What to feed a guinea pig at home: important rules

The guinea pig is a herbiphorus, which means "herbivore", and has a specially adapted for digestion coarse fibers relatively long digestive tract.

Therefore, it is important that pigs’ food contains plenty of vegetable fiber(fiber). Good hay is a very important element in nutrition. It contains a large number of fiber (fiber), which plays an important role in the digestive process.

Guinea pigs need good food, preferably as varied as possible. The diet of guinea pigs consists of roughage (solid) food (mostly hay), green food (grass, leaves) and succulent food (vegetables and fruits). The latter is not at all necessary in the diet, but is very convenient to use.

Rough (solid) feed

Rough (solid) food is primarily hay, grain and special pellets (pelleted food, which is sold in pet stores). You can easily do without the latter, but it is very convenient to use and helps out in many cases, especially in winter. Guinea pigs usually crunch with pleasure at such gourmet incas right there, like chickens in a backyard, they rush to the feeder, clinging to it from all sides until they find it and eat everything that they love most. Currently, ready-made, pre-mixed dry food granules have appeared on the market, specially prepared for guinea pigs, which contain added vitamin C. It must be taken into account that due to the addition of vitamin C, the food usually has a short shelf life, about 3 months. Such food must always be stored in a dry place and in tightly closed packaging, otherwise it will quickly become moldy and spoil.

good hay is a so-called stimulant that prevents intestinal dysfunction in pigs. It should also be very fresh, not small or dusty and fresh-smelling. The hay should be without any coarse or large twigs, and for long-haired pigs, it is better to give the hay cut or rolled into a roll or tied. IN otherwise long wool gets tangled in hay very easily.

Green food

Green food is vital for guinea pigs, but not all greens are created equal. The basis of green fodder is field or meadow grass with inclusions of some spicy and medicinal herbs. Grass is the best green food of all! It is better not to collect grass along roadsides due to the deposition of vehicle exhaust gases, as well as under trees, because bird droppings there contribute to the rotting of the grass and deteriorate its quality. A good dose of fresh grass keeps your pigs healthy best condition and they love her very much. Almost all vitamins are found in the grass. In addition to grass, green food includes the greens that we humans eat. Guinea pigs will happily chew on: spinach leaves greens and dill stems parsley (can only be given as a treat) lettuce leaves, etc.

Read about what herbs are good for guinea pigs in the article "Green food". And about which ones are poisonous - in the article "Plants that are poisonous to guinea pigs"

Juicy food

Juicy food is vegetables and fruits. Berries - only as a treat. What vegetables and fruits should and can be given to guinea pigs:

  • Carrot
  • Apples
  • Cauliflower. Pigs really like the fresh green leaves of cauliflower, but pigs do not eat its white flowers.
  • White cabbage. Pigs sometimes want to eat white cabbage, but without much desire. You should be very careful when feeding white cabbage as it disrupts the intestinal flora of your pigs. For convenience, you should cut cabbage leaves into parts.
  • Curly chicory, also known as endive (Cichorium endivia). It enjoys well-deserved respect, contains a lot of minerals and few carbohydrates, and is very watery.
  • Celery;
  • Citrus fruits;
  • Green peas and beans (very small quantity);
  • Bell pepper;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Watermelon;
  • Fodder beet;
  • Red beets (or their greens);
  • Cucumber;
  • Dandelion: is a laxative for pigs and also a stimulant. normal work kidneys (give limited);
  • Sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus) - this plant is indispensable for lactating pigs;
  • Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) - aid with diarrhea;
  • Pea (Vicia sativa) is a very useful plant the pigs’ diet, which they love very much, contains nitrogen, which is so necessary for the health and excellent structure of the pigs’ coat;
  • Ground pear (Helianthus tuberosus) - both leaves and tubers can be given;
  • Corn cobs.

More information about succulent food for guinea pigs in the article "Succulent food"


Every living thing needs water, and so do guinea pigs, although there are some guinea pig breeders who claim that with the proper amount of greens, guinea pigs do not need water. This statement is erroneous and incorrect. In summer, pigs need plenty of drinking water, especially pregnant and lactating ones.

Drinking water must be changed every day. It is advisable not to use a drinking mug, as the water in it spoils faster; it is better to use drinking bottles. But on very hot days, pigs can happily stand around an open drinking bowl and dip their front paws into it. This is very refreshing and cool for our dear pets.

Feeding regimen for guinea pigs

Guinea pigs should be fed twice a day - morning and evening and always at certain hours. Pregnant females are fed 3-4 times a day. Food must be given in sufficient quantity, since small animals do not tolerate even short-term starvation. Guinea pigs must eat their own droppings to stay healthy. The amount of droppings eaten varies greatly. Young guinea pigs eat their mother's droppings to develop their intestinal flora. It is not recommended to suddenly change your diet; you should switch to new foods gradually. It is also necessary to gradually replace water with milk, otherwise the animals refuse to eat and get sick.

How to feed guinea pigs

In order for guinea pigs to make better use of food, it is necessary to observe correct mode and feeding hygiene. Food should be given strictly at certain times established by the daily routine. Disorderly feeding disrupts the normal activity of the digestive glands, which has a detrimental effect on the digestibility of the food eaten.

When giving food to guinea pigs, you need to pay attention to their quality: are they musty, are they good in taste and color, are there any harmful impurities etc. New foods should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small amounts. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the state of digestion in guinea pigs (based on the consistency of stool).

Overeating can cause acute indigestion. It is also dangerous due to long-term consequences - obesity and related diseases. By the way, it is not at all necessary to feed the animal every time it starts squeaking and standing up on its hind legs. Maybe he's bored. Sometimes it is enough to take the pig in your arms or let it run around on the floor, or give it some blank piece of paper to play with.

Usually it is recommended to feed pigs 2-3 times a day at the same time, focusing on the norms already given. The well-known saying “give dinner to the enemy” does not apply to pigs, who are very active at night. Evening feeding should be complete (about 40% daily ration). Some experts recommend feeding animals often, but little by little (5-6 times), giving such an amount of food that they eat immediately without leaving anything.

Grains, bran, root vegetables, hay, fresh grass, even mushrooms and kitchen vegetable waste are eaten by guinea pigs. But all food must be good quality and fresh. Musty grain, rotten root crops, warm grass inevitably cause gastrointestinal diseases, often with fatal consequences.

The best food for guinea pigs is wheat bran, oats, carrots, beets and good hay, and in the summer freshly cut grass replaces root vegetables and hay. The bran should be given slightly damp, moistened with water or skim milk.

One adult guinea pig in the summer should be given an average of up to 0.5 kg of green food (fresh grass), 50 g of oats or bran. It is advisable to add salt and bone meal to the bran at the rate of 0.3 g of salt and 0.2 g of bone meal. It is useful to give milk to pregnant and lactating pigs, as well as young animals up to 3-4 months: adults - 20 g, youth - 10 g.

Green food is replaced with root vegetables up to 100 g per pig and hay up to 60 g. When feeding guinea pigs, two times a day feeding should be used: morning and evening. In the morning they give juicy and nutritious food - carrots, cut beets (pieces), oats or bran, etc. In the evening, hay is given and fresh drinking water, and for females with suckling young - milk. In summer, root vegetables and hay are replaced with fresh, good grass, which is given at least three times a day. IN winter time It is extremely useful to give animals sprouted grain (wheat, oats) and other vitamin feed, in the form of carrots, vitamin hay, dried nettle etc.

Rules for feeding guinea pigs

  1. Feed at the same time, which the animals quickly get used to.
  2. Do not give too much food; remove any leftover food from the cage (except hay).
  3. Green food, vegetables and fruits must be fresh.
  4. Always provide hay and green food in a feeder.
  5. Wash fruits, cucumbers and tomatoes thoroughly, but do not peel them. It is better to peel sweet peppers, as the skin is difficult to chew.
  6. Lettuce leaves absorb harmful substances, so it is recommended to rinse them thoroughly and dry them.
  7. Fill the drinking bowls with new, settled water twice a week.
  8. From time to time, put something in the cage to chew on.

What to feed your guinea pig? This is probably the very first question asked by a person who decides to buy such a rodent. We will try to cover it in as much detail as possible.

"More cheese and more cutlets..."

Today we will talk about what guinea pigs eat. It is safe to say that these rodents are herbivores. Because the plant food low in nutrition, they must consume it in large quantities. In their natural environment, guinea pigs absorb a lot of it.

These animals always eat. They don’t know such a thing as “breakfast”, “lunch” and “dinner”. Food should enter their stomach continuously, albeit in small portions.

Vitamin C

So, what to feed your guinea pig? Greens, which contain large amounts ascorbic acid. In the wild, these rodents eat a lot of grass. At home, such animals may lack vitamin C. Therefore, you need to additionally purchase special drugs. Before giving any products to your animal, be sure to consult your doctor.

The best natural sources vitamin C is sprouted oats and green grass. One animal needs about 20 mg of this substance per day. During pregnancy, the animal needs a little more ascorbic acid - approximately 30 mg.

What other foods contain much-needed vitamin C? What to feed your guinea pig? You can give the animal salad, rose hips, Bell pepper, fresh herbs and sprouted grains. Another option is to mix vitamins with drinking water(add 5 mg to the drinker). In addition, there is also injectable ascorbic acid, which is sold in regular pharmacies. The dosage should be recommended by a veterinarian.


In principle, the question of what to feed a guinea pig does not require a specific answer. These rodents eat a wide variety of foods. All feed can be divided into three categories: juicy, roughage and concentrates. What are these products? Now we will consider each option separately in detail.

So, roughage. This is twig food and hay. They contain little moisture, but a fairly large amount of fiber. This food is necessary to improve intestinal motility, maintain proper microflora, and also wear down teeth. Fiber, as you know, has an absorption effect. She doesn’t digest, she “sticks” to herself various kinds toxic substances and bad bacteria, carries them away and thereby cleanses the intestines. Therefore, there should always be hay in the cage. By the way, another advantage of this food is that it slowly deteriorates.

Other types

The next category is succulent food. These include vegetables and herbs, a set of various herbs. What do guinea pigs eat? Wheatgrass, clover, plantain, dandelion, timothy. You just need to be careful when choosing herbs, as some plants can cause various health problems.

What vegetables do guinea pigs eat? They enjoy eating different types of salad. But the leaves must be fresh. Pet guinea pigs will happily eat parsley. It contains many vitamins, as well as salts of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. This greenery also has antiseptic properties, as well as the ability to restore strength.

One more useful product for such pet is dill. It contains iron and calcium salts, as well as carotene. Dill is good for digestion. Just remember that all greens are spicy, they contain oils (essential), so you don’t need to give them to the animal in large quantities.

Guinea pigs love cucumber. Rodents are crazy about these green vegetables. This favorite product has an anti-inflammatory effect and is good for digestion. If the guinea pig has gained a lot of weight, and the veterinarian insists on a diet, then cucumbers are great option. Such vegetables are an excellent help for those who want their rodent to lose a little weight. But there is no need to base the diet of young animals exclusively on this product, as they will not grow well.

The record holder for ascorbic acid content is sweet pepper. In addition, it contains a lot of carotene. Here's what to feed your guinea pig. This vegetable is very healthy; it is best to give it in slices, along with the seeds.

You can also offer carrots to rodents. It contains vitamin E, glucose, trace element salts and carotene. Remember that in early spring and late winter the amount of vitamins in the body decreases; it is necessary to actively replenish reserves. Can be given to rodents and carrot tops, which, by the way, is no less useful.

Melons are also included in the diet of this pet. Melon, pumpkin and watermelon contain no less vitamins than in fruits. In terms of carotene content, melons are superior even to red carrots. It is worth giving them to the rodent in slices, along with the crust. Pumpkin and zucchini are especially useful for guinea pigs, as they are dietary. In addition, they contain many vitamins and microelements, especially zinc, which is necessary to maintain healthy condition skin, prevention of skin diseases, as well as for good fertility.

You can feed your guinea pigs tomatoes. Only ripe ones, since green ones contain solanine ( poisonous substance, which is destroyed when the vegetable ripens.).

Potatoes must be given to the animal very carefully (by the way, its tops contain a lot of solanine). Even a root crop that has been sitting for a long time can be dangerous for the animal.

Cabbage... This vegetable contains a lot of sugar, vitamins, protein and organic sulfur, which is necessary for good condition wool and leather. True, cabbage can cause severe gas formation.

Fruits and berries

You can add red rowan to your diet. It contains carotene, vitamin P (rutin) and ascorbic acids.

Guinea pigs enjoy eating pears and apples. They contain pectin and carotene. Such fruits are so-called prebiotics.

Some pigs eat oranges and bananas. Of course, such fruits are perishable, so make sure that your pets do not get spoiled products.


These are high-calorie foods. They contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates. This category includes seeds White bread(preferably stale), legumes, grains, crackers. In addition, concentrates include corn sticks, nuts and dried fruits. An example of such a product is “Waka” or “Rocky” food. There are, of course, other options. Now the range of these products in pet stores is very large.

Food for guinea pigs based on grass meal is very healthy and is well eaten by rodents. Adults need to be given 15 grams of it per day. In lactating and pregnant pigs, as well as in young ones, more high need in this torment. But legumes need to be added (in crushed form) to some other food, as they can cause bloating.

How to feed?

So, pig feeding technology. Concentrates should be given in the morning and evening. When the animal is in your field of vision, i.e. under the primsotron, you can give succulent and green food. Of course, there should always be hay in the cage. In addition, you need to hang a mineral salt stone.


We've told you how you can feed these cute rodents, but only you can choose best food for guinea pigs, based on your finances and capabilities. It is preferable, of course, to consult a veterinarian on this matter.

Caring for a furry rodent includes providing food. Its life expectancy will depend on how properly you feed your pet. Let's look at what guinea pigs eat and what they should not be given. We’ll also talk about how to organize your pet’s nutrition.


To understand what to feed your guinea pig at home, you need to read physiological characteristics this rodent. His body is structured differently from that of a human. The main difference is that intestinal motility in a rodent is much weaker than in humans. Accordingly, most foods that are palatable to humans simply cannot be given to rodents.

To properly organize feeding furry friend, think about what he eats in the wild. The diet of a domesticated rodent should not differ radically from the diet of a rodent that lives in the wild. And in the wild it feeds on various plants, grains, hay, roots, and some fruits and vegetables.

When preparing a diet for your pet, you should take into account individual characteristics animals, each of which has its own preferences. Some rodents love apples, while others prefer carrots, some like succulent food, and others like hay. This does not mean that you need to feed your pet only the foods that he likes. The diet should be well thought out and balanced. But, if possible, give preference to those products that the rodent likes. Also take into account that along with his favorite food, it is advisable to feed your ward food that he does not like, but which should be present in the diet.

You cannot leave food for future use by rodents. If you are going on a two or three day business trip, take your pet to a friend or give it to a foster home. If you give your pet to friends, instruct them on what you can and cannot feed the rodent.


Before moving directly to the description of permitted and prohibited foods, let’s make a reservation about how many times a day to feed a guinea pig. Rodents need to be fed often, but little by little. It is advisable to fill your pet's feeders 4 times a day. It is advisable to feed your ward at the same time. You should not put in a lot of food, since the small fluffy rodent is prone to stockpiling. Accordingly, the pet will try to hide food that the pet does not eat. Make sure that nothing is left in the feeders after feeding.

If you give fruits or vegetables, then after feeding, remove all the leftovers, and take the time to wash the feeders. If you do not properly care for your pet, and keeping the dishes clean is also part of the care, then your pet will certainly have stomach upsets caused by sour food. Rodent feeders should be washed without using detergents.

If you introduce a new product into your diet, do it carefully. Rodents are very sensitive to changes in food. When giving any product for the first time, observe your pet. If he shows signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction, immediately eliminate the new product from the diet.

Guinea pig diet

The diet of guinea pigs should include:

  • grain feed;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • green feed;
  • hay and branches.

In addition to the above products, rodents need vitamin C, which is not produced in their bodies. Alternatively, add regular ascorbic acid, purchased at a pharmacy, to the water. There should be no more than 20 mg of ascorbic acid per glass of water. You can simply squeeze the juice from one fresh lemon into the water. Let’s immediately make a reservation that a furry pet should always have water in its cage.

Let's look separately at what grains and green foods rodents need. We’ll also talk about which vegetables and fruits should be given to our clients, and which ones can cause serious health problems.

Grain feed

Grain feed is the basis of the diet. Sold in specialized stores ready-made feed for guinea pigs. They differ slightly in composition, but have a significant difference in price. The pricing policy depends not so much on the composition of the feed, but on the country of origin. Imports are more expensive than domestically produced goods. The basis of feed mixtures is oats. They may also contain wheat, corn, peas or other cereals.

You can make feed mixture at home. But, in addition to cereals and cereal crops, store-bought food contains a variety of microelements that rodents need. It is not possible to make such food at home. Therefore, preference should be given to store-bought formulations. When choosing a feed mixture, do not opt ​​for cheap items. Good feed mixtures cannot be cheap. The low pricing policy is for those feeds that have a poor composition.

Cavia Nature, Cavia Complete and Crispy Muesli from Laga Versele have proven themselves well on the market. Also popular are Little One (Little Van or Little One), Padovan, Fiory, Vitakraft, Sultan, Jr Farm. Among the domestic feed mixtures, Dusya, Vaka Lux, Chika Bio and products of the Rodnye Korma company are popular. Is not full list worthy food. It is not possible to determine the best food for guinea pigs, since all rodents have their own food preferences.

The share of grain feed in the diet of rodents is 30%.


In summer, our region is rich in various vegetables. Almost everyone who has a personal plot grows tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants and sweet red or green bell pepper. Let's figure out whether guinea pigs can eat tomatoes and other vegetables. We’ll talk about celery, cabbage, radishes and radishes separately.

Be sure to include cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, pumpkin, beets and corn in the diet of your furry pets. Since they contain sugars and acids that cause diabetes and allergies, we give vegetables in in moderation. If Jerusalem artichoke grows in the garden bed, we give it extremely rarely. We exclude young Jerusalem artichoke from the diet because it contains a large amount of starch.

You should not feed rodents only bell peppers or tomatoes. Should be given every day different vegetables. As for whether guinea pigs can eat zucchini, and whether guinea pigs can eat pumpkin, both of these vegetables are not contraindicated for rodents. But experts recommend giving them no more than 3 times a week.

Can guinea pigs eat potatoes, which are the most common vegetable in our country? In addition to starch, which contributes to obesity, the vegetable contains solanine, which lowers the immunity of rodents. Accordingly, it is better to exclude potatoes from your pet’s diet.


Let's talk separately about whether guinea pigs can eat celery. This exotic one this moment vegetable, is included in almost all elite food for rodents. It is rich not only in vitamins, but also in microelements. It contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. Accordingly, it must be included in your pet’s diet. Should be given to pets in moderation sauerkraut(no more than 1 tbsp every few days) and tomatoes.

Cabbage, radish, radish

Well, let’s look at whether guinea pigs can have cabbage, radishes and radishes. Experts do not recommend feeding your guinea pig cabbage. This applies not only to white cabbage, but also to Chinese cabbage. Also not recommended cauliflower and broccoli. Some rodents have an individual intolerance to one or another variety of cabbage. And even if there is no intolerance to cabbage, this product in its raw form provokes diarrhea and flatulence. As for radishes and radishes, these vegetables can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. But it is not prohibited to give the tops of these plants to your pet.

The share of vegetables is no more than 15% of the rodent’s body weight.

Fruits and berries

Let's figure out whether guinea pigs can have strawberries or grapes, apples or pears, tangerines or mangoes, etc. All fruits and berries contain fruit acids and natural sugars to one degree or another. These substances can provoke in small rodents serious illnesses with health. Therefore, if you include them in the diet, then not large quantities. Since furry pets perceive these foods as treats, they can be given as a reward for something, or along with healthy food, which pets do not want to eat.

Traditional Russian fruits and berries

The cheapest fruits in our region are apples and pears. Therefore, first of all, let’s talk about whether guinea pigs can eat pears, and whether guinea pigs can eat apples. As for pears, they contain a large amount of sugar. Accordingly, they should be given in moderation and not every day. As for apples, this delicacy is the most harmless for rodents. But, due to the presence of fructose, we still give them in moderation. All sweet fruits and berries can be given only in small quantities. This applies to plums, cherries, cherries, strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, apricots, etc.

Your pet will enjoy eating watermelon, which appears on store shelves in the second half of summer. But, due to the fact that this berry is famous for its diuretic effect, rodents should be fed watermelon extremely rarely, and it is better to exclude it from the diet altogether.

Citrus and exotic fruits

Many people are interested in whether guinea pigs can eat kiwi, or, for example, whether guinea pigs can eat oranges. All citrus fruits should be excluded from the diet. If you really want to pamper your pet with pineapple, pomegranate, or give him avocado, melon or peach, then this should be done no more than 1-2 times a month. We give treats to our furry pet in very small quantities. It is undesirable to give persimmons to rodents, as they can cause stomach upset.

Well, let’s talk separately about whether guinea pigs can have a banana, which has not been perceived in our country for a long time as exotic fruit. Experts do not recommend giving it to rodents due to the presence of starch.

Let's immediately talk about dried fruits(raisins, dates, dried apricots, etc.). Due to the fact that they contain more fructose than fresh fruit, they are not recommended for use.

The share of fruits and berries is no more than 10% of the rodent’s body weight. We give all fruits to the pet without seeds. It is also advisable to peel them. Only melons are given along with the crust.

Green feed

Summer, unlike winter, is rich in green food, for which you don’t have to pay. Thanks to the presence of green food in the diet, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases in rodents is minimized. In addition, pets receive vitamins and microelements from plants.

Furry rodents should be fed dandelions, young sedge, clover, alfalfa, plantain leaves, chamomile, yarrow and tansy. You should also give your pets sprouted grains and wood lice. It is worth including greens in your diet, which can be grown without much difficulty in your garden plot or windowsill. Animals enjoy eating arugula, basil, parsley, spinach, dill and mint. It is worth noting that dill not only improves the digestion of rodents, but also improves their appetite.

But lettuce leaves should be given carefully. Animals that are not accustomed to succulent food may experience allergic reaction. And some varieties of lettuce even have a diuretic effect and irritate Airways(watercress, for example). You can try giving your pet cilantro. Some animals refuse to eat it because of the specific smell. You should include turnip tops in your diet, but experts do not recommend giving turnips themselves.

We talked above about whether guinea pigs can eat beets or carrots. Here we note that, in addition to root crops, animals can be given the tops of these vegetable crops.

Since many wild plants are poisonous, you should be very careful when collecting green food for your pets. Do not give rodents plants that are unknown to you. Don’t give your pets greens bought at the market yet. If it is treated with insecticides, the animal may get severe poisoning or die. So grow your own greens.

Hay and branches

Due to the structural features digestive tract A guinea pig simply needs hay. It is sold in pet stores. But, if there are plantings or fields nearby, you can prepare it yourself. When preparing hay, it is important to select not poisonous plants. You should not make hay from alfalfa either. It is suitable only for pregnant females and young animals. If you buy hay at a pet store, be sure to pay attention to its smell. If the hay has rotted, which is clearly noticeable by smell, then you should refuse to buy it. You shouldn't buy wet hay yet.

In addition to the fact that hay improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it allows animals to grind down their teeth. In a cage with a rodent, in addition to the feeder and drinking bowl, there must be a hay box. Do not choose miniature hay fields. The furry rodent should be given dried herbs in unlimited quantities. If there is no hay in the cage, the rodent eats sawdust. And, due to the fact that there are particles of excrement on them, this should not be allowed. Although, for the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that rodents eat their own droppings. It contains enzymes that improve the digestion process. But, if you provide your pet with proper nutrition and appropriate care, he will not have problems with digestion.

In addition to hay, pets should be given tree branches in winter. Furry pets They happily gnaw on the Christmas tree. An alternative to Christmas trees are willow or aspen branches. Branches fruit trees and juniper should not be given to pets.

The share of hay in the diet of rodents is 20%. In winter, due to the lack of succulent feed, it increases to 40-45%.


We give our furry rodents bran several times a week. If your pet does not have health problems, then it is enough to treat him with bran 2 times a week. If his body is weakened, as can be judged by lethargic behavior and the condition of the coat, we give bran 4 times a week. We also feed the young animals bran 4 times a week. You also need to include salt in the rodent's diet, at the rate of 1.3 g for an adult and 0.5 g for a young individual.

Specialized stores sell treats for rodents, which should be treated with caution. The manufacturer writes that the delicacies offered are not only tasty, but also healthy. But, when preparing them, sugar is usually used. And it is on the list of prohibited products. Therefore, even if this treat contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, it is not beneficial for your furry friend.

And here vitamin complexes, which are served in the same specialized stores, should be included in the diet. They strengthen the immunity of rodents and improve the condition of their coat. It is advisable to give your pet vitamin complexes in winter. In the summer he gets it all essential microelements and vitamins with juicy food and fruits. And in winter, the basis of the diet is hay and grain feed. It is difficult to obtain from them everything necessary for the normal functioning of the body. By purchasing vitamin supplements, pay attention to their composition. What your pet needs most is calcium. Therefore, it must be included in the product.

Other products

In general, these rodents can be called omnivores. But not all products are recommended for use by rodents.


Many people are interested in whether guinea pigs can have bread, and whether guinea pigs can have milk. Rodents in the wild do not eat these products, since it is not possible to obtain them. Accordingly, they are of no value to their body. Moreover, the rodent body is not able to break down lactose. Therefore, drinking milk can cause serious health problems. Milk can be given in small quantities only to young animals.


Seeds and nuts

As for whether guinea pigs can eat nuts and a variety of seeds. There are no restrictions on these food products. But their consumption leads to obesity. Therefore, we include nuts and seeds in our diet in small quantities. Of the nuts, preference should be given to peanuts and walnuts. Almonds are not prohibited. As for seeds, you should give preference pumpkin seeds. Or you can give a mixture of sunflower and pumpkin seeds. We first remove the husks from all the seeds.


Of all the cereals that can be seen on store shelves, the diet of rodents can only include cereals, ground into fine grains. But you shouldn’t pamper your pets with them often. If oats are present in the diet, then this is quite enough. It is strictly forbidden to give boiled porridge to rodents. It will cause digestive problems. After all, in nature they eat only raw foods.

Prohibited Products

Well, let’s make a reservation about what you should not feed your guinea pig. There is a taboo on onions and green onions, which are toxic to rodents. Rhubarb, which contains large amounts of oxalic acid, is not recommended for consumption. For the same reason, sorrel is taboo. You should also not include eggs, which contain animal protein, in your diet. Even one egg can harm a pet’s body. Well, sugar, which causes diabetes, is prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to give rodents herbs that contain poison: fern, aloe, celandine, snowdrop, foxglove, honeysuckle, etc. We will not list all the plants, due to the fact that there are a lot of them. In order not to harm your pet, it is enough to give only those green foods that you know and which are included in the list of approved products for small rodents.


We figured out how to feed guinea pigs, tried to consider as thoroughly as possible whether guinea pigs can have bell peppers or other vegetables, whether strawberries and other berries are good for guinea pigs, whether fruits and vegetables should be included in their diet. flour products. We also talked about what not to feed guinea pigs.

To correctly compose your pet’s diet, you should create a table for yourself consisting of 3 columns. In the first column we indicate products that must be included in the pet’s diet. The second column displays foods that can be given in moderation. In the third column we indicate which foods are strictly prohibited to give to rodents. We hang this table-reminder near the cage with a furry pet.

Table of allowed vegetables, herbs, herbs, fruits, berries

Adult pigs require 10 to 20 mg of vitamin C per day. Vitamin C requirements may vary seasonally, with normal conditions, pigs kept in an apartment require 10 to 15 mg, pregnant females need about 20 mg. You can see how much your pigs actually get of this vitamin in the table. Keep in mind that products lose some of their vitamins when long-term storage in winter, vitamin C in them is reduced by an average of 1/3. All data given in the table are average values, since there are nutrients influenced by many factors, for example, storage conditions, types of varieties ( different kinds carrots, different varieties apples), seasonality, etc. If you give fresh foods, then you shouldn’t give additional vitamin C, because it can only do harm. When there is an excess of vitamin C, the urine becomes acidic and a predisposition to kidney damage and skin irritation develops.

The calcium/phosphorus balance should be 1.5:1. For clarity, these data are shown in the table. In animals with kidney problems, too much calcium in the diet can lead to kidney and bladder stones.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to find out the composition of all crops and indicate it in the list, so for some there is a dash.

Note: As a rule, you can hear that cucumbers should not be given, because... contain a lot of water and little nutritional value. You can give cucumbers, but in moderation. In addition, one may hear that fresh food is rich in carcinogens and contains many chemicals, as a rule, such remarks are the result of false panic and are quickly spread in the media. In fact, all “harmful” substances are found in fresh foods, usually in very small quantities and do not pose any harm to health. If you see danger in everything, then the animals will simply have nothing to eat. For example, dill, which is now considered very healthy, has been considered dangerous for several years because it contains small amounts of safrole. The proportion of safrole in fennel is so low that it is not even significant. medical indications. The carcinogenic safrole is only effective in large quantities (e.g. nutmeg, safrole from it is used as a medicine).

Information about substances: Tannins: To tannins refers to tannin. Its content, especially in the branches of old trees, can reach 20%. Tannin is used both in medicine and for processing leather products. Once in the pig's stomach, tannin is converted into gallic acid. And she, in turn, turns into pyrogallol, which is a poison. In experiments on animals there was an indicative result: pyrogallol changes cells at the DNA level. Hydrocyanic acid: Unfortunately, it is still widely believed that tree branches with stone fruits (such as apricots, cherries, plums, etc.) contain hydrocyanic acid. This is not true! They do not contain hydrocyanic acid or amygdalin, which breaks down into hydrocyanic acid and fructose when reacting with water. Amygdalin is a constituent substance in the seeds of fruits, but not in the bark and leaves.

Guinea pigs are social animals and are therefore kept in same-sex pairs at home. Average duration The lifespan is 6–8 years, but for this they must be provided with proper care, since pigs are very different from most other rodents.

First of all, this concerns ensuring the correct and a complete diet: Guinea pigs are herbivores, but they must be given enough solid food to wear down their teeth.

Absence proper nutrition or lack of solid food causes the front and back teeth to grow back quickly, making it difficult for guinea pigs to eat on their own. After grinding down the teeth and artificial feeding Not all animals return to their previous lifestyle, so they may need special care.

In addition, I can cause dental problems inflammatory processes, which can negatively affect the condition of the entire maxillofacial apparatus, as well as the organs of hearing and vision.

In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to ensure daily diet, including:

  • Water.
  • Hay. The seafarer should have round-the-clock access to it throughout the year, even in the summer season, when fresh grass is included in the diet.
  • Special food containing grass pellets.
  • Firm vegetables.

Vegetables, hay and food are not interchangeable and must be given to guinea pigs daily. Such a diet has a positive effect on digestive processes, provides the necessary set of vitamins and allows teeth to be ground down naturally in a timely manner.

The list of juicy foods that are allowed to be included in the daily diet is given below:

  • Eggplant. It is allowed to feed only ripe fruits without green parts.
  • Bell peppers from which the green parts and seeds have been previously removed.
  • The roots and green parts of parsley should only be given to pregnant females.
  • Corn stalks and leaves.
  • Carrots can be given in any quantity.
  • Ginger in small quantities is very beneficial for the body of guinea pigs, but they most often refuse it due to the strange smell and taste for them.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes without green parts.
  • Rutabaga should only be given to females during pregnancy.
  • Arugula and iceberg lettuce in small quantity.
  • Radish tops.
  • Romaine, rapunzel, lettuce, lollo rosso, batavia and frisée salads can be given regularly.
  • Root vegetables and beet tops.
  • The fruits and tops of zucchini do not need to be peeled before feeding.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Celery in any quantity.
  • Any type of cabbage in small quantities.
  • Dill, mint and lemon balm are prohibited only for pregnant females.
  • Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and pomelo are given no more than once a week in small quantities; the seeds and peels must first be removed.
  • Grapes: berries, leaves and vine; the only exception is wild grapes.
  • Bananas are given in small quantities and without peel.
  • Pears, apples, apricots, peaches and pears are introduced into the diet in small quantities due to the high concentration of sugar and acids.
  • Peeled pineapples and kiwis along with the peel are given once a week in small quantities.
  • Raspberry, blackberry, currant, strawberry and wild strawberry flowers and green parts of the plant in any quantity, berries rarely and in small quantities.
  • Nettle, plantain and chamomile. It is not recommended to feed females to pregnant women; plants should be collected only in the countryside, away from roads and grazing areas. Clover and Ivan-tea can be given in limited quantities.
  • Regular green grass.
  • Branches of fruit trees.

Special feed

Particular attention should be paid to the choice purchased feed for guinea pigs. Not everyone specialized mixtures, available in pet stores, are suitable for these animals. When choosing food, you need to evaluate it according to the following criteria:

  1. Compound. Herbal granules should predominate in it, other components should be kept to a minimum. Unshelled sunflower seeds can get stuck between teeth; corn is of no value to pigs; cereals are contraindicated, and cereals are too high in calories and are only suitable for animals that need to gain weight.
  2. Granule size. Granules found in chinchilla or guinea pig food are suitable. Formulas intended for rabbits and other larger animals usually contain large granules that are difficult for guinea pigs to eat.
  3. Best before date. Expired food can be harmful to animals, there is a risk negative impact on the digestive system.

Below are examples of foods that meet all the criteria and are approved by professional breeders and ratologists:

– this is a complete granulated food High Quality for guinea pigs, containing a complex essential vitamins. The composition additionally includes herbal additives that have a positive effect on digestion, and pressed cereals are completely excluded. The cost is 250-350 rubles for a package of 750 grams and 750-850 rubles for a package of 2.5 kg.

It is the most popular food; specialized mixtures for guinea pigs and universal mixtures intended for all rodents are suitable. The granules are made from 60 different herbs; cold pressing technology is used for their production, which allows you to preserve all the vitamins, minerals and beneficial chemical elements. The cost of a 750 g package is about 250–300 rubles.

Formulas intended for guinea pigs and chinchillas are suitable as they have a similar composition. The cost of one kilogram package varies from 150 to 350 rubles.

is quite expensive food but it's different high level quality. The composition includes large granules containing the necessary fibers, allowing the mixture to be better absorbed. The cost of a kilogram package is 400–500 rubles.

"Animals" is one of the few budget foods that is suitable for guinea pigs. It is necessary to purchase a mixture intended for chinchillas, since other varieties produced under this brand are too high in calories and can lead to obesity. The cost of packaging is 80–100 rubles.

Foods that are contraindicated for guinea pigs

Every guinea pig owner should know foods that are contraindicated for feeding these animals. These include:

  • Potatoes in any form. Root vegetables are rich in starch, which is very difficult to digest, and green sprouts are toxic and poisonous due to the high concentration of corned beef. For the same reason, you should not include green parts of peppers or tomatoes in your diet, although ripe fruits completely safe.
  • Legumes cause bloating and negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system. Only green sprouts can be included in the diet, but only in minimal quantities.
  • Radish and radish also contraindicated due to the large amount essential oils, which can irritate the mucous membranes and lead to complex malfunctions of the digestive system. The restrictions apply only to root vegetables; tops can be included in the diet; occasionally it is allowed to give a small amount of mild radish.
  • Rhubarb and sorrel contain large amounts of acids, which makes them toxic to guinea pigs.
  • Any bulbous plants.
  • Food of animal origin, milk. In the body of guinea pigs there are no enzymes responsible for the breakdown of the components included in such products.
  • Seeds of apples, plums, peaches and other fruits. They contain a large amount of hydrocyanic acid: in small volumes it can be beneficial for the body, but systematic use can lead to serious problems with respiratory and digestive system, cause a convulsive reaction and even death.
  • Bread. Many people mistakenly believe that only soft bread is contraindicated for guinea pigs, and that crackers help wear down teeth. Such food contains undesirable components and is difficult to digest, and guinea pigs’ teeth are easily worn down when eating hay and hard vegetables. For the same reason, the cage should not contain salt stones, which can often be found in pet stores.
  • Store-bought treats for rodents. They contain honey, sugar and other types of sweeteners that cause increased consumption calcium in the body, fermentation in the intestines, addiction and fatty liver.
  • Cereal grains and corn contain large amounts of starch and are not natural foods for guinea pigs.
  • Dried fruits and vegetables have high concentration sugar and have a bad effect on the intestines, all these products can only be given fresh.
  • Vitamin supplements in food or drink. You can buy them at a pet store, but give them to animals only as prescribed by a specialist; healthy animals receive the necessary set of vitamins and minerals from the basic diet.
  • Juices and any other drink other than plain water.
  • Nuts contain too many essential oils, fats and acids, which slow down the digestion process. They can be given as an exception in small quantities to animals that lead active image life and live not in cages, but in pens.
  • Any products that have undergone heat treatment.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Indoor and ornamental plants- virtually all of them are poisonous to rodents.

Healthy Supplements

The most common dietary supplement is vitamin C, which is diluted in drinks. It is not produced in the body independently, but if the basic feeding rules are followed, guinea pigs receive it in sufficient quantities from fresh vegetables and feed mixtures. Vitamin C can be used as a supplement only as prescribed by a ratologist; this need usually arises if we're talking about about a weakened stomach or prolonged use of artificial feeding.