Inhaler for cough and runny nose: types and models. General rules for cold inhalations. Contraindications. Solutions for inhalation for the treatment of cough

Colds - frequent companions newborn baby, especially during the cold season. With rhinitis, it is difficult for a baby to breastfeed - there is not enough air. The baby opens his mouth to breathe in air and loses his nipple. How to help your baby breathe through his nose? It is necessary to cure the disease - a cough and runny nose inhaler for babies will help cope with the disease. Nebulizers are specially designed to help newborn babies; they can be used to inhale even while sleeping.

Benefits of inhalation

Through exposure to aerosols - tiny particles medicines- the child’s body is healing from viral infection. When performing healing procedures on a newborn with a nebulizer, you can not be afraid of causing harm or discomfort. The aerosol has a targeted effect on the affected area without being absorbed into the bloodstream: the effect of inhalation during a cough or runny nose is several times higher than that of taking medications.

Contraindicated for infants medications, so do inhalations - the only way out for respiratory diseases and fighting colds. Tablets negatively affect the condition of the digestive tract, and sprays cause swelling of the mucous membrane - a side effect.

Nebulizers are the most the best devices for children because they spray medicinal substances until it becomes a cloud. Microparticles easily penetrate inside respiratory tract, moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve dry cough. At correct operation A nebulizer will quickly cure a cold. Pediatricians recommend using it to care for infants.

Benefits of inhalation for infants:

  • rapid removal of sputum;
  • moisturizing mucous membranes;
  • targeted impact on the source of inflammation;
  • deep penetration into the respiratory tract.

If you have a runny nose, you can quickly get rid of mucus using inhalations; if you have a dry cough - better inhaler and not find it. A dry cough indicates hardened mucus in the respiratory tract; moisturizing with saline when coughing dilutes the mucus and allows it to leave the body. In addition to freeing the mucous membrane from pus and sputum, the inhaler can restore its integrity through the use of medicinal substances.

Important! Any medical procedures infant can be carried out only after the approval of the pediatrician.

Inhalation is integral part integrated approach to treatment. In addition to this, it is necessary to carry out the procedures prescribed by the pediatrician.

Rules for using devices

How to do inhalations using nebulizers? If the child already knows how to sit, you need to introduce him to the device - let him touch it, look at it. Modern inhalers for infants have an original design and look like toys - infants like them and arouse interest. Let the baby get used to the mask, play with it - then put it on. Otherwise, the child will experience stress when putting on a mask, and will develop distrust of nebulizers and even fear.

If the child is newborn (cannot sit), you can use inhalation while sleeping. Which nebulizer is suitable for newborns? The one that makes the least noise - it will not wake up babies while sleeping.

Note! If you don’t have inhalers, you can fill the air in the room with steam from medicinal solution- let the baby breathe the fumes for a while.

Cannot be used for inhalation hot steam- the baby may get burned. In nebulizers, the steam temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, which makes them completely safe and recommended for newborn children. This the best remedy to eliminate ailments.

How long does the procedure last, how to carry it out correctly, is it possible to do inhalations for 10 minutes in a row? For infant Three minutes of inhalation with saline solution will be enough. Saline - excellent remedy for dry coughs, it fights a runny nose well and cleanses the nasal passages. A newborn needs to carry out the inhalation procedure twice a day during sleep (unless otherwise instructed by the pediatrician). Babies do not notice therapeutic manipulations and will not cry.

Note! The baby's breathing should be even, so inhalation is not effective when crying.

If the water in the appliance cools down quickly, it must be replaced with warm water. When is inhalation used to treat infants? It is necessary to treat the baby 2 hours after breastfeeding. With a runny nose, the baby should inhale the fumes through his nose, and with a dry cough, through his mouth.

In order not to harm the baby, you must strictly follow the instructions:

  • can't be used too much hot water so that the steam does not burn the baby;
  • Before using the device, check the steam temperature on yourself;
  • inhalation can be carried out by spraying heated saline or other medications;
  • It is better to prefer a nebulizer to an inhaler;
  • carry out the procedure after feeding the baby - two hours later;
  • after the procedure, children should not eat for 1.5 hours;
  • The time of the procedure and the duration of the course are determined by the pediatrician.

For treatment use mineral water, saline solution or special preparations:

  • Ambrobene - eliminates dry cough, helps to clear phlegm;
  • pulmicort - helps to cope with coughs during colds;
  • Lazolvan - helps eliminate phlegm, does not give cough a chance;
  • soda solution - removes mucus from the nasopharynx well;
  • decoctions medicinal herbs- eliminate inflammation and relieve swelling.

Prohibition of the procedure:

Juice is a safe way to cleanse the mucous membranes of secretions. Kalanchoe plants: It can be used for very young children. Water solution sea ​​salt strengthens the mucous membrane well and increases local immunity.

Bottom line

Proper care of small children is a great art. It is important not to harm the newborn girl or newborn boy. The mother should consult with the pediatrician in advance about using a nebulizer for the baby and preparing medicinal compositions. If you do not have a device, you can fill the air in the room with vapors of medicinal substances - let the baby inhale the steam for 3-5 minutes, then take him out of the room.

Remember that the steam should not be too hot - it can burn the baby's mucous membranes. You also need to carefully prepare the solution for the nebulizer - follow the dosage. The child will recover quickly if you do everything right.

Inhalers have long become faithful assistants in the fight against childhood respiratory diseases. The advantage of this method of treatment is the speed of delivery of drugs, as well as the speed of their absorption. Due to which the effect is achieved to the maximum short terms, making it easier for the baby to get through the disease.

A nebulizer will help the child ease the course of the disease.

Modern mothers are wondering which type of device to choose among all the variety offered. Many pediatricians recommend a compressor inhaler for children as the most good option for use at home.

What are the advantages of a children's compressor inhaler?

The device operates on the basis of a compressor that creates powerful air flows. The system is considered very reliable to use; it does not require any special professional skills: any mother can help her child at home effective assistance for a cold. The design does not require the purchase of separate accessories during use.

The compressor inhaler is ideal for home use.

The nebulizer allows you to use a variety of medications for treatment. The device converts substances into a special format for inhalation without disturbing the structure and composition of the drug. If there is children's cough, then the compressor inhaler is one of the main means of treatment: with the help of discharged pressure, the sprayed product penetrates into the farthest areas respiratory system.

Can the inhaler be used for newborns?

Unfortunately, the infection can even reach a newborn baby. The method of combating the virus consists of complex measures, which may include the use of inhalations. All parts of the baby's respiratory tract are still in a state that requires special attention in any action. Since the inhaler increases the volume of accumulated mucus, you need to be sure that the baby will be able to cough it up. To do this, any procedures on the device must be preceded by a mandatory examination by a pediatrician.

The advent of nebulizers made it possible to provide assistance to children almost from birth.

A nebulizer is an inhaler suitable for newborns. Modern technologies make it possible to regulate the volume and force of spraying, which makes it possible to provide assistance to even the smallest children. However, only the attending physician can prescribe such procedures: he indicates the frequency of sessions, prescribes a medicine or herbal solution that will be sprayed. It is recommended that inhalations be carried out for children in a hospital, under the supervision of a specialist.

One of the disadvantages of the nebulizer is its volume during use, which is caused by the operation of the compressor. You should approach inhalation sessions carefully so as not to frighten an infant unprepared for the procedures.

How to use?

There are a number of general rules on how to properly use an inhaler for children for coughs and runny noses:

  • all procedures must be agreed with a pediatrician (especially for children under 1 year);
  • medications for nebulization must be prescribed by the attending physician;
  • It is forbidden to use the device if there is impurity of pus and blood in the runny nose;
  • Do not use oil additives in the spray composition;
  • not recommended for use at body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • careful use in the presence of allergies, bronchial asthma, diseases of the cardiovascular system (be sure to consult your doctor).

Before use, you must carefully read the instructions. Properly performed procedures will not only effectively help cope with diseases of the nose and throat, but also preserve the durability of the device.

The medicinal substance is dissolved in saline solution (sodium chloride, 0.9%) and poured into a special nebulizer container. When creating a solution for a compressor, conventional or boiled water. It is recommended to purchase special ready-made solutions for inhalation.

The procedure usually takes from 5 to 20 minutes. During inhalation, you should breathe evenly and calmly, do not deep breaths or exhalations. If the child reacts poorly to the procedure (cries, screams, breaks out), then the session should be stopped.

After finishing working with the inhaler, you should turn it off, then remove and wash all parts that came into contact with the medicine and the child. Wash in warm water using disinfectants.

Many manufacturers specially create nebulizers in the form of toys so that children are not afraid of this device.

What is the efficiency?

The effectiveness of any procedure largely depends on the accompanying complex measures. When coughing, it is not enough to use only a nebulizer; you should follow a drinking regime, ventilate the premises, go for walks, etc.

If all the conditions for the child’s recovery are met, then the effectiveness of using the inhaler reaches its maximum: symptom relief is observed after the first session.

An older child should be explained the benefits of the inhaler so that the procedures do not cause any negativity.

What to look for when choosing a nebulizer model and manufacturer?

Buying an inhaler means that the device will last a long time. Therefore, you should read the reviews and choose the best one that is ideal for the needs and capabilities of a particular family.

Nebulizer – perfect solution for home use.

Exist various options, allowing procedures to be carried out not only for children, but also for adults. It is advisable to purchase effective inhalers for children in bright colorful colors, as well as portable and easy to carry. For older children and adults, stationary models on a stable basis are ideal.

Many manufacturers offer nebulizers for sale that can be used while traveling. Such devices are not only compact in shape, but also have a well-thought-out charging system. You should pay attention to the presence of a children's mask with slits; this design allows you to breathe freely. In this state, he can sit quietly for 15-20 minutes and watch a cartoon.

What are some good pediatric compressor inhalers?

We present to your attention a small selection compiled based on consumer reviews. All models are ideal for use by children and effectively help cope with respiratory diseases, including the runny nose.

Omron Comp Air NE-C28

Compact and easy to use.

The manufacturing company Omron is rightfully considered a market leader medical equipment. Nebulizers are no exception: the devices of this company are in great demand among customers.

Main characteristics:

  • average cost – 5000 rubles;
  • The set includes two masks (for a child and an adult), attachments and a long tube that allows you to carry out procedures while being at a distance from the device;
  • high speed;
  • quickly dispenses medications.

Microlife neb 100B

Ideal for use by the whole family

A worthy competitor to the previous manufacturer is the Swiss company Microlife. The product is always particularly practical and easy to use. The quality of the product is at a high level.

Main characteristics:

  • set includes children's and adult masks, special attachments for the nose and throat;
  • capable of working up to 30 minutes;
  • Quite light weight (1 kg).

Omron Comp Air NE-C24 Kids

This option certainly won’t scare the baby!

If you plan to use the inhaler only for a child, then it is advisable to think about purchasing an option from a narrow line. One of the favorites in the children's nebulizer market is again Omron. This model is simple and easy to use, appearance will help the child perceive the inhaler as a toy, which is very important for treating the youngest.

Main characteristics:

  • average cost - 4000 rubles;
  • compact in size and weight (less than half a kilogram);
  • maximum sound insulation - can be used for small children;
  • original bright design, special attachments in the form of toys (the child may get distracted while playing with them during the procedure);
  • The package includes a special mask for babies.

B.Well WN-115K Steam Engine

A toy inhaler will help your baby not be afraid of procedures.

The design of the nebulizer is made like a toy train, which allows the child not to be afraid of the procedure and calmly sit through the appointed time for inhalations. But despite this design of the body, the nebulizer is suitable for use at any age: it acts as a device for the whole family.

Main characteristics:

  • average cost – 3000 rubles;
  • Suitable for the whole family (including babies);
  • simple and easy to use;
  • bright design in the form of a toy train.

Unlike Omron, this model does not have sound insulation - the compressor is quite loud. You can carry out the procedure with such a nebulizer for no longer than 20 minutes, then you should leave it idle for about an hour.

Using an inhaler for a cough and runny nose helps relieve nasal congestion, relieve dry cough and supplement general therapy local influence. A complex approach to treatment shortens the duration of the disease.

Effect of inhalers for a runny nose and cough

Inhalation is the method of introducing the active substance into the body through breathing. Natural inhalations occur when the surrounding air is saturated with useful substances. Sea salt they breathe on the coast, in the pine forest there is an excess of coniferous phytoncides. Artificial inhalations are carried out using special devices, inhalers. The procedures allow you to act directly on the source of the disease by inhaling medications.

Inhalers capable of spraying ultra-small dispersed particles are called nebulizers, from the Latin nebula - cloud, fog. Finely dispersed substances penetrate deeply into the respiratory tract, making it possible to treat rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchial and pulmonary diseases. Inhalers transport medications to the site of the disease.

The use of nebulizers for coughs and runny noses is effective. Evenly sprayed medications irrigate the respiratory system, relieving swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Moisturizing the respiratory system facilitates the removal of mucus and softens a hard, barking cough.

Treating the area near the source of the disease localizes the inflammation and prevents the infection from spreading further. The risk of complications and recurrence of the disease is reduced.

Inhalers are divided into 4 categories based on the principle of drug formation:

  • ultrasonic;
  • steam;
  • compressor;
  • electronic mesh.

When choosing an inhaler for a runny nose, pay attention to the operating time, the volume of the container, and the position of the patient’s body during manipulation. Nebulizers produce small particles that penetrate the bronchi and lungs, active substance remains cold.

Ultrasound devices

Ultrasonic nebulizers form a fine aerosol from medicinal particles.

The metal plate of the device emitter vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency, spraying the drug into small particles. The particle size varies between 0.5-10 microns, the liquid cloud penetrates well into the middle and lower respiratory tract.

Suitable for ultrasonic spraying:

  • saline solutions, mineral water;
  • saline solutions;
  • dissolved;
  • herbal decoctions.

The device is lightweight, small in size, and easy to carry. Battery power allows you to inhale not only at home, but also wherever it is convenient:

  • on my way;
  • At work;
  • on a rest.

Silent operation does not disturb the peace of the elderly and does not frighten children. Wide choose The components include masks and attachments that are convenient for carrying out the procedure while lying down or while sleeping.

The disadvantages of ultrasonic inhalers are:

  • damage to drug molecules;
  • low efficiency of converting thick suspensions and viscous compositions into aerosol.

Molecules of antibiotics and hormones destroyed by ultrasonic vibration do not have a therapeutic effect on the respiratory system and are simply useless. This category of inhalers does not nebulize similar groups of drugs.

Steam devices

Steam inhalers work on their own simple principle. The medicine evaporates from the container under the influence high temperature. The device consists of an evaporator and a tube.

The use of the device for the treatment of dry cough and laryngeal diseases is useful. Due to vasodilation, capillary blood flow increases, local immune processes are activated.

Evaporators easily cope with the processing of liquids into water based, with a boiling point less than 100 degrees. The procedures can be combined with aromatherapy, using saline solutions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Modern devices are safe to use and there is no risk of burns.

The disadvantages of steam inhalers include low concentration useful substance in a cloud of steam, destruction of medicinal substances at high temperatures.

Compressor devices

The compressor type refers to nebulizers for coughs and runny noses; in operation, they form a fine aerosol. The medicinal substance is sprayed by a stream of compressed air released by a compressor. The compressor and air create a characteristic noise that distinguishes compressor inhalers from other species. The device is capable of spraying all groups of medications.

Due to their versatility, physiotherapy rooms in dispensaries and clinics are equipped with stationary compressor inhalers for coughs and runny noses. Device nozzles home use the same for children and adults.

The devices are simple to use, safe to use, and sold at a reasonable price. The only drawback of compressor inhalers for coughs and runny nose is high level noise during operation.

Electronic mesh devices

Electronic nebulizers – modern development. Medicines are sieved through a vibrating perforated plate. The mixture passing through the smallest holes of the mesh membrane forms a high-quality fine cloud of healing aerosol. The dose of active ingredients is calculated very accurately, drug consumption is reduced, and accidental overdose is completely excluded.

The electronic inhaler effectively converts:

  • mucolytics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • antibacterial agents.

The device has no restrictions, successfully irrigating the respiratory tract with herbal or saline solutions, . By using drugs without residue, you can save a lot. The patient can take the procedure in any position; the silent operation mode allows you to relax and calm down. Care involves thorough and timely washing of the membrane.

Electronic mesh inhalers for runny nose and cough are an excellent choice for families with children. The only drawback of inhalers is the price, which is higher than other nebulizers.

Correct use of inhalers is the key to maximum therapeutic effect inhalations for the treatment of cough and runny nose. During the procedure, you need to focus on breathing, without distraction, inhale and exhale smoothly and measuredly.

Breathing during inhalation occurs in the following order:

  • when treating cough - inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose;
  • when treating a runny nose - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

After the treatment procedure, rest for two hours, physical exercise and walks on fresh air excluded at this time. Inhalations before bedtime are especially useful; after eating, a pause of 1–1.5 hours is maintained.

Competent selection of medications is carried out only by a doctor. Ready-made solutions are sold in pharmacies in a single dose, the packaging is called nebula. Before use, carefully read the instructions for the medicine.

When mixing the solution yourself, combine 2 ml of the active substance with saline solution. It is not recommended to dilute the drug with distilled water. in some cases water worsens cough and runny nose. The saline solution is left sterile by collecting and pouring into the inhaler container using a syringe. The cold solution is kept to room temperature. The remaining mixture after manipulation is discarded; reuse is prohibited.

Before using the device for the first time, you must read the instructions.

When treating a runny nose and cough with inhalers, the following is strictly prohibited:

  • one hour before and after the procedure, smoke and drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Before inhalation, use antiseptics to treat the oral cavity.

Duration of the procedure for children

The principle of inhalation is explained to the children and their attention is occupied with a cartoon or fairy tale. The child is not allowed to talk. The procedure time for children under 5 years old is limited to three minutes, at the age of 5–14 years the time increases to 5 minutes, from 14 years old the procedure time is increased to 10–15 minutes. The drugs are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications for inhalation

Like all medical procedures, using an inhaler for a runny nose and cough has contraindications. Such factors may be symptoms of incompatible diseases, allergic reactions, and the age of the patient. Carrying out procedures that are not suitable for the patient causes serious harm to health and leads to complications.

Contraindications for inhalations:

  • children under one year of age;
  • otitis, bacterial tonsillitis;
  • intolerance to the current drug;
  • blood, ichor in sputum;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • elevated temperature body, heat, fever;
  • low-grade fever, severe heart disease;
  • tendency to nosebleeds.

In all these cases, the use of inhalers is prohibited.

Effective and safe way to cope with the symptoms of colds, flu and ARVI - nebulizer therapy. This is the name for treatment using special devices, inhalers and nebulizers. An inhaler for children against cough and runny nose delivers medicine directly to the site of inflammation. Inhalations are also indicated for bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis and other problems related to the health of the respiratory tract.

Types of inhalers for children

Doctors distinguish three main types of devices: steam, ultrasonic and compressor. They all operate on the same principle: they convert the drug into vapor or aerosol for deep penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract. The use of inhalers for children against cough and runny nose helps to carry out procedures with minimum quantity medicines. Before you decide which inhaler is better, you need to know how they differ.


Suitable for treating the upper respiratory tract steam inhaler. This is an improved modification of the famous folk method“breathe over the potatoes.” The action of the device is based on inhaling hot steam. It works with volatile substances with a boiling point of less than 100 degrees - these are essential oils and herbal decoctions. The solution is heated to 45 degrees, converted into steam and fed through a mask into the nose and mouth.

Disadvantages of a steam inhaler when treating children:

  • It is difficult for a child to inhale a hot stream of air.
  • During heating, part of the active useful substances is destroyed.
  • The concentration of the drug in the inhaled cloud is below that required for treatment.
  • The list of solutions that are allowed to refill the device is small.

A steam inhaler is the cheapest, simple devices cost from $10, average price range: $35-40. Famous steam inhalers for children: “Cow” (the name was translated as “Burenka”), “Puppy” (“Dog”), “Chamomile”. The pharmacy can offer a device called “Miracle Steam”; it is not for children, but it is used for all family members, including children.


A device of this type creates a powerful air flow and feeds it through a small hole in the chamber with medicinal solution. An aerosol cloud is formed, which is inhaled by the patient through the mask. The advantage of this device is that it can nebulize almost all types of drugs prescribed for inhalation. The downside is that the device is very noisy and some kids perceive it with caution and have difficulty getting used to it. The device contains an electric compressor and a nebulizer that sprays liquid.

To reduce children's anxiety when encountering a device, manufacturers make compressor-type inhalers attractive. A cheerful train or a baby whale is taken for a toy. Among such devices, Omron inhalers stand out. They are of high quality, and the epithet “” is often applied to them. best inhalers" Omron compact inhalers start at $60. A well-known compressor inhaler is “Dolphin” (Delphinus). It allows you to regulate the size of the aerosol particles. This device costs from $80.


Ultrasonic inhalers are similar to compressor inhalers in the way they deliver aerosol into the respiratory tract, but in comparison with them, they are almost silent. Using ultrasonic vibrations, the device sprays the drug onto tiny particles, up to 5 microns. Ultrasonic inhalers for children against cough and runny nose – effective method treatment. The child can breathe through both the mouth and nose. When choosing an ultrasonic inhaler, attention should be paid to such a characteristic as dispersion, that is, the particle size of the sprayed drug.

Particles of a substance with a diameter of only 5-10 microns can penetrate into the bronchi. And if the instructions indicate that the device generates larger particles, it is better to refuse the purchase. A device whose characteristics indicate a large dispersion of aerosol particles may turn out to be Low quality, especially inexpensive. The cost of an ultrasonic inhaler starts at $45. Well-known manufacturers: Omron, AND, Beurer. The pharmacist at the pharmacy will tell you how to choose an inhaler.

Which is better: an inhaler or a nebulizer?

Any device for inhalation is sometimes called either a nebulizer or an inhaler. The word nebulizer comes from “nebula”, which means “cloud, fog”. This name means that liquid medicine converted into an aerosol cloud. And “Inhalo” translated from Latin means “I inhale.” Nebulizers are a narrower type of inhaler. Steam is not one of them, because it does not allow you to vary the particle size. The best nebulizers allow you to change the aerosol supply mode.

What to choose for a child for a cough

When coughing, you can use both a steam inhaler and a nebulizer. A steam inhaler will help when a child has a dry cough or with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Steam inhalations, done correctly, help to liquefy and facilitate the removal of mucus. This method is not suitable for small children. Ultrasonic or compressor nebulizer Safe to use even if you are an infant. They are irreplaceable in the treatment of the lower respiratory tract, and if the child suffers moist cough.

How to use an inhaler at home

Using the device requires following several rules. Carry out the procedure an hour and a half after eating. Repeat two to three times a day. Before the procedure, you need to clean your nose well to clear the airways and facilitate access of the aerosol to its destination. Do not use the inhaler if there are contraindications:

  • elevated temperature, more than 37.5 degrees;
  • from the nose there's blood coming out, and there is a tendency to bleed in general;
  • an allergy to an inhaled medication for which a prescription has been issued has been detected;
  • There is serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system.

What medicine to fill

The medicine to be used is prescribed by the doctor. The usual dosage for children is 2 ml of solution. In addition to medicine, children need. The product is diluted with it in a 1:1 ratio. When dry, barking cough it is necessary to use ambrobene, lazolvan and ambrohexal, the active ingredient in them is ambroxol. Berodual is used to dilate the bronchi. Its dosage is determined by the age of the child; a one-year-old is supposed to mix 6 drops of the product with 2 ml of saline solution. For children from three years old, refill 8 drops.

For laryngitis, stenosis, pharyngitis, rhinitis and false croup Naphthyzin helps. Procedures with it are also carried out using saline solution, in a 1:1 ratio. A proven remedy for alleviating colds is inhalation with mineral water for children. The gas needs to be released from it. Recommended mineral water is Borjomi. Pour 3-5 ml of liquid into a nebulizer for children.

Chamomile is often used for steam inhalations, herbal decoction. It helps with a runny nose, and such procedures are also useful for tonsillitis, flu, tracheitis and bronchitis. Other herbs that help treat colds include thyme, coltsfoot and sage. Effective steam inhalations With essential oils menthol, eucalyptus, geranium and juniper. 3-5 drops of oil are placed in saline solution. Such inhalations are prohibited for young children. You cannot put oil into the ultrasonic nebulizer.

How much to breathe

Inhalations for coughing in children can last 1-3 minutes. If you are using a steam inhaler, it is important to ensure that the steam does not come into contact with your facial skin. You need to breathe carefully when inhaling steam. sharp breath can lead to burns of the respiratory tract, so pediatricians prohibit this procedure for children. After inhaling the medicinal cloud, it is recommended to hold your breath for one or two seconds to relieve coughing, then exhale.

Acute infection is the most common cause of respiratory tract damage. The causative agents are most often parainfluenza viruses, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses and reoviruses, staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, moraxella, and candida.

Respiratory Diseases Clinic

The manifestations are very different, but catarrhal and respiratory syndromes play key role. This is nasal congestion, mucous or purulent discharge from it, sore throat, cough, burning sensation in the nose and along the respiratory tract.

In addition to all of the above, intoxication syndrome is often associated with fever, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, and muscle aches. Let us note a small feature of intoxication symptoms that is typical for children early age: Babies very often indicate pain in the abdominal area.

In children, the same symptoms occur when allergic reactions. But in the latter case As a rule, there is no increase in temperature, and mucous discharge from the nose is usually clear. Possible redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the presence skin itching, rashes on skin in the form of papules (tubercles).

Treatment of respiratory diseases

To eliminate all symptoms and the causes of their occurrence, it is necessary to resort to various methods treatment, but this should always be done together with your pediatrician, taking into account the dynamics of the condition and the individual course of each episode of acute respiratory infections in children.

Of course, with proven infectious lesions Treatment begins with the etiotropic stage - eliminating the causes of acute respiratory infections. This is an antiviral, antibacterial or antimycotic treatment. In allergic reactions, this is the elimination of the causative allergen.

Further treatment is symptomatic. At this stage, parents need to be especially careful, keeping in mind that there are many symptoms and, accordingly, prescribed medications as well. a large number of. Therefore, to avoid polypharmacy ( unreasonable appointment many drugs), pediatricians recommend using no more than 5 - 6 drugs.

Absolutely recommended warm drink to reduce intoxication, moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and for better sputum discharge. This is important to know, because if the mucous membranes are not moisturized, this further aggravates the inflammation process.

For nasal congestion and heavy discharge recommended vasoconstrictor drops, and sometimes also antimicrobials into the nose. But this is all strictly individual and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Inhalations for acute respiratory diseases

Let's stop and take a look more detailed ways introduction of medications into the child’s body for lesions of the respiratory system. In both adults and children, penetration of the drug directly into the lesion is most effective and promotes speedy recovery.

It is for these purposes that inhalers are used (translated from the Latin “inhalo” - I inhale) or nebulizers (from the Latin “nebula” - fog). The essence of this physiotherapeutic treatment is that the patient inhales air with tiny droplets of medicinal substances dissolved in it.

Depending on the size of suspended particles of drugs, they are distinguished:

  • coarse particles about 10 microns in diameter (used to treat infections upper sections respiratory tract);
  • medium-disperse 7 - 8 microns in diameter (for the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis);
  • fine particles no larger than 4 microns in size (for drug delivery to lower sections respiratory system).

Sequence diagram in case of inhalation of several drugs

  1. Inhalation of bronchodilators.
  2. After 20 minutes, sputum thinners are used.
  3. After 30 minutes - inhalation with antiseptic agents.
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used without interruption after antiseptics.
  5. Immunomodulatory drugs are used after a cycle of treatment procedures or for preventive purposes.

Inhalers and their types

Currently pharmaceutical market offers several types of nebulizers both for home independent use and for hospitals. These are steam, ultrasonic, compressor, mesh nebulizers.

  • steam appliance (this includes old method"hot pot") are medicinal substances dissolved under the influence of high temperature. But in view of the latter fact, many medicines lose their value, and besides, small child can very easily cause a burn to the nasal mucosa and oropharynx. Therefore, steam inhalations for the treatment of cough and runny nose in children are used extremely rarely;
  • ultrasonic inhalers are good for their quietness, small in size, portability - you can easily take them with you, for example, on the road. Unfortunately, this type nebulizers do not dissolve oils and many other medications;
  • Compressor devices are probably the most commonly found nebulizer in pharmacies. It is noisy, but most of these devices are excellent at aerosolizing oils and many other medications;
  • Mesh nebulizers are usually used in inpatient conditions, as it is very functional. When changing the mode, the size of suspended dissolved particles changes and, accordingly, the scope of application changes. But if previous types of inhalers had more affordable prices, then mesh inhalers have a very high cost.

Advantages of inhalers

At home where there are children, it won't hurt to have an inhaler. After all, with its help, various medications can be administered to the source of infection - the nose, throat or lungs.

It should be noted that aerosols and sprays with sea ​​water, With isotonic solution. The volume varies - from 20 to 500 ml. These include AquaLor, Aquamarine, Quix, Otrivin Sea. This form of release is very convenient in terms of compactness in relation to devices. This is especially felt in the treatment of young children. Also, such aerosols are much cheaper than inhalers. The doctor must take this into account, because the financial issue plays an important role when developing a treatment plan.

Can be used to treat rhinitis and pharyngitis antiviral immunomodulator human leukocyte interferon, Derinat, saline, alkaline mineral waters without gas, antimicrobial drugs such as Miramistin, Dioxidin.

If a child has a cough, mucolytics are prescribed to thin the child and mucokinetics to remove sputum.

Inhaled hormonal drugs are used for bronchial asthma and to eliminate laryngeal edema in croup, which often occurs in young children.

In relation to children, oils are rarely poured into the inhaler (more precisely, they are not used at all) due to the risk of developing “oil pneumonia” due to the sticking together of small bronchioles and alveoli under the influence of oil solution(although compressor inhalers allow the use of oils). If you prepare decoctions and infusions yourself at home medicinal plants for inhalation, it is important that the prepared solutions are carefully filtered.

For prolonged use of inhalers, be sure to follow the instructions for use and follow the instructions to avoid breakdowns.


Inhaling medications through inhalers or using various sprays to treat runny nose and cough are some of the modern methods treatment. It is convenient for use in children, starting from infancy. Convenience also lies in the fact that the child can be in any position (standing, sitting with a favorite toy in his hand, lying in the arms of his mother). Different kinds inhalers in the form of trains, boats, dinosaurs allow you to carry out medical procedure V game form.

It is necessary to explain to parents that when correct use inhalers for the treatment of cough and runny nose, medications evenly and in sufficient quantities reach the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract along their entire length - from the nose to the final alveoli. At the same time, it is minimized systemic impact inhaled drugs on the body, and, accordingly, the risk of developing side effects. When treating children, this is one of the most important tasks.