Increased sperm motility. How to increase sperm activity in men using folk remedies

The problem of conceiving a child worries every tenth married couple in Russia. In half of the cases the reason for failure is male infertility. Asthenozoospermia (low sperm motility) is the main factor in poor male fertility; it accounts for 70% of cases of the disorder. reproductive function person. Pathology is diagnosed by visual examination of ejaculate under a microscope or using special apparatus, which determines sperm motility based on changes in sperm density. The speed of sperm movement is assessed in real time using a special computer program.

Categories of sperm motility

The activity of male germ cells is determined by the amount of their movement in one second. During this time, a normal sperm moves more than half its size in length, which is about 0.025 mm. There are the following criteria for its mobility:

  • Category A – the trajectory of movement is straight, the speed is normal (not less than 0.0025 mm/sec).
  • Category B – movement is correct, straight, but slow (less than 0.0025 mm/s).
  • Category C – movement of sperm around its axis or in a circle.
  • Category D – sperm are immotile.

What determines the motility of male germ cells?

It is not always possible to determine the cause of low mobility. In 30% of cases it is registered idiopathic form asthenozoospermia. There are known factors influencing the activity of sperm in the ejaculate:

  • Reduced testosterone levels. It is encountered by people suffering from hypertension, overweight. Testosterone synthesis also decreases with age.
  • Increased temperature in the scrotum with varicocele (dilation of the veins of the vas deferens) or when wearing warm and thick underwear. The optimal temperature for sperm motility is 37 degrees; higher temperatures not only reduce motility, but also cause the formation of abnormal forms.
  • Infections that penetrate the genital glands. These include smallpox, mumps, typhoid, influenza, and tuberculosis. In this case, the cause of infertility is specific inflammation testicles.
  • Sperm motility depends on proper nutrition. An insufficient amount of zinc, vitamins and microelements leads to disruption of the synthesis of protein structures of gametes, which leads to low sperm motility.
  • Delayed ejaculation as a result of decreased libido (sexual desire). This occurs with alcohol abuse and smoking. Sexual desire decreases with age, as well as with diabetes.
  • Messy sex life not only reduces the quality of male reproductive cells, but also increases the risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases. Abstinence from sex life leads to aging of sperm and a decrease in their motility.

Gamete immobility can be caused by many factors. All of them are subject to correction before starting treatment. Many cases of low sperm motility are corrected by prescribing essential microelements and nutrition correction.

Degrees of asthenozoospermia

There are 3 degrees of impaired sperm motility, which determines the severity of the disease and the choice of treatment tactics:

  • Mild degree - motility retains a sufficient number of sperm of categories A and B (50%) for conception. The speed of movement is determined one hour after ejaculation. Achieving normal activity is achieved by adjusting lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Average degree– an hour after ejaculation, 70% of sperm become immobile. At this stage, they resort to prescribing bioactive pharmacological agents.
  • Severe degree - 80–90% of sperm consists of immobile, atypical sperm. The patient faces complex treatment.

The classification was proposed by WHO and is used to diagnose male infertility in all clinics around the world. The degrees are determined based on the results of spermatoscopy.

Treatment of insufficient sperm motility

Scale medical intervention with asthenozoospermia are different and depend on the causes. With varicocele you cannot do without surgery. But this - extreme case. In the absence of pathologies, it is often enough to correct spermatogenesis, eliminate bad habits and add necessary substances to the diet. Reproductive system men cannot function properly without necessary substances: L-carnitine, antioxidants, vitamins E and B9, zinc and selenium. Therefore, complexes of these substances are included in the course of therapy, for example, Russian drug Speroton.

The production of normal sperm is hampered by tight, tight-fitting underwear. Men with poor sperm motility are advised not to take hot baths or visit saunas and steam baths. Experts recommend wearing loose clothing that does not restrict movement. Preference is given to cotton underwear.

How to avoid low sperm motility?

To ensure a fruitful conception, experts recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Overheating of the testicles reduces sperm motility, so it is recommended to refrain from baths, saunas, and heated car seats.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed should not exceed 50 ml for strong drinks or 200 ml of dry wine.
  • It is better to avoid smoking completely, as nicotine destroys essential vitamins, trace elements and bio active substances.
  • Physical activity activates testosterone production. To do this, 30–40 minutes of exercise or swimming three times a week is enough.
  • Stress, as the main factor in reducing blood circulation in the genitals, should be eliminated from your life as much as possible.

Low mobility can be treated in simple ways that are accessible to everyone. You just need to follow the suggested recommendations for 4–6 months.

Pharmacological correction of asthenozoospermia

Low sperm motility may be the cause of failed conceptions. In every third man suffering from infertility, no reason was found for insufficient activity of germ cells. Therefore, it is possible to increase the ability of sperm to fertilize using means whose effectiveness has been proven.

In particular, the above-mentioned Speroton passed 9 clinical trials, which showed its effectiveness specifically for asthenozoospermia. Taking the drug for 3 months increased sperm motility, their concentration in semen and increased the number of sperm with normal structure.

Sperm motility is the main factor influencing the fertilization of the egg. Therefore, stimulating the activity of male reproductive cells provides a real chance for the birth of a baby.


The speed of sperm movement depends on many factors. A decrease in their activity can be caused by inflammation of the genital organs, prostatitis, various injuries, complications after infections suffered in childhood. If with similar diseases have not encountered, the decrease may be due to poor environmental conditions, consumption of harmful products and, smoking, drug addiction, high.

It is considered normal if 30-35 percent of the total number of sperm taken for analysis are actively moving. In order for your indicators to become close to ideal, you should make changes to your current lifestyle. First you need to carefully monitor your diet, include everything you need for healthy eating products: milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals, special attention should be paid to meat and nuts. In addition, meals should be regular and nutritious. In addition to nutrition, try to normalize sleep and rest, establish a daily routine and stick to it.

Vitamin C affects sperm motility, and vitamin E affects the quality of the gonads. Therefore, make sure that your menu includes foods rich in them: pepper, black currants, rose hips, greens, liver, potatoes, vegetable, olive, butter, as well as the aforementioned nuts and meat.

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  • how to increase sperm speed

Speed ​​of movement is one of the main characteristics that allows the sperm to reach the egg without problems, moving in a manner that is detrimental to it. acidic environment vagina. This indicator is influenced by many factors, eliminating or, conversely, increasing the influence of which, you can achieve spermatozoa.


Observe correct routine day, providing healthy sleep. Eat right and regularly. Introduce honey and nuts into your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on. Provide your body with enough .

Counteract stress, which reduces sex drive and sperm quality. Improve your reproductive health with regular exercise. Make sure your body weight is within normal limits. In this case, the body will maintain normal hormonal balance, ensuring the presence of healthy sperm in the ejaculate.

Beware of toxic substances that affect sperm quality. Limit your alcohol intake. Stop smoking, which makes you less active. Do not take drugs, especially those that reduce sperm motility.

Stop using lubricants during sex or replace them with vegetable oils. Reduce the amount of hormones you take that affect the condition of the gonads. Do not take hot baths or go to the sauna, since spending more than 30 minutes in water whose temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius reduces the number of healthy sperm.


  • how to increase sperm motility

According to studies conducted by the famous endocrinologist Nils Skakebak, over the past half century in men different countries the quantity decreased by about 50%. The exact reason for this trend has not yet been established. But there are many secondary reasons, it can be either tight underwear or chemical pollution air.

What are the dangers of a low sperm count?

Small quantity is the main reason why married couple cannot conceive on her own. Similar problem is becoming increasingly widespread. According to World Health, every tenth couple is unable to conceive a child, and this is twice as many as several decades ago. A small number of sperm is not a problem, since a man is still able to conceive a child in this case, since even one sperm is enough for this. But the smaller their number, the less.

Conception is also influenced by the quality and motility of sperm.

Methods to increase sperm count

You need to have sex more often and more. This the simplest way increasing sperm count. Their number, with daily sex, will increase by an average of 50-90 million. Also, not only their quantity will increase, but also their quality, which will thereby increase the likelihood of conception.

It pays to stay cool at all times. With elevated levels, sperm quickly weaken and their productivity slows down sharply. Doctors also advise not to use tight underwear, not to wear tight pants, and to avoid using waterbeds and electric blankets.

At least once a day it is necessary to engage in physical exercise, massage, shaking the testicles or kneading the lumbar region. All these procedures improve blood circulation in the genital area, which will contribute to the production of sperm and increase their motility. Excessive activity during the day never hurts.

You can't keep your laptop on your lap. The radiation and heat generated by computer operation, combined with tucked knees, harms proper sperm production.

According to recent research by scientists, mobile phone, which has been lying in one trouser pocket for more than 4 hours, can also negatively affect sperm production.

Proper nutrition

Scientists advise to eat right, not to abuse alcohol, not to smoke, and also to lead active image life. You need to be able to determine your life priorities so that you don’t have to regret some of your actions later. Following these simple rules, any man can almost completely forget about the loss of sperm functionality. You need to include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Nutritionists more strongly advise consuming vegetables that contain glutathione, a special antioxidant that increases the quality and quantity of sperm. These vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and asparagus. There are also special dietary supplements on sale, a complex of minerals and vitamins in which is ideally selected for men's health.

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The female egg is fertilized by a sperm (male reproductive cell), after which a fetus is formed. However, this process is not always easy. It depends on the condition of the female genital organs and sperm activity.

The distinctive features of sperm are not only the shape and the presence of a flagellum, but also the set of chromosomes. Having passed it, you can determine the viscosity, the number of cells in the ejaculate, the percentage of mobile, weakly mobile, immobile, living, dead cells. In addition, the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, mucus, and Bechter crystals is taken into account.

Successful conception occurs when there is at least 30% active sperm. Based on the degree of activity, they are divided:

  • young ones with linear movement, speed 0.02 mm/s;
  • rotating around its axis – no more than 15%;
  • morphologically changed ( low quality, aging) at a speed of up to 0.02 mm/s – less than 10%;
  • dead, inactive cells.

Decreased sperm activity is quite common male problem. However, it can be easily solved by changing the rhythm of life, nutrition, and taking certain natural medications.

Factors that reduce the activity of germ cells include:

  • traumatic injury to the groin area;
  • chronic pathology of the genital organs;
  • diseases complicated by inhibition of sperm activity (infectious diseases);
  • bad habits, ecology, hard physical labor.

Nutritious diet for sperm activation

In some cases, it is enough for a man to adjust his nutritional diet, and the results improve significantly, and an increase in sperm activity is observed. For this It is recommended to enrich your food intake:

  • beans;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • beef, liver;
  • honey;
  • nuts;
  • ginger, poppy seeds;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • herbs (onion, parsley, dill);
  • vitamin C (black currant, rose hips, olive oil, red pepper).

Should be abandoned fatty foods, smoked meats, sausages, limit coffee intake.

Normalization nervous system is an integral part of recovery physiological mobility male germ cells, since it is possible to increase sperm activity by restoring balance in the psycho-emotional state.

Hardening the body, in particular, dousing it with water, has a good effect. The temperature should be reduced gradually, starting the procedure with summer period. Moderate physical exercise(running, swimming) will help activate sperm.

In addition, you should avoid visiting saunas, baths, hot bath. Special attention devoted to bad habits (smoking alcoholic drinks), which must be abandoned. The decrease in the activity of male cells directly depends on the volume of alcohol consumed.

“Daily intake of 100-150 ml of alcohol blocks spermatogenesis in 60-80% of men.”

You should also wear underwear made from natural fabrics. It should not put pressure on the genitals, limiting blood circulation in the pelvis. If a man spends most of his time in a sitting position, it is advisable not to cross his legs, which prevents the normal outflow of blood with the development of stagnation.

An increase in sperm activity is observed when abstaining from sexual activity for 3-4 days. The first sexual intercourse after a “break” is characterized by the greatest cell activity.

Medicinal, traditional methods of sperm activation

Previously, before conception, a man drank a decoction of elecampane for 10 days. Ginseng root, rose hips, and St. John's wort were also widely used. They strengthen general health, positively affecting spermatogenesis, cell activity, thereby.

  • dry ginseng roots (50 g) are covered with a liter of vodka and infused. Drink 10 drops three times;
  • 15 g of crushed St. John's wort is covered with half a liter of boiling water and left for 3 hours. Drink 100 ml twice;
  • Rose hips are infused in boiling water overnight in a thermos. Drink all day.

To activate male cells it is necessary to normalize metabolism. For this purpose, bee bread, consisting of 60 natural enzyme catalysts, is widely used. You need to take 10 g once daily. After 2 months, spermatogenesis increases, the cells become more mobile.

Low sperm activity is observed when the biochemical characteristics of the testes are disrupted. To normalize them, drone milk is used, which can increase the synthesis of androgens due to the content of enzymes of sulfide groups.

To increase general tone and restore physiological metabolism, it is used royal jelly. IN fresh it activates oxygen delivery and controls oxidative processes.

Concerning drug effects, then it is necessary to highlight medicines based on bee products, for example, Larinol, Apidron, Tentorium. They activate spermatogenesis and eliminate morphological changes.

Medicines containing the herb Tribulus terestis are also effective. Tribestan restores hormonal balance and increases testosterone levels. Verona – non-steroidal drug, which affects metabolism, improves spermatogenesis, activity of germ cells, and increases libido.

Insufficient sperm activity can be corrected quite well. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and have a desire to become a father.

One of the quality indicators of sperm that is checked during evaluation is sperm motility. Sedentary and sluggish male reproductive cells simply cannot reach the egg and die already early stages. IN medical literature this problem is called . Let's look at its main causes and what can be done in such situations.

Causes of asthenozoospermia

It is impossible to reliably identify the cause of decreased sperm motility. There are a number of factors that can affect male reproductive gametes:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, both acute and chronic;
  • diabetes mellitus and autoimmune pathology;
  • overweight;
  • age-related changes in the genitals;
  • congenital and acquired disorders of the structure of the reproductive system;
  • genital injuries;
  • action of high temperatures;
  • varicocele;
  • Not balanced diet;
  • bad habits and lifestyle of a man.

Important! Sperm motility progressively decreases with prolonged sexual abstinence.

There are many factors that cause sperm to become slow and sluggish. In some cases, it is not possible to find out the exact cause and the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic (for unknown reason) asthenozoospermia.

One of the factors reducing sperm motility can be a harmful working environment.

How is this disease classified?

There are several degrees of asthenozoospermia. Depending on this degree, they choose treatment tactics, medications, or recommend immediately taking advantage of the achievements of assisted reproduction:

  1. First degree. class A and B more than 40%. In this situation, the man is asked to adjust his diet, give up bad habits and recommend taking natural products medicines.
  2. Second. The number of active sperm is about 30-39%.
  3. Third. Their number is less than 30%. In these cases, the patient may be advised to use assisted conception technology, since the chances of natural pregnancy very low.

How to check the motility of male germ cells

A decrease in sperm motility can be determined by performing a spermogram. This is the simplest study that allows you to evaluate the qualitative characteristics of sperm, including sperm motility.

There are four classes of motility of male reproductive gametes:

  • A – actively motile cells;
  • B – slowly progressively mobile;
  • C – improperly moving, sedentary;
  • D – motionless.

Only sperm of the first two classes can fertilize an egg. Normally, their number should be more than 50% of total number all sexual gametes.

Important! Low sperm motility is not a reason to immediately take medications and try to improve it. Before treatment, the analysis is repeated several times to make sure that there is a problem.

How to increase sperm motility?

The question of how to increase sperm motility is very important for couples suffering from male infertility. For treatment to take place in several directions:

  1. Lifestyle changes, balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits and regular sex.
  2. Therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
  3. Surgical treatment of structural anomalies and strictures of the vas deferens.
  4. Taking pharmacologically safe and effective medications.
  5. Prostate massage to improve blood supply to this area;
  6. Physiotherapy.

Let's consider drugs that are actively used to improve sperm quality and motility of male reproductive gametes:

  1. Spermactin. Food supplement, which contains fructose, carnitine and citric acid. Improves the quality and quantity of sperm. It is used in complex treatment male infertility, recommended for asthenozoospermia, as well as at the stage of preparation for IVF and sperm donation. average cost– 2500-3000 rub. The course of treatment is from 3 months.
  2. Profertil. Contains carnitine, arginine, zinc, vitamin E and folic acid. This drug too bioactive supplement to food. It is recommended to take it in the treatment regimen for idiopathic male infertility, with a decrease in sperm quality and with other disorders of reproductive function in men. The course of treatment is from a month. The cost is within 8500 rubles. for 180 capsules.
  3. Speman. Combined herbal preparation based medicinal herbs(orchis, lettuce, beans, argyrea, etc.). Recommended for inflammatory diseases prostate and deterioration of sperm activity. Cost about 300 rubles. for 100 tablets. The course of admission is for six months.

If there is a lack of testosterone, a man may be prescribed hormonal drugs. Besides, good effect gives reception complex vitamins and antioxidants.

From folk ways Beebread (a beekeeping product), ginseng, garlic are considered effective in treating asthenozoospermia. walnuts and oysters.

Questions for the doctor

Question: How can I increase sperm motility in my husband after exposure to radiation?

Answer: after radiation exposure it is very difficult. It all depends on the degree of damage to the testicles and the dose of radiation. Before attempting treatment, you need to check your sperm counts so that your attempts and medications are not in vain.

Question: Can drinking beer affect sperm motility?

Answer: Yes, it can. If a man is okay with reproductive health, then a bottle of beer will not affect sperm fertility. And when there are problems, drinking alcohol even in small doses can worsen the quality of sperm.

The normal motility of male germ cells can be affected by many factors. If a man has problems, then first of all he must normalize his lifestyle and diet, get rid of bad habits and, if necessary, take a course of medications.

), which consists of examining the entire ejaculate obtained to determine quantitative, qualitative and morphological characteristics sperm.

As a rule, a spermogram is prescribed in conjunction with other tests to identify the cause of infertility in marriage, as well as in case of male infertility and the presence of inflammatory or hormonal diseases organs of the male reproductive system.

In addition, the spermogram in mandatory carried out before IVF and artificial insemination.

Preparation for donating ejaculate

In order for sperm indicators to be reliable, it is necessary to prepare for sperm donation:

  • abstinence from 2 to 7 days (optimally 3-5 days);
  • refusal to drink alcohol, strong tea, coffee and medications during the entire period of abstinence;
  • refusal to visit the bathhouse, sauna, hot bath and shower, ban on solarium and sunbathing for the above period of time.

Sperm is donated directly in the laboratory (special room) through masturbation. It is possible to bring ejaculate from home, obtained during coitus interruptus, into a medical condom, but the delivery time should be no more than three hours, and the temperature of the delivered sperm should be about 36°C (armpit). It should be taken into account that ejaculate obtained outside the laboratory may spill on the way to it, which will affect sperm parameters.

Spermogram norms


The ejaculate rate is 3-5 ml. Reduced (less than 2 ml) indicates either a disruption in the delivery of sperm to the laboratory, or insufficiency of the functions of the gonads (prostate, seminal vesicles, etc.). An increase in the amount of sperm indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the genitals.


Normally, the color of the ejaculate is whitish, grayish or tinged with yellow. Red or brown color of semen indicates either trauma to the genital organs, or stones in the prostate or chronic vesiculitis (the red tint is due to the admixture of red blood cells).


The normal pH of sperm is 7.2-7.8 (alkaline). Deviations in one direction or another indicate inflammatory process gonads.

Liquefaction time

The sperm liquefaction time should not exceed 60 minutes. If the liquefaction time is prolonged, sperm in the acidic environment of the vagina waste their energy and lose activity, which significantly reduces their ability to fertilize an egg. More often long time liquefaction is observed in chronic prostatitis and/or vesiculitis.

Sperm viscosity

To determine the viscosity of the ejaculate, measure the length of the thread flowing from the end of the pipette. Normally it is no more than 0.5 cm.

Extended thread ( increased viscosity) indicates either chronic prostatitis or vesiculitis. Thick and viscous sperm significantly reduces the chances of conception, as it is difficult for sperm to move into the vagina, which further increases negative impact they have an acidic environment.

Number of sperm in 1 ml of ejaculate

Normally, 1 ml of sperm should contain more than 20 million. sperm.

A decrease in sperm density is called oligozoospermia, which indicates ineffective testicular function (decrease in androgens, inflammation of the testicles, a history of toxic damage to the spermatogenic epithelium of the testicles, weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, etc.).

Reduced concentration reduces the chances of fertilization. An increase in sperm density or polyzoospermia (more than 120 million in 1 ml) precedes oligozoospermia.

Total sperm count

The total number of sperm in the ejaculate under study must be more than 60 million. The decrease in density is associated with the same factors as the decrease in sperm concentration in 1 ml of sperm.

Sperm motility

The chances of fertilization depend on sperm motility. There are 4 groups of sperm:

  • group A – active motile sperm with linear movement;
  • group B – sedentary sperm with linear movement;
  • group C – sedentary sperm whose movements are oscillatory or rotational;
  • group D – sperm are immobile.

Normally, there should be more than 25% of sperm from group A or 50% of sperm from groups A and B.

Reduced sperm motility is called asthenozoosperia and indicates inflammatory processes in the genital organs, toxic lesions and thermal effects on the male gonads (testicles).


By using this indicator The number of normal sperm is determined.

Normally, unchanged sperm should be more than 20%. Teratozoospermia is said to occur when the number of normal sperm is less than 20%.

Toxic and radiation injuries, inflammatory and infectious processes, as well as ecology.

Live sperm

This indicator estimates the percentage of live sperm in the ejaculate. The lower it is, the lower the likelihood of conception. Normally, there should be more than 50% live sperm.

Necrospermia is spoken of when the described indicator decreases, which can be a temporary phenomenon during intoxication, infectious disease, stress. Permanent nercospermia is observed when the testicles are damaged by radiation, toxic substances or heat exposure.

Spermatogenesis cells

The number of desquamated cells of the spermatogenic epithelium of the seminiferous tubules should be no more than 2%.

Agglutination and aggregation

Normally, there is no gluing of spermatozoa (agglutination) and accumulation of sperm into clots.

Leukocytes and red blood cells

Normally, there are no red blood cells in the ejaculate, and the number of leukocytes does not exceed 3-4 in the field of view. If there are more leukocytes, this indicates an inflammatory process in the male genital organs.


Normally, there is no mucus in sperm or it is not large quantities. The detection of a significant amount of mucus indicates an inflammatory process of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Deviations from the norm

  • oligozoospermia – low concentration sperm;
  • asthenozoospermia – low sperm motility;
  • teratozoospermia – reduced number of morphologically normal forms;
  • azoospermia – there are no sperm in the ejaculate;
  • aspermia – no ejaculate;
  • oligospermia – sperm count less than 2 ml;
  • leukospermia – increased number leukocytes;
  • akinospermia – all sperm are immobile;
  • cryptospermia is a very low sperm count, which is determined only after centrifugation of the ejaculate.

Methods to improve sperm quality

In addition to eliminating inflammatory and endocrine diseases, the treatment of which is prescribed by a doctor (antibiotics and hormones), to improve the quality of sperm, you must follow simple rules:


The testicles are the only organ that is outside abdominal cavity. Consequently, heating the testicles contributes to the deterioration of sperm quality: sperm activity decreases and pathological morphological forms appear.

Accordingly, it is worth abandoning frequent use hot bath/shower, visit the bathhouse and sauna less often, give up the pleasure of soaking in the jacuzzi.

In addition, clothing (underwear and trousers) should be loose and not put pressure on the testicles or overheat them. It is recommended to avoid tight-fitting panties and tight jeans.

Avoid stress

Stressful situations “hit” not only the nerves, but also the sperm. If possible, conflicts, overwork, and nervous tension should be avoided.

Sex life

The rhythm of sexual life plays an equally important role in the quality of sperm. Too infrequent sexual intercourse leads to a decrease in sperm motility, and, on the contrary, frequent intimate contacts make the sperm “liquid”, that is, the sperm content in it is significantly reduced.

The optimal rhythm of sexual life is 4-6 times a week.

Weight and sport

Excess body weight is the accumulation of excess subcutaneous fat layer, which produces estrogens, which negatively affects sperm activity.

Will help normalize weight balanced diet and regular (2-3 times a week moderate physical activity). Particularly useful physical exercise aimed at strengthening muscles pelvic floor and abdominals.

Balanced diet

It is necessary to avoid processed foods and products that contain preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Food should contain foods that contain large quantities of vitamins E, groups B, C, and the trace elements selenium and zinc.

The listed biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on sperm quality.

The list of products should include seafood, herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, celery), carrots, pumpkin, garlic, asparagus, tomatoes, pomegranates, apples, bananas and avocados.

Also, the diet must include milk and dairy products, beef and veal, fish, nuts in large quantities, mushrooms, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver and legumes.

Bad habits

Bad habits have a very negative impact on the number and activity of sperm. It is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol (or at least reduce the amount), especially beer, which contains large quantities of phytoestrogens.

And of course complete failure from drugs. The same applies to excessive consumption of strong tea and natural coffee. It is better to replace these drinks with freshly squeezed juices and mineral water.

Environmental factors

Normalizing the environment around us is beyond the power of one person, but it is possible to minimize the impact of harmful factors. You should not hold the laptop on your lap (overheating of the testicles), try to reduce contact with toxic substances (varnishes, paints, household chemicals and other “harmful things”), breathe fresh air more often.

Spermogram deviations from the norm and IVF

Almost 50% of men have certain deviations from normal indicators spermograms. For some of them, it is enough to establish a daily routine and rest, rationalize nutrition, give up bad habits - this improves the quality of sperm and increases fertility (the ability to fertilize).

But in some cases, only IVF will help to conceive a child, the procedure of which includes a selection of active and without pathological deviations from the morphology of sperm.

At pathological results spermograms (presence of azoospermia, teratospermia, necrospermia, asthenozoospermia and others); the IVF procedure is extended, one of the stages of which is ICSI.

ICSI is an assistive technology and consists of several stages:

  • obtaining viable sperm from the testicle using microsurgical operation;
  • sperm cultivation;
  • choosing the best and most active sperm;
  • introduction of sperm into the egg using intracytoplasmic injection;
  • freezing remaining viable sperm for future use.

In addition to abnormal sperm analysis, ICSI is performed in the presence of antisperm antibodies in both women and men.


The prognosis after the IVF procedure in combination with ICSI depends on two factors. First, the chances of egg fertilization increase when active, viable sperm are obtained from the testicle or ejaculate. And secondly, the higher the quality of eggs received from a woman, the higher the percentage of their fertilization.

When performing ICSI, fertilization of eggs occurs in 60-70% of cases, which is significantly higher (30%) during the standard IVF procedure.

In addition, 90-95% of fertilized eggs develop into an embryo.