamin can often be found in cosmetic face care masks. It helps with pigmentation, acne, rosacea.

For rosacea, this vitamin can be taken orally and masks can be made with it.

The simplest thing is to make a homemade facial toner. To do this, you need to brew 1-2 tablespoons (or 1-2 bags) of chamomile herb in 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse and filter.

Grind the ascorutin tablets into powder and dissolve in the cooled infusion. Stir until completely dissolved.

The use of such a tonic will narrow pores, relieve inflammation and improve microcirculation in the skin. Apply once or twice during the day.


Р N000557/01-310807

Trade name of the drug: Askorutin

International nonproprietary name:

ascorbic acid + rutoside

Dosage form:



1 tablet contains:
Active substances: Ascorbic acid - 0.05 g Rutoside (rutin) -0.05 g
sucrose (sugar), potato starch, calcium stearate, talc.

Description: tablets of a light greenish-yellow color with minor inclusions of a flat-cylindrical shape with a chamfer and a score.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:


ATX code: C05CA51

Pharmacological properties
Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the regulation of redox processes, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, and helps increase the body's resistance. Rutin eliminates increased capillary permeability, strengthens the vascular wall, reducing its swelling and inflammation. It has an antiplatelet effect, which helps improve microcirculation.

Indications for use
Prevention of hypo- and avitaminosis of ascorbic acid and rutin.
As part of complex therapy for varicose veins with edematous and pain syndromes, superficial thrombophlebitis, trophic disorders and ulcers, chronic venous insufficiency, and hemorrhagic diathesis.

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Conditions accompanied by blood hypercoagulation and a tendency to thrombosis.

Directions for use and doses
Orally, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day during or after meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Side effect
Allergic reactions (skin rash), dyspeptic disorders are possible.

Interaction with other drugs.
Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of penicillin antibiotics and iron preparations; reduces the clinical effect of heparin and indirect anticoagulants.

Release form
Pills. 10 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil. 50 tablets in polymer jars complete with lids. Each jar or 5 blister packs along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.
It is allowed to place blister packs with an equal number of instructions for use in corrugated cardboard boxes. Polymer cans may be placed in corrugated cardboard boxes with each row separated by corrugated gaskets, accompanied by instructions for use in an amount equal to the number of packages.

Storage conditions
In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
3 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
Over the counter.

The manufacturer accepts claims from buyers:
OJSC "Valenta Pharmaceuticals"
141101, Shchelkovo, Moscow region, st. Factory, 2.