Chemical composition and pharmacological properties of nettle. Video: healing nettle powder. Medicinal use

Nettle is famous for its beneficial properties and the impressive list of vitamins included in its composition. The pungent plant is added to medicinal tinctures, decoctions and preparations. Nettle helps cope with radiculitis, low immunity, rheumatism, kidney problems and bladder. But if used improperly, you will most likely cause harm to the body. To prevent this from happening, consider the main aspects.

Composition of nettle

This peculiar “weed” is loved by many for the presence of vitamins. For example, in nettle more vitamin With more than in apples, red currants and carrots combined. Thanks to this, you can boost your immunity by drinking a little tea with the plant.

The plant is not deprived of retinol or vitamin A. natural antioxidant has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) is responsible for the health of the skin and hair, as well as the female reproductive system.

A special place is given to vitamin K, which is otherwise called vikasol. This substance is responsible for blood viscosity; nettle juice has regenerating and hemostatic properties.

Nettle contains B vitamins; they normalize a person’s psycho-emotional environment. Decoctions and teas with nettles fight bad sleep and depressive disorders.

Carotenoids have the ability to improve vision. These compounds prevent the formation of cataracts and are prescribed for use by patients with eye diseases.

Except useful vitamins Nettle accumulates many mineral compounds. Of particular value are manganese, sulfur, aluminum, barium, chromium, copper, iron, molybdenum, potassium, calcium and others.

Concentrated in nettles tannins, organic acids, glycosides, chlorophyll, flavonoids, phytoncides, histamine.

In terms of the amount of vitamin K contained, nettle is 3 times greater than spinach. Organic iron and copper are present in a volume 2 times higher than the levels of these elements in cabbage.

Calorie content 100 gr. plants is small - 43 Kcal. Most often, nettles are used in sauces for main courses and appetizers, salads, first courses and side dishes. From 100 gr. 85% is allocated to water, the rest is occupied by carbohydrates, proteins and alimentary fiber. There is practically no fat in the plant (less than 0.5 g).

Effect of nettle on the body

  • enhances metabolism;
  • increases the body's protective functions;
  • blocks the flow of blood to cancer cells (fighting cancer);
  • treats hemorrhoids;
  • has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • reduces glucose levels in diabetes;
  • fights hypertension;
  • improves the activity of the pancreas;
  • cleanses blood channels and seals their walls;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle;
  • treats mental disorders, neuroses, insomnia;
  • increases appetite and salivation;
  • removes painful spasms in the stomach;
  • controls sexual and urinary system;
  • widely used for dermatological problems.

The benefits of nettle do not end with the listed actions. It's just small part how the plant affects the work vitally important organs and systems.

Benefits of nettle

  1. The plant is used for pancreatitis and other diseases of this nature. This becomes possible thanks to the antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of the herb.
  2. Nettle has the ability to block blood circulation and prevent the appearance of new capillaries in cancer formations. Some substances from the plant have been successfully added to cancer drugs.
  3. For diabetes mellitus, nettle tincture is indispensable. It gently reduces sugar levels and removes bad cholesterol. To prepare the product, grind 40 g. greens and brew in 0.5 l. boiling water Leave for several hours, take a teaspoon before meals.
  4. “Weed” facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and improves the functioning of the entire urinary system. To normalize the processes of urination, remove sand and small tumors (up to 0.5 cm), you need to take an infusion. It is prepared from dry nettle and bird knotweed.
  5. Nettle will help the male half of humanity cope with prostatitis. The plant improves urine output, relieves pain, kills harmful microorganisms and relieves general course illness.
  6. Traditional healers successfully use nettle to combat bleeding of different nature(gastric, pulmonary, intestinal, renal, etc.). The accumulation of chlorophyll tones the internal organs and stops harmful processes.
  7. Due to its high iron content, nettle is used to treat anemia (anemia). Nettle is used for allergic reactions; it accelerates the release of histamine, which stops the reaction to food or medications.
  8. Decoctions based on the “weed” are widely used for the treatment and prevention of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer. For girls during menstruation, such infusions will help get rid of abdominal pain and heavy discharge.
  9. Nettle strengthens immune system and is used to treat helminths in adults and children. The herb also accelerates the production of red blood cells, enriches the blood with oxygen and nutrients, improves its composition. The weed is used for various problems dermatologists (psoriasis, eczema, etc.).
  10. Those who like to take a steam bath will enjoy useful information that nettle broom eliminates lower back pain, cervical spine and back. Patting a hot body eliminates radiculitis, heart pain, and swelling of the limbs. All this becomes possible thanks to increased blood circulation.
  11. Nettle is the best wound healing and disinfectant. The plant is used to eliminate suppuration, dry out acne and other similar problems. Nettle decoction is effective for acne, oily facial skin, and cellulite.

  1. Beneficial qualities have been noticed during heavy menstruation. Since nettle has hemostatic properties, it can be used to control the intensity of discharge and general state women. During menstruation, the body experiences a decrease in hemoglobin. The weed makes up for this lack.
  2. Women's doctors unanimously say that nettle will be useful for new mothers who are breastfeeding. The abundance of minerals and vitamins supports the health of the child and woman.
  3. Not without valuable qualities plants on female body during menopause. Burning herb reduces the number of hot flashes, eliminates excessive sweating and normalizes the general condition of a woman.
  4. Nettle tinctures and freshly squeezed juice are used in cosmetology to treat hair and stimulate its growth. The composition increases blood circulation in the scalp and fights alopecia (hair loss).
  5. The plant is used to combat acne, severe pigmentation, swelling, furrows and wrinkles on the face. Nettle rejuvenates, cleanses vascular network and comedones.

Benefits of nettle for men

  1. The plant contains mineral compounds that are necessary male body. These elements include zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Substances increase blood circulation in the groin area and regulate potency.
  2. Nettle improves sexual activity and increases libido, increases sperm count and reproductive activity. The herb is used to treat and prevent impotence.
  3. Men who have difficulty with premature ejaculation, you need to take decoctions and tinctures of nettle. Such means will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  4. It is useful to use the plant for those who play sports and lead active image life. It's all about nettle's ability to give the body strength and energy.
  5. Men suffer from alopecia more often than women - great loss hair. To remove bald spots, you need to rub freshly squeezed nettle juice into your scalp.
  6. Thanks to the accumulation of B vitamins, the plant controls the psycho-emotional environment, relieves chronic fatigue and normalizes sleep.
  7. Various folk remedies based on the plant, they cleanse the liver of toxins, remove ethanol from the body, eliminated hangover syndrome and reduce cravings for nicotine.

Benefits of nettle for children

  1. In most cases, nettle is used for children as infusions and all kinds of decoctions to strengthen protective functions body. Medicinal compositions can be given to a child only after prior consultation with a specialist. IN otherwise at child's body an allergy may appear.
  2. The benefits of this unique plant for the child’s body are manifested in the fact that the raw materials effectively eliminate stomach pain. Infusions relieve severe cough, strengthen the immune system and relieve inflammatory processes in the mouth with herpes. Decoctions cope with constipation.
  3. Numerous observations have shown that nettle-based infusion is good remedy with anemia. The weed completely replenishes iron deficiency in the body. A simple infusion allows you to avoid taking heavy medicines, which do not have the best effect on the liver and kidneys.
  4. Nettle has long established itself as an effective medicine for various dermatological diseases. To cope with an allergic reaction, it is recommended to use the stems, flowers and leaves of the weed. Wipe the skin with the product, drink infusions and teas.

Benefits of nettle during pregnancy

  1. During the period of gestation, representatives of the fair sex need to be especially careful when using any medicines and herbs. Nettle will help improve overall health, and side effects are also possible.
  2. Reasonable intake of the weed will help the expectant mother strengthen her cardiovascular system. Nettle has a positive effect on the kidneys. As a result, the swelling disappears. Raw materials struggle with bad mood, giving strength and suppressing depression.
  3. Nettle infusion is allowed to be taken only after consultation with a doctor. Large dosages can cause severe migraines, poor appetite, miscarriage, insomnia and dizziness.

  1. To exclude the manifestation of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to regularly drink a decoction or tea based on nettle. The weed has immunostimulating and restorative properties. The herb will help the body resist seasonal viruses and colds.
  2. During illness, the plant will ease inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The weed is famous for its expectorant effect. Nettle qualitatively cleanses the lungs and bronchi from mucus and phlegm. Medicinal infusions often prescribed for asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis.
  3. Medicinal properties nettles allow the composition to be used for internal bleeding. The raw material promotes rapid blood clotting and allows wounds to heal in a short time. Freshly prepared gruel from the plant is used to eliminate calluses and corns.
  4. The healing properties of the weed can effectively combat various types of skin diseases. It has been proven that nettle is excellent for eliminating warts, boils, acne, lichen and eczema. To achieve maximum effect, the plant is recommended to be used in the form of compresses and lotions. Along with this, you need to drink tea with nettle.
  5. If systematically applied nettle infusion, you can soon get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The composition also eliminates pathologies genitourinary system. The decoction allows you to completely remove sand and salts from the bladder and kidneys. The composition eliminates inflammatory processes in the urinary canals. Swelling of the limbs disappears.
  6. Systematic consumption of the infusion will improve metabolic processes and improve intestinal function. The composition relieves nausea, heartburn and flatulence. Medicinal tea helps eliminate problems with loose stools, enteritis, spasms and colitis. The drink prevents the development acute stage gastritis.
  7. In addition to the general strengthening properties of the plant, infusions can be used to treat hair and skin heads. The composition allows you to stop the loss and development of dandruff. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to systematically apply the decoction. For better effect At the same time, use burdock oil.

Harm of nettle

  1. In most cases, people believe that nettle can cause harm due to its burning properties. A similar effect is achieved due to a special pile light color, which is located on the surface of the plant.
  2. Get rid of unpleasant itching a solution will help on the skin after contact with nettle apple cider vinegar and plain water. The ratio of components should be 1:1. Wipe the affected area of ​​skin with a cotton swab.
  3. You can also get burns to the mucous membrane if you consume raw materials without pre-processing. If you are preparing salads, the nettles should be doused with boiling water. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the body.
  4. Nettle collected in an environmentally polluted place is contraindicated for consumption. This product can cause serious poisoning. Also in the weed everything beneficial features will be completely absent.
  5. If nettle grows near roads and industrial enterprises, the raw material absorbs all the dirt and heavy metals. This plant is dangerous to health and is strictly prohibited for consumption. The harm of raw materials to the body is irreparable.
  6. Nettle in rare cases provokes allergic reaction. It is prohibited to take the plant in any form during lactation. During pregnancy, you should also take weed-based infusions with extreme caution.

Nettle is rightfully considered unique plant. Her healing properties have long been known to mankind. With the help of the described weed, you can cope with most ailments and skin lesions. Before eating the plant, consult a specialist.

Video: healing nettle powder

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The summer season has begun. And the townspeople, missing the land, rushed to prepare the soil for planting, loosen, weed, and remove weeds. But at the same time they mercilessly remove and nettle- a very valuable plant in folk medicine and health cooking. We speak out in defense of such a useful “weed” again and again. After all, by destroying nettle shoots, we deprive ourselves richest source vitamins

Botanists today know two species nettle: stinging nettle and stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle- a perennial dioecious herbaceous plant, from 30 to 150 cm in height, with a long rhizome, erect stem and large palmate leaves covered with stinging hairs.

Stinging nettle- a monoecious annual herbaceous plant, from 15 to 60 cm high, with a branched stem and ovate-elliptical, sharp, incised-serrate leaves, covered with stinging hairs.

Both species grow nettle as a weed in dry and damp places near homes, along roadsides, in vacant lots and in forests. The areas of their distribution are the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of the Far North. Nettle blooms from mid-June to late autumn.

For food and medicinal purposes, plant leaves and roots with rhizomes are collected: leaves in June - August, roots - in late autumn.

Why is this burning weed so useful? Firstly, nettle can be used at home. Nettle leaves, which contain phytoncides that kill bacteria and repel flies, have the property of preserving perishable food products(experienced fishermen know that gutted fish, stuffed and lined with nettles, lasts a very long time).

Nettle is also a very valuable food for pets. Cows receiving nettles give more milk and best quality. Chickens' egg production increases.

But the main thing is that it is unique vitamin composition nettle. So, in its leaves ascorbic acid four times more than in lemons. In addition, nettle leaves contain carotene, K and B2 and pantothenic acid. So we can say that its leaves are a kind of multivitamin concentrate.

The healing properties of nettle have been used since ancient times. This plant has a diuretic, weak laxative, expectorant, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, “blood purifying”, hemostatic and wound healing effect. Nettle enhances the activity of the digestive glands and the secretion of milk in nursing women, increases the percentage of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood. There are indications that a decoction of the leaves can lower blood sugar.

Nettle infusion is used as an internal “blood purifier” that improves blood composition in the treatment of various skin diseases (lichen, acne, boils). A decoction of the leaves with barley flour is drunk for chest pain.

In a mixture with other herbs, nettle is used for pulmonary tuberculosis. Nettle leaves are included in various gastric, laxative and multivitamin preparations.

Water infusion nettle has long been used in folk medicine for hemorrhoidal, uterine, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding.

IN last years nettles began to be used in scientific medicine in the form of a liquid extract for uterine and intestinal bleeding. Clinical testing has shown that this drug does not cause harmful side effects. The liquid extract also has diuretic, antifever and anti-inflammatory effects. Nettle extract regulates menstruation and reduces blood loss from it. To increase blood clotting, it is recommended to use a mixture liquid extracts nettle and yarrow. The hemostatic effect of nettle is explained by the presence in it of a special antihemorrhagic vitamin K, as well as tannins.

A nettle broom in a bathhouse is very useful, especially with.

Decoction of rhizomes and roots nettle dioecious in folk medicine is used internally for furunculosis, hemorrhoids and legs, and an infusion of the roots is used as cardiac remedy. Sugared nettle rhizomes are also used for coughs.

An infusion of stinging nettle flowers in the form of tea is drunk for choking and coughing for expectoration and resorption of phlegm.

Nettle is not only an internal, but also an external hemostatic and wound healing agent. Infected wounds are more likely to be freed from pus and heal faster if they are sprinkled with powder nettle or apply fresh leaves to them. A decoction of the whole plant is used externally for washes and compresses for tumors. Dried and crushed leaves are used for nosebleeds, and fresh leaves destroy warts.

And, of course, we should remember that back in ancient times, nettle was used in folk medicine as a skin irritant (that is, a factor in reflex therapy).

An infusion of nettle inflorescences is used for rheumatism, kidney stone disease, as a diuretic. A decoction of inflorescences is drunk for diabetes.

Nettle is very good at eliminating burning sensations. bladder and when urinating: boil 3 tablespoons of fresh nettle and a tablespoon of licorice roots for 10 minutes in a liter of water, cool and strain. Drink a third of a glass half an hour before meals 3 times a day for 5 days, then a 5-day break, and so carry out 3-4 courses of treatment.

A decoction of nettle seeds removes mucus from the lungs, stops hemoptysis, expels small intestine mucus, from abdominal cavity- liquid for dropsy.

A simple recipe for kidney cleansing: swallow 3g of seeds nettle 1 time per day.

If you mix nettle with salt, knead this mixture and apply it to dense tumors, then this paste will slowly dissolve any formations and cleanse purulent ulcers.

Nettle leaves mixed with help with shortness of breath.

Recipe for the elderly: pour 200g of fresh young nettle into 0.5l of vodka, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze. Keep it in the window for the first day, and then in the dark for 6 days. Take a teaspoon of tincture on an empty stomach half an hour before meals and at night before bed. One bottle per course. After treatment, a person feels more energetic, heart function and blood composition improve, blood levels decrease, and coordination of movements improves.

Leave a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves in a glass of boiling water for an hour, then strain. Wet your hair with the infusion after washing and lightly rub it into the scalp, do not wipe your head. Apply rubbing for several months, repeating them every week. Use for hair loss to strengthen and grow hair.

From the roots nettle you can prepare a tincture that should be rubbed on a patient with a cold: nettle roots and garlic, taken in equal parts, pour vodka in a ratio of one to five and leave for a week. The same infusion can be used as an antipyretic.

An infusion of nettle leaves can be used for obesity, as well as for diseases of absolutely everyone. internal organs, internal bleeding and skin diseases, both internally and externally. Brew a tablespoon of dry crushed nettle with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon orally 3 times a day.

Nettle seeds can easily replace any drugs to increase potency. To prepare a tincture of nettle seeds, take 20 g of dry nettle, pour in 0.5 liters of red grape wine, and leave for a week. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

You can enhance potency with the help of this drug: take one glass of red grape wine and a tablespoon of dry nettle. Mix all this, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain the broth and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Nettle is part of many folk recipes for treating a range of various diseases. It has gained popularity due to the presence of beneficial compounds that have a beneficial effect on the body. During growth, the succulent stems and leaves accumulate a significant amount of microelements, vitamins and other biologically active substances necessary for the body.

Stinging nettle is widely used not only in herbal medicine, but also in cosmetology, pharmacology, and gynecology. First courses are prepared with it; its leaves are poured with boiling water to make a pleasant, refreshing tea.

But you need to use nettle with caution, because, like other plants that deserve frequent mention in folk medicine, it has its contraindications. Therefore, before use, especially if we are not talking about one-time dose, you must consult your local doctor.

People have been paying attention to the beneficial properties of nettle for a long time, but the popularity of this plant does not decrease today. Young leaves are used in cosmetology, dermatology, gynecology and many other medical fields.

In our latitudes you can find two species - stinging nettle and stinging nettle. It is the latter that is considered the most useful. It grows in forests and park recreation areas, near houses and rivers, and in wastelands. The leaves are equilateral and have a bright green color and long petioles. Stinging nettle differs from the dioecious variety by the presence of small, dense hairs on the leaves.

This useful plant You can buy it at the pharmacy or assemble it yourself. For getting therapeutic effect All you have to do is brew tea; nettle leaves make excellent and, most importantly, healthy cabbage soup.

Of course, to collect plant materials, you should choose places away from the highways, in ecologically clean areas, so as not to cause harm to the body instead of the expected positive effect. Dusty leaves of stinging nettle growing on roadsides are contraindicated.

What it contains

Humanity has been using herbal treatment since antiquity, and stinging nettle occupies one of the leading places in herbal medicine, without losing its popularity over the centuries.

This plant contains a set of microelements that have a positive effect on many systems of our body. Vitamin K present in the leaves has anti-inflammatory properties and has a significant effect on blood clotting. In addition, nettle contains calcium, flavonoids, formic acid, tannins and many other chemical elements.

Nettle can quickly and effectively remove harmful toxins from the body, and when used in a course, cleanse the skin.

This plant, like carrots, contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and protects the cells of the body as a whole from free radicals.

In green leaves stinging nettle a lot of vitamin E and B vitamins, as well as iron, chlorophyll, coumarins and flavonoids, which have a powerful antioxidant effect.

By the way, chlorophyll is necessary not only for plants. and for humans. It is no coincidence that they are releasing today great amount food additives containing green molecules of this substance.

Young May nettle is added to salads, and nettle tea can be drunk all year round, brewing it on dried leaves, stored for future use.

Key Benefits

  1. Biologically active compounds in nettle stimulate metabolism and improve immunity.
  2. Stinging nettle is very useful for people suffering from such chronic illnesses, like tuberculosis and atherosclerosis.
  3. Nettle tea has been proven effective in treating problems digestive system, in the fight against nausea and increased gas formation.
  4. Nettle leaves are also successfully used for diseases of mucous surfaces (throat diseases, nosebleeds).
  5. The plant can be eaten (especially popular is “ green borscht"from nettle) and used as a medicinal or homeopathic remedy to relieve irritation caused by rashes allergic nature, such as urticaria, dermatitis, etc.
  6. It is especially worth noting. People familiar with this disease know how painful it can be and how difficult it is to deal with unpleasant symptoms.
  7. Nettle leaves have another unique ability related to the regulation of hematopoiesis in the body.

For men

Nettle seeds have long been considered an indispensable tool for supporting male power. To do this, plant raw materials are brewed and the resulting decoction is consumed half an hour before meals, in the morning and in the evening. On early stages prostate adenoma in men, tea from dry leaves is useful: 2 tbsp. l. dry product is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes. Men should take this tea morning and evening for one to two months.

For women

Since ancient times, stinging nettle has been used in gynecology. Even then, people noticed that the plant has a positive effect on a woman’s body: during heavy periods, it reduces bleeding and normalizes an unstable cycle.

The main element that affects blood clotting is vitamin K, which has a beneficial effect on physiological processes, occurring in the body during critical days.

In case of prolonged and/or painful periods, you can use nettle tea. This drink increases the number of platelets and hemoglobin levels in the blood. Another positive property of nettle is its ability to purify the blood.

Often used in gynecology herbal teas, since together they have maximum efficiency. To enhance the positive effect, nettle can be combined with lungwort, yarrow and horsetail.

If there is insufficient milk supply during breastfeeding You can drink nettle juice diluted in purified water, or add young leaves to tea.

Beautiful hair

Folk recipes that came to us a long time ago, from our great-grandmothers, most often turn out to be the most effective. Look at old photos - all the women have thick, luxurious long braids.

  1. The plant helps fight scalp diseases, prevents hair loss, and promotes rapid growth.
  2. There are many ways to use nettle as a hair care product. The plant can be added to store-bought shampoos and conditioners, or you can make home remedies based on it, apply it to your hair as a mask, and use it internally as a tea.
  3. At correct use Nettle can help get rid of problems such as dandruff, hair fragility, split ends, and excessive oily scalp.
  4. Nettle “works” as an antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  5. At regular use With the decoction you can achieve a radiant shine, your hair will become noticeably thicker and healthier.
  6. Systematic rinsing of the head after washing with nettle decoction helps restore hair damaged by frequent dyeing or perming, improves its color due to the content of minerals and beneficial microelements that the female body lacks.

The beneficial substances contained in this herb will not disappear, even if you use it in dried form from autumn to spring.

Men can also use the hair care recipes given here, although, in truth, they care about their beauty much less than the fair sex.

Moreover, there are simply no contraindications for washing hair with stinging nettle decoctions.

The ideal remedy for improving the growth of beautiful and healthy hair is nettle oil. It can be used as a mask before washing your hair, and as a balm after using shampoo. This oil will protect your hair from harmful effects hot air stream from a hair dryer when drying and styling your hair.

Nettle oil is sold in pharmacies. But you can make the decoction yourself - for free. Both leaves and stems, and even roots of the plant are suitable for its preparation. With regular use, your hair will soon shine with shine and health!

Another significant advantage in favor of nettle decoctions is that they are practically odorless.

Why is it dangerous?

The leaves and stems of the plant are also useful for internal use, but within reasonable limits. When treating with nettle, it is better to treat this process with caution and ask a doctor for advice, since this plant has its own characteristics and contraindications.

  • Affects blood thickness and clotting. Therefore, if a person has high pressure, he is sick with hypertension or atherosclerosis, use nettle in medicinal purposes it is forbidden.
  • For varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, the use of products based on this plant material is also not recommended.
  • The use of nettle is also contraindicated for those who have kidney problems.
  • Under no circumstances should you drink decoctions from the leaves of the plant during pregnancy, as they can stimulate uterine contractions and lead to premature birth.
  • Another contraindication is any type of tumor.

If used thoughtlessly, any remedy can cause harm instead of the expected recovery. Be careful and thoroughly study the chosen treatment method before implementing it.

(According to the US State Department)

100 grams of nettle contains:

Water 87.67 gr.

Calories: 42 cal.

Energy: 175 kJ

Protein (proteins) 2.71 g.

Total fat 0.24 g

Carbohydrates 7.49 g

Fiber (fiber) 6.9 g.

Sugar 0.25 gr.

Sucrose 0.10 g

Glucose 0.07 gr.

Fructose 0.07 gr.


Calcium, Ca 481 mg.

Iron, Fe 1.64 mg.

Magnesium, Mg 57 mg.

Phosphorus, P 71 mg.

Potassium, K 334 mg.

Sodium, Na 4 mg.

Zinc, Zn 0.34 mg.

Copper, Cu 0.076 mg.

Manganese, Mn 0.779 mg.

Selenium, Se 0.3 µg


Thiamine 0.008 mg.

Riboflavin 0.160 mg.

Niacin 0.388 mg.

Vitamin B-6 0.103 mg

Folate (total) 14 mcg.

Folic acid- No

Choline 17.4 mg.

Betaine 21.4 mg.

Vitamin A RAE 101 mcg.

Beta-carotene 1150 mcg.

Alpha carotene 114 mcg.

Lutein + ceaxanthin 4178 mcg.

Vitamin K 498.6 mg.

Beta tocopherol 0.01 mg.

Vitamin K 13.2 mcg.


Saturated fatty acids (total) 0.037 g.

Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.014 g.

Fatty acids polyunsaturated 0.117 gr.

Cholesterol - no


We present results chemical analysis dry preparation of nettle, carried out in the laboratories of NPO "Vitamins" and State Unitary Enterprise "GOSNIISINTEZBELOK":

Our research

(according to the laboratory of NPO "Vitamins" and State Unitary Enterprise "GOSNIISINTEZBELOK"):

Crude protein(s): :................................ 35.3
Carbohydrates: ...................::::::.::.... 23.8 (dry weight)
Moisture: ........................:::::...... 5.0
Cellulose::::::::::::::. 17.2
Lignin:::::::::::::::. 10.7
Pectins:::::::::::::::. 0.7

Amino acids,%
Lysine 1.08
Histidine 0.61
Arginine 1.05
Aspartic acid 1.62
Threonine 0.80
Serine 0.55
Glutamic acid 2,20
Proline 0.88
Glycine 0.97
Alanine 1.11
Cystine 0.32
Valine 1.06
Methionine 0.52
Isoleucine 0.82
Leucine 1.47
Tyrosine 0.57
Phenylalanine 0.92

Mineral elements, mg/kg:
selenium, mcg/.kg:::.:::.94

Chromium, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic were not detected.

Vitamins, mg/100g:
Thiamine (vitamin B1)..........:::::::.................... .1.0
Pantothenic acid(vitamin B3).........................:................0.993
Folic acid (vitamin Sun)::...................................0.167
Biotin (vitamin H)............:::::::......................0.0246
Vitamin PP............:::::::::::...................... 4.18
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)................................:......145.2
Vitamin K........................::::::::::......: ..2.63

Such a rich set of amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins provides a wide range of restorative, health-improving and therapeutic-and-prophylactic effects of nettle on the human body. It should be noted: nettle proteins contain 9 out of 10 essential amino acids, which in combination with minerals and vitamins allows you to maintain high performance, quickly restore strength after hard work, fatigue or illness.

Essential amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and must be obtained from food. Among them:
- lysine, promoting the absorption of calcium and supporting normal nitrogen metabolism necessary for the formation and growth of bones, as well as during recovery after operations and injuries;
- histidine, which protects the body from the effects of radiation, necessary for the formation of red and white blood cells and maintaining immunity;
- arginine necessary to maintain metabolism in muscle tissue, which improves the condition of the skin, is involved in the restoration of joint cartilage, strengthens ligaments and heart muscles, slows the growth of tumors and stimulates the immune system;
- threonine, supporting protein and fat metabolism and immunity;
- methionine, which normalizes liver function and prevents the deposition of fats in it, preventing muscle weakness and hair loss;
- phenylalanine, improves memory and attention, improves blood circulation, promotes the formation of insulin.

Other amino acids contained in nettle are involved in the restoration of damaged tissues, skin formation, and strengthening of joints. The effect of glutamine, the percentage of which is the highest, is especially surprising. It improves brain activity, reduces cravings for alcohol and smoking, and maintains acid-base balance in the body.

Nettle is almost the only product that contains vitamin K - a hemostatic factor that increases blood clotting, especially during external and internal bleeding, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. These properties are especially important for the gastrointestinal tract, where microdamage constantly occurs. The antitoxic effect of nettle is pronounced. At the same time, the lignins and cellulose polysaccharides contained in plant fibers are combined with vitamins C, K, E, group B, therefore, when nettle is consumed as food, toxins are absorbed throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Nettle also contains formic acid, tannins, and flavonoids. The presence of bioflavonoids is an important factor in antihistamine and antioxidant action, which makes it possible to recommend nettle for the prevention and treatment of asthma. Nettle is rich in vitamin C, the content of which is not inferior to citrus fruits. In combination with the amino acid cystine, vitamin C affects the bronchi and mucus secreted by the pulmonary epithelium. Therefore, nettle should be consumed by anyone who has weak or diseased lungs.

Vitamin C and lipoproteins contained in nettle, being antioxidants, have positive influence for prevention cardiovascular diseases. The laureate drew attention to the connection between these diseases and a lack of vitamin C. Nobel Prize L. Pauling, who sees in this main reason cardiovascular diseases. Normalization of activities of cardio-vascular system Contributes to the high content of potassium and calcium. That's why constant reception nettle is one of the factors reducing the risk of heart and vascular diseases.
High content beta-carotene in nettles (2 times more than in carrots!) helps strengthen the retina and improve vision. Large quantities chlorophyll, which has an anti-radiation effect, is extremely valuable when working in conditions of increased radiation and during irradiation; at local application chlorophyll promotes wound healing. Therefore, nettle is a must for those who work with a computer.

The unique combination of substances in nettle ensures its unsurpassed effect on the body.

It is especially necessary to use nettle for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Nettle normalizes natural exchange substances, tissue metabolism and thereby leads to a decrease in the amount of sugar in the blood. There is evidence that eating nettle helps restore the functions of beta cells of the pancreas, as a result of which diabetic patients sharply reduce insulin dependence to full recovery normal sugar metabolism. In addition, the presence of secretin in nettle, which stimulates the formation of insulin, is also antidiabetic, helping to remove sugar from the blood. Recipes for collecting plants recommended by Musina S.E. et al. for diabetics (2000), must contain nettle. Consequently, nettle is the main component of the antidiabetic effect, although more than 40 similar plants are known.

Nettle is used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis, anemia, and atherosclerosis. Nettle is believed to enhance milk production in nursing mothers. It is recommended as a nutritional, health-improving and therapeutic-and-prophylactic additive in soups, salads, sauces, mayonnaise and other products; it helps well against spring fatigue, anemia, and increases resistance to various diseases, improves metabolism.

Nettle broom - excellent remedy to relieve radiculitis pain if you take a steam bath or sauna with it; Compresses made from nettle powder also work. Baths with nettle infusion are also recommended. It is widely used as a cosmetic product in lotions, ointments, various compositions with protein, sour cream and other ingredients. IN Food Industry nettle is used as a dye and filler, in particular, in the manufacture of sweets. Received positive results the use of nettle with beets in the treatment of helminthic disease hookworm. The causative agent of this disease is a small intestinal nematode (0.8-11.0 mm in size), penetrates the mucous membrane of the small intestine and feeds on blood.

Nettle infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon (5 g) of powder per glass of boiling water, left for 10 minutes and taken chilled. glasses 2 times a day. It is good to add nettle to beet, carrot, lemon, and fruit juices.

Take 5-7 tablets of lyophilized nettle. 3 times a day before meals.

In addition to lyophilized nettle powder and nettle tablets, the Bioritm company produces combination tablets nettles with dry juices of cabbage and beets. Their effectiveness increases sharply due to the combined influence of a complex of substances contained in beets, cabbage, and nettles. Nettle tablets with cabbage and beet juices enhance the anti-ulcer effect of vitamin U and the overall healing effect on the human body.

A strong remedy against fatigue and anemia is honey with nettle.


Nettle infusion and tablets are recommended for use:
- as an anti-sclerotic agent;
- as a hemostatic agent for internal hemorrhages (pulmonary, kidney, intestinal) and, especially, uterine bleeding;
- for anemia (cleanses the blood and improves its composition);
- in case of violations menstrual cycle;
- for the treatment of stomach ulcers;
- for the prevention and treatment of chronic colitis, kidney inflammation;
- for the treatment of liver and gallbladder diseases, kidney stones;
- for dysentery;
- for hemorrhoids accompanied by constipation and bleeding;
- for the prevention and treatment of rheumatism, arthritis;
- for diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
- for bleeding gums (stimulates wound healing);
- to stimulate mental and physical development children.

Nettle is known to everyone. Every spring, this unpretentious flowering plant appears literally everywhere. Nettles can be found in forests, parks, vegetable gardens and along roads.


The beneficial properties of nettle have been known to mankind for many centuries. It is popular in all countries. This perennial plant is distinguished by its rich green color and special burning quality. The pungency of nettle is given by special hairs, which abundantly cover its stems and leaves. You can recognize the plant not only by its “biting” qualities, but also by the jagged edges of the leaves.

The benefits of nettle are known not only to humans, but also to animals. The “biting” properties are given to it by silicon salts, which are found in abundance at the end of each hair. This pointed tip breaks when the slightest influence. It penetrates deep into the skin of humans and animals and releases its contents at the point of penetration. In addition to silicon salts, it contains choline, histamine and formic acid, which create the well-known “burn” effect.

Nettle burns found in Russia and Europe are quite harmless, although they have some contraindications. But there are tropical species of this plant whose burn is so painful that it can cause death. The popularity of this grass is given by its ubiquity and unpretentiousness, as well as the huge amount positive properties. Medicinal qualities Nettles have been known since ancient times and are time-tested and absolutely reliable.

Nettle contains: large quantities vitamins, macroelements and microelements. The medicinal properties of the plant are widely used not only folk healers, but also in traditional medicine. She is an excellent source useful substances and vitamins, and at the same time contains a very small amount of calories. This wonderful combination makes nettle an essential part of all complete gentle diets for weight loss. In addition to helping in the fight against excess weight, nettle is part of many therapeutic diets. So if there are no contraindications, nettle can become ideal assistant for every person who cares about their health.

The benefits of nettle are many-sided and varied. This herb has pleasant taste and aroma, used as a seasoning for dishes. Green soups are cooked from it, dumplings and casseroles are made, and it is added to salads. Nettle is intensively used in pharmacology. Based on its infusions and extracts, a huge amount of medicines, dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

The cosmetics industry pays special attention to nettles. In any country in the world you can find numerous lotions, creams, shampoos and conditioners that contain nettle. The medicinal qualities of this pungent herb have a wonderful effect on the skin, nourishing it and adding a healthy appearance to it. Nettle decoctions and infusions contain vitamins that give hair shine, grooming and improve its structure. In addition, nettle prevents hair loss, which makes it a participant in many special medicinal ointments. The benefits of nettle have made the plant an essential component of many herbal preparations.

Nettle has the following qualities:

  • An excellent diuretic that helps remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Crushes kidney stones and removes sand from them.
  • Helps remove waste from the gallbladder.
  • Recommended for liver diseases, as a means of stimulating its cleansing and restoration.
  • Stops heavy bleeding, for example with hemorrhoids.
  • It treats tuberculosis, therefore it is part of complex therapy.
  • It is a mild laxative, gently cleansing the intestines and promoting the removal of waste and toxins from the body.
  • Reduces swelling.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Helps treat allergic skin rashes and food allergies.
  • Used as an anticonvulsant.
  • It is a good expectorant.
  • Used to treat bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  • Nettle juice is used to treat pustular skin lesions, ulcers and open wounds.
  • As a source of many vitamins, it helps fight viral infections and strengthens the immune system. It has been proven that nettle contains 2 times more ascorbic acid than black currant.
  • The high content of carotene (more than in sea buckthorn and sorrel) improves visual acuity, strengthens the immune system, calms the nerves, and supports the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Recommended for heavy menstruation.
  • It is an excellent general strengthening agent.
  • Increases hemoglobin, red blood cells and platelets in the blood.
  • Reduces blood sugar concentration.
  • A decoction of nettle roots relieves stomach cramps and pain.
  • Treats the respiratory organs.
  • Helps get rid of lichens and boils.
  • Nettle is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. You can use this infusion to rinse your nose and gargle.
  • It is also recommended for endocrine diseases.
  • Nettle oil helps relieve joint pain due to arthritis, osteochondrosis, myositis and plexitis.

The medicinal qualities of the plant are truly extensive. The herb is indicated for use by almost everyone, with the exception of persons with individual contraindications.

For the vitamins and minerals contained in nettle to really help, it must be used correctly. Prepare medicinal teas, decoctions and tinctures should be strictly in accordance with the recommendations.

And the duration of treatment in each special case must be strictly observed.


The main contraindications to the use of nettle apply to people who have individual intolerance to the substances that make up the plant. Contraindications also apply to those who are prone to skin allergies. In this case, the “bite” turns out to be more painful and passes through long time, causing a lot of trouble.

Harm to nettles occurs when eating greens that have not been pre-treatment. For example, before eating nettle, it must be washed and doused with boiling water, and then rolled in your hands or crushed. These methods help neutralize the effects of stinging hairs. Nettles cannot be collected within the city, near landfills and along roads. Nettles grown near garbage waste may well absorb unfavorable elements of the environment.

Calorie content

Calorie table per 100 g of nettle:

100 g of nettle contains about 24 kcal. This is about 12% of the recommended daily value(2000-2200 kcal)


The medicinal qualities of nettle are very diverse. However, it has some contraindications for use that must be taken into account.

Contraindications to the use of nettle:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Presence of blood clots.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Children under 3 years of age.

The nutritional value

Table nutritional value in mg per 100 g of nettle:

Vitamins and minerals

Nettle contains vitamins and minerals in large quantities. It is their presence that makes this plant so useful and widespread.

Table of vitamins per 100 g of product:

Table of minerals in mg per 100 g of product:

Medicinal properties and minor contraindications made nettle a leader among available herbal remedies traditional medicine. Vitamins, minerals and low calorie content made it an ideal dietary food product.