Neroli essential oil for face. Neroli oil (orange blossom). Areas of application of neroli oil

Essential oils are concentrated substances that are conductors of natural energy. Neroli oil is produced by distillation from the flower petals of citrus trees. Produce this unique product were able to do this back in the heyday of the Ancient Roman Empire, and the name of the oil was given in honor of a Roman princess from the Neroli family, who was very fond of the aroma of ether.

Ether is used in various areas medicine, as well as in cosmetology. When applied to wrinkles, neroli oil smoothes them out almost as effectively as Botox.

Neroli oil is a golden-colored oily liquid with a distinct, pleasant floral-citrus aroma. The smell of this ether is considered complex, consisting of cold and warm tones. The top notes are woody, cool, like morning mist. Floral aromas clearly emerge in the heart of the aroma, which are soon replaced by a warm and rich aroma of citrus caramel.

There are three varieties of this essential oil:

  • the most common is made from the petals of tangerine and lemon flowers;
  • the second option is made from orange tree flowers, it is called Portuguese neroli;
  • the most refined and expensive version is made from the flowers of the bitter orange tree; this type of ether has the prefix “bigarade” in its name.

Interesting! The chemical composition of the product is very complex. It contains a variety of esters, terpene alcohols and many other complex compounds.

How does it work?

Neroli essential oil has the most beneficial effect on facial skin. The product has the following effects:

  • softens the skin;
  • has an antiseptic effect, quickly relieves signs of irritation, treats acne;
  • ensures rapid healing of injuries;
  • struggles with excess pigmentation, allowing you to eliminate freckles and age spots;
  • has a positive effect on mature skin, facilitating the process rejuvenation by increasing collagen synthesis and accelerating cell renewal processes;
  • is an excellent means of preventing the formation of wrinkles and their deepening, smoothes out existing wrinkles;
  • recommended for epidermis, both dry and oily types, ideal for combination skin;
  • evens out facial tone, making it look younger and fresher.

Application nuances

Like other esters, neroli oil is a highly concentrated product. You can apply it to the skin only pointwise - to places of inflammation, to herpes rashes.

Important! You should not wipe your face with oil, as you may get burned.

This product is in small quantity(a few drops) are added to the base products. You can enrich finished cosmetics, vegetable oils used instead of creams, or homemade masks with ether.

Neroli ester combines well with other citrus esters, as well as with the following esters:

  • roses and rosewood;
  • lavender;
  • sandalwood;
  • jasmine;
  • cypress;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • rosemary;
  • myrrh.

Note! Citrus esters, including neroli, increase the photosensitivity of the skin, so this product is not recommended to be applied before going outside.

It is best to use this remedy in the evenings. Those with thin and sensitive skin should reduce the amount of essential oil by half when using it for the first time. If negative reaction will not, it will be possible to gradually increase the amount, bringing it to the norm specified in the recipe.

When dealing with wrinkles under the eyes, you need to be careful and make sure that the ether does not get on the mucous membrane, as irritation may occur. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water and apply neutral drops, such as “Clean Tear”. If the redness does not go away and a burning sensation appears, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Precautionary measures

Citrus fruits often cause allergic reactions . Therefore, before you start using the product, you need to make sure that your skin tolerates contact with it well. Do a simple test by rubbing a drop of the product into the skin on your wrist. If discomfort does not appear within 24 hours, you can safely begin a course of combating wrinkles.

In addition, essential oils, including neroli, are not recommended for use during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.

Methods of application

The easiest way to use it is to enrich finished cosmetics with ether. Take a small, clean jar and place a single serving in it. cream or ready cosmetic mask , add neroli essential oil, stir and use as usual. One drop of ether is enough per serving of cream. You can add 2-3 drops to the mask.

If you want to prepare a completely natural product, then instead of factory-made cream you need to use natural vegetable oils. For oily and combination epidermis, peach, grape seed, and almond oils are suitable. For dry skin, it is better to choose richer products, such as coconut or jojoba. When planning to use neroli oil against wrinkles around the eyes, it is recommended to mix this product with wheat germ or avocado oils.

You can prepare a variety of oil compositions by mixing neroli ester with base products and other esters. Such compositions are used:

  • as a cream– apply a thin layer on the face, and after 40 minutes the residue is removed with dry wipes;
  • for cosmetic massage– apply the oil to the skin, then begin to massage, stroking or tapping the skin with your fingertips in the direction of the massage lines;
  • for oil applications on the area of ​​wrinkles - moisten in a warm mixture gauze wipes and apply to problem areas (or the entire face). After half an hour, the napkins are removed and the face is blotted with napkins.

Options for oil mixtures to combat wrinkles:

  • wheat germ oils (3 ml), olive oil (5 ml), almond oil (5 ml) mixed with neroli esters (2 drops), rosewood (2 drops);
  • mix jojoba oil (3 ml) and rosehip oil (10 ml) with neroli (2 drops) and sandalwood (3 drops) esters;

  • Mix avocado oil (5 ml) and peach oil (10 ml) with 3 drops of neroli essential oil.

Mask options

Neroli essential oil is perfect for enriching homemade masks. Apply the prepared compositions to a cleansed face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of warm water. Procedures need to be carried out twice a week.

  • Starchy. This version of the mask is recommended for sagging skin; the procedure helps tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Mix a tablespoon of dry potato or corn starch with the same amount of thick sour cream, add three drops of neroli ether.
  • Pumpkin. This composition moisturizes well and gives freshness to the skin. Prepared with baked or steamed pumpkin. Grind the cooled pumpkin in a blender or grate it on the finest grater. Add three drops of tocopherol oil solution (pharmaceutical preparation) and three potassium neroli ether to the composition.
  • With clay. This mask option is recommended for skin with enlarged pores and comedones. Prepare a decoction of thyme herb, cool. Dilute two tablespoons of black cosmetic clay with a cold decoction to form a thick mass. Add two drops each of neroli and lavender esters. After the procedure, the pores are cleaned and narrowed, the relief is evened out.
  • Honey-butter. To warm dessert spoon honey, mix it with the same volume of almond oil. Add the egg yolk and ethers – neroli (2 drops), jasmine and rosemary (1 drop each) into the cooled mass.

  • Chocolate. This composition rejuvenates well and gives skin tone. In addition, it provides additional protection to the skin from negative external influences. Melt cocoa butter (5 grams) and mix it with a spoon of natural yogurt and cocoa powder. Add the powder gradually until you get a thick mass, the consistency of a cream. Then add two drops of neroli and lemon balm ether into the prepared mass.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Professional cosmetologists do not deny the benefits of essential oils for rejuvenation. But women must understand that success can only be achieved by applying a set of procedures. Additionally, essential oils are not for everyone. Before you start using neroli essential oil, you must first make sure that this is a remedy safe for your skin.

Women's opinion

Neroli oil really helps against wrinkles, you can see this by reading reviews from women.

Lyubov, 39 years old:

I had heard about the wonderful properties of neroli oil for a long time, but I couldn’t buy it; you can’t buy it in every pharmacy. But still I was lucky and was able to purchase this precious elixir. Now that's the only way I call this oil. I use ether as an additive in face and eyelid masks. When preparing masks under the eyes, I recommend not adding more than one drop, otherwise your eyes will water. The oil perfectly rejuvenates, wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes healthier and fresher.

Alena, 42 years old:

Essential oil Neroli is quite expensive, but worth it. The oil really rejuvenates, makes the skin more elastic, tightens, smoothes out wrinkles. I literally add a drop at a time to my creams, and I am very pleased with the result. The only and very relative minus is the specific aroma “for everyone.” Personally, I really like it, but my friend finds it harsh and says it gives her a headache.

Neroli essential oil properties and uses

Origin of Neroli essential oil and its components

There is one interesting fact about the bitter orange tree ( INCI Neroli Oil: Citrus aurantium) – it is the “homeland” for three completely separate types of essential oil. The peel of ripe (and close to ripe) fruits is a sourceorange essential oil , while leaves and tender young shoots are the sourcepetitgrain essential oil . And finally, Neroli essential oil -- is extracted by steam distillation from tree flowers, which are white in color, small in size and leave a slight waxy sensation on the fingers after tactile contact. The bitter orange tree originally grew in eastern Africa and tropical Asia, but today the plant is cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region and the southern states of Florida and California. The trees bloom profusely in May and, with proper care, can produce up to 30 kg of fresh flowers each.

When extracting the oil from the collected petals, time is of the essence as... The oil evaporates very quickly from the petal cells after they are picked from the tree. To maximize the oil yield from the raw material, the petals are collected by hand, trying to avoid excessive squeezing. Of course, there is no question of mechanical assembly. The main, major components of Neroli oil areLinalool (28,5%), Linalyl acetate (19.6%), Nerolidol (9.1%), E-farnesol (9.1%), Alpha-terpineol (4.9%) andLimonene (4,6%).

A classic subjective question arises: what does neroli essential oil smell like? The aroma of neroli oil is rich and enveloping. Sometimes it is even called “bewitching neroli”, because... many esotericists actively use this oil in their practices. However, we prefer a scientific approach, as you will see as you continue reading the article.

6 Impressive Benefits of Using Neroli Essential Oil

1. Reduces inflammation and relieves pain

100% natural Neroli essential oil has been shown to be an effective therapeutic agent for reducing pain and inflammation of soft tissues. The results of a study published in the Journal of Natural Medicines show that Neroli contains biologically active ingredients, which have the ability to reduce the level of acute and even chronic inflammation. Neroli essential oil has also been found to have the ability to increase pain threshold central and peripheral nervous systems. ( 2 )

2. Reduces stress and eases menopausal symptoms

A 2014 study looked at the effects of inhaling Neroli essential oil on menopausal symptoms, stress levels, and estrogen production in postmenopausal women. 63 postmenopausal women volunteers were randomly assigned to inhale Neroli essential oil at varying concentrations, from 0.1% to 0.5%, and a control group to inhale almond oil. All groups performed inhalations twice a day for five days at the Korea University School of Nursing.
Compared to the control group, the two groups using Neroli oil showed a significant decrease in diastolic pressure, in addition to an overall equalization of heart rate, plasma cortisol levels, and estrogen hormone levels. The effects discovered show that inhaling essential oil vaporsNeroli Helps relieve menopausal symptoms, increase libido and lower blood pressure levels in post-menopausal women. Overall, 100% natural Neroli essential oil can be used as a quick and effective remedy to reduce stress and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. ( 3 )

3. Reduces Blood Pressure and Cortisol Levels

A study published in the journal Evidence-Based and Alternative Medicine(Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine) aimed to determine the effects of inhaling Neroli essential oil on blood pressure and salivary cortisol levels in 83 prehypertensive and prehypertensive volunteers. hypertensive states. Measurements were taken at equal intervals over 24 hours. cortisol levels The test group inhaled essential oils of Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, Marjoram andNeroli . The placebo group inhaled the artificial odorant for the same amount of time as the test group. The control group did not inhale any substances. What do you think the researchers found? The test group showed a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to the placebo and control groups. The test group also showed a significant reduction in salivary cortisol levels. It has been concluded that inhaling 100% Neroli essential oil has an immediate and ongoing positive effect on blood pressure and stress levels. ( 4 ).

4. Shows antimicrobial and antioxidant effects

The fragrant flowers of the bitter orange tree do more than just produce an oil that “smells good.” Research shows that chemical composition 100% natural Neroli essential oil has both antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
Antimicrobial propertiesNeroli essential oil The oil was found to affect 6 types of bacteria, 2 types of yeast, and 3 types of molds, according to an article published in the Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. Neroli essential oil was particularly effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa . The oil also showed very strong inhibitory activity against fungal colonization, compared to a conventional antibiotic. nystatin . ( 5 )

5. Heals and refreshes the skin

If you're looking to add an essential oil to your beauty and beauty arsenal, consider Neroli essential oil. The oil is known for its ability to regenerate skin cells, thus improving its elasticity. The oil also helps maintain the hydrolipid balance of the upper layers of the skin, making it an excellent choice for any skin type.
Thanks to its ability to renew and heal the skin at the cellular level,Neroli essential oil Great for eliminating wrinkles, scars and stretch marks. Any skin condition caused or related to stress shows a strong response to Neroli essential oil therapy because... the latter has excellent smoothing and soothing properties. The oil can also be used to eliminate conditions caused by a bacterial nature: rashes, irritation, redness. ( 6 )

6. Used as an anticonvulsant

Seizures are mainly caused by changes in the electrical activity of the brain. Such changes can lead to noticeable, dramatic symptoms - or be asymptomatic. Symptoms of severe cramps are well known and include convulsive contractions of the body's muscles and loss of body control.
A recent study conducted in 2014 sought to examine the anticonvulsant effects of Neroli essential oil. The result of the study was the understanding thatNeroli essential oil contains biologically active components with anticonvulsant properties, which allows the oil to be used in a complex of anticonvulsant measures. ( 7 )

12 Ways to Use Neroli Essential Oil

100% natural Neroli essential oil can be purchased on the “market” both in pure, 100% form, and diluted in a base oilJojoba or friend. Which option to choose is up to you, depending on the purpose of using the oil, and, of course, your budget for the product.
In general, pure neroli smells stronger and is a smarter choice for home perfume (to create a neroli perfume), or for use in an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser. aromatherapy However, if you plan to use the oil for skin therapy, purchasing a ready-made mixture of essential oil and carrier oil is a good option. -- aroma roller
If you have already purchased 100% natural Neroli essential oil, here are some tips for using it daily:

1. Clear your head and de-stress

Bring a bottle of Neroli essential oil close to your nose and take a deep breath when getting ready for work or, conversely, leaving it. You can’t imagine how easy and stress-free travel through traffic jams or rush hour on the subway can be.

2. Sweet dreams

Place one drop on a rolled cotton ball and tuck it inside your pillow and enjoy magical aroma, which in no time will take you to the land of dreams and castles in the air, as if in childhood.

3. Acne treatment

Because Neroli has strong antimicrobial properties and is an excellent choice for creating a home remedy for acne. Wet the cotton pad and squeeze it to ensure a more even distribution of the essential oil inside the pad through the surface tension of the water. Add a few drops of 100% natural Neroli essential oil. Wipe problem areas once a day until completely cured.

4. Purifies the air

Use an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser to spray oil in the air of a room (residential or office) to cleanse the air of bacteria and saturate it with a wonderful aroma.

5. Relieves stress

To eliminate naturally such unpleasant phenomena like overexcitation, depression, hysteria, panic, shock states caused by stress, use 3-4 drops of 100% natural Neroli essential oil dissolved in a tablespoon of salt, honey or carrier oil for next appointment body baths or foot baths.

6. Relieves headaches

Use a couple of drops of Neroli oil in a hot or cold compress to relieve headaches, especially those caused by pressure.

7. Reduces blood pressure

Using Neroli oil in an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser (or directly inhaling from a bottle) helps reduce both blood pressure and cortisol levels in the blood, as evidenced by the studies mentioned above.

8. Neroli essential oil for face

Mix 1-2 drops of 100% natural Neroli essential oil with cream base for face or base oil (Argan or Jojoba ) and apply with a cotton pad with massaging movements before going to bed. Using neroli essential oil on the face will tighten the skin, even out the microrelief and eliminate fine wrinkles.

9. Relieve PMS Symptoms

To relieve menstrual cramps, add 2-3 drops (pre-applied to 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt) to your morning shower routine. It is best to scatter the salt away from the drain hole to prolong the effect.

10. Natural anticonvulsant

2-3 drops of neroli oil in a diffuser or 4-5 drops in a base oil for massage will help you get rid of various problems associated with the intestinal tract - diarrhea, nervous dyspepsia, pain in the lower abdomen.

11. Neroli oil for hair

The use of Neroli essential oil in masks for the scalp allows you to renew epidermal cells, accelerate the regeneration and growth of new cells around the hair follicles, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the scalp.

12. Reduces stretch marks

Add a couple of drops of Neroli essential oil to a cream, lotion or carrier oil to significantly reduce stretch marks and also reduce the number of broken capillaries on the skin.

Recipes with Neroli essential oil

If you decide to use neroli essential oil in a composition with other oils (essential), please note that the oil mixes well with essential oils:Chamomile Pharmacy And Roman , Clary Sage , Ginger , Cedar , Lemon , Marjoram , Mandarin ,Mirra , Mint , Patchouli , Sandalwood White And Pine .

Use neroli oil in this easy recipe for making deodorant at home! Inexpensive to make, this deodorant will absolutely not contain any of the industrial chemicals used in commercial deodorant production. The deodorant you prepare can have both a feminine and masculine “aroma pattern.”

DIY natural deodorant [RECIPE]

Cooking time: 5 minutes
Number of uses: 30-90


120 ml Rosemary , Bergamot
Empty containers for deodorants


1. Place coconut butter in a bowl with high rims (a salad bowl works well)
2. Melt in a water bath
3. Add soda, mix thoroughly
4. Add essential oils
5. Fill deodorant containers with the mixture.

Do you want to enjoy the scent of neroli throughout the day? Try this simple, two-step, two-part recipe that takes just two minutes to prepare and results in a great, fragrant body and indoor air spray.

Homemade room and body spray [RECIPE]

Cooking time: 2 minutes


120ml distilled water
25 drops Neroli essential oil


1. Mix oil and water in a spray bottle
2. Shake thoroughly.
3. Spray on clothing, skin, bedding or just in the air in the room.

In the GUNNA online store you can buy neroli oil in the following packaging: 1ml, 2.5ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml, 30ml and 50ml.
Unlike neroli oil in a pharmacy, in the GUNNA online store, neroli oil is only 100% natural, which eliminates the possibility of purchasing synthetic neroli essential oil, which you can most likely find in a pharmacy at a low price.
Also, the store’s assortment includesNeroli hydrolate , the so-called Neroli flower water (sometimes also called Neroli fragrant water)

You can buy 100% natural Neroli essential oil

Possible side effects from the use of neroli essential oil
As always, standard precautions should be taken when using 100% natural essential oils - never use undiluted essential oils on the skin, especially when it comes to contact with mucous membranes. Do not take neroli essential oil orally unless directly advised by your healthcare professional. As with all essential oils, keep neroli oil out of the reach of children.
Before using neroli oil on your skin, do a patch test. Neroli essential oil is non-toxic and non-phototoxic, however a patch test is a requirement (as well as common sense:) If the patch test fails, unfortunately you will have to stop using Neroli essential oil.

Even in ancient times, neroli essential oil was considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, increasing sensuality and enhancing potency. This essential oil was a symbol of beauty and was used in cosmetology.


A little about neroli oil

In appearance, neroli oil is a light yellow or golden-colored liquid with a pleasant, fresh, floral aroma. It is obtained by steam distillation or extraction with volatile solvents from orange flowers (Seville orange or bigardia, rue family). When exposed to light, the liquid acquires an orange-red color and darkens over time. It is most effective to combine neroli oil with citrus oils (lime, orange and lemon), but coniferous oils, rosemary, mint, and juniper are suitable.

Beneficial properties of neroli essential oil

  • is an aphrodisiac, has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems;
  • has a cardiotonic and antisclerotic effect;
  • oil accelerates blood circulation;
  • has antiviral and restorative properties;
  • has a decongestant and diuretic effect;
  • inherent antiseptic and bactericidal properties;
  • has anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • the oil has calming, relaxing, antispasmodic and analgesic properties;
  • antidepressant drug;
  • activates cell regeneration;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • the oil has rejuvenating properties, especially useful for dry and tired skin;
  • effective against stretch marks and cellulite;
  • the oil fights redness and irritation of the skin, rosacea, and skin diseases;
  • is an excellent deodorant.

The use of neroli essential oil in treatment

Thanks to a huge number healing properties, neroli essential oil is widely used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It perfectly helps with respiratory viral infections, improves conditions with influenza, diseases of the nasopharynx of an infectious-inflammatory nature, providing a general healing effect on the body.

When used systematically, essential oil eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the heart, significantly improves coronary blood flow, prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques, is used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, cardioneurosis, tachycardia, heart spasms, hemorrhages, angina pectoris, and in the therapy of vegetative dysfunction. -vascular dystonia, consequences of stroke, headache.

Neroli oil has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, eliminates enzyme deficiency, improves appetite, eliminates spasms of the stomach and intestines, and normalizes the secretion of the digestive organs.

In aromatherapy, neroli oil is also found wide application, including in the treatment of arrhythmias and neuroses. The relaxing aroma of essential oil helps eliminate insomnia, nervous, depressive and mental disorders (neuroses, obsessive fears, stress, hysteria, restlessness, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, overwork, etc.).

For women's health, neroli essential oil is also useful, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, fights frigidity, stimulates sexual desire, eliminates the symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome, normalizes menstrual cycle.

This essential oil is a popular means of scenting rooms.

Video: Useful properties and uses of neroli oil.

Ways to use neroli essential oil


Inhalation of volatile components of essential oil seems to be the most effective way prevention and treatment of various ailments. Neroli oil activates the internal reserves of the human body and helps maintain good health. The recommended dosage of essential oil for an aroma lamp is 4-7 drops per 15 m2.

Inhalation and air aromatization.

When inhaled through inhalation, the aromatic components of the oil reach certain points in the nasal mucosa, stimulate the production of impulses that send signals to certain parts of the cerebral cortex, thereby influencing the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. At the same time, neroli oil acts directly on the respiratory organs, stopping the development of inflammatory or stagnant processes. For these purposes, neroli oil is taken in an amount of 1-3 drops, the procedure is carried out for no more than 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Aromatic baths, use in baths and saunas.

With this method, neroli oil affects the entire surface of the skin, quickly penetrates the lymphatic network, affecting all human organs. Baths can be hot, cold, sitz, for hands or feet; in any case, the essential oil should be mixed with an emulsifier (cream, milk, honey, sea salt) and then added to the water. There is no need to rinse after taking a bath; the skin should be blotted lightly with a towel. For one bath you should take 7 drops of essential oil. The duration of the procedure can be up to 25-30 minutes, but you need to start with 5 minutes.

For baths and saunas, neroli essential oil should be diluted in water (3 drops of essential oil per 0.5 liters of water), in the first case, pour the solution over the stove, and in the second, over hot stones.


This method involves applying medicinal compress over the problematic organ, as a result, the active components of the essential oil penetrate the lymph flow and act directly on the diseased organ, providing a decongestant, antispasmodic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Compresses can be cold or hot. For the procedure, take 7 drops of ether per 10 ml of base (fatty) oil. Soak a cotton cloth in the solution, squeeze it a little and apply it to the area over the diseased organ. You can keep the compress for 30 minutes to two hours, start small, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure.

Massage and rubbing.

Massage ensures quick penetration useful components oils into the human body. As a result, the procedure has a positive effect on the condition and health of the skin, has a positive effect on blood circulation, digestion, and generally improves overall condition and well-being. For acupressure Prepare a mixture: one drop of essential oil to one drop of vegetable oil (base).

Rubbing has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and breathing, eliminates inflammatory processes in muscles, nerves and connective tissues. For rubbing, take 4-7 drops of neroli oil per 10 ml of vegetable oil.

The use of neroli essential oil in cosmetology

Neroli oil has also found its use in home cosmetology, in facial, body and hair care. It is a means of preventing and treating spider veins, stretch marks, cellulite, tightens and smoothes the skin, relieves irritation, improves complexion, and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Suitable for any type, but especially useful in caring for dry and mixed type skin, as well as tired skin. Thanks to its regenerating ability, neroli oil promotes the rapid healing of cracks, wounds and other skin damage, fights herpes, acne, spots due to stress, as well as skin diseases (eczema, dermatoses).

The simplest use of neroli oil is to enrich finished cosmetics (masks, creams, tonics). For one-time use, take 2 drops of ether. A more natural skin care option is to add neroli oil to a natural base (vegetable) oil (2 drops of essential component per 1 tablespoon of base). This mixture can be used as a nourishing night cream or as an anti-aging mask. The composition of the mask can be very different. Concentrated, that is, undiluted, neroli oil cannot be applied to the skin! The exception is cases of targeted use, for example, the treatment of acne or herpes.

Neroli oil has a good effect on hair condition and scalp health, fights dandruff, and gives natural shine to hair. The product can be added to ready-made shampoo and conditioners, made at home masks (for 1 tablespoon of base suitable for the hair problem, take 2-3 drops of essential oil), use “aroma combing” (2 drops of oil on a wooden comb).

Neroli oil can be used to care for nails and cuticles by rubbing it into the nail bed.

Neroli essential oil for children

Can be used in children to eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, improve sleep, eliminate tension and anxiety. For use in an aroma lamp, the dosage of oil is 1 drop per 10-15 m2 of room area. For massage (light strokes clockwise around the navel), prepare a mixture with neroli oil - 2-3 drops of ether per 10 ml of plant base.

Contraindications to the use of neroli oil

  1. Pregnancy 2-3 trimester.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Individual intolerance.
  4. The drug is contraindicated for use in newborns and infants.

Due to its high relaxing effect, neroli oil is contraindicated for use in cases where concentration and clarity of thought are necessary.

Storage conditions

Essential oil should be stored in tightly sealed dark glass containers at room temperature in a place out of direct sunlight.

Surely everyone who is interested in aromatherapy sessions is familiar with the product neroli, and especially the essential oil that is obtained from it. Everyone else should know that neroli is not some independent fruit or product. This is the name given to an exclusively oily liquid that is obtained from the flowers of the familiar orange. Today this term is also called tangerine or lemon oil. To obtain 800 ml of oil, almost a ton of material is needed, which explains the rarity of this product and its rather high cost.

So, neroli essential oil is obtained from the flowers of citrus plants, the use of which in cosmetology, the benefits and reviews about it we will consider further. I’ll say right away that the reviews about this product will immediately make you want to try it. miraculous properties on myself. We’ll tell you how to do this further.

Beneficial properties of neroli essential oil

Regardless of which tree is used as the raw material to obtain the product, there is only one manufacturing method - using steam distillation. The finished product is very popular, and here's why:

He is excellent antidepressant, which even experienced doctors agree with. Neroli perfectly fights depression, eliminates panic and anxiety.
Used as an effective aphrodisiac. It is suitable for both sexes and helps two partners to get into an intimate mood.
Has a healing effect and restores heartbeat, helps eliminate arrhythmia;
Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, being an excellent addition to the main medicines;
Accelerates regenerative processes at the cellular level, due to which scars, cicatrices and stretch marks become almost invisible on the skin, and spider veins disappear.
When used in hair care, it gives strength, makes it thicker and stronger;
When applied to facial skin, it has a rejuvenating, smoothing, nourishing effect;
Helps normalize female hormonal levels;
It has a mild diuretic effect, which helps relieve swelling.

Let's just say this is a very specific product. Therefore, before you get it and start using it, pay attention to some features:

The product is not phototoxic - this means that, unlike some other products, after using it you can be shown outside and in the open sun;
- it is better not to use during pregnancy;
- not recommended for use by those who have undergone chemotherapy;
- the product has a hypnotic effect, so when doing work that requires high concentration and attention, it is better not to use it.

Be sure to dilute neroli oil before use. As usual with most esters, you need to take a base, carrier oil, cream, shampoo or lotion. The aromas of neroli and sandalwood, bergamot, mint, geranium, lavender and rosemary are ideally combined.

Essential oil of neroli in cosmetology

If you have already decided to spend money and purchase valuable ether, then, judging by the reviews, you will very soon be convinced that this purchase was not in vain. This concentrate with a strong aroma is useful in facial skin care. Do you suffer from active sebaceous glands? Then neroli oil will reduce skin oiliness. Do you experience discomfort from excessively dry skin? The purchased product will perfectly moisturize her. Well, if the skin looks tired, flabby or inflamed, then the use of neroli will get rid of all noticeable signs of fatigue or lack of vitamins.

Mask for the areas around the eyes: take any vegetable oil (olive or corn) as a base, add two drops of sandalwood oil and, of course, neroli. You can also use jojoba ether. Soak a napkin or cotton swab with the resulting mixture and apply to your face for 15 minutes. After this, rinse off the remaining oils well with warm water.

For oily skin: you will need 20 ml of almond oil, a drop of neroli, eucalyptus, mint and orange. If the skin is very oily, then you can increase the amount of lemon ether to 4-5 drops. Soak cotton wool in the composition, wipe the skin of the face, making massage movements. Then leave the oil on your face for another 20 minutes.

If the skin is too dry: use a teaspoon as a base. olive oil, add 0.5 teaspoon of honey and raw egg white. Add 2 drops of neroli oil and 1 drop of carrot oil into the mixture. To get a thick consistency, you need to add a little dry milk powder into the product. Apply to skin as a mask, leave to absorb for 20 minutes.

To make a rejuvenating mask, take 2-3 drops of neroli oil and a little white clay. Apply the mask to your face, relax and lie down for 15-20 minutes. Feel what a pleasant aroma emanates, think about something good. Then rinse off the product and pat dry with a dry cloth without rubbing your face. This remedy perfectly fights spider veins and leaves no trace of rashes and irritations.

Neroli essential oil - reviews

In many reviews, the aroma of essential oil is characterized as “not for everyone”: the smell of ordinary cigarettes and a smoky entrance. It is worth mentioning that this oil is included in the Chanel No. 5 composition!

One of those who used it recommended using it as an air freshener. Place a dozen drops into a spray bottle, shake and then spray. She also added a few drops of oil to the clay mask. The face did not turn red, it wanted the skin and tingled for the entire 10 minutes while the clay was on the face. She did not notice any effect from the oil. The clay mask worked as usual.

One of the reviewers mentioned that the price at which it is sold clearly does not correspond to what it should be after squeezing a ton of flowers, clearly hinting to everyone that most likely the oil is not natural, and therefore its effects cannot be detected.

So, summing up the reviews, we can conclude that buying neroli essential oil from a normal manufacturer will be an excellent investment in your own beauty. This is a miracle remedy that will make you look luxurious and attractive.

The instructions for any essential oil contain a note: use it only if you like the smell. Neroli, extracted from bitter orange flowers, has a citrus aroma, with a woody bitterness, light and unobtrusive - but substitute analogues can cause a headache. The olfactory receptors will not be deceived - you should listen to them when choosing an oil for home therapy; after all, your beauty and health depend on the quality of the ether.

Neroli oil - history of origin

Neroli oil is obtained from the flowers of bitter orange (orange), which originally grew in Southeast Asia, and then expanded its habitat to several continents. The bitter orange is cultivated today mainly in Sicily, Puerto Rica, Jamaica and Brazil. The fruits are processed in production - bitter orange oil is obtained from the fresh peel by cold pressing, the leaves are used to prepare petitgrain oil, and precious neroli oil, one of the most expensive, is obtained from the fragrant flowers.

Bitter orange flowers are collected and sorted by hand - almost a ton of them is needed to obtain 1 g of oil.

From 1 ton of orange flowers, approximately 800 g of essence is obtained, so the price of natural ether is not 100–150 rubles, as in a pharmacy, but approximately 5,000 rubles per 10 ml.

The technology for producing neroli oil has been known since the 17th century, and the name itself, attributed to the representative of the noble family of Italians Neroli - Anna Maria - has been around since the 12th century. The recipe of the ancient perfume has been preserved: it turned out that already in 1680 perfumers knew this aroma, and perfumes with a note of citrus in the composition were available to a few - due to their high cost. In Asia, where bitter orange has always grown, the extraction of essential oil was mastered even earlier, in the Middle Ages: it was also used to make cosmetics. In Venice, by the 17th century, a recipe for obtaining aromatic water was discovered - much more accessible than that of European perfumers of that time: clean water was poured into jugs, bitter orange flowers were placed there, and the infusion was used for ablutions and for medicinal purposes. In the Victorian era, the oil was added to smelling salts to treat melancholy with its invigorating scent. Then it turned out that orange water - the Venetians insisted on it to cleanse the body - is also suitable for cooking, gradually even recipes appeared, where the obligatory ingredient is 3-5 drops of neroli oil.

Flowers are collected at the beginning of flowering and freshly subjected to steam distillation: the output is from 1 kg of processed raw materials 1 g of essential oil and a by-product - orange blossom, orange water, which is still added to perfumery with a floral note, as a flavoring agent for food and pharmaceutical production. Neroli water, as it is also called, is not the final product of aroma production. At the second stage, an extract of ether or concrete is obtained from it, in order to then dilute it in alcohol and obtain a concentrate from it - absolute, a reddish-brown liquid with strong odor orange flowers. The calculation is approximately this: from half a ton of petals, 1 kg of concrete and about 0.5 kg of absolute are extracted - this is the substance that perfumers need to create elite branded perfumes.

Characteristics and properties

Neroli oil is colorless or pale yellow, transparent with a tart aroma. Characterized by pulsating bitter notes: the top notes are woody, cool, then warm sunflower reveals itself, and the base note is a candy aroma, hot and invigorating. The oil will not leave burns, so it is permissible to use it externally in its pure form - to treat skin infections and internally in a diluted form. Neroli evaporates easily; it belongs to the group of highly volatile esters with a high concentration of saturated vapor when transitioning into a gaseous state. Due to this property, the oil is actively used in aromatherapy.

Due to its high cost, oil is often falsified, and in order to detect a fake, at one time there was a requirement that the finished oil must harden. Then they proved that even natural oil does not always harden - this evaluation criterion was abandoned, and there is no new, publicly available one.

Neroli oil is often falsified due to its high cost.

Other oils are added to the pure extract, which are lower in price, for example, or individual components of these oils, tasteless and odorless, or synthetic substances are taken. IN best case scenario An extract of flower water, which is obtained during steam distillation, will hit the market. Of course, this composition also has beneficial properties, especially if the additives are of natural origin: oil is used:

  • as an antibacterial and antiviral agent, stimulates the immune system, helping the body cope with infections;
  • as an expectorant, treats phlegm and cleanses the lungs;
  • as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent;
  • How antispasmodic, helps to remove muscle tension and prevents spasms;
  • as a sedative, reliever nervous excitement means;
  • as a cleanser, helps remove toxins from the body;
  • as a regenerating agent that restores tissue structure.

Neroli oil is not phototoxic and does not increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. The conclusion of IFRA, the International Perfume Association, confirms that it has no restrictions on its use in perfumery and cosmetics.

Chemical composition and benefits for the skin and the body as a whole

Main components of the oil:

  • Linalool is a substance belonging to the group of terpene alcohols, oxygen-containing organic compounds. They are non-toxic and have a strong aroma. Linalool, for example, has a distinct lily of the valley scent;
  • linalyl acetate is an ester of linalool and acetic acid, belonging to terpenoids, chemical compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Terpenoids give oils valuable medicinal properties: bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory;
  • pinene - hydrocarbon, natural antiseptic and an antibiotic with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects;
  • limonene - a hydrocarbon, a compound with a noticeable citrus aroma, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system;
  • geraniol - an alcohol belonging to the group of terpenoids, has a strong aroma, has a bactericidal effect and works as a stimulant of the immune system;
  • nerol is an alcohol of the terpenoid group that creates the top aromatic note of the oil;
  • methyl anthanilate, anthranilic acid methyl ester with an orange blossom odor.

Neroli essential oil has a general strengthening effect - supports the immune system, stimulates blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Helps to cure skin diseases, relieve swelling, has anti-aging properties, but is suitable not only for aging skin, but also for everyday skin care of any type, as well as hair. The oil is also used in the treatment of diseases associated with emotional disturbances; it helps to relax and relieves insomnia. The use of oil has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and reproductive systems, neroli is an oil predominantly for women and treats premenstrual syndrome and painful manifestations of menopause, helps preserve beauty and attractiveness longer, being an aphrodisiac, stimulates erotic desire.

According to GOST, the box and label must contain information about the composition - what percentage of natural essential oil is contained in the product and the country of origin; additional information is at the discretion of the manufacturer

Types of oil: what to look for

Of the products that are on the domestic market, neroli bigarade can be considered a truly high-quality product - this mark is on the label: it indicates that the ether is obtained from the flowers of Seville orange. Place of production: Spain. Neroli from Portugal is slightly lower in price; it is not a fake, but it is made from a different variety of orange - sweet, which the manufacturer does not hide. In general, the list is limited to two items. For real good oil produced in the south of France, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and retained production in China. French oil is considered the best in quality, it has the most subtle aroma, the rest are somewhat coarser, but their quality is not comparable to the pharmacy products we are used to.

Neroli bigarade is one of two types of imported oil that can be found on the Russian market

How to choose

Most of the oils from the affordable price segment, which are produced under the name neroli, are fake: as indicated, 100% natural cosmetic oil is actually a mixture of tangerine and lemon oils, and it’s good if they are natural. Which, again, is rare, because this is not the first woman to share complaints about manufacturers on forums. They complain that the oil gives the exact opposite effect to what is stated in the instructions, most often as a result of failed aromatherapy. They tell how they lit oil in a lamp, hoping that their headaches would go away in the evening. Of course, the result was the opposite: the pungent smell was difficult to bear for more than 20 minutes, then windows opened, and disappointed customers tried to find other uses for the oil - they took a bath with it or rinsed their clothes. Attempts to use the oil as an aphrodisiac turned out to be no less disappointing: the pungent smell of citrus fruits, alas, did not arouse any attraction in the partner. If the domestic version of neroli really contains tangerine and lemon oils, then the best option is to mix them yourself: you can use ready-made ones, they are cheaper and less likely to be adulterated, or you can squeeze out the oil at home. It turned out that this is possible.

How to make oil at home - video

Sometimes essential oil is diluted in base oil, then relatively low price will be justified. Such products are not fake, because an honest manufacturer will always write that the bottle contains 90% jojoba oil and only 10% neroli: and the choice in favor of a natural oil mixture will be much more correct than pure oil of unknown origin. Sometimes pharmacies sell a ready-made elixir - a composition of several essential oils, which together bring more benefits than when used separately. They are mixed, of course, also in base oil, an example of this healing composition: manuka, kanuka, tea tree.

How to store

There are no special storage conditions for neroli oil. It is produced in dark glass tubes, and is usually left in them during use. The lid should be kept tightly closed, and the oil should be placed in a place protected from light and heat; it is convenient to keep it in the refrigerator. It is usually stored for a year. A standard volume of 10 ml is enough for six months to a year, and there is no point in buying oil in packaging larger than 10 or even 15 ml, as some do, hoping to take it with a reserve so that it will be useful later. Usually, after a year there is no benefit from broadcasting, even from the highest quality, so the money will be thrown away. Expensive oils, including neroli, can be produced in 1-2 ml containers; there is no dispenser for them. If the manufacturer indicated that the oil can be stored for longer than 2 years, it is most likely synthesized.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Neroli essential oil is contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to the components, so before use you should carefully read the composition and conduct an allergy test: if the oil does not cause irritation on the elbow/wrist, where the skin is delicate, you can use it, preferably, of course, in a diluted form - either in base oil, or in cosmetics, or in water, because sensitive skin It is possible, although unlikely, that burns may occur from overuse.

Neroli rarely causes burns, especially severe ones, it is not a hot oil, but caution is a good idea

During pregnancy, you should limit yourself to aromatherapy sessions; baths, compresses and taking oil inside should be avoided.

The product is contraindicated for newborns and children under 5 years of age.

The use of neroli should be limited in cases where concentration and a fresh mind are needed; the oil is more suitable for evening relaxation sessions.

Instructions for use

Compared to other essential oils, the average dose of neroli is higher, even in its pure form. That is, an allergy test is required. Feelings should also be trusted - when the permissible concentration of an aromatic substance is exceeded, it begins to cause suffocation, heaviness in the chest and headache, even if the oil itself is expensive and High Quality. The recommended dosages are:

  • To make your house smell nice, add oil to the aroma lamp at the rate of 3-5 drops per 15 square meters. m, then the dose can be increased slightly, up to 7 drops. Use for conditions of anxiety, melancholy, fear, nervous tension, insomnia, impotence and frigidity;
  • for oral administration, add 5 drops for every 0.5 liter of liquid, if you are going to take the oil with a drink, if you are preparing a dish, follow the recipe. You can eat 1 tbsp. l honey, “seasoned” with 3 drops of neroli;
  • when using oil for treatment, strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations: for therapeutic inhalations, 2-3 drops of oil are enough; to prepare a healing bath, dilute 5–7 drops in 1 tbsp. l emulsifier (milk, bath salt). Take a bath for stomach upsets, in a state of stress, depression, to stimulate sexual desire, for smoothness and softness of the skin. The duration of the procedure is no more than 30 minutes, you will understand by the sensations that the skin begins to burn. After the bath there is no need to rinse, just dry off with a dry towel;
  • to prepare compresses, lotions and wraps, mix several essential oils (then 1 drop of neroli is enough) with a base oil;
  • to care for skin, nails and hair, also mix neroli with base oil or add it to cream, shampoo, gel to improve the effect of cosmetics (2-3 drops per 1 tbsp);
  • refreshes the skin and improves complexion ice: for preparing it per glass mineral water without gas, add 5 ml of milk (cream), 5 drops of neroli, squeeze half a lemon, mix everything and pour into molds. Every morning, massage your face along the massage lines with ice cubes for a minute, repeat the procedure every day. This massage helps, among other things, against rosacea;
  • To treat rashes, infections and skin irritation, make applications: in 1 tbsp. l of base oil, add 5-6 drops of neroli, soak a cotton pad in the oil mixture and apply to problem areas. Leave for 15 minutes each time until the mixture is absorbed. Such applications smooth out scars and stretch marks;
  • for diseases of the oral cavity, rinse by dissolving 1 drop of neroli in a glass warm water, you can rub a mixture into sore gums: neroli + olive oil in equal parts;
  • from nervous diseases, impotence, frigidity, massage with neroli oil will help: to prepare the oil mixture, 3-5 drops per 1 tbsp are enough. l base, base oil or cream.

Neroli oil is used both in pure form and as part of an oil mixture.

Use of neroli oil in medicine

Neroli is invaluable for solving any nervous problems, chronic and temporary anxiety (even panic attacks), eliminates depression and creates a feeling of euphoria.


Proponents of aromatherapy are of the opinion that body diseases, if not all, then many, occur from overexcitation, disturbances in emotional balance and malfunctions of the nervous system. The connection, of course, is not direct - indirect, but treatment with essential oils is not aimed at restoring tissues and organs, this is the task official medicine. Aromatherapy, acting on the central nervous system, restores balance in the body - diseases arise when constantly occurring biological processes are not synchronized. A constant and uncontrolled release of hormones into the blood, for example, causes a person to feel a sense of danger, he begins to panic - and this is a signal to the brain: the heart begins to beat faster, nausea sets in and it seems as if an attack is about to happen. This is how the first signs of future problems appear: neuroses, diseases of the cardiovascular system, how side symptoms- regular panic attacks.

Imagine that for no reason you suddenly feel a feeling of fear, excitement, impending danger - each new attack again provokes the release of adrenaline. It turns out to be a vicious circle, from which it takes months to get out of it with the help of several specialists - a neurologist, a psychiatrist, a therapist. The problem can be solved if we restore the regulatory mechanism in the body, establish a control system for which the central nervous system is responsible, and weaken the dependence of physiology on emotional shocks. Stress happens every day, but losing your health because of it is completely wrong. Essential oils are recognized as auxiliary means of treatment, and procedures additional to the main course of treatment are not considered quackery. Although, when trying to treat yourself, without consulting a doctor, not following dosages, or violating the rules of compatibility of oils, there is a certain risk of worsening your condition. To avoid this, it is better to go for a consultation once again.

Aromatherapy improves the functioning of the body's main systems

Area of ​​influence of essential oil on the body - table

Body systemsThe result of aromatherapy
Nervous systemRestores after experienced shock, relieves irritation, calms, treats insomnia, helps to get out of depression.
Respiratory systemHelps relieve symptoms of respiratory viral diseases, flu, runny nose.
The cardiovascular systemStrengthens the walls of blood vessels, is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, vegetative-vascular dystonia, normalizes blood circulation, including cerebral circulation, and helps recover after a stroke.
The immune systemGeneral strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.
Digestive systemStimulates the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms, helps replenish enzyme deficiency, and improve appetite.
Endocrine systemNormalizes the production of some female hormones, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands, stimulates sexual desire, helps in the fight against impotence and frigidity.
Genitourinary systemRelieves symptoms of premenstrual and climacteric syndrome.
Integumentary systemRelieves skin irritation, treats skin diseases, improves the condition of problematic and aging skin.

General health and normal well-being naturally provide a surge of energy and good mood, and form other healthy addictions and habits.

Neroli oil for respiratory viral infections

Neroli oil can be used for respiratory viral diseases in the form of inhalations and aroma baths. The properties of esters are known to stop inflammatory processes, destroy microbes and remove phlegm from respiratory tract. True, in its pure form, neroli will probably only be useful for children over 5 years old - to prevent colds, they can be given to breathe the vapors of this relatively safe oil. Inhalations are carried out for no longer than 10–15 minutes 1–2 times a day, combining, if desired, neroli with oils of dill, lavender, chamomile, and rose. Pure oil will not have a noticeable effect on an adult, so it is recommended to use it as part of a mixture if you like the aroma. An emulsifier is prepared for aroma baths: 2 tbsp. l of sea salt, milk or honey add essential oils, only 8-10 drops - selected so that you like the aroma, but it is also important to monitor the compatibility of the oils (see point 7). Water temperature - no higher than 40 o, very hot is not needed.

What broadcasts will be useful:

  • increase resistance to disease, strengthen the immune system: pine, eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, lavender, juniper, cedar, bergamot, sweet orange, tea tree;
  • have a good bactericidal effect: geranium, mint, chamomile, thyme, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, lemon;
  • treat the throat and stop coughing: dill, fennel, pine, cedar, fir, lemon, myrrh.

For massage, you can prepare oil mixtures from the same ingredients, only use apricot, peach, almond oil, avocado or jojoba as a base. In combination with other neroli esters, no more than 1 drop will be needed.

For colds, oil mixtures especially contribute to recovery.

Neroli oil for cardiovascular diseases

Inhaling vapors of essential oils normalizes breathing rate and pulse, blood and eye pressure, and stabilizes the emotional background. All this important indicators: there are deviations from the norm, which means the person is already at risk for heart disease. Any serious illnesses problems in the cardiovascular system begin with initially imperceptible disruptions in the functioning of the body.

Hypertonic disease

Hypertension manifests itself as a sustained increase blood pressure(from 140/90 mm Hg). With a consistently high load on the heart, irreversible changes occur: its size increases, the walls thicken, the vessels narrow and blood flow slows down. The risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease increases. The following will be useful in the aroma lamp and massage: juniper, lemon, ylang-ylang, lavender, geranium, cypress, neroli, as well as mint and rosemary, which help bring blood pressure back to normal.

To improve the health of the body, a mixture is useful: 0.5 cups of olive oil, 10 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of neroli, ylang-ylang and rose. Massages and compresses are done with this composition.


Atherosclerosis refers to vascular diseases, accompanied by narrowing of the arteries due to the formation of deposits on the walls and disruption of blood flow and blood supply to tissues and organs. Treatment of atherosclerosis is aimed at normalizing metabolism, removing cholesterol from the body, and restoring the antioxidant defense system. A massage of the back, neck, shoulders, and limbs with oils will be useful: cypress, neroli, oregano, bergamot, laurel, grapefruit, rosemary, lavender, rose, ylang-ylang. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day or two; the course is 10–12 sessions. You can accompany the treatment with oil inhalations; for 1 time, 5–7 drops of oil in an aroma lamp are enough.

Ischemic disease

Coronary artery disease means that damaged (narrowed) vessels do not deliver enough blood to the heart: the nutrition of the heart muscle is impaired. Painful sensations causes oxygen deficiency in the chest area; the heart has difficulty coping with high loads. With an unfavorable course of the disease, a high risk of myocardial infarction remains. To ease the work of the heart and increase blood flow, a massage with oils of neroli, rose, ylang-ylang, rosemary, mint, incense, geranium, and lavender will be useful.


Arrhythmia is any disturbance in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle: it happens that a person is diagnosed with tachycardia (more than 100 contractions per minute), less often - bradycardia, when the frequency of contractions is 50 or less per minute. Helpful for arrhythmia: neroli, anise, mint, lavender, rose, rosemary - quick way To restore normal rhythm, drop 2-3 drops onto a piece of sugar and place it under your tongue.


Cardioneurosis is a cardiac dysfunction that is accompanied, in addition to a deterioration in general health, by psychosomatic disorders and emotional discomfort. Reason: long-term and constant irritation of the cortical structures of the brain due to personal problems and unsatisfied complexes and desires. Over a long period of time, it significantly increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Useful in diagnosing rubbing cardioneurosis: for 1 tbsp. l Take 7 drops of neroli oil and rub it into the shoulders, neck and limbs. The same method is useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For recovery after stroke and normalization cerebral circulation Aromatherapy with lavender and mint oils is recommended.

For the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, aromatherapy, compresses and massage with essential oils are used.

Neroli oil for the digestive system

Neroli helps restore appetite and normalize the digestive system. Problems with stomach (intestinal) spasms are solved with compresses and cold inhalations. For colic, rubbing with a mixture of oils (of your choice): neroli, basil, cypress, ylang-ylang, anise, lavender, mint, pine, rose, chamomile will help.

For diarrhea and intestinal inflammation, the following is used: essential oils of neroli, orange, cloves, ginger, cypress, juniper, sage, chamomile and sandalwood. Prepare an oil compress: take a quarter glass of almond oil, 5 drops of neroli, the same amount of chamomile, sandalwood, cypress. Mix everything and heat the mixture in a water bath. Moisten a soft natural cloth folded several times in the solution and place the compress on bottom part belly, place a piece of film on top and cover with a warm scarf.

Children who have stomach problems can also breathe in the oil vapors: it is better to light an aroma lamp in the room with 1 drop of neroli oil at night. Will help the child light massage: in 1 tbsp. l sonova oil, dilute 2-3 drops of neroli and apply the mixture around the navel, gently stroking the skin.

For stomach problems, it is useful to light an aroma lamp and make a compress on the stomach

Neroli oil for neuroses

The use of neroli oil is indicated for:

  • obsessive fears,
  • stress,
  • tendency towards hysteria,
  • anxiety,
  • irritability,
  • anxiety,
  • overwork,
  • insomnia.

Any will do usual methods aromatherapy: lamp, bath, sauna, compresses and massage, these procedures will help you relax on their own, but with essential oil they will bring more benefits. It is important to repeat the procedures regularly, alternating and supplementing them: massage, for example, once a week, and use an aroma lamp every other day. It is not necessary to use neroli in its pure form; a combination of 2-4 oils is also quite acceptable, and its aroma is richer.

Neroli oil for endocrine system disorders

When a person inhales essential oil vapor, the olfactory cells transmit a corresponding signal to the brain, more precisely, to the hypothalamus, the center for collecting information about external environment. The force of influence on the body determines the response - in the form of the release of certain hormones into the blood, for which the pituitary gland, the so-called “command post” of the endocrine system, is responsible. Exposure to neroli activates the release of melatonin, the hormone of proper sleep, an antioxidant that is responsible for biorhythms: it is naturally produced at the time when a person is supposed to sleep - from 0 a.m. to 3 a.m. Neroli can be added to the aroma lamp separately or mixed with mint, chamomile, and any citrus oils - they all have a similar effect.

Neroli essential oil stimulates melatonin production and suppresses cortisol release, restoring balance in the body

Taking neroli, on the contrary, suppresses the stress hormone, cortisol, and the body needs this, because in large quantities it depresses immune system, brings a person closer to depression, brings him closer early aging. To minimize the release of cortisol, try to do more frequent treatments with neroli, cedar, lavender, sandalwood, clary sage and frankincense oils.

Neroli oil for frigidity

The hormone testosterone is responsible for sexual desire in women, as in men. Reducing its level - by various reasons- causes loss of interest in sexual life. Among the provoking factors: neuroses, everyday disorders, early and varied sexual experience, due to which a person quickly gets fed up, dissatisfaction in bed or an unsuitable partner. In any case, a woman experiences tension, and the first thing she needs is relaxation. An indispensable procedure for this is an aroma bath (for 2 tablespoons of emulsifier - milk, cream, sea salt, 3 drops of sandalwood, 2 drops of lemon balm, 2 drops of neroli). To stimulate sexual desire, ask for a massage (2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 drops of jasmine, 2 drops of sage, 2 drops of ylang-ylang or another option: for the same amount of base, 2 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of rose, 1 drop ginger), these esters themselves have a stimulating effect, while neroli helps to relax more, but if desired, it can be added.

The first thing a woman suffering from frigidity needs is to relax, the second is to stimulate sexual desire with the help of stimulating aromas

Neroli oil to stimulate sexual desire

Neroli oil is called a natural aphrodisiac: you need very little ether to leave a subtle scent on the skin, forcing your partner to look for the source of this rich aroma, thereby fueling desire. How to do it:

  • take a bath with neroli (you can do it with your partner). Just do not forget to dilute the oil in an emulsifier, it does not dissolve in water, it forms an unpleasant film (you need 2 tablespoons of milk, cream, honey or sea salt) and 2-3 drops of neroli and, if desired, 1-2 drops of any oil: rose, sandalwood, myrrh, jasmine, nutmeg, ylang-ylang. Water temperature - 40°;
  • prepare a perfume based on aphrodisiac essential oils: 4 drops of neroli oil, 4 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 drops of sandalwood, 3 drops of vetiver, 2 drops of bergamot. Add the mixture to base oil at the rate of 1:10, that is, 2 tbsp is enough. l basics. Store perfume in a dark glass container with a tightly closed lid in a cool place;
  • Give your partner a massage with oil. Oil mixture recipe: 2 tbsp. l olive oil, 2 drops jasmine, 2 drops sage, 2 drops ylang-ylang.

Top 5 most powerful aphrodisiac oils - video

Neroli oil for symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome

A woman is often in a state of discomfort before the onset of her period - she experiences chest pain, migraine, pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, increased sensitivity, irritability and tearfulness. The complex of these symptoms is collectively called premenstrual syndrome. With the first signs of PMS It's worth doing aromatherapy.

Will useful massage lower abdomen, hips and lower back with ylang-ylang, mint, patchouli oils, which are diluted in 1 tbsp. l basics. Light stroking, drawing a figure eight, and point pressure on the lower back significantly helps relieve the approaching pain. Massage the pulse points on your wrist or lavender - it will calm you down. Aroma baths with oils will help relax the abdominal muscles and the pain will subside.

Add 2-3 drops of rose or neroli oil to a spray bottle, spray the room a few days before menstruation - cheer yourself up. A handkerchief can be a handy tool if you sprinkle it with the same ethers or drop a little of your favorite oil mixture - an irreplaceable thing on public transport and on a walk. Oils of neroli, bergamot, cypress, blue chamomile, incense, and jasmine will help relieve tension and relax - they can be mixed and dropped into the aroma lamp, 2-4 drops each. Remove from the body excess liquid and accumulation of toxins can be treated with cypress, juniper, clary sage, fennel, and geranium oils. Directions for use: compresses with heated oil mixture, warm aroma baths, individual oils can be taken orally (read the instructions). To reduce breast sensitivity, massage with rose, blue chamomile, ylang-ylang oil, do not forget to dilute the esters in the base oil so as not to cause a burn.

To reduce unpleasant manifestations PMS, you can do a general body massage with essential oils about 10 days before the start of menstruation. You need to use a composition of those oils that help you relax.

Women experience hormonal changes more difficult after the age of 40; this is the approximate time of the onset of menopause and menopausal syndrome. Symptoms: general weakness, frequent headache, temperature changes, rapid heartbeat, problems with urination, joint pain, insomnia, nervous breakdowns. The recommendations are generally the same as for PMS treatment It has been proven that aromatherapy affects the endocrine system, stimulating the production of hormones, including tarragon and progesterone, the level of which sharply decreases during menopause.

Neroli oil to normalize the menstrual cycle

You can regulate your menstrual cycle by regularly using oils of clary sage, mandarin, rose, cypress, neroli, sage, geranium - it is useful to do with them warm compresses and apply them to the lower abdomen. During menstruation, both during their normal course and when they deviate from the norm, do not forget about the most effective female method treatment - massage of the lower abdomen. A mixture of rose, mint and sage oils helps - 2 drops per 2 tbsp. l base, suitable for massage and neroli separately or in a mixture - but it is more suitable for relieving pain and cramps during and before menstruation.

To reduce pain and sleep peacefully at night, use a heating pad: plastic bottle pour hot water so as not to burn the skin, wrap it in a towel sprinkled with a few drops of lavender or neroli oil. Apply a heating pad to your stomach, the pain will subside.

At scanty discharge, healthy baths; 4-5 drops of chamomile, sage, rosemary, lavender, juniper oil per 2 tbsp. l emulsifier (milk or sea salt) or abdominal massage with the same esters. With heavy menstruation, in order not to increase bleeding, juniper, sage, basil, dill, rosemary, and myrrh oils are contraindicated.

Foot baths with citrus oils will help if you are worried about hot flashes. Add 20 drops of your favorite oil to 3-4 liters of warm water and soak your feet for 15-20 minutes before going to bed.

Add any citrus oil to the water and soak your feet in it - if you are bothered by hot flashes, the problem will go away

Use of neroli essential oil in everyday life

Almost any essential oil can be used in everyday life, and for home use it does not necessarily have to be expensive. In general, the criterion for choosing is that all residents of the apartment (house) like the smell.

How to use:

  • For aromatizing the room. Fill a spray bottle with water, add 2-3 drops of oil and spray the room, being careful not to get it on the furniture. The air will be fresh for the next 2 hours. Another option is to periodically drip essential oil onto an aromatic mixture; these are made from dried flowers and leaves, but over time they lose their scent. A piece of cotton wool sprinkled with oil can be the source of your favorite aroma. Place it in an inconspicuous place - behind a painting, for example, or a photograph on the table. Ventilate the room; you shouldn’t always feel an aroma in the air, even the most pleasant one - you need to take a break from it, at least for a couple of hours.
  • For scenting clothes and linen and as a moth repellent. Prepare a sachet: it’s not difficult, just put dried flower petals, pine needles, twigs into a small fabric bag and flavor it (add 5 drops of oil to 1 teaspoon of alcohol and soak the contents). You can do it simpler: soak cotton wool in oil and put it in a plastic bag, make small holes on the sides and put the bag in a closet or chest of drawers.
  • For washing and rinsing. Add 2 drops of ether to the conditioner, the fabric will be saturated with the desired aroma. There is no need to pour pure oil into the air conditioning compartment; after all, it is a good solvent and can spoil the plastic. After spinning the laundry, you can drop 7-8 drops onto kitchen towels and put them in the dryer with the laundry. If you rinse by hand, do not forget to dilute the oil in an emulsifier; sea salt (1 tbsp) will do. While ironing, you can pour water with added essential oil into the iron with a steamer.

Essential oil is a natural flavoring agent for air in the home, linen, and clothing.

Neroli oil in cosmetology

A knowledgeable woman will always keep neroli oil at home - not in the medicine cabinet, but in her cosmetic bag. For what:

  • For skin, use an oil mixture - 1 tbsp. l base 2-3 drops of neroli, which:
    • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
    • reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands;
    • tightens pores;
    • prevents the appearance of rashes and fights infections;
    • treats skin diseases;
    • relieves irritation;
    • improves blood circulation and nutrition of dermal tissues.
  • for hair, add 2 drops of oil to shampoo (conditioner) or apply to a comb to:
    • stop hair loss;
    • cure dandruff;
    • strengthen the hair structure;
    • make hair smooth and shiny;
    • get rid of the feeling of dryness and itching.
  • To care for nails, neroli in its pure form is rubbed into the nail plates to make them stronger, and into the cuticles to soften the skin, prevent inflammation and get rid of hangnails.

Oil mixtures replace skin, hair and nail care products for some women

Neroli oil for hair

Neroli oil is good to add to shampoo or conditioner, home masks (2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon of base), drip a little onto a wooden comb before combing your hair. It is useful to perform a scalp massage with neroli - the oil is non-greasy and is easily washed off, and circular movements along the entire perimeter of hair growth bring real benefits - it improves blood supply to the hair follicles, stimulates hair growth and as a additional effect- helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands if it is disrupted. Hair health is determined by its appearance: shiny, silky and soft to the touch - you have no problems. You can include essential oil in your care products for prevention.

Useful masks with neroli oil - table

Hair problemSolution
Weak hair prone to lossMassage your scalp with oil mask(2 tbsp base, 5 drops geranium, 5 drops lavender, 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops neroli, 1 drop ylang-ylang).
Hair is weakened and splits easilyMix 4 drops each of neroli, lavender and geranium with 2 tbsp. l base, rub the mixture into the roots, cover with a bag or film and a towel on top, leave for half an hour. Wash off warm water with shampoo, thoroughly washing the roots.
Dandruff, dry scalpMix 1 tbsp. l wheat germ and sunflower oil, add 4 drops of neroli, apply over the entire area of ​​the head without rubbing. Cover with film, a towel on top, and after half an hour wash your hair with shampoo.

Neroli for face

Neroli oil is suitable for skin care of any type.

Neroli oil in all possible combinations is suitable for skin care of any type

Skin care with oil - table

Skin type/problemRecipe for using oil
Normal skin, for daily careFor 1 tbsp. l almond oil or jojoba oil, add 2 drops of neroli, 1 drop of mint, 1 drop of rosewood. The skin must be cleansed before applying the mixture; applying the mask is useful in the morning and evening. Remove any oil that is not absorbed with a napkin.
Normal skin, for protection against coldAs a nourishing cream, you can use neroli oil diluted in a carrier oil (2 drops per 1 tbsp). It is useful to apply the same composition to the skin before going outside on frosty days, lubricating the entire face except the eye area.
Oily skin, excessive sebum secretion, enlarged pores1 tbsp. Mix l almond oil with 4 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of neroli, 2 drops of mint, 2 drops of eucalyptus. Rub the oil mixture onto the skin like a tonic, leave for 15 minutes, blot off any remaining oil with a napkin without rinsing.
Oily skin, acne, purulent rashesPrepare a decoction of thyme (you need 1 tbsp), add 1 tsp to it black clay and 3 drops of neroli oil. Apply the mixture to pre-steamed skin as a mask, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse your face with cold green tea.
Dry skin, a feeling of tightness and a pale complexionMix 1 tbsp. l rosehip oil with 6 drops of rose and 2 drops of neroli, apply to the skin, leave for 15 minutes. What is not absorbed can be removed with a napkin.
Traditional medicine advises preparing a mask for dry skin from an egg (1 pc), olive oil (0.5 tsp), orange juice(1 tsp), honey (0.5 tsp), carrot oil (2 drops), neroli (1 drop). Mix all the ingredients, for thickness you can add dry milk by eye and apply the mixture to the face and neck for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then rinse with cool water.
HerpesHerpes can be lubricated with pure neroli oil. The same can be done with acne, if there are only a few of them.
Mixed problem skin, blackheadsTo cleanse the skin, a mask made from oatmeal is suitable (1 tbsp, can be crushed in a blender cereals), sour cream (1 tbsp), honey (1 tsp), lemon juice (3 drops), neroli oil (2 drops), mix everything, apply to the face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is recommended to repeat this “cleaning” 2 times a week.
Vascular network on the face (rosacea)For a quarter glass of natural yogurt (50 ml) you will need 5 drops of neroli oil, 5 drops of juniper, 2 drops of rosemary. Apply the mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse off cool water, repeat the procedure in a week.
Dermatosis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseasesFor 1 tbsp. l base oil, add 2 drops of neroli, wipe problem areas 2-3 times a day, every day until symptoms disappear.
Aging skin, fine wrinklesPrepare a mask of egg yolks (2 pcs) and neroli oil (4 drops), mix the mixture, preferably in a blender and apply in several layers as the previous ones dry (4 layers are enough). Then immediately wash off the mask with warm water.
A mask made of white clay (1 tbsp), neroli oil (2 drops), add a little water, stir - you need to get a creamy mass to refresh your face. Apply the mask to your face and neck, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Network of wrinkles around the eyesTo care for aging skin in the eye area, make an oil mixture: 1 tbsp. l of any oil, add 1 drop each of sandalwood and neroli oil, apply with point movements, as you would apply eye cream, leave to absorb for 15 minutes, then lightly walk with a napkin to remove any remaining oil.
Expression wrinklesTo care for aging skin, prepare an oil mixture: base - 1 tbsp. l grape seed oil, add 1 drop each of neroli, limetta (sweet lime), pine and nutmeg, apply to the face where there are wrinkles, leave to absorb for 15 minutes, then blot with a napkin.

Massage with neroli oil

Any massage activates the functioning of the human body: it stimulates metabolic processes, increases blood flow and makes a person breathe deeper. If this is a general massage, energy is restored, a feeling of emotional uplift comes and a feeling of first pleasant relaxation appears, then a surge of strength. To solve skin problems, massage of the problem area is often used - pinch massage, for the treatment of cellulite and stretch marks, and acupressure massage, if there are problems in a small area of ​​the body - for example, scars or cicatrices. In any case, the oil mixture is rubbed into the skin with light movements, without pressure, without injuring the epidermis. The mixture is prepared on the basis of any vegetable oil; essential oils are added that can cure the existing problem.

Pure neroli oil - 4–6 drops per 1 tbsp. l bases - taken for relaxing massage and treatment of internal diseases. This mixture will not get rid of stretch marks, but another will help: add 2 drops of neroli, 2 drops of lavender, 2 drops of incense to the base, mix and rub into the thighs, stomach or buttocks - in the area where stretch marks are especially noticeable - incense and lavender oil. Another recipe: to 0.5 tbsp. l wheat germ oil add 2 drops of neroli, 2 drops of tangerine, 2 drops of lavender, the mixture has also been tested by many personal experience. Massage, of course, will not completely get rid of stretch marks - atrophic scars were formed as a result of prolonged stretching of the upper tissues (pregnancy, lactation, previous illnesses associated with sudden weight loss) and they do not disappear from external influences. But on normal skin, not overdried and not deprived of normal nutrition, stretch marks, also called stretch marks, are less noticeable.

To treat cellulite, it is permissible to combine neroli oil with cedar, bergamot, pine, fennel, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, lemon (see oil compatibility table in paragraph 7). Wheat germ, almond, olive, burdock, mustard and flaxseed oils are suitable as a base composition. But massage will be useful only in the first stages of the formation of fat deposits, until cellulite has degenerated into a disease that can be treated with a set of measures.

Neroli oil against cellulite - video

Aromatherapy with neroli

The oil evaporates easily, and its healing vapors are extremely beneficial for the body. Inhaling neroli vapors is useful for relaxation, and the ability to relax and reset constant pressure eliminates many future health problems. A one-time procedure will give a short-term, but nice result: will cheer you up, calm you down, help you think more calmly about problems that have arisen and then fall asleep faster. A mixture that will be useful is: 2 drops of neroli, 2 drops of sandalwood, 1 drop of incense.

With regular procedures, changes are noticeable not only in the emotional background, but also in the physiological state: for some reason, the heart began to beat more smoothly, an appetite appeared, the eyes began to sparkle - the beneficial effect of the oil will be especially noticeable if you did not have serious problems, and took a course of aromatherapy to improve general well-being. A suitable recipe for such cases: add 2 drops of neroli, 1 drop of cinnamon, 1 drop of mint, 1 drop of juniper to the lamp.

Use aromatherapy, even if you are a healthy person - lift your mood and improve your appetite

Aroma baths with essential oil

Due to the effect on the entire skin, baths have a strong therapeutic effect - they are strongly recommended for people with an unstable emotional background; baths are indicated in medicinal purposes and to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. The water is usually taken hot - about 40 o. Before adding essential oil, it is always mixed with an emulsifier (cream, milk, honey, sea salt) so that an oily film does not form on the surface of the water. The bath time should be limited to 5–30 minutes; the lower threshold is indicated for those who are carrying out such a procedure for the first time. You just need to check what the reaction will be potent remedy, will the oil cause discomfort and allergies. If everything is in order, you don’t need to get into the shower after a bath, lightly walk over your entire body with a towel, that’s enough. It is recommended to carry out health bathing 1-2 times a week.

How to improve the quality of cosmetics with neroli oil

Neroli, like almost any other essential oil, can be added to creams and masks, shampoos and gels. The ratio is standard - 2 drops (if the product is for the body, a slightly larger dose is acceptable - 3-4 drops) per tablespoon of the product, it is preferable that the cosmetics be without fragrances and fragrances, preferably from professional series and purchased at a pharmacy. It is not recommended to store the mixture; once mixed, use immediately. If you are interested in aromatherapy, you can try replacing the cream, for example, night cream, with a mixture of oils:

  • For dry skin, we use peach oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, and avocado as a base. Essential oils: geranium, lavender, neroli, rose, ylang-ylang, marjoram, rosemary, dill.
  • For oily skin, vegetable oils as a base: grape seed, almond, apricot, peach. Essential oils: bergamot, cypress, juniper, lavender, lemon, rosemary, ylang-ylang.
  • For normal skin: vegetable oils of grape seeds, almonds, avocado, peach. Essential oils: geranium, rose, lemon, neroli.

If there is no discomfort, the feeling that the skin is oily and covered with an oily film, it is worth switching to natural face and body care products for a while; this usually brings benefits.

In minimal doses, plant extracts are almost always added in the production of cosmetics: creams and lotions for problem skin, anti-aging products, body creams, hair strengthening shampoos, foams and bath gels.

Bioenergetic properties of neroli oil

In the east, where the recipe for producing oil from orange flowers was first discovered, the rare and valuable oil was used for meditation. It was believed that this aroma endows a person striving to achieve harmony. Any spiritual practice leads to detachment from the problems of the material world, an experience previously unknown - to discover the world in its pristine beauty without diseases and vices, empty and bad thoughts. A person who went through the ritual of cleansing his body and thoughts carried a completely different, bright and strong energy.

According to Ayurveda, neroli oil has cooling and moisturizing energy. This aroma makes the busiest person want to relax and unwind, distracting himself from the problems of the outside world, restoring the bioenergy field, and after this hour of peace, live and create with renewed vigor.

Neroli has long been considered a meditation oil.

Combining Neroli Oil with Other Essential Oils

Any aromatic composition is created on the basis of base oil (jojoba, almond, grape seed and any others without a distinct odor) - take 1 tbsp. l (18 ml) add essential oils. All of them are divided depending on volatility indicators, that is, the concentration of vapors upon transition to a gaseous state.

In order for the complex aroma to reveal itself gradually - to have several notes, base, middle and top, the following is added to the base oil:

  • 3-4 drops of highly volatile oil;
  • 3 drops of medium volatile oil;
  • 3 drops with low volatility.

The aromatic composition must contain oils of high, medium and low volatility, only this way the aroma will be successful

Compatibility of neroli with other essential oils - table

Instructions for using neroli oil:

  • Aroma lamp (to enhance sexuality): 3 k per 5 m area;
  • Aroma pendant (to restore heart function): 2 k;
  • Spraying (to improve mood): 3 k per 5 m area;
  • Handkerchief (for hysteria, fear and panic): 6 k;
  • Hot inhalation (for flu and colds): 4 k (5–10 minutes);
  • Sauna, bathhouse (powerful calming effect): 4 square meters per 5 square meters;
  • Bath (for hormonal disorders): general –8 k; sedentary - 6 k;
  • Erotic massage: 10 k per 10 ml of pistachio oil;
  • Body rinse (to improve mood): 10 k per 5 liters of water;
  • Wet wrap (hormonal therapy): 10 k per 500 ml of water;
  • Applications (herpes, stretch marks, rosacea, acne): 1 k;
  • Rejuvenating oil (: 10 k per 10 ml of avocado oil;
  • Cosmetic ice (fresh complexion): 6 k per 200 ml of water;
  • Refreshing spray (fresh complexion): 6 k per 200 ml of water;
  • Refreshing lotion (from acne): 6 k per 200 ml of water;
  • Face mask (lifting): 8 k;
  • Mask against hair loss: 10 k per 10 ml of jojoba oil;
  • Aroma combing (for hair shine): 3 k;
  • Internal use (for chronic constipation): 1 to 3 times a day;
  • Scenting laundry: 3 per 1 liter of water or 10 drops in a sachet.