Folk recipe for garlic in alcohol. Alcohol tincture of garlic is a remedy for many diseases. "Elixir of Youth" from Chinese healers

Cleansing blood vessels helps in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, the main disease of our time. Poor nutrition, disrupted rhythm of life, smoking, alcohol and excess weight lead to increased cholesterol in the blood and its deposition in the vascular walls. Atherosclerotic lesion blood vessels is the leading cause of death and disability. In this article, we review the tincture of garlic with alcohol for cleaning blood vessels, the features and rules for its preparation, indications and contraindications for use, cases in which you should seek help from a doctor.

Why do you need to clean vessels?

Why do you need to clean the vessels at all and what causes them to become clogged? Before considering the methods and methods for their purification, you need to understand the answers to these questions. In the course of our life, we often make mistakes in nutrition, drink alcohol, some of us smoke, and some suffer from excess weight. The modern pace of life has led to increased development cardiovascular diseases and brought them to first place as causes of death among the population.

The basis of heart disease is atherosclerosis. Its pathogenesis is based on the development of local inflammatory process V vascular wall. Lipids and cholesterol begin to accumulate in the damaged area of ​​the vessel. Gradually, they form large atherosclerotic plaques, interfering with proper blood circulation in the tissues.

Blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques underlies the development of the following deadly diseases:

  • coronary heart disease (angina pectoris, acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction);
  • acute disorder cerebral circulation(hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke);
  • hypertension;
  • delamination or rupture abdominal region aorta;
  • atherosclerotic kidney damage.

Blockage of blood vessels and atherosclerosis are processes that do not occur suddenly, against the background of absolute well-being. This disease develops over several decades. Prevention and cleaning of blood vessels is carried out specifically at healthy people who want to extend their life and health as long as possible.

Garlic tincture for atherosclerosis

Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is one of the most effective methods prevention of atherosclerosis development
. This is a Tibetan folk method of cleansing the body. This recipe of Tibetan monks was found by scientists in their ancient manuscripts. According to the data obtained, cleaning blood vessels with garlic and alcohol was practiced in order to rejuvenate the body and increase life expectancy.

In our time Tibetan recipe garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels is very popular among adherents healthy image life. Nowadays, more and more more people They begin to understand that they need to take care of their health from a young age.

The Tibetan method of cleansing blood vessels with garlic is intended to prevent the development of atherosclerosis. If a person has already allowed the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, he should seek traditional medical care rather than self-medicate.

Garlic in vodka or alcohol has the following effects on the body:

  • Improves and strengthens the immune system in the body. It provides protection against bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, some oncological pathologies. Garlic drops can be taken during seasonal epidemics of influenza and ARVI.
  • Relieves inflammatory processes in the body, treats foci of chronic infections.
  • Reduces cholesterol and “harmful” lipids in the blood. It is these substances that can be deposited on the vascular wall and lead to atherosclerosis..
  • Normalizes blood pressure levels.
  • Helps with a tendency to vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Helps normalize microcirculation in capillaries. This leads to an improvement in complexion and skin condition.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body and can reduce weight.

Method for preparing garlic alcohol tincture

How to prepare garlic tincture according to the Tibetan recipe for cleaning blood vessels? The recipe for this medicine is simple and anyone can do it. You can make high-quality medicine only using fresh garlic cloves.. They should not be dried out, sprouted or spoiled. Preparing the alcohol tincture will take you 10 days.

Take 350-500 g of peeled and washed garlic cloves and grind them to a paste. Then pour 400 ml of alcohol into the resulting mixture, tightly close the jar with a lid and place in a dark place for 10 days. Then the tincture should be strained to remove the garlic and sediment. The resulting medicine should be stored in a dark and cool place, perhaps in a cellar or refrigerator.

How to take the tincture

The tincture should be taken according to a strict schedule, deviating from which is strictly prohibited.. This technique has been developed over many years; if all the rules are followed, the tincture allows you to cleanse yourself of waste and toxins and strengthen your immune system.

Instructions for use:

  • The course lasts 11 days. The prepared tincture will be enough for you for this entire period.
  • Take the tincture 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • The tincture should be drunk with 50 ml of milk.
  • For the first dose, take 1 drop of the drug. Then, during each dose, increase the dose by 1 drop, so by the end of the 10th day you will have taken 25 drops. On day 11, take 25 drops three times a day.
  • This cleansing of the body should be done once every 5 years. But if necessary, you can improve your immunity a little more often.
  • During the course of cleaning blood vessels with garlic tincture, drink as much liquid as possible. You should drink 2-3 liters of plain table water per day.

Skip or overdose single dosage it is forbidden. You must strictly follow the scheme. If, while cleansing the body with this remedy, you begin to feel a deterioration in your health, stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is not suitable for everyone. This medicine is potent and has its contraindications. These include:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, failure, fatty hepatosis).
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • prostate adenoma and hyperplasia, prostatitis;
  • spicy or chronic pancreatitis in the stage of exacerbation or remission;
  • bladder diseases.

Due to the high alcohol content in the tincture, it should not be taken by people who manage vehicles, motorists. It will not lead to intoxication, but when tested on a breathalyzer it can lead to a positive result.

Diet while cleansing blood vessels

Cleansing the body will be many times more effective if you adhere to it in parallel dietary nutrition . During the course of cleaning blood vessels, you should avoid the following products:

  • fried, smoked and spicy;
  • fatty meats, poultry and fish;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • butter;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • fast food;
  • sausages;
  • canned foods;
  • store-bought semi-finished products;
  • offal.

When cleansing blood vessels using garlic tincture with alcohol, it is recommended to compose your diet from:

  • fruits, vegetables and herbs;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • porridges cooked in water and vegetable oil;
  • legumes;
  • corn.

To improve your metabolism you should eat in small portions and often 5 times a day. You shouldn't feel hungry. Snacks are best made from fruits and fermented milk drinks.

Cleansing blood vessels using garlic alcohol tincture is ancient Tibetan method, which the monks resorted to in order to increase life expectancy. It is most effective in people who do not suffer from atherosclerosis. In them, it helps prevent the development of atherosclerotic plaques. If you have already been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, traditional methods cleansing the blood vessels will not be enough. You need to see a doctor and take the treatment he prescribed, and stick to a regular diet.

Many people know that garlic is an excellent immunomodulator, and therefore, to strengthen and maintain the body in good shape, this product must always be present in the human diet. These properties of garlic were known in ancient times, for example, in China it was used to treat diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, during epidemics of cholera and plague. In Rus' it was believed that it saves from infectious diseases and snake bites. It was the Russians who learned how to make an excellent garlic tincture with vodka. Let's consider the beneficial properties of this folk remedy.

Currently, garlic vodka tincture is widely used in alternative medicine for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, stones bladder and kidneys. This tool has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and anti-sclerotic effect, removes cholesterol from the body, delaying the formation cholesterol plaques, and also normalizes metabolism in the body.

This tincture has the maximum effect on cardiovascular system, since with its regular use the amplitude of heart contractions increases and the heart rhythm slows down, coronary and peripheral vessels. This remedy is especially useful for angina pectoris, cardiac neuroses, insomnia, migraines, dizziness, as well as weakened memory and impaired vision, especially in old age.

The therapeutic and prophylactic effect of garlic on the body allows the use of garlic tincture to improve digestion and stimulate appetite. In addition, the product suppresses the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. And the ability of garlic to strengthen the immune system allows you to use this folk remedy to improve the body's resistance to dysentery, cholera and typhoid fever.

There are many recipes for garlic tincture. Let's consider the simplest known method.

Recipe No. 1. 40 g of fresh crushed garlic must be poured with 100 g of vodka. To give the tincture a specific aroma, you can add a little mint to it. Having sealed the glass container with the contents well, let the product brew for 10 days. After straining the tincture after the allotted time, it should be taken two or three times a day, 7-10 drops before meals.

Recipe No. 2. The following recipe is also interesting. A dry and sterile dark glass bottle needs to be slightly warmed up. Large fresh garlic should be cut into large slices and placed at the bottom of the bottle, poured with two glasses of vodka. Having tightly sealed the vessel, the contents must be infused from the new moon to the full moon phase. The bottle needs to be shaken twice a day. All that remains is to filter the finished tincture and take 8–12 drops in the morning and evening.

Recipe No. 3. There is also a recipe for Tibetan tincture with garlic. 200 g of garlic should be crushed in a clay pot and mixed with one liter of vodka. The well-sealed mixture should be kept in a dark place at above-zero temperatures for 12 days. You need to drink this tincture according to a certain pattern. On the first day of laziness, drink one drop for breakfast, two for lunch and three for dinner. On the second day, drink four drops for breakfast, five for lunch, and so on, daily, increasing to fifteen drops. After this, you need to count down, reducing it one drop at a time for breakfast, dinner and lunch. Having reached one drop, the product is applied for another three days, twenty-five drops three times a day. Take care of yourself!

Garlic infusion has many useful properties, therefore is an indispensable tool to strengthen the body and improve well-being. Despite the simplicity of preparing the tincture, its health value is enormous, so you can take the product both medicinally and for preventive purposes. In order for the benefits of garlic in alcohol to be greater, it is important to properly prepare, infuse, store and take the tincture, observing the dosage, since it is potent drug.

Composition of the tincture

The effect of garlic tincture on alcohol is due to its rich composition. Basics active substance means - allicin. According to its properties, allicin is a natural antibiotic that increases protective functions immunity and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Garlic is also rich in phytoncides and antioxidants, which alcohol extracts from the vegetable. These substances have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which is especially valued in garlic. Cutting garlic smell, which repels many, is due to high content essential oils. By infusing garlic cloves with alcohol, they lose their smell, while the benefits of essential oils are retained in the tincture. Garlic tincture is also rich in:

Is it possible and why to eat raw potatoes

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, M;
  • trace elements: calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • mineral salts.

Useful properties of garlic

The benefits of garlic in alcohol are due to the fact that it retains all the beneficial substances of garlic, but it also contains alcohol, which dilates blood vessels and accelerates the absorption of all useful substances. The use of tincture is useful for both internal and external use, so a remedy made from garlic with alcohol is universal remedy for treatment at home.

Useful properties of tincture

Separately, garlic and vodka are used in medicinal purposes for a long time. Garlic is antiviral and antibacterial agent, which protects against respiratory diseases and strengthens the immune system. In small doses, the use of vodka is useful for controlling blood pressure, since alcohol dilates blood vessels and thins the composition of the blood. Therefore, a remedy made from garlic in vodka is unique remedy, which has many useful properties, including:

  • cleanses brain vessels;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • normalizes arterial pressure;
  • prevention of heart disease vascular system;
  • washes salts from vessels;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • promotes liver tissue regeneration;
  • cleanses the kidneys, lungs, lymph;
  • hinders development oncological diseases;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood sugar.

Garlic tincture normalizes digestion

The use of the tincture helps to increase vitality, acceleration metabolic processes and improving appearance.

Garlic tincture from Tibet

Tibetan garlic tincture is healing elixir, which has been used by monks for centuries to treat various diseases. To prepare Tibetan tincture, you need to take 250 grams of fresh garlic. It needs to be pounded in a wooden mortar until it becomes porridge. The crushed mass should be placed in a porcelain or ceramic bowl and pour 300 ml. alcohol Cover the container with a lid and place in a dark place for 1-2 weeks.

About ground flax seeds

After the product has infused, it must be squeezed out, strained and poured into a container with a lid. To make the medicine more effective, it is important to take it correctly. It is recommended to drink 5-10 drops of the product, swirling it with milk. Milk neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa. You should take the elixir no more than 2-3 times a day, and it is not recommended to increase the dosage. The course of taking the drug is 10 days. After completing the course, treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than after a month.

It is preferable to use alcohol to prepare the product, but you can also use vodka. For the tincture, you need to take 300 grams of garlic cloves and chop them finely. Place the chopped garlic in a liter jar and pour in 500 ml. vodka. Cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 10 days. Every day the jar should be shaken well, but not opened. When the product is ready, remove the garlic and pour the liquid into a bottle with a dispenser. You need to take the product 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks. To make taking the product more pleasant, you can snack on it with lemon or orange. Then the medication should be stopped and repeated as necessary after 3-4 weeks.

Vodka tincture with garlic is taken 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks

Wine tincture with garlic

To prepare the tincture you need to take 500 ml. wine and heat it until hot, but do not let it boil. While the wine is heating, you need to chop 250 grams of garlic and pour it into a deep container, preferably a jar. Pour hot wine over the chopped garlic and cover with a lid. Leave for a week, then strain the infusion and take 20-30 ml. 1-2 times a day during the day and before bed.

It should be remembered that garlic tincture is infused with alcohol, so you should not abuse it, especially before getting behind the wheel or in combination with taking medicines, because the medicine may also cause harm.

Garlic is famous for its wonderful properties since ancient times, but never ceases to amaze us with its effectiveness own action up to this day. There are all kinds of remedies based on it, which confirms the opinion about the healing effect of this plant on the body.

Garlic tincture with alcohol was invented in ancient times, but it became known about it relatively recently. At the end of the last century, the recipe for its preparation was found in ancient records located on the territory of Tibetan monasteries. Its main property is an incredible rejuvenating effect on the body, but this happens only with careful adherence to a certain scheme.

Garlic is especially useful for people with vascular diseases and cardiac pathology. It has a positive effect on the condition circulatory system, dissolves and removes lime deposits and fatty plaques. At the same time, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, their elasticity improves, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart as a whole. In addition, its use is equated to tumor formations. Also, the use of this tool leads to stabilization of work visual apparatus and other organs and systems in the body.

Garlic tincture with alcohol is prepared according to the following recipe. Take 500 grams of garlic, but choose one that is firm to the touch and not stale. Clean it, rinse it and place it in a colander to drain all the water. Then it must be crushed using a press or crushed into powder in a porcelain mortar. After completing the procedure, select 250-300 grams of the mixture from the very bottom, since it is there that the stack contains the most concentrated composition of the plant. Transfer this slurry into a glass bottle and fill it with alcohol (96%) in a volume of 200 ml. The vessel should be tightly sealed, after which it should be placed in a dark place, the exposure time is 10 days.

After the expiration date, the resulting infusion must be passed through gauze and stored for another three days, after which it will be possible to begin treatment.

Garlic tincture with alcohol is used with milk or water: it is recommended to take 50 ml of liquid and add to it required amount funds in accordance with the proposed scheme. You need to take it 3 times a day, starting with one drop and increasing the dosage at each dose by one more serving equal to the first value. It roughly looks like this: 1 drop for breakfast, 2 drops for lunch, 3 drops for dinner, and from the 2nd day the countdown continues from number 4 and so on until you reach 25 drops. After this, you should take the last dosage also three times a day, until the twenty-fifth day of the month that has begun.

Garlic tincture with alcohol, reviews of which confirm its above-mentioned properties, is used in a course, and it can be repeated no more than once every three years. The peculiarity of this medicine is that the longer it is stored, the more useful substances it contains. Next until 25 days folk medicine Take 25 drops three times a day.

It is also worth noting that garlic tincture, the Tibetan recipe for which was described above, has contraindications. Among them are diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, adenoma, epilepsy, pregnancy, childhood, as well as intestinal problems and pathologies genitourinary system. Do not forget about individual intolerance to the product.

Anyone who is trying to be treated with garlic should know that for the preparation of any remedy it is necessary to use only fresh plant. The longer it is stored, the less active it is antibacterial properties. If the garlic sits in room conditions more than six months, it can be safely considered a useless seasoning.

is the presence of allicin in it. This substance is natural antibiotic which helps the body cope with inflammatory processes. Allicin effectively fights pathogenic bacteria and viruses, strengthens the immune system, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

In addition to allicin, the vegetable contains valuable substances phytoncides - sativine, defenzoate. It's biological active substances, which inhibit the growth and development of bacteria. That's why regular use Just one clove a day helps to improve the health of the large intestine, and in addition, reduces high blood pressure.

Medicines based on it have therapeutic effect for many ailments. Decoctions are prepared from it, medicinal oil, infusions. Today we will talk to you about how to prepare a tincture of garlic in vodka and the use of this medicine. We will also discuss. But first let's find out what healing properties This aromatic vegetable has:

The healing properties of garlic

It contains a lot of selenium and protein. It contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid. In addition, it is rich in sugars and minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium.

Fresh garlic added to heavy meats, fish dishes, eliminates putrefactive, fermentative processes, flatulence in the large intestine. If, after eating, you take a mixture of garlic pulp with milk, the risk of developing allergies is significantly reduced (1 clove per 2 tablespoons of fresh milk). Traditional medicine recommends using it for complex treatment prostate adenoma, precancerous and cancerous diseases.

Preparations based on it contribute to better digestion. They help the body absorb food and stimulate appetite. Garlic has an antihelminthic effect. In this case, a course of treatment is carried out using enemas with garlic infusion.

The pharmacy sells the drug "Allohol", which contains dry garlic extract. This drug used as cholagogue for liver diseases, and also as a laxative.

Garlic tincture is used to treat kidney diseases ( urolithiasis). The drugs increase the amplitude of contractions of the heart muscle, promote expansion coronary vessels, reduce cholinesterase activity.

To treat hypertension, it is recommended to eat 2 to 4 finely chopped cloves of garlic before bed for 2 days in a row. Then you need to take a break for 2 days and repeat the treatment.

Medicinal properties of garlic tincture

Garlic tincture is known means Tibetan medicine. With its help you can get rid of many diseases, including diseases of the veins and blood vessels. The fact is that this tool improves performance immune system, effectively cleanses the blood of fatty lime deposits. As a result of this effect on the body, blood vessels are cleaned, their walls become more elastic.

In addition, the tincture destroys blood clots, thereby preventing the development of myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris, and atherosclerosis. In addition, it is used to treat hypertension, chronic runny nose, tonsillitis, chronic diseases lungs.

The tincture is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, noise, ringing in the ears, and headaches. Used to improve vision, restore sexual activity, and reduce swelling.

Preparing the tincture

To get quality effective drug, you need to prepare a tincture from high-quality raw materials:

Take garlic that is large, juicy, without mold or damage. The teeth should be smooth, white, and large. Do not buy garlic for tincture in the store. If you do not grow vegetables yourself, purchase them from summer residents. What you need is a home one, healthy vegetable, which was not processed chemicals in the process of maturation.

Buy high-quality vodka for tincture that does not contain foreign impurities. In general, if possible, use it to prepare tinctures. medical alcohol, which dilute clean water to the desired condition. Prepare the tincture in a clean, dark glass bottle. The cork must be tight, dry and clean. And also, before preparing this medicine, warm the bottle in hot water.

So, let's start cooking.

Wash the dark half-liter bottle thoroughly and dry. Peel, cut into cubes the cloves of a large head of garlic, and pour into a bottle. Pour 400 ml of clean, high-quality vodka or diluted medical alcohol.

Seal tightly with a cork and put it somewhere in the kitchen cabinet for 2 weeks. Be sure to shake the bottle every day. When the tincture is ready, strain it through double-folded gauze and store in the refrigerator.


Take 0.5 tsp. tinctures for 1 tbsp. l. clean water twice a day - after breakfast and before bed.

Need to know that medicinal properties Garlic tinctures are significantly enhanced by a more mature product, that is, the longer the garlic is infused, the more tincture is more effective. For example, healing effect 2-3 year olds garlic tinctures much higher. During long exposure it forms a large number of enzymes that have an antitumor effect, and in addition can thin the blood, just like aspirin. Be healthy!
