A collection of outdoor games for children. Summer outdoor games for children

Larisa Kalabukh
Outdoor games for children 5–7 years old

1Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old

"Owl". The owl’s nest is indicated on the site (the circle in which it is located. The rest playing: mice, bugs, butterflies - located throughout the hall (site). On signal teacher: "Day!" all the children walk and run around the playground, conveying the character of the image with their movements, trying not to touch each other. After some time the teacher pronounces: "Night!", and everyone freezes, remaining in place in the position in which the team found them. The owl wakes up, flies out of the nest and takes the one who moves to its nest. On signal "Day!" the owl flies away, and the mice, beetles, and butterflies begin to frolic again. The game is repeated with another driver (from among those never caught).

"Aircraft". Children are divided into two teams and placed on different sides of the hall (platforms, in front of each one they place one object of a different color (cube, pin, etc.). The players pretend to be pilots team: "Get ready for flight", children perform circular movements with bent arms - start the engines. On signal: "Fly!", children raise straight arms to the sides and run in different directions across the entire playground. By team: “Landing!”, the planes return and land (form into their formations and go down on one knee, arms straight to the sides). The link that was built faster and more beautifully is marked. (maintain distance from each other).

"Mousetrap". Children are divided into 2 groups. One forms a mousetrap circle. The rest represent mice and are outside the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap hold hands and walk in a circle to the right (left, sentencing:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

It was just passion that separated them.

They gnawed everything, ate everything,

They're crawling everywhere, it's a disaster.

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone at once!

As the words are pronounced, the mouse children run into the circle, crawling under their clasped hands. children walking in a circle and running out of the circle. At the end of the words, the mousetrap closes and the children give up. Those who remain in the circle are considered caught. They stand in a circle - the mousetrap gets bigger. The game repeats itself.

"Traps" (tag). With the help of the driver, the trap driver is selected and stands in the middle of the platform. At the teacher's command “One, two, three-catch!”, everyone scatters around the court, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of the players and touch it with their hand (tarnish) The one whom the trap touched with his hand moves aside. When 3-4 players are caught, another trap is selected. The game repeats itself.

"Colored Cars". Children are located on one side of the playground (hall, they are cars. Each is given a colored steering wheel - a circle (flat hoop of small diameter or cardboard circle). The driver (teacher) has 2 colored flags in his hands, he raises a green flag - and children with a circle of the corresponding color scatter across the entire playground in any direction. They honk their horn imitating a car. The teacher raises a flag of a different color, for example blue and children of the 2nd group They also run away. After a while, the flags go down and the players stop. The game is repeated. The teacher first gives instructions to run in different directions and bump into each other, otherwise there will be an accident. This game allows you to develop spatial orientation.

"Fishing rod" The players stand in a circle, in the center of which is the driver (the teacher, he holds a rope in his hands, a bag of sand is tied to the end. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground (the floor, and the children jump up on 2 legs, trying so that the bag does not touch their legs. Having described 2-3 circles with the bag, the teacher pauses, during which the number of children whose feet were touched by the bag, and assistance is given in performing jumps. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Find your color". On different sides of the court (hall), colored pins are placed in small circles. The players sit tightly around them. On the 1st conditioned signal, everyone scatters around the court. On the 2nd sigal: "Find your color", each player must find a pin of the appropriate color. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.

"Ball for the driver". The players stand in 3-4 columns, at a distance of 1 m from them, the drivers with a large diameter ball in their hands stand. For children those standing first in the columns and leading the line are indicated, beyond which one cannot cross. The driver throws the ball to the player standing first in the column, and he returns it in the same way and runs to the end of the column, then throws the ball to the second player in the column, etc. When the first player in the knee is in his place, he raises his hands up. The winning team is determined. The game repeats itself.

"Migration of Birds". On one side of the hall (platform), there are bird children, on the other - various items: gymnastic wall, benches, low beams (if this is a site) These are the trees on which birds fly. On signal teacher: “The birds have flown!”, children, waving their arms, scatter throughout the hall like wings; for the next signal: "Storm!" everyone runs to the heights and hides there. When the teacher said T: “The storm has stopped!”, the children descend from the heights and again scatter throughout the hall - the birds continue their flight. Insurance during games are required, especially when descending children from the dais.

"Find yourself a mate". For games you need colored handkerchiefs (or ribbons, depending on the number children. Half of the scarves are one color, the rest are another. Each player receives one handkerchief. At the teacher's signal, the children run away. On signal “Find yourself a mate!”, children with handkerchiefs of the same color become pairs. If the child is left without a partner, playing They say: “Vanya, Vanya (Tanya) Don’t yawn, quickly choose a pair!” The game repeats itself.

"Geese-geese". On one side of the hall (platform, the house in which the geese are located is indicated. On the opposite side there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is the wolf’s lair, the rest of the platform is a meadow. They choose children for the role of a wolf and a shepherd, the rest are geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow.

Shepherd: “Geese, geese!”

Geese: (I stop and answer in unison)

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Shepherd: “Do you want something to eat?”

Geese: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Shepherd: “So fly!”

Geese: Us it is forbidden:

Gray wolf under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

Shepherd: “So fly as you want,

Just take care of your wings!”

The geese, spreading their wings (arms to the sides, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch them (tarnish). The caught geese go to the den. After two runs, the number of geese caught by the wolf is counted. Then another wolf and a shepherd are chosen. The game repeats itself.

“Hurry up to run out!”. The players form a circle. In the center of the circle is approximately one third children. Children standing in a circle hold hands, walk to the right, and run at the teacher’s signal. Those standing in the center rhythmically clap their hands. On signal "Stop!", the children stop and raise their clasped hands up. The teacher counts to three. During this time, the guys standing in the center must have time to run out of the circle. After the count "Three!", the children quickly lower their hands down; those who do not have time to run out are considered losers. When repeated games other children come to the middle.

"Sly Fox". The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side outside the circle is the fox's house. At the teacher’s signal, the children close their eyes, and he walks around them from the outside of the circle, and subtly touches one of the players, who becomes the leader—the sly fox. Children open their eyes and chorus 3 times (with a short interval) ask (quietly at first, then louder): “Sly fox, where are you?”. After the third time, the player, chosen by the sly fox, quickly runs out to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and speaks: "I'm here!". Everyone scatters around the site, and the fox takes them to him. Count the number of those caught by the fox. The game is repeated with another driver.

"Jack Frost". On opposite sides of the site there are 2 houses, the players are located in one of them. Driver (Jack Frost) stand in the middle of the court facing the players and speaks:

I am Frost Red Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?

The players answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After pronouncing the word "Freezing" The children run across the playground to another house, and the driver catches up with them, trying to touch them with his hand and freeze them. The frozen ones stop at the place where the driver touched them, and until the end of the dash they stand without moving. The teacher and Frost count the number of frozen ones. After each dash, another Frost is chosen. At the end games compare Which of the drivers was more dexterous and froze more guys.

"The Hunter and the Hares". One hunter is chosen from among the players, the rest are hares. On one side of the site there is a place for the hunter, and on the other there is a house for the hares. The hunter walks around the area, pretending to look for tracks of hares, and then returns to his place. Hares jump out of the bushes, jump on 2 legs in different directions. On signal "Hunter!" The hares run into the house, and the hunter throws a snowball at the hare's feet. He takes those he hits into his home. After each hunt, a new hunter is chosen, but not from among those caught.

For games(to avoid injury) It is better to use homemade balls sewn from pieces of fabric.

"White bears". Two drivers stand in a circle-ice floe; they are polar bears. The rest of the guys - the cubs - scatter all over the area outside the ice floe. The bears, holding hands, try to overtake the bear cub and embrace it with their free hands. The caught person is taken to the ice floe. The fishing continues until 2-3 bear cubs are caught. After the change of bears, the game is repeated. The winners are those who have never been caught.

"We are funny guys". Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line (cord). On the opposite side there is not a large snow bank 20-30cm high. To the side of the players (about halfway) there are drivers (tag). Playing in chorus They say:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us,

One, two, three - catch it!

After that, everyone runs to the other side of the site and hides behind a snow bank. They try to stain those who do not have time to dodge and run behind cover. After two runs, the number of those caught is counted. The game is repeated with other drivers.

"The Snow Queen". A driver is selected from among the players (you can use a counting rhyme)- The Snow Queen. Children scatter around the playground, and the Snow Queen tries to touch them. The one she touches turns into a piece of ice and must remain in place. When repeated games Another driver is selected, but not from among the losers.

"Keys". The players stand in circles drawn in any order at a distance of 2 m from each other. The driver is selected. He approaches one of the players and asks: "Where are the keys?". That answers: "Go to (Name) knock!” At this time, other children try to change places. The driver must quickly take a circle, he can shout: “I found the keys!” The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

"Carousel". Children form a circle, holding hands, and walk in a circle, first slowly, and then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with text:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then around, around

Everybody run, run, run!

After the children have run 2-3 laps, the Teacher stops them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. The players turn around and continue walking and running. Then, the teacher together with the children pronounces:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two.

The game is over!

The movement of the carousel slows down, and when it ends, the children stop.

"The Spider and the Flies". In one of the corners of the hall (sites) the web where the spider lives is indicated by a circle (driving). The rest of the children pretend to be flies. At the teacher’s signal, the players scatter all over the room; flies fly and buzz. The spider is in the web at this time. On signal "Spider!" the flies freeze and stop in the place where the signal caught them. The spider comes out and looks. The spider takes the one who moves into its web. The losers are counted and another driver is chosen.

"Ocean is shaking". Children stand in a circle at a distance of 1-2 steps from each other, and everyone draws a circle around themselves. The driver is selected. He walks between the playing snake. Those children to whom the player will say "Ocean is shaking", follow him, gradually forming a chain. Such a chain goes around each circle while walking or running. According to the teacher "The sea is calm" Everyone gives up and tries to occupy any free circle. The one who is left without a circle is considered a loser.

"Hunters and Ducks". The players are divided into two equal teams - hunters and ducks. The ducks stand in the middle of a large circle, the hunters are located outside the circle. Hunters, throwing a large diameter ball, try to hit the ducks with it, they drop out games. When most of the ducks have been killed, the teams change roles.

"Frogs in the Swamp". The banks are outlined on both sides, and there is a swamp in the middle. There is a crane on one of the banks (beyond the line). Frogs are located on hummocks (circles at a distance of 50cm) And They say:

Here from a hatched rotten place

Frogs splashed into the water.

They began to croak from the water:

Kwe-ke-ke, que-ke-ke,

It will rain on the river.

With the end of the words, the frogs jump from the hummock into the swamp. The crane catches those frogs that did not have time to jump into the swamp. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is chosen from those who have never been caught.

"Homeless Hare". A homeless hare and a hunter are chosen from among the players. Rest "hares" they draw circles for themselves, stand in them - these are their houses. At the teacher’s signal, the homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle must quickly run away, since he becomes homeless and the hunter is already chasing him. If the hunter manages to catch a hare that is left without a home, then they change roles.

"Tag with a ball" The players form a circle and stand at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other. The driver is in the center of the circle, at his feet are two balls sewn from pieces of fabric. The driver performs various movement: squats, bends, clapping overhead, etc. The players repeat these movements. The teacher suddenly pronounces: "Run from the circle!", and everyone runs away in different directions.

"The Fox and the Chickens". Children pretend to be chickens. One of the images is a rooster, the other is a fox. Chickens walk around the site, looking for food. The fox watches them closely. As directed by the teacher (unnoticed by everyone) The fox comes out and quietly creeps up to the chickens. Rooster loud screams: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”. Chickens run away, fly up to roost (log, bench). The rooster must escape last. The fox catches those chickens that did not have time to climb onto the roost and stay on it. When repeated games other children are chosen to play the role of the fox and the rooster.

"Wolf in the Moat". Two parallel lines are drawn in the middle of the site at a distance of 60-70 cm from one another - this is a ditch. One of the drivers (or two)- the wolf is in the ditch. On the same side of the site (at the end, behind the line, there is a goat’s house. On the opposite side of the ditch there is a pasture for goats. At the teacher’s signal, the goats run to the other side, jumping over the ditch. The wolves run out of the ditch, catch the goats. After each run, the number of caught goats, and after two runs the drivers change.

"Blind Man's Bluff" A blind man's buff is selected. He stands in the middle of the platform, is blindfolded and turned around several times. Children scatter all over the playground, and the blind man's buff tries to catch someone. If the blind man's buff approaches the edge of the site, he is warned with a word "Fire!". According to the rules, players must run beyond the conditional lines. The game is best played with a small number of players (possible in shifts). If possible, all unnecessary items are removed from the site. If the blind man's buff cannot catch anyone for a long time, then he is replaced by another driver.

"Smart Guys". The players sit in a circle. In front of each one by gender (ground) sandbag (you can put a pebble, a block). In the center there are two drivers. at the teacher’s signal, children jump into a circle on one leg, jumping over objects, and back on two legs; The drivers try to smear them before they have time to jump back out of the circle. The player who is touched by the driver receives a penalty point. (but from the game is not eliminated) . After 30-40 seconds the game stops and the number of losers is counted. Drivers are selected from among those who have never been caught. The game repeats itself.

"Tag". A driver is selected to stand in the center of the site. After the signal “Catch!” children scatter around the playground, and the driver tries to catch up with someone and make fun of them. The one touched by the driver moves aside. After some time, the teacher gives team: "Stop!" and the game stops. The number of those caught is counted, and another driver is selected.

"Cat and Mouse". Selected drivers: one is a cat, the other is a mouse. Children join hands and form a circle. The cat stands behind the circle, and the mouse is in the circle. The cat tries to enter the circle and catch the mouse, the players crouch down and close the entrances and do not let it through. If the cat does sneak into the circle, the children immediately open the gate and let the mouse through, and they try not to let the cat out of the circle. If the cat caught the mouse, then they both stand in a circle and the players choose other drivers.

"Equestrian athletes". Stalls are marked at a distance of 2m from the wall (circles) 1m from each other. There should be 2-3 fewer of them than the players. Children stand in a circle, turning to the right (left) sideways to the center, depicting sports horses. By command "Step of the horse!" the horses walk, raising their knees high, reaching the palms of their hands, bent at the elbows; on command "Turn!" turn around, continuing to move in the opposite direction; per team "Trotting!"- they are running. The tasks are repeated 2-3 times. By command "Into the stalls!" everyone runs, trying to take the designated place. Left without a stall lose. The game repeats itself.

"Catching Butterflies". The teacher determines two pairs of drivers - children with nets. Other butterflies on signal "Fly!" children with nets (two children, holding hands) catch butterflies - join hands around the butterfly and take them to the designated place. While those caught are being taken away by the teacher speaks: "The butterflies are resting and sat on a flower", children squat (pause). On signal "Fly!" owl butterflies scatter. After some time, the caught butterflies are counted, and other drivers are selected.

"Don't Stay on the Ground". A driver is selected who runs with all the children. As soon as the teacher says “Catch!”- everyone runs away from the driver and tries to climb onto a hill - a log, a stump, etc. If the driver manages to insult someone, he is considered caught and moves aside. Upon completion games The number of losers is counted and another driver is selected from among those who were not caught.

"Bears and Bees". Children are divided into two equal groups, one is bears, the rest are bees. At a distance of 3m from the bees’ house, a forest is outlined where the bears are.

On the opposite side at a distance of 8-10m is a meadow. Bees are located on their home - on a hill (wall, bench, low log). At the teacher’s signal, they fly to the honey meadow and buzz. At this time, the bears climb into the hive and feast on honey. At the teacher's signal "The Bears!" bees fly to their hives and sting (touch) those bears that did not have time to escape into the forest. The bees then return to the hive and the game resumes. When repeated games children change roles.

"Kite sparrows". Draw a circle with a diameter of 5m. The driver, the kite, is selected and stands in the center of the circle. Little sparrows jump on two legs in a circle (peck the grains) and back out of the circle. And the kite flies in a circle, prevents the sparrows from pecking at the grain and catches them (touches them). The little sparrow who is caught raises his hand, takes a step back and does not participate in the game. The game is repeated several times for 40-50 seconds. During the change of driver, a pause occurs, which serves as a rest for children.

"Crucian carp and pike". One driver is a pike, the rest of the players are divided into two subgroups. One of them forms a circle - these are pebbles, the other - crucian carp that swim inside the circle. The pike is outside the circle. At the teacher's signal "Pike!" The pike quickly runs into the circle and tries to catch the crucian carp. The crucians rush to take a place behind one of the players and sit down (hide). The game is repeated with another pike. At the end games, which is repeated 3-4 times, the teacher marks the pike driver who caught the most crucian carp.

Outdoor games for primary schoolchildren.

A selection of outdoor games for the program for extracurricular activities "Outdoor Games". The material may be useful to primary school teachers and GPA teachers.
To make names better remembered, to train attention and the ability to quickly switch from one task to another, you can play this game in a company of up to 15 people.
The presenter invites the children to change places in a certain amount of time (10, 15 or 20 seconds) like this:
- so that all names are arranged in alphabetical order;
- so that everyone stands by hair color (on the left - brunettes, on the right - blondes);
- so that everyone stands according to their height (on the left - small, on the right - large).
Note. These exercises can be even more fun if there are wide benches, sofas, or very stable, sturdy chairs. Then the guys must complete the tasks while standing on the benches and move without stepping on the floor.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, coordination
Number of players: 5 or more

Three, Thirteen, Thirty
Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops children's attention and quick reactions well. Can be used at school for physical education sessions for primary school students.
Participants in the game agree in advance which number represents which action. Players line up in a line at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides.
If the driver (teacher) says “three”, all players must raise their hands up, when the word “thirteen” - hands on the belt, when the word “thirty” - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements). Players must quickly execute the appropriate movements.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, reaction

Colored flags
Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication abilities, attention.
Attributes: 5 flags of different colors.
Progress of the game: 5 circles with a diameter of 2 m are drawn on the playing area at a distance of 1 m from each other. Players are divided into 5 teams. Each team stands in its own circle. In the center of each circle stands a player with a colored flag in his hands.
At the leader’s signal, the players scatter around the court. At the second signal they stop and close their eyes. At this time, players with flags change places; At the third signal, the players open their eyes and quickly look for their flag. The winners are those players who return to the flag of their color before others.
Special notes: If a player opens his eyes, his team is considered a loser.

false mirror

Attributes: 6 jump ropes.
Progress of the game: the game begins with the leader demonstrating different jumping ropes: jumping with crossed legs, jumping with high knees, double jumps, etc. Then the players stand in pairs, opposite each other, and try to repeat all the movements shown by the leader . The player who made a mistake leaves the game and is replaced by the next one.
Special notes: the new driver becomes the player who has not made a single mistake.

"Sherlock Holmes"
A presenter (“Sherlock Holmes”) and 3-5 “criminals” are selected. The younger the children are, the fewer “criminals” there are. "Criminals" stand before "Sherlock Holmes". “Sherlock Holmes” carefully examines the “criminals” for several seconds (20-30) and leaves the room. The "criminals" make five changes in their clothing and posture. The returning "Sherlock Holmes" must find his five changes in everyone. The player whose “detective” has found all five changes must fulfill any wish of “Sherlock Holmes”. Anyone who does not have at least one change defined becomes “Sherlock Holmes” himself.

They choose a driver. All other players stand in the room, holding hands. The driver leaves the room, and the rest of the players begin to move relative to each other, but without lifting their hands (getting confused). Then they invite the driver into the room. He must determine in what order the players originally stood. Repeat the game several times, changing the driver.

On the site we draw the outlines of the rocket in different parts. There should be several fewer of them playing. All children join hands. They walk in a circle with the words: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly whichever one we want! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers!” As soon as the last word is said, the children run away, trying to take an empty seat in the “rocket”. Latecomers gather in the center of the circle. We celebrate those children who have never been late for the “rocket”

"Crows and Sparrows"
On lines 3 - 5 m from each other, the teams are located in ranks with their backs to each other. One team is the Ravens, the other is the Sparrows. At the “crow’s” signal, the team of the same name runs away, while the other team tries to catch up and “harass” the runners to a certain point. The team that defeats the most players on the other team wins.

Cones, acorns, nuts
An active game that children really like.
Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: “cones”, “acorns”, “nuts”. The leader is outside the circle.
The presenter says the word “nuts” (or “cones”, “acorns”), and all the players who have this name change places, and the presenter tries to take someone’s place.
If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut (“acorn”, “cone”), and the one who is left without a place takes the place of the leader.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, coordination, dexterity, thinking, reaction Number of players: 7 or more
Place of play: street

Birds, fleas, spiders
The group is divided into two teams. Each team, secretly from the other, decides who they will be - “birds”, “spiders” or “fleas”. Two teams stand in lines in the center of the hall facing each other with a gesture indicating the selected animal.
Spiders run away from birds, fleas from spiders, birds from fleas. The one who did not manage to reach the opposite wall moves to another team.
Age: from six years
Purpose of the game: relaxation, concentration
Number of players: 10 - 30
Game location: spacious safe room

White bears
Polar bears is an active group game for children of primary school age. Develops active creative motor actions motivated by the plot of the game.
At the edge of the area, which represents the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe, on which the driver - the “polar bear” - stands. The remaining “cubs” will be randomly placed throughout the site.
“The Bear” growls: “I’m going out to fish!” - and runs to catch the “cubs”. Having caught one “bear cub”, he takes it to the ice floe, then catches another.
Two caught “bear cubs” join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. Having caught someone, two “bear cubs” join their free hands so that the caught one ends up between their hands, and shout: “Bear, help!”
The “bear” runs up, greases the caught one and takes him to the ice floe.
The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the “cubs”.
When all the cubs are caught, the game ends.
The last player caught wins and becomes the “polar bear”.
Note. A caught “bear cub” cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding it until the “bear” insults it. When catching, it is forbidden to grab players by their clothes, and those running away are prohibited from running outside the boundaries of the area.
Age: from six years
The game develops: dexterity, reaction, imagination
Number of players: 7 or more

"Homeless Hare"
An interesting game for children of primary school age. A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players are hares, draw a circle for themselves, and stand inside.
A homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle, then the hare that was standing in the circle must immediately run away, because it becomes homeless, and the hunter will hunt for it. As soon as the hunter catches a hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare becomes a hunter.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, thinking, reaction
Number of players: 3 or more

Give me a hand
Before playing, children choose an area beyond which they cannot run.
One leader is selected - the tag, the rest of the players move freely around the site.
Salka begins to catch players who are running away from him, while the children try to join hands with the closest player.
Holding hands, they stand facing each other. In this case, the tag does not have the right to grease them.
If the tag catches up with a single player, they switch roles.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, dexterity, reaction

"Who will win"
The game is similar to the outdoor game "Tug"
2 participants.
The ground plane is divided by a line. Rivals on both sides.
They grab the stick with both hands.
Objective: Drag your opponent to your side.

British Bulldog
Playing affects the child’s endurance and reaction.
Children appoint two catchers (“bulldogs”). The Bulldogs stand on one side of the court, and everyone else stands on the opposite side. At the signal of one of the “bulldogs” all players must run to the other side. But so that the player is not caught by the bulldogs.
The game continues until all runners become bulldogs.
Age: from six years
The game develops: endurance, reaction, strength
Number of players: 4 or more

Purpose of the game: develop endurance, accuracy, cultivate honesty.
Materials needed for the game: a ball, preferably a volleyball, but a rubber one is also possible.
Rules of the game: To start the game you need to choose a driver, this can be done using a counting rhyme. The driver holds the ball in his hands. All players gather near the driver. The driver throws the ball as high as possible. At this moment, all the players scatter in different directions. The driver must catch the ball and as soon as the ball is in his hands, he shouts: “Standr!” All players must stop at the place where this team found them. The driver must hit one of the players with the ball. The upset player becomes the driver, and the driver becomes the player, and the game continues. The game can go on until it gets boring.

"Change of Places"
Purpose of the game: development of jumping ability and jumping endurance.
Materials needed for the game: chalk to mark the start (finish) line
How to play: All players are divided into two teams. Two lines are marked along the edges of the site - these are the so-called “houses”. Both teams stand in ranks facing each other on opposite sides of the court, behind their home lines, crouch down and place their hands on their knees.
At the signal, all players jump from a deep squat, moving forward, trying to quickly cross the line of the opposite “house”. The team whose players are the first to gather behind the opposite line wins. Then both teams jump in the opposite direction, but the player who was the last to cross the line does not take part in the game, he is eliminated from the game. This game can continue until 2-3 of the most resilient jumpers remain on the court. The team with the most jumpers left wins. You can continue the competition further, and then you can determine the best jumper.
Teams can be mixed, or they can consist only of boys or girls (if there are enough participants).
This game is suitable for both playing in the gym and playing in the yard.

Jump ropes

Necessary materials and visual aids: jump ropes.
Progress of the game
Players jump rope in different ways: on 2 legs, on 1 leg, etc. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.
Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk, bat.
Progress of the game
Hopscotch is being drawn on the playground. Players must, jumping on 1 leg and pushing the bat in front of them, jump from the 1st to the 10th grade. If the bat flies beyond the hopscotch, the player gives way to the next one. The first player to jump through all classes wins.

Ocean is shaking
Children walk in a circle and say the words: “The sea is agitated - one, the sea is agitated - two, the sea is agitated - three, the sea figure freezes in place! “On the last word, the children stop and “freeze” in the pose of a sea animal. The presenter or the child tries to guess the name of these animals.

What are you doing?
Children choose the “mistress of the house” and, standing in a circle, draw circles around themselves - houses. The “housewife” goes around the players and assigns housework to each of them. For example: chop wood, mow hay, wash clothes, bake pies, etc. Children complete tasks. The “Mistress” stands in the center of the circle and says: “Now let’s hammer in nails together!” “The children do everything that the “hostess” asks. Suddenly the “hostess” points at one of the children and asks: “What are you doing? "The child must name the work that he was assigned to do at the beginning of the game. After this, the “hostess” gives everyone new tasks.

One of the players is appointed as the driver. Children scatter around the hall, at a signal they stop, depicting frozen figures of an athlete, a working person, an animal, a bird, etc. The driver walks among the figures and chooses the most successful one. The children who took the most difficult poses are noted.

In an even circle
The children form a circle with the driver inside. Moving left (right) in a circle, children say the words:
In an even circle, one after another.
Hey guys, don't yawn!
Everything that Kolya will show us
Let's repeat it together!
The driver shows some kind of movement (jumps, rotates his arms, squats, etc.). Children must repeat it exactly. After this, a new driver is appointed, and the game is repeated.

Air, water, earth, wind
Children form a circle leading in the middle. Approaching one of the children, the driver says one of four words: “air”, “water”, “earth”, “wind” - and counts to five. During this time, the child must come up with and show (depending on the word that is given to him) a bird, fish, animal, or spin around in place (wind). Those who did not manage to do this leave the game.

Say it again
One of the players shows the movements of an animal, for example a bunny. The next one repeats the movements of the bunny and adds the movements of another animal - the fox. And so each subsequent player, having completed the movements of all the previously shown animals, adds one more, new one. The list of animals is growing. The one with the best memory and imagination wins.

Exhibition of paintings
The presenter appoints three “visitors”, the rest of the children are “pictures”. At the signal: “Prepare the exhibition! “- children consult with each other about what pictures they will depict (skier, skater, swimmer, horseman, goalkeeper). The picture can be depicted by two or three people: a Christmas tree under a bunny, a fairy tale “Turnip”, etc. After a few seconds, the teacher announces: “Open the exhibition! » Children stand along the playground and take planned poses. “Visitors” look around the “exhibition” and mark the most successful “pictures”. On the signal: “The exhibition is closed! "- children take free poses.

Fishing rod
Purpose of the game: development of dexterity and coordination of movements.
A driver is selected from the total number of players. The remaining players stand in a circle with a diameter of 3-4 m.
The driver becomes steep in the center. He has in his hands a 2 m long rope with a bag of sand tied to the end. The driver rotates the rope so that the bag of sand flies above the floor level at a height of 5-10 cm.
Each player must jump and miss the flying bag. Anyone whom the driver hits with a flying bag receives a penalty point. The total number of penalty points is calculated after the bag has completed 8-10 full circles. The winner is the one whose legs are never touched by the rope.
After changing the driver, the game starts all over again.

Jumping sparrows
A wonderful children's game. First draw a circle on the asphalt using chalk.
In the center of the circle is the leader - the “crow”. Behind the circle are all the players who are “sparrows”.
They jump into a circle and jump inside it. Then they jump out of it in the same way.
The “crow” tries to catch the “sparrow” when it jumps inside the circle.
If the “sparrow” is still caught, then he becomes the leader and the game starts all over again.
Age: from six years
The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, thinking, reaction
Number of players: 3 or more

Bricks and masons
Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication abilities, dexterity.
Progress of the game: 2 “masons” are selected from the players. The rest are “bricks”. The “bricks” scatter around the site, and the “masons” begin to run after them and try to grease one of the “bricks”. Each “bricklayer” takes the greasy “brick” to one place and leaves it there. The “bricklayer” places the next salted “brick” next to the first one - a “wall” is formed.
The “bricklayer” whose “wall” is longer wins, i.e., he lays more “bricks.”
Special notes: greasy “bricks” should not run away from their place.

"Through the Stream"
Purpose of the game: to develop physical strength and endurance.
Necessary materials and visual aids: chalk.
Progress of the game
A stream is drawn on the playground, which gradually widens towards the end. Players are invited to jump over the stream: first through its narrow place, then where it is wider and wider. If the players succeed, they must be praised.

Active ball game. Two driving players are selected and stand with the ball at a distance of 10 - 15 meters from each other. The remaining players run between the drivers from one to the other. The drivers, throwing the ball to each other, try to hit one of the players. The one who gets hit is eliminated from the game. However, players can try to catch the ball. Each ball caught returns one of the eliminated players to the playing field. The task of the drivers is to “knock out” all the players from the game.

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle saying:
Barely, barely
The carousel started spinning.
And then around and around,
Everyone is running, running, running.
The players move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run. At the command of the leader: “Turn!” - they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.
Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two,
The game is over!
The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the site. At the signal, they rush to “get on the carousel” again, that is, grab the rope with their hand, and the game resumes. You can only take seats on the carousel until the third bell (clap). Latecomers do not ride on the carousel.

"Pass the balls"
Place five or six medicine balls on one line at intervals of 0.5-1.5 m. The player remembers the location of the balls, turns in a circle and moves backwards. The task is to get around and not hit the balls. Whoever completes the task is the winner. The location of the balls changes each time.
Options. 1. Increase the number of balls (for older students). 2. Move backwards, stepping over the balls. 3. Move backwards and blindfolded.

"Pass the ball"
The player, moving along the floor, must dribble the ball along the rail of the gymnastics bench. The player who manages to do this wins.
Variations: the same, but the player moves along the rail and the ball dribbles along the floor.

"Hit the ball"
The players are divided into two teams and stand in ranks, facing each other. The distance between the ranks is 8-10 m. There is a volleyball in the middle of the stool. Each player has a small ball. At the teacher’s signal, players of one team perform throws, trying to knock down the volleyball. If someone manages to knock down the ball, the team gets 1 point. Then the other team starts throwing. The team with the most points wins.

"Knock it down with a rebound"
2-5 m from the wall (the distance depends on the age and experience of the players) place a town, a pin, and an inflatable toy. Task: throw a ball against a wall so that it bounces and knocks down a set object. Who will have the most successful attempts out of five? Who will need fewer tries to knock down an object five times?
You can throw the ball from any point.
Option: place a box, box, basket at some distance from the wall, put a hoop. Objective: hit the target with the ball.

"Don't drop the ball"
At the starting line, each participant in the game receives two sticks. Then the players become pairs and use chopsticks to hold the ball so that it does not fall. Each pair must run faster than their opponents without dropping the ball. If the ball falls, you need to stop, pick it up, put it on the sticks and run again. Running distance is 15-20 m.
"Throw and catch"!
The player holds the ball behind his back with both hands. Leaning forward, he throws the ball over his head up and forward. Now you need to have time to straighten up and catch the falling ball. Each person is given, say, five attempts. The one with the most successful attempts will win.
Game options: you can throw the ball against a wall (if there are no windows) from a distance of several meters - and catch it when it bounces; you can throw the ball onto a sloping roof (barn, garage, shed) - and catch it when it rolls down.
You can add complications to the game. For example, a task is given: before catching the ball, you need to clap your hands several times. Or make a complete turn in a circle (when the ball is thrown against a wall or thrown onto a roof).

"Hunters and Ducks"
Purpose of the game: development of eye and dexterity.
A circle with a diameter of 5-8 m is drawn on the playground (depending on the age of the players and their number).
All players are divided into two teams: “ducks” and “hunters”. The “ducks” are located inside the circle, and the “hunters” are located outside the circle. The Hunters get the ball.
At a signal or command from the teacher, the “hunters” begin to knock out the “ducks” with the ball. “Dead ducks” that were hit by the ball are eliminated from the circle. The game continues until all the “ducks” are knocked out of the circle. While throwing the ball, the “hunters” must not cross the line of the circle.
When all the “ducks” are knocked out, the teams switch places.
Game option: 3-4 “hunters” are selected from among the players and stand at different ends of the site. Each “hunter” has a small ball. The players scatter around the court, but do not go beyond it.
At a signal or command from the teacher, all the players stop in their places, and the “hunters” take aim and throw balls at them. The players can dodge the flying ball, but they cannot move from their place.
Knocked out ducks are out of the game. The “hunter” who knocks out the largest number of “ducks” wins.

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers.
The buyer knocks:
Knock! Knock!
- Who's there?
- Buyer.
- Why did you come?
- For paint.
- For what?
- For blue.
If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots.”
If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself.
A second buyer arrives and the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. The buyer who collects the most colors wins.
Rules of the game: The buyer who guessed the most colors becomes the owner.

The players choose a shepherd and a wolf, and everyone else chooses sheep. The wolf's house is in the forest, and the sheep have two houses at opposite ends of the site. The sheep call loudly to the shepherd:
Shepherd boy! Shepherd boy!
Play the horn!
Drive the herd into the field
Take a walk in freedom!
The shepherd drives the sheep out into the meadow, they walk, run, and jump. At the shepherd’s signal: “Wolf!” - all the sheep run into the house on the opposite side of the site. The shepherd stands in the way of the wolf and protects the sheep. Everyone caught by the wolf leaves the game.
Rules of the game: During the run, the sheep cannot return to the house from which they left. The shepherd only shields the sheep from the wolf, but does not stop him with his hands.

"Two Frosts"
The players are located on one side of the court, in the middle there are two drivers - two Frosts.” Frosts turn to the guys with the words: “We are two young brothers, two daring Frosts!” One of them, pointing to himself, says: “I am Frost - the blue nose.” Another: “I am Frost – the red nose.” And together: “Which of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the guys answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!” After these words, the children run to the other side of the playground. The drivers try to “grudge” those running across, the “greasy” ones remain in the place where Frost “frozen” them.
During the next dashes, the players can help out the “frozen” children by touching them with their hands. After several dashes, other Frosts are appointed. Those children who never got to Frost even once are noted, as well as the best pair of drivers..

They choose a driver and give him a “ring” - any small object. Participants stand in a row, holding their palms in front of them in a "boat" position. The driver goes through the entire row, placing his palms in the palms of each participant. At the same time, he quietly leaves a “ring” in the palms of any participant. Having passed everyone, the driver says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” The task of the owner of the “ring” is to run forward, the task of all other children is to try to predict the owner of the “ring” and not let him out of the line.

Divide into pairs in random order. Couples are located one after another, holding hands, raising their clasped hands up, as if forming a roof. The driver passes under his closed hands and chooses a partner. The new couple stands behind, and the freed participant in the game enters the stream and looks for a couple, etc.

"By the Bear in the Forest"
The bear chosen by lot lives in the forest. Children go into the forest to pick mushrooms, singing a song:
By the bear in the forest
I’ll take mushrooms and berries!
The bear is disgusted
Frozen on the stove!
When the players have said their last words, the bear, which had been dozing until now, begins to toss and turn, stretch, and reluctantly leaves the den. But then the bear suddenly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. The one who is caught becomes a bear. Rules of the game: The bear leaves the den only after pronouncing the last words of the song. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their home, but tease it with a song.

"The Owl and the Birds"
Before starting the game, children choose the names of birds whose voice they can imitate. For example: dove, crow, goose, duck, cuckoo. The players choose an owl. He goes to his nest, and those playing quietly, so that the eagle owl does not hear what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird he has chosen. At the signal “Owl”, all the birds try to take places in their house. If the eagle owl manages to catch someone, he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.
Rules of the game: the bird houses and the owl house must be located on a hill. Birds fly into the house on a signal or as soon as the eagle owl catches one of them.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one player - Dawn - walks behind them with a ribbon and says:
Red maiden.
I walked across the field
I dropped the keys.
Golden keys
Blue ribbons
The rings are entwined,
Let's go get some water!
With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.
Rules of the game: Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around until the driver chooses who should put the ribbon on their shoulder.

"Wandering Ball"
Everyone playing. In addition to the driver, they stand in a circle at arm's length. They pass a big ball to each other. The driver runs outside the circle and tries to touch the ball with his hand. If he succeeds, he goes to the place of the player in whose hands the ball was, and the player goes out of the circle.
The game repeats itself.
Rules of the game: When passing the ball, the players must not move from their place. You cannot pass the ball through one person, only to the player standing next to you. The driver is prohibited from entering the circle. The ball can be passed in any direction. The player who dropped the ball becomes the driver.

Contents of the game. At the signal from the presenter: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, beetles, depicting frogs, mice, kittens. At the second signal: “Night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. "Owl" go hunting. Noticing the player moving, she takes him by the hand and leads him to her nest. In one exit, she can kill two or even three players.
Then the “owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.
The winners are the players who have never been caught. You can also note the best driver - the one who caught the most players.

Animal relay
The players are divided into 2 - 4 equal teams and line up in columns one at a time. Those playing in teams take the names of the animals. Those standing first are called “bears,” those standing second are called “wolves,” those standing third are called “foxes,” and those standing fourth are called “hares.” A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At the command of the leader, team members must jump to a given place just like real animals do. The “wolves” team runs like wolves, the “hares” team runs like hares, etc.

Unload the car
Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume.
Other participants can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars.
Machines can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.

I passed it on - sit down!
The players are divided into several teams, 7-8 people each, and line up behind the common starting line in a column, one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column, facing it at a distance of 5-6 m. The captains receive a volleyball. At the signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip.
Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Plant and harvest
Number of players: 2 teams of 4 people
Additionally: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
The 1st participant “plows the ground” (puts down hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in the hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

Running "centipedes"
The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players grab with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. At the organizer’s signal, the “centipedes” run forward 40-50 meters to the “finish”, holding the rope all the time.
Victory is awarded to the team that was the first to reach the finish line, provided that none of its participants became unhooked from the rope while running.

1. Lyakh, V.I. My friend physical education. 1–4 grades – M.: Education, 2005.
2. Builin Yu.F., Portnykh Yu.I. Mini basketball. M., 2000
3. Galitsky A.V. Journey to the land of games. M., 2001
4. Klusov N.P. Handball. M. 1996
5. Sample programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education. second generation standards. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2011
6. Lyakh V.I., Maikson G.B. Comprehensive program of physical education for students. M., 2002
7. Kovalko V.I. “Health - saving technologies”, Moscow “Waco”, 2004.
8. Kovalko V.I. Lesson developments in physical education for grades 1-4: Methodological recommendations, practical materials, lesson planning. - 2nd ed., revised - M.: VAKO, 2005.
9. Internet resources

Yulia Maznina

Sometimes circumstances are such that the child is forced to spend most of the day at home: the mother is busy or the weather is not at all suitable for walking. But for a child’s normal well-being and development, both physical and mental, he must move a lot during the day. Is it possible to organize outdoor games for children at home so that the child gets his share of movement, and the house remains intact? Can. In addition, when playing outdoor games with your child at home, you can teach him not only new movements, dexterity and the ability to control his body, but also combine movement games with role-playing and educational games. But first things first.

You can organize many outdoor games at home:

Gymnastics and games at the sports complex

One of the simplest options for outdoor games at home is gymnastics, but it needs to be done in a playful way, adding some kind of plot to make it interesting for the child. You can play out nursery rhymes or poems. For example, like this:

Monkeys(from 1 year)

Early morning in the clearing

(I.p.: we squat. We stand up, raising our hands up, as if the sun is rising)
This is how the monkeys frolicked:

(We hop on two legs several times)
Right foot stomp, stomp
(Stomp with your right foot)
Left foot stomp, stomp!

(Stomp with your right foot)
Hands up, up, up!!! (Pull both hands up)
Who will rise the highest???

(We stand on our toes and stretch upward even more)

Hammer, Hammer, hamster(from 1 year)

Khomka, Khomka, hamster -
(Puff up our cheeks)
Striped barrel.
(Hands on the belt, bend to the sides)
Khomka gets up early
(Stretching, raising our arms up)
He washes his cheeks and rubs his neck.
(Rap the cheeks with both hands, then the neck)
Khomka sweeps the hut
(Imitate sweeping)
And goes out to charge.
One two three four five -
(Arms to the sides, rhythmically bend our elbows)
Khomka wants to become strong!
(Press your hands to your shoulder, tensing the arm muscles, as if showing how much strength they have)

Classes at the sports complex can also be accompanied by some kind of plot or poems.

Taxi in the miracle city(from 2 years)

Build a city out of a sports complex. Gift paper bags with handles can serve as houses. City residents are little toys. Hang the bags at different levels of the wall bars, rope ladder, rope (if the child knows how to climb a rope). You can paste on each house a picture of its resident or an inscription if the child can read. Invite your child to become a bus or taxi and take the residents of the wonder city home. To ensure that the child's two hands are free to climb around the sports complex, passengers can be placed in a pocket on the child's clothing.

In a troop of monkeys(from 2 years)

Monkeys are very funny animals that love to play pranks. Invite your child to turn into a monkey and have a little fun too. The monkey can:

  • swing on vines (swing on a trapeze and twist - spin on rings);
  • climbing trees (climbing up and down the wall bars);
  • walk on branches on four paws (we walk on all fours on a bench, raised board or tape laid out on the floor);
  • move on your hands from branch to branch (we walk on a monkey bars, if there is one), we twist ourselves on rings);
  • sitting on a branch, throw the fruits of a tree (attach a gift paper bag with table tennis balls or rag balls to the sports complex at such a height that the child needs to climb up to it, the child can climb behind each ball or can sit on the crossbar and throw the balls at the target ).

For climbing the wall bars, this poem by N. Shilov is perfect:

In the shop

In the shop,
Where is the halva
The hills rise
And the cookies
Where's the candy?
"Red poppy"
Like mountains
And the ranks
Like the ridges
Only for men -
Conquerors of peaks.

When playing at the sports complex, do not forget about safety precautions: there should be a mat under the sports complex, and insure the child when he makes new movements. You can read about how to organize a home sports corner in the article.

Imitation games

Imitation games can be a good option for outdoor games at home. The child can imitate your actions or pretend to be something. You can depict anything:

  • toys (yule, tumbler, ball);
  • animals (animals, birds, insects);
  • transport (bicycle, plane, car, train, etc.);
  • appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, hair dryer).

You can also give a task in several ways:

  • you simply show or tell the child what to do, who or what to portray;
  • the child chooses a card with a drawn or written task (such cards must be prepared in advance). If you depict animals, then on task cards you can draw not the animals themselves, but their shadow, traces, or only part of them;
  • you can ask your child a riddle about what he will need to draw.

Here are some options for imitation games.

Do as I do(from 1 year)

The parent gives commands and carries them out together with the child. For example, reach with your handle to your head, your ear to your knee, your foot to your pillow. You can wish for objects in different parts of the room or apartment so that you still need to run to them: touch the closet with your heel, touch the table with your elbow, and so on, as far as your imagination and surrounding objects are sufficient. You can execute these commands at speed.

Dwarves and giants

This is a well-known outdoor game for attentiveness. It's more interesting to play it with several children. The presenter can only pronounce the words “giants” and “gnomes”. When the word “giants” is said, everyone should rise on their toes and raise their hands. And when you hear the word “gnomes,” everyone should sit down lower.

The presenter tries to get the players to make mistakes. You can first say “giants” loudly, and “gnomes” quietly. And then suddenly it’s the other way around. Or another option: when saying “giants”, the presenter squats, and when saying “gnomes”, he rises on his tiptoes. And then suddenly it’s the other way around. The pace of the game needs to be gradually increased.

If you are playing with several children, the one who makes a mistake is out of the game. The last player who never makes a mistake becomes the leader. If you are playing together with a child, after a mistake you can simply change roles or assign a penalty for the mistake - for example, sit down 5 times.

Yula(from 1.5 years)

Surely you have a spinning top at home. Invite your child to spin around like a spinning top. When you say “stop”, the baby should stop. You can spin on two legs or on one leg (for children over 4 years old). The following poem by E. Gaiterova would suit this game well:

I’ll become a top now -
I'll spin on one leg.
And now I'll change my leg
And I’ll spin around on it a little.

Tumbler(from 1.5 years)

The most convenient way to play this game is on a mat on the floor. The child sits on his heels, leans or falls on one side, then on the other. A suitable poem by T. Koval “Vanka-Vstanka”:

Vanka-Vstanka is a tumbler.
Even if he wants to sleep,
Still worth it, poor thing,
And he can't go to bed.

Car(from 1.5 years)

Designate several places in the room: garage, gas station, service station, post office, and so on. Invite your child to become a machine. Give the car directions where to go.

After 4 years, you can use places in your city that your child knows as places. You can also tell your child where to go, or ask him to give you a tour of the city: let the child driver hold your hand and choose the route himself.

Around the world(from 4 years old)

This game is a variation of the previous game, but for this game you will need a political map of the world. Designate in different places rooms or apartments in the country that can be reached in different ways - by land, by water, by air. Invite your child to take a trip. You suggest a country, the child decides how to get to it, and moves to the right place, performing the appropriate movements: driving a car or train, sailing on a ship or flying in a plane or helicopter. For example, you can get from Russia to France by car, train or plane. And from France to Canada - by plane or by ship.

Truck(from 1.5 years)

Invite your child to become a truck. You can use for the game a large truck that the child can drive with his hands, a car - a gurney on which the child moves, pushing off with his feet, or an ordinary backpack that the child will put on himself. At one end of the room, prepare the parts of a large construction set. These will be bricks. The truck must complete a task - transport bricks from the factory to the construction site. Help your child at the factory load bricks into the back of a car or backpack. At a construction site, a child truck must unload bricks. When all the bricks have been transported, you can build a house, a zoo, or something else out of them.

Horses(from 2 years)

Tell your child about how horses and ponies are trained, and offer to play with a trained horse. Designate a stable in the room. The mother-trainer gives commands to the horse, at the end the horse can receive a treat. Example commands that a horse can perform:

  • “step” - the horse walks, raising its knees high;
  • “trot” - the horse runs;
  • “turn” - the horse turns in a circle;
  • “bow” - the horse leans forward;
  • “to the stable” - the horse runs to a specially designated place, and so on.

Games with large objects, or building a shelter

Playing with large objects is an excellent physical activity for children under 4 years old.

We are building a house(from 2 years)

Invite your child to build a den for a bear, a hole for a mouse, a booth for a dog, and so on, out of pillows and blankets. This game can easily turn into a role-playing game.

Helping mom(from 2 years)

Ask your child to help you: move a pillow, stool or something else large, but not too heavy, to another room; put books on a high shelf and so on. The baby will not only be glad that he was able to be useful to you, but will also receive additional physical activity.


A great option outdoor games for children at home can become dancing. They not only contribute to the development of the baby’s gross motor skills, but also develop his auditory concentration and attention. Here are some options for dance games.

Just dancing(from 6 months)

The child and you can simply move to the music the way you like.

Let's dance(from 1 year)

There are many simple children's songs that you can dance to by doing certain movements during the chorus (clapping, stomping, spinning).

Dance with stops(from 2 years)

This game will require a host who will periodically turn off the music. While the music is playing, the child dances; as soon as the music stops, the child must stop. For children over 4 years old, the task can be complicated: not just stop when the music ends, but freeze in the position in which he was at that moment. When the music starts again, the child starts dancing again.

We dress up and dance(from 2 years)

If your child is tired of just dancing, try dancing in costumes. For costumes, you can use items of clothing you have at home, or parts of fancy dress costumes if you have them. To dance in a certain costume, you can choose the appropriate music. Here are some examples:

  • put on a red and white Pinocchio cap and dance to the song from the movie “Pinocchio”;
  • on the head is a captain’s cap - we dance to the song “Brave Captain”;
  • We put on a cap and a sailor collar and dance to “Yablochko”;
  • there is a cowboy hat on our head and a wooden or inflatable horse under the saddle - we dance to the songs “Two Cowboys” and “The Song about Cowboy John”;
  • We put on our father’s or mother’s slippers or shoes – and dance to the song “Barbariki”;
  • put on khaki shorts and a military cap - we march to the song “Soldiers - Brave Children”;
  • mouse costume - Scary beast (Song about a mouse) music. A. Moskovoy sl. A. Shutko;

Musical "Cat and Mouse"(from 2 years)

You will need two melodies (loud and quiet) and a presenter who will switch them. You will be a cat, the child will be a mouse. When quiet music is playing, the child can run around the room as he wants, for example, he can try to steal crumbs from the table. When the melody changes, the cat wakes up and tries to catch the mouse. This game is fun to play with several children - mice.

Catching up at home

There is hardly a child who does not like to run. Catch-up, or tag, is one of the most ancient folk games, like hide and seek. With some restrictions, it is quite possible to play catch-up at home. The goal of the game is the same in all cases - the leader tries to catch up and make fun of the other player or players. If the apartment space does not allow active running, you can invite the baby to play catch on all fours.

Catching up with the plot

There are a lot of catch-up plots with corresponding poetic accompaniment. While the poem is being told, the leader (bear, wolf, dog, etc.) hides or sleeps, and the children walk around him. As soon as the poem ends, the children run away, and the leader catches them:

By the bear in the forest

By the bear in the forest,
I take mushrooms and berries,
But the bear doesn't sleep
And he growls at us.

Geese, Geese

Shepherd: Geese, geese!
Geese: Ha, ha, ha.
Shepherd: Do you want to eat?
Geese: Yes, yes, yes.
Shepherd: Well, fly.
Geese: We can't. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
Shepherd: Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings.

Angry dog

Here lies a shaggy dog,
He buried his nose in his paws.
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Otherwise he’s dozing,
or else he's sleeping.
Let's go to him and wake him up
And let's see what happens...

Don't be as quiet as a mouse...

The mice dance in circles
The cat is dozing on the bed.
Hush, mice, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska the cat wakes up,
It will break up your round dance.

But you can easily come up with your own plot: a fox and a chicken, a wolf and a hare, and so on.

Catching up with houses

Houses can be circles made of rope, sheets of paper laid out on the floor, parts of a children's rug, stools and a sofa. The mother catches up with the baby, but if the baby has jumped into the house, the mother can no longer make fun of him. You can do without stationary houses: a player can be considered “in the house” if he squatted down, folded his hands above his head in the shape of a roof and said: “Cheers, I’m in the house.”

Feet higher off the ground

This game is similar to the previous one, but the mother cannot make fun of the baby only if he lifts his legs off the ground: sits on the sofa or on the floor and raises his legs, lies on the floor on his stomach and raises his legs bent at the knees, hangs on the crossbar. You can agree that you can stay in the house as long as the person cooking counts to 5 or 10.


Zhmurki This is also a type of catch-up, but the driver is blindfolded with a thick scarf or scarf. The driver is spun up, and at the signal, the players scatter and begin to “tease” the driver, giving signals about their location. You can ring a bell or clap your hands. The driver needs to insult at least one of the players.

Catch up with a ball

In this version of the game of catch, you need to tease the child not with your hand, but with a ball (at home it is better to use a soft rag ball or a small beach ball) or a soft toy.


If you don’t want to play catch-up with your child, allow him to run around alone, but not just like that, but with a plot: you tell the poem and show the movements, the child repeats the movements after you, and at the last phrase he runs off about his business:


In the morning the butterfly woke up.
(We make fists like three eyes)
She stretched and smiled.
(We stand on our toes, stretch our arms up.)
Once - she washed herself with dew.
(We pretend to wash ourselves.)
Two - she spun gracefully.
(We spin around in place.)
Three - she bent down and sat down.
(Lean forward and squat.)
At four, it flew away.
(We run away, waving our arms).


Bees sit in the hives
(We squat down.)
And they look out the window.
(We support our cheek with our right fist. With our left hand we support the elbow of our right hand.)
Wanted to have some fun
(We get up.)
They flew off one after another.
(We run away.)


Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Build a labyrinth on the floor of a spacious room using large construction blocks or a long rope. The baby can run through the maze on his own, carry soft toys or drive cars.

Hide and seek at home

Hide and seek is also one of the outdoor games that can be played not only on the street, but also at home. There are a lot of options for playing hide and seek. The main thing in all of them is that the child “hides” from prying eyes himself or hides an object, and the leader looks for it or the hidden object.

Hide and seek for the little ones(from 1 year)

Everyone knows the little game of “peek-a-boo”. You can play it a little differently with kids: invite your baby to hide his arms with you (put them behind his back), legs (sit on his heels), and tummy (curl up). You can hide your shoulders, elbows, heels, knees by covering them with your hands. This game will allow your baby not only to learn to coordinate his movements, but also to learn body parts.

Looking for a toy(from 1 year)

Choose a toy with your baby that will hide. Ask your baby to close his eyes or close his eyes with his hands, and hide the toy yourself. The kid will probably take a peek and then quickly find it. Then switch roles. When you are searching, it is better to deliberately look in the wrong places and loudly comment on your actions. This will be more fun, and at the same time you will introduce your baby to the space and names of objects surrounding him at home.

The toys hid

Hide toys in the apartment so that they peek out a little and the child can notice them. Ask your child to find all the hidden toys. If the toys are small, they can be placed in a bucket or basket; if large, they can be placed in a specific place, for example, on the sofa. For older children, you can complicate the game: while searching, play funny music and warn that the toys need to be found while the music is playing.

We are looking for treasure(from 3 years)

Hide a “treasure” (sweets or a new toy) in a room or apartment and ask your child to find it. You can give him a hint:

  • make a riddle about the place where the treasure is hidden;
  • comment on his actions with the words “hot - cold”, “warmer - colder”.

For older children, you can draw a search map or use notes with hints.

Regular hide and seek(from 1.5 years)

Almost all children enjoy playing hide and seek at home. If space allows, you can hide behind doors, behind curtains, behind the end of a sofa or closet, in the closet itself, if you allow it. If you search for your baby, deliberately making mistakes and loudly commenting on your actions, this will give your child a lot of pleasure. You can also search for a child deliberately for a long time or with the help of binoculars or an improvised telescope. You can climb onto a stool and look for the child from there - you can see better from above.

Stick - squealer(from 3 years)

This is a version of hide and seek with a stick with a knocker, when it is first thrown into the house, and then the presenter must “knock” each player found with this stick. Determine a place - a house and put a stick there. As soon as you find a child, he should run to the house faster than you, knock with his stick and shout: “Knock.” knock, stick. Help me out! If he doesn’t have time, he becomes the leader.

Ball games at home

For ball games at home, it is better to use rag balls or small rubber balls: they can cause the least damage. You can also play at home with a small inflatable beach ball or a small plush toy.

Piggy toy(from 2 years)

You will need a funny plush toy, such as a cockerel, pig or frog, fun rhythmic music and an assistant who will stop and turn on the music. To the music, we throw the toy into each other's hands. Suddenly the music stops. The one who at that moment found himself with a toy in his hands crows loudly, grunts or croaks!

“Edible – inedible” and other question-answer games(from 3 years)

“Edible – Inedible” is one of the most famous ball games. The presenter throws the ball to other players and names some food or object when throwing. The player to whom the presenter throws the ball must catch it if something edible is named (apple, porridge, juice), and throw it away if an inedible object is named (car, sofa, scissors).

You can diversify this game. For example, agree that players catch the ball only if the one named by the leader an object has a certain characteristic(blue, can fly, alive and so on).

Another ball game where you have to catch the ball is the game "question answer". While throwing the ball, the leader can ask a question, and the player who caught the ball answers it by throwing the ball to the leader. Questions can be any or on the same topic. For example, on the topic of family: Who are you to your mother? Who is your daddy's brother? and so on. Or on the topic of birds: What do birds build in trees? Can the ostrich bird fly? Is a sparrow a poultry? and so on.

Another version of the ball game, which involves the players' responses. The leader and players determine topic, for example, transport or vegetables. The presenter throws the ball to the players, the players catch the ball and, throwing it to the player, name an object from the selected group. For example, for the general concept of “transport” the following answers are suitable: car, bus, train, plane, and so on.

While playing these ball games, show your baby that the ball can be thrown in different ways: from the chest, from behind the head, from below, with one or two hands.

Roll the ball(from 1 year)

Show your child how to roll a ball on the floor. Can roll the ball to each other sitting on the floor.

After 3 years, you can offer the child, holding the ball with his hand, take a ride his snake– between construction kit parts or soft animals.

Can be arranged at home bowling. If you don't have skittles, empty plastic bottles can replace them. Let your child throw or push the ball, trying to knock down the pins placed on the floor. Filling bottles with water will make them harder to knock down.

Right on target(from 1.5 years)

Attach a large target on whatman paper or a piece of paper to a wall or door at the child’s eye level. Show your child how to throw a small ball at a target. Your child’s successful throws can be marked on the target with felt-tip pens or stickers. You can throw balls into a large bucket or basin. Gradually increase the distance to the target or bucket.

Let's practice hitting(from 1.5 years)

Hang the ball in a toy net on a sports complex or door handle. Invite your child to hit the ball with a table tennis racket or a plastic bottle.

Football(from 1.5 years)

Children under 3 years old can play football at home with a soft ball. Show your child how to kick a ball. Let him try to score it into the goal. The gate can be a stool turned on its side, or a table covered on three sides with fabric. You can designate a gate with two large construction blocks.

Outdoor games with balloons at home

Balloons are perfect for outdoor games at home. Here are some game options.

Flyer(from 9 months)

Children really like this game. You will need one balloon. Inflate the balloon, but do not tie it. Give the ball to the child and ask him to let it go. The air will come out of the ball, and the ball will fly around the room, making indescribable turns. Children enjoy running after the flying ball and looking for where it fell.

Volleyball(from 3 years)

You will need one inflated balloon. The goal of the game is to push the ball up with your hands so that it doesn’t fall as long as possible. You cannot catch the ball with your hands.

Balloon race(from 4 years old)

You will need two inflated balloons (or more depending on the number of participants), a free floor or a long table. The goal of the game is to move the balls from one part of the room to another. You can blow on the balls, push them with your feet, elbows, chin, and so on.

You can make the game more difficult by adding obstacles that need to be avoided, such as stools or a tunnel through which you need to crawl. The tunnel can be a box without a top or bottom, placed on its side, a rolled-up gymnastics mat, or a table covered with a cloth.

Running with balloons(from 4 years old)

You will need two inflated balloons (or more depending on the number of participants). Goal: move from one part to another without letting the ball fall to the floor. The balls can be pushed with your hands, carried on plastic plates, you can toss them with a table tennis or volleyball racket (if you don’t have a racket at hand, you can make one from a plastic plate and a stick using tape), you can jump with the ball clamped between your knees.

Transfer(from 2 years)

You will need several balls of two colors. You can use small balls. Blow up the balloons and scatter them around the room. Divide the room into two parts. Choose the color of the balls that you will collect and which ones your child will collect. The goal of the game is to collect balls of your own color in your half faster than your opponent. You can collect the balls in large bags or a basin. You can agree that the orange balls are pumpkins, the green balls are zucchini, and harvest.

You can read about what other games with balloons are possible in the article.

We play outdoor games in a circle at home

If there are more than two children gathered, you can also play outdoor games in a circle at home in a spacious room. A distinctive feature of these games is that the participants move in a circle, and the leader is in the center of the circle.


The presenter reads a poem. The players stand in a circle and hold hands (or a hoop). Move in a circle clockwise. Gradually they speed up their pace, then run. Then they gradually slow down, stop and squat down:

Barely, barely
The carousels are spinning
And then, then, then
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush.
Stop the carousel.

Next time you can move counterclockwise.

Blow up, bubble

The players join hands, forming a circle, move back, expanding the circle and saying:

Blow up, bubble,
Blow up big
Stay like this
Don't burst!

Then, if the leader says: “The air is coming out!”, the players, without opening the circle, run to the center, depicting the air coming out: “shhh.” If the presenter says: “The bubble has burst!”, the players scatter around the room.


This game can be played not only at birthday parties.

As on (child's name) name day
We baked a loaf:
(Children dance around the birthday child).
Such a height
(Raise clasped hands up).
Such lows
(Squatting down, they lower their hands.)
This is the width
(Children spread out to the width of outstretched arms, stretching the circle.)
These are the dinners.
(Children converge in the center of the circle, lowering their hands down and slightly forward).
Loaf, loaf, choose who you love!
(The birthday boy chooses children by walking around them in a circle).
I really love everyone
But (name of the chosen child) is the best!
(Points to one of the children in the circle).

The game is repeated with the selected child.

Children will be happy if adults join them in these games. Playing in a circle creates an amazing feeling of togetherness between children and parents.

Good for home outdoor games with ropes. You can read more about these games in the article.

We play outdoor games at home for a walk

As you probably already understood, many outdoor games that you play with your child on a walk can be adapted for home by adding a little imagination and reducing the running speed. Here are some more options outdoor games with children at home depending on the time of year.

Snowballs at home. It's winter outside and your little one really enjoys playing in the snow? But there's a snowstorm outside and you can't go for a walk? Play snowballs at home: Crumpled sheets of white printer paper work well as snowballs. Shelters made from chairs and sofa cushions will make the game even more interesting.

Home leaf fall. It’s autumn now, and it’s raining outside, but just yesterday you had so much fun playing with fallen leaves? Try arranging leaf fall at home: leaves can be cut out of colored paper or scraps of fabric.

Ships at home. Does your child like to float boats in spring streams? Invite him to become the captain of such a ship. To play, you will need a boat on a string of such length that the baby can pull it behind him. You can take a toy boat or make a boat out of paper. You can simply pull the boat along the stream (the stream can be made from a blue ribbon or a piece of fabric). And here is a suitable poem by A. Barto “The Ship”:

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along the fast river
And the frogs jump
On my heels
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

Or you can, while playing this game, tell your child about how a stream is born from a spring, how a stream flows into a river, and a river into the sea. For a stream and a river you will need ribbons of different thicknesses, for the sea - a piece of blue or light blue fabric. The Norwegian folk song translated by Yu. Vronsky “In a wooden shoe” is perfect for this trip.

You, me, you and me
In a wooden shoe
With a fair breeze
We will go to the sea along the river.

And then, and then
We will cross the sea
We'll come overseas
We'll meet the musician.

The musician will play for us
Something like that
So to the legs, so to the legs
There was no peace.

And then home again
You, me, you and me
By sea and by river
In a wooden shoe.

Once, while acting out this poem, we used a real shoe, although not a wooden one.

Home hike. Have you ever gone camping with your baby? If so, then he probably really liked it. Why not repeat it at home? If not, then it's time to practice at home. How? Set up an obstacle course for your child and play it like a hiking game: mountains, rivers, forests, clearings. Don’t forget to pack your backpack before the game, and take a short break in the middle of the hike. If you have a home tent, you can even organize an “overnight stay.”

Such games will not only bring a lot of fun to your baby, but will also contribute to the development of his imagination.

A few more ideas for outdoor games with children at home you can find in this video:

Have fun playing games at home!

You can read about what outdoor games you can play with your baby depending on his age in the following articles.

Game is the main method used by teachers for psychological correction of children’s behavior. Outdoor games for children are important in life, being a natural need of the body, one of the key types of joint activities. With their help, you can identify character traits and determine effective methods of influencing a child’s personality.

Play is the leading type of activity up to the age of 8-9 years; with skillful correction by parents or other adults, outdoor games for children can work wonders.

Also, it is in the gameplay that the child learns about the surrounding reality and acquires all the necessary skills. That is, one should not treat children’s games as a useless activity that only distracts from “serious” activities, such as reading or writing.

The benefits of outdoor games for a child

Play for children is a method of learning about the world and education, study and work at the same time. Through it, children touch the world of adults, instill spiritual values, and learn the norms of the society in which they live.

Its importance is difficult to overestimate, because children's outdoor games:

  • help the child develop harmoniously: physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally;
  • carry out labor, spiritual and aesthetic education, while children do not notice the impact and do not resist the formation of skills and abilities;
  • create a joyful atmosphere, evoke positive emotions, provide “relaxation”, give a feeling of celebration,
  • relieves fears; through play, preschoolers and children of primary and secondary school age become more sociable. That is why a child who has enough movement in everyday life - running, jumping, climbing, etc., perceives learning “at a desk” better;
  • help to make the child’s relationship with an adult trusting;
  • develop the ability to interact in a team, train ingenuity, resourcefulness, dexterity, the desire to achieve a goal, win, etc.
  • help increase self-esteem;
  • develop auditory attention, the ability to listen and obey certain rules, consolidate knowledge about objects, phenomena, representatives of the animal and plant world;
  • They identify leaders in the group, “bright minds” and guys bursting with ideas.

The more diverse the range of movements performed by a child in play, the richer the motor experience, the more data enters the brain, which contributes to the mental development of the child.

With the help of regular physical activity, children can improve the flow of mental operations, increase memory capacity, switch more quickly from one type of activity to another, and develop quick switching and focusing.

A child who often plays in a kindergarten group or with peers and adults on the street and at home usually has a wonderful appetite, good sleep and mood, and acquires dexterity.

Constant movements:

  • help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • develop coordination and motor skills;
  • provide synthesis of protein compounds in muscles, promoting their growth;
  • lead to intensification of physiological processes in the child’s body;
  • improve the functioning of internal systems and organs.

Children develop better physically, suffer less from ARVI, and are stronger and more confident than their “non-playing” peers. Badminton, tennis, football, roller skating and cycling, playing snowballs, hide and seek and other active games help to harmoniously develop a child and protect him from diseases.

An adult who plays outdoor games for preschoolers with his children also receives a sufficient amount of physical activity.

Psychological aspect

The play of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren is characterized by a variety of emotions - from surprise to delight, etc. This provides the opportunity to use play activities in correcting the mental state of children.

Many experts emphasized the existence of the psychological aspect of games in their works, emphasizing that the meaning of entertainment lies in experiences that are important for the child.

During the game, the ideas that were formed during the accumulation of the child’s life experience are transformed. The formation of activity in the game leads to the emergence and development of emotions, which is reflected in its content.

Outdoor games for preschoolers: popular fun

For many parents and teachers in kindergartens, the problem of conducting outdoor games with children is relevant. This is not surprising, because preschoolers are full of energy, it needs to be spent, and games are the ideal solution in this case.

Let's list a few fun activities that can be practiced outdoors and indoors if the weather does not allow long walks in the fresh air.

On the street


On a court measuring at least 10 x 10 meters, this game can be played by 3 players or more. First, a wizard is chosen. The participants scatter in different directions, the wizard tries to catch up and cast a spell on someone.

The one touched by the wizard freezes, as if frozen. Others can disenchant it by touching the “frozen” with their hand. But the wizard does not want to let the captive go, and when someone brought him out of captivity, he again tries to catch up and cast his spell on the one who wants to help his friend.

If a player is enchanted 3 times, he becomes a wizard in this fun game.

"Sparrows and the cat"

On the ground with a stick (or on the asphalt with chalk) “nests” are drawn in the form of circles. The “sparrows” are in “nests” on one side of the site, and on the other side there is a “cat”. When he falls asleep, the “sparrows” fly out of the “nest” and look for grains. The “cat” wakes up and begins to chase the “sparrows” who want to occupy their “nests”.

At first, the “cat” can be an adult, then one of the children. The one who is caught becomes a “cat” himself.

"Sparrows and the Machine"

Another variation of the popular game. The “sparrows” are in the “nest” (on the bench). A “car” is chosen from among the players. When the presenter says: “The sparrows have flown out of the nest,” the guys jump up and run around the site. After the phrase: “The car has left! Sparrows, fly to the nest! - the “car” left its parking lot, and the children ran to the bench.

"Across the Stream"

On the site, draw 2 lines 2 meters from one another. From one line to another, pebbles are drawn on the ground with chalk or a stick, much like in a game of hopscotch.

The players stand at the first line - on the bank of a stream, their goal is to end up at the second line, jumping over the stones without getting their feet wet. The one who jumped past the pebble goes home to dry his feet and sits down on a bench.

The winner was the one who ended up at the second line without missing the pebbles even once.

"The Bear and the Bees"

Players are divided into 2 teams - “bees” and “bears”. At the beginning, the “bees” are in the “hives” (they can be a ladder or a bench), and the “bears” are in the “den”. At the command of an adult, the “bees” fly away, and the “bears” get to the “hives” to enjoy the honey.

At the signal “Bears are in the hives!” The “bees” fly into the “hives” and “sting” the “bears” who did not have time to run to the “den”. The “bear” who was stung by a “bee” does not go to feast on honey, but remains to “treat his wounds in the den.”

In room

The indoor games for kids listed below are suitable for toddlers aged 2 years and up.


They choose a dog from a group of guys and lead it on a leash, giving its commands.


We draw the road on sheet A2 or A1 with large strokes of gouache or watercolor paint. When it dries, we set the toy car on the roads.


Children place blocks on the carpet and then knock them down using a ball.

"Running with a ball in a spoon"

A table tennis ball is placed in a teaspoon and people run along a certain leading route, holding it in the spoon.


Children run after each other. The leader commands what the players should do, for example, crawl around the sofa or do somersaults in pursuit of the leader.


Using a string, we mark the gate on the carpet or floor. We throw table tennis balls at the goal from a distance determined by the leader. For each goal the player receives 1 point.

"The mice dance in circles"

First, they choose a “cat” who is looking for a “stove” (stool, chair) for himself, then sits in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. Other participants in the game take each other’s hands and begin to dance in a circle, repeating: “The mice are dancing in a circle, the cat is dozing on the stove. Quiet, mice, don’t make noise, don’t wake up Vaska the cat!”

When the last words are said, the cat makes “stretches”, opens its eyes and begins to catch mice. The player who is caught becomes a cat himself, and the game starts all over again.

Outdoor games for schoolchildren help children become more dexterous, show resourcefulness, and the ability to interact in a team. In the modern world with the cult of gadgets, it is important that children move a lot, that they develop an interest in folk pastimes, and that relationships between children are strengthened. All this is facilitated by entertainment, which will be discussed below.

On the street

"Deer Catching"

2 shepherds are chosen, the rest of the game participants will be deer, being inside the circle. The shepherd is beyond the line. At a signal, 2 shepherds alternately throw the ball at the deer, who dodge the throws. A deer that is hit by a ball is caught and is out of the game.

"Fishing rod"

The players stand in a circle. In the center, the driver holds a skipping rope or rope, at its end there is a bag into which sand is poured. It is necessary to rotate the rope above the ground, and for the children to jump so that the rope does not touch their legs. Those whom she hurt leave the circle.

"3rd wheel"

Players walk hand in hand in pairs in a circle, with a two-meter distance between them. Choose 2 drivers: one catches up, the second runs away and can stand in front of any of the pairs. When this happens, the player of the pair in front of whom he stood becomes the one who is being caught up. If the player is caught up and insulted, the drivers change their roles.

In room


Players are divided into 2 teams. In one, they think of a word (“Crocodile”) and choose a player from the other team to whom they name it. Then he explains the word to his team, not by naming it, but by demonstrating it through facial expressions, gesturing, taking various intricate poses, and dancing. The word can be shown in parts or in full, using gestures to “say”: “yes”, “I don’t know”, “no”.

Many schoolchildren named “Crocodile” among the most popular and favorite games played on New Year’s, birthdays and other holidays.

"Take a chair"

To organize, you need to arrange the chairs in a circle with their backs facing inward (one less than the number of participants), the players must stand around the chairs. The driver turns on music or plays some instrument; it is better that he does not see what is happening.

Participants run in a circle near the chairs. When the music stops playing, the participant must quickly take a chair. If he does not get a chair, he leaves the circle. 1 chair is removed, the game continues until 1 participant remains, he is the winner.

Preschool children play for hours, creating a variety of fun activities. Some types of games need to be learned under the guidance of a parent or teacher to be played with groups of children or individually.

  1. It is recommended to spend time getting to know a new game if the previous one has been mastered and an adult no longer needs to control its progress.
  2. New games should be learned no more than once a week, the rest of the time practicing well-known games. The repertoire can be expanded by remembering folk games or having fun with music, as well as inventing them yourself.
  3. Always ask your child what he would like to play. Analyze what games he prefers, what topics he touches on most often?


The game cannot arise on its own; skills are passed on from adults to children. In play activities, a very intensive development of the emotional and volitional spheres, thinking, and imagination of the child occurs. This article is intended to restore the interest of adults and children in the lost art of play. Play and develop!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Fun outdoor games for older preschool children

Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher, School No. 842, Moscow
Description of work: I offer you a selection of outdoor games for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old). This material will be of interest to educators, physical education instructors, as well as organizers of extracurricular activities, children's leisure and recreation in summer health camps and school health grounds.
In the summer, it is necessary to create conditions for the physical development and health of children. It is recommended to increase the time children spend in the fresh air and increase their physical activity. Outdoor games, like nothing better, are suitable for organizing recreation and leisure.
The proposed outdoor games can be used as part of a sports festival, summer leisure or entertainment, and also as an independent unit.

Outdoor play refers to those types of play activities in which the role of movements is clearly expressed. In the process of organizing outdoor games, health, educational and educational tasks are solved. But outdoor play, due to its specificity, is primarily an effective means of strengthening the health and physical development of children. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, the muscular system, the formation of correct posture, increase the functional activity of the body, activate metabolism, and muscle loads stimulate the work of the endocrine glands. They improve the overall physical fitness of children and satisfy their biological need for movement.
Outdoor games contribute to the development of motor qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility, and, importantly, these physical qualities develop in a complex.
Outdoor games have a positive effect on the nervous system, because an exciting game plot evokes positive emotions in children.
Outdoor play is collective in nature; at the same time, the opinion of peers has a great influence on the behavior of each child; The child is accustomed to working in a team. Mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards others is formed, and the ability to correctly evaluate one’s actions is developed.
Outdoor games are good active recreation. It is especially valuable from the point of view of health improvement to conduct outdoor games in the fresh air: children become more hardened, and the flow of oxygen into their body increases.
Outdoor games create favorable conditions for the manifestation of creativity, invention, and fantasy. The teacher encourages children's creativity, directs them to create variants of games by introducing new motor actions, changing the rules, etc.

Target. Development of observation skills, spatial concepts (“above”, “under”, “through”)
Description. A presenter is selected. He turns away. All the other children stand in a circle and take each other's hands. Children then turn the circle into a knot. To do this, you need to “get confused” without letting go of your hands. You can step over closed hands, crawl under them, so that the hands are intertwined, and the circle becomes a “ball”. You can't let go of your neighbors' hands. The presenter tries to untie the knot, while saying what movements the players need to make (e.g., climb over the hand, walk under the hand, etc.)

"Movement in a circle"

Target. Develop communication skills, help children become aware of their own body.
Description. Stand in a circle and close your eyes. The teacher touches one of the children on the shoulder. This child opens his eyes, approaches any child in the circle and can show him any movement. The child who is touched remembers the movement. He opens his eyes and repeats this action towards the next child. So the action is passed around the circle until it reaches the first child. At the end of the game, you can clarify what kind of movement it was. Has it changed? What was it like at the beginning, what did it become at the end? (similar to the game “Broken Phone”, but not with a word, but with movement)

"Masha and Misha"

Target. Development of hearing, tactile perception.
Description. Children stand in a circle and take a rope in their hands. Inside the circle is a large dark forest. Two children Masha and Misha go to the forest. Both receive blindfolds. In this big forest they must find each other. They cannot talk, only call each other, making slightly audible sounds: buzzing, buzzing, and so on. When one child makes a sound, the other must respond with his own sound. Sounds help them find themselves. Make sure that the sounds are really quiet, but still audible. You can say, for example, that children are lost, they are afraid of thieves, robbers and animals, so they make very quiet sounds so as not to attract them.

"We're putting out the fire"

Target. Development of dexterity, rotational movements of the hands, accuracy.
Instructions for children. Imagine that we are all a team of firefighters. We must put out a fire that has broken out in the forest, but the fire truck cannot get to the place of the fire. Therefore, we must carry water to the fire ourselves. Here, where the fire is, I will put an empty container, and here, where the source is, a container of water. Each firefighter receives a paper cup. Everyone stands in a chain from one container to another, at approximately the same distance from each other. The one who stands at the container with water scoops up water with a glass and pours it into the glass of his neighbor. And just like that, the water passes from one glass to another until the last of you pours it into an empty container.
When I say: “Water forward!”, start transporting water. When there is no water left in the source, the child standing at the source must say: “Stop, water!”

"Hunters and Hares"

Target. Teach children to play a double role: hare and hunter. Train spatial orientation, eye, subtle targeted movements of the index finger, reaction speed and self-control.
Instructions for children. I want to offer you a game called “Hunters and Hares”. Extend the index finger of either hand forward (whichever is more convenient) - this is a hunter. Hold the other one behind your back with your open palm facing outward - this is a hare. The hunter tries to catch the hare, that is, to touch the open palm of another child. Every time you catch a hare, that is, touch someone’s palm with your index finger, shout: “Bang-bang!”
I wonder how often we will hear from the hunters? Don't forget that other children are also hunting at this time and trying to catch you. When you are caught, you need to shout: “Ah-ah!” After this, you can start hunting again.

"The Fox and the Hare"

Target. Develop the ability to switch attention during the game.
Instructions for children. I want to offer you a game called "The Fox and the Hare". Stand together in a circle and listen to me carefully to remember the rules.
This small ball is the hare, the big ball is the fox. The hare walks from child to child in a circle, and a little later the fox runs out. The fox must catch the hare. When the fox catches him, the hare starts again - but this time in a different direction. Soon the fox begins to hunt him again. Let's play these rules a couple of times.
Now let's play with two birds with one stone. Both hares must run in the same direction. And one more new rule. Each of you can change the direction in which the fox is running, shouting: “It’s the other way around!” Then the fox runs in a different direction and so do the hares. When we play with two hares, the game becomes more difficult, and I really wonder how often the fox will catch the hare.

"Who has fewer balls"

Target. Develop agility and reaction speed.
Description. Children form two equal teams. Each of them takes several balls and sits on their own half of the court (the court is divided by a net or line). After the teacher’s signal, the children of both teams try to throw their balls to the opponent’s court. The team that has fewer balls on its court after the second whistle wins.

“Passed - sit down”

Target. Develop accuracy, coordination of movements, and the ability to catch the ball.
Description. Children form several teams, each team chooses a captain. Teams stand in columns behind the starting line. The captain of each team, with the ball in his hands, stands opposite his team at a distance of 2-3 meters from it.
At the teacher’s signal, the captain passes the ball to the first player in the column, who catches it, passes it back to the captain and crouches. The captain passes the ball in the same way to the second, then to the third and to all other players. Each player crouches after passing the ball to the captain. When the last player passes the ball to the captain, the captain raises the ball above his head and the whole team quickly stands up. The team that completes the task first wins. If the player does not catch the ball, then he must run after it, return to his place and pass the ball to the captain.