Audrey Hepburn's quick orange diet. Audrey Hepburn: Hungry Fair Lady

The beauty and sophistication of Audrey Hepburn are legendary, because she is a true standard of femininity. Her figure has always worried the press, and fans were perplexed - how, with a height of 170 cm, can you weigh 46 kg and not an ounce more? Even as a child, my mother told little Audrey that real woman must weigh a maximum of 45 kg. The girl remembered these words for the rest of her life and strictly adhered to them.

Some researchers life path Artists are of the opinion that a refined figure is a legacy of military hunger strikes, others - hard training in ballet school. Be that as it may, the actress strictly monitored her diet, which we will tell you about in more detail.

The imprint of the war remained on Audrey for the rest of her life; it was she who taught the girl to behave in a disciplined manner. Audrey Hepburn did not eat a lot of food at one time; she always divided her food into several servings. Another secret perfect figure- refusal of alcohol and sweet desserts.

Although the dream of becoming a famous ballerina never came true, Audrey retained her ballet routine for the rest of her life. Her diet consisted of protein foods and carbohydrates. Every day the actress ate salads, eggs, toast and vegetables. The diet was quite monotonous, but it was this that helped Hepburn maintain a refined figure for the rest of her life.
After all, the years changed, but Audrey’s figure and weight always remained the same. There is no need to think that the actress has never indulged herself in food. On the contrary, sometimes she allowed herself to eat something tasty. She didn’t see the point in constantly denying herself pleasant little things, because life is given only once.
Interestingly, thanks to her diet, she kept her skin in excellent condition; the only facial procedure she used was microdermabrasion. The procedure is quite simple and gentle, plus the cost of microdermabrasion, which is relatively low, does not have negative consequences.

Mrs. Hepburn's breakfast consisted of two boiled eggs, coarse toast and several cups of coffee with milk.

For lunch, Audrey preferred cottage cheese with fruit. Sometimes she replaced cottage cheese with yogurt.

The actress dined on meat and vegetables.

Some biographers have erroneously suggested that Audrey suffers from eating disorder That's why he eats so little. But Hepburn's close friends and husband completely denied such rumors. For example, she loved spaghetti and always ate it, but she tried not to combine pasta with protein foods. Another passion is chocolate. Although the Hollywood princess avoided desserts, she sometimes bought herself a box of chocolates and enjoyed them.
She also really loved raspberries.
Audrey Hepburn carried her beauty throughout her life.
She never resorted to the help of doctors to preserve her youth longer. The whole secret of Audrey's ideal figure consists of proper nutrition. We can say that she was on a diet all her life, because she strictly adhered to one diet and knew how to combine food correctly.

When we talk about Audrey Hepburn, our minds paint us an image of a fragile woman with an amazing figure, regal posture and swan neck. And despite the fact that today we know the reason for her thinness - famine in the occupied territory during the war - we see in her the muse of Hubert de Givenchy and understand what the couturier admired so much about this exceptional woman.

Even a quick glance at Audrey's photographs reveals her fine, beautiful muscles - the result of years of ballet training. After she left the ballet school, sports never replaced the barre in the classroom for her. But she took long walks with her dog.

She adhered to the ballet regime all her life - this concerned, first of all, nutrition. The basis of her diet included protein and fiber.

For breakfast she ate 2 boiled eggs, toast made from 7-grain hl:) coarse flour and drank several cups of coffee with milk.

For lunch- homemade cheese with fruit salad or yogurt. And for dinner there was meat with several types of vegetables.

They say that Audrey loved pasta very much, but she rarely ate it and tried never to combine it with protein foods, but only with salads.

She didn't love gourmet dishes. According to her, she would prefer simpler, but exclusively cooked food. For example, a good steak, salad and... some raspberries. Hepburn loved chocolate very much: she would buy herself a box of chocolates and stretch it out for two hours.

One of the main secrets of her beautiful appearance was that she didn't drink alcohol! Of course, on occasion, she could afford a glass of good wine with dinner. But only one.

Another secret is required amount hours of sleep, although she preferred to get up early.

With a height of 170 cm, her parameters (in many sources the parameters differ by a couple of centimeters):

Bust size: 34A

Waist: 51 cm

Hips: 86.5 cm

Her regimen and nutrition have not changed over the years. So is her weight. At 63, Audrey Hepburn looked like an ageless woman. She maintained a great figure, she did not do any lifts, did not inject Botox and did not try to look younger.

The beauty of Audrey Hepburn is known even to those who have not watched her films. Huge eyes, dark, carefully styled hair, and, of course, chiseled figurine become distinctive features Oscar-winning actress.

Since childhood, her mother inspired the future star that a girl should not weigh more than 46 kg. And Audrey religiously all her life followed this rule, even despite motherhood.

Secrets of Audrey Hepburn's slim figure

A big imprint on a girl's life imposed by war. For example, she had to sit in the basement for almost a month with a loaf of bread and a dozen apples. And sometimes they even had to eat almost inedible foods - for example, nettles or tulip bulbs. Therefore, food for her all her life was not a whim, but in a simple way recover.

Audrey refused alcohol, a maximum of a glass of wine or a little whiskey. Her only passion was good chocolate. A piece - every evening, a box - sometimes, on holidays - chocolate cake with whipped cream. The chocolate bars were first normal food , which she ate after liberation from the Nazis.

Another passion of hers there was dancing. But no matter how hard the girl tried, Audrey had to leave ballet school due to sufficient tall. But protein food she always considered it important and her diet always resembled a dancer’s menu. And the most main secret- small portions.

Audrey said that a slim figure will be the one who will share his food with the hungry. She spent a lot of effort and money on charity. Maybe it’s really worth taking an example from her and transferring the money that would be spent on another pizza to those who need it more?

Audrey Hepburn

Breakfast: two boiled eggs with a piece of whole grain toast, a cup of coffee with hot milk.

Dinner: cottage cheese with fruit salad or yogurt and raw seasonal vegetables. Occasionally, the star allowed himself pasta, but without meat, only with tomato sauce and vegetables, which her diet always abounded in.

Dinner: A little boiled meat and boiled vegetables.

Life circumstances, a dizzying career and endless love for people - all this made Audrey the way she is remembered by millions of fans around the world. Do you like this amazing woman? Write in the comments!

The beauty of Audrey Hepburn is known even to those who have not watched her films. Huge eyes, dark, carefully styled hair, and, of course, chiseled figurine have become hallmarks of the Oscar-winning actress.

Since childhood, her mother inspired the future star that a girl should not weigh more than 46 kg. And Audrey religiously all her life followed this rule, even despite motherhood.

Secrets of Audrey Hepburn's slim figure

A big imprint on a girl's life imposed by war. For example, she had to sit in the basement for almost a month with a loaf of bread and a dozen apples. And sometimes they even had to eat almost inedible foods - for example, nettles or tulip bulbs. Therefore, food for her all her life was not a whim, but a simple way to restore strength.

Audrey refused alcohol, a maximum of a glass of wine or a little whiskey. Her only passion was. A piece - every evening, a box - sometimes, on holidays - chocolate cake with whipped cream. The chocolate bars were first normal meal, which she ate after liberation from the Nazis.

Another passion of hers there was dancing. But no matter how hard the girl tried, Audrey had to leave ballet school because she was quite tall. But she always considered protein foods important, and her diet always resembled a dancer’s menu. And the main secret is small portions.

Audrey said that a slim figure will be the one who will share his food with the hungry. She spent a lot of effort and money on charity. Maybe it’s really worth taking an example from her and transferring the money that would be spent on another pizza to those who need it more?

Audrey Hepburn Menu

Breakfast: two boiled eggs with a piece of whole grain toast, a cup of coffee with hot milk.

Dinner: cottage cheese with fruit salad or yogurt and raw seasonal vegetables. Occasionally, the star allowed herself pasta, but without meat, only with tomato sauce and vegetables, which were always abundant in her diet.

Dinner: some boiled meat and boiled vegetables.

Life circumstances, a dizzying career and endless love for people - all this made Audrey the way she is remembered by millions of fans around the world. Do you like this amazing woman? Write in the comments!

The beauty of Audrey Hepburn is known even to those who have not watched her films. Huge eyes, dark, carefully styled hair, and, of course, chiseled figurine have become hallmarks of the Oscar-winning actress.

Since childhood, her mother inspired the future star that a girl should not weigh more than 46 kg. And Audrey religiously all her life followed this rule, even despite motherhood.

Secrets of Audrey Hepburn's slim figure

A big imprint on a girl's life imposed by war. For example, she had to sit in the basement for almost a month with a loaf of bread and a dozen apples. And sometimes they even had to eat almost inedible foods - for example, nettles or tulip bulbs. Therefore, food for her all her life was not a whim, but a simple way to restore strength.

Audrey refused alcohol, a maximum of a glass of wine or a little whiskey. Her only passion was good chocolate. A piece - every evening, a box - sometimes, on holidays - chocolate cake with whipped cream. The chocolate bars were first normal meal, which she ate after liberation from the Nazis.

Another passion of hers there was dancing. But no matter how hard the girl tried, Audrey had to leave ballet school because she was quite tall. But she always considered protein foods important and her diet always resembled a dancer’s menu. And the main secret is small portions.