How to stop a cat from jumping on the table. Kitchen rules: how to stop a cat from climbing on the table. Basic principles of raising a furry pet if it sits on the table

Cats love heights. They are also the most curious pets. But stomping on the surface on which food and cutlery are placed is not very hygienic. But before you stop your cat from climbing on tables, think about why she does it. And then your efforts will definitely be crowned with success.

Napkins, plates, vases with flowers and fruits, books and newspapers - so many interesting things! Perhaps your pet just wants to sniff everything and find a toy. Give your cat more time, entertain her more often by chasing the ball and hunting for mice. Remove from the table everything that attracts the mustachioed steeplejack. Soon the cat will understand that downstairs is more interesting, they play with it there, and there is nothing interesting anymore on the kitchen table.

These cats will probably like interactive games - an automatic laser, a mechanical mouse, a maze with balls. Such animals need to satisfy their research instincts.

Passion for hunting

Many novice owners do not understand this, but stealing from the table is a real hunt! The cat knows very well where it shouldn’t go. And she knows that taking food from plates is taboo. Therefore, the extracted piece becomes doubly sweeter.

First, we remove everything from the table. Actually everything. Yes, and fruits that are unattractive to cats. And the sugar bowl, which she never sticks her nose into. Only the tablecloth should remain on the table - no decorative items. Of course, the cat has a sense of smell, but she will still jump on the table to double-check (what if there is at least a crumb in the boring and seemingly empty plate?). Secondly, we leave the “prey” where the cat is allowed to walk. Ideally - on the windowsill. Let your pet see that you are putting something behind the curtain, but do not deliberately lure her. The cat should think that she herself tracked and got the piece.

There is a sign according to which a cat on the table promises illness. And there is a rational grain in it. After all, a well-groomed, healthy and clean cat can climb up immediately after using the toilet, when its paws are dirty with litter, urine and excrement. And these are harmful bacteria, protozoa and the likelihood of helminth infection.

Cats are easy to love from a distance, however, once you get this cute creature, you are faced with a number of difficulties, starting from the reluctance to relieve yourself in a designated place and ending with all sorts of “pranks”. One of the most common cat habits is to climb on the table, regardless of whether it is a dining table or a work table. We invite you to consider the reasons for this phenomenon and possible methods on how you can wean your cat from climbing on the table.

Why cats love to climb on tables

The main reason why all representatives of the cat family love to climb high places has developed in the process of evolution. In military language, we can say that they “occupy a dominant height”, from where it is easier to track down prey. For the same reason, cats feel more protected at height - a good overview allows them to avoid unwanted encounters. In domestic cats, this instinct often takes the form of searching for a comfortable place. Why the cat is more comfortable on your table - he probably won’t be able to explain to you himself. However, the reasons for this “convenience” are hidden in genetic memory.

Another characteristic that makes cats climb on all available surfaces is curiosity. It is extremely important for them to explore all their “possessions”, carefully sniff the objects there, look for something interesting and simply leave their scent everywhere. And sometimes your smell “pushes” cats to conquer your workplace - it has long been noticed that cats love to sleep on their owners’ things. The same goes for other places that smell like a loved one.

Classic: the cat lies on the desktop

Cats are owners; for some of them it is important to have an exclusive place to relax, which no one but him occupies. The table will do just fine. And sometimes cats like to lie on wooden tables because they are warm and cuddly. Well, a visit to the kitchen table promises to find something tasty. There are other reasons, but those described above are the main ones.

Not everyone likes cat climbing, which is natural. Firstly, cat hair remains where it shouldn't be. Secondly, for all their cleanliness, cats are still not sterile enough to encourage their presence on the kitchen or work table. Well, thirdly, cats love to play with small objects, which they then have to search for a long time throughout the apartment or simply throw away - sometimes these stages follow one after another.

How to stop a cat from climbing on a table

There are several effective methods for weaning a cat from climbing on tables and other surfaces where it is not allowed to go. To do this you will need one of these items:

  • citrus essential oil;
  • stationery tape;
  • something that makes loud noises.

We would categorize these methods according to their effectiveness, consequences and the need for your personal presence.

His Majesty the Cat reclining on the dining table

The most effective and harmless method

The most effective method to discourage a cat from visiting certain places is strong odors. Almost all domestic cats cannot stand the smell of citrus fruits - just drop a drop of essential oil next to the table to prevent the cat from even approaching this place. Essential oil is sold in any pharmacy and is inexpensive.

In the same way, you can also wean your cat from touching house plants - leave a cotton wool moistened with citrus oil next to them. Having encountered an “insurmountable obstacle” several times, the cat will no longer even try to visit “forbidden” areas.

This is an ideal method - it does not require your presence and does not make the animal nervous.

Methods related to stress for the animal

The most popular method of this type is to place a piece of tape, sticky side up, on the surface where the cat jumps. Some people recommend using double-sided tape, but you will then have to peel it off the surface. But the stationery one will almost certainly discourage your pet from climbing on the table. But there are several flaws in this method: the cat will be very stressed and almost certainly will not be able to get rid of the tape on its own, and in the process it may turn something over out of despair. The advantage is that there is no need for your personal presence.

Similarly, it is recommended to use tin cans, foil and trays of water. All this is installed in the area of ​​potential “entry” onto the table and scares away the animal. The downside is the stress that the animal invariably experiences and its actions as a result. You've probably seen how cats react when they are very frightened? At best, they run without destroying anything in their path.

There are even special electric mats that are placed on the surface in the place where the cat usually jumps. When the mat comes into contact with a cat's paws, it generates a small discharge and the animal, of course, jumps away. However, this is a completely inhumane method.

This cat is clearly up to something.

Methods that require your personal presence

Among these methods, common advice is to spray the cat with a spray bottle and scare it with sharp sounds at the moment when it climbs onto the table. This, in theory, should develop a stable association in the cat. But in practice it often turns out differently, since the cat will “behave well” provided that you are at home, but in your absence, it will walk wherever it pleases.

Dependence of the choice of method on the age of the cat

It is worth noting that in adult cats and kittens the methods of “education” are almost identical. However, habits developed in childhood are much more stable, so it is better to “wean” a cat from climbing tables while he is a kitten.

It is worth noting here that a kitten is more curious than an adult cat, so in its case it will be more effective to use “shock” methods. This, of course, is not humane, but in this way the animal will certainly remember where the danger lurks and will avoid this place in the future without any extra effort on your part.

In addition, there is no need to attract the cat to a forbidden surface: do not leave his toys there, do not feed him from the table, do not pick him up while eating or working.

The kitten is trying to climb onto the table

What not to do

You cannot hit the cat, yell at it, or “punish” it in any physical way. The likelihood that aggression on your part and the cat’s visit to the table will be linked in the cat’s mind into a single chain is extremely small. Most likely, the animal will simply become more intimidated, and in the case of vengeful cats, this will guarantee you a “war”. It is more effective and correct to use cunning.

Video: raising a cat correctly

Practice shows that the method using citrus essential oils is practically fail-safe. It effectively solves the problem of a cat climbing on tables in your absence and fills your home with a pleasant and refreshing aroma, which, by the way, also has a positive effect on your health, having immunostimulating and antiseptic properties. The main thing is that until the cat learns to walk where it is not supposed to, do not forget to treat the necessary surfaces before leaving the room. As with any treatment, the main thing here is systematicity.

Cats are stubborn and sometimes restless creatures. They love new, unexplored surfaces. How to stop a cat from climbing on a table is a question that owners of such pets often face. Consider these basic guidelines for teaching good manners to your pet.

The cat does not always steal food from the tables. Of course, this is a fairly common reason for a pet to appear on such a surface, but it is far from the only one.

Among the main factors that encourage a cat to visit this place are the following:

  • showing curiosity. It is quite possible that before leaving home you put some interesting thing on the table for your pet. Cats are creatures who are interested in everything. If they have already explored the entire apartment, every corner of it, be prepared for the fact that they will also begin to climb onto the table, especially if you leave something there;
  • theft of products. Most often, cats climb onto the kitchen table for leftover food. You shouldn't put all sorts of goodies here after your meal is over. A domestic predator will quickly understand what's what. In addition, for this animal a piece of stolen food is a kind of prey;
  • daytime nap. Interestingly, the cat loves to nap in a place where there is a smell of food. These scents calm her down. That is why a pet can choose a kitchen countertop as a place to sleep;
  • adoration of high surfaces. The cat likes to climb higher to observe the situation in the house. Such a pet can often be seen on the windowsill, because it offers a wonderful view of the street. It’s hard to find a more interesting activity for a furry pet than watching what’s happening from above. This is why the cat may often climb on the table. By the way, in most cases, he develops such a habit when you have several pets living in your house at once;
  • looking for a warm place. If your home is cool in winter, be prepared for the cat to find a way out. The higher it is located above the floor level, the warmer it is.

When the reason for this behavior in your cat is clear to you, it’s time to start fighting the bad habit.

Video “How to stop a cat from climbing on the table, tearing up wallpaper and eating flowers”

From this video you will learn how to effectively stop a cat from climbing on the table, tearing up wallpaper and eating flowers.

Ways to teach your pet a lesson

If a cat climbs on the kitchen table, you need to stop such liberties. There is no point in throwing a kitten off the surface or hitting it. You won’t achieve full results, but you can ruin your relationship with your cat. Let's look at the main ways to raise your pet.

Scaring sounds

In order to wean your cat from climbing on work surfaces in the kitchen, leave tin trays or bowls in the center of the countertop. The next time the animal jumps there, the dishes will fly down with a crash. Such a sound will certainly frighten your pet, and if not the first time, then after several such situations he will forget about this surface.

Since your furry pet doesn’t like loud, unpleasant sounds too much, you can take advantage of this in the process of instilling good manners in him. Cover the tabletop with foil or plastic bags. When the cat starts rustling on the table with its paws, it will simply be afraid of the effect.

Strong odors

If the cat continues to climb onto the table, it’s time to use pungent scents, because they can also scare the animal. A good way out of the situation would be to treat the countertop with a vinegar solution. Of course, the smell will persist for some time, but the cat will stop dozing on this surface.

Alternatively, place a few wedges of fresh lemon on the table or sprinkle some lemon juice on your napkins. The cat also does not like the aroma of citrus fruits, and this is worth remembering if you want to wean her from climbing on the table.

Irritating surface

When a kitten jumps on the table, it is important to promptly fix in his mind the not-so-pleasant associations with such a process. To do this, place a baking tray with cold water in the center of the surface and wait until your cat decides to try his luck again. After a swim, the pet will be seriously scared, so it is unlikely to try to climb onto the table again.

Watch the cat during the process. If she suddenly decides to be cautious and bypass the baking sheet, place her paws in the water. In this case, a reflex will be fixed in her consciousness: the table is an unpleasant place for her. True, it is quite possible that you will have to repeat this procedure.

Double-sided tape should also be considered an irritating surface. You can use it to cover your kitchen work surface. A cat, having once walked across such a table, will no longer want to repeat its experience. However, keep in mind that peeling off the tape is not so easy.

Radical methods

You can wean your cat from walking on the table using more radical methods. Buy a special electric mat, spread it on the countertop and connect it to the network. The cat will receive a light shock as soon as he jumps in there again. Such measures will once and for all help your pet forget about his favorite prank. There is no need to worry about the cat’s health - a little current will not harm it in any way, but you will certainly achieve the desired effect.

What techniques should not be used?

If your cat jumps on the table, steals food from there, or likes to lie on such a surface, you need to fight this habit carefully, showing, first of all, cunning rather than persistence. That is why you should not throw your pet off the table. It is also not recommended to use force against him. Isolation is another prohibited method. There is no need to lock the cat on the balcony or in the bathroom. This approach will not solve anything, but you will pretty much scare your pet.

They don't like strong odors. A great way is to leave orange peels on the table, sprinkle some perfume, or put a cup in which there are napkins with drops of aromatic oils applied. The main thing is that the pet, having jumped onto the table, does not feel comfortable there.

Cats love rustling objects, but they don't like it when the rustling gives them away when they are trying to be as quiet as possible. If you put foil on the table, the cat will not be able to climb on the table unnoticed while you are at home. The cat himself will have unpleasant impressions of this.

The spray gun is now your constant ally. Water is one of the most unloved phenomena. Always keep a spray bottle near the table in the kitchen. When you came home, you found the cat committing a crime? Spray it with water immediately! The cat will remember the consequences of sudden discovery.

Not everyone knows this, but cats don't like to be yelled at or told off. They may not understand the words, but they understand intonation, and especially shouting, perfectly well - people are very unhappy with them. Therefore, if you notice a cat on the table, immediately yell at it. The cat will remember this shock. If you repeat several times, the effect is guaranteed. After removing the cat from the table, look him in the eye and sternly reprimand him. You will immediately see that the cat is ashamed. Do not hit the animal, but rather reprimand it. In general, animals understand the intonations of human speech much better than slaps on the ears.

Cats are very agile creatures, and if something falls somewhere on them or from behind them, they avoid that place. Place notebooks or thin books on the edge of the table so that the cat will drop them when he jumps. Maybe the cat will even fall off along with the notebooks, which will then fall on him. The main thing is to use light objects so that the animal does not get hurt.


It is best to start raising a pet when it is still a very small kitten. It is very difficult to wean an adult cat from its favorite habits; a lot depends on the cat’s stubbornness and its character, but also on your stubbornness too!

Helpful advice

You need to systematically stop your cat from jumping on the table. As soon as you notice a rule violation, take immediate action. If you allow a cat to jump once, then do not allow it several times, and then again allow it to sleep on the table, the entire educational process will go down the drain.

Pets, just like people, have habits that annoy their owners. Some cats scatter litter from the tray, others sharpen their claws on walls and furniture. Finally, many indoor cats have an inexplicable urge to jump on the dining table. How to wean a cat from this?

Sometimes owners who love their dogs too much allow them to jump wherever they please, even onto the dining table. First of all, it is unhygienic, because the animal carries all kinds of bacteria on its paws and fur. In addition, such a habit may be for the woman herself, because she can accidentally jump onto a working gas stove, resulting in serious burns. How can a cat jump on a table?

What to do to stop your cat from climbing on tables

If a cat jumps on the table in your presence, and this behavior is undesirable for you, stop these actions. To do this, you can shout at the animal, clap your hands, or lightly spank it with a newspaper. The cat will understand that you are not allowed to jump on the table, but what to do when you don’t see it?

It is wise to use methods that work both in the presence of the owners and when they are not at home to wean a cat from the habit of walking on tables. In this case, the animal quickly learns that jumping on the table is prohibited, regardless of whether someone sees it or not. For example, you can place a tray on the table with low sides curved up, with water poured at the bottom. If the cat tries to jump on the table, it will fall straight into the water, which will force it to avoid this behavior in the future.

Also, during the period of weaning the cat from jumping on the table, you can use special sprinklers and firecrackers from the pet store, which make a loud sound when touched. Cats are very afraid of such sounds and subsequently avoid collisions with objects that frighten them.

Sometimes there are particularly stubborn cats that cannot be weaned from jumping on the table using more gentle methods. In this case, consider using a special electric mat. When a cat jumps onto a tabletop on which such a rug is laid, it receives a harmless but very unpleasant electric shock. She quickly develops an association of jumping and electric shock, and the animal stops climbing on tables.

Why does the cat jump on the table?

Cats are very curious animals; In addition, your pet may naturally associate the dining table with food. Do not leave food or any objects attractive to the animal on the table, for example, caramels in rustling wrappers.

Cats love to sit at heights because it gives them the opportunity to see all of their possessions at once. If you buy your cat special cat furniture - for example, a scratching post with a platform on top - she will probably lose interest in jumping on tables.

A kitten in the house is a real joy. You won’t get bored with him, and sometimes you even get tired of such “neighborhood”. The little prankster is able to run across all the surfaces in the room in a second or end up on the table while the owner turns to the refrigerator. You should not encourage bad habits, because the cat’s walking on the table is not only annoying, but can also lead to infection of people with helminths and bacteria that stick to the cat’s paws while digging in the tray. So, how to stop a cat from climbing on the table?

Why do cats love to climb tall pieces of furniture?

Even after numerous screams and punishments, a cat can be incredibly drawn to the table. To take competent educational measures, you need to know the cat’s motivation and habits. It should be remembered that cats love heights. Sitting on a hill, they can easily inspect the territory of their “possessions” and keep an eye on people. Both domestic cats and wild predators act in a similar manner. However, such a habit can be dangerous, so you need to know how to stop a cat from climbing on tables.

To stop your cat from staring at the table and closet, you need to buy special furniture for animals. It is presented in the form of high houses where the cat can climb and lie there. Often this furniture is covered with twine or carpet. You can buy a ready-made house or make it yourself. Your cat may be so interested in his own tall house that he will forget about tables and other furniture.

Another problem is the window sill. Cats love to watch what is happening on the street. They are interested in people, birds, trees. These problems have the same root, so you need to limit your pet’s access to the window. You can hang it with a thick curtain. However, the cat will still need an alternative in the form of a house. If you don't give your cat a choice, she will stubbornly go to her favorite places.

Animals are also attracted to food and toys on the table. You need to put food away to keep your kitchen table perfectly clean. The same applies to tables in the living room and bedroom. If a cat is looking for toys there (all sorts of rustling and clanking objects), then you need to remove all the office supplies, because even nondescript boxes may seem attractive to the cat.

If you remove everything interesting from the table, the cat will eventually stop going there. Pets are often very playful, so bare surfaces are of little interest to them.

How to teach a cat not to jump on the table

All pets are trainable to one degree or another. Cats often become lazy and stubborn if their owner tries to train them. Correcting a cat’s behavior needs to be done while it is still small. The older an animal gets, the more firmly its habits and character develop.

Kittens are easy to train and easily accept commands. It is better to distract small kittens with toys: favorite toys and other interesting objects are placed under the table, and the table itself remains perfectly clean.

You should not show aggression in response to disobedience. You cannot hit the cat or drag it by the scruff or tail. It is undesirable to approach an angry animal from behind and grab it from above. This will cause a backlash. Cats are very vindictive - they will not patiently endure any rude attitude. Soon you will find a “gift” in your slippers or get an unexpected scratch from around the corner. An offended cat will not give way to the owner.

If the cat intends to jump on the table in the presence of people, you need to call him loudly or clap your hands. You can distract your cat with her favorite ball. Having heard the owner or seen the “victim”, the pet usually forgets about its plans and switches its attention.

If the cat has learned to climb on the table when the owners are not present, you can place a container of water on the table. A baking sheet from the oven is suitable for testing. You need to take some water there and put it in the place where the cat jumps in first. The experience will be stunning and unforgettable. Even if an animal loves water, this will be an unpleasant surprise for him.

There is a rather risky way to keep a cat away from the table using a balloon. You need to blow up a couple of balls in front of a cat - the sharp sound is perceived by them much brighter than by a person. In the future, just the sight of the ball will make the cat petrified. Then you need to place a couple of inflated balloons on the table, and the cat will stop looking in his direction. It is also permissible to use other noisy objects. You can put a metal sheet on the table that will rattle if the cat jumps on it.

If you want to avoid troubles with your pet, you need to take a responsible and serious approach to the issue of keeping and raising the animal. Source: Flickr (Loïc)

If all else fails, you need to resort to modern technologies. To prevent the cat from climbing on the table, electric mats were invented. If your pet is not afraid of sounds, water and the voice of the owner, this device is ideal. A special mat is placed on the table, which is connected to an outlet. It conducts weak electrical impulses that will not harm the cat, but will scare it away for a long time.

  1. Toys. Kittens love to play with various objects. To distract your pet's attention from the furniture, you need to occupy it with other interesting things. Sound toys are ideal, although sometimes even ordinary candy wrappers become a favorite pastime. Interesting items should be placed under the table, leaving the surface clean. Interest in the table will disappear, and the cat will not climb there, even if there is some thing there.
  2. Smell. As you know, cats do not like the smells of citrus fruits and other strong aromas. You can use simpler tips and place the peels of oranges or tangerines on the table. In pet stores you can buy special aerosols that are used to treat furniture and even clothing to stop your pet from jumping on its feet and attacking its arms. Bleach is sometimes used on furniture, but this is a controversial method.
  3. Metal. It’s really a very good way for those who don’t know how to stop a cat from jumping on the table. An ordinary metal sheet will help to cope with the problem of a cat jumping on tables, which will rumble when the pet lands on it. Once your pet jumps on the table, he will either step on a leaf and make a sound, or accidentally knock it off and make even more noise. Fright will have a much stronger effect on a cat than screaming and beating. Long-term effect guaranteed.
  4. Scotch. Even humans get annoyed when something sticks or clings to them. So cats do not tolerate such irritants. To keep your pet away from the table, you will need several strips of tape. You need to put them on the table with the sticky side up, remove all third-party objects and wait. The cat will jump, stick and start rushing around. To consolidate the effect, you can repeat the trick several times.
  5. Foil. Strips of foil are laid out on the edges of the table to imitate the edges. The pieces should protrude beyond the edges of the tabletop. When the animal jumps, it grabs with its front paws. The foil will help dislodge the landmark, and the inevitable loss of balance will stun the cat. You can get some goodies and make bait in front of your pet, and then leave the room so that the cat can carry out his insidious plan.
  6. Spray. The main weakness of cats is water. It can easily be used in the process of raising a cat. Even those breeds that swim well and are not afraid of water will not tolerate harsh splashes. As soon as the cat tries to jump on a table or cabinet, you need to spray it with a spray bottle or any other spray. It is recommended not to show your pet that drops of water are coming from the owner’s side.

There are times when a conversation with a pet was enough for it to stop mischievousness and begin to be attentive to the requests of its owners. Many breeds love to chat and are offended by people's silence. And an offended cat is capable of incredible pranks. Other owners will have to work hard to stop their cat from climbing on the table. If you want to avoid troubles with your pet, you need to take a responsible and serious approach to the issue of keeping and raising the animal.

Video on the topic