Human leukocyte interferon - instructions for use. Name of nasal drops with interferon. Interferon, instructions for use

It comes in several types, but drugs based on the protein interferon alpha are characterized by the highest bioavailability.

Release form of Interferon Alpha

There are quite a few ways to use the medicine, so the release of various forms of the medicine is pharmacologically justified:

  • dry powder used for injection in combination with distilled water;
  • ready solution for injection;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • ointment;
  • nasal drops;
  • nasal spray;
  • eye drops;
  • dry powder for the preparation of nasal and eye drops.

Application of Interferon Alpha

Treatment with Interferon Alpha is based on high antiviral effect. It has long been noted that a person in whose body one virus develops cannot become infected with a virus of another type. When interferon is administered, cells into which the virus has not yet penetrated become resistant to it and over time the disease goes away. Since this scheme is suitable for viruses of any type, the scope of application of Interferon Alpha is very wide:

  • viral hepatitis of any type;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • nasal and ophthalmic infections;
  • ARVI, influenza;
  • laryngeal pipillomatosis;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • leukemia;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma;
  • lymphoma;
  • carcinoma;
  • viral and bactericidal-viral infections of any type in children.

Unlike other antiviral drugs synthetic origin, interferon has few contraindications. It is used with caution for problems with the excretory organs and some liver diseases. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. The side effects of Interferon Alpha cannot be called pleasant, but they occur rarely. This:

It is also important to know that this medicine does not combine very well with other pharmacological and medicinal agents, so you should consult your physician about the use of each of them. This will help avoid serious complications. It is most undesirable to take interferon together with sedatives and narcotic drugs.

How to dilute Interferon Alpha powder depends on your goals. The required dose of the medicine must first be diluted with distilled water for injection in an amount of 50 ml. If you need drops in the nose or eyes, you can also use saline solution (sodium chloride) for these purposes.

Interferon Alpha eye drops and other types of medicine are ready for use and do not require the addition of additional components.

Analogues of the drug Interferon Alpha

Today, there are many drugs based on various interferons. Some of them are imported, others are domestic, but the degree of effectiveness of all these drugs is approximately the same. The only difference is the quality of protein purification and, hence, the price. Here is a list of medications that can replace Interferon Alpha:

  • Alfarekin;
  • Intron A;
  • Roferon;
  • Nazoferon;
  • Wellveron;
  • human leukocyte interferon and others.

All these drugs are designed to treat the manifestations of various viruses, block their spread throughout the body, prevent infection of new cells, strengthening the cell membrane. Thanks to the synthesis of special types of enzymes, the body strengthens the immune system and begins to independently fight infection. Also, interferons of all types have an antitumor effect, the reasons for which have not been precisely established to date, but the use of the drug for treatment and prevention oncological diseases not prohibited.

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Interferon: application features, composition, indications, analogues

Today's pharmacology represents a large assortment medicines that have large spectrum useful properties in the treatment of viruses and infections. One of these drugs is Interferon. Before use, please read the indications and contraindications in detail. of this medicine.

Composition, release form and manufacturer

Interferon is a drug consisting of a mixture of various natural alpha interferons. Interferon inducers are obtained from human blood leukocytes. It has several release forms:

  • Lyophysiate (dried drug, frozen, later used to obtain a solution)
  • Ampoules 2 ml
  • Suppositories for rectal and vaginal use
  • Solution for injections or inhalations
  • Powder for making drops
  • Aerosol
  • Microclysters
  • Pills

There are several companies that produce Interferon, they are located in the United States of America, Russian Federation, Israel, Switzerland and other countries.

Indications for use of Interferon

Interferon belongs to the group of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs. Their work is aimed at stimulating the work of cells responsible for the formation of cellular immunity. The product is intended for the treatment of:

It is also used to prevent acute respiratory infections and influenza. Interferon has also received widespread use for the treatment cancerous tumors lymphatic system, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, blood cancer. It is also prescribed for the treatment of pathologies of nerve tissue and the spinal cord.


The main contraindications of Interferon are indicated in the instructions for use. These include:

  • Severe heart disease
  • Problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver
  • Personal intolerance to the component composition
  • Cirrhosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Diseases of the central nervous system
  • Problems with work thyroid gland

The drug should not be given to children who were born prematurely or were born before 34 weeks of gestation. Contraindicated in case of unclosed intestinal bleeding. Particular caution should be exercised during pregnancy or lactation. The dosage and regimen of taking the drug should be agreed with your doctor.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The main effect of Interferon is to inhibit the synthesis of viral proteins. The fight against the virus begins within a few hours after taking the medicine. The drug does not penetrate into the cell, but acts on membranes, coming into contact with specific receptors.

The following effects occur on the body:

In the first case, the process of inhibiting the reproduction of viral cells occurs. In the second, the drug’s work is possible due to the content of the p53 protein. Regardless of the form of release and administration into the body, Interferon has 100% bioavailability, that is, it is completely absorbed by the body.

For more information about the use of Interferon, watch our video:

Instructions for use

Daily dosage and the form of the drug used are determined by the doctor depending on the patient’s age, his diagnosis and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

IN for preventive purposes Interferon for influenza or similar infections is used 4-5 times a week.

Most optimal shape release for this purpose - nasal drops for the nose. It is enough to drop 2 drops into each nostril.

If you use Interferon lyophysiate, then before injection you should dilute it in 2 ml of water. A similar method of use is suitable for diluting the medicine as a solution for inhalation.

The prepared solution should be stored for no more than a day. Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of herpes and papillomavirus. 1-2 times a day, suppositories are administered rectally or vaginally for a course of no more than 10 days.

In the treatment of cancer, the medicine is administered intramuscularly. The dosage in each case is determined individually. When taking a course in chemical or radiation therapy Interferon should be taken for another 14 days after completion.

Used for eye diseases eye drops(2 pieces in each eye) Interferon. The daily dosage of instillation is no more than 6 times. When symptoms decrease, the dosage is halved. The permissible duration of the course is 1-1.5 weeks.

The ointment is used to prevent ARVI. The nasal passages should be lubricated with it twice a day for 1-3 weeks. Interferon in tablets can be taken no more than 2050 IU per kilogram of the patient’s weight. The total dosage should not exceed 1 million IU. The sooner a course of treatment or prevention with Interferon is started, the higher the effectiveness of the drug will be.

How to prepare Interferon solution for instillation into the nose, see our video:

Side effects

When taking Interferon, no one is immune from the occurrence of adverse reactions drug. Most often, their manifestation occurs in the first 2 weeks of use. With further continuation of the course, the symptoms of side effects subside. The most common body reactions to Interferon are:

  1. Severe headaches
  2. Temperature rises to 38 degrees
  3. Fever
  4. Muscle pain
  5. Joint pain
  6. General malaise

Additionally, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, allergies, and problems with the functioning of the respiratory system may appear.

Use during pregnancy

The use of Interferon during pregnancy and lactation is carried out under the supervision and with the permission of the attending physician. There are no cases of medication being provided negative influence on the development of the fetus and the body of the expectant mother.

When using the drug by a nursing mother, the baby's reaction should be observed. Interferon passes into breast milk in small concentrations, so an ambiguous baby’s reaction to it will be a reason to refuse the medicine.


No cases of overdose with Interferon have been identified. To prevent the development of adverse reactions, do not exceed determined by the doctor or dosage instructions in accordance with the patient’s age.

Drug interactions

Caution should be exercised when using Interferon with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the possible likelihood of additional stress on the liver. This is especially true for patients with organ dysfunction. In this case, the course of treatment is carried out under constant medical supervision.

special instructions

When prescribing Interferon, it is necessary to ensure that the patient does not have problems with work of cardio-vascular system. It is not recommended for people who have recently had a heart attack.

For thrombocytopenia, the drug is administered strictly under the skin.

For people over the age of 65, the dosage is selected individually.

Interferon rectal suppositories are contraindicated in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids or bleeding of its nodes. Suppositories are not prescribed for external form diseases.

Reviews about the drug

Interferon is recommended by 9 out of 10 patients. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive. It helps not only adults and children. The drug also helps strengthen children's immunity and resist infections in the body.

Reviews from Dr. Komarovsky about the use of Interferon:

Interferon price

The cost of Interferon directly depends on the form of the drug, the volume of packaging and the manufacturer (to a lesser extent). The medicine in the form of a lyophilisate costs within rubles, a solution for intramuscular administration from 1100 rubles, for inhalation from 120 rubles.


Interferon analogues are prescribed if the use of the drug itself is impossible due to personal intolerance or its use has caused severe adverse reactions.

Instead of medicine, you can use the following drugs from the list:

Drug synonyms

Similar therapeutic effect Anaferon has interferon. average cost of this medicine varies from 200 rubles per package. It is produced in the form of tablets intended for resorption. Used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It should be stored in a cool place at a temperature of no more than 8 degrees and not lower than 2. Refers to drug group B.

Best before date

Shelf life – 2 years. The prepared solution should be stored for no more than 24 hours.

How to dilute interferon in ampoules for inhalation?

Interferon, which comes in ampoules, can be used for inhalation, eye drops for viral conjunctivitis, and nasal drops. The powder in the ampoule dissolves in water instantly. I use the most ordinary boiled and cooled water.

At the same time, it must be really cool, since Interferon does not tolerate high temperatures. That's why it is stored in the refrigerator.

Add directly to ampoule clean water to the 2 ml mark and shake thoroughly. The grains will quickly and easily dissolve and you can inhale. It is usually recommended to use 5 drops in each nostril. During illness, once every two hours, for prevention - less often.

But personally, I didn’t notice much difference in my family without and with feron group drugs. Better strengthen your immune system natural means- follow a routine, eat normally and lead an active life. Then the body will have enough of its own living immunity, and not powder.

Interferon in ampoules is used for acute respiratory viral infections. If you inhale with Interferon using a nebulizer or inhaler, then it can be diluted with saline solution - 1 ampoule of Interferon powder per 5 ml of saline solution or with water - 3 ampoules per 10 ml warm water(approximately 37 degrees). Inhalations cannot be performed more than twice. When our baby was prescribed inhalations, we did not use Interferon, but replaced it with Rotokan - it is made from medicinal herbs.

I always diluted it with regular boiled water, which is what the doctor advised. To be sure, you can dilute it with sterile saline solution (sold at any pharmacy for pennies), but for inhalations this does not play a special role.

It is usually diluted with cold boiled water. You can buy distilled water at the pharmacy and dilute it with it. It is advisable to immediately use the solution for treatment. Can be stored for no more than 4 hours in a sterile syringe in the refrigerator.


Prices in online pharmacies:

Interferon is a drug that helps increase immune defense body.

Available in the form of lyophilized powder for injection, liquid solution and rectal suppositories.

Pharmacological action of Interferon

In accordance with the instructions for Interferon, 1 ampoule of dry lyophilized powder contains a mixture of various types of natural alpha interferon of human blood leukocytes 1000 IU.

The composition of 1 ml liquid solution of Interferon Alpha includes a mixture of subtypes of natural alpha interferon from donated blood person 1000IU.

1 Interferon suppository contains a mixture of different types of natural alpha interferon of human blood leukocytes 40,000 IU.

The instructions for Interferon indicate that the drug is one of the factors (protein) produced by the body that prevents the body from being damaged by viral infections.

Human interferon is a group of endogenous proteins that are produced by leukocytes of human donor blood under the influence of various viruses.

Interferon Alpha is a highly purified sterile protein containing 165 amino acids. The drug is created by genetic engineering, through recombinant DNA. The drug has an antitumor effect. When using Interferon, fluctuations in the concentration of the active substance of the drug in the blood serum are observed.

This drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and antiproliferative activity.

The antiviral effect is due to an increase in the resistance of body cells free from viral infections to possible influences. Due to binding to specific receptors located on the cell surface, active substance the drug changes the properties of the cell membrane, while stimulating specific enzymes; affects the RNA of the virus, due to which it blunts its replication.

The immunostimulating effect of human interferon in all forms of release is due to stimulation of the activity of NK cells and macrophages, which take part in the body's immune response to tumor cells.

The drug is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Interferon is effectively used for children and adults.

Indications for use

Interferon Alpha is prescribed for the treatment of Kaloshi's sarcoma (a disease of the vascular bed of the skin, which is accompanied by new formation of blood vessels, their bulging and proliferation) in patients with AIDS, as well as for the treatment of leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, kidney cancer and Bladder, melanoma, herpes zoster.

Human interferon is used to treat chronic and acute viral hepatitis(inflammation of liver tissue that is caused by a virus). The use of Interferon in the form of suppositories as part of therapy is effective hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.

Local application (in the nose or eyes) of Interferon solution is prescribed for children and adults for the prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI, conjunctivitis, keratouveitis and keratitis.

Directions for use and dosage

Interferon is used in the form of a solution prepared from boiled or distilled water at room temperature. To do this, pour water into the opened ampoule up to the mark that corresponds to 2 ml. After this, the ampoule must be shaken until the powder is completely dissolved. After dilution, the solution becomes red in color; it should be stored in a cool place for no more than 48 hours. 5 drops of solution should be administered into each nasal passage 2 times a day. The interval between use is at least 6 hours.

The most effective is inhalation method use of Interferon. To do this, the contents of 3 ampoules should be dissolved in 10 ml of water and heated to a temperature not exceeding 37 degrees. The frequency of procedures is 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 days.

For the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, according to the instructions, Interferon must be used when the first signs of the disease appear.

Before starting treatment with Interferon Alpha, the susceptibility of the microflora that caused the disease should be determined. For the treatment of leukemic reticuloendotheliosis, an initial dose of BME is prescribed for daily subcutaneous or intramuscular administration for 4-6 months. The maintenance dose is equal to IU for intramuscular administration 3 times a week. Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

For the treatment of Galoshi's sarcoma in patients with AIDS, an initial dose of ME is prescribed intramuscularly. Duration of therapy is 2-3 months. A maintenance dose of ME is administered daily 3 times a week.

Course of therapy rectal suppositories Interferon should not exceed 15 days. The dose of the drug is prescribed individually and adjusted by the attending physician.

Side effects of Interferon

During use medicinal product Side effects may occur such as headaches and muscle pain, lethargy, fever, sweating, vomiting, dry mouth, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight, flatulence, constipation, nausea, heartburn, disorders liver function, hepatitis.

The active substance included in Interferon in all forms of release can cause visual impairment, sleep disturbances, depression, increased peristalsis, itching, skin rash, ischemic retinopathy, dizziness, nervousness, and joint pain.

Contraindications for use

Interferon of all forms is not prescribed to patients who have:

  • Severe heart disease;
  • Impaired functions of the kidneys, liver and central nervous system;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Chronic and autoimmune hepatitis;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


In case of an overdose of Interferon, allergic reactions may occur on the part of the body, accompanied by skin rash, hives, itching, peeling of the skin, and redness.

Additional Information

Take with caution medicine simultaneously with opioid analgesics, sedatives and hypnotics.

The instructions for Interferon indicate that the drug must be stored in a dark, cool, dry place out of reach of children. The shelf life of the powder for preparing the solution is 1 year, the liquid solution is 2 years, and the candles are 2 years.

Dispensed from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Interferon human leukocyte 1000IU No. 10 ampoules

Interferon leukocyte person N10

Interferon human leukocyte liquid 1000IU/ml 5ml No. 1 bottle

Human leukocyte interferon liquid solution 1000 IU/ml 5 ml

Interferon beta-1b solution 8 million IU/ml 0.5 ml 5 pcs.

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Description current as of 11/11/2014

  • Latin name: Interferon
  • ATX code: L03AB
  • Active ingredient: Interferon preparations can be used as active component: human α, β or γ interferon (IFN)
  • Manufacturer: Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland; Schering-Plough, USA; InterMune, USA, etc.


The composition of interferon preparations depends on their release form.

Release form

Interferon preparations have the following release forms:

  • lyophilized powder for the preparation of eye and nasal drops, injection solution;
  • injection solution;
  • eye drops;
  • eye films;
  • nasal drops and spray;
  • ointment;
  • dermatological gel;
  • liposomes;
  • aerosol;
  • oral solution;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • implants;
  • microenemas;
  • tablets (interferon tablets are available under the brand name Entalferon).

pharmachologic effect

IFN drugs belong to the group of drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

All IFNs have antiviral and antitumor effects. No less important is their property of stimulating macrophages, cells that play an important role in the initiation of cellular immunity.

IFNs help increase the body's resistance to the penetration of viruses, and also block the reproduction of viruses when they penetrate the cell. The latter is due to the ability of IFN to suppress the translation of the messenger RNA of the virus.

However, the antiviral effect of IFN is not directed against specific viruses, that is, IFNs are not characterized by virus specificity. This is precisely what explains their versatility and wide range of antiviral activity.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main biological effect of α-IFN is the inhibition of viral protein synthesis. Antiviral state cells develop within several hours after administration of the drug or induction of IFN production in the body.

However, IFN has no effect on early stages replicative cycle, that is, at the stage of adsorption, penetration of the virus into the cell (penetration) and release internal component the virus in the process of “undressing”.

The antiviral effect of α-IFN occurs even when cells are infected with infectious RNA. IFN does not penetrate the cell, but only interacts with specific receptors on cell membranes (gangliosides or similar structures that contain oligosugars).

The mechanism of IFN alpha activity resembles the action of individual glycopeptide hormones. It stimulates the activity of genes, some of which are involved in encoding the formation of products with direct antiviral effect.

β interferons also have an antiviral effect, which is associated with several mechanisms of action. Beta interferon activates NO synthetase, which in turn increases the concentration of nitric oxide inside the cell. The last one plays key role in suppressing the reproduction of viruses.

β-IFN activates the secondary, effector functions of natural killer cells, B-type lymphocytes, blood monocytes, tissue macrophages (mononuclear phagocytes) and neutrophil leukocytes, which are characterized by antibody-dependent and antibody-independent cytotoxicity.

In addition, β-IFN blocks the release of the internal component of the virus and disrupts the processes of RNA methylation of the virus.

γ-IFN is involved in the regulation of the immune response and regulates the severity of inflammatory reactions. Despite the fact that it has an independent antiviral and antitumor effect, gamma interferon is very weak. At the same time, it significantly enhances the activity of α- and β-IFN.

After parenteral administration the maximum concentration of IFN in the blood plasma is observed after 3-12 hours. The bioavailability indicator is 100% (both after injection under the skin and after injection into the muscle).

The half-life T½ ranges from 2 to 7 hours. Trace concentrations of IFN in blood plasma are not detectable after 16–24 hours.

Indications for use

IFN is indicated for the treatment of viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract.

In addition, interferon preparations are prescribed to patients with chronic forms of hepatitis B, C and Delta.

For the treatment of viral diseases and, in particular, hepatitis C, IFN-α is used predominantly (both of its forms - IFN-alpha 2b and IFN-alpha 2a). Pegylated interferons alpha-2b and alpha-2a are considered to be the “gold standard” for the treatment of hepatitis C. In comparison, conventional interferons are less effective.

Genetic polymorphism observed in the IL28B gene, which is responsible for encoding IFN lambda-3, causes significant differences in the effect of treatment.

Patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C with common alleles of this gene are more likely to achieve longer and more pronounced treatment results compared to other patients.


Interferon is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to it, as well as to children and adolescents suffering from severe mental disorders and disorders of the nervous system, which are accompanied by thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts, severe and prolonged depression.

In combination with the antiviral drug Ribavirin, IFN is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with serious renal impairment (conditions in which creatinine clearance is less than 50 ml/min).

Interferon drugs are contraindicated in epilepsy (in cases where appropriate therapy does not produce the expected clinical effect).

Side effects

Interferon belongs to the category of drugs that can cause a large number of adverse reactions from various systems and organs. In most cases, they are a consequence of the administration of interferon intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, but they can also be provoked by other pharmaceutical forms of the drug.

The most common adverse reactions to taking IFN are:

Vomiting is somewhat less common, increased drowsiness, feeling of dry mouth, hair loss (alopecia), asthenia; nonspecific symptoms flu-like symptoms; backache, depressive states, musculoskeletal pain, thoughts of suicide and attempted suicide, general malaise, impaired taste and concentration, increased irritability, sleep disorders (often insomnia), arterial hypotension, confusion.

Rare side effects include: pain on the right side of the upper abdomen, rashes on the body (erythematous and maculopapular), increased nervousness, soreness and severe inflammation at the injection site. injection form, secondary viral infection (including infection with herpes simplex virus), increased dryness skin, itching, pain in the eyes, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, dysfunction of the lacrimal glands, anxiety, mood lability; psychotic disorders, including hallucinations, increased aggression, etc.; hyperthermia, dyspeptic symptoms, respiratory disorders, weight loss, tachycardia, unshaped chair, myositis, hyper- or hypothyroidism, hearing impairment (up to its complete loss), the formation of infiltrates in the lungs, increased appetite, bleeding gums, cramps in the limbs, dyspnea, impaired renal function and development renal failure, peripheral ischemia, hyperuricemia, neuropathy, etc.

Treatment with IFN drugs may provoke a disorder reproductive function. Studies in primates have shown that interferon disrupts menstrual cycle among women. In addition, in women treated with IFN-α drugs, serum estrogen and progesterone levels decreased.

For this reason, if interferon is prescribed, women of childbearing age should use barrier agents contraception. Men reproductive age It is also recommended to be informed about potential side effects.

In rare cases, treatment with interferon may be accompanied by ophthalmological disorders, which are expressed in the form of retinal hemorrhages, retinopathy (including macular edema), focal changes retina, decreased visual acuity and/or limitation of visual fields, swelling of the optic discs, neuritis of the optic (second cranial) nerve, obstruction of the retinal arteries or veins.

Sometimes, while taking interferon, hyperglycemia and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, and renal failure can develop. May worsen in patients with diabetes clinical picture diseases.

The use of interferon in monotherapy or in combination with Ribavirin in isolated cases can provoke aplastic anemia (AA) or even PRACM (complete aplasia of the red bone marrow).

There have also been cases where, during treatment with interferon drugs, a patient developed various autoimmune and immune-mediated disorders (including Werlhof's disease and Moschkowitz's disease).

Interferon, instructions for use

The instructions for the use of alpha, beta and gamma interferons indicate that before prescribing the drug to a patient, it is recommended to determine how sensitive the microflora that caused the disease is to it.

The method of administration of human leukocyte interferon is determined depending on the diagnosis given to the patient. In most cases, it is prescribed as a subcutaneous injection, but in some cases the drug can be injected into a muscle or vein.

The treatment dose, maintenance dose and duration of treatment are determined depending on the clinical situation and the patient’s response to the therapy prescribed to him.

“Children’s” interferon is suppositories, drops and ointment.

Instructions for the use of interferon for children recommend using this drug both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent. The dose for infants and older children is selected by the attending physician.

For prophylactic purposes, INF is used in the form of a solution, for the preparation of which distilled or boiled water room temperature. The finished solution is colored red and opalescent. It should be stored in the cold for no more than an hour. The drug is instilled into the nose of children and adults.

For viral ophthalmic diseases, the drug is prescribed in the form of eye drops.

As soon as the severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases, the volume of instillations should be reduced to one drop. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

To treat lesions caused by herpes viruses, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes twice a day, maintaining 12-hour intervals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days (until the integrity of the damaged skin and mucous membranes is completely restored).

To prevent acute respiratory infections and flu, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal passages with ointment. The frequency of procedures during the 1st and 3rd weeks of the course is 2 times a day. It is recommended to take a break during the 2nd week. For preventive purposes, interferon should be used throughout the entire period of the epidemic of respiratory diseases.

The duration of the rehabilitation course for children who often experience recurrent viral-bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, and recurrent infection caused by the herpes simplex virus is two months.

How to dilute and how to use interferon in ampoules?

The instructions for using interferon in ampoules indicate that before use, the ampoule must be opened, water (distilled or boiled) at room temperature must be poured into it up to the mark on the ampoule corresponding to 2 ml.

The contents are gently shaken until completely dissolved. The solution is injected into each nasal passage twice a day, five drops, maintaining intervals of at least six hours between administrations.

IN medicinal purposes IFN is started when the first flu symptoms appear. The earlier the patient starts taking it, the higher the effectiveness of the drug.

The inhalation method (through the nose or mouth) is considered the most effective. For one inhalation, it is recommended to take the contents of three ampoules of the drug, dissolved in 10 ml of water.

The water is preheated to a temperature of no more than +37 °C. Inhalation procedures are carried out twice a day, maintaining an interval of at least one to two hours between them.

When sprayed or instilled, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in two milliliters of water and 0.25 ml (or five drops) is administered into each nasal passage three to six times a day. Duration of treatment days.

For preventive purposes, nasal drops for children are instilled (5 drops) twice a day; at the initial stage of the disease, the frequency of instillations is increased: the drug should be administered at least five to six times a day every hour or two.

Many people are interested in whether interferon solution can be dripped into the eyes. The answer to this question is yes.


Cases of interferon overdose have not been described.


β-IFN is compatible with corticosteroid drugs and ACTH. It should not be taken during treatment with myelosuppressive drugs, incl. cytostatics (this may cause an additive effect).

Beta-IFN is prescribed with caution with drugs whose clearance is largely dependent on the cytochrome P450 system (anti-epileptic drugs, some antidepressants, etc.).

You should not take α-IFN and Telbivudine at the same time. Simultaneous useα-IFN provokes a mutual enhancement of action against HIV. At joint use with phosphazide, the myelotoxicity of both drugs may mutually increase (it is recommended to carefully monitor changes in the number of granulocytes and hemoglobin levels).

Terms of sale

A prescription is required to dispense the drug.

Storage conditions

Interferon is stored in a cool place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature of +2 to +8°C. List B.

Best before date

24 months. The prepared interferon solution remains stable for 3 days at room temperature.

special instructions

Interferons are a class of glycoproteins with similar properties that are produced by vertebrate cells in response to exposure to various kinds inducers of both viral and non-viral nature.

According to Wikipedia, in order for a biologically active substance to be qualified as an interferon, it must be of a protein nature, have pronounced antiviral activity against various viruses, at least in homologous (similar) cells, “mediated by cellular metabolic processes, including the synthesis of RNA and protein "

The classification of IFNs proposed by the WHO and the Interferon Committee is based on differences in their antigenic, physical, chemical and biological properties. In addition, it takes into account their species and cellular origin.

Based on antigenicity (antigen specificity), IFNs are usually divided into acid-stable and acid-labile. The acid-fast ones include alpha and beta interferons (they are also called type I IFN). Interferon gamma (γ-IFN) is acid labile.

α-IFN is produced by peripheral blood leukocytes (B- and T-type leukocytes), so it was previously designated as leukocyte interferon. Currently there are at least 14 of its varieties.

β-IFN is produced by fibroblasts and is therefore also called fibroblastic.

The previous designation of γ-IFN is immune interferon; it is produced by stimulated T-type lymphocytes, NK cells (normal (natural) killer cells; from the English “natural killer”) and (presumably) macrophages.

Basic properties and mechanism of action of IFN

Without exception, all IFNs are characterized by multifunctional activity against target cells. Their most common property is the ability to induce an antiviral state in them.

Interferon is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various viral infections. A feature of IFN drugs is that their effect weakens with repeated injections.

The mechanism of action of IFN is related to its ability to control viral infections. As a result of treatment with interferon drugs, a kind of barrier of uninfected cells resistant to the virus is formed in the patient’s body around the source of infection, which prevents further dissemination infections.

By interacting with still undamaged (intact) cells, it prevents the implementation of the reproductive cycle of viruses due to the activation of certain cellular enzymes (protein kinases).

Most important functions interferons are considered to have the ability to suppress hematopoiesis; modulate the body's immune response and inflammation response; regulate the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation; suppress the growth and prevent the proliferation of viral cells; stimulate the expression of surface antigens; suppress individual functions of B- and T-type leukocytes, stimulate the activity of NK cells, etc.

Use of IFN in biotechnology

The development of methods for the synthesis and highly efficient purification of leukocyte and recombinant interferons in quantities sufficient for the production of drugs has opened up the possibility of using IFN drugs for the treatment of patients diagnosed with viral hepatitis.

A distinctive feature of recombinant IFNs is that they are obtained outside human body.

For example, recombinant interferon beta-1a (IFN β-1a) is obtained from mammalian cells (in particular, from Chinese hamster ovary cells), and interferon beta-1b (IFN β-1b), similar in its properties, is produced by belonging to family of enterobacteria coli (Escherichia coli).

Interferon inducer drugs - what are they?

IFN inducers are drugs that do not themselves contain interferon, but at the same time stimulate its production.


Each type of interferon has analogues. Interferon alpha-2a preparations - Reaferon, Roferon. Recombinant human interferon alpha 2b is produced under the trademarks Intron-A, Intrek, Viferon.

Interferon for children

According to the instructions, interferon preparations are indicated for children:

IFN is also used in therapy, the purpose of which is the rehabilitation of frequently ill people. respiratory infections children.

Most best option administration for children - nasal drops: when used in this way, interferon does not penetrate the gastrointestinal tract (before diluting the drug for the nose, the water should be heated to a temperature of 37 ° C).

For infants, interferon is prescribed in the form of suppositories (150 thousand IU). Suppositories for children should be administered one at a time 2 times a day, maintaining 12-hour intervals between administrations. The course of treatment is 5 days. To completely cure ARVI in a child, as a rule, one course is enough.

For treatment, you should take 0.5 g of ointment twice a day. Treatment lasts on average 2 weeks. Over the next 2-4 weeks, the ointment is used 3 times a week.

Numerous positive reviews about the drug indicate that in this dosage form he has also established himself as effective remedy for the treatment of stomatitis and inflamed tonsils. Interferon inhalations for children are no less effective.

The effect of using the drug increases significantly if a nebulizer is used to administer it (it is necessary to use a device that sprays particles with a diameter of more than 5 microns). Inhalations through a nebulizer have their own specifics.

First, interferon must be inhaled through the nose. Secondly, before using the device, you must turn off the heating function (IFN is a protein; at temperatures above 37°C it is destroyed).

For inhalation in a nebulizer, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 2-3 ml of distilled or mineral water(you can also use saline solution for these purposes). The resulting volume is enough for one procedure. The frequency of procedures during the day is from 2 to 4.

It's important to remember that long-term treatment Interferon is not recommended for children, since addiction develops to it and, therefore, the expected effect does not develop.

Interferon during pregnancy

An exception may be cases when the expected benefit of therapy for the expectant mother exceeds the risk of adverse reactions and harmful effects on fetal development.

It is possible that the components of recombinant IFN can be isolated from breast milk. Due to the possibility of exposure to the fetus through milk, IFN is not prescribed to nursing women.

IN as a last resort When IFN cannot be avoided, the woman is advised not to breastfeed during therapy. To mitigate the side effects of the drug (the occurrence of symptoms similar to those of influenza), simultaneous administration of paracetamol with IFN is recommended.

The powder in the ampoule dissolves in water instantly. I use the most ordinary boiled and cooled water.

At the same time, it must be really cool, since Interferon does not tolerate high temperatures. That's why it is stored in the refrigerator.

Add clean water directly to the ampoule up to the 2 ml mark and shake thoroughly. The grains will quickly and easily dissolve and you can inhale. It is usually recommended to use 5 drops in each nostril. During illness, once every two hours, for prevention - less often.

But personally, I didn’t notice much difference in my family without and with feron group drugs. It is better to strengthen the immune system through natural means - follow a routine, eat normally and lead an active life. Then the body will have enough of its own living immunity, and not powder.

Interferon in ampoules is used for acute respiratory viral infections. If you inhale with Interferon using a nebulizer or inhaler, then it can be diluted with saline solution - 1 ampoule of Interferon powder per 5 ml of saline solution or with water - 3 ampoules per 10 ml of warm water (approximately 37 degrees). Inhalations cannot be performed more than twice. When our baby was prescribed inhalations, we did not use Interferon, but replaced it with Rotokan - it is made from medicinal herbs.

I always diluted it with regular boiled water, which is what the doctor advised. To be sure, you can dilute it with sterile saline solution (sold at any pharmacy for pennies), but for inhalations this does not play a special role.

It is usually diluted with cold boiled water. You can buy distilled water at the pharmacy and dilute it with it. It is advisable to immediately use the solution for treatment. Can be stored for no more than 4 hours in a sterile syringe in the refrigerator.

Interferon in ampoules: how to dilute, how and how much to drip for children

The onset of autumn cold eloquently indicates that the period of childhood colds is already on the threshold. Therefore, many parents are already trying to find for themselves all sorts of safe ways to treat and prevent viral diseases in their children. In this regard, interferon means are gaining more and more popularity every year. These medical supplies can not only help a child overcome dangerous infection, but also to increase the overall resistance of immunity to all kinds of dangerous environmental challenges.

That is why the drug “Interferon” has become widespread in general pediatric practice, which can be used both as drops and as an inhalation agent.

But, despite all its popularity and its rather long existence on the market, for many parents reliable information about interferons is a problem. Therefore, today we have to find out what this remedy is and how to properly drip Interferon to a child.

Composition and pharmacological actions

Under general concept Interferon is hiding one of the structural features human immunity, namely a protein that is produced by the body in response to the damaging effects of bacteria. This structural unit interacts with the causative agent of the disease and ultimately blocks its reproduction.

Due to children's body is not capable of full functioning than an adult; interferon in the body of children is either not produced at all, or its amount is insufficient for independent struggle with infection.

That is why in general medical practice Preparations based on this protein have become widespread in the treatment of children.

The main functions of interferons in the human body:

  • stimulation of the production of substances that suppress the development of viruses;
  • creating unsuitable conditions in cells for the proliferation of infectious agents;
  • inhibition general processes life activity of the virus.

The drug "Interferon" is a powdery mixture of alpha interferons obtained from blood leukocytes. Moreover, they may include several types of protein compounds.

The powder is produced in the form of ampoules with a dry lyophilized mixture with an amount of interferons of at least 1000 IU. When prepared, the drug is a solution with a characteristic red tint.

The main effect of the drug introduced into the body is to slow down or completely block the ability of viruses to synthesize proteins important for their development. The active effect of the drug on the body is manifested even in the case of complete defeat cells.

In addition to the above, the active components help block the release of virion components, as well as the synthesis of its RNA.

The maximum concentration of the drug substance is observed in the blood within 3-12 hours after parenteral administration to the body, but after an hour, traces of the drug administration completely disappear. Moreover, its bioavailability is about 100%, regardless of the methods of administration.

What does it help with?

The main function of Interferon is its antiviral and immunomodulatory effects on the body during ARVI.

However, the remedy is quite effectively used in the treatment of:

  • hepatitis B and C type;
  • pointed kandiloma;
  • myelomas;
  • Kaposi's sarcoma in cases of AIDS;
  • kidney carcinomas;
  • leukemia;
  • malignant melanoma.

Can it be used for babies?

Today, referring to general pediatric practice and instructions for use of the product, we can safely say that Interferon in ampoules is recommended for infants. However, there are some features that every parent should know.

In modern medicine, there are two forms of it: natural, made from human blood leukocytes, and artificial.

Unlike the natural form, the main advantage of the artificial form is complete safety and the absence of the possibility of infecting the child with any disease from the donor. However, despite this, to date WHO has not registered a single official case of human infection. infectious diseases by using natural forms of this drug.

Instillation into the nose: course and dosage

According to official instructions for the use of Interferon in ampoules for children, the use and preparation of this drug does not require special knowledge and skills. Therefore, many decide to make the product themselves.

However, in order for the entire process of treating the baby to be as successful as possible, you need to resort to some tricks of the procedure, which we will talk about later.

Dilution of the solution

To prepare water solution drug correctly, you first need to carefully open the glass ampoule. To do this, you need to cut the glass container along a special opening strip using a special disposable cutter (included with each box). After you have cut the ampoule, you need to break off the top cap of the container. However, it is not recommended to do this with bare hands, since otherwise you can cut yourself.

It is best to cover the cap with a handkerchief or a piece of ordinary fabric, after which you can break it more or less safely.

After you have managed to open the ampoule, you need to pour it a small amount of pure distilled or boiled water up to the special mark on the ampoule. Next, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed; this can be done using a clean stick, syringe needle, etc.

You can also mix the solution by simply shaking it.

How to bury

After preparing the solution, it is important to find out how much children need to drip it to achieve the desired effect and how to do it correctly. Interferon using a special bottle with a spout; if it is not available, use a regular pipette.

Interferon needs to be used very often and a lot. At least 5 drops in each nasal passage, every 2 hours, but more often than 6 times a day. In case of a cold, the procedure must be carried out for at least 3 days.

For preventive purposes, the product is instilled 5 drops into each nostril, and the procedure should be carried out no more than 2 times a day with a break of at least 6 hours throughout the week. In the case of treatment or prevention of illness in an infant, special turundas moistened with 2-3 drops of the substance are used.

Solution for inhalation

Using the active components of the drug, you can make one of the best preparations for inhalation, which has the best stimulating properties for general immunity body.

Dilutions of the solution

The inhalation solution is prepared using a mixture of 3 bottles of dry substance and 5 ml of clean boiled or distilled water. The basic principles of the method described above for preparing a substance for instillation into the nose are ideal for this.

How to use

The procedure is carried out no more than 2 times a day. To do this, it is best to opt not for a steam inhaler, but for an ultrasound inhaler, since in this case the usefulness of the manipulation will be much higher. In addition, in this case, the baby will be almost 100% safe from possible burns from hot air streams. During the rapid course of the disease, inhalations should be carried out for at least 3 days, for preventive purposes - about 7-10 days.

Precautionary measures

The medicine is quite safe, but it should be used with extreme caution in children suffering from chronic allergic reactions. It should also be noted that if there is a medical history, the drug should be used exclusively under the strict supervision of medical specialists.

In addition, in the first stages of treatment, the patient must be subjected to hydration therapy, and when using sedatives, sleeping pills or an opioid analgesic, the baby's health must be carefully monitored.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its effectiveness, safety and high effect, not everyone can use solutions of Interferon, since the substance can cause side effects.

The use of the product is strictly prohibited when:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • neuralgic disorders, including epilepsy;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland that are resistant to general therapeutic methods;
  • severe heart defects and cardiovascular system;
  • history of individual intolerance to chicken protein and antibiotic drugs.

Period and storage conditions of the finished solution

In prepared form, Interferon is stored for no more than 3 days at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C, after which it is necessary to prepare new batch substances.

In this article, we learned what Interferon is in ampoules and how to properly dilute the drug for children. The product provides powerful support to the human body in the fight against many infectious colds.

However, in order for the use of the medication to be truly effective and safe, it is necessary to strictly follow the conditions for preparing solutions of the drug according to the instructions.

We took 2 strollers, one large (rubber wheels, shock absorbers), the second for traveling and when needed.

Thank you very much for the article, everything is explained clearly. and I think according to all these parameters it will suit me best.

The heating hasn't been turned on yet, and it's already cold outside. Naturally, we got sick. My husband bought a heater...

Can't Help Falling In Love

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Girls, tell me how to breed interferon. In what proportions and how to drip.

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Description current as of 11/11/2014

  • Latin name: Interferon
  • ATX code: L03AB
  • Active ingredient: In interferon preparations the following can be used as an active component: human α, β or γ interferon (IFN)
  • Manufacturer: Hoffmann-La Roche, Switzerland; Schering-Plough, USA; InterMune, USA, etc.


The composition of interferon preparations depends on their release form.

Release form

Interferon preparations have the following release forms:

  • lyophilized powder for the preparation of eye and nasal drops, injection solution;
  • injection solution;
  • eye drops;
  • eye films;
  • nasal drops and spray;
  • ointment;
  • dermatological gel;
  • liposomes;
  • aerosol;
  • oral solution;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • implants;
  • microenemas;
  • tablets (interferon tablets are available under the brand name Entalferon).

pharmachologic effect

IFN drugs belong to the group of drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

All IFNs have antiviral and antitumor effects. No less important is their property of stimulating macrophages, cells that play an important role in the initiation of cellular immunity.

IFNs help increase the body's resistance to the penetration of viruses, and also block the reproduction of viruses when they penetrate the cell. The latter is due to the ability of IFN to suppress the translation of the messenger RNA of the virus.

However, the antiviral effect of IFN is not directed against specific viruses, that is, IFNs are not characterized by virus specificity. This is precisely what explains their versatility and wide range of antiviral activity.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main biological effect of α-IFN is the inhibition of viral protein synthesis. The antiviral state of the cell develops within several hours after administration of the drug or induction of IFN production in the body.

At the same time, IFN does not affect the early stages of the replication cycle, that is, at the stage of adsorption, penetration of the virus into the cell (penetration) and release of the internal component of the virus during its “undressing”.

The antiviral effect of α-IFN occurs even when cells are infected with infectious RNA. IFN does not penetrate the cell, but only interacts with specific receptors on cell membranes (gangliosides or similar structures that contain oligosugars).

The mechanism of IFN alpha activity resembles the action of individual glycopeptide hormones. It stimulates the activity of genes, some of which are involved in encoding the formation of products with a direct antiviral effect.

β interferons also have an antiviral effect, which is associated with several mechanisms of action. Beta interferon activates NO synthetase, which in turn increases the concentration of nitric oxide inside the cell. The latter plays a key role in suppressing the reproduction of viruses.

β-IFN activates the secondary, effector functions of natural killer cells, B-type lymphocytes, blood monocytes, tissue macrophages (mononuclear phagocytes) and neutrophil leukocytes, which are characterized by antibody-dependent and antibody-independent cytotoxicity.

In addition, β-IFN blocks the release of the internal component of the virus and disrupts the processes of RNA methylation of the virus.

γ-IFN is involved in the regulation of the immune response and regulates the severity of inflammatory reactions. Despite the fact that it has an independent antiviral and antitumor effect, gamma interferon is very weak. At the same time, it significantly enhances the activity of α- and β-IFN.

After parenteral administration, the maximum concentration of IFN in the blood plasma is observed after 3-12 hours. The bioavailability indicator is 100% (both after injection under the skin and after injection into the muscle).

The half-life T½ ranges from 2 to 7 hours. Trace concentrations of IFN in blood plasma are not detectable after 16–24 hours.

Indications for use

IFN is indicated for the treatment of viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract.

In addition, interferon preparations are prescribed to patients with chronic forms of hepatitis B, C and Delta.

For the treatment of viral diseases and, in particular, hepatitis C, IFN-α is used predominantly (both of its forms - IFN-alpha 2b and IFN-alpha 2a). Pegylated interferons alpha-2b and alpha-2a are considered to be the “gold standard” for the treatment of hepatitis C. In comparison, conventional interferons are less effective.

Genetic polymorphisms observed in the IL28B gene, which is responsible for encoding IFN lambda-3, cause significant differences in the effect of treatment.

Patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C with common alleles of this gene are more likely to achieve longer and more pronounced treatment results compared to other patients.


Interferon is not prescribed to patients with hypersensitivity to it, as well as to children and adolescents suffering from severe mental disorders and disorders of the nervous system, which are accompanied by thoughts of suicide and suicide attempts, severe and prolonged depression.

In combination with the antiviral drug Ribavirin, IFN is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with serious renal impairment (conditions in which creatinine clearance is less than 50 ml/min).

Interferon drugs are contraindicated in epilepsy (in cases where appropriate therapy does not produce the expected clinical effect).

Side effects

Interferon belongs to the category of drugs that can cause a large number of adverse reactions from various systems and organs. In most cases, they are a consequence of the administration of interferon intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly, but they can also be provoked by other pharmaceutical forms of the drug.

The most common adverse reactions to taking IFN are:

Somewhat less common are vomiting, increased drowsiness, dry mouth, hair loss (alopecia), asthenia; nonspecific symptoms resembling flu symptoms; back pain, depressive conditions, musculoskeletal pain, thoughts of suicide and attempted suicide, general malaise, impaired taste and concentration, increased irritability, sleep disorders (often insomnia), hypotension, confusion.

Rare side effects include: pain in the right upper abdomen, rashes on the body (erythematous and maculopapular), increased nervousness, soreness and severe inflammation at the injection site of the drug, secondary viral infection (including infection with the herpes simplex virus), increased dryness of the skin, itching, pain in the eyes, conjunctivitis, blurred vision, dysfunction of the lacrimal glands, anxiety, mood lability; psychotic disorders, including hallucinations, increased aggression, etc.; hyperthermia, dyspeptic symptoms, respiratory disorders, weight loss, tachycardia, loose stools, myositis, hyper- or hypothyroidism, hearing impairment (up to complete loss), formation of infiltrates in the lungs, increased appetite, bleeding gums, cramps in the limbs, dyspnea, impaired renal function and development of renal failure, peripheral ischemia, hyperuricemia, neuropathy, etc.

Treatment with IFN drugs may cause reproductive dysfunction. Studies in primates have shown that interferon disrupts the menstrual cycle in women. In addition, in women treated with IFN-α drugs, serum estrogen and progesterone levels decreased.

For this reason, when prescribing interferon, women of childbearing age should use barrier contraception. Men of reproductive age are also advised to be informed of potential side effects.

In rare cases, treatment with interferon may be accompanied by ophthalmological disorders, which are expressed in the form of hemorrhages in the retina, retinopathy (including macular edema), focal changes in the retina, decreased visual acuity and/or limitation of visual fields, swelling of the optic nerves, optic neuritis (second cranial) nerve, retinal artery or vein obstruction.

Sometimes, while taking interferon, hyperglycemia and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, diabetes, and renal failure can develop. In patients with diabetes mellitus, the clinical picture of the disease may worsen.

The use of interferon in monotherapy or in combination with Ribavirin in isolated cases can provoke aplastic anemia (AA) or even PRACM (complete aplasia of the red bone marrow).

There have also been cases where, during treatment with interferon drugs, a patient developed various autoimmune and immune-mediated disorders (including Werlhof's disease and Moschkowitz's disease).

Interferon, instructions for use

The instructions for the use of alpha, beta and gamma interferons indicate that before prescribing the drug to a patient, it is recommended to determine how sensitive the microflora that caused the disease is to it.

The method of administration of human leukocyte interferon is determined depending on the diagnosis given to the patient. In most cases, it is prescribed as a subcutaneous injection, but in some cases the drug can be injected into a muscle or vein.

The treatment dose, maintenance dose and duration of treatment are determined depending on the clinical situation and the patient’s response to the therapy prescribed to him.

“Children’s” interferon is suppositories, drops and ointment.

Instructions for the use of interferon for children recommend using this drug both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic agent. The dose for infants and older children is selected by the attending physician.

For preventive purposes, INF is used in the form of a solution, for the preparation of which distilled or boiled water at room temperature is used. The finished solution is colored red and opalescent. It should be stored in the cold for no more than an hour. The drug is instilled into the nose of children and adults.

For viral ophthalmic diseases, the drug is prescribed in the form of eye drops.

As soon as the severity of the symptoms of the disease decreases, the volume of instillations should be reduced to one drop. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

To treat lesions caused by herpes viruses, a thin layer of ointment is applied to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes twice a day, maintaining 12-hour intervals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days (until the integrity of the damaged skin and mucous membranes is completely restored).

To prevent acute respiratory infections and flu, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal passages with ointment. The frequency of procedures during the 1st and 3rd weeks of the course is 2 times a day. It is recommended to take a break during the 2nd week. For preventive purposes, interferon should be used throughout the entire period of the epidemic of respiratory diseases.

The duration of the rehabilitation course for children who often experience recurrent viral-bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, and recurrent infection caused by the herpes simplex virus is two months.

How to dilute and how to use interferon in ampoules?

The instructions for using interferon in ampoules indicate that before use, the ampoule must be opened, water (distilled or boiled) at room temperature must be poured into it up to the mark on the ampoule corresponding to 2 ml.

The contents are gently shaken until completely dissolved. The solution is injected into each nasal passage twice a day, five drops, maintaining intervals of at least six hours between administrations.

For therapeutic purposes, IFN is started when the first symptoms of influenza appear. The earlier the patient starts taking it, the higher the effectiveness of the drug.

The inhalation method (through the nose or mouth) is considered the most effective. For one inhalation, it is recommended to take the contents of three ampoules of the drug, dissolved in 10 ml of water.

The water is preheated to a temperature of no more than +37 °C. Inhalation procedures are carried out twice a day, maintaining an interval of at least one to two hours between them.

When sprayed or instilled, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in two milliliters of water and 0.25 ml (or five drops) is administered into each nasal passage three to six times a day. Duration of treatment days.

For preventive purposes, nasal drops for children are instilled (5 drops) twice a day; at the initial stage of the disease, the frequency of instillations is increased: the drug should be administered at least five to six times a day every hour or two.

Many people are interested in whether interferon solution can be dripped into the eyes. The answer to this question is yes.


Cases of interferon overdose have not been described.


β-IFN is compatible with corticosteroid drugs and ACTH. It should not be taken during treatment with myelosuppressive drugs, incl. cytostatics (this may cause an additive effect).

Beta-IFN is prescribed with caution with drugs whose clearance is largely dependent on the cytochrome P450 system (anti-epileptic drugs, some antidepressants, etc.).

You should not take α-IFN and Telbivudine at the same time. The simultaneous use of α-IFN provokes a mutual enhancement of action against HIV. When used together with phosphazide, the myelotoxicity of both drugs may mutually increase (it is recommended to carefully monitor changes in the number of granulocytes and hemoglobin levels).

Terms of sale

A prescription is required to dispense the drug.

Storage conditions

Interferon is stored in a cool place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature of +2 to +8°C. List B.

Best before date

24 months. The prepared interferon solution remains stable for 3 days at room temperature.

special instructions

Interferons are a class of glycoproteins with similar properties that are produced by vertebrate cells in response to the influence of various types of inducers, both viral and non-viral in nature.

According to Wikipedia, in order for a biologically active substance to be qualified as an interferon, it must be of a protein nature, have pronounced antiviral activity against various viruses, at least in homologous (similar) cells, “mediated by cellular metabolic processes, including the synthesis of RNA and protein "

The classification of IFNs proposed by the WHO and the Interferon Committee is based on differences in their antigenic, physical, chemical and biological properties. In addition, it takes into account their species and cellular origin.

Based on antigenicity (antigen specificity), IFNs are usually divided into acid-stable and acid-labile. The acid-fast ones include alpha and beta interferons (they are also called type I IFN). Interferon gamma (γ-IFN) is acid labile.

α-IFN is produced by peripheral blood leukocytes (B- and T-type leukocytes), so it was previously designated as leukocyte interferon. There are currently at least 14 varieties of it.

β-IFN is produced by fibroblasts and is therefore also called fibroblastic.

The previous designation of γ-IFN is immune interferon; it is produced by stimulated T-type lymphocytes, NK cells (normal (natural) killer cells; from the English “natural killer”) and (presumably) macrophages.

Basic properties and mechanism of action of IFN

Without exception, all IFNs are characterized by multifunctional activity against target cells. Their most common property is the ability to induce an antiviral state in them.

Interferon is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for various viral infections. A feature of IFN drugs is that their effect weakens with repeated injections.

The mechanism of action of IFN is related to its ability to control viral infections. As a result of treatment with interferon drugs, a kind of barrier of uninfected cells resistant to the virus is formed in the patient’s body around the source of infection, which prevents the further spread of infection.

By interacting with still undamaged (intact) cells, it prevents the implementation of the reproductive cycle of viruses due to the activation of certain cellular enzymes (protein kinases).

The most important functions of interferons are considered to be the ability to suppress hematopoiesis; modulate the body's immune response and inflammation response; regulate the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation; suppress the growth and prevent the proliferation of viral cells; stimulate the expression of surface antigens; suppress individual functions of B- and T-type leukocytes, stimulate the activity of NK cells, etc.

Use of IFN in biotechnology

The development of methods for the synthesis and highly efficient purification of leukocyte and recombinant interferons in quantities sufficient for the production of drugs has opened up the possibility of using IFN drugs for the treatment of patients diagnosed with viral hepatitis.

A distinctive feature of recombinant IFNs is that they are produced outside the human body.

For example, recombinant interferon beta-1a (IFN β-1a) is obtained from mammalian cells (in particular, from Chinese hamster ovary cells), and interferon beta-1b (IFN β-1b), similar in its properties, is produced by belonging to family of enterobacteria coli (Escherichia coli).

Interferon inducer drugs - what are they?

IFN inducers are drugs that do not themselves contain interferon, but at the same time stimulate its production.


Each type of interferon has analogues. Interferon alpha-2a preparations - Reaferon, Roferon. Recombinant human interferon alpha 2b is produced under the trademarks Intron-A, Intrek, Viferon.

Interferon for children

According to the instructions, interferon preparations are indicated for children:

IFN is also used in therapy, the purpose of which is the rehabilitation of children who often suffer from respiratory infections.

The most optimal option for children is nasal drops: when used in this way, interferon does not penetrate the gastrointestinal tract (before diluting the drug for the nose, the water should be heated to a temperature of 37°C).

For infants, interferon is prescribed in the form of suppositories (150 thousand IU). Suppositories for children should be administered one at a time 2 times a day, maintaining 12-hour intervals between administrations. The course of treatment is 5 days. To completely cure ARVI in a child, as a rule, one course is enough.

For treatment, you should take 0.5 g of ointment twice a day. Treatment lasts on average 2 weeks. Over the next 2-4 weeks, the ointment is used 3 times a week.

Numerous positive reviews of the drug indicate that in this dosage form it has also established itself as an effective remedy for the treatment of stomatitis and inflamed tonsils. Interferon inhalations for children are no less effective.

The effect of using the drug increases significantly if a nebulizer is used to administer it (it is necessary to use a device that sprays particles with a diameter of more than 5 microns). Inhalations through a nebulizer have their own specifics.

First, interferon must be inhaled through the nose. Secondly, before using the device, you must turn off the heating function (IFN is a protein; at temperatures above 37°C it is destroyed).

For inhalation in a nebulizer, the contents of one ampoule are diluted in 2-3 ml of distilled or mineral water (saline solution can also be used for these purposes). The resulting volume is enough for one procedure. The frequency of procedures during the day is from 2 to 4.

It is important to remember that long-term treatment of children with interferon is not recommended, since addiction develops to it and, therefore, the expected effect does not develop.

Interferon during pregnancy

An exception may be cases when the expected benefit of therapy for the expectant mother exceeds the risk of adverse reactions and harmful effects on the development of the fetus.

The possibility of isolating recombinant IFN components in breast milk cannot be ruled out. Due to the possibility of exposure to the fetus through milk, IFN is not prescribed to nursing women.

As a last resort, when the administration of IFN cannot be avoided, the woman is advised not to breastfeed during therapy. To mitigate the side effects of the drug (the occurrence of symptoms similar to those of influenza), simultaneous administration of paracetamol with IFN is recommended.

Interferon nasal drops are prescribed for colds. Interferons themselves are endogenous proteins. Such proteins are produced by blood cells, which in turn are affected by viral infections. Nasal drops with interferon help well with acute respiratory diseases. As soon as the main substance penetrates the body, its own interferons begin to be actively produced. Such substances help fight viruses.

Interferon spray or drops have almost the same composition. As for the drops, they are produced in the form of a solution liquid form. The drug has several spectrums of action, namely antiviral, as well as immunomodulatory. Instructions for use indicate that the drug may have an antitumor effect, as it helps stimulate macrophages.

Interferon drops in the nose help to significantly increase the resistance of the human body directly to the penetration of harmful viruses. In addition, if used correctly, the drug helps block the reproduction of viruses.

Instructions for use: main indications

The drug is prescribed as a treatment for viral diseases, which in turn affect the respiratory tract.

Doctors can pee drops of Interferon in complex treatment when chronic hepatitis B or C. In addition, the drug is prescribed for such diseases. For example:

  • Fungal mycoses.
  • Chronic myeloid leukemia.
  • As complex treatment with reticulosarcoma.
  • Prescribed for kidney cancer, as well as for hairy cell leukemia.
  • Most often, a nasal solution or spray is prescribed as a treatment for a runny nose. But, a runny nose can be cured with this remedy only if it has a viral etiology.

What is the difference between drops and spray?

There is practically no difference between spray and drops. The composition of the drug is the same. But the release form is different. Drops are most often prescribed to adults. For small children, it is more convenient to use the drug in the form of a spray. The dispenser helps to quickly distribute the medicine throughout the nasal mucosa.

Interferon drops: main contraindications for use

The drug cannot be used by everyone. In the main instructions that come with the package you can read who should not take the drops.
The main contraindications include increased sensitivity of the patient to the composition of the drug.
In addition, the drug cannot be used in the treatment of severe mental disorders, as well as with prolonged depression.

Important! Before using drops or spray, you should consult your doctor. If you use the drug in complex therapy together with the antiviral drug Ribavirin, complications may occur. Complications include disturbances in kidney function. Epilepsy is also considered a reason not to use the drug.

Instructions for use

The dosage is prescribed only by the doctor, based on the severity of the disease, as well as the age of the patient. The standard regimen for taking the drug for eye infections is 2 drops every 2 hours. Chicken treatment lasts for 6 days.

For a runny nose, the drug is prescribed 2 potassium in each nasal cavity. Drip 2-3 times a day, depending on the nature of rhinitis. The course of treatment is individual, but does not exceed 10 days. If drops or spray do not bring a positive result, they may prescribe the same drug only in the form of an ointment. It contains additional components that help quickly fight viruses.

The product can be used not only as treatment, but also as prevention. To prevent acute respiratory infections, it is enough to drop 1 drop into each nasal cavity 2 times a day.

Side effects

Use the drug only after consulting a doctor. If you don't comply correct technique, or there are contraindications for use, side effects may occur.

Most often there is a fever, severe headache, loss of appetite, nausea.
In rare cases, from side effects The patient may experience disturbances in consciousness, diarrhea, dry nasal cavity, as well as hypotension or arrhythmia.

additional information

The drug is dispensed from the pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years.

Important! The drops must be stored in a place that is inaccessible to children and away from direct sunlight.

Cost: from 90-130 rubles.

Analogues of the drug Interferon

The most common analogues of this product, directly according to the ATX level 4 code:

  • Roferon A;
  • Lipoferon;
  • Intron-A;
  • Interferon alpha-2b human recombinant;
  • Intertrack;
  • Viferon.

Remember, analogues of any of the above remedies may have additional spectrums of action, have a larger list of contraindications and side effects, as well as a different course and dosage of the medication.

Before buying an analogue, you need to consult a doctor to avoid complications and also not to aggravate your general condition.

When treating colds, specialists often prescribe this immunomodulatory and antiviral drug like Interferon. This is a popular medicine that is used in the treatment of viral infections in the form of a solution for nasal instillation. Interferon nasal drops contain the active ingredient human leukocyte interferon dry. The drug is used as an auxiliary therapeutic and prophylactic agent for influenza and respiratory diseases of viral origin.

Action of the medicine

Interferons are endogenous proteins that are produced by blood cells affected by viral infections. This drug is prescribed when it is necessary to treat acute respiratory viral infectious diseases. The use of interferon in the nose of children is indicated from birth, since the drug is absolutely safe. If the active substance enters the body this drug it causes increased production of the body’s own interferon, a substance aimed at fighting viruses. Currently, there are two types of interferons:

Molecular formula of interferon

  • obtained from donated blood infected with viruses;
  • obtained by using genetic engineering.

In production antiviral drops substances obtained by genetic engineering are used. Experts' opinions regarding the effectiveness of the drug may differ: some of them claim that the body's protective functions are enhanced, others say that when interferon enters, the body stops producing its own substance in the required quantity. Based on the fact that this substance can lead to a decrease in immunity, it is not recommended to use it more than 2 times a year.

Interferon is part of such popular antiviral agents in the nose as “Grippferon” and “Nazoveron”.

How to use the medicine?

As a rule, interferon is prescribed for colds in the form of nasal drops, which you need to prepare yourself using medication powder and distilled water. Before using the medicine, the ampoule must be opened, filled with water to the indicated mark, the drug should not be more than 2 ml. To dissolve the powder, shake the ampoule a little.

If the drug is prescribed for preventive purposes, it is necessary to drip 5 drops of interferon into the nose 2 times a day. In this case, it is very important to maintain an interval of 6 hours between the nasal instillation procedure. In the case when infection with the virus has already occurred and the first symptoms of the disease have begun to appear, you also need to drip 5 drops, but with an interval of 2 hours. This intensive therapy is carried out for 3 days, after which the patient’s health usually improves. The prepared solution for nasopharyngeal instillation can be stored for no more than a day at a cold temperature.

This active ingredient is part of the best antiviral nasal drops, which pediatricians often prescribe for the treatment of disease in young children.

Contraindications for use

Despite the safety of the drug for the human body, there are still contraindications for the use of interferon. First of all, people who have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug should refuse treatment using this drug.

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed extremely rarely, only on the condition that such treatment will bring the woman more benefit than harm to the embryo. Nevertheless, if possible, it is better to refuse the use of such drops in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, because during this period the formation of vital important organs and systems of the human body.

Drip interferon together with vasoconstrictor drops Not recommended

It is strictly forbidden to take the drug simultaneously with intranasal vasoconstrictors, since such a combination of drugs will lead to severe drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. To avoid unpleasant consequences treatment of colds and viral disease, before use, you must read the instructions for interferon nasal drops.