List of nootropic drugs to improve memory. The best nootropics for experienced users. The principle of action of nootropics

Modern medicine offers a wide range of different drugs for children. These include drugs that are used in neurology. Often, if there are any deviations in the child’s neurological development, the doctor prescribes nootropic drugs. We will tell you in the article whether nootropic drugs are safe for children and what effects their use will entail.

What is a nootropic drug?

These drugs got their name from the merger of two Greek words noos - mind and tropos - direction. The main effect of these drugs is to improve mental activity. In addition, nootropics help level out neurological deficits and increase the endurance of nerve cells under conditions of extreme influences (stress, hypoxia).

In scientific circles, it is believed that the difference between nootropics and other psychotropic drugs is the absence of such effects on the nervous system as stimulation and sedation (calming). When taking these drugs, the bioelectrical activity of the brain does not change. The only medicine that is an exception is Cortexin.

Another positive quality of drugs in this group is low toxicity and inability to impair blood circulation.

Mechanism of action and effects of nootropics

The pharmacological action of these drugs is based on their beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the brain:

  • They enhance the synthesis of high-energy phosphates (biological molecules that accumulate and transmit energy), proteins, and some enzymes.
  • Nootropics stabilize the membranes (shells) of neurons that have been damaged.

The following effects can be identified that nootropic drugs can have:

  • Reducing the manifestations of asthenic syndrome (weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased concentration, sleep disturbances);
  • Stimulation by some mental activity;
  • Fighting depression;
  • Have a moderate inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • Promote the resistance of brain cells (neurons) to oxygen deficiency;
  • Reducing the manifestations of epilepsy (moderate anticonvulsant effect);
  • Improving cerebral blood flow in vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Promotes activation of cognitive activity;
  • Promote the body’s adaptation to changing environmental conditions;
  • Strengthening immunity and general resistance.

These drugs have positive effects only with long-term use. Nootropic drugs for children with speech disorders and developmental disorders should be used for at least 2 weeks in combination with other therapeutic measures.

Indications and contraindications for use

Like any medicine, nootropic drugs have their own indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing these drugs.

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Retarded physical and mental development;
  • Speech disorders and delayed development;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • Perinatal damage to the nervous system of various origins;
  • Past neuroinfections;
  • Restlessness, disinhibition, attention deficit.

In addition to the positive effects, nootropics can also have a negative effect if the child has the following contraindications to their use:

  • Impaired kidney function;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Severe psychomotor agitation;
  • Liver pathology;
  • Individual intolerance to any component of the drug

When new generation nootropic drugs are prescribed, the list for children is limited precisely by contraindications to their use. The use of any medicine must be agreed with the attending physician.

The best nootropic drugs for children

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large number of drugs with nootropic effects. Such drugs are used in children of any age. Modern drugs are available in various dosage forms that are suitable for use even in the neonatal period.


Available in the form of bottles with a ready-made solution. The route of administration is injection only (intramuscular). Contains a complex of polypeptide fractions obtained from the brain of piglets and/or calves.

The mechanism of action of the drug consists of processes such as:

  • Activation of neuropeptides (proteins that regulate the functioning of nerve cells) and factors that provide nutrition to the brain;
  • Optimizing the balance of inhibitory and excitatory substances in the brain;
  • Inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • Reduced seizure activity;
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.

You can read more about indications and contraindications and the method of administration in a separate article dedicated to Cortexin.


The drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. Can be used from the neonatal period (first 28 days of life). The main effects of this drug are as follows:

  1. Improves metabolic processes in brain cells;
  2. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses;
  3. Stabilizes the structure of cell membranes, preventing the effects of free radicals (antioxidant effect);
  4. Reduces blood viscosity and improves blood flow;
  5. Improves blood supply in ischemic areas.
  • Impaired memory, thinking, fatigue, decreased concentration;
  • Delayed mental development;
  • Encephalopathy;
  • Conditions after encephalitis (inflammation of brain tissue).

Encephabol is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Sensitivity to pyritinol (main active ingredient);
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Severe liver damage;
  • Changes in peripheral blood tests;
  • Autoimmune diseases in the acute period;
  • Myasthenia;
  • Pemphigusa.

The drug is prescribed in dosages depending on age. It is not recommended to take it in the evening or at night. When using Encephabol in newborns at risk of developing perinatal pathology, the duration of treatment is 6 months, followed by repetition if necessary after 3 months.


The drug is produced and released in tablet form. Prescribed to children from 1 year. The main active ingredient of the drug is gamma-aminobutyric acid. The effects of the drug are that it:

  • Restoration of metabolic processes in the brain;
  • Helps remove toxic substances;
  • Improves memory and mental activity;
  • Has a mild stimulating effect on the psyche;
  • Positively affects the restoration of movements and speech;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.

In addition to the indications inherent in all nootropics, Aminalon is used for sleep disorders caused by increased blood pressure and motion sickness (motion sickness, in land transport).

The only contraindications include hypersensitivity to the main component of the drug.

Aminalon is dosed according to age. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses, before meals. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Glutamic acid

This substance is available in tablets. Prescribed to children from infancy. Glutamic acid belongs to the group of non-essential amino acids. Actively participates in the metabolism and nutrition of the brain, protecting it from toxins and the effects of hypoxia.

Indications for use are:

  • Petite epileptic seizures;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Mental exhaustion, insomnia;
  • Consequences of encephalitis and meningitis;
  • Consequences of birth trauma;
  • Polio;
  • Down's disease.

Taking glutamic acid is contraindicated for:

  • Damage to the kidneys and liver;
  • Anemia and inhibition of bone hematopoiesis;
  • Fever;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Hypersensitivity to glutamic acid;
  • Obesity.

Side effects may include allergic reactions, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and overexcitement. With long-term use, anemia and a decrease in white blood cell levels may occur, so blood tests should be monitored while taking this drug.


The only nootropic drug that comes in the form of nasal drops. Approved for use in children over 7 years of age. It is used in pediatrics for the complex treatment of minimal brain dysfunctions.

Prescribed 1-2 drops in each nasal passage in the morning and afternoon. The course of treatment is a month. Contraindicated in the presence of a history of seizures and acute mental disorders.


The release form of this drug is tablets. Approved for use in children. Phenibut is prescribed strictly according to indications and in doses appropriate to the child’s age.

The positive properties of the drug are expressed in such effects as:

  • Improving cerebral circulation;
  • Increased mental and physical performance;
  • Reducing headaches, sleep disturbances;
  • Reduced irritability, emotional lability;
  • Improvement in motor and speech disorders;
  • Improving memory and attention.

The main indications for its use are:

  • Asthenic syndrome and anxiety;
  • Neuroses and obsessive states;
  • Stuttering, tics;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Prevention of motion sickness.

Phenibut is contraindicated only in case of individual sensitivity to the drug, and is also used with caution in diseases of the kidneys and stomach.

Nootropic drugs are widely used in pediatric practice. They have a wide range of positive effects on the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, they are classified as low-toxic products. An experienced neurologist will be able to select an effective drug and prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. Therefore, before using a nootropic, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Valentina Ignasheva, pediatrician, especially for the site

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The list of drugs in this group contains substances that help protect the brain from damage and stimulate nerve cells to restore them to the level of healthy people.

Nootropic drug, what is it?

The concept of “nootropic drug” was first introduced in the last century by Belgian pharmacologists.

Nootropics are neurometabolic stimulants that activate metabolic processes in the brain, increasing its overall resistance to extreme situations and influences.

A distinctive factor from psychostimulants is that nootropics are antihypoxants (resist oxygen starvation of the brain), but do not negatively affect the human body, do not lead to disruptions in the functioning of the brain, and do not impair coordination of movements.

In terms of effectiveness, nootropics do not have a hypnotic or analgesic effect on the human body.

Medicines in this group are often of interest to students and people who experience severe intellectual or stress loads, since the instructions indicate that the drugs promote better assimilation of information, quick thinking, improvements in studies and smooth out the effect on the brain under stress and mental stress.

In pharmacology, there is one division of nootropics into two groups:

Which pharmacological group do they belong to?

The nootropic group includes drugs with nootropic action, and they are classified in pharmacology under the code (ATC code: N06ВХ).

The first drug in the group of nootropic drugs is Piracetam.

It was opened back in 1963, and gave rise to their development. The nootropic became the main competitor of psychostimulants, since the side effects from it were not so serious.

Nootropic therapy does not cause addiction, toxic damage, agitation and exhaustion of the body, which are inherent in psychostimulants. In the initial stages of the drug's development, it was used to treat brain dysfunction in older people.

Fact! In modern pharmacology, Piracetam is listed under the name Nootropil.

The table shows a list of drugs that are most often prescribed in nootropic treatment.

Drug derivativesKinds
Pyrrolidone derivativesPiracetam, Polziracetam, Dipracetam, Miracetam, Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, Etiracetam, etc.
Dimanol, Acetojumate, Euclidan, Meclofenoxate, Dimethylaminoethanol, etc.
Pyridoxine derivativesGutamin, Pyritinol
GABA derivativesNicotinol GABA, Phenibut, Pantogam, Gammalon, etc.
Cerebrovascular agentsNicergoline, Vinpocetine, Vincam, Hidergin, etc.
Neuropeptides and analoguesACTH and its fragments, vasopressins and Oxytocin, Thyroliberin and melanostatin, endogenous opioids.
Antioxidants2-ethyl-6methyl-3-hydroxypyridine, ionol, metadoxyl.
Various substances with a nootropic componentEtimizole, Orotic acid, Methyl glucoorotate, Oxylitacyl, Naftidrofuryl, ginseng, lemongrass, etc.

Mechanism of action of nootropics

Most drugs in the nootropic group affect neurotransmitters (substances that promote the interaction of nerve cells with each other).

Nootropic therapy affects acetylcholine (which carries out neuromuscular transmission), serotonin (the hormone of happiness), dopamine (the precursor of norepinephrine, which is a necessary part of the “reward system” of the brain, as it induces a feeling of pleasure, which affects the processes of motivation and learning) and norepinephrine ( one of the most important “mediators of wakefulness”).

Modern nootropics improve the joint work of the left and right hemispheres, and the main centers localized in the cerebral cortex.

The effect of a nootropic can prolong life and rejuvenate the body.

Also, these drugs protect nerve cells from deformation and eliminate oxygen starvation, stimulate metabolic processes and simply improve blood circulation in brain tissue.

Different drugs from the nootropic group can have different effects on the body, it all depends on the group to which the drug belongs.

Among them:

DrugsEffect on the body
Amino acids and substances affecting the excitatory amino acid systemThe best remedies for performing various tasks in stressful conditions
Cerebrovascular agentsOne of the most effective remedies is Ginkgo Biloba, a tree extract of plant origin. The best drug to increase the brain's resistance to negative influences
Vitamin-likeThe most commonly prescribed is Idebenone - the best remedy for stimulating blood circulation in the brain
Polypeptides and organic compositesThe components of these drugs are amino acid peptides. For the development of nerve cells, the brain uses similar proteins. The action of these nootropics is aimed at the growth and maintenance of neurons, which improves memory and helps to concentrate more intently on one task.
Pyrrolidine derivativesThe most common type is Piracetam. The action of the drug is aimed at improving blood circulation and activating metabolic processes in the brain cavity. The substance promotes the activation of neurotransmitters.
Pyridoxine derivativesThe main remedy is Pyritinol, which enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain cavity.
Neuropeptides and similar agentsSuch drugs have found their application in ambulances, emergency services and stroke therapy. There is no exact definition of the mechanism of action, but the instructions say that it acts “originally”.
Dimethylaminoethanol derivativesThey affect acetylcholine, improving memory processes. Effective in learning.
Derivatives and analogues of gamma-aminobutyric acidHelps deal with stressful situations. They have a calming effect, but do not inhibit the reaction, as with conventional sedative therapy.
2-mercaptobenzimidazole derivativesThey enhance the saturation of brain cells with oxygen and counteract extreme effects on the brain and intellectual stress.

Fact! To stimulate biochemical processes in the brain, it may take from a couple of days to a couple of weeks, depending on the drug used. This explains why nootropics are used in courses. There is no point in taking pills immediately before exercising your brain; you should start using them about a month in advance.

What effect do nootropics have?

The impact on the above mechanisms in the brain makes it possible to conclude that the following positive effects are exerted on the body and its systems:

  • Vasovegetative action characterized by acceleration of blood circulation and elimination of the main signs of neurocircular dystonia;
  • Antihypoxic effect due to the formation of increased resistance of brain cells to oxygen starvation;
  • Antidepressant effect. Certain nootropics are prescribed for depression and are aimed at counteracting it;
  • Psychostimulating effect caused by stimulation of brain functioning in people with mental disorders suffering from apathy and motor retardation;
  • Antiepileptic effect characterized by the fact that it prevents convulsions, confusion and complete loss of consciousness, as well as the prevention of behavioral and autonomic system disorders;
  • Sedative effect characterized by a calming effect;
  • Nootropic effect is aimed at stimulating cognitive activity;
  • Antitoxic action e - this is neutralization, or removal of toxins from the human body;
  • Adaptogenic effect due to the development of the body’s resistance to the influence of negative factors;
  • Immunostimulating effect characterized by strengthening the immune system and increasing the body’s overall resistance;
  • Lipolytic action due to the use of fatty acids as a source of energy.

Note! Nootropics, in most cases, are prescribed for the elderly and children. This is explained by the fact that in old age it is necessary to correct deviations in the functionality of intellectual activity (memory, attention). Prescription in childhood occurs in the fight against intellectual development disorders of the child.

Is it dangerous to be treated with nootropics and are they harmful?

Drugs in this group rarely exhibit side effects, so there are almost no contraindications for them.

The consequences of using nootropics can range from headaches and dizziness to overexcitation of the nervous system.

But since they are not pathologically dangerous, the catalog of drugs can be prescribed to almost any patient.

The most serious and common side effect is withdrawal symptoms.

It can occur when the use of medications is abruptly stopped, which leads to suffering in the body.

Its most common manifestations can be headaches, lethargy, aggressiveness, loss of sleep, dizziness, etc. That is why the cessation of the course of treatment occurs with a gradual reduction in the drugs used.

The main side effects reported with nootropics are listed below:

Indications for the use of nootropics

The main indications for nootropics and their therapy are the following:

Contraindications to the use of nootropics are:

  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Severe kidney pathologies;
  • The period of bearing and feeding a child;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Clearly manifested psychomotor agitation;
  • Sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.

Most Common Nootropics

Nootropic therapy medications are divided into groups of new and old generation. The latter include medications that were discovered a long time ago, even at the start of neurostimulants. These are the production forms of Piracetam.

Such drugs are:

  • Pramiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Oxiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Detiracetam;
  • Nefiracetam.

After the nineties of the twentieth century, a new round took place in the history of the development of nootropics. New drugs have a selective effect on individual body functions.

The most commonly prescribed new generation drugs are:

  • Pantogam– the most effective nootropic drug, often used for treatment in childhood. The main active ingredient is vitamin B15, which is found in almost all plant substances;
  • Phenibut is prescribed for a state of general weakness, neuroses, sleep disorders and deviations in the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus. The interaction of Phenibut helps children overcome stuttering and various tics. This drug normalizes metabolism, stimulates mental processes (memory, attention, etc.), and also has an antioxidant effect. This drug contains virtually no toxins and does not cause allergies;
  • Fezam is a nootropic prescribed in combination with other drugs for problems with blood circulation in the brain cavity. This drug eliminates the effects of oxygen starvation, helps against headaches, migraines, dizziness and memory loss. Long courses of treatment are prescribed for stroke, traumatic brain injury and inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain;
  • Piracetam is a classic remedy prescribed to improve metabolic processes in the brain. Effectively treats dizziness, improves memory, and treats encephalopathy in childhood. The drug quickly relieves the negative effects of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is used for viral neuroinfections and as one of the drugs for restoration after death of heart muscle tissue. The drug is sold both in tablets and in ampoules, solutions, syrups and capsules, which helps to choose the most convenient form of use;
  • Cinnarazine– a drug from the nootropic group that helps expand the walls of brain vessels and helps increase their size without affecting blood pressure. Nootropil cinnarizine is an effective drug against motion sickness, as well as suppressing nystagmus. The drug helps relieve high blood pressure, tinnitus, general weakness, headaches, restores normal sleep, removes aggressiveness, etc.;
  • Actovegin– a drug from the group of nootropics, aimed at combating oxygen starvation of the brain, restoring metabolic processes, and promoting rapid healing of wounds. The drug is available in tablets and as an ointment or cream;
  • Cerebrolysin is a nootropic used in combination with other medications. This drug has passed all tests and confirmed its safety and effectiveness. Stimulates mental activity and improves mood. Long-term use of the drug improves memory processes, increases concentration and the ability to learn.

What actions will help you recover faster and keep your body normal?

Preventive actions to prevent the use of nootropics are:

  • Maintaining a daily routine with proper rest and sleep (at least 8 hours);
  • Proper nutrition should be balanced and varied, with plenty of vitamins and nutrients;
  • Maintaining water balance (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day) will help the blood not to thicken and circulate normally;
  • Avoid stressful situations, psycho-emotional and intellectual excessive stress;
  • Stop smoking, alcohol and drugs;
  • Get a full examination once a year.


Nootropic drugs are effective means used to improve the functioning of brain processes.

It is especially effective to take them in courses, in advance of intellectual or psycho-emotional stress.

A wide range of drugs and a low chance of side effects make the drugs accessible and effective. To prevent complications, it is better to consult a qualified doctor.

Nootropic drugs are of great relevance. Although the first nootropic drug, Piracetam, was synthesized back in 1964, it is only now that means for improving the brain activity of this group have become public, especially among schoolchildren, students and the elderly. Nootropics have virtually no side effects, the most obvious being overexcitability, which can manifest itself in either hyperactivity or panic attacks. The reviews note that to obtain such negative effects, it is necessary to use a very large dosage of the drug; in all other cases, this is nothing more than self-hypnosis.

As a standard, to obtain the desired effect, namely improving brain function, increasing learning ability, and concentration, it is important to take a course of at least a week to obtain the first noticeable changes. At the same time, it is not enough to simply take the drug and expect new knowledge to appear out of nowhere, some kind of enlightenment. It is necessary to constantly use logic, read some information and the like. This is exactly how nootropic drugs can help, for example, the same students before exams; the student must surround himself with the necessary educational literature and begin to study it. Thanks to the effect of improving blood circulation and oxygen saturation of brain cells, information is better remembered and absorbed.

Nootropics are relevant not only for advanced youth, but also for older people. With age, brain cells begin to actively die, and therefore, symptoms of senile insanity, sclerosis and other age-related diseases associated with brain activity may appear. The elderly body needs help, saturating it with useful elements, and it is nootropics that can significantly improve the overall picture of the life activity of an elderly person.

Nootropic drugs are often prescribed to patients with traumatic brain injury, as well as to children with delayed speech and mental development. In the first case, nootropics will help restore the functioning of the brain, set it in the same way, and in the second, when the child does not want to start talking or does not show success in learning, the nootropic will allow you to concentrate on new information and broaden your horizons. Another indication for the use of these drugs may be alcohol dependence.

  • Reviews on the Internet and general reputation;
  • Opinion of medical representatives;
  • Value for money;
  • Trust level;
  • Safety.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best budget nootropics

5 Biotredin

Fights alcohol addiction
Country Russia
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Biotredin is an effective remedy used to treat alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The drug reduces a person's desire to drink alcohol. The drug reduces psycho-emotional arousal, improves memory and has a positive effect on intellectual performance. From reviews on the Internet, you can understand that this drug is mainly prescribed to people who abuse alcohol and suffer from physical and psychological alcohol dependence.

The drug is also used to improve memory and intellectual activity in children and adolescents. The drug is contraindicated in people with high sensitivity to vitamin B6. Under no circumstances should you take Biotredin simultaneously with alcohol or while intoxicated.

4 Piracetam

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 55 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Piracetam is recognized as one of the best modern nootropic drugs. It is used to accelerate metabolic processes and the propagation of impulses in the cerebral cortex, has a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities and memory development, significantly increases the brain's resistance to toxin poisoning, and accelerates the processing of glucose. Helps improve interaction between the hemispheres of the brain. Improves cerebral blood flow without creating, however, a vasodilating effect.

"Piracetam" is recommended to be taken for weakened memory, dizziness, decreased attentiveness and learning disabilities in children. Elderly people are recommended to take the drug for therapeutic purposes. This drug is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity, severe renal failure, children under one year of age and pregnant women. Also, Piracetam should not be used for hemorrhagic stroke.

3 Picamilon

Relieves older people from migraines
Country Russia
Average price: 100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Picamilon" refers to nootropic drugs that have a tranquilizing, psychostimulating and antioxidant effect. Positively affects brain function by improving tissue metabolism and affecting cerebral circulation. A course of taking the drug increases physical and intellectual activity, reduces headaches, improves memory, and helps reduce feelings of anxiety and tension. Improves blood circulation in the vessels of the retina and optic nerve.

Helps patients with minor motor and speech disorders, reduces the negative impact of toxins on the central nervous system. The drug is used as part of complex therapy to prevent migraines in older people and with cerebrovascular accidents. According to experts, the drug is one of the best in the treatment of severe alcohol and drug addiction. Picamilon is contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

2 Phenibut

Relieves anxiety
Country Russia
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Phenibut is a prescription nootropic drug that has a strong anxiolytic effect, reducing excitability, anxiety and fear. Prolongs and enhances the effect of using sleeping pills. When used as a course, it has a positive effect on a person’s physical and intellectual activity, helps improve memory, and restores healthy sleep.

Usually prescribed to children with stuttering and enuresis, elderly people suffering from insomnia and night anxiety. Also, this remedy is often used as part of complex therapy for those suffering from alcohol withdrawal syndrome. According to experts, the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under three years of age. Should be taken with caution in case of gastric ulcers and liver failure. The drug is taken as prescribed by a doctor and is sold by prescription.

1 Glycine

The best ratio of price and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Glycine is an amino acid produced by the human body. "Glycine" is a natural drug that helps improve memory and mental activity. Reduces human conflict, improves the ability to socially adapt. The use of this remedy allows you to normalize sleep, which is especially important for older people. Also, this amino acid restores the functions of the central nervous system after toxic poisoning with alcohol or other medications.

It is recommended to take “Glycine” during stressful situations, problems at work or study, decreased mental performance and diseases of the nervous system, expressed by high excitability, sleep problems and emotional instability. Since glycine is a natural product, it has no special contraindications, the exception being personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The best nootropic drugs in the mid-price category

5 Pantogam

Neutralizes psycho-emotional overloads
Country Russia
Average price: 640 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

“Pantogam” significantly increases the brain’s resistance to hypoxia and the effects of toxic substances on the central nervous system, and stimulates anabolic processes in neurons. Reduces excitability and has a positive effect on human social behavior. Effectively affects intellectual activity and activity.

The drug is widely used in medicine: to neutralize the effects of psycho-emotional overload, for neurotic disorders caused by traumatic brain injuries, for decreased intellectual and physical activity, loss of concentration and attention. "Pantogam" is contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from serious kidney diseases and persons under 18 years of age.

4 Nootropil

Accelerates the propagation of neural impulses
Country: Belgium
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

“Nootropil” is a nootropic drug that helps improve memory, increase concentration and activates mental activity. The medicine stabilizes metabolic processes in nerve cells, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, increasing the speed of propagation of neural impulses in the brain. The drug is excellent for eliminating the consequences of ischemic stroke.

Can be effectively used for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered traumatic brain injury or toxic brain poisoning. In particular, it can be used to improve learning ability in children. Not recommended for people with cerebrovascular accidents, renal failure or those with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Also contraindicated in children under three years of age.

3 Intellan

Herbal Ingredients
Country: Pakistan
Average price: 175 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Intellan" is a preparation made from plant elements containing bioactive amino acids, vitamins and other important microelements. It has a positive effect on memory, mental activity, and actively combats anxiety and depression. According to experts, Intellan does not affect a person’s ability to perform, which makes it one of the best nootropic drugs for car owners.

The drug is used for decreased mental activity, neurotic syndromes associated with mental illness, memory loss and absent-mindedness, as well as depression and anxiety. "Intellan" is contraindicated for persons under eighteen years of age and pregnant women. The drug should not be taken by those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, with sucrose deficiency and fructose intolerance. During an exacerbation of mental illness, the drug is also contraindicated.

2 Semax

The best nasal drug
Country Russia
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Semax" is a unique peptide drug whose hormonal activity is zero. It has a positive effect on the processes of perception of the surrounding world, improves learning ability and attentiveness. Promotes rapid adaptation of the central nervous system to the effects of anesthesia. It is a prescription drug and is used only as prescribed by a specialist.

As a rule, it is used to treat people who have suffered an ischemic stroke, as well as for rehabilitation after traumatic brain injuries and severe anesthesia. It has long been used in pediatrics to treat brain dysfunction in children over five years of age. Semax cannot be prescribed to children under five years of age and pregnant women. It is important to note that the drug is contraindicated for people in a state of acute mental disorder accompanied by an acute feeling of anxiety.

1 Cavinton

Targeted effect on damaged areas of the central nervous system
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Cavinton has a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation, reduces blood viscosity and promotes the passage of oxygen through the tissues of the central nervous system. At the same time, the drug does not affect a person’s total blood pressure and pulse rate. The peculiarity of this remedy is that it selectively acts on the damaged area of ​​the central nervous system. The product is used and sold only by prescription.

The ability for targeted effects, called “reverse steal,” makes Cavinton one of the best drugs for treating the consequences of stroke, vascular dementia and cerebrovascular accidents. Also used to treat choroid and retina, and even to treat Meniere's disease. The drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy, persons under 18 years of age, people suffering from arrhythmia, coronary heart disease and those having an acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke.

The best nootropic drugs: budget from 750 rubles

5 Cortexin

The most versatile
Country Russia
Average price: 780 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

"Cortexin" has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous systems. The drug improves memory, attentiveness and learning ability, counteracts the effects of stressful situations on the nervous system, and reduces the impact of toxic substances on brain cells. This nootropic is often used in medicine to eliminate the consequences of traumatic brain injury, circulatory disorders and epilepsy.

The drug has gained great popularity among parents of children with delayed psychomotor and speech development. The medicine is also widely known among students during exam periods, when learning and attentiveness deteriorate. Cortexin is not recommended for pregnant women due to the lack of accurate clinical trial data. Contraindicated in case of high personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

4 Encephabol

Combats mental retardation in children
Country: India
Average price: 750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Encephabol" accelerates metabolism in the brain, increasing the rate of glucose utilization. Stabilizes blood circulation in ischemic areas of the brain. The drug restores impaired metabolic functions in the nervous tissue, which has a beneficial effect on improving memory, alertness and the general tone of the central nervous system. "Encephabol" shows good results in the treatment of systematic decreases in mental activity.

This remedy helps get rid of the consequences of encephalitis, and is also used in pediatrics in the treatment of cerebroasthenic syndrome and mental retardation in children. "Encephabol" is contraindicated in renal failure, liver disease and autoimmune diseases. May cause allergic reactions in people highly sensitive to pyritinol.

3 Phenotropil

Relieves stress
Country Russia
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Phenotropil" is a nootropic drug that improves blood supply to the brain, thinking ability, memory and attentiveness. This drug also increases the resistance of the central nervous system to the effects of stressful situations. It is used for insufficient cerebral circulation, neurosis, depression and to neutralize the effects of alcohol and drug use.

It is possible to take the drug prophylactically by people whose activities are associated with high psychophysical tension. "Phenotropil" is contraindicated for use in severe kidney and liver diseases, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension and high sensitivity to pyrrolidone group compounds. If a person has experienced a panic attack or severe psychotic states in the past, then the use of this drug is also contraindicated for him.

2 Pramiracetam

Restores cognitive functions of the brain
Country: Germany
Average price: 3500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Pramiracetam is a nootropic drug from the racetam group. The effectiveness of this remedy has not been fully proven, but, according to experts, it has a positive effect on increasing intellectual activity and cognitive functions of the brain. Improves memory, concentration and alertness. To achieve the full effect, it is recommended to take this drug for four to eight weeks.

As follows from the above, Pramiracetam should be taken if there is a decrease in mental performance, loss of concentration and memory problems. Elderly people are recommended to take the drug for therapeutic purposes. Like other nootropics, Pramiracetam has no special contraindications. Reviews rarely write about side effects, but when the dosage was significantly exceeded in the first days of the course, patients reported complaints of headache, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness and tremor.

1 Cogitum

Best stimulating effect
Country: France
Average price: 4500 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

"Cogitum" has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in nerve tissues and has a stimulating effect. Increases physical activity and immunity. The drug is able to accelerate the removal of ammonia from the body during intoxication with this substance, and slightly reduce radioactive exposure. It is often used as part of complex therapy for asthenic syndrome, as well as for depressive and neurotic conditions of mild severity.

"Cogitum" increases the overall endurance of the central nervous system. Contraindicated for people with high personal sensitivity to acetylaminosuccinic acid and other components of the drug. It is not recommended for pregnant women and children under seven, due to the lack of clinical studies with this group of patients.

Imagine the situation: there is an important task ahead that requires maximum concentration of mental abilities, and your brain, as luck would have it, refuses to work. Thoughts are in the clouds, your head seems wobbly, and your memory seems “full of holes.” But there is a whole group of drugs that improve cognitive function!

Norm and pathology

First of all, it would be good to determine the cause of the violations. Memory deterioration, decreased mental performance, as well as headaches and noise in the head may be the first signs of serious diseases associated with impaired blood flow in the brain.

As a rule, this occurs when vasoconstriction occurs against the background of arterial hypertension or atherosclerosis. Both of these conditions progress without proper treatment and often lead to serious consequences such as stroke or heart attack.

In addition, mental decline may be associated with a disease such as Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, at the first alarming signs, it is better to consult a doctor and figure out what is happening in the body. If the examination confirms the pathology, the person needs long-term and serious treatment.

However, fortunately, memory impairment can also be completely harmless. After all, we often work at a high pace, sparing no effort, and stress, physical and mental overstrain make themselves felt by natural fatigue. And what kind of intellectual success can we talk about if an exhausted body directs all its efforts to ensure at least the uninterrupted operation of vital systems? This is where you can pay attention to nootropics.

"Smart" pills

The word “nootropic” was first proposed by the Romanian physiologist and chemist Cornelius Ghirge in 1972. He combined it from two Greek components: noos - mind and tropos - direction. The main goal of nootropics is to improve cognitive function.

For decades, debates have continued in world psychiatry and neurology about the advisability of using drugs in this group by healthy people. The reasons for this are the possible side effects of drugs along with unproven effectiveness. However, in 2015, global sales of this group’s products exceeded $1 billion, and demand for them is constantly growing.

According to the instructions for use, nootropics are able to accelerate the transmission of impulses between the hemispheres of the brain, normalize metabolic processes and enhance microcirculation. It is also said that nootropic drugs improve mental performance, learning and memory, and in addition increase the brain's resistance to damaging factors, such as high stress or lack of oxygen.

Today, nootropics of different classes are used in domestic practice, including:

  • racetams, of which Piracetam is a prominent representative;
  • derivatives of gamma-aminobutyric acid (Phenibut);
  • herbal preparations such as ginkgo biloba extract;
  • amino acids (Glycine);
  • substances from other groups with a nootropic effect, including correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders (Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine) and general tonics (ginseng extract, melatonin).

Let's look at the features of each group.

Briefly about the properties

Each representative of nootropics can be given a separate article, but we will try to describe them briefly and to the point.

Piracetam. He owns the laurels of primacy: piracetam became the first “drug that improves cognitive function.” It is produced under various trade names (Lucetam, Nootropil, Piracetam) in various forms of release (solution for intramuscular and intravenous injections, tablets, capsules) and is used for various conditions and diseases accompanied by intellectual disabilities.

It should be noted that piracetam is not used in the USA. The FDA defines drugs in the United States as drugs that are intended to diagnose, treat, treat, or prevent disease. Food supplements should include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and plant compounds. Piracetam, alas, does not satisfy either the first or the second requirement, and therefore, according to American laws, it cannot be either a drug or a dietary supplement. But in European countries it is used, although some experts, including domestic ones, are extremely skeptical about its evidence base. Piracetam is even included in the well-known list of placebo drugs, presented by the Chairman of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Vorobyov.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) derivatives. Drugs in this series include Aminalon, Picamilon, Phenibut, etc. Phenibut, along with improving mental performance, eliminates tension, irritability and improves sleep. True, again in the West, unlike the CIS countries, funds from this group are not used as nootropics. In addition, Picamilon and Phenibut were included in Professor Vorobyov’s list mentioned above.

Ginkgo biloba extract. According to the instructions for use, it has a combined nootropic and antihypoxic effect, improves blood circulation in the brain, thereby helping to improve cognitive functions and improve memory. It is sold both in the form of medicines (Bilobil, Tanakan, Memoplant) and as part of dietary supplements. How dietary supplements are used in the West. However, clinical studies have not confirmed the beneficial effects of ginkgo biloba on intellectual performance and memory in healthy people.

Glycine. This amino acid regulates metabolic processes in the nervous system, normalizes excitation and inhibition, and at the same time has a very high safety profile. Therefore, over-the-counter Glycine is often used for various disorders of the psycho-emotional state: irritability, insomnia, and decreased mental performance, including in children. In the USA, Glycine is used as a dietary supplement, and in some European countries, for example Poland, Italy, it is part of combined analgesic drugs (Alka-Prim). As an independent nootropic, it is used mainly in the post-Soviet space.

Normalizing cerebral circulation. Representatives of this group act by improving blood supply to the brain. For example, Vinpocetine is a synthetic analogue of an alkaloid isolated from Vinca minor. The drug was created by Hungarian pharmacologists and is used mainly in Eastern European countries. Studies by the Cochrane Collaboration have not confirmed the beneficial effects of Vinpocetine on mental performance.

Another popular drug of this subgroup is Cinnarizine, in the West it is used mostly for seasickness, since it relieves nausea and vomiting in vestibular disorders, and in the post-Soviet space it is often prescribed as an affordable nootropic.

Ginseng extract. Supposedly, ginseng extract improves mental and physical performance by stimulating the central nervous system. However, this herbal preparation did not defend its nootropic properties in clinical studies. According to the Cochrane Collaboration, there is no convincing evidence that ginseng extract helps improve mental performance.

To the rhetorical question “to take or not to take medications to improve memory,” everyone may have their own answer. And there is a truth of its own: one, unsightly, among scientists, and a completely different, optimistic one, among consumers. Despite the depressing research data, many patients readily take nootropics and feel improvement with treatment. Moreover, most of the products in this group are well tolerated, and some, such as ginkgo biloba extract and glycine, are even sold without a doctor’s prescription.

However, relying on the achievements of pharmacology, it would be good to help the body, which reacts to difficult working conditions and lack of normal rest with a deterioration in mental abilities. Give yourself a temporary break, switch to other activities, go to the pool or gym. And perhaps you will soon see how deep your intellectual capabilities are even without any drug support.

Marina Pozdeeva
