After vacuum aspiration no. Vacuum aspiration. Timing, method, reviews

Not every woman, having learned about pregnancy, perceives the news with joy and anxious anticipation of motherhood. For some girls, circumstances develop in such a way that it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy, in other words, have an abortion. Vacuum aspiration is considered the most gentle and less traumatic option for interruption. Menstruation after a mini-abortion may come with some irregularities, which makes the woman worry. What is it? this procedure and what features characterize menstruation after vacuum abortion.

Many women require lengthy recovery after an abortion procedure.

A mini abortion is the surgical removal of embryonic tissue in the early stages of pregnancy using vacuum aspiration, which is a suction procedure. For such an interruption, special equipment is required, such as a vacuum suction, which creates negative pressure in the uterus, causing the embryonic egg to peel off from the endometrium. It’s just that in the early gestational period, chorionic villi do not grow into the endometrium firmly enough, so removing the embryo does not cause difficulties.

Vacuum aspiration carried out exclusively when menstrual bleeding is delayed up to 21 days, although the most optimal time for such an abortion there is a 14-15 day delay. At earlier stages, the embryo may not be noticed and not removed, but at later stages there is a high probability of developing complications. Therefore, the most optimal gestation period during which a mini-abortion can be performed is considered to be 3-5 weeks of gestation.

When is a mini-abortion performed?

There are no special indications for abortion by suctioning the fetus using vacuum aspiration. Usually the leading indication is the desire of the patient herself to carry out the interruption in this way. Although there are some special conditions in which abortion is necessary, for example:

  • Intrauterine fetal death;
  • Anembryonia, which is characterized by the presence ovum without an embryo inside, similar condition often called empty sac syndrome;
  • If a woman at the time of alleged conception and immediately after it suffered from severe flu, rubella or any other infection;
  • If pregnancy in any way threatens the patient's life (for example, diabetes mellitus, severe kidney or liver diseases, cancer, etc.;
  • If there are social indications such as sexual rape, stay in the MLS, etc.

Moreover, vacuum aspiration can also be used for other gynecological purposes such as incomplete miscarriage, accumulation of serous fluid or blood in the uterus, menstrual irregularities, remnants of placenta particles after delivery or fetal fragments after medication interruption, as well as, if necessary, obtaining a biosample of the endometrial layer.

Vacuum abortion also has some contraindications. It cannot be performed on patients with ectopic embryo implantation, in a state of fever, with any cold or infection, with acute or chronic pelvic pathologies, poor blood clotting, or abortion less than six months ago.

Advantages and disadvantages

The vacuum interruption method is considered one of the safest

Vacuum interruption has many advantages over other interruption methods. Firstly, during the intervention there is no need to expand the cervical canal, therefore there is practically no discomfort during such an abortion, and the development of cervical insufficiency as a complication is minimized. Secondly, after a vacuum abortive procedure, within three weeks the uterine mucosa is restored, and the vessels of the organ do not have serious damage, which practically eliminates the possibility of bleeding.

When performing an abortion by suctioning the fetus, complications such as perforation of the uterine wall, which often occurs with traditional curettage, are excluded. A vacuum abortion takes about 10 minutes, after which the woman is left under medical supervision for another couple of hours. The procedure does not require general anesthesia and can be performed with anesthesia local action. In early gestation hormonal background I didn’t have time to transform and tune in to pregnancy, so the body won’t experience stress. The fetus is not yet formed, psychologically such an interruption is easier.

But this abortive method also has some disadvantages. For example, it can only be carried out during a certain period. Incomplete suction of fetal tissue is also possible, in which case repeated aspiration or curettage is necessary.

Features of post-abortion discharge

In the first days after vacuum aspiration, the patient develops bloody issues, which have nothing to do with menstruation, although they are very similar to it in structure and consistency. The duration of such discharge is about 1-1.5 weeks. To alleviate the condition, experts recommend that patients during this period:

  • Direct all efforts to restore the body, and, therefore, get more rest;
  • Avoid coffee and dark chocolate and follow dietary ration nutrition;
  • Eliminate unhealthy habits;
  • Take temperature measurements before bed and in the morning.

If rehabilitation goes well and there are no complications, then after a couple of weeks you need to undergo ultrasound diagnostics, in order to make sure that the abortive procedure was successful and nothing more was left in the uterine cavity. One of the most frequently asked questions after a mini-abortion - when your period comes and how much discharge is observed.

In general, the duration of post-abortion discharge is influenced by the method of interruption, gestational age and age of the patient, her state of health, the quality of the intervention performed and the professionalism of the doctor. If an unpleasant odor appears from the discharge, you should urgently contact a gynecologist, because such a sign indicates the development of an inflammatory process and infection.

First menstruation

For persistent pain symptoms you need to see a doctor as soon as possible

The time when the next menstrual days arrive after a vacuum abortion may vary slightly for each patient. For some girls, their periods come with some delay, while for others, on the contrary, they may begin ahead of schedule. In general, for the final restoration and regulation of the menstrual cycle after abortion vacuum procedure for nulliparous patients it takes about 6 months, and for those who have given birth – 3-4.

It is especially necessary to monitor the nature and consistency of the incoming menstruation. If she has a sharp, putrid smell, yellowish tint and is accompanied by severe painful symptoms, and the patient’s condition noticeably worsens, it is necessary to urgently visit a specialist and undergo the necessary examination.

As a rule, the intensity of the first post-abortion menstruation is different for each patient and generally depends on how heavy the periods were before the interruption. Some patients have scanty, spotting bleeding, while others suffer from heavy and painful periods. Usually, after a vacuum abortion, the first menstrual bleeding can occur within a month.

How to calculate the arrival of the first menstruation

A woman needs to know the approximate time when menstruation begins after a gentle abortion in order to timely navigate and notice deviations. The onset of the first critical days should occur approximately a month after the interruption. But this does not always happen, and the amount of bleeding can be frightening, as well as excessive pain, although such sensations are normal.

Experts suggest using in a simple way an approximate estimate of when your period will begin.

  1. If the standard cycle for a woman is a 28-day period, then the first menstruation will begin approximately the same number of days after the abortion.
  2. A delay of critical days of approximately a week to a week and a half is allowed.
  3. Average menstrual bleeding on average, it begins after 28-38 days, if the woman’s cycle was 28 days.

If the female cycle before the abortion was 30 days or more, then we add 10 days to this duration and get the possible period after which the first menstruation should come.

If you don't have your period

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and help restore the body well.

If a woman does not have her period one and a half months after the abortion procedure, then it is worth undergoing gynecological examination in order to identify probable complications. If menstruation does not come, and signs of it imminent arrival are absent, then it is necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist, because the cause of such a long delay can be quite serious factors such as blood accumulation in the uterine body, incomplete suction of the fertilized egg, etc.

If the reasons lie in blood accumulations, then this could happen due to the blood-clotting drugs used, spasm of the cervical canal or suppression of the uterine contractile functions, which is why the main reproductive organ women lost the ability to expel blood masses. Such a complication is very dangerous and can lead to the development of serious intrauterine infectious pathologies, therefore requires mandatory surgical intervention.

If during vacuum aspiration the fertilized egg was not completely removed, then its remains can continue to produce chorionic hormone, thereby deceiving the body, creating the illusion of a pregnant hormonal status and interfering with the formation of a normal cycle. Why else might there be problems with menstruation? There are many reasons for this. It could be inflammatory lesion uterine appendages, too deep damage to the endometrial layer during abortion or a new pregnancy.

How to understand that complications have arisen

It also happens that menstruation began around the due date, however, the appearance of it frightens the patient, because the discharge has an abnormal consistency, color, smell or structure. Abnormal discharge usually indicates the development of serious complications of abortion and can manifest itself in various forms. Any gynecological intervention, be it vacuum abortive aspiration or traditional curettage, cannot pass without a trace for a woman and will immediately affect the condition of the body. Therefore, patients are especially advised to monitor not only the nature of the discharge immediately after an abortion, but also the structure of the first menstrual bleeding.

  • If the first menstruation after an abortion has an intense red or bright scarlet hue, then such a sign may indicate an opening intrauterine bleeding. If a sanitary pad is not enough even for an hour, and the bleeding itself continues with similar intensity for quite a long time, then it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist.
  • If the menstrual discharge has acquired a yellowish-white tint and an unpleasant, fetid odor, then such vivid symptoms indicate developed inflammation, which is often accompanied by hyperthermic symptoms.
  • If menstruation is underway is too painful and scanty, and then stops, appearing again a day or two later in an equally scanty amount, then this may indicate thrombus formation in the cervical lumen. This complication can also occur complete absence menstruation against the background of severe pain in the abdomen. The clot prevents the bloody masses from coming out, which leads to the development of deadly intrauterine inflammation.
  • No less dangerous are menstruation, which is accompanied by copious discharge of mucous accumulations or clots. They may indicate the incompleteness of the vacuum mini-abortion, which requires repeated suction of the fertilized egg or cleaning of the uterus using the traditional curettage method.

Any abortion, whether performed using pills, vacuum aspiration or curettage, poses a certain threat to the female body. Therefore, patients who decide to take such a desperate step need to be extremely attentive to the signals that the body gives after an abortion procedure in order to avoid serious complications and irreversible consequences. One of these signals is a delay in menstruation, indicating infection or inflammation, severe hormonal imbalance and other deviations from the norm that require qualified medical intervention.

Vacuum aspiration is the least traumatic method of early pregnancy termination. Using special equipment (vacuum cleaner principle) under high pressure The embryo is removed from the uterus. The procedure is performed only in the early stages of pregnancy (usually up to 7 obstetric weeks– this is approximately 21 days of delay of menstrual flow). This procedure is also called a mini-abortion, since it is not performed under general anesthesia and there are rarely serious complications after it.

Features of vacuum cleaning

Discharge after vacuum cleaning, as after any gynecological operation, is a completely normal phenomenon, however, their nature must be strictly controlled. The norm is brown discharge immediately after surgery (lasting 1-4 days), later on the 3-4th day light bloody, but not copious, substances appear. If active bleeding appears or the discharge has a strong unpleasant odor, your body temperature has risen, and you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Before the procedure, the woman undergoes a full examination, including: examination by a gynecologist, a series of tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and consultation with a therapist. During the operation, a small sizes probe with a special nozzle. The doctor connects the probe to a device that creates a vacuum in the female genital organ, i.e. negative pressure. Under its action, the fertilized egg, which is not yet well attached to the wall of the uterus, is separated from it and enters the aspirator. The uterus was cleared of the fertilized egg without causing any serious damage to it.

The procedure is prescribed for:

  • interruption unwanted pregnancy in the early stages;
  • impossibility of further normal development pregnancy (fading, fetal pathologies, etc.);
  • retention of the ovum during another method of abortion or placenta after childbirth;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • diagnostic need (biopsy, endometrium);
  • accumulation of fluid (serozometer) or blood (hematometer) in the uterus.


  • late pregnancy;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • a number of the patient’s diseases;
  • recent (less than 6 months ago) termination of pregnancy, by any means.

In total, the procedure takes 10-15 minutes. Recovery after it is 60-120 minutes.

Causes of discharge after a vacuum

You need to figure out which discharge is normal. Primary vaginal flows that are brown in color are the result of damage to the uterine tissue. The healing period depends on the individual characteristics of the body, and lasts from 1 to 4 days. Such discharge begins immediately after surgery. After they end, new ones appear, which can easily be mistaken for menstrual bleeding, but this is a response to hormonal changes in the body. Vaginal discharge includes blood and mucus. Gradually quantitative composition changes in favor of mucus. This is due to the completion of the healing stage of damaged tissue.

Important! Serious complications rarely occur after vacuum aspiration and, therefore, the appearance of atypical vaginal discharge, pain, or fever indicates the need to immediately consult a doctor. If there is no discharge, then this is also a bad sign, possibly indicating a hormonal imbalance or other abnormalities.

In the week following the operation, it is necessary to exclude physical and emotional stress. It is better to spend this time at home, calmly and freeing yourself from homework. It is the lack of proper postoperative rehabilitation and causes complications.

Menstrual cycle after mini-abortion

Abortion is a serious physiological and hormonal stress for the body, no matter how it is carried out, which is why the menstrual cycle is disrupted. It is impossible to predict how long the discharge will last, when it will begin new cycle menstruation and how long it will take for the female body to recover and enter a normal physiological rhythm.

The beginning of secondary discharge after vacuum aspiration in gynecology is considered the beginning of the female cycle, but you should not expect that the next menstruation will begin at your standard time. Menstruation may start early or late.

After the abortion, the patient should spend 30-60 minutes lying on her stomach and under the supervision of a doctor. During this period, she may experience discomfort and pain. Further, similar symptoms must disappear. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience mood swings, depression, irritability, and even worsening general well-being, discomfort in the groin area and mammary glands.

If a mini-abortion was not done for medical reasons, but with the aim of terminating a pregnancy, then the doctor will probably prescribe contraceptives for several menstrual cycles. Sometimes an antibiotic is also prescribed. It is important to remember that after vacuum aspiration the woman’s body recovers very quickly and the onset of next pregnancy It is possible that the first menstruation after the operation will begin.

The vacuum aspiration procedure is the least dangerous of all aborted procedures, however, it may have consequences that are worth considering:

  • partial retention of the fertilized egg (incomplete removal);
  • trauma to the inner surface or cervix with instruments, which can lead to bleeding;
  • introduction of infection;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infertility.


Why is a vacuum prescribed after childbirth? In fact, there are several to assign. This is also a pathology of the uterus. To identify its nature, it is necessary to take samples of internal tissues. Indications include the need to cleanse, for example, the placenta, the uterine cavity after fertilization. And possible complications during childbirth (serozometer, hematometer, etc.) Whatever the reason for the appointment, it is worth remembering that you cannot refuse or delay this procedure, because complications from the reason for the appointment can be fatal.

Can a fertilized egg remain in the uterus after a mini-abortion? Yes, both completely and partially. If the fetus partially freezes in the uterine cavity, this procedure is repeated or a more serious procedure is performed. If the fetus remains completely in the uterus, then this indicates a fairly tight attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus (it is possible that the gestational age was incorrectly determined). In this case, another method of abortion is prescribed.

Vacuum aspiration (click to view)

What anesthesia is used for a mini-abortion? Most often, the patient is given pain medication and/or local anesthesia for the cervix. However, general anesthesia is sometimes used. At local anesthesia pulling sensations are possible. However, recovery from general anesthesia takes longer, and it can take its toll on the body. But in each specific case the decision is made individually.

Should vaginal discharge Do you have any smell after cleaning? Discharge, of course, always has an odor, however, if it acquires a too bright and unjustified color or an overly strong, unpleasant odor, then this is a bell to see a doctor. This may indicate an infection has entered the uterine cavity.

Important! How to determine that the abortion was successful? After 2 weeks, the patient needs to come for an appointment, where she undergoes an ultrasound procedure, which checks for the absence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. A repeat examination is carried out and it is during this period that it is possible to determine the success of the operation.

For many, the phrase vacuum aspiration is synonymous with terminating an unwanted pregnancy. However, this procedure is also performed for many medical indications. Moreover, more than one woman was saved from uterine sepsis and other complications using a vacuum. The procedure has a small list of contraindications and low level danger of consequences. This is what makes her one of the most sought after obstetricians and gynecologists.

Even strong positive emotions can disrupt the menstrual cycle. And any, the most insignificant surgery all the more so will the nature of his menstruation affect him. Doctors consider vacuum aspiration to be such.

This is a way to get rid of a short term pregnancy. Women who have had it should be prepared for the fact that menstruation after vacuum aspiration may take on a different appearance and accompaniment.

This method of cleansing the uterine cavity is less traumatic, since it is performed at a short stage of pregnancy or to eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful medical abortion or complications after childbirth. By using special apparatus the fertilized egg or retained, in a word, unnecessary contents are removed. In this case, the mucous membrane is minimally damaged, but nevertheless, this happens. It will take time to restore it and mature until it is ready for rejection.

An even more significant reason that menstruation may change after vacuum aspiration is a sudden disruption of the body’s hormones.

Everything that happens in the reproductive sphere is dictated by them. Normally, changes in the balance of substances have a certain pattern, which ensures regular menstruation. Intervention causes a failure that prevents correct process cyclical development of the ovaries, uterus, even the pituitary-hypothalamus ligament.

Carrying out vacuum aspiration to cleanse the uterine cavity from the fetus

Cycle after mini-abortion

When menstruation begins after vacuum aspiration, the first thing a woman needs to know is. After all, they are evidence of the normal functioning of the reproductive system, which is important for everyone.

Doctors believe that a new cycle begins from the day the intervention was performed. This does not mean the arrival of menstruation immediately. The discharge that is discharged after surgery is a sign of healing of the uterine mucosa. Normally they have the following parameters:

  • Present 5-10 days;
  • They have blood inclusions and a corresponding color;
  • Accompanied by mild pain, similar to menstrual pain, but stopping in the first couple of days;
  • They happen initially and gradually fade away.

These secretions should not cause itching or burning, or provoke a rise in temperature. Their negative accompaniment means the development of infection, requiring further treatment. In this case, the question of when your period will come after surgery will be more difficult to answer. The recovery period is disrupted, and they can take up to six months.

In the absence of additional problems during the rehabilitation period, everything goes faster. And critical days can occur as early as 4 weeks after vacuum aspiration. A delay of 1.5-2 months is considered acceptable. Fast recovery contribute to:

  • To give up smoking;
  • Diet without coffee and chocolate;
  • Complete rest;
  • Lack of severe physical activity, stress.

When menstruation comes after vacuum aspiration also depends on whether the woman gave birth before or not. IN the latter case rehabilitation period may take longer. Other diseases, living conditions and psychological attitude also play their roles in recovery.

What is menstruation like after surgery?

The first period after vacuum aspiration may be less intense than the woman is used to. This is absolutely normal, since the ovaries have not completely restored their functioning, and the endometrium also does not thicken enough at the peak of development during ovulation.

For some, in this first cycle after the intervention, egg maturation may not occur at all.

It is important that menstruation does not have signs of negative developments:

If there is no menstruation

Sometimes women have complaints that the stomach is tight, but there is no menstruation after aspiration. There may be several explanations for this.

Menstruation after an abortion is a sign that no complications have arisen in the woman’s body and the hormonal levels have returned to normal. normal indicators. From the article you will learn how long after the operation menstruation resumes after an abortion, how abundant the discharge should be, and what to do if menstruation has not yet begun.

For physiological reasons, it is believed that the first day after an abortion coincides with the first day of a woman’s menstrual cycle. There will be discharge in any case, although they are not menstrual: the nature of their origin is completely different.

Depending on the period at which the operation was performed and the type of abortion, blood will be released after it. different intensity and over different periods of time. Main principle:The longer the pregnancy, the longer and more abundant the bleeding will be after an abortion.. And the higher the likelihood of complications.

If the birth took place later than 8 weeks of pregnancy, blood may be released from the uterine cavity within a month. The appearance and structure of the discharge will change - at first bloody, gradually turning into serous without color and odor.

In case they go longer due date(for example, 2 months is already longer), the color changes to yellowish or brown, an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina - do not delay and consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate inflammation in the body caused by complications after an abortion. One of the reasons is that particles of the placenta or fetus remain in the uterus. Then the doctor should immediately carry out a cleaning procedure.

Menstruation after abortion

There is no clear answer as to when exactly your period should start after an abortion. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Type of abortion performed (medical, vacuum, surgical)
  • Gestational age
  • Age and health status of the woman undergoing surgery
  • The quality of the medicines and equipment used
  • Professionalism of the responsible doctor

The first and most important reason is the type of abortion. Let's consider when, under normal circumstances, the first menstruation should come after each of them.

Menstruation after medical abortion

The principle of the procedure for such an abortion is as follows: artificially(medicines) cause heavy bleeding, simulating menstruation. Under the influence of this flow, the fertilized egg is pushed out of the uterus and a miscarriage occurs. Medical abortion is performed at short stages, when the size of the egg is still small, so its exit from the vagina does not cause much discomfort. The whole process feels different from normal menstruation just a lot of discharge. It seems that you are having heavy periods.

If menstrual cycle the woman had an irregular pattern before pregnancy, most likely it will remain so after the abortion. You should consult a gynecologist about this in order to identify the original cause.

In any case, pay attention to the abundance of menstruation after surgery: if it is the same as usual - the body has recovered, there should be no reason for concern. If there is much more vaginal discharge, something is wrong, it is better to be examined by a doctor.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

Mini-abortion (also called vacuum aspiration or simply vacuum abortion) is a gentle operation, although it has more possibilities negative consequences than the previous type.

Vacuum suction, with the help of which the fertilized egg is removed, acts on the uterus mechanically. This can cause injury, resulting in excessive blood loss.

If the operation was successful and no complications arose, during the first few days after the mini-abortion, slight bleeding will be observed - this is the uterus pushing out the remaining excess fluid.

Under normal circumstances, periods begin one month after a vacuum abortion. Depending on the characteristics of a woman’s body, the recovery process can take up to 2, and in rare cases up to 6 months. Women who have given birth usually recover faster.

Again, changes in color, odor and abundance of fluid secreted are a sign of inflammation or infection. This is a signal that a visit to the gynecologist cannot be postponed.

Menstruation after curettage

Surgical (also called instrumental or simply curettage, cleaning) is the most traumatic and aggressive of all types of abortion. Harm can be caused by surgical spoons, with the help of which the uterus is forced to open.

Among the dangerous complications: high probability development of endometritis, parametritis, pelvioperitonitis, which often lead to infertility. In the most difficult cases there is a possibility of perforation (rupture of the walls) of the uterus.

Usually, immediately after a cleansing or surgical abortion, spotting appears and lasts from 2 to 5 days.

If no complications arise, after surgical abortions, the first menstruation usually occurs 1-2 months from the date of surgery. In cases where there was a frozen pregnancy, after an abortion, menstruation is often restored only after 6-7 weeks.

A longer delay, a change in color, smell and amount of discharge - as in previous cases, signs that indicate that it is time to go to the doctor for an examination.

What to do if your period does not start after an abortion

If more than 35 days have passed since the abortion procedure and your period has not started, you should not wait any longer and delay your visit to the doctor. Also do an ultrasound.

A woman in such a situation believes that everything is normal in the body and the cycle is about to be restored. Well, if so. But if you don’t get your period for a long time after an abortion, there are most likely complications. Delaying the examination will only worsen the situation.

There are several reasons why your period may not come:

  • Hormonal disbalance. A woman must understand that any abortion causes serious hormonal imbalance. Depending on the state of her health, the degree of damage caused during the operation, the body may need more or less time to return to normal. normal condition. It is difficult to predict how long it will take for periods and ovulation to appear; they can occur at any time. A common recommendation from doctors after an abortion is to take hormonal contraceptives. They prevent you from unexpectedly getting pregnant again when the body is just recovering and is not ready for such a load - this time. And two: similar drugs help eliminate hormonal imbalance and return to normal faster. Take them strictly as recommended by your gynecologist.
  • Repeated pregnancy. If more than 35-40 days have passed since the date of surgery, and during this period you have had unprotected sexual relations, take a pregnancy test. There are cases when ovulation occurred 10 days after a vacuum or medical abortion, so the chances of getting pregnant are high. If you have undergone curettage, pregnancy occurs later - only after 10 weeks
  • Formation of adhesions. During surgery, with a strong mechanical impact on internal organs, adhesions may form from scar tissue. They are able to glue sections of tissue together and prevent the appearance of menstruation. Over time, such adhesions grow and cause other complications, including infertility. If you have the slightest suspicion of complications, consult your doctor immediately. One of the methods of getting rid of adhesions is a course of drugs. After this, it is recommended to visit your doctor regularly for several years, healthy image life and have a good rest

Abortion is a procedure that invariably harms women's health. The level of complexity of an abortion only affects the extent and nature of this harm.

Vacuum abortion (aspiration) - elimination of the embryo at early stages development associated with pathological processes, or the desire of the patient. This is one of the most body-friendly methods of artificial termination of pregnancy and is considered a vacuum abortion. Women resort to this remedy at their own request (only up to twelve weeks), or the procedure is done according to medical direction- in the latter case, the period of fetal development may not be taken into account.

How is a vacuum abortion performed?

The whole process can be divided into three stages. The first is preparatory, the second is direct vacuum abortion, the third is restorative or postoperative.

The patient consults with the treating gynecologist, who recommends abortion (forced or voluntary), diagnoses the stage of development of the fetus, and gives a referral for tests to determine the general state of health and limiting or recommendatory factors. The doctor chooses the method of performing a vacuum abortion.

During the procedure, the woman is placed in a gynecological chair, the entrance to the vagina and its walls are protected with an antiseptic. For a girl who has not given birth, a metal dilator is inserted into the cervix (for a girl who has given birth there is no such need) and special drug, then the area is anesthetized and a tube with an electric suction is used. It creates a certain pressure directly in the uterus, while the tube is carefully drawn around the diameter of the cavity, touching the mucous membrane. In this way, the egg is removed under pressure. Patients after a vacuum abortion are recommended to be monitored by doctors. At this stage, cramps may occur, but more often - nausea, increased sweating, weakness. If there are no complications, the woman is sent home.

Vacuum abortion takes from 5 to 15 minutes. After him in mandatory a course of antibiotics is prescribed to relieve pain, prevent infections, and inflammation.

Medical indications for vacuum abortion

The fertilized egg is removed at medical insistence or at the request of the mother for up to four months. The reason for termination of pregnancy may be:

  1. Failed miscarriage - fetal development has stopped at up to 14 weeks.
  2. The absence of an embryo in the fertilized egg, which is a consequence of a frozen pregnancy.
  3. Inability to bear a fetus, which can be fatal for a woman.
  4. The woman in labor became infected with rubella, smallpox or another infectious disease.
  5. The pregnancy resulted from rape.
  6. Gynecological pathologies arising from diseases of the uterine mucosa, partial preservation fetus after a surgical or medical abortion, or the placenta did not come out after caesarean section or childbirth.
  7. Incomplete miscarriage.

What happens after a vacuum abortion

Complications after a vacuum abortion are possible, but not necessary. Mostly found in women who have undergone similar manipulations more than once.

For those who have not yet given birth, hormonal imbalance is likely, which leads to malfunction ovaries, menstrual irregularities, and in extreme cases, infertility.

An inexperienced doctor may accidentally perforate the uterus, causing severe pain.

After the procedure, bleeding is possible due to a polyp that has formed in the placenta, which the doctor did not completely remove. It happens that the fruit has not peeled off from the wall, and therefore continues to develop.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

Some women believe that the onset of menstruation after a vacuum abortion is a sign of recovery of the body. Indeed, the restored menstrual cycle indicates that the woman’s reproductive system is functioning normally. But still, not only the pelvic organs, but also other important systems of the female body must be involved in the work.

Vacuum abortion is considered the most in a safe way getting rid of pregnancy. The most optimal and the least safe period carried out - 5th week of pregnancy, but no later than the 7th. When can you expect your period? As a rule, a woman can observe up to 10 days after the procedure bleeding. As for menstruation, even doctors will not answer this question accurately. Each woman’s body is individual, so for those who have given birth, the menstrual cycle is restored within 3-4 months, and for nulliparous women it takes up to six months.

Women are often interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after a vacuum abortion? Since a hormonal imbalance occurs after vacuum cleaning, ovulation, and after it menstruation, can begin unexpectedly and the risk of pregnancy increases significantly. Gynecologists suggest protecting yourself from such troubles by taking birth control pills. With a normal outcome of aspiration, the period will come 30-50 days after the abortion.

The nature of discharge after a vacuum abortion

The menstrual cycle resumes from the moment of surgical intervention. Almost all women who have undergone vacuum aspiration are interested in the nature and duration of the discharge. This is influenced various factors, including gestational age and individual characteristics of the body. Discharges are different:

  • Mild pain and scanty spotting can be observed after a vacuum abortion in the first few days, then they turn into mucous membranes.
  • IN in some cases After about 5 days, more intense menstrual bleeding begins. This can indicate both a normal recovery period and be evidence of complications.
  • Normal and moderate discharge indicates that the uterine mucosa is healing.
  • Bleeding or discharge that has a yellowish tint and an unpleasant odor is a reason to immediately consult a specialist.

If after vacuum cleaning there are unpleasant pulling and painful sensations, but there is no discharge, we can assume:

  • development of stenosis (in most cases in nulliparous women);
  • thrombosis;
  • uterine bend, especially aggravated after vacuum aspiration;
  • hormonal disbalance.

A low-quality vacuum abortion is indicated by mucus and clots coming out. If the fertilized egg has not been completely removed, an ultrasound diagnostician will provide this information. additional examination. If the assumptions turn out to be correct, the woman will have a new aspiration to remove fetal remains.

Discharge of a dark red or scarlet color, as well as heavy discharge, in which you have to change a sanitary pad every hour, is a reason to immediately visit a doctor, since such symptoms indicate that the patient has started intrauterine bleeding.

Olga Sergeevna

Gynecologist, Obstetrician-gynecologist

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Hormonal levels after vacuum abortion

One of the main reasons for irregular menstrual cycles is hormonal imbalance. When a pregnancy is terminated, and the woman’s body is already set to produce hormones for bearing a fetus, a hormonal imbalance occurs due to the uselessness of these hormones. This is where the delay in menstruation occurs. If treatment is not urgently done, this can lead to the development of fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, and breast cysts.

The later an abortion is performed, the higher the likelihood of pathological changes occurring. If acne, nervousness, abrupt change moods, fast fatiguability, weight gain, delay or vice versa is very heavy menstruation, you should consult a specialist and get tested for hormones.

It is advisable to start taking hormonal birth control pills immediately after a vacuum abortion, which will not only help normalize hormonal levels in a woman’s body, but also protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Rehabilitation after vacuum aspiration

There is a set of measures for rehabilitation after a vacuum abortion, the list of which includes:

  • taking painkillers as prescribed by a doctor;
  • in the first one and a half days after an abortion, which takes place under general anesthesia, you should stop driving a car and any industrial machines that require concentration;
  • It is prohibited to use tampons for the first 2 weeks; they should be replaced with sanitary pads;
  • sex is excluded until bleeding stops completely;
  • upon resumption sexual relations contraceptives should be taken.

During the recovery period after a vacuum abortion, all of the above measures should be followed to avoid unwanted pregnancy and reduce the risk of diseases of the reproductive system.

Having sex after a vacuum abortion

In the first month after a vacuum abortion, sex under strict ban. The uterine cavity during pregnancy increases due to blood vessels and glands that secrete mucus. During the procedure, the doctor removes the fertilized egg, which connects to the mucous membrane through blood vessels. Bleeding begins due to embryo separation and rupture small vessels. We should not forget that the procedure is carried out when the cervix is ​​opened, injuring it. Therefore, the cervix needs time to completely close and for mucus to clog the canal from infections and sperm penetration.

Thus, in order to avoid inflammatory processes, which can subsequently lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy and other complications, having sex after a vacuum abortion is strictly contraindicated. Sexual intimacy should be postponed for 3-4 weeks until the uterus is completely healed and the body as a whole is restored.

Planning a pregnancy after a vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is a surgical, but at the same time gentle and safe method of terminating a pregnancy. You can plan a pregnancy after a vacuum abortion no earlier than six months after the procedure. During this period, hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle should be restored, and the female body should return to normal. Such an abortion does not affect the course of pregnancy, and it proceeds, as a rule, without complications. Despite this, repeated termination of pregnancy negatively affects a woman’s health and can provoke further complications.

For most women, the words “vacuum aspiration” evoke associations with unwanted pregnancy. Indeed, this technique is often used to perform an abortion. But there are other reasons for doing it.

How to do vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration is considered to be an essentially small operation, during which the contents of the internal part are removed using suction. In this case, the organ is minimally injured. Only the endometrium of the uterus is removed, and the walls of the organ and its cervix remain undamaged.

Before vacuum aspiration is performed, the woman must undergo tests, the purpose of which is to determine the gestational age during abortion and the presence of inflammatory processes. The procedure itself is performed on an outpatient basis and takes only 10 minutes.

First, the external genital organs are treated with an antiseptic, then anesthesia is given. The procedure is performed either under general anesthesia or using local anesthesia. In the latter case, the woman feels tolerable pain in the lower abdomen.

The tip of the pump is inserted into the uterus. Wherein nulliparous women The cervix is ​​first expanded with a special tool. Using a pump, the contents of the uterus are exfoliated and brought out. Then active contraction of the uterus begins, stopping after the tip is withdrawn.

Vacuum aspiration - indications

This procedure is used quite often to terminate a pregnancy. But at the same time, the pregnancy period should be short - less than 5 weeks, or rather up to 21 days without the next menstruation. In addition to abortion, there are other indications for vacuum aspiration:

  • Termination in case of pathologies of pregnancy development.
  • To improve uterine contraction in postpartum period. Vacuum aspiration removes the remaining placenta and blood clots, which do not allow the organ to fully contract.
  • In case of spontaneous miscarriage to remove the remains or in case of missed abortion.
  • During inflammatory processes in the organ cavity.
  • To obtain samples of endometrial pathologies for subsequent histological examination.
  • When there is uterine bleeding or accumulation of blood or other fluid in the uterus.

There are a number of contraindications to vacuum aspiration. These include:

  • The pregnancy is too advanced.
  • Exacerbation chronic inflammation or acute inflammation.
  • Infectious process.
  • Improper development of the uterus.
  • Neoplasms in the uterus that deform it. For example, if there is .
  • Other serious illnesses women.
  • Less than six months have passed since the previous termination of pregnancy.

Recovery after vacuum aspiration

Since the operation only lasts a few minutes and does not cause great harm body, the woman can go home 1 hour after it is performed. For about two weeks after vacuum suction, a woman may experience slight bleeding similar to menstruation. During this time, you must use sanitary pads. Do not use sanitary tampons for this purpose during the first month after surgery.

Often after surgery, a woman feels tired and may feel dizzy. This normal reaction body. It is best to stay at home and rest for the first 24 hours after surgery. If there is a feeling of discomfort or painful sensations, then you can take a painkiller.

In the following days, you must continue taking painkillers. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, then avoid any activities that require high concentration for another 38 hours.

2 weeks after vacuum aspiration, the woman must return to the hospital. antenatal clinic and perform a control ultrasound. If the results show that the uterus is not completely cleaned, then the procedure is repeated or the organ cavity is cleaned by manual curettage.

Sexual activity is prohibited until the discharge has completely stopped, and then it is necessary to protect yourself with contraceptives. This is necessary for warning new pregnancy and to reduce the risk of disease. If there are signs of infection, such as nausea, strong smell from discharge, unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, intense bleeding with the presence of clots, then consult a doctor immediately.

Pregnancy after abortion

Most women mistakenly believe that after an abortion they will not become pregnant until at least their first menstruation. It's not like that at all. With a successful uncomplicated abortion, a woman is capable of pregnancy within 2 or 3 weeks. Therefore, if you do not burden yourself, then you may not wait for menstruation.

The female body perceives termination of pregnancy as the beginning next cycle. In this regard, a new egg immediately begins to mature. This means that a couple of weeks after the abortion, ovulation will occur and around the same time a new pregnancy may occur. But since the endometrium is such short term does not have time to fully recover, the development of pregnancy in this case is impossible and a miscarriage occurs.

During, by at least, you shouldn’t plan a pregnancy for six months. During this time, it is necessary to do everything possible to restore health, use contraception during sex. In some cases, the recovery period can last for a year.

One of the gentle ways to terminate a short-term pregnancy is a vacuum abortion. Vacuum abortion is prescribed:

  • if a woman had an unsuccessful medical abortion;
  • if there are deviations (defects) in the development of the fetus;
  • if the mother is unable to bear a child (chronic diseases);
  • if a woman herself wants to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

Description of vacuum abortion

Vacuum aspiration is carried out for short periods (up to three months). The shorter the period, the faster and easier the whole procedure is.

The average duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. After an abortion, the woman remains under the supervision of doctors for some time to ensure the success of the operation.

This method is called gentle because the amount of damage caused to the uterus is insignificant. In the process, only the mucous membrane is damaged.

Who is contraindicated for vacuum abortion?

As with any procedure, vacuum method Termination of pregnancy has its contraindications:

  • The fertilized egg is outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). Abortion by vacuum in this case is simply impossible. After all, it is possible to cause incurable damage to the mother’s body.
  • If a woman is sick (acute infectious diseases). There is a huge risk of infection in the uterine cavity.
  • Physiological characteristics (poor blood clotting).
  • If a woman gave birth less than a year and a half ago.

Pain during vacuum abortion

Vacuum abortion is performed under anesthesia. Therefore, no pain is felt during the procedure.

The consequence of such a surgical intervention, as with any type of abortion, is nagging and cramping pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. They last about 2 days until the uterus restores its previous size.

The process of performing a vacuum abortion (mini abortion)

Using an electric vacuum pump, negative pressure is created in the uterus. Under the influence of the apparatus, the fertilized egg is detached from the walls of the uterus and sucked into a prepared container. The process does not use metal dilators, thanks to which the cervix is ​​not injured. The risk of infertility after a vacuum abortion is minimal.

Before starting the process of abortion, a woman undergoes a consultation with a gynecologist and takes a test. necessary tests. Standard blood and urine tests, blood clotting tests, ultrasound, hepatitis and HIV tests are standard.

After a thorough check of the tests, the patient is allowed to have a vacuum abortion. The entire process is carried out by a qualified doctor in a specialized institution (hospital).

The vagina and cervix are treated with an antiseptic, and anesthesia is injected into the cervix. If necessary, in cases where the woman has not given birth before, the cervix is ​​dilated for further insertion of a rigid tube. The fertilized egg is sucked out using a tube.

During the procedure, the woman may feel cramps, which stop immediately when the tube is removed. During the removal of uterine tissue (abortion), symptoms of nausea, weakness and excessive sweating are possible.

The duration of the procedure is 5–10 minutes, after which the patient rests in the ward where her condition is observed.

Upon discharge, antibiotic treatment is prescribed to prevent inflammatory process, as well as painkillers if the pain is too intense.

Sex after a vacuum abortion

Intimacy (sexual intercourse) is prohibited for a month after an abortion. During this time, the injured uterine tissue heals, and sex life may cause inflammation. After complete healing of the genital organs, you should begin having sex using condoms.

Consequences of a vacuum mini abortion

Any abortion, even a mini abortion (vacuum) is an invasion of the natural process of the body. Any invasion, especially surgically, has its consequences. This is stress throughout the body, which is clearly expressed by tangible symptoms.

Discharge after vacuum abortion

Bleeding begins immediately after aspiration. This is a natural reaction of the body to such interference. Many women think that these are ordinary periods, but this is not the case.

The duration of bleeding should not exceed 10-14 days. Abundance should decrease with increasing time after abortion.

Bleeding is not normal occurrence, If:

  • accompanied by unbearable pain;
  • the abundance of discharge does not decrease;
  • blood clots are present.

If you have such indicators, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain after vacuum abortion

Pain in the lower abdomen is expected after a mini-abortion. Associated with uterine contractions. Lasts about 3-5 days. They are not subject to treatment.

Pain and swelling in the vagina are also normal and disappear after a few days.

Chest pain usually does not bother patients, due to the fact that a mini-abortion is performed for a short period of time. But they can rarely be present; it depends more on the woman’s physiology.

Menstruation after vacuum abortion

It is impossible to say exactly when your period will begin, because this process is individual. From the day of the mini-abortion, about 40 days pass before the start of menstruation.

Full restoration of the menstrual cycle depends on whether the woman has given birth previously or not. For those who have given birth, this period is shorter (about 3 months). For others, this process can take a long time (up to 6 months).

During the first menstruation, discharge may be scanty. If the menstrual cycle has not returned within a couple of months, you need to consult a gynecologist.

If there are no periods for long term after an abortion, take a pregnancy test. The result is positive - the vacuum abortion was not successful or you have an ectopic pregnancy. If the result is negative, you should wait a little longer.

Complications after vacuum abortion

Complications after a vacuum mini-abortion are quite rare, but this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

Perforation of the uterus . With a vacuum abortion, it can only occur due to mechanical expansion of the cervix with a special instrument.

Incomplete removal of the fertilized egg. It manifests itself in heavy bleeding and incessant pain in the lower abdomen. Urgent surgical intervention is required.

Cervical spasm. The cervix closes quickly and blood remains in the uterine cavity. It causes constant pain and temperature rise. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Ectopic pregnancy. If during the vacuum procedure the pregnancy was in the tubes, then it remains. Symptoms include abdominal pain and pain during intercourse. Surgery required.

A woman after a mini-vacuum abortion should visit special support groups or consult a psychologist. After all, abortion not only causes physical harm, but also emotional. It is necessary in any way to prevent the occurrence of depression, which will only slow down the process of recovery of the body.

The video will tell you in more detail about the consequences of abortion.

Vacuum aspiration represents gynecological procedure, which is used to eliminate unwanted pregnancy at a period of 6 to 7 obstetric weeks. It is believed that this particular method of terminating a pregnancy is the safest for a woman, since it is low-traumatic and does not require a long recovery period (for this reason it is also called a mini-abortion). But even the application is so safe method sometimes occurs with complications, which may be indicateddischarge after vacuum aspiration. Which of them are normal and which require immediate medical attention, you will now find out.

General information

Vacuum aspiration is the same as an abortion, only it is carried out using special equipment that works like a vacuum cleaner. Its use allows you to “suck out” the fertilized egg from the uterus without causing a strong traumatic effect on its tissue. However, minor damage to the endometrium still occurs, and therefore the appearance of a smallbleeding after vacuum abortionis normal.

As a rule, similar discharge are not observed for long. During this period, there may be pulling dull pain in the abdomen, which is caused by contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and is completely natural after termination of pregnancy, regardless of the chosen method.

Wherein menstruation after vacuum aspirationon the first day they can flow very profusely, but then their number decreases and, as a rule, after a couple of days a spot appears, which indicates a normal level of blood clotting and successful healing of the endometrium.

Carrying out a mini-abortion does not require long-term hospitalization of the patient. If everything went well and without complications, she can be discharged 1-2 hours after the procedure. But at the same time, recommendations are given that she must follow for the next 5-10 days. This:

  • Abstinence from sexual intercourse.
  • Taking antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the development of inflammation and the addition of a bacterial infection to it.
  • Change sanitary pads every 3-4 hours (before this you must take a shower).
  • Avoiding drinking alcoholic beverages (they thin the blood and can cause opening uterine bleeding).

Compliance with these elementary rules will make it easy to avoid complications after interrupted pregnancy and speed up the body's recovery process.

What is the norm?

Any woman who has decided interrupt pregnancy, I am interested in the question ofhow long does the discharge last after a vacuum?and by what signs can one determine that the procedure was successful?Discharge after vacuum interruption pregnancydo not last long, only a few days. However, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this process may last 1-2 days.

And speaking of which how long does it take menstruation after a mini-abortion, it should be noted that in some patientsscanty periodsAfter the procedure, symptoms can generally be observed for about 7-10 days. As a rule, this happens in cases where termination of pregnancy occurs on the eve of menstruation.

If the procedure took place after menstruation should have passed, bloodydischarge after cleansing may continue a few days, then stop, and then, a week later, appear again. And speaking about why this happens, it must be said that after termination of pregnancy, the production of progesterone in the body abruptly stops, which naturally affects hormonal levels. And until he recovers,menstruation after vacuum abortionwill be observed for approximately another 5-7 days.

Signs of a successful mini-abortion are:brown discharge coming2-3 days after the procedure. If they do not appear and instead of them there is blood in large quantities(as on the first day), you should immediately see a doctor, as this signals the development of complications.

As soon as the body recovers from the procedure and passes first period , after them leucorrhoea appears, which can stand out before the next menstruation.

In fact, it is not so important how many days the discharge should be observed after vacuum aspiration. In this matter the greatest role is played general state the patient and the presence of her symptoms characteristic of the development pathological processes. If a woman feels well and discharge after a vacuum abortion is observed for about a week, this is normal. But if she began to notice severe pain, fever, weakness, etc., then this should no longer be ignored. You will need to visit a doctor as soon as possible and have an ultrasound done to make sure there are no serious complications.

What should you pay attention to?

If a woman has been cleaned and got rid of an unwanted pregnancy, her menstrual cycle, and therefore until the hormonal levels are restored, the occurrencedischarge after mini abortionin the middle of the cycle is also normal.

A woman should be alert to:

  1. Copious bleeding indicating opening uterine bleeding. It is easy to define - discharge so strong that it is necessary to replace sanitary pads every 1-2 hours. The danger of bleeding is that it can cause anemia and the onset of hypoxia, which causes the death of body cells. Distinctive feature uterine bleeding, in addition to heavy discharge, is the appearance of weakness and dizziness. It is also possible to reduce blood pressure. The reason for the opening of uterine bleeding may be residual elements of the embryo that was not removed during the procedure, or the woman’s neglect of the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. Absence discharge after vacuum aspiration. If there is no discharge after the procedure, this indicates the occurrence of spasms or the formation of a blood clot in the cervix. As a result of this, the process of removing blood from the uterus is disrupted, which causes the appearance of stagnation, which cause not only the development of inflammation, but also the addition of infection. As a rule, the occurrence of spasms in the uterus or the formation of blood clots in the cervix is ​​accompanied by severe abdominal pain and a sharp increase in temperature.
  3. The appearance of a specific aroma. If discharge acquire a sharp, specific aroma, this indicates the development of a bacterial infection that must be treated immediately. IN otherwise it can cause sepsis or an abscess. These conditions are dangerous, as in a couple of hours they can lead to fatal outcome. During development bacterial infections daub lasts for 10 days or more, with weakness almost always occurring and the temperature rising.
  4. Heterogeneity of structure. If after cleaning went discharge containing clots or lumps that have dark color, then this indicates incomplete removal of the fertilized egg from the uterus, which is also dangerous, since the consequence of this is severe inflammation and processes of decay in the uterine cavity.

These signs indicate the development of pathological processes and require immediate consultation with a doctor. Since only timely identification of the problem and its adequate treatment will help avoid serious complications that can threaten not only the woman’s health, but also her life.

After vacuum aspiration has been performed, the woman needs to pay attention to the color of the discharge. They are normal must be scarlet hue, and after a few days acquire a brownish color.

If this does not happen for her either there is discharge yellow or greenish tint, then under no circumstances should you hesitate. If There is possibility, you should immediately visit a doctor on the day they appear and get tested, since the acquisition of discharge of such colors signals the development of infections that require an immediate course of antibacterial therapy.

Infections can be obtained different ways. For example:

  • Due to the negligence of doctors who used poorly sterilized instruments during the procedure.
  • When engaging in sexual intercourse 1-2 days after a mini-abortion (during this period the uterus is weakened and becomes very vulnerable to infections).
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

The development of infection in the uterine cavity is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Among them:

  • Strong smell.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Itching and burning in the vagina.
  • Pain when urinating, etc.

It is important not to start the development of the infection, otherwise it will become chronic and getting rid of it after that will be problematic.

Vacuum aspiration is the same instrumental abortion, only less invasive. But this does not mean that the risks of complications after it are much lower than, for example, after curettage. Therefore, after vacuum aspiration, a woman should also be very responsible about her well-being and pay attention to every detail. And if she suddenly shows signs of pathological conditions, she needs to immediately visit a doctor. Delays in this case can cause irreversible consequences.