Application of blue iodine in beekeeping. Natural remedies in beekeeping. Method of dealing with foulbrood

In March 1993, the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation tried to remove Yeltsin from office in connection with his televised address on March 20. 618 deputies voted for the impeachment of Yeltsin, with the required 699 votes.

In September 1993, after Yeltsin, by decree No. 1400 (recognized by the Constitutional Court as inconsistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and being the basis for the termination of Yeltsin’s presidential powers), ordered the Supreme Council and the Congress to interrupt the exercise of their functions, the Supreme Council, in turn, announced the termination Yeltsin's powers, in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court, on the basis of Article 121-6 of the current Constitution of the RSFSR. The X (Extraordinary) Congress convened by the Supreme Council approved this decision. However, during events of September - October 1993 Yeltsin managed to maintain control over the country, and the decision to impeach was not implemented.

Attempted impeachment in 1999

On none of the charges, the required 300 votes were collected for the State Duma to make a decision (to terminate Yeltsin’s powers, a decision was also required Federation Council). 239 deputies voted for the accusation of the collapse of the USSR, 263 for the accusation of the events of the year, 241 for the accusation of the collapse of the army, 283 for the accusation of the war in Chechnya, and 238 for the accusation of genocide of the Russian people.

The Counting Commission declared 46 ballots invalid. LDPR did not take part in the voting. 8 faction members " Apple"voted against.


The actions of B. N. Yeltsin in organizing a conspiracy to seize the Union power were purposeful. In preparation for the destruction of the USSR, B.N. Yeltsin issued decrees that went beyond the limits of his constitutional powers and were aimed at misappropriating union power. Including Decrees on the resubordination of union bodies to republican ones, on the transfer of union media to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Press and Mass Information of the RSFSR, on the transfer of all types of government communications of the USSR to the jurisdiction of KGB RSFSR, as well as banks, mail, telegraph USSR under the jurisdiction of the RSFSR.

The conclusion of the impeachment commission stated that Yeltsin’s actions “have sufficient evidence indicating signs of a serious crime under Article 64 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation),” in addition, according to the commission, his actions harmed the security of the country. The commission recognized that Yeltsin was guilty of “treason against the Motherland by preparing and organizing a conspiracy to unconstitutionally seize union power, abolish the then existing union institutions of power, and illegally change the constitutional status of the RSFSR.”

White House shooting in 1993

Yeltsin issued decree No. 1400, organized and carried out a coup d'etat. He used armed force, resulting in numerous casualties.

The outbreak of war in Chechnya

In November-December, Yeltsin issued decrees providing for restrictions on the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, and gave the order to conduct military operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic. His abuse of power led to numerous casualties and violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Thus, a representative of the Yabloko party in 1999 accused Yeltsin of the fact that there were numerous cases of kidnappings in the Chechen Republic: “He, President Yeltsin, is guilty of the fact that in the year when the entire world community celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights and he, President Yeltsin, declared a year of human rights protection in Russia; in Russia, at the turn of the third millennium, the slave trade was revived, serfdom was revived. I mean those 500 of our guys who were captured and every day this number of prisoners, unfortunately, does not decrease, but increases... It is he, President Yeltsin, who is to blame for the fact that one of my constituents on International Workers' Solidarity Day they called from Chechnya, from Grozny, and offered to ransom their son for 30 thousand dollars, or exchange him for one of the captured Chechens in Russian prisons, convicted Chechens.”

Weakening the country's defense capability and security

According to prosecutors, Yeltsin’s use of his powers led to major damage to the defense capability and security of the Russian Federation.

In 1999, a deputy from the Yabloko faction, A. G. Arbatov, said that since 1992, a sharp reduction in defense spending began, which was not accompanied by transformations in the army in the military-industrial complex. According to Arbatov, before 1997, military reform was a “profanation,” and after the 1998 default, “in real terms, the military budget decreased threefold over the period 1998-1999.” Arbatov said that the blame for this lies with Yeltsin: “in no other area has the President concentrated such enormous powers in his hands as in managing the security forces. And in none of them were the results so disastrous.” At the same time, Arbatov noted that Yeltsin should bear moral, not legal responsibility.

Genocide of the Russian people

During the years of his presidency, measures were taken to change socio-economic relations in the Russian Federation. Russia has experienced a sharp decline in population. According to official data, its natural decline for the period from 1992 to 1998 amounted to 4.2 million people

According to the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on economic security, in 1997, compared to 1990, there was a decrease in meat consumption by 35%, milk - by 41%, eggs - by 31%, fish - by 2.2 times, At the same time, potato consumption increased by 19%.

According to prosecutors, as a result privatization There was an enrichment of a relatively small group due to the impoverishment of the majority of Russian citizens.

The impeachment commission stated that Yeltsin deliberately pursued policies aimed at worsening the standard of living of citizens, accusing the president of genocide :

The difficult living conditions of the people of Russia and the significant reduction in their numbers were the result of those measures that were implemented since 1992 under the leadership and with the active participation of President Yeltsin... There are serious reasons to believe that the reduction in population was also included in the intention of the president. In an effort to ultimately achieve changes in the country's socio-economic structure and ensure, with the help of the emerging class of private owners, the strengthening of their political power, President Yeltsin consciously went to worsen the living conditions of Russian citizens, inevitably leading to an increase in the mortality rate of the population and a reduction in its birth rate...



  • CONCLUSION on the assessment of the factual validity of the charges brought against the President of the Russian Federation in connection with the preparation, conclusion and implementation of the Belovezhskaya Accords by him

Contemporaries of those events gave a proper assessment of the Yeltsin era. It was expressed in volumes of documented crimes of the former Russian president in preparation for his impeachment in the State Duma. Then representatives of various Duma factions and deputy groups, in their speeches from the rostrum of parliament, recognized the destructive nature of Yeltsin’s rule.

We would like to recall the content of the speech of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov at a meeting of the State Duma on May 15, 1999 on the issue of bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation.

Dear deputies! Citizens of Russia!

For the first time in the modern history of our country, a strictly constitutional precedent has been created for protecting the people and the state from the arbitrariness of presidential power. Legal procedures have been worked out. The work of a special commission was carried out. There was a thorough discussion of the problem of Yeltsin's removal from power. Unique materials have been accumulated that prove his criminal acts. These documents, no matter what the information mercenaries from Moscow do, will become the property of the entire deep Russia. They have already sold millions of copies, will be shown on local television and published in local newspapers.

It seems to me that the impeachment procedure has already had a refreshing effect on the situation both here in the hall and in the country as a whole. This procedure is of great importance for the future of all government officials, who must remember the Russian folk proverb: no matter how much the rope twists, there will definitely be an end.

On behalf of our faction, I would like to thank the special commission, which has done unique work for almost a year. Despite the sabotage and obstacles, she presented all the episodes convincingly, and we listened to her with attention.

Special thanks to Vadim Donatovich Filimonov, a Russian intellectual, a man of rare legal culture. He carried out all his work with great dignity, defending the position set out in the statement of 259 deputies, which was submitted to the State Duma.

I would like to thank honored cultural figures S.S. Govorukhin and N.N. Gubenko - people who show high examples of humanism in the political field.

I turn to Mr. Kotenkov and want to say that not everything is measured by the articles of the Criminal Code. The biggest crime in public administration is incompetence. This has been known since ancient times.

Therefore, I want to bring a few more charges against Mr. Yeltsin. First of all, in committing a geopolitical crime against a thousand-year-old power. A power that Hitler failed to conquer, but which, through the efforts of Yeltsin and his henchmen, was torn apart. For almost five centuries, our country has been making its way to the warm seas - to the Baltic and Black. Today we are thrown back from these seas and are already suffering colossal economic and moral damage. We, in fact, are losing the opportunity to provide future generations with energy resources that have been explored under the Caspian Sea, and this field is the second after the Persian Gulf.

The destruction of our great power led to the disruption of the balance that had developed in post-war history. 27 million of our fathers and grandfathers paid for this with their lives. The collapse of the Soviet Union is a geopolitical crime. It is precisely this that is the main reason for the war in the Balkans and all the atrocities that the United States and NATO are committing in Yugoslavia.

The problem of Chechnya was discussed in detail here. I want to add a few stories. I myself have researched this problem very carefully. After all, envoys from Mr. Yeltsin’s inner circle came to General Dudayev. The general served in the Baltic states and had no intention of going to destroy the Supreme Council in Grozny. He was convinced to do this.

Mr. Kotenkov, if there was a wise president in the country, he would press the communication button with the General Staff and say: present General Dudayev to the next rank, assign him lieutenant general and send him to serve in the Far East. And all of Chechnya would celebrate this as a holiday. This would be the first Chechen lieutenant general to command a large military unit.

If there was a smart president in the country, he, having learned that a crime was being planned, would have stopped Dudayev near Rostov. A responsible president would not have hesitated after the Dudayevites defeated the Supreme Council, as a result of which forty people were hospitalized and the chairman of the city council was killed and thrown out of a window. To restore basic order, a state of emergency should have been declared for 48 hours. And everyone, especially the Chechens, would thank him. But Yeltsin sent Dudayev a congratulatory telegram. He was given enough weapons to arm two divisions. Then the Kremlin began to arm Dudayev’s opposition. Then these two forces collided. And then, instead of quickly extinguishing this conflict, they took the path of total violence.

I believe that the Chechen war is a completely deliberate, man-made action. It is being carried out in order to paralyze this gigantic region, where 20 million people live between the Caspian and the Black Sea, where the main energy communications pass.

We charge Yeltsin with a crime against humanity and humanity. He is not just killing the country - he is killing the largest civilization, the basis of which has always been justice, collectivism and high spirituality. For the first time, the Russian people found themselves divided. In its thousand-year history it was once conquered, but it was never divided. The Russian national consciousness will not agree with this crime, with the betrayal of their interests.

Yeltsin is destroying fundamental science, which ten years ago produced every third invention in the world. Destroys unique culture, education and healthcare. But they were the subject of imitation and were studied by the United Nations.

From the top five safest countries in the world, Russia has slipped into the top ten most criminal states on the planet. Just yesterday, being in the top three in socio-cultural development, today we have fallen back to 72nd place. And in terms of competitiveness we are one of the last!

We accuse Yeltsin of a crime against the dignity of the citizens of our country. There are 13 million refugees on the planet today, 10 million of them are our compatriots! Why don't Clinton and NATO bomb Yeltsin, who first generated an unprecedented flow of refugees? Because he helps them destroy a great power!

We are all humiliated. Old people and children, women, workers and peasants were robbed. All savings were liquidated. More than 200 billion dollars was the cost of the country’s reserves, strategic resources - all squandered, sold and drunk!

We have lost almost all the property that we accumulated not during 75 years of Soviet power, but throughout our entire centuries-old history! The country is thrown into a hole of debt. Even the unborn child already owes $1,200. How will he pay them tomorrow?!

As for Yeltsin’s personal behavior, which humiliates us all, I simply don’t want to comment. This is not the behavior of an ordinary person, but of the head of state! Remember just one scene: “You sat down wrong!..”

We are charging him with crimes that destabilize society. The main commandment of any president or statesman is dialogue. We repeatedly offered him “threes”, “fours”, “round tables” - he brushed them all aside! For the first time in eight years, an acceptable solution was found - Primakov was appointed, all factions were represented in the government. This worthy man worked for eight months in total. Worked normally with all parliamentary committees. Kicked out! Who did Yeltsin consult with? With Seleznev? No. With Stroev? No. With faction leaders? No. He has assembled a home “Politburo” of five people who manipulate his consciousness, and again throws the country into hot and cold!

We accuse Yeltsin of crimes against the person. Lies, hypocrisy, cynicism, and betrayal became the basis of his policy. Drug addiction, drunkenness and crime have affected almost the entire country. I thought that at least elementary repentance would appear - as a person grows old, this usually occurs. But instead we hear roars and threats.

I declare that Yeltsin is an absolute evil for Russia!

1991 - tore the country apart in order to enter the Kremlin.

1992 - together with Gaidar, he robbed the entire population.

1993 - Parliament was shot.

1994, 1995, 1996 - Chechnya was drowned in blood, the country lost 100 thousand people killed!

1997 - he deceived all his voters and let all his property go to waste.

1998 destroyed all structures, even those market ones that he himself created.

In 1999 he betrayed Yugoslavia, betrayed Primakov and gave rise to another government crisis!

Yeltsin is not aware of his actions! I was present during Seleznev’s telephone conversation with him. I heard who he represents in the State Duma. He named the Minister of Railways. An hour later he introduced Stepashin to the Duma. He told Stroev that he represented Chernomyrdin. Is it possible to continue to live and work like this?!

I am addressing the military, first of all, those who give orders. You have already carried out Yeltsin's orders in Chechnya. And today there are hotheads with him who may again try to violate the Constitution. You are obliged to respect the rule of law, protect the state and the rights of citizens! Otherwise, the army will completely collapse.

We insist on the president's resignation and support all five charges. At the same time, I want to say that Yeltsin’s popular resignation has already taken place!

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ryzhkov, I am addressing you personally. 98 percent of mistrust is public agreement on the most important issue for everyone. Just two years ago, 10 million Russian citizens signed a demand for the president’s resignation. Society insists that we solve this problem together. Only then will there be civil peace.

Listen to what the citizens of the country write.

“In the entire centuries-old history of Russia, there has never been a time when a leader so despised and hated by the people as you, President Yeltsin, appeared on the state Olympus.” - A. Volosnikov, Kuibyshev.

“Is this the president of the country? We hear endless threats from him. Who does he intend to fight with? With us? “He’s been leading her like this for a long time, not to life, but to death.” - V. Tseova, Kabardino-Balkaria.

“Yeltsin created in Orthodox Russia such an order of things in which only those who treacherously trample on all Christ’s commandments can survive.” - A. Ognev, Kemerovo region.

And there are millions of such letters. Listen to this groan. Stanislav Govorukhin spoke about this very convincingly yesterday.

I am addressing first of all the “Our Home is Russia” faction. You and Yeltsin have ruled the country in recent years. You are also responsible for everything that happens. You now have the opportunity before Russia, before the Duma, and before your children to make a decision, disassociating yourself from this policy.

And in conclusion, I want to say to Mr. Kotenkov: here, in the Duma, the decision will be made neither political nor legal. This is the civil choice of every person: who is for Russia and who does not wish it well.

This choice is a responsibility before your children and descendants, before your conscience. It must be a courageous choice. I urge him to make all deputies of the State Duma.