The difference between Viferon and Genferon for children. Viferon or Genferon: comparative characteristics. Viferon candles, instructions for use

Nowadays, a person is surrounded by various stresses, both at work and at home, which become more difficult to cope with every year. Chronic fatigue of the body develops, which affects not only performance, but also health in general. Influenced constant stress The body’s immunity decreases, which causes periodic aggravation of chronic diseases and new ones appear. It is for this reason that in Lately immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs are relevant. Increasingly, patients ask the doctor: “Viferon or genferon – which is better?”

In order to identify the differences between these means, you should understand the composition and find out the action.

  1. Viferon is a modern drug, it contains recombinant interferon alpha-2b and vitamins C and E. It is due to them that the product has the greatest activity against viruses. Interferon (active substance) is presented in the form of a synthetic protein that was obtained in the laboratory. It is identical to interferon, which is present in every person in the body, but in smaller quantities. Interferon protects body cells from destruction by bacterial and viral infections. This protein, when supplied in abundance from the outside, treats diseases such as ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and gardnerellosis. The drug is often prescribed as first aid for ailments caused by protozoan bacteria. Viferon is produced in rectal suppositories, gels, and ointments. This allows you to choose the form of the medicine for any patient.
  2. In addition to interferon alpha-2b, Genferon contains anesthesin and taurine. Taurine is an antioxidant that enhances interferon activity. Anestezin, in turn, reduces painful sensations during treatment. Genferon – newest medicine, its action is similar to Viferon. consists of a release form: rectal or vaginal suppositories. The drug is mainly prescribed for the treatment genitourinary system, including urethritis, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, balanoposthitis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia, cervical erosions, adnexitis, cervititis, genital herpes, prostatitis, etc.

It is impossible to choose which is better - Viferon or Genferon, since these drugs are identical in their contents, and differ only in different antioxidants and the presence/absence of an anesthetic in the composition. Depending on the disease, one or another type of treatment is prescribed; geneferon, for example, works better for treating diseases of the genitourinary system, and viferon is more convenient to use due to different shapes release. Both drugs have a strong immunomodulatory effect, which helps the body fight various types infections. If the patient has itching, pain and other unpleasant sensations, geneferon is more suitable for him, since it contains an anesthetic that relieves pain. And Viferon will be useful where there is a microbial infection that is resistant to conventional antimicrobial drugs.

Among antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, it is quite difficult to choose the right drug. To determine which medicine to choose, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main characteristics and properties of each of them, taking into account contraindications and side effects. Let's try to determine which drug is better by analyzing Genferon and Viferon.

Genferon is a drug for local application, which has immunomodulatory, antiviral, and also a pronounced analgesic effect.

Operating principle

Thanks to combined composition Genferon has both local and systemic effects.

Interferon alpha-2 allows you to strengthen the body's defense mechanisms. Activation of leukocytes located in the mucous membranes allows us to accelerate the processes of eliminating foci of infection, thereby restoring the production of immunoglobulin A.

Taurine promotes tissue and cell regeneration and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Benzocaine has an anesthetic effect, reduces the permeability of cell membranes, and prevents the passage nerve impulses, reduces the sensitivity of the nerves, thereby relieving pain.

Release form

Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories based on three components: interferon alpha-2, taurine, and benzocaine.

Cardboard packaging holds 5 or 10 suppositories.


  • Acute bronchitis
  • Infectious diseases of the urogenital tract, accompanied by an inflammatory process (erosive changes in the cervix, chlamydia, recurrent candidiasis, adnexitis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, prostatitis, balanitis, etc.)
  • Chronic cystitis caused by pathogenic bacterial flora.


The drug is contraindicated for further use in the presence of excessive sensitivity to its main components.

Genferon can be used for treatment purposes vaginally or rectally. The dosage and method of use of the drug is determined by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s age and the nature of the disease.

When treating diseases of the urogenital tract that occur in women, it is recommended to use 1 suppository of 250 thousand IU or 500 thousand IU. It is recommended to administer suppositories intravaginally twice within 24 hours, the course of treatment is 10 days. In some cases, treatment can be extended; the further regimen of using Genferon is three times a week for 1-3 months.

At severe symptoms inflammatory process in the vagina, the use of 1 suppository with a dosage of 500 thousand IU in the morning (vaginal administration) and 1 suppository of 1 million IU in the evening (rectally) together with vaginal insertion antibacterial drugs.

Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy until childbirth, use 1 suppository twice a day, the duration of treatment is 10 days.

For infectious and inflammatory diseases in men it is indicated rectal administration suppositories: 1 candle 500 thousand IU or 100 thousand IU twice a day for a course of 10 days.

Side effects

During therapy with Genferon, there may be allergic reactions on skin, these manifestations are reversible. 72 hours after completion of the administration of suppositories, all symptoms disappear.

The use of interferon alpha-2 may cause a slight increase in body temperature, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, pain in the joints and muscles, increased sweating. Such symptoms appear more often when using daily dose more than 10 million IU.


Genferon must be stored in accordance with temperature regime(2-8 °C) for 2 years from the date of production.

Price and country of origin

The medicine is produced in Russia. The price of Genferon varies depending on the dosage and ranges from 238 to 835 rubles.

Instructions for use of Viferon

Viferon refers to drugs that have immunomodulatory, antiviral, and antiproliferative properties.

Operating principle

Thanks to the IFN-α2b + antioxidant complex, the antiviral activity of the main component of the drug is enhanced and the effect on immune system, which allows you to normalize the concentration of immunoglobulin E in the blood.

The use of a drug based on interferon alpha-2 allows you to reduce the dosage of antibiotics and hormonal drugs taken and shorten the course of treatment.

Release form

Viferon is available in three dosage forms: suppositories (dosage 150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1 million IU, 3 million IU), gel, and ointment.

The gel is a homogeneous substance with a grayish-white tint.

The ointment has a uniform consistency, has a characteristic aroma, and the color of the drug is pale yellow.

Rectal suppositories are cone-shaped with a cut end, light yellow in color.


Viferon is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • ARVI, influenza, acute respiratory infections and recurrent false croup
  • Infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes (papillomavirus, herpevirus)
  • Viral hepatitis (B, C, D)
  • Chronic course of viral hepatitis in combination with liver cirrhosis
  • Urogenital infections of pregnant women.


Viferon is not prescribed to those patients who have been diagnosed oversensitivity to the main component or other components of the drug.

Dosage and method of administration

For adults, as well as children over 7 years of age, 1 suppository with a dosage of 500 thousand IU is prescribed twice a day for 5 days.

For newborns and children under 7 years of age, the use of 150 thousand IU twice a day for 5 days is indicated.

Premature babies are prescribed to administer 1 suppository of 150 thousand IU three times throughout the day with an interval of 8 hours, treatment lasts 5 days.

Before using rectal suppositories, gel or ointment, it is best to consult a specialist, he will determine individual scheme treatment taking into account the severity and nature of the disease.

Side effects

During the use of suppositories, manifestations of allergies on the skin are possible (rashes like urticaria, severe itching). All symptoms completely disappear 3 days after completion of treatment.

Ointment and gel: no side effects were identified.


Viferon is best stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees in a dry place. The shelf life of candles is 2 years; ointments, as well as gel – 1 year.

Price and country of origin

Viferon is produced in Russia. The cost of the medicine varies depending on the dosage and dosage form of the drug, ranging from 146 to 1035 rubles.

Comparison of medicines Genferon and Viferon

Taking into account the composition, as well as the main characteristics of the drugs, you can compare them according to several criteria.

According to indications

Viferon is prescribed as part of complex treatment infectious and inflammatory diseases in children, incl. newborns and premature babies:

  • ARVI, including influenza (including those complicated by bacterial infection)
  • Pneumonia (bacterial, viral, chlamydial)
  • Meningitis (bacterial, viral)
  • Sepsis.

By composition

The basis of Genferon and Viferon are similar components, namely interferon alpha.

By release form

The drug Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories. Viferon has several dosage forms: suppositories, ointment, gel. Taking this into account, we can talk about wide range effects of the last drug.

By action

Genferon suppositories have anesthetic properties due to the content of benzocaine. Viferon does not have an analgesic effect.

By side effects

The use of Genferon may cause a slight increase in body temperature, fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, pain in the joints and muscles, and increased sweating.

For contraindications

By price and country of manufacturer

The price of the drugs is almost the same, since they are produced in Russia.

Diseases, especially colds, often arise due to weakened protective properties of the body. Activating the immune system helps cope with viruses and bacteria. Immunomodulators help increase the body's resistance. Among the many drugs, Genferon and Viferon are especially popular. The main difference between the drugs and others is that they can be used from birth. To determine which is better, you just need to compare them.

Main characteristics of "Genferon"

It is worth noting immediately that both drugs are early age prescribed by a pediatrician. Usually it is he who decides what is better for children - “Genferon” or “Viferon”. But over time, visits to the doctor become less and less frequent, so it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the composition of the products in order to subsequently use them yourself.

Taurine, which is also the active substance of the drug, normalizes metabolic processes and promotes restoration of damaged tissues. The component removes excess oxygen, which promotes the formation pathological processes. Taurine enhances medicinal properties interferon.

The drug has anesthetic properties. Benzocaine, which is part of it, prevents the occurrence of pain. The substance enhances the effect of analgesics.

General information about Viferon

This drug, just like Genferon, is an immunomodulator. The active substance of the drug "Viferon" is human hybrid interferon. It normalizes the level of antibodies responsible for the formation of allergies and increases the level of cells that support the immune system.

Ascorbic acid and vitamin E have healing, anti-inflammatory properties. The components reduce membrane permeability and block adrenergic receptors.

When using Viferon in combination with antibiotics and hormonal drugs you can reduce the dosage of the latter. The drug reduces negative impact on the body of antibacterial drugs.

The drug has no side effects associated with rectal administration. The body does not produce antibodies that weaken the antiviral dynamics of interferon.

Release form

"Viferon" is available in the form of an ointment or gel in tubes of 12 grams. or in the form of rectal suppositories 40,000 IU, 5 or 10 suppositories per package.

"Genferon" is produced only in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories containing 250,000, 500,000 and 1,000,000 IU of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, five or 10 pieces per package. The number of suppositories depends on the interferon content in them.

When compared, it is clearly visible how the Viferon candles differ from the Genferon candles:

  • Contents vary in quantity active substance, which ultimately affects the duration of the prescribed course and the price.
  • There are differences in the method of application.

Indications for the use of drugs "Genferon" and "Viferon"

Both products have the same main active substance, interferon alfa-2b. This makes it similar pharmachologic effect and some indications for use:

  • Urogenital diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria, mycelium and viruses: chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Cytomegalovirus infections.

For these diseases, “Viferon or “Genferon” is prescribed in combination with other medicines. Both immunomodulators interact well with different groups medicines.

"Viferon", in addition to the above, successfully provides assistance with the following disorders:

"Genferon" is prescribed for bacterial chronic cystitis.

In what cases is it not recommended to use medications?

Knowing the composition of both immunomodulators, it is much easier to figure out which is better - “Viferon” or “Genferon”. Also, having an idea of ​​the components of the drugs, you can understand for whom and in what cases they are contraindicated:

  • Increased sensitivity to active ingredients.
  • If you have an allergy, use with extreme caution.
  • During pregnancy, therapy is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor.

Dosage and methods of use of drugs - what is the difference?

Depending on the disease, the degree of damage, and the patient’s age, the optimal course of medication is calculated. Which suppositories are better - “Viferon” or “Genferon” - is decided by the attending doctor. Their choice also depends on medicines, going in complex therapy.

For urogenital diseases, suppositories are prescribed for 10 days. The amount is calculated depending on the form of the pathology, but the active substance in one dose must be at least 50,000 IU. Unlike Viferon, Genferon is used vaginally, which increases the effectiveness of therapy and speeds up the healing process.

For CMV infections, the dose of the drug is calculated for each individual. The duration of the course is 10 days; if the need arises, therapy can be continued. When found of this disease For pregnant women, Viferon is prescribed from the second trimester.

"Genferon" for bronchitis is taken for 5 days, 2 suppositories per day.

For ARVI, influenza in adults and children over 7 years old, it is recommended to use Viferon for 5 days, 1,000,000 IU per day. For children under seven years of age, the dose of the drug should not exceed 150,000 IU per day. For other indications, the course is prescribed based on test results and the patient’s condition.

For treatment and for preventive purposes For young children, instead of Genferon, it is recommended to use Genferon Light. It contains a lower concentration of interferon, which reduces the risk of overdose.

What are the differences between Genferon and Genferon Light?

The drugs were developed by the same pharmaceutical company Biocad. The products have the same mechanism of action and almost identical composition.

Genferon Light does not contain benzocaine, which is an anesthetic and reduces the bactericidal effectiveness of sulfonamides. All other components are the same as those of Genferon, only with a lower concentration. But, despite the reduced content, it is highly effective.

Both drugs are produced in the form of suppositories, but Genferon Light can be used both rectally and vaginally. In addition to suppositories, the drug is produced in the form of a nasal spray, which is very convenient for use for preventive purposes.

Regardless of which product is chosen - "Genferon Light" or "Viferon", it should not be used for too long. This is due to the fact that with prolonged artificial stimulation, the natural immune system loses the ability to produce antibodies.

What is better for a child - “Genferon Light” or “Viferon”?

In recommendations for treatment colds viral and bacterial etiology in young patients, a single dose of interferon is 125,000-150,000 units. The content of the main active substance in "Genferon Light" or "Viferon" for children is optimal.

Suppositories of the products have a convenient shape and small size, allowing them to be inserted with virtually no discomfort. If not special contraindications and hypersensitivity to interferon and taurine, any of these drugs can be used. Up to a year, doctors mainly prescribe Genferon Light, because, unlike Viferon, it does not contain cocoa butter, which can cause allergies.

What is cheaper - "Genferon" or suppositories "Viferon"?

When choosing medications, cost is, of course, important, but it should not play a fundamental role. Both drugs are developed and produced by domestic manufacturers, so the price is relatively reasonable.

If you have doubts about what to choose - “Genferon” or “Viferon”, then it is better to ask a specialist about it. Although both drugs are immunomodulators and are similar in terms of effectiveness and safety, they should not be taken without a prescription.

Please write, has anyone used Viferon? The doctor from the hospital where my daughter is staying prescribed it for us to prevent the flu.


Girls, thank you very much, I’m off to buy some.

We used it just during our illness. It helped a lot, bronchitis was cured for 7 days without antibiotics. It normalizes the activity of the immune system, as it activates it and the body itself copes with the infection faster. BUT!!! it has one drawback - the suppositories are made on the basis of cocoa butter, after taking them we had a severe allergy on the butt and body, it took a long, long time to treat, even now sometimes rashes appear. If you are definitely not allergic to cocoa butter, use it safely. Good luck!

Girls, can I have arbidol? I’ve been suffering from some sort of viral infection for almost a week now, and it’s not getting better.


It’s possible, I always drank for colds during pregnancy
arbidol. But I drink it in a smaller dose. For night 2, and in the morning, during the day
one by one. On the second day, 1 tablet. 3 times, on the third only
one each day and evening. Further on the symptoms, often 1 at night
two days.

Genferon suppositories simply work wonders - I get better within 1 day, prescribed by a gynecologist, I was sick for 1.5 months, and then within 2 days after the suppositories I became as good as new. I didn’t take Arbidol, I read it and didn’t. Get well soon!

We found type 56. They prescribed: Epigen, Terzhinan, Genferon suppositories, Viferon suppositories, Panavir IM, Galavit IM. This is kind of fucked up... is it really that serious? Lotus tell me - would you treat? Thank you!


There is no cure for HPV. What you were prescribed are immunomodulators with an unproven degree of effectiveness. It's like treating an infection with vitamins. If there is an effect, it is negligible.
Obviously, I wouldn’t do this: 1) it’s expensive 2) you shouldn’t play with your immunity.
It is necessary to do a smear for cytology and colposcopy.
If condylomas are of high oncogenic risk (it is necessary HPV type know), then they should be cauterized with a laser, for example. everything else is dancing with tambourines.

My husband's sister has the same problem, although the type is not defined.
There was severe erosion, leukoplakia was in question, there was a knife biopsy, the neck was treated and cleaned with a laser twice.
The prescriptions were almost the same - epigen, galavit, genferon, lykopid, though all in the form of tablets, sprays, i.e. Everything at home, no injections.
Then, as an alternative, it was proposed to carry out a laser blood cleansing course.
Then, again as an alternative, it was suggested to start drinking Imudol, and drink it for six months.
They themselves are in the Moscow region, I brought her here, in fact, here they prescribed all the treatment options.
Then Lotus told me that I shouldn’t practice with this.
In the end, their local doctor near Moscow said the same thing.
One doctor told me that it was worth taking a course of medication.
In the end, she only treated the neck with a laser twice and that’s it!
Honestly, I don’t know how she’s doing now.
She is not a very responsible citizen among us, she is young and does not quite understand that health is not something to joke about.
It may be right that there is no need for treatment, but it’s definitely worth getting checked, and she doesn’t seem to be doing this anymore.

GW cold and child

Question from a group member: “Good afternoon, please tell me, I caught a cold, apparently I dressed lightly while we were walking (herpes popped up on my lip, the trouble is that we have breastfeeding, what should I put on it, how can I not infect the baby? I also feel a sore throat and a sore nose It’s drying up, what should I do, should I get treatment?” Questions for the group are accepted by email [email protected] We will always be happy to help! We actively participate, discuss, someone may find your experience useful! Need doctor's advice? [link-1] Questions and comments...


If I feel like I’m starting to get sick, I immediately start drinking rose hips, it’s very tasty and healthy, plus it contains a lot of vitamin C

Whenever I have a cold, I always try to drink plenty of warm liquid. When my throat is scratchy and sore, I gargle with chamomile infusion and suck on Isla-Moos lozenges. They restore the throat well. I wash my nose saline solution. This treatment gives me the opportunity to recover quickly.

Vitamins C and E and VIFERON

How do Vitamins C and E affect the effectiveness of VIFERON®? 1) Vitamins C and E significantly enhance the antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of interferon; 2) Vitamins C and E stabilize cell wall, allowing interferon to interact with receptors on its surface and exhibit its biological properties; 3) Vitamins C and E allow you to reduce the dosage of interferon in the drug, maintaining its effectiveness; 4) They work in two environments: vitamin E - in a hydrophobic cell wall...


Previously in Soviet time at the onset of ARVI, they were immediately prescribed loading dose vitamin C. Now I have not seen this method of treatment among modern specialists, but the fact that Viferon contains vitamin C is definitely good.

This is what appeals to me about Viferon - natural components - vitamins and human interferon, that is, what is normally present in our body. It turns out that the substances are familiar and useful - this is the first plus.
And the second is that the components potentiate each other’s action. In simple terms, they are each strong in their own right, and each play their own role in the treatment of the disease. But when they come together, their therapeutic potential increases!

Thank you, girls, for your support I thought I wouldn’t survive this Monday, but everything went fine. They left my pregnancy alone (I exhale), and the infectious disease specialist and the geneticist.. I’m telling my story - after a long period of acute respiratory viral infection, I was diagnosed with " interstitial nephritis" and they sent me to take TORCH again, and there... Acute phase cytomegalovirus... IgM+, IgG+.. And the day before I did an ultrasound on good specialist, which was supposed to control our echogenic intestines, but it also found expansion as a plus...

Treating ARVI in children: working on mistakes

When treating a child’s cold, mothers may encounter erroneous recommendations that not only will not help the baby recover, but are sometimes even dangerous to his health. We propose to consider the most common errors and misconceptions in treatment respiratory infections in children. “The temperature must be brought down urgently” An increase in body temperature is a protective reaction child's body, the purpose of which is to destroy the infection. Reducing the temperature already at...


Nice article and useful tips for young parents) I remember with my first child I didn’t know anything at all and even the baby’s runny nose put me in a panic)

Yes, our ENT specialist recently prescribed us Umkalor for regular snot. This antimicrobial agent plant origin. It should be given 3 times a day on an empty stomach, dosage according to the instructions, according to age.
In our case (adenoids), the drug helped very well; within a week, my daughter began to breathe well at night, and her nose stopped getting stuffy.

During the cold season with VIFERON gel

During the cold season, the issue of preventing influenza and ARVI becomes especially acute. Interferon preparations have long proven their properties in the fight against colds, and the gel form of VIFERON gel makes it more convenient. Reduced ability of the body to produce interferons and the need for additional prevention Viferon gel was found: · In children in early childhood artificial feeding· In frequently ill people living in unfavorable environmental conditions · In children exposed to...


Used it before oxolinic ointment, however last winter she let me down greatly. Now I'll try Vifiron. I hope for a positive result.

In fact, the gel is very easy to use. My family and I often travel and therefore it has always been a problem to get our child to take medications. In addition, it is effective and this is the most important thing.

Interferon – immune system assistant

The body's defense system is very complex. The immune system is a collection of special cells and molecules that work together to fight all kinds of infections. It must provide reliable protection from invasion foreign bodies and organisms. The job of the immune system is to protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms And foreign substances. And, if the immune system weakens for some reason, serious illness may cause not even too much dangerous infection. The first to respond to viruses entering the body...


Does it make sense to start using the gel 48-72 hours after the onset of the disease?

A good drug that does not harm a small, growing organism. Particularly important is the fact that it can also be used to prevent disease.

Get ready for cold season! How to recover faster?

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to protect yourself from infection, because stress, overwork, lack of sleep and increased physical and mental stress can greatly reduce immunity. But there is absolutely no need to be sick for a long time, because there are proven secrets Get well soon: 1) Bed rest, rest 2) Drink plenty of fluids 3) Do not lower the temperature, below 38C 4) Start treatment as early as possible 5) Apply antiviral therapy in the form of VIFERON® suppositories How VIFERON® suppositories are used: Recommended dose for...


The biggest difficulty is bed rest))) even just reading a book, watching a cartoon or playing calm games is not our option, literally 5 minutes is enough

At the pharmacy, a pharmacist once selling me Viferon for ARVI told me that I could take it for a child adult dosage and divide the candle in half. How justified is this?

Get ready for cold season!

Cold season is just around the corner, but it is advisable to prepare for it in advance. And summer is perfect for this! In order to summer period benefited the immune system, it is recommended: 1) Lean on fresh vegetables and fruits 2) Spend as much time as possible on fresh air 3) Accept sunbathing 4) Don't neglect water treatments in bodies of water 5) Get enough sleep 6) Eat right 7) Play sports HOW TO NOT GETT SICK? All these measures will help make the immune system more resistant to infections...


I realized a long time ago that the most effective method- this is hardening, but quick results it doesn’t give, daily actions are important here and then the effect will last a lifetime

I wanted to ask the doctor, how do you feel about flu vaccinations? We have a lot of them delivered to our clinic now, and they do it for free. Is this a prevention of ARVI?

A child has ARVI: an algorithm of actions for the mother

The temperature has risen, the nose is running, there is a cough, the child is lethargic and capricious - for a mother, a cold in a child is a real test. However, it is necessary to get together and take action. After all, from the correctness of what my mother did therapeutic measures depends on how quickly her baby recovers. 1. Home regime When you notice the first signs of ill health, leave your child at home and do not send him to kindergarten or school. Even if the symptoms of ARVI are minor - only a runny nose appears, your health is not affected and...


We also have a bactericidal lamp, we turn it on periodically when a child is sick, everything else is exactly the same as in the article

The most important actions to follow during ARVI are listed. After all, in fact, you should behave according to such a plan and the child will quickly get back on his feet without a bunch of drugs.

I bought Viferon candles, which are often mentioned here, but the “method of use” (how much and when) is not indicated there. The child is 2.5 years old and started going to kindergarten. Tell me how to use them to prevent colds, please!


morning and evening 1 candle - anally

Viferon-1 (for children), if there is an infection in the house (flu in parents) or the first signs of a cold - every 12 hours (strictly!) in the butt (we put it at 9 am and 9 pm) from 5 to 14 days (usually this 2 packs).
For prevention, we were recommended to drink Aflubin drops. I just wouldn’t use it for going to kindergarten.
You can also find instructions on the Internet, so that it’s not hearsay - the drug requires strict adherence to the rules of administration.

Girls, I don’t understand anything - it started with snot and 37, and now the pace has crept up to 38, what can I drink or eat? only tea at home yes raspberry jam, but right now my husband is at work, you can ask him. I also came up with cranberries, but I don’t know what else. I remember they injected something antipyretic into the pancake - so it’s possible to throw away the pill? There are still two big-booted ones at home, they have no strength, they are aching all over...


I was told that if the temperature is 38, then you can take the most common paracetamol tablets, ours, domestic

Thanks for the advice! I got to the computer today to thank you :) Mom, a lifesaver, took the cubs, and yesterday I spent the whole day in silence - it was a blast. What does a headache mean - I couldn’t find any medicine, but later I discovered Bioparox, Lysobact, and Derinat. My husband bought lingonberries. Luckily, I managed without antipyretics. I hope the pace doesn't return today. But my throat still hurts terribly :(

Viral hepatitis in children: modern treatment options

Treatment of chronic viral hepatitis is possible today. Modern drugs help stop the virus from multiplying and prevent the development of complications. Treatment varies depending on the pathogen (B, C, B+D), the degree of activity of the process and the condition of the liver. Lifestyle chronic hepatitis For chronic viral hepatitis, especially during the period of exacerbation of the disease, a gentle motor regimen is recommended, with limitation physical activity. Food should be...


I have come across information that interferon in the form of rectal suppositories is useless because it is not absorbed through the intestinal wall. Is it really?

It’s good that our doctors are still fighting hepatitis and helping sick children. Thanks to therapy, these children can be significantly helped.

Girls, pregnant women! Tell me how to treat colds and pregnancy. I feel like my throat is starting to hurt, what can I do to treat it? Can I apply Lugol? what about spritzing? And in general, not only the throat, how to treat it.. Or what other remedies, please give me some advice. My doctor is on vacation, I can’t get to him yet... Thank you very much in advance.

Girls, at the 21st week my herpes made itself felt, either genital or herpes zoster (((in short, at the junction of the buttocks... it used to come out there too, or on the pubis, on the genitals it doesn’t seem to bother me (TTT )... I went on the Internet and read a lot of fears about what this threatens during pregnancy. Yesterday I went to the LCD, my doctor was there too, there was no way to calm me down somehow, she said that “this is bad,” prescribed Genferon suppositories, a spray and wheels: (Damn, I’m really upset. I didn’t think that herpes was like that...


I had relapses throughout my pregnancy, the result is a healthy daughter :). If the case is not primary, there is nothing terrible. I smeared the rashes with Viferon, I also used Genferon, although I didn’t take any pills.

What wheels are acyclovir? Zovirax?

Hi all. I'm starting to get a runny nose before the OFF starts. What is better for prevention for a 2-month-old baby: interferon or viferon?

Share your experience: how to insert a Viferon 3x candle year old child. Doesn't agree voluntarily. If anyone remembers, a week ago I asked what to do if something appeared on a child’s chin that looked like teenage pimple? It turned out to be a mollusk. After chickenpox, our immunity decreased and the mollusk popped up. So the baby let me pull out the shellfish, but Viferon doesn’t agree to insert it.


Don’t torture your child; if you have molluscs, you don’t need any viferon. We had several doctors consult, but no one said anything.

We calmly insert it into our 3-year-old. Dad says he will blow it, kiss you and give you candy. He also says that if the candle is not inserted, then he will have to give an injection, ours is very afraid of injections and agrees.

Irina Shayk and Bradley Cooper: first kiss

The valiant paparazzi uncovered an unexpected story: 29-year-old Russian model Irina Shayk, ex-girlfriend football player Cristiano Ronaldo passionately kisses Hollywood actor Bradley Cooper (“My Boyfriend Is Crazy,” “American Hustle,” “Sniper,” “The Hangover”). After the Costume Institute Ball in New York on May 4, the couple was already seen together, but there was no photo evidence of their tender relationship. The lovers clearly enjoy each other's company: Earlier this year, Irina...

Girls, has anyone encountered - which drug is better???


Kipferon is better, they say. Yesterday my husband went to all the nearby pharmacies - he was nowhere to be found, and the Viferon was in heaps...

Kipferon was advised to us. A doctor who does not cause mistrust. He says it's newer. Fewer fakes, and generally better.
But it also costs much more.

Cold again

Attention! Our dear mothers, in the coming days we will have a conversation with a pediatrician about antiviral drugs and methods of treating colds. These topics always cause a lot of controversy and doubt, but we have a chance to get answers from a specialist. This will help dispel myths, learn about modern methods treatment of colds in children. Leave your questions in the comments, and we will definitely cover them in our group! Questions for the doctor and comments from the doctor exist for educational and...


My daughter got sick, she came home from school on Friday with pain all over her body and a fever. I immediately gave her Ergoferon, two hours later I took another pill, and then the rest of the evening. In the morning I felt more or less well, there was no fever and the toxicity of the body was stopped, the joints did not ache, the muscles did not pull. By Monday I already felt well, went to school, and continued my treatment at the same time.

I recently read here about Viferon and oncology as possible consequence its application. I went to Rusmedservice, found little and in the search engine... Does anyone have any more informative information? Share, girls! After a month of illness on Viferon, 2 weeks later the pace is back, conclusions, of course, are brewing, I just don’t want to call a doctor, because her first point will be Viferon/Kipferon, we need collective brains, what’s up with this drug. Is it really a consequence...


strange, but anaferon and aflubin (I decided to answer here about anaferon and aflubin) always helped my eldest (the placebo effect is excluded - he kept agreeing to drink), and only they, if I forgot about aflubin, usually “got sick,” and anaferon sometimes even “ illness" helped.
In general, t-t-t, the eldest is practically not sick now (t-t-t again), he is pouring himself.
And read about dioxidin, it’s a very controversial drug, toxic, carcinogenic, and it’s generally prohibited for children in any form, but doctors stubbornly prescribe it (by the way, they say, we know that it’s prohibited, but it helps! - and what then after of this cure, they don’t care), I think it can be applied to the nose for prolonged purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, but not with simple inflammatory process ear-nose-throat.

Regarding anaferons and arbidols, they provide bad action to the liver, and this is a hematopoietic organ... I can’t say anything bad about kips and viferons, perhaps large quantities and idle, as well as for people with special problems with the immune system, they are contraindicated. In other cases they help.

Frequently ill children kindergarten and school. How to boost your immunity
...For the purpose of preventing colds, they also use homeopathic remedies. For example, the drug oscillococcinum has recently become popular. In some cases, prolonged circulation of the virus in the child’s body is possible. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a course for your child antiviral drugs interferons (alfaferon, lokferon, viferon, roferon, reaferon) or agents that stimulate their formation in the body (cycloferon, amiksin, ridostin, poludan). Interfering with the immune system requires caution. The choice of the drug that is optimal for your child, stimulating a specific weakened part of the immune system, the choice of treatment regimen, doses and duration of courses of therapy should be made by the doctor. Your task is to understand the need to...

Girls, help! I don’t know what’s happening to me... for the third day now I’ve been feeling terrible weakness, I want to sleep all the time, my nose is stuffy as if from an allergy, and the lymph node on one side is slightly inflamed. Is it a cold or an allergy? what to treat? I don’t go to work, I work from home.


I would put a couple of Genferon or Viferon suppositories, my entire pregnancy my nose has been trying to get stuffy (doctors say swelling of the mucous membrane in pregnant women), but I noticed that if I raise my immunity a little, it clears up. By the way, sprays don’t help either, they didn’t help me last time Washing also helped. sea ​​salt With the help of Dolphin, I bought a completely different salt, which darkens when you dilute it with water - some kind of saturated one, and it immediately became great to lay out - from Uralmedprom. helps to boost the immune system and decompress the nose - inhalation with eucalyptus oil using a regular inhaler

I've also been feeling unwell for the last few days - I think it's because of the change in weather. I drip it into my nose periodically and go to sleep :)

Girls, I was whining here the other day about an incomprehensible and long cough, well, I’m not the only one, half of Moscow for sure ((but the doctor came in the evening of that day and said that we had a cold, our throat was red and you... but if he had If there was a tempo, then she would have immediately said that the virus is so lousy, the tempo is high, lasts for several days, the child is suffering... well, Vovan is an obedient boy, after she left he gave 38, then 38.8... I called the doctor back at night, she said that there was a virus... yeah... Viferon in the ass and an antipyretic...


There is a group of acute respiratory viral infections that cause disturbances in the intestines. The disease begins as usual, heat, runny nose, cough (or there may not be any), and then gastrointestinal symptoms appear: bloating, loose stool May be. The temperature that you described is very typical for these viruses - resistant to antipyretics. It usually lasts 3-4 days. And after it decreases, the child breaks out - a small pink rash all over the body. I wouldn’t refuse suppositories; they will help the body fight the virus. Give antipyretics - alternate ibuprofen with paracetamol. And for the intestines, doctors usually prescribe probiotics for such infections, for example Normobact, to improve digestion.

Doesn't take Nurofen? Panadol and efferalgan are the same thing.
Since Friday our temps have been creeping up to 40! Nurofen + zyrte helps (for at least four hours..., alternating with paracetamol). Ideally, also a noshpa (if your hands and feet are cold).

Is it possible and necessary to give them together to a child with a virus? Or, for example, is one Viferon enough? Arbidol was taken 2 weeks ago to prevent flu. But now they have caught the virus. Apparently it doesn't work.

We got sick, the last time Viferon didn’t make much of an impression, can you recommend something better?


Sometimes it helps us to just leave the child alone. don’t give anything, don’t bring the temperature below 38.5, just sit in bed, drink warm drink and books plush toys read.

The last pediatrician who looked at the small one said that suppositories with interferon (Viferon, Kipferon) have side effects in the form of oncology. Probably not often, but I don’t care, I don’t care about such risks.

Repost "about medications".

1. Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl - drugs with proven ineffectiveness! 2. Arbidol, Anaferon, Bioparox, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Ersefuril, Imunomax, Lykopid, Isoprinosine, Primadofilus, Engistol, Imudon - immunomodulators with unproven effectiveness. They are expensive. The studies conducted do not provide any grounds to consider arbidol as a drug with proven activity in trials for the treatment of colds, including influenza. Researchers from abroad...


Isoprinosine definitely ended up here by mistake. He was passing clinical trials, normal drug.

I don’t understand such posts - I came across it on VKontakte: they wrote a bunch of good medicines wholesale into the non-working ones.
I regularly treat colds and flu with isoprinosine - five days and I’m back on track.
Bioparox always helps my aunt.
Validol calms my grandmother's heart.
I met Mexidol when my uncle was admitted to the hospital, all the doctors said that the drug was good, but my uncle is an asthmatic, and so they replaced it with Mexiprim: it is cheaper and does not have this contraindication.
St. John's wort preparations are too collective a name, and writing like that is the same as writing “all women are fools” or “all men are goats” - that is, a blatant violation of the first law of logic.
Aquamaris - even the composition is written on the packaging: sea ​​water. Naturally, it is not a medicine, but it does not claim that name either.
Here I have listed the drugs that I have personally encountered. Everything is fair here.
I can’t say about the rest, because I haven’t encountered it myself, and I don’t want to speak unfoundedly. Others will write.

What are interferons made from, what are they, and what do they help with?

What medications to take on vacation


If you are traveling with children, especially to a foreign resort, be prepared to prepare a separate suitcase for various kinds pills Check out the list recommended by doctors:
antipyretic drugs;
cough and sore throat remedies;
antiallergic drugs and nasal drops/spray;
eye drops;
anti-nausea medications (motion sickness medications);
medications for diarrhea (diarrhea); Activated carbon;
medications for abdominal pain; wound treatment products;
remedies for sunburn and skin burns;
insect repellents;
ammonia; pin; cooling pack.
This is not the full volume! I also take NormaFit spray and oil for fungal infections. This was after an infection a couple of years ago, which they couldn’t get rid of for a whole year. Well, plus personal care products.

In addition to these indicators, there are many others - hematocrit (HCT), red blood cell distribution width (RDWc), mean erythrocyte volume (MCV), mean erythrocyte hemoglobin content (MCH) and even mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). All these indicators serve to diagnose anemia, so it would be better for you and me (we are talking about infections, remember?) to postpone their discussion until later. What is much more important for us is not the oxygen transport system, but the body’s defense system against infections. This is the so-called White blood, leukocytes. Here we will dwell on it in very, very detail. Leukocytes or white blood: evolution of the immune system Leukocytes are different. Some are responsible for fighting bacteria, others deal with viruses,...


Basophils - young lymphocytes? This is wrong. Basophil is a cell of the myeloid series. Granulocyte. He has a completely different task. Basophil granules contain vasoactive compounds, which provides vascular reactions for allergies.

01/12/2019 12:20:11, Zaripat

Hello, I had this situation, three days ago my niece was taken to the hospital urgently, she is 5 years old. she began to choke and became all blue, and then the hospital gave her an injection, the attack passed, but they couldn’t decide on the diagnosis, that same evening they gave her an x-ray, everything was clear, but after analyzing the problem, her leukocyte count was elevated 22, but the urine was perfect, then after an examination by an ENT doctor, nothing was found, then they said that she had a murmur in the Heart, they also did an ECG, they said that everything was clear there, the doctors cannot understand what it is, initially they said that it was laryngitis, then an allergy, what could it be?

More than 90% of the total population globe infected with one or another type of herpes virus.

Treatment of identified infections with chemotherapy and enzyme preparations(VOBENZYM, PHLOGENZYM), immunoglobulins (IMMUNOVENIN). Study of the state of the immune system, its correction with the help of medications (RIDOSTIN, VIFERON, KIPFE-RON); lymphocytotherapy (injecting a woman with her husband’s lymphocytes); control and correction of the microcirculatory hemostasis system (KURANTIL, FRAXIPARIN, INFUCOL). Revealing autoimmune processes and effects on them (glucocorticoids and alternative drugs: enzymes, interferon inducers). Correction of energy metabolism of both...


I answered you in your last topic about the nose, swelling, headache. You probably didn't see, I answered too late. Everything was the same for me. Since the beginning of pregnancy, my nose has been slightly swollen. As soon as I caught ARVI, a terrible thing began, complete swelling of the nose, headache, weakness, temperature up to 37.2-37.5 C, so I suffered for about a month, saw an ENT specialist, saw a therapist every week, and finally got to the gynecologist. ..All the doctors listed above made one diagnosis: pregnancy... By the way, they still do, BUT.. On the advice of the girls from the conference, I began to use immunomodulators in treatment, actually instead of antibiotics. Before this, they were used to no avail: Aquamaris, Dolphin, Bioparox (though it helped a little, by the way, it can be used during pregnancy, it says there), even Tafen Nazal (hormonal spray). Helped: inhalation eff. eucalyptus oils, complete refusal to rinse the nose, nasal massage, massage frontal lobes heads, mudras for headaches and nasal congestion and a probiotic that produced its own interferon in the intestines. True, I also asked the gynecologist for Gipferon (immunomodulator suppositories), she herself prescribed me IV Actovegin, after the first injection my head cleared and my nose was completely free of swelling. But the most important thing was to start treating an infection that no one wanted to treat (therapist: “YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING,:(((()), the immunomodulator helped with this. Go to the gynecologist, let him prescribe Gipferon or Viferon suppositories, or maybe he will resolve drink some kind of immunomodulator. The most interesting thing is that I don’t have any swelling now!

I give Viferon as prescribed by a doctor, usually if I have an acute respiratory infection, I give it 1 candle a day for 5 days. It helps very well. I use Aflubin myself. And to be honest, I’m very pleased. Previously, I had no immunity. If someone nearby was sick, I immediately got sick. Why was I sick for a very long time afterwards? various complications etc. I stopped drinking all sorts of Coldflu or Coldrex, etc. medicines for flus and colds and started taking aflubin and stopped getting sick. And if I get sick, I recover very rarely and quickly. But I drink aflubin if someone nearby is sick or I feel like I’m getting sick. I haven’t given it to my child yet. I use oxaline ointment if we go to the clinic in winter (in my opinion, the biggest source of bacilli).

We cured their furunculosis. No matter what they treated, nothing helped. Only UV blood It gave an effect for 2 months, then everything started again. The immunologist prescribed it according to the scheme. We were treated for six months. Cured. Now we don’t use any candles or ointment. The body copes with everything on its own.

The modern world is so intense and dynamic that people often do not have time to follow the course of events. As a result, he is often in a state of chronic stress And physical fatigue. As a result, he very often has health problems, the immune system begins to “fail,” and new diseases develop or chronic “sores” worsen. In order to save the situation, such patients are prescribed immunomodulators, that is, drugs that help restore the human immune system. Today we will compare two immunomodulatory drugs Viferon and Genferon and try to understand what the difference is between them.


Viferon belongs to the group of modern immunomodulatory drugs, it contains recombinant interfernon alpha-2b, as well as vitamins E and C. This complex, in combination with antioxidants, enhances the immunostimulating and antiviral activity of this drug.


Genferon also contains human recombinant interferon alpha, and in addition the drugs - anesthesin and taurine. The first of them helps to reduce discomfort, Related genitourinary infections, and the second has all the properties of antioxidants.



Viferon is one of the modern immunomodulatory drugs, which is available in various dosage forms: ointment, gel, rectal suppositories. Active active substance(recombinant human interferon alpha) is a synthetic protein produced in the laboratory. This protein corresponds to interferon, which is produced in the human body as a response to infection. It protects tissue cells from the destructive forces of viruses and bacteria. The drug has also proven itself in the treatment of diseases caused by protozoa and atypical bacteria that have shown resistance to antimicrobials. Today Viferon is successfully used to treat ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, gardnerellosis and trichomoniasis.

Genferon is the newest antiviral agent, which, unlike Viferon, has a slightly different composition. It contains recombinant interferon alpha in combination with taurine and anesthesin. Genferon is available in rectal and vaginal suppositories. The drug is successfully used for the treatment of genitourinary tract infections, in particular genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomo viral infections, cervical erosions, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis, balanoposthitis, balanitis, urethritis, adnexitis, prostatitis. Thanks to the interferon included in its composition, the drug has strong antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Anestezin blocks the conduction of impulses through nerve fibers, thereby relieving pain, itching and other unpleasant sensations that arise from urogenital infections.

Conclusions website

  1. In addition to recombinant interferon alpha, Viferon contains vitamins B and C, and Genferon contains taurine and anesthesin.
  2. Viferon is available in the form of ointments, gels and rectal suppositories, Genferon - exclusively in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories.
  3. Viferon is used to treat viral infections, as well as to treat diseases caused by protozoa and atypical bacteria. Genferon has strong antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties and is used for diseases associated with the urogenital system.