Methodological support of the educational process. Psychological support of the pedagogical process

Department of Education of the Administration of Kemerovo

Municipal budgetary educational institution for orphans and children,

left without parental care (legal representatives)

"Orphanage No. 1"

(MBOU "Orphanage No. 1")

Public report
for the 2012-2013 academic year



3 s.

1 .

General characteristics of the orphanage

3 s.


Resource support for the educational process:

2.1. Personnel support for the educational process.

2.2. Material and technical base and financial resources of the Institution.

6 p.
6 p.
8 p.


Methodical work

8 p.


Innovative and experimental activities

13 p.


Psychological, medical and pedagogical support of the educational process:

5.1. Activities of the socio-psychological service.

5.2. Activities of the speech therapy service.

5.3. Activities of the medical service.

17 p.
25 s.


Conditions of the educational process:

6.1. Organization of the educational process.

6.2. System of additional education.

6.3. Safety of the educational environment.

6.4. Openness of information about the Institution.

46 pp.


Social activity and social interaction

71 p.


Management of the Institution

76 p.


Results of educational activities:

9.1. Results of educational activities of pupils in schools.

9.2. Results of extracurricular activities of students.

79 p.


The main components of the direction of development of the orphanage in the near future

86 p.

The public report for the 2012-2013 academic year of the municipal budgetary educational institution for orphans and children without parental care (legal representatives) “Orphanage No. 1” is a report of an educational institution addressed to a wide public audience.

Purpose This report is an open positioning of the results of activities, potential and operating conditions of the orphanage, problems and directions of its development.

Objectives of the public report :

1. Provide information about the main results of the orphanage’s activities for the 2012-2013 academic year, problems and priority areas of development.

2. Contribute to ensuring active dialogue and coordination of interests of all participants in the educational process in the main areas of activity of the orphanage.

3. Contribute to expanding the circle of social partners of the orphanage, increasing the efficiency of their interaction with the institution.

The analysis presented in the report covers a comprehensive description of the current state of the orphanage, the content of its activities during the school year and the dynamics of key development indicators. The data presented in the report allows us to adequately assess the problems and determine priority areas for the orphanage’s work and specific activities aimed at the further development of the educational institution.


    1. General information about the institution

Full official name

MBOU for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives) “Orphanage No. 1”

Abbreviated official name

MBOU "Orphanage No. 1"


650003, Kemerovo, Komsomolsky Ave. 65 “A”

Phones, fax

74-03-91, 73-21-68 (fax)


[email protected]

Official site

Year of foundation



Approved by KUMI of Kemerovo on 08/03/2011

License for the right to carry out educational activities

Series A No. 0003300

Certificate of state accreditation

Series AA 146208

License for the right to carry out medical activities

Series FS 0018769

Brief historical background

Orphanage No. 1 was founded on March 24, 1956.

In 1999, the orphanage was issued by order of the administration of the city of Kemerovo dated October 21, 1999. No. 2371 received a new status - Municipal educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care “Orphanage-school No. 1”.

In 2011, it was renamed the municipal budgetary educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives) “Orphanage No. 1”.

Territorial location

MBOU "Orphanage No. 1" is located in the Leninsky district. On the territory adjacent to the orphanage there are MBOU "Secondary School No. 94", MBS(K)OU "Boarding School No. 101", residential buildings and a park.

    1. Composition of pupils
The orphanage accepts children aged 3 to 18 years:

  • orphans;

  • children taken away from their parents by court decision;

  • children whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, have limited parental rights, have been convicted, declared incompetent, are undergoing long-term treatment, and whose parents’ whereabouts have not been established.
Children of single mothers (fathers), as well as children of the unemployed, refugees, internally displaced persons, as well as from families affected by natural disasters and without permanent residence, can also be temporarily accepted for a period of no more than one year.

Thus, at the beginning of the school year, there were 156 pupils in the orphanage, of which:

Orphans - 37 people,

Those left without parental care (legal representatives) – 119 people.
Quantitative characteristics
Number (at the beginning of the academic year)

Diagram of changes in the number of students

Conclusion: the number of students at the beginning of the school year was 156, which exceeds the planned figure by 23%. The diagram shows that there is a planned increase in the total number of students in grades 5-9.
Movement of students

Total students

Academic year



At the beginning of the school year



End of the school year



Arrived within a year



Dropped out



Of them:




Adoptive families



Returned to parents






Transferred to other institutions



Conclusion: from the above data we can see a dynamic increase in the number of leaving students compared to arriving students.


The team working in the orphanage is united, proactive, keeping pace with progressive ideas in the field of pedagogy, psychology, and healthcare. The team consists of both young specialists and teachers with extensive experience in the amount of 38 people under the leadership of director Nadezhda Fedorovna Koryakova - Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize named after. M.A. Averin, Honorary Citizen of the city of Kemerovo.




Total teachers













Educational qualification


Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Physical Culture

Target: __________________________________________________________________



Morning exercises


Outdoor games

Hardening and restorative activities

Target: __________________________________________________________________


Main activities: _______________________________________________



Gymnastics after sleep

Week 1-2: ______________________________________________________________


Week 3-4: ______________________________________________________________



2.1. Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



Target: __________________________________________________________________



Development of productive, cognitive and research activities

Target: __________________________________________________________________



Regional component

Target: __________________________________________________________________




In play, a child learns about the world and communicates

Target: __________________________________________________________________



3.2. Moral education:

Target: __________________________________________________________________


3.3. Child in family and society:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



3.4. Etiquette:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



Cultural, hygienic and self-care skills

Target: __________________________________________________________________

Labor education

Target: __________________________________________________________________


3.7. Formation of the fundamentals of safety (behavior in nature, on the roads, safety of one’s own life):

Target: __________________________________________________________________





Target: ____________________________________________________________



4.1. Speech development:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



4.2. Introduction to fiction:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



List of works of fiction to read

Finger gymnastics

Target: __________________________________________________________________


Set of exercises



Articulation gymnastics

Target: __________________________________________________________________


Set of exercises



5.1. Introduction to art:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



5.2. Modeling:

Target: __________________________________________________________________


5.3. Application:

Target: __________________________________________________________________


5.4. Constructive modeling activities:

Target: __________________________________________________________________



5.5. Musical activities:

Target: __________________________________________________________________






Date _______________ Responsible ________________________________________

Date, day of week Regime moments Regional component
Group/subgroup Individual
_______, Monday Morning
An evening walk
Interaction with family
Enrichment of RPPS


Planning educational work with children for the day

PERIOD __________________________

Topic of the week: ________________________________

Target: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Final event: ___________________________________________________________________

Date of conduct___________ Responsible ________________________________________

Duration of OOD - _____min.

The maximum permissible amount of educational load in 1 half of the day is _________________________________.

Day of the week Times of Day Integration of educational areas Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas Creating conditions for independent activity of children (organization of RPPS in activity centers (all group premises)) Regional component
Group/subgroup Individual
Morning. Regime moments Duty, assignments, free communication on various topics, solving problem situations, examination, morning exercises, hygiene procedures, breakfast, low mobility games, articulation and finger exercises Independent activity of children in various activity centers, free communication of children on topics:...
Social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development For example, Communication activities: communication games For example, the development of sound culture of speech by Ivonova A. For example, Communication development: free communication of children on topics
Game activity: theatrical sketches, didactic games: verbal Game activity: Instilling behavioral skills in playing with peers Formation of the child’s ideas about himself, family, society
Labor activity: work assignments, duty duties (distribution per day/week) Self-service Visual activities at the creativity center
Cognitive development, speech development didactic games of environmental content, observation observation Formation of sensory representations Games with building materials
Design of a nature calendar, observation diary Examination of illustrations in educational books Nursery rhymes, poems, riddles
Physical development Round dance game Finger games Consideration of models, diagrams about healthy lifestyle Instilling cultural and hygienic skills Morning exercises, complex No. ___ Formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle
Morning. Educational activities Joint gaming activities: didactic and developing intellectual games. Reading fiction. Joint work
OOD The educational areas whose tasks are implemented in this activity are indicated OOD on a grid (educational area is indicated - direction of development, occupation, topic, goal, source) Game activity. Reading fiction. Physical exercises: Dynamic change: obstacle course () Consolidation of the material covered in educational areas, tasks of increased difficulty: individual conversation, educational games, solving problem situations Activating children (creating motivation) for independent activities in centers: books, nature, artistic creativity, creative games, etc. Creating problematic situations
Walk Physical development Social and communicative development Cognitive development Speech development Artistic and aesthetic development Walk No. __ Topic: Purpose: Source: Brief plan: Outdoor and sports games Role-playing games, problem situations, conversations, work assignments Cognitive and research activities: observations, experiences, experiments. Targeted walks, excursions Speech exercises, games Drawing, modeling using sand, clay, snow, crafts from natural materials. Round dance games Educational games Individual conversation Solving problem situations Individual conversation, games, exercises Individual creative tasks Creating motivation for role-playing and theatrical games Solving problem situations Free communication on various topics, situational conversations Creating motivation for communicative activities Creative tasks
Evening. Health activities. Hardening activities. Hygiene procedures. Afternoon snack, games. Physical development Speech development Preventive gymnastics after sleep, complex No. ___ Instilling cultural and hygienic skills Hardening procedures Articulation gymnastics
Artistic and aesthetic development For example, Visual activity: Drawing based on a read work Visual activities: Creative tasks
Evening. Educational activities Creative games: role-playing games, theatrical games, director games, construction games, fantasy games, experimentation games. Outdoor, didactic, educational, intellectual games. Reading fiction, video viewings. Quizzes, competitions, leisure activities. Collaborative work of children. Productive activities, joint cognitive and research activities. For example, Individual work assignments, individual tasks aimed at consolidating the material covered in educational areas, tasks of increased difficulty: individual conversation, educational games, solving problem situations
Social and communicative development. speech development. Artistic and aesthetic development Communication activities: didactic word games; role-playing game (familiar) Project activity Club work Formation of the foundations of environmental consciousness
Game activity: didactic games on life safety Didactic games: board-printed
Labor activity: manual labor (waste material) Development of fine motor skills Self-care Children's design
Cognitive development. Speech development Cognitive and research activities: experiments, research Consideration Modeling and constructive activity: games with constructor Cognitive and research activities: didactic games of local history
Physical development Motor activity: simulation games Development of motor qualities Physical exercises in the gym corner
Speech development. Artistic and aesthetic development Reading (perception): AUTHOR, TITLE. looking at illustrations Drawing Musical activities: chants, chants
An evening walk ALL stages of the day's walk are saved
Interaction with family Psychological and pedagogical education through organization active forms of interaction between teachers, children and parents: - Game libraries, family club, thematic album, conferences, master classes, parent meetings, etc. Passive forms: - consultations, memos, recommendations, booklets, etc. - exhibitions, - surveys Involving parents in the educational process of MBDOU: - working on a joint project, - publishing a magazine, newspaper, book, album on the topic, etc.
Interaction with social partners Libraries, performances, museums, exhibitions, schools, other kindergartens, music school, art school, fire station, etc.
Enrichment of RPPS Meaningful, close-ups

Information and methodological support of the educational process

Educational and methodological set in accordance with the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraks, T.S. Komarov, Vasiliev. – M., “Mosaic-Synthesis” 2015 Additional pedagogical and methodological literature (pedagogical methods and technologies), thematic folders for teachers
Chapter Methodical manuals Visual and didactic aids Electronic educational resources
Control 1. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraks, T.S. Komarov, Vasiliev. – M., “Mosaic-Synthesis” 2015 2. Approximate comprehensive thematic planning for the program “From birth to school”: Junior group (3-4 years) / Ed.-comp. V.A. Vilyunova. ----- 1. Thematic planning. Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”. Junior group (2). 2. Thematic planning. Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”. Middle group. 3. Thematic planning. Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”. Preparatory group for school. 4. Organizing children's activities during a walk. Senior group. Preparatory group.
Psychologist in kindergarten, monitoring 1. Veraksa A.N. Individual psychological diagnostics of a child 5-7 years old. 2. Veraksa A.N., Gutorova N.F. Practical psychologist in kindergarten. 1. Monitoring the quality of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education. 2. Monitoring the development of children 3-7 years old. Activity analysis. Comprehensive assessment of development lines. 3. Cognitive and speech development of children 5-7 years old. Interactive simulators. 4. Monitoring the speech development of children 2-7 years old. Vereshchagina
Social and communicative development Socialization, development of communication, moral education 1. Bure R.S. Social and moral education of preschool children (3-7 years old) 2. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old. 3. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Moral education in kindergarten 4. Zatsepina M. B. Days of military glory. Patriotic education of preschool children 1. Series “The World in Pictures”: “State Symbols of Russia”, “Victory Day”, “Moscow – the Capital of Russia” 2. Series “Stories from Pictures”: “The Great Patriotic War in the Works of Artists”, “The Great Patriotic War”, “Defenders of the Fatherland” 3. Series “Tell the children about...”: “Tell the children about the Moscow Kremlin” 4. Posters: “Your rights”
Self-service, independence, labor education 1. Kutsakova L.V. Labor education in kindergarten: For classes with children 3-7 years old.
Forming the foundations of security 1. Belaya K.Yu. Formation of the basics of safety in preschoolers (3-7 years old). 2. Saulina T.F. We introduce preschoolers to the rules of the road (3-7 years old). 1. Bordacheva I.Yu. Road safety: Posters for decorating a parent's corner in preschool educational institution 2. Bordacheva I.Yu. Road signs: For working with children 4-7 years old. 3. Posters: “Be attentive and careful: in the city, in nature, in the house”, “Fire safety rules: causes of fire, rules of conduct in case of fire”, “Take care of your safety” 4.
Cognitive development Development of cognitive and research activities 1. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Project activities for preschoolers. 2. Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children (4-7 years old). 3. Krashennikov E.E., Kholodova O.L. Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children (5-7 years old) 4. Pavlova L.Yu. A collection of didactic games to familiarize yourself with the outside world (3-7 years old). 1. Series “Playing a fairy tale”: “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, “Three Little Pigs”. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. 1. Shiyan O.A. Development of creative thinking. we work according to a fairy tale.
Familiarization with the subject environment and social world 1. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Junior group (3-4 years). 2. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Middle group (4-5 years). 3. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Senior group (5-6 years old). 4. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Preparatory group for school (6-7 years). 1. Series “The World in Pictures”: “Aviation”, “Road Transport”, “Arctic and Antarctic”, “Household Appliances”, “Water Transport”, “High to the Mountains”, “Home Craftsman Tools”, “Space”, “Office machinery and equipment”, “Dishes”, “School supplies”. 2. Series “Stories from pictures”: “In the village”, “Who should I be?”, “My house”, “Professions”. 3. Series “Tell the children about...”: “Tell the children about household appliances”, “Tell the children about space”, “Tell the children about transport”, “Tell the children about special machines”, “Tell the children about bread” 4. Posters: "Our toys" 2. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Junior group (3-4 years). 1. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Middle group (4-5 years). 2. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Senior group (5-6 years old). 3. Dybina O.V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment: Preparatory group for school (6-7 years). 4. Formation of historical and geographical ideas. Complex classes for children aged 5-7 years. 5. Geography – baby. 6. “Umniki”: “Exploring the Planet” 7. “Umnikov”: “Interplanetary Tourism”
Formation of elementary mathematical concepts 5. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Second group of early age (2-3 years) 1. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Junior group (3-4 years) 2. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Middle group (4-5 years) 3. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Senior group (5-6 years old) 4. Pomoraeva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. School preparatory group (6-7 years old) Posters: “Color”, “Shape”, “Geometric shapes”, “Counting from 1 to 10”, “Conserving quantities: using the example of the number 5”, “Examples on addition”, “Addition”, “Basic mathematical concepts”, “ First ten" "Examples for subtraction", "Subtraction", "Counting from 1 to 20", "Counting from 20 to 1", "Flat figures" 1. Arithmetic for kids 2. Fun math. educational games. 3. Math for kids
Introduction to the natural world 1. Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. The second group is of early age (2-3 years). 2. Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. Junior group (3-4 years old). 3. Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. Middle group (4-5 years old). 4. Solomennikova O.A. Introduction to nature in kindergarten. Senior group (5-6 years old). 1. Posters: “Pets”, “Pets”, “Poultry”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”. “Birds of Migratory” “What do we know about migratory birds”, “Where we were in the summer”, “Summer”, “Fruits: what grows in my garden”, “Vegetables: what grows in the beds”, “Who lives in the forest: What we know about these animals”, “Who lives in the forest?”, “Domestic animals: a cow with calves”, “Domestic animals: a horse with a foal”, “Zoo”, “Domestic birds”, “Domestic birds: what do they eat?” , “Our meadow”, “Who lives nearby”, “Who lives nearby: so that we know about these animals”, “Vegetables”, “We walk all year round”, “Walks”, “Pets”, “Seasons”, “ What we saw in the forest”, “In the forest”, “Bird yard”, “Who lives on the bird thief”, “What we saw on the farm”, “Farm”, “Animals of hot countries”, “What do we know about hot animals countries", "Dubrava", "Forest crafts", "Pets: rabbits", "Pets: hamsters", "Animals and birds of Russia: otter", "Animals and birds of Russia: beaver", "Pets: pig with piglets”, “Pets: guinea pigs”, “Poultry: duck with ducklings”, “Poultry: turkey and turkeys”, 1. “Spruce forest” 2. Pictures for viewing: “”Cat with kittens”, “” Goat with kids." 3. 2. Series “The World in Pictures”: “Trees and Leaves”, “Pets”, “Birds”, “Sea Life”, “Insects”, “Vegetables”, “Flowers”, “Berries”. 4. 3. Series “Stories from Pictures”: “Seasons”, “Spring”, “Summer”, “Winter”, “Autumn”, “Native Nature” 5. 4. Series “Tell the children about...”: “Tell children about trees”, “Tell children about birds” 1. Solomennikova O.A. Getting to know nature. Junior group (3-4 years old). 2. Solomennikova O.A. Getting to know nature. Middle group (4-5 years old). 3. Series “Audio Encyclopedia”: “Journeys of Plants” 4. “The Secret World of Animals”: ​​“Lions, Cheetahs, Leopards”
Speech development 1. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Second group of early age (2-3 years) 2. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Junior group (3-4 years) 3. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Middle group (4-5 years old) 4. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Senior group (5-6 years old) 5. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) Reader for the younger group Reader for the middle group. Reader for the older group. Reader for pre-school groups. 1. Series “Grammar in Pictures”: “Speak correctly”, “One-many”, “Stress”. 2. Speech development in kindergarten: For working with children 3-4 years old Gerbova V.V. 3. Speech development in kindergarten: For working with children 4-6 years old. Gerbova V.V. 4. Right or wrong. For working with children 2-4 years old. Gerbova V.V. 5. Speech development in kindergarten. For working with children 2-4 years old. Handout. Gerbova V.V. 6. Posters: “Alphabet”, “The ABC that I colored”, “Read Santa Claus”, “Conversations based on pictures”, “Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin”, “Lukomorye” 1. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Junior group (3-4 years) 2. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: Middle group (4-5 years old) 3. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten: School preparatory group (6-7 years old) 4. Communicative activities of preschoolers. Speech trainings. Literacy training. 5. “ABC Baby.” 6. “Read it.” Training apparatus". 7. “The sounds are difficult. Let's learn to speak correctly."
Artistic and aesthetic development Musical education 1.Zatsepina M.B. Musical education in kindergarten. 2. Komarova T.S., Zatsepina M.B. Integration in the educational work of kindergarten. 1. Series “Tell the children about...”: “Tell the children about musical instruments”, “Tell the children about the Moscow Kremlin” 1. Series “Audio Encyclopedia”: “Introduction to the Theater”
Visual activities 1. Komarova T.S. Children's artistic creativity. For working with children 2-7 years old. 2. Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. Junior group (3-4 years old). 3. Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. Middle group (4-5 years old). 4. Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group (5-6 years old). 5. Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. School preparatory group (6-7 years old). 6. Komarova T.S. Development of artistic abilities of preschoolers 1. Series “Folk Art for Children”: “Kargopol Toy”, “Gorodets Painting”, “Filimonovskaya Toy”, “Dymkovo Toy”, “Polkhov-Maidan”, “Fairytale Gzhel”, “Golden Khokhloma”. 2. Series “The World in Pictures”: “Gzhel”, “Khokhloma”, “Dymkovo Toy”, “Polkhov-Maidan”, “Kargopol”, “Filimonovskaya Folk Toy”, “Gorodets Painting” 3. Series “World of Art”: “Portrait”, “Still Life”, “Landscape”, “Fairy Tale in Russian Painting”, “Children’s Portrait” 4. Posters: “Gzhel. Works of modern masters", "Gzhel. Examples of patterns and ornaments", "Khokhloma. Works of modern masters”, “Khokhloma. Examples of patterns and ornaments", "Polkhov-Maidan. Works of modern masters”, “Polkhov-Maidan. examples of patterns and ornaments”, “Sculpting a forest”, “Filimonovskaya whistle”, “Sculpting a zoo”, “Rainbow: color”, “Colorful landscapes all year round”, “Sculpting a meadow” 1. Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten. 2. Komarova T.S. Practical encyclopedia of preschool workers. Visual activities in kindergarten. 3. Solomennikova O.A. Introducing children to folk art. 4. State Tretyakov Gallery. 5. “Multmasterskaya”
Construction 1. Kutsakova L.V. Construction from building materials: Middle group (4-5 years). 2. Kutsakova L.V. Construction from building materials: Senior group (5-6 years old). 3. Kutsakova L.V. Construction from building materials: School preparatory group (6-7 years old).
Physical Culture Physical Culture 1. Borisova M.M. Sedentary games and play exercises. For classes with children 3-7 years old. 2. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten: Junior group (3-4 years) 3. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten: Middle group (4-5 years old) 4. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten: Senior group (5-6 years old) 5. Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten: Preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) 6. Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics: sets of exercises for children 3-7 years old. 7. Collection of outdoor games/Author-comp. E.Ya. Stepanenkova 1. Series “Stories from pictures”: “Winter sports”, “Summer sports”, “Daily routine” 2. Series “Tell the children about...”: “Tell the children about winter sports”, “Tell the children about the Olympic Games” ", "Tell the children about the Olympic champions" Morning exercises at a preschool educational institution. Sets of exercises for children 3-7 years old.
healthy lifestyle 1. Novikova I. M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. 2. Novikova I.M. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in preschoolers. Posters: “Be healthy!”
Play activity 1. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. Junior group (3-4 years old). 2. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. Middle group (4-5 years old).
Early Childhood Development 1. Golubeva L.G. Gymnastics and massage for the little ones. 2. Galiguzova L.N., Ermolova T.V., Meshcheryakova S.Yu. Smirnova E.O. Diagnosis of a child’s mental development: Infancy and early age” 3. Teplyuk S.N. Games and activities for a walk with kids. For working with children 2-4 years old. 4. Child of the second year of life. / Ed. S.N. Teplyuk. 5. Child of the third year of life / Ed. S.N. Teplyuk

Design of an information support system for the educational process at the level of an educational organization.

The implementation of management functions largely depends on the implementation of a strictly thought-out system of internal information of the institution and reporting, uniform forms of educational and pedagogical documentation. Only on the basis of rhythmically operating direct and feedback, reliable information, a manager can set specific tasks, make the right decisions, and ensure their practical implementation.

One of the promising means of improving the quality of management of an educational institution at the present stage is the creation of information standards that satisfy the information needs of all management entities providing information support, providing the decision-making process with a large volume of useful information, allowing to optimize information flows and bring labor intensity into line with the functionality of managers and all participants in the educational process in an educational institution. Information standards include forms for providing information materials and are used to analyze the state of the educational system and organize reporting.

Our school can use three levels of management information:

Administrative and managerial level (director and his deputies);

Collective-collegial level (teaching staff, support service for school students, educational support staff, maintenance personnel);

Co-administrative level (students, their parents, external organizations).

Each of these levels corresponds to its own, very specific set of necessary management information based on the principle of optimal sufficiency.

To make an optimal management decision, various sources of information are used (administrative, methodological, auxiliary), but in any case, in order to create a holistic information system as a condition for successful management activities, it is necessary to determine for each level:

Management information object;

Information sources;

Information flows and levels of their processing

Purpose and method of storing information.

The main criterion for selecting information is the ability of an authorized person to make a management decision at his level based on its analysis. Collecting information, based on the results of the analysis of which the person collecting it cannot or is not authorized to make a management decision, is not related to management activities and for this reason is inappropriate. The use of computer technology in the management process greatly simplifies and optimizes the process of accumulation, use and storage of management information. This makes it possible to standardize work with information, that is, to develop and use proven forms of documentation, as well as minimize the time for preparing and transmitting direct information. Collection, transmission, processing and use of feedback information.

The problem that currently exists is not so much to select the necessary and sufficient minimum of information for use, but rather to organize the optimal circulation and use of all information.

In general educational institutions with children staying around the clock, the process of information exchange is further complicated by the fact that most employees work on a schedule (in the first half of the day or in the afternoon) and this complicates the process of information exchange.

The information support scheme for the management of an educational institution that I have proposed allows all participants in the educational process to interact with each other.

Scheme of informatization of the educational process:

Level 1 (collectively - collegial)

Level 2 (administrative and managerial)

Level 3 (co-managerial)

The information support center for the management of an educational institution is the Information Center. School employees belonging to the first, collective-collegial level provide information to the Information Center. In turn, they can use the information contained in the Information Center and necessary to perform their job duties.

The information center collects information from first-level employees and external organizations and transmits it to the second level - administrative and managerial.

Administrative management personnel analyzes the information received, makes decisions and transfers it to the third co-managerial level or, if this concerns the collective-collegial level, returns the information to the first level, but also through the Information Center.

The information center consists of:

Electronic server with a local network and the necessary office equipment (automated workstation: computer, projector, scanner, printer);

Responsible for informatization of the educational process management.

Responsible for informatization:

Provides data entry into a computer database, storage of information in electronic and paper form.

Provides all participants in the educational process with the necessary information.

Creates databases for educational institutions (for students, for employees, for scientific and methodological work, for educational work).

Databases in the information center may contain the following information:

    by students:

Personal data (full name, date of birth, address of residence, class, years of admission and graduation from school);

Information about parents;

Information on educational work (current grades, participation in competitions, achievements).

    by employees:

Personal data;

Information about certification and qualifications;

Information about achievements.

    on scientific and methodological work:

Work programs;

Media library;

Development of open lessons;

Methodological works of teaching staff.

    for educational work:

Results of monitoring progress and learning;

Development of open events;

Plans for the academic year;

Schedules of lessons, bells, electives;

General information about the school;

General lists of students and employees.

The Information Center provides and performs the following tasks:

Collection, storage, processing and transmission of information both within the educational institution and with parents (with their written consent);

Interaction with external organizations (Education Department of the Kusinsky Municipal District, pension fund, tax inspectorate, juvenile affairs inspectorate, social insurance fund, medical insurance, military registration and enlistment office, police and others);

Provides updating and addition of information databases on the server;

Provides interaction with all participants in the educational process.

To optimize the informatization of the management of an educational institution, it is necessary to determine the composition of the necessary information for each level.

First level – collective-collegial, includes:

Teaching staff (primary school teachers; primary teachers; home-school teachers; additional education teacher; teacher-organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular work with children; educators);

Personnel of the school student support service (teacher-psychologist; social pedagogue; teacher-defectologist; teacher-speech therapist; medical workers);

Educational and support staff (junior educators; document specialist; secretary of the educational department; librarian; electronic computer laboratory assistant);

Service personnel (supply manager; driver; housekeeper; storekeeper; cooks; office cleaners; janitor; complex building maintenance worker; kitchen workers).

Teaching staff can:

Use the didactic and methodological base in your subject and related disciplines; see the effectiveness of your work; thanks to the electronic library, compensate for the lack of literature and visual aids;

Prepare better for parent-teacher meetings and class hours, taking advantage of the learning outcomes of the class and each student individually;

Create an individual portfolio that reflects not only personal achievements, but also collects material reflecting the dynamics of the student’s development; helping to navigate the information space;

Reflect the extracurricular activities of students and their achievements;

Maintain electronic journals and student diaries;

Maintain a school website and an electronic school newspaper.

Use forms of training that require individual and group work with media: CDs, video materials, etc. on a specific topic of the curriculum; work with students within projects to create video materials and distance learning;

Manage the process of acquiring new knowledge and ways of acting through a system of differentiated tasks.

Student services staff can provide information about student progress; supplement or update information about students and their parents (with the personal written consent of the parents (legal representatives) of each student). Provide recommendations to parents to correct any problem in the child

Educational and support staff can create a database of staff and students, maintain electronic records of departing and arriving students, and complete full data entry for each accepted student (year of birth, address, passport details, etc.) with the personal written consent of parents ( legal representatives) of each student. Collect internal information and, if necessary, transfer it to external organizations.

Service personnel can obtain the information necessary to perform their job duties. This could be personal information, information about ongoing events at school. Information received from external sources.

Second level – administrative and managerial, includes:

School administrative staff (director; deputy director for educational work; deputy directors for educational work).

Administrative staff may

Automate the system of all types of reporting, conduct constant monitoring of students’ progress and learning, monitor the educational process;

Provide logistical and regulatory aspects of information support;

Create conditions for increasing the ICT competence of participants in the educational process;

Monitor the work of the Information Center.

Third level – co-managerial, includes

School students (pupils);

Parents of school students;

External organizations.

School students can

Use the electronic library, the Internet;

Receive a personal card with your achievements at the end of the year;

Find out about events that will be held;

Listen to and view phono, magnetic and video recordings, visit virtual museums, exhibitions, galleries, using them to select information for writing reports, essays, reviews, to prepare for lessons, debates, seminars, etc.;

Select various types of information for educational and extracurricular activities: for school-wide events, school radio, video club, illustrating speeches, reports, creating Web sites, etc.;

Gain maximum independence in choosing means and techniques for organizing cognitive activity;

Acquire skills in working with computer catalogues, databases and other software, card indexes, bibliographic, reference and encyclopedic publications; creation and support of school Web sites; gain experience working with new technologies.

Parents of school students can receive complete and reliable information about the child’s progress, the achievements of the class, the school, ongoing events, additional educational services, and the performance of each teacher.

When working with external organizations, the Information Center also ensures the collection, processing, transmission and storage of information.

Main goals informatization of educational institution management:

Advanced training and retraining of teaching and management staff of the school;

Introduction into the work of the school administration of software products that provide automation of workplaces, the formation of electronic databases, electronic document management, etc.;

Equipping “subject” (multimedia) classes (one for each educational level) with modern computer equipment;

Allocation of “free access” workstations in the computer classroom for teachers and students to work with software products, Internet resources, electronic educational materials, electronic means of information technology support and development of the educational process;

Organization of distance learning for schoolchildren (for disabled children studying at home).

One of the main tasks of informatization is logistics. To ensure the material and technical base of this informatization model, it is necessary:

Powerful computers with good software;

An automated workstation equipped with a scanner, printer, video camera, and projector for working with databases;

Connecting all computers into a single local network, but with limited access rights to databases;

Various consumables and stationery.

Expected Result:

Development of a unified educational concept for the introduction and use of information technologies in an educational institution;

To form an information culture among the teaching and student staff;

Creation of a unified data bank on the state and results of management and education processes, a technology for supporting decision-making in the process of implementing school management has been developed;

To create a school information space with a unified information flow management system, providing a hierarchy of access for each participant in the educational space to a single data bank;

Create the necessary conditions for processing incoming information, tracking it and predictive analysis using computer technology;

Ensure the school’s entry into the Russian and international educational information space (with the creation and support of a Website on the Internet and the inclusion of the school in all-Russian educational projects);

Develop a network of automated document flow and office work;

Create an algorithm for managing the quality of education based on NIT;

Create a system of information and communication support for the social life of the school.

The effectiveness of the management model depends, first of all, on the effectiveness of the system for collecting, processing and analyzing information to select optimal management decisions.

Informatization of the management of the educational process will make it possible to distribute information flows of direct and feedback from the point of view of necessity, but sufficiency, and therefore, optimize the management activities of the institution.

    School teaching staff

    School administrative staff

    School students

    Information Center

    School student escort service

    School staff

    School support staff

    Parents of school students

    External organizations

Before a child reaches 6-7 years of age, active formation of neural connections occurs. It is this period of a little person’s life that needs to be given special attention.

Preschool educational institutions, taking a significant share of participation in the development of children, assume enormous responsibility. Let's find out what areas the educational process in a preschool educational institution consists of.

Planning the educational process in preschool educational institutions

The choice of planning form is extremely important not only for the convenience of the teacher, but also for the effective organization of the educational process. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the plan of N.A. Korotkova. It is based on a comprehensive thematic planning principle. Compact. Allows you to cover all the factors that form the themes and cultural practices in the form of partnership activities between an adult and children, as well as to discern their relationship over time.

Table by N. A. Korotkova

And here is a version of the plan widely used in the work of MDOU No. 26:

Let us consider in detail another option for planning the educational process, consisting of four sections.

1st section. General information

This section involves the use of tables that are compiled by group teachers under the supervision of a senior teacher at the very beginning of the school year. These tables contain the following columns:

  • information about children and parents;
  • interaction with parents;
  • daily routine for the cold season;
  • daily routine for the warm season;
  • health certificate;
  • hardening system;
  • physical activity regimen;
  • gymnastics;
  • results of examination of children's speech;
  • Individual work with students on speech sound culture.

2nd section. Comprehensive thematic planning of psychological and pedagogical work with children

The second section can be presented in the form of a table, which provides for long-term planning for the academic year, broken down into months and weeks. It is built taking into account traditions, events, and holidays.

Comprehensive thematic planning.

When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to take into account the developmental environment that promotes children's independence:

  • events that take place in the real world and excite children's interest;
  • imaginary events told by the teacher from a work of fiction;
  • events specially “modeled” by the teacher. Studying objects previously unknown to children with an unusual effect or purpose that will arouse children's interest and encourage them to be active;
  • events that happen in the life of an age group that “infect” children and lead to their interest becoming stronger for some time.

3rd section. Long-term planning for types of children's activities

The section provides for planning work with children for 3 months and 1 month for the main types of children's activities:

  • communicative;
  • motor;
  • figurative;
  • labor;
  • educational;
  • musical;
  • gaming;
  • perception of fiction;
  • design.

Each of them has its own specific blocks and is planned both in collective activities with the teacher and in the independent activities of children.

4th section. Planning of direct educational activities (DEA)

Two more blocks are connected to the weekly work plan: the content of educational activities and forms of organizing children’s activities.

To ensure high quality of the pedagogical process, it is necessary to monitor the completeness of the implementation of a given program; teachers use long-term thematic and calendar planning. It is based on the following principles that must be observed and taken into account in the work:

  1. Optimal training load in accordance with SanPiN.
  2. Introducing into the plans of the pedagogical process activities that promote the physical growth and development of children.
  3. Compliance with medical and hygienic standards directly during the teaching process. This is especially true for routine actions and procedures.
  4. Taking into account local climate, time of year and weather conditions. Having a plan for a day in unexpected bad weather will be a big plus.
  5. Understanding and taking into account the individual characteristics of children: their temperament, interests, strengths and weaknesses, complexes. This is help in finding an approach to involving children in the pedagogical process.
  6. Rational alternation of independent and organized activities of young children and preschool children.
  7. Accounting for changes in children's mental activity during the week. Tuesday and Wednesday are “busy days” and they alternate between classes with extreme mental load and classes with high physical activity.
  8. Showing attention to the level of development of pupils (individual work with each child and dividing activities/games into subgroups).
  9. Understanding the relationship between learning processes and children's development. Learning objectives should be included in a variety of activities.
  10. Consistency and systematicity of educational actions. For example, you can take any role-playing game:
  • day one - familiarize children with the game and the rules of role-playing behavior;
  • day two - make it clear that it is useful to come up with a game plan in advance;
  • day three - combine with another role-playing game;
  • etc., complicating the tasks.
  1. Incorporating into the plan activities aimed at emotional release, such as music, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation.
  2. Finding, enabling and maintaining motivation for children for all types of activities.
  3. Interaction with other specialists and joining forces: integrated classes and their preparation.
  4. A variety of activities to maximize the potential of each child.
  5. Compliance of the plans under construction with the general objectives of the preschool educational institution.
  6. Involving parents in the educational and educational processes.

Methodological support of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

In any preschool educational institution that is in a permanent operating mode, the methodological service is charged with professional concern for ensuring the correction of the educational process in cases of its deviation from the norms. The effectiveness of the educational process is a consequence of the organized work of the entire team of teachers and specialists of a narrow focus. Increasing this effectiveness in a preschool educational institution directly depends on the quality of the teacher’s work, the conditions built by the leader for the creative search for innovative methods and forms of interaction with children, as well as on the relationships that have developed in the teaching staff. Formation of a teacher’s personality is one of the most important components of methodological work.

If the staff of a preschool educational institution switches to a mode of updating the content of education or implements new pedagogical technologies, then it is necessary to develop a new model of methodological activity. This is necessary to ensure the successful transition of the institution from a functioning mode to a development mode.

The general picture of tasks for methodological work is as follows:

  • maintaining the level of teaching skills and knowledge;
  • increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge;
  • increasing the level of skill and professional technique of the teacher;
  • increasing the level of psychological competence and readiness of a specialist;
  • study and practical application of modern educational methods;
  • support for specialists developing proprietary programs and manuals;
  • development of sustainable professional values ​​and beliefs;
  • developing interest and the ability to approach work creatively;
  • organizing conditions for instilling teachers’ interest in self-education;
  • promoting the assimilation and practical use of technologies, methods, techniques and methods of successful teaching and education by teachers in their activities;
  • promoting the assimilation and practical use of modern methods of diagnosing the success of children;
  • promoting the practical use in work of the fundamentals of scientific organization of labor.

An analysis of the tasks allows us to conclude that methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a unified system of interrelated measures, the purpose of which is to improve the professional skills of educators and maintain the quality of educational work in a preschool educational institution at the proper level.

  1. Development of personal qualities of a teacher. Functions:
  • enrichment of knowledge, both in theory and in practice;
  • development of value orientations;
  • motivation of creative activity;
  • formation of moral qualities;
  • development of currently relevant pedagogical thinking;
  • developing the ability for emotional-volitional self-regulation;
  • development of professional technology and skill.
  1. Development of creative capabilities of the team. Functions:
  • formation of common pedagogical views, traditions and orientations;
  • discovery, research and dissemination of progressive pedagogical experience;
  • material and moral stimulation of initiative and creativity;
  • organization of diagnostics of children and teachers;
  • expert assessment of manuals, proprietary programs and plans developed by the team;
  • analysis of certain results of the pedagogical process;
  • involving the team in research work.
  1. Updating the education process and forming cooperation between preschool educational institutions and other educational systems. Functions:
  • support in understanding the requirements of public order and regulatory documents that ensure the activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • realizing the benefits of leading and innovative experience;
  • introduction of scientific achievements in psychology and pedagogy;
  • popularization of the work experience of the teaching staff beyond the preschool educational institution.

The basis of the methodological work of a preschool educational organization is:

  • documents provided by the government and the state;
  • improved educational programs and teaching aids that contribute to the reconstruction of the pedagogical process;
  • positive aspects of the preschool education system;
  • instructional and methodological documents;
  • information about advanced and mass practices;
  • recent research results in the psychological and pedagogical field;
  • results of analysis of the educational process;
  • information about the level of development of students;
  • information about the level of development of professional awareness of teachers.

Practice says the following: overlooking any of these sources leads to impoverishment and loss of relevance of the content of methodological work and, accordingly, to a decrease in its effectiveness.

The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

The issue of using computers, the Internet and other modern aids for preschool education within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard is very relevant today.

After the entry into force of Order No. 1155 of the Ministry of Education and Science dated January 1, 2014, new requirements for preschool teachers appeared. One of the new requirements is the possession of ICT competencies sufficient to plan, implement and evaluate educational activities.

ICT means are the Internet, personal computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones, televisions, multimedia players, that is, everything that can provide assistance and expand communication and information accessibility.

The main directions of using ICT in preschool educational institutions:

  1. When organizing the educational process with children. Often, what is difficult to explain to a child in words or to show by example in real life can be easily explained and demonstrated in illustrations, presentations, educational videos and audio recordings. Proper use of the Internet allows teachers to participate with children in a variety of competitions in various areas of development. It is most advisable to resort to the use of ICT for children of senior preschool age.
  2. Interaction between preschool education specialists and parents. In this case, ICT can serve as a means of involving parents in the educational process, even if they have very limited time for face-to-face communication with teachers. What might this look like? For example, a personal page on a social network where you can:
  • organize remote consultations;
  • create photo galleries of past events (what the children did in class);
  • publish text notes like “Today we learned to sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” attach an audio recording and the text of the song to them, so that parents and their children can repeat this song at home;
  • conduct surveys for parents aimed at solving common problems;
  • organize open discussions so that parents can share their opinions and experiences.

ICT tools can also be used to create visual material during parent meetings, workshops, and round tables.

  1. When organizing the methodological part of work with teachers. Seminars, conferences and teacher councils can be presented without additions in the form of multimedia accompaniment: videos, diagrams, diagrams, text accompaniment on the screen. But the inclusion of these additions to reports at least increases the efficiency of methodological work and reduces time costs.

Consequently, the use of ICT in preschool educational institutions provides undeniable assistance in the educational process. Preschool specialists have the opportunity to develop professionally through communication with colleagues on the Internet. Using electronic educational resources (EER) in working with children, teachers can motivate students to engage in cognitive activity in new ways. And motivation, in turn, serves as a good incentive for the development, growth and achievements of children. A parent who notes the child’s interest in an educational institution will become more actively involved in group projects and will be more willing to listen to the advice of teachers.

Individualization of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

The core provision of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education is the principle of individualization. Individualization is the process of awakening a person's interest in acquiring his own experience and self-analysis. In a good way, in this process the child recognizes himself as an individual who has the opportunity to freely define and realize personal goals. At the same time, he comes to understand that he himself is responsible for making decisions and for his activities.

Individualization of education- actions carried out by teachers with the aim of searching, developing and further constructing a particular child’s own “human image”.

Innovative technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical technology is a complex of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine the choice of educational means, forms, techniques, methods and methods of teaching. A kind of organizational and methodological treasure trove of the pedagogical process.

Innovative technologies in the educational process can be called those that were created or changed in order to achieve qualitatively new results upon completion of a certain amount of work.

Here is a general list of technologies used in preschool educational institutions:

  • Project method;
  • Health saving;
  • Research activities;
  • Portfolio;
  • Personality-oriented technologies;
  • Gaming technologies.

The essence of the innovation is to ensure that the indicators of an educational institution look approximately as follows:

  • meeting the changing educational needs of the population over time;
  • the continuity of innovative work and the exploratory nature of the activities of specialists;
  • periodic changes to the goals of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the changing conditions of the economic and cultural life of the region;
  • high level of the educational institution as an integral system.

The use of innovative technologies is relevant when there is a real problem, when contradictions are created between predicted and real results. An innovation is successful if with its help it was possible to solve a particular problem in a preschool educational institution. This is why the approach to innovation problems is so important. It must be carefully planned and accepted by all participants in the educational process.

Models of organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions

Let's analyze models of the educational process by type.

Training model

In the educational model, the educator takes a teaching position. It is he who owns the direction and initiative of the child’s activities. The purpose of the educational model is preliminary rigorous programming of the educational environment using appropriate techniques.

In this model, the educational process is implemented in a disciplinary school-lesson form. For those teachers who practice it, it is valuable because of its accessibility (notebooks on individual methods are often published) and high technology.

Subject-environment model

In this model, the teacher acts as the organizer of the subject environment. His tasks include:

  • selection of developmental material;
  • encouraging the child to act in various situations:
  • a note about errors in the child’s actions.

A good example of a classic subject-environment model is Maria Montessori's system. The model provides for a less rigid organization of the subject environment and awakening the creative potential of the teacher. It falls to the teacher to determine the set of topics, which introduces systematicity into the educational process (the focus of which is largely to expand the child’s ideas about the world around him). Most often, this model is used by speech therapists. Selecting topics is a very complex process. This model places high demands on the creative and pedagogical potential and general culture of the teacher.

Complex topic model

To organize educational content in a complex thematic model, the theme is taken as the basis, acting as communicated knowledge. When presenting it, it is important to use a figurative and emotional form. Children gain experience of being present in the topic through activities organized by the teacher, who, in turn, takes a freer position, closer to a partner’s.

Stages of the educational process in preschool educational institutions

The structure of the educational process, based on a system-activity approach, may look like this.

Introduction to the educational situation

The first stage is based on the formation of a psychological orientation towards gaming activity. The teacher, assessing various situations and the age group with which he is currently working, applies appropriate work techniques.

For example, you can take a character who accidentally dropped by at a kindergarten (his role can be played by either a teacher working directly with the group, or a support specialist, an animator, or a parent). Let it be a squirrel with a bag of nuts. To enhance the effect, you can add sounds of the forest to the squirrel’s greeting and its continued presence, and hide pine cones around the room for further play. Under all this hype, you can conduct a learning process under the guise of a game or story.

Creating a problem situation

The second and very important stage. Children are given the opportunity to act in a familiar situation, but at the same time the teacher introduces a problem into it, which should interest the children and activate their mental activity.

A significant part of this stage is inviting children to make choices based on their own experiences. Evaluating children's answers at this stage is less important.

Example with our squirrel: “The squirrel loves to walk in the forest with his friends. Guys, would you like to walk through the forest with a squirrel? Will you help the squirrel collect pine cones? We remember about the hidden cones and start the game of finding the cones.

When the game is over, you can talk about how the squirrel has very few friends, they all disappeared somewhere. “Where have the squirrel friends gone? Who can tell me? and the children will begin to give out their options. When you run out of sentences, you can tactfully talk about the fact that people take the squirrels.

Performing Actions

At this stage, a new sequence of actions is created based on the previous sequence and a return to the problem occurs. The solution to the problem is based on instructive material.

Using the example of our martyr-squirrel, you can organize a discussion of the following problem with children: “How can a squirrel make new friends? What can I do to prevent squirrels from disappearing anymore? Then offer a few correct clues for children, so that they can understand and independently interpret that you can’t take squirrels out of the forest, you can’t torture them, that they have their own cubs there without a mother squirrel, etc.

Summing up and analyzing the activities carried out

At the fourth stage happens:

  • consolidation of acquired knowledge with leading questions: “What have we learned today?”;
  • finding out the practical use of new ways to solve the problem: “What will you do with proteins?”;
  • assessment of the emotional component: “Do you want to help the squirrel? Do you feel sorry for those squirrels that people took?”;
  • reflection on actions in the group: “What were you able to do together with the guys today?”;
  • reflection of the child’s own actions: “What did you do? What did you fail? Why?".

Involving parents in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

For a growing person, the root and priority “educational institution”, of course, is the family. This is his world in which he learns everything, gains emotional and moral experience: attitude towards others, beliefs, ideals, value orientations.

What can be said about the interaction of a preschool educational institution with parents? First of all, it is necessary to unite goals, focus attention and organize joint activities for the development of a harmonious and healthy student. The main tasks of teachers in this case:

  • involving parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • combining the efforts of preschool educational institutions and parents in matters of child upbringing and development;
  • involving parents in active participation in the activities of the kindergarten, through the organization of exciting forms of work;
  • enriching the educational skills of parents;
  • creating a communication environment between parents to exchange experiences.

Expected results of these tasks:

  • positive emotional microclimate of interaction with parents;
  • increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents themselves;
  • enriching the practice of interpersonal communication between children, parents and teachers;
  • fruitful creative interaction between educators and parents;
  • growth of professional competence of teachers.

Let us highlight the main areas of interaction with parents:

  1. Improving the pedagogical skills of parents through group consultations, parent meetings, individual conversations, parent corners.
  2. Involving families in the work of preschool educational institutions through the organization of joint events.

Now let’s note the most effective forms of interaction with parents:

  1. Information and communication.
  2. Collective
  3. Visual and informational.
  4. Individual.

There are no ready-made technologies for interacting with parents. This is difficult work, the success of which depends on the initiative of the teacher, his patience, professionalism and ability to find an approach to each child and parent.

The International Conference will help you optimize the work of a preschool institution

Organization of activities of a preschool educational institution

practice report

4. Methodological support of the educational process

One of the most important conditions for educational work in a preschool institution is the correct organization of the developmental subject environment. Therefore, when creating a developmental environment and designing group rooms, the characteristics of the children attending the group are taken into account. These are, first of all, age, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender. A preschool child has three basic needs: movement, communication, and cognition. The environment is organized so that the child has an independent choice: with whom, where, how, what to play.

The developing subject-spatial area is represented by children's activity centers and is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. All elements of the environment are interconnected in content and artistic design. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age, the group corresponds to the content of the educational process, meets the interests and needs of children, promotes comprehensive development, and ensures their mental and emotional well-being.

The entire group space is safe and meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The group space is constantly transformed depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children. The group contains carpets of various sizes for children to play with. The free space on the floor makes it possible to build buildings. Tables and chairs are rearranged depending on the planned activity.

In the center of activity for cognitive development, all gaming and didactic material is located on open shelves, providing easy access for children.

The centers are designed for both independent and joint activities of children and adults

The activity centers contain material for the advanced development of children

All materials are hung at the child’s eye level. The group is equipped with information walls - magnetic boards, where children can place materials for thematic weeks that will be in demand in educational work: illustrations, paintings, diagrams, reminders, information sheets, etc. Moreover, children are active transformers of the surrounding space.

The speech development center includes a book corner, which is located on a shelf. Books are presented here in accordance with the program and thematic planning. On one shelf there are original books, on the other - books about the seasons, on the third - works of oral folk art (riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters, Russian folk tales and fairy tales of the peoples of the world). Also presented are portraits of authors (poets and writers, homemade books, children’s favorite books, albums for viewing on the lexical topics being studied, books and illustrations on local history. All books and illustrations are updated every week.

The activity center for the environmental development of children is located directly next to the window. Conditions have been created here to enrich children’s ideas about the diversity of the natural world, cultivate a love for nature and respect for it, as well as introduce children to caring for plants, and form the principles of an ecological culture.

This center combines a center for experimenting with natural materials, bulk materials, containers of different capacities, a nature calendar, indoor plants and passports for them, watering cans, and a sprayer. There are also booklets, albums, educational games, lotto and dominoes about the seasons, animals, vegetables, and fruits.

At the center of artistic - aesthetic development - there is a wide range of visual materials for the formation of the creative potential of children, the development of interest in artistic activities, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, and activity.

Together with the children, a didactic manual “Windows for Little Mice” was produced.

This manual can be used during educational activities, in subgroup classes, and in individual work.

The didactic game "Windows for Little Mice" is designed to study, repeat and reinforce primary colors; developing the ability to recognize and name some geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle; group objects by color, shape; develops fine motor skills of the fingers. Material: colored cardboard, pictures of mice (coloring books, velvet colored paper, glue, stapler, Velcro, see Appendix D..

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The use of mnemonic techniques for the formation of English vocabulary among fifth-grade students in a comprehensive school with in-depth study of the English language

The main form of organizing the educational process in a secondary school is the lesson. A lesson is a form of organizing training with the goal of students mastering the material being studied (knowledge, abilities, skills...

The real embodiment of modern information technologies in the educational process is a system of developmental teaching aids, built on the basis of electronic textbooks...

Traditional and innovative methods of teaching a foreign language