In what position to eat during reflux? Foods you shouldn't eat - gallery. Approximate menu for the week

Reflux esophagitis: symptoms, treatment and diet therapy

With normal gastric peristalsis, a person experiences 20-30 refluxes per day (reflux of food into the esophagus), but he does not feel any discomfort, since this is not a disease. Reflux can be considered a disease when protective mechanisms are disrupted: for example, bile refluxes into the stomach. The protection of the esophagus is its mucous membrane, which protects the organ from the effects of acids and enzymes, as well as the sphincter, which prevents the frequent entry of stomach contents into the esophagus. If the sphincter is disrupted, the tone of its muscles decreases. The sphincter remains partially or completely open, and food debris can freely enter the esophagus.

Duodenogastric reflux appears for reasons:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Stress and nervous overload.
  • Esophageal hernia.
  • Increased pressure in abdominal cavity.
  • Excess weight bodies.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Peptic ulcer disease.

Clinical manifestations of the disease:

  • Belching with a sour taste (characteristic of gastroesophageal syndrome).
  • Difficulty swallowing and passing food.
  • Frequent cough At night, asthma patients experience worsening attacks.
  • Heartburn after eating.
  • Pain in the sternum.
  • Destruction of tooth enamel.
  • Frequent inflammation mucous membrane of the pharynx and nose.
  • Reflux disease is often confused with other diseases due to vague symptoms. Don't be lazy and go through full examination see a gastroenterologist

The doctor makes a diagnosis based on a patient interview, test results and FEGDS (fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy method), X-ray examination with contrast agents. Additional method– esophagomanometry (measurement of pressure in the esophagus) and electrocardiogram (to exclude diseases of cardio-vascular system).

The first thing the doctor prescribes is a diet for reflux esophagitis. You need to eat properly and regularly, otherwise exacerbations will haunt you constantly. Also required drug treatment prokinetics, antacids (reducing acidity), antisecretory drugs. The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the disease: on average, duodenogastric esophagitis is cured in 4-6 weeks.

Indicative menu

Table 1. Sample menu for a week

Day of the week Diet
1st For breakfast: oatmeal with apples (200g).
For second breakfast: boiled vegetables (120g).
For lunch: vegetable puree soup (200g), boiled chicken meat (120g).
For an afternoon snack: compote, diet bread.
For dinner: rice with vegetables (250g)
2nd For breakfast: rice porrige with milk (200g).
For second breakfast: a glass of yogurt.
For lunch: vermicelli soup with meatballs (200g), vegetable stew with meat (180g).
For afternoon tea: baked apples(150g).
For dinner: mashed potatoes (120g), chicken cutlet (80g)
3rd For breakfast: semolina with milk (200g).
For second breakfast: cottage cheese (100g).
For lunch: buckwheat soup (200g), carrot puree (80g), chicken meatballs (80g).
For afternoon snack: carrot-apple salad (100g).
For dinner: stewed vegetables (100g), boiled fish (100g)
4th For breakfast: omelet of 2 steamed eggs.
For second breakfast: a glass of kefir.
For lunch: fish soup(200g), vegetable puree(150g).
For afternoon snack: fruit soufflé (150g).
For dinner: pumpkin casserole (100g), fish stew (120g)
5th For breakfast: soft-boiled egg, buckwheat(100g).
For second breakfast: cottage cheese (80g).
For lunch: rice soup (200g), chicken soufflé(150g).
For an afternoon snack: pancakes from oatmeal(100g).
For dinner: boiled potatoes (120g), boiled veal (120g)
6th For breakfast: muesli with milk (180g).
For second breakfast: banana.
For lunch: vegetable puree soup (200g), chicken meatballs (20g).
For an afternoon snack: kefir, biscuits.
For dinner: boiled pasta (100g), stewed veal (120g)
7th For breakfast: vegetable salad(180g).
For second breakfast: sweet berries (100g).
For lunch: chicken bouillon(100g), buckwheat porridge (100g), boiled chicken (100g).
For an afternoon snack: cheesecakes with sour cream (120g).
For dinner: mashed potatoes (100g), stewed fish (140g)

Therapeutic nutrition for gastritis and reflux esophagitis is the basis complex therapy diseases. It is unlikely to cure a disease without following a diet. Without proper nutrition, medications and physical procedures do not work.

Let's find out what the diet for reflux esophagitis is during an exacerbation. What diet do gastroenterologists recommend to follow during remission? Below are the answers to these questions.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Why does reflux esophagitis develop?

Inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) and reflux disease (GERD) develop due to the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Reflux esophagitis often accompanies stomach ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity and gastroduodenitis. It is also accompanied by a hernia hiatus. The main cause of the disease is poor nutrition. U healthy person The lower esophageal sphincter is closed. The following factors contribute to the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus:

  • abuse strong tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • binge eating;
  • high intra-abdominal pressure, which develops with obesity, carrying a child or accumulation of gases in the abdomen;
  • violation of the tone of the esophageal sphincter due to medication or hiatal hernia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • swallowing air.

The risk group includes people who eat on the go, overeat, or use hot food, carbonated drinks. Reflux develops after a late dinner.

What is a treatment table for reflux esophagitis?

The principle of nutrition for reflux esophagitis is a mechanically and chemically gentle diet.

For this disease, the patient is prescribed treatment table No. 1 according to Pevzner. You have to constantly follow or adhere to this table when chronic form reflux esophagitis. At acute course or exacerbation of the disease, the doctor prescribes table No. 1 b.

Table No. 1 is prescribed to patients with diseases of the digestive system

Quantity nutrients for a day:

  • fats 100 g;
  • proteins 90–100 g;
  • carbohydrates up to 400 g;
  • sodium chloride 10–12 g.

Food should not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus or stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, and also cause bloating. Energy value per day is 2500–2800 kcal. Free fluid per day – 1.5 liters.

Basic nutrition rules

Treatment of the disease consists of following a diet, giving up prohibited foods, cigarettes and alcohol. Should be observed at all times general rules nutrition for reflux:

  • Diet. Dietary fractional meals 5–6 times a day in small portions prevents the production of excess acid and food from entering the esophagus. Dinner should be 2 hours before bedtime. The horizontal position immediately after eating facilitates the easy movement of gastric contents into the esophagus. After eating, you should also not bend over.
  • Rules for eating food. You need to eat food slowly and chew it thoroughly, thereby facilitating digestion in the stomach. Large pieces remain in the stomach for a long time, provoking the production of acid. During quick food air enters the stomach, creating high blood pressure and facilitating entry into the esophagus. Before eating, chew 2-3 slices of raw potatoes. They will reduce acidity gastric juice.

Potato juice

  • Food temperature. With esophageal esophagitis, food should be taken warm, not cold or hot. The optimal food temperature is from 15 to 60 °C. Hot and cold food stimulate the secretion of acid by the stomach glands.
  • Liquid and salt. The diet for gastritis and esophagitis limits fluid intake to 1.5 liters per day. In addition, you should not drink liquid immediately after eating, so as not to cause an increase in pressure in the stomach and the release of food into the esophagus. Salt is limited to 10 grams. Excessive salt intake irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Culinary processing. Diet dishes should be boiled, steamed, stewed or baked. The food is boiled, finely chopped or put through a blender. fried food excluded because the crust irritates the mucous membrane. In addition, fried food, remaining longer in the stomach, provokes the release of acid from its glands.
  • Alcohol ban. During treatment, alcohol intake is excluded because it irritates the wall of the esophagus and stimulates the production of acid in the stomach. Moreover, you should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

In addition to following these rules, you should not take antacids (neutralizing acidity) and prokinetics (acting on motor activity esophagus and stomach). To reduce the acidity of gastric juice, hydrogen pump blockers (Pantoprazole, Omeprazole) are prescribed.

The diet for reflux esophagitis is followed constantly. IN otherwise relapse is possible.

Allowed products for exacerbation of reflux esophagitis

IN acute period or in case of exacerbation of diseases accompanied by reflux, diet No. 1 b according to Pevzner is prescribed. Most often, during an exacerbation, patients undergo hospital treatment, so you don’t have to choose or prepare food. If the exacerbation is not very pronounced, you can eat at home after prescribing a diet by a gastroenterologist.

The diet for gastritis and reflux esophagitis in the acute stage is similar to table No. 1 according to Pevzner. The calorie content of the diet is the same as table No. 1. The menu consists of products that do not irritate gastrointestinal tract, do not provoke the secretion of gastric juice, do not causing flatulence. Table ration number 1:

  1. Proteins are obtained from eggs, lean beef and fish, poultry, and rabbit meat. The meat is steamed or boiled. Meatballs are preferred. Frying or grilling is not permitted.
  2. You can eat boiled semolina and rice porridge as carbohydrates. Boiled oatmeal and buckwheat porridge are additionally passed through a blender. Added White bread, or dried and then soaked biscuit, 70–100 grams per day.
  3. Dairy products. Store-bought cottage cheese, cheese curds and “curd products” should not be consumed. You can make cottage cheese yourself at home, but strain it through a sieve.
  4. Soups are prepared by straining through a sieve or passing through a blender. However, they must not contain hot spices, including Bay leaf. Slimy rice or oatmeal soups are beneficial.
  5. Drinks include jelly, compotes, rosehip decoction or tea with sugar. Milk or fruit jellies are also prepared.

Kissel has enveloping properties

What should you not eat during an exacerbation?

During an exacerbation, foods and dishes that provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach are excluded. You should not eat sour, spicy, or pickled foods. Prohibited foods include:

  • Sausages, including milk sausages, smoked meats;
  • garlic, onions, herbs and spices;
  • fatty meat, fish, poultry;
  • mushrooms, including boiled ones, and dishes made from them;
  • strong tea, coffee, chocolate;
  • cakes and any prepared pastries;
  • pickled and salted vegetables.
  • It is not recommended to use honey during an exacerbation, because it can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.

The transition from table No. 1 b to table No. 1 general is determined only by a gastroenterologist. This takes into account the total clinical picture diseases and instrumental examination data.

Table No. 1 according to Pevzner is prescribed when enough time has passed after an exacerbation so that the diet can be expanded.

Steamed vegetables

List of permitted foods and dishes:

  • boiled cabbage, beets, carrots;
  • pureed vegetable soups, except for fatty borscht and sour cabbage soup;
  • boiled and mashed potatoes;
  • lean fish;
  • honey during remission can be consumed in quantities of no more than 50 grams;
  • apples, pears, bananas, pureed or compote, as well as baked;
  • semolina, rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • yesterday's wheat bread, dry biscuits.
  • cutlets, meatballs, steamed or boiled meat;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • non-sour dairy products 2 days prepared - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, Varenets.

Ryazhenka - healthy drink for gastrointestinal diseases

It is allowed to consume 20 grams of butter on bread, 20 grams of sugar or honey in tea, compote or jelly. Daily diet bread is 200-400 grams.

Menu for reflux for one day:

  1. First breakfast. Any pureed porridge, two soft-boiled eggs, cocoa or tea with milk.
  2. Lunch. Banana, apple or pear.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup, boiled meat low-fat variety with cereal garnish.
  4. Afternoon snack. Compote, milk or jelly.
  5. Dinner. Mashed potatoes with boiled fish.

An example of a dinner for a patient with reflux esophagitis

In a similar way, you can create a menu for the week based on the list of permitted products.

What should you not eat during remission?

Prohibited foods are those that provoke the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, increase its volume or form gases.

The following foods are excluded from the menu for reflux esophagitis:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty foods, remaining in the stomach for a long time, stimulate the production of gastric secretion;
  • legume products, causing gas formation, facilitate the release of food into the esophagus;
  • pickled, sour, fried foods increase the production of acid in the stomach;
  • coffee and strongly brewed tea can increase the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Canned food, semi-finished products and sandwiches are excluded.

What foods are prohibited during remission?

The diet for reflux esophagitis contains a list of prohibited foods:

  • rich broths from poultry, meat and fish, as well as borscht and okroshka;
  • fresh bread, pancakes and pies, rich pastries;

Patients with GERD should not eat baked goods

  • oily fish, spicy salted or salted;
  • strong spices - hot pepper, horseradish and mustard;
  • fatty and spicy cheeses;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • hard boiled eggs;
  • dishes made from vegetables containing coarse fiber - eggplant, cabbage;
  • pasta;
  • pearl barley, barley, corn.

A proper diet reduces the symptoms of the disease - heartburn, belching, epigastric pain. Against the background of dietary nutrition, medications act more effectively. Once stable remission is achieved, you should not switch to general nutrition. The gastroenterologist will consult the patient on this matter after 3–5 months of therapeutic nutrition.

To summarize, let's highlight the main thoughts. basis complex treatment reflux esophagitis is dietary food. Against the background of a proper diet, medication and physiotherapeutic treatment is effectively carried out. IN acute stage and in case of exacerbation of reflux esophagitis, treatment table No. 1 b according to Pevzner is prescribed. During the period of remission, gastroenterologists recommend constantly adhering to diet No. 1. Otherwise, a relapse of exacerbation is possible.


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Treatment of any disease digestive tract cannot do without using special diet, which allows you to protect the walls of the stomach from various irritations and prevent the development of complications characteristic of these pathologies. Reflux esovagitis belongs to the category of gastric diseases. It is often accompanied by belching and nausea after each meal.

The diet for reflux esophagitis is aimed at protecting the stomach and restoring its functions. So she has quite wide list prohibited products. We'll talk about them now.

What's not allowed?

If you have a disease such as reflux esophagitis, it is necessary to exclude all foods that irritate the gastric mucosa. These include:

  • all fatty, salty and spicy foods;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • fried food;
  • seeds;
  • alcohol;
  • tomato;
  • citrus fruit;
  • concentrated vegetable and fruit juices;
  • chocolate;
  • confectionery;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • hot spices.

What is possible?

Diet for reflux esophagitis and gastritis allows for use following products power supply:

  • yoghurts;
  • fermented baked milk and kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • porridge cooked in water;
  • compotes;
  • chicken broths, etc.

Before the meal starts mandatory you should drink a glass of chilled boiled water. This is necessary in order to avoid overeating, which only aggravates the current situation.

You should also drink ½ cup of chamomile decoction in the morning and evening. This will relieve inflammation and promote a quick recovery.

It is not recommended to eat too hot or cold foods. They irritate the stomach lining, leading to symptoms such as heartburn, belching and nausea.
. You need to eat 5-6 times in small portions. It is not recommended to rest immediately after eating, even in a sitting position. It is necessary to walk a little for 20-30 minutes so that the food “settles down” a little.

Food should be washed down with mineral still water or weak black tea. You can also use jelly or dried fruit compote with minimum content Sahara.
If the disease is accompanied by severe pain, then you should eat while standing. And after a meal you cannot sit or lie down for another 2-3 hours.

Drinks such as milk and are used as pain relievers. The first envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby reducing the degree of aggressive effects on them, and the second has a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and reduces pain within a short time.

If you have severe heartburn, it is recommended to eat sweet fruits and berries (bananas, peaches, plums, pears). It is advisable to consume them either on an empty stomach or immediately after breakfast. They will permanently eliminate heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

It is very important not to wear tight clothing or belts during treatment of reflux esophagitis. This can cause stomach acid to be pushed out and into the esophagus, causing discomfort in humans.

Treatment of reflux esophanitis should be comprehensive. And diet plays a big role here. After all, it is poor nutrition that most often causes the development of stomach diseases. Therefore, following this diet is the most reasonable in this situation.

Video about diet for reflux esophagitis

Esophagitis is represented by inflammation that develops on the inner walls of the esophagus. This disease can occur acutely or chronically. Therapy must necessarily be accompanied by a diet, which is considered one of the methods of treatment and prevention. We will consider the recipes for esophagus and reflux below.

Diet features

The diet is based on the following points:

  • limiting the amount of food;
  • frequent meals.

Overeating is strictly prohibited, because it is because of it that the valve weakens. In this case, gastric juice enters the esophagus, which damages and irritates its walls. Because of severe irritation mucous walls of the sick person arise severe pain, nausea, vomiting.

Reflux esophagitis requires a special diet, for which experts often prescribe table No. 1. This nutritional option is suitable for many gastrointestinal diseases. Only those foods are included in the diet. which do not cause damage to the mucous membrane.

You should not eat foods that increase acidity. It is very important not to take horizontal position after eating.

It is prohibited to consume the following products:

  • spicy;
  • fried;
  • causing increased gas formation;
  • fat;
  • sweet water with dyes;
  • soda.

You need to follow the diet for 3 to 5 months in a row. This time is usually enough for scarring and restoration of the injured mucosa.

Basic diet rules

  1. Eat often.
  2. Eat small portions.
  3. Maintain short breaks between meals (up to 3–4 hours).
  4. Drink clean water before meals (1 glass 30 minutes before meals). This reduces the concentration of stomach acid.
  5. Dishes should be consumed exclusively warm.
  6. limit the use of seasonings and salt.
  7. It is undesirable to use mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, and hot sauces.
  8. Don't eat at night. Eating at night can cause heartburn.
  9. It is necessary to reduce the pressure on the abdominal area. It is not recommended to use tight belts.
  10. You must include dairy products in your diet. They are endowed with the ability to normalize intestinal motility.
  11. Preference should be given to cereals such as millet and oatmeal.
  12. Sweet fruits (plums, bananas, pears, peaches) will help. It is recommended to use them in the morning, or on an empty stomach, or after meals.

Permitted and prohibited products

Products Allowed Prohibited
DairyCottage cheese, cream cheese, kefir, cream (permissible fat content 18%), condensed milk (recommended fat content 2%), yogurt.Processed cheeses, fat cottage cheese, feta cheese, cream with a fat content higher than 22%, full-fat milk (3.2%), blue cheese, hard cheeses.
Bread, cerealsStale bread, white bread, yeast bread. From grains: purified white rice, semolina, pasta, chopped barley, millet, flax seeds.Crispbread, barley, whole grain bread, porridge, buckwheat.
SoupsFirst courses should be low in fat.Broths that were prepared with fatty meat, bones, mushrooms. Soups with sour cream, bouillon cubes, mayonnaise, cream.
Meat, meat productsBeef, skinless poultry, veal, rabbit, lean pork.Fatty meat (goose, pork, duck, lamb), pates, smoked meats, canned meat, offal.
VegetablesAll except those excluded from the diet.Tomatoes, garlic, shallots, radishes, artichokes, onions, hash browns, fried potatoes, turnips, French fries, legumes, corn, asparagus, chips, cruciferous vegetables.
FruitsAll ripe and juicy. You need to eat them without skin or seeds. The exception is citrus fruits.Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines. You should also exclude their citrus juices and pickled fruits.
EggsSteamed omelette boiled eggs soft-boiledFried omelette.
Fat, oilsMargarine (soft), vegetable oil (cold pressed).Salo
SpicesFennel, sage, basil, rosemary, dill, oregano.Cayenne pepper, allspice, bouillon cubes, curry, chili pepper, vinegar, soup seasonings, bay leaf, mustard, horseradish.
FishLow-fat fish (cod, pollock, flounder, perch, hake, bream, pike, tench, trout).Fatty fish (carp, smoked herring, eel, notothenia, catfish, sprat, halibut).
Sweets, dessertsHoney, mousses, pudding, yeast cakes, sorbets, jellies, sugar in limited quantities, butter dough.Donuts, pies, creams, cakes, chocolate, halva, puff pastry products, chocolate products.
SaucesYogurt made from skim milk, mild sauces.Horseradish, sauces with added cream, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, sauce prepared in broth from fatty meat, bones, mushrooms.
BeveragesStill mineral water, fruit teas, weak tea, herbal teas(mint is an exception).Coffee, Mint tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Delicious recipes

Cream soup

First, prepare the chicken broth. When the water has boiled, take out the meat, place onions, potatoes, carrots, and herbs into the broth (all vegetables must be chopped). Lightly salt the soup and cook until fully cooked. Mix in a blender.

Cottage cheese casserole

You need to beat 2 eggs, mix them with cottage cheese (250 grams), kefir (2 tbsp). Add a little sugar, raisins, mix everything. Place the mixture in a pre-greased mold. You need to bake for half an hour in the oven.

Chicken meatballs

To prepare them we take chicken breast. We prepare minced meat from it, add an egg to it (1 pc.). Add a piece of soaked white bread. Roll out balls from the prepared mass and cook them in lightly salted water. When the balls float to the surface, they should be boiled over low heat under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Cauliflower in an omelet

Cauliflower should be boiled in slightly salted water. Cook it until tender, then separate it into small inflorescences. Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, put cabbage inflorescences in it.

Let's prepare an omelette. You need to beat eggs (2 pcs.) with milk. Pour cabbage over the omelette and steam the dish.

The weekly menu for reflux esophagitis is compiled taking into account simple rule. One dish should not appear on the menu more than twice. Dietary ration can be quite varied. The main thing is not to be shy, but to fantasize more.

  • 7.00 – oatmeal with milk + frozen berries, sandwich (dried bread + cheese), tea;
  • 10.00 – yogurt, sweet fruit (banana, pear);
  • 13.00 – Mashed potatoes (potatoes + carrots), chicken breast boiled, beet salad, milk (1 tbsp.);
  • 16.00 – cottage cheese casserole(with raisins);
  • 18.00 – cutlet cooked in a double boiler (we use minced meat), boiled vermicelli, fresh vegetables;
  • 20.00 – kefir + honey.
  • 7.00 – buckwheat porridge + butter, boiled egg, tea (linden, chamomile);
  • 10.00 – baked apple with cottage cheese, sugar;
  • 13.00 – vegetable soup(potatoes, carrots, celery), boiled beef, stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots);
  • 16.00 – biscuits, oatmeal jelly;
  • 18.00 – rice porridge, fish with gravy (stewed), salad with zucchini;
  • 20.00 – milk (1 tbsp.) + honey.
  • 7.00 – pudding (rice + dried apricots), weak cocoa (1 tbsp.);
  • 10.00 – sandwich (dried bread + boiled chicken);
  • 13.00 – puree ( cauliflower), meatballs in milk sauce (stewed);
  • 16.00 – oatmeal cookies, milk jelly;
  • 17.00 – buckwheat porridge, stew, carrot salad;
  • 20.00 – yogurt + oatmeal.
  • 7.00 – oatmeal + nuts + honey, Sandwich (biscuits + unsalted cheese), Herb tea(mint, lemon balm);
  • 10.00 – cocktail (milk + banana + honey);
  • 13.00 – chicken noodle soup, carrot soup;
  • 16.00 – curd pudding;
  • 17.00 – puree (pumpkin), white fish low-fat, cooked in a double boiler;
  • 20.00 – kefir + berries.
  • 7.00 – omelet (eggs + milk), green peas, sandwich (bread + unsalted ham), green tea;
  • 10.00 – smoothie (celery + carrots), biscuits;
  • 13.00 – baked potatoes, chicken cutlets(steamed), salad (boiled beets + prunes);
  • 16.00 – berry jelly, biscuits;
  • 17.00 – broccoli (steamed), stewed liver in sour cream;
  • 20.00 – cocktail (kefir + cottage cheese + strawberries).
  • 7.00 – porridge (rice + millet + pumpkin + raisins), tea + milk;
  • 11.00 – sandwich (dried bread + chicken pate);
  • 13.00 – puree soup (potatoes + meatballs + parsley), boiled beef, fresh vegetables;
  • 16.00 – puree (dried fruits);
  • 17.00 – rice porridge, boiled chicken, omelette with cauliflower;
  • 20.00 – milk (1 tbsp.).
  • 8.00 – casserole (vermicelli + omelet filling), herbal tea (chamomile, rosehip);
  • 11.00 – salad (banana + apple + pear);
  • 13.00 – boiled potatoes + cream sauce+ dill, fish cutlets (baked), green vegetable soup;
  • 16.00 – crackers, fruit juice;
  • 17.00 – wheat porridge, goulash (chicken) in milk sauce;
  • 20.00 – kefir + greens.

Thanks to proper diet with GERD, the patient can get rid of unpleasant symptoms exacerbation of the disease literally in 2 - 3 days. Proper nutrition will help avoid relapses and significantly prolong the period of remission.

To diseases that create favorable conditions for the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, include pylorospasm, hiatal hernia, esophageal stenosis.
Treatment of reflux esophagitis should begin with treatment of the underlying disease, which consists of following the principles of proper nutrition, prescribing pharmaceuticals, use of physiotherapeutic methods.

  • The diet of patients suffering from reflux disease should be divided and include five to six meals a day, the last one four hours before bedtime.
  • Portions should be small so that the stomach is filled to only a third of its volume.
  • It is better to replace the afternoon nap with a quiet walk. This helps food move faster from the stomach into the intestines, and acidic contents will not be refluxed into the esophagus.
  • Avoid eating foods that cause heartburn and cause bloating.
  • There are foods that increase intragastric and intra-abdominal pressure, which leads to the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. This process is individual for each person, so it is better to track which vegetables and fruits cause this reaction. These products should not be eaten fresh: compotes are made from berries and fruits, and vegetables are stewed or baked.
  • Half an hour before meals it is recommended to drink a glass cool water to reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid.
  • Prevents excess secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach raw potatoes, white bread, hazelnuts.
  • Food must be chewed well, without being distracted by watching TV; you must not rush or talk while eating, so as not to catch air.
  • You should stop wearing tight clothes and tight belts that put pressure on the stomach, because such things provoke the movement of food up the esophagus and only aggravate the symptoms of the disease.
  • Exacerbation of reflux esophagitis requires adherence to a strict therapeutic diet No. 1.

Authorized Products

The diet of a person suffering from reflux should include the following foods:

These products form the basis of nutrition for reflux esophagitis in remission.

Note: If the disease worsens, you should give up vegetables and fruits and eat only decoctions of rice and oats.

Prohibited Products

Products that increase the acidity of gastric juice and gas formation in the intestines, irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus and relax the muscles of its cardiac region are strictly prohibited.
These include:

  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks,
  • sour juices,
  • fresh and sauerkraut,
  • mushrooms,
  • citrus,
  • tomatoes,
  • coffee, strong tea,
  • black bread,
  • beans,
  • chocolate,
  • spices,
  • chips, nuts, snacks,
  • baked goods, sweets,
  • pickled, smoked, spicy, fatty dishes.
Diet for reflux esophagitis is one of the main therapeutic measures, without which they will not effective medicines and physiotherapeutic procedures. After all, it is not always possible to eliminate a disease by influencing its cause. Reflux esophagitis is often concomitant pathology gastritis or ulcers, and also often occurs due to underdevelopment nerve endings. This is why it is believed that diet is the most effective remedy correction of the patient's condition with inflammation of the esophagus.

Warning! Before going on a diet, you need to consult a specialist.

How to help yourself?

To reduce gastroesophageal reflux, you must:

  • lose weight,
  • sleep on a bed with a high headboard,
  • maintain time intervals between eating and sleeping,
  • quit smoking,
  • stop drinking alcohol, fatty foods, coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits,
  • Eliminate the habit of drinking water with food.

If you follow the above rules and use for treatment correctly selected by your doctor medications, then you can reduce the frequency of reflux and protect the esophageal mucosa from harmful effects gastric contents.

Treatment of reflux esophagitis

Drug therapy

Treatment of reflux esophagitis is aimed at eliminating the root cause - the disease that provoked it. Among them are gastritis, neurosis, gastroduodenitis, and peptic ulcer.

The main goals of drug therapy:

  1. neutralization of aggressive stomach acid,
  2. protection of the esophageal mucosa from harmful effects,
  3. increased contractile activity of the cardiac part of the esophagus and the tone of the esophageal sphincter,
  4. preventing increased pressure inside the abdominal cavity,
  5. increasing the rate of esophageal emptying.

Medicines used to treat reflux esophagitis belong to the following pharmacological groups:

  • histamine H2 receptor blockers,
  • proton pump inhibitors,
  • prokinetics,
  • antacids.

These medicines have an enveloping and astringent actions, which leads to the achievement of an anti-inflammatory effect. Antacids must be taken at night, because the acidity of gastric juice increases to its maximum at this time of day. In addition, a horizontal position during sleep contributes to the occurrence of reflux.
To decrease painful sensations You should take local anesthetics, as well as sedatives, sensitizing agents and multivitamins.

Quite often, reflux esophagitis is the cause chronic cough, which is combined with heartburn and belching with sour taste. The diagnosis is made based on the patient's complaints and the results of an X-ray contrast study of the esophagus. You can get rid of chronic cough due to reflux esophagitis if you cure the pathology of the esophagus. Conservative treatment carried out according to standard scheme. If the cough does not go away within three months, then a more detailed diagnosis of the disease is carried out, and if reflux disease is confirmed, a prescription is prescribed. surgical intervention.
When medications do not help in the treatment of reflux esophagitis and conservative therapy becomes unsuccessful, patients are referred for consultation to a surgeon. Axial hernia esophageal opening of the diaphragm, leading to stage III-IV esophagitis, as well as bleeding and stenosis are absolute indications to surgical intervention.

Traditional medicine in the fight against reflux

Medicinal herbs cannot completely cure reflux esophagitis, but they can relieve the patient from the main symptom of the disease - heartburn.