Cinnamon essential oil. Properties and applications of cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamon essential oil: how to make it yourself

The smell of cinnamon has amazing property lift people's spirits and warm them up emotionally. What could be better on a gloomy day than fresh pastries or a hot drink with the aroma of this spice? Is it cinnamon oil added to various means for the beauty of your skin. It turns out that its “warming” effect is by no means an invention of culinary experts. This remedy really stimulates our blood circulation and improves tissue metabolism. On this action based on the use of cinnamon oil in cosmetology, perfumery and aromatherapy.

Cinnamon essential oil is very convenient as a component of home masks: it for a long time retains its most beneficial properties and is used extremely economically due to its viscous consistency. You just need to choose this product wisely. Then the cosmetic effect of using cinnamon oil will not take long to appear.

How to choose a good cinnamon extract?

The raw materials for cinnamon derivatives can be the leaves of the plant or its bark. Stems are used extremely rarely, so only 2 types of extract deserve attention.

  1. Cinnamon oil obtained from the leaves has less pronounced properties and a lighter color. This option for the skin is often the most successful. A little later you will understand why.
  2. Essential oil from the bark it has a brownish-golden color and a bright spicy smell. It is considered to be of higher quality and, accordingly, costs more. However, for the skin this feature is clearly not a plus. Bark oil contains aldehyde and eugenol, substances that can cause itching and irritation. Therefore, using a cheaper analogue at home is quite appropriate.

When purchasing essential oil from the shoots or bark of a plant, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. Don't forget to do an allergy test. For such powerful tool, like cinnamon oil, this procedure is mandatory.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon oil

Cinnamon essential oil is considered one of the most effective and therefore, unfortunately, especially aggressive. But it’s quite easy to “pacify” him. You just need to dilute cinnamon oil with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5. The use of cinnamon extract is prohibited when high sensitivity facial skin, pregnancy, nervous exhaustion and blood pressure problems! In all other cases, you can use the miraculous essential oil for health and beauty without fear.

What valuable properties Do cinnamon help the skin stay tight and fresh longer? This remedy has an antiseptic effect, prevents the development of inflammation and rashes. In addition, cinnamon essential oil deeply cleanses the face of blackheads, reduces enlarged pores and improves skin color many times over. The amazing effectiveness is explained by the presence of beneficial substances in cinnamon oil:

  • tocopherol helps maintain tissue elasticity;
  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, restores skin cells;
  • calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron and other trace elements enhance regeneration;
  • Choline and thiamine relieve irritation and retain moisture.

In addition, the essential oil from cinnamon leaves has truly medicinal properties. It can be carefully applied to pure form for papillomas and insect bites. There will be no trace of unpleasant marks left.

The best mask recipes for facial beauty

There are a great many options for masks containing cinnamon oil. We invite you to learn about the most common, basic compositions, based on which you can prepare your own unique mixtures.

  1. Cinnamon mask with a lifting effect. This simple recipe will significantly improve the condition of sagging skin, making it glowing and tightened. You need to puree half a banana, add 35-40 ml of fresh sour cream and 3-5 drops of diluted cinnamon oil. The mask must be applied for at least 30 minutes and then washed off cool water. After the procedure, you must use a nourishing cream. Essential remedy slightly irritating to cells.
  2. Cleansing mask with clay. 120 g of kaolin must be diluted hot water until semi-liquid, add 20 g to the mixture sea ​​salt and 15 ml of warm honey. Don't forget to add cinnamon essential oil and chamomile elixir. Apply the mask in a thin layer on your face, and after it dries, rinse off slightly. warm water. The skin will become noticeably cleaner and the number of breakouts will decrease.
  3. Cinnamon and salt scrub mask. This recipe is suitable for almost any skin type. It will get rid of dead particles and give your face an extraordinary velvety feel. 25 g of ground coffee should be combined with the same amount of fine table salt and 5 g turmeric. Essential oil of cinnamon shoots should be dissolved in 10 ml. Mix everything until smooth. Using a scrub mask should not take much time: 7-8 minutes will be quite enough. Then the mixture should be washed off with water or a cleansing tonic.
  4. Autumn nut-cinnamon mixture. It is very simple to prepare a “delicious” mask. You just need to stir 5-7 g of ground honey in liquid honey nutmeg and 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil. After 20 minutes, you can remove the composition with a damp cotton pad. Wrinkles will be smoothed out and pleasant aroma will keep you warm for a long time.

We told you about the most interesting face masks that use cinnamon oil. Use our tips and enjoy the positive effect. This essential oil can also be successfully used in recipes for hair beauty. The author of the final video will tell you how to do this correctly.

Cinnamon makes dishes special, which is why it is often used in cooking by famous chefs and ordinary housewives. However, not everyone knows that cinnamon oil is the best assistant in cosmetology and has medicinal properties.

Cinnamon essential oil - properties

Unique aromatic cinnamon oil has the following properties:

  • calming;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hemostatic.

Cinnamon oil is effective in treating diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and genitourinary systems. It helps normalize blood circulation and metabolism, menstrual cycle, digestion. It will be an excellent assistant for those suffering from nausea, intoxication syndrome, losing weight, food poisoning. They often use the gift of nature in the fight against colds. Cinnamon oil is a well-known and popular aphrodisiac. Beneficial influence it affects the skin and hair, so it is often used in cosmetology.

Cinnamon essential oil - composition

The aromatic liquid has a yellow-golden color and a pungent taste. After some time, cinnamon oil undergoes oxidative processes, acquires a resinous structure and becomes darker. A distinction is made between the product obtained from the bark and leaves of the plant. The main component of the first is cinnamaldehyde. 80% of the second contains eugenol. The liquid from the bark of the bush is often used in cooking and rarely in cosmetic procedures. The ingredient obtained from the leaves of the plant is used in the preparation of fragrances for detergents and cosmetics.

Cinnamon oil - application

This amazing natural ingredient has medicinal properties. He is one of the first assistants in the fight against colds and flu. Cinnamon oil plays an important role in cosmetology - thanks to it, every representative of the fair sex can transform herself, making her hair and skin beautiful. Cinnamon essential oil also helps with acne. This amazing natural component is often used by everyone who wants to achieve an attractive slim figure. With his help there is every chance.

Cinnamon oil for hair

The healing gift of nature will be a real discovery for beautiful ladies. Cinnamon essential oil for hair best helper. Thanks to him, every woman will strengthen her curls and get rid of problems with fragility and hair loss. Using this cosmetic product you can say goodbye to dandruff forever. If combined with shampoo, conditioner or conditioner, your hair will get extra food and hydration. Just one or two drops of natural elixir will help achieve the desired effect. There are many hair masks using cinnamon oil.

Hair growth mask


  • coconut – 20 ml;
  • natural honey – 50 ml;
  • macadamia – 20 ml;
  • natural component - 10 drops.


  1. In a water bath, heat the coconut and honey in separate containers to 30 degrees.
  2. Mix the contents of both containers.
  3. Add macadamia and cinnamon liquid.
  4. The prepared mixture is effective for no more than an hour.

Cinnamon oil for face

This amazing gift of nature is no less useful for facial skin. This was known to the ancient Egyptians. The idea to use it to eliminate redness and inflammation belongs to them. Cinnamon essential oil for the face improves skin color, making it beautiful and silky. Every lady will appreciate a simple recipe for making nourishing cream. You can make it at home.

Face cream


  • cosmetic base – 10 ml;
  • cinnamon product – 1 drop.


  1. Add cinnamon liquid to the cosmetic base.
  2. Use morning and evening.

The effect of this nourishing cream is amazing. After the first use, your face will look healthier and more well-groomed. Thanks to this amazing cosmetic product, every woman can improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin and eliminate pallor. This result from the use of an aromatic liquid can be explained by the content of components in it that improve blood flow and nourish every cell.

Cinnamon essential oil for skin

Beauties all over the world use cinnamon oil for their skin. In combination with almond and jojoba, nature's gift makes the complexion especially beautiful. It makes high-quality masks and day creams. Ladies can add a fragrant component to ready-made masks for face and day creams. Many ladies call it an effective remedy against pallor and flaking, an infusion with the addition of a natural elixir.


Preparation and use:

  1. Steam dry seeds with boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain the infusion and put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil and pour oatmeal over it.
  5. After a couple of minutes, add 5 drops of cinnamon consistency to the resulting mixture.
  6. Apply the resulting mixture as regular mask for face.
  7. This natural elixir is especially useful for problematic oily skin, as it can tighten pores, normalize sebum secretion, and add tone and freshness.
  8. Owners of this skin type are recommended to add it to masks and day creams.
  9. Regular use of such products will help make your skin beautiful and well-groomed.

Cinnamon oil for weight loss

Nature's gift will be a reliable friend for everyone who wants to lose weight. Not every woman knows that cinnamon burns fat. This amazing component is a real enemy for cellulite. It is often used for wraps and massages. Before these procedures, the skin must be cleaned and dead cells removed. A cinnamon scrub will do the job perfectly. You can prepare it at home:

Cinnamon Scrub


  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l;
  • cinnamon liquid – 1 drop.

Preparation and use:

  1. Everything needs to be mixed.
  2. Heat the resulting mixture.
  3. The prepared scrub must be rubbed into the skin, then rinsed off under a contrast shower.
  4. In order not to injure the skin, it is not recommended to use the cosmetic product very often.
  5. This mixture can be used as a massage mixture.
  6. A scrub made from various essential oils can accelerate the breakdown of fats, remove excess liquid, activate metabolism and the functioning of the circulatory system.
  7. Get rid of orange peel Chocolate cinnamon wraps will help.

Cinnamon oil - healing properties

Not only folk, but also traditional medicine assures that such a gift of nature as cinnamon oil has significant benefits. The fragrant savior helps:

During the cold season, adults and children are often saved by trusted folk remedies. Among them is a natural elixir, which is often used to treat ARVI. However, not everyone knows how to use cinnamon oil. This component is included in many warming ointments and creams that doctors prescribe for patients with colds. This ointment can be prepared at home if desired.

Warming ointment for colds


Preparation and use:

  1. Add to vegetable oil natural remedy.
  2. The resulting ointment is rubbed on the patient's body.
  3. After the procedure, you need to put on socks and wrap yourself well in a blanket.
  4. During diseases of the upper respiratory tract you need to do inhalations using aromatic liquid.
  5. A compress with honey and ground cinnamon will help with a sore throat.
  6. If you are worried about a dry cough, a decoction of a natural component will be a savior.

Cinnamon oil for joints

IN modern world because of sedentary lifestyle joint diseases worry not only older people, but also representatives younger generation. Often with such ailments people come to the rescue folk recipes. Considered very useful for relieving joint pain, baths with natural elixir. Healing oil cinnamon warms the body and relieves painful sensations.

Bath for joints


  • natural elixir;
  • emulsifier (honey, cream, milk, sea salt);
  • warm water – 37-38 degrees.

Preparation and use:

  1. The natural component is mixed with an emulsifier.
  2. The resulting mixture is added to a bath of warm water.
  3. like this a healthy bath Based on natural components, the patient is recommended to take it for fifteen or twenty minutes.
  4. To relieve joint pain, cinnamon oil is used for massages.
  5. The procedures are performed for ten to fifteen minutes until the patient feels relief.
  6. The duration of treatment will depend on the person's health condition.

Cinnamon oil for herpes

The herpes virus causes a lot of trouble for every person, because it not only brings discomfort, but also affects the psycho-emotional sphere. The patient feels irritated and sad. This disease is recommended to be treated with early stages. You can seek help from a doctor or try to get rid of the disease with folk remedies. One of these proven and reliable helpers is cinnamon essential oil. Thanks to your healing properties, it will help lead effective fight with the virus and eliminate herpes.

Cinnamon is an evergreen tree from the laurel family. This tree is also called Ceylon cinnamon. It grows in Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Indochina, Madagascar and some other islands of the Indian Ocean. The most popular spice is cinnamon. Its bark is dried and used in cooking. However, cinnamon contains many biologically active components, and therefore it has healing actions. In this case, it is already used in the form of essential oil.

Cinnamon oil: production, composition, benefits

Cinnamon essential oil comes in two types: from tree bark or leaves and shoots. In both the first and second cases, the phytoessence is obtained through water or steam distillation. The result is a sweet, spicy aroma oil. The color of the ether depends on the raw material. The oil from the bark is yellow-golden, and from the leaves it is yellow or brown. In addition to color, these oils differ chemical composition. The ether obtained from the leaves and shoots of Ceylon cinnamon contains a large number of eugenol. Due to this his irritant effect several times lower than oils from the bark, therefore in the treatment of diseases, aromatherapy and for cosmetic purposes it is recommended to use it. It also contains cinnamaldehyde, choline, vitamins, tannids, and minerals. Now it’s worth telling what purposes cinnamon essential oil is suitable for.

  • Thanks to its antispasmodic effect, cinnamon oil is successfully used for diseases gastrointestinal tract. It will help with colitis, poor digestion, nausea, stomach and intestinal cramps, diarrhea. Ether can also cope with increased gas formation– flatulence.
  • Cinnamon phytoessence can relieve pain, as it is a natural analgesic, and inflammation. For this reason, it is often used in massage mixtures to relieve joint pain and muscle fibers. In addition, cinnamon oil relieves neuralgic pain and pain caused by menstruation.
  • Cinnamon essential oil has a positive effect on metabolic processes, that is, it increases the rate of cellular metabolism, accelerates blood flow and improves the supply of organs, including the pelvic organs, with blood.
  • Cinnamon essence has a detrimental effect on the vital activity of microorganisms - bacteria and viruses. It will help you cope with flu and colds easier, plus it will increase protective functions body. In other words, it will strengthen the immune system, which will further help you stay healthy even during the cold season.
  • The antioxidant property of cinnamon essential oil helps the body in the fight against free radicals. Their harm lies in the fact that they destroy membranes healthy cells, and this, in turn, causes premature aging.
  • Cinnamon aroma oil is considered an aphrodisiac, that is, a means of stimulating sexual activity.
  • Women often use cinnamon oil in case of menstrual irregularities. It is also used during childbirth to stimulate labor contractions.
  • The room is aromatized using cinnamon ether. This is done for the purpose of prevention colds, to combat asthenic and depressive states and increasing stress resistance.
  • Ceylon cinnamon essential oil neutralizes poisons, so it is used for snake and insect bites.
  • Cinnamon essence has proven itself to be excellent in the treatment of dermatological ailments. It copes well with fungal infections and scabies, eliminates papillomas and warts. In addition, it is actively used for rejuvenation, nutrition, and toning of the facial skin. It is also worth noting that this product effective in the treatment of cellulite in the initial stage.
  • For hair, aromatic cinnamon oil is used to stop excessive hair loss. The benefit of this ester for hair is also that it accelerates blood flow, thus improving nutrition hair follicles. As a result, the growth rate of hair shafts increases. Plus, cinnamon oil awakens “dormant” follicles, that is, under its influence, curls become thicker.

Directions for using cinnamon oil

  • Cinnamon oil is one of the strongest allergens. For this reason, it can only be used if the dosage specified in the recipe is strictly observed. Also, you should not use oil without checking whether there is an individual intolerance. This is done like this: apply a drop of the product, mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil, to the skin of the elbow. After this procedure, you need to wait an hour and then examine the epidermis for irritation and redness. If these symptoms are not present, the oil is available for use.
  • The course of using cinnamon oil is 1–2 months. Procedures should be carried out 1-2 times a week. During this time, the body will not have time to get used to the active compounds of the ether, which means it will bring maximum benefit.
  • When interacting with metal, essential oil loses its therapeutic properties, therefore prepare medicinal and cosmetic compositions containing it either in glass or porcelain containers.
  • It has been proven that cleansed and steamed skin absorbs biologically better. active ingredients. Based on this, cosmetologists recommend not to neglect these manipulations by applying homemade cosmetic mixtures to the face.
  • Cinnamon essential oil should be used with caution in cases of nervous exhaustion, hypersensitivity skin and hypertension. Pregnant women, people with oncological diseases and severe liver diseases, with breastfeeding and during exacerbation chronic illnesses cinnamon phytoessence is contraindicated.

Ways to use cinnamon oil

You can cope with bleeding gums using the following composition: mix a glass of water at room temperature (the water should be boiled) with 2 drops of cinnamon ether. Rinse oral cavity prepared solution 2-3 times a day, and bleeding gums will stop bothering you.

Inhalations with cinnamon oil will help relieve colds and speed up recovery. For hot inhalation, mix a glass hot water with 3 drops of ether. Lean over the mixture, close your eyes, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the beneficial fumes for about 5-7 minutes. For cold inhalation You will need the same amount of essence and a scarf. Apply the oil to a scarf and inhale the aroma of cinnamon for 5-7 minutes.

Muscular and joint pain can be treated if you do self-massage with cinnamon oil. The massage mixture is prepared from a tablespoon of base oil, 2 drops of cinnamon ether and 2 drops of lemon ether. Instead of lemon essence, you can use cypress, orange or grapefruit essence. Massage the sore spot every day for 10–15 minutes until improvements are noticeable.

Apply concentrated cinnamon oil to skin affected by snake or insect bites. This the only case, in which this ether can be used undiluted.

Tablespoon mixture olive oil and 3 drops of cinnamon oil will significantly alleviate the condition of rheumatism. To do this, she needs to rub the painful areas for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Also, with the help of this composition you can cope with bruises. It is also used to treat abrasions.

Cinnamon essential oil is used internally in case of delayed menstruation, colds and flu, intestinal spasms, diarrhea, slow blood circulation, sexual and physical weakness. To do this, combine 1 teaspoon of jam or honey with a drop of essence. The resulting mixture is drunk with herbal tea. The described procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a day.

By adding 5 to 7 drops of cinnamon essential oil, previously diluted in a tablespoon of emulsifier (sea salt, milk or honey), to a warm water bath, you can cope with nervous tension, get rid of pain in joints and muscle fibers, prevent colds and flu and, if they occur, significantly alleviate the course of the disease. The duration of the aroma bath is 15 minutes. Please note that when elevated temperature body aromatic baths It is contraindicated to take.

Aromatization of the room is done by adding 2 to 6 drops of cinnamon oil to the aroma lamp. You need to add 1 drop of the product to the aromatic pendant. Ether can also be used for bath procedures. It is enough to add 2 drops of ether into a ladle intended for watering hot stones.

To make a purchased skincare product even more effective, you can add 1-2 drops of cinnamon essential oil to a tablespoon of the product.

Mask to eliminate peeling skin

What do you need:

  • flax seeds, oatmeal - 1 tablespoon each;
  • boiling water – 1 cup;
  • cinnamon oil – 2-3 drops.

How to cook:

  • Pour boiling water over flaxseed. After 20 minutes, filter the infusion.
  • Then fill with flax infusion rolled oats flakes and let them sit until they swell.
  • Add cinnamon essential oil to the resulting paste.

Place the warm mixture on your face. After a third of an hour, wash your face with water at room temperature, and then lubricate your face with cream for your skin type. The mask has cleansing properties - eliminates the stratum corneum, excess sebum. In addition, the product fights blackheads and gives the skin of the face fresh look, that is, eliminates their painful pallor and dullness.

Mask that relieves inflammation from the skin

What do you need:

  • kefir – 2 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon essential oil – 2 drops.

How to cook:

  • Mix the dairy product and phytoessence in one container. Please note: kefir should be at room temperature.

Using a cotton pad, apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour. Wet the skin as it dries with the remaining medicinal mixture. Complete the procedure by washing with cool water and applying moisturizer. This composition has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, acne healing is noticeably accelerated. The mask also has a whitening effect.

Lip protection product

What do you need:

How to cook:

  • Mix the oils thoroughly and pour into a darkened glass container.

Use this mixture daily. It is especially useful to apply it during cold periods. With this composition, your lips will never be dry, tight or cracked.

Hair strengthening mask

What do you need:

  • coconut oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • essential cinnamon oil – 4 drops.

How to cook:

  • First, melt the coconut butter in a water bath.
  • Then enrich it with liquid honey and essence.

Having distributed the composition along the length of the curls and at the roots, cover your head with a cellophane cap and a warm scarf. After half an hour, remove the mask by washing your curls with shampoo. Regular use The described mask will provide hair with health and beauty. They will become silky and will not fall out more than normal. Also, under the influence of the composition, the strands will stop splitting and breaking.

Mask that accelerates hair growth

What do you need:

  • jojoba oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • rosemary, juniper and clove oils - 1 drop each;
  • cinnamon oil – 2 drops.

How to cook:

  • As soon as base oil heats up in a water bath to about 35–40 degrees, add ethers to it.

Rub the oil mixture into the scalp with massaging movements. Keep your hair under plastic and a towel for 30 to 60 minutes, and then rinse as usual. Esters stimulate blood flow in the scalp, and vegetable oil supplies hair follicles with nutrients. In this way, the maximum possible favorable environment for the growth of hair shafts.

Cinnamon essential oil is a natural remedy that helps cope with many problems. Therefore, if you are a supporter of natural products, you should not deprive yourself of this miracle essence.

There are many known cosmetics aimed at caring for hair and face. However, folk recipes are still very popular. Among them are various masks and other products that contain cinnamon essential oil. In the article we'll talk about its use and properties.

Features of cinnamon oil

Currently, several types of the product are known. Especially positive properties has Ceylon and Madagascar varieties of oil.

They are obtained through water or steam distillation. When the product is made from leaves and shoots, it has a brown or yellowish tint, and if from the bark - yellowish-golden in color.

The composition of the oil extract appears as follows:

  1. The product obtained from the bark contains increased concentration plant aldehydes, which negatively affect the scalp.
  2. The most effective oil is obtained from the leaves. It contains eugenol, which neutralizes the effects of aldehydes. This cinnamon essential oil has a light aroma and is used in hair and skin masks.

To prepare masks for hair and skin, you must follow exact dosage to achieve efficiency.

Benefits of cinnamon oil

Positive traits remedies appear due to its composition. It includes: vitamins A, B, C, E, K and PP. The oil is rich in minerals (magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron).

An additional function of cinnamon essential oil for hair is lightening. Therefore, it is best used by blondes and girls with light brown hair. For brunettes, the strands will look unevenly colored.

Thanks to effective properties cinnamon essential oil, its use is recommended in the following cases:

  • Severe loss curls and weakening of follicles.
  • Slows down the hair growth process thanks to vitamin A.
  • Split ends of curls damaged due to the use of a hair dryer, curling iron or flat iron.
  • Lack of natural shine or its complete absence.
  • Early gray hair.
  • Dandruff, itching and seborrhea.

According to reviews, cinnamon essential oil promotes the following:

  1. With constant use, dormant bulbs are awakened, which promotes their growth. Phylloquinone and riboflavin contribute to hair thickness.
  2. Active nutrition and hydration. There is a restoration of curls that have been permed or dyed.
  3. Eliminating dandruff. Under the influence of thiamine, the condition of the skin improves. Pyridoxine has a positive effect on the treatment of seborrhea.
  4. Cinnamon present in oil folic acid, saturates hair with vitality.
  5. The silkiness of the curls occurs due to the saturation of the strands with vitamins C, PP and E. They become especially attractive and do not fade.

Trichologists warn that cinnamon oil can cause allergies, so a test is performed before use. A small amount of products are applied to inner part wrists to analyze the body's reaction. If after 7-10 minutes no signs of allergy appear, you can proceed to using a hair mask.

The composition of cinnamon oil includes a unique complex of elements that are essential for the skin, because it contains many vitamins and minerals. Cinnamon oil:

  • rejuvenates epidermal cells;
  • improves complexion;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • removes small wrinkles;
  • enhances skin turgor.

The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon oil relieve acne and improve the condition oily skin. It causes greatest benefit for a face prone to inflammation.

The product effectively affects the skin and cures diseases such as eczema, fungal infection and dermatosis.

Head massage

The use of cinnamon oil for hair is universal. The product is added to masks for curls, compresses and used for head massage. Experts recommend mixing cinnamon oil with burdock or olive oil.

It is this ratio of components that is considered the most effective in treating hair loss and stimulating their growth. According to reviews, cinnamon essential oil for hair will help significantly improve its condition.

To prepare the mixture for massage, you need the following components:

  • cinnamon oil (5 drops);
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of burdock (olive) oil.

The mixture should be heated before use. The composition is applied to the roots of the curls, gently rubbing into them. For positive effect You can use a massage brush. Comb in the direction of hair growth, then in the opposite direction. The massage should be carried out for at least a quarter of an hour. With regular use of this procedure, the strands become thicker and healthier.

For a classic compress use 100 g burdock oil and cinnamon (10 drops). The mass is rubbed into the roots, then wrapped in polyethylene and insulated with a towel. Leave for 12 hours and wash off with shampoo in the morning.

Aroma combing

For the procedure, take a wooden brush and drip cinnamon oil. You need to slowly comb the strands for 5-7 minutes.

The procedures should be carried out daily for 14 days. Curls will become healthier and thicker.

Hair masks

There are many recipes for hair care products. Positive properties Cinnamon essential oil is used in the following masks:

  • Mask for all hair types. Mix 20 ml of olive oil, 40 ml of kefir, egg yolk and 3 drops of cinnamon oil. Apply to curls and leave on hair for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.
  • Hair lightening. Dilute 50 ml of honey with water (100 ml). Add hair conditioner (200 ml), 15 ml lemon juice and 10 drops of cinnamon oil mixture. Leave the mask on your hair for 1-2 hours.
  • For hair growth. Heat 50 ml of honey and 20 ml of coconut oil in different containers. Mix by adding 20 ml of macadamia oil and 5-7 drops of cinnamon ether. Keep for at least half an hour.
  • Hair restoration mask. Mix 2-3 drops of essential oil and 20 ml of burdock oil. Heat the mass. Add 20 g of honey and a small amount of chamomile flower decoction to it. Get a homogeneous mass and apply to curls. By regularly adding cinnamon essential oil to hair masks, problems with curls can be eliminated within a short period of time.
  • Mask for volume. Mix 1/2 cup kefir with 4 drops of cinnamon oil and chicken egg. Beat the mixture with a mixer and apply to curls. Leave for an hour.

Benefits for the face

Cinnamon essential oil is suitable for all skin except sensitive skin. Due to a strong allergic reaction, many cosmetologists do not recommend using this product in masks. Before the procedure, a skin sensitivity test is performed. If after 30 minutes an allergic reaction does not occur, then it is allowed to use the mask product.

The following masks with cinnamon essential oil for the face are known:

  1. Product for oily skin. Beat the egg white with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix with 2 drops of cinnamon oil. Leave for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the facial skin will tighten and lose its oily sheen.
  2. Mask for problem skin. Mix 3 drops of cinnamon oil mixture with tbsp. spoon of blue clay. Pour the mixture into a tbsp. spoon of hydrogen peroxide. Apply to facial skin and leave for 20 minutes. Whenever discomfort wash off the mask instantly. Do it once every 7 days.
  3. Mask for dull skin. 2-3 drops of cinnamon oil and 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat germ oil mixture. Melt 5 g beeswax and 5 g cocoa butter. Add oil and mix thoroughly. When the mixture has cooled, it can be applied to the skin of the face.
  4. A mask that removes traces of acne. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 2 drops of cinnamon oil. Apply the mixture to problem areas. After half an hour, rinse with water.
  5. Mask with yogurt. Mix honey with cinnamon oil in a ratio of 2:1. Mix thoroughly and add 3 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of yogurt and a spoon of sour cream. The product can be used for normal skin types. If the skin is dry, then honey and oil are mixed with the addition of egg yolk.

Cinnamon essential oil, as a component of various masks, will provide effective assistance facial skin.

The skin will be helped. As a result, its tone and color increase. Carry out the procedure daily, wiping your face. For a glass of water, take 2 drops of cinnamon oil and 1 teaspoon of sour cream.

Initially, upon contact with the skin, a burning sensation may occur. This is quite normal condition which lasts 3-5 minutes.

Cellulite Remedy

To cope with the “orange peel”, you should massage for 10 days problem areas within half an hour. Pre-scrub skin areas for 10 minutes. To do this, use the following composition: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea salt, cinnamon oil (2 drops) and 3 drops of an oil mixture of petitgrain, lemongrass, dill and black pepper. Mix all ingredients.

The procedure will help exfoliate dead cells from problem areas, as well as improve blood circulation. At the same time they split body fat, and also removes excess fluid from the body.

After scrubbing, you need to take a shower. Then start the massage with 10 ml of olive and cinnamon oil (5 drops). The product is preheated. It can also be used for wraps.

One of effective means the fight against cellulite is considered orange oil. It even gets rid of old “orange peel” areas. Essential oil of orange and cinnamon reduces swelling, swelling and has a tonic effect.

To prepare the product you need:

  • base oil (1 tbsp);
  • orange oil (3-5 drops);
  • cinnamon oil (3 drops).

The resulting product should be rubbed into the thighs and abdomen with massage movements. Session duration is 20 minutes.

After the procedure, sunbathing is prohibited because citrus oil can accumulate sunlight. As a result, burns may occur.

Anti-cellulite scrubs are an option for improving your figure. They are prepared from cinnamon oil (2-3 drops) and ground coffee. An oil mixture of lemongrass and petitgrain and sea salt are added to the mass.

Processes that include scrubbing, massages and wraps will help improve metabolic processes in the body. This can ultimately lead to weight loss.

The properties of essential oil will help in getting rid of excess weight, if you prepare this tea:

  1. Take 20 g of black tea and add 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil. The mixture is left for a while to allow the odors to dissipate.
  2. Tea is brewed with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes.
  3. The resulting brew is divided into 3 glasses in equal proportions. Then add boiling water. Drink during the day during meals.
  4. Sometimes the tea recipe is changed and rose oil and cinnamon are mixed in a 1:1 ratio.

This drink has positive properties and discourages cravings for sweets and starchy foods. People who are suffering should not drink allergic reactions, and also have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Cinnamon essential oil has not only positive reviews, but also has contraindications. It is classified as an allergen. Experts do not recommend taking the oil orally for the following pathologies:

  • Hypertension, nervous exhaustion. Oil can increase arterial pressure.
  • Pregnancy. When using the product, a miscarriage may occur due to contraction of the uterus.
  • Sensitive skin. The result may be itching, irritation and swelling.
  • Epilepsy and insomnia. Cinnamon is a stimulant, which can aggravate the disease.

Using cinnamon essential oil externally may cause the following contraindications:

  1. Before using it, you need to do an allergy test. Apply the composition to the elbow. If on skin If redness or a burning sensation occurs, it is not recommended to use cinnamon.
  2. Blonde hair Due to the use of such a mask, they may get a red tint.

An overdose of cinnamon essential oil can lead to severe emotional overstimulation.

Thanks to the Ceylon tree from the island of Sri Lanka, everyone can appreciate the sweet spice that has gained popularity in cooking and medicine.

Cinnamon sticks have mass beneficial properties, which is why the use of cinnamon oil is a real medicinal concentrate for weight loss and a guarantor of beautiful skin.

You can use etherol in the fight against ailments and signs of aging even at home, and for visible results The course is enough for just a couple of months.

Cosmetic skin care

Undiluted cinnamon oil is used only for applying to areas affected by insect bites.

Rubbing muscles and joints, caring for bruises and abrasions are carried out by diluting 3 drops of essential oil with 15 ml of any vegetable oil.

Cinnamon oil for cellulite

The product is used both in the early stages of orange peel development and for prevention.

The main method of eliminating the problem with the help of etherol is an anti-cellulite massage of 2 drops of extract and 10 grams of olive oil or honey.

Another option for improving your figure is anti-cellulite scrubs. For them, you can take 1-3 drops of cinnamon, adding crushed coffee and olive oil or lemongrass and petitgrain ether with sea salt.

Internal use of cinnamon oil

To eliminate cold symptoms, you can heat half a cup of wine and combine it with 3 drops of cinnamon, clove and cypress esters, as well as a tablespoon of honey. 2 drops per dessert spoon honey or jam, washed down with herbal tea.

At digestive problems or poisoning, inhalations are considered more effective: just 200 g of hot water is diluted with 2 (maximum 5) drops of ether. You can rinse your mouth with the same solution to improve gum health.

Cinnamon oil for lips

This is an excellent assistant in care and protection against negative factors external environment. They combine the extract with sea buckthorn and avocado oils, or you can simply add the product to lipstick or balm.

The result is noticeable immediately: lips appear voluminous, stop cracking and tightening, and the feeling of dryness disappears. Cinnamon oil also evens out the color of the lips, restoring their natural brightness and richness.

I recommend you read . You will learn a lot of interesting and effective recipes lip peelings to make them soft and velvety.

Cinnamon ester contraindications

Cinnamon essential oil doesn't always have great reviews because it has a number of limitations. Cinnamon is an irritating allergen of all types. Experts do not recommend using cinnamon etherol internally or externally with the following contraindications:

  • Hypertension and strong nervous exhaustion— spice dramatically changes blood pressure;
  • Pregnancy - increased likelihood premature birth and miscarriage due to uterine contractions;
  • Sensitive skin - itching, irritation and even swelling are inevitable;
  • Epilepsy, hyperactivity and insomnia - the spice is a powerful stimulant, so it can aggravate the disease;
  • Blonde hair - if you use a cinnamon mask with this oil for a long time, your curls may develop a red tint.

Please note that an overdose of cinnamon oil leads to severe stress body and overexcitation. If you follow all the indicated recommendations and dosages, cinnamon oil can be an excellent assistant for acquiring beauty and good health.

With warmth and care, Ravila.