Drugs to improve digestion are ideal stomach aids. Enzyme preparations for inflammatory bowel disease

Digestive problems: pain, constipation, indigestion - all of this has occurred to each of us at least once in our lives. The reasons for this may be poor nutrition, congenital anomalies and much more. In order to cope with this condition, it is strongly recommended to use medications, including enzymatic ones. They allow the most complete influence on the functioning of the digestive system.

Symptoms of impaired fermentation

Before taking enzymes to improve digestion, you need to know all about the symptoms that this function is impaired. We are talking about constant fatigue, permanent drowsiness, which is formed precisely due to a lack of nutritional components. Another sign that it is necessary to normalize this ratio is a worsening of the skin condition. With enzyme deficiency, the skin dries out and even pigment spots form on it. Other signs experts include:

  • poor condition of hair and nail plates, which is perhaps one of the most alarming signs;
  • problems in the intestines - constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen, especially after eating food;
  • increased appetite, which is noted as a result of permanent or temporary unpleasant symptoms in the abdominal area.

If one or even a combination of several symptoms appears, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist who will prescribe the best drugs to improve digestion.

Briefly about the reasons

In the list of factors influencing the disruption of digestive function, one cannot help but pay attention to an incorrect diet (abuse of smoked, fried and other harmful foods), and consumption of food in significant quantities. In addition, we must not forget about poor chewing of food, eating dinner at the wrong – late – time, in particular, shortly before going to bed. In addition, contrary to the beliefs of many, drinking significant amounts of water during meals is also undesirable.

Drinking water is only beneficial if consumed between meals because water helps dilute the enzymes. As a result, their influence is much less effective, and they will be contained in the body in smaller quantities. Thus, normalization of digestive functions is possible through special means to improve digestion.

About drugs in general

In case of malfunctions in the digestive system, it is strongly recommended not only to use enzymes, but also to follow a diet. This is how the most significant effect can be achieved. Children and adults may need to use products whose main component is pancreatin. It is this enzyme that helps restore the functioning of the digestive system. Experts list such means as:

  • Mezim;
  • Festal;
  • Penzital.

They can be used independently, but it is better to do this after consulting a gastroenterologist.

Further, it is permissible to use such drugs that, in addition to pancreatin, contain other additional components. These can be bile acids, hemicellulose, which allow the breakdown of complex sugar compounds and optimize intestinal activity. Enzyme preparations for improving digestion in this category are Enzistal, Panzinorm and others.

In addition, if the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, it will be possible to give a person drugs that help stabilize the exocrine activity of the pancreas. We are talking about Somilaz, Nigedaz, Oraz and other names that are useful for children and adults, including pregnant women.

Enzyme release forms

Medicines to improve digestion can come in several forms, which will influence the effects of a particular drug. These can be capsules and tablets. Speaking about capsules, pay attention to the fact that each of them has two shells. The first will dissolve in the stomach area, while the second will dissolve exclusively in the intestines. It is due to this that such a medicine will spread throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract. To enhance the effect, you should never forget about proper nutrition and even exercise to improve digestion.

Tablets (a more common form of drug use) will act exclusively on the stomach. This is explained by the fact that under the influence of gastric juice, the tablet name will dissolve and dissolve in this area, which gives less effect. Next, I would like to talk in more detail about which enzymes are best suited for improving digestion.

It is one of the most effective medicines that improves digestion. Many people pay attention to the more than affordable cost of this enzyme composition. Considering all the components that it contains, I would like to note that it is permissible to give it in the following cases:

  • with insufficient production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • for chronic pathologies in the stomach, intestines and liver;
  • in case of overeating;
  • with physical inactivity and any problems with the masticatory apparatus.

Determining the dosage is the prerogative of the gastroenterologist. At the same time, those who take it while eating food speak well of the product. We are talking about one tablet, much less often - two at a time. In the case of children, it is advisable to take a third of the tablet, especially after intestinal infections.

Extremely rarely, for example, if foods that improve digestion have not been consumed, adverse reactions may be identified. We are talking about stomach discomfort, an allergic reaction (skin rashes), and an increase in the uric acid ratio. Considering all this and despite the relative safety of the drug, its use is advisable after consultation with a gastroenterologist. It is in this case that this drug will not lead to discomfort in the stomach and additional use of enzymes will not be required.

This remedy is recommended by many gastroenterologists due to its release form - in the form of capsules. The leading active component of the drug is pancreatin, which perfectly stimulates the production of all the required enzymes. Creon is prescribed in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, after operations that affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It will also contribute to the treatment of cystic fibrosis and cancer (tumors).

In addition, Creon can be used when eating a large meal in order to improve the digestive process and eliminate the likelihood of indigestion developing in the stomach after eating. Speaking about the process of use, pay attention to the use of one capsule before each session of eating. There is no need to chew the capsules; simply washing them down with water will be more than enough.

Creon really is the answer to the question of how to improve digestion, however, given its higher effectiveness in comparison with Pancreatin, it should definitely be used only after consultation with a gastroenterologist. A brief overview of other medicines deserves special attention.

Other enzymes

Mezim is known to everyone - one tablet includes pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease. The drug is prescribed for a wide range of problems: from chronic pancreatitis to insufficient enzyme production. It is strongly recommended to take no more than one tablet before each meal. Jaundice and hepatitis should be considered contraindications.

It is necessary to note other names containing any enzymes useful for the digestive system:

  • Festal - includes pancreatin, hemicellulose and bile powder. It is this product that ensures optimal absorption of vitamin components and fats;
  • Ensisital - used for active flatulence, physical inactivity, problematic fermentation;
  • Somilase - helps restore pancreatic function and, just like other drugs, compensates for the lack of enzymes.

It will be very important, using any of the enzymes presented, to consume foods to improve digestion.

In each specific case, such a list is determined individually.

In addition, it will be possible to undergo traditional treatment: taking certain herbs. It would be best to ask a gastroenterologist about how to improve digestion using folk remedies, because this is also purely individual. For some, chamomile and immortelle will be effective; for others, coltsfoot, mint and other plants will help. Thus, in the process of restoring the functioning of the digestive system, in no case should the basic rules of nutrition and the use of medicines, including enzymes, be excluded.



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    1.Can cancer be prevented?
    The occurrence of a disease such as cancer depends on many factors. No person can ensure complete safety for himself. But everyone can significantly reduce the chances of developing a malignant tumor.

    2.How does smoking affect the development of cancer?
    Absolutely, categorically forbid yourself from smoking. Everyone is already tired of this truth. But quitting smoking reduces the risk of developing all types of cancer. Smoking is associated with 30% of deaths from cancer. In Russia, lung tumors kill more people than tumors of all other organs.
    Eliminating tobacco from your life is the best prevention. Even if you smoke not a pack a day, but only half a day, the risk of lung cancer is already reduced by 27%, as the American Medical Association found.

    3.Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?
    Look at the scales more often! Extra pounds will affect more than just your waist. The American Institute for Cancer Research has found that obesity promotes the development of tumors of the esophagus, kidneys and gallbladder. The fact is that adipose tissue not only serves to preserve energy reserves, it also has a secretory function: fat produces proteins that affect the development of a chronic inflammatory process in the body. And oncological diseases appear against the background of inflammation. In Russia, WHO associates 26% of all cancer cases with obesity.

    4.Do exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?
    Spend at least half an hour a week training. Sport is on the same level as proper nutrition when it comes to cancer prevention. In the United States, a third of all deaths are attributed to the fact that patients did not follow any diet or pay attention to physical exercise. The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 150 minutes a week at a moderate pace or half as much but at a vigorous pace. However, a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer in 2010 shows that even 30 minutes can reduce the risk of breast cancer (which affects one in eight women worldwide) by 35%.

    5.How does alcohol affect cancer cells?
    Less alcohol! Alcohol has been blamed for causing tumors of the mouth, larynx, liver, rectum and mammary glands. Ethyl alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde, which is then converted into acetic acid under the action of enzymes. Acetaldehyde is a strong carcinogen. Alcohol is especially harmful for women, as it stimulates the production of estrogens - hormones that affect the growth of breast tissue. Excess estrogen leads to the formation of breast tumors, which means that every extra sip of alcohol increases the risk of getting sick.

    6.Which cabbage helps fight cancer?
    Love broccoli. Vegetables not only contribute to a healthy diet, but they also help fight cancer. This is also why recommendations for healthy eating contain the rule: half of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits. Particularly useful are cruciferous vegetables, which contain glucosinolates - substances that, when processed, acquire anti-cancer properties. These vegetables include cabbage: regular cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

    7. Red meat affects which organ cancer?
    The more vegetables you eat, the less red meat you put on your plate. Research has confirmed that people who eat more than 500g of red meat per week have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

    8.Which of the proposed remedies protect against skin cancer?
    Stock up on sunscreen! Women aged 18–36 are especially susceptible to melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. In Russia, in just 10 years, the incidence of melanoma has increased by 26%, world statistics show an even greater increase. Both tanning equipment and sun rays are blamed for this. The danger can be minimized with a simple tube of sunscreen. A 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology confirmed that people who regularly apply a special cream have half the incidence of melanoma than those who neglect such cosmetics.
    You need to choose a cream with a protection factor of SPF 15, apply it even in winter and even in cloudy weather (the procedure should turn into the same habit as brushing your teeth), and also not expose it to the sun's rays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    9. Do you think stress affects the development of cancer?
    Stress itself does not cause cancer, but it weakens the entire body and creates conditions for the development of this disease. Research has shown that constant worry alters the activity of immune cells responsible for triggering the fight-and-flight mechanism. As a result, a large amount of cortisol, monocytes and neutrophils, which are responsible for inflammatory processes, constantly circulate in the blood. And as already mentioned, chronic inflammatory processes can lead to the formation of cancer cells.


  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 9

    Can cancer be prevented?

  2. Task 2 of 9

    How does smoking affect the development of cancer?

  3. Task 3 of 9

    Does excess weight affect the development of cancer?

  4. Task 4 of 9

    Does exercise help reduce the risk of cancer?

  5. Task 5 of 9

    How does alcohol affect cancer cells?

Among the many medications, digestive medications are the leading ones. They are indeed present in almost every first aid kit. In medicine they are called to improve digestion. To assimilate and process food, the substances contained in medications are produced by the body independently. However, there are cases when enzyme synthesis occurs in insufficient quantities. This leads to bloating and increased gas formation. This is when it is necessary to take enzyme preparations to improve digestion.

Common causes of violation

Today, regulation of digestion is necessary for many people. The reasons for the disruption of the process can lie both in diseases and in poor diet. Doctors have identified the main sources affecting the deterioration of digestion:

Indications for use

Analyzing the causes of digestive disorders, it becomes clear for which pathologies it is advisable to use these medications.

The use of enzyme preparations is indicated for patients with the following diseases and conditions:

  • pathologies of the stomach, such as chronic gastritis, in which secretory function is reduced, after gastrectomy;
  • - chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, after resection of the gland;
  • ailments of the liver, gall bladder - chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, after cholecystectomy;
  • intestinal diseases - chronic enterocolitis, enteritis;
  • violation of parietal digestion - gluten enteropathy, Crohn's disease;
  • functional dyspepsia.

Digestive medications are especially necessary for patients with chronic pancreatitis, in which exocrine function is impaired, as well as for patients who have undergone pancreatic resection.

Classification of drugs

There are many enzyme drugs available on the pharmacological market. Among them are:

  1. Herbal preparations - “Wobenzym”, “Unienzym”, “Oraza”, “Pepfiz”.
  2. Medicines created from pig pancreas - “Mezim Forte”, “Pancreatin”, “Creon”, “Lycreaza”, “Penzital”.
  3. Medicines obtained from the glands of large horned animals - “Digestal”, “Festal”, “Enzistal”.

In medicine, enzyme preparations are classified according to their origin and composition. The classification includes the following groups.

Gastric mucosa extracts

The main active ingredient is pepsin. The following drugs belong to this group:

  • "Pepsin".
  • "Abomin."
  • Pepsidal.
  • "Acidin-pepsin."

These medications compensate for dysfunction of the gastric mucosa. They are capable of breaking down almost all natural proteins.

Medicines containing pancreatic enzymes

Such substances are amylase, trypsin, lipase. Preparations containing these components:

  • "Mezim-forte".
  • "Pancitrate."
  • "Pancreatin".
  • "Trienzyme"
  • "Creon."

These medicines are made from the pancreas of pigs or cattle. These drugs provide excellent digestive activity.

Products containing pancreatin, bile components, hemicellulose

We list the enzyme preparations for improving digestion included in this group:

  • "Festal".
  • "Digestal".
  • "Menzim."
  • "Cotazim-forte".
  • "Panzinorm forte".
  • "Enzistal".
  • "Pankreoflat".

Stimulates pancreatic secretion, improves intestinal and gallbladder motility. They provide emulsification of fat in the body and promote choleresis. Plant fiber improves intestinal motility. Simethicone, dimethicone - the components included in this medicine are antifoaming agents that perfectly relieve flatulence.

Preparations based on enzymes of plant origin

Such means are:

  • "Pepphys".
  • "Unienzyme".
  • "Solizim."
  • "Oraza."
  • "Sestal."

Combined medications

These are medicines that include plant enzymes and pancreatin. The representative of the group is the drug Wobenzym.

Preparations containing disaccharidases

The following medications belong to this group:

  • "Lactrase."
  • "Lactaid."
  • "Kerulak".

These medications contain the enzyme β-galactidase. It breaks down the disaccharide lactose.

Medicines for children

Unfortunately, babies are also susceptible to digestive disorders. Almost all of the above enzyme preparations are completely suitable for children. But remember that only a doctor can prescribe the remedy that the baby needs! At the same time, the dose of the medication and the dosage form vary depending on age.

It is advisable to use a medicine coated with a special coating. This allows you to protect it from the action of hydrochloric acid. The absence of a shell reduces the activity of the drug.

Enzyme preparations for children starting from 3 years of age can be taken in tablet form or capsules. Such kids are already able to swallow a pill. For babies at an earlier age, it is recommended to open the capsule and mix the medicine with milk or other food.

Let's look at the most popular and effective enzyme preparations for improving digestion.

Medicine "Abomin"

This drug is prescribed for disorders of digestive functions, decreased acidity of gastric juice, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, gastritis.

However, we should not forget that the active ingredient of the medicine is rennet. Therefore, if you are intolerant, the medicine is contraindicated. This remedy is not used in the case of regurgitation syndrome, vomiting in babies at an early age. Sometimes the medication can cause temporary nausea and heartburn. The product is approved for use by children. Children from 1 year of age can be treated with the drug “Abomin”.

The price of this product is about 171 rubles.

Medicine "Mezim-Forte"

This remedy helps to compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes. It stimulates the digestion of food. Often the medicine is prescribed for chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcers, enteritis, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, and intestinal infections. Sometimes it can be taken occasionally to facilitate the digestion process.

The drug "Mezim" is strictly contraindicated in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis. While taking this medication, mild nausea and sometimes vomiting may occur. In some patients (rarely), the medicine can provoke atopic dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, and anaphylactic shock.

This product can be used for children. Medicine is prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the severity of the pathology.

The drug "Creon"

This medicine is quite effective for digestive disorders. Its use is recommended if the patient experiences a feeling of fullness in the stomach during overeating, or abuses fatty or unusual foods. The drug "Creon" is an excellent replacement therapy for pancreatic insufficiency. It is often used to prepare a patient for examinations of organs in the abdomen. For acute pancreatitis, the drug is not used.

This drug has virtually no contraindications. It is suitable for pregnant women and babies. However, in some cases the drug may cause constipation in the latter.

Medicine "Pancreatin 8000"

This is an excellent enzyme preparation that facilitates the digestion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It promotes their absorption in the small intestine. One tablet of the drug "Pancreatin 8000" contains the necessary enzymes in international units:

  • lipase - 8000;
  • amylase - 5600;
  • protease - 370.

The drug is in demand for pathologies of the pancreas, chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, and gall bladder. The drug can be used by patients with normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with errors in diet and physical inactivity.

The medicine is prohibited for use in case of exacerbation of pancreatitis or hypersensitivity to the medicine.


To alleviate the condition and significantly help the digestive system, pharmacists have developed special synthesized analogues of enzymes. Their composition is similar to those that If your own body cannot synthesize the required amount of such substances, then it is recommended to use special preparations for digestion. However, do not forget that from the numerous variety of such medications, you can only choose the right one with your doctor.

Raise your hand for those who experienced bloating within 5-10 minutes after eating food! C'mon, I'm first :)

In the article I already wrote about the causes of bloating in the intestines. However, today we will talk specifically about bloating due to a lack of digestive enzymes. Does it make sense to use enzyme preparations for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease? What are the risks of using such supplements on a regular basis?

Digestion and Digestive Enzymes

First, let's figure out what “digestive enzymes” are and why we need them. However, before answering these questions, you and I must understand the very essence of digestion.

Digestion- this is a process whose purpose is to break down the food entering us into simpler chemical components, so that in the future the latter can successfully enter the blood. It follows from this that the functions of digestion are split And suction- two pillars thanks to which the main nutritional elements (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins) penetrate into the blood.

Digestive enzymes (enzymes)– these are special compounds involved in digestion. Thanks to them, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down into digestible components.

Enzymes, depending on what they break down, are divided into several groups:

  1. Proteases. Digest proteins
  2. Lipases. Digest fats.
  3. Carbohydrases. Digest carbohydrates.
  4. Nucleases. Digest nucleic acids.

Each part of the gastrointestinal tract has its own digestive enzymes. The mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine all have their own set of enzymes. The main organ that produces these elements is pancreas. That is why, in case of its removal, operated people are prescribed almost lifelong use of one or another enzyme preparation (Pancreatin, Mezim, etc.). so that the food they eat can be fully digested and properly assimilated.

By the way, in the large intestine the source of digestive enzymes is its microflora. Now do you understand why it contributes to increased symptoms of IBD?

The previously mentioned (branched chain amino acids) are already broken down protein. Therefore, the gastrointestinal tract does not need to digest them; After taking a portion of “amines”, they will enter your blood within 7-15 minutes.

How to determine a lack of digestive enzymes?

In fact, it is quite simple: you just need to pass the appropriate tests. Also, there are several symptoms, the cause of which in most cases is a lack of digestive enzymes:

  • Prolonged “bloating” in the stomach immediately after eating.
  • Violent belching after eating.
  • "Burning" and bloating.
  • Abdominal discomfort.
  • Mucus in the stool.

Have you already guessed that some of the symptoms of enzyme deficiency overlap with the direct symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases (UC and CD)? Flatulence, diarrhea, mucus - as a rule, all this is present during an exacerbation of IBD, as well as during. And bloating in the stomach area can also be caused by the presence of inflammation in the case of Crohn's disease. However, from my own experience I can say that the Mezim tablet helps me get rid of “bloating” in the stomach after eating, for example, a large amount of melon. But about the drugs a little later.

A large number of people who train in the gym to gain muscle mass suffer from a lack of enzymes. By the way, the article “” is especially for you if you are interested in this topic. So, in order to gain “mass” an athlete needs an increased amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates compared to an ordinary person. To do this, he must eat very well and plentifully. The result is a lack of enzymes.

If you notice any of the above symptoms, first experienced or laboratory(donate blood for IgE, more details in the entry “ “) ways to find out what kind of food such a reaction may occur to, and also go through the FGDS(fibrogastroduodenoscopy) to exclude pathology. Enzyme preparations are not toys, and it is highly not recommended to prescribe them to yourself for a long time.

For myself, I learned that bloating in my stomach occurs after I eat pasta and cookies from a certain manufacturer (apparently they add something without specifying the ingredients), fresh bell peppers, fresh green onions, products with and, it seems like that's it. Also, bloating occurred earlier due to washing down food with water (why this should not be done - in the article ““) or due to careless chewing, which I can’t get rid of, because... “there’s never enough time.”

Which enzyme preparation should I choose?

Currently, there are a great variety of preparations with digestive enzymes, which can be divided into several categories depending on their composition.

As gastroenterologists say, patients with UC and, in particular, CD often have a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme necessary for the proper digestion of dairy products that contain lactose. Of course, this is not surprising, because Crohn's disease often affects the small intestine. And, as we see from the table above, it is in the small intestine that lactase is secreted. Due to inflammation, the small intestine loses the ability to synthesize this digestive enzyme, which leads to gastrointestinal disorders when eating appropriate foods. In addition to IBD, the cause of lactase deficiency can be various intestinal infections, the aforementioned, pancreatitis, removal of part of the small intestine, as well as prematurity of the child.

The benefits and harms of enzyme preparations

The rule of physiology tells us that everything in the body is regulated by a feedback mechanism. An artificial increase in the concentration of any endogenous substance will lead to a decrease in its synthesis in the body itself. But does this apply to digestive enzymes?

Having studied several sources, I came to the conclusion that enzymes of animal origin (amylase, lipase, trypsin, pepsin, lactase, etc.), which we obtain from the outside through the use of appropriate enzyme preparations, reduce their secretion in the human body. Yes, experiments conducted in 1998 on people for 4 weeks showed that after discontinuation of the drugs, the functions of the pancreas gradually returned to normal. However, what about the longer term?

Digestion begins the moment a person chews food. Saliva contains amylase, which breaks down polysaccharides. The stomach produces about 1.5-2 liters every day. gastric juice, which contains pepsin (thanks to this enzyme, proteins are broken down into peptides) and HCl (pepsin activity is possible only in an acidic environment). Gastric chyme in the duodenum is processed by pancreatic enzymes and bile.

Enzymes that are responsible for the digestion process

The pancreas produces about 20 digestive enzymes and. The main ones include:

  • Proteolytic: elastase, peptidase, chymotrypsin, trypsin (promote the breakdown of peptides and proteins into amino acids). Their release occurs in the form of proenzymes, for example, trypsinogen, etc. (otherwise self-digestion of the gland would occur). Activation of proenzymes in the intestine occurs with the help of enterokinases.
  • Lipolytic: lipase (promotes the breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids and monoglycerides; its activity is possible only in the presence of bile acids that emulsify fats) and phospholipase (promotes the breakdown of lecithin and phospholipids).
  • Amylolytic: amylase (promotes the breakdown of starch and other polysaccharides into disaccharides; in turn, the breakdown of disaccharides into monosaccharides occurs thanks to the enzymes of the small intestine - invertase, lactase, maltase, etc.).
  • Nucleolytic: deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease (promote the breakdown of nucleic acids; they are released in small quantities).

Pancreatic enzymes are active only in an alkaline environment. Pancreatic juice includes bicarbonates that neutralize acidic gastric contents in the duodenum.

Passing through the membrane of enterocytes, fermentation products are absorbed in the upper intestine. Our body does not have enzymes that break down plant fiber - hemicellulase and cellulase. Fermentation of plant fibers by microorganisms of the large intestine is accompanied by the formation of some useful substances, for example, sugars, acids, and a certain amount of gases that stimulate intestinal function.

Enzyme preparations

Preparations containing pancreatic enzymes have been produced for over a hundred years. Their main components, as a rule, are amylase, protease and lipase contained in pancreatin, a powder obtained from pork pancreas. The assessment of enzyme activity is carried out taking into account the units of the European Pharmacopoeia or International Units (they are identical). The lipase activity of one mg of dry pancreatin varies from 15 to 45 IU. Protease, amylase and lipase are contained in the preparations in optimal proportions (the preparation should not contain many proteases, since they reduce lipase activity).

Preparations containing enzymes are prescribed in a wide variety of cases of digestive disorders. As a rule, they help eliminate maldigestion syndrome (a feeling of heaviness and discomfort, diarrhea, flatulence, polyfecal matter, belching, nausea, etc.), pain. In addition, they are well tolerated and have virtually no side effects or contraindications.

Enzyme preparations are indicated for use in many cases. Their use is possible for gastric diseases (chronic gastritis, characterized by decreased secretory function, condition after gastrectomy, etc.), diseases of the gallbladder, liver (condition after cholecystectomy, chronic cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis), diseases of the pancreas (cystic fibrosis, chronic etc.), intestinal diseases (chronic enterocolitis and enteritis), functional dyspepsia, impaired parietal digestion (Crohn's disease, disaccharidase deficiency, celiac enteropathy), etc.

Enzyme preparations are indicated for use mainly in people suffering from chronic pancreatitis, characterized by impaired exocrine function, as well as in patients who have undergone pancreatic resection. Ensuring normal digestion is possible if the body receives a sufficient amount of lipase (at least 400 thousand IU daily). When choosing a medicine, you should first of all pay attention to the activity of lipase, since the secretion and production of lipase is most impaired. It is vital for a patient who has had his pancreas completely removed to take medications containing large amounts of enzymes every day.

The proper functioning of the digestive tract and stomach affects the strength of nails and the health of human hair. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is directly affected by the number of enzymes that process food and completely break it down. If the production of these substances is impaired, a person can use special medications.

What are enzyme preparations

Digestive preparations that contain enzymes used to treat diseases of the intestines and stomach are widely used among people. They are used, as a rule, when it is necessary to carry out replacement therapy, when disturbances occur in the process of producing one’s own enzymes. Experts distinguish two directions of action of these drugs for digestion:

  1. Reducing pain in diseases of the intestines, stomach, dyspepsia (heaviness, belching, bloating, etc.).
  2. Help with the breakdown of food in case of disruption of the pancreas - exocrine insufficiency.

The range of use of drugs with digestive enzymes is very wide. As a rule, they are prescribed to people:

  • with pathology of the gallbladder, liver, for example, with cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, after cholecystectomy;
  • diseases of the stomach in which secretory function is reduced;
  • intestinal ailments: enteritis, chronic enterocolitis;
  • diseases of the pancreas: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, after resection of the pancreas;
  • functional dyspepsia;
  • disorders of parietal digestion: Crohn's disease, gluten enteropathy, disaccharidase deficiency.

Due to the popularity of the problem of people with the gastrointestinal tract, there are many drugs with digestive enzymes on the market. Doctors distinguish three main groups of funds:

  • made from pig pancreas;
  • of plant origin;
  • obtained from the gland of a cattle animal.

Proteolytic enzymes

In this group of medications, the main active ingredient is pepsin. These drugs provide digestive enzymes that compensate for disturbances in the functioning of the gastric mucosa and are capable of processing all types of natural proteins:

  • Abomin;
  • Pepsin;
  • Acidin-pepsin;
  • Pepsidal.

Digestive enzymes with bile acids

These are drugs to improve intestinal function, which include auxiliary components: bile acids, hemicellulose, etc. They participate in the breakdown of complex sugar compounds and stimulate the production of enzymes by the pancreas. The list of popular drugs in this group includes:

  • Festal;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Enzistal

The action of bile acids is aimed at improving pancreatic secretion, stimulating intestinal motility and gall bladder. These digestive enzymes provide emulsification of fat in the body, increasing cholerisis. Peristalsis of the intestinal tract is stimulated by plant fiber. The medications contain dimethicone and simethicone, which relieve flatulence and are antifoaming agents.

Medicines for the pancreas

All effective tablets for the pancreas contain pancreatin, which is the main enzyme that provides immediate support in case of failure in the digestive process. It also contains the following important lipolytic elements: lipase, amylase, trypsin. The products are made from the pancreas of cattle or pigs. Medicines with this effect include:

  • Creon;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Penzital;

Tablets to improve digestion with plant enzymes

These tablets contain specific protein enzymes that accelerate various reactions in the body and affect metabolism. Some enzymes are produced by the thyroid gland, while the rest enter the human body with food. After some time, the natural formation of these enzymes decreases, so it is necessary to take the following medications:

  • Oraza;
  • Pepphys;
  • Festal;
  • Solizim;
  • Unienzyme.

Tablets for digestion with disaccharidases

The composition contains the enzyme β-galactidase, which breaks down the disaccharide lactose. This group includes the following effective and popular medications:

  • Lactaid;
  • Lactase;
  • Kerulak.

Drugs to improve digestion in children

Enzymatic problems and digestive disorders also occur in children. All of the drugs described above are completely suitable for a child, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the dosage of the medication, which depends on the age of the baby. The danger of taking such medications is that the body becomes addicted. After some time, dependence on medications may develop, and the independent production of enzymes may decrease.