Which reduces appetite. What pills are suitable for reducing appetite? methods to dull the feeling of hunger from nutritionists

Most people with overweight body is enough to reduce your appetite to lose weight and improve your health. But not everyone can tame their voracious appetite on their own, and therefore it is important to search for means and methods that will help in this difficult matter.

There are several simple ones for everyone available ways reduce appetite. Each method can be used independently or combined with other methods. In order for this idea to give the expected result, you need to resort to methods of reducing appetite when excess appetite is not a consequence serious violations in organism.

As a result of using methods to reduce appetite, you can get rid of excess fat in the body, improve your figure and health, get rid of obsessive feeling hunger.


Method one: Food and drinks

To reduce your appetite, you need to consume the following foods and drinks before meals:

  • Tip 1. To reduce your appetite, eliminate foods with artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers from your diet. Because these are the foods that whet your appetite and make you eat more, despite your actual satiety.
  • Tip 2. Minimize the amount of salt and pepper in your dishes. Give preference to spices and kelp powder. They will give the dish an original taste, make it healthy and safe for your appetite and figure, respectively.
  • Tip 3. Don't go hungry. This whets your appetite with even greater force and instead of eating one candy in the first half of the day, you will eat 5 candies in the evening, increasing your appetite and gaining excess fat - guaranteed.
  • Tip 4. Gradually reduce portions of the dish and increase the number of meals - there should be 5 - 6 per day. This will help maintain a high metabolic rate and thus prevent appetite when it is not needed.
  • Tip 5. Start and end your day with protein. This will give satiety and “material” to maintain muscle mass which can burn fat.

Method two: Traditional methods

Recipe 1. Parsley decoction

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs into a glass of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain, cool and drink half a glass 2 times a day before meals or when unreasonable feeling hunger. The course is no more than 2 weeks.
In addition to the fact that the product will help reduce appetite, it will also help get rid of cellulite (in combination with massage and proper nutrition). The decoction also has a diuretic effect.

Recipe 2. Apple cider vinegar

Boiled in a glass warm water dissolve 1 – 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar good quality(preferably homemade) and drink before meals.

This recipe helps not only reduce appetite, but also strengthen immune system body, blood vessels and improve skin condition. It also improves food digestion, prevents the conversion of sugar into fat, and helps control the amount of food eaten.

Recipe 3. Nettle infusion

Pour a tablespoon of dry nettle into a glass of hot water. Leave for about 20 minutes, strain and take a tablespoon 2 times a day before meals.

The infusion can also be drunk as tea at any time. For example this great option for those who struggle with desire, eat at night.

Tea has cleansing properties and has a beneficial effect on the blood and the body as a whole. It is a source of protein, vitamins and microelements. Therefore, tea is especially useful for preventing vitamin deficiency.

In addition to the fact that nettle can be used to prepare infusions and teas, it can be used as a seasoning for salads.

Recipe 4. Sage tea

Pour a tablespoon of sage into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain, squeeze out the herb and take half a glass before meals.

This herb is especially good for those women who are preparing for motherhood and breastfeeding their children. That's why sage is called a woman's herb.

  • Tip 1. Prepare all infusions, decoctions and teas strictly according to the recipe. Follow the prescription and take them without exceeding the dosage and period of use. IN otherwise The medicine may not work or harm your health.
  • Tip 2. Prepare teas and infuse them only from high-quality raw materials that have passed radiological control and have been properly prepared, packaged and stored. Only such raw materials will have the promised effect of the recipe.

Method three: Aromatherapy

A simple way to reduce appetite that can be used everywhere. It is enough to use essential oils to reduce appetite and also improve emotional well-being.

Esters that reduce appetite:

  1. Conifers: juniper, pine, cedar and cypress. In addition to reducing appetite, these oils purify and disinfect the air. They are also invigorating and can easily replace coffee.
  2. Citrus fruits: lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, bergamot, orange and lime. These oils tone and improve your mood. They improve intestinal function and increase vitality.
  3. Spicy sweet: nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, rosemary, mint. In addition to reducing appetite, the aromas relax and harmonize. Perfect for scenting the bedroom.

Any oil or composition of them can be used in the following ways:

  • 1. Make aromamidalion. For this purpose, miniature special containers are sold into which cotton wool soaked in oil is placed. You can always keep such a medallion with you.
  • 2. Prepare an aroma lamp. This is a great option for home.
  • 3. Prepare an aroma bath or add oils to shower products.
  • 4. Apply a little oil (if you are not allergic) to your wrist and under your nose.
  • Tip 1. Oils have wide range application and are practically harmless. But you shouldn’t overuse them all, as they can be allergens and cause burns on the skin. Oils should be used only after testing the product.
  • Tip 2. Use only natural esters. If possible, test them: place a couple of drops on the fabric. If a stain remains after a while, it means the oil is of poor quality. All “correct” oils are packaged only in dark glass containers, since any oil is very inert.

Method four: Exercise

Sports in any form, on the one hand, activates metabolism and other processes in the body, and on the other hand, reduces appetite. In particular, if all the exercises are performed correctly, then after training there is no desire to “eat up” on something sweet and not the most healthy.

But not always and not everyone can sit on an exercise machine and pedal during an attack of hunger. Therefore, you need to remember the series simple exercises which can be performed before meals or when appetite is completely inappropriate.

Exercises to suppress appetite:

  1. "Wave"
  2. Sit on a chair or stand up straight.

    Hands at your sides. Do deep breath and inflate your belly as much as possible. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

    Release the air, drawing your stomach in as much as possible. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

    Repeat the “wave” several times until you feel a pleasant pain in the abdominal area and no unreasonable hunger.
    In addition to taming your appetite, this exercise improves oxygen supply to the body and strengthens the skin and abdominal muscles. If you do this exercise regularly in combination with proper nutrition, you can make your stomach flat.

  3. "Lotus"
  4. Sit on a chair and completely relax. Tilt your body forward slightly, stretch your arms forward with your palms up. Left hand put it on the right (and vice versa for men) and stay in this position for about five minutes. At this time you need to think about something good.

    The exercise is aimed at harmonizing the emotional climate and restoring natural breathing.

  5. "Frog"
  6. The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. Just don’t stretch your arms out, but rest your elbows on your knees and cross your hands together. Tilt your head to the left, then to the right. Perform 30 times.

The exercise should be done slowly, thinking about good and pleasant things.

  • Tip 1. Make these exercises your daily rule. This will help keep your metabolism up high level, improve all processes in the body, relieve stress and anxiety.
  • Tip 2. Perform each exercise efficiently and without haste. This is the only way to get the expected results from training and not cause harm to the body.

Method five: Pharmacological drugs

Pharmacology has long invented drugs that reduce appetite. They are presented in different shapes and differ in their operating principle.

Group of anorexics:

These are drugs that suppress appetite by affecting the satiety centers of the body. That is, after taking the drug, a signal is sent to the brain similar to the satiety signal after eating.

Examples of such drugs are: Mizandol, Phenylpropanolamine and Phentermine.

This potent drugs, which are prescribed by the doctor. They have many side effects and cannot be used independently.

Group of dietary supplements:

These are drugs that, when they enter the stomach, increase in size and thereby signal the brain about satiety.

Examples of such drugs are: MCC (microcrystalline cellulose), bran and fiber, chitosan.

These drugs are practically harmless and are commercially available. But still, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Group of vitamin-mineral complexes:

the most popular are drugs containing peridoxine, which improves activity thyroid gland and thereby affects carbohydrate-fat metabolism and reduces appetite.

Chromium is also effective. How more chrome in the body, the less you crave sweets. Therefore, those who cannot curb their appetite for sweets can take chromium.

  • Tip 1. Any drug should only be prescribed by a doctor and should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Improper use of the drug and self-medication can cause irreparable harm to health. Even if the product helped a friend, this is not a reason to rush to buy and use it.
  • Tip 2. Any drug is effective only in combination with proper nutrition and exercise. You shouldn't hope for a miracle when you eat a pill with a bun. However, you probably won’t even want buns.
  • Tip 3. Take all these drugs only as a aid when it is difficult to calm down an unjustified appetite. You don't need to take them every time you want to eat. A good appetite– the key to accelerated digestion of food and the absence of deposits. But when is it really time for the body to refresh itself, and not just “chew in front of the TV?”

Method six: Surgical operations

This method is an operation to correct the size of the stomach.

Today the following operations are used:

  • The insertion of a balloon, which occupies part of the stomach and does not allow transmission.
  • Removal of part of the stomach, which also prevents overeating.

After such operations, a person is forced to eat little and lose weight due to this. Over time, tolerance to attacks of hunger develops, and unreasonable appetite reminds itself less and less.

  • Tip 1. This operation is prescribed only to people with significant obesity, when it is no longer possible to solve the problem on their own. The appointment is preceded by full diagnostics body, including mental condition. This is a very serious operation followed by a long rehabilitation period. And you need to be prepared for the fact that returning to old habits is not possible, as it is fraught with irreparable consequences.
  • Tip 2. You should not try to become a patient about this if your problem is far-fetched (50 kg girls who consider themselves fat gluttons).


If you want to get in shape, reducing your appetite should be your first priority. Small tricks will help you learn to control the amount of food you consume.

If your job involves a lot of activity, your breakfast should be very nutritious. This doesn't mean you need to eat a lot - it's important to eat the right products. An ideal example proper breakfast is oatmeal with fruits. After two hours you can drink cocoa or coffee. If you skip breakfast, you will feel very hungry after a while, so after a rich meal you will gain many more calories than with breakfast. Your portions should be small. Nutritionists agree that you need to eat often, but little - at least 5 times a day. Do not drink drinks immediately after meals, as everyone is used to doing. Drink a glass of juice or tea two hours after your main meal. Plan your meals every day. To avoid the feeling of eating too small portions, try to eat from small plates. Big advantage small portions is that they will not stretch the stomach and allow it to shrink in size. For some people, this will help solve the problem of a large belly. Review your diet. Give preference to vegetables, fruits, herbs and fermented milk products. Sweet and carbohydrate products tend to increase appetite. It is also recommended to avoid spices, horseradish, mustard and red pepper - these foods are real hunger triggers. Remember that you don't need to eat until you feel full. To maintain energy, it is enough to simply satisfy your hunger, and after a few hours have a snack again (for example, drink juice with a small bun). Remember that if you eat too quickly, most of the food simply will not be absorbed. This approach will have a bad effect on both your figure and your health. It is also worth noting that eating quickly increases your appetite. Our brain receives a signal of satiety only 20 minutes after the start of a meal. People who are used to eating everything in 10 minutes risk eating much more than normal. To avoid these troubles, eat slowly and chew your food well. Make every meal a small ritual - enjoy healthy products and imagine that vitamins are entering your body. Special scents can also help you fight your refrigerator cravings. Apply a few drops of orange, cypress, juniper or tea tree. You can also use an aroma lamp to diffuse the pleasant smell throughout the apartment.

Add to salads and porridges linseed oil– it is the most popular folk remedy for reducing appetite. Celery infusion will also help you eliminate food cravings. Grind it (15-20 g) and pour boiling water (200 g). Keep in a water bath for a few minutes. Then strain and drink before meals. An alternative would be corn silk. Make a decoction of them and take 2 tbsp. l. before eating. Every time you feel really hungry, drink a glass of water with lemon. It is very good for the stomach. If you feel really hungry before bed, drink a cup of skim milk. You will deceive your appetite and lose weight at the same time. If you are used to eating every time you want, at first stick to the right eating habits it'll be hard. Many people experience what is called psychological hunger, which arises not from hunger, but from habit. To avoid constantly thinking about food, distract yourself and do something. Start cleaning, call a friend, or turn on a movie. It is preferable to take a walk in the fresh air.

Despite the initial difficulties, over time you will adapt to the new diet and get rid of psychological habits. Properly balanced and high-quality nutrition will give you an excellent figure (in combination with training) healthy immunity and good health!

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

What should you do to lose weight? All that is necessary for this is to reduce the diet, ensuring an energy deficit in the body, forcing it to use up its fat reserves. Easy to say, but difficult to implement! Hunger is what prevents a person from cutting down his diet and normalizing his weight. But it doesn't matter - you can curb your appetite if you want. Now you will receive 10 valuable advice, which will help reduce hunger during a low-calorie diet.

Tip #1. Use fractional power mode.

Eating small portions at short intervals is a salvation for people with increased appetite. It is advisable to have 5-6 meals per day. Naturally, you need to carefully ensure that during each meal its volumes are small. Mechanisms of decreased appetite with:

1. Nutrients are constantly supplied to the blood. An increase in plasma glucose concentration is one of the main mechanisms of satiety.

2. The stomach will be constantly filled, albeit with small amounts of food.

3. Psychologically, it is much easier for a person to withstand hunger if there are 1-2 hours left before the next meal than if he has to wait 3-5 hours for lunch or dinner.

Tip #2. Consume vegetable salad before eating.

This way you can reduce your appetite immediately before meals, thereby reducing your lunch. Vegetables are rich in fiber. These are carbohydrates that are not a source of calories because the body does not know how to produce the enzymes necessary to break them down. Therefore, it fills the stomach, promotes satiety, but is not harmful to the figure.

By eating vegetables before meals, you achieve the following effects:

1. Decreased appetite due to stomach filling.

2. Reducing the glycemic index of foods that will be consumed during the upcoming meal, slowing down the rate of their absorption. This will make you feel fuller longer.

3. Reducing blood cholesterol levels. Doesn't affect weight, but has health benefits.

Tip #3. Avoid places where you can eat delicious food.

What causes hunger? From a physiological point of view - low level nutrients in the blood and empty stomach. In addition, appetite increases the anticipation of food. This unconditioned reflex– think about lemon, and your mouth will immediately begin to water. You will also release digestive juices, start peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and feel hungry.

To prevent this from happening to you, you need to avoid places that provoke hunger:

  • do not go to a cafe;
  • don’t go to your friend’s birthday party;
  • avoid the kitchen where cutlets are being fried in a frying pan;
  • don't watch other people eat;
  • change the channel if your favorite cooking show is on;
  • interrupt relatives who start talking about food;
  • go to grocery store shopping as rarely as possible, and even better, assign this responsibility to loved ones.

Tip #4. Concentrate on food.

Do you think this advice contradicts the previous one? This is wrong. You should only think about food when you are eating. This promotes earlier satiety, and therefore reduces the amount of food consumed. During your meal you should:

  • turn off the TV;
  • put aside a book or magazine;
  • concentrate on food - listen to its taste, inhale its smell;
  • eat slowly, chewing food until it is completely crushed;
  • Do not be distracted by conversations or extraneous thoughts.

Tip #5. Change the way you cook.

How tastier food, the more you want to eat it. In addition, some foods enhance peristalsis gastrointestinal tract, increase acidity in the stomach, increase the secretion of digestive juices. Such foods should be avoided if you do not want to suffer from increased appetite. You need to do the following:

1. Abandon certain methods of cooking food. It is undesirable to eat fried, smoked, salted food. It is worth eating more raw and cooked food.

2. Avoid spices - they increase your appetite.

3. Don't cook your favorite foods while on an isocaloric diet. Then you will not have the desire to overeat.

Tip #6. Drink more water.

Space in the stomach is limited. The more water there is, the less other products will fit in there. You should drink it at the following intervals:

1. Between meals. As soon as thoughts about food arise, drink a glass of water and they will temporarily subside.

2. Before meals. Wash down your vegetable salad with water. Fiber absorbs it very well, increasing in size and occupying a large space in the stomach.

3. During meals. The more you drink, the sooner you will be full. Do not listen to fairy tales that drinking while eating is harmful - these are fictions that have no scientific explanation.

Tip #7. Curb your appetite.

There are situations when the next meal is still far away, but the feeling of hunger is so strong that your stomach cramps. How to reduce appetite in such a situation? It’s very simple – you need to eat something sweet. What are you saying? Confectionery contraindicated on a diet? Yes it is. But think about it: what’s better, quitting your diet or eating one small piece of candy to stave off your hunger?

Sweets have a very high . They contain pure glucose, and this carbohydrate is able to be absorbed from the intestines into the blood without pre-treatment enzymes. That is, after just a few minutes, hunger will subside, and you may well forget about food until your next planned meal.

Avoid mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of the diet:

1. There shouldn’t be too many sweets. Use this trick no more than 2-3 times a day, and then no more than 150-200 extra kilocalories will enter the body.

2. The candy should not be too big - no more than 20-25 g. And it should not be chocolate!

3. If there are no sweets, eat a spoonful of sugar. You can hold it under your tongue to speed up the reduction of hunger - glucose begins to be absorbed in the oral cavity.

Tip #8. Take a break from food.

Whenever strong feeling hunger, especially if you need to hold out for several more hours before eating, use distracting maneuvers. What can be done? Anything! The main thing is that this activity is interesting to you. You can watch a movie, knit socks, play cards with your husband, read a book, play computer games. Each person has his own range of interests. Consequently, everyone is distracted in their own way - as best they can.

Tip #9. Add unpalatable ingredients to your food.

What do you dislike most? Everyone has different tastes. Some people avoid cinnamon, some don't like ketchup, some hate cucumbers. Add ingredients to your meals that you wouldn't normally eat because they don't suit your taste. This will automatically reduce your appetite and the amount of food you consume at one time.

IN extreme cases, when you cannot curb your appetite using the above nine tips, you can take drugs with anorexigenic effects. Remember that most of them have side effects. Examples of drugs that can be used to reduce appetite:

  • sibutramine;

Use these tips and you are guaranteed to reduce your weight. You will have to overcome the main difficulties in the first week. Then you will see the initial results of your diet, you will get used to the new diet, and further weight loss will be much easier.


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There are many ways to reduce your appetite. Some even use special tablets for this purpose. However, no matter how you look at it, it is a chemical that can cause many problems in the body. And here traditional methods, how to reduce appetite, are completely safe, but no less effective.

How to prevent overeating?

It often happens that a person, after waiting for a meal, literally pounces on the food, absorbing it in huge quantities. In addition to heaviness in the stomach 15-20 minutes after finishing a meal, this is also fraught with the appearance of the unfortunate excess weight. To prevent overeating, just remember a few simple rules:

  • you should not put food on plates that are too large - then even a normal portion will seem small to you, which means there will be an incentive to put something else;
  • food should be eaten slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly;
  • It is not recommended to eat in front of the TV or while reading a newspaper;
  • try to eliminate too much from your diet fatty foods, reduce the number of spices to a minimum;
  • before your meal, drink a glass of plain water or tomato juice;
  • eat as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits.

A few words about snacking “in between”

Many people cannot break the habit of snacking between meals. How to reduce your appetite and avoid temptation? In general, here you will need your willpower. But if bad habit stronger than you, try to make the snacks themselves less harmful: for example, you can eat sweet fruit(banana or apple), as an option - eat a slice of dark (not milk!) chocolate.

Eat grains!

80% of the food a person eats comes at breakfast and lunch. If you add wheat sprouts to your diet, you will provide your body with a constant supply of fiber and vitamin B. In addition, cereals prevent the appearance of fatty deposits in the body, and are absorbed for a long time, that is, the feeling of hunger will not arise soon.

Give up alcohol

If you are looking for ways to reduce your appetite, you will have to give up alcohol completely. Just like seasonings, it can aggravate the feeling of hunger.

To avoid eating at night

Of course, many people are drawn to the refrigerator at night. But if you drink a glass of warm milk with honey before going to bed, you will be able to fall asleep much faster, and there will be no need for a nighttime “kitchen raid.”

Avoid mayonnaise and sour cream

If you eat salads, it is best to season them with vegetable fats. If giving up sour cream and mayonnaise doesn’t work at all, replace it with low-fat kefir.

A few folk secrets to reduce appetite

  • Pour a glass of water and dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (natural, not synthetic!) in it. Drink water before meals.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over a few teaspoons of parsley decoction. The broth should be simmered for about 15 minutes over low heat, and then drink half a cup of the drink several times a day.
  • When talking about appetite suppressants, we must not forget about corn silk. For 200 milliliters cold water 10 grams will be enough. The stigmas should be brewed in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take one tablespoon before meals.
  • Grind medium cloves of garlic (3 pieces) and pour a glass of boiled cold water. You should also take it before meals (no more than a tablespoon at a time!).
  • Another option to reduce your appetite folk remedies- drink 20 milliliters of flaxseed oil every morning on an empty stomach.

The problem of decreased appetite must be approached calmly, without irritation or anxiety. Then it will turn from a problem into a common thing that you will devote a few minutes to. But if you constantly think that your appetite has worked up, and you, unhappy and deprived of life, cannot afford anything, then everything will definitely end with a trip to the kitchen and a small feast, which will then turn into great grief about your intemperance. How to reduce appetite without harm to health? You can reduce your appetite different ways. They are all simple and effective. The main thing is to tune in correct image life and not indulge your weaknesses.

How to distinguish between hunger and appetite?

Many people mistake their increased appetite for hunger. And they immediately rush to replenish energy, although the body does not need it at all. To avoid overeating, you need to learn to determine when you are truly hungry and when you just want to eat or “eat” stress or anxiety.

  • Hunger accompanied by an unpleasant sucking feeling in the pit of the stomach, emptiness in the stomach, and sometimes even lightheadedness. If you are hungry, you will gladly eat whatever is offered to you, be it light soup or porridge.
  • Appetite not accompanied by any unpleasant physical sensations. You just want to eat “something tasty”, and it will take you a long time to choose a dish. A sandwich - no, soup - I don’t even want it, I’m already tired of the porridge, the apples are sour, etc. It’s this kind of appetite that you need to deal with in time, so that its insidious attacks do not ruin your figure.

Water and chocolate reduce appetite

Everything is clear about water. A glass of water has a good effect on appetite, it is noticeably reduced. And you no longer feel like eating an extra piece. This is a proven remedy recommended by nutritionists.

What about chocolate? After all, it is considered one of the main enemies of slimness. Don't rush to conclusions. Yes, if you eat a lot of chocolate, as a snack, a treat after lunch, before bed or as a second breakfast, then you cannot avoid extra pounds.

In fact we're talking about about dark bitter chocolate, which is considered very healthy. Good quality chocolate never hurts, and 2-3 small pieces will do the job perfectly to satisfy your appetite. You will achieve a greater effect when you do not swallow them in the blink of an eye, but dissolve them within a few minutes. You will get pleasure that you don’t have to deny yourself, and you will also moderate your appetite. In this case, the number of calories will be minimal.

Fruits and vegetables are a good way to control your appetite

The gifts of nature provide invaluable help to those for whom food matters. great importance in life and is sometimes the only joy. Such people constantly want to chew something: a piece of bread, seeds or nuts - they don’t have special significance. You need to admit to yourself that the problem is no longer distended stomach, but in the head. Here you need the help of a psychologist, but not a nutritionist. If you want to maintain the remnants of harmony, but do not want to use the help of a specialist, create for yourself a list of products that will help cope with outbreaks of gluttony (we will call everything by its proper name). Eat an apple, grapefruit, fruit or vegetable salad, tomato or cucumber. This is according to at least, will protect you from attacks of despair that will be added to the attacks uncontrollable appetite. And no pizza, no pies or ice cream.

If you really want something sweet, then chew the candy, but don’t swallow it. After all, it’s not your stomach that craves sweets, but your stress. And in this way you can deceive the brain. When you feel the sweetness on your tongue, you will get the same sensations as if you had eaten the candy for real. And the craving for sweets will subside.

How to reduce appetite in the evening and at night?

Many people cannot sleep due to their increased appetite. Brain cells are excited, you feel discomfort. To prevent this from happening, drink a glass a little before going to bed. warm milk. Do the same when your appetite gets you out of bed in the middle of the night. You can add a teaspoon of honey to the milk.

Herbs that reduce appetite

Why not use folk remedies that will quickly and effectively calm your appetite? They have been tested more than once, they give good results. They can be purchased at any pharmacy and are very easy to prepare.

Herbs can be used in preparations. The components complement each other perfectly and saturate the body with proteins and vitamins.

  • Mix dandelion root, fennel fruits (50 g.), peppermint leaves (100 g.). 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the collection, let it brew for 30 minutes, strain and drink at night.
  • Mix wild strawberry leaves, raspberry leaves, St. John's wort, lemon balm and rose hips. Proportions don't matter. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 300 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 5 minutes, pour into a thermos. Let it brew for 2 hours. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Mix immortelle flowers, yarrow herb, dill seeds, flax seeds and rose hips. 3 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of cold water, let it brew for 4 hours, then boil for 5 minutes. Leave the decoction for 1 hour, strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals.
  • Milk thistle powder can be purchased at the pharmacy. Take the powder 1 tsp. before meals, washed down with water.
  • Herbal tea, which includes alfalfa, perfectly reduces appetite. Take tea 30 minutes before meals.
  • Flaxseed is rich in vitamins, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids. Brew 1 tsp. seeds with a glass of boiling water and take 30 minutes before meals.

These useful tips will help you cope with your appetite, feel much calmer and more confident. Take care of yourself and your health.