Ginseng root tincture: features of use and contraindications. Features of medicinal ginseng: benefits. Types of medicines from unique ginseng, harm of home treatment

Good afternoon, dear readers!

You've probably heard about such a miraculous plant as ginseng. It grows in Asian countries: South Korea, China, Tibet, Vietnam and even in the Urals and Siberia.

It has long been revered as sacred, giving a person strength and strengthening the immune system. For treatment, we mainly have ginseng tincture, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of our discussion today.

The ginseng plant is grown mainly for its roots, although its above-ground parts also have sufficient benefits for human body. The root grows for 7 years, after which it is dug up, dried, packaged and sent to the producing countries medicines.

In pharmacies you can rarely find dried root, more often - tincture. It is based on ginseng root extract. But if you are lucky enough to have a dried plant, you can prepare the tincture yourself:

  1. Grind 30 g of root.
  2. Place in a glass container and fill with alcohol.
  3. Leave for a month, shaking occasionally.
  4. Take 20 drops of tincture 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. After this you need to take a break.

For those who do not drink alcohol, you can offer a non-alcoholic version of the tincture. To do this, half a tablespoon of ginseng is mixed with 350 g of honey and infused for 10 days. Take this remedy 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.

What are the benefits of ginseng tincture?

Ginseng is famous for its unique healing properties, which are due to its plant composition:

  • over 12 microelements;
  • vitamins, including group B;
  • fatty acid;
  • pectin;
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

Indications for use of ginseng are as follows:

  • hypotension;
  • regular stress;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity.

Regular use of the “root of life” tincture will help:

  • normalize arterial pressure;
  • to increase level ;
  • activate cerebral circulation;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • heal wounds faster (ginseng accelerates cell growth);
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • improve heart function;
  • increase sexual desire.

Ginseng root is extremely useful for men, who can use it to increase potency. This property of an amazing remedy was known in ancient times. It was used by emperors who had thousands of concubines.

Contraindications for the use of ginseng tincture

However, the root also has a number of contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • pregnancy and;
  • children up to adolescence.

When using ginseng tincture, you should be careful and consult a doctor just in case. An overdose may be imminent side effects. First of all, abuse of tincture can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the heart.

How to apply it correctly?

Ginseng – strong remedy. As you might have guessed, ginseng tincture should be used carefully. It is best if the dosage is determined by a doctor. People with hypertension are advised not to use this remedy at all or to do so very carefully.

Traditionally, 25-30 drops of tincture are prescribed three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Doctors do not recommend taking this remedy in the late afternoon, as it may cause problems with sleep.

  • To enhance potency, men are recommended to consume 30 drops of tincture three times a day for a month. During this time, sexual function can be normalized if the pathology is not based on irreversible changes or infectious diseases.
  • For women, this remedy is useful because it normalizes blood circulation and stimulates blood flow to the pelvic organs. This measure not only increases arousal, but also prevents many female diseases.

The tincture is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. However, the Chinese sometimes give babies 2-3 drops of ginseng. This measure is a preventive measure infectious diseases and is very similar to a vaccine.

You cannot prescribe ginseng tincture to children on your own. It can cause increased excitability, allergic reaction, exacerbation of existing diseases. If a child has indications for taking the tincture, then only a doctor should decide this.


Health 07/24/2018

Dear readers, ginseng root is highly valued in eastern countries, where it is used as a general strengthening and tonic. Alcohol tinctures are most often prepared from it. Alcohol draws out useful material. Thanks to this property, ginseng tincture accumulates the power of the plant’s natural components and promotes healing and solving specific health problems.

In our country, the popularity of ginseng products is gradually increasing. This is due to the active penetration of Eastern culture, passion various practices and everything related to natural methods rejuvenation and healing. So let's figure out what the benefits of ginseng root tincture are and in what cases it is recommended to take it, and in what cases it is better to refrain from using the product.


A tincture of wild ginseng has the most beneficial effect, but it is almost impossible to buy it today. All products that are on sale are based on plants grown in artificial conditions(greenhouses, vegetable garden). This tincture of ginseng is also useful, but does not have such a powerful stimulating effect. And the wild root will be very expensive.

If you want to protect yourself as much as possible from purchasing a low-quality product, buy not a ready-made tincture, but the root. Then you will be sure that the prepared medicine is made with ginseng. Although this does not 100% guarantee that you will receive the product with the active composition, there will be no harm from it if taken in the recommended dosage.

The composition of ginseng tincture includes the following components:

  • panaxic acid;
  • panaxosides;
  • ginzein;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins;
  • copper, iron, zinc;
  • amino acids;
  • glycosides.

Despite many years of use and numerous positive reviews about ginseng tincture exact mechanism of action this tool in the body is not yet known. However, experts were able to prove its numerous beneficial features.

Benefit for health

Experts identify the following main medicinal properties ginseng and tincture of its root in alcohol:

  • increasing physical potential and potency;
  • treatment of anemia, heart and vascular diseases;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • elimination of signs of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional balance, reduction of anxiety and suspiciousness;
  • improved mood;
  • slowing down signs of aging;
  • increasing the body’s adaptation to unfavorable factors, including stress and climatic conditions;
  • lowering cholesterol and blood glucose;
  • increased appetite;
  • elimination functional disorders internal organs, especially the bronchopulmonary system;
  • improvement external state skin;
  • detoxification effect, removal of poisons and toxins.

The exact mechanism of action of ginseng tincture is difficult to establish due to various influences plant root on different people with the same diagnoses and conditions. But obvious positive effects appear by the end of the first month of use.

When using this drug, the stimulating effect comes first, which manifests itself in increased mental and physical activity. When using ginseng tincture in accordance with the instructions for use, without exceeding the recommended dosage and without interrupting treatment, it is possible to significantly increase performance and restore libido.

Thanks to its stimulating effect, tincture of ginseng root is very useful for men - it acts as an aphrodisiac, especially when taken in a single dose shortly before intimacy, and also has a positive effect on the condition genitourinary system, reduces the risk of hyperplastic processes in the prostate gland.

Ginseng tincture for women

Ginseng root is a universal adaptogen. Alcohol tincture has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and a relaxing effect on the psyche, but does not lead to hyperexcitability, like tranquilizers, or to drowsiness and lethargy, like classic sedatives.

The main indication for the use of ginseng tincture for women is nervous disorders due to overwork, problems in personal life and at work. If you feel overwhelmed, lethargic, and your mood is mostly depressed, try this proven remedy. It additionally helps to normalize glucose and cholesterol levels, increase hemoglobin and blood pressure (useful for hypotension, but contraindicated for arterial hypertension).

A pleasant bonus of using ginseng tincture will be an increase in libido. The product has an aphrodisiac effect not only on men, but also on women. When used as a course, it increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, which awakens sensuality. Tincture of ginseng with alcohol is especially useful for women during menopause, when due to a decrease in estrogen levels, interest in men may completely disappear.

You can use ginseng tincture for hair. Just add 5-10 drops of the product to your shampoo or regular mask. This ensures active blood flow to hair follicles. As a result, hair stops falling out and begins to look better. You need to use this recipe every time you wash your hair, for at least a month.

Can it be used by children?

Is it possible to give ginseng tincture to children? Despite the numerous beneficial properties alcohol tincture ginseng, it is strictly forbidden to give it to children under 12-14 years of age. This prohibition is associated with the gradual “maturation” of the child’s nervous system and the high risk of complications due to the use of stimulants at this age. Due to an inappropriate increase in libido, you should not give ginseng tincture to teenage boys who are already experiencing an androgenic surge.

Help with stress and depression

The adaptogenic properties of ginseng root allow the tincture to be used to prevent depression and combat stress and other unfavorable factors. In the life of almost every person, situations periodically arise that are perceived by the body as a shock. To combat this condition, defense mechanisms use important internal energetic resources which we get mainly from food.

Ginseng tincture increases the body's resistance to stress and other unexpected situations. It prevents the waste of important internal resources, which are also used to identify areas of damage in cells and fight infections.

Ginseng tincture and our blood pressure

I would like to convert Special attention yours, dear readers, to take this tincture for blood pressure.

Is it possible to take ginseng tincture with low blood pressure? Yes, you can. It increases blood pressure. And usually hypotensive people have weakness, lethargy, fast fatiguability, headaches, dizziness. But remember that everything is good in moderation! Do not exceed the permissible dosage.

Is it possible to take ginseng tincture for high blood pressure? No you can not. This is stated in the contraindications. But in some cases, in consultation with your doctor, ginseng tea or ginseng with honey are prescribed for high blood pressure.

Making ginseng tincture at home

To prepare ginseng root tincture, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 15 grams of dry ginseng root or 50 grams of raw washed rhizome;
  • 0.5 liters of diluted alcohol with a strength of 70 degrees;
  • glass bottle, preferably dark glass.

Before pouring alcohol into ginseng, the root must be crushed. Chop finely enough. It is not recommended to twist the root in a meat grinder, as contact with metal may destroy some beneficial substances.

The tincture must be left in a dark place at room temperature for a month. It is recommended to shake the bottle periodically.

You can often see erroneous information on the Internet about how to take ginseng tincture for potency and general strengthening body. Some authors indicate too high a dosage. To prepare the product, it is recommended to use vodka, which has an insufficient degree of strength.

To dispel all your doubts, it is recommended to carefully read the indications and instructions for use of ginseng tincture, which can be studied at any pharmacy. It has the ideal pulling effect medical alcohol strength 70 degrees. All pharmaceutical tinctures are prepared from it.

How to take ginseng tincture correctly

Ginseng tincture has a pronounced stimulating effect, significantly increases the activity of the central nervous system, and increases performance. But many people misuse this remedy, exceeding the dosage several times.

The use of ginseng tincture should be long-term - at least 2-3 months. The effect of this product is cumulative, but the stimulating effect will be noticeable after the first use.

A single dose of ginseng tincture for men and women is 15-25 drops. It is better to take the product 1-2 times a day - but before lunch. If you drink ginseng tincture in the evening, you will have problems falling asleep. It is better to add the product to water at room temperature, but not to hot tea or coffee. The taste of the tincture is specific, but quite mild.

General indications for the use of ginseng tincture

Ginseng tincture has a general tonic and healing effect on the body. But the product still has certain indications for use in men and women:

  • low blood pressure;
  • decreased performance;
  • decreased libido in men and women;
  • problems with potency;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • decreased immunity and adaptogenic capabilities of the body;
  • transfer severe stress, surgical interventions;
  • the need to cleanse the body of poisons and toxins;
  • neurasthenic syndrome, psychosis, anxiety, increased irritability.

Remember that ginseng may not provide immediate therapeutic effect. To be tangible effect from using the tincture, it is consumed daily for several months, without a long break. The course can be repeated 1-2 times a year.

I suggest watching a video in which experts talk about the use of ginseng and its beneficial properties.

What can't be combined with

Ginseng has a pronounced stimulating effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, the tincture cannot be combined with psychostimulants and analeptics, including caffeine. If you are used to drinking coffee often during the day, ginseng tincture will enhance the invigorating effect of the drink.

The drug is used with caution when treating with antiepileptic drugs, neuroleptics, sedatives and tranquilizers. Additional consultation with your attending physician is required. It is also important to note that ginseng enhances the effect of hypoglycemic agents and warfarin.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of ginseng can cure all diseases, you just need to choose the right form of the drug. The most popular today is considered to be a tincture made with vodka, alcohol or wine. With its help, people decide the most different problems with health. The benefits and harms of ginseng tincture have been known for a long time and are used for many diseases, including the most severe ones.

Composition of ginseng tincture

The benefits and harms of the alcoholic extract of red ginseng root are due to the presence of many chemical compounds present in the plant. The tincture has a very strong effect on humans due to the presence in it of:

  • mineral elements (P, S, K, Ca, Na, Fe, Al, Si, Ba, Sr, Mn, Ti);
  • vitamins C, B1 and B2;
  • saponins;
  • aroma oils;
  • glycosides (the greatest benefit);
  • fats (saturated and unsaturated);
  • other components.

Different types of glycosides exhibit individual beneficial activities, which can vary greatly from each other and even be opposite. Some depress the central nervous system, while others, on the contrary, have a stimulating effect on it, others have an anticancer effect, etc. Together, a versatile effect is formed, the benefits and harms of which have not yet been sufficiently studied. IN oriental medicine The tincture is considered a panacea for many diseases.

Useful properties of ginseng tincture

The healing properties of ginseng tincture help to increase vitality human, improve emotional background, sleep quality, accelerate wound healing, and exhibit many other beneficial effects.

For men

The benefits and harms of ginseng for men are primarily manifested in increased libido. Over time, the level of hormones in the body of representatives of the stronger sex inevitably decreases and worsens. general health, the mood drops. The beneficial properties of ginseng tincture help treat impotence, infertility, stimulate sexual desire.

The benefits of ginseng tincture for men are manifested in improving blood circulation in the genitals, influencing the quality of erection and sperm quantity, and stimulating smooth muscles. The beneficial properties of ginseng tone, increase physical endurance, vital activity, which also affects potency. The tincture helps cope with stressful conditions, serves as a tonic.

In addition, the benefits and harms of ginseng are manifested in hypertension, heart failure, diabetes mellitus (strengthens the effect of drugs, reduces sugar), and prevents the development of cancerous tumors in the body. The tincture facilitates the occurrence of inflammatory processes in respiratory tract, strengthens the lungs, and also improves digestion, stomach function, helps with poisoning, and exhibits other beneficial properties.

For women

The benefits of ginseng tincture for women appear after forty-five years. Before this age, various manifestations are possible unwanted effects. In any case, you should take the tincture after consulting a doctor, unless there are contraindications. Following these measures will help prevent harm and negative consequences and fully experience it for yourself useful force ginseng.

For older women who experience pain during menstruation, doctors often recommend the tincture. And this is not done in vain, because the benefits and harms of ginseng have been studied quite well in practice. The tincture relieves pain from cramps in the abdominal area, relieves mood swings, and also increases immunity and endurance, strengthens muscles.

Actively affects hematopoietic function, stimulates the production of healthy blood cells, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, has many beneficial and healing properties. During treatment with ginseng, gas exchange in the cerebral cortex increases, heart function improves, visual function, glands are stimulated internal secretion, the course of oxidative processes accelerates.

The beneficial properties of the tincture help to cope with nervous disorders, anxiety, restore mental strength and fight the harm of nervous overload and stress. Ginseng improves mental activity, regulates the production of stress hormones and stimulates the formation of endorphins, exhibits other beneficial properties: cleanses the body of toxins, removes excess liquid and eliminates swelling.

In sports and bodybuilding

Many athletes involved in bodybuilding and long-distance running use the beneficial properties of ginseng to enhance physical endurance. Some scientists confirm the fact that the components of the tincture help muscles use energy more efficiently.

Often, athletes develop hypotension due to heavy physical exertion, which is harmful and complicates a person’s life. The physical system thus tries to protect itself from energy loss. Preventative treatment Ginseng tincture will help avoid such problems, since the beneficial properties of the substances contained in it have a general strengthening effect on the whole person.

For weight loss

The beneficial properties of ginseng tincture also help against obesity: they speed up metabolism, cleanse deposits of toxins and waste, remove excess cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, thereby normalizing blood flow throughout the body. They also participate in metabolic processes and accelerate the conversion of fats into energy. For this purpose, take 15-30 drops twice, for 1.5 months.

Attention! Ginseng tincture alone will not be enough. The product must be combined with a diet, physical activity and other attributes healthy image life.

Indications for use of ginseng tincture

The medicine stimulates the immune system and, therefore, increases resistance to infections. The tincture also exhibits other beneficial properties:

  • helps insulin-dependent patients;
  • normalizes blood composition;
  • provides the necessary level of iodine for the thyroid gland;
  • increases the functionality of the reproductive system;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • strengthens sleep;
  • neutralizes the effects of alcohol and some chemical compounds.

Ginseng is recommended as prophylactic people working in hazardous industries, as well as after serious illnesses, operations, and severe exhaustion. The tincture increases the adaptability and survival of physical systems during harmful conditions environment.

Has a positive effect on protective forces, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Although it does not act as an antibiotic, it stimulates the ability to independently cope with the infection. The tincture is an excellent psychostimulant and general tonic, and is actively used to treat nervous diseases.

The product is especially useful in old age, when there is a decline in vitality and functions. It rejuvenates, prolongs life, slows down or completely prevents the development of cancer, and also improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis and other pathologies.

How to drink ginseng tincture correctly

At the time of buying pharmaceutical tinctures You must carefully read the ingredients on the label. This will give you confidence that it is ginseng that is being used, and not another type of ginseng (for example, five-leaf ginseng). When using the tincture you should remember:

  • Therapy is most effective in winter and autumn;
  • must be adhered to proper nutrition and lifestyle, including limiting sexual activity;
  • Ginseng extracts are taken for the last time 6 hours before bedtime.

Attention! Some experts advise taking a week's break from using ginseng tincture after 15 - 20 days or alternating it with other immunomodulators, such as eleutherococcus, astragalus.

The use of ginseng tincture in cosmetology

For women, the beneficial properties of ginseng tincture are useful in cosmetology. The medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, improves skin condition, restores epidermal cells, protects against dehydration and nourishes. Plant extract activates blood flow throughout all organs and systems human body, including skin. Being part of creams, it removes age signs, detoxifies the skin. It has regenerating, bactericidal, tonic properties.

The drug is used to prevent baldness, used in cosmetic compositions intended for hair care. At the same time, volume and color appear, dryness and split ends disappear, and regrowth along the entire length is accelerated.

How to make ginseng tincture at home

Over the centuries, many ways to use the root and recipes for making tincture have accumulated. Here is the Chinese version of the medicine.

Immerse the raw materials in vodka (1:10) and keep for about a day. The next day, heat to +50 o C, and leave in a warm room for a week. Take a glass on an empty stomach before each meal, but no more than three times a day. When the solution begins to run low, you can add 0.5 liters of vodka component again, and so on several times. Good prevention many diseases: 10 - 15 drops twice a day will help restore the functionality of the ovaries.

Important! It is best to purchase medicine through a pharmacy chain: it is safe and reliable.

Contraindications to the use of ginseng tincture

Extracting the plant is not recommended for infectious and other acute diseases, hypertension, increased excitability, insomnia, intolerance to any component. Ginseng tincture is contraindicated during pregnancy and after it, during lactation, it may have bad influence for children under 12 years old. It should not be taken by people with low blood sugar.

There are cases when the use of high doses of ginseng is contraindicated during menstruation. Then there is amplification menstrual flow, pain in the mammary glands. If the use of ginseng is accompanied by such symptoms, it should be discontinued. In addition, the tincture has the property of thinning the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to refuse it at least seven days before the planned surgery. Ginseng is not recommended for inflammatory processes, chronic diseases during exacerbation, bleeding.

Attention! When starting therapy with ginseng tincture and other forms of extracts, you should always consult a doctor.

Is it possible to give ginseng tincture to children?

Domestic medicine does not recommend ginseng for use in children under 12 or even 16 years of age. This is explained by the fact that the plant has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. And in childhood, as you know, she is already hyperactive. You can complicate the situation and cause insomnia, aggressiveness, and states of overexcitation.

Attention! Alcohol tinctures are not recommended by doctors in childhood. Sometimes you have to make exceptions, but only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Overdose and side effects

When using the tincture, you need to exercise maximum attention and caution, otherwise undesirable consequences may occur:

  • pain in the head, heart;
  • sleep disorders;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • gag reflex;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • rashes on the body;
  • dizziness;
  • decreased sexual potency;
  • breathing problems;
  • temperature.

Therapy should be stopped - that’s all side effects will go away on their own. With prolonged use, an estrogenic effect and mastopathy are possible. Symptoms of intoxication were present in patients after consuming 200 ml of tincture or average size root

Even if ginseng was prescribed by a doctor, you must always remember that it should be taken in doses. A single amount ranges from 30 to 50 drops, depending on the patient’s condition. In this case, three times a day are used, forty minutes before the start of the meal.

An adult should not drink more than two hundred drops of the drug per day. This is what maximum amount tinctures that will not harm the body. A preventative single dose of tincture is no more than 25 drops. For children therapeutic regimen Be sure to coordinate with your treating specialist. In Eastern practice – one drop per child’s one year, but no more than five, which should be diluted with milk.

Interaction of ginseng tincture with other drugs

Contraindicated simultaneous use ginseng preparations and products (medicines) containing caffeine. This combination will increase the risk of side effects. During therapy, it is better to avoid such medications or products.

Ginseng may have unwanted interactions with the following medications:

  • anticoagulants;
  • controlling glycemic levels;
  • aspirin;
  • diuretics;
  • central nervous system stimulants;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hormones;
  • psychotropic effects;
  • pseudoephedrine;
  • from hypertension;
  • phenelzine;
  • from heart disease (some).

The combination of ginseng root tincture and its properties is also undesirable with herbs and dietary supplements that have similar characteristics.

Attention! Cannot be taken at the same time alcoholic drinks and ginseng extracts.


The benefits and harms of ginseng tincture have long been known in folk medicine. It has great potential for getting rid of the most various diseases: from the simplest (for example, flatulence, calluses) to severe, difficult to treat (cancer, diabetes, etc.).

Ginseng means “root man” in Chinese. IN medicinal purposes The root of the plant is used. Ginseng is plant adaptogen: helps strengthen the body's resistance to negative impact chemical, biological or physical (nature). This property of the plant is explained by the presence in its composition of active biological substances, affecting various systems body. Ginseng adaptogen is available in several dosage forms: extract, tincture, teas, tonic drinks, root powder, capsules, tablets, steamed roots.

Useful substances of ginseng

Fresh or dried roots cultivated ginseng five-leaf, common and creeping. The wild plant species is also collected, but in small quantities.

    The collection of raw materials is carried out in the fall. The roots of the plant are separated from the taproot and leaves, cleared of soil, and dried.

    The therapeutic activity of ginseng is explained by the unique set of active substances in its composition. At the root of the plant are:

    • saponins;
    • sterols;
    • peptides;
    • polysaccharides;
    • fatty and essential oils;
    • vitamins B, A, C, amino acids, mucus, tannins;
    • sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium;
    • copper, iron, cobalt, molybdenum, chromium, manganese, zinc, titanium.

    Ginseng tincture has the following beneficial properties:

    • reduces blood sugar levels;
    • increases endurance and vigor of the body;
    • reduces stress levels by improving adrenal function;
    • accelerates metabolism and stimulates the conversion of fat into energy;
    • tones;
    • improves appetite;
    • cleanses the body;
    • slows down the aging process of cells;
    • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol;
    • stimulates the nervous system;
    • relieves inflammation and pain;
    • normalizes blood flow, especially in the pelvic organs;
    • dilates blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure;
    • increases heat in the body;
    • relieves symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

    Indications for use

    Ginseng preparations improve memory, vision, and healing purulent wounds, accelerate the process of hematopoiesis, improve the general condition of the patient with jaundice. Doctors prescribe ginseng tincture in combination with medical supplies in the treatment of various diseases and to eliminate pathological conditions.Indications for the use of ginseng are:

    • mental and physical exhaustion;
    • recovery period after a serious illness;
    • strengthening immunity in children;
    • treatment of colds;
    • therapy of inflammatory processes in the body;
    • neurosis, neurasthenia, asthenia;
    • prevention and treatment diabetes mellitus second type;
    • weakening of sexual function;
    • prevention of cancer;
    • hypotension;
    • advanced age;
    • severe fatigue;
    • prevention of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;
    • Diseases of the male genitourinary system (chronic orchitis, inflammation of the gonads);
    • Improving potency in men;
    • Normalization of the female reproductive system.

    Ginseng can also be taken healthy people: it benefits the body as a tonic effect and is an immune stimulant natural remedy.


    Ginseng tincture can be purchased at a pharmacy or made yourself. It has healing effects and can be used to normalize weight and increase vitality during times of stress.

    Ginseng tincture with alcohol is easy to prepare. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

    • 100 g of dry root (if purchased fresh, it should be dried first);
    • 1 liter of ethanol (90%) or vodka.

    The raw materials should be crushed to a powdery state and filled with alcohol. Leave for a month in a dark place with a temperature no higher than 25°C, remembering to shake well every day. Filter and pour into a clean jar. The tincture prepared in this way can be used internally for 2 weeks, 10-15 drops per day before meals.

    The second option for preparing alcohol tincture at home. You will need fresh ginseng root (50 g) and 500 ml of ethanol or vodka. Recipes:

  1. 1. Pour the raw material with alcohol-containing liquid and leave for 24 hours. Warm the solution to 50°C. Leave to brew for 7 days in a dark place. Shake every day. Take 10 drops 15-20 minutes before meals for 14 days.
  2. 2. Tonic tincture of dry root. 50 g of crushed ginseng roots need to be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and added 50 g of honey. Leave for 3 weeks in a warm place, shaking occasionally.
  3. 3. From thrombosis of the lower and upper limbs. 100 g of roots are cut into small pieces, placed in a liter jar, and 800 ml of alcohol (vodka) is poured in. They insist for 14 days. Filtered. Instructions for use: drink the tincture before meals, 10 drops for 14 days. Take a break of 7 days. The course of treatment is repeated 2 times.

How to take the tincture

The alcohol tincture is taken orally 40 minutes before meals. A single dose of the drug should be 30-50 drops. In certain situations and concomitant diseases Various dosages and treatment regimens are recommended.

Standard course of taking the tincture: 25 drops 3 times a day for 30-40 days. If necessary, treatment should be repeated after a 10-day break. If you use a tincture from fresh root, the dosage is reduced to 15 drops.

For disease prevention: 15 drops 2 times a day, period of use - 30-40 days. For hypotension: take 30 drops at a time, 2 times a day. During active training, the dosage regimen is slightly different: 10-17 drops 3 times a day for 30 days. After a month break treatment course can be repeated.

By " Chinese recipe“The treatment begins with taking 1 drop of tincture per day, on the second day take 2 drops, on the third – 3 and so on. As soon as the number of drops is equal to the patient's age, daily dose in the same way they begin to decrease until they reach one. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a 30-day break.

When correcting weight, you need to take 15-30 drops 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 30-40 days. To enhance hair growth and prevent hair loss, rub the tincture into the scalp.

Contraindications and side effects

The following conditions may be contraindications to the use of ginseng alcohol tincture:

  • individual intolerance;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • acute phase of an infectious disease;
  • diseases thyroid gland;
  • increased body temperature;
  • Availability purulent inflammation, bleeding;
  • alcoholism;
  • cirrhosis and other liver diseases;
  • neurological diseases, increased excitability, traumatic brain injury, mental disorders: epilepsy, seizures.

Women should not use the tincture during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In order not to cause harm to the body, the product should be taken in the indicated dosages. The maximum norm for an adult should not exceed 200 drops per day. In case of overdose, side effects may occur such as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia (rare);
  • nervous excitement (rare);
  • nausea, headache, vomiting, intestinal disorders;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • nosebleeds;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin (rare);
  • insomnia.

If they appear similar symptoms or one of them, you need to stop using the tincture and consult a doctor.

Features of using the tincture

To prevent the onset of insomnia, ginseng tincture is taken in the first half of the day. The use of this drug in the autumn-winter period is most effective.

Because medications from ginseng are stimulants and are not suitable for simultaneous use with other analeptics and psychostimulants:

  • tranquilizers, antidepressants;
  • nervous system stimulants, as there may be a risk of overdose;
  • antidiabetic;
  • sedative;
  • antipsychotic;
  • antiepileptic;
  • diuretics.

Analogues of ginseng alcohol tincture can be:

  • Ginseng;
  • Herbion ginseng;
  • Bioginseng;
  • Doppelhertz Ginseng.

Can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. But it can also be made at home. To do this, you need to purchase dry ginseng root or powder. There are other medicinal forms for this plant: tablets, capsules, oil. What to give preference to? Pure ginseng in tincture form can provide a greater healing effect. Tablets and capsules are often used prophylactically as dietary supplements containing vitamins and other medicinal plants. It is important that the root is of high quality, properly grown and processed. Today, the ginseng trade is big business. Unfortunately, the drug is often offered for commercial purposes Low quality, and the price for it is growing every year.

Pharmacological action, indications and contraindications, method of administration

What are the indications for using ginseng tincture? What is the main pharmachologic effect this drug?

  • General strengthening and tonic. Ginseng stimulates the nervous system. It is prescribed for stress, severe physical fatigue, intellectual loads, constant fatigue, apathy, insomnia, loss of appetite, weak immunity.
  • Adaptogenic. The tincture helps the body adapt to large, atypical loads. It is useful to drink for people who experience constant stress at work, go on hikes, or do heavy lifting. physical labor and so on. The root is often prescribed to athletes and people in risky professions who need strength and endurance (divers, rescuers, astronauts).
  • Hypertensive, that is, increasing blood pressure.
  • Hypoglycemic, that is, antidiabetic.

The value of the plant is determined by its chemical composition. It contains useful glycosides, acids, phytoestrogens, essential oils, saccharides, pectins, great amount microelements, group of vitamins B, vitamin C.

List of diseases for which ginseng is prescribed

Ginseng drops can be prescribed for a wide variety of diseases.

  • Anemia.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Arthritis.
  • Atherosclerosis and high cholesterol in blood.
  • Hypotension.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Headache.
  • Impotence.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  • Toothache and gum disease.
  • Neurasthenia.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • ARVI, flu, bronchitis, everything respiratory symptoms(not in acute period, without fever, for preventive purposes).
  • Digestive disorders, flatulence.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders.

Ginseng is given a big preventive role. It should only be used during the cold season. To prevent epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, the drug is recommended to be taken in the fall, with the onset of cold weather and the first respiratory infections. viral infections. This drug is also indicated after debilitating illnesses to restore the body’s strength.


What diseases and symptoms are strict contraindications for ginseng tincture?

  • Hypertension. The tonic properties of ginseng, which increase blood pressure, are well known. If there is still a need to take this medicine for hypertension, the tincture is taken in small doses and under the strict supervision of a doctor.
  • Excessive nervous excitability and pathologies of the central nervous system. Ginseng can enhance excitation processes in the nervous system, which will negatively affect the general condition and lead to insomnia, nervous breakdowns. It is strictly forbidden to take for epilepsy, seizures, traumatic brain injuries and brain diseases.
  • Mental disorders. The effect of the root on the patient’s psyche can be unpredictable, so it is recommended to avoid it. Any acute infection. It can be viral, bacterial, fungal infection. You should also not take ginseng if you are high temperature, since the plant provokes an increase in heat in the body. It should not be drunk if there is purulent inflammation.
  • Thyroid diseases. First of all, taking the drug is contraindicated if you have hyperthyroidism. For other diagnoses and work disorders endocrine system It is necessary to consult a doctor before use.
  • Blood diseases. With poor blood clotting, as well as bleeding in women, ginseng can aggravate the situation; under its influence, the symptoms may appear even stronger.

Ginseng tincture has powerful tonic and stimulating properties. It can provoke and aggravate any disease. The benefits and harms of ginseng tincture lie on different scales. Self-medication with the drug can lead to a number of adverse effects.

Drug interactions with other drugs

How does ginseng root tincture combine with other medications?

  • Cannot be used with other drugs that stimulate the nervous system. IN otherwise There is a risk of overdose and the therapeutic effect is doubled. All stimulants and analeptics are strictly prohibited. You should also avoid taking strong tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks.
  • Antagonist drugs. Ginseng tincture is incompatible with sedatives, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants. Simultaneous use antidiabetic drugs and tinctures can lead to an increase in the therapeutic effect and harm the body. Also, with caution and under the supervision of a doctor, you should drink ginseng along with diuretics.

Dosage and duration of treatment

How to drink ginseng tincture?

  • Dosage and conditions of administration. Treatment dose- 25 drops of tincture 3 times a day. For prevention, you can drink 15 drops 2 times a day. There is also a homeopathic dosage regimen: you can drink the tincture, increasing the dose by 1 drop daily. After 30 drops, the dose is reduced in the reverse order. The drug is taken at least half an hour before meals. It is also recommended to take drops in the first half of the day to avoid insomnia and nervous system stimulation before bedtime.
  • "Chinese script". This is another regimen that is prescribed by Chinese doctors after serious illnesses and operations to restore strength. The dose begins with one drop, the dose is increased every day, one drop at a time, until the number of drops is equal to the number of years of the patient. After this, the dose begins to decrease one drop at a time in the reverse order. The drops are dissolved in a small amount of sugar and kept in the mouth until completely absorbed.
  • Well . The tincture is taken for a long time - from 30 to 40 days. After which, at the discretion of the doctor, a break of one or two weeks is taken and a repeat course is prescribed. Self-treatment This herbal medicine often leads to an overdose.

What is important to know?

  • It is necessary to follow the method of using the tincture recommended by your doctor.
  • Taking a herbal medicine, like taking homeopathy, does not give a therapeutic effect immediately.
  • You need to undergo a long course of treatment to see any positive results and changes in the body.
  • Reviews of ginseng tincture often talk about side effects and increased symptoms while taking the medicine, which often frightens patients and they quit the course of treatment.
  • About everyone unusual reactions the body should be reported to the doctor.
  • Not always side effects are a contraindication to further use of the drug.

How to make tincture at home

To prepare the tincture at home, you need ginseng root. In the wild it can be found in the Far East in Russia, as well as in China, Korea, Vietnam, North America. Typically, the recipe uses dried ginseng root, which is sold in vacuum packaging at the pharmacy. The root is also sold already chopped or in powder form. Whole quality ginseng can be ordered from China.


  1. Grind 100 g of ginseng root.
  2. Place in a glass container.
  3. Pour in 0.5 vodka or diluted alcohol (50%).
  4. Insist for a month.

It is important to shake the tincture periodically and infuse in a dark place. In the recommendations of Eastern healers you can also find the following advice: you should drink the drops in the dark. sunlight negatively affects beneficial substances and destroys them very quickly. Store the tincture in a cool place and infuse it at room temperature.

Preparation of tincture according to a Chinese recipe

  1. Take 50 g of ginseng root and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. After 24 hours, warm the solution to 50°C.
  3. Leave for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally.

Take the medicine 50 g before meals. When 1/20 of the tincture remains, add another half liter of vodka and continue taking it. You can add vodka 3 times. Then the solution is updated with fresh root.

In case of an overdose and individual intolerance to the plant, a number of side effects may occur: headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, nose bleed, allergic rashes on the skin, itching, rapid heartbeat, sharp jumps blood pressure, emotional agitation, irritability, insomnia.

Age and gender characteristics of use

The Eastern view of the causes of the disease and ways to eliminate it is fundamentally different from the Western European one. Chinese healers It is recommended to start taking the drug only after 40 years, both in women and men. They believe that up to the age of 40, the body can easily cope with the cause of the disease using its own hidden resources. Also during stagnation vital energy“Qi” (any inflammatory processes) it is better not to drink ginseng tincture.

  • For men . Ginseng - powerful natural aphrodisiac, stimulating sexual activity, increasing potency. Therapeutic effect does not occur immediately, only after a long and often repeated course. The root acts on the causes of weak potency - stress, overwork, energy exhaustion. Ginseng dilates blood vessels, increases blood pressure, improves blood supply to the genitals, which helps restore erection. The plant has a beneficial effect on the process of conception, as it increases sperm activity. It is recommended for men to take it three months before the start of planned conception.
  • For women . Tincture as natural antidepressant Recommended for women during menopause. It helps cope with lethargy, apathy, irritability, gives strength, normalizes sleep and appetite, stimulates the production of hormones, and improves skin condition. The root also increases sexual activity not only in men, but also in women.
  • For the elderly. The root of longevity slows down the aging process, strengthens the body, which loses energy reserves with age and protective functions. The tincture helps with joint pain and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The use of ginseng root in older people helps maintain a clear mind, good memory, cheerfulness of spirit and body. It is also believed that ginseng slows the progression of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  • For children . IN Chinese medicine It is not recommended to take ginseng in any dosage form children under 16 years of age. The instructions for use of ginseng tincture, which is produced in Europe, indicate something else age limit- up to 12 years. The stimulating property of the root can lead to strong excitement unstable nervous system of the child, insomnia, hyperactivity. Ginseng can also cause an allergic reaction, especially with a long course. Chinese doctors advise to influence as little as possible children's body during the period of growth. Root - most powerful stimulant and adaptogen. Children, already filled with the energy of life, do not need additional stimulation.

For chronic diseases at any age, ginseng can provoke an exacerbation. Therefore, if there are any, it is prohibited to use the tincture without consulting a doctor.

Ginseng root tincture is primarily prescribed as a nervous system stimulant. It is also used to strengthen the immune system, improve physical and mental performance, improving metabolism, treating diabetes, hypertension, impotence in men.