Scientific articles by students in medicine. Catalog of professional journals and online publications on medicine and pharmaceuticals. Scientific medical library

There is a review.
Co-authors: Rasulova Kh.A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Faculty Internal Medicine, Occupational Diseases, Military Field Therapy, Hospital and Internal Medicine and Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of TashPMI
This article discusses the possibility of using biomarkers of inflammation and lipid spectrum as an important diagnostic marker for the maintenance and development of coronary heart disease. The influence of Ganoderma Lucidum on the state of biomarkers of inflammation and lipid spectrum was assessed and reviewed. Thus, it has been proven that TNF-α, C-reactive protein (CRP), fibrinogen and leukocytes are normalized when exposed to Ganoderma Lucidum. This effect can be explained by the effect of triterpenes on inflammatory biomarkers. The lipid spectrum also improves. Thus, as a result of the use of Ganoderma Lucidum, the content of low-density lipoproteins decreases, as a result of which total cholesterol in the blood decreases and blood pressure normalizes.

Co-authors: Akhunjanov Nazim Abidovich, senior lecturer, Department of Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Akhmedov Sulton Erkinovich, assistant at the Department of Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Botirov Abdurasul Zhumaevich, assistant, Department of Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
A comparative study of the effect of angiotensin-converting segment inhibitors, B-blockers, and indapamide on 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and pulse wave distribution velocity was conducted. For the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the state of the vestibular analyzer and audiography indicators was carried out after 3 months of treatment with these drugs in elderly and senile people. The safety of treatment in patients with cochleo-vestibular dysfunction was assessed.

3. Vyatkina Anastasia Andreevna. Medicine fads and its significance for modern man There is a review.
Co-authors: Antonina Lyudmila Vladimirovna, associate professor, head of the department, candidate of technical sciences. Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia, Institute of Design and Technology, Department of Commodity Research and Quality Expertise.
The article reveals the concept of whim medicine and examines its isolation from the main types of plastic surgery.

4. Fomenko Andrey Vladimirovich. Microsomal oxidation, application and activation methods
The article analyzes ways to influence the decrease in lipofuscin levels in cells and proposes an additional method - microsomal oxidation. Methods for activating microsomal oxidation are presented and their effectiveness is shown using the example of alcohol decomposition.

5. Romantsov Dmitry Valerievich. Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the cardiovascular system There is a review. The article was published in No. 75 (November) 2019
Co-authors: Kozlov Mikhail Yurievich, assistant of the department of physical education, Orenburg State Medical University
This article is devoted to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Because the percentage of heart diseases has increased. The article describes the simplest and most basic options for rehabilitation and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, which are also useful for healthy people. Both indications and contraindications for therapeutic physical exercises are given. Examples and types of therapeutic exercises are given in accordance with the standards of Appendix No. 7 of the SanPiN of the Russian Federation.

6. Ochilov Sarvar Safaevich. Physiological theory of Imam Ali in the early era of Islam There is a review.
In the article, using the example of three couplets of Imam Ali, his physiological theory is analyzed. The article talks about the functions of three organs - the stomach, teeth and blood, and explains the physiology of digestion and blood. The opinions of famous scientists of their time are given, such as V. Harvey and I.P. Pavlov.

7. Umarova Zarifa Fakhrievna. Modern approaches to the treatment of coronary heart disease There is a review. The article was published in No. 74 (October) 2019
This article provides data on the treatment of coronary heart disease with Ganoderma Lucidum. In previous articles, we described the properties of this mushroom for certain cardiovascular diseases and we saw some positive effects from therapy. So, this means the absence of side effects, lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, etc. In the materials and methods of the study, the following methods were used: clinical, laboratory (determination of lipid spectrum, triglyceride levels, high and low density lipoproteins), coagulogram indicators, platelet aggregation indicators). All patients underwent ECG monitoring. The results were discussed and appropriate conclusions were drawn.

8. Dzhuraev Jamolbek Abdukaharovich. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF RHINO-ENDOSCOPIC STUDY IN PATIENTS WITH POLYPOUS RHINOSINUSITIS There is a review. Article published in No. 73 (September) 2019
Co-authors: Vohidov Ulugbek Nuridinovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tashkent State Dental Institute, Azizkhon Zavkievich Shaumarov, Assistant, Otolaryngology and Dentistry, Tashkent Medical Academy, Sarvar Abduazimovich Khakimov, Assistant, Department of Forensic Medicine, Tashkent Medical Academy
The aim of the study was endoscopic evaluation of the nasal cavity in patients with chronic polyposis rhinosinusitis. We studied 150 patients with chronic polypous rhinosinusitis who underwent comprehensive clinical and laboratory studies, including endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx. The study showed that the use of endoscopy meets the requirements of modern otorhinolaryngology, is timely and indispensable in the diagnosis of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis, which will help the otorhinolaryngologist choose treatment tactics for intranasal pathologies.

9. Prudnikov Alexander Ruslanovich. CYTOKINE AND IMMUNE STATUS IN PATIENTS WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF IHD (MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION, STABLE ANGINA) There is a review. The article was published in No. 72 (August) 2019
The article discusses the features of the parameters of the immune system among patients with various forms of coronary artery disease. It was determined that the content of IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, sVCAM-1 in blood serum differed statistically significantly in the studied groups. In patients with coronary artery disease, there is suppression of T-cell immunity and a compensatory increase in B-cell immunity with increased secretion of IgA. Over time (after 12-14 days) in patients with myocardial infarction, there is an increase in the number of B-lymphocytes and the content of immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G. Correlations of moderate strength have been identified between indicators of the immune system and clinical and laboratory parameters reflecting the condition of patients with IHD. The IL-6/IL-10 ratio should be considered as a cardiovascular index, reflecting not only the activity of the inflammatory process, but also showing the possibilities of reparative restoration of damaged vascular structures and myocardium in patients with coronary artery disease.

Co-authors: Melikhov Yaroslav Petrovich, senior lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Orenburg State Medical University
This article discusses therapeutic physical exercises and stress aimed at combating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It occupies a special place in a person’s life. It includes the skeletal system, ligaments, joints, and skeletal muscles. The human musculoskeletal system is special and at the same time it has large anatomical and functional reserves. For the normal functioning of the human body and maintaining health, a certain physical activity is needed. In this case, physical exercise is best.

11. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Individual megalithic complexes as tools for selection of human society (hypothesis). Part 3

12. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Individual megalithic complexes as tools for selection of human society (hypothesis). Part 2Article published in No. 68 (April) 2019
This article makes an attempt to explain the purpose of individual megalithic complexes existing on Earth, near which there are often mass human graves. When considering the pyramids of Brú na Bóinne, the cromlech of Stonehenge, the Tarshien temple on the island of Malta with the mysterious and creepy Death Temple of Hal Saflieni - the hypogeum (megalithic underground sanctuary), the megalithic complex of Göbekli Tepe, located in the south of Turkey and the stone labyrinths on the Solovetsky Islands it has been suggested that these megalithic complexes are tools for selection of human society. All megalithic complexes on the island of Malta and, probably, many on the territory of the Earth, united into a single system, served this purpose.

13. Uteshev Igor Petrovich. Individual megalithic complexes as tools for selection of human society (hypothesis). Part 1 There is a review. Article published in No. 68 (April) 2019
This article makes an attempt to explain the purpose of individual megalithic complexes existing on Earth, near which there are often mass human graves. When considering the pyramids of Brú na Bóinne, the cromlech of Stonehenge, the Tarshien temple on the island of Malta with the mysterious and creepy Death Temple of Hal Saflieni - the hypogeum (megalithic underground sanctuary), the megalithic complex of Göbekli Tepe, located in the south of Turkey and the stone labyrinths on the Solovetsky Islands it has been suggested that these megalithic complexes are tools for selection of human society. All megalithic complexes on the island of Malta and, probably, many on the territory of the Earth, united into a single system, served this purpose.

14. Kamenskaya Kristina Vladimirovna. Introduction of physiotherapeutic services as a factor in improving the quality of life and efficiency of the hospitality industry at the meso level There is a review. The article was published in No. 69 (May) 2019
Co-authors: Mordovchenkov N.V., Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and Service IPTD., Kulikova O.Yu., Physiotherapist
In modern conditions of stressful situations, unfavorable psychosocial factors lead to the formation of feelings of anxiety, an exogenous and/or endogenous state that negatively affects a person’s overall health. A “prolonged” state of stress leads to the development of “uncontrollable” consequences, which negatively affect not only the general condition of the body, but also the recurrence of any serious diseases and sharply reduce a person’s life expectancy. These problems affect service sector workers and are more likely to face these problems.

15. Studnikova Lidiya Andreevna. Boosting immunity and preventing colds There is a review. The article was published in No. 69 (May) 2019
Co-authors: Kuraleva Olga Olegovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Linguistics Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
This article discusses the problem of protecting the body from viruses during the cold season. The main causes of colds in humans and types of infectious diseases are analyzed. It has been revealed that to prevent colds, it is better to carry out preventive measures, including increasing your immunity, since it is the body’s barrier to germs and pathogenic bacteria. And, of course, do not forget about the basic rules for the prevention of colds, which are indicated in this article.

16. Abilov Pulat Melisovich. Effect of Ganoderma lucidum on the state of oxidative stress in experimental animal models There is a review. The article was published in No. 67 (March) 2019
Co-authors: Iriskulov Bakhtiyor Uktamovich - professor, head of the Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology of TMA
This article discusses the effect of Ganoderma lucidum on oxidative stress processes in experimental animal models. The results are summarized and corresponding conclusions are given.

17. Gavrilov Kirill Vladimirovich. Iatrogenic crime: causes of occurrence There is a review.
Co-authors: Karpeeva Ekaterina Evgenievna, cadet of group PD 916/1, College of State and Municipal Service of Ulyanovsk
This article reveals the concept and types of iatrogenic crime, its place in modern Russia, the causes and factors that give rise to it, as well as methods of combating it and bringing to criminal liability for committing this type of crime.

Co-authors: Alyavi A.L., Doctor of Medical Sciences, academician, head of the grant of the Russian National Research and Medical Center of T and MR, Dzhambekova G.S. Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Russian Scientific and Practical Medical Center of T and MR, Rakhimova D.A. Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the grant of the Russian Scientific Research and Medical Center of T and MR
As a severe chronic disease of the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma (BA) poses a serious public health problem. To improve diagnostics, as well as to optimize the treatment of asthma, it is necessary to search for sensitive and specific biomarkers that will allow us to better study the pathomechanisms of the development of the inflammatory process in asthma. In this regard, it is of great interest to study the nature of the impact of modern drug treatments on the functional state of the endothelium.

Co-authors: Kuchkarova Shakhnoza Azamzhonkizi, 3rd year master; Solieva Ranno Bakhodirkizi, 3rd year master; Yuldasheva Ozoda Sobirovna, 3rd year master; Negmatshaeva Khabiba Nabievna, associate professor
Abstract: The problem in postmenopausal women is described, and a modern definition of osteoporosis is given. Based on a study of scientific literature data, the pronounced consequences of the disease were determined. The issue of pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the development of bone tissue pathology in postmenopausal women is raised. The main directions of optimal therapy have been determined.

20. Kamolova Kholida Dilshojon kizi. PRINCIPLES OF PRE-VAVIDARY PREPARATION OF PATIENTS WITH HERPETIC INFECTION There is a review. The article was published in No. 65 (January) 2019
Co-authors: Parpieva Dilfura Abdumalikovna, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior teacher, head teacher of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2, Andijan State Medical Institute
Despite the intensive development of modern medicine and microbiology, the prevalence of viral diseases, the impact of which on the course of pregnancy is obvious, is steadily growing. Herpes infection is widespread - over 90% of people around the world are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), 73% - with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). The importance of the problem is due not only to the significant prevalence of herpes infection, but also to severe complications. Herpetic infection is characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations with damage to the skin and mucous membranes, the nervous system, which can result in infertility, pregnancy pathology, and potentiation of cervical and prostate cancer.

All professions are important in their own way. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find a more responsible field of activity for yourself than medicine. Basically, the doctor bases his practical actions on the theoretical knowledge that he received during his studies at the university, and on those scientific articles that he regularly refers to while conducting his professional activities. Surgeon and therapist, dentist and endocrinologist, gynecologist and pediatrician - all doctors without exception need access to the latest medical information in their specialty. It is clear that such material should be written at a high scientific and theoretical level.

In this section of the site “site” we publish scientific articles on medical topics that can be useful for many employees of medical institutions.

What types of scientific medical articles are there?

A scientific article examines one or more interrelated problems on a specific topic. It can be argued that a scientific article is a kind of mini-investigation, where a narrow topic is very carefully examined from all sides.

The following types of medical scientific articles are distinguished:

    Scientific and theoretical. They describe the results of research carried out on the basis of a theoretical search and explanation of the patterns of various phenomena.

    Empirical (scientific and practical) - created on the basis of real experience and experiments.

    Overview. They provide an analysis of scientific achievements in a certain direction in recent years.

In scientific articles on medicine, doctors and scientists present their own conclusions regarding the intermediate or final results of a scientific study, analytical or experimental activity. Such texts necessarily contain the author's recommendations, developments and conclusions that will be useful to other specialists in the field of medicine and related fields.

The site “site” publishes scientific articles in Russian, which are devoted to diverse research in the field of medicine, including materials on medical equipment (ultrasound, MRI, ELISA). We invite authors to cooperate and are ready to publish your scientific article after passing the review procedure.

We remind you: the information presented on the site should not be used for independent treatment and cannot replace your face-to-face consultation with your doctor.


We publish regularly medical articles, which are dedicated to the most valuable thing a person has - health. We share not only useful tips, but also official medical material that will allow users to learn many new scientific facts, in general, delve deeper into the world of this science and find out at what stage of development it is now. Most of the materials are written by professional doctors, as we avoid false and unverified information.

The number of feature articles is huge. For greater convenience, we have divided the content by topic. If you are interested in a specific medical area, you can easily find it on our portal. We publish only relevant material that has not been refuted by scientific facts.

Our articles on medicine will be of interest to both professional doctors, including medical workers occupying a variety of positions, and ordinary people who are interested in this science and want to learn more information about their health and the human body. Being 100% knowledgeable in the field of health is quite difficult, because the science is one of the most confusing - it is not fully understood. However, theoretical material will help you increase your knowledge. You will learn about the various details and intricacies of a particular medical profession. From our medical articles, get acquainted with diseases previously unknown to you and modern, safe methods of treating them. Our portal provides extremely useful and comprehensive information that will give you answers to your questions.

Scientific articles on medicine- this is not just information that is useful to know. It not only gives an idea of ​​science, but also allows you to begin its in-depth study, which is necessary, for example, for students whose work begins with theory.

In this section, articles are devoted to all areas of medicine - from infectious diseases to psychotherapy, neurology and surgery. Most of our readers prefer to study in depth a specific area. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all areas in order to decide which area of ​​medicine is interesting to you.

Our website contains interesting professional lectures on medicine. They are written exclusively by qualified specialists and even professors who have something to tell their readers. Such material allows you to learn different views on the development of medicine. Professors not only tell known information about science in their lectures, but also share their professional opinion, which should be of interest to you.

We often publish review articles in various thematic areas. They will allow you to get acquainted with many medical studies, obtain information about modern medicines that are either now or will be actively distributed in the near future.

Medical articles are an opportunity to always be aware of everything that is happening in science, which can hardly be called stable, because it is actively developing. Some materials on medicine lose their relevance, and other information is refuted. Despite all the mistakes that sometimes occur in the medical field, science is developing, as you will personally see if you read at least a few articles that give a detailed idea of ​​what medicine is now and what it will be like in the near future.

– A professional publication that publishes today’s optimal algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, including urgent conditions. Full versions of issues (HTML format) since 1998 are presented.

  • Russian Medical Journal – General medical journal for postgraduate education of general practitioners.
  • Biometrics – Publication of materials on biostatistics and biometrics. Announcements of conferences and seminars. Links to Internet resources and library. A collection of samples of statistical incorrectness.
  • Psychopharmacology & Biological Narcology – Peer-reviewed open access electronic journal. English-language interface, articles in Russian (PDF format).
  • ( – Russian biomedical scientific journal (electronic periodical). Feedback from expert reviewers is required for publication.
  • Ukrainian Medical Journal – Polythematic scientific and practical publication for doctors in Russian and Ukrainian languages. Archive of numbers (PDF format).
  • Modern problems of science and education - Achievements in the field of science and education in various scientific specialties, including biology and medicine. It is possible to independently publish an article (, which will be published in printed form.
  • Medical Bulletin - Announcements of issues, selectively full texts of articles. Access to the archive (PDF format) by subscription.
  • Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakova is the oldest medical journal in Russia, founded in 1901. Wide range of materials. For neurologists and psychiatrists. Archive of issue contents (access to full texts is possible if you have a subscription to the paper version).
  • Consilium-medicum - Medical consultation. Journal of evidence-based medicine for medical practitioners.
  • Bulletin of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences – Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences. Archive of articles (PDF format).
  • Saratov Medical Scientific Journal – Problems of theoretical and practical medicine, public health. Published since 2002. Archive of issues (PDF files of issues).
  • Difficult Patient – ​​Polythematic journal primarily for doctors of therapeutic specialties. All issues (including the latest issue) are posted on the website (PDF format).
  • Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology - Russian version of the journal of the same name (the official publication of the American Gastroenterological Association). Abstracts of articles, on-line supplement to each issue.
  • Pulmonology The leading specialized publication in Russia dedicated to the issues of pulmonology. Founded in 1990 by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Scientific Society of Pulmonologists.
  • Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy – Scientific and practical journal. Requirements for authors, distribution of announcements, subscription to the magazine. Archive of articles since 1999 (HTML, PDF formats). The full on-line version of the issue is published 12 months after the publication of the printed version.
  • Radiological diagnostic news Belarusian Radiological Journal (1998-2004). The issue was discontinued (14 issues were published). The archive remains: full texts of articles, a database of radiological images.
  • Who's who in medicine Exchange of professional experience on current issues in the development of Russian healthcare. For managers of both medical and nursing levels.
  • MedMir is an Internet project of the non-profit organization International Medical Information Technologies, Inc. (USA) in Russian. Reviews of articles published in the world's largest medical journals.
  • Resort statements - Detailed information about health resorts, rehabilitation methods in sanatorium-resort conditions.
  • Neurological Bulletin named after. V.M. Bekhterev – Founded by V.M. Bekhterev in 1893. The journal's publications are devoted to neurology, psychiatry and related disciplines.
  • Intensive care – Lectures and review articles on the most important issues in critical care medicine.
  • Medical file – Dissemination of information on medical topics for specialists in various fields of medicine and healthcare. Archive of articles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod Medical Journal - Published since 1931, revived in 1991. A wide range of medical and biological problems of both fundamental and applied nature.
  • Surgery News – Peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal on all areas of surgery. Full access after registering on the site. Vitebsk.
  • Laboratory – Information and educational publication for medical specialists in clinical laboratory diagnostics.
  • Radiology practice – Modern diagnostic methods, medical and technical problems. For medical radiological service workers. Archive (PDF format).
  • Stroke / Stroke – Russian-language version of the international magazine. Translation of the most interesting materials with comments from leading domestic neurologists.
  • Emergency medicine – Materials on urgent pathology. For doctors of any specialty. Archive of issues (PDF format, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • International Journal of Neurology – Comprehensive information for neurologists. Archive of numbers (HTML format, Russian, Ukrainian)
  • Genius of Orthopedics - Established in 1995 in Kurgan and dedicated to the memory of the outstanding innovative doctor, Professor G.A. Ilizarov. Priority is given to information for traumatologists and orthopedists about the clinical application of the transosseous osteosynthesis method in the treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Manual Therapy – Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal (successor to the journal “Manual Medicine”, published since 1991). Archive of numbers (PDF format). Links to web resources.
  • SonoAce-International – International medical journal on echography (ultrasonography) for ultrasound doctors.
  • Alternative Medicine – Scientific and practical journal on traditional medicine. Lectures, reviews, discussions. Full text articles. Kazan.
  • Spine surgery – Materials on operative vertebrology and related disciplines (for specialists).
  • Polyclinic – For doctors of all specialties. Archive (PDF format). Each issue is accompanied by an appendix with health regulations.
  • Practical Angiology Interdisciplinary journal about vascular damage in various pathologies. For surgeons and therapists. Archive of numbers.
    • Oncoimmunology, hemoblastomas

      2009 /
    • Changes in the function of the pituitary-gonadal system in patients with uterine chorionic carcinoma under the influence of autohemochemotherapy

      2009 / Ivanova V. A., Levchenko N. E., Verenikina E. V., Kucheryavaya O. G.
    • The influence of some pharmacological drugs on the activity of neuropeptide metabolic enzymes under stress

      Glucocorticoids, sodium hydroxybutyrate, verapamil, captopril, and guanidinoethylmercaptosuccinic acid have been found to prevent increases in carboxypeptidases H and N and angiotensin-converting enzyme activity caused by intraperitoneal injection of saline. The role is being discussed...

      2007 / Vernigora A. N.
    • Increasing the body's resistance to stressors of varying intensity and complexity with small doses of thyroid hormones

      Exposure to 42°C for 3 hours and 55°C for 40 minutes, especially in combination with immobilization, causes a stress response (changes in the relative mass of the adrenal glands, spleen, activation of lipid peroxidation in the heart) of varying intensity. Small doses of thyroid hormones (1.5-3.0 mg...

      2004 / Gorodetskaya I. V.
    • Consumption of FPPs within the framework of the ONLS program in 2008

      On January 1, 2008, a new scheme of the DLO program began operating. Financing of preferential provision of medicines was divided into 2 ONLS subprograms (provision of necessary medicines) at the regional level, and the purchase at the federal level of expensive drugs for the treatment of 7 special...

      2009 / Pautova Ekaterina
    • Expression of selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase during the carcinogenic effect of carbon tetrachloride

      2010 / Iskusnykh I. Yu., Popova T. N., Rzhevsky S. G., Musharova O. S.
    • Neuroimmunological aspects of the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy

      Summary: Neuroimmunological approaches to understanding the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy are considered. The participation of factors of the immune system and the cytokine regulatory network (tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukins) in the development of pathological processes in patients with periventricular...

      2011 / Gainetdinova D. D., Khakimova R. F., Gaisina Leysan Zakievna
    • Problems of implementing pharmacogenomics achievements

      Today, pharmacogenetics is often talked about as a new direction. However, the term “pharmacogenetics” was proposed by Friedrich Vogel back in 1959. The subject of pharmacogenetics is the influence of the genetic characteristics of the body on the effects of drugs. Deciphering the genome, developing molecular...

      2008 / Waldman E. A.
    • Search and study of microbial substances that inhibit neoplastic processes

      2009 / Bazhenov L. G.
    • Androgen-dependent effect of the m-anticholinergic metamizil on the bioelectrical activity of the brain

      The results of the study showed that after GE there is a change in the frequency spectrum of the SP power amplitude and the maximum amplitude of the rhythm spectra and the characteristics of the primary response of the EP amplitude of the positive P1 component. After a single injection of Tc, a tendency was observed to restore...

      2006 / Bayramov A. A., Kuznetsova N. N.
    • Study of the anti-inflammatory activity of quinazolinone-4 derivatives and their acyclic forms E

      2010 / Oganesyan E. T., Kodonidi I. P., Lysenko T. A., Ivchenko A. V., Zolotykh D. S., Bicherov A. V.
    • Features of inflammatory infiltration in the stroma of invasive ductal breast cancer during the development of relapses

      Surgical material from 29 patients with breast cancer stage T1-3N0-2M0, over 35 years of age, was studied. Depending on the presence or absence of local relapses, the patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of 16 patients in whom no forms of progression were observed. Second...

      2010 / Perelmuter Vladimir Mikhailovich, Vtorushin S.V., Odintsov Yu.N., Zavyalova Marina Viktorovna, Slonimskaya Elena Mikhailovna, Savenkova Olga Vladimirovna
    • Structure of sales of antiallergic drugs

      2006 / Dubina D. Sh.
    • A person’s independent choice of conditions for psychophysiological testing as an objective way to identify tactics of activity and the adequacy of self-assessment of its results

      A model of a sensorimotor test has been developed, providing the subject with the opportunity to choose the speed of the target, which allows identifying the types of dynamics, the relationship with performance, and the types of speed correction.

      2010 / Murtazina Elena Pavlovna
    • Study of the immunological activity and reactogenicity of the EnceVir® vaccine when immunizing adults using a rapid regimen

      In order to assess the immunological activity and reactogenicity on volunteers of both sexes aged 18 to 70 years, a comparative study of the express scheme (0.14) of vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis with the EnceVir® vaccines produced by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPO Microgen branch in Tomsk was carried out. "NPO Virion" and...

      2009 / Shutova N. A., Shkuratova O. V., Ruzavina E. V., Vlasova N. M., Stavitskaya N. Kh., Vorobyova M. S., Ladyzhenskaya I. P., Solyanik R. G.
    • The influence of an alcohol extract of meadowsweet on the state of the blood system after the administration of a cytostatic

      2004 / Aksinenko S. G., Gorbacheva A. V., Pashinsky V. G.