What does it mean if your period comes with blood clots? Bloody discharge in the form of clots. Possible reasons. How can you stop heavy periods?

The menstrual cycle is a systematic process in the body of women reproductive age, controlled by hormones (mainly progesterone and estrogen), having a certain cyclicity and aimed at conceiving a child. U healthy women the regulative (menstrual) cycle can range from 28 to 32 days, but minor deviations from this range are not considered pathology unless accompanied painful symptoms and any violations. On the first day of the cycle vaginal tract women stand out menstrual blood, which, in addition to the blood itself, also contains enzymes that act as anticoagulants, mucus, particles of the epithelial layer and dead vaginal cells.

In some cases, a woman may notice that blood comes out of the vagina with blood clots, appearance resembling pieces of placenta. This symptom may be a manifestation of very serious illnesses, requiring comprehensive and emergency treatment(and sometimes surgical intervention), or physiological norm, so it is important to be able to distinguish normal discharge from pathological signs.

Menstrual blood has a rather complex chemical composition, the basis of which is glandular fibers and secretory fluid produced by the glands of the vagina and cervix. Clots can form when there are a large number of endometrial cells - an epithelial layer with a mucous structure that lines the uterine walls from the inside and is necessary for the successful implantation of a diploid fertilized cell (zygote). Starting from the middle menstrual cycle, the endometrium changes its density and structure, becomes looser and thickens. If the amount of female sex hormones exceeds the required physiological threshold, during menstruation the endometrium may prematurely coagulate in the uterine cavity and form clots.

Thickening of menstrual fluid can also occur with insufficient activity of anticoagulation enzymes, as well as in cases where a woman does not lead enough active image life, promoting stagnation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This situation is typical for women holding office positions, having excess weight, limiting the degree of mobility, or suffering chronic disorders endocrine system. For the same reason blood clots during menstruation can be observed in women who have had surgical interventions or injury and temporarily limited in movement.

Important! Bad habits(nicotine and alcohol addiction, use of narcotic and toxic substances) can also contribute to increased blood clotting due to changes in its chemical composition and neutralization of enzymes that regulate the consistency of menstrual fluid.

Video - Three questions about periods that women are embarrassed to ask

Diseases of the uterus are the main cause of intrauterine blood clotting

Uterine diseases are the largest group gynecological pathologies. Almost always, disturbances in the functioning of the organ are accompanied by changes hormonal levels, therefore, in addition to the standard diagnostic methods a woman can have diagnostic curettage using a curette (a gentler method is vacuum aspiration) followed by histological examination collected material in order to determine hormonal levels and exclude tumor processes.

The most common pathology of the uterus, different shapes which is diagnosed in every fifth woman aged 20 to 50 years - uterine fibroids. Fibroids are formed by cells of the myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus), can have a diffuse or nodular form and occur without any symptoms for several years. Myoma is a benign tumor, so in most cases, doctors choose a wait-and-see approach with careful monitoring of the patient and monitoring of changes in the myomatous nodes.

The symptoms of this type of tumor are quite sparse and may include the following signs:

  • increased nagging pain a few days before the onset of menstruation and during menstruation;
  • excess physiological norm secreted menstrual fluid (the normal volume is considered to be from 50 to 80-100 ml);
  • blood clots during menstruation;
  • increase in basal temperature.

Another reason related to the functioning of the uterus and that can cause premature blood clotting is birth defects development of the uterus. They are formed during the period of intrauterine growth and development, most often caused by a genetic factor, but in some cases they can be a complication of inhalation or consumption of toxic products. Most often, girls and young women experience bending of the uterus, which in 90% of cases leads to the inability to bear a child while maintaining full volume reproductive functions, as well as the intrauterine septum - a defect often associated with abnormal development of the renal system.

With these defects, the free exit of blood from the body of the uterus is difficult, which leads to its stagnation and the formation of clots small size. Treatment of these defects is carried out only in foreign clinics, but is not accessible to most middle-class women due to the very high cost.

Pathologies associated with conception and pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that can lead to heavy bleeding and the development of a generalized inflammatory process. It can develop even in absolutely healthy women, but the main risk group includes obese patients. diabetes mellitus, as well as those with a history of abortions and miscarriages.

In the early stages intrauterine pregnancy is no different from the usual one: the woman also experiences all the manifestations of toxicosis, her mammary glands enlarge, and the pregnancy test shows positive result. When the gestation period reaches 4-6 weeks, symptoms and signs begin to appear, and if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. These include:

  • bleeding mixed with blood clots;
  • acute, sharp, severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • temperature rise to 38.5° and above;
  • vomit.

Note! The appearance of blood clots in pregnant women is very dangerous clinical symptom, which almost always indicates the onset of a miscarriage. Clots after childbirth are considered normal occurrence, but women with similar symptoms should be under the supervision of a specialist, since blood clots can be parts children's place(placenta). Normally, such discharge should not last longer than 30 days, and should not be accompanied by severe pain or high fever.

Blood clots after insertion of an intrauterine device

Intrauterine device - a type hormonal contraceptives, which is installed inside the uterus around its cervix and is made of copper or plastic. Despite the fact that installation of the product is not a traumatic procedure, minor bleeding may occur after it, which normally resolves within 3-5 days. If this does not happen, the bleeding becomes profuse, and during menstruation blood clots begin to be released from the vaginal tract, the coil should be removed.

It is also necessary to remove the product if side effects occur: itching, burning, headaches, skin rash and other symptoms described in the instructions for use. Such women should consult a gynecologist about more suitable methods contraception.

Endometrial diseases

The endometrium is a functional uterine layer that regulates the synthesis of hormones necessary for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy, as well as the growth of fetal development. Endometrial diseases are diseases of the uterus, but experts refer to them as separate group. The most typical for this clinical picture(discharge of blood clots during menstruation) are endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. Both pathologies represent an abnormal proliferation of cells and layers of the endometrium, but with endometriosis they can extend beyond the uterus and reach other organs, including the uterine appendages.

If the endometrial tissue becomes inflamed, the woman is diagnosed with endometritis. The disease is dangerous rapid growth pathogenic flora inside the uterus and the spread of infection to other pelvic organs. The symptoms of any endometrial pathology are almost always the same and include the following signs:

  • intense pain in the lower abdomen with transition to the side walls (with ovarian endometriosis);
  • heavy periods (menorrhagia) lasting more than 1 week;
  • intermenstrual bleeding with blood clots;
  • insufficient secretion of vaginal lubrication and resulting discomfort during intimacy;
  • difficulty conceiving.

Treatment of endometrial diseases

Treatment of endometrial pathologies includes diagnostic curettage of the uterus, as well as medicines, used in standard treatment regimens. They cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription, as there may be individual contraindications.

Group of drugsWhat medications should I take?
Antispasmodics to relax the muscles of the uterus, eliminate spasms and pain

"Papaverine" (mainly rectally)

Oral contraceptives with varying levels of estrogen and progesterone to correct hormonal levels

Anti-inflammatory drugs (for endometritis)

Antibiotics and antimicrobial agents for the prevention of complications and secondary infection

"Cefazolin" (for severe cases)
Iron supplements for heavy blood loss for the prevention and treatment of anemia
"Ferrum Lek"

If a woman’s health is good, but her periods are still accompanied by the release of clots, it is necessary to take tests for blood clotting, and also determine the level of B vitamins in the body. With their excess, blood clotting ability increases, which increases the risk of uterine vein thrombosis, therefore this state also requires medicinal correction. A large number of vitamins of this group are contained in rye and peeled flour, whole varnishes, legumes, as well as liver, eggs and many vegetables and fruits.

If a woman consumes enough of these products, there is no need to take additional vitamin complexes, which contain B vitamins, negatively affects the consistency and viscosity of menstrual fluid and promotes the formation of blood clots.

The menstrual cycle, as well as the density of discharge during critical days depends on many criteria, including general state woman's body, its individual characteristics and age-related changes hormonal balance. In any case, the first thing you should be wary of is various ailments genital area. If clots appeared during menstruation, the discharge became more abundant, in addition, discomfort and other symptoms arose. unpleasant symptoms, then their causes in most cases will be pathological. If large compactions of the uterine mucosa appear in menstrual discharge without additional signs, then this may well be a variant of the norm.

In this article we will just get comprehensive information about why blood clots come out during menstruation, what they are in principle, and what symptoms should not panic, and in what cases a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

How do your periods go?

It is customary to call the period between periods, that is, the time from the beginning of one period to the beginning of another. Normally it can last 28-31 days. For all women, the duration of the menstrual cycle is highly individual and may differ with age. In more at a young age the cycle is more regular because it is controlled by sex hormones produced in the body.

The beginning of the cycle is characterized by the maturation of the follicle and the renewal of the inner mucous layer of the uterus, with pieces of tissue (endomentry) and menstrual blood coming out over the course of three to seven days. Next period The menstrual cycle is accompanied by thickening of the endometrium and preparation of the follicle for rupture; this is the so-called proliferation phase, which lasts until the middle of the cycle, that is, until the follicle ruptures and the egg is released.

Some more time sex cell is in fallopian tube in anticipation of fertilization, but if there were no favorable conditions and conception did not occur, then the production of sex hormones decreases, and the uterus begins to reject the inner lining. Thus, menstruation comes, and with it a new one. menstrual cycle. Normally, during menstruation, no more than 200 ml of blood should be released with particles of the endometrium and mucous tissue.

During menstruation, the body increases the production of special enzymes that slow down blood clotting and act as an anticoagulant. If, however, then an insufficient number of such enzymes is not able to cope with its task, which is why large clots arise. If a piece of endometrium up to 0.1 m long comes out with a glandular structure and a dark burgundy tint and with a metallic smell, then in this case there is no need to worry. If fever, pain, or huge clots appear, such discharge is very dangerous and requires immediate attention to a gynecologist.

Normally, large clots should not cause concern to a woman in the following cases:

  • age under 18 years;
  • if more than a month has passed since the birth of the baby;
  • if in the recent past there was an abortion, miscarriage, gynecological surgery or uterine curettage;
  • using intrauterine methods contraception;
  • with congenital abnormal form uterus

Is it normal to have clots?

With absence pathological processes Regulus discharge has a mucous uniform consistency and a dark red tint. A variant of the norm may be small clots blood during menstruation and pieces of uterine epithelium, but only in cases where the total volume of discharge during menstruation did not exceed 80-100 ml, no painful sensations, unpleasant odor, and their duration does not exceed a week.

Let's look at why periods come in clots in the absence of additional pathological symptoms:

  • menstrual blood coagulates and leaves the uterus in lumps in cases where there are scars and adhesions inside the organ that prevent the normal outflow of secretions;
  • The cause of clots during menstruation can be congenital bends or septa in the uterus or its cervix;
  • if a woman violates drinking regime, her diet is dominated by protein products or kidney, liver or vascular diseases are diagnosed, then the blood may have increased viscosity, which can cause clots during regulation;
  • clots during menstruation occur in women who long time are in the same position. The blood accumulates, becomes thicker, and when you change position, blood clots come out;
  • Coagulant drugs and also can cause the formation of blood clots during menstruation. hormonal agents, which reduce the duration and intensity of bleeding in the body, for example, nosebleeds. How by-effect, during menstruation, due to these medications, blood clotting increases, and menstruation comes in chunks;
  • the intrauterine device, which serves as a method of contraception, can also cause menstruation with blood clots;
  • if a spontaneous abortion occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, then after a short delay bleeding appears with clots, which are unevenly separated endometrium;

It is quite normal to experience clots in the discharge, this may mean that residues are coming out ovum. Also the reason abundant regulation after an abortion or childbirth is hormonal imbalance. In addition, hormones regulate the production of enzymes that are responsible for blood clotting.

Menstruation with large clots can characterize different periods in a woman's life, such as the onset of puberty, first sexual experience, or the onset of... During these periods of time there may be an alternation of scanty and abundant discharge. If large clots come out after the daub, it means that a change in the structure of the mucous membranes is occurring.

Pieces of blood may appear in menstrual discharge after hypothermia of the body, when physical exhaustion and the presence of bad habits.

Pathological causes

Exist pathological causes menstruation with blood clots, let's look at the most common of them.

  • Hormonal imbalance due to diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, brain and pituitary gland. In this case, the regularity of the cycle may be disrupted, and menstruation may also occur with brown clots.
  • Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that is accompanied by disruptions in the menstrual cycle and bloody clots large sizes during regulation
  • Endometrial hyperplasia is a pathological growth of the inner uterine layer caused by arterial hypertension, excessive body weight, diabetes mellitus and hormonal imbalances. For of this disease The presence of black clots in the regula is characteristic.
  • Menstruation with clots can also appear with endometrial polyposis, when a point proliferation of the internal uterine layer occurs; severe pain lower abdomen.
  • Lumpy periods can occur with endometriosis, a pathological growth of the inner layer of the uterus beyond its limits. In such cases, critical days drag on for more a long period, become irregular and painful, as well as more abundant.
  • With blood pathologies that impair blood clotting, menstrual discharge can clot in the uterine cavity.
  • The appearance of clots in the regula is accompanied by infectious diseases, they can also cause your body temperature to rise. An example is ARVI, influenza.
  • Genetic abnormalities in uterine development. These include intrauterine septa, bends, one or bicornuate uterus etc. Reason for formation large clots is stagnation of secretions in the uterine cavity, the shape of which is changed. Usually with such pathologies.
  • When the fetus is ectopically located, brown clots during menstruation against the background of elevated temperature and severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs cause inflammation in the uterine cavity, which changes the structure of its inner layer. Bacteria also poison the blood with their waste products, which change the viscosity and acidity of menstrual flow, causing the formation of clots.
  • Malignant tumors can cause not just regula, but heavy bleeding, so if you experience general malaise due to the release of large clots during menstruation, you should immediately go to a specialist.
  • Stagnation of blood in the uterus and copious clots in menstrual flow may cause varicose veins veins of the small pelvis.
  • Excess of vitamin B.

Any reason for the appearance of clots in menstrual flow listed above is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Signs of pathologies

If a woman’s discharge during menstruation usually has a homogeneous consistency, and when the next one comes, the discharge comes out big clot, this should alert her in any case. But there are signs that, if they occur, you should immediately seek help from a doctor:

  • if there are not only periods with clots, but also dark spotting or white ones curdled discharge between critical days;
  • when the menstrual cycle is too short or too long, when less than 21 days or less than 35. It is also abnormal when the cycle is irregular and long intervals alternate with short ones;
  • when it exceeds 150-180 ml;
  • if menstruation lasts more than 8 days;
  • if the period is too dark in color, rotten or rotten fish, and also contains impurities of pus or white discharge;
  • if there is severe, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen.

In such cases, it is possible to determine why pieces come out during menstruation only after a gynecological examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other tests and studies.


If your period comes with bright scarlet clots, and there is enormous blood loss, you should immediately call emergency assistance. It may not be menstruation, but uterine bleeding, which is eliminated by completely removing the endometrium.

If you have discharge in the form of clots, what you definitely don’t need to do is self-medicate and use folk remedies to stop blood loss. Only a doctor can determine the cause of abnormal discharge and prescribe adequate treatment. In some cases, additional consultation with an endocrinologist may be necessary if the gynecologist suspects the presence of hormonal disorders in the body. And the presence of tumors in the uterine cavity may require a visit to an oncologist.

Using conservative therapy The task is to compensate for the lack of iron in the body caused by large blood loss. For this purpose vitamins and special diet, in which the diet is dominated by foods with increased content gland. Also shown bed rest and possible appointment medical supplies to stop bleeding.

In severe situations in the presence of internal partitions, neoplasms or endometrial pathologies, it may be necessary surgical intervention, such as curettage or hysteroresectoscopy. Most radical method treatment that is used in the most last moment, is complete removal uterus and appendages. This technique is used when malignant tumors in a neglected state, mainly for women who have already passed reproductive age.

Thus, if critical days are accompanied by the appearance of clots that do not cause pain or discomfort, then this may well be a variant of the norm. If the discharge is too large and is accompanied by pain syndrome, pungent odor and temperature, do not waste time that could be used for treatment, but consult a doctor immediately. Preventive gynecological examinations will allow timely detection of the disease reproductive system and prevent its development.

The menstrual cycle, well-being during it and the nature of the discharge are an indicator of reproductive health.

The norms here are often individual, but every woman knows about the characteristics of the body and any deviations during this period make one wary. The appearance of large clots in the discharge, similar to pieces of liver, is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

This phenomenon is often associated with changes in the body, in a sedentary manner life, but sometimes becomes a sign of serious illness. Medical statistics claim that in 50% of cases the appearance of large clots indicates hormonal disorders or diseases of the genitourinary organs.

Discharge during menstruation consists not only of blood and mucus, but also endometrial tissue and vaginal cells. They can change color from scarlet in the first 2 days to dark in the last, and their intensity also changes.

Blood clots small size in menstrual flow appear constantly. On critical days, the endometrium dies, the mucous layer of the uterus, which has thickened to create favorable conditions for the development of the fetus. If pregnancy does not occur, this layer of mucous membrane is torn off and excreted from the body, in next cycle a new one is formed. This explains the appearance of small clots in the discharge, which most women do not pay attention to.

Not always the body women can cope with heavy discharge. Menstrual blood contains many coagulants that do not allow it to quickly clot, remaining in the body and provoking inflammatory processes. If the enzymes fail, the process of thrombosis begins and the blood thickens. And then, instead of almost imperceptible discharge, the woman for the first time sees something resembling a piece of flesh up to 4 cm in size.

It's hard not to panic, especially if a woman is looking forward to pregnancy: often such discharge is mistaken for miscarriages early stages. But if, apart from clots in the blood, there are no alarming changes, this is just one of the variants of the norm, the fertilized egg is so early is unlikely to be noticeable.

When clots appear In menstrual blood, doctors recommend taking a clotting test, doing an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and checking hormone levels to rule out the possibility of inflammatory diseases.

Heavy bleeding during menstrual periods big amount clots should prompt you to consult a doctor if it is repeated from cycle to cycle and is accompanied by anemia, dizziness, and pain. In these cases we can talk about pathology.

During menstruation

The body, which previously worked without failure, suddenly began to fail, the menstrual cycle was disrupted, the nature of the discharge changed, but the woman attributes everything to stress or age-related changes.

Gynecologists are trying explain to your patients that blaming everything on age, stress or other changes is dangerous delusion, which can lead to trouble. But during critical days, a woman does not rush to see a doctor, and then forgets in the hope that it will go away on its own.

But only upon examination does the cause of the deviations become clear. Some of them are quite harmless.

  • Physical inactivity, lack of movement because of almost sedentary image lives of modern ladies. Spending most of the time behind documents, computer monitors, and driving, menstrual blood is retained in the vagina and has time to clot. If the clots come out immediately after the woman gets up, this is the reason.
  • Intrauterine device. If clots appear after its installation, the rules may have been broken; blood cannot flow freely. You should visit a gynecologist to check if everything is in order, and perhaps remove the IUD. Among the consequences, endometriosis, inflammation and neoplasms are quite likely, so it is best not to delay the visit.
  • Abortion, after which they began copious discharge with clots, often accompanied by other not very pleasant phenomena. Abortions have a negative impact on a woman’s health, the damage is often too serious, discharge can last up to a month, and is considered normal elevated temperature. You need to worry if there was almost no discharge, this indicates serious complications and mistakes made by doctors during the operation.
  • Menstruation with clots started during or after infectious diseaseheat promotes blood clotting, so clots are safe in this situation.
  • The norm is the appearance few thick discharge on the last day of menstruation.

What will the clots tell you?

See a doctor urgently

There are cases when you should consult a doctor immediately:

  • The discharge has become very heavy, tampons or pads have to be changed very often, the blood comes out in clots.
  • Menstruation has started not in due date, clots larger than 3 cm in size, brown discharge.
  • The discharge has an unpleasant odor.
  • Temperature rises during menstruation, severe pain and weakness appeared.

These symptoms may indicate inflammatory process, neoplasms, ruptures of mucous membranes. In order not to pose a threat to life and health, to avoid complications, it is better to undergo a medical examination.

And visits to a gynecologist at least once a year will help prevent the development of many diseases that are early stages are easily curable.

Every woman experiences menstrual bleeding. They first appear at the age of 10-15 years, and end with menopause, which occurs at 45-55 years. Blood clots during menstruation, nagging pain lower abdomen and malaise are the norm in most cases. However, sometimes the condition takes on a pathological connotation. You can find out what menstruation looks like with pieces of endometrium by looking at the photo:

Every woman needs to understand when bleeding with pieces of the intrauterine layer indicates pathology. The sooner the disorder is detected, the easier the treatment will be. Changes in the menstrual cycle are an important signal that should force a girl to seek advice from an experienced doctor.

To notice the pathology, you need to understand why pieces of the endometrium come out during menstruation. Inner layer uterus - endometrium, is functional in nature. It grows, creating favorable conditions for a fertilized egg. If pregnancy does not occur, menstruation begins. Due to the contraction of the uterus, unnecessary endometrium is rejected along with bloody discharge. Within 3-5 days, the entire exfoliated layer will be completely removed.

Two conditions indicate disturbances in the female body: complete absence clots and too large pieces of meat.

In the first case, we can conclude that the endometrium is insufficiently developed and possible problems with conception. The second is about changes in the functioning of a woman’s reproductive system. Why this happens is difficult to say without a medical examination.

The most common reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance. It is disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system that most often cause the endometrium to peel off in large pieces. Improper production of hormones can lead to serious complications. Stress causes imbalance nervous tension, fatigue. The situation can be corrected by eliminating the irritants; sometimes hormone therapy is required.
  • Availability of an IUD. After installation intrauterine device, designed to protect the body from pregnancy, the character, color and smell of menstruation always changes; during menstruation, clots similar to meat or liver come out. This is due to the fact that the IUD does not always take root; in addition, it causes egg rejection.

  • Adhesive processes. They arise due to a violation of the structure of the walls of the uterus. If there are a lot of adhesions, this leads to scanty periods with clots. Often the pathology ends in infertility.
  • Endometriosis, endometritis, fibroids, hyperplasia. These pathologies are characterized by changes in the structure of the endometrium. When it comes off and comes out with your period, large pieces form. These pathologies require serious treatment. Their danger lies in the absence of pronounced symptoms for a long time. Period - the only way suspect violations.

Childbirth, termination of pregnancy, abortion can also cause menstruation with clots and pieces of meat.

After an abortion, heavy discharge is normal, but if it lasts longer than 10 days or this symptom is associated with others (fever, pain), you should consult a doctor as an emergency.

What to do

Discharge during menstruation, similar to pieces of meat - alarming symptom, so you need to see a doctor immediately. Only a gynecologist can determine the causes this symptom. To do this, the specialist uses ultrasound data, results of blood tests, and smears. Sometimes carried out diagnostic hysteroscopy, biological material taken for histological examination.

Further actions depend on the diagnosis. Initially, doctors prescribe drug treatment. It can be hormonal drugs, enzymes, etc. Recipes are used in parallel traditional medicine(decoctions, infusions, douching). If conservative technique is ineffective, the doctor will tell you about surgically cleaning the uterus.

Simple surgery curettage is recognized. During the procedure, the doctor will use an instrument to exfoliate damaged areas of the endometrium or remove the entire functional layer.

More gentle methods designed to cope with intrauterine pathologies are:

  • laser ablation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • microcurrent therapy.

After any of the presented procedures, spotting is noted, which disappears within a week. Innovative techniques are safe, painless and have a minimal rehabilitation period. Menstruation after cleansing occurs in 28-35 days. To minimize the risks of complications, after the procedure the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents, a course of vitamins. All this is necessary to prevent infection and speed up recovery.

The release of blood clots during menstruation is a fairly common phenomenon due to physiological mechanisms its coagulation. However, in some cases their appearance may be a signal of the development of serious hormonal changes or pathological processes. Therefore, you should know the symptoms characteristic of these diseases in order to consult a doctor in time, find out the causes and find out what to do next.

To understand why large blood clots come out during menstruation, you should know the physiology of this process.

Although the menstrual cycle is regulated by the hypothalamus, the main changes occur in the ovaries and uterus. It goes through several stages:

Consequently, during menstruation, accumulated blood, mucus and uterine epithelium are released, which explains the presence of clots in the discharge.

When clots are normal

If large clots during menstruation come out in the morning immediately after getting out of bed, then this is normal. This is explained by the accumulation and coagulation of blood in the uterine cavity while the body is in horizontal position. The same can happen during prolonged sitting in one place.

IN certain cases blood clotting in the uterine cavity is caused by individual characteristics its structures. Some women have congenital or acquired bends, constrictions, septa and other anomalies. Usually, periods are heavy and very painful, but treatment can only be surgical intervention.

Pathologies in which clots form

Among the reasons explaining why, during menstruation, large clots form and come out through the genital tract, several pathologies can be identified.

Hormonal disbalance

In case of glandular dysfunction internal secretion female body reacts very quickly to this with changes in the menstrual cycle. An increase in the period between menstruation leads to a strong proliferation of the endometrium and blood vessels. Therefore, during its rejection, large clots come out, and the periods themselves become heavy and, most often, painful.


Similar symptoms are observed during the formation benign tumor(fibroids) in the uterine cavity.

Endometrial polyposis

With this disease there is the formation multiple polyps as a result of growth the inner layer of the endometrium, as shown in the photo. Even though this benign formations, a crash occurs monthly cycle, large blood clots are released, severe pain is observed in the lower abdomen. Sometimes polyps, growing to large sizes, are rejected by the body and excreted. After the formation data, similar to a piece connective tissue, came out, the cycle is restored, and all symptoms disappear.

Endometrial hyperplasia

This pathology is based on the proliferation of the endometrium due to the increased division of its stromal and glandular cells. In this case, the discharge may be insignificant and spotting, which distinguishes it from normal menstruation. But in adolescence hyperplasia appears heavy bleeding with large blood clots, which often leads to anemia. The causes of hyperplasia are:


With this disease, cells of the inner lining of the uterus grow into its body, as well as it goes beyond the anatomical boundaries of the organ, as shown in the photo. Because the real reason This pathology has not been established; scientists only talk about predisposing factors, which include hormonal disorders, unsuccessful abortions and other surgical interventions, obesity, liver dysfunction, and installation of an intrauterine device. It has been noticed that this disease often occurs if, during menstruation, small blood clots with endometrial cells come out into the abdominal cavity, and subsequently penetrated into adjacent tissues.

Malfunctions of the blood coagulation system

Insufficient production of anticoagulants leads to the fact that blood begins to clot while still in the uterine cavity. Therefore, a woman may notice that instead of liquid discharge large clots came out.

Infectious diseases

If the illness is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, blood clots may come out.

In any case, contacting a doctor who will decide what to do next is mandatory.

Other reasons

Other factors that may explain why large clots come out during your period include:

  • Presence of an intrauterine device. Presence foreign body in the internal genital organs causes heavy menstruation with the release of large blood clots.
  • Postpartum period. For 3-4 weeks after the baby is born, very large blood clots may be released, which is normal. However, if they are accompanied by pain similar to contractions, and at the same time there is an increase in general temperature body, it is possible that pieces of the placenta remain in the body of the uterus.
  • Intensive physical exercise during menstruation. This tones the muscles of the internal genital organs, the blood in them stagnates and has time to clot. In this case, it is quite understandable why large clots form, which then come out when the muscles relax.

If large blood clots come out during menstruation, causing pain, discomfort or an increase in body temperature, then you do not need to think about what to do on your own. Should be in the most short time see a doctor and get examined. Timely detection of pathology will prevent the development of complications, tissue degeneration, infertility, or the disease becoming chronic.

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