The cat in the house finds its way home. How lost cats find their way home. Food for kittens - where is the best place to buy

Sometimes cats, for no reason or due to illness, stop feeding their kittens. Then the responsible burden for the lives of the babies falls on the shoulders of the owner. Experienced veterinarians will tell you what to do if the cat refuses to feed the kittens.

The cat refused to feed the kittens at two weeks

If this happens, it is too early to teach the kitten to lap from a bowl. But how to save the baby? For such cases, veterinary pharmacies sell artificial cat milk substitutes similar to baby food. They are also bred in water and given to the kitten from a bottle with a pipette, making a small hole. The disadvantage of such mixtures is the cost. Alas, not every owner will allow the baby to buy artificial cat milk. But there is always a way out.

The first thing you need to understand is that you cannot feed kittens raw cow's milk. The digestive system is too delicate for furballs, and the composition of milk is difficult to digest. There are many additives in store-bought milk, which also negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, so it is forbidden to give milk from supermarket packages. But what should you feed kittens if the cat has abandoned them and won’t even let them near her? Prepare the mixture according to the recipes below:

    • mix boiled cow/goat milk in equal proportions with glucose and add a drop of liquid multivitamins for kittens (every three days);
    • Dilute boiled milk in half with water and add 4 tsp. Sahara. Total volume 500 ml;
    • 300 ml of low-fat condensed milk (according to GOST), 100 ml of boiled milk, 100 ml of natural yogurt without additives or flavorings (for example, Activia) and 3 egg yolks. Mix everything thoroughly and strain;
    • for 500 ml of boiled cow's milk 1 egg yolk and 4 tsp. Sahara.

Give substitutes only when heated to 38 C. The best option is to heat the mixture in a bottle by dipping it in boiling water. Before going to the dacha, put a drop on your hand, isn’t it too hot?

How often should you feed your kitten?

The sooner the baby is left without a mother, the more often he will have to feed. According to statistics, three-day-old kittens eat 3 hours a day, and spend the rest of the time sleeping and growing. We provide approximate data on weight and amount of feeding for different ages:

  • newborns: weight - about 115 grams, 6-8 feedings = 30-35 ml/day;
  • 1 week: weight - about 200 grams; 4-5 feedings = 55-60 ml/day;
  • 2-3 weeks: weight - 280 grams; 3 feedings = 80 ml/day;
  • Week 4: weight - about 370 grams; 3 feedings = 105 ml/day.

At 5 weeks, the kitten’s weight should be approximately 450-500 grams, and it’s time to teach the baby to eat on his own. If the weight loss is significant, feed the baby every hour as much as he drinks. Measure the kitten on a bowl-shaped food scale.

Why doesn't a cat want to feed newborn kittens?

There are many reasons why a cat refuses to feed kittens, but they are all based on the health and psychological state of the mother cat.

  1. Diseases. Absolutely any illness can cause a refusal to feed, but most often it is mastitis. Inflammation of the mammary glands is not difficult to diagnose; simply pick up the cat and examine the nipples. If there is swelling, redness, or swelling, these are sure signs of mastitis. Urgently take the cat to the veterinarian before the disease reaches the purulent stage, and this happens in 1-3 days. If the nursing mother suffers from weakness, vomiting, diarrhea or fever, do not wait until the cat returns to normal, consult a doctor immediately. After all, pregnancy and childbirth exhaust animals, just like humans, and the immune system is weakened.
  2. Exhaustion. Is the cat as skinny as a skeleton? Is the fur in clumps and the skin in folds? The unfortunate pet is severely exhausted and dehydrated - see a doctor immediately! If a cat has lost milk, exhaustion is one of the reasons. After all, the animal does not have enough energy to reproduce milk in the required quantity.

The American Food Safety Inspection Association conducted a study that showed that a pregnant cat should receive 2-2.5 times more food and vitamins before giving birth and during feeding. This will allow you to give birth to healthy, strong kittens and feed them for the required month.

  1. Fading kitten syndrome. When the cat feels that the baby is very weak and will not survive, she refuses to feed him. Sometimes it throws overboard the rookeries. If you notice a rejected kitten, start feeding it yourself and take it to the veterinarian for an examination in the next 24 hours.
  2. Too many kittens. When more than 6 babies are born, the cat cannot feed them all on her own. In such a situation, you must feed the kittens several times a day and give the mother cat vitamins for pregnant women.
  3. Human intervention. A common reason why a cat refuses to feed kittens. This is excessive squeezing of newborn babies, constant selection of babies to hold. The less time you spend annoying mother and children during the first week, the higher the chance that the cat will nurse for the allotted time.

Continue reading about how to care for abandoned kittens in the next article.

Rain. Wind. Slush. In the middle of all this natural disgrace sits a small disheveled kitten. He periodically shudders from the cold, watching with hungry eyes the hurrying passers-by. Someone passes by without noticing the disadvantaged creature, someone turns away, pretending to be indifferent. And suddenly, among this crowd of people, there is a man who picks up a stray cat to save it from starvation and cold death.

At home, the euphoria from the merciful act wears off, and the rescuer has natural questions about what to do next: should the animal be shown to a veterinarian, should it be given anti-worm medication, should it be vaccinated, and how to adapt the new pet to life at home. All these questions are, of course, important and require serious consideration, so we will further answer them in order.

Should I take my cat to the veterinarian?

First of all, the cat should be examined by a specialist.

The answer to this question is obvious: of course, yes! Only a specialist will be able to correctly assess the animal’s health, conduct additional research for hidden diseases that may pose a potential threat to the owner and his household, prescribe a course of treatment, if necessary, and advise.

What to do if there is no veterinarian?

In life, not everything is as simple as they say on the Internet or in books. It often happens that it is impossible to show a selected kitten to a veterinarian due to some life circumstances: there is no financial opportunity or there is no ordinary veterinary clinic nearby. If this is your case, then listen to our advice.

To begin with, the animal is placed in a separate, warm, draft-free room, away from other domestic animals; in a word, it is quarantined with a separate tray and bowl.

By the way, isolation from other pets should last at least 2-3 weeks, during which the adopted child is monitored and his general condition is assessed daily: whether it is changing and in what direction (worsening or improving).

After contact with a stray animal, do not forget to wash your hands with soap.

How to assess your health yourself?

A visual inspection is carried out, that is, the animal is examined from all sides and an assessment of the condition is made:

  • wool and skin: presence of bald patches, violation of skin integrity, growths, peeling, etc.;
  • eye: is there lacrimation, redness and other unusual phenomena;
  • ears: presence of copious amounts of earwax, crusts on the inside of the ear, unpleasant odor;
  • nose: presence of a runny nose, condition of the nasal speculum;
  • musculoskeletal system: presence or bruises;
  • internal organs: to do this, palpate the abdomen with gentle movements, monitoring the animal’s reaction (whether there is pain or not);
  • psychological state of the animal: behavior, fear of water and light, etc.

Important! If there is water or photophobia along with aggression, then the animal may be affected by the virus, in which case close contact with it can be fraught with harmful consequences for humans. If such signs occur, do not approach the animal, isolate it if possible, and urgently contact the nearest veterinary inspection or sanitary and epidemiological station to exclude the cat from being infected with rabies and to carry out anti-epizootic measures.

Inappropriate behavior is not necessarily the effect of a virus; in some cases it can be caused by stress.

After or before assessing the external condition, thermometry is performed (normal temperature in cats is 38-39 ° C). In addition, please note:

  • on appetite, breathing patterns, color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes (normally they are pale pink, cyanosis and yellowness should alert you);
  • on the color, consistency and even the smell of natural feces: urine and feces - normally they do not contain impurities of pus, blood, or foreign inclusions.

Further actions will depend on the results of the inspection:

  • At the slightest suspicion of a serious illness (fever, poor appetite, dull coat, disheveled hair, depression, dry and hot nose), they find a way to consult a veterinarian.
  • If, according to external signs, everything is more or less normal, then you can proceed to the next stage of introducing the cat into a new comfortable life.

Contact of a stray cat with domestic pets

The issue of introducing the selected animal to domestic cats also comes first. In principle, this question was already answered at the beginning of the article, when we talked about quarantine. If during the three-week isolation the foundling has not developed any infectious diseases, then he can be safely introduced to other four-legged household members.

What vaccinations should a found cat have?

Preventive vaccination is carried out for stray kittens and adult cats according to the same scheme, and vaccinations are given only to a healthy animal that has been previously treated for worms. It is better to start vaccinating after the end of quarantine, when you can be more or less confident in the absence of hidden infectious diseases. The scheme is usually chosen by a veterinarian, but if one is not available, then you can choose the following option:

  1. Complex vaccine against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection, panleukopenia, chlamydia - twice (booster vaccination after 28 days).
  2. Rabies – a month after revaccination with a complex vaccine (later on, rabies vaccination is carried out once a year).
  3. Vaccination against lichen (trichophytia, microsporia) one month after the rabies vaccine, with annual revaccination.

Read more about the rules for vaccinating cats (who can do it and when).

What to feed the foundling?

Balanced ready-made food is suitable for feeding.

The ideal option for balanced feeding is the use of ready-made feed. The issue of choosing a particular food is approached individually; it is advisable not to use cheap and harmful options, but to use high-class food in accordance with the age of the animal.

You should not feed your kitten products intended for adult cats. All recommendations for dosing and purpose of feed can be found on the packaging. If you have the desire and sufficient knowledge to create the correct cat diet, no one forbids using natural food for feeding.

At first, it is better to use dietary food, but in doses slightly less than recommended. Gradually, you can transfer the cat to full feeding. This option for smooth accustoming to new foods:

  • will help avoid stomach upset (diarrhea);
  • will not aggravate the condition of the intestinal tract, the functioning of which, most likely, was disrupted during vagrancy.

Be sure to ensure that the cat does not overeat. The fact is that in the past, homeless pets often filled their bellies to the point of vomiting, and then ate again. “Foundling syndrome” appears when the animal had to eat for future use on the street.

If your pet has no appetite, what should you do?

You should never force feed a kitten. First, you need to understand why your pet refuses to eat. Only a veterinarian can help with this. If necessary and on the recommendation of a specialist, crushed food is given using a syringe.

How to accustom a foundling to life in the house?

This question is very complex; there is no clear answer to it. Each animal requires an individual approach, and there is not and cannot be any single algorithm for training.

A stray cat suddenly finding itself in a confined space will have to get used to new living conditions for a long time, and a person needs to spend a lot of effort to teach it the basics of cat etiquette.

To begin with, the cat will have to be allocated a separate closed room with its own tray and bowl so that it starts using them, and does not wander throughout the house and relieve itself or eat where it pleases. It is advisable to put paper moistened with cat feces in the tray - this way the pet will quickly figure out what the box is for. They also place a scratching post or a piece of wood in the room so that the cat can sharpen its claws.

A closed space will help to quickly establish contact between the animal and the person. While feeding and communicating with the animal, you need to talk affectionately, periodically starting games. But you should not get too close to the animal if it is afraid. There is no need to set a fast pace for the reunion; it is better to move slowly so as not to force events.

Be sure to arrange houses where the cat could hide in case of “danger”. Having the opportunity to observe what is happening from a shelter, the animal will quickly get used to the new environment and avoid stress.

You must treat the selected animal with all responsibility; under no circumstances should you throw it out into the street again because you failed. If a common language cannot be found or for some reason it is not possible to keep the animal at home, you can always find a new owner, send the kitten to a shelter or foster care, where specialists will place the baby.


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Before you buy a kitten, you need to answer a few questions for yourself, and answer as honestly as possible - are you ready to have a baby? Do you have time to take care of a kitten, play, raise it, take it to the doctor? Are you ready to spend money so that your kitten doesn't need anything? A kitten is also a child, only a cat. If you can firmly answer all these questions positively - great, you can rest assured that the kitten is in good hands.

And so you brought the kitten to a new home. Now this is not only yours, but also his home, where he should feel cozy, calm and comfortable. And since you are in charge, you will have to take care of the kitten’s comfort.

A kitten brought in in the first days is usually confused and even scared. Still would! Just a few hours ago he had a home and a mother, and now he found himself in the hands of a stranger, and in a strange place. There is something to be excited and scared about. Oddly enough, but now you are his mother. So the cards are in your hands - to calm, educate, teach reason. If you were initially ready for responsibility, then everything you need is already ready - there is a litter tray for the baby, toys, brushes for fur, and, just in case, a first aid kit.

In your life together with your kitten, a very important period begins, the very first period in a new home - the period of adaptation of a small defenseless animal to your, still alien and scary, apartment. It is very important during this period that the kitten immediately has its own cozy corner - with a bed, a tray and bowls of water and food. It is necessary for the kitten to immediately understand the purpose of all these objects and remember where they are, otherwise in an unfamiliar environment he may get confused and not find a tray, water, food, or a bed. Please note that the corner in which your kitten will live should not be in a draft - small kittens get cold very easily.

It is better to take a kitten to a new home before the weekend.

Try to take the kitten to a new home on the eve of the weekend or during vacation, so that you can spend at least the first couple of days with it, and not immediately abandon the baby to the mercy of fate. Firstly, he will simply be lonely and uncomfortable without his mother, and secondly, upbringing should begin from the very first minutes. In addition, the kitten will sooner get used to you and understand that you are its owner if you are together in difficult times.

During the adaptation period, give the animal as much attention as possible. Remember that a kitten is the same as a child, he needs warmth, affection and always play. Kittens are very active by nature, so don’t be too lazy to play with a small ball or something else with the kitten. It is important that the kitten has fun, stops being afraid, and receives positive emotions.

Of course, during the game the kitten may drop something - a cup, a flower pot, glasses. Don't scold your pet. It is much better to make sure in advance that valuables or objects that are dangerous to the child are not accessible to the baby.

Close attention should be paid to the windows. As soon as the kitten gets comfortable, he will certainly begin to explore everything around him, including the window sills. And if the window is open, the kitten may fall out. Therefore, it is better to cover the windows with mesh.

Garbage should also not be accessible to the kitten, where it may come across small bones, other sharp objects, plastic bags that smell like meat or fish - the kitten may choke. In addition, many indoor plants pose a serious danger to cats, including such popular ones as violets, cacti, diphembachia, and geranium.

If possible, electrical wires should also be hidden from the kitten. It will be interesting for the kitten to play with them, and if he bites through the wire, he will inevitably receive an electric shock. The same goes for needles, pins, nails and other things - hide them away. Out of pure curiosity, the cat will want to chew them, but this can end very sadly.

At the same time, do not limit the kitten’s freedom. Let him carefully and slowly examine his new home meter by meter, room by room. After all, he will have to live in this house all his life. You should not grab the kitten in your arms every minute. Although the baby needs tenderness, he also needs personal time - for new discoveries. Therefore, just keep an eye on the kitten to avoid trouble.

If you already have cats, they may not be entirely loyal to the new tenant, and even begin to offend him. There is a little trick that may be useful. Wipe your old-timer cat with a piece of cloth, and then stroke the kitten with the same cloth. The older cat will not touch the baby, who has the same smell.

Oddly enough, kittens have much warmer relationships with dogs. As a rule, dogs do not show aggression towards small kittens, but are rather curious.

A separate conversation about nutrition. Be sure to find out what kind of food your kitten is used to, otherwise you can suddenly change foods, portion sizes, and cause harm to the kitten. With a sudden change in diet, the baby may have a tummy ache and problems with bowel movements. The nutrition of a small kitten should be approached as carefully as the nutrition of an infant. And, of course, make sure that the water in the bowl is always clean and fresh - the kitten should drink plenty. It is also important that the kitten can eat in peace and quiet, when nothing disturbs it.

It is very important not to scare the little kitten in the first days.

Try not to turn on a terribly buzzing vacuum cleaner, loud hair dryer, drill, or food processor next to him. Watch the volume of your voice yourself - do not shout directly into the kitten’s ear, especially - do not scold it so that the neighbors can hear it. This way you can forever lose the kitten’s trust and friendship.

Cats are very vindictive, independent, and proud. If in the first days of communication you cannot win the trust and love of a kitten, then the important animal that will raise them will not be devoted to you with all their soul. Therefore, you should not be lazy, you need to devote time to your baby, show your love for him and really take care of him. This is the only way, in fact, you can prove that you are worthy of the animal’s love, you will become not a reprimanding and strict owner for him, but a true friend with whom the cat will feel good and calm all his life.

Kittens. Ideally, a kitten will remain with its mother and the other kittens from its litter for the first three to four months of its life. His caregivers treat him consistently and lovingly, and he is fully familiar with home life, including but not limited to the monster in the closet (vacuum cleaner), storm in the drawer (dishwasher) machine) and an extremely mobile and food-dropping creature without fur (your baby).

When you come to see the kittens, take a look around. The house should be clean both in appearance and smell. This is how a shelter should be if you are heading there.

If possible, check out the mother cat, as her genetic qualities and personality traits will have a huge impact on your new friend.

And now the most interesting stage - meeting the kittens themselves.

At first, just calmly watch them, notice the kitten that comes up to you to examine you and greet you. Kittens that feel a natural attraction to people become the best. Young kittens may not be as interested in people as older ones. Bring some kind of toy for them, and then you will see which of them is the most active and energetic. If kittens are already properly accustomed to people, they will be happy when you pick them up and will quickly calm down in your arms. If they become frightened and petrified with fear when you pick them up, it’s best not to pick any of the litter. After all, there are many other kittens in the world.

Even if a shy kitten huddled in a corner touches your heart, it is better to let it remain in its corner. A shy kitten will usually grow into a shy adult cat. It is unlikely that you will enjoy feeding and cleaning the litter box for a cat that you will rarely see, so you should not take such a kitten. If all the kittens in this litter are wary, do not adopt any of them.

Always remember that you are making a commitment for almost two decades. Therefore, there is no need to take the first kitten you come across, but rather choose one that will make your dreams come true. Every year there are literally millions of kittens looking for homes. The perfect friend is waiting for you somewhere, so be patient!

Don't pick up a kitten that runs away, hisses, or cowers in a corner. You should also avoid adopting a kitten that scratches or bites when you handle it. Instead, choose a friend from the many wonderful kittens who seek your company and enjoy being held in your arms. If the kitten purrs when you pick him up, this is a very good sign.

Choose a healthy kitten. These kittens are very easy to distinguish. They are active, their fur is shiny, their eyes are clear and there is no nasal discharge. They are thin, not bony or pot-bellied. It is extremely important to choose the right moment when you look at the kitten, because a sleepy kitten can be mistaken for a lethargic one. Little kittens play a lot and sleep a lot, like most other young creatures.

Adult cats. Adult cats should be selected using the same rules. Before you go to see a cat, sit down and imagine how your cat should behave. Should he be active and constantly play pranks? Or should he behave with dignity and look at you with an understanding look? Should he love people or be aloof? Get a clear idea of ​​the qualities of an animal that are desirable for you, and then it will be easier for you to choose an animal in accordance with these qualities. If you find it difficult to imagine exactly what you want, think about the cats that have brought you joy throughout your life. What qualities did these cats have?

Now you are ready. It is easier to deal with older cats because, to a certain extent, what you see is what you get, with the exception of females in heat, which do not fit this rule. A cat in heat or pregnancy is extremely friendly and loving. However, this does not mean that it will remain the same after removal of the ovaries (sterilization). You're going to sterilize her, aren't you? True, this also does not mean that it will certainly change.

Choose a cat that behaves exactly the way you expect it to behave. your cat. Such a cat is not always easy to recognize, especially in a shelter environment, since there the cat may be scared or confused. However, this is a good general rule. If you actually managed to find a cat that remained friendly, playful and calm even in such an environment, then you can be sure that she really is like that. These qualities may even develop even stronger in her when she finds herself at home in a calm environment.

How to choose a cat? How to choose a breed?

This decision must be serious! Therefore, if you are wondering, you should pay attention to several aspects at once. The first of them is to decide why you are buying an animal. If you are just getting a pet, then you don’t have to think too much about which cat to choose - just find an animal that you simply fall in love with at first sight. If your goal is exhibitions, medals and breeding kittens, then all you need is purebred cat, and , it's up to you. The first category of kittens can be found from friends, in animal shelters, and also in markets, while the second category can be found from professional breeders and in relevant clubs.

Which cat breed should you choose?

Each cat breed has its own characteristics, however, they all have one thing in common - they are not cheap. Moreover, if your goal is breeding work in the future, the kitten must be simply impeccable, which means the price for it will most likely increase even more. As for how to choose a cat breed, it all depends on your lifestyle, because different breeds have different personalities. So, if you can afford to pay more attention to your pet (usually this is typical for housewives and retirees), then breeds that love active communication with the owner are suitable for you - Abyssinian, Siamese, Burmese and Persian.

Long-haired cats are better suited for people who spend a lot of time at home, because such animals require careful care, because they need constant combing. Besides, longhaired cats– not the best choice for those who suffer from allergies; short-haired animals or animals are more suitable for them sphinxes.

For a family with a small child, a breed that can easily tolerate endless games and cuddling is suitable - British, Scottish or Abyssinian, and here Persian cats will most often flee from children. By the way, it is believed that short-haired breeds are more sociable than long-haired ones and make contact easier.

For lonely people, a cat that is very devoted to its owner, but at the same time can endure his long absences, is more suitable - British Shorthair or Russian Blue cat. Both breeds do not suffer at all from forced loneliness, but when the owner comes home, they run to him as fast as they can.

If you want to get impressive sized cat(and there are those too), you can buy a Maine Coon animal. This biggest domestic cats of all. In addition, they are very calm and friendly. You can always preview a photo of a Maine Coon and be impressed on the websites of special nurseries that breed the breed.

Cat or cat?

When choosing a pet, you should also think about who to choose - a cat or a female cat. It largely depends on your preferences, but there are some secrets. Thus, it is believed that cats are more attached to their owners than cats, and in addition, their important advantage is that they do not give birth to kittens! Cats are good for those who are going to breed kittens, and at the same time, unlike cats, they are not inclined to mark their territory, which can be the main argument in their favor.

How to choose the right kitten?

However, no matter who you choose, there is a mandatory set of secrets regarding who. First of all you should buy a kitten at the age of 2-2.5 months. Kittens that are too small usually grow up very weak, because they do not have time to receive the necessary nutrients from their mother, and besides, the cat simply does not have time to raise them.

Adult cats usually already have formed characters and habits, so they may not get along with you at all. Also make sure that the chosen kitten is active, playful and affectionate - if the animal behaves withdrawn, this may indicate not only its ill health, but also a melancholic character, which may not coincide with yours at all. Although you immediately need to prepare for the fact that no matter what cat settles in your home, you will always have to take into account its habits, because these are very independent animals that rarely make concessions to their owners, even if they love them very much. //,