What are the risks of chronic lack of sleep? Chronic lack of sleep: what is dangerous and how to treat it

Chronic means systematic and constant. Some people believe that chronic sleep deprivation means lack of good quality sleep even after a long sleep session. Allegedly, people suffering from it cannot get enough sleep even if they sleep a lot. This is wrong. Chronic sleep deprivation is a consequence of regular lack of sleep, which accumulates and then makes itself felt.

The human body has certain needs for sleep, and its lack will definitely have a negative impact on your health and condition. Remember: despite the term “chronic”, such lack of sleep is acquired by a person. People are not born with this problem, it is just a consequence wrong mode and lifestyle. Therefore, chronic lack of sleep needs to be corrected, and the sooner the better.

How does lack of sleep occur?

It all starts with school time and for many it does not end even after 20 years. You are forced to get up early - at a certain time, but at the same time, you cannot go to bed on time. On Monday you stayed late at work, on Tuesday you chatted with friends, on Wednesday you hung out on the Internet, etc.

5-6 days a week you didn’t get enough sleep and didn’t give your body the required amount of sleep. Let's say it's 50 minutes every day. Total weekly sleep loss 50x5 = 250 minutes. On weekends, you sleep until lunch - more than usual, but still the average lack of sleep over the week does not disappear. Of course, this is no longer 250 minutes, but 120, but still the fact of the problem is obvious.

How does the body react? Quite simple: puts a mark and draws conclusions. Next time he will try to put you to sleep earlier, reduce activity in the late afternoon, change your hormonal levels and melatonin balance. No one returned the 120 lost minutes to him, and so he will try to compensate for them. You will be sleepy in the following days and your mind will be in a slight fog.

This is a description of the initial stage of sleep deprivation. Systematic repetition of this pattern leads to chronic lack of sleep. In this case, the body gives up trying to regain the required number of hours of sleep. Instead, it adapts by reducing its waking activity.

In simple words, this mechanism can be described as follows: instead of trying to influence the quality of recovery during sleep, the body will switch to an economy mode while awake. If you don’t particularly disturb the body, don’t waste its resources and don’t expose it to stress, then the current small quantity Enough sleep for a full recovery.

In theory, the scheme is not devoid of logic, and will give positive result, however, in reality a person is not going to obey his body. Instead, we stuff ourselves with stimulants, ignore the symptoms of lack of sleep, and continue to follow our wrong regimen.

Why can't the body recover?

Because lack of sleep has a cumulative snowball effect. In the first stages, you can solve everything with simple siestas or more long sleep. But with chronic lack of sleep, the amount necessary sleep so great that you cannot pay off this debt in 1-2 days. A different approach is needed here: gradual normalization of the regime and falling asleep at the same time to equalize the balance of hormones, including melatonin.

Consequences of chronic sleep deprivation

Bad mood, drowsiness, brain fog, slow reactions, depression and other side effects of lack of sleep are known to everyone. Therefore, we will talk about the consequences from a fitness point of view.

Weight gain

According to research, lack of sleep leads to a malfunction in the appetite mechanism and insulin resistance. The body tries to restore with nutrition what it did not have time to do during sleep. You will begin to eat more without noticing it. More calories lead to a higher percentage of possible excess calories from food, which if repeated regularly will cause weight gain.

Many nutritionists, before starting to work with a client, normalize his daily routine so that there is no risk of breakdowns and consumption of large amounts of calories due to lack of sleep. Also, don’t forget: the longer you stay awake, the more time you have to eat calories and feel hungry again.

Low training results

Are you losing weight or gaining weight? muscle mass- doesn't matter. If you don't get enough sleep, your performance will noticeably decrease because you don't give your body a chance to recover. Strength indicators will decrease, general condition will begin to deteriorate, and motivation will gradually disappear. If you lose weight, you will not have enough planned calories, and you will break down, because staying awake for a long time is quite energy-consuming. In addition, many hormones that regulate appetite (ghrelin and leptin) are released during sleep.

Low mental productivity

Studies from 2012 and repeated experiments in 2014 prove that people whose jobs involve mental activity– noticeably lose productivity due to chronic lack of sleep. This is manifested by an increased chance of making wrong decisions.

You are like the squirrel from the famous story: you put out fires, run around and patch holes, not noticing the main problem - chronic lack of sleep. You treat symptoms when your illness is lack of sleep. Poor decision to treat symptoms is also side effect from lack of sleep. Vicious circle.

Style Summary

Normalize your routine and learn to fall asleep at the same time. Your sleep schedule should be identical every day, both weekdays and weekends. The amount of sleep is important, but it is much more important to let the body get used to a single routine. As a rule, 6-8 hours of quality sleep is enough for an adult. What is important is not so much the quantity as the location of this dream on the hourly map of the day. Go to bed early and get up early - this is best advice fitness enthusiasts.

Healthy sleep is an important component of beauty, health and longevity. Without proper quality rest, a person quickly gets tired and loses the ability to work productively. However, stress great amount incoming information, the need for constant urgent decision-making force a person to live according to a schedule that conflicts with his biological clock. These and other reasons for lack of sleep lead to poor health. Due to violation biological rhythms Many people who do not get enough sleep or work night shifts are much more likely to get infectious and other serious diseases, which include cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

According to WHO, the sleep duration of modern humans has decreased by 20% compared to the 19th century, although healthy sleep standards have not decreased and are the same 6-9 hours a day. About 60% of the entire population suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, completely ignoring the fact that lack of sleep provokes the development of the most dangerous diseases.

How to determine if you are sleep-deprived:

  • you have a hard time getting up in the morning;
  • you feel weak and tired in the afternoon;
  • often feel drowsy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability and blues.

In addition, external signs such as pallor, dark circles under the eyes, dull hair, and brittle nails may indicate lack of sleep.

The harm of lack of sleep


Chronic lack of sleep provokes the development of obesity. Sixteen years US scientists conducted surveillance of 70 thousand American women. Women who slept less than normal were 32% more likely to gain excess weight. Weight gain due to lack of sleep occurs due to a hormonal failure in the production of ghrelin, leptin and cortisol - hormones responsible for the feeling of fullness.


Constant lack of sleep provokes the development of colon and breast cancer. Case Western Research University in Cleveland conducted the study, which included 1,240 subjects. 338 people were diagnosed with a precancerous condition, colorectal adenoma, and at the same time it turned out that they sleep less than 7 hours a day, unlike their healthy friends. Thus, it was concluded that lack of sleep increases the likelihood of cancer by 50%.

Scientists associate the occurrence of cancer with lack of sleep with a lack of the hormone melatonin produced at night, which has the ability to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Melatonin inhibits the development of such types of cancer in the body as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer.

Premature aging

Melatonin is powerful antioxidant and neutralizes the effects of oxidative processes throughout the body, binding free radicals. It is known that they bring human aging closer. The hormone is synthesized only at night - in the absence of light, and its production peaks at 2 am. Reducing hours of sleep at night leads to disruption of hormone production and, as a result, to premature aging.

Increased blood pressure

Chronic lack of sleep leads to increased blood pressure. This phenomenon was studied by scientists at the private research University of Chicago. Decreasing sleep norms by just 1 hour per day increases the risk of developing hypertension over 5 years by 37%.

Decreased life expectancy

Lack of sleep increases risk premature death. A group of American researchers examined data from more than a million patients over several years. People who slept 7 hours a day lived the longest. At the same time, it was found that patients taking sleeping pills had more high risk the onset of death than patients simply suffering from insomnia.


An increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes is observed in people who are chronically sleep-deprived. This was established by scientists from the University of Warwick (UK). Over 6 years of observation of almost one and a half thousand subjects, they came to the conclusion that sleeping less than 6 hours a day increases the likelihood of developing diabetes by 3 times. Insufficient sleep disrupts glycemic production, leading to impaired glucose regulation.

Vision problems

Lack of sleep can trigger the onset of ophthalmic diseases. A number of studies have been conducted on this topic by American ophthalmologists at the Mayo Clinic. Sleep deficiency increases the risk of developing glaucoma, one of the main causes of irreversible blindness. A sleep-deprived person is at risk increased development diseases such as optical nepropathy, edema optic nerve due to high intracranial pressure.

Viral and colds

Regular lack of sleep, as well as insomnia, can cause a decline in immunity. Research on this topic was carried out by researchers from Carnegie Mallon University. Statistics have shown that people who regularly lack sleep get colds and viral diseases 3 times more likely to follow a healthy diet. The quality of sleep also affects susceptibility to colds: those suffering from insomnia are 5 and a half times more likely to catch colds and viral diseases.

Deterioration of men's health

A week of insufficient sleep (that is, about 5-6 hours) leads to consequences similar to the aging of the body by 10 years. Researchers at the University of Chicago conducted tests on 10 healthy men volunteers under the age of 24. Over a week of insufficient sleep, testosterone levels in their blood decreased by 10-15%, which corresponds to approximately 10-15 years of age. The hormone testosterone regulates sexual behavior in men. reproductive function, bone density and muscle mass.

What else does lack of sleep affect?

In addition to the above, the harm of lack of sleep also lies in the negative impact on a person’s mental and emotional state, deterioration of mental abilities and memory, deterioration of skin condition due to decreased collagen synthesis, decreased reaction speed, and the occurrence of apathy and depression. Poor blood supply to the brain causes dizziness, headache and the risk of stroke.

Separately, it should be noted that negative factor lack of sleep as drowsiness, which is even more dangerous if a person spends part of the time driving. According to global statistics, drowsiness while driving is the most common cause of car accidents. A state of lack of sleep is similar to a state of alcohol intoxication. A chronically sleep-deprived person can, in any state, suddenly fall into an involuntary short-term sleep that lasts a few seconds, during which he completely loses control over the surrounding situation. Dizziness from insomnia, which can start at any moment, is no better.

How to compensate for lack of sleep at night

In many Mediterranean countries There is a tradition of siesta - rest in the afternoon. This is a custom whose effectiveness and benefits have been scientifically proven. In the afternoon period from 13-00 to 15-00, a person’s work activity sharply drops and his mood worsens. Productivity during this period of time is extremely low, so in Spain and Italy they take a break of one to two hours at this time. The same practice exists in some Asian countries - Japan and China, and in large concerns in America and Europe such as Google and Microsoft. This approach has a positive effect on brain function and overall health. helps improve concentration and memory, and avoid emotional overload.

For daytime rest to be useful, you need to observe the correct intervals: either 20-30 minutes or an hour and a half. 20-30 minutes is a sleep that restores strength, after which the phase begins deep sleep. It's easy to wake up at this time. An hour and a half sleep is a full sleep cycle, after which a person feels a powerful surge of energy. It is believed that one and a half hours nap completely compensate for lack of sleep at night.

Healthy sleep is the key to a long life

Everyone dreams of a productive day. What can you do to quickly fall asleep in the evening and wake up immediately cheerful and energetic in the morning? The most important thing is to plan your day carefully, don’t sit in front of the TV in the evening and turn off the computer a couple of hours before bed. Practice good sleep hygiene and get as much sleep as your body requires.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Handbook of a practicing physician. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008.
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012 (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016. 248 pp.

At modern rhythm life good sleep for some people it turns from a daily ritual into an unattainable dream. Constantly waking up to the alarm clock and going to rest late at night lead to the development of chronic sleep deprivation. For some, this lifestyle is a necessity, while others reduce the total duration of sleep to please their hobbies. In both cases, lack of sleep is very dangerous to health and can lead to the development of serious diseases.


Chronic sleep deprivation is understood as a condition in which a person finds himself due to a systematic lack of sleep or poor quality of rest. First, there is a decrease in activity and severe fatigue. On next stage As the disease progresses, constant irritability and soreness come. If insomnia persists for more than six months, it worsens chronic diseases, general health deteriorates, productivity declines, reducing quality of life.

Ignoring the problem for a long period of time leads to decreased immunity and dysfunction various systems body. At the first signs of chronic sleep deprivation, it is necessary to find and eliminate the causes of this phenomenon.


Traditionally, the main cause of lack of sleep is considered to be an overly active lifestyle. Actually to constant fatigue leads to inability to plan time. A person tries to perform a large amount of work every day, although he should divide his responsibilities by day and pay attention to all aspects of life. In addition, lack of rest develops due to a number of other reasons.

  • Nervous system diseases

An overexcited state of the central nervous system, resulting from psychological or physiological disorders, leads to increased activity and inability to sleep. Even if a person manages to go to bed, his rest will be superficial and of poor quality.

  • Poor nutrition

Timely reception proper food provides positive influence to all systems of the body. If dinner takes place more than 4 hours before bedtime and contains difficult-to-digest foods, it will not be easy to fall asleep. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in many homes it is customary to wash down any meal with tea or coffee containing a large amount of caffeine, which completely “drives away” sleep.

  • Child syndrome

Probably every parent has at least once noticed a failure of the child’s biological clock, when increased sleepiness during the day interferes with active games, and at night the baby has difficulty falling asleep. The same can happen to an adult.

  • Bad habits

Alcohol consumption, narcotic drugs and smoking have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Because of this, sleep does not come for a long time. Although there are cases when, in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, a person quickly falls asleep, his sleep is superficial and intermittent.

  • Discomfort

It can be caused by an incorrect microclimate, some diseases, lack of space, an uncomfortable bed and other reasons. All this negatively affects the speed of falling asleep and the quality of rest.

That is, there are many reasons for the development of lack of sleep. The fight against the disease necessarily includes finding and getting rid of the source of poor sleep, and not just treating the symptoms.

Features of lack of sleep in representatives of different sexes

The causes of sleep disturbance in men and women are usually different, as is the mechanism of the disease itself. Representatives of the fairer sex are more susceptible emotionally, so their lack of sleep is often associated with some psychological problems. Typically, this ailment is characterized by a protracted course and complex treatment.

Men suffer from lack of sleep most often due to some external problems, for example, difficulties at work or sudden changes in life. Interestingly, when a child appears in the home, it is usually the father who develops sleep deprivation. The mother soon emotionally detaches herself from the difficulties associated with the baby and adjusts her daily routine to the child’s routine.


  • Signs of lack of sleep are obvious

Lack of sleep causes redness eyeballs, swelling of the eyelids, blue circles under the eyes. Sickly pale and unkempt appearance- faithful companions of lack of sleep.

  • From the nervous system

A person needs proper rest, since it is in deep phase All body systems are restored, including the nervous system. If the quality of sleep is low, a slow reaction will soon make itself felt, increased irritability, impulsive actions, aggression.

  • Other symptoms

One of the first signs of organ failure gastrointestinal tract– nausea from lack of sleep, which appears already on the 2-3rd day of lack of rest. Further, immunity decreases, vision deteriorates, and chronic diseases. More than 80% of patients with insufficient sleep experience uncontrolled weight gain and premature aging.

If any symptoms are detected, you should start self-treatment or consult a doctor.

Psychological consequences

From a psychological point of view, an unkempt appearance and constant drowsiness- not the worst consequences of lack of sleep. When destructive changes occur in the human nervous system, the brain suffers. Blood circulation in the frontal cortex deteriorates significantly, which leads to such negative reactions How:

  • Short-term memory loss;
  • Inability to think logically;
  • Frequent dizziness;
  • Decreased concentration.

With prolonged lack of sleep, serious mental disorders, which leads to the development of depression, neurosis, and attacks of aggression. Doctors advise such patients home treatment, refusal to drive a car and perform professional duties related to difficult or dangerous work.

Physiological consequences

With a lack of rest, the body is subjected to severe stress, which causes hormonal imbalance. Ultimately, this leads to excess weight gain. Interestingly, the kilograms are put off, despite the fact that a person feels sick from lack of sleep.

The paradox is explained simply - since the body works at a slow pace, the absorption of glucose decreases. Wherein increased production The hunger hormone forces you to frequently consume high-calorie foods. As a result, excess energy goes into fat deposits.

Due to constant stress, the pressure in blood vessels. Pathologies of cardio-vascular system develop slowly, but do not manifest themselves until the critical moment. In the zone increased danger There are hypertensive people, since their likelihood of having a stroke is much higher than for hypotensive people or people with normal blood pressure.

Disruption of normal blood flow leads to constant dizziness and even fainting due to oxygen and glucose starvation. Body temperature rises from lack of sleep, so a person confuses lack of rest with developing cold or the flu, and starts incorrect treatment, which only makes the situation worse.

IN medical practice there is evidence that if a person does not sleep at all, then in 7-10 days he will experience death. Of course, the risk of mortality with systematic sleep deprivation is lower than with complete absence sleep, however, it still exceeds the normal value by 300%.


If sleep deprivation has just begun to develop, then it is not necessary to see a doctor, since the disease is highly treatable. For this it is enough:

  • Normalize your daily routine;
  • Spend more time in the air to enrich the body with oxygen;
  • Equip sleeping area comfortable;
  • Eliminate daytime naps;
  • Refuse bad habits and go to healthy image life.

But if the symptoms of the disease appear constantly, you need to find out how to treat chronic lack of sleep. It is best to contact your primary care physician. After laboratory examination, he will clarify the specifics of the disease and will be able to redirect you to a more qualified specialist on this problem. If you want to speed up the process, you can immediately make an appointment with a neurologist, since in most cases it is he who helps cope with sleep disorders.

Experts identify several methods to combat sleep deprivation:

  • Medications

Can be presented as lungs sleeping pills or powerful tranquilizers, which are prescribed depending on the level of complexity of the disease. Medicines are prescribed if the basis of the disease lies in a nervous disorder, emotional or psychological instability.

  • Folk remedies

In complex cases they are used as auxiliary, and in simple cases - as the main means of treatment. Baths with relaxing herbs and light sedative teas can normalize sleep phases and improve the quality of rest.

  • Massage

It is necessary when there is severe tightness in the muscle corset, especially in the neck and shoulders. The treatment course will allow you to relieve excess stress and relax. It is best to perform this procedure immediately before bed or a few hours before it.

Any drug therapy consists of an integrated approach, including normalizing the daily routine and maintaining sleep hygiene. Without these components everything additional measures will not bring results.

Possible complications

Many people don't realize that lack of sleep leads to health problems. The effects of lack of sleep on the body can be varied.

  • Decreased potency in men

Hormonal imbalance leads to a decrease in testosterone production by approximately 15%, which negatively affects sexual function and quality intimate life. Naturally, this leads to even greater psychological problems.

  • Frequent illnesses

A general decrease in immunity makes the body unprotected against viruses and bacteria. As a result, a person begins to get sick often. If lack of sleep is associated with problems at work, then you need to remember that constant sick leave is unlikely to have a positive impact on your career.

  • Decreased vision

Overvoltage optic nerve leads to swelling. Intracranial pressure increases, destructive processes in blood vessels are observed, which leads to a significant loss of visual acuity.

  • Diabetes

Problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and glucose absorption increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. Particular caution should be exercised by people with a predisposition to the disease.

  • Shortened life expectancy

Statistics show that people who have normalized their daily routine live, as a rule, longer persons with insomnia. At the same time, even sleeping pills do not help prolong life.

  • Oncological diseases

During sleep, the body actively produces melatonin, which suppresses the production of cancer cells in certain organs. Absence good rest leads to a decrease in melatonin production and an increased risk of developing cancer.

This is the most frequent complications which are diagnosed in patients with chronic lack of sleep. Knowing the dangers of lack of sleep, you can prevent the development of pathological processes and improve your quality of life by strictly following proper routine day.

Healthy sleep will best help hide the signs of lack of sleep on your face. To improve it, doctors advise:

  • Temporarily introduce a daytime rest of 1-1.5 hours into your daily routine;
  • Stop using electronic equipment 1.5-2 hours before going to bed at night.

Systematic exercise will also help improve your sleep quality. physical exercise, maintaining an optimal indoor microclimate, sufficient oxygen and following proper nutrition. All these measures will help prevent the development of sleep deprivation or cure it. initial stage, in order to exclude serious complications and restore a high quality of life.

Watch video: Chronic fatigue | Great Leap

In a fast-paced life, sleep is a luxury. After all, with its help it becomes possible to replenish lost energy after exhausting everyday life. But the opposite effect has also been recorded, in which more time is devoted to working capacity. Series similar actions influences the development of undesirable consequences due to lack of sleep.

Most people are unable to form their own correct mode sleep. A common consequence of such disorders in men is excessive workload with no rest. In women, similar conditions are manifested by mental disorders, emotional background. In this case, it is important to identify the cause in time to avoid possible consequences lack of sleep.

Features of lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can negatively impact a person's health. Women are more susceptible to this. However characteristic manifestations can cause discomfort in men, but it is much more difficult to choose treatment, because sleep deprivation is difficult to diagnose.


It is not difficult to identify the presence of negative effects in women, because the reason often lies in psychological and physiological disorders. It is not so easy to detect lack of sleep in men, because... this can be influenced by external and internal factors.

As a result, a list of common causes of insomnia has been compiled, which include:

  1. Change in relationship status. The ongoing processes greatly puzzle men for the reason that adjustments should be made to their lifestyle. Celebrations such as marriage, the birth of a baby, or a child moving out of the parental home are handled equally. In this regard, it is worth starting preparations for the upcoming changes in advance in order to reduce the impact on the emotional background.
  2. Profitable deals in financial and creative terms are a motivating factor for anxiety, which causes insomnia. Many males feel responsible for their actions. That is why frequent thoughts on this matter begin to appear in the evening. In this way, a person tries to avoid defeat.
  3. Addictions. These include: smoking in the recreation area, drinking alcohol before bed, drinking caffeine in large quantities. All this can lead to stimulation of the nervous system. However, it will take a little longer for relaxation to occur. It is especially dangerous to play computer games at night because the brain is overloaded. Possible outcome- disturbance of sleep patterns, through which the good mood all day.
  4. External factors. Some men prefer to sleep with music on, the lights on, or the curtains open. Severe fatigue can accelerate reaction inhibition. Ultimately, these activities will lead to awakenings in the middle of the night or early in the morning. However, it is almost impossible to focus on rest after this.

Also, the consequences of lack of sleep for men can be certain diseases accompanied by daily or chaotic pain. They mainly occur in evening time. To solve the problem, you should make an appointment with a doctor. Based on the examination results, treatment will be prescribed.


In view of numerous studies, we can say that women of any age category are much more susceptible to sleep deprivation than men. This is due to their tendency to stressful situations and depressive conditions.

Lack of sleep has some differences between the sexes. After all, for men this is due to the inability to find ways to solve the situation. Women experience it most deeply similar manifestations, experiencing positive and negative points happening to them or their immediate environment.

In such cases, the brain and nervous system are in tension, which makes it impossible to re-adjust to sleep and proper rest.

The main reasons causing lack of sleep include:

  • the body's exposure to stressful situations;
  • duration of controversial issues;
  • ending relationships with the opposite sex;
  • matchmaking and preparatory activities before marriage;
  • the process of bearing and giving birth to a baby;
  • moving to another city or looking for a new job;
  • storage of secret information;
  • death of close associates.

The inability to get rid of worries even in the evening can lead to nightmares, which are regular. This will continue until proper measures are taken against lack of sleep. Contribute speedy recovery maybe a psychologist, a special program or yoga classes. Traditional medicine is used less frequently.

12 Psychological Consequences of Lack of Sleep

Poor sleep provokes complications in the body and leads to pathological disorders. Negative consequences from lack of sleep can occur in any system of the body. It starts from thought processes and memory, ends with the development of neurological and psychological disorders.

Poor performance

Due to the characteristic changes observed with insufficient sleep, fertility often deteriorates. Most of the reasons are related to each other, so the presence of any of them gives rise to problems in other organs. However, it is possible to improve the condition, but before doing so you should consult a specialist.

Poor concentration and slow reaction times

Many felt the influence of sleep on various processes occurring in the body. If you are constantly lacking sleep, it becomes difficult to adequately perceive incoming information. In addition, it is impossible to focus on the goal. This indicates a violation of concentration, which is why people commit many unauthorized actions. At the same time, it is not possible to find a solution even for simple problems.

A dangerous outcome occurs when there is chronic form diseases. As a result, road accidents often occur, with deaths not uncommon. Persons belonging to the young population - under 25 years of age - are more susceptible to this than others.

Risk of depression

Constant sleep disturbance leads to depression. Mostly, anxiety and depression occur in people who sleep little - no more than 5 hours a day. Besides, sleepless nights increase the risk of developing the disease by 5 times, and is also one of its first symptoms. With a lack of sleep, the disease worsens, which affects the quality of sleep - it worsens.

Risk of anxiety disorder

There is a severe form of the disease - these are serious anxiety disorders. In this case, the symptoms manifest themselves as panic attacks and nightmares. Outbreaks must be monitored and treated to prevent relapses.


If dreams are superficial, then irritability is possible. Associated symptoms are weakness and fatigue. But other symptoms may also occur.

Irritation arises for any reason. This can adversely affect the patient's psyche. It’s easy to prevent this: the main thing is to follow a sleep and rest schedule, and if you have a disease, use medicines. The progression of the disease must not be allowed, otherwise it will be almost impossible to recover.

Depression, depressed mood

Daily lack of sleep can harm the nervous system, as a result people are more aggressive and irritable. Teenagers suffer from this to a greater extent, since their psyche is shaken.

When there is a lack of rest, some changes are observed in the brain. Positive thinking deteriorates and associations of negativity increase. All this causes colossal harm to the emotional state, due to which symptoms appear that encourage depression and suicide. In view of the study of the problem of lack of sleep, in the presence of a chronic form of insomnia, disturbances psychological processes increase by 4 times.


General health worsens if you don't get enough sleep. Besides, long stay being cheerful is equivalent to being intoxicated. Drowsiness reminds alcohol intoxication. The signs are somewhat similar: concentration is reduced, actions are inhibited, and thinking is weakened.

Emotional instability

Lack of sleep creates consequences - heightened feeling anxiety and fear. This assumption was scientifically substantiated. In addition, a mental breakdown is possible. The only right solution in this case is proper rest and healthy sleep. In the future: if possible, follow the regime, but if this does not work, then set aside at least 7 hours for sleep.

Mental disorder

According to the results of repeated studies, people who spend less time sleeping are more susceptible to developing hallucinations. Such consequences are observed much more often, because the rate increases 4 times compared to the general population who does not suffer from this.

Important! If sleepless nights are prolonged, the patient may have thoughts of suicide. Hallucinations from lack of sleep are to blame for this.

Memory losses

During sleep, the cerebral cortex processes information accumulated during the day. Depending on the phase, different processing processes are observed that make up memories. However, a systematic failure of rest and sleep makes some adjustments, causing memory lapses.


Lack of sleep can distort reality and also lull certain reflexes. This is why most people can act awkwardly.

Decreased libido, impotence

A man or woman equally experiences a lack of adequate rest, which is a consequence of decreased sexual activity and interest in sexual intercourse. The consequences of lack of sleep are expressed in severe exhaustion, due to which it is not possible to perform any actions. Also, for males, this is fraught with a decrease in testosterone, which has some effect on desire. This often leads to the development of pathology - impotence.

18 Physiological and Pathological Consequences of Lack of Sleep

Quality rest and sleep is a necessity, without which it is impossible to maintain the vital functions of the whole organism. In addition, the body and brain center need it more. But in modern world Humanity is not getting the required amount of sleep.

At excessive load at work, when people try with all their might to do more than the intended goal, the missing time is taken from sleep. At the same time, no more than 5 hours are left for rest during the whole day. The set mode is the norm. However, few realize that the body is working hard.

All this can destroy a person from the inside. This is why serious consequences become common: psychological disorders, hallucinosis, vision problems.

Premature aging, decreased life expectancy

Before disrupting your daily routine, it is worth remembering that a serious consequence is possible: the likelihood of death increases at a young age. At the same time, lack of proper rest is harmful to health. This is often accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems. The heart and brain suffer the most.

Constant sleepiness

Disturbance in sleep patterns leads to disastrous consequences. At the same time, the lack of proper rest is accompanied for some time characteristic features: drowsiness, yawning.

Visual impairment

Spending on quality sleep and rest for less than the prescribed time, a person feels strain on the eyes. This proposition has been suggested by scientists who have conducted research countless times. In this case, ischemic neuropathy may develop.

In the presence of such a diagnosis, problems arise with the nutrition of the optic nerve, which provokes the appearance of glaucoma. But if there is a hearing impairment, then the situation gets worse, so vision often disappears completely. Observing from relatives or from yourself similar symptoms, you should seek help from a doctor. Normalizing sleep will prevent possible violations and negative consequences.

Deterioration in performance

In the absence of sleep for a long time, it is possible to observe certain consequences: inhibition and slower reactions, which leads to deterioration in performance. In this case, there is often a headache and weakness.

Change your appearance

Lack of proper rest causes aging skin. If there has been no sleep for quite a long time, the elasticity of the epidermis weakens. This is explained by the fact that due to chronic fatigue a person experiences tension, and this is responsible for the production of cortisol. Excessive amounts of it contribute to the destruction of protein, which ensures a healthy appearance of the skin.

Excess weight

Every 3 girls eat their problems. Unhealthy food in large quantities causes excess weight. This is also affected by poor sleep: any age is susceptible to obesity with a 73% probability.

Similar effects are observed due to hormones. The feeling of hunger is controlled by ghrelin and leptin. The first controls the need for reinforcement, and the second reduces appetite, so satiety is felt.

Important! Severe fatigue increases ghrelin but decreases leptin. If you experience stress, then the opposite is true.

Bone damage

The idea that sleep deprivation is caused by insufficient rest has not been fully studied. However, studies conducted on rats gave it its existence. Scientists have discovered irregularities in bone tissue while awake for 2 days.

Important! The claim of sleep deprivation can hit the bones not only in rodents, but also in the human race.

Overweight or obesity

The consequences of lack of sleep for women and men include: overweight and obesity. At the same time, many thought that it was impossible to dial while awake overweight because we are in motion. But that's not true.

When there is a lack of quality sleep, an imbalance of hormones is observed in the body - the content of ghrelin increases. Its accumulation is fraught with incessant hunger strike; constant food consumption is required. It's not easy to get rid of this feeling. The combination of two concepts (ghrelin and cortisol) promotes weight gain. This often results in death.

If you do not act or seek help late, your health may worsen. It can manifest itself with certain symptoms: the heart and lower limbs begin to ache (especially when walking), dizziness is often observed, and diabetes develops.

The occurrence of cancerous tumors

Chronic lack of sleep can develop cancer. This is facilitated by violation hormonal levels. If you get little sleep, less melanin is produced. But this only harms the body, since this substance can prevent tumor growth.


There is growing evidence that insufficient sleep contributes to the development of diabetes. This manifests itself in an abrupt pressure value and deterioration general condition health.

Important! In sick people, non-compliance with sleep patterns leads to serious complications.

Risk of heart attack

Chronic lack of sleep can lead to heart attack or stroke. However, in the presence of such problems, the risk of developing disorders with the cardiac system increases 5 times.

Cardiovascular diseases

The problem with sleep is the main one this moment. Due to the progression of sleep and rest disorders, the manifestation of diseases is possible, incl. cardiovascular. The rating of violations due to lack of sleep is pushed back similar situation almost on the first line. Because it develops from a chronic form.

Common consequences of lack of sleep:

  • Strong painful sensations in the head area. Associated with changing weather conditions.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Heart attack or stroke.
  • Hypertension.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels.
  • Partial or complete paralysis of limbs, due to which people can die.

Any changes occurring in the body require qualified assistance. The main thing is to understand the essence of the problem and start treatment on time.

The possibility of developing the disease increases 3 times if you do not follow a sleep schedule or suffer from insomnia. Medical and law enforcement workers are more susceptible to this.


IN in some cases with insomnia or lack of sleep may occur undesirable consequences, the list of which includes nausea.

Constant pain

The ability to think normally and perceive the surrounding reality is undermined because it is observed intracranial pressure on the brain. In this case, there arise severe pain and discomfort. That is why the inability to rationally assess the situation affects decision-making.

Decreased body temperature

Lack of rest disrupts metabolic processes, as a result, this is reflected in body temperature - it decreases noticeably. In such a situation, a person begins to freeze.

Weakening of the immune system

Lack of sleep affects the immune system. All due to a decrease in the content of cytokines that support its protection. Therefore, with daily lack of sleep, the likelihood of viruses and bacteria entering inside increases.

The importance of maintaining a sleep schedule

Following an established sleep and wakefulness schedule is vital, since a person’s well-being depends on it.

Important! It doesn't matter what day of the week. In any case, quality sleep speeds up metabolic processes, so compliance with it will ensure the normal functioning of organs and systems.

For clarity, you can compare photos of a healthy and sleep-deprived person. The first one is fixed fresh look skin, activity and high performance prevail. In the second sleep-deprived person, the appearance indicates a lack of full and healthy sleep. This manifests itself in black circles and bags under the eyes, redness of the whites of the organs of vision and slow reaction.

Most people suffer from chronic lack of sleep, despite the fact that everyone is well aware of the dangers constant lack of sleep. When a person gets enough sleep, his body is relaxed and takes a break from everything that has accumulated during the day.

But when you constantly lack sleep, fatigue will gradually accumulate. And this cannot be allowed, because soon it can lead to irritability, laziness, stress, and therefore depression. Next you will find out what it is chronic lack of sleep– symptoms and treatment.

Often the reason for lack of sleep is that a person cannot properly plan his time, distribute work and rest time. Women may be bothered by frequent phone conversations with friends or a lot of household chores.

Men spend most of their time working, after which they can help their wife around the house or look after their child, for example. But for some reason, when all the work is completed, the man does not go to bed, but watches TV or sits at the computer.

During the student years, lack of sleep accompanies the student almost constantly, especially during the session, here all the reasons are clear. A very small number of people suffer from sleep deprivation due to any medical conditions that may be related to sleep problems.

What can lack of sleep lead to?

If you haven’t slept at least one night, then immediately after waking up you will not feel very good, and then worse: no matter what you undertake, everything will go awry, everything will fall out of your hands, and it will not be easy to think.

If a person has had enough sleep, he will be positive, very energetic and active throughout the day, and his mood will not let him down either. He will definitely achieve any goal.

Lack of sleep leads to problems with thinking; most likely, in the head of a sleep-deprived person, the only thought will be about how to quickly go to bed. Attentiveness decreases, activity also decreases, so you will have to spend more energy even on everyday activities.

Memory problems even appear; new impressions during the day cannot be processed and assimilated due to fatigue; the process would go faster if you got enough sleep.

They stay in your head for quite a long time, but still, most of the events are forgotten. And remembered events will gradually fade from memory.

This fatigue due to lack of night rest leads to bad mood. When fatigue becomes chronic, the psyche cannot withstand such stress for long; in the end, one can only expect a nervous breakdown or depression. Chronic lack of sleep can also lead to neurosis.

What to do to get rid of lack of sleep?

Some people avoid sleep deprivation by going to bed several hours earlier than usual. But this method is not suitable for everyone, because the nervous system is very tense and cannot quickly relax, so you will have to lie in bed for a very long time, only then will you be able to fall asleep.

Most people work all week with little to no rest; they expect to relax and get a good night's sleep on the weekend. And in common days drink coffee immediately after sleep to make it easier and faster to get out of bed sleepy state. Of course, these actions cannot replace normal daily rest.

To get rid of constant fatigue, review your daily routine. Adjust it so that there is enough time for a normal night's rest.

The main rules to help you have a good night's rest: a couple of hours before bedtime, stop watching TV, working or playing on the computer, it is better to read a book before going to bed.

Don't worry about it unnecessary problems, try to forget for a while about all the day's affairs. Don't worry about any unfinished tasks from the past day. This will not correct the situation, it is better to gain strength and do everything after have a nice rest. Let your brain relax, this will make it easier to fall asleep.

Some simple tips that will help you fall asleep quickly and gain strength during the night:

  1. drink a glass in the evening warm milk, it is better to add honey to it;
  2. ventilate your apartment or your room before going to bed, it is necessary for rest Fresh air;
  3. take a walk every day, especially an evening walk is good for the body.

Those who constantly work with their heads should definitely know that after a long period of intellectual work they need to switch to physical work. Take up fitness, for example, or jogging. But do not forget that training should end several hours before bedtime.

Take a break!