Particular attention among natural remedies: the properties of neroli essential oil. Neroli oil - properties and uses

One of the most valuable and expensive essential oils in aromatherapy is neroli oil. Also in Ancient Rome and Greece were aware of its unique properties, and its use was very widespread. It is famous not only for its exquisite bitter-floral, vibrant aroma, but also for its eventful history of use in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries.

Neroli oil is widely used in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries

The legendary citrus flowers, from which neroli essential oil is subsequently obtained, symbolized eternal and pure love and luck in ancient Eastern philosophy and esotericism, and in Ancient Greece they were considered a sign of the lovely goddess Diana.

For centuries, brides have been decorating their wedding dresses with the flowers of the orange tree: since then, the world-famous fleur-d’orange has emerged from sophisticated citrus bouquets.

It is believed that this essential oil received its name thanks to the Italian Countess Neroli - Anna Maria, who loved this aroma oil and used it not only as perfume. It is the mixture of citrus oils with the subtle aroma of neroli that is one of the main components of the legend of perfume art - the legendary perfume No. 5 from Chanel.

Neroli oils are isolated from raw materials using steam extraction or enfleurage from freshly picked bitter orange flowers. A secondary product of the distillation process is also one of the most citrusy floral waters - orange. This aroma oil contains aromatic compounds such as ocimene, linalool, geraniol, nerol, jasmone, nerolidol, eugenol. It is one of the most expensive aromatic oils.

Neroli oil is isolated from freshly picked bitter orange flowers.

Properties and benefits of neroli oil

Essential oil Neroli does not have a distinct color; it is either colorless or pale yellow. Neroli oil has an unusually tart, harsh aroma with bitter, dry plant notes. This aroma oil has probably one of the most extraordinary evening scents.

The smell of neroli oil is the embodiment of brightness and nobility - and, according to Eastern beliefs, gives the same characteristics to the emotions and actions of the owner. Its aroma will give you self-confidence, peace and lift your spirits.

In aromatherapy it is used to relieve mental stress, in the treatment various kinds neuroses, conditions close to depression, sleep disorders, insomnia, and sexual coldness. It is strong aphrodisiac. For those girls and women who have critical days do not go as well as we would like, neroli essential oil will serve as a sedative and even a mild pain reliever.

Neroli essential oil has been known for centuries as an effective antiviral, immune-strengthening, anti-sclerotic and cardiac agent. And such a wide range of beneficial properties and areas make it possible to expand the use of aroma oils in all areas of aromatherapy treatment. This is very effective remedy in the treatment of influenza and herpes. It also optimizes organ function digestive system, eliminating the lack of enzymes, improves the process of food absorption and normalizes intestinal motility. Being antispasmodic, acts on intestinal peristalsis soothing and helps in calming the pain that occurs with colitis and diarrhea.

Extraordinary properties Neroli oils also appear in cosmetology in the manufacture of various cosmetics, in the production of creams and masks for the skin, which will help you get rid of problems such as stretch marks, dry skin, spider veins, etc. It is considered one of the most effective substances for rejuvenating facial skin. This essential oil helps smooth out facial and senile wrinkles, remove stretch marks on the skin, spider veins, nourishes and refreshes tired skin, also relieves irritation and eliminates redness of the facial skin, stimulates its regeneration and helps cope with acne, rashes on the body, eczema. And thanks to such unique properties it will be beneficial not only for your skin, but also for your hair and nails. Neroli nourishes epithelial cells, giving elasticity and volume to the hair, and increases the strength of the nails. The disinfecting properties of this oil will also help get rid of dandruff and inflammation of the cuticle around the nails, as well as hangnails on the fingers.

Neroli essential oil is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in all areas of aromatherapy.


When using neroli aroma oil in aromatherapy and cosmetology, a higher concentration is used than when using other essential oils. Exceeding the recommended volumes can lead to the opposite effect - this aroma will turn from sophisticated and expensive into an intrusive, thick and uncomfortable smell.

  • To use for body massage, you will need to use 5-6 drops of neroli oil for every 10 ml of foundation. The same amount of neroli should be used for the face when making compresses.
  • Neroli oil is also used in cooking - sometimes a few drops are added to dessert wines to add an unusual aroma.
  • You can also do a facial skin massage yourself using just a few drops of neroli oil;
  • You can get unusual sensations and a sense of calm while taking a bath with the refined bitter aroma of neroli essential oil. IN hot bath you need to add at least 8-10 drops of this spicy essential oil.
  • To relieve fatigue of the skin of the face and head, and to strengthen the hair roots, you can use compositions with neroli essential oil. This procedure will help you not only make your hair stronger and healthier, but also get rid of itching.

Neroli oil is actively used during massage

Even in ancient Rome they knew a recipe for making fragrant water from orange blossom flowers. The Romans scented rooms with it, odorized the body and used it medicinally as a remedy for hangovers and stomach disorders.

Neroli essential oil got its name in honor of the Italian Princess Anna - Maria Neroli. She was a big fan of orange blossom and added orange blossom oil to her perfumes and rubs.

The source of neroli oil is the orange tree of the rue family - bigardia. This valuable product extracted from its flower petals. In nature, the orange tree grows on sunny slopes southern Europe(Italy and France) and on the American continent. It is also cultivated in Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and Israel.

Neroli oil is one of the most expensive essential oils. The high cost is associated with big amount raw materials that are required when preparing even a small amount of oil. To prepare 800 ml of oily extract, 1 ton of orange petals must be steam distilled.

Preparing flowers for processing is also labor-intensive: freshly picked flowers are immediately delivered to the factory, where they are spread over the surface in a cool, ventilated room without direct access. sunlight. The thickness of the improvised flower carpet should not be more than 15-20cm. The separation of the petals from the receptacle is done manually. For this purpose, the labor of hundreds of women workers is used.

Another method for extracting neroli substance from orange blossom petals is enfleurage, or extraction using fatty oils. For this method, use the highest grade olive oil or a mixture of animal lard. Per kilogram of fat, take 250 grams of flowers, gradually increasing their quantity to 8-10 kilograms. The infusion process is repeated up to thirty times. The product obtained in this way is called orange lipstick and is mainly used for the production of perfumes and cosmetics.

In France alone, 1 million kilograms of orange blossom are processed annually. More than 2,000 employees are employed in production.

What is orange blossom oil

There are three varieties of neroli oil, depending on the origin of the raw material:

  • Neroli Bigarade is the most expensive variety; only petals of bitter Seville orange are suitable for it.
  • Portuguese neroli is a little cheaper. Sweet orange petals are used in its production.
  • Ordinary neroli oil is the most affordable type of essential oil. Its preparation technology allows the use of tangerine and lemon flowers.

Orange oil - clear liquid pale yellow or golden hue. It also has a faint bluish opalescence. When exposed to light, the substance changes color to red-orange and subsequently darkens. To prevent loss of beneficial properties, it is packaged in dark glass bottles with a carefully ground stopper.

The aroma of neroli is rich, floral-bitter, tart. However, to some it reminds them of the smell of a smoky room or cheap cigarettes. But it is neroli that is one of the main components of the famous Chanel five. It is unlikely that millions of his fans spray themselves with the stench of an unwashed ashtray every day. It’s more likely that the sense of smell fails the few critics.

The oil has a complex chemical composition. It's a mixture organic components, such as jasmone, nerolidol, camphene, pinene, linalool, geraniol, eugenol, nerol, farnesol, dipentene, ocimene. The ratio of substances may be different and depends on the place of collection of the original product, weather conditions and even from the time of day when the petals were collected. Most rich product obtained from flowers picked early in the morning.

Neroli - essential oil and its properties

The product is used in cosmetology, perfumery, medicine and aromatherapy. Its use during magical and spiritual practices has profound historical roots. European witches added it to love potions, and Indian yogis still used in meditation.

The list of beneficial properties of orange blossom oil is huge:

  • it is a powerful aphrodisiac that has a positive effect on activity reproductive system. Effective in treating frigidity and impotence
  • normalizes work endocrine systems s
  • tones circulatory system, accelerates blood flow, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques
  • has a disinfecting effect, promotes fast healing wounds, prevents suppuration and tissue necrosis
  • can be used as antiviral agent and an immunostimulant, has a pronounced general strengthening effect
  • due to its antiseptic properties, it serves as a reliable natural deodorant
  • Orange oil is a strong diuretic and is excellent against swelling
  • natural antispasmodic, also has an anticonvulsant effect
  • improves the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems
  • calms and relaxes nervous system
  • one of the first natural pain relievers
  • antidepressant
  • triggers and accelerates cell regeneration
  • awakens “sleeping” hair follicles, prevents hair loss
  • used in the treatment of seborrhea
  • regulates work sebaceous glands
  • rejuvenates, nourishes and tones the skin; and is suitable for almost all types
  • smoothes out fine expression wrinkles
  • has anti-cellulite effect
  • visually reduces stretch marks and scars
  • used in treatment skin diseases, relieves irritation and redness, reduces rosacea

Medicinal properties of neroli oil and its use in medicine

Wide range healing properties Neroli oil allows it to be used both for the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

It is indispensable for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. To prevent development stagnation in the lungs, use inhalation. The procedure requires no more than three drops of ether. Inhalations are carried out three times a day, the duration of one procedure is 15 minutes.

Constant use of orange oil improves the functioning of the heart muscle and reduces cholesterol levels. It is successfully used in complex therapy coronary disease, hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis. Massages with neroli help overcome the consequences of a stroke. To carry out a massage, add a drop of extract to a tablespoon of base oil: olive, soybean, sunflower.

For arrhythmia, cardioneurosis, and vegetative-vascular dystonia, rubbing is often used. The dosage of orange blossom oil for this procedure is higher than for massage: up to 7 drops are taken per 10 ml of base oil.

Migraines, tachycardia, angina pectoris require, first of all, inhalation and aromatherapy. Inhalation of volatile components is also useful for neuroses, depression, nervous fatigue and other diseases of the nervous system. Approximately 8 drops of the substance are added to the aroma lamp for every 20 square meters of the room.

Neroli oil is a real salvation for mature women. It not only enhances sexual desire, but also prevents failures menstrual cycle, removes menstrual syndrome and harmonizes the functioning of the glands internal secretion during menopause. The easiest way to use it in such cases is through various baths. Baths and trays are also used for dermatological problems. When adding neroli to bath water, it is important to remember that the aroma oil is first combined with an emulsifier, and only then diluted in water. For emulsification, honey, salt, bubble bath, milk or whey, as well as a variety of vegetable oils (peach, almond, olive) are used.

Another delivery method healing substance compresses for diseased organs. The active components penetrate directly into the lymph and have an antispasmodic and calming effect, relieve pain, relieve spasms and swelling. For a compress, use cotton or linen cloth soaked in a heated mixture of base and essential oils. Standard proportions for this procedure: 7 drops of orange extract per 10 ml of base.

Orange blossom oil is one of the the best means for skin and hair care. It has unsurpassed effectiveness in eliminating dry and dull skin. Relieves irritation, removes toxins and regenerates cells. It's just the elixir of youth.

IN home cosmetology one or two drops of ether are usually added to ready-made masks and creams. You can prepare your own oil mixture by taking a suitable base oil and enriching it with neroli at the rate of 3 drops per tablespoon. The resulting “beauty oil” is useful as a night face cream, as a body lotion, and as a hair mask that nourishes and prevents hair loss. If you regularly rub this product into the cuticle and nail bed, hangnails will disappear without a trace, and your nails will gain strength and a glossy shine.

To give hair pleasant aroma and a living shine, a couple of drops of ether are applied to a comb made of wood or horn.

To get rid of dandruff, shampoo, conditioner and hair mask should be enriched with orange oil at the rate of 3 drops per 20 ml of product.

Neroli should not be applied to the skin during pure form, this can lead to burns and allergies. The exception is cauterization of acne or herpes.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that neroli oil is a storehouse of beauty and health, it cannot be used by everyone.

  • the oil is not suitable for newborns and infants
  • it should not be used by pregnant women, like many aromatic oils, neroli can provoke premature birth
  • An allergy to citrus fruits also means that you will have to avoid orange blossom essential oil.
  • Due to its relaxing effect, neroli should not be used when performing work that requires attention and concentration

Even in ancient times, neroli essential oil was considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, increasing sensuality and enhancing potency. This essential oil was a symbol of beauty and was used in cosmetology.


A little about neroli oil

In appearance, neroli oil is a light yellow or golden-colored liquid with a pleasant, fresh, floral aroma. It is obtained by steam distillation or extraction with volatile solvents from orange flowers (Seville orange or bigardia, rue family). When exposed to light, the liquid acquires an orange-red color and darkens over time. It is most effective to combine neroli oil with citrus oils (lime, orange and lemon), but coniferous oils, rosemary, mint, and juniper are suitable.

Beneficial properties of neroli essential oil

  • is an aphrodisiac, has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • has a cardiotonic and antisclerotic effect;
  • oil accelerates blood circulation;
  • has antiviral and restorative properties;
  • has a decongestant and diuretic effect;
  • inherent antiseptic and bactericidal properties;
  • has anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • the oil has calming, relaxing, antispasmodic and analgesic properties;
  • antidepressant drug;
  • activates cell regeneration;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • the oil has rejuvenating properties, especially useful for dry and tired skin;
  • effective against stretch marks and cellulite;
  • the oil fights redness and irritation of the skin, rosacea, and skin diseases;
  • is an excellent deodorant.

The use of neroli essential oil in treatment

Thanks to a huge number healing properties, neroli essential oil is widely used in therapy and prevention various diseases. It perfectly helps with respiratory viral infections, improves conditions with influenza, diseases of the nasopharynx of an infectious-inflammatory nature, providing a general healing effect on the body.

When used systematically, essential oil eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the heart, significantly improves coronary blood flow, prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques, is used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, cardioneurosis, tachycardia, heart spasms, hemorrhages, angina pectoris, and in the therapy of vegetative dysfunction. -vascular dystonia, consequences of stroke, headache.

Neroli oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, eliminates enzyme deficiency, improves appetite, eliminates spasms of the stomach and intestines, and normalizes the secretion of the digestive organs.

In aromatherapy, neroli oil is also found wide application, including in the treatment of arrhythmias and neuroses. The relaxing aroma of essential oil helps eliminate insomnia, nervous, depressive and mental disorders (neuroses, obsessive fears, stress, hysteria, restlessness, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, overwork, etc.).

For women's health Neroli essential oil is also useful, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, fights frigidity, stimulates sexual desire, eliminates the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome, and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

This essential oil is a popular means of scenting rooms.

Video: Useful properties and uses of neroli oil.

Ways to use neroli essential oil


Inhalation of volatile components of essential oil seems to be the most effective method of prevention and treatment various ailments. Neroli oil activates the internal reserves of the human body, helps maintain wellness. The recommended dosage of essential oil for an aroma lamp is 4-7 drops per 15 m2.

Inhalation and air aromatization.

When inhaled through inhalation, the aromatic components of the oil reach certain points in the nasal mucosa, stimulate the production of impulses that send signals to certain parts of the cerebral cortex, thereby influencing the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. At the same time, neroli oil acts directly on the respiratory organs, stopping the development of inflammatory or stagnant processes. For these purposes, neroli oil is taken in an amount of 1-3 drops, the procedure is carried out for no more than 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Aromatic baths, use in baths and saunas.

With this method, neroli oil affects the entire surface of the skin, quickly penetrates the lymphatic network, affecting all human organs. Baths can be hot, cold, sitz, for hands or feet; in any case, the essential oil should be mixed with an emulsifier (cream, milk, honey, sea ​​salt), and then add to the water. There is no need to rinse after taking a bath; the skin should be blotted lightly with a towel. For one bath you should take 7 drops of essential oil. The duration of the procedure can be up to 25-30 minutes, but you need to start with 5 minutes.

For baths and saunas, neroli essential oil should be diluted in water (3 drops of essential oil per 0.5 liters of water), in the first case, pour the solution over the stove, and in the second, over hot stones.


This method involves applying medicinal compress over the problem organ, as a result active ingredients essential oils penetrate into the lymph flow and act directly on the diseased organ, providing a decongestant, antispasmodic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Compresses can be cold or hot. For the procedure, take 7 drops of ether per 10 ml of base (fatty) oil. Soak a cotton cloth in the solution, squeeze it a little and apply it to the area over the diseased organ. You can keep the compress for 30 minutes to two hours, start small, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure.

Massage and rubbing.

Massage ensures quick penetration useful components oils into the human body. As a result, the procedure has a beneficial effect on the condition and health skin, has a positive effect on blood circulation, digestion, improving overall general state and well-being. For acupressure prepare the mixture: one drop of essential oil per drop vegetable oil(basics).

Rubbing has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and breathing, eliminates inflammatory processes in muscles, nerves and connective tissues. For rubbing, take 4-7 drops of neroli oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil.

The use of neroli essential oil in cosmetology

Neroli oil has also found its use in home cosmetology, in facial, body and hair care. It is a means of preventing and treating spider veins, stretch marks, cellulite, tightens and smoothes the skin, relieves irritation, improves complexion, and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Suitable for any type, but especially useful in caring for dry and mixed type skin, as well as tired skin. Thanks to its regenerating ability, neroli oil promotes the rapid healing of cracks, wounds and other skin damage, fights herpes, acne, spots due to stress, as well as skin diseases (eczema, dermatoses).

The simplest use of neroli oil is to enrich finished cosmetics (masks, creams, tonics). On one-time use take 2 drops of ether. A more natural skin care option is to add neroli oil to a natural base (vegetable) oil (2 drops of essential component per 1 tablespoon of base). This mixture can be used as a nourishing night cream or as an anti-aging mask. The composition of the mask can be very different. Concentrated, that is, undiluted, neroli oil cannot be applied to the skin! The exception is cases of targeted use, for example, the treatment of acne or herpes.

Neroli oil has a good effect on hair condition and scalp health, fights dandruff, and gives natural shine to hair. The product can be added to ready-made shampoo and conditioners, made at home masks (for 1 tablespoon of base suitable for the hair problem, take 2-3 drops of essential oil), use “aroma combing” (2 drops of oil on a wooden comb).

Neroli oil can be used to care for nails and cuticles by rubbing it into the nail bed.

Neroli essential oil for children

Can be used in children to eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, improve sleep, eliminate tension and anxiety. For use in an aroma lamp, the dosage of oil is 1 drop per 10-15 m2 of room area. For massage (light strokes clockwise around the navel), prepare a mixture with neroli oil - 2-3 drops of ether per 10 ml of plant base.

Contraindications to the use of neroli oil

  1. Pregnancy 2-3 trimester.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. The drug is contraindicated for use in newborns and infants.

Due to its high relaxing effect, neroli oil is contraindicated for use in cases where concentration and clarity of thought are necessary.

Storage conditions

Essential oil should be stored in tightly sealed dark glass containers at room temperature in a place out of direct sunlight.

Neroli essential oil is obtained from wild orange blossoms, which is characterized by both sweet and bitter taste. It has a rich list of properties that are used to combat various cosmetic defects and health problems.

Neroli essential oil – properties

This product contains natural alcohols, hydrocarbons and other compounds, as well as esters. Neroli essential oil has the following benefits:

  1. It has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, relieving stress and stress.
  2. Has an antiseptic effect and effectively fights viruses and infections.
  3. Neroli essential oil, the use of which is approved by doctors, is an excellent antiseptic, so it can be used to get rid of painful symptoms.
  4. Indispensable in the presence of diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels, for example, the oil normalizes heart rhythm and blood circulation, and also strengthens blood vessels.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functionality of the digestive system. Neroli essential oil helps fight colic and other unpleasant symptoms.

Essential oil of neroli in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes Neroli essential oil is used to get rid of different problems. It has the following actions:

  1. Neroli oil has a softening and antiseptic effect, helping to cope with irritations and rashes.
  2. It removes pigmentation well, evening out skin color.
  3. Effectively fights stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite.
  4. Neroli essential oil, the properties and uses of which are used in different recipes, has a healing and rejuvenating effect.
  5. If you apply ether to the nail plate and the skin around it, you can cope with brittleness and other defects, as well as stimulate growth and prevent the appearance of hangnails.
  6. When caring for hair, ether has a strengthening effect, eliminates dandruff, removes scalp irritations and stimulates hair growth.

Neroli essential oil for hair

If you want to make your curls obedient, alive and healthy, then regularly carry out procedures using neroli ether. There are several ways this can be done:

  1. Neroli essential oil is effective in hair care cosmetics; for example, you can add 3-5 drops of ether to shampoo. Wash your hair with this product no more than twice a week.
  2. Aroma combing is popular, for which it is better to use a wooden comb. Apply a few drops to it and go through the strands from roots to ends.
  3. Ether is used for head massage. Thanks to this procedure, you can stabilize the functionality of the sebaceous glands and improve the condition of your hair. Apply a few drops of oil to your fingers and perform circular movements, moving from the center of your head to your ears. This procedure additionally has a calming and relaxing effect.

Neroli essential oil for face

Eat different ways, how you can evaluate the benefits of ether on yourself, and the simplest option is to add 5-6 drops of oil to tonics, creams, masks and other products. In addition, neroli oil can be used in the following mixtures:

  1. For oily and problem skin. To 20 ml, add a couple of drops of wild orange, mint and eucalyptus ether, and also add 4 drops of lemon oil.
  2. For dry skin. In this case, combine 15 ml of rosehip oil with a couple of drops of wild orange ether and 6 drops of Damask rose.
  3. Neroli oil for facial blemishes. Every day, treat problem areas with a mixture that includes 5 ml of wheat germ oil and 15 drops of neroli ether.

Neroli essential oil for eyelids

The presented product is not aggressive, so it can be used on sensitive skin, for example, around the eyes. It has a tonic effect, removing signs of fatigue and swelling. With regular and correct use You can deal with fine wrinkles. Neroli essential oil for the skin around the eyes is used as follows:

  1. Mix a couple of drops of ether in 1-2 teaspoons of base oil. Another option for use is preparing oil compositions, for which add ether to the cream.
  2. It is best to carry out procedures before bedtime 1-2 times a week. If a useful cream is used, then it is allowed to be used daily.
  3. Apply the product with careful and gentle movements to the area around the eyes, using tapping and stroking movements. It is important not to stretch the skin.
  4. If a lot of oil has been used, remove the residue using a cotton pad.

Neroli essential oil for stretch marks

Pregnant women and people who suddenly gained weight and then lost it experienced the problem of stretch marks. Regular use Neroli causes a rush of blood to the dermis, removes swelling, gives firmness and restores elasticity of the skin. All this will help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. There are two recipes for using neroli:

  1. To reduce the number of stretch marks and improve the condition of the skin, you can use a mixture of 5 ml of wheat germ oil and a couple of drops of wild orange, tangerine and lavender ether. Treat regularly problem areas.
  2. You can use a mixture that includes 2 drops each of neroli, lavender and frankincense. Use the mixture 2-3 times a week.

Neroli essential oil – aromatherapy

To benefit from essential oils, it is recommended to inhale their aroma. In aromatherapy, neroli essential oil is used as an excellent tonic that helps improve mood, cope with insomnia, fears and depression. It has an excellent tonic effect. It is also worth noting that neroli essential oil is an aphrodisiac, suitable for both men and women. Just seven drops should be added to the aroma lamp, and the benefits will certainly be received.

Neroli essential oil (orange blossom) is a golden-colored liquid with a delicate aroma, obtained from the petals of the orange flower. Numerous beneficial features and the widespread use of neroli oil make it, despite its fairly high cost, a very popular skin and hair care product. It is also used in medicinal purposes and for aromatherapy.

What is orange blossom oil?

Neroli oil is divided into types depending on the raw materials used for its production:

  • 1 variety, considered the highest quality, is obtained from the petals of bitter orange;
  • the raw materials for grade 2 are flowers and petals of the orange tree;
  • The 3rd variety, the most accessible, is produced from the flowers of lemon and tangerine trees.

How is it useful?

Neroli essential oil:

  • promotes excretion excess liquid from intercellular space, fights swelling, provides diuretic effect;
  • improves blood circulation, tones, strengthens the work of the heart muscle;
  • increases libido, participates in the normalization of the reproductive and endocrine systems;
  • relieves, effectively against headaches;
  • calms the nervous system, relaxes, helps cope with depression;
  • enhances recovery processes in cells, rejuvenates the skin;
  • relieves irritation, soothes inflamed skin, reduces other dermatological diseases;
  • helps strengthen hair follicles;
  • makes stretch marks less noticeable and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

The antiseptic properties of neroli oil allow it to be used not only in cosmetics, but also medical purposes: strengthen the immune system, cope with viruses.

How can you use orange blossom oil?

Due to its antimicrobial properties, orange flower extract is included in the complex of medicinal and preventive measures to combat influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and inflammation of the nasopharynx. Ecologically pure remedy used to treat children.

Regular use of the essence promotes recovery normal operation heart, slows down the appearance of sclerotic plaques; it is also used in the treatment of arrhythmia, hypertension, VSD and other diseases.

Orange blossom oil is an effective antidepressant. It has a relaxing effect, helps cope with neuroses, stress, anxiety states, overwork, insomnia and others mental disorders.

Does it have any contraindications?

Despite the fact that the extract from orange flowers or orange tree petals is environmentally friendly pure product, you should avoid using it:

  • pregnant women, especially in the first trimester;
  • people who have malignant tumors and undergoing chemotherapy;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • persons prone to allergies.

Since the oil has a relaxing effect, it is not recommended to use it in situations that require high concentration(for example, before traveling in a car or taking an exam).

What effect does it have on the skin?

Neroli oil in cosmetology is used primarily for skin care.

Fragrance Essence:

  • reduces existing ones spider veins and prevents the emergence of new ones;
  • restores skin elasticity and smoothes it;
  • does dark spots less noticeable;
  • improves and evens out complexion, fights inflammation and dryness;
  • promotes rapid healing of skin damage (wounds, scratches);
  • has a noticeable rejuvenating effect on the skin.

One of the advantages of this tool is its versatility. The oil is suitable for any skin type. Regular use helps normalize lipid balance in dry skin, soothe sensitive skin, tighten pores and relieve inflammation in oily skin.

Thanks to its powerful regenerative properties, the essence slows down the appearance of signs of aging and reduces the number of existing wrinkles. By stimulating collagen production, bitter orange flower extract improves skin elasticity.

How to use oil for facial skin care?

The simplest and effective method apply neroli oil to the face - add a couple of drops to cosmetical tools For daily care: cream, tonic, mask and others.

Important to remember:

  1. Essence should not be added to serums intended for application to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Neroli oil, like many other essential oils, cannot be used in its pure form.

Nourishing skin care

To do home remedy for skin care, you can mix a few drops of orange flower extract with any base oil(for example, peach). Proportions: 2 drops of essence per 1 tablespoon of base. This product can be used instead of a regular night cream or applied as a rejuvenating mask for 10 minutes.

Against acne and herpes

Thanks to the strong antibacterial property the essence is used as a remedy against skin inflammation.

The cotton pad is moistened clean water, then drop a couple of drops of oil on it. Once mixed with liquid, the essence will act less aggressively on the skin. Apply the disc to the problem area to destroy bacteria and relieve inflammation.


Using neroli oil in face masks will help get rid of most skin imperfections.

Against wrinkles, puffiness

10 gr. chilled sour cream mixed with 5 g. semolina and the same amount potato starch. Add orange blossom oil, 2 drops. Apply the resulting mass to a face previously cleansed with tonic. Wash off after 30 minutes, using rosehip infusion instead of water. A clean towel is wetted cold water and apply to the face for 7 minutes.

Anti acne

  1. First, prepare a decoction of thyme, filter the liquid through cheesecloth.
  2. Pour 10 grams into a clean container. dry black clay, pour 15 ml. prepared decoction.
  3. Add a couple of drops of essence.
  4. Mix well and apply with a brush to pre-steamed skin.
  5. Leave on face for 30 minutes, wash off using cold green tea.

Moisturizing, for dry skin

With the help of this mask it is restored water balance, the skin is saturated with vitamins, minerals and acids that improve its condition.

The pumpkin is baked in the oven, cooled, and chopped in a food processor. 15 gr. the finished puree is mixed with 2 drops of flower essence and 5 ml. liquid vitamin E.

The skin is cleansed with milk, then the prepared mask is applied in a thick layer and left for 40 minutes. The dried mass is removed using a cotton pad soaked in water.

For oily skin

Neroli oil is useful for oily skin: after using this mask, the pores are deeply cleansed, acid-base balance is leveled out, inflammation is reduced.

10 gr. buckwheat flour mixed with 5 gr. honey, add 5 ml. liquid vitamin B5 and 2 drops of neroli oil. Apply the thoroughly mixed mass to a previously steamed face. Wash off after a quarter of an hour using linden decoction.

Against stretch marks and scars

The essence is mixed with any base oil in the proportions of 2 drops for each tablespoon of base. Apply the resulting product to problem areas. The strong regenerative properties of the liquid will help speed up the process and make stretch marks less noticeable.

How to use neroli oil for hair?

You can improve the condition of your hair, strengthen it, add shine and make it more manageable if you add about 3-5 drops of essence to a serving of shampoo.

Massaging your head and combing your hair for a few minutes using a comb with five drops of oil applied to the teeth will have the same effect. This technique will help cope with unruly or curly hair and make it easier to comb thick hair.

Neroli essential oil for hair will give maximum benefit, if you add it to masks.

Egg mask

Combine 1 tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil, add a whole egg and 4 drops of essence. The resulting mass is distributed over the hair and left for a third of an hour.

Hair strengthening mask

Mix 5 drops of essential and lavender, add 3 drops of orange and 2 drops of neroli. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp.

Nourishing mask

To a tablespoon of any vegetable (healthiest) oil add 20 drops of wheat germ oil and 4 drops of orange flower extract. Having mixed well, apply to the strands, evenly distributing along the entire length. Wash off after half an hour.

How much does orange blossom oil cost?

The price of neroli oil depends on the variety. You can buy the usual one, made from the petals of the tangerine or lemon tree, at the same cost as most other essential oils - about 150 rubles for a 10 ml jar.

Essence obtained from orange flowers will cost much more. The high cost is explained by the fact that production requires 800 ml. the fragrant liquid requires about a ton of plant petals.

Be healthy!